#George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff
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Georges Ivanovitch GURDJIEFF [p. Thomas De HARTMANN]
"The Music of Gurdjieff / De Hartmann"
(4LP box. Triangle rcds. 1985 / rec. 195?) [AM/RU]
#gurdjieff#thomas de hartmann#50s#armenia#russia#contemporary#piano#records#georges ivanovitch gurjieff#Youtube
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Vassilis Tsabropoulos & Anja Lechner & U T Gandhi — Melos. 2008 : ECM 2048.
! acquire the album ★ attach a coffee !
#jazz#piano trio#Vassilis Tsabropoulos#2008#ecm#anja lechner#u t gandhi#neo classical#2000s#2000s jazz#georges ivanovitch gurdjieff
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“L’illusione suprema dell’uomo è la sua convinzione di poter fare. Tutti pensano di poter fare... ma nessuno fa niente. Tutto accade.”
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Georges Ivanovitch Gurdjieff -- a mystic, philosopher, spiritual teacher, and composer born in Alexandrapol, Armenia -- was also a seasoned and successful professional wrestler in the WWF!!
He taught that most humans do not possess a unified consciousness and thus live their lives in a state of hypnotic "waking sleep", but that it's possible to awaken to a higher state of consciousness and achieve full human potential.
Gurdjieff described a method attempting to do so, calling the discipline "The Work" (work on oneself) or "the System". According to his principles and instructions, Gurdjieff's method for awakening one's consciousness unites the methods of the fakir, monk, and yogi -- and thus he referred to it as the "Fourth Way."
He also claimed to be the only true "chi" master who claims to be the only true "chi" master. He has put on many demonstrations of his skill at knocking student black belts unconscious without even touching them!
#gurdjieff#fourth way#chi#enlightenment#waking up#awareness#sleepwalking#iron sheik#wwf#professional wrestling#the work#the system#mean gene okerlund#unified consciousness#wrestler#professional wrestler
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4e voie
Dans ce troisième épisode d’une Vie, un Sens, nous partons à la rencontre d’un homme aussi controversé que mystérieux, Georges Ivanovitch Gurdjieff qui marque son époque par sa personnalité forte et particulièrement décalé par rapport aux codes sociaux de son époque, il introduit l’ennéagramme en occident, un outil de développement personnel. #3 Une vie, un Sens : Georges Ivanovitch Gurdjieff…
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Lorsque le cocher (l'esprit) est confus et ne
sait pas où aller, l'entraîneur (corps) est
conduit par les chevaux (émotions) qui le
tirent automatiquement, sans direction,
pendant que le passager (âme) dort. Et si la
conscience dort, quelle conscience
pouvons-nous avoir de ce que nous faisons
disons et décidons ? Comment un
entraîneur peut-il donner des instructions
adéquates aux chevaux s'il ne sait pas oÙ
aller ?!? Et pour savoir où aller il faut
écouter la voix du passager (âme), pour
pouvoir prendre les règnes et conduire les
chevaux dans la direction souhaitée
Pensez-vous que ce n'est pas vrai ? Alors
pensez au nombre d'actions et de pensées
que Vous faites sans utiliser votre
Georges Ivanovitch Gurdjieff
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Un ragazzino provò un immenso dispiacere nel trovare la sua tartaruga a pancia all'aria, immobile e senza vita accanto allo stagno. Suo padre fece del suo meglio per consolarlo: "Non piangere, figliolo. Prepareremo un bel funerale per la signora Tartaruga; le costruiremo una piccola bara tutta foderata di seta e chiederemo al becchino di porre sulla tomba una lapide con inciso il nome della signora Tartaruga. Poi le porteremo ogni giorno dei fiori freschi e porremo tutt'intorno un piccolo steccato". Il bambino si asciugò gli occhi e si dichiaro entusiasta dell'idea. Quando tutto fu pronto, il padre, la madre, la cameriera e il bambino in testa partirono in corteo marciando con aria solenne verso la stagno dov'era la morta. Ma questa era scomparsa. All'improvviso scorsero la signora Tartaruga che emergeva dal fonda del laghetto, nuotando allegramente. Il piccolo fissò la sua amica in preda a profonda delusione ed esclamò: "Uccidiamola".
George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff, La tartaruga
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In accordance with general cosmic laws, the river flows in a fixed direction... every drop plays a part insofar as it is part of the river, but the law of the river as a whole not extend to the individual drops. - G. I. Gurdjieff George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff was a mystic and a spiritual teacher of Armenian descent whose philosophy and insight are often quite difficult to initially grasp, but who nonetheless left a significant mark in 20th century western spirituality.
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Rare Remarkable by George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff
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"Gurdjieff / De Hartmann vol.1"
(LP. Auvidis. 1982) [FR]
#alain kremski#1982#france#gurdjieff#thomas de hartmann#contemporary#piano#records#georges ivanovitch gurdjieff#Youtube
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Georges Ivanovitch Gurdjieff (1866 -1949)
" One thing alone is certain, that man's slavery grows and increases. Man is becoming a willing slave. He no longer needs chains. He begins to grow fond of his slavery, to be proud of it. And this is the most terrible thing that can happen to a man. "
" Une seule chose est certaine, l'esclavage de l'homme grandit et augmente. L'homme devient un esclave consentant. Il n'a plus besoin de chaînes. Il commence à apprécier et être fier de son esclavage. Et c'est la chose la plus terrible qui puisse arriver. "
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“Eh sì, caro professore, il sapere e la comprensione sono due cose completamente differenti. Soltanto la comprensione può portare all’essere. Il sapere di per sé stesso non ha che una presenza passeggera: un nuovo sapere caccia via il precedente, e, in fin dei conti, non è altro che del nulla versato nel vuoto.”
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PROOF that Georges Ivanovitch Gurdjieff --- a mystic, philosopher, spiritual teacher, and composer born in Alexandrapol, Armenia --- was also a seasoned and successful professional wrestler in the WWF!!
He taught that most humans do not possess a unified consciousness and thus live their lives in a state of hypnotic "waking sleep", but that it is possible to awaken to a higher state of consciousness and achieve full human potential.
Gurdjieff described a method attempting to do so, calling the discipline "The Work" (connoting "work on oneself") or "the System". According to his principles and instructions, Gurdjieff's method for awakening one's consciousness unites the methods of the fakir, monk and yogi, and thus he referred to it as the "Fourth Way"........
He also claimed to be the only true "chi" master who claimed to be the only true "chi" master. He has put on many demonstrations of his skill at knocking student black belts unconscious without even touching them!
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Il ritorno a me si accompagna a un gusto nuovo e tuttavia familiare.
— Georges Ivanovitch Gurdjieff
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hi there do you know anything/is there a record about a cult called "hour of silence"/"the school"? i have a lot of conflicting memories and feeling baout whether or not it was a cult so if you know about any cults with either of those names thatd be very helpful ^^;; i dont remember their beliefs (everytie i remember it just leaves my head again) so im not sure how easy it is to find,
The group is an offshoot of the Odyssey Study Group run by Sharon Gans (Deceased 1/22/21). Members refer to the Gans led group as "The Work" or simply "school." Ms. Gans and/or her students have operated under many names, which also include "Good Omen Inc.," "Everyman Inc.," "Davail Inc.," "Hudson Valley Artist's Foundation," "Fountain Ridge," "New York Playwrights Association" and "Falls Creek Ranch."
The cult tried to adhere to “the Work” or “Fourth Way” philosophy of G.I. Gurdjieff and P.D. Ouspensky. These were Russian mystics who pieced together Eastern and Western spiritual theories that were to be put into practice by students in their everyday lives. The theory of the Work was that with help of a teacher within a school setting, a student could achieve, through years of effort, a high level of self-awareness that would transform his or her life.
Members were sworn to secrecy about the very existence of the group.
A local retreat was created at a property on Croton Falls Road in Mahopac, New York just down the road from Sharon and Alex's country estate. Many students went to this property one weekend a month beginning about 1989 and continuing until about 1999. But when that location seemed to be getting too much attention from local residents, the group purchased a property in Pawling, New York, with money from wealthier members. This became known as the "Hudson Valley Artist's Foundation" and "Fountain Ridge or Bridge."
The group calls itself a "school" and is supposedly devoted to the "Fourth Way," which is a tradition defined by the philosophy of George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff (1866?-1949) and contained within the writings of Piotr Demianovich Ouspensky (1878-1947). Gurdjieff's basic teaching is that people live in waking sleep and that transcendence from this sleeping state requires a specific inner work, which is practiced in private quiet conditions, and in the midst of life with others. This inner work will supposedly lead to otherwise inaccessible levels of awareness and/or possibilities for personal development.
If this is the group you’re talking about and you want more information. Let me know.
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