#Gift for Mudd
roxnpens · 9 months
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Christmas one shot for @mudd-art
TW: [Sevika & Silco], [fluff-ish], [business relationship (sort of)], [medical issues], [pain resulting from a medical issue], [medical devices]
[This is my little present for my friend Mudd for the Secret Santa 2023]
Sevika returns to the Last Drop, enters Silcos office to encounter a rare scenery…
Silent Visitor
Sevika left the Drop just as she arrived, no one daring to get in her way. Better for them to think she got chewed out; The Eye of Zaun never sleeps, and she won't Sevika stomps back to the Last Drop. A fitting name since the previous job nearly cost Servika her last NERVE. Finn - not only does he stand in between Silco and his plans, but also between her and the end of her shift, between her and her last fucking cigarette!!
Almost enraged, she stomped back to Last Drop, smoking the last cigarette in her pack. Her mood is as muddy as the Undercity roads.
She could hear Silco’s temper tantrum about the shipment and Finn's involvement already.
“How could this happen?” “How could this cretin have his fingers in this operation?” “Why weren’t you on top of this BEFORE IT HAPPENED??”
White smoke left her lips. It’s of no use… she would have to take the beating and move on… but it still stings in her back.
She enters the Last Drop, shortly nods to some employees, and stomps her way up to Silco’s office. She knocks shortly and enters without waiting for an answer. The room was rather dark and instinctively her eyes searched for the little orange glow of Silcos damaged eye.
Her gaze wandered from the door to his private bedroom to her right, over the glass window behind his desk, until they reached the couch to her left.
At first, she didn’t see him in the darkness of his office, but then she saw the small orange light to her left. There he was, slumped on his couch - whiskey glass in his hand. His cravat was lying to his right side, vest wide open, with the top of his shirt unbuttoned.
But another thing caught Servika’s attention: the contraption that was next to the cravat… the syringe-like injector for his shimmer injection.
Usually, Jinx helps Silco with his injection, but judging by how this whole scene looks, Silco had to do it alone. It was obvious to her by the way everything was distributed on the couch.
It's an often enough situation for her to recognize the signs of his struggle. From the half-empty liquor bottle to his crumpled nap on the couch. Always so put together, she hardly recognized the man sleeping on the couch. His vest was undone, cravat discarded; even the top of his shirt lay open.
Sevika had known Silco for a while now. He never said it to her, but she knew the injection has gotten harder and harder for him since the river toxins slowly but steadily destroy his nerves, and without the injection, he couldn’t even hold a pen without shaking like a leaf.
Contrary to popular belief Sevika pities him. Sure she lost an arm but her post-injury struggles aren’t getting worse, Silco now lived for years with them. Hard to imagine how this guy keeps going despite it all.
With a silent sigh, Sevika picks up his injector and the glass from his hand and puts both items on his desk. Then she pulls a blanket from a small storage container in the corner of the room and pulls it over Silco’s body. With a not very graceful maneuver she managed to lay one of the cushions behind Silco's neck and lay him back against the couch.
The last part is a necessity, not a kindness.
The better the man sleeps, the less of a pain in the ass he is to her and everyone around him."
Soon after he starts to snore - finally slipping into his deep sleep.
Sevika stayed for a little while to make sure everything was ok before exiting the room. Tomorrow morning she will pay Jinx an unpleasant visit…
Leaving Silco with the injection task... unbelievable.
Sevika left the Drop just as she arrived, no one daring to get in her way. Better for them to think she got chewed out; The Eye of Zaun never sleeps, and she won't say any different.… and it was better like that.
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muddiestpath · 1 year
I am for once looking forward to winter holidays!
The family have decided to bite the bullet & quit calling what we do christmas (compulsory Christianity be damned) this year. We always half-assed it before, to my dad's mother's ire, so now she's out of the picture why bother fitting her regime.
All of us have individually flirted with paganism (I personally love reading up on the practises & beliefs in celtic groups) but we're now officially calling it Yule & are doing a chill week long celebration starting on 21st Dec.
idk but reframing the event & making it not a one day thing? Revolutionary to my 'tisms.
Why we ever did it in the first place when parents weren't married in a church & none of us kids were baptised? I have to assume Betty.
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darlingofvalyria · 1 year
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As the Princess of the Realm's most favoured maid, there are certain liberties you are privy to demand. Jealousy of the people surrounding your lady is not one of them. Amused, Rhaenyra wishes to show her jealous little darling that there is nothing to worry about.
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[ +18 MDNI ] [ 2,763 ] [ masterlist ] | Vampire!Rhaenyra Targaryen x Maid!Reader
contains— smut, fluff - monsterfucking, hurt/comfort, jealousy, allusions to murders and kidnapping (not reader), mind manipulation, mentions of blood - this is a darkish fic - nsfw: monsterfucking, v and v sex, blood play(?), thigh riding, dubcon - no betas.
a/n— countess bathory rhae version. + Quick note: I don't actually remember/know if a crown princess is higher in stature to a queen consort. I know a queen at least is higher than a crown princess... but in this fic, i'm making it so that a king's direct/crowned heir is higher in status to that of a queen consort, as in what i want you to understand here that a king's chosen heir has bigger power than someone who is only married to royalty and title. this is of course different than the show but eh. + comment, reblog & like at will, mi luvs, mwa!
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You understand why they salivate after her like starved dogs for a hunt. Prowling, on the verge of humping the very ground she walks on.
Your princess is every consonant and vowel of her royal visage and title, adorned in jewels and gold, Valyrian steel interlaced across her throat and waist. Fat rubies in her ears, weighted layers of gold gleam across her collarbone with a Valyrian steel necklace that strung an almost black amethyst drop nestled in her bosom.
Rings of all kind adorned her fingers as she held a goblet, amused by whatever topic the Riverland Lord was saying with gusto, fat stomach straining against a leather belt.
In any feast, she is the star, unable to be shadowed by her enemies now that her confidence had bloomed. She presided every conversation, lords and ladies following her red mouth as much as her words, dominating circles of power with ease that surpassed her gender.
The Heir to the Iron Throne. The Realm's Delight.
You had never been prouder to say you serve such a woman, body and soul.
And at the same time, you cannot help the feeling of jealousy to flash like a quick strike of a dagger. It is not your mistress' fault that people stave off the attention she gives them. It isn't their fault either as you understand the sentiment. Once you've played in her hand, you are evermore enraptured by her.
But you're different. In a way.
As soon as the lord— a Lord Erodd Mudd, a vassal of House Tully who had proudly proclaimed to be an eager follower of the future Black Queen, henceforth his vassals flooding gifts and compliments to your princess — had gotten too close for comfort and too red from the overflowing Arbor Red, that as soon as you see the quick flash of Princess Rhaenyra's comfort threatened, you spring into action.
You move about dancing bodies and beautifully crafted ladies to get to her, your eye meeting her sword shield, the Ser Strong, with a nod. You know your strengths and weaknesses; wrangling a drunken lord physically is not one of them. Neither is a violent drunk, and there had been enough unsavoury gossip of the Lord Mudd for you to be on edge the minute he approached the princess.
You take a low bow in front of them at your sudden interruption, your voice calm but firm. "My princess, the Prince Joffrey is ready to be put to bed."
Rhaenyra smiles, gladdened of your quick feet and quicker thinking. "Thank you—"
"Audacious!" Lord Mudd squeaks, the spittle and stench of alcohol almost makes you grimace. Almost. "The princess is talking to a lord, she does not want—"
"— the princess does not permit others to speak on her behalf, much less about what she wants or thinks," you can't help but snap. "Please refrain yourself from doing so, my lord."
He purples in offence, fist shaking that you sidle up to move in front of the princess. "Oh why, how dare—"
You let out a breathless exhale at the appearance of Breakbones and his meaty hand on the lord's shoulder. "My lord. I'm afraid you've enough to drink. The night grows long." As the lord opens his mouth to retort, Harwin's smile sharpens is enough of a warning that he swallows and jerkily nods.
He bows to Rhaenyra. "G-good night, your grace."
Rhaenyra smiles amusedly, as if she is letting you in on a joke. "And to you, my lord. I will have a maestre prepare a concoction my... little brother uses in a time of head aches. He so prefers the sweet Red such as you."
As he bows again gratefully, Lord Mudd manages to shoot you a final glare before being escorted by Ser Harwin. For a brief moment as the revelry continues on, most guests now well into their cups and dreams to kiss your princess' arse, she laughs quietly in the privacy of your closure.
You snort softly. "I am glad the night has amused you thus far, my princess."
She giggles again. "How can I not? You had been glaring at the poor fool for the better time of the night. He had thought that he had offended me in some way, and was trying to appease with all sorts of ridiculous promises."
"Hm. What can a small vassal house by the name that means 'wet dirt' could possibly offer the princess of the realm?" You can't help but be haughty. Though you do recognise you are being a bit unfair to the lord, for he isn't just the only one who had pried the attention of the princess all night.
"A pretty new maid," Rhaenyra muses, making your blood freeze. "He said he's got a pretty collection of wenches, all well trained by his mother, whom I do know has a heavy teeth with her servants. Lord Tully has endorsed them so. Lady Tully as well. Oh, and that he has daughters fit to be ladies in waiting, should I want for more... high browed ladies."
You inhale deeply. "It is indeed... a good idea to expand your ladies. You are the Heir, higher in stature to the Queen Consort who has an army of ladies both in Great Houses and Vassals." You nod jerkily. "It is a smart idea, my princess."
Rhaenyra smirks, enjoying far too much the inner turmoil of your little head. You don't notice it, as you had perfected serving her for such a time and she is sure onlookers would see only a lady conversing with her maid, but when you are upset and trying not to show it, you blink three times as if wrangling your thoughts in order. There is only a small dip in your serene mouth that always makes her want to press it. Move it around. Then maybe bite you.
But if she touched you now, she would not stop. She knows her hunger very well, and in preparation for the three-day celebrations as well as handling her duties between council meetings and audiences with the common folk— she had not drank in a while.
If she touches you now, there would be no care for titles or eyes.
When she shudders faintly at the image, your keen eye sees it immediately. You see the faint pallor, the inch of peakiness. She had been consuming more and more raw meat, but animals barely curb the thirst.
"Shall I prepare your feast, my princess?"
She blinks at you, surprised. "My feast? Surely this is enough."
You're unable to stop your sigh as you look away. "My princess, surely, you don't think such a feat should go unrewarded? Lords of Great Houses are swayed to your cause. Their vassals are following suit. Even if a Great Council is demanded once more in your reign, the tide will turn for your favour."
"You do not know that." Rhaenyra laughs lightly as you are already shaking your head. "We should not tempt fate."
"You had been doing your duty unto the realm as its heir and its delight. We are tempering any whisper of revolt. Your win is marked in stone," you insist. "A reward is only just."
You scoot closer, pinching your voice low. Rhaenyra holds her breath with a sharp intake of air, a coil, nothing but a whisper, of your scent finds her nostrils and her hunger tightens in her stomach that her fangs sharpen. She bites her bottom lip hard.
"My apologies," you whisper. "But I know your hearing turns mortal when you have not eaten in a while. You must eat. The bustle for the celebration has been a good excuse to hire more alongside what we needed."
Her eyes flash. "... Maidens?"
"At least four of them, my princess."
She gasps, inhaling quickly and your scent comes first, the sweet imprint of your blood hums her own, but her eyes widen at the thick stench of maidens right in her room. Your gift. For your beloved. You smile, despite the niggling, pinch of jealousy that has a thick hold on your neck and Rhaenyra can smell it.
"The revelries will continue on," you say with finality, bowing. "The Prince Jacaerys is doing well with the Northern delegates thus far, and the Young Prince Lucerys has charmed the pirate lords from the Free Cities, as well as the Dornish Prince and his... mistresses. We are well here. I will keep an eye on your heirs. Enjoy yourself, my princess."
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The revelries go well into the Hour of Owl before you give nod to the last of the guards and servants tasked with ensuring the more raucous guests find their way to their beds, moving along the quiet flutter of candlelight and sharp, slanting shadows like a wraith. Or a ghost. No one pays you any mind, and they know better.
You sweep straight into the princess' apartments, locking the doors behind you. The iron stench of blood is already thick here, seeping through the corners and clinging to the tapestries. You're used to it, even if the first times had been shaky in your memories. But your actions are a routine, moving to the tub filled thick with blood, almost to the brim, moving a finger through it, beads of blood clinging to you when you raise your hand, falling in slops back to the tub.
You hum along your duties, the actions of a routine is familiar... if not surgically placed into your mind, though the uncomfortable reminder strikes your head in a low, dull thud. Worrisome thought is a blunt knife to the steel guard your princess has wrought in your head.
For your protection, my sweet, Rhaenyra had purred, feeling her nails scratch in the fragments of your malleable brain.
Candles are flickering by the time your princess strides into her room, the heavy door deadbolting with a heavy thud. The stench of blood and her scent— grapefruit and vanille, a touch of something more ancient, cloying and heavy — thickens as you bow, your fingers in unlacing and getting her off the bloodied dress. It’s relatively clean, and she throws you a smirk for it. She knows you hate having to share just as much as she, and knows even better you would never make much fuss, but your chest warms at her thoughtfulness regardless.
She sinks with ease, a low, satiated hum escapes her lips.
“I will assume this is another present?” she teases. “No maidens?”
“Not after the Lannisport incident, no.” You regard her weightily but she only laughs. Sunk in blood, her paleness almost makes her glow. A goddess if nothing else. But her cheeks are also fuller, vibrancy clinging to her gold spun hair and gaze. “These were just as much eager to serve the crown as the young women were eager to serve their princess.”
Rhaenyra’s laugh is spoilt as much as it is indulgent. “And I am assuming you never told them the length or width of their servitude?”
She really does feel much better if she is in such a teasing mood.
“No,” theres a petulant, almost offended notch in your tone that you dont hide as well, if youre ever truly trying to hide it. The day wanes and the moon waxes, and you have been obedient all day.
Rhaenyra bites her lip. You have been good. And deserving. She leans forward, pressing herself back. “Come.”
You still, holding onto her oils. “I still have to wash your hair, princess, it has been an arduous day."
“It has, and you have done so well in pleasing me that I require you here, with me.” Her voice pitches, irises molting to a startling black. Your spine straightens and your gaze glosses. She hums, delighted to see that the full force of her prowess is back. Though it isnt truly much. The strings from your mind and body is one that she has owned long before. “Take off your dress, sweet girl, thats it, faster— and here, right on top of me.”
You are awake and dreaming, its a state you know quite well, but you move where she wants you, your strings hers for the taking, and you are up to your navel in blood before your mind catches up with thought that you are bare, bare before your princess as she looks up, her hands, soft and cold and wet with blood, moulding against the divots of your soft flesh.
She pulls you down with ease, so careful with your skin. Her hunger though fulfilled, the remnants of the creature within her still breathes. Your heartbeat is a siren song and the urge to devour you, to sink her teeth right in that throbbing, fluttering pulse— four maidens down her belly and her hunger for you is still so strong.
Your mind is your own when you have settled righto n her thighs, bracketing her between your own. A shuddering gasp leaves your mouth as she draws her hands from thighs to your centre to your breast to your jaw, pulling you to meet her mouth in a soft exploration between tongue and teeth.
It is kissing for beasts, for creatures trying to find pleasure unknown to them but hungering for it; her tongue tangling with yours, licking at the roof your mouth, her teeth, sharpened, tugging and grating against your soft lips. It is gluttonous as it is guttural, and you feel debased. But you like it, you like the clouding of your mind from pleasure, chasing the hums from her throat and smiling from her little laughs.
It is no wonder that your body craves, hips moving in an insistent, errant sway against her thigh that she laughs once more, finish suckling a bruise on your arched neck.
"Sīr needy hae iā līve, So needy like a whore," she purrs against your skin. "Are you my," she grips your buttocks and pulls you to her, though you stumble, you are still relatively on your knees and your pearl that is craving for attention hits against her stomach and you gasp, "little whore?"
"Yes," you murmur, arms wounding against her neck as she adjusts you more comfortably on her lap, watching intensely at your pleasure as she sits you down and starts moving your hips in a rhythm. "Y-yes I am."
She snakes a hand between you to pinch at your clit. You jolt.
"Yes, my queen!" You sob, head falling on her shoulder as your hips go faster, the blood is spilling, the smell of iron is so strong it fills your lungs, but your first relief is near and Rhaenyra hates denying you pleasure.
Even her punishments have always been to over feed you your own pleasure, indulge in the staccato wails broken by whines as your last peak has barely finished before she is making you reach it again.
"There she is, my sweet girl."
She helps your thighs, moving you faster and faster as she drinks in your skewered brows and hanging mouth, taking a breast into her mouth and laving it with her tongue, groaning at the blood and suckling deep. You will be blooming with bruises come morn and she cannot wait to see the spring she has created on your skin. You are so delicate, so... human. Your fragility is a beauty she enjoys.
Like right now, when your pleasure catches up to you fast and she has made it a mission not to touch your cunt at all, maintaining your movement even as you whine deep in your chest, your forehead falling to her shoulder as you twitch and shudder. When you garble her name, falling your please, p-please, 'smuch, she stops, running her hands instead to your sides, cupping your breasts faintly before she's nudging against your nose until you give in with what she is silently asking: soft, tugging kisses.
"Deep breaths, sweet one," she whispers against your mouth when she pulls away, "I will take more of your pleasure. All the sweet maidens in these lands are nothing to the taste of you." For emphasis, her other hand is already between your thighs, brushing insistently against your pearl.
Teasing, always teasing. You shudder.
"Your pleasure is much your reward as it is mine. Now, once more. On my fingers." She bares her fangs, another light laugh that tugs at your core because it is full of promises. "Then against my cunt."
Because Rhaenyra gives as much as she takes.
And she wants everything you... 'willingly' give.
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commander-krios · 8 months
BG3 Juniper/Rolan Masterlist
A masterlist of all fic, art, and headcanons/other stuff for Rolan x f!Tav (she/her, Juniper: afab tiefling bard/wild magic sorcerer).
Juniper's Main Tag Juniper x Rolan Tag Juniper x Rolan Playlist The Wizard of Ramazith's Tower AO3 Series
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Long Rest: G, 2k, Gifts/Flirting/Developing Relationships/Act 2 Spoilers
Nights Like This: T, 3k, Abuse/Healing/First Kiss/Act 3 Spoilers
Better Judgment: [ch1] [ch2] [ch3]; M, 10k, Post-Lorroakan/Fluff/Sexual Tension/Act 3 Spoilers
Juniper's Kitty Catastrophe: T, 8k, Pranks/Post-Canon/Friendship/Love/Cats
With Devotion And A Little Luck: T, 5k, Marriage Proposal/Fluff/Post-Canon
The Things We Do For Love: T, 2.5k, Polyamory/Post-Canon/Multiple Tavs
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Neverwinter Headcanons (Juniper/Rolan)
Get to Know Your Tav
Amorous OC Asks 1
Amorous OC Asks 2
Juniper Romance Ask
Juniper Voice Ask
Juniper Tent Ask
Juniper Animal Ask
OC Questionnaire
Juniper Love Language Ask
Juniper Close Relationship Ask
BG3 Backstory Bash
Juniper Marriage Ask
Juniper Body Type Ask
Unusual OC Associations
5 Songs, 4 Outfits
Juniper Tav Worksheet
Juniper 9 Random Facts
The NSFW Alphabet
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Commissioned/Gifted Art
Vicious Mockery (qwiqwiaqwi)
Rolan/Kitty Juniper (thegoblinwitchqueen)
WildThunderForge (mudd-art)
Juniper Portrait (jbnonsense)
Sleepy Time Rolan/Juniper (valkblue)
Juniper OC Kiss Week (finchmarie)
Valentine's Day Smoochy Juni/Rolan (nekrokatart)
Mistletoe Smooch (commander-sarahs-art)
Juni Headshot (catesbeeart)
Juni/Rolan (chaoticcomposition)
Juniper/Rolan Tower (riense)
Juniper Silly Portrait (antivanbrandy)
Juniper Bust Commission (thebunnybutts)
Juniper/Rolan Song (sacherali)
Rolan/Juniper cozy (redreart)
Rolan and Arabella (thegoblinwitchqueen)
Juni/Rolan Flushed Smooch (thegoblinwitchqueen)
Juniper sketch portrait (dilfbuck)
Juniper/Rolan NSFW (amouswolf)
Juniper Closeup Portrait (xanthouransong)
Juniper/Rolan Flower (artmadval)
Bard Juni Portrait (barbwillbrb)
Juni/Rolan Tending Wounds (mostwantedpotato404)
Juniper/Rackal (barbwillbrb)
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Other Juni/Rolan
Bard Tav Text Posts 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
Tav/Rolan Text Posts 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Rolan Text Posts 1 /
George Taylor cameo
Other Tiefling-centric Fics
Sweet Like Sugar: Bex/Danis, G, 2k, Celebrations/Post-Canon/Romance
A Divine Dream: Dammon/Rolan, T, 5k, Ballroom Dancing/Post-Canon/Romance
Everything: Dammon/Rolan, T, 3k, Romance/Fluff/Post-Canon
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silcoitus · 5 months
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Silcoitus Fics—Mature One-Shots
Click through for tags, word count, and summaries!
All fics are set to be viewable only by AO3 members. If you want to read and subscribe, please make an account! This is in order to protect my fics from AI crawlers. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Full Silcoitus Masterlist
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Silco x gn!Reader
A for Effort - birthday ficlet for @x-amount-verbs
As Long As It Takes
Burning the Midnight Oil
Chocolate - ficlet for @sherwood-forests
Foreign but Familiar †
Guardian Angel †
Happy Birthday
My Little Pet †
Time Off- gift for @ice-queen-of-music
To be loved †
Unpacking Hell
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Silco x f!Reader
Caught in the Rain
Pure and Rare †
New Associations | with art by @blissfulip
Something More †
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Misc Silco (no reader)
Feline Friend - based on art by @blissfulip
Hiccups | Hiccups fanart by @mudd-art
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†Request fulfillment
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lunarifie · 8 months
Infinight Interns Modern Band Au:
(Because I cant stop thinking about it / send me asks!!!)
Bart the Guitarist
- Main vocalist/guitarist. (Need I say why?)
- Prefers acoustic over electric because he has fidgety hands and acoustic requires more strumming and energy.
- Has a wide vocal range.
- Can play multiple instruments but mostly plays guitar.
- Switches between acoustic and electric depending on shows, songs, or how much energy he has.
- Basically the person who formed the band. Thought of the idea and convinced everyone else.
- Gives tips and tricks to his band members for performing on stage. (He’s the most used to stage performing and would often sign up at music venues soloing)
- He tries to motivate them to try new things, like singing or flashy tricks.
- Organizes and schedules all their shows. “Guys we got a gig!”
- He’s the main song writer, though he makes sure that everyone contributes and gives input. Everyone has their own individual songs that Bart’s helped with too.
- Bart and Gum Gum have pages and pages of made up/half assed songs they’ve written together.
Gum Gum and his Drum Drums
- The bands drummer. (He has drums in his inventory in tftsd)
- It wasn’t hard for Bart to convince Gum Gum to start a band with him. (He immediately agreed)
- Puts so much hype into his drumming that everyone else has to pump up their volume a bit.
- Mostly did drumming for fun, not really caring for how it sounded until Bart taught him some techniques.
- Likes to do stick spins (spinning his drumstick in his hand), at one practice/rehearsal it flew out of his hand and knocked Mudd in the back of the head.
- If you ask him how he drums so well he’d just say “I just play when it sounds good.”
- Gets sad whenever his bandmates argue or get frustrated. He tries to mediate. “Cmon guys, don’t fight…”
- He’s the youngest in the band and still in high school. He stayed back a grade and also looks older than his actual age. He gets bullied and teased for it. (Bart is often the one who comes running when this happens)
Kyborg the Keytarist
- Doesn’t let ANYONE touch his Keytar.
- Named it Chrystaliana after his mother (privately, his friends don’t know of its name.)
- His mother taught him piano at a young age, after she died he practiced relentlessly.
- His mother was a well-known pianist and he dreams to be as good as her someday.
- Was thrown into the foster care system but continuously ran away from each and every foster family.
- He has an ever-lasting Cool Kid act so whenever he mentions he plays the piano/keytar proudly and people slightly chuckle in disbelief “really?” he’s EXTREMELY defensive “Yeah? And what of it?!”
- Bart introduces Kyborg to the Keytar and he instantly thinks its the coolest thing ever.
- Tries to do Keytar solo riffs whenever he can.
Mudd the Bassist
- Mudd was the very last person to join the band, which required much persuading from Bart. “Cmon Mudd! You’re the only guy I know who plays that good!”
- Mudd isn’t much in it for the showmanship (Kyborg), or the money (Bart), or the fame (Kyborg/Bart) He’s more like Gum Gum, simply there for the fun of it.
- Mudd likes the low strumming of the bass, he finds it soothing.
- He has sensitive ears and often wears earplugs to their own shows. Kyborg also has sensitive ears but refuses to wear earplugs. “Just wear the earplugs, you’ll regret it later.” Eventually he gifts him a nice expensive pair that Kyborg can’t refuse (or else he’ll feel bad)
- Has the loudest laugh, this man CRIES, everyone was shocked the first time they heard it.
- Lots of deadpan jokes, gets goofier and sillier the closer he gets with his bandmates.
- Mudd hates the piano. His parents forced him to learn with a private tutor a few years back and he’s despised it since.
- This is kinda how him and Kyborgs first conversation went:
“and IM this bands beloved keytarist, formerly known pianist.”
“I hate the piano.”
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staringdownabarrel · 1 year
hey, where do I start with star trek?
It really depends on whether you want to watch all of it or if you're mostly hoping to do a bare bones viewing of the older shows before you see the shows currently in production. There's a lot of viewing guides out there if you want to do a completionist viewing, so I'm going to answer this with the assumption you want to do the latter.
Before I begin, I'm not really sure if there's such a thing as a non-contentious version of this list, so keep in mind there's going to be different people with different opinions and some are going to take some pretty big issues with this one.
The Original Series: The Cage, Where No Man Has Gone Before, Mudd's Women, Balance of Terror, Arena, The Menagerie Pts. I and II, Errand of Mercy, Amok Time, Mirror Mirror, I Mudd, The Trouble With Tribbles, Journey to Babel, The Enterprise Incident, Spock's Brain
The Animated Series: Honestly, I'm probably going to get some flack for this one, but you can safely skip it entirely
The Next Generation (the best series): Encounter At Farpoint, The Battle, Hide and Q, Datalore, Skin of Evil, Conspiracy, The Neutral Zone, Elementary Dear Data, The Measure of a Man (I have issues with this episode but it is very popular regardless), Q Who, The Emissary, Peak Performance, Who Watches the Watchers, Yesterday's Enterprise, The Offspring, Sins of the Father, Tin Man, Transfigurations, The Best of Both Worlds Pts. I and II, Family, Brothers, Reunion, The Drumhead, The Mind's Eye, Redemption Pts. I and II, Ensign Ro, Reunification Pts. I and II, I Borg, Chain of Command Pts. I and II, Tapestry, Birthright Pts. I and II, Rightful Heir, Descent Pts. I and II, The Pegasus, All Good Things
Deep Space Nine: Honestly, just watch the entire thing. A lot of the episodes, even the earlier ones, end up tying into ongoing arcs in this show. If you want just one episode to sell you on it, go see Duet or the Past Tense two parter.
Voyager: Caretaker, Jetrel, Threshold (c'mon, it's one of the holidays), Death Wish, Tuvix (notoriously one of the most contentious episodes of any Star Trek show ever made), The Q and the Grey, Worst Case Scenario, Scorpion Pts. I and II, The Gift, Year of Hell Pts I and II, Message In A Bottle, The Killing Game Pts. I and II, Living Witness, Drone, Equinox Pts. I and II, Q2, Author Author (aka what TNG's The Measure of a Man could have been like if it was good), Endgame.
Enterprise: Broken Bow, The Andorian Incident, Shadows of P'Jem, Shockwave Pts. I and II, Carbon Creek, Minefield, Cease Fire, The Expanse, all of season three because it's a season long arc and honestly one of the better seasons, Storm Front Pts. I and II, Borderland, Cold Station 12, The Augments, Babel One, United, The Aenar, Affliction, Divergence, In A Mirror Darkly Pts. I and II, Demons, Terra Prime, These Are the Voyages (also a contentious episode)
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doors-worstenemy · 9 months
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some harshie doodles, there would be more but the holidays have been on my ass <//3 Some bartshie (bart x harshie) headcanons below!! Some light spoilers on Bart and Mudd's life past the tale!! ^_^
-Bart visted Urbloom not to long after The Infinights campagin, traveling with Mudd to find him a shop. Mudd noticed Harshie before Bart, but Bart tried to ignore her since he didn't want to bother her (what a gentleman)
-Harshie wanted to talk to Bart since she finally wasn't very busy, she did call him a "fairy bard" but didn't have any ill intent, she just couldn't remember if she ever even knew his name, but Bart ran off before she could talk
-A while later Bart visited Urbloom again with his fathers now as their traveling band, meeting Harshie once again. This time he couldn't avoid her as his parents incouraged him to talk to her. He apologized to her and asked her out to dinner to make up for it
-The only time she has off is at late night, still they go out to dinner and have a very awkward time. Bart tries to make up for his past behavior while she just tries to get to know him better. they still meet up quite a few times, Bart constantly takes her out to different resturants and fun little places
-After four meet ups Harshie decides to just ask Bart out since he's just very awkward. Bart happily accepts and they have their first offical date at Mudd's cafe
-Bart's constant traveling did put a halt on their relationship but he visits as often as possible. and always makes sure to send her letters from everywhere he stops at
-Harshie tries to travel with Bart, but between work and her sleep schedule she barely ever makes it out of urbloom
-Harshie isn't much of a sweet talker, she definitely prefers physical contact and giving Bart little gifts
-Bart is the exact opposite, he alwaus flirts and tries to charm her but she gives him little kisses and he becomes a flustered mess bcz omg that man is helpless
ik im not good at writing headcanons, i just got stuck on them meeting again, i love them sm 😭😭<//3
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josendlessmonolouge · 1 month
omg I forgot to post my church Jo fit check
we were running late so I kinda just threw stuff on yesterday. A dress would’ve been easier for that than a skirt but my legs weren’t shaved and my long dress wasn’t clean
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Shout out to the church bathroom with the curtain bathroom stalls
everything thrifted or gifted except for the necklace but I think the shirt is old navy and the skirt mudd
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pedropascalito · 1 year
"They ruined it for me" // as a huge fan of your work on this blog and your pinterest and also a total supporter of your attitude when you were a mod on that Reddit page, I''ll tell you this truth: "they" are not fitted even to shine your shoes. "They" drank their poison expecting you to die but look at you, still glowing, happy and beautiful, while they sink on the filthy mudd, day after day. Wish you the best, bebita, keep your head up! ❤️
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Me reading this^. For real. I live in a paradigm where I believe 95% of people are ambivalent about my existence, 2.5% love me and 2.5% despise me. So I’m always caught off guard anyone gives a shit about me.
Thank you for your kindness and encouragement! I’ve been believing those reddit assholes won because they got what they wanted: they beat me down and I gave up. But you’re making me think about whether I gave up, or simply moved on for my own mental health. Thank you for giving me this insight!
And oh man, I love Pinterest and Martha Stewart so much! If only I weren’t lazy af, I’d have a more pinteresting life 😅
Thank you, dear anon. You have given me the gift of hope! Please accept this gorgeous photo of Javier as a gift of thanks:
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ficklyficing · 11 months
On the Other Hand AU (title? Maybe?) notes to keep track and spread
Cariana is for sure Arcane Archer, just like Kyborg.
Gave her the Druidcraft cantrip, instead of Prestidigitation which Kyborg had.
for the AU timeline, they are level 8, so Cariana going to have three types of Arcane Shots, Piercing, Grasping and Enfeebling Arrow for herself.
Giving her two feats as well, want for sure one to be Piercer but debating on the second one to be different or maybe Gift of the Chromatic Dragon as well. Not Lucky. It doesn’t fit her like Kyborg. Also debating on Wood Elf Magic or maybe Gift of the other dragon feats like Metallic or Gem.
Cariana is kind of going to be like the big sister of the group. Like she wants to give the others cover and look out for these younger boys. Teases them as well, noggies and such but will punch anyone that dares mess with them.
Kydron is a Rogue/Fighter multi-class, still an archer fight style but going with I think the Assassin Rogue subclass.
The biggest debate is how many levels of each. I know I’m not actually playing but just for flavor and what skills I can use for the storytelling lol.
Kydron isn't going to be Kyforge. He will have arms on both side of his body, not just one side.
Still not sure on the title or not. Want to finish chap 1 before posting anything.
Also for other characters, small hints of changes to this universe.
Bart - Bard still, but thinking of embracing the pirate part of his background and going with the subclass of College of Sword.
Mudd - He does have a pet but it's not Gumbo, I know sad, but different choices. Debating on owl, hyena, ferret, or fox...
GumGum - He gets adopted and has a loving Mama and gets a big family
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muddiestpath · 2 years
Everyone liked their gifts from me! I succeeded the gift-giving game! I WON
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frogcat7 · 9 months
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It's a helmet of my OC, called The Boar Knight, (her name is Alice) whose kind of based on myself so, I'd say it's my asoiaf sona if I would.
Base of the helmet is just normal steel, an common piece of armor forged in the Riverlands, thou the snout, ears and nape fur are made from bronze. They were added later, as a gift from Hoster Tully, for saving his son Edmure. The same with eyes, thou they are just made from oxygenated copper, (she want to do something big enough someday to change them to jade or emeralds, since they are one of the colours of House Mudd, and her family was their first bannerman for a very long time, and shes way too interested in her kins history) screws are made from brass.
The tusks are from reall giant wild boar, she kills herself in the woods near Crakehall. They are new, the original ones (that nearly killed Edmure near Oldstones) where destroyed during one of the many turnaments in King's Landing.
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brookston · 10 months
Holidays 12.20
Abolition Day (Réunion)
Big Chungus Day
Bo Aung Kyaw Day (Burma)
Captain America Day
Cathode-Ray Tube Day
Day of National Mourning (Panama)
Dot Your I's Day
Dot Your I's With Smiley's Day
Fête des Cafres (Abolition of Slavery Day; Réunion, French Guiana)
Fifty Ways To Leave Your Lover Day
Games Day
Go Caroling Day
Halcyon Days of Calm Seas begin
International Human Solidarity Day (UN)
Invocation of Molag Bal (Elder Scrolls)
Katharina von Bora Day
Louisiana Purchase Day
Make An Ornament Day
Mudd Day
National Gregory Day
National Steven Day
Patient Empathy Day
Poet Laureate Day
Resilience Night
Ring of Troth Day
Sacagawea Day
SARE Day (Macau)
Security Agency Worker’s Day (Russia)
Shovel Day (French Republic)
Space Force Day
Stolen Day
Tammasmass E'en (Orkney Islands)
Try to Remember Where You Hid the Christmas Gifts Day
World Day of Skepticism
World Kajalism Day
Wrinkled Shirt Day
Yuletide Lad #9 arrives (Bjugnakraekir or Sausage Pilferer; Iceland)
Food & Drink Celebrations
BPT Remembrance Day (Before Pop Tarts)
National Parsley Day
National Sangria Day
Pop Tart Day
3rd Wednesday in December
National Early Signing Day (NCAA Football) [3rd Wednesday]
Independence Days
Camboriu (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Campinia (Declared; 2000) [unrecognized]
Lycem (Declared; 2012) [unrecognized]
Macau (Macau Special Administrative Region established, 1999)
St. John (Declared; 2013) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Cheech & Chong Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Dominic of Silos (Christian; Saint)
Guyton Morveau (Positivist; Saint)
Hogswatchnight (in Discworld) [December 32]
Mōdraniht (Mother’s Night; Anglo-Saxon Pagans)
Mother Night (Beginning of Yuletide; Celtic, Pagan) [Begins at Sunset]
Not Frank Zappas Birthday (Pastafarian)
O Clavis David (4th O Antiphon or Great Advent Antiphon; Christian) [O Key of David; 4 of 7]
Paul of Latrus (Christian; Saint)
Philogonius (Christian; Saint)
Pieter De Hooch (Artology)
Pongol of the Sun (Hindu)
The Refined Young Cannonballs (Muppetism)
Saturnalia Day 4: Unbound (Pagan)
Swashbuckling Day (Pastafarian)
Ursicinus of Saint-Ursanne (Christian; Saint)
Katharina von Bora (Lutheran)
Yaldā (Iran; eve of the birth of Mithra) [Day before Winter Solstice]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [50 of 53]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [69 of 71]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
All That Jazz (Film; 1979)
Aquamania (Disney Cartoon; 1961)
Born on the Fourth of July (Film; 1989)
Cat Feud (WB MM Cartoon; 1958)
Cats (Film; 2019)
The Color Purple (Film; 1985)
Concert for Bangladesh (Live Album; 1971)
Double Dribble (Disney Cartoon; 1946)
Dreamgirls (Broadway Musical; 1981)
Everybody Plays the Fool, recorded by The Main Ingredient (Song; 1971)
Father of the Bride (Film; 1991)
Flaming Star (Film; 1960) [Elvis Presley #6]
Gangs of New York (Film; 2002)
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Film; 2011)
The Godfather Part II (Film; 1974)
The Greatest Showman (Film; 2017)
Grimm’s Fairy Tales (Fairy Tale Collection; 1812)
Hare Lift (WB LT Cartoon; 1952)
The Horse in the Gray Flannel Suit (Film; 1968)
Hot Rocks 1964-1971, by The Rolling Stones (Compilation Album; 1971)
Island at the Top if the World (Film; 1974)
It’s a Wonderful Life (Film; 1946)
Ivanhoe, by Walter Scott (Novel; 1819)
JFK (Film; 1991)
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (Film; 2017)
Lover Come Back (Film; 1961)
The Man with the Golden Gun (US Film; 1974) [James Bond #9]
My Fellow Americans (Film; 1996)
Name That Tune (Radio Series; 1952)
Out of Africa (Film; 1985)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians (TV Series; 2023)
Persuasion, by Jane Austen (Novel; 1817) [#6]
Rocky’s Dilemma or A Squirrel in a Stew (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 7; 1959)
Rosamunde, by Helmina von Chézy with incidental music by Franz Schubert (Play; 1823)
The Sand Pebbles (Film; 1966)
Scream (Film; 1996)
Star Wars: Episode IX — The Rise of Skywalker (Film; 2019)
The Submarine Squirrel or 20,000 Leagues Beneath the Sea (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 8; 1959)
They Were Expendable (Film; 1945)
Two Weeks Notice (Film; 2002)
Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day (Disney Cartoon; 1968)
Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too! (Disney Cartoon; 1974)
The Witcher (TV Series; 2019)
Today’s Name Days
Eike, Holger, Julius, Regina (Austria)
Ignat (Bulgaria)
Eugen, Julije, Makarije, Slobodan, Zefirin (Croatia)
Dagmar (Czech Republic)
Abraham (Denmark)
Pärja, Pärje (Estonia)
Benjamin, Kerkko (Finland)
Isaac, Jacob, Théophile (France)
Eike, Holger, Julius (Germany)
Ignatios (Greece)
Teofil (Hungary)
Liberato, Macario (Italy)
Abrams, Argods, Arta, Minjona (Latvia)
Daugardas, Gražvilė, Teofilis (Lithuania)
Abraham, Amund (Norway)
Amon, Bogumiła, Dominik, Liberat, Teofil (Poland)
Ignatie (Romania)
Dagmara (Slovakia)
Domingo, Eugenio, Teófilo (Spain)
Israel, Moses (Sweden)
Ammon, Roxana, Roxanne, Roxie (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 354 of 2024; 11 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 51 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 23 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Jia-Zi), Day 8 (Ren-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 8 Teveth 5784
Islamic: 7 Jumada II 1445
J Cal: 24 Zima; Threesday [24 of 30]
Julian: 7 December 2023
Moon: 61%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 18 Bichat (13th Month) [Guyton Morveau]
Runic Half Month: Jara (Year) [Day 10 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 89 of 89)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 29 of 30)
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rickybutlersays · 1 year
Your reference to love languages in your scones post got me to thinking - what if Scotty’s language is gifts and McCoy reciprocates by buying him like 15 subscriptions to hard-to-find trade journals from sketchy magazine solicitors (probably working for Harry Mudd)?
no cause that's. so so true. Scotty absolutely would love gifts and McCoy would be a sneaky little fucker about it but also make it things that Scotty adores. and the way Scotty would be weak in the knees.
two more emotionally constipated men who would blush at each other and then not be able to make eye contact.
I like to think Mudd has a knowing look in his eye when he sees Bones getting the subscriptions.
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hawkyguy · 1 month
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