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participolis · 9 years ago
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A Detroit, une appli a réenchanté le rapport à la ville
“Sortie de la faillite il y a un an, la grande ville du Michigan a développé des applications pour que les citoyens s’investissent dans le renouveau de la ville. Une initiative qui améliore aussi la communication de la municipalité.”
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participolis · 9 years ago
What if civic engagement could be fun and easy as well as rewarding?
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participolis · 9 years ago
“When people have a say in the decisions that affect their lives, they will be better off economically as well as politically. (...)
But can a participatory democracy lead to greater economic opportunity? We are just beginning to amass evidence that this idea is true, understand how and why it works, and figure out how to make it happen better and faster.”
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participolis · 9 years ago
“Engagement is only going to evolve beyond “slacktivism” if the platform produces real change and supporters know that it is successful. In order to affect real change, platforms need to achieve the Productive Actions and Feedback Loops stages of the engagement funnel.”
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participolis · 9 years ago
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participolis · 9 years ago
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participolis · 9 years ago
“ The crises we are experiencing should fuel efforts to start building better cities now. A more cohesive and sustainable society arises from its public spaces and landmarks, good streets, squares, parks, memorials, theaters and museums. These are a city’s “living rooms,” where urbanity happens. A human construct by definition, a city is a setting for people to meet. We must shape its future. “
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participolis · 9 years ago
“The idea was to test whether high-density, mass community participation can be scaled up to create a participatory city. And we believe it can,” says Laura Billings and Tessy Britton, co-founders of Civic Systems Lab, the organisation behind the Open Works. “Community participation should be the starting point in any community development, not an afterthought.”
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participolis · 9 years ago
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“Tecnopolítica y calidad democrática”
“Las reglas de juego han cambiado. La tecnopolítica empodera a los ciudadanos y abre nuevas posibilidades para la comunicación política. Son tecnologías cívicas, sociales y políticas que, usadas de una forma responsable, serán capaces de aumentar la calidad de nuestras democracias.” -  Antoni Gutiérrez-Rubí
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participolis · 9 years ago
Le citadin devient acteur de sa ville Sans basculer dans un angélisme exagéré, l’économie collaborative, c’est aussi l’économie du partage et de l’échange. Et pour cela, la ville s’avère être un formidable terrain de jeux. Pour favoriser la convivialité et développer les interactions, on assiste à l’apparition d’un nouveau mouvement : l’urbanisme tactique également appelé hacking urbain. A l’opposé des grands projets d’aménagement dont les citadins ne sont que spectateurs, les initiatives d’urbanisme tactique sont lancées par les habitants et se font à petite échelle sur du court terme.
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participolis · 9 years ago
“In this mix of complexity and incompleteness lies the possibility for those without power to assert “we are here” and “this is also our city”. Or, as the legendary statement by the fighting poor in Latin American cities puts it, “Estamos presentes”: we are present, we are not asking for money, we are just letting you know that this is also our city“
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participolis · 9 years ago
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participolis · 9 years ago
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Why is Cebras por la Vida so important for Bogotá? See :
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participolis · 9 years ago
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participolis · 9 years ago
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participolis · 9 years ago
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participolis · 9 years ago
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City Planners Must Practice Everyone-Based Design
See more at:
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