#Ghost mix both creamer and sugar into his tea
gomzdrawfr · 10 months
cold ruthless emotionless characters that has a sweet tooth is my favourite trope
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joanofarcbutsilly · 1 year
john “soap” mactavish x reader
ft. ghost
cute little thoughts about soap and reader finding a place to enjoy
reader is gender neutral! can be read as platonic or romantic!
my favorite order at MY local diner is included as a little easter egg hehe
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one of the ways soap shows you he cares is by remembering as much information about you as he possibly can
pov: you and soap are at a diner you two love to visit on your off time after being relocated
a little establishment that’s pretty close to the base, just near enough to be able to sneak off without being caught be ghost
simon always knows when you and johnny leave camp, nothing really escapes him, especially the goings on at work. even though he will ALWAYS be able to find another task that needs completing for one or both of you, he also knows that soap loves the thrill of your “secret” rendezvous. he won’t admit it, but he finds it very cute, and how could he put a stop to such a simple pleasure?
anyways! back to soap!
so you two are at the your little hide out hole-in-the-wall, just chatting it up about anything and everything
soap LOVES to gossip
he will tell you some probably (read: definitely) fake stories. like the time he had to share a bed with the rest of the 141 at a safe house, and he SWEARS TO GOD that when he woke up in the middle of the night he saw simon and price cuddling in their sleep.
you can make fun of him all you want, call him a no good liar, say you KNOW it’s not true, you can even bring proof! tell him about the time you and ghost had to share a little patch of floor for bedtime, and when you knocked into him in his sleep he punched you in the stomach so hard you almost threw up.
soap says simon must just not like you that much, because he SWEARS ghost has kissed him on the forehead in his sleep.
he is such a faker.
there is no real point in arguing with him, he will defend each and everyone of his tall tales to his death. he has swore on everything he holds dear, including his mother, and locked pinkies with you so many times that it’s a little inside greeting for the two of you now.
you and soap have also challenged yourselves to try EVERYTHING on the menu. johnny insists that you give every menu item a shot, even the ones you know for a fact you won’t/don’t like. HOWEVER, he always has a clever excuse to why he can’t eat anything with mushrooms.
the seriousness of his “allergy” to mushrooms has been recorded ranging from hives, to immediate anaphylactic shock, he’s even claimed that he will combust into flames.
YOU have to try everything though. no excuses.
once you have managed to taste the entire menu, you go back to ordering whatever is your favorite
which brings us to soap’s next little quirk
soap LOVES ordering for you
not in a controlling way of course! he just loves to show off how well he knows you, to the smallest detail!
he knows EXACTLY how you like your favorite drink. how many creamers and sugar packets you like in your coffee, the juice you prefer (and has no shame in asking for mixes of several types, since he knows that you like an apple and cranberry juice concoction), and if you like iced tea, he knows how many lemon slices you like and if you like it sweetened or unsweetened. he knows all of this by HEART. your preferences are tattooed onto his soul.
so when the waitress comes over and turns to you to ask for your order, soap holds up both of his hands frantically and exclaims for you to wait. he then leans forward with his eyes closed and his elbows on the table, fingers massaging his temples.
“hmmm-“ he starts, much too seriously for the problem at hand, “they wan’ a denver skillet. eggs sunny side up. extra cheese and peppers. replace the toast with pancakes. with chocolate chips. and sprinkes. and whipped cream.”
he breaks character when he can’t hold back anymore and his face cracks into a smile, “could ya’ make the pancakes into a mouse?”
the waitress is charmed and amused by the two of you, and especially appreciates the generous tip she gets from you both, so she is more than willing to put up with your shenanigans.
soap still has a sly grin when he asks you if you’d like to change anything
soap is a human garbage can, so if you order for him (just make sure it doesn’t have mushrooms), whatever it is, he will loudly declare that it was the best meal he’s ever had.
when you and the rest of the 141 eventually have to move from this base to the next, this little tradition continues. you and soap immediately hunt out the closest local eatery, and start all over.
soap cannot keep his mouth shut, and will tell ghost all of the details of your excursions when he gets bored on coms.
ghost will just ignore him most of the time, just humming in false acknowledgment of whatever the hell soap is saying.
BUT. soap doesn’t know it, but his Lt. has taken the liberty to visit the same establishments as the two of you, and has escaped running into you guys by the skin of his teeth.
thank god he never stays, because soap would be in SO MUCH SHIT
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sandsofoneiros · 3 years
Saturday Delights.
Requested piece. 
Warning: Hints at sex, making out just a little, and that’s pretty much it.
  Tufts of burgundy hair peeked out from underneath the comforter as her soft snores filled the room. BeeBee was curled up behind the crook of her knees as both of them slept. Poe couldn’t help but smile at the blanket burrito that was his girlfriend. He had closed the blinds to let Ro sleep a few more hours than she usually did, given that she had gotten to his place late last night from work. Closing the door behind him, Poe headed to the kitchen to pour himself another cup of coffee. He wasn’t about to disturb the sleeping beauty that was currently occupying his bed. With a freshly poured cup of coffee, he made his way to the living room to invest in the joys of Saturday morning tv. Stretching his legs out, he placed his feet on the coffee table as he channel surf, ultimately settling on Hell’s Kitchen. This was turning out to be a rather quiet morning, and he would not complain.
    After another hour, Poe heard shuffling around the bedroom and waited to see who would emerge first. BeeBee was the first to emerge as he stretched in the doorway before making his way over to Poe and jumping onto the couch. “Who said you could sit on the couch, huh?” Leaning over, Poe rubbed the Shiba’s exposed belly, “Sleeping beauty still getting her much needed sleep?” BeeBee huffed before jumping down and heading to his food dish. Poe following behind since he had waited for the dog to wake up before serving him some breakfast. He didn’t hear the padding of bare feet as he gave BeeBee fresh food and water. Instead, he felt her arms snaked around his waist and her head resting on his back, right in between his shoulder blades.
   “Good morning, sleeping beauty.” He chuckled as he placed one hand over hers and walked around the kitchen, grabbing her two favorite cups. One is for coffee and the other for tea. He knows better than to mix the cups up. “Do you want coffee or tea this morning?”
   “Coffee, please.”
  “I think you mean sugar and creamer with a dash of coffee.” Chuckling, Poe does his best to prepare her morning coffee while she’s still wrapped around him. Poe usually had his coffee with a little of creamer, but he had taken it upon himself to learn how Ro liked hers. It was more of a sugary concoction that he often teased her about. “Go sit on the couch and I’ll bring it to you.”
   Shaking her head against his back, Poe could only laugh. She was in much more of a clingy mood than usual. It probably had to do with how long he had been away this time. He had added a few more flights to his route and had come home later in the week than usual. The soft kisses that were being placed across his bare shoulders made a shiver run down his spine. “Someone’s being naughty.”
   His husky voice made her bite down on her bottom lip as she reached around to grab her cup of coffee. Saturdays were Ro’s favorite. One reason was that it meant that she could enjoy the day in nothing but her pajamas. The other was getting to see Poe in his grey sweatpants that always hung just a little lower, his glasses, and crocs. His hair was perfectly messy, and it always made her want to find other ways to make it messier. The little smack to her butt made her giggle as she took her place on the couch, legs tucked underneath her while she sipped her coffee. “Plans for the day?”
   “Not really. However, I want to see how you feel about something.” Poe asked while he lifted his arms up to let her legs cross his lap. His fingers ghosting over up and down her leg as he looked over at her.
    “If it’s about spending all-day keeping you out of those sweat pants and crocs, then I’m more than happy to. However, the glasses stay on during.” She wiggled her eyebrows at him before taking another sip of her coffee. Her feelings on how they should spend the day made him laugh, and he squeezed her knee just a little, laughing when she jumped before swatting his hand away.
   “We can do that in a bit, but I was wondering how you felt about meeting my parents. I know it’s a big step.” Poe watched her carefully and noted how her grip tightened on her cup. He had a made mistake, and it wasn’t even past 11 AM. “Ro, it’s fine if you aren’t ready. Like I said, it’s a big step. I just thought made it was a good time.”
   Chewing the inside of her cheek thoughtfully, Ro was still processing what Poe had said to her. It would be a big step in their relationship and there was nothing wrong with this step. She had taken Poe to her sister’s university graduation, where he met her aunt. That had been an easy step, and her aunt loved Poe. She had heard so many stories about his parents, and it would be a lie if she said that she didn’t want to meet Kes Dameron.
   “I mean, I’m a little nervous and I’ve never made it to this step with anyone else. Are you sure you want me to meet them?” Placing her cup on the coffee table, Aurora wrapped her arms around herself. She worried about being good enough for Poe all the time. He was a pilot, and she was only a bartender. Nothing overly fancy about her. He could have any girl that he wanted, and it amazed her how he had picked her.
  “Baby, I’m a hundred and fifty percent positive that I want you to. Dad keeps asking, and I think he’s more excited to meet you than you think. Give it some thought and then we can work on a date. No rush.” He patted the side of her thigh before smirking at her. His fingers trailing just a little higher. “Now, I say we act on the idea you had about keeping me out of my sweatpants?”
   Aurora smiled before she shimmed down the couch and into his arms. Pressing the only innocent kiss of the day to his cheek. “I’ll definitely give it some thought after we have our fun today. Thank you for understanding.”
    Poe could only smile before capturing her lips in a kiss, moving her around to settle underneath him before he ran his hands down her sides, giving her hips a soft squeeze. The sound of kissing filled the room as the two enjoyed their Saturday afternoon delight. There were only a few times Poe had his sweatpants on, and that was mostly in between their sessions.
   Later that night, Ro had curled up to Poe’s side and traced patterns on his chest while the man watched Battle of Helm’s Deep. They had started watching The Two Towers. Nothing could truly break Poe out of his concentration while the movie was on, not even her soft touches.
   She could tell that he focused on her at the moment. His glasses had slid down his nose and he took just a second to push them back up. Given that she was about to tell him something important, she grabbed the remote and hit pause. That certainly made him groan before he turned to face her.
    “Alright, you have my undivided attention, Sweet Aurora.” He teased her by using the nickname that she wasn’t overly fond of. The nickname had come when Poe had made the connection that she shared a name with a certain Disney Princess.
“I’ve been thinking about what you said earlier.”
“I have said a lot of things today, babe. Need to be more specific, Roo.”
“I wanna meet your parents.”
  The statement caught Poe off guard and before he knew it; he was peppering kisses to her forehead, cheeks, nose, and lips. He couldn’t stop smiling as he pulled her into his lap and hugged her close to him.
“I take it you’re happy with that?”
“More than happy! Dad is gonna be so happy.”
  Seeing Poe’s smile was contagious, and it didn’t take long before a smile formed on her face as well. She had decided that she was ready to take this step with Poe. They hadn’t always discussed the future, but it was like they would be a part of each other for some time. At least Aurora wanted to think of a future that involved her and Poe together. She hadn’t been with anyone like him before, and it all seemed to go perfectly. Of course they had moments where they fought but nothing would last too long before someone apologized and they worked it out. A future with Poe didn’t seem so bad to her.
   “Hey, Ro? I know we’re supposed to be celebrating, but you paused it right before Aragorn is going to toss Gimli and that’s one of my favorite parts.” Mumbling, Poe took the remote out of her hands and hit the play button. Her head buried in his neck as she let him watch his movie.
   “Love you… .” She whispered faintly as she closed her eyes and listened to the rest of the movie. Missing the large smile that had taken over Poe’s face as he dropped a kiss to her hair.
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