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guecotheaxolotl · 11 months ago
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Goodkid fans of Tumlbr rise up 🙁👆🏽
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popmushroombrains · 5 months ago
can I just post like literally everything I draw? Is that allowed?
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fortunetellersdilettante · 5 months ago
Sa lesu tale mai vale e dua na gonetagane mai Michigan Ka dau taleitaka me vakataki Jack ni'u kissin' koya Au mani tukuna vua ni'u sega vakadua ni taleitaki ira na nona itokani Ia oqo sa yali, ka sa qiriti au tale me'u bitch E dua na turaga e vakaitikotiko ena yasana o iteitei Ka tukuna vei au ni da na rawata 'me yacova ni da sa taurivola. Au sa qai tukuna vua ni na yaga na ivakatagi me wawa Ia e vinakata o koya me'u tiko ena valenikuro kei na dua na veleti ni vakayakavi Au vakabauta, au vakabauta, au vakabauta, au vakabauta Ni sa kena inaki meda Ia na vuvu, vuvu, vuvu, vuvu Mo rawata na noqu vinaka duadua Raica, au sega ni via vakataotaka, ia au Dau cakava na cala vata ga, io Dau cakava na cala vata ga 'baleta Au ca ena loloma (ooh-ooh) Ia o na sega ni rawa ni beitaki au ena tryin ' O kila ni'u na kaya tiko ' O iko ga (ooh-ooh) Sa na qai rawa ni vakavinakataki au oqori Raica tiko na noqu itukutuku makawa Au ca ena yalayala Dua na goneyalewa e matana o California Kau nanuma ni rawa ni o koya dina ena gauna oqo Ia a sega ni dua na gauna me'u cakava me noqu Baleta ni a taleitaka na laini vulavula lalai Goneyalewa kei Lodoni kei
Fekk ein drong heima í Michigan Og tað smakkar sum Jack, tá eg mussi hann So eg segði honum, at mær ongantíð veruliga dámdi vinir hansara Nú er hann farin, og hann kallar meg aftur eina heks Tað er ein maður, sum býr í urtagarðsstatinum Og hann segði mær, at vit fóru at klára tað, til vit fáa prógv. So eg segði honum, at tónleikurin fór at vera verdur at bíða eftir Men hann vil hava meg í køkinum við einum døgurðatallerki Eg trúgvi, eg trúgvi, eg trúgvi, eg trúgvi At tað er meiningin, at vit skulu vera Men øvundsjúka, øvundsjúka, øvundsjúka, øvundsjúka Fá/Fáið tað besta burtur úr mær Hygg/Hyggið, eg ætli ikki at ørkymla, men eg Ger/gerið altíð somu mistøk, ja Ger/gerið altíð somu mistøk, tí Eg eri vánaligur í kærleika (ooh-ooh) Men tú kanst ikki lasta meg fyri at royna' Tú veitst, at eg hevði logið og sagt" Tú vart tann rætti (ooh-ooh) Hatta kundi endiliga loyst meg Hygg at míni søgu Eg dugi illa at lova Fekk eina gentu við eygum í Kalifornia Og eg helt, at hon veruliga kundi vera tann hesa ferð Men eg fekk ongantíð møguleikan at gera hana til mína Tí hon forelskaði seg í smáum, tunnum, hvítum strikum London genta við
Sain poisi tagasi koju Michiganis Ja see maitseb nagu Jack, kui ma teda suudlen Nii et ma ütlesin talle, et ma ei ole kunagi tema sõpradele eriti meeldinud Nüüd on ta läinud ja ta helistab mulle jälle lits Seal on mees, kes elab aiariigis Ja ta ütles mulle, et me teeme selle 'til me lõpetame. Niisiis ütlesin talle, et muusika on ootamist väärt Aga ta tahab mind kööki koos õhtusöögitaldrikuga Ma usun, ma usun, ma usun, ma usun Et me oleme mõeldud olema Aga armukadedus, armukadedus, armukadedus, armukadedus Saage minust parim Vaata, ma ei taha pettuda, aga ma Tehke alati samu vigu, jah Tehke alati samu vigu 'põhjus Mul on halb armastus (ooh-ooh) Aga sa ei saa mind süüdistada selles, et ma proovisin" Sa tead, et ma oleksin lyin' ütle' Sa olid üks (ooh-ooh) See võib mind lõpuks parandada Vaata minu ajalugu Mul on halb lubada Sain California silmadega tüdruku Ja ma arvasin, et ta võib tõesti olla see, kes seekord Kuid ma ei saanud kunagi võimalust teda enda omaks teha Sest ta armus väikestesse õhukestesse valgetesse joontesse Londoni tüdruk koos
Ik heb een jongen thuis in Michigan En het smaakt naar Jack als ik hem kus Dus ik vertelde hem dat ik zijn vrienden nooit echt leuk vond Nu is hij weg, en hij noemt me weer een bitch Er is een man die in de tuinstaat woont En hij vertelde me dat we het zouden redden tot we afgestudeerd zouden worden. Dus ik vertelde hem dat de muziek het wachten waard zou zijn Maar hij wil me in de keuken hebben met een bord Ik geloof, ik geloof, ik geloof, ik geloof Dat we voorbestemd zijn Maar jaloezie, jaloezie, jaloezie, jaloezie Haal het beste uit mezelf Kijk, ik wil niet frustreren, maar ik Maak altijd dezelfde fouten, yeah Maak altijd dezelfde fouten, want Ik ben slecht in liefde (ooh-ooh) Maar je kunt het me niet kwalijk nemen dat ik het probeer Je weet dat ik zou liegen Jij was de ware (ooh-ooh) Dat zou me eindelijk kunnen repareren Kijkend naar mijn geschiedenis Ik ben slecht in beloven Ik heb een meisje met Californische ogen En ik dacht dat zij deze keer echt de ware zou kunnen zijn Maar ik heb nooit de kans gekregen om haar de mijne te maken Omdat ze verliefd werd op kleine dunne witte lijntjes Het meisje van Londen met
मिशिगन च इक जागतै गी घर बापस मिलेआ ते एह् जैक आंह् गर लगदा ऐ जिसलै में उस्सी चुंबन लै'रदा आं इस करियै में उʼनें गी आखेआ जे मिगी उंʼदे मित्तर कदें पसंद नेईं हे हून ओह् चली गेआ ऐ, ते ओह् मिगी परतियै कुतिया आखदा ऐ इक आदमी ऐ जेह् ड़ा बगीचे दी दशा च रौंह् दा ऐ ते उʼनें मिगी आखेआ जे अस ग्रेजुएट होने तक्कर इसगी बनाई लैगे। इस करियै में उʼनें गी आखेआ जे संगीत इंतजार करने लायक होग पर ओह् मिगी रसोई च डिनर प्लेट दे कन्नै चांह् दा ऐ मेरा मन्नना ऐ, मेरा मन्नना ऐ, मेरा मन्नना ऐ, में विश्वास करनां जे अस होने आह् ले आं पर ईर्ष्या, ईर्ष्या, ईर्ष्या, ईर्ष्या मेरा सभनें शा चंगा प्राप्त करो दिक्खो, मेरा मतलब निराश करना नेईं ऐ, पर में म्हेशा उʼऐ गल्तियां करो, हां म्हेशा उʼऐ गल्तियां करो 'कारण' मिगी प्यार च बुरा ऐ ( ऊह-ऊह ) पर तुस कोशश करने आस्तै मिगी दोश नेईं देई सकदे तुसें गी पता ऐ जे में झूठ बोलना चाह् न्नां ' तुस ओह् हे ( ऊह-ऊह ) ओह् आखरकार मिगी ठीक करी सकदा ऐ मेरे इतिहास गी दिक्खो में वायदा करने च बुरा आं कैलिफोर्निया दियें अक्खें आह् ली कुड़ी मिली ते में सोचेआ जे ओह् सच्चैं इस बारी होई सकदी ऐ पर मिगी उस्सी अपना बनाने दा मौका कदें नेईं मिलेआ की जे उʼनें गी लौह् कियां पतली चिट्टी लकीरें कन्नै प्यार होई गेआ हा लंदन दी कुड़ी दे कन्नै
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thenewnio · 7 months ago
Space Robinson
The story is set in the distant future, where space travel, planet colonization and interaction with various alien species are practically everyday things. Young Alaina Robinson, having lost her father when she was still young, is an isolated and introverted teenager. One day, her uncle Zav, wanting to help her socialize, takes her on a trip to Pioneer Space Station. However, the spaceship they are aboard, the Antioch, is chased by the space pirate ship Dragontooth into a gravity storm. In the chaos, Alaina accidentally activates an escape pod and, with her pet alien Orbito, is launched through the maelstrom to a seemingly uninhabited planet, with a breathable atmosphere, water and native fauna. Upon crash landing, they are rescued from the pod’s wreckage by Heart, an abandoned robot, who takes them to his place for shelter. Alaina, only interested in escaping the planet, leaves him to explore and to find help. She and Orbito learn that the planet has only been periodically visited by the pirates who originally drove the Antioch into the storm. Finding no evidence of intelligent life, they return to Heart, and Alaina begins a video diary. Meanwhile, the Antioch has escaped both the pirates and the storm, and has arrived at Pioneer Space Station. Zav, having discovered the missing escape pod while searching for Alaina, tries to convince administrator Francole Blankenship to organize a search and rescue operation, but is denied due to the current threat of the pirates. Alaina, Orbito and Heart eventually learn to cooperate to survive. Discovering a lost space probe, they work together to repair it and use its camera to establish two-way communication with Pioneer. In response to this, Blankenship prepares and launches an unmanned capsule to deliver enough food and supplies to last Alaina until the arrival of the battlecruiser Battalion, which is dispatched to rescue her. Zav, wishing to reunite with his niece, joins the Battalion‘s crew. Later, after receiving the capsule, they spot the pirates, who have captured another spaceship and have two insectoid alien survivors, Deborah and her younger brother “Nyumo”, captives for ransom. The trio rescue Nyumo but Deborah stays behind. They dodge the pirates and head back to Heart‘s hideout. En route, they discover that Nyumo is really a girl named Nyumi, disguised by Deborah to protect her from the pirates. Knowing the pirates will try to reclaim Nyumi, Alaina decides to make a stand against them. Defenses are prepared by building booby-traps and fortifying a rocky outcropping by the planet’s seashore. Meanwhile, the Battalion encounters the Dragontooth, and a battle ensues, ending when the pirate’s captain, Gentu, is killed and Deborah rescued. After the pirates flee, the first mate, Azil, is elected the new captain, his first command being to return to the planet to capture the trio. Back on the planet, Heart manages to catch an alien predator in one of the pit traps they have dug. The next day, while the four complete their fortress, Nyumi spots the pirates and warns the others. As the quartet takes cover in their fort, and the attackers fall victim to their traps and defenses. Azil demands that they hand over Nyumi, while his men sneak up the cliff side and attack from the rear. As the group is about to be overwhelmed, the Battalion arrives, destroying the Dragontooth with its laser cannon. As the pirates are all arrested, Alaina and Nyumi reunite with their respective families, and the Battalion's captain, Tobev Lapphowe, speculates that the planet will become a new colony. After returning home with Heart, Alaina tells her story to her classmates, while those involved in the adventure are seen in their current lives.
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kyle1 · 3 years ago
Honey... soul mate with me.
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444names · 3 years ago
roman emperors forenames, deities and place names BUT excluding "a"
Beliberus Beodio Beodos Bercus Bevoninus Bobris Bons Bontius Bricus Brus Bulunum Cens Cerinus Certors Cerus Cetum Chietrus Chis Chus Cinus Cite Cium Clentius Cles Clinus Clodumnus Clon Clonemnum Clonumnos Cobus Coenius Colitum Columer Colus Comodors Comonus Compes Cone Conepium Conetero Conis Conneptum Conon Cons Contius Convenus Cophis Cops Coridum Cors Cortorte Cortum Corum Cosemius Crelis Crente Cricus Crincius Crius Cule Cunum Curius Curnus Cybello Cybri Delicus Demincops Demius Devites Dichus Dicius Dineturno Ditrus Dituno Dium Dividium Divrens Dortons Dubrio Duregor Durnum Durnus Duror Duros Dury Ebonium Ebor Egulunum Egus Eguvece Eleondium Ellindius Endos Eninumnus Entemium Enum Ernus Etel Etoritum Etrium Ever Evolornum Felies Felium Feluellos Ferego Ferminus Feros Fery Fitus Flonius Flonter Flontius Flonus Fonius Fons Fonus Fonveios Formes Fors Fortinus Fortum Forus Fuleodos Fulichil Fulumnus Fulustis Furi Genor Genosius Gentes Genthenus Gentus Genus Gerium Gespeio Glibii Glyberum Gorcunus Hemius Hemper Henors Heodos Heodosil Heri Herium Hies Hilium Hilornus Hocone Hocosius Honi Honium Honius Horium Horus Hosius Hostus Inum Iregullor Irium Irivium Irtor Iscus Ispeto Ivii Jovigli Jovii Jule Jules Julgons Julo Julum Junes Junovis Jupius Jutum Jutus Juveneum Lempes Lenus Leodor Leono Lerno Libevidos Licus Lies Ligulix Linumenus Linus Litus Lium Lius Loncinus Loncium Lonos Lorus Lostindis Lubors Lucium Luens Luenus Lugulium Lugus Lunerines Lunes Lunum Lustius Medis Medium Medius Mellodos Mene Mensum Mentius Mentus Menuelum Menus Meris Merius Merrium Messio Mestrons Minturius Minum Minus Mitus Mium Mius Modivium Moncium Mondel Mongis Monius Mono Monscite Morid Mule Mulgo Mutius Mytis Mytitin Mytius Necus Neminus Nertus Nete Netres Netus Neum Nikos Nius Nonikos Nonium Noros Nortellus Nortus Nosemper Nosius Novigo Obii Obius Oltum Olum Olus Opho Opio Ortorus Ortum Orus Oter Othes Otilonium Otor Pedinus Pedio Pedius Pedurius Pellonfer Perium Perme Pete Petes Petori Phis Phor Phordos Phori Phos Pies Pius Pizzi Poentio Pollune Pollus Polturnus Polunum Polus Polyberyx Pomo Pompes Pomuttis Pondrium Ponis Pono Ponves Porbovis Pori Portios Portorno Porum Prollus Prosium Pupizzi Pusellum Quillius Quinus Quires Quituner Renti Rentors Rinus Rios Rius Robbin Robbium Robios Robrius Rocentus Roncus Ronium Ronos Rorus Roter Rovides Ruttio Rutum Rutus Scoricus Scullius Secius Sego Seio Selugus Semitus Senorus Senti Sentinus Sentis Sentitis Senum Senus Sephorum Septum Septus Serus Sius Sollum Soltus Solum Stes Stios Subri Subrides Subrincum Subritus Sulgons Sulix Sullunum Tellortus Ternius Tery Tevecin Thenin Theo Theptis Ther Theregis Therium Therres Thes Thonor Thortum Throterte Tius Toris Torium Tregente Trello Tres Trius Trivine Trori Trum Ullon Ultunius Vecentis Vecer Veces Vectio Vectortus Vecus Veid Velix Veneminus Venitum Veno Ventios Ventis Ventius Ventum Venuellus Venum Vercurnor Vercus Veres Veritus Vern Verres Verrium Verte Vetes Vetregon Vicus Vidonium Vidos Vintius Vinum Vios Viregus Virium Vitimin Vitimo Volles Voltus Vondios Vors Vorum Vulgor Vulus Zeum Zeus Zoel Zoelium Zoellodos
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zoreyan · 3 years ago
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selkiecrossing · 4 years ago
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Dream Diary 129- Gentu by sarah
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beautifulklicks · 5 years ago
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Mike Reifman
Gentoo penguins protect their nest from the Antarctic Skuas. Useful Island, Antarctica.
Antarctic skuas like to eat Ghent penguin eggs, but getting to them is far from easy, as penguins fiercely defend their nests. When several skuas attack one penguin on the nest, their chances of success are great. While one predator distracts the penguin, others steal eggs or chicks.
When the skua and Ghent fight face to face - the chances are equal and the result depends on the "personal qualities" of the fighters.
For some time I watched this confrontation and admired the courage and devotion to Ghent. After several rounds of battle, Gentu was clearly tired. The bird began to check the eggs too often and leave them too long in the skeleton's field of vision. It's a shame to admit, but I was ready to intervene when the second Ghent appeared and saved the offspring.
A few hours later in Punta Arenas and from there to Antarctica where our two-week yacht photo expedition will take place.
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delatoid · 4 years ago
what’s your favorite type of apple -gentu
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theluckoftheclaws · 6 years ago
Dancing With Death, Chapter Nine (Ending)
Dark had put Wilford in his room and now has been pacing back and forth in the foyer for the past several hours. Resurrection via switching a soul into a new body surely must take a while, but he was worrying nonetheless. His aura had gone colder than usual as he fretted over his dear Attorney’s return. If he were to breathe, which he didn’t, it would have been visible in the air. The edges of the mirror had frosted up. He holds his cane close, a reminder of what once was. Nelson was limp and slumped over, her head resting on the dresser. Suddenly she gasps, her eyes snapping open as she pushes herself away from the mirror.
The District Attorney stands up shakily, like a newborn fawn. Dark rushes to their side and pulls them into a hug.
“Old friend...it’s been so long. I’m sorry I had to leave you there, but I didn’t have a choice.”
Dark strokes their hair, murmuring.
“It’s good to see you again.”
He steps back, and cups their face in one hand, with the hand holding his cane moving automatically behind his back.
“We are going to do great things together. We can get revenge on the bastard that did this to us! It’s his fault—he was behind everything. He took everything from us and left me with nothing. It's high time we returned that favor.”
“Revenge?” the DA says, still trying to get their bearings.
“Yes, yes, on Mark,” Dark replies, putting an arm around the DA to steady them. “On the man who made us into monsters with no other choice than to skulk in the shadows! We will destroy him. He will pay! We will take back what should have been ours from the beginning.”
“Of course,” the DA responds softly. They gently brush Dark’s arm off of them, and step over to the mirror, looking over themself. Dark grins. He’s been waiting for so long to tell this plan to his ideal co-conspirator, his friend, and now he finally gets to lay out the plan and put it into action. Dark gestures broadly while speaking,
“You currently have the body of Amy Nelson, his new lover. You are the key.”
The DA turns around to take a step toward Dark. They don’t seem to be listening. They look lost.
“Damien...Celine—where’s the Colonel?”
Dark is suddenly silent. He holds his cane in both hands. He looks forlorn.
“A lot has happened since your…”
He didn’t want to say ‘death’, but there weren’t many other words to describe it. The DA senses his dismay. They put their hands over his comfortingly.
Then they tear the cane out of his hands, sprint several steps backward, and point the cane at him like a weapon. Dark chuckles. Some sort of keep-away to cheer him up?
“Come on now, give it back.”
He holds out a hand playfully.
They no longer seem friendly. Their expression is almost malignant. Dark is more irritated now. He doesn’t like to be separated from his possessions.
“Give. It. Back.”
The DA smashes the cane into the mirror, shattering it into thousands of glittering shards in a burst of green light.
But they never were the DA to begin with, where they?
The DA never even left the Void.
Dark glares from beneath his hair across at Amy Nelson.
“You conniving little minx. Using my own tricks against me?”
“Glad to see you’re quick on the uptake!” she taunts.
He chuckles. She’s a good actress, almost as good as Iplier himself.
Dark scoffs, gentuing to the cane.
“What do you think you’re going to do with that? You don’t know how to use it.”
Amy laughs.
“Thankfully, I’m a fast learner!”
Dark roars and lashes out at her with shadows that peel off of the ground into weaponized bolts of pure blackness. He gestures in a downward, sweeping motion pointed at her as the shadows close in. She holds the cane close to her body as she vanishes in a bright burst of blue, red, and green light at the last possible second, the shadows slamming into nothingness and dissolving back into the floor.
Dark stumbles forward, collapsing onto his knees, not caring that he could rip his suit on the mirror shards that still litter the floor. He grits his teeth to stifle the roar in his throat, so as not to wake Will.
I open my eyes, praying it had worked.
I’m at my apartment. I check my phone, and it’s the same time ‘Mark’ had come to pick me up. Everything is as it should be. The only difference is the three foot long pole of black wood and metal I just stole from a demonic entity hellbent on destroying everyone I love.
Knock knock knock. Oh shit—Mark’s here. I run to the coat closet by the front door and hide the cane in there. I hastily open the door to find Mark. He’s wearing jeans and a purple button-down with a blazer over. His hair is overgrown and scruffy; he probably combed it with his fingers right before knocking on the door. It looks like Mark...but so did Dark, so who can tell? I try to get a good look at his eyes; are they the sweet dark brown or are they Darkiplier’s emotionless black?
“Hi, Amy!” Mark says with a huge smile on his face. He walks into the house and gives me a hug and a peck on the cheek.
“So, what are we gonna do?” I ask. This seems like deja vu. I decide to try some discreet security questions, just to ensure history doesn’t repeat itself. Dark won’t make the same mistake twice.
“Um, I was thinking froyo in the park and maybe some stargazing. I don’t know, there’s probably too much light pollution to see anything, but it’s worth a try.” Sounds like a great, simple night—very Mark. I nod, feigning preoccupation.
“What flavor you wanna get?” I ask causally.
“Something chocolate. You know me, I can never get enough chocolate,” he replies with a smile. That’s the Mark I know and love. Crisis averted.
“Alright, that’s awesome. Let’s go.” We walk out the door and to Mark’s car. I hop in and buckle up, checking to make sure this Mark has a reflection- you can never be too sure!
“So, anything interesting happen today?” Mark asks, putting the key in the ignition. I laugh.
“Oh, you have no idea.”
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filologija · 6 years ago
Kratka predstavitev za informativni dan 2019
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Oddelek za klasično filologijo FF UL, zloženka za informativni dan (pdf)
Oddelek za klasično filologijo deluje na Univerzi v Ljubljani od njene ustanovitve leta 1919. Na njem je delovala vrsta pomembnih raziskovalcev in prevajalcev, denimo Fran Bradač, Milan Grošelj, Anton Sovre, Erika Mihevc Gabrovec, Kajetan Gantar in Primož Simoniti. Ti so klasično filologijo na Slovenskem uveljavili kot akademsko znanstveno disciplino. Ob tem so ohranili stik z živo humanistično kulturo, ki na Slovenskem obstaja od poznega 15. stoletja. Mlajša generacija klasičnih filologov, ki na oddelku deluje ta hip, obe tradiciji nadaljuje. Oddelek ostaja v svet odprto znanstveno središče, pa tudi stičišče med akademsko znanostjo in širšim področjem kulture.
Novi študijski programi
Novi programi so sestavljeni iz triletnega dodiplomskega in dveletnega magistrskega študija. Na obeh stopnjah je mogoče izbrati dvopredmetna programa Latinski jezik, književnost in kultura, Grški jezik, književnost in kultura ter samostojni interdisciplinarni program Antični in humanistični študiji. Dvopredmetna programa imata na drugi stopnji tudi pedagoški različici. Pri dvopredmetnih programih je poudarek na jeziku in književnosti. Program Antični in humanistični študiji ob temeljitem študiju enega od dveh klasičnih jezikov ter latinske in grške književnosti omogoča delno usmeritev v sorodna področja. Ta segajo od zgodovine, arheologije in umetnosti do primerjalnega jezikoslovja in literarnih ved. Študenti programa Grški jezik, književnost in kultura se lahko na drugi stopnji usmerijo v staro ali v novo grščino. Program Antični in humanistični študiji pa poleg temeljne izbire med latinščino in staro grščino omogoča tudi enotni študij stare in nove grščine.
Predznanje latinščine ali grščine je koristno, ni pa obvezno, saj novi programi v prvem letniku vključujejo intenzivne tečaje obeh jezikov.
Študijske izmenjave in štipendije
Trenutno ima oddelek podpisane pogodbe o študijski izmenjavi z oddelki za klasično filologijo na Dunaju, v Gentu, v Pragi, v Brnu, v Solunu, v Atenah, v Komotini, v Zagrebu, v Foggii, v Milanu, v Budimpešti in v Kölnu, v Salamanci in Nancyju, v Gdansku in v Varšavi. Dvopredmetni študenti lahko izkoristijo sporazume o študijski izmenjavi na katerikoli od dveh študijskih smeri. Študentje se redno udeležujejo poletnih tečajev novogrškega jezika v Grčiji (v Atenah, Solunu, Joannini, na Rodosu, na Ikariji, Parosu) ter latinskih poletnih šol. V času podiplomskega in doktorskega študija se izpopolnjujejo v tujini kot štipendisti tujih univerz in fundacij (Nemška služba za akademsko izmenjavo DAAD, Sklad Aleksandra S. Onasisa). Vsako leto najuspešnejšim študentom Oddelka za klasično filologijo podeljuje štipendije Ustanova patra Stanislava Škrabca.
Delo po diplomi
Diplomanti oddelka so se v preteklih letih zaposlovali predvsem kot učitelji in raziskovalci na visokošolskih ustanovah (Univerza v Ljubljani, Univerza v Mariboru, Univerza na Primorskem, Univerza v Novi Gorici) in raziskovalnih inštitutih (ZRC SAZU, Pedagoški inštitut). Mnogi delujejo kot profesorji in učitelji na srednješolski in osnovnošolski stopnji. Nekateri so knjižničarji v splošnih in univerzitetnih knjižnicah. Tretji so prevajalci, gledališki ustvarjalci in uredniki na založbah. S svojim delom so znatno obogatili bero slovenskih prevodov iz latinske in grške književnosti in zanj prejeli več uglednih nagrad. Neredki se odločijo tudi za nadaljevanje študija doma ali v tujini.
Člani in diplomanti oddelka dejavno sodelujejo pri delu Društva za antične in humanistične študije. Društvo med drugim izdaja osrednjo slovensko revijo za latinske in grške študije Keria: studia Latina et Graeca.
Vsi podatki o oddelku, študijskih programih, dogodkih ter o znanstvenem, strokovnem in kulturnem delu članov oddelka so dosegljivi na spletni strani ff.classics.si.
Pregled predmetov po letnikih
* Izbirni sklop Antična kultura in civilizacija: Antična mitologija in religija. – Literarno življenje in uprizoritvene umetnosti v antiki. – Antična antropologija in filozofija kulture. – Antična tragedija. – Antična retorika. – Interpretacija antičnih filozofskih besedil.
** Interdisciplinarni sklop: izbirni predmeti s področja antične, srednjeveške in zgodnjenovoveške zgodovine, arheologije, umetnosti, književnosti; stari jeziki; teoretski in metodološki predmeti; tuji jeziki.
 Latinski jezik, književnost in kultura
1. letnik | Latinščina, intenzivni tečaj. – Rimska zgodovina. – Književnost antične Grčije – Rimska književnost in civilizacija – Uvod v latinsko filologijo – Grščina 1.
2. letnik | Latinska skladnja 1. – Zgodovina latinskega jezika. – Izbrana poglavja iz latinske književnosti. – Antična kultura in civilizacija: izbirni sklop (1 predmet).* – Latinska metrika. – Grščina 2.
3. letnik | Zgodovina latinskega jezika. – Izbrana poglavja iz latinske književnosti. – Uvod v latinski srednji vek in humanizem. – Antična kultura in civilizacija: izbirni sklop (1 predmet).* – Splošni izbirni predmet.
Grški jezik, književnost in kultura
1. letnik | Grščina, intenzivni tečaj. – Grška zgodovina. – Književnost antične Grčije. – Grška kultura in civilizacija. – Uvod v grško filologijo. – Latinščina 1.
2. letnik | Grška skladnja. – Zgodovina grškega jezika. – Izbrana poglavja iz grške književnosti. – Antična kultura in civilizacija: izbirni sklop (1 predmet).* – Grška metrika. – Latinščina 2.
3. letnik | Zgodovina grškega jezika. – Izbrana poglavja iz grške književnosti. – Nova grščina, začetni tečaj. – Antična kultura in civilizacija: izbirni sklop (1 predmet).* – Splošni izbirni predmet.
Antični in humanistični študiji
1. letnik | skupni predmeti: Grška zgodovina. – Grška kultura in civilizacija. – Književnost antične Grčije. – Rimska književnost in civilizacija. – Izbirni sklop Antična kultura in civilizacija (1 predmet).* – Interdisciplinarni sklop.** – Splošni izbirni predmeti.
1. letnik | smer Latinska filologija: Uvod v latinsko filologijo. – Latinščina, intenzivni tečaj. – Grščina 1. – Izbrana poglavja iz latinske književnosti (predavanja).
1. letnik | smer Grška filologija: Uvod v grško filologijo. – Grščina, intenzivni tečaj. – Latinščina 1. – Izbrana poglavja iz grške književnosti (predavanja).
2. letnik | skupni predmeti: Rimska zgodovina. – Izbrana poglavja iz grške književnosti (predavanja). – Izbrana poglavja iz latinske književnosti (predavanja). – Izbirni sklop Antična kultura in civilizacija (2 predmeta).* – Interdisciplinarni sklop.**
2. letnik | smer Latinska filologija: Latinska skladnja 1. – Zgodovina latinskega jezika. – Izbrana poglavja iz latinske književnosti (seminar). – Latinska metrika. – Grščina 2.
2. letnik | smer Grška filologija: Grška skladnja. – Zgodovina grškega jezika. – Izbrana poglavja iz grške književnosti (seminar). – Grška metrika. – Latinščina 2.
3. letnik | skupni predmeti: Izbrana poglavja iz grške književnosti (predavanja). – Izbrana poglavja iz latinske književnosti (predavanja). – Izbirni sklop Antična kultura in civilizacija (2 predmeta).* – Interdisciplinarni sklop.** – Splošni izbirni predmeti. – Diplomsko delo.
3. letnik | smer Latinska filologija: Zgodovina latinskega jezika. – Uvod v latinski srednji vek in humanizem. – Izbrana poglavja iz latinske književnosti (seminar).
3. letnik | smer Grška filologija: Zgodovina grškega jezika. – Nova grščina, začetni tečaj. – Izbrana poglavja iz grške književnosti (seminar).
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superbmakerzombie · 6 years ago
KAlinić proglašen najboljim golmanom belgijske lige
KAlinić proglašen najboljim golmanom belgijske lige
Večeras je reprezentativni golman Lovre Kalinić dobio još jedno priznanje za dobre obrane. Proglašen je najboljim golmanom belgijske lige u protekloj sezoni. Iako je u siječanjskom prijelaznom roku otišao u englesku Aston Villu, njegove obrane u Gentu nisu prošle nezapaženo, pa je pozvan na večerašnju svečanost na kojoj je osobno primio nagradu.
Nakon što je dva puta bio proglašen…
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zoranphoto · 3 years ago
Austrijski dirigent Stefan Soltesz kolabirao usred koncerta pa ubrzo preminuo
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Austrijski dirigent Stefan Soltesz preminuo je u petak navečer nakon što je kolabirao usred izvedbe opere u Münchenu, objavila je u subotu operna kuća toga njemačkog grada     S 'konsternacijom i dubokom tugom Bavarska opera objavljuje i potvrđuje vijest o smrti Stefana Soltesza', stoji u priopćenju za javnost. Soltesz je umro u petak navečer 'nakon što je kolabirao na pozornici za vrijeme izvedbe opere Richarda Straussa 'Tiha žena', dok je ravnao orkestrom u Nacionalnom kazalištu' u Münchenu, stoji u objavi Bavarske opere.   Trenutačno nisu dostupne pojedinosti o uzroku njegove smrti. Glavni ravnatelj Bavarske opere Serge Dorny tvitao je da je 'duboko ožalošćen' zbog smrti 73-godišnjeg dirigenta. 'Izgubili smo talentiranog dirigenta, a ja gubim dobrog prijatelja. Moje su misli s njegovom suprugom Michaelom', napisao je. Austrijski maestro mađarskog porijekla je za vrijeme svoje dugogodišnje karijere ravnao orkestrima opernih kuća u Beču, Grazu, Hamburgu i Berlinu. Od 1988. do 1993. bio je glazbeni direktor Kazališta Brunswick u središnjoj Njemačkoj i dirigent Flamanske opere u Antwerpenu i Gentu od 1992. do 1997. godine. Na pozornici Bavarske opere debitirao je 1995. godine. Tportal.hr Read the full article
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444names · 2 years ago
american and imperial (from tes) names
POST #900
Abillie Absolindy Agannius Agrime Aguilia Ahamma Amactius Amanter Amanus Amproxius Andley Andragius Anthoman Apellian Aquittler Arellin Arillips Armelon Armery Armons Arquett Artuleius Astillia Astilus Aulius Aunderek Aunicca Aviatino Bacard Baeniro Ballie Ballus Barbulah Barlin Barrida Barrills Baszoner Beccal Bellus Benneld Benshier Berius Bilius Bradlera Branis Brensore Brexus Bricky Bridus Brield Brienius Bryangie Buckers Buntes Burcadon Buttie Caecindy Caeparks Caeres Caesius Cainetty Calvaria Calvius Camiulius Carios Carlenna Carrius Carteres Carton Cartus Cascarson Casell Cassennus Cassippus Caster Cenius Censon Chance Chancius Chassius Cherriel Chraccius Chrankens Chriel Chrish Chrison Ciciana Cicius Clagherene Claise Clarks Clarus Claythews Clemelia Colong Concochel Conianus Conninus Contoine Cormichad Corranco Corristius Corvin Cottierry Craetius Credgar Critte Crobinus Cundus Cyronia Danarina Danius Dannelia Danney Darlois Davius Dilidius Dilius Dioneal Dirgius Dobergian Dorenus Doughers Drandricia Draria Drusius Duarrellis Dubuca Dulcaborey Eburst Edinius Eduaria Egermino Elsenya Emilton Englenus Ergillaise Essinia Eugentus Ewittiar Faguiren Fagusius Falcett Falcettia Falton Famathey Fausticus Fernorman Festie Festrius Fidens Flaecalva Flaeva Flamilia Flavena Fletrevina Florgius Florian Fontia Fredguadas Fredhanne Fredith Fredtia Fredus Fulcilly Gabitius Gabright Galentius Garridus Garrispine Gellusius Gemenie Genevicus Gentus Gillius Gilmori Givera Glallo Glaure Gonius Goravines Gramatts Grettell Grippinus Gruitia Guthryn Gwendrufus Hampanus Hariet Harius Harnicho Hatton Hectured Heilarsey Helenas Hensen Herranken Herrell Hertus Hickson Hielus Higgie Hilong Hoganc Holdson Holson Hooperemy Hoppius Hortius Hostolomo Hubbarr Huffixes Humidona Iladettus Ildora Illaria Ilnorax Implin Indacia Iulcine Jacquentor Jeannonia Jeffer Jerrel Jesuius Jiribius Joelius Johnnius Justia Justie Kennie Kensena Kirbatus Kleius Laelivaney Laeton Lancrus Larshawn Leannorman Leoneil Leslin Letial Letiliana Liberio Lilidus Linius Lioreston Litius Liviandy Lollecelli Loverna Luciaton Lucinus Lucrescia Lucret Lurian Lydenico Mabernan Macidius Mackburch Magielsen Malius Mamianus Mamilia Mamius Mamullius Margas Maristy Martez Martle Mathisaria Mattellon Maxwellius Mcclutis Mcdonal Mcfadus Mcgowayna Mckettelra Mcketter Mcmahono Mecius Melbarlav Melisa Mentia Mentifio Mercanial Midolus Miladings Mington Mirencruz Mitius Moonea Morgas Morrus Namarius Nasius Natherd Natius Navagene Nemullus Neparand Nigilena Noratius Normelius Odormindy Olcabriggs Panora Patthelia Patther Paulknero Paulus Pedria Pellentino Pennia Perius Petelli Peterrenus Peterris Petier Phylla Plaurial Plautiorus Pletch Plexann Plicia Ponelsus Popilus Portilia Powellissa Pratiagory Praxeder Previnna Pridius Quilarus Raccarr Raeniusus Raesina Ramene Raniel Reasler Reidius Reiley Remiley Remilton Remman Renius Restice Ristina Ritial Roblivia Rodris Rosader Rufring Rutiage Sabethey Saccinia Salair Samana Sampanus Sampsonor Sargar Saurieta Saurrius Scaecand Scaude Scavidius Scavoneila Segulus Segunian Selintyr Sellegring Sellius Selvita Sevedonal Sevend Shalline Shekes Shepara Sherinald Sirenson Sirulian Skyricky Skyrimo Sloanne Slowyn Sparius Stafferry Statian Staving Stefanne Steius Stevedo Steverexis Storia Strine Sullon Sullus Summer Summerry Sweeks Talius Tanler Taurude Taylorius Terrentus Teticus Thanianey Therry Thracessey Thracia Timuspinus Trevia Tropis Tucinius Turrulison Tyrelicia Tyronian Ulpinus Urgene Valaird Valena Valentus Valvisius Vantilius Varienius Varrintoya Velairez Vellon Verrudus Vesnider Vestelrave Vestra Viccaria Virison Wandred Webstelley Weissa Wheelene Whitfielus Whitler Wilker Yatell Zachaspus Zenodiil
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zoreyan · 3 years ago
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