#Gideon Strix
gideonstrix · 5 days
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Corporate needs you to find the difference between these two pictures...
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beardfulstrix · 5 years
Monogamy is wood, not cardboard
If you read blog post #1, then you’ll know that what attracted me to Modern is the ability to play whatever I like.  In a reasonably small time-frame I became known at my LGS as the guy that doesn’t play the same deck twice.  I mean, that wasn’t wholly true - otherwise I couldn’t also be ‘the guy who plays Tron!’
But I have to admit, I did love the brewing process.  And rocking up - not necessarily with out-and-out jank, but with ‘my’ version of a certain archetype -became the thing I did.
One week I’d be on Big G-Tron.  Next it would be Eldrazi & Taxes.  Then Jeskai-Saheeli-control. Maybe Orzhov control (think Solemnity, Phyrexian Unlife, Lingering Souls and a lot of Gideons). I tried UW control`, Eldrazi-Tron.  I built the ‘Sigarda’s Aid’ / ‘Colossus Hammer’ combo deck and managed to Turn 2 kill a couple of people. I built a RG Eldrazi deck after Grzegorz Kowalski won GP Lyon with it.  How do you put Noble Hierarch, Birds of Paradise, Lightning Bolt AND Reality Smasher in the same deck and NOT win?
I was having lots of fun.  But I wasn’t winning much.
Part of that was due to the inconsistency in my decks.  I’d be playing a ‘version’ of the archetype, but if the ‘real’ deck had a card I didn’t like, I wouldn’t run it.  Or if there was a card that fit in the deck that I liked, I’d play that over something ‘stock’ and lose percentage points as a result. But the key reason for my lack of success was that I was making too many mis-plays.  Often they were out-and-out wrong plays, where I took the wrong line.  Other times, it would be a mis-play in not understanding the match-up properly ... because I hadn’t had enough reps with the deck to understand what I needed to draw to in certain circumstances.  When to hold certain removal for a better target.  When to use my life total as a resource to get me to the mid-late game etc.
Plus I’ve seen enough coverage on Twitch now to know the truth of the phrase, “in Modern, you get rewarded for knowing your deck”.
So, now I feel like my attitude has matured a little.  I’ve had my ‘adolescent’ fun - taking out a new deck every week.  If I want to be fulfilled, it’s probably time to think about settling down.  And whilst that’s unlikely to mean full-on commitment, with 100% fidelity to one deck or archetype, it will mean I’ll focus in on a couple of decks that I think will have some range in the current meta - and that retain enough creativity - either in flex-spots available, or play style - to ensure I don’t get too bored too quickly.
I think I’ve got a shortlist of 3.  Which for me is pretty good.  Keeping some variety means that the others at my LGS won’t always be able to anticipate how to sideboard for me.  And learning more than one deck will hopefully give me some flexibility to ride the ebbs and flows of the meta as new cards come into the format - and others leave.  So long OKO - you burned bright...but you were an absolute tool!
Tune in next time to see which decks I’m settling in on - and just how bad those choices are!
Beardful Strix
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goodshepherd2301 · 7 years
Masters 25 What-If: The first cards are the hardest.
First, I need to address a slight gaffe on my count. I forgot to include sets like Commander, Conspiracy, and Planechase, so I fixed my chart. I’m still committed to giving those sets two cards each, though I noticed that these sets got only one card in the real Masters 25. I may have to rethink that when I start checking Commander sets, but it did teach me one important lesson: start at the least flexible point. That should make things easier to adjust down the road.
That meant starting with Planechase, or Planechase 2012 to be exact. Of 21 cards that saw their first printing here, Wizards chose Sai of the Shinobi as their pick for that set, and I think it is a very neutral and universal choice. That said, I opted for some cards that would try to define the themes of the colors early. I avoided rares and cards which had keywords like cascade, devour, ninjutsu, or totem armor so that left me with Baleful Strix, Beetleback Chief, Brindle Shoat, Dreampod Druid, and Illusory Angel. I started out simple with the Shoat as a nod to a potential sacrifice theme and chose the Angel as a clean blue pick to play around with. There are plenty of red make-a-ton-of-Goblin cards, so Beetleback is an honorable mention that I could potentially get back to.
Speaking of which, I need to mention that I won’t be mashing in a lot of keywords here. I’ll use Wizards’ choices of cycling and morph, but I might add either kicker or flashback. (Most likely kicker and multikicker.)
I then focused on Conspiracy, which still had a few cards after you take out the draft-matters, voting, and keyworded cards. While Wizards chose Grenzo, Dungeon Warden, I chose a more traditional theme-defining rare in Brago, King Eternal. This is where I hit my first roadblock: every other pick left is either rare or mythic. This means that I would have to either accept that these sets really only have one card to offer or I should change a card’s rarity. (I could also just pick Dack Fayden, but I’ll explain later why I didn’t just shoehorn him in.) I decided to just downshift a rare to an uncommon, and I had a cycle of five cards to choose from. Conspiracy has a cycle of cards that entered the battlefield with +1/+1 counters equal to a certain value and an activated ability that spent said counters for an effect. My initial choice was Custodi Soulbinders, but then there is this rules interaction with Brago, where flickering Custodi Soulbinders and every other creature you had resulted in 0/0 Soulbinders. Part of design means you have to account for possible understandings and misunderstandings, and no amount of explanation will undo any bad feelings already generated from it. Therefore, my second pick for Conspiracy is a downgraded Academy Elite.This is also the part where I need to start being careful about my creature and spell mix.
Conspiracy: Take the Crown is just as difficult, given that most of the cards either had exclusive keywords or multiplayer mechanics. I ended up picking Recruiter of the Guard and Borderland Explorer, but this is where I need to start paying attention to my rare count. So many sets have a good rare that wants in, but with only so many slots, a lot of good cards are going to be left out. As much as possible, I don’t want to use rarity shifts unless absolutely necessary. This may be the reason why Wizards did not have a pick for this set. So, I already have six picks in three sets: Planechase 2012 Brindle Shoat (Green Common),  Illusory Angel (Blue Uncommon) Conspiracy Brago, King Eternal (White/Blue Rare),  Academy Elite (Blue Uncommon) Conspiracy: Take the Crown Recruiter of the Guard (White Rare),  Borderland Explorer (Green Common) I mentioned that I could’ve put The Greatest Thief in the Multiverse™, but I didn’t because I want to have the planeswalkers be monocolored. Yes, planeswalkers plural.
Jace, the Mind Sculptor (Blue Mythic) from Worldwake Liliana of the Veil (Black Mythic) from Innistrad Chandra, Torch of Defiance (Red Mythic) from Kaladesh Right now, I’m torn between taking either Ajani and Garruk, or Gideon and Nissa. Both options will allow me to take a planeswalker from one of the core sets, so it is a matter of deciding between nostalgia and now. Anyway, that means I now have 9/249 cards. So far, so good. Next up will be cards from the Commander sets. Will I be able to find two unique cards from each set without going ham on multicolor or rare? Stay tuned...
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gideonstrix · 6 days
More about
⭒๋࣭𝑮𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒙 𓆙
★ Gender - Male
★ Sexual orientation - Bisexual
★ Height - 6' or 183cm
★ Blood Status - Halfblood
★ House - Slytherin
★ Eye Color - Green with rings of brown and flecks of gold around the pupils
★ Hair Color - Dark Auburn
★ Favorite Subject(s) - Defense Against the Dark Arts or just The Dark Arts where Sebastian is Involved lol and Care of Magical Creatures
★ He also loves exploring and flying his broom(s) and has a soft spot for interior decorating
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☆ Gideon Strix is a charming and charismatic boy. He is generally quite friendly and compassionate, but will not be forgiving if you hurt his loved ones. He cares deeply for all of his friends and is always glad to lend a hand when needed. He is quite intelligent and cunning and does not shy away from learning and sometimes utilizing the darker sides of magic. He also has a fondness for magical creatures, and especially Nifflers as he finds them quite amusing and cute. He shares a dorm room with Sebastian and Ominis they're dating. Though sometimes it feels like Gideon and Ominis are more like Sebastian's exasperated parents (They adore him). And he is a Halfblood wizard, in which his father who was a wizard passed away when he was quite young and he was raised by his muggle mother. If anyone is brave enough to pick on him for this, it doesn't last long. ☆
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gideonstrix · 5 days
Information sheet + student ID for
⭒๋࣭𝑮𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒙 𓆙
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Template by @kiwiplaetzchen
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Template by @acslytherpuff
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gideonstrix · 1 day
Can you share 5 facts about Gideon? He seems so interesting and I'd like to know more about him :D
Of course!! Thanks for the ask 😊
I’m kind of learning with him as I go too so it’s just as interesting to me ahah
5 facts about ⭒๋࣭𝑮𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒙
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1. His dad was a wizard (English) and his mum is a muggle (Scottish) so although he was raised in an English home that his dad left to them after his passing, he was raised by his Scottish muggle mum. He had heard some things about wizard kind and magic from stories she told him about his dad, but as his dad passed when he was quite young he didn’t have too much involvement with the magical world pre-Hogwarts
2. Being Raised by just his mum he is quite caring and empathetic and surprisingly good at a lot of “feminine” things (cooking, sewing, what have you) and generally kind and in check with his emotions, however this does not mean that if someone has intentions to harm his loved ones or other things that he cares for that he won’t use a bit of dark magic on them in return
3. Gideons birthday is October 21st which makes him a Libra ! We did his birth chart and he is a Libra Sun, Libra Moon, Scorpio rising (October 21st 1873 7:25am London England)
“Libra (sun) men are known for being charming, polite, and smooth. They are also known for being great listeners and observers.”
“Libra moons are empathetic and understanding, and have a natural ability to listen and provide balanced advice.”
“Scorpio rising signs can be fiercely protective of themselves and their loved ones”
4. Gideon loves magical creatures! He was always friendly with animals before. Cats, dogs, etc and found their company to be pleasant, but since learning about magical creatures he has taken a huge liking to them, particularly Nifflers as he finds them incredibly adorable and amusing. He appreciates the animals and all of their usefulness, and how incredibly smart they are. This is why his future chosen career is a Magizoologist in which he works closely with his dear friend Poppy Sweeting to educate the public on magical creatures, eventually passing this job on to the famous Newt Scamander. Also RIP any poachers that dare cross his path. He’s earned quite a reputation among them.
5. After their fifth year, when Quidditch was restored to Hogwarts, Gideon tried out for the Slytherin team and went on to join as their new Keeper. Gideon is quite tall (6’ ((or 183cm)) and growing!, he will eventually be about 6’2”) which helps when he is covering and defending the goalposts. He also quite enjoys the skill and concentration it takes to keep the other team from scoring. He and Imelda, though one might not consider them “friends” exactly, do have a huge mutual respect for each other on the field and work well together within the team.
Thank you so much for asking questions about Gideon! We had a ton of fun putting this together and hope you enjoy it 🥰💚🐍
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gideonstrix · 6 days
Hello ! ~
This is our blog for Hogwarts Legacy MC Gideon Strix
You can find all of our posts involving Gideon by searching tag "Gideon Strix"
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A few things about us to get started
★ we are an osdd System
★ we are 18+
★ we do NOT support Jokes Rolling's crappy views
★ we ARE lgbtq+
★ we do wish to for the most part remain anonymous but you can call us by Gideon's name or Siri
★ please use he/they pronouns for us
★ we do ship Sebinis and MC x Sebinis
★ we do also have Sebastian in our system
for better or for worse
★ we will be dumping a lot of in game screenshots on here
★ we play on PC see, crappy laptop and currently have about 230 hours in game
We look forward to meeting you all and your MCs!
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if you saw this blog appear and disappear a few days ago, it's because we forgot you can't interact as a side blog, so we made a new one separately for more anonymity
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gideonstrix · 3 days
⭒๋࣭𝑮𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒙 𓆙
Close ups
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gideonstrix · 5 days
It just occurred to me that since Gideon seems to love magical creatures so much he's probably what one would call a "slytherpuff" 🤭
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gideonstrix · 4 hours
Quidditch Practice
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Gideon is a show off sometimes
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POV you face the Slytherin team tomorrow and Ominis is protective of his boyfriends
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Gotta go fast
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