#Gill Moss x Ron Stoppable
flovey-dovey · 7 months
(Casually sets another Gill x Ron blurb adrift like a paper boat on a lake because that's what today's about apparently)
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imjusts0meguy · 5 years
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What the hell is this ship name? Also happy TFTuesday to my kim possible ship with literally no art together (and one fanfic that i wrote on Ao3 btw ) Art: @sonofsasquatch ------------------------------------ If you wanna support me, I have a patreon: http://patreon.com/zefurr (you get to see these pics there before anywhere else) I also have a ko-fi! http://ko-fi.com/zefurr
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flovey-dovey · 2 years
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Height differences are fun
Also, fun fact, I learned that Ron is canonically about 5′ 9″ in the show, so after seven years it’d make sense that he’d get like two more. Gill on the other hand got a very big second growth spurt because he deserves to be tall and intimidating and we don’t talk about season 2 episode 40 in this house unless it’s to agree on the aesthetic benefit of how he should have had a tail 💚
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flovey-dovey · 2 years
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Hey guys new ship just dropped
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flovey-dovey · 7 months
Another Free Swimmers blurb because they came to me in a dream (still literal)
(also now available on my Ao3 account, as before, because I wanted to. It also features extra bits hehe)
“Sorry man, but this is as far as I can go right now.” Ron said as he nervously waded around in the murky, slimy water of Lake Wannaweep while watching as Gill merrily circled him like a shark.
      “Hey, Gill, no! I see that smirk in your eyes!” Ron warned. He wanted to trust him not to splash him or try to pull him in further, but as he spoke edged a little closer back to shore.
      Gill noticed. The ominously gleaming red eyes narrowed and a low rumble made the water around his neck ripple lightly.
      “Rargh!” Gill snarled as he leapt from the water and pounced him. Or, at least, at him. Ron jumped back as best he could while being waist-deep in muck, but only one leg ever rose high enough to escape it as he curled in on himself to brace for whatever impact was coming.
      Water droplets fell over him like a sudden rain, but nothing else came.
      Carefully, Ron peeked open one eye and saw Gill just sort of standing there. Staring at him, all annoyance and odd uncertainty. He was breathing a bit hard.
      “Gill?” Ron asked. Gill growled low again in the back of his throat and the side of his mouth flapped a little as he pushed his breath through it, his gills vibrating. Then he sank back into the water after the moment passed and got a curious look to him.
      Ron squinted, slowly lowering his guard. He wasn’t sure if that was supposed to mean anything but wasn’t given the chance to investigate since the mischief was back and Gill rose back up in a flash, bringing armfuls of water with him. Ron shrieked— shrieked— as he was drenched in stinky water and trace amounts of watergrass.
      “DUDE!” Ron yelled. Gill probably didn’t hear him though, too busy flipping back in the water and swimming in gleeful circles to himself as the sound of his gurgling laugh filled the air. Ron sloshed and spat and shook himself to try and get at least some of it off but ultimately gave up and glared back at the swamp monster. He was certainly in his element, the unusual look he’d had all but gone in the revelry of his successful prank.
      Ron grinned, but quickly hid it.
      “Oh, come on, you got my hair all wet! And— eww!— I think I got some in my mouth!” Ron grumbled and spat as he paddled back to shore.
      Gill’s happy noises dissipated the closer he got and he slunk closer again. He watched from the shallows as the camp counselor shook himself off on the sandy-dirty shore by the dock and looked every bit like he intended on leaving the camp’s— his— territory.
      But then his expression changed from that odd one to surprise as Ron turned just beyond the tree line and booked it back toward the lake, barely able to hold back his laugh as his footsteps thudded over the dock and flung himself from the pier straight at Gill.
      The look of mild alarm that Ron managed to catch a glimpse of was worth the trouble of subjecting himself to that nasty lake, and the fact he’d be smelling of it for a good while after this. He grabbed Gill as gravity pulled him down in a cloud of bubbles. He could hear his startled gurgles and felt uncommonly satisfied.
      “What’d you do that for!?” Gill snapped when t hey finally breached the surface again. Ron sputtered and shook his hair and squeegeed the water from his eyes with the heel of his palm, still laughing too hard to answer for a good few seconds.
      “Aw, come on buddy, what’s a couple of pranks between friends?”
      Ron was still chuckling, still smiling, but soon he realized how intently Gill was staring at him.
      And that he was barely having to work to keep himself afloat. He shuddered when he noticed the claws around his waist.
      He swallowed inadvertently, the taste of bog water bringing his attention back.
      “You... think I’m your friend?” Gill’s gravelly voice was uncharacteristically quiet, and suddenly Ron was confused. It must’ve showed, since Gill mirrored it.
      “Well, yeah? I guess so.”
      I guess so. Ron repeated it in his mind. Even as he cursed his halfhearted and lame way of putting it, Gill looked to the water swirling between them thoughtfully. Then he grunted.
      Before Ron could say anything else, he felt himself being pulled along back to the edge of the lake. Gill let him go when he could stand on his own and, standing as well, hunched an arm’s length away.
      The atmosphere was kind of... awkward.
      A smallish burp rushed from Ron and interrupted it.
      Gill looked up at him with one eyebrow raised high, the other nearly a flat line over his other eye. Ron couldn’t help himself, he chuckled.
      “Sorry, must’ve accidentally swallowed some bog water,” he offered, rubbing the back of his sticky neck.
      A slow smile spread on Gill’s face and it eased Ron’s nerves a little. Before long, they were both laughing at the stupidity of it all.
      Friends, I guess, huh? Ron thought. That’s a decent way of putting it.
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flovey-dovey · 7 months
A Free Swimmers blurb because they came to me in a dream (literal)
(also now available on my Ao3 account because why not y'know? Also it features a secret ending shhh)
Ron planted his hands firmly on his shoulders to stop their shaking. He leaned up and their mouths brushed but it wasn’t quite a kiss. There was an ounce of trepidation on his lips. Gill grunted.
      “You ever kiss before?” he asked. His voice was soft despite the subtle hiss it carried. Ron’s nostrils filled with the smell of mold, wet grass and mud. He took a slightly deeper breath and felt unusually relieved to detect the scent of pine just beneath it all.
      “Of course I have,” Ron shot back. Just not like this, his thoughts finished.
      Mouth dry, Ron swallowed, looked up and caught the creature’s red glare. There was annoyance, as usual, but this time...
      Immediately, Ron felt a pang of sympathy for the fear in Gill’s eyes as he realized he also wasn’t going any further despite being the one to have suggested this.
      He was scared.
      Of course he would be. When was the last time he’d been subject to such a gentle touch?
      Just as he thought that the sympathy changed into pure affectionate determination.
      Ron slid his hands up to cup the large green head and held it tenderly, puckering his lips as he brought them together at last.
      Gill gasped and flinched like he wasn’t expecting it.
      Ron smiled a little against those briny, smooth green lips, tilting his head just so as he leaned closer against the swamp monster’s taller body. He felt his muscles tense with the reflexive urge to step back but was glad when he fought it long enough to stand his ground.
      Large scaly hands crept around his waist— almost circling him entirely, a thought that made him shiver— and he finally returned the embrace.
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flovey-dovey · 11 months
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Classic situation of meeting a bog monster after a couple nights of ~odd and unusual happenings~ at camp and you thought yourself prepared.
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flovey-dovey · 2 years
A Kim Possible: Free Swimmers Blurb [Gill Moss x Ron Stoppable] Written by me!
- - -        The roaring stopped the instant Ron opened his eyes. Heart racing, his ears pounded with his pulse as the world thrust back into focus.         He was at Camp Wannaweep with a chorus of crickets, toads and owls outside.         He was with Gill, as evidenced by his subtle body heat and the weight of his long body curled solidly around him on the two mattresses that served as their bed. He remembered hammering two unintrusive wooden boards along the floor to keep them framed together in the corner of his old sanctuary when it had become theirs.         Gill was fast asleep and snoring quietly, as Ron should’ve been, since it was still the epitome of dark outside.         Ron took a deep breath and realized he was shaking, his hands and feet numb and tingly, and that his eyes burned. He rolled over and burrowed further under the blankets to try and escape the cold shame that followed him from his nightmare, wrapping himself around the lake creature’s body and nuzzling against the smooth scales on his chest. He smelled like pine needles and wet grass. And raw fish, but he’d gotten used to it.         He could feel the steady beating of his heart against his palms, and Ron’s own slowly began to match it’s rhythm.         Gill stirred.         “Squeeb?” His voice was groggy— well, groggier— in that telltale “just woke up” way. Ron’s caught in his throat and refused to budge. He settled for shaking his head and hugged him tighter.         Gill didn’t say anything even when a tear dripped from his nose and rolled down Gill’s chest to lightly dampen the thick blanket beneath them. For a second Ron thought he must’ve fallen back asleep, but then felt claws slowly comb through his hair and scratch pleasantly at his scalp.         It was almost criminal how easily a lake monster’s claws could calm him down, Ron thought amusedly as he eventually fell back into a dreamless sleep by his lake monster’s side.
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