#Gay sims
cyrenights · 6 months
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I do it for the girls and the gays, that's it the queens and the queers, yeah they loving my shit
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allrosenrot · 2 months
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Johann Hughes
Johann is really excited to show off his talent 😋
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simsjerry · 9 months
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Saturday Morning with Oliver💞
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babolat85 · 1 month
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satureja13 · 6 days
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And while the others headed over to Porto Azzurro, Vlad and Ji Ho went to the ocean, because Ji Ho is the happiest there. They left their Little Goats at the beach to keep watch. (TMI: I also took a similar pic of Francine and her boyfriend, Jules, here where they look at each other the same way <3 )
Both of them were worrying how to deal with each other now, after all the madness that had happened between them. The spell that made Vlad fall in love with Ji Ho even though he still mourned the death of his first love, Wesley, the curse that kept them from being together, Vlad dying (and going to hell and back) because he wanted to claim Ji Ho back from Genji, who bit Ji Ho and became his first bonded, all the 'Bond Magic' they had to 'do' to 'safe the world' and defeat the Council, Vlad trying to spare Ji Ho from this and his attempts to 'kill' their bond and to bond with Morgan instead, and the Bond punishing Vlad, blinding him and almost made him attack his friends...
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Yeah, that was when the Bond had enough. It won't allow any further delay and it certainly won't allow anything that keeps them away from each other. The Bond showed them how strong their love still is. And that neither Vlad nor Ji Ho holds any grudge against the other. Because they know, all they did was for a good cause. For each other, for their friends and for their community. They finally overcame all their hardships and now it's time to harvest the sweet fruits of their love.
Eventually, they relaxed and Ji Ho playfully swam around Vlad. And poor Vlad was stunned. Never before had he seen anything as beautiful and wonderous as Ji Ho in this very moment.
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Of course Ji Ho sensed through the Bond how Vlad felt. But he wanted this moment far from any awkwardness and so he decided to splash Vlad out of his stupor 🌊 What they need right now is to get comfortable around each other, and not to become even more awkward and cautious, the rest will follow.
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And finally Vlad laughed. A liberating, gleeful laughter. All the weight, he'd carried around for years, fell off him. He'd never been so carefree before, and never so happy. And he's glad he is allowed to share this moment with Ji Ho. This was the moment he realized that he wouldn't have to worry about them anymore.
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They are finally at a point from where they could start their relationship without being afraid or dreading what their future might bring for them. And Ji Ho felt it too.
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The Bond decided it's time for a kiss to seal their love and to start this new chapter in their life together. Never before a kiss felt so good and so intense for Ji Ho. For the first time he was truely grateful to have his feelings back so he could experience the full magnitude of this kiss. For the first time his new found feelings weren't frightening and oppressive. It felt as they became one when their lips touched, their hungry mouths melted and Vlad's tongue gingerly asked for admission. And time bended to eternity.
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And even though Ji Ho is a mermaid, he felt like drowning. But Vlad held him tight. Little Goat: 'What a kiss!' Little Goat: 'I'll go and fetch the others!'
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And when the sun set, just a little while later, Jeb and Sai also watched them. Sai sighed contendedly and forgot his worries for a while. If Vlad and Ji Ho can make it, Jeb and him will also succeed. And Sai decided to put more effort in their relationship. He's always letting himself getting dragged in too deep in his leader obligations and, just like Kiyoshi neglected Jack over his duties, he neglected Jeb. He will learn to delegate, just as Jeb (and the others) suggested. And accept help from his friends. Let them carry the burden with him. He's determined to work really hard to stop their on/off relationship and turn it into something steady and fulfilling. He's going to get real close to Jeb and eventually he'll finally lose his virginity! They had their first date (and their first kiss) almost exactly two years ago and they've spend more time apart than together as a couple... And when Jeb asked him, reluctantly, if he could kiss him, he couldn't be happier! Sai wasn't even disappointed that Jeb only kissed his cheek... It's just the beginning.
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Maybe he all but missunderstood all that 'we can't woohoo because Jeb can't hurt Sai' nonsense? After all it had been Jack who first brought that up -.-
'I don't want another heartbreak I don't need another turn to cry, no I don't want to learn the hard way Baby, hello, oh, no, goodbye But you got me like a rocket Shooting straight across the sky
It's the way you love me It's a feeling like this It's centrifugal motion It's perpetual bliss It's that pivotal moment It's, ah, impossible This kiss, this kiss (unstoppable) This kiss, this kiss
Cinderella said to Snow White How does love get so off course, oh All I wanted was a white knight With a good heart, soft touch, fast horse Ride me off into the sunset Baby, I'm forever yours'
This Kiss - Faith Hill
From the Beginning 🔱 Underwater Love 🔱 Latest
Current Chapter: 'Here comes the Sun' from the beginning ▶️ here Last Chapter: 'Who killed Jack?' from the beginning ▶️ here
📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 23-28
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gingerbeardmansim · 4 months
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Looks like someone really pissed him off at the bar.
Not really, that is just who he is. Say hello to Cole Worley, the resident A-Hole in Strangerville.
He has been this way ever since the Mystery was solved and things returned to normal. But then again, most everyone says that he has always been like this.
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lraerosesims · 5 months
From college lovers kissing in cemeteries...
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To Vampire and Witch fiances, slow dancing at midnight
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Premade Sim State University students Allegra Gorey and Jane Stacks (now a vampire and neutral witch respectively) were just soooo meant to be gay. Jane has since graduated and Allegra is finishing off her degree alongside their pal Martin, who's just happy to see his 'roommates' in love🌈💅🏻
Once Allegra graduates I'm going to move the spooky lovers into the House of Fallen Trees in Downtown.
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thefabianworld · 1 year
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Cozy cabin life. Alex & Fabian 🌈
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winchybro · 5 months
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Ok, my Grim Reaper is different!
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simnostalgia · 1 year
Hello, I'm looking for some (I think) lostmedia of the sims. I've read multiple articles talking about how in 1999 the sims made history because they showed two female sims kissing at E3 (There are a lot of articles about this that explain it better), but I haven't been able to fins any footage or images of this. I was wondering if you as a Sims nostalgia blog knew anyting about this or had any images or footage?
I legit don't think it exists. I can't say that for sure but I know exactly what you're talking about and I genuinely think that was planned from the start as a marketing tactic.
We have images from E3 that year and no first hand accounts of that happening. Additionally we've had the design docs of The Sims for several years now and we know that they argued about whether to add homosexuality.
Another story that has been reported is that the game wasnt supposed to uave gomosexuality but it was added it when a dev was given the wrong info.
I say all of this because I don't think we'll ever have the real answers. It seems unlikely that two autonomous sims made out.
Honestly? My best guess is that this story was posted to drum up interest for The Sims among men. This was seen similarly in the way that the game was advertised. The title of this blog "a more bitchin lesbian simulator" is a reference to something Will Wright joked about as being a tagline for The Sims 2.
I think that stories of mistakenly added code by devs and surprise lesbian-ism were more interesting that the truth that we do have proof of in those documents and from simcopter.
Don Hopkins told devs to pipe down with the homophobia. He thought it was stupid (at one point if one sim of the same sex tried to kiss another they'd get slapped, which Don called out) and he didnt want a replay of the Simcopter scandal.
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sims4tumbler · 2 years
Кейси нашел себе занятие на пляже
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allrosenrot · 2 months
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Johann Hughes
Getting ready for the show tonight!
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simsjerry · 9 months
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babolat85 · 1 month
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satureja13 · 1 year
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Ji Ho was a bit tense after working hard the whole day so he asked Vlad for a massage. Nothing out of the ordinary. It also keeps the Bond happy, right? Vlad also looks a bit tense. Will he really be able to cut their Bond in the end? It would be the best for Ji Ho too. He should find someone he loves - and happiness.
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest
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gingerbeardmansim · 4 months
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We ate our food, both of us enjoying the flavors of the dish. I found myself enjoying his company. There was something about him that made me feel at ease and comfortable. After we finished our meal, we decided to walk around Britechester a bit and explore. It was a beautiful day, and the energy of the college town seemed to be contagious.
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After the little walk, we headed back to our dorm room and when we came to a small park bench, Mick sat down and looked at me. "Braden, there is something else I need to tell you. I think you probably need to know if we are going to be roomies."
I was somewhat hesitant, as I was not sure what he was going to tell me. Maybe he was out on parole for assault or something. I had no idea, but luckily it was nothing of that magnitude.
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He took a deep breathe, "I'm gay. I really think you should know I mean everyone knows; I just don't want you to feel uncomfortable."
"Well Mick seeing how you are being open and honest, I have something to tell you as well. I am also gay. Gay as they come."
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We both sat there, staring at each other for a moment. The realization of what was just said was sinking in. We were two gay guys, about to share a room, in a small, dorm room, in the middle of this big southern city. He finally broke the silence.
"I felt you were, but if you weren't I still always try to be honest. This way we can have this understanding from the get-go. I mean, it's not like we're going to be doing anything inappropriate, right?" He said with a wink. I couldn't help but laugh at his comment.
"Of course not, Mick. I have a feeling this is going to be a great year."
I took a deep breath, and we headed back to our dorm room, Britechester, was already beginning to feel more like home.
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