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gaykarstaagforever · 4 months ago
...What, is there a new TikTok "#gettrump" challenge or something?
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wmproprt · 1 year ago
Jack Smith Trying to BREACH Trump's Attorney-Client Privilege
@RobGouveiaEsq on another legal death knell anticipated to bring @realDonaldTrump down.
In conclusion, judge, we work together, to 'make sure' we don't screw up. We'll #GetTrump as a team.
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oatmealking · 6 years ago
In the next election i will be 3 months!!! away from voting don’t let me down
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roguenewsdao · 7 years ago
"The Memo" is Voted out of Committee; McCabe Fired—First Steps to End the Coup?
"House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes issued the following statement today: “Having stonewalled Congress’ demands for information for nearly a year, it’s no surprise to see the FBI and DOJ issue spurious objections to allowing the American people to see information related to surveillance abuses at these agencies. The FBI is intimately familiar with ‘material omissions’ with respect to their presentations to both Congress and the courts, and they are welcome to make public, to the greatest extent possible, all the information they have on these abuses. Regardless, it’s clear that top officials used unverified information in a court document to fuel a counter-intelligence investigation during an American political campaign. Once the truth gets out, we can begin taking steps to ensure our intelligence agencies and courts are never misused like this again.”"  -- https://intelligence.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=854
Monday night, January 29th, the House Select Committee on Intelligence voted to declassify a four page Memo authored by its staff and called the “Nunes” memo (after Committee Chairman Devin Nunes) by the news media. The Memo will now go to President Trump, who has five days, under the Congressional declassification procedure used, to object to the memo’s contents on national security grounds. Based on leaks to the press so far, the four page memo includes the fact that a very dirty British intelligence product authored by MI6’s Christopher Steele was used to initiate FISA surveillance of the Trump presidential campaign.
As was previously noted, some months back by LaRouche PAC in our dossier, “Robert Mueller is an Amoral Assassin, He Will Do His Job If You Let Him,” FBI and Justice Department officials dressed up the dirty British memo and presented it to the FISA court without informing the court that the surveillance application (or applications) was based on a foreign intelligence source working directly for, and being paid by, the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton Campaign. The FISA court also was not told that the claims of the Steele Memorandum, in the words of former FBI Director James Comey, were considered to be “salacious and unverified” by the FBI. What else is in the four page document has not been leaked to the press, but, from the hysterical reactions, it is juicy.
We demonstrated in the Mueller dossier that Steele and the British conspired against Donald Trump with Obama’s CIA chief John Brennan and other Obama intelligence personnel and officials, in addition to the FBI. As we stressed there, the reasons for the coup are located in the terror of the Anglo-American elites as the very decadent foundations of their post World War II “order” crumble. They know they are faced with an inevitable financial collapse. They believe that turning Russia and China into their satraps represents potential salvation. Russia and China are not cooperating with this grand plan. Instead, they have dedicated themselves to launching a new world-wide human Renaissance starting with ending poverty and building modern infrastructure in the former colonial world. Donald Trump, throughout his Presidential campaign, lambasted the Anglo-American neo-liberal globalists and their drive for World War, earning their eternal hatred.
The British intelligence Christopher Steele dossier, now under scrutiny by the House Intelligence and Senate Judiciary Committee, is the source of the fake and demonstrably absurd claim that Donald Trump was a Manchurian candidate blackmailed by Vladimir Putin and that Putin, like some James Bond villain, used super potent social media bots and computer hacks to brainwash the American population into voting for Donald Trump. We are told by Republican Congressmen who have viewed the Nunes memo that this foundational premise for the Mueller investigation is completely debunked in the memo. But this McCarthyite claim has been openly embraced by the Democratic Party, along with calls for state sponsored media censorship, a new Cold War with Russia and China, violence against “deplorables” who voted for Trump, political assassination, independence from executive branch control or Congressional oversight for the FBI, and intelligence agencies generally, and similar openly fascist tenets. Hence the media hysteria over a 4 page document.
Also on Monday, Andrew McCabe, the Deputy Director of the FBI was effectively fired by FBI Director Christopher Wray. McCabe’s firing came after Wray viewed the Nunes memo in which McCabe’s role in illegal activities against President Trump is apparently referenced, and after Wray was briefed on the preliminary findings of FBI Inspector General Michael Horowitz concerning his investigation of FBI handling of the Clinton email probe. Wray had insisted, prior to viewing the Nunes Memo, and prior to a briefing on the Inspector General’s preliminary findings, that he would not fire McCabe, but, instead, allow him to retire in March. It was the Horowitz investigation which unearthed the now infamous texts between former Clinton and Trump FBI case agent Peter Strzok and his FBI mistress, Lisa Page. Those texts referred to an FBI “insurance policy” against Trump assuming the Presidency, an insurance policy discussed in a meeting in McCabe’s office. The balance of these texts, during the critical time period following the election and up to the appointment of special prosecutor Mueller were declared “missing” last week due to a “technical glitch” in a letter by the FBI to Congress. After the ensuing uproar, Inspector General Horowitz stepped forward and offered that he was recovering the texts using “forensic methods.”
Andrew McCabe did not recuse himself from the Clinton investigation despite the fact that his wife received a huge campaign contribution, in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, from Clinton money man and general sleazeball, former Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe. McCabe attended meetings at which his wife was recruited as a candidate by McAuliffe. These meetings occurred at a time when both McAuliffe and Hillary Clinton were under FBI investigation and McCabe was the number two man in the FBI. The money McAuliffe provided was to run a Virginia State Senate Campaign against incumbent Senator Richard Black and followed FBI harassment of Black for his very public condemnation of U.S. actions in Syria. McCabe also was photographed at his wife’s campaign events and Hillary Clinton herself came to Virginia to campaign for Jill McCabe, a down ballot State Senate candidate. This story also has been exclusively reported by LaRouche PAC. But this clear conflict of interest and the President’s appropriate anger about it, has been portrayed by the fake news media as inappropriate partisanship by Donald Trump, disrespect for the First Amendment rights of FBI agents and their spouses, and similar hysterical whole cloth fabrications.
Late last week, as Congressional Republicans lined up to view the 4 page Nunes memo and declared themselves “shocked” at the Constitutional abuses against President Trump set forth there, Republican Senators Chuck Grassley and Lindsay Graham sent a letter to Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez, other former DNC officials, and John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair, seeking information about who in the DNC and Clinton Campaign knew about the Christopher Steele, British intelligence dirty dossier and how it was utilized. The letter seeks information about the shopping of the Steele dossier through both the Obama Administration and its intelligence agencies, and the national news media. Grassley and Graham, based on information available to them, classified or otherwise, previously referred Christopher Steele to the United States Department of Justice for prosecution.
Of particular interest in the Grassley letter is a request for all communications between the DNC and Clinton officials and former State Department official Jon Winer and former State Department operative Victoria Nuland. Nuland was the case officer for the United States coup in Ukraine which used neo-Nazis as its military front. Winer, a former counsel to John Kerry, is a U.S. friend of Christopher Steele and has vouched for him in U.S. government circles. Winer, otherwise, was deeply involved with British agent Bill Browder in securing the Magnitsky Act sanctions against Russia. Does this mean that Grassley, et al. have finally focused on the role of the British and U.S. State Department/Project Democracy elements central to the coup against Trump as well as the coup in Ukraine? If so, this is an investigative breakthrough.
The coup in Ukraine and the Magnitsky Act sanctions were deliberate geopolitical provocations by the Anglo-Americans against Russia, part of a general plan to isolate and debilitate Russia and China under conditions in which another Western economic collapse is a key strategic element. Christopher Steele had a previous relationship with the State Department concerning the Ukraine coup, issuing dozens of reports to Victoria Nuland and John Kerry. It is claimed that Steele’s sources in the dirty Trump dossier were the same ones he sold to the State Department for the Ukraine coup. The role of Ukrainian intelligence in the Clinton campaign and in the “Russia hacked the DNC fabrication” are of increasing interest to serious investigators. Ukrainian intelligence and associated State Department related entities, like the Atlantic Council, have played and are playing a leading role in imposing outright media censorship in the United States based on false assertions that all dissenting voices here are controlled by the Russians.
Additionally, the Grassley/Graham letter asks for any contacts between DNC officials and Cody Shearer. According to the Guardian of January 30th, Christopher Steele handed a copy of a memo written by Shearer to the FBI in October of 2016 as “corroborative” of the outrageous claims made by Steele. Cody Shearer, according to press accounts, is a long-time dirty tricks operative on behalf of the Clintons.
In the wake of these events, the damage control spinners in both the Republican and Democratic Party and in Robert Mueller’s office are on a desperate drive to salvage Robert Mueller’s investigation and to salvage Russiagate. They are playing against time as the coup itself begins to unravel.
"Against a newly discovered likelihood the Robert Mueller investigation began under false pretenses; and against the backdrop that FBI surveillance and wiretaps were obtained through materially (intentionally) false representations to the FISA court; and against the backdrop the original Flynn plea judge (Contrereas) was also the approving FISA judge; and that judge ‘was summarily recused’ from the case; and against increasing evidence that Mike Flynn was set up by a terminal animus, and politically-motivated investigative rogue unit, operating within the FBI; and against surfacing IG Horowitz evidence that FBI investigators manipulated (lied on) their FD-302 interrogation documents; and understanding those falsified 302’s were used in the Mueller/Flynn charging document… …Special Counsel Robert Mueller now asks for postponement of sentencing..."  -- https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/01/31/robert-mueller-requests-postponement-of-general-mike-flynn-sentencing/ "The Republican Party’s head-first dive into breathless conspiratorial fantasies in defense of Donald Trump is a brand-defining moment as the Party of Lincoln morphs into the Party of LaRouche. -- GOP #NeverTrump er neocon hack Rick Wilson complaining about the influence of the LaRouche movement in debunking the dirty dossier and holding the Obama DOJ/FBI holdovers accountable for using it to spy on Americans"  -- https://www.thedailybeast.com/trumps-gop-a-conspiracy-of-dunces
Ever since release of the Nunes’ memo was mooted, the media has been on a full news cycle binge of delusional denunciations about how reckless the House Intelligence Committee was being and how the White House was coordinating a desperate drive to undercut Mueller and to obstruct justice. The President aptly described the situation in twitter fashion, “You fight back, it’s obstruction.” It is reported that Mueller is fixated on claiming that Trump obstructed justice when he fired James Comey and when he allegedly said, in Comey’s account, that he hoped the FBI would let the matter of Michael Flynn go. The corruption at the top of the FBI and the existence of an apparent “Get Trump” task force within Obama’s intelligence community, makes Mueller’s putative obstruction case, already Constitutionally and legally outlandish, something akin to the fantasies of a dictator in a banana republic.
In Greek mythology, Hercules was given the task of cleaning the Augean stables of enormous amounts of cow dung which had accumulated from 3000 cattle over thirty years. He had to do this in a single day. Hercules did so by diverting two rivers to accomplish the task. We have as little time to deal with what has accumulated at the FBI, the Department of Justice, and our other intelligence agencies under the auspices of the Bushs and Obama. It was 30 years ago, that the prosecution of Lyndon LaRouche was being played out in a federal courtroom in Boston with Robert Mueller, as U.S. Attorney, overseeing the show. Misconduct hearings convened then by Federal Judge Robert Keeton were later to find that Mueller, et al. had engaged in “systemic prosecutorial misconduct.” It would be only fitting now, as a result of these events, if a river of public furor swept this country, ending the coup which is dividing and ruining us. The universe, after all, bends towards justice.
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syed32701 · 7 years ago
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Paul Manafort, Who Once Ran Trump Campaign, Indicted on Money Laundering and Tax Charges.#gettrump @realdonaldtrump (at FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation)
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knottyneedleart · 8 years ago
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Jumping in on the covfefe train all aboard!! #covfefe #liljon #trump #whitehouse #getlow #getTrump #fromthewindiwstothewalls #meme #typo #autocorrect #fail #rapsong #changethelyrics #funny #skeetskeet #knotsorry
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shes-got-the-best-stories · 4 years ago
Hi! Your answer was helpful... After my 'not stroke' I got out of the news and stoped looking at the map every 5 minutes... Today I woke up and saw that Biden had fliped Georgia and did a litlle dance but now I'm thinking that even if we know today that Biden won things will still drag. I was watching cnn and a guy was trying to getTrump's tantrun and put in a way that's reasonable... saying that maybe there's fraud and it has to be investigated and I was like really?
from jessica yellin’s instagram (she’s a former CNN Chief White House Corresp.):
“WORDS FROM A REPUBLICAN⁠ ⁠ Today the president used the White House podium to attack America's free and fair elections...⁠ We'll get to that. First here is a reminder that some in his own party are drawing a line. ⁠ This is a tweet from Karl Rove, a senior Republican political strategist who engineered George W. Bush's election, has since worked to elect Republicans across the country, and has advised the Trump campaign. This was posted before the President's remarks -- it's especially relevant now.⁠ ⁠ Rove famously disputed a vote count in 2012. He was live on air on @\FoxNews when Ohio was called for Mitt Romney and Rove challenged the decision. He was ultimately silenced by Fox's Decision Desk -- which has also hewed to the facts and numbers so far in this election.⁠ I bring it up because even Rove isn't having this. ⁠ Count all the votes.⁠” ⁠
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so basically trump can call voter fraud in all the states biden has won but he has nothing to back that. also convenient that wide spread voter fraud only happened in the states biden won and didn’t spread to like texas or florida or like bigger states that would’ve gotten this race called sooner.
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ml-pnp · 7 years ago
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moreisasmith · 8 years ago
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"Vote Hillary" by Deborah Kass at the "Andy Warhol: Revisited 30 Years Later" exhibit @RevolverGallery (02/15/17)! #SantaMonica #RevolverGallery #WarholRevisited #ArtIsLife #ArtLover #ILoveLA #SoCalLiving #SoCalGoodVibes #AroundLosAngeles #DiscoverLA #ExploreLA #ThisWeekInLA #ExploreYourCity #LetsWaddle #GetTrumped #YoureFired #AMEX #Branding (at Revolver Gallery - Your Andy Warhol Specialists)
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wmproprt · 1 year ago
Alan Dershowitz: They want to have Trump found guilty before election
@AlanDersh predictions on @realDonaldTrump's civil trial
The #InjusticeSystem upon #US
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