#Get Registered LLC in New York
llcinnewyork · 4 months
Ready to launch your business in the Empire State? Our beginner's guide on how to set up an LLC in New York provides all the essential steps you need to get started. From selecting a unique business name and filing the Articles of Organization to understanding state-specific compliance requirements, we break down the process into simple, easy-to-follow instructions. Whether you're a new entrepreneur or looking to expand your existing business, our guide ensures a smooth and successful LLC formation. Start your New York LLC today with confidence!
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sunshinerapmonster · 2 months
The Sergeant’s Daughter: Chapter One Jay Halstead
S5 EP5: Home
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Hank and Al got out of his Dodge, closing the door shut and removing his sunglasses that were tinted.
"Got a search warrant for the residence of Marshall Carter," Antonio said, handing Hank a picture of the suspect, "He's the head of the Night Lords. He's got priors for possession and aggravated battery. They deal out of a house in Hegewisch."
"The boonies," Hailey said.
"My CI confirmed the monthly shipments here ready for distribution. Now, here's the thing. There's an estimated street value of at least two mil worth of meth and cocaine in the dining room" Antonio said.
"How many men?" Hank asked.
"Uh, at least six," Antonio said looking at his notepad, "The address is 238 Five Oaks Road."
"Let's hit it"
Kim walked up the steps holding a brown paper bag, "Platt said someone ordered from Royal Siam?"
Adam raised his hand, "Right here"
"Smells delicious"
"Okay, the house with the storm shelter's registered to an LLC in Grand Cayman." Hailey said looking at her screen before getting up from her seat," They have about 200 units here in Chicago. This one was red-tagged for foundation problems. It should be empty"
"So our suspect was squatting," Hank said, sitting on the corner of Al's desk.
"Sounds like it" Al pipped in.
"So we got no name, no number, no nothing"
Hailey shook her head at Hank's question.
"Huh. Unbelievable, it's chocolate" Adam said causing all of us to look at him confused as he inspected the food he had ordered, "It; 's chocolate. Quan said the house he lived in smelled like this," he said answering the question he said throwing it to Kim who opened it and started to eat it, "So, must be around one of the chocolate factories."
"Right," Hank mumbled.
I sat at my desk looking for some information when my phone went off. It was a message from Will, my lock screen was a picture of me and Erin. It's been almost six months since she left for New York to become an FBI agent. I was proud of her but also angry and sad about it.
"So, what Kate Smith did has a name" I said showing Kim and Hank a website with all the information about what she did, "It's called 're-homing'"
"It's called Unforgivable," Kim said, crossing her arms against her chest.
"Uh, yeah, but it's legal in the state of Illinois. Parents can transfer the care of foreign adoptees to someone else with a power of attorney. It started a few years back in chat rooms"
"What about the website Kate Smith used," Hank said.
"It's a sham. It's been around for six months. The IP address is routed through the dark net. And the origin is listed as Iceland" I said.
Kevin walked in holding a file in his hand, 'This Marsden couple does not exist. There's not a record of a John or Penny Marsden in the Chicago land area"
'Shocker. A child trafficker is using fake names"
"So we need to make contact. Find this Marsden couple and the mystery man they gave Quan to" Hank said.
"Yo Sarge, let me and Kim have a shot at him. We could pose as a couple wanting to give a kid away. Send a message out there to the website. I bet we can draw them in"
Hanked nodded his head at Kevin's question, "All right, good. Heym I don't want these re-homing punks thinking we're on to them, you understand?"
Got a male driver and a female passenger in a light-colored SUV. Illinois tags, 33 John Paul 60
Antonio's voice came over the radio, "Copy that" I said into my radio as Hailey typed in the tags into the iPad and it beeped, "Vehicle is registered to John Kingsley. The address listed is the Tower Lake Apartments, but those were torn down two years ago" I said.
I walked out of the trailer house with Mr.Smith and Hailey behind me and handed him off to the patrol officer, "What's worse, people taking the kids, or the ones giving them away in the first place?" Kim said as we walked together to Kevin's car
"People taking them, no doubt," I said, stopping in front of him.
"I just got a text from Jordan. I should go" he said.
"What is it?"
They walked away and got into his car, I and Hailey walked to my truck, got in, and started the drive to the station.
I leaned against the wall of the Interrogation room with John Kingsley and Hank sat in front of him. Hailey and Antonio were with the wife in the other interrogation room.
"We met Clyde Harris a couple of months ago at a Right to Life rally downtown. We just got to talking and he said, Do you wanna save kids and maybe make a little extra cash? And we said, yes"
"Save kids, or make extra cash?" I asked him with a disgusted face.
"Save kids, of course," he said, turning to look at him.
"Mm-hmm" Hank said, leaning forward and staring at him quietly.
"Okay, all right. I won't lie. The extra money helps. I'm on disability and my wife's a realtor. And, you know, business isn't great"
"How much was he giving you?" he asked.
"$500 a kid" he whispered.
"$500 a kid?" Hank said turning to look at me and back at the suspect, "That's a hell of a payday for a few hours of work"
"We didn't have any reason to doubt him at all. Like ever"
"All right, explain to me how this works. When Harris needs your help, how does he contact you?" I asked.
"He calls my wife's phone but it's always from a different number. He tells us who we're supposed to meet, when, and where" he said, "People gave us their kids. No questions asked. I mean, most of the time, anyway"
"And then what? Where do you take the kids?" I shouted and walked towards Hank sitting next to him.
"Um, we-we meet agent Harris out at a truck stop near I-94"
"All right, so there's the Marsdens," I said pointing at the footage from the gas station as they gave Quna to Clyde who was next to a mini camper van, "right there with Quan. That's gotta be Clyde Harris"
"Can you get any closer?" Hailey asked.
I shook my head, "Not without sacrificing detail. You can't see his face anyway with the ball cap on"
"There's no license plate on that RV," she said leaning in to get closer to the screen, "Looks like Clyde's trying to give Quan food"
"Yeah, from Burger King, " I said.
"Okay, I'm gonna pull the video from nearby locations, see if we can get a better look at this guy," she said.
"Yeah," I mumbled.
"Hey guys, got a clear image of our agent Clyde Harris," Hailey said as we walked into the office, "From a Burger King near the truck stop," she said handing out pictures.
"Facial recognition matches Clyde Dupree. He's got a prior for ivory smuggling" I said.
"Ivory smuggling? Is that a joke?" Al said looking at the picture.
"No, uh, he paid a $10,000 fine" I chuckled, "He did two months probation"
"His new business model's pretty much the same. He just changed the cargo" Antonio said.
Slamming the door to my truck and grabbing my gun we walked towards the house that had a black fence wrapped around the front, Hailey went to open the gate but had a lock, "Give us a sec to get around" she said.
"Yeah," I said walking towards the second gate that led to the front door, I walked in with Antonio and Kim following me, I grabbed Antonio's shoulder as Kim hit the door with the palm of her hand, "Chicago PD"
"Hit it," I said looking at Antonio.
He used the ram to hit the door, sending it flying. Kim rushed in, "I got a runner! He went out the back" Kim said into her radio and she followed him out.
Me and Antonio checked the empty apartment of Clyde Dupree, "Looks like he left" Antonio said as held a black garbage bag, "He left this behind"
"Yeah," I said, "Let's go out back"
"He left that behind and I thought I could find something to sell," the unknown suspect said pointing at the bag I was holding in my hands and looking through it.
I grabbed a crumpled-up paper and opened it up, "Looks like papers for something called Sanctuary Row" I said reading off it and handing it to Kim.
"Uh, he's cautious. Read the papers. Thinks three of his kids are dead" Antonio said walking into the office downstairs in the basement with Hank and Hailey, "Knows the police are all over it"
"Guys, I found something. Sanctuary Row" I said scrolling through the website, "This dark net stuff is pretty rough. I feel like I need a shower"
"Exotic animals. Royal Stripe Ball Python. Female, ten years old. Pale coloring, well-behaved. Very rare" Hailey said reading a post from the website.
"He's talking about the kids," Antonio said.
"Yeah, he's got four animals listed. He's selling four kids" I said.
"Click on this old link," Hailey said tapping on the screen with her finger, "How many kids has he auctioned off?"
I clicked on the link and scrolled down and counted, "18"
"This guy's sick" Hailey said, "He sets up a re-homing site so he can find his product, and then he auctions them off on the darknet"
"Says here the auction closes in 19 minutes," Antonio said, "Winners will be notified of a pick-up location at that time"
"Start bidding," Hank said and walked away.
I turned around, "How are we gonna pay for it?" I asked, "It's gonna be tough to get flash money in time"
"Just let me worry about that. You make you win"
"Copy that"
I was at the location where the auction would be, I got out of the truck closed the door shut and walked towards the trunk, and lay against it looking at my phone.
Red pick-up truck coming in, Kim said into my earpiece, white male driver. Illinois tags 57 Adam Victor 2 Union
Copy, I see him
This should be the last one. All the auction winners are here now
Alright plates are registered to Maryann Richter, 788 Pine Place
I brought the phone up to my ear to hear the conversation.
"I'm getting a, uh, hit on the pick-up's address. Daniel Richter 35, registered sex offender. Lives with his mother, Maryann. Check your phones, everybody I'm gonna send over a photo of this guy. I'm gonna need a positive" Adam said.
My phone chimed and that guy was standing next to me, I put the phone up to my ear again, "Hey, honey. Yeah, I'm positive I'll be late tonight"
That's a positive
"Okay' Love you, too," I said and ended the phone call and put my phone away.
The same RV that was on the footage pulled up and parked in the middle. The driver got out and he walked around. Clyde opened the door making a little with blonde hair and wearing a white and purple jacket.
We need him away from that trailer. Chance are the other three kids are in there, too
Clyde walked towards a male two cars away from me and gave him the car.
Everyone pulled in with their lights and sirens. Daniel started to run away and I ran after him.
"Hey, Police! Don't move" I said pointing my gun at him, he kept running till Antonio popped up with the long gun from the tall grass.
"Do not move"
I cuffed him up handed him to the officers and ran towards the camper, I opened the door and saw the other three kids huddling up together on the bed.
"Hey, come on out. It's okay" I said, they all got off the bed got in a line, and walked out of the camper where Hailey was standing outside, "It's okay," I said.
"Don't be scared"
"You guys are all safe now. All right"
Closing the door shut to my apartment I heard the TV on the sound of cheering coming from it, I threw my keys onto the kitchen island and walked towards the living room and saw Will sitting on the couch watching an old hockey game on the TV drinking a beer.
"What are you doing here?" I asked him.
"You didn't get my message?" he said raising a brow.
I thought back to when he texted me but I didn't read it since I was looking at a picture of me and Erin, "Oh, it must have slipped my mind" I said nodding my head.
"Right, I'm going to be here for like two weeks max unless you kick me out," he said.
"Yeah, you can stay here for two weeks just don't bring any girls to my apartment. I'm going to head to bed. I had a late shift" I said standing up from the couch, "Night"
Jay Master List
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coochiequeens · 2 years
Another trans identified male sex offender is could be moved to a Women’s prison
A convicted sex offender in Connecticut is now requesting transfer to the state’s only correctional facility for women after abruptly declaring an “intersex” identity. Brandy Wood, 28, has a lengthy history of sexual crimes against minors.
In 2015, Wood was convicted on two counts of risk of injury to a minor and second-degree sexual assault of a minor for “forcible sexual contact with a 15-year-old female.” He was released from custody and was on parole when he committed yet another offense against a minor.
On January 4, Wood pleaded no contest at the New London Superior Court to the charge of risk of injury to a minor.
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Assistant State’s Attorney Theresa Anne Ferryman told the court on Wednesday that Wood, in the new criminal case, engaged in an inappropriate online relationship with a 13-year-old girl in Park City, Utah during the summer of 2021, as reported by local news outlet The Day.
Wood targeted the young girl through FaceTime, SnapChat, and a notorious video-chatting website frequently used by sexual predators called Omegle. According to police youth investigator Joseph Buzzelli, Wood sent pornographic videos and photos of himself to the victim and encouraged her to reciprocate by sending nude photos of herself.
Police said Wood masturbated in front of the girl and bought her presents, including a “full-body fur suit,” which were delivered directly to her home in Park City. The arrival of the fur suit was the incident that first alerted the victim’s parents to the situation, according to the arrest affidavit.
During a police interview, the girl told authorities that Wood had “both a penis and a vagina.” However, law enforcement officials discovered photos of Wood wearing a latex full-body suit designed to resemble a woman, which could account for the child’s confusion regarding Wood’s anatomy.
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The victim told police Wood had threatened her during his attempt to obtain nude photos and videos. 
Wood claimed to be a private investigator, knew the victim’s address and said he would “get on a plane and come find her,” as stated in the arrest warrant affidavit. In one exchange, Wood told the victim “if you don’t send me nudes I’m going to come to your house and have sex with you.”
Reduxx found that Wood also claimed to be a private investigator on his LinkedIn account, and has registered a business ostensibly dedicated to service dog training called Connecticut K9 Support Services, LLC. 
The residence address on file for the business is that of a sex offender treatment program in Uncasville, but Wood had posted several job advertisements seeking a volunteer.
“Connecticut K9 Support Services LLC in New London, CT is offering one volunteer position to join our team,” Wood wrote in a now-deleted listing on Tarta. “Our ideal candidate is a self-starter, motivated, and reliable. this position is an opportunity to grow your knowledge in the K9 training and care field as well as the Private Investigative field. after 6 months of volunteering you will be given the option for a part-time or full-time paid position. We are seeking motivated, dog loving, honest, loyal, reliable.”
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Attorney Michael Miller, the public defender representing Wood, told the court on Wednesday he intends to request that Wood be housed at York Correctional Institution in Niantic, the state’s only women’s prison. 
Currently, Wood is being held in the Cheshire Correctional Institution for men.
The state’s sexual offender registry lists Wood’s biological sex as “female,” and provides numerous aliases for him such as as Kyle Bailey, Steven Bennett, and Kunani-Brandy Moana Kalakaua-Wood.
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Wood is expected to be handed a sentence of 10 years, suspended after 30 months in prison, followed by five years of probation and an undetermined period of time on the state’s sexual offender registry if convicted. 
Attorney for the state Anne Ferryman told the court that the victim’s family is not satisfied with the expected prison sentence. The victim’s parents have told police that the girl was left “feeling suicidal” after the ordeal and is currently receiving psychiatric treatment.
Wood’s lawyer asserted in court that he would pursue his client’s transfer to the women’s prison on March 14, but Judge Hillary Strackbein responded by informing Miller that prison accommodations are ultimately decided by the state Department of Corrections (DOC).
In July of 2018, Connecticut became the first U.S. state to allow male inmates to be housed in female correctional institutions on the basis of a self-declared gender identity. 
The measure was attached to a bill intended to protect incarcerated pregnant women. Connecticut’s SB 13, “An Act Concerning Fair Treatment of Incarcerated Women,” expanded medical care requirements for pregnant inmates, but additionally stipulated that the DOC must “adhere to certain requirements that relate to the treatment and placement of inmates with a gender identity that differs from the inmate’s assigned sex at birth.”
Under the bill, any inmate who “who has a gender identity that differs from the inmate’s assigned sex at birth and has a diagnosis of gender dysphoria” must be addressed by their preferred pronouns, provided with clothing according to their “gender identity,” and be searched by correctional staff of “the same gender identity.”
By Genevieve Gluck Genevieve is the Co-Founder of Reduxx, and the outlet's Chief Investigative Journalist with a focused interest in pornography, sexual predators, and fetish subcultures. She is the creator of the podcast Women's Voices, which features news commentary and interviews regarding women's rights.
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fearsmagazine · 2 years
Legendary Fantasy Artist Frank Frazetta’s Epic Work “The Berserker” Available Worldwide on Epiphone.com
For 150 years, Epiphone has been a leading innovator in instrument design. By leveraging its iconic past and leaning into the future, Epiphone has now set the stage for the next era of sound for present and future generations. Epiphone is proud announce the long-awaited Adam Jones and Epiphone partnership has now arrived with the release of the Epiphone Adam Jones Les Paul Custom Art Collection. This unprecedented, limited-edition collection blends Adam’s love of fine art and music, resulting in seven, iconic and unique Les Paul Custom Silverburst masterpieces which feature the artwork of five distinguished visual artists curated by Adam Jones of TOOL. The Epiphone Adam Jones Les Paul Custom Art Collection is now available worldwide at authorized Epiphone dealers and on www.epiphone.com.
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The second model to debut in the Adam Jones Les Paul Custom Art Collection is Frank Frazetta’s “The Berserker.” Known as the Godfather of fantasy art, acclaimed artist Frank Frazetta was an illustrator of comic books, movie posters and paperback book covers whose visions helped define fantasy heroes like Conan, Tarzan, John Carter of Mars, and more. This guitar displays Frank Frazetta’s masterpiece, “Berserker” on the back of the guitar, artwork on the rear headstock is designed by world-renowned artist Korin Faught. The artwork “Berserker,” also known as “Conan The Conqueror,” was painted by Frazetta in 1968, for the cover of the Conan The Conqueror paperback novel by author Robert E. Howard. The original artwork is currently owned by Kirk Hammett of Metallica and Conan® is a registered trademark of Conan Properties International LLC.
Frank Frazetta was born in Brooklyn on February 9, 1928, and as a boy studied art at the Brooklyn Academy of Fine Arts. He began drawing for comic books of all stripes--westerns, mysteries, fantasies--when he was still a teenager. He was also a good enough baseball player to try out for the New York Giants. Frazetta was a versatile and prolific comic book artist who, in the 1940s and ’50s, drew for comic strips like Al Capp’s “Lil’ Abner” and comic books like “Famous Funnies,” for which he contributed a series of covers depicting the futuristic adventurer, Buck Rogers. Explore the artwork of Frank Frazetta, HERE.
"My exposure to Frank Frazetta began early in my life. There’s something about his artwork that has spoken to me for as long as I can remember,” says Adam Jones. “When I was very young, I would save money to buy his adult comic art and pulp novel covers without my parents’ knowledge, sneaking them into the house undetected. To this day, as I work on my own projects, I’m transported back to those moments of discovery and influence. Frank’s technical prowess is unmatched in his genre (I’m such a proud nerd…) and he continues to be one of my heroes.
When Cesar at Gibson and I discussed a line of fine art-enhanced guitars, I hoped we would get permission to use one of Frank’s images, and I am so grateful to his estate for allowing us to use ‘Berserker’ on this Epiphone Les Paul."
“I was 13 years old when I first heard the TOOL song ‘Schism,’ it immediately resonated with me on a spiritual level and I’ve been a fan ever since,” adds Sara Frazetta, Granddaughter of Frank Frazetta. “To collaborate with Adam Jones and my Grandfather’s artwork on this gorgeous new Epiphone Art Collection of guitars has been amazing and seeing the guitars, it’s clear Frazetta’s art was destined for guitars.”
Watch the video for the Epiphone Adam Jones Les Paul Custom Art Collection, HERE, and explore the collection HERE.
The Adam Jones Les Paul Custom Art Collection: Frank Frazetta’s “The Berserker” isn’t just an art piece to hang on the wall; it’s an exceptional instrument for players to craft their own masterpiece. The Epiphone Adam Jones Les Paul Custom Art Collection has a bound mahogany body with a maple cap, a three-piece bound maple neck with an Adam Jones Custom profile, and an ebony fretboard. It is equipped with a reverse-mounted Epiphone ProBucker™ Custom humbucker™ in the neck position and a Seymour Duncan® Distortion in the bridge; both are wired to CTS® potentiometers and Orange Drop® capacitors. A Marquee Back Plate with Frank Frazetta’s name and the title of the artwork, “The Berserker” is also included. The guitar is finished in Antique Silverburst as an homage to Adam’s beloved original Silverbust 1979 Gibson® Les Paul Custom, a Protector hardshell case is also included.
The Epiphone Adam Jones Art Collection consists of seven, Silverburst Les Paul™ Custom models, each featuring reproductions of different works of fine art on the back. Adam curated all of the featured artwork, and selected five distinguished artists Mark Ryden, Frank Frazetta, Julie Heffernan, Korin Faught, and Ernst Fuchs for the collection; additional artwork designed by world-renowned artist Korin Faught, adorns the back of the headstock of each model. Only 800 guitars of each model from this unprecedented, extremely limited edition run will be produced.
One of the rock’s most talented and sonically innovative guitarists, Adam Jones is renowned as the guitarist for the band TOOL, as well as his work as a visual artist, sculptor, videographer, producer, and special effects designer (Jurassic Park, Terminator 2, Edward Scissorhands, Ghostbusters II, Batman Returns, A Nightmare on Elm Street 3, 4 and 5, Dances with Wolves, Bride of the Re-Animator, Pet Sematary, Shocker, and License To Kill).
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dankusner · 4 months
Gregory Antollino —  March 28, 2022
Re: Instagram photo by Gregory Antollino • Mar 25, 2022 at 8:24 PM
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Instagram instagram.com/Marcellit0
Twitter twitter.com/civilrightslwyr
Photography gregshots.com
Legal services antollino.com
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Judge Scolds Atty For 'Hostile' Court Messages, Limits Access
A New York federal magistrate judge admonished a solo practitioner for sending multiple emails and leaving a voicemail with the court that were "disrespectful, hostile, and largely unrelated to the substance of" a case by a group of health workers accusing a staffing company of profiteering from the COVID-19 pandemic and putting them at needless risk.
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U.S. Magistrate Judge Ona T. Wang did not identify the plaintiffs' lawyer in her order on Monday. 
But the attorney is Gregory Antollino, who fired back in a filing Tuesday morning, arguing that Judge Wang's order limiting his contact with the court "attacks me publicly" and did not "allow me to respond in kind."
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Antollino, who's representing a group of nurses or nurse practitioners who brought the underlying case in April 2020 against Krucial Staffing LLC and its CEO, also asked the judge for permission to file a two-page letter in which the attorney plans to ask for Judge Wang's recusal.
He said the jurist's characterization of his communications to the court was done "in an ad hominem manner" that "not only violated your rules but showed an appearance of impropriety."
By Khorri Atkinson ·
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November 23, 2021, 4:34 PM EST
A New York federal magistrate judge admonished a solo practitioner for sending multiple emails and leaving a voicemail with the court that were "disrespectful, hostile, and largely unrelated to the substance…
a case by a group of health workers accusing a staffing compan
Allen et al v. Krucial Staffing, LLC et al
Case Number: 1:20-cv-02859
Crises nurses for-temporary-hire join battle on coronavirus front lines Published July 23, 2020 EDINBURG, Texas — Visiting nurse Gabriel Leyva, 34, second from left, of Downey helps treat a COVID-19 patient in Edinburg, Texas, where hospitalizations and deaths have spiked this month. (Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times)
Crisis nurse Catrina Rugar was in full protective gear, checking a ventilated patient at a new COVID-19 unit in Texas’ Rio Grande Valley, when a doctor stopped to ask how old the man was: 40.
“They keep getting younger,” Rugar said.
Doctor and nurse bemoaned how people in Florida and Texas were ignoring pandemic restrictions.
“No one’s seeing us drown in patients,” Rugar said.
Rugar is part of an army of thousands of nurses and other medical staff, including some from Southern California, who were deployed first to New York City at the start of the pandemic, then to south Texas this month to battle the virus.
Contracted by staffing agencies that set up temporary offices in Rio Grande Valley hotels, registered nurses are paid $95 an hour ($142 an hour for overtime) plus travel expenses to work 12-hour shifts, seven days a week for months at a time (nurse practitioner jobs pay more).
“You thought NYC was the biggest activation in American history with 4,500 medical professionals? So did we,” the Krucial Staffing agency said in a job posting on Facebook last week seeking nurses and other medical staff. “Our operations have moved to the great state of Texas. We are on track to eclipse that number.”
Catrina Rugar, 34, a traveling nurse from Florida, responded first to hospitals in New York, then Texas’ Rio Grande Valley, where she was treating COVID-19 patients in Edinburg last week. (Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times)
A lawsuit filed by seven former Krucial nurses in New York this spring alleges they were forced to work without sufficient protective equipment and to perform work beyond their scope of training, putting them and their patients in danger.
When they complained, they said they were fired.
“Based on information from many former Krucial nurses — not just my clients — Krucial’s practices risk people’s lives by sending in unqualified nurses who are attracted to the high pay,” said Gregory Antollino, a New York-based attorney representing the nurses in their lawsuit.
Krucial Staffing, based in Overland Park, Kan., released a statement Friday saying it “vehemently denies the claims asserted in that lawsuit. We fully intend to defend our company from these false allegations.”
Rugar, who worked for Krucial at the 530-bed DHR Health in Edinburg, said the hospital was better prepared than those she staffed early in the pandemic in Harlem and the Bronx.
But the Texas facility was still in crisis, she said, forced to cope with shortages of equipment and personnel amid a seemingly endless stream of critically ill patients.
One of the women on a ventilator she cared for last week had already lost her husband to COVID-19.
This week charter buses and vans ferried nurses from valley hospitals to hotels, where staff placed “Healthcare heroes” signs on their doors, thank-you banners in lobbies and ear plugs at the front desks for those on the night shift. At morning and evening shift change, nurses in scrubs and pink respirator masks arrived in groups. Some asked hotel staff for trash bags to carry their soiled scrubs; others for deliveries. Some had ordered protective equipment such as gas masks in advance, unsure what conditions they would face in COVID units.
Hotel halls were lined with their clogs and sneakers, which they left outside to avoid contaminating their rooms.
Traveling nurses staying at hotels around McAllen, Texas, take buses to local hospital to work in the COVID-19 units. (Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times)
“We just have to try our best,” said Rugar, 34, who has worked as an emergency room nurse for a decade. “We’re making progress.”
Rugar, who lives in Crystal River, Fla., said she was skeptical about the pandemic when she arrived in New York, but quickly realized the severity of the risk and was “a changed person” when she left 39 days later.
She gets frustrated when she sees people refusing to wear face coverings and practice social distancing or calling the pandemic a hoax.
Her husband and brother are nursing assistants temporarily assigned to a different south Texas hospital.
But Rugar said even her Cuban American family back in Florida had their doubts.
“There’s people saying, ‘Oh, the media’s lying. The numbers are fake.’ There’s a lack of trust,” she said, until people get infected. “Then they want all the help they can get.”
She planned to return to Florida this week with her husband and brother to quarantine for two weeks, then continue working at COVID units there.
Working with Rugar on the COVID-19 team in Texas was contract nurse Gabriel Leyva.
When the pandemic began, Leyva, 34, a single father raising a 7-year-old, was only a few months out of nursing school at Cerritos College, working at Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center in his native Downey.
“I didn’t know what I was getting into,” he said.
Nurses Catrina Rugar, Hannah Woodward and Veronica Gomez treat a COVID-19 patient in Edinburg, Texas. (Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times)
He said his parents worried about his safety when he left for a six-week assignment in New York.
“One of the things my dad asked me was, ‘What assets do you have set aside for your daughter if you die?’” he said.
But Leyva said he’s learned how to safely work as part of ever-evolving teams to treat the coronavirus.
“It’s nurses from all over the nation coming together to overcome this virus,” he said. “You learn to adapt quick. It’s something I’m learning with each deployment.”
One of his friends from nursing school is also deployed in Texas, Jaime Zamora, 30, of Santa Fe Springs.
Zamora had just graduated in February when the pandemic started, and he said he went straight to New York because “I wanted to find a way to help.”
In New York, he worked the day shift on a psychiatric medical unit full of COVID-19 patients at Bellevue Hospital.
Leyva worked night shift.
In the evenings at shift change, their spirits lifted when residents of an adjacent apartment building would open their windows and clap.
That doesn’t happen in Texas, and after three weeks Zamora said he often feels drained, emotionally and physically.
He’s seeing more people infecting their loved ones.
“I’m constantly arranging FaceTime calls with entire families. I’ve seen many brothers and sisters crying. It’s a family disease,” he said.
A nursing job’s waiting for Zamora at Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center. But he plans to stay in Texas for at least another week, maybe two.
“That’s what I became a nurse for: to help,” he said. “I’m working every single day until it’s time to go home.”
Greg S. Antollino
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Frank E. Antollino Obituary
Frank Antollino, 80, of Branford, CT passed away peacefully while surrounded by loved ones on Friday, September 8, 2023 after a valiant battle against a long illness. Born in New Haven, he was the son of the late Ernest & Rose Antollino. He grew up in the Cove area of New Haven, attending Nathan Hale School and eventually Notre Dame High School prior to the family moving to Branford. He spent time working for his father Ernest and his many uncles at their Golden Crest Ice Cream plant during his high school and college summers. He attended Providence College and then onto Suffolk Law School in Boston. Upon graduation, Frank was initially a prosecutor in New Haven for a short time until he and his late law partner of 50 years, Charles “Chuck” Angelo, opened their private practice together. He was a well-known attorney in the greater New Haven area, well respected, and sought after by many. He worked as an attorney up until he became ill as the law was one of his joys in life, along with making and eating authentic Italian food like his mother Rose made, enjoying his wife Charlene’s expert home cooking, and taking past trips to NYC and Newport, RI with her. He was also an avid NY Giants fan, but also looked forward to watching most football games. Holiday celebrations will always be remembered and cherished as a time to spend with family and to enjoy delicious food together. He was predeceased by his parents and his two beloved sons, Christopher and Gregory “Scott” Antollino.
He is survived by his loving wife of 40 years, Charlene Antollino of Branford, his daughter, Robin Antollino-Bukoski of Worcester, MA, his sister, Roberta Antollino of Branford, and his three grandchildren, Ryan, Dylan, and Jillian Bukoski. He also leaves behind two stepsons Scott (Danielle) Craig of Wallingford, CT and Damon (Amy) Golia of Mathis, Texas along with his bonus granddaughters Alyssa, Briana and Caitlyn.
We would like to thank the very special nurses who took extra good care of Frank on the 7-5 Unit at Yale New Haven Hospital.
A memorial service will be held at the W. S. Clancy Memorial Funeral Home, 244 North Main Street, Branford on Thursday, September 14th with 5-7pm calling hours and at 7pm will be a Celebration of Life.
In lieu of flowers ,, it would be appreciated that memorial donations may be made to a charity of your choice. 
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has sued the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland, and other officials in the Biden Administration to stop an unlawful attempt to redefine federal law through agency guidance.
This lawsuit is Attorney General Paxton’s 75th legal action against the Biden Administration.
On April 29, the EEOC issued guidance that would redefine the meaning of “sex” in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to require employer accommodations for bathroom usage, dress code compliance, and pronoun usage in the workplace based on “gender identity” rather than biological sex.
However, doing so directly flouts a prior ruling Texas won stopping a substantially similar guidance issued by the EEOC in 2022.
According to that ruling, the agency lacked any authority to mandate a reinterpretation of the law and the court vacated the guidance in its entirety.
The court also issued a binding declaratory judgment between Texas and EEOC that Title VII did not require employer accommodations for bathroom usage, dress code compliance, and pronoun usage to be according to “gender identity” rather than biological sex — which the Biden Administration did not even appeal.
The renewed attempt by the Biden Administration to remake Title VII through agency action contradicts the previous ruling and is clearly unlawful.
Attorney General Paxton has asked the court to enforce its declaratory judgment, vacate the illegal guidance from April 29, and grant injunctive relief preventing the Biden Administration from issuing further guidance and other resources that are “contrary to law.”
“Yet again the Biden Administration is trying to circumvent the democratic process by issuing sweeping mandates from the desks of bureaucrats that would fundamentally reshape American law,” said Attorney General Paxton. “Texas will not stand by while Biden ignores court orders forbidding such actions and will we hold the federal government accountable at every turn.”
Re: Instagram photo by Gregory Antollino • Mar 25, 2022 at 8:24 PM https://www.passengersjournal.com/volume-2-issue-6-visual-art
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A note from the artist:
This is an image I took of Sylvia Rivera at the corner of 12th Street and Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, Gay Pride 1993. She was a Stonewall Survivor and wore her banner with pride. Her outfit is completely together for a blinging hot day.
What’s going on in her mind?
Is it just an unflattering picture that makes Sylvia seem confused? (Please forgive the photographer; Pride is busy, even a kilometer from Christopher Street. The sun was not in my favor.)
Nevertheless, suspending disbelief and judging from her gaze, which I shot from a lower angle, I see fear; I see rage; I see a person unaccepted not only by society, but the bougie onlookers who had no idea what she had done for the Queer Struggle.
I thank Passenger’s Journal for taking this, even the scan of a photo – one I probably printed at CVS – which was not quite right: too dark and overexposed. I found the negative just a month ago, having forgotten that I had submitted this. Then I misplaced the negative, along with another important shot, the one that leads all of the photos on my hobbyist website. Then, Manolo Salas, an editor with Tony Vaccaro Studio, rescanned the negative and let in light. I didn’t know of Sylvia Rivera in 1993, and only realized I had taken this shot, after rewatching “The Death and Life of Marsh P. Johnson,” by David France. Sylvia’s struggle, in my opinion, is the thematic heart of that story. Then I just happened to be looking though albums and there she was.
It's been a tough couple of years for us all. We were already trapped by the pandemic. Because we couldn’t travel, it made me feel doubly secluded. I’m by nature an explorer always looking for something new to record. In life, I am (mostly) satisfied practicing law, but during the worst of the pandemic I needed to retravel to places I had been and, in doing so, I regained some optimism.
In Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia, No. 17-1618 (S. Ct. June 15, 2020),[1] the Supreme Court held that firing individuals because of their sexual orientation or transgender status violates Title VII’s prohibition on discrimination because of sex.
The Court reached its holding by focusing on the plain text of Title VII.
As the Court explained, “discrimination based on homosexuality or transgender status necessarily entails discrimination based on sex; the first cannot happen without the second.”
For example, if an employer fires an employee because she is a woman who is married to a woman, but would not do the same to a man married to a woman, the employer is taking an action because of the employee’s sex because the action would not have taken place but for the employee being a woman.
Similarly, if an employer fires an employee because that person was identified as male at birth but uses feminine pronouns and identifies as a female, the employer is taking action against the individual because of sex since the action would not have been taken but for the fact the employee was originally identified as male.
The Court also noted that its decision did not address various religious liberty issues, such as the First Amendment, Religious Freedom Restoration Act, and exemptions Title VII provides for religious employers
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pharmanucleus1 · 10 months
Global Anal Cancer Market, Forecast to 2030
Anal cancer is generally a rare type of malignancy that affects the colon and rectum. Some of the symptoms associated with anal cancer include anal or rectum bleeding, a lump near the anus, pain around the anus, itching in the anus, discharge from the anus, changes in bowel habits, and others. It can be caused due to several risk factors such as human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, excessive smoking, and medical history of vaginal, cervical, or vulvar cancers.
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Market Size & Growth Rate:
The anal cancer market was valued at USD 810.4 million in 2022 and is projected to reach USD 1242.9 million by 2028, with a CAGR of 7.4%. The growth could be attributed to the return of demand to pre-pandemic levels, increasing authorization of novel & innovative medicines, extensive research, disease prevalence, and immunotherapies.
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Market Dynamics:
American Cancer Society-2022, it is estimated that around 9,440 new cases of anal cancer would be reported in the U.S. by the end of 2022, wherein 6,290 anal cancer cases would be accounted by women and 3,150 cases of anal cancer would be accounted by men. The American Cancer Society also estimates that anal cancer would account for 1,670 deaths (930 women & 740 men) in the U.S. by the end of 2022
The presence of research and development activities for the treatment of anal cancer is expected to boost the market. For instance, In august 2021, the National Cancer Institute granted USD 4 million to Icahn School of Medicine (New York) for extensive research activities on anal cancer in women with HPV infections.
Report Coverage
Base Year
Market Size in 2022
USD 810.4 million
CAGR (2022-2027)
Forecast Years
Historical Data
Market Size in
USD 1242.9 million
companies Covered
Novartis AG, AstraZeneca plc, Pfizer Inc., Merck & Co., Inc., Bayer AG, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, AbbVie Inc., Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Johnson & Johnson Private Limited, Eli Lilly and Company, Atara Biotherapeutics Inc., Onconova Therapeutics, BioMimetix JV, LLC, Spectrum Pharmaceuticals Inc., Global BioPharma Inc., Amgen Inc., ISA Pharmaceuticals, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Ltd., Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., Sanofi, and Others.
Segments Covered
Drug Type, Cancer Type, Treatment
The high cost of treatment and stringent regulatory scenario restrain the market growth.
The increasing price of anal cancer treatment is expected to restrain the growth of the market
For instance, the NCI-2022 report estimates that cancer-related direct medical costs in the US were USD 183 billion in 2015 and are projected to increase to USD 246 billion by 2030, a 34% increase based only on population growth and aging.
Therapy Area
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Market Drivers:
Increasing prevalence of anal cancer: The Anal cancer market has significantly grown over the recent past and is expected to register rapid growth over the forecast period. For example, as per the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2020, the number of colorectal cancers of mortality of males and females of all ages was around 935,173 across the globe, which is 9.4% of total mortalities. In addition, the number of new anal cancer patients of both sexes of all ages in 2020 was around 1.9 million across the globe.
According to American cancer society, in the last few years, the number of anal cancer cases has increased. it will be nearly 9,090 new cases in the United States. Anal cancer is uncommon in those under the age of 35 and is mostly diagnosed in older adults, with an average age in the early 60s.
Moreover, increasing oncology research and development activities by competitors including anal cancer are the trigger to a footprint in anal cancer market trends. The government's increasing initiatives to raise public awareness about anal cancer are the primary drivers of the market.
Increasing treatment algorithms for advanced anal cancer are provided.
Growing incidence rates of Squamous cell carcinoma of the anal canal (SCCA)
The high cost of treatment and stringent regulatory scenario restrain the market growth.
The increasing price of anal cancer treatment is expected to restrain the growth of the market
For instance, the NCI-2022 report estimates that cancer-related direct medical costs in the US were USD 183 billion in 2015 and are projected to increase to USD 246 billion by 2030, a 34% increase based only on population growth and aging.
Adverse reactions of anal cancer therapeutics.
Competitive Landscape:
Novartis AG, AstraZeneca plc, Pfizer Inc., Merck & Co., Inc., Bayer AG, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, AbbVie Inc., Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Johnson & Johnson Private Limited, Eli Lilly and Company, Atara Biotherapeutics Inc., Onconova Therapeutics, BioMimetix JV, LLC, Spectrum Pharmaceuticals Inc., Global BioPharma Inc., Amgen Inc., ISA Pharmaceuticals, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Ltd., Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., Sanofi, and Others.
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Key Developments:
Major players operating in the global anal cancer market are also focused on R&D to expand their product portfolio.
In October 2022, The American Cancer Society (ACS) approved funding for 89 new Extramural Discovery Science (EDS) research grants totaling USD 54.3 million. It will fund investigators at 65 institutions across the United States from January 1, 2023.?
In June 2021, Bristol Myers Squibb received European Commission Approval for Opdivo plus Yervoy to treat patients of anal cancer and it has received marketing authorizations across the European region.
In November 2021, Pfizer Company acquired Trillium Therapeutics for approximately USD 2.22 billion, to boost its oncology portfolio with the addition of next-generation immune therapies.
In December 2021, SQZ Biotechnologies Company reported that its investigational therapy induced radiographic, symptomatic, and immune response as monotherapy in the post-checkpoint HPV solid tumor patient
In June 2020, Merck & Co. received FDA approval for GARDASIL 9 (Human Papillomavirus 9-valent, Recombinant vaccine) to the treatment of anal cancer, cervical, vaginal, and other cancers linked to HPV
In September 2020, Incyte Company announced positive phase II clinical trials results for the efficacy and safety of its novel immunotherapy using Retifanlimab for the treatment of advanced squamous cell carcinoma
In July 2019, Incyte collaborated with Zai Lab Ltd, company for the development and commercialization of its investigational monoclonal antibody, and INCMGA0012 for the treatment of anal cancer
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corporationcenter · 1 year
Why Are So Many Corporations Based in Delaware?
The United States has a long and rich tradition of entrepreneurship. In all 50 states, enterprising individuals have built successful businesses, bestowing upon them fulfilling livelihoods and careers. No matter where you live, if you look hard enough, there are plenty of opportunities for you to create a profitable business venture of your own. If you have spent a fair amount of time in the business world, you probably have a pretty firm grasp on some of the basic principles required for a financially viable business. You understand the importance of budgeting, hiring employees, and knowing your customer. You may have also noticed that a lot of large companies, including the majority of those in the Fortune 500, have offices in the small east coast state of Delaware. So, why are so many corporations based in Delaware, and does incorporating your business in the First State make sense for you? When the average individual thinks about Delaware, they might think about the origins of America and not much else. Well, in truth, Delaware is a major hub of global commerce, and savvy business owners from around the country opt to base their organizations there. There are a couple of reasons for this. For one, Delaware has favorable corporate tax rates, and it also sits fairly close to New York, Philadelphia, and a number of other large cities. The primary draw for entrepreneurs to Delaware, though, can be attributed to the Chancery Court. As one of the oldest courts in the country, the Chancery Court hears all matters of business law, with cases decided not by juries, but by judges with a unique grasp of the nuances of business. Not surprisingly, this can create a favorable legal climate for business owners. Corporations Based in Delaware: How is it Done Online? To start your Delaware corporation, there is a process that you will want to follow. At the outset, you will need to decide on a business name that has not already been registered in the state and features one of Delaware’s required suffixes, e.g. “limited,” “corporation,” etc. You will then need to appoint a registered agent. This individual will be tasked with receiving all legal, tax, and government correspondence on behalf of your business. At that point, you will be able to draft and file your articles of incorporation, which will call for some basic details about your business and its incorporators. Corporations typically have to follow stricter rules than, say, limited liability companies (LLCs) or sole proprietorships. The trade-off for that is that a corporation can issue stock, which lets outside investors gain a stake in your business while giving you the cash injection necessary to continue growing your enterprise. Launch Your Corporation with Our Forms At Corporation Center, we have all the forms you need to get your Delaware business up and running. To learn more about our services and how we can help you, take a few minutes to explore our website or visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.
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llcinnewyork · 3 months
Starting an LLC in New York is simple with our step-by-step guide. Get your business up and running with our expert advice on naming, filing, and managing your New York limited liability company. Take the first step toward entrepreneurial success.
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mayurreports · 2 years
Organic Curcumin Market Trends, Company Revenue Share, Key Drivers & Trend Analysis Till 2021-2028
Market Overview
Curcumin is a chemical present in turmeric which gives it the bright yellow color. Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties of the chemical can lead to its inclusion in various foods. Inclusion of curcumin in supplements due to its bioavailability by the body can favor the industry. The global organic curcumin market report by Market Research Future (MRFR) contains insights, trends, and competitive intelligence for the period of 2020 to 2027 (forecast period).
Market Scope
The global organic curcumin market share is expected to register a CAGR of 7.47% from 2020 to 2027 and reach USD 190.34 Million by the end of 2027.
The market is driven by the preference of non-genetically modified organisms (GMO) and organic ingredients. Benefits of curcumin on cancer conducted by reputed institutes are likely to drive its demand in the coming years. Huge demand for organic plant-based supplements can drive the global demand for organic curcumin during the forecast period. High sales of herbal health goods and interest towards prevention of diseases can augur favorably for the market.
However, the paucity in the production of curcumin and its expensive cost can encumber the market growth.
The global organic curcumin market has been segmented based on type, packaging type, and distribution channels.
By type, it is segmented into capsules, powder, and others.
The global organic curcumin market has been segmented by packaging type into pouches, bottles, and others.
By distribution channel, it is segmented into store based and non-store-based. The store-based segment has been further classified into supermarket and hyper market, convenience stores, and others.
Regional Analysis
The global organic curcumin market trends has been analyzed for four key regions—North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), and Rest-of-the-World (RoW).
APAC is predicted to lead in the market owing to preference of traditional products by consumers in China and India. Awareness of the benefits of curcumin and its defense against cancer and stroke can benefit the regional demand. Consumption of organic supplements is likely to drive up the sales of organic curcumin. Brand owners are likely to set up dedicated units in the region to cater to growing demand. This is fueled by the need for Ayurveda and herbal products.
North America is deemed to contribute to global market share owing to demand for supplements containing natural ingredients. Awareness of the benefits of curcumin can drive the market demand as well as its availability in retail stores and ecommerce sites can fuel regional growth. Presence of various cosmetic brands and their inclination towards the inclusion of organic curcumin can drive the market demand till the end of the forecast period. Massive demand of the chemical in foods can fuel the market growth.
On the other hand, RoW can exhibit a steady growth rate during the forecast period due to demand for organic products in Brazil and Argentina.
Competitive Outlook
Arjuna Natural Extracts Ltd., SV Agrofood, Biomax Life Sciences Ltd. (India), Yangling Cuijian Bioengineering Technology Co., Ltd., Phyto Life Sciences, Curcumex BV, Star Hi Herbs Pvt. Ltd, Helmigs Prima Sejahtera, NOW Foods, Synthite Industries Ltd., Herboveda India Pvt. Ltd., Organic India Pvt. Ltd., BioThrive Sciences, Konark Herbals & Health Care, and The Green Labs LLC are prime players operational in the global key organic curcumin market players.
NOTE: Our Team of Researchers are Studying Covid19 and its Impact on Various Industry Verticals and wherever required we will be considering Covid19 Footprints for Better Analysis of Market and Industries. Cordially get in Touch for More Details.
Contact Us:
Market Research Future (part of Wantstats Research and Media Private Limited),
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manualsmedical1 · 2 years
How to Establish a NEMT Business Startup With a Single Van
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From lab tests to routine checks, Americans miss their regular healthcare appointment due to lack of transportation. Here NEMT comes into play. The health of every American matter and you can embody this mission by starting a NEMT business with a van. While running NEMT with a single van, you need to manage your time in the best possible way. This will help the patients reach the medical center for a scheduled appointment.
Starting a Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) business may seem tough. However, with the right strategy and guidance, it will be a cakewalk. Once you move ahead to the initial learning stage, you will need to depend on your talent and commitment to the success of your NEMT business.
In this post, we have simplified the process of starting a NEMT company with a single van.
Register NEMT Company
You can set up your NEMT business startup as a sole proprietorship or LLC. Most states require you to have a unique taxpayer ID number to register your NEMT business.
Apply to Become a Medicaid Provider
Every state has a different set of requirements for NEMT business so make sure to check the website of your state and apply to become a Medicaid provider. Moreover, each state has different requirements for Medicaid application for instance, in New York, you require to have the legal status of the business along with the application fee.
Prepare the Van
As you want to establish your startup with a single van, you don’t need to spend several hours fulfilling complex fleet requirements. Yet, you need to understand that NEMT services are not the same as paratransit services.
Get Commercial Insurance
Many people think that NEMT business startups with single vans don’t require insurance. However, this is not true! While starting up a NEMT business with a single van, you should get commercial insurance to cover general liabilities. In the majority of the states, getting workers’ compensation is a necessity to set up a NEMT business. However, if you are thinking about the policy premium, this falls on the insurance company to review elements regarding the vehicle.
Apply and Receive the License for Your Van
Now, in order to become a Medicaid broker and deliver NEMT services, you need to apply for a van license. You need to receive the license before starting the NEMT business operations.
Last words
The NEMT getting popular among the citizens due to its ability to help disabled and elderly Americans get the healthcare they deserve. It checks all the boxes that a person expects from non-emergency medical transportation. NEMT allows the elderly and disabled to get prompt help and prevent missing vital healthcare appointments.
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Windsor Corporate Services is the premier Registered Agent for LLCs in New York. We provide comprehensive services to help you with your LLC filing fee, NYS Corporation formation and starting A corporation in NY. Our experienced team of professionals will guide you through the process of how to make a corporation in NY, ensuring that all of your paperwork is filed correctly and on time. With our expertise and knowledge, you can rest assured that your business will be up and running quickly and efficiently.
Know More :- https://windsorcorporateservices.com/form-an-llc-in-ny/
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rogersip · 2 years
Starting Up a Bicycle Rental Service
Bicycle rental services are a great way to explore a city. They are also very safe and efficient. In addition, the bikes are comfortable and affordable. It's also a good choice for tourists and day trippers. There are a few things to keep in mind when starting up a bicycle rental business.
You should research your target customers to figure out which types of people are interested in your business. Then, you'll need to calculate how many bikes you will need to rent and what your costs will be. If you need a loan, you'll need to apply for an EIN (Employer Identification Number).
Another thing to remember is that you'll need to be sure to live in a city that is bike friendly. Once you've determined this, you'll need to create a marketing strategy. This includes building relationships with local businesses. A good marketing strategy will include sending flyers to locations that are popular with tourists.
Your bike rental service should have an official website. Usually, this will be the same site you'll use for booking rides. Having a website makes it easier for customers to check in for their rides.
Some bicycle rental services require you to sign a contract before you can use the bike. This agreement states that you'll return the bike in the same condition it was when you borrowed it. Typically, you'll leave a certain amount of money as a deposit. At the end of the rental period, you'll get the deposit back.
Most of the time, test drives are free. However, some bike library systems require you to pay a small fee. That's because the system uses unpaid volunteer labor to maintain the fleet. These systems are typically run by a national cycling organization, a public transport authority, or a railway operator.
Other bike sharing schemes require you to pay a subscription, either monthly or yearly. Several regional programs have implemented bike share programmes at railroad stations, or in local businesses.
Depending on the type of program you have, you may need to register with the company. In some cases, a refundable deposit is required. You'll also need to determine how much you'll need to cover repairs and maintenance. Adding auxiliary sales or selling packages can help you keep your profit high.
Bicycle rental service companies can be set up as corporations or LLCs. For example, Tembici is an electric bicycle company that provides parking solutions and tech-enabled solutions for bike sharing.
Another way to expand your bicycle rental service is to offer guided tours. These are a good way to add value to your customers' experience and also help you make additional sales. Guided tours can be a profitable activity for your business, but you'll need to decide whether they are the main attraction.
Bike rentals are a perfect way to see the landmarks of a city. In New York, for example, you can rent a bike to ride through Central Park. Here, you'll find Bethesda Fountain, Strawberry Fields, and more.
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oliviasmith-21 · 3 months
Guide to Starting an LLC in Texas or Different US states | TRUiC
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Are you confused about starting an LLC in Florida or want to Get a registered LLC in Florida but don’t know how to begin the process? Do you want to know all the necessary information before starting an LLC in the USA or which state is the best for forming an LLC?
Let’s dive into this comprehensive guide. This guide will inform you of everything you need to know to start an LLC in the United States, including:
What is an LLC?
Who is eligible to get a registered LLC?
A step-by-step guide on how to get a registered LLC
Advantages and disadvantages of an LLC
Best LLC service providers (who will help you every step of the way)
What is an LLC?
A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a business structure that combines the benefits of a corporation and a partnership. It offers personal liability protection to its owners (called members) while allowing for flexible management structures and pass-through taxation. This means that the profits and losses of the LLC are reported on the individual members’ tax returns, avoiding double taxation.
Who is Eligible to Get a Registered LLC?
Almost anyone can form an LLC, whether you are an individual entrepreneur, a group of partners, or an existing business entity. The primary requirements include having a unique business name, a designated registered agent, and compliance with the specific state regulations where the LLC will be registered.
Step-by-Step Guide: How to Get a Registered LLC
1. Choose Your State
Decide where you want to form your LLC. Each state has its own rules, fees, and benefits. Popular choices include:
LLC in Florida: Ideal for businesses with a significant presence in Florida due to its favorable tax climate.
LLC in Texas: Known for its business-friendly environment and no state income tax.
LLC in Pennsylvania: Offers a robust market with a balanced regulatory environment.
LLC in California: Provides access to one of the largest economies in the world, despite higher regulatory costs.
LLC in New York: Great for businesses seeking a prestigious address and access to vast markets.
2. Choose a Name for Your LLC
Your LLC’s name must be unique and comply with state-specific naming rules. Generally, the name must include the words “Limited Liability Company” or the abbreviation “LLC.”
3. Appoint a Registered Agent
A registered agent is a person or business entity authorized to receive legal documents on behalf of the LLC. The registered agent must have a physical address in the state where the LLC is formed.
4. File the Articles of Organization
The Articles of Organization, also known as the Certificate of Formation or Certificate of Organization, is a document filed with the state to officially form your LLC. This document includes basic information about your LLC, such as its name, address, and the names of its members.
5. Create an Operating Agreement
An Operating Agreement outlines the ownership and management structure of the LLC. While not always required by the state, it is highly recommended as it helps prevent conflicts among members and provides a clear operational plan.
6. Obtain an EIN
An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is issued by the IRS and is required for tax purposes. It is also necessary for opening a business bank account and hiring employees.
7. Comply with State-Specific Requirements
Each state has additional requirements, such as publishing a notice in a local newspaper (required in New York) or filing an initial report (required in California). Make sure to research and comply with these requirements to avoid penalties.
Advantages and Disadvantages of an LLC
Limited Liability: Members are protected from personal liability for business debts and lawsuits.
Tax Flexibility: LLCs can choose how they want to be taxed (as a sole proprietorship, partnership, S corporation, or C corporation).
Operational Flexibility: LLCs are not required to have a board of directors or hold annual meetings.
Credibility: Having an LLC can enhance your business’s credibility with customers and suppliers.
Self-Employment Taxes: LLC members must pay self-employment taxes on their share of the profits.
Cost: There are formation fees and ongoing compliance costs that vary by state.
Complexity: Compared to a sole proprietorship, an LLC requires more paperwork and administrative tasks.
Best LLC Service Providers (Who Will Help You Every Step of the Way)
When starting an LLC, using a reputable LLC service provider can save you time and ensure everything is done correctly. TRUIC (The Really Useful Information Company) is a leading provider offering comprehensive LLC formation services, including:
Name Availability Search: Ensures your desired LLC name is available.
Registered Agent Services: Provides a reliable registered agent to receive legal documents.
Filing the Articles of Organization: Handles all the paperwork and filings with the state.
Operating Agreement Templates: Offers customizable templates to create a robust Operating Agreement.
EIN Application Assistance: Helps you apply for your Employer Identification Number.
By choosing TRUIC, you can rest assured that you’re getting the Best LLC Services in California, Best LLC Services in Florida, Best LLC Services in Texas, Best LLC Services in Pennsylvania, and Best LLC Services in New York.
Starting an LLC in Pennsylvania, LLC in Florida, LLC in Texas, LLC in California, or LLC in New York can be a smart move for protecting your personal assets and enjoying tax flexibility. By following the steps outlined in this guide and leveraging the services of TRUIC, you can streamline the process and ensure that your LLC is set up correctly from the start.
How much does an LLC cost in PA? The cost to start an LLC in Pennsylvania is $125 for the Certificate of Organization filing fee. Other costs may include registered agent fees and any optional services you choose to use.
What are the requirements for an LLC in PA? To form an LLC in Pennsylvania, you need a unique business name, a designated registered office, and to file a Certificate of Organization with the Pennsylvania Department of State. While not required, creating an Operating Agreement is recommended for clarity and management purposes.
Do LLCs pay taxes in Pennsylvania? Yes, LLCs in Pennsylvania must pay state taxes. The LLC itself may be subject to state taxes, and individual members must report and pay taxes on their share of the LLC’s income.
What are the benefits of an LLC in PA? Benefits of forming an LLC in Pennsylvania include limited liability protection, tax flexibility, ease of management, and enhanced credibility with customers and partners.
How much does it cost to start an LLC in California? The cost includes a $70 filing fee for the Articles of Organization, a $20 Statement of Information fee, and an $800 annual franchise tax.
Do you have to pay the $800 California LLC fee every year? Yes, every LLC in California must pay an annual $800 franchise tax, regardless of income or activity.
What are the requirements for an LLC in California? To form an LLC in California, you need a unique business name, a designated registered agent, and to file Articles of Organization with the California Secretary of State. An Operating Agreement and an EIN are also recommended.
Is it worth it to start an LLC in California? Despite the higher costs, starting an LLC in California can be beneficial due to the state’s large market, economic opportunities, and legal protections. However, it’s important to weigh the costs and benefits specific to your business needs.
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sanjay-chem · 2 years
Wood Pellets Market Size, Share, Demand, Growth & Trends by 2032
A recently published study by FMI expects the global demand for wood pellets market to increase at a CAGR of 11% during the forecast period between 2022 and 2032, reaching a total of US$ 26.15 Billion in 2032, according to a report from Future Market Insights (FMI). From 2017 to 2021, sales witnessed significant growth, registering a CAGR of 8%.
Wood pellets form a clean, environmentally beneficial, sustainable, and renewable biomass. The increasing global demand for renewable energy is driving the demand for wood pellets to reduce the usage of fossil fuels that contribute to global warming. This is expected to contribute to the growth of the industry over the forecast period.
Consumers in developed regions such as Europe have greater environmental sentience, which continues to account for their increasing reliance on renewable sources. Bio-based energy sources are gathering impetus in developing countries for electricity generation. The reason is attributed to rising energy consumption and favorable government policies.
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A significant reduction in the emission of greenhouse gasses is increasing the consumption of wood pellets in the industrial sector. Continued innovations in combustion technology are to be accredited for the impressive growth of the wood pellets market.
Key Takeaways from the Market Study
North     America accounts for the revenue of US$ 200 Million in 2022
Europe     is projected to account for approximately 78% of the global market share
Asia     Pacific is projected to account for 11% of the market share
 Forest     and wood waste derived wood pellets to experience highest uptake,     flourishing at a 10.4% CAGR until 2032
By     end use industry, residential applications to account for a revenue of US$     3.5 Billion in 2022
“The manufacturers are increasing the availability of self-cleaning systems in wood pellet boilers that require minimal user input. Even though these boilers are gaining popularity, they require frequent maintenance in order to have the highest working proficiency.” says an analyst at FMI. 
Market Competition
Key players in the wood pellets market are Enviva Partners LP, Pinnacle Renewable Energy Inc., Wood Pellet Energy (UK) LTD, Andritz AG, Energex, and Georgia Biomass, LLC.
The     United Kingdom’s energy company Drax Group PLC announced the acquisition     of Canada-based wood pellet producer Pinnacle Renewable Energy Inc. in     February 2021. With the addition of Pinnacle’s 11 sites, Drax will own 17     pellet plants and development projects.
In     April 2021, Enviva, a global renewable energy company specializing in     sustainable wood bioenergy, and Mitsui OSK Lines (MOL), a leading     international marine transport group, signed an MoU agreement to develop     and deploy an environmentally friendly bulk carrier.
More Insights Available
FMI, in its new offering, presents an unbiased analysis of the global wood pellets market, presenting historical analysis from 2017 to 2021 and forecast statistics for the period of 2022-2032.
The study reveals essential insights on the basis of feedstock (Forest and Wood Waste Resources, Agricultural Residue and Waste, Food Waste, Virgin Lumber, Energy Crops), end-use industry (Residential/Commercial Heating, CHP/District Heating, Co-firing) & region.
Table of Content
1. Methodology and Scope
    1.1. Research Methodology
    1.2. Research Scope & Assumptions
    1.3. List of Data Sources
2. Executive Summary
    2.1. Market snapshot
3. Wood Pellets Market Dynamics
    3.1. Market Segmentation
    3.2. Wood pellets – Value chain analysis
    3.3. Raw material trend
to be continued…!
About FMI
Future Market Insights (ESOMAR certified market research organization and a member of Greater New York Chamber of Commerce) provides in-depth insights into governing factors elevating the demand in the market. It discloses opportunities that will favor the market growth in various segments on the basis of Source, Application, Sales Channel and End Use over the next 10-years.
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Future Market Insights Inc. Christiana Corporate, 200 Continental Drive, Suite 401, Newark, Delaware – 19713, USA T: +1-845-579-5705 For Sales Enquiries: [email protected]
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