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2024 Gaudeamus Book Fair
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Gaudeamus – omnes – in Domino, diem festum celebrantes sub honore Sanctorum omnium: de quorum solemnitate gaudent angeli, et collaudant Filium Dei.
Exsultate iusti in Domino: rectos decet collaudatio.
Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto: sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saécula saeculórum.
Let us rejoice – all of us – in the Lord, celebrating the feast in honor of all the saints: at whose solemnity the angels rejoice and praise the Son of God.
Let the righteous rejoice in the Lord: praise befits the righteous.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit: as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be.
#Music#Religion#Christianity#Catholicism#Prayer#All Saints Day#Holidays#Lyrics#Chant#Gaudeamus#Youtube
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Gaudeamus (Maria Teresa von Orgeich)
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Round 1 Poll 30
Gaudeamus igitur
"Let's rejoice, then / So let us rejoice"
Originally a drinking song, Gaudeamus igitur is a song (and its first line) still sung today in (at least European) academic circles. Where I'm from, it is traditionally sung at upper secondary school and university graduation ceremonies. And also sometimes at drinking parties centered around singing. It goes kinda hard when sung in the latter context.
Amicus curiae
"Friend of the court"
Legal brief submitted by a person not a party to the case
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so i was doing a little weeding-out of my queue, right, because it's, uh, literally full at this point and i'd sort of like to be able to add things to it again? and in so doing i re-encountered a bit of Quintilian On Education i'd saved which features some ~relatable observations~ but also a prominent typo, and which i'd hung onto with some vague idea of reposting an edited version; and when i went to do a bit of googling to that end just now, i discovered that the translation it cites—which was published in 2018—actually renders the text more overtly male-exclusive than either the original latin or the translation from 19-fucking-20 that's on perseus???
like, don't get me wrong, i do think quintilian was talking abt Boys and had Boys in mind really, because like. gestures at the realities of historical schooling. but as far as what's actually on the page goes, puer esp. in the plural can in fact technically be gender-neutral?? and then there's stuff where like. the original audeat haec aetas plura et inveniat et inventis gaudeat gets rendered in 1920 as 'The young should be more daring and inventive and should rejoice in their inventions,' and then fucking habinek turns it into 'Let the young child takes [sic] risks and exercise his imagination, and enjoy doing so.' like. haec aetas is not in fact masculine: it's grammatically feminine and semantically gender-neutral. we have a semantically gender-neutral third person pronoun in english. it's right there. a british classicist who died before habinek was born managed to lay his hands on it just fine. and yet this nominally-modern rendition reaches instead for 'he.' flames on the side of my face.
to be clear, i'm not saying classic(al) texts should be bowdlerized to suit my personal agender sensibilities! just that imo, when you manage to render a latin text more sexist in translation than it technically was in the original, you've betrayed both your author and the readers to whom you've accepted the solemn responsibility of introducing him; which i'll take the liberty of rendering into a more contemporary idiom as: you suck. lol, lmao, &c.
#in conclusion i assume habinek and lattimore are hobnobbing at some sort of shitty little sexist translators' club in the afterlife#ktema terpnon#quintilian#thomas habinek#translation#anyway audeamus et inveniamus et inventis gaudeamus. tbh.
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Do you think they sing Gaudeamus at yumenosaki graduations?
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Rejoice in The Lord, Always.
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De Staat van Louis Andriessen actueler dan ooit: ‘Politici zijn dom’
In 1976 componeerde Louis Andriessen (1939-2021) zijn baanbrekende compositie De Staat, gebaseerd op teksten van Plato. Deze nietsontziende explosie van klank betekende zijn internationale doorbraak en geldt nog altijd als een ikoon van de nieuwe muziek. Asko|Schönberg en Ensemble Klang openden 4 september 2024 de Gaudeamus Muziekweek met een eerbetoon aan Louis Andriessen, die De Staat schreef…
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#Ensemble Klang#Gaudeamus Muziekweek#Louis Andriessen#Nederlands Blazers Ensemble#Oscar Bettison#Plato
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Gaudeamus Igitur! "#Joy is the serious business of Heaven." - C.S. Lewis
#GaudeteSunday #ThirdSundayOfAdvent #AdventWeek3 #TheSeasonOfJoy
#Christmas Is Coming#Angels We Have Heard On High#The Piano Guys#Gaudeamus Igitur!#The Season Of Advent#The Season of Joy#Gaudete Sunday#Third Sunday Of Advent#Joy#Joy Is The Serious Business Of Heaven#Let Us Rejoice#Rejoice In The Lord#I WilL Say Again Rejoice#The Love Of God#The Reckless Raging Love Of God#Youtube
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Știri: Gaudeamus Radio România XXX – Radio România 95 – Editura Casa Radio 25
Marile voci dau cortina la o parte! 95 de ani de Radio România și… 25 de ani cu Editura Casa Radio. 25 de ani de restituri: voci valoroase la microfon în înregistrări de patrimoniu, montări radiofonice de excepție, povești spuse cu har, marea poezie în rostirea Poetului, cărți sonore, sonorul tradus în vizual, întâlniri peste timp între artiști vizuali și actori, între poeți și critici literari…
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#București#cultură#Editura Casa Radio#literatură#muzica#proză#societas#știri#Târgul de Carte Gaudeamus
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Despre rolul moral al literaturii, o recenzie critică a noului roman al lui Paul Auster și alte știri din presa literară a lumii
Scriitoarea sud-coreeană Han Kang, autoarea cunoscutelor romane Vegetariana și Disecție, este finalistă în competiția pentru două prestigioase premii literare franceze, despre rolul moral al literaturii, o impresionantă bibliotecă din Seul, devenită adevărată atracție turistică, despre fragmentarea atenției și social media și o cronică nu tocmai laudativă a celui mai recent roman al lui Paul…
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Oh shit you’re a St Andrews Girl!!! Lovely university!
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bakalářská gotika:
• kurzor bliká za jednou větou už pět dní v kuse, zkusili jste všechno od přepisování věty až po vyvolávání démonů, nic nepomáhá
• "čert vem triangulaci," řekli si akademici a čert tak učinil, jinak si totiž nedovedete vysvětlit, kam se poděla ta jedna všemi citovaná metodologická kniha, kterou nutně potřebujete citovat taky, knihu v pdf nacházíte po hodinách hledání v náhodném příspěvku na síti v kontakte
• otvíráte odkaz do oxford research library, ozve se vrzavý zvuk, zámek open access párkrát změní barvu, nakonec vám ale i tak zablokuje přístup k věci, co jste ještě před pár minutami četli, vytahujete kříž a odříkáváte gaudeamus igitur
• odbíjí třetí hodina ranní, zbývá hodina do rozsvícení reklamních světel naproti vašemu balkonu, máte v sobě litr a půl černého čaje a přemýšlíte kdo anebo co je spánek, jste si jisti, že už jste toho člověka někde potkali, ale kde, to nikdo neví
• vzdálené bzučení teplárny dokreslované srpkem měsíce a mráz se vám snaží naznačit, kam se ubírá vaše budoucnost, chcete věřit, že za týden napsat práci zvládnete, zároveň jste ale ještě nikdy nebyli tak vystresovaní z tak dalekého deadlinu
#česky#čumblr#studium mezinárodek mě fakt zničí#(jednou...teď se nevzdávám)#vážení jdu brečet na maltě kde jsem byla před rokem na erasmu maj tu knihu o triangulaci v tom vydání co potřebuju ve fyzické podobě T-T
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Round 2 Poll 15
Ad infinitum
"To infinity"
Can mean enduring forever, repeating infinitely, forevermore
the fact we have a phrase to speak for the endless continuation of something..... when it is used to describe endlessly continuing affection or grief.... it hits so different
Gaudeamus igitur
"Let's rejoice, then / So let us rejoice"
Originally a drinking song, Gaudeamus igitur is a song (and its first line) still sung today in (at least European) academic circles. Where I'm from, it is traditionally sung at upper secondary school and university graduation ceremonies. And also sometimes at drinking parties centered around singing. It goes kinda hard when sung in the latter context.
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practice for shading and background, along with perspective and such
Without text
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Suomalaisissa sanomalehdissä kirjoitettiin vuoden 1945 lopulla, että brasilialaista kahvilastia kuljettava laiva oli saapumassa Suomeen seuraavan vuoden puolella. […] Herakles-nimisen kahvilaivan kulkua Brasiliasta Teneriffan kautta Suomeen seurattiin joka tapauksessa herkeämättä suomalaisessa lehdistössä, ja lopulta helmikuun 1946 lopulla päästiin uutisoimaan sen saapuneen Turun satamaan koettuaan myrskyä Atlantilla ja loppumatkasta vielä lumipyryäkin. Englannin kanaalissa laivan haittana oli ollut runsaasti miinoja. Kahvilaivan mukana kulki myös muutamia salamatkustajia, joista yksi pantiin suorittamaan messipojan tehtäviä. Lopulta Herakles pääsi määränpäähänsä jäänsärkijä Sisun avustamana, ja tuhatpäinen suomalainen yleisö tervehti sitä kuin Kristuksen toista tulemista.
Suomen ruokahistoria. Suolalihasta sushiin. Ritva Kylli. Gaudeamus, 2021.
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