#Gary Rennell x OFC
thatwheelchairchick · 2 years
After The Villa - Chapter 3
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Walk Away
What if someone stole Gary's girl at the final recoupling? Gary × Carolina
Warnings: cursing, is anger and upset a warning?
Word count: 800ish
A/N: This one is inspired by an ask I saw forever ago, asking how the islanders would react if somebody stole MC at the final recoupling. It's been in my drafts for ages now. I created a generic male named Guy (of all the creative names) for the purpose of being the jerk. As always, 18+, minors DNI. Don't steal or copy or whatever. Feedback always appreciated.
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"I wanted to couple up with this girl since I first laid eyes on her. She always puts a smile on my face. We hit it off from our very first meeting, but our timing was off. I think she's perfect and..." He sighs, taking a deep breath, "this may be my last chance to let her know that. So I choose Carolina."
"I'm sorry, what?" Gary is on his feet immediately, "you son of a bitch! What's wrong with you?" Rahim and Noah each grab one of his arms, holding him back. "Absolutely fucking not! Let go of me. I'm gonna kick his ass! He's trying to get on with my girl." 
"Hey." Rahim whispers, "think of Car. Cool off."
Gary turns to see her and his heart falls. She's covered her face with her hands, but is clearly sobbing beneath her trembling shoulders. He wrenches away from the guys to kneel in front of her. "Oh, sweetheart. Don't cry. I didn't mean to get upset. I just," he doesn't finish his sentence. Seeing her so hurt breaks his heart and all he can do is reach out to her.
She collapses into his arms, crying against his neck, "I don't wanna break up. Not again." Her worst fears, voiced earlier to Gary and Chelsea, are now coming true.
He tightens his grip on her and feeling her heaving back beneath his hands makes him clench his jaw. Instinct wants to get up and murder Guy for this stunt, but Heart says to calm his girl down, to find a non-violent way to fix this. "It's gonna be all right. I promise. Trust me, yeah?" His hands bury in her hair and he pulls her into a quick kiss before nodding to her and sitting back in his seat. "It's okay. Go ahead."
The girls are sniffling as Carolina walks around the fire to sit near Guy. He attempts to put a hand on her shoulder and she jerks away, nearly tumbling into Chelsea's lap. "Please don't touch me."
Chelsea reaches over and holds her hand, giving it a squeeze. Carolina leans against Chelsea's shoulder, matching her breathing to stay calm. "It's gonna be okay, babes. We got you. Just breathe."
"I can't believe I lost him again, Chels." She quietly cries, mumbling near Chelsea's neck. "Again. Tonight was our night."
"I know, babe."
"I didn't mean to upset you." Guy sighs, avoiding her gaze and hoping his annoyance isn't evident. 
"Well, good fucking show, wankstain." Bobby sighs, glaring from Chelsea's other side. 
Noah chooses Hope, but nobody hears his speech. They're too busy watching Gary stare at the fire with tears in his eyes and anger in the set of his jaw. In his mind, the morning replays. Hiding beneath the comforter created their own secret little world, away from the inevitable drama of the villa and they took full advantage of the space. Carolina kissing his neck, giggling at whispered jokes, tracing his tattoos, and telling him she already loves him no matter what. Nuzzling her nose against his jaw, whispering praises into his stubble, Gary emotional beyond words. 
The buzzing in his pocket brings him to his feet. Noah instinctively leans forward, ready to grab Gary if he lunges at Guy. Gary adjusts his glasses and sighs, "My turn. I had big hopes for tonight, finally getting to be with the girl of my dreams without worrying anymore. I came here for love and I've found it with a woman who means a damn sight more to me than fifty grand." Gary looks directly at Carolina, who sits up straighter under his stormy gaze. "You, Carolina. You have my heart and a few days from now, it'll still be yours. I'd rather walk away than have to watch this asshole share a bed with you. So that's what I'm gonna do. I'm walking." Without another word, he starts toward the villa to pack, every step slow and deliberate. He wants to run, screaming, into the house and upturn every piece of furniture he finds, break every window, slam his fists into the walls. Anything to take the edge off the fire raging in his brain. 
"Gary! Wait!" Her voice stops him mid-step. Carolina is trying to run after him but her high heel/gown combination are slowing her down. 
"Babe, be careful." He rushes back over to her, catching her before she can fall in the grass. Part of his brain attempts to remind him that she isn't yours to be holding like this, making his grip on her tighten. "It's okay. Really."
"No." She shakes her head, using his shoulders for balance. Her eyes are red from crying, but she's smiling at him, the sweet smile that could make him do anything, including walking away from more money than he'd know what to do with. In that moment, he knows she's asking him to stay and he can't tell her no. He'll never be able to tell her no, not for the rest of his life. "I'm coming with you."
"If you're leaving, there's no reason for me to stay anymore. I love you." He stares at her in shock, trying to process her words. "I just want to be with you. I don't care where we are. Let's go home."
When it settles in his brain, he wraps her in a bear hug, finally letting his tears fall. He presses his lips to her ear, repeating, "I love you. I love you. I love you."
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thatwheelchairchick · 2 years
After The Villa - Chapter 2
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thatwheelchairchick · 2 years
After The Villa - An Instincts Sequel
Summary: After Bobby, Lexi and Gary walk from the Villa, they start to build a life together, starting with where they're going to live.
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thatwheelchairchick · 2 years
Instincts - The Final Two Chapters
I thought I'd post the final two chapters at once, and although this isn't it for this universe, this is it for the main fic.
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thatwheelchairchick · 2 years
Instincts - Day 18, Part 2
Please read the beginning note as it includes a trigger warning
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Instincts - Day 15, Part 2
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Instincts - Day 16, Part 2
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thatwheelchairchick · 2 years
Instincts - Day 18, Part 1
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Instincts - Day 17, Part 3
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thatwheelchairchick · 2 years
Instincts - Day 13, Part 2
This chapter has my first 'original' challenge in it that I'm rather proud of, but do take note of the content warning at the beginning of the chapter.
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thatwheelchairchick · 2 years
Instincts - Day 16, Part 3
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Instincts - Day 13, Part 1
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Instincts - Day 16, Part 1
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Instincts: Day 14, Part 1
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thatwheelchairchick · 3 years
Instincts - Day 10, Part 3
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