diy-fab-space · 10 months
10 Декабря 2023 Года
В общем, пишу уже третий раз, два раза не сохранялся черновик.
Т.к. нужно было скопиповать ссылку, решил сохраниться, захожу в черновики, и ничего не осталось.
Решил кроме своих блогов о том что в мой адрес и в мире происходит сделать в честь, точнее не в честь, а в качестве приятного и позитивного дня, который может приносить определенную последовательность действий, позитивного настроения, и не лишний раз упомянуть о технологиях в сети, что бы кто то либо что то важное меньше оставалось не замеченным.
Это праздник, на самом деле уже праздник, т.к. когда вы поймете еа сколько это интересно и позитивно, и видеть как эта сфера развилась на сегодняшний день, и что там можно делать, в книги не уместится просто описать, и каждый 3D редактор имеет свои особенности, как узкую специальность, так и очень даже широкий спектр применения, и создания различных форм даже с воспроизвелением физического моделирования.
3Dекабря, - всемирный день компьютерной 3D графики.
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Изображение взято в поиске по изображениям, нет "верстака"
Так же, интересно, что я уместил на изображении этого блога, то что я нарисовал для своей группы в Телеграмм, и это очень даже все умещается в эту картинку, т.к. это по сути инженерное дело, а не лентяя и лоботряса, в которых вас превращают "сообщества", общества людей, которых втягивают для уничтожения как других, так и тех кого вовлекают, специально, целенаправленно, группами лиц. Которые так же используют именно технологические вещи, поэтому, это не просто блог, это в том числе с той ноткой, - что бы знать, от кого и как в будущем защищаться, и иметь не то что бы почву, а еще и хороший запас технологических и материальных возможностей.
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freetechnews24-blog · 7 years
1998's most charming OS, after 15 years: Hands-on with Haiku alpha 4 Wistfulness runs high, however is the BeOS reboot more than a fascinating diversion?.
Haiku is not just a Japanese short sonnet with a characterized structure—it's additionally the name of an open-source entertainment of BeOS, an option working framework initially created in the mid-1990s. It was the brainchild of Jean-Louis Gassée, an ostentatious, eager administrator and head of Apple France. He climbed his way up the official step to end up plainly the head of "cutting edge item advancement and overall promoting" before being constrained out of the organization by then-CEO John Sculley in 1990.
Unflinching, Gassée chose he would make a fresh out of the plastic new PC stage without any preparation, including both custom equipment and another working framework. Gassée was following in the strides of Steve Jobs, who had endeavored a similar thing in with NeXT in 1985 when he was removed from Apple.
The BeBox was discharged in October 1995. It was an inquisitive mammoth, brandishing double 66MHz PowerPC 603e processors, a "GeekPort" for appending custom electronic gadgets, and vertical "Blinkenlights," LED strips that indicated CPU utilization. Just 1,800 BeBoxes were sold altogether before Be, Inc. ended all equipment fabricating and focused on offering the working framework without anyone else, at first for PowerPC Macintoshes.
In 1996, Apple was hunting down another working framework to supplant its fizzled "Copland" extend, and for some time BeOS was at the highest priority on the rundown (this rundown included both Windows NT and Solaris, neither of which would have been particularly appealing for Apple fans). While arranging a deal value, Gassée, radiating his run of the mill blustering certainty, told a journalist that "we have Apple by the balls and will press until it harms." Someone at Apple got twist of this and called a person, who called another person... who called up Steve Jobs at NeXT. The rest is history. "What a life," said Gassée, and exchanged the concentration of BeOS to x86-based PCs.
BeOS achieved its zenith of accomplishment in 2000 when the R5 variant was discharged as a free download. In any case, few individuals moved up to the $99 "Expert" variant, and a last-discard endeavor to spare the organization by packaging BeOS with the Sony eVilla Internet Appliance neglected to get the vital money. Be, Inc. sold every one of its advantages for Palm, Inc. in November 2001 for $11 million.
From that point forward, a German organization, yellowTAB, discharged "another" form of BeOS called Zeta in 2005 (which I explored). In any case, the organization never affirmed regardless of whether it approached the BeOS source code. The organization suspended Zeta in 2007, expressing that business neglected to satisfy desires.
With the legitimate status of the BeOS source code in limbo, it was up to an open-source gathering of programmers to attempt to as of late keep the BeOS dream alive. Their venture was initially named OpenBeOS, yet trademark issues constrained a name change. Haiku was picked as a callback to the old blunder messages in BeOS's inherent Web program, which were conveyed (fittingly) in haiku shape. Today, the Haiku assemble points to modify that working framework, as well as run application doubles initially intended for BeOS. With the group as of late discharging variant R1/Alpha 4.1, Ars chosen to take the OS for a test drive
Haiku is accessible for download in a source code package: an .iso record that can be utilized to copy a live-booting and establishment DVD, and a double .picture document that can be composed specifically to a USB thumb drive. The last is the favored technique to look at Haiku. It can be run straightforwardly off the blaze drive without expecting to introduce it on the PC's hard drive.
Duplicating the .picture record to a thumb drive should be possible with the Unix order "dd" on Linux and OS X, or utilizing the free ImageWriter program on Windows frameworks. Once the picture has been replicated to the USB drive, the PC quickly gripes it can't read the drive. For Windows' situation, it even offers to configuration it. The reason it can't read the drive is that it is organized with BeOS's local BFS record framework. That is something just BeOS (and now, Haiku) knows how to peruse.
To fire up the working framework, one just embeds the thumb crash into a USB port and reboots. Most current PCs can be set to boot from the USB key by squeezing the "Del" key amid the boot procedure then choosing the thumb drive physically in the boot need menu.
The .picture record makes an around 600MB segment for Haiku, leaving whatever remains of the USB drive unpartitioned and discharge (mine had a 2GB limit). For future discharges, the Haiku group ought to truly consider expanding the segment measure, as the default dispersion tops off that 600MB almost totally with just a couple of megabytes free. The inherent segment director application in Haiku gives you a chance to parcel, configuration, and mount whatever remains of the space as another virtual drive, yet it can't progressively resize segments. This turned into an issue when testing.
Tried Hardware
I initially tried the Haiku thumb drive on a more established PC, a Core 2 Duo @ 1.8 GHz with 2GB RAM. Shockingly, for reasons unknown, the PC went into an interminable reboot circle when it began getting to the thumb drive.
Next, I had a go at booting from my trusty MacBook (a late 2008 model, the first to accompany the aluminum unibody, brandishing 4GB of RAM). Unfortunately, the USB key declined to boot at all on this equipment. I took a stab at booting from the Live DVD. I got the extent that the boot screen, however then the PC hung and declined to continue any further.
The last PC I attempted was an ASUS P5K-VM motherboard with a Core 2 Quad Q6600 CPU running at 2.4GHz and 8GB of RAM. This is my Media Center PC, snared specifically to my TV. Luckily, Haiku booted on this equipment with no issue. Startup was quick and took under 15 seconds to get to a completely practical desktop. As a matter of course, the framework booted into a determination of 1024x768. Tragically, there was no choice to change to a widescreen determination. Looking the discussions, I found the framework was utilizing a default VESA driver and didn't know about my representation card. I had a go at introducing an (exceptionally) old BeOS NVIDIA bound together driver. It seemed to introduce effectively, yet the driver was not instated on a reboot. As indicated by the Haiku gatherings, the working framework will consequently bolster any NVIDIA design card up to a GeForce 7950, however cards more up to date than that (my illustrations card is one of them) default to the VESA driver. Haiku does each of the 3D rendering in programming mode and does not bolster 3D increasing speed, so the absence of a driver didn't change the general usefulness of the working framework that much.
My other equipment was upheld fine and dandy: my system card, sound framework, and different remote USB mice and consoles all worked consequently.
Getting around the OS
The Haiku working framework is quick and responsive, similarly as BeOS was some time ago. The portion depends on the open-source NewOS, which is a 32-bit preemptive multitasking, secluded piece composed by previous BeOS build Travis Geiselbrecht. The UI is an immediate clone of BeOS. Truth be told, it utilizes the OpenTracker document director and application launcher that Be, Inc. discharged as open source preceding the organization dissolving. With both the heart and the substance of the working framework running code with beginnings in BeOS, Haiku can genuinely be known as a successor to that working framework.
The Tracker document supervisor hasn't been refreshed much since the times of BeOS. It opens up another window for every organizer, and every window can be seen in either symbol or rundown groups. Dissimilar to Zeta, this capacity still exists to slide the yellow title tab forward and backward on the highest point of the window utilizing the Shift key, permitting a kind of specially appointed selected perusing of various indexes. Similarly as with the exemplary MacOS, Haiku recollects the size, position, and condition of every window even after a reboot.The record framework, as said prior, is BFS, which remains for the Be File System. It is a cutting edge, 64-bit able, journaling record framework with support for extensible metadata incorporated appropriate with the Tracker UI. This enables clients to, for instance, include information about music documents, for example, craftsman and collection and sort by these terms without utilizing an outsider application, for example, iTunes.
Applications and Preferences are gotten to by tapping the huge blue plume symbol at the highest point of the Tracker, which likewise fills in as a vertical assignment bar. Tapping on any application's tab raises a rundown of windows related with that application.
Haiku accompanies various applications and demos pre-introduced. There are the typical work area embellishments like adding machines, a symbol editorial manager, content managers, a sound recorder, a contact supervisor called People, an email program called Mail, different media players, and a PDF watcher called BePDF. There is likewise an application called "television" that should be a watcher for simple TV, a style of TV that doesn't generally exist any longer. It just shows a test pattern.Most of these applications are on an indistinguishable level from Notepad and Calculator found in Windows—little utilities that are useful to begin, yet not what you would need to use for everyday work. Haiku should bolster local x86-ordered BeOS applications specifically, so I went to BeBits.com, where most BeOS creators recorded their applications some time ago.
Lamentably, the vast majority of the download interfaces on BeBits indicate back the creators' close to home website pages, and the majority of those at no time in the future exist. I figured out how to discover one application that still existed, a spreadsheet program called Sum-It. I could download, introduce, and run it without any issues.
Be that as it may, regardless of the possibility that you can download them, not all BeOS applications work without issue. I found a port of AbiWord that wouldn't stack by any means. Also, the sparkling star of BeOS applications, an office.
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Years ago, sailors will bring pairs of goats, lambs, chicken etc in a virgin island for them to multiply. This islands will be a source of meat for people. They call this, “seeding meat” island. Do you ever wonder when God will come back to earth with lots of barbeque sauce or catchup?
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felipeidfm · 10 years
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Love, not words win an argument
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