#Ghosts aren't affected by Fear Gas
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dcxdpdabbles · 1 month ago
Scarecrow: I am the master of Fear!
Danny: Look, dude, I don't care what you and my knight get up to in the privacy of your bedroom, but you keep that to yourself.
Scarecrow: A wise guy, huh? Let's see how many jokes you can crack after my latest creation.
Danny: Agh! Did you just spray me with your cheap cologne?
Scarecrow: You shall know fear.
Danny: I shall know a shower to get this smell off me. What is that? Citrus? Gross.
Scarecrow: Why aren't you screaming in horror!?
Danny: Oh, I've experienced horrors alright. I have a meeting with Fright Knight after this. I won't be able to look him in the eye later.
Red Robin: This isn't what I was expecting when I used the emergency summons Constantine gave me. I thought it would bring him here not, who ever you are.
Danny: I forgot about my summoner. Hold tight, I'll save you now.
Danny to Scarecrow: Look, dude, normally I would beat you up, stuff you into a thermos, and wash my hands of it. But seeing as you're Fright Knight's lover, I'll just steal the human boy and give you a warning instead. Sound good?
Scarecrow: You shall not!
Red Robin: Wait a minute!
Danny snapping his fingers to open a protal: Shush human sacrifice. We must leave.
Scarecrow: Don't you dare! Hey!
Danny: Okay byeeeeeeee!~ *protal closes*
Batman: *crashing through a window* Scarecrow where is Red Robin!? What have you done with him!
Scarecrow: He got kidnapped by a being that feels no fear.
Batman: I will make you talk.
Scarecrow: I know I'm crazy but that's actually what happened, I swear.
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kaidatheghostdragon · 10 months ago
Halfas and Fear Gas
Ive seen a lot of "fear gas makes danny high." Its hilarious and i love it. Other variations i recall seeing are: fear is not as potent, complete immunity, 'food supplement' fear gas, and the boring 'effects him like normal.'
I haven't really seen anyone treat effect effect on the brain and core as separate processes. In other words, humans get affected one way, ghosts get affected another way, and halfas get blasted by both.
We already know how normal humans are affected, so we dont really need to go over that. Ghosts, however, are free reign. (Unless there's a canon incident where a ghost like boston brand or gentleman ghost are exposed to a fear gas attack? Any DC canon nerds out there that know of something like that?)
The options I've seen or thought up so far:
Complete immunity - ectoplasm just doesn't react to physical matter in a way that impacts the ghost. Fear gas, as in the chemical itself, has no effect whatsoever.
Effects ghosts like humans. Straight forward, it's a bit weird if you think about it, but eh.
Fear gas, as in the chemical itself, is like ghost weed, or perhaps something stronger. Might be hallucinogenic, but in a bad trip sort of way rather than a worst fear sort of way
Fear gas, as in the chemical itself, is accidentally a super effective health suppliment for ghosts
If emotions are food to ghosts, fear gassed humans can span the range between 'delectable snack sprinkled with extra sugar' to 'weird chemical food that isnt healthy but will still sustain you' to 'supercharged health snack completely saturated by nutrients'
Fear gas, either the chemical itself or the people affected by it, has a distinct smell. It could be good, bad, or neutral, possibly related to how it affects the ghost. (Or deceptive, for humor and/or angst.)
Fear gas is outright toxic to ghosts. Perhaps the chemical itself is similar to, but just left of, ectoplasm. Like many artificial chemicals that can substitute various nutrients / usurp metabolic pathways in humans, it could have any number of mild to debilitating, short to long term effects on ghosts.
(If anyone has another idea, feel free to add)
Now we get to halfas, who have both a human brain and a ghost core. Dany has a human body and brain that are affected normally by the fear gas: hallucinations, panic attack, adrenaline response, etc etc. Someone better at biology can describe the actual biochemical processes going on.
But the ghost core? Added on top of All That? Can be excessively angsty, somewhat mitigating, or outright hilarious.
Going through the list of options:
Complete immunity.
This sounds boring, but its actually my favorite. Why? Because danny is getting conflicting signals. His brain is compromised and in full panic, but his core is telling him that he's completely safe. As a hybrid, Danny could be capable of having critical thought with both organs. If he's clever enough to recognize the seperation between the two, he can exploit it as a sort of anchor (I'm imagining it somewhat like how a multitasker can do different things with different senses, like listening to an audio book while solving a jigsaw puzzle - the book is auditory, the puzzle is visual and tactile, neither interfere with the other.)
Danny, in this scenario, is definitely in an altered state of consciousness, seeing things that aren't there and right on the cusp of panicking or defending himself. But if he can recognize that his core is unaffected, he can focus on the sensory input that his core is processing, and the whole situation might be somewhat equivalent to becoming lucid in the middle of a nightmare - its terrifying, but just the recognition that it isn't real takes the edge off. To him, it's now like being stuck in a VR horror game and being unable to take the headset off, flinching at all the jumpscares but recognizing that his body isn't actually being attacked or injured.
Affects ghost like humans
Danny could either be affected exactly the same as anyone else or effectively double-dosed as both brain and core fight entirely different hallucinations. Maybe if danny is lucky, he'll just black out from the sensory overload.
Ghost weed
This could make what was initially designed to be a really bad trip into something catastrophic... or mellow it out. Idk. I've never done recreational drugs. Both the brain and core are cut off from reality. The brain is terrified, and the core is tripping out. If his core naturally reacts to his emotional state, it's gonna amplify the effects, which is Really Bad. If the core is compromised to a point where it can't really process anything, then Danny is still trapped in a nightmare state, just more loopy and otherwise no worse than any human.
Health supplement and/or literal food
This one is confusing. Brain is terrified, core is satiated? Energized? A boost to his powers is gonna make him much more difficult to contain and treat. When he comes out of it, there's real potential for angst from danny worrying that the conflicting emotions of absolute terror and hunger satiation are a sign that he's turning evil. Especially if his core was instinctually feeding off of the fear of nearby civilians who were also gassed during the trip. That undercurrent of predatory satisfaction is gonna leave him awake at night for a few weeks.
On the plus side, feeding his ghost core might help it clear out the toxin faster, so the trip is much shorter. Maybe he even pulls out of it before he accidentally causes any damage with his powers.
Pretty straightforward. If it smells bad, Danny is automatically gonna hold his breath, limiting his exposure. If it smells good, he might take a good few wiffs before realizing what's up and holding his breath, or just keeps dosing himself more and more as that effects, good or bad to the core and definitely bad to the brain, settle in.
Has the potential to be much more long-term and insidious. You can run the full gamut here. Does he need to be restrained and taken to the far frozen for days or even weeks of treatment? Does the ectoplasm incorporate the drug, and Danny has to suffer weeks or months of microdosing until it's used up, turning him into a paranoid schizophrenic during that time? Is it blood blossoms 2.0? Does it have no mental effects but screws with his powers? Does it influence his emotional self-control? Does he grow the ghost equivalent of a tumor that encapsulates the toxin and has to be surgically removed? Does he need supplemental ecto to remain healthy, temporarily, or permanently? Does it affect his ectosignature or peak power level? Injure his core? Lower his healing factor?
All of this is on top of the initial fear gas trip, which he may have never even fully pulled out of. The angst possibilities are endless.
Then, there are liminals who have the potential to be affected like halfas or in an entirely different way. Does your headcanon give them proto-cores or baby ghost cores, or are they just severely ectoconaminated? How would that change their symptoms?
Anyways, just some ideas for people to use. My favorite idea so far, that I'd love to see someone use, is that Danny has learned to use his separate brain and core as insurance against mind control and mind-altering drugs. The freakshow incident was a sort of catalyst that helped him recognize the differences between his brain and core, and he taught himself how to lean into one or the other for various advantages in different situations. (Sort of like how a person can lean on either logic or intuition to make different types of choices.)
There's a lot of interesting potential here. Essentially, Danny could teach himself to be immune to mind-control and greatly resistant to drugs, as he can evaluate his surroundings with both organs and identify differences. Mind control wouldn't work unless it targeted BOTH brain and core, as he could shift to the uncontrolled one to break away. Any drug designed to knock out or roofie a human is countered by the fact that danny's core still remains conscious of his surroundings, and creative use of ghost powers counters the accompanying paralysis.
If ghosts dont sleep, one could argue that Danny's core is in a meditative state when his brain rests, which is why his ghost sense can wake him up from a dead sleep - he's never fully unconscious. Workoholic danny could find a way to get homework or paperwork done, or solve a problem, or design a piece of tech, or even play a videogame, while 'sleeping,' even using ectokinesis to move stuff while his body is sleep-paralyzed. Sleep-deprived danny is still functional because his core isn't affected by his brain's lapses in consciousness from micro-naps. (He is a lot moodier, though. His core is more emotion-focused while his brain is more logic-focused, on top of the normal mood-swings from sleep deprivation.)
This version of danny, after being fear-gassed, immediately recognizes that his brain and core are suddenly experiencing two different realities. He would be able to talk himself down from a panic attack and slowly find his way to safety. He probably wouldn't trust himself to hold back if he got in a scuffle, but he would be coherent enough to vaguely understand his surroundings to avoid danger.
And lastly, something I dont recall seeing in any fics - if the bats encountered fear-gassed Danny, and he's aware enough to refuse an antidote, I dont think the bats would push it. Yeah, forcing more medical trauma on our favorite blorbo is all good and fun, but he clearly has an altered metabolism that was affected differently by the fear gas than normal, so there's a heightened risk that the antidote would also have an altered affect, for the reward of removing the effects of fear-toxin (which is no longer guaranteed), which danny is already showing he's capable of working through.
On top of that, medical professionals are not allowed to force treatment if the patient refuses them and can walk it off. (If they are unconscious or can't get up on their own, they can intervene.) Medical conditions and allergies are a thing too, and its the priority of the patient to inform the medical worker as soon as possible to prevent complications. Jazz may have coached Danny about "in a medical emergency, declare closet-meta status with highly modified metabolism and unknown reactions to most drugs."
I see the conversation going something like:
"If you can hear me, im going to administer an antidote."
"Dont. Give it to someone who actually needs it."
And then the bat treats everyone else before approaching danny again to ask how they can help. They would be trained to take all of this into account:
Human male, visibly uninjured (unless the fic writer has different ideas) experiencing non-standard reaction to fear toxin. Probable indication of meta or enhanced status.
Victim is cognizent, replied to verbal communication, denied treatment. Appears to be managing the effects of the fear toxin. Not currently a danger to themselves or others.
Nonstandard reaction to fear-toxin implies potential non-standard reaction to antidote. Victim may be aware of medical condition that could complicate treatment, and is reasonably stable at the moment. Further questioning needed.
There are other victims in the area that are less cognizent, they become higher priority. Approach victim again when all other victims are cleared out, (in case of uncontrolled meta powers, to avoid further casualties), ask more questions and ascertain situation.
Once questioned further, danny drops the memorized line about altered metabolism and unknown effects, and giving Danny the antidote basically immediately becomes a non-viable option. They will probably argue Danny into being taken to Leslie's clinic, as he'll refuse a hospital (probably quite hysterically, given the fear toxin), which i'd imagine is the bat's normal protocol for closet-metas.
At least, that's how I imagine the situation panning out. Danny noping out before the bats return to him or during mid-interrogation is also extremely likely, which is gonna put the bats in panic mode for the next several hours. (Going to *any* secondary location with the bats is a non-option to Danny, for many potential reasons.) Danny is definitely going on a watch list (as in, possible meta with unknown powers, keep an eye out in case he gets caught up in another rogue scheme, need more information).
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hollow-grave-diggs · 8 months ago
This made me think, like, Cranes fear juice is actually really good for ghosts and can be a substitute for ectoplasm in dire times, so when Danny's seriously injured he gets transported to the nearest source of ectoplasm to heal and dropped into a mostly empty warehouse packed with toxin gas and a cackling scarecrow. Danny promptly snatches a shot of toxin and injects himself with a sigh, letting himself knit back together much to cranes shock and the bats horror.
--Word Count -- roughly 1200 words
Panting, Danny staggers another few steps to the open, swirling rift in the center of the base. He knows, somehow, deep inside, that if he can get through the portal he will be safe.
There’s scientists shouting from where they crowd around the door, staying far from him and the toxic green slice in space-time.
His injuries are bad, but he can still move around the incision that traces the length of his torso and the bruises and fractures in his ankles and wrists from his struggles against the restraints. Each step hurts, but he gets a foot in the portal, and then he’s falling through space.
When the acid trip of dimensional travel fades, he’s hovering in the rafters of a… warehouse?
He blinks, squinting at the scene playing out below him.
There’s a man in a strange costume cackling like a madman and facing off against a strangely colorful band of people in domino masks. He almost looks like a decrepit scarecrow or something with the way he’s dressed, but the capes aren't any better. There's one man in a black and blue suit holding sticks, a child that couldn't be older than 13 with a sword of all things, and a woman in purple.
There’s a lot of shouting and what has to be an evil monologue from the scarecrow man before the room begins to fill with a green tinted gas. The colorful group of, presumably, heroes all pull on gas masks, but Danny recognizes the gas.
Strangely enough, as it wafts up to him, it smells a lot like ectoplasm. Of course, it’s not as pure as something from the zone, and it has a tangy aftertaste on the back of his tongue, but it feels a lot like a synthetic substitute. It’s good.
He perks up as the ectoplasm floods his system, and he sighs in relief as it acts like a painkiller. It’s not enough to heal him completely, but it dulls the pain in his legs and arms and throat.
The scary man lifts a neon green syringe with another laugh and lunges for one of the heroes. If that syringe is what he thinks it is…
Danny has got to get his hands on that.
A shot of this stuff could go a long way to fixing him up, and with the way he’s dripping viscous green blood from his exposed ribcage, he could really, really use that.
It takes a second of careful breathing and reminding himself he’s had worse to actually start moving. As injured as he is, going intangible is not in the cards. Invisibility is, though, so he just floats down regularly behind the tall madman, who's gone back to monologuing.
His form flickers into visibility again, and he looms over the laughing man. It’s clear the heroes see him, but they don’t do anything, likely out of fear of drawing attention to his sudden appearance behind the villain.
He feels himself being analyzed, likely being determined friend or foe, but doesn't care. He’s only got eyes for the syringe. The villain must trace all the heroes’ gazes to Danny, because he turns around and freezes.
Danny is sure his eyes are glowing with hunger, hair floating around his face like it isn't affected by gravity, and he probably makes for a grisly sight, coated in glowing blood, organs exposed and beating heart pulsing behind his ribs. Still, he takes advantage of the clear fear the scarecrow-like man displays and snatches up the syringe, quickly injecting it into his arm where dozens of needle scars sit.
He nearly melts with the sudden wave of relief that floods his system. The glowing aura around him grows brighter, and Danny looks down to see his skin slowly knitting together, presence growing stronger and more solid.
Still, it wears off too quickly as his body uses it up to heal internal damages. He clears his throat, leans to the side to hack up a chunk of something unpleasant, and tries to speak.
At first, all that comes out is the icy murmur of ghostspeak like the sound of snow crunching underfoot. Everyone winces, and the scarecrow man clamps hands over his ears with a groan. Too close. Danny leans back and tries again.
“So-orry.'' His voice is rough and broken. His throat wasn’t fully healed up yet.
A pause.
“YOu got ANny moRE a’ that StUFF?” His voice comes out like a low hiss, and he tilts his head to the side questioningly, not noticing how some of the colorful capes in the back flinch away at the unnerving motion and crackling sounds his neck makes.
The scarecrow man’s face is obscured, but Danny thinks he must be in shock.
Danny blinks his wide, glowing green eyes again.
Finally, the gears click and whir in the villain’s head and he nods frantically, fishing a case from his pocket and offering it up to Danny.
Danny takes it gratefully and retreats up to the rafters. The ground floor below is still deathly quiet and unmoving, all eyes focused on him. He shifts uncomfortably.
Well now he feels kinda bad…
“You CAan go baCK to FIghtING noww. Doon’t let Me STOp yoU.”
He decides against giving himself a shot and instead lifts the syringe to his mouth, biting down and shattering the glass with his fangs to allow the 'diet ectoplasm' to flow down his throat.
Sure, maybe he ingests some glass shards, but as the ectoplasm heals him, he just turns intangible enough for the glass to pass through. They clink to the ground far below, where he notes that the heroes used the scarecrows' moment of stillness to apprehend the guy.
He doesn't even fight or protest, just lets himself be stiffly led away. If Danny listens extra close, now that his hearing is back and better, he can hear the villain muttering about galaxies and the passage of time.
‘Oh yeah,’
Danny thinks,
‘He did get a full look into my eyes.’
The halfa shrugs it off and cracks open another syringe, the thin glass a pleasant texture between his teeth, smiling slightly as his skin forms back fully and his bones snap back into their proper places. He even has the energy to open a small portal to the Ghost Zone to drop off the remaining syringes for later. Very handy!
He hums and turns invisible. Now that he's out of GIW custody, he might as well figure out where he is. This universe is definitely not his, but after his narrow escape, he deserves a vacation.
Red Robin stares at the place the figure had disappeared from.
Some kind of Eldritch demon was in Gotham, and it had Scarecrows concentrated toxin. Of all the weeks for Batman to be in space, it had to be this one??
He shakes his head and turns on his heel to follow Dick and Steph back to the Batmobile.
Was this a situation for the JLD?
Another incredulous head shake.
Too many questions, not enough answers. 
# Dcu x Dp 185
Danny lived in a house that had chemicals
Danny has eaten food that had been contaminated with chemicals all his life
So his body is used to it, all of a sudden he is in a new city and has a new family and no longer eating food that is contaminated with chemicals
Danny thought that this was a good thing until he began to have withdrawal symptoms
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therapeutic-dose · 8 months ago
Tagged by @wildelydawn! Thanks friend!
Do you make your bed?
No, but tbh I wish I did. It makes it looks so much nicer in my room? Mr. Pete (cat) also enjoys sleeping on it more when it's made...
What’s your favourite number?
21, probably, but that's likely because I make a lot of 1:20 dilutions for a dilution factor of 21 haha
What’s your job?
I run tests on blood and pee and evaluate the results for any pre-analytical/analytical/post-analytical errors and anything else that could be affecting the accuracy of the test results. I also maintain and troubleshoot problems with the machines that perform testing. No one knows I exist lmao.
If you could go back to school would you?
Yes, but there are a thousand things stopping me, on being my mortgage lmao.
Can you parallel park?
A job that would surprise people?
I'm... not a million percent sure what this question means, but if it was with regards to something that I did that surprised people whether real job or imagined, then it would be something heavy in math.
Do you think aliens are real?
There's no way they aren't!
Can you drive a manual car?
Probably not at this point, though I drove a few in my teens
What’s your guilty pressure?
General comeuppances for people who have desperately needed them lol.
Two! One a symbol I designed myself with the message "I will survive to live again" located on my left inner forearm, and another that is similar to Changkyun of Monsta X's smiley tattoo, which is very simple and looks like this : ) : located on my right wrist over my radial artery (where arterial blood gas samples are drawn)
Favourite colour?
I love color so much, it's honestly hard to pick. I think these days it's in the scope of light aqua all the way down to ultramarine.
Favourite type of music?
Kpop and myriad sub-genres (Monsta X and OnlyOneOf are my ult groups), pop punk, atlernative, southern rock, rock
Do you like puzzles?
LOVE Puzzles. All kinds of puzzles. You need a puzzle beaten for your game? GIVE ME.
Still terrible at sudoku though. Probably related to fear of Math.
Any phobias?
Long squiggly bugs and the slimey no-bones one that live in the soil that I legit cannot even say the word without feeling ill. Anything that doesn't have bones and is slimy.
Favourite childhood sport?
Do you talk to yourself?
I worked night shifts alone in the lab and it was just me and the ghost. I didn't not want to talk to the ghost. That habit has carried over lol.
Coffee or tea?
Coffee, for now!
First thing you wanted to be growing up?
My memory is trash but probably doctor? Who knows.
Tbh I don't know or follow many people on here, so I'll leave this jut for folks that might want to do it! Please tag me if you do, I'd love to chat with people more!
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egg-emperor · 5 years ago
Unpopular opinion: ShTH did Eggman dirty plot-wise and I wish there was an ending where Shadow joins him, but characterization-wise he's actually really good, gushing about his creations, putting down GUN because he can do better and calling Shadow and the androids "my boy(s)". He also has pretty nice missions so it's fun to help him :D
I completely agree! If there was an option to actually obey Eggman in at least one story route that involves him, it would be a prime example of his portrayals. In terms of actual character, they got it down perfectly!
And it would’ve been amazing to join him! I love helping him in his missions and it’s a shame that there’s no other option but to battle him, even if you were buddy buddy just seconds before. Why can’t I let Eggman have all the emeralds “like a good boy”? I want bring him happiness in such a chaotic time come on fshkljgdnhfg
Even though the world is being terrorized and destroyed by the Black Arms, Eggman's main concern was the way it's affecting him. How can he take over the city if there is no city? He knew they could destroy the entire planet, yet showed no fear until the final showdown of Shadow facing Black Doom. Understandably, as he was literally paralyzed and the gas from the comet hit.
But his bravery was very apparent, even throughout all the shit he went through in every route he's involved in, canon and non canon. Not only do the aliens target his bases, even G.U.N interfere in Circus Park, Iron Jungle and Lava Shelter! They thought he would be vulnerable in the height of all the chaos, but he was ready for action with fleets, robots/androids and defense systems.
He also has a bunch of great moments and perfect characterization! He's brave, well prepared, confident and remains optimistic despite the multiple challenges and enemies. I adore the way he's still so positive, upbeat and playful during the missions. It also offers more of a look into his perspective of G.U.N, the aliens, and his thoughts on his bases and creations on a more personal level.
He gets excited while witnessing Shadow carry out his orders, talks about his bases and operations with pride, boasts about his superiority over G.U.N and the Black Arms and compares his creations to theirs. Getting to hear his thoughts and reactions to things makes me feel really connected to him when I play and I wish we had it to this extent in more games. 💜
He makes lots of interesting and funny comments on areas and situations. Like "it's a dead end, or is it?" and "stupid ghosts, thinking that they can just haunt my Cryptic Castle!" and "I'm the one who should rule this world!" because he's so appalled by the Black Arms thinking they can come along and steal his thing.
He calls the robots "his boys" and wonders how they're doing, tells Shadow to "say hi and be friends" to the androids and tells him not to ruin the "fun little act" of his juggling robots. He's also entertained by watching them fight his enemies and asks Shadow to help them if things aren't going well. It shows the connection to them he has and it's a real treat.
I adore the way he was so enthusiastic about showing Shadow his theme park! It was getting away from the chaos to have fun and enjoy having Shadow as a visitor. He explains the carnival games and circus and even acts like he's on the coasters, saying "what a rush!" when he isn't even on it. Why is he such an adorable lovable bastard ffjdngkdgh
I love that he's serious and threatening when called for, like in his boss scenes where he's absolutely pissed, demanding respect and being possessive of the emeralds. He also pushes the truth of his grandfather's legacy aside to lie to him and tell him that he is his creator, that he has no past and that he needs to know his place as an android. He messes with Shadow's head for his own selfish gain.
ShtH is one of the first examples I would give of him having a perfect balance of evil and comedy. It's a shame that Eggman lost comedic aspects in 06, because this game proves his design and character fits perfectly no matter how dark the tone is, it always has.
It’s also the game with my favorite acting Mike has done besides Unleashed. It was his first game and since he was fantastic in X, he was already perfect for the game role and gave him lots of charm!
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princealigorna · 4 years ago
Also, if you believe Trump's failures, lies, and aggressive tendencies won't affect you, remember this quote from Rev. Martin Neimoller " First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me" Authoritarians are by nature paranoid individuals that cannot process criticism of any kind and need to consistently have enemies, both to make themselves feel bigger by "fighting" them and to keep their base pacified (it's easy to unify people under a common enemy). So what starts as targeting specific groups for gain always, eventually, becomes using terror and murder to force compliance from all, because these people build up so many enemies that eventually they start believing their own bullshit and seeing a potential threat in every shadow. You think you're safe now, because you're not Latin American, you're not Black, you're not trans, you're not a journalist (Trump said just the other day at a rally that it was "the most beautiful thing" that a reporter covering the police protests got his knee blown out with a rubber bullet that he mistakenly called a tear gas canister!). Just wait. If Trump wins a second term, just wait. You aren't safe. You never were safe. It's only a matter of time before he either runs out of ghosts to chase, or someone in a group you belong to says something that sets him off. Even if Trump doesn't come for you personally, he's a master of stochastic terrorism. One of his loyal loons will gladly pop a cap in your ass, while proudly saying that he solved a problem for his dear leader...and Trump will just go, "No, it wasn't me. It was some lone nut." Because that's how stochastic terrorism works. You don't coordinate organized acts of terror yourself. You instead use a wide public platform to drum up fear in the populace, trusting that someone listening will be crazy enough to read between the lines and "solve the problem" for you while you maintain plausible deniability. So listen, bucko. Shatter your delusion of safety right now. Your privilege won't save you for long. Because under the paranoia of authoritarianism, no one is ever truly safe.
A lot of people are genuinely terrified about what will happen if Donald Trump wins reelection and it's really weird how some of y'all are acting like everyone begging you to vote for Biden is some privileged, rich, out of touch, neo-liberal when a lot of them are just vulnerable people who don't want to like...die in a brutal civil war or watch all their remaining rights get stripped away by an increasingly authoritarian Republican Party.
I do not know how to express to you how much worse it can get.
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mountpyro · 1 month ago
Danny: *Puts a finger to Red Robin's lips* Hush. I'll be taking you now.
Red Robin: ...yes sir.
Red Robin: Wait, what?
Red Robin: Wow I really wish my comms were off right now.
Cass: 😡
Jason: ...I'll get my molester gun.
Steph: Are we sure Tim's not just being a giant sub? This interaction feels familiar.
Jason: ...I'll get my Jason gun.
Damian: Is there any chance it could also be a Damian gun?
Scarecrow: I am the master of Fear!
Danny: Look, dude, I don't care what you and my knight get up to in the privacy of your bedroom, but you keep that to yourself.
Scarecrow: A wise guy, huh? Let's see how many jokes you can crack after my latest creation.
Danny: Agh! Did you just spray me with your cheap cologne?
Scarecrow: You shall know fear.
Danny: I shall know a shower to get this smell off me. What is that? Citrus? Gross.
Scarecrow: Why aren't you screaming in horror!?
Danny: Oh, I've experienced horrors alright. I have a meeting with Fright Knight after this. I won't be able to look him in the eye later.
Red Robin: This isn't what I was expecting when I used the emergency summons Constantine gave me. I thought it would bring him here not, who ever you are.
Danny: I forgot about my summoner. Hold tight, I'll save you now.
Danny to Scarecrow: Look, dude, normally I would beat you up, stuff you into a thermos, and wash my hands of it. But seeing as you're Fright Knight's lover, I'll just steal the human boy and give you a warning instead. Sound good?
Scarecrow: You shall not!
Red Robin: Wait a minute!
Danny snapping his fingers to open a protal: Shush human sacrifice. We must leave.
Scarecrow: Don't you dare! Hey!
Danny: Okay byeeeeeeee!~ *protal closes*
Batman: *crashing through a window* Scarecrow where is Red Robin!? What have you done with him!
Scarecrow: He got kidnapped by a being that feels no fear.
Batman: I will make you talk.
Scarecrow: I know I'm crazy but that's actually what happened, I swear.
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