#German Legal Translation
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German Legal Translation Services by Delsh Business Consultancy Delsh Business Consultancy provides a wide range of high quality German legal translation services worldwide. Our translation Company specializes in German to English and English to German translation services. We have a team of skilled German translators who are responsive and professional.
Get Instant Quote Now: [email protected] For more about our services, Visit Our Website: https://www.delshlanguageconsultancy.com/languages/german-translation-services/
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communitydoorway · 2 years
Tips to Choose The Best German Legal Translation
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If you need a German legal translation, you need to make sure you choose a reputable and reliable company. Here are some points that will help you make the best choice. Experience, reliability, pricing, and pre-requisites are just a few of the factors to consider. You should also choose a company that follows the best industry practices for selecting its native German legal translators.
If you're looking for a German Legal Translation service in the UAE, you've come to the right place. Whether you need documents translated for the UAE, or another country, our services can help you. Whether you need documents translated into Arabic, English, or any combination of the three, we have you covered. We offer translation services in English and other languages, including German.
If you are planning to travel to Germany, you will have to find a reliable German legal translation company. In order to ensure the quality of your documents, you should always look for a company that has its translators accredited by the German diplomatic authorities. This certification ensures that the translation company meets the standards of the country's foreign relations authorities and is officially recognized by the Ministry of Justice. You can also check the credentials of the legal translators by contacting the German missions in the UAE.
When it comes to getting German legal translation in Abu Dhabi, it is important to choose a company that is accredited by the German Consulate. This ensures that only certified translators work on the documents you need translated. You can choose to have the documents certified by a German Consulate employee or by an in-house translator. The costs for certification will depend on how many documents you need translated, as well as the language of the document.
German legal translation is a highly specialized field that requires expert knowledge of the language. Not only should a translator be fluent in German, but he or she should also have knowledge of the legal system and the relevant laws in the country.
Moreover, legal translations must be error-free, since incorrect translations can prolong a legal process. For this reason, legal translators need extensive training to ensure their work is of the highest quality.
Documents to be translated
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If you're a foreigner living in the UAE, you might be in need of a German Legal Translation. You may need to have your driving license, birth certificate, or immigration documents translated. In addition, you may be required to have court documents translated.
Mistakes to avoid
If you're looking for German legal translation services in the UAE, there are some things to keep in mind to ensure you get the best results. One of the most important things is to understand the nuances of the legal terms used in the document. You'll need to make sure the translator pays attention to details and doesn't change the meaning of any terms. It's also helpful to communicate your plans for the translation from the outset with the company or translator. This way, the translation will be more accurate and reduce the risk of legal mistakes.
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unicwatchstore · 2 years
Common Mistakes in German Legal Translation
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Before getting your German Legal Translation, it's important that you have a good quality, clear scan of the original document. It must also contain all markings, signatures, and stamps on the reverse. You can use an online tool to do this. If you're unable to do this yourself, you can hire a professional translation company.
Common mistakes in German legal translation
If you're writing a legal document in German, you should pay special attention to the context of your sentences. For example, you shouldn't translate the word 'extortion' as 'robbery'. Instead, use the word 'geschaft' instead. This way, the English-speaking reader will be able to understand the context of the sentence.
One of the most common mistakes in German legal translations is the incorrect translation of the word 'Impressum.' The 'Impressum' is a required page on German websites that contains important information, including a company's contact details, tax IDs, responsible parties, and more. Translation services should understand the meaning of this term and avoid using it in their translations.
The German civil code has separate definitions for warranty and guarantee. This makes it especially important for translators to pay attention to this sensitive content.
Training required
German legal translation requires a high level of skill and knowledge. It requires the translator to have a good command of the German language, as well as knowledge of the legal system and the respective laws. Legal translations must be correct and free of inconsistencies and illegalities. If a translation is not done properly, it can cause the legal process to be delayed or suspended. Therefore, training is crucial to ensure the quality of your translations.
While there is no specific degree for becoming a legal translator, training in language and technical translation is essential. With training and study, you can become an expert in the field.
Cost of hiring a German to English translator
Whether you're working on a certified legal document translation services in one of the most widely-spoken languages in the world, or just want a document translated from one language into another, it's important to get the right German to English legal translator. You can find these translators online, and they can help you translate a wide variety of documents.
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Prices vary widely, but can be as low as $5. The rate you pay depends on the level of expertise and experience of the translator. Most freelance translators set their own rates, and the more experience they have, the higher their prices will be. Using online translator databases, such as 24Task, can help you compare quotes and choose a translator that fits within your budget.
Rates vary depending on the type of work needed and the language. Often, a more experienced translator will command a higher rate because of his or her specialized expertise. But this also means that he or she will be able to deliver higher-quality work.
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elirium · 6 months
Recently i noticed that one of my favorite panels is way more boring in the english version than in the one i read. So. I decided to share it with you.
English version:
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German version:
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Translation: "Red... I understand your feelings [...] but in a battle there should be no romantic feelings."
[from chapter 40]
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lunatic-fandom-space · 3 months
Whenever i read yugioh fanfic and it used all this random clunky japanese I found that pretty cringe and sometimes I would think to myself "i bet native japanese speakers who read these think its cringe and sounds really bad too" and while i obviously cant speak for them, as a native german speaker whos now read english tanz fanfics where they insert random clunky german sometimes, I actually find it delightful please keep doing it
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dramatic-dolphin · 8 months
can my professors just give me some required reading by english-speaking authors so i can download them off zlibrary like god intended
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chicago-geniza · 8 months
How was Austria in the early 1920s more Hitlerite than Germany at the same time. They love to rewrite history as "the first country invaded by the Nazis" but the average non-Jewish non-socialist Austrian wanted the Anschluss so bad it made him look stupid (I'm listening to a book talk about Vienna in the immediate post-Habsburg period)
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electrosquash · 9 months
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Nein nein wir haben kein Polizeiproblem in Mannheim
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coreagroup · 9 months
Navigating the Intricacies of Global Legal Translation
Legal translation is a complex and challenging field that requires attention to detail, a deep understanding of legal systems and terminology, and strong language skills. Legal translators face a number of unique challenges that can make their work difficult and demanding. Some of the main challenges that legal translators encounter include varying laws from country to country, constantly…
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fvaleraye · 1 month
limbus company is a wild game. you play as a nonbinary amnesiac who got their head cut off and responded by replacing it with a flaming wall clock, whose second job is to (ineffectually, at first) be the manager of a group of people on a bus and whose first job is to revive and heal them anytime anything happens, which is all the time. your party is comprised of a dour scientist who has a habit of speaking in poetry, a mysterious white haired genius implied to be in a constant mental discord call with different versions of herself across multiple universes, an autistic woman who named her shoes after a fictional horse and turns into an ancient and powerful vampire if they're ever taken off, a swordswoman who speaks a third of her mind in acronyms and loves to murder people "artistically", an autistic frenchman built like a fridge who refuses to be a person unless ordered to, a long haired rich pretty boy who accidentally pisses people off with his sheltered behavior half the time and pretends to be dumber than he is to purposefully annoy people the other half, a british thug whose entire plot could have been solved by just spitting it out and also turned into a wolf monster for a bit, a ginger who got bored of her office job and decided to get on a boat and hunt whales about it, a russian gambler whose mental health and self image are rapidly deteriorating while she is also getting progressively worse at hiding it, a young man who is really in over his head while also being very good at killing people who also is weirdly good at translating the earlier mentioned swordswoman's acronyms, a kiss-ass former military woman who would probably kill everyone else in the party if she thought she could get away with it, and a german former-soldier who got a mutant bug arm and intense ptsd and depression. there's also the all powerful guide who tells you where to go who is legally not allowed to be too helpful and is also perpetually sick of your shit, and the strange girl who drives the bus you all ride in without a license or a lick of training. also the bus looks like a train. add onto the fact that most of the characters and their backstories are references to classic literature, and you have what is possibly the world's MOST dysfunctional dnd party.
we love this fucking game.
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paskariu · 2 years
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i may not be able to get my grubby hands on the comics as comics but the soft cover bundle is available HELL YEA
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notvv0ltz · 10 months
❗🏳️‍⚧️ Petition to help Russian trans people to get German humanitarian visas
As you know, basically Russia has banned any way of transitioning for trans people and *fully* legalized conversion therapy. This month the government also has claimed that the "LGBTQ movement" should be on the list of extremist groups (lol what)
German queer activists (Quarteera) have created a petition to the Bundestag that suggests the ability to live in Germany for trans people from Russia. However, 50,000 votes are needed for it to be considered.
This is not the change org shit. This petition CAN work. Use translator if you need, it takes just 5 minutes to sign it. It is also highly advised to share this.
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gayszlen · 23 days
For the yet-to-be-informed, let me preach to you the gospel of Das gayszlen
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What is Das Gayszlen?
Das gayszlen, generally translated as the "whip" is a technique in historical longsword fighting from 15th century German tradition. The basic mechanics of the gayszlen are as such: a single handed strike with the nondominant or lower hand, where the sword is released from a traditional grip to allow the blade to sweep towards the leg of your opponent. Some also define other one handed strikes, slices, or thrusts as a gayszlen, but (in my experience) the more common interpretation is the narrower definition I provided. There is some difficulty however in knowing definitively how it was used historically, beyond the general difficulty in knowing anything for certain in HEMA that comes with the territory of reviving a dead art. Much proverbial ink has been spilled online about how, when, and if it is appropriate to use, and many consider it to be a cheap trick, not to be used in serious competition or incorporated into a revival of historical fencing systems. I have Thoughts™ about it and my new URL change inspired me to detail those thoughts, continued below.
Where does it come from?
Ok. so. maybe "15th century german tradition" is a bit generous. There is a grand total of ONE source for the gayszlen, which is in a fechtbuch (fencing book) by fencing master and author Hans Talhoffer, one of the most influential and prolific of his time. His numerous manuals cover a wide range of weapons and techniques including grappling, dagger, polearms, mounted and armoured combat, as well as some more silly things like duelling/long shields and "man vs woman" duels (last two pictured below).
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Despite all that and multiple depictions of many of the techniques for these silly "niche" styles of combat (at least in the context of modern HEMA practice, they likely were somewhat prevalent at the time and used to resolve legal disputes) there is only one illustration of the gayszlen, in one of Talhoffer's books. It depicts an exchange between a fencer in a "free point" (afaik the only time that term is used as well, though it is a position that is quite common in german longsword fencing, being a sort of hanging guard or the midpoint of a strike like a zwerchhau) and another performing the gayszlen against the aforementioned fencer, shown below (figure on the right is performing the gayszlen).
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You may notice the text on the image, next to each figure! These say Ain fryes ortt and Das gayszlen, again translated as "a free point" and "the gayszlen". You may ask "but what does the actual caption or description say about it?!" I'm so sorry to disappoint you, and I share in your misery: this is all there is. Truly sad, I know. This lack of source material is (in my opinion) why there is so much difficulty defining it and so much debate over its historical usage and value in modern use.
So how do people interpret it?
As stated earlier, the (general) consensus is that it is a one handed strike (a hit, hew, or cut, as opposed to a thrust or draw/push slice) made with the offhand to the lower half of the opponent's body. One of the main disagreements on how to interpret this is whether the sword is "whipping" or cutting to the left from the right, or from the right to the left. Based on the foot position, it might look like the fencer performing the gayszlen (hereafter referred to as G) is bringing the sword from their left side to swing into the opponent's (hereafter referred to as F) left calf. However, this hand position and movement of the sword leaves G entirely open to attack anywhere on their torso or the right side of their body generally. An example of me (right) executing this interpretation is below: you can see that I do actually get the hit, but my opponent nearly hits me with the first strike to the right side of my head, where I am most vulnerable, and follows it up with another strike to my head. If this scenario played out with sharp swords and no protective gear I would lose this fight.
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Another interpretation of the gayszlen is this: G holds the sword in any guard on the right side of their body (higher guards may be better for generating more force or deciding to do literally anything other than the gayszlen) and releases the sword from their right hand, holding the pommel in the left and sweeping the sword towards F's right calf. in the picture we have, it may be that the "free point" is meant to be a response to the gayszlen, and therefore F is retracting their foot to avoid the gayszlen, while striking G to their unprotected body. An example of me (left) attempting to execute this interpretation is below: even though my opponent fails to parry or suppress my attack, it wasn't necessary. I didn't have the reach to hit her leg, though her dodge may have saved her even if I had been a bit closer to begin or had extended farther.
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Something that I believe supports this second interpretation is the general attitude of historical German longsword manuals to favor attacks and guards from above, to high openings, or generally closer to the upper half of the body than lower attacks and guards. A reason for this is detailed in many European sword systems, namely the destreza rapier tradition, thibault by extension, and meyer.
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The above image and video are pretty simple explanations, the core idea being that a sword and arm extended at the height of the shoulder (or nearer the shoulder) will have more forward reach than a sword and arm extended higher or lower than the shoulder. Because of this, F theoretically has somewhat of a reach advantage over G, as their sword and arm are closer to their shoulder. though the utility (as I'll talk about more later) of the gayszlen is that it is done in a grip that extends G's reach beyond a normal grip like F has.
There are also interpretations that point to it being a thrust (like I attempt below) which is supported by similar techniques showing up in other European sword systems, which I could spend a whole equally long post talking about, but this is plenty long as is, maybe a topic for another time. The two lame reasons I have for not liking this interpretation is that a thrust doesn't seem very "whiplike", and also a thrust to the legs with one hand is harder to pull off than a cut to the legs or a one handed thrust to the torso.
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How can I incorporate the gayszlen into my modern HEMA practice?
To preface this, throughout all of this I'm mixing terms and concepts from Fiore and Liectenauer and Talhoffer and Meyer and probably some other stuff. I primarily study and practice Liechtenauer blossfechten via Ringeck, Danzig, and Lew, as well as most of Fiore's system. This is just my opinion on what purpose the gayszlen can serve in the frog DNA filled world of HEMA longsword, this is not pure to any martial art system, just an application for the sport.
That being said: I believe the gayszlen's place in modern longsword fencing is similar to that of guards like the boar's tooth, long tail, or the key, all of which can use distance deceptively. they place the sword further back than it would be in an iron gate or a plow (guards which are somewhat close to those I mentioned) and allow the fencer using them to seem less threatening than they would with more aggressive guards. Likewise, I often find myself throwing gayszlens from positions where I'm somewhat retracted or seemingly out of distance, or preparing for an attack to another opening. This can often allow an attack at an unexpected timing or from an unexpected angle. I find it works well when your opponent is static in a guard and you to a distance juuust outside of where you could hit them with a normal grip, and the switch to a one handed pommel grip gives you the couple inches you need to get the hit, and hopefully enough speed to avoid getting beaten away by their sword. One of the big dangers with the gayszlen is the opportunity it presents for getting hit. When you employ this technique, you give up basically all protection your sword has to offer, you can't block any incoming attacks, and you don't have a good enough grip to bat your opponent's sword out of the way. This means that if you don't plan well, you leave yourself totally open to a double or a hit to you if they avoid your gayszlen. See below! The fencer attempting the gayszlen (right) goes in with his head down and totally unprotected, allowing the opposing fencer to get a really beautiful hit to his head as she dodges his gayszlen. This is what you should do if you encounter someone who is eager to use the gayszlen and you wish to discourage them.
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A safer position (both to avoid getting hit and to avoid injury, as I'll mention in the next section) is a more upright stance and a deep lunge, though keeping your shoulder up, as I mentioned earlier, reduces your range to that lower point.
Why don't some people allow it in tournaments?
Many tournaments, in my area and others, don't allow gayszlens. some ways this manifests are bans on all one-handed cuts, all one handed strikes altogether, including thrusts, hits to the leg below the knee, etc. Some people just don't like the gayszlen, think it's too hard to judge, think it doesn't have enough historical basis, or think it is dangerous to the person doing it or the person having it done to them. A lot of those reasons are laid out in this article, which, while I disagree with most of the points, makes those points pretty well. It's also the first result when you search on google for gayszlen, which makes me sad :( Another argument regarding the safety that isn't mentioned in that article is that to get additional reach and evade strikes from above, some people get really low when executing a gayszlen, even exposing the back of their head or body, which can lead to some really nasty hits to the back of your head or your spine, which are vulnerable areas even when wearing gear, are are often the parts of the body that have the least protective gear. In my opinion, any ruling that is intended to ban gayszlens that we've seen is too broad. banning one-handed cuts (or strikes altogether) means that whole sections of manuscripts or traditions (such as fiore's uno mano plays) can't be performed, banning cuts to the legs or parts of the legs can give an advantage to taller fencers, discarding them automatically because they're too difficult to judge the quality of can punish those who have worked to perfect them safely, etc. At the end of the day it doesn't really make a huge difference one way or the other, and every tournament organizer is biased in the way they make their ruleset one way or the other, but I think the gayszlen is unfairly maligned. In my opinion, with proper attention to levels of force, protective equipment, and judging, the gayszlen deserves a place in modern HEMA tournaments.
some people pronounce it "guy-slen" and I usually say "gay-slen" and I don't speak modern or medieval german so idk how it should be pronounced but I like saying gay :) because homosexuality get it???? I
I've made the gayszlen a bit of a meme in my local scene by shouting "GAYSZLEN" whenever I do it, like an anime character. This is typically regarded with friendly annoyance, and it makes hitting this silly ass technique SO much more satisfying and makes whiffing it a lot less embarrassing :)
anyways thanks for reading my long ass post ily <3 if anyone has additional thoughts, please leave them in the comments! I'd rather not debate anything, but I'd be happy to discuss intricacies of the gayszlen's use and interpretation if you're nice about it!
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blockygraphics · 2 months
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Various BMP files representing scenes from the CD for the German game Virtual Corporation (1996). According to MobyGames the 3D animators were Alberto Morales, Adrian Williams, and Peter Vlahakis, with additional graphics by Martin Dolgener.
Intro to the game (translated from German):
"The year is 2028.
All trade and business transactions are conducted on the NET, an evolution of the Internet from the 1990s.
Access to the NET is via Brainstorm TM, a user interface developed by Google Plex Industries in collaboration with governments around the world. Brainstorm transmits audio and visual inputs directly into the user's brain while complying with legal regulations.
Chris Qwerty, a promising young programmer at Pogodyne Systems, Google Plex's main competitor, developed the concept of virtual teleconferencing. This revolutionized the way companies around the world did business and a global cybercity developed on the NET.
Pogodyne became the most successful and powerful software company in the world.
And then suddenly a job opened up..."
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sflow-er · 7 months
About the suspected spoiler in the German trailer
In case you haven't run into it yet, there's a detail in the German dub that seems to contain a spoiler. It's Kristina's line in this clip:
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In Swedish, she says: Så ska du kunna ta över efter mig.
Note that the "så" wouldn't be there unless something came before it. This could be a point in time, or more likely a condition. "Så" has a few different meanings, but in this context, it's likely a superfluous "then". As in, "if/when X happens, then Y follows."
The part that's been cut may have been revealed in the German dub where Kristina says, Du musst in einem Jahr in der Lage sein, den Thron zu übernehmen. (In a year, you have to be able to take over the throne.) Note that the subs saying Du musst in einem Jahr den Thron übernehmen (You have to take over the throne in a year) are not to be trusted - those are likely made by AI and/or someone from the marketing team who doesn't know the context and just abbreviated the line to meet on-screen length restrictions.
So is it a real spoiler? Well, there will be a lot of little changes in the dubs because languages work differently, and as a translator, I want to caution against interpreting all of them as meaningful! However, I find it hard to believe they would have added something as specific as a year's time window for no reason. It seems more likely the timing was mentioned in the part before "så" or in the surrounding lines in Swedish and the other dubs, but in German, it was put in the middle for word order, flow and/or lip sync reasons.
Still, I'm inclined to think this spoiler isn't as huge as it sounds at first. I admit that my first thought was, "what?? is Kristina ill?? oh I don't like that, it's such a cheap soapy twist to speed up Wille's choice"... But then I realised it very likely just refers to Wille turning 17 in S3.
By Swedish law, only a legal adult can take over the throne. If the monarch dies and the heir is under 18, parliament (riksdag) will appoint a temporary regent (riksföreståndare) and vice regent (vice riksföreståndare). The same thing also happens if there is no heir (note that only parliament can change the line of succession; August, for example, isn't an official heir until the law is changed).
In other words, Kristina is probably just saying something within the lines of In a year, you have to be able to take over if anything happens to me because Wille has just turned 17 and would be able to succeed her at 18.
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reality-detective · 11 months
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Patriots in the Netherlands are walking the streets dropping flyers at the homes of citizens in hopes of awakening the people. According to Rem64 it is having great success. He sent me the flyer and I translated it to English so everyone can read it. 👇
Message to the population The information below is distributed worldwide by hundreds of scientific, legal and political organizations to inform humanity. Evidence for the stated facts can be found in the detailed evidence reports on StopWorldControl.com
The World Economic Forum wants to shape your life The world's richest come together at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The founder of the WEF, Klaus Schwab, is known for statements such as: We determine the future and We infiltrate governments. The WEF trains Young Global Leaders who are positioned in governments around the world. French President Macron, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau and German Chancellor Merkel are Young Global Leaders of the WEF. The Netherlands and Belgium also work closely with the WEF and serve their agenda. Part of this agenda is to replace privacy with transparency. They want every detail of your life to be known soon: what you do, who you meet with, what you eat, what you buy... The WEF announces that new technologies will record everyone's thoughts, feelings and dreams in the cloud , where governments have access to this intimate data. To combat climate change, the WEF wants to abolish all private property. You will have to rent everything: houses, cars, work tools, etc. The WEF calls for blocking sunlight by massively releasing chemicals into the air. The WEF encourages the normalization of pedophilia, while the UN and WHO instruct all schools to teach sexual techniques to small children in kindergarten, so that they start having sex as young as possible, with people of any age or gender. As absurd as these plans sound, they are promoted by the WEF, the UN, the EU, the WHO and companies such as. Google and Facebook. They are part of the sustainability goals of Agenda 2030, which are supported by governments worldwide. All evidence of this can be found on StopWorldControl.com
The World Health Organization wants to rule the world The World Health Organization is being legally restructured as an effective global dictatorship, able to impose binding mandates on all countries whenever they declare a pandemic. However, the WHO is a private organization that operates outside any democratic process. One of the WHO's main backers is Bill Gates, who has no medical training whatsoever, yet is promoted as the medical authority around the world. As the world's largest vaccine dealer, his health advice is to inject everyone all the time, making him billions of dollars. WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus also has no medical training. Yet Gates and Tedros dictate to all the millions of medical experts worldwide what they can and cannot do. Article 18 of the proposed Pandemic Treaty allows the WHO to shut down any source of information that does not align with what they want all of humanity to believe. This means censoring millions of experts in every field. Only what the WHO and Bill Gates say should be heard. Do you want undemocratic organizations to become dictators over your life and over all humanity? Do you want all objective scientific and medical information to be hidden so that you only hear what a single private institution wants you to believe? Do you want to be forced to receive dangerous injections for the rest of your life, without being informed about the risks? If you do not agree with this course of action, we invite you to inform yourself carefully at StopWorldControl.com
The news is determined by investors Many people do not know that all major news agencies are owned by a small group of investors, who determine what can be said in the news. In addition, billionaires such as Bill Gates and George Soros donate hundreds of millions of euros to news organizations around the world, to determine what they broadcast Udo Ulfkotte, an editor at one of the largest newspapers in the world, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung which is published in 148 countries well-known I have been a journalist for 25 years and I have been trained to lie, betray and never tell the public the truth, journalists) are being bribed worldwide by the CIA, billionaires and governments to manipulate the public The world's best-known political commentator, Tucker Carlson, she The news you consume is a lie of the most insidious kind CNN technical director Charlie Chester said: There is no such thing as objective news. All newsreaders are told what to say. He admitted that CNN deliberately creates fear to manipulate their viewers, whether it is about a pandemic or climate change. Texts from Matt Hancock, British Health Secretary, read: We are making everyone scared? The World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, the United Nations and the European Union, which are owned by the same financial entities that control the news, are calling on governments worldwide to censor any information that does not follow their narrative. Any investigation that exposes their criminal operations should be labeled conspiracy theory or disinformation.
Vital information is hidden Thousands of scientists, doctors and medical organizations are sounding the alarm as millions of people have died and hundreds of millions of people have been disabled after being injected with the experimental vaccines for COVID-19. Data from the US CDC shows that in the US alone, one and a half million people suffered from side effects including death, stroke, heart failure, brain disorders, convulsions, life-threatening allergic reactions, autoimmune diseases, arthritis, miscarriage, infertility, rapid onset muscle weakness, deafness, blindness, etc. Worldwide there is an explosion of turbo cancer and sudden death. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care's famous Lazarus report revealed that overall, only 19% of vaccine side effects are reported. According to this study, the number of adverse events and deaths must be multiplied by a factor of 100 to understand the true prevalence of serious vaccine injuries. COVID-19 has a 99.7% survival rate, comparable to the seasonal flu, and there are many effective medications, such as hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, budesonide, chlorine dioxide and many more. These have hardly any side effects, are completely safe and available everywhere in the world. This means that no vaccine is needed. However, the WHO instructed governments worldwide to ban these drugs for the treatment of corona and to censor any doctor who spoke about it, that vaccines are the only answer.
What's going on in the world? Why are governments controlled by private institutions like the WEF and WHO? Why is vital information hidden? These are not conspiracy theories as claimed, but facts that can be verified on the international website StopWorldControl.com. We work with world leaders in the fields of law, science, medical care, journalism and politics. Our network consists of more than 100 organizations that jointly inform humanity. They include Nobel laureates, presidents and presidential candidates, former generals of the US army, organizations of police officers and investigators, as well as top officials of the United Nations, the World Health Organization and the European Union. We encourage every right-thinking person to inform themselves carefully Visit the website StopWorldControl.com Pass this flyer on to others.
Stand Strong! Stand United! Be Prepared!
✨ 🛡️ 🇳🇱 WWG1WGA 🇺🇸 ⚔️ ✨
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