#Ghost Cera Pepper
mysteryideasgroup · 2 months
MSA X Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost Chapter 1: Intro and Museum/Mystery Teams are Disguised as Exhibits/Meeting Two Horror Writers 
In Night of History of the Museums now closed for nights. Dr. Dean and Dr. Chace used to be close to locked up, they held papers in folders. They walked away unnoticed Mystery Teams and Scooby Doo Team disguised as exhibiting. Velma in disguise of Rome. Fred and Daphne in disguise of Medieval. Shaggy and Scooby in disguise of Pre-History of Caveman survival against Sabertooth.
Girls' Clues Club Teams are disguised as Royals: Sarah: Queen, Sapphire (Sarah's Dog/Kitsune): Guard, Samantha (Sarah's Polter Dog/Polter Kitsune): Guard, Ruby (Sarah's Palisman Dog/Kitsune): Guard, Laura: Princess, Sardonyx (Laura's Polter Cat): Alicorn, and Sparkle-Sprinkles (Laura's Palisman Cat/Butterfly): Fairy Butterfly
Mystery Skulls Teams are disguised as Royals Pt2: Lewis Pepper: King, Vivi Yukino: Queen, Arthur Kingsmen: Knight, Mystery the Dog/Kitsune (Vivi's Dog/Kitsune): Guard, and Daniela Kingsmen/Schmidt: Princess 
Mystery Investigators Teams are disguised as Royals Pt3: Marie Pepper: Princess, Maxy Yukino: Prince, Stephanie Kingsmen: Warrior, and Blossom the Poodle Dog/Kitsune (Maxy's Poodle Dog/Kitsune): Guard 
Mystery Skulls Teams of Associates are disguised as Royal Fairytale: John Kingsmen: Guard (like his Ancestor), Marco Silver: Prince, and Starla Miller: Princess 
The Sector Mystery Teams are disguised as The Adventure Heroes: Bart Minnie: King, Matilda Weld: Queen, Josh Rivas: Knight, Miles the Dog/Kitsune (Bart's Dog/Kitsune): Musketeer, Molly the Dog/Kitsune (Matilda's Dog/Kitsune): Musketeer, Jaxson the Dog/Kitsune (Josh's Dog/Kitsune): Musketeer, Eve Rosebell: Princess, Ava Lee: Princess, and Darling the Dog (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel/CKCS) (Ava's Dog): Magic Warrior 
Mystery Ideas Teams are disguised as The Heroes' Legend: Cera Minnie: Queen, Mike Weld: Samurai, Ecole Rivas: The Sorceress, Misti the Dog/Kitsune (Mike's Dog/Kitsune): Ninja, Maisy Pepper/Minnie: Enchantress (like her Ancestor, Glinda), and Claude the Puppy/Dog (Maisy’s Puppy/Dog): Warrior 
The Amazing Mystery Teams are disguised as The Adventure Savior-Heroes: Lewon Minnie: Prince, Viana Weld: Princess, Arther Rivas: Warrior, Myisha the Dog/Kitsune (Viana's Dog/Kitsune): The Sorceress, and Gill the Hamster/Dog/Kitsune (Arther's Hamster/Dog/Kitsune): Wizard 
Mystery Hunters Teams are disguised as The Royal Guardians: Lewinn Minnie: King, Vicki Weld: Queen, Albert Rivas: The Cloaked Hood, and Mira the Dog/Kitsune (Vicki’s Dog/Kitsune): Warrior 
Mystery Slayers Teams are disguised as Fantasy's Heroes: Landon Minnie: Prince, Vera Weld: Princess, Aaron Rivas: King, Maren the Dog/Kitsune (Vera’s Dog/Kitsune): Knight, and Alden the Dog/Kitsune (Aaron’s Dog/Kitsune): Knight 
Dr. Dean and Dr. Chace walk away, Mummy Casks creaking open sound. Dr. Dean and Dr. Chace are shocked and scared to go backwards away to fearful and notice that Shaggy in disguise as Caveman with a stone weapon survives against Scooby in disguise as Sabertooth.
He backs away as he accidentally press the button on the display Shaggy and Scooby are standing still on, which causes the lights to go on as the speaker speaks, scaring him and causing him to drop his paperwork.
Speaker: Early man’s struggle for survival was a harsh one. (Dr. Dean looks behind him at it and sighs in relief.) Threats to his existence were everywhere.
Speaker: Fortunately, man had his greater intelligence to help him survive.
Two warrior monsters with their weapons appear out of the tomb, preparing to attack them. Shaggy and Scooby get scared upon seeing this.
Speaker: It is with the use of tools that humans learned to overcome their savage enemies. Please move to the next exhibit.
The Lights on the exhibit go off as the warriors move slowly toward Dr. Dean. Dean had just finished picking up his paperwork when the warriors raised their weapons.
Dr. Dean and Dr. Chace picked papers back together in folders. Four Mummies are scared of Dr. Dean and Dr. Chace that Shaggy and Scooby warn behind you. Dr. Dean and Dr. Chace are scared that the exhibits are real life. Dr. Dean and Dr. Chace are fleeing.
Rest Mystery Teams and Scooby Doo Team have chased after four Mummies chased them. Shaggy and Scooby are scary. Two mysterious tripped four mummies to crash. They meet Two mysterious steps out from behind the curtains.
Daphne: Who are they?
Velma: I don’t believe it! You’re Ben Ravencroft!
Matilda: Oh my God! You’re Flik Galloway!
Sarah: Hm? Do they have fans of Two Horror Writers?
Velma: The famous horror writer! 
Matilda: Yes! I’ve read a few of his books before. 
Horror Writer: That’s right. 
Other Horror Writer: Yes, right. 
The man is now known as Mr. Ben Ravencroft, other man is now known as Flik Galloway smiling them
Ben: Now let’s see who they are 
Flik: Agree.
Ben walked up to the 4 monsters before taking off one of their masks. Flik took off one of their masks. 
Dr. Dean: It’s Perkins!
Dr. Chace: ! it’s Blake! 
Velma then took off the other mask, Matilda took off the other mask too 
Velma: And Griswald!
Matilda: And Hugo!
Sarah: Disgruntled archaeologists from the museum's Babylonian project. They were upset with you for cutting their funding, Dr. Dean and Dr. Chace.
Perkins: And we would've gotten away with it too. If it wasn't for this meddling… writer!
Blake: Agreed... Meddling Writer!
The guards arrest them.
Shaggy: Like, that’s a twist.
Fred: Yeah, well, at least, he didn't call us kids. I hate that.
Daphne (To Ben): Guess you beat us to the punch, Mr. Ravencroft.
Sarah (To Flik): What that’s true? Mr. Galloway.
Ben: Sorry, I didn't mean to upstage you.
Flik: Right, true
Fred: So what WERE you doing here?
Ben: I was doing research on my latest novel when I saw the archaeologists acting suspiciously and decided to investigate.
Flik: Hmm, I think.
Velma: Mr. Ravencroft, I am a huge fan of your work. I have read all your books in which my opinion are the best horror stories ever written.
Matilda: Mr. Galloway, I'm a fan of your work, I have read all your books with horror. The best horror stories ever written.
She shakes his hand.
Ben (Taken aback by her enthusiasm): Uh, thanks, Velma.
Velma: (gasps in amazement) You know my name?
Flik: Uh, thanks, Matilda.
Matilda: You know my name? Right.
Ben: And Daphne's and Fred's. (Scooby taps his shoulder with his tail get to his attention on him and Shaggy) (Chuckles) And Scooby and Shaggy of course.
Scooby: (Giggling)
Flik: Wait, Mystery Inc. with Mystery Teams? Right.
Ben: I've admired your work unraveling supernatural mysteries for some time now. I mean, basically we're in the same business of mystery and the occult, right?
Flik: Hm, it’s supernatural horror mysteries... same business is a mystery... true.
Velma: Oh please, what we do pales in comparison with the sheer palpable fright of your novels.
Ben: I wouldn't say that.
Velma: I mean, take the Dead Mall for example; oh, that creepy jewelry store owner was an incredibly complex character.
Ben: You're very kind. Listen Velma, I'm going back to my hometown in Massachusetts this weekend. To the house where I worked my early books. I go back every year for the fall color. It's very peaceful and relaxing. Why don't you and your friends come visit?
Velma: (gasps) Really? Oh, that would be great! Uh, wouldn't it gang?
Daphne: Yeah. We can use a break from all these spooky mysteries.
Ben: And Oakhaven does have one of the best restaurants in New England.
Shaggy: Like we're sold! Eh, Scoob?
Scooby: Yeah. (Laughs)
Sarah Q: Right, going to the Town of Oakhaven.
For @laurasanchez36
AUs Alternate Universes Crossovers belongs to me
All belongs to my msa x sd ocs sonas and my new msa x sd ocs sonas 
All belongs to her msa x sd ocs sonas and her new msa x sd ocs sonas
Mystery Skulls Animated MSA belongs to Ben and MysteryBen27 of YouTube YT Series Shows
Scooby Doo SD belongs to WB (Warner Bros) and HB (Hanna Barbera) of Animated Movies and TV Series Shows
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laurasanchez36 · 2 months
Nicole Pepper/Minnie My NEW MSA x Haunted Mansion 2023 Movie OC
Full Name: Nicole Pepper/Minnie (Crump: former last name)
First Name: Nicole
Last Name: Crump (former), Pepper/Minnie (current)
Gender: Female
Profile Pic
Age: 12
Blood Type:
Actual or Past Occupation:
Favourite Shows/Games: ___/___/___
Favourite Food:
Favourite Animal:
Family: Unnamed father (missing), Unnamed mother (missing), Hatbox Ghost/Alistair Crump (her uncle; disowned), Anita Pepper and Roger Pepper (her adoptive parents) Maisy Pepper, Cera Pepper and her adoptive silblings (her adoptive brothers and adoptive sisters)
Other Family Members Relatives: King Awdrew Pepper (her ancestor), Glinda and Sandra (her adoptive ancestors)
Species: Human
Friends: Mystery Teams, Girls' Clue Club Team, The Black Charro's Ghost, Ben, Travis, Mila, Jack Jones (her boyfriend)
Enemies: The Black Charro's Ghost (former), Hatbox Ghost/Alistair Crump (her uncle; disowned)
Alignment: Good
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Clothes: Long-Sleeve Collared Striped Shirt, Medium Skirt
Shoes: Mary Shoes
Accessories: Headband with Flower
Hair Styles:
Eyebrows Styles: Rounded
@sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
This one sounds like Lena (from Ducktales), Coraline (from Coraline Movie), Astrid Deetz (from Beetlejuice) and Abby (from FNAF Movie)
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amnesia-cera-au · 4 years
Baby moon * crawl to Cera happily * hahaha
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Amnesia Ghost Cera: ?
She can't remember that baby Moon is laughing
For @ask-lewis-and-the-gang
Ghost Cera Pepper AU Amnesia belongs to my msa oc AU Alternate Universe Amnesia AU
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askasylumceraminnie · 4 years
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Asylum pregnant Cera
She is trying to protect her baby Colette inside her mom's pregnant belly womb
Asylum Cera Pepper belongs to my msa oc sona AU Alternate Universe Asylum AU
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askceraxecole · 4 years
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Cera X Ecole (PRIDE MONTH)
Lesbians flags #msapride2020
Cera X Ecole
For @lauritanaomystery and @ask-lewis-and-the-gang
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sfcabanasstarcgs · 4 years
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Cera Skeleton styles Meme
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ghost-ecole-rivas · 4 years
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Ghost Cera: E-Ecole? I-I'm sorry...
Ghost Ecole: LEAVE ME ALONE!!! *Start to her hair and body was electric thunder power*
Ghost Cera Pepper/Minnie belongs to my msa oc sona
For @ask-lewis-and-the-gang
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Cera Pepper AU
Mirrored Fears AU
Comics: Open
Fan Fiction: open
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ceradisarmedau · 5 years
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Cera with her Skeleton arm and Fully Skeleton Ghost in angry and raged with glowing eyes on glowing magenta eyes
Cera Pepper AU Disarmed AU Alternate universe
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dark4rt · 5 years
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I hope you like it , @sfcabanasstarcgs  for requestion
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mysteryideasgroup · 8 months
Sophie meets Dark Future AU of MSA X DP
Old Juleka of Dark Future AU
Survivors of Dark Future AU 
Alive/Active of Dark Future AU 
Sardonyx the Polter Cat 
Josh Rivas 
Molly the Dog/Kitsune of Matilda 
Ava Lee 
Cera Minnie 
Ecole Rivas 
Myisha the Dog/Kitsune of Viana 
Albert Rivas 
Aaron Rivas 
Maren the Dog/Kitsune of Vera 
Mary Minnie (Roger and Atta's one of three Daughters) 
Terrine Minnie (Roger and Atta's one of three Daughters) 
Andy Weld 
Lee Weld 
Gia Rivas 
Missing/Presumed Dead/Unknown of Dark Future AU 
Samantha the Polter Dog/Kitsune of Sarah
Lewis Pepper 
Vivi Yukino 
Bart Minnie 
Miles the Dog/Kitsune of Bart 
Jaxson the Dog/Kitsune of Josh 
Eve Rosebell 
Mike Weld 
Misti the Dog/Kitsune of Mike 
Lewon Minnie 
Viana Weld 
Vicki Weld 
Mira the Dog/Kitsune of Vicki 
Landon Minnie 
Vera Weld 
Alden the Dog/Kitsune of Aaron 
Roger Minnie 
Atta Minnie 
Esmeralda Minnie (Roger and Atta's one of three Daughters) 
Aurora Weld 
Lando Rivas 
Ollie Lee 
Dead/Deceased of Dark Future AU 
Sapphire the Dog/Kitsune of Sarah 
Arthur Kingsman 
Mystery the Dog/Kitsune of Vivi 
Matilda Weld
Darling the Dog (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel)
Arther Rivas 
Lewinn Minnie 
Zoe Weld
Diane Lee 
For @laurasanchez36
Crossovers of AUs Alternate Universes belongs to me 
AUs Alternate Universes Crossovers belongs to me 
AUs Alternate Universes and Crossovers belongs to me 
Mystery Teams/Groups/Gangs belongs to my msa ocs sonas Teams/Groups/Gangs 
Mystery Teams/Groups/Gangs belongs to her msa ocs sonas Teams/Groups/Gangs 
The Legend of Ghosts Teams/Groups/Gangs to my new msa X dp ocs sonas Teams/Groups/Gangs 
Mystery Skulls Animated MSA belongs to Ben and MysteryBen27 of YouTube YT Series 
Danny Phantom DP belongs to Butch Hartman of Nickelodeon Series 
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laurasanchez36 · 2 months
MSA X Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost Chapter 2: Mystery Teams and Girls' Clue Club Team are Going to the Oakhaven/Welcome to the Oakhaven/Maisy Pepper remembers when her Unknown Mother lives there
**Mystery Teams, Girls' Clue Club Team and Mystery Inc Team are going to the oakhaven**
Daphne: Wow! This color is spectacular, eh, guys?
Starla Miller: This is so pretty
Fred: Amazing.
Lewis, Arthur, Vivi, Mystery, Laura/Me, Sarah, Cera, Mike, Ecole, Misty, Maisy and others: Yeah
Scooby-Doo: Yeah
Shaggy: Don't forget me old buddy
John Kingsmen: Me too
**Scooby takes a picture of him, John Kingsmen and Shaggy as they drive across a bridge. We fade to Matilda, Flik, Velma and Ben, in Ben's car**
Velma: And that scene at the end where the caretaker's flesh dissolved was so brilliant I-
Matilda: Yeah,
Ben: Oh look, we're here.
Velma: Already?
**Then they make a left turn, and they make it to Oakhaven, and the sign saids "Welcome to the Oakhaven"**
Ben Ravencraft: Welcome to Oakhaven. (sees something) What?
Flik: What?
A traffic jam is seen ahead
Velma Dinkley: I thought you said this was a quiet little town
Matilda: Yeah
Ben Ravencraft: It was
Flik: Yeah, sure it is
Fred Jones: Wow, this is a pretty popular spot
Marco Silver: Yeah
Starla Miller: Indeed
Maisy Pepper: I remember this place, my mom who lives in this place
Daphne Blake: Do many people come here often?
Lewis, Arthur, Vivi, Mystery, Laura/Me, Sarah, Cera, Mike, Ecole, Misty, Maisy and others: Yeah?
Ben Ravencraft: Sure we always get a few leaf peepers but never like this. This is a "circus." **sees a two mans** Oh, there's the mayors, he'll know what's going on
Flik: Yeah
Shaggy Rogers: Like, maybe he'll know a place to eat
Scooby-Doo: Yeah
John Kingsmen: Yeah, me too, I feel kinda hungry needs gets something to eat
For @sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
My msa x sd ocs sonas and My new msa x sd Ocs Sona belongs to Me
Her msa x sd ocs sonas and Her new msa x sd Ocs Sona belongs to @sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
Mystery Skulls Animated MSA belongs to Ben and MysteryBen27 of YouTube YT Series Shows
Scooby Doo SD belongs to WB (Warner Bros) and HB (Hanna Barbera) of Animated Movies and TV Series Shows
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amnesia-cera-au · 4 years
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B/2 - with her golden Heart Locket
💛💜🔥💜💀Please put on the Vote!!! 💀💜💛🔥💜💛
For @lauritanaomystery and @ask-lewis-and-the-gang
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askasylumceraminnie · 4 years
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Asylum Ghost Cera's Heart Locket soul
Ghost Cera Pepper belongs to my msa oc AU Alternate Universe Asylum AU
For @lauritanaomystery and @ask-lewis-and-the-gang
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askceraxecole · 5 years
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Ghost Cera was regret that Ecole is falling
Cera Pepper and Ecole Kingsmen belongs to my msa ocs and FCS
Cerole for Cera x Ecole
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sfcabanasstarcgs · 4 years
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Ghost Cera's Coffin
Ghost Cera Pepper belongs to my msa oc
For @lauritanaomystery and @ask-lewis-and-the-gang
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