#Gin Lee李幸倪
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Gin Lee 李幸倪《可惜我們沒有》(We Were Not) [Official MV] 支持Gin Lee,有實力,不愧是2024年女金得主!!
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Music Is Never Just Music. It Is Bound Up With A Heart-to-heart Infiltration Between Music And A Man/Woman―The Well-liked ‘Slashie’ Music Conductor Stephen Lam(林屴汧)’s Comments On The Missing Part Of Music Education In Hong Kong
The world trend of ‘fusion’ can be fascinating. Taking different philosophies, rationales, cultures and styles and putting them together, yet mixing without absorption, create uniqueness and surprise. Many music fusion projects sadly fail simply because artists do not really understand the music of the other side and just conscript deviating musicians or compose awkward pieces to play discordant backdrops to their acts.
There is nothing new under the sun but can we try to turn the sun upside down? The popular and young orchestra conductor Stephen Lam(林屴汧), always treating people with great deference, laughed, “Okay, music can be a fusion. Let us walk into the sun, fly to the moon and carry ourselves to the stars on a music journey!”
I laughed too, “Can we?” Stephen replied, “Not only eyes can reflect the truth. Our music souls can also reflect the truth of mixed feelings. Music, of human and cultural differences, is a wonderful vehicle. I call it a ‘space shift’. Music conveys our imagination from one place to another. Different people have different emotional destinations and associations.” I said, “When I listened to Autumn Song of Tchaikovsky, I felt like being on Lamma Island with my old classmates. How about you?” Stephen smiled, “My ‘space shift’ for that piece of music is that I suddenly walked on a path in Beethovengang in Vienna. Beethoven once lived there when he discovered that he, a great musician, was about to become deaf.”
Born in Hong Kong, Stephen Lam was recently selected by the renowned conductor Riccardo Muti to participate in the opera production of his Italian Opera Academy. Stephen is currently the Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of Ponte Orchestra & Singers, as well as the Associate Conductor of the Macao Youth Symphony Orchestra. He has worked with orchestras around the world, including the Vienna Radio Orchestra and St. Petersburg Chamber Philharmonic etc. Stephen is placid but responsive reply is his forte.
Stephen said, “Music creates forest out of rocks. I want to inspire toddlers and youngsters with music.” He is a dedicated music educator and ardent advocate of community outreach. His collaborations with young musicians have been widely praised. He is currently the lecturer and conductor of United International College between Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University, as well as regular guest conductor in Sichuan Music Conservatory.
Stephen continued, “When I was a boy, I studied in St. Paul’s College. I was active in music. I took part in music events in and out of Hong Kong. Idealism often lost to pragmatism when it came to selecting subjects in university. In the 2000s, I obtained a bachelor’s degree of Environmental Science from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and a Master of Arts from the University of Hong Kong. After that, I seriously challenged myself: there would be no dream in my life without action to make it become reality. So, I packed my things and left Hong Kong for Vienna. I studied conducting at the prestigious University for Music and Performing Arts Vienna, where I was one of the last students of Uros Lajovic, Ordner Edwin, and Konrad Leitner. I also worked in music events there. I loved Hong Kong and wanted to do something for it. In 2017, I returned to my city and pursued a music career!”
I asked, “How do you find the music education in Hong Kong?” He gave it a thought, “The approach at the moment is not bad but not good enough. We give a lot of information about music to kids and ask them to sing, practise music and go to concerts. Do we really teach them how to appreciate music and I mean, how to go beyond knowledge and experience; and connect the ‘heart’ of a kid with the ‘heart’ of a music piece? In other words, we should teach a kid how to emotionally respond to and interact with the music with his own feelings and stories. The other problem is that parents do not really want their kids to enjoy music or make music a soulful refuge from the life. For them, music is just a means to get a certificate so that the kid can go to a good school.” I lamented, “Teachers may think such an approach for students is a burdensome duty and parents may think a good future is more discernible than the spiritual wellness of a kid.”
I switched to a new topic, “Any advice for those who wish to choose music as a career?” Stephen threw his hands in the air, “Ha! Receive formal music training in your university days or as early as possible! There are many people who practise music in other industries like pop music in the entertainment world. Trust me! Western classical music or traditional Chinese music tutoring will give them the solid and rich foundation on which their music career can be built. The complicated but necessary music education will let them be able to combine sounds to produce beauty of form, harmony and emotion well for the long term. Inspirations will not easily dry up!” I nodded, “I am glad to see more pop singers like Gin Lee(李幸倪) & Gareth T(湯令山) who had serious music training become popular and hot. They bring new thoughts and strength to the music industry.”
To succeed in any creative career, one must possess the importance of a solid foundation in the intricate basics of constructing and expressing skills.
I asked Stephen, “Make a wish!” He winked, “Hong Kong will be a music centre for 'East meets West’ and I am part of it. There have been a lot of oriental music embodying the ingredients of western music. I want to contribute more the other way round especially when I can master German and Italian language.”
‘Flower by flower a garden grows’. Some do music for self-esteem. Stephen Lam is determined to be rather a river that feeds thousands of flowers. He pursues multiple music careers including education in lieu of simply holding a traditional full-time job of an orchestra conductor. He said, “Every day is different. Music for every life is different too.”
MLee Chinese Version 中文版: https://www.patreon.com/posts/zhi-shou-ke-re-75006967?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
Stephen Lam in Concert https://youtu.be/l-zSh46TQVU Acknowledgement – Stephen Lam
Shirley Kwan Song – “Late Night Harbour” https://youtu.be/y6Jg4Z1I8GI Acknowledgement-沿途有你2
Tchaikovsky - Autumn Song https://youtu.be/Aq7TNv7Pbm8 Acknowledgement-Pianushko
Bobby Chen Song – “Keep the Sadness to yourself” https://youtu.be/7f6305MkDsI Acknowledgement – ROCK RECORDS
The Peony Pavilion https://youtu.be/9IScrauecgk Acknowledgement-xiyue1113
Stephen Lam interview https://youtu.be/mzQtTG8iuyA Acknowledgement-time flies 生涯規劃
#Gin Lee李幸倪#Gareth T湯令山#Beethoven#Tchaikovsky#Uros Lajovic#Ordner Edwin#Konrad Leitner#Riccardo Muti#Autumn Song#Beethovengang#St. Paul’s College#Ponte Orchestra & Singers#Macao Youth Symphony Orchestra#Italian Opera Academy#Vienna Radio Orchestra#St. Petersburg Chamber Philharmonic#United International College#Beijing Normal University#Sichuan Music Conservatory#University for Music and Performing Arts Vienna
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李幸倪 Gin Lee - 好風如水
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Watch "Gin Lee 李幸倪 《Dum Dum》 MV Behind The Scenes" on YouTube
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Watch "Gin Lee 李幸倪《Dum Dum》[Official MV]" on YouTube
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【今日RIP】唔小心幫Gin Lee$500變1000!今日上黎搵我找數!嘉賓:靚聲小天后Gin Lee 李幸倪 今集RIP好正期待下一集RIP
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Gin Lee將出殺手鐧 鄭欣宜2019主要留港

Gin Lee(李幸倪)在2018年成績很好,她在《叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮》衣著性感,不過她表示還未算。她透露更性感的會在下一個演唱會展示觀眾,她說,裡面將會是一件泳衣。不過,首吃冰淇淋的將會是馬來西亞的樂迷。她表示曾應承馬來西亞和台灣的樂迷,2019年會灌錄國語大碟答謝他們的支持,而巡迴演唱的首站將會是馬來西亞,其後是廣東省的一些地方。



文:Vincent 攝:Tommy Tang
娛樂資訊由熱新聞提供 原文連結: Gin Lee將出殺手鐧 鄭欣宜2019主要留港 更多相關內容


Stars-HK娛網 本站集中報道娛樂新聞,包括在音樂圈、電影圈、電視圈、劇團裡面,歌手和演員的活動和最新動向等。我們採取「只談專業,不談緋聞」的編審方針,希望帶給讀者清新的體驗。無論是中、港、台、日、韓等地的大明星以至新人的消息,娛網都會悉數報道。我們也會重點發掘未來新星,致力推廣。
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[香港著數優惠]香港旅遊發展局免費抽 MIRROR、許廷鏗、AGA、Gin Lee 跨年倒數演唱會飛 [優惠期 2021 年 11 月 15 至 24 日]
[香港著數優惠]香港旅遊發展局免費抽 MIRROR、許廷鏗、AGA、Gin Lee 跨年倒數演唱會飛 [優惠期 2021 年 11 月 15 至 24 日] https://www.jetsoday.com/%e9%a6%99%e6%b8%af%e8%91%97%e6%95%b8%e5%84%aa%e6%83%a0%e9%a6%99%e6%b8%af%e6%97%85%e9%81%8a%e7%99%bc%e5%b1%95%e5%b1%80%e5%85%8d%e8%b2%bb%e6%8a%bd-mirror%e3%80%81%e8%a8%b1%e5%bb%b7%e9%8f%97%e3%80%81ag.html 香港旅遊發展局主辦 2022 年香港跨年倒數演唱會,當中邀請了江海迦 AGA、許廷鏗、李幸倪 Gin Lee、MIRROR 等參與,門票將於 2021 年 11 月 15 日開始至 2021 年 11 月 24 日接受已接種 2019冠狀病毒病疫苗的人士參與。 江海迦(AGA)x 許廷鏗 x 李幸倪(Gin Lee) x MIRROR x 香港管弦樂團與及更多 日期/時間 : 2021年12月31日晚上10:00至2022年1月1日 午夜12:30 地點 : 九龍西九文化區藝術公園大草坪 https://nycdconcert.discoverhongkong.com/tc/index.html 當紅男子團體 MIRROR 許廷鏗 Alfred Hui 江海迦 AGA 李幸倪 Gin Lee 香港跨年倒數演唱會(「演唱會」)門票抽獎(「抽獎活動」)將於2021年11月15日上午10時正(香港時間
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Gin Lee 李幸倪演唱會2018 舞蹈員、樂隊化妝髮型,Gin’s family makeup Leader Jennifer LAU Nikki Sun, Carrie Wong, Priscilla Tse. MUA Yevone, Sylvia Chan, Sylvia Chen, Tiffany Ma, Phyllis, Kacey. #makeup #hair #化妝課程 #化妝學校 #非常作 #化妝師 #化妝品 #粉底#dancer #band@makeupforeverrussia @makeupforeverus @makeupforeversg @makeupforevercn @makeupforeverswitzerland @makeupforeverofficial @makeupforever_boutique
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《魔发精灵2:世界之旅》(英語:Trolls World Tour,香港译《魔髮精靈:唱遊大世界》,新加坡、台湾译《魔髮精靈唱遊世界》)是一部於2020年上映的美國3D電腦動畫音樂奇幻喜劇片,由夢工廠動畫公司製作、環球影業發行,為2016年電影《魔髮精靈》的續集。本片由華特·道恩執導,強納森·艾柏與葛倫·柏格、伊莉莎白·蒂皮特、瑪雅·富比士和華萊士·沃達斯基編劇。主要配音員包括安娜·坎卓克、賈斯汀·提姆布萊克、詹姆斯·柯登、昆瑙·納亞爾、奧齊·奧斯本和瑞秋·布魯姆。
魔髮精靈:唱遊大世界2020 完整版 小鴨 — 線上看【2020】 魔髮精靈:唱遊大世界▷線上看完整版【2020】在线观看 【1080P】 【魔髮精靈:唱遊大世界】Trolls World Tour 線上看小鴨完整版 魔髮精靈:唱遊大世界 線上看【2020】完整版 魔髮精靈:唱遊大世界線上看| 最新電影| 小鴨影音|
WATCH MOVIE : https://bit.ly/2WeCqmp
夢工場動畫呈獻、環球影業發行,全球爆收27億港幣的開心大喜劇《魔髮精靈》(Trolls),自上映以來廣獲現象級好評,籌備和製作4年後載譽歸來;第二集《魔髮精靈:唱遊大世界》(Trolls World Tour) 更大放2彩,小精靈出盡奶力加碼載歌載舞,歡樂 high high 萬歲!世界上精靈界分為6大不同音樂風格的部落:Funk、鄉謠、電子、古典、流行、搖滾,唯獨「搖滾巨聲幫」父女誓要搞分化,一心打倒其他稱霸大世界。大難當前,寶寶和阿班帶領一眾好友,親臨各個部落齊心集氣,用最勁歌舞「聲」討搖滾惡霸!《完美巨聲幫》系列甜姐兒安娜姬妲妮、樂壇天王Justin Timberlake、天后級歌手Mary J.Blige、Kelly Clarkson、搖滾魔王Ozzy Osbourne、Funk界殿堂George Clinton、人氣主持占士高登、金像男星森洛維,及爆笑女星麗素布魯強陣聲演,粵語版則由林奕匡Phil Lam、李幸倪Gin Lee人氣靚聲聲演,齊齊以五顏六色反地心吸力高聳髮型,再度引爆大人細路的快樂小宇宙。《完美巨聲幫》系列甜姐兒安娜姬妲妮、樂壇天王Justin Timberlake、天后級歌手Mary J.Blige、Kelly Clarkson、搖滾魔王Ozzy Osbourne、Funk界殿堂George Clinton、人氣主持占士高登、金像男星森洛維,及爆笑女星麗素布魯強陣聲演,以五顏六色反地心吸力高聳髮型,再度引爆大人細路的快樂小宇宙。
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Liked on YouTube: Gin Lee 李幸倪 - 《Goodnight》 (feat. BCW) MV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcbp0UXEdgI
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Watch "Gin Lee 李幸倪《Dum Dum》[Official MV]" on YouTube
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(via 2021/05/02 Gin Lee 李幸倪 《祇有你不知道》 @ 勁歌金曲 - YouTube)
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