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vixen-academia · 1 year ago
My last classes in college as undergrad student
So FINALLY, I’m on senior semester and I chose some extra classes with my only compulsory class. So, here it is!
Geoprocessing: Basically, advanced studies in GeoInfo and mapping software
Costal Geomorphology: Yeah, I needed to take it again. It’s the last compulsory one, it studies the geographical forms from costal areas. I suck on this? Yeah, but I need my diploma.
Brazilian Climatology: Special topics in Brazilian climate
Climate Variability: I really dunno how explain this one… basically, what’s a normal climate variation and what’s an anomaly??? Something like that!
And, of course, I have the final grad project (a study about native plants in costal areas as a tool for mitigation of climate change’s consequences) and the internship in geography
Wish me luck! 🍀
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geografiavestibular · 4 years ago
A questão histórica da palestina e israel
A questão histórica da palestina e israel
Indicamos o 30º episódio do podcast da Rádio Geográfica para entender sobre a origem do conflito entre palestinos e israelenses. (more…)
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putriayu566 · 5 years ago
how to get free gift pizza hut, check it now, and find the rule to get lucky
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flyandwatch · 6 years ago
Geofencing 2.0. dla dronów DJI w całej Europie
Geofencing 2.0. dla dronów DJI w całej Europie
Geofencing 2.0. dla dronów DJI w całej Europie
DJI ma zamiar wprowadzić w całej Europie funkcję Geofencing 2.0.. Dzięki tej funkcji drony firmy DJI nie będą miały możliwości zbliżenia się do portów lotniczych. Rozwiązanie to wprowadzone ma być w całej Europie, a tym samym oznacza to wprowadzenie Geofencing 2.0. r��wnież w Polsce. Warto podkreślić iż, do tej pory w naszym kraju nie było ono…
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jocelynahardwick · 4 years ago
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ajiputraperdana-blog · 6 years ago
Tebak Jumlah Pulau!
Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan. Mengidentifikasi dan mendefinisikan apa itu pulau untuk kasus wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) masih merupakan hal yang menantang. Keberadaan pulau-pulau di dalam sungai besar di Indonesia, kemudian banyaknya pulau-pulau (kecil) bahkan mungkin pulau yang belum bernama.
Saya kembali dagdigdug setiap menjelang kegiatan United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN) dilaksanakan dan dihadiri oleh delegasi Republik Indonesia. Bukan soal nama-nama geografis atau toponim (dikenal dengan nama rupabumi - di Indonesia) dan permasalahan pengumpulan, pengelolaan, publikasi hingga pemanfaatannya. Akan tetapi, yang selalu heboh adalah Jumlah Pulau (yang telah dibakukan namanya oleh Tim Nasional). Bukan timnas sepakbola ya...heuheu. Tapi timnas yang konon bertugas membakukan nama rupabumi di wilayah NKRI.
Entah kenapa, saya melihat bahwa bangsa kita paling suka dengan permainan angka. Sekarang mungkin sedang heboh antara 01 vs 02. Beberapa waktu sebelumnya ramai sekali dengan 212 dan sebagainya. Semua selalu berkaitan dengan angka dan simbolisasi. Mungkin ya...mungkin lho ya, bangsa ini sangat suka dengan matematika.
Hayo tebak, berapa jumlah (angka) pulau terakhir yang sempat heboh?
13.466 di tahun 2012
16.056 di tahun 2017
(di saat itu saya menulis tentang: https://news.detik.com/opini/d-3612427/pembakuan-17-ribuan-nama-pulau-ada-di-tangan-kita)
Kepala BIG juga melakukan konferensi pers pasca dari UNGEGN: http://www.big.go.id/berita-surta/show/jumlah-pulau-indonesia-sebanyak-16-056-pulau-masih-bisa-bertambah-lagi
berapakah nanti di tahun 2019?
Angka-angka tersebut dalam upaya mengejar jumlah 17ribuan pulau (17.504?). Ingat angka 17 ini cukup sakral lho...17-8-’45 adalah tanggal kemerdekaan NKRI tercinta.
Yang jadi gatel itu, dimanakah saya bisa akses data pulau tersebut secara resmi? Apakah data rupabumi Indonesia yang bisa diakses via inageoportal itu selaras dengan data 16ribuan pulau yang telah dibakukan namanya tersebut dan konon sudah didaftarkan ke UNGEGN?
Oh ya, di tahun 2017 tersebut Kepala BIG juga terpilih menjadi Vice-Chair UNGEGN Periode 2017-2019 (tertulis juga di website berita BIG di atas). Hmmmm, kira-kira sudah apa saja yang dilakukan?
Ah sudahlah...ini sekedar celoteh dan rasa penasaran saya saja sebagai pemerhati toponimi di Indonesia.
Ditunggu kabar-kabarnya di Instagram atau website BIG, jangan sampai hanya heboh soal jumlah pulaunya saja. 
Sejauh pantauan hingga saat ini di website UNGEGN, Delegasi RI akan membawakan beberapa cerita mengenai penggantian nama Maluku Tenggara Barat, Toponim Warisan Budata dan Pariwisata DI Yogyakarta, Urgensi Penyusunan RPP Pemberian dan Penggantian Nama Rupabumi, dan Penamaan unsur bawah laut. Hmm, sisanya menunggu update lagi. Silahkan pantau di https://unstats.un.org/unsd/geoinfo/UNGEGN/1st_session_UNGEGN.html dan cari Indonesia.
Sukses ya teman-teman...Semoga tidak hanya heboh soal jumlah pulau.
Salam hormat,
Aji Putra Perdana
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expomahal-blog · 7 years ago
Conferences Alert from Netherlands-2018-Oct
Conferences in Netherlands 2018-Oct
The following Conferences are planning to exhibit/present various products/services/information's in the month of Oct,2018 in Netherlands. Please don't miss these opportunities to expand your business network.
Conferences Calendar of Amsterdam-Netherlands-2018-Oct
The following events at Amsterdam, Netherlands may give you more scope to build better business network. Please find the more details by clicking on relevant search button.
EMEA Summit Amsterdam-Conferences
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PERE Global Investor Forum: Amsterdam-Conferences
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Transfer Pricing Masterclass-Conferences
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Conferences Alert from Delft-Netherlands-2018-Oct
The following events at Delft, Netherlands may give you more scope to build better business network. Please find the more details by clicking on relevant search button.
GeoInfo Conference-Conferences
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Conferences Alert from Ede-Netherlands-2018-Oct
The following events at Ede, Netherlands may give you more scope to build better business network. Please find the more details by clicking on relevant search button.
FIGON Dutch Medicines Days-Conferences
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Conferences Alert from Eindhoven-Netherlands-2018-Oct
The following events at Eindhoven, Netherlands may give you more scope to build better business network. Please find the more details by clicking on relevant search button.
IFAC Conference-Conferences
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Photonic Integration Conference-Conferences
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Conferences in Groningen-Netherlands-2018-Oct
The following events at Groningen, Netherlands may give you more scope to build better business network. Please find the more details by clicking on relevant search button.
International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (ICRAMCS)-Conferences
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Conferences Calendar of Hoofddorp-Netherlands-2018-Oct
The following events at Hoofddorp, Netherlands may give you more scope to build better business network. Please find the more details by clicking on relevant search button.
Conference on Data Analytics and Data Mining-Conferences
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Conferences in The Hague-Netherlands-2018-Oct
The following events at The Hague, Netherlands may give you more scope to build better business network. Please find the more details by clicking on relevant search button.
World Pension Summit (WPS)-Conferences
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Conferences in Netherlands-Oct-2018, Conferences in Netherlands, Conferences in 2018, Conferences in Oct-2018,Conferences Alert from Netherlands 2018 Oct, Conferences in Netherlands 2018 Oct, Conferences Calendar of Netherlands 2018 Oct, Conferences Alert from Netherlands 2018 Oct, Conferences Calendar of Netherlands 2018-Oct, Conferences in Netherlands 2018-Oct, Conferences Calendar of Netherlands 2018-Oct, Conferences Alert from Netherlands Oct-2018 source http://www.expomahal.com/2018/08/conferences-alert-from-netherlands-2018.html
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thoughtfullyblogger · 7 years ago
Κύριοι χαίρετε.
Με την ευκαιρία που αυτές τις μέρες αποκαλύφθηκε ότι οι Σκοπιανοί έχουν πάρει την γλώσσα σαν Μακεδονική από το 1977, ένα άλλο αξιοσημείωτο γεγονός είναι ότι στην τότε σύσκεψη του ΟΗΕ στην Αθήνα συμμετείχαν και επιφανείς πανεπιστημιακοί μεταξύ των οποίων και ο πολύς κ. Μπαμπινιώτης. Μήπως κάποιος να τον ρώταγε να μας πει τι ακριβώς έγινε τότε;
Δείτε σελίδα 4 του εγγράφου του ΟΗΕ List of Participants – E/CONF.69/INF.4/Rev.1 – 29 August 1977.
Δημήτρης Μ.
Κύριε Μπαμπινιώτη, υπάρχει «μακεδονική» γλώσσα; Τι κάνατε σε εκείνη την σύνοδο;
Κύριοι χαίρετε. Με την ευκαιρία που αυτές τις μέρες αποκαλύφθηκε ότι οι Σκοπιανοί έχουν πάρει την γλώσσα σαν Μακεδονική από το 1977, ένα άλλο αξιοσημείωτο γεγονός είναι ότι στην τότε σύσκεψη του ΟΗΕ στην Αθήνα συμμετείχαν και επιφανείς πανεπιστημιακοί μεταξύ των οποίων και ο πολύς κ.
Κύριε Μπαμπινιώτη, υπάρχει «μακεδονική» γλώσσα; Τι κάνατε σε εκείνη την σύνοδο;
Κύριοι χαίρετε. Με την ευκαιρία που αυτές τις μέρες αποκαλύφθηκε ότι οι Σκοπιανοί έχουν πάρει την γλώσσα σαν Μακεδονική από το 1977, ένα άλλο αξιοσημείωτο γεγονός είναι ότι στην τότε σύσκεψη του ΟΗΕ στην Αθήνα συμμετείχαν και επιφανείς πανεπιστημιακοί μεταξύ των οποίων και ο πολύς κ.
Κύριε Μπαμπινιώτη, υπάρχει «μακεδονική» γλώσσα; Τι κάνατε σε εκείνη την σύνοδο;
Κύριοι χαίρετε. Με την ευκαιρία που αυτές τις μέρες αποκαλύφθηκε ότι οι Σκοπιανοί έχουν πάρει την γλώσσα σαν Μακεδονική από το 1977, ένα άλλο αξιοσημείωτο γεγονός είναι ότι στην τότε σύσκεψη του ΟΗΕ στην Αθήνα συμμετείχαν και επιφανείς πανεπιστημιακοί μεταξύ των οποίων και ο πολύς κ.
Κύριε Μπαμπινιώτη, υπάρχει «μακεδονική» γλώσσα; Τι κάνατε σε εκείνη την σύνοδο; Κύριοι χαίρετε. Με την ευκαιρία που αυτές τις μέρες αποκαλύφθηκε ότι οι Σκοπιανοί έχουν πάρει την γλώσσα σαν Μακεδονική από το 1977, ένα άλλο αξιοσημείωτο γεγονός είναι ότι στην τότε σύσκεψη του ΟΗΕ στην Αθήνα συμμετείχαν και επιφανείς πανεπιστημιακοί μεταξύ των οποίων και ο πολύς κ.
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geomurmur · 7 years ago
“Geo Delft 2018 will become a unique conference"
#news The joint Geo Delft 2018 Conference will bring together communities from four related international organizations: ISPRS, FIG, UDMS and 3D GeoInfo. “Never before these leading geo-information science events have been organized within one joint conference... http://bit.ly/2n77mmK
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mrrolandtfranco · 7 years ago
Introducing ArcGIS Monitor
Medical doctors use tools to monitor patients’ health, diagnose problems, and help determine how to treat illnesses. Now, IT administrators and GIS managers can use a new tool, ArcGIS Monitor, to perform those activities on ArcGIS implementations.
Esri is super excited to announce the launch of ArcGIS Monitor – a tool uniquely tailored to maximize your GIS and IT infrastructure investment by monitoring the health of your ArcGIS Enterprise implementations.
The primary goal of ArcGIS Monitor is to help you efficiently and effectively operate and manage your ArcGIS technology implementations by providing actionable insights into your system usage and performance. Deploying ArcGIS Monitor in your system will:
Maximize GIS investments through more effective system operation and reduced administration costs.
Improve system performance and end-user satisfaction.
Provide timely detection of potential and existing system infrastructure and operation problems that facilitates rapid resolution.
Increase understanding of actual system utilization for “right sizing” components and improves accounting.
Collect actionable, quantifiable metrics, such as system uptime, load, over and under-utilized resources, and usage trends over time.
Generate reports that improve communications among GIS, IT, business owners, and senior management.
The design and development of ArcGIS Monitor are based on real-world Esri Professional Services experiences to help customers diagnose and resolve system performance problems, and achieve a deeper understanding of actual system resource usage. It monitors both software and infrastructure components of an Esri Platform implementation.
Key Features
ArcGIS Monitor features holistic monitoring of all system tiers, including:
Web activity
Software components
ArcGIS Server
Portal for ArcGIS
ArcGIS GeoEvent Server
Geodatabase and ArcGIS Data Store
Cloud deployments
Windows: CPU, Mem, Network, Disk
Linux: CPU, Mem, Network, Disk
Web Logs
Map of user locations
Customized collectors or alerts, which can be created by users
Collection Time
Total and Number/Percentage Used
How it works
ArcGIS Monitor collects data at regular intervals (1, 5, 30, and 60 minutes) and aggregates it hourly and daily. It’s capable of high-volume data collection and statistical analysis, and retains data at three levels:
Raw Data Retention (15 – 90 days)
Raw Data Statistics Retention (perpetual)
Aggregate Data Retention (2 – 5 years)
The program performs non-intrusive monitoring and metrics collection – there are no agents in your system. And it produces actionable reports, either from templates or customized for your organization, at the frequency you choose (real-time, hourly, daily, and monthly). The program will provide alerts and notifications to your administrator.
ArcGIS Monitor helps bridge the gap between IT and GIS. Its comprehensive capabilities are uniquely tailored to work with ArcGIS software, and can fit into any organization’s existing monitoring ecosystem.
We’re excited to release ArcGIS Monitor on January 17! To learn more, please visit the following resources:
ArcGIS Monitor System Requirements
ArcGIS Monitor Help Documentation
ArcGIS Monitor GeoNet Community
ArcGIS Monitor Frequently Asked Questions
from ArcGIS Blog http://ift.tt/2ErPg6k
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flyandwatch · 6 years ago
Forum branżowe ścieżki GEOINFO z udziałem Fly&Watch
Forum branżowe ścieżki GEOINFO z udziałem Fly&Watch
Forum branżowe ścieżki GEOINFO z udziałem Fly&Watch
Forum branżowe ścieżki GEOINFO z udziałem Fly&Watc. Kolejny event, na którym nie mogło nas zabraknąć. Dzisiaj bierzemy udział w Forum branżowe ścieżki GEOINFO w ramach projektu GEO4WORK. Spotkanie odbywa się na Wydziale Nauk o Ziemi i Gospodarki Przestrzennej Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiejw Lublinie. Podczas spotkania zostaną…
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urbanticklog · 16 years ago
Tracking in Virtual Worlds - Tool for Second Life
SlogBase is an open source tool to track the movement of avatars in Second Life. The code offers a database that can be attached to objects in Second Life and sends sensor data to an external database. It was develop with having in mind the marketing aspect. It is advertised by saying how important it is to know what visitors do and what they are interested in. By monitoring the movement on ones owned land the offers can be adjusted or exchanged based on the analysis of the logged data. A lot of information can be logged with this tool. Beside the location, speed and direction other additional data can also be logged. This can be age or mode of transport. Image taken from: SlogBase
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geografiavestibular · 6 years ago
Gastos militares globais atingem maior nível em 30 anos
Gastos militares globais atingem maior nível em 30 anos
Veja o relatório do SIPRI sobre os gastos militares em 2018
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geografiavestibular · 6 years ago
Criação do órgão de “núcleo de conciliação ambiental”
Criação do órgão de “núcleo de conciliação ambiental”
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O decreto nº9.760 publicado na quinta-feira (11/04) cria o “Núcleo de Conciliação Ambiental” com a justificativa de combater a “indústria de multas que ameaça a subsistência de agricultores e pecuaristas” com poderes para resolver disputas ambientais.
A criação do novo decreto é também uma crítica do governo sobre a atuação do Ibama na aplicação de multas por conta do seu “caráter ideológico”.
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geografiavestibular · 6 years ago
Ministério da agricultura libera mais 31 agrotóxicos
Ministério da agricultura libera mais 31 agrotóxicos
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O Ministério da Agricultura, comandada pela “Musa do Veneno”, a Tereza Cristina, liberou o registro de 31 novos agrotóxicos no país. De acordo com o jornal alemão DW, entre os 31 produtos, 16 foram considerados extremamente tóxicos pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa).
A liberação dos agrotóxicos foi publicada nesta quarta-feira (10/04) no Diário Oficial da União.
Na terç…
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geografiavestibular · 6 years ago
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Rússia pode restringir a compra de soja brasileira por causa do glifosato
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