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Weissgenatterter Häubling, Galerina Stylifera 25.11.23
#mushrooms#pilze#mycology#fungi#wild fungi#mushrooms switzerland#pilz#mushrooms of switzerland#pilzesuchen#basidiomycota#galerina#häubling#giftpilze#gifthäubling#poison mushroom
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Midnight Pals: So Much for the tolerant left
Jesse Singal: mommy mommy i was murdered and no one cares Big 5 Publisher: poor boy! we care, jesse! here, have another publishing contract Singal: b-but last time my book got remaindered Publisher: it's ok jesse, we don't mind losing money Publisher: the important thing is that you feel better
Singal: mommy mommy i'm still sad Singal: people yelled at me on the internet Bari Weis: don't worry jesse you can write about it in my newspaper der daily giftpilz sturmer ubergemenchen zeitung Singal: finally! now those trans will understand the power of the press! Singal: i was on the internet and no one liked me Singal: i don't understand how this could happen Singal: me! jesse singal! Singal: so much for the tolerant left! Singal: it turns out that if you go to a website where all the people you've spent a decade antagonizing went to get away from you hang out Singal: with the express purpose of antagonizing them Singal: your victims don't like you for some reason
Bari Weis: is that the only reason they yelled at you? wow so unreasonable! Singal: also i championed a website singularly dedicated to their murder Weis: jesse i don't say this often Weis: but you are the most wronged man in american history
Jesse Singal: i wrote an article about my experience! Singal: extra extra! read all about it! Singal: "mean queers rude to everyone's favorite little guy!"
Singal: the worst part? the scariest part? Singal: the police wouldn't even do anything! Singal: i called them up and told them that people yelled at me online! Weis: did you tell them that it was trans? Singal: yes! and they still wouldn't do anything! Weis: truly the system is broken
[meanwhile] King: how much longer is this jesse singal arc going to continue Barker: yeah this is getting real old Barker: if i wanted to hear a story about a guy who's also a loathsome worm we'd get lc von hessen back here
#midnight pals#the midnight society#midnight society#stephen king#clive barker#bari weis#jesse singal
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What 'Caucasian' means
Why do people in the US and UK (unlike in most of Europe) refer to European people as Caucasian?
The term "Caucasian" was introduced by the German anthropologist Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, who was busy measuring skulls in Georgia in the 19th century, and for no good reason decided that the Caucasus was the birthplace of mankind. He made division of Aryan, Semitic (Jews) and Hamitic (north Africans), just as it was written in Genesis.
We Europeans did not, of course, wish to be seen as having racial connections with Jews or Africans, and German Nazi extermination policies gave the term "Aryan" a bad name.
Blumenbach's theories have long been discounted in modern anthropology, yet his term lives on. This classification of white non-Jewish European was adopted by US immigration control, who needed to keep a check on the races coming in that were not black, brown or Jewish. "Caucasian" is just an illogical yet convenient category, and so it lives on, whenever we have to fill in an identity form: even if it is just an online dating site.
David Bye, Göd, Hungary
Whites tan to get brown, but naturally brown people stay out of the sun if they can in order to get whiter. Now "white" is a term of abuse, and "Caucasian" is a more innocuous way to describe us.
The paradigm of the “typically Jewish” nose originates in the craniological studies of Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (1752–1840). Blumenbach claimed to have evidence that Jews had an especially prominent nasal bone. Der Giftpilz (The Poisonous Mushroom), a Nazi schoolbook published by the Stürmer Verlag in 1938, provides an example of how such anti-Semitic clichés about body shapes were spread. It was printed in a first edition of 60,000 copies.
Blumenbach assumed that all morphological differences between the varieties were induced by the climate and the way of living and he emphasized that the differences in morphology were so small, gradual and transiently connected that it was not possible to separate these varieties clearly.
Although Blumenbach did not propose any hierarchy among the five varieties, he placed the Caucasian form in the center of his description as being the most "primitive" or "primeval" one from which the other forms "degenerated".
In the 18th century, however, these terms did not have the negative connotations they possess today.
At the time, "primitive" or "primeval" described the ancestral form, while "degeneration" was understood to be the process of change leading to a variety adapted to a new environment by being exposed to a different climate and diet.
Hence, he argued that physical characteristics like skin color, cranial profile, etc., depended on geography, diet, and mannerism. Further anatomical study led him to the conclusion that 'individual Africans differ as much, or even more, from other Africans as from Europeans'.
Like other monogenists such as Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon, Blumenbach held to the "degenerative hypothesis" of racial origins.
Blumenbach claimed that Adam and Eve were Caucasian inhabitants of Asia, and that other races came about by degeneration from environmental factors such as the sun and poor diet.
Thus, he claimed, Negroid pigmentation arose because of the result of the heat of the tropical sun, while the cold wind caused the tawny colour of the Eskimos, and the Chinese were fair-skinned compared to the other Asian stocks because they kept mostly in towns protected from environmental factors.
He believed that the degeneration could be reversed in a proper environmental control and that all contemporary forms of man could revert to the original Caucasian race.
Blumenbach was regarded as a leading light of German science by his contemporaries. Kant and Friedrich Schelling both called him "one of the most profound biological theorists of the modern era.
In the words of science historian Peter Watson, "roughly half the German biologists during the early nineteenth century studied under him or were inspired by him:
#johann blumenbach#pigmentation#kemetic dreams#german#nazi#nazis#caucasian#negroid#chinese#eskimos#inuit#asia#blumenbach#adam and eve#asian#african#africans#racism#scientific racism#european#europeans#european history#dutchland#deutschland
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I think harmful texts, like the Protocols or Mein Kampf, should be available with context.
When I was teaching WWII history, I showed my students pages from Der Giftpilz, or The Poisonous Mushroom - an actual Nazi children's book. It was full of antisemitic propaganda, aimed at young children. About how dangerous Jews were and what they would do to children, and how a good child does not want to be touched by a Jewish doctor, and so on. I also showed them Nazi movie posters, and then I discussed how the villains in Cold War-era movies were always Russians, and we talked about how the current villains at the time were often Middle Eastern/Muslim.
Would I leave this book amongst other kiddie books for a small child to take and read alone? No. But might I sit with the child and explain hatred and propaganda? Yes. Giving children and teenagers the examples and tools to recognise propaganda is only a bad thing if you're the one doing the propagandising.
As for vaguely problematic classics - do your damn job, as parents and teachers, and teach your children. We didn't spring into existence in this century as a civilisation that, largely, attempts equality. Reading a book with normalised predatory behaviour, or historical racist or sexist attitudes, can be a great starting point for a discussion of right and wrong and fairness, the movements for change in recent centuries, and how far we've come.
It is important that we know where we come from, because if you do not know where you come from, then you don't know where you are, and if you don't know where you are, you don't know where you're going. And if you don't know where you're going, you're probably going wrong. - Terry Pratchett
“Authors should not be ALLOWED to write about–” you are an anti-intellectual and functionally a conservative
“This book should be taken off of shelves for featuring–” you are an anti-intellectual and functionally a conservative
“Schools shouldn’t teach this book in class because–” you are an anti-intellectual and functionally a conservative
“Nobody actually likes or wants to read classics because they’re–” you are an anti-intellectual and an idiot
“I only read YA fantasy books because every classic novel or work of literary fiction is problematic and features–” you are an anti-intellectual and you are robbing yourself of the full richness of the human experience.
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Fliegenpilz online: Die Mystik eines faszinierenden Pilzphänomens erforschen
In den letzten Jahren hat der Fliegenpilz die Fantasie vieler beflügelt und ist zu einem beliebten Thema von Online-Diskussionen geworden. Dieser ikonische Giftpilz, wissenschaftlich bekannt als Amanita muscaria, ist leicht an seinem leuchtend roten, mit weißen Punkten gesprenkelten Hut zu erkennen. Obwohl er schon lange Gegenstand von Folklore und psychedelischer Erforschung ist, hat das Internet erheblich zu seiner Mystik und Faszination beigetragen. Dieser Artikel taucht in die faszinierende Welt des Fliegenpilz Online im Internet ein und untersucht seine kulturelle Bedeutung, seine Rolle in digitalen Gemeinschaften und die Auswirkungen moderner Technologie auf unser Verständnis dieses rätselhaften Pilzes.
Die mythische Anziehungskraft des Fliegenpilzes Der Fliegenpilz ist tief in Mythologie und kultureller Symbolik verwurzelt. In vielen europäischen Volkstraditionen wird er mit magischen Kreaturen und übernatürlichen Erlebnissen in Verbindung gebracht. Sein auffälliges Aussehen hat ihn zu einem festen Bestandteil von Märchen und Fantasy-Kunst gemacht, wo er oft als der Inbegriff des „Feenring“-Pilzes dargestellt wird. Die Verbindung mit Elfen und Gnomen und seine Verwendung in schamanischen Ritualen in Sibirien verleihen ihm eine mystische Atmosphäre, die die Menschen auch heute noch fasziniert.
Online-Communitys und Fliegenpilz Der Aufstieg von Social-Media-Plattformen und Online-Foren hat es Enthusiasten und neugierigen Menschen ermöglicht, ihre Faszination für den Fliegenpilz zu teilen. Auf Plattformen wie Reddit, Instagram und spezialisierten Pilzsammelforen finden lebhafte Diskussionen über die verschiedenen Aspekte des Pilzes statt. Benutzer teilen Fotos, persönliche Erfahrungen und historische Anekdoten und bereichern so das kollektive Verständnis dieses faszinierenden Pilzes.
Auf Reddit beispielsweise bieten Subreddits wie r/mycology und r/psychonauts Raum für Diskussionen über die psychoaktiven Eigenschaften des Fliegenpilzes und seine Rolle in traditionellen Zeremonien. Diese Communities befassen sich oft mit der Wissenschaft hinter dem Pilz, einschließlich seiner Wirkstoffe wie Muscimol und Ibotensäure, die zu seiner halluzinogenen Wirkung beitragen. Der Austausch von Wissen im Internet hilft, den Pilz zu entmystifizieren und gleichzeitig seine rätselhafte Anziehungskraft aufrechtzuerhalten.
Digitale Ressourcen und Forschung Das Internet ist auch eine Fundgrube an Informationen für diejenigen, die sich für die wissenschaftliche Untersuchung des Fliegenpilzes interessieren. Wissenschaftliche Artikel, Forschungsarbeiten und Online-Datenbanken bieten detaillierte Einblicke in die Pharmakologie und Ethnobotanik des Pilzes. Websites, die sich der Mykologie widmen, bieten Ressourcen zur sicheren Handhabung und Identifizierung, die Enthusiasten helfen, den Fliegenpilz von anderen, potenziell schädlichen Pilzen zu unterscheiden.
Für diejenigen, die sich für die psychedelischen Aspekte des Fliegenpilzes interessieren, gibt es zahlreiche Online-Ressourcen, die seine Wirkungen, Dosierungen und Risiken diskutieren. Es ist jedoch wichtig, mit diesen Informationen vorsichtig umzugehen und ihre Zuverlässigkeit zu überprüfen, da die psychoaktive Natur des Pilzes bei unsachgemäßer Handhabung Gesundheitsrisiken bergen kann.
Der Einfluss von Online-Plattformen Das Internet hat bei der Gestaltung der Wahrnehmung des Fliegenpilzes eine doppelte Rolle gespielt. Einerseits hat es den Zugang zu Wissen demokratisiert und einem breiteren Publikum ermöglicht, die einzigartigen Eigenschaften des Pilzes kennenzulernen und zu schätzen. Andererseits kann die romantisierte Darstellung des Roter Fliegenpilz kaufen manchmal wichtige Sicherheitsinformationen und praktische Ratschläge verschleiern.
Online-Marktplätze tragen ebenfalls zur Bekanntheit des Pilzes bei. Obwohl der Verkauf oder Besitz von Fliegenpilzen vielerorts illegal ist, gibt es immer noch Online-Verkäufer, die Sporen oder getrocknete Pilze anbieten. Dies hat Bedenken hinsichtlich des Missbrauchspotenzials und der Notwendigkeit eines verantwortungsvollen, informierten Umgangs mit dem Pilz geweckt.
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Dickschaliger oder Gewöhnlicher Kartoffel-/Hartbovist | Common earthball, pigskin poison puffball
Scleroderma citrinum
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Fliegenpilz 🍄 Ein Männlein steht im Walde, der hübsche Fliegenpilz sollte nicht gesammelt werden, seine Giftigkeit ist nicht unbedenklich für die meisten Menschen, Pilzkundige, Schamanen und Druiden kennen jedoch auch seine wahren Werte. Bitte Finger weg und keine Experimente machen 👎 #fliegenpilz #giftpilz #schamanenpilz #druidenpilz #druide #druidsofinstagram #germandruid (hier: Weserbergland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjX2HsaISBJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Schwarzschuppiger Schirmling, Lepiota felina 25.11.23
#mushrooms#pilze#mycology#fungi#wild fungi#mushrooms switzerland#pilz#mushrooms of switzerland#pilzesuchen#basidiomycota#lepiota#schirmling#giftpilze#giftschirmling
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This illustration has a very beautiful color palette
#giftpilz#mushrooming#wholesome#traditional#traditionalism#nature#forest#woodlands#greenlinefront#3rd reich#national socialism#natsoc
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Daily #germanvocabs: Der #Fliegenpilz, The #flyargaric Check out my #Youtubevideos to learn german! #germanliy #polyglotgerman #germanpolyglot #studygerman #Learngerman #shroomstagram #shroom #mushroom #mushrooms #toadstool#toadstools #toadstools🍄 #toadstool #giftpilze #giftpilz🍄 #giftpilz #giftpilze🍄 #pilze #pilz #pilze🍄 #poison #Gift #fliegenpilz🍄 #fliegenpilze #flyargaricmushroom #flyargarics #flyargaricmushrooms https://www.instagram.com/p/CDxhhSfiA_z/?igshid=1djn8ymcibej
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#pilzsaison#pilze#pilzzeit#pilzesuchen#giftpilz#landscape#natureblr#nature#wald#forest#photography#photoart#original photographers#beautiful photos#my photos#hobbyfotograf#hobbyartist#fotografin
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Bokeh extrem by helmi1 http://ift.tt/2xR4BOb #macro
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