#Gary Rennell x MC
thatwheelchairchick · 2 years
After The Villa - Chapter 3
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0shewrites0 · 2 years
S2 | Gary/MC | 2700+ words | @0shewrites0
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synopsis | Gary is genuinely happy with Maeve, but Lottie doesn't believe he is being honest. She is jealous of Maeve and angry that Gary ditched her for Maeve. Together with Hannah she thinks about how she can test him, or rather how she can make him regret that he ever coupled up with Maeve. She wants to remind him that she - Lottie - is the one he really wants.
prompt | rewriting Operation Nope @litgwritersroom
genre | fluff. non-canonical. rated T.
author’s note | I've never written for Gary before, so I wanted to challenge myself. I'm sorry in advance if I didn't capture his character properly, but I tried anyway. And it was fun to write him. I like fluff with Gary so much🤍
"UGH!" Lottie feigned retching and rolled her eyes.
Startled, Hannah looked up, following Lottie's gaze, and her eyes widened when she saw Gary and Maeve in the outdoors gym. Gary was doing push-ups while Maeve was underneath him. Each time he lowered himself to the ground, he pressed a kiss to her lips and then pushed himself back up.
Maeve giggled, her face flushed as she barely managed to look into his bright blue eyes that gazed down at her, and his lips twisted into a grin. Small beads of sweat formed on his forehead and chest, but he kept going, his muscles tensing, his strong arms braced on either side of Maeve’s shoulders.
Both Lottie and Hannah stared at them, bewildered - Lottie because she still couldn't believe that Gary had chosen Maeve over her, and twice, and Hannah because she couldn't for the life of her imagine lying under a guy, having to endure his panting, the sweat trickling down his face and onto her own, and getting sticky, sweaty kisses.
What was hot about it? Ew! She shuddered in disgust, averting her eyes and looking at Lottie instead. "That's disgusting, isn't it?"
"Mmm..." replied Lottie absentmindedly, her gaze still fixed on Gary, her eyelid twitching nervously as she clenched her teeth in annoyance.
"Lottie," Hannah tried again, putting her hand on Lottie's arm and squeezing it gently, "stop watching them. You'll feel miserable."
Lottie scoffed, "Oh, I'm miserable already, thank you very much." But she turned her back on them and turned her attention to Hannah, frowning and pouting. "I just don't understand why he would choose her over me. When we came in he didn't even notice her, he didn't step forward for her!"
Hannah clamped her mouth shut, knowing this was going to be one of those endless rants about how Lottie thought she was the perfect partner for Gary, and she decided to just listen and nod her head in agreement. There was no stopping her anyway.
"Are you even listening to me, Han?" Lottie suddenly snapped, glaring at Hannah with her emerald eyes.
The latter nodded quickly and forced a smile, "Of course I am. And I agree, I don't get it either."
For a moment Lottie watched her suspiciously, then waved her hand dismissively. "It's like I don't even exist anymore!" She turned back around, fixed her gaze on the gym and was annoyed to see Gary still doing push-ups and kissing Maeve. "What is it about her? I thought he liked opinionated women, someone who could talk back, but with her it's like she's the complete opposite. Always all sunny and happy, always trying to keep harmony and peace. It's so boring!"
"Maybe we should do something to get him interested in you again?" asked Hannah quietly, almost not daring to say anything because she didn't want to make Lottie any angrier than she already was.
"What did you just say?" Lottie jerked her head around to stare at her, and Hannah wasn't sure, but it seemed like her eyes were shining. Like she was feeling hopeful again.
"I don't know, but if you think he's just forgotten you, maybe get him to remember you. We could test him and find out if he really likes Maeve that much or if she's just the easier option."
"The easier option? What's that supposed to mean?" Lottie narrowed her eyes again and scowled at her.
Hannah swallowed quickly, "I just meant that with her, he doesn't really have to try to make it seem like they're a good couple because they're so boring. Nothing ever happens, they haven't even had a fight yet. And maybe he's taking advantage of her because he knows she'll secure him a place in the finals? He could be playing the game..."
Lottie scoffed sarcastically, "I highly doubt the guy is smart enough to do anything like that. I mean, he's a crane operator. Doesn't take much cognitive ability, does it?"
Hannah winced briefly, wondering why Lottie even wanted him so badly if she thought so poorly of him, but she quickly brushed the thought off. She's just angry...
"But," Lottie put one of her impeccably manicured black fingernails to her chin and tapped it thoughtfully, "you do have a point. Maybe I can make him regret ever coupling up with her."
"Do you have a plan?" inquired Hannah hesitantly.
"Not yet, but I'll come up with one!"
Gary stepped out of the shower, feeling refreshed and full of energy after his workout, dried himself off and couldn't help smiling when he thought of the visual of Maeve lying underneath him, beaming at him with flushed cheeks. She was not his type at all, at least not on paper, but lately he was wondering if maybe he had been wrong about his type all along. After all, he was already thinking about what his nan would say if he brought her home. And he was bloody sure she would adore her.
Maeve was laid-back, easy-going, happy, and she always managed to put a smile on his face, too. He felt comfortable around her, he didn't worry so much about his physique, and he caught himself no longer wondering so often if she thought he was hot. Because the way she looked at him, her sparkling eyes that lit up whenever he entered a room or came into her field of vision, and her lips that twisted into a genuine smile - it made the butterflies in his stomach go crazy.
And the way she touched his body delicately when they were alone, the way she gently squeezed his biceps or brushed her fingers over his pecs as if he were a work of art -
Gary shook his head sharply and forced himself to stop daydreaming like that. He softened around her, he could feel it, and part of him liked it, but he couldn't lose his cool completely either. He couldn't let goosebumps cover his body just thinking about her. It wasn't like he was already in love with her, or was he?
He scoffed softly, concentrating on getting ready, then made his way downstairs. He was jogging through the large, open lobby when he saw Lottie lounging on one of the big couches, stretching her body luxuriously, almost like a cat, seemingly oblivious to the fact that he had just entered the same room. His eyes raked over her figure for the briefest of seconds, then he cleared his throat, "Well, hello there."
Lottie lifted her head, gave him one of her piercing looks that made him feel extremely uncomfortable - and not in the good, sexy way - and gave him a lopsided grin. "Just got out of the shower, huh?"
Gary just nodded wordlessly.
When she realised he wasn't going to say anything more, she rolled her eyes, and sat up, crossing her legs and resting her hands in her lap. "How's it going? Is Maeve everything you ever wanted?"
Gary raised an eyebrow and came over to the couch facing her, propping his forearms on the soft backrest. "Where did that come from?" he asked suspiciously.
Lottie grinned and clicked her tongue, "Just asking. Because it's still early days and all that, you know."
"Yeah, I guess so..." murmured Gary, not breaking eye contact. "You happy with Bobby then?"
She burst out laughing, throwing her head back dramatically and wiping the non-existent tears from her eyes. "What do you think? We're hardly the next great romance."
He nodded curtly, "Fair enough. Bobby's more of a mate, isn't he?"
"Yeah, literally. We get on well, but there's nothing more between us."
He sensed she was trying to get something out of him without having to ask him directly, but he wasn't going to make it that easy for her. He wasn't blind, he had noticed both her and Hannah staring at him when he had done one of his training sessions earlier where Maeve had joined him. He didn't know exactly what her problem was, but he was wary.
"All right, I'll just come out and say it," she finally relented, standing up and walking towards him. Gary remained silent, waiting for her to continue, grinning inwardly. There it is.
"Are you really happy with Maeve? I remember you telling me what your type was on paper, and it's definitely not her..." She scanned his face for a reaction, but he gave her none. It wasn't long before she was standing right next to him, putting a hand on his bicep and adding, "I just worry about you. You don't seem yourself."
He scoffed, but quickly disguised it as a cough and thought to himself, Yeah, right. You’re worried. Of course you are.
"Listen, Lottie..." he began, but she interrupted him. "I just want you to be happy, you know? And I want you to be honest with yourself. What does your heart tell you?"
He tilted his head, only now realising how terribly close her face was, her familiar sandalwood scent wafting around him, her piercing green eyes boring into his face, trying to read him. "What does my heart tell me?" he asked, trying hard not to grin smugly.
"Yes, like..." she placed the hand that had been resting on his arm seconds before directly over his heart, then continued, "Is it telling you to keep trying with her, or is it telling you to weigh your other options a bit? We're only ten days in, not even halfway through the month."
He thanked the heavens that his heart was beating normally, that she was unable to raise his heart rate even though she was so close and her whole being practically flooded all his senses. He would have thought it would be more tempting if she were practically begging him to take her back, but there was nothing.
Sure, she had been fun to be with, she was a good kisser, and aside from all the weird spiritual, esoteric stuff, she was cool. But he had never felt the spark with her. The butterflies. Not like he felt them with Maeve now.
"So what does your heart tell you?" he deflected, suppressing a chuckle when he realised he'd caught her off guard.
She pulled back and shrugged, "Well, there are definitely better options for me than Bobby."
"Yeah? Like who? Lucas, maybe?"
Lottie raised an eyebrow and huffed, "Please, not even if he was the only option. He's hot, of course. But apart from that, he's not my type. I'm here for love, you know? Not just for a summer fling."
Gary nodded solemnly, then added, "Does Bobby know you're grafting on me?"
She flinched, surprised by his sudden directness, and her cheeks flushed. She tilted her head to the side, her long blondish-pink hair covering the side of her face so he couldn't see her, then murmured, "Weren't you listening? It's not going anywhere. It's not like he'd mind."
"So you are grafting me," he stated dryly. "Why?"
When she didn't answer, he continued, "I'm happy with Maeve, alright? And I think my heart is telling me to keep pursuing her. I'm sorry things aren't working out between you and Bobby, but I'm here for love too." He pushed himself off the back of the couch and walked past her to the glass doors that led out onto the lawn. Hand on the handle, he turned to the side and added, "Also, jealousy doesn't suit you, Lottie."
With that, he stepped out into the bright sunshine, his eyes scanning the lawn and his heart skipping a beat when he spotted Maeve lying on one of the inflatables with her eyes closed, floating across the pool.
He headed towards her, but halfway there Hannah stepped in his way. "Gary, have you seen Lottie?" she asked, sounding oddly nervous.
"Yeah, she's inside," he gestured towards the villa with his thumb and was about to leave when she grabbed his arm and stepped close to him, whispering, "She really likes you, you know? I know she's not so good with feelings, but she misses you."
She nibbled her lower lip anxiously, the grip of her slender fingers felt too tight around his forearm, and for a brief moment he didn't know what to do. His eyes fell on Maeve, still dozing on the inflatable, and suddenly he couldn't get away from Hannah fast enough.
He put his hand on hers and gently but firmly loosened her grip, then replied in a lowered voice, "First off, she should have told me herself. Secondly, that's nice, but I don't miss her. I really like Maeve a lot. And since you're playing Cupid, will you tell her?"
Her eyes widened in shock and her mouth dropped open. Gary seized the moment and left her to it. Falling into a light jog, he approached the pool where he immediately dived in, the cool water engulfing his body.
Well, that was fucking weird, he thought to himself, wondering if he should talk to Maeve about it. He couldn't see her getting angry or upset, to be honest, but it was the right thing to do, wasn't it?
When he came back up, inhaling deeply and sweeping his wet hair out of his forehead, two curious brown eyes were staring at him, twinkling mysteriously, and there it was again - the rumbling in his stomach.
"Hi!" Maeve exclaimed, flashing him a toothy smile, the bright freckles on her nose and cheeks dancing and sparkling in the sun, and he returned the grin. "Hey, love. Alright?"
Her grin widened and she nodded, then tried to get off the inflatable and into the water. Gary chuckled and looped an arm around her waist, finishing the job for her. She giggled as he pulled her against him and her arms automatically wrapped around his neck. He leaned in and touched his lips to hers. A warm, comforting feeling spread throughout his body as she returned the kiss and he felt her lips move against his.
Eventually, he pulled back and decided to come right out and say it. "Love, I have to tell you something," he began and his heart beat faster when her nose wrinkled and she frowned.
"Okay?" she hummed, and there was no trace of worry or jealousy in her voice. It put him at ease almost instantly. He brought his palm to her face and brushed her cheek, then smiled reassuringly at her, "Nothing happened, but I thought you should know anyway." She just nodded, her warm eyes open and honest as she looked at him. "I think Lottie tried to come on to me."
She raised an eyebrow, and he noticed one corner of her mouth twitch slightly. But she said nothing, so he continued, "And I think she's jealous. Of you."
At that, her eyebrows shot up to her hairline and Gary couldn't suppress the chuckle that escaped his lips. "Of me?" she asked, and her voice sounded so full of disbelief and genuine surprise that once again he couldn't help thinking that she really was the perfect match for him. "Yes, love, of you."
She shook her head, crinkling her nose again, and pouted, seemingly thoughtful. "Oh, is it because you chose me over her? At the last recoupling?"
He chuckled again, "Yeah, and at the recoupling before that too."
"Oops," she giggled and her cheeks flushed again, a lovely rosy hue.
Gary closed the distance between them and kissed her on the nose as the butterflies rioted in his stomach.
"And what did you say to her?" she finally asked softly.
He shrugged nonchalantly, "I told her I liked you, not her."
The blush on her face deepened and she rolled her eyes playfully, but where her chest pressed against his, he could feel her heart beating harder at his words.
"You're not going to leave me hanging now, are you? Do you like me too?" he probed, a smile playing around his lips.
She smacked his arm and rolled her eyes again, "Of course I like you. I thought that was obvious."
He laughed, "Just wanted to make sure we were on the same page."
She nodded and smiled, "We definitely are."
Then she bit her lip and glanced down at his lips for a moment, but it was long enough for Gary to catch it and before she could lean in, he did and captured her lips in another deep, lingering kiss.
A tiny moan escaped her lips as he tightened his grip around her waist, and this time he didn't even try to stop the goosebumps that covered his whole body.
Maybe I am in love with her after all...
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garebearandnan · 2 years
Chapters: 27/ EP04 Pt 3 Never Have I Ever Fandom: Love Island (Video Game), Love Island (UK TV), Love Island Game S2 Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Main Character (Love Island)/Original Character(s), Hope/Noah (Love Island), Lottie/Rocco (Love Island), Other Relationship Tags to Be Added, Ibrahim/Marisol (Love Island), Hannah/Bobby (Love Island), Gary/MC (Love Island) Characters: Main Character (Love Island), Hope (Love Island), Lottie (Love Island), Hannah (Love Island), Marisol (Love Island), Noah (Love Island), Rocco (Love Island), Ibrahim (Love Island), Priya (Love Island), Gary (Love Island), Bobby (Love Island) Additional Tags: Love Island: The Game Season 2, Fanfiction, Reality TV, Canon Related, Pre-Villa (Love Island: The Game), Star Wars References, Angst, Canon Rewrite, Mutual Pining, Romance, Ballerina, Swearing, Bullying Summary: Let’s find out who your fellow islanders really are.
Note: I really wanted Love Island Game S2 to have more challenges and night time games similar to the TV show. I have added some S1 and S4 Love Island Game dialogue to this S2 fanfic. I have played every season 1-5, matchmaker, all the minis (reunion, CMM, wedding, & boat party) but keep replaying S2 as it is my FAV. 
I hope you all really enjoy it as much as I am writing it. Please feel free to leave comments.
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desolatepixel · 3 years
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Valentines Day 2022 Moodboard: My MC Laila x Gary
Just realized it’s almost the end of February and haven’t made a valentines styled moodboard for my favorite MC and beautiful crane boi. Even though it doesn’t have the normal valentines aesthetic with reds and pinks I wanted to make one with how they would spend their day. Headcannon’s below
-Gary would would up early in the morning to surprise his girl with a nice breakfast in bed. Even though he’s still rubbish in the kitchen he has picked up a thing or two from Laila since she likes teaching him how to cook
-Gary is a bit too loud cooking and Laila being the light sleeper she is, wakes up, goes to the kitchen, and surprises him with a hug to behind. Gary is flustered and a bit disappointed but is reassured with a kiss and the two make breakfast together
-After cooking comes the basic morning ablutions with lots of intimacy during shower time
-Eating breakfast on the bed together, feeding each other, casual banter
-Cute couples selfie post to share on social media
- Lots of kissing and cuddling in the bed 
- Making a lot of love, YES MA’AM ❤️
- Cuddling while watching a bunch of cheesy romcoms 
- Cooking a romantic dinner together, with lots of kitchen bits
- Gift Giving! Laila would give a care pocket with all the small things Gary likes along some pictures and comments from Love Island Fans who love and support them and their relationship. Gary would give her a book signed from her favorite author with vacation tickets inside to somewhere she’s wanted to visit for a while
- Emotional hugs, kisses, and compliments for a long while
- Nightly routine followed by cuddling in bed until they fall asleep in each others arms
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garyrennell · 4 years
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this is a playlist for the amazing tag @ariendiel created and i decided to make it about my beloved pair of blue-eyed softies*✲゚* all of the songs are or will be included at some point as background music for The Villa’s Star-Crossed Lovers, as they depict their journey, their slowest slow burn and their relationship in general. i hope you guys get the feels listening to it as much as i got them while making it*:・゚✧*
this song represents their first kiss, as they barely knew each other but they already wanted to be that special someone in the other’s life.
“stars when i see what you see,
when i leave my body, my body,
my head fell to look down at my hands,
i wanna be somebody.”
whenever Minni is having a bad time, Gary is always always there for her, to offer a good cuddle, a cozy hug and words of reassurance.
“when you get knocked down and you've had enough,
oh i'll be there to dust you off,
when you don't know what you're gonna do,
i will look after you.”
even when this song is a heartbreak song for Gary, he doesn’t quite realize that it says exactly what he was trying to do, which is not falling too fast for Minni and failing to do so.
“wise men say only fools rush in,
but i can't help falling in love with you,
shall i stay?
would it be a sin,
if i can't help falling in love with you?”
this is the ultimate song to represent their relationship. there’s nothing else to say.
“lookin' at you, like a star,
from a place, the world forgot,
and there's nothing, that i can do,
except bury my love for you.”
because they're constantly trying to pretend that they don’t see each other as more than mates, they have created a distance between the two, a distance none of them want to have, but think the other does.
“it feels like there's oceans,
between me and you once again,
we hide our emotions,
under the surface and tryin' to pretend.”
both play this game of guess with the other since they were separated, as they’re not brave enough to get their feelings out in the open. most of the times, the thing that gives away how they feel are their hugs and physical contact.
“could you hold me without any talking?
we could try to go back where we started.”
they are falling for each other at a rapid pace, that’s also what makes them backpedal and hold back, afraid of rushing in.
“you pull me close, guiding me home,
and i need you to know that we're fallin' so fast,
we're fallin' like the stars, fallin' in love.”
often, they get confused on where their stand in their relationship, both feeling like they’re together but at the same time not being able to catch the other and make them stay.
“i don't know what the point of anything is,
but i hope i can spend my time next to you,
maybe when we're older you will say,
let's move to somewhere colder and we'll stay.”
if both would’ve followed their heart from the start, instead of getting caught in the show’s game, they would have been coupled up again long ago.
“i'll be there in the summer,
'cause your heart isn't safe,
you won't go, you are not a runner,
so you won't run away,
if you could follow your heart gently,
there wouldn't be this mess.”
none of them is sure if the other feels the same, the two being scared that their strong feelings are not mutual, because the way they like each other seems too good to be true.
“do you feel what i feel?
or is it just another dream where i,
chase things that aren't real?
happens more than you would think.”
i don’t know who has don this already haha, but i'll be tagging the following gorgeous people: @mrsgaryrennell, @therealityofthematteris​, @bubblelaureno​, @batgirlassociationofgothamcity, @nuggobby, @aislingrennell, @bobbysmckenzie​ and @iamgaryrennells​✿✼:*゚
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ravenadottir · 4 years
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gary rennell, 23, chatham, crane operator, ‘favorite meal: his nan’s roast dinner’
gary rennell, aka gorilla boy, or garewolf, garebear, and other embarrassing nicknames i gave him on his pos-villa story. i’ve been writing for him for over a year, and to this day he remains as my favorite boy.
he just has the heart of gold, the cheekiness, the intelligence. gary was able to break every single stereotype and move the whole fandom after he opened up to us.
he was my first playthrough, and stayed on my top three to this day.
it’s the most fun to write for him, the way he can be such a dad but still be able to befriend and maintain those relationships. how he sees love and loyalty, fear, his past, the vision he has of himself are just a few things i appreciate on him so much.
gary is one of the most multilayered characters from all seasons and a delight to write!
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pos-villa fic to introduce his nan and his mom, dicky, your relationship, his family issues and insecurities, your whole life after the villa, trying to make it work. chelsea, priya, henrik and bobby are present as close friends, but dicky is the closest to both of you. more than a friend, he’s a brother to gary, and there will be a process, but you’ll become part of his life. a pos-villa story about the life you’ll share after the show, after winning first prize. nan and dicky are here, of course, but also ghosts from gary’s past and your future as a couple.
title: gary is the only boy at the beginning of the game who cumpliments your eyes. he proceeds to talk about how he’s been hurt and needs someone loyal. i felt this line had to be the one.
chapter one
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one shots on ao3 (in order to be read)
‘no double standard’ |pt1 |pt2 |pt3 |pt4
gary’s confessions |pt1 |pt2 |pt3
‘gary’s pool’
one shots in chronological order
teen / gary / outfits / dicky 
original characters’ sheets
why his hair was falling / gary as julien
early domestic life /  my opinion on his route
angry gary in the bedroom
his field with graham / comparison: gary x lucas
hannah and the pool scene
why do i think girls don’t see him as potential
why he was voted “most likely to cheat”
gary x mc - dom/jess from the show’s s3
gary x mc as mates / gary rejecting blake in casa amor
compatibility: chelsea x gary / jo x gary x lottie x mc
my favorite route
why i like him: list
if mc treated R!lurik like he treated R!hannah
why i think he was fusebox’ bet
gary x noah x mc / general
non fluffy alphabet / quarantine
non fluffy / how he eats...
gary is mostly lonely on the outside
life with gary
about nan
what she said about mc
what she said about the hannahgate
post-villa life with gary
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ariendiel · 4 years
Do you have any Noah-Gary-MC sandwich headcanons? 👁👄👁
Yess, Aly! Now we’re talking 😏
I’ve got such a soft spot for Gary (very much thanks to @mrsgaryrennell), so I definitely wouldn’t mind adding him into the mix with Noah... Headcanons below the line, because of, well, slightly n*fw reasons
Starting off soft: So many amazing hugs. Noah and Gary are both big men, and imagine being hugged by them both at the same time? It’d be the warmest, safest place to be.
Like, being sad while having those two around would be nearly impossible. Noah’s calm and Gary’s lightheartedness is just such a soothing and well balanced combination. Yes please.
Also, sofa cuddles. These two men are both gentle and super caring. Gary would hug MC close, while Noah’s happy to just rest a hand on her leg.
I think Gary would be the one to get the most *excited* and would take the initiative for anything more, slowly and playfully caressing MC in more intimate places, and getting Noah in the mood as well.
While Gary initiates, I think Noah would be the most comfortable and at ease with the whole situation (especially in the beginning); chuckling a bit at Gary’s sudden insecurity but never teasing him for it.
So very gentle. At first at least 😏
I think both of these men are once-and-done kind of guys, but oh boy will they take their time and make sure MC is more than satisfied.
Gary’ll grunt while Noah swears softly under his breath, both having a firm but gentle grip of her. This is one very masculine sandwich, but of the non-toxic variety that’ll just be *chef’s kiss*
They’ll practically worship her in bed, wanting to touch, kiss, caress and hold her close as much as possible
The view she’ll have of these two men though? Oof, I mean come on, these guys are FIT 🥵
Sweating and shaking, both men will not allow themselves to come before MC’s nearly passed out from pleasure.
And then imagine being in the middle of that sanwhich in bed afterwards while cuddling and falling asleep? Noah with his arms wrapped around MC from behind, while she hugs Gary close like the little golden gorilla spoon he is 😌
Noah would wake up first, quietly getting out of bed to allow MC and Gary to snooze/snuggle a while longer while he prepares them breakfast, followed by breakfast in bed (nothing that crumbles though!) and maybe a bit more action...
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malbontesvicky · 4 years
From one respective Gary stan to the other, I must ask sis. What headcanons do you have of our golden gorilla? 👀👀👀
Ah thank you for the ask 💕💕
I can picture him swearing quite a lot around the house, if he drops or spills something, stubbs his toe. He’d mutter under his breath loud enough for MC to hear who’s behind him. When he realises she’s heard, even though it’s nothing new to her, he gets a little flustered and apologises.
He got all embarrassed when his nan showed MC pictures of when he was younger and telling her the stories about him talking to the trains.
He runs a bath for MC just how she likes it when he knows she’s really tired or stressed, and will massage her shoulders.
He occasionally surprises her with flowers when he comes back from work, even though it’s more the petrol shop type, but it’s the thought that counts.
When they’re lying on the sofa watching the TV he loves it when MC lies her legs on top of his while cuddling into his side.
He always makes a fuss of her even when it’s just them.
He deliberately teases/tickles her to make her laugh as that’s one of his favourite things about her.
Leaves notes on the bedside table when he leaves for work telling her he loves her, so that’s the first thing she sees when she wakes up.
He loves it when she surprises him by bringing him lunch at work.
He isn’t the most domesticated but since they moved in together he has really stepped up with cleaning and tidying.
His nan and MC are teaching him to cook.
When he wakes up first he can’t help but watch her while she sleeps, carefully stroking her hair.
Loves watching Disney films together.
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anotherrennell · 4 years
Guys! I finally got it!
The scene after MC and Lucas break up after operation nope. I finally got it with Gary! You have no idea how many times I had to replay it because I always got it with Bobby. But this time I made sure to only get frownyfaces from him. I hated that because I really like Bobby.
But look at how excited Gary is that MC is back on the market. (
He actually says that he's happy about that, but I can only post 10 pictures on this post so, here's a selection.
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All the couple scenes after that is with Gary so:
1. Gary flirts with MC openly infront of Lottie.
2. Gary has sex with MC in the shower while coupled up with Lottie.
3. He tells MC that he would rather be with MC multiple times.
If this doesn't put a nail in the coffin to prove that Gary is not into Lottie, I don't know what will.
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thatwheelchairchick · 2 years
After The Villa - Chapter 2
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snesdudes · 4 years
Pairing: Gary/MC
Summary: Priya had to pick someone, and she picked Gary, leaving you single and vulnerable. That night you sleep on the daybeds, and someone comes to talk.
I had to write this, since it bugs me that after Priya picks Gary, you don’t have a chance to talk about it with him. So, I fixed it.
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Your naked feet brushed the floor as you swung them, sitting on one of the daybeds by yourself. A heavy sigh escaped through your lips, gaze lingering somewhere around the pool, although you weren’t really seeing anything… You were too lost in thought.
It was your second night in the Villa, and you were already fearing you might be going home soon. After today, you were the only single girl, which would mean the next recoupling could be the end for you. Everybody had someone to sleep with, to get to know without stepping on no one’s toes, but you, on the other hand… If you wanted to crack on with someone, it had to be behind the girls’ backs. You wished it was that simple – it was the second night but you knew who you wished you were sleeping with.
You weren’t mad at Priya. Actually, you really liked her, and understood perfectly why she’d want to be with Gary. He had been your first pick, too, how could you blame her? But it still worried you thinking about them, curling together in bed, while you were here staring at nothing by yourself.
Gary’s voice echoed through your memories; it had been just this afternoon but it felt like days ago.
I don’t have to share a bed with her.
We can pick each other next chance we get.
He probably was just trying to be nice… but that very same morning, you had been kissing in the very same bed you were sitting now, and it felt… right. It felt promising. You groaned with impotence and let yourself fall unto the bed, almost screaming with surprise when you saw an upside-down Gary with two steaming mugs in his hands. You sat up again and turned to him, heart hammering with surprise.
“Alright, trouble?” He smiled at you, although it looked somewhat forced.
“Better now.” You grinned back, genuinely surprised to see him there.
“Made you a cuppa. Thought maybe you were cold.” Gary said, his smile relaxing after your flirty retort. You heart melted a bit when he gave you the cup of tea with the handle towards you, so you didn’t burn yourself.
“Thanks, Gary.” You muttered, grabbing the cup and warming your hands with it. You weren’t cold, but the beverage would surely make you feel better. You could only hope the same from the man sitting next to you. Your eyes wandered through his arms as he got comfortable, only wearing a pair of grey sweatpants. “Can’t say I’m not surprised to see you here, though.”
His eyes travelled towards your face behind his glasses, slightly concerned. “Good surprised or bad surprised?”
“Definitely good.” You reassured him, taking the first sip of the tea. “Thought you’d be already snoring.”
“Hey, I don’t snore!” He replied, gently poking your leg with one finger, earning a giggle from you, which made all his face light up – though it lasted only a few seconds. “I couldn’t sleep.”
“Priya snores?” You raised your eyebrows, teasing. You managed to get a short laugh from him at that.
“Nah.” A pause. You looked at him expectantly, analyzing his features in the soft lights of the garden. “We didn’t really have a chance to chat properly. About this whole Priya thing. You said you still want us to work, but that’s it. I get it’s early days and we gotta get to know everyone, but I wanted to see what’s on your mind.”
You blinked at him and then lowered your gaze to your cup, trying to think in the right way to word your musings. You had only met each other, and there were other boys in the Villa, so you could start to look elsewhere… But you didn’t want to. Not before knowing if you could have something with the blond man sitting by your side. You parted your lips to speak.
“I can’t say I’m thrilled about Priya choosing you.” You sighed, taking another sip. “I get it, she had to choose someone and she went for the fittest guy. I respect that.” A smile fought its way to Gary’s lips at your compliment, and you grinned warmly at him. “But I was excited to get to know you. When I arrived and met the girls, I told Hope I was worried I wouldn’t fancy any of the boys. And when I saw you, I thought ‘thank god’.” You chuckled, almost missing the way Gary slid just a few inchers closer. “I thought we were having a good time getting to know each other, you know?”
“We were!” Gary replied quickly. “We are. I didn’t want Priya to pick me, I told you this morning. I meant it.”
You bit your lip softly. “Did you also mean it when you said that we could pick each other again at the next recoupling? It’s cool if you changed your mind…” Your cup was half empty already.
“I meant it, yeah. I still do. Look –” He sighed, shuffling a little closer, your knees touched. “I talked to Priya after the party. I wanted to know what she was expecting, why she picked me, all that.” You nodded softly, not knowing where he was going with that. “We agreed there wasn’t anything between us.”
A soft frown appeared on your face and Gary had the urge to kiss it away, but he refrained. When you spoke, your voice was soft. “What do you mean? She’s stunning. All of you were drooling all over her when she arrived. And now we know she’s also lovely.” You bit your lip. “Shouldn’t talk like that about the competition, should I?”
“Yeah, you’re right, she’s gorgeous. She’s fun, too, and seems nice. But –”
“But?” You arched a brow, taking the last sip of the tea. Gary scratched the back of his neck and chuckled awkwardly, leaving his cup on the floor. You mimicked him, and fixed your gaze on his face just to see his cheeks flush pink. He looked adorable.
“But she’s not you, I guess.”
You blinked, surprised. Gary hurried to keep talking, as if not wanting you to acknowledge that part. But you did, and you were already smiling as he kept talking. “We agreed that it would feel wrong if something happened, since she sees you as a friend and I – you know. She also said she picked me because she knew you wouldn’t make her time in the Villa feel like Hell, unlike some of the other girls. And that she knew you wouldn’t be in danger of being dumped anyway.”
You nodded at the information, understanding a little better Priya’s train of thought. You planned to speak to her the next morning so she knew there were no hard feelings. You licked your lips and placed your hand above Gary’s, his face turning to yours at your touch.
“Thank you for coming here and clear the air between us.” You smiled sweetly. “I really appreciate it. I’ll make sure Priya knows we’re still friends, and I’ll try to stop Lottie from bullying her.”
Gary rolled his eyes, his fingers casually sliding between yours, griping your hand tightly. “I got it when Priya explained it all to me. I think you’re the most reasonable one among the girls, too. And the sweetest.”
“Am I?” You leaned in just slightly, your faces inches apart.
He didn’t retort, he just closed the distance between you to brush his lips against yours, merely a caress at first, until he felt you tightening the grip on his hand with anticipation. You could swear he was smiling when you parted your lips to deepen the kiss, his free hand soon finding its way to the small of your back, to pull you close, until you’re almost sitting on his lap. Your legs were tangled, your chests against each other, hearts hammering wildly as your tongues found each other.
You rested your forehead against his as you both caught your breath.
“Wow.” Was the only word Gary could manage to say.
“Gotta give you a good last kiss, to make sure you remember me.” You breathed, moving apart from Gary, feeling your cheeks burn.
“Last kiss?” He retorted, incredulous. “We’re just getting started, babe.”
You laughed, your gaze lingering on your holding hands. A moment passed before you could muster the strength to speak.
“You should go back to Priya.”
Gary’s face fell. “I don’t have to. Not if you don’t want me to.”
You chewed on the insides of your cheeks. Sure, you wanted him to stay with you, sleep together under the stars, his heartbeat lulling you to sleep. But that wasn’t how the game worked, and you both knew it. You couldn’t just sleep with whoever you wanted to, you had to share the bed with your partner.
“You’re sweet.” You muttered, pressing your lips against his for a brief moment. “But I don’t think we can do that.”
Gary nodded, understanding quickly. “You’re probably right.”
He got up from the bed and picked the empty cups, you started getting under the sheets. Gary looked at you longingly, but sighed and started to make his way towards the kitchen.
“Hey, Gary.” You spoke, making him turn around. “First one to wake up gets the other breakfast?” You wink at him.
“Sharing breakfast in bed?” He replied, beaming at you. “Sounds lush.”
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easyobsession · 4 years
I hate Casa Amor. I hate these new boys.
I miss Gary.
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fuck-girl-code · 3 years
"Those torn jeans" for the fic title
I'll meet you in New York, poppet. Those were the last words Klara ever heard from Gary Rennell in 1912. Is it really just a dream? Then why is he standing right in front of her at the Villa, a stranger? A time travel love story. Gary x MC.
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ink-l-ings · 3 years
Jedi Mindtricks
HAPPY STAR WARS DAY EVERYONE! Ok, so I couldn’t resist writing a little something for our resident Star Wars fanatic islander, Gary. Especially since his leg tattoo is a deconstructed lightsaber! I envisioned this happening around the time of the cake challenge. Much fluff in this fic, I see... Pairing: Gary Rennell x F!MC Season 2 Word count: 823 Summary: Geeks together 🥰 Gary and MC discuss a mutual interest
‘Do, or do not. There is no try.’ You said with a grin waggling your finger at Gary as you both casually walked in the direction of the bedroom.
‘Oh my days,’ Gary laughed loudly as you walked together. ‘was that a Star Wars reference?’
‘It might have been.’ You grinned, a small laugh of your own penetrating your sentence.
Gary stopped in the middle of the empty room and turned to face you, an excited expression strewn across his face.
‘I... you cannot understand how excited I am right now.’
You smirked at him, he rolled his eyes. ‘Alright, maybe you can. But like, you like Star Wars?’ He asked with a huge grin and small bounce ‘Babe, seriously? You?’
‘Hey! I’m not always this glamorous you know, there’s a lot about me that isn’t shown in front the of cameras.’
‘Mmm, I know.’ He said with a dreamy smile. You slapped his shoulder playfully. ‘But yes, padawan. I am, and forever will be, a Jedi Guardian. Blue happens to be a favourite colour of mine.’ You silkily smiled, pointedly glancing into his beautiful crystal blue eyes. Gary looked like he was about to burst with excitement.
He schooled his face, and frowned ‘what if I were to tell you I was a Sith inquisitor?’
‘I’d know you were lying, you’re far too honourable for Sith mind games. You’re a Guardian, just like me!’
‘You’re bang on’ he laughed. ‘To be honest, I thought you’d be more of a consular’.
‘I was torn for a while, I mean, I’ve ended up being diplomat here too many times.’ Gary took your hand and gave it a squeeze. ‘But given the situations we’d be facing, I’d be the action type over diplomacy. Especially when Sith are involved. I probably would have run off with Revan if I’m being completely honest.’
A smirk grew over Gary’s features ‘how do you feel about the whole no attachments thing?’
‘Pffft as if that would work for me. Life is many shades of grey, especially when I run into very buff, hot blonde, sensitive Jedi Guardians. I’d be a gonner’
Gary laughed as he pulled you into his arms, circling them around your waist. ‘And as if I wouldn’t be drawn to a beautiful red headed, force wielding wonder, like you. I’d be devoted. Hmm, let’s just not worry about passion and dark side stuff, aye?’
‘Hmmm, agreed!’ You kissed him deeply. He leant into the kiss, eyeing you suspiciously as he pulled away.  ‘Figured out my tattoo then?’
‘I figured it out on the first day. It’s one of the reasons I picked you.’
‘And my Nan thought I was bonkers for getting it. Thank you tattoo!’
You laughed.
‘You wanna see my cosplay pics? I still have a couple on my phone...’
Gary’s jaw dropped. He watched you wide eyed and speechless as he gripped a hand over his chest. ‘Oh wow, are you alright?’ You asked quickly, concern flying across your features.
‘Babe. You have no idea what you just did to me.’ He said roughly, regaining some of his composure. You chuckled.
‘Oh, so now probably isn’t the best time to tell you that as well as being a session musician, I’m a freelance cos player at main events in London? Like comic con?’ Gary looked at you completely lost for words. His heart was hammering in his chest as he watched you, he didn’t think he could be even more head over heels for you, how wrong he had been!
‘Not just Star Wars characters either...’ You laughed softly enjoying the shocking effect you were having on him. You turned your expression sultry. ‘I’m Commander Shepard, and this is my favourite store on the Citadel.’
Gary threw his head back with a deep groan as he bent his knees in a small bounce. His eyes connected with yours in a smouldering glance. Your smile stretched as you thought about the perfect Star Wars line to send him over the edge. ‘Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope.’
Gary growled. He surged forward crushing you to his chest and quickly pressing his lips to yours. His tongue urgently swept over your lower lip, enticing you to open. You followed his lead and let him dominate the passion in your embrace. He couldn’t get enough. You felt him reach down and lift you off your feet, throwing your legs around his hips. He began walking, you could barely make out the movement over the mind blowing passion consuming your senses.
You pulled away to catch your breath, sighing deeply as he kissed up your neck.
‘Wait, where are we going?’ You asked quietly.
‘Shower.’ He said huskily. ‘I need you. Badly.’
You chuckled happily, pressing yourself against Gary’s hold, kissing him deeply and running your hands through his hair and nape of his neck. Gary groaned again and sped up his pace to the bathroom.
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longbobmckenzie · 3 years
long bob writes
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Whiskey & Scotch - Bobby x MC AO3 Link | Wattpad Link | Commissioned Art Rated: M | Chapters: 45/45 | Word Count: 228,765
Going on a reality TV show wasn’t how Josie expected to spend her summer – she wasn’t looking for fame, and certainly didn’t expect to find love. But now that she’s on Love Island, surrounded by hot single men, she figures she may as well enjoy herself.
But what happens when things don’t go as expected, and events start spiralling out of her control? Will her mistakes catch up to her, or will she make it through unscathed?
And will she end up finding love, or only heartbreak?
One for the Road - Bobby x MC A03 Link | Rated: M | Chapters: 1/1 | Word Count: 6,385
Months after leaving the Love Island villa together, Josie and Bobby travel to Canada for Christmas. Josie has an extra special surprise for him...
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On the Rocks - Bobby x MC x Lucas AO3 Link | Rated: E | Chapters: 1/1 | Word Count: 6,520
Just when Bobby and Josie thought things would get easier and they could get their relationship on track, a new obstacle was thrown at them with Lucas returning to the villa, dredging up old feelings. How will Josie choose between them, and what happens when she gives in to her desires?
Another Round - Bobby x MC x OC (Magnus) AO3 Link | Rated: E | Chapters: 1/1 | Word Count: 9,935
Josie walks into a hotel bar while on a work trip and meets an old friend. When sparks fly, will she give in?
Coming Soon - Whiskey & Wildflowers, a rewrite of Whiskey & Scotch
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Edge of the World - Bobby x MC AO3 Link | Wattpad Link | Art - Bobby | Art - Henrik | Art - Bobby x Scarlet Rated: E | Chapters: 15/15 | Word Count: 33,933
Sit back and let me tell ye a tale, girls. It began atop the waterfall, at the edge of the world… - Danger. Mystery. The supernatural. Long Bob McKenzie has a riddle to solve, and there's no time to lose.
A swashbucklin' pirates tale inspired by the boys' pool chat while the girls were at the beach.
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Long Bob McKenzie has never backed down from an adventure, not even with a new bride at his side. So when a strange ship is sighted on the horizon, he can’t help but be curious, even though he knows the risks.
But perhaps this is one mystery that would be better left unsolved.
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Years after the events of Edge of the World, Long Bob and Scarlet are seeking a new adventure. When word reaches town about a legendary treasure, what else are pirates to do but join the search?
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New town, new school, new friends. Those are the top things on Meg Rennell’s mind when she and her brother Gary move away from Chatham. Then she sees Bobby McKenzie in the hallway at school, and one glimpse changes her life forever.
The question is… as the years go by, will he ever notice her?
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When a snowstorm sends her knocking on a stranger's door, will he be the shelter she so desperately needs?
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When Levi Combe finds himself in hot water, he goes on the run for a crime he didn’t commit. He lands in a small town in the middle of nowhere, hoping his arrival doesn’t make too much of a splash and that he can lay low for a while. Tia Brooks is doing her best to keep her struggling motel afloat. Will the arrival of a handsome stranger be the lifeline that she needs?
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saving the best for last - Bobby x MC AO3 Link | Rated: M | Word Count: 2,990
Bobby McKenzie might not be as muscular as the other guys, and he might come off as a bit of a clown. But he knows he can pull just as well as anyone, and he’s here to prove it. And then he sees Kyla, and he’s done for – he just needs a chance.
first impressions - Bobby x MC AO3 Link | Wattpad Link | Rated: M | Word Count: 12,010
Unlike most eligible young ladies, Clara Bergstrom is in no hurry to marry. She can afford to take her time to find the right match for her, and until then, she’s content to live with her brother and his new wife.
But when she meets the dashing Robert McKenzie and they get off on the wrong foot, she has no idea just how much her life is about to change.
lights, camera... love? - Bobby x MC AO3 Link | Rated: E | Word Count: 14,495
When Bobby shows up to work one day, the last thing he expects is to fall in love. But when he meets his co-star for the porn film he’s shooting, he’s convinced that she’s exactly what he’s been looking for. He just needs to convince her too. A porn AU.
the lengths we go to - Bobby x MC / Noah x MC AO3 Link | Wattpad Link | Rated: M | Word Count: 4,135
Amy came to Love Island for one reason, and one reason only: to win. So when she gets caught up in her emotions and sleeps with Noah on the last night, she thinks she’s ruined her chances. But what if she hasn’t? Is there still a chance she could walk away up to £50k richer?
anatomy of a heartbreak - Bobby x Lucas AO3 Link | Rated: M | Word Count: 5695
When Bobby McKenzie stumbles into the wrong class, he stumbles straight into the right guy. The perfect guy. Except for the fact that he also happens to be the professor... But when Professor Koh starts showing up at his workplace, Bobby can’t help but feel this is going somewhere… isn’t it?
under my skin - Henrik x Bobby AO3 Link | Rated: M | Word Count: 7,550
Henrik has a crush on his best friend Lucas – a big one. The problem is, Lucas is already dating someone else. Someone Henrik can’t stand.
So when Lucas asks them to spend time with each other, Henrik is reluctant. But he just can’t say no, and now he’s stuck with someone who can’t help but get under his skin – in more ways than one.
one last good thing - Henrik x MC AO3 Link | Rated: E | Word Count: 3,730
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Any time Taylor comes to his door with tears in her eyes and a bottle of wine in her hand, Lucas lets her in. He can’t help it – he can’t ever say no to her, even when she drives him crazy. Before he knows it, he finds himself falling for her, against his better judgement. The problem is, she’s too busy chasing other guys to realize that maybe what she needs has been in front of her all along.
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Noah loves his work at the local library. He prides himself on keeping it pristine and organized, so that everything is easy to find and nothing is out of place.
Which is why it drives him nuts every time she comes in and puts everything in disarray.
He’d love nothing more than to put her in her place, but he’s just a mild-mannered librarian… or is he?
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After a rough breakup, Arjun is ready to date again, and he’s got his eyes fixed on the handsome blonde he often sees running with his dog in the park.
He just needs to work up the courage to talk to him.
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Rohan watches someone else win Love Island with the one that he loves... and regrets not speaking up sooner.
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When Rohan and Tim set up a double-date with their girlfriends for Valentine’s Day, things don’t go quite the way they planned.
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things you said when you were drunk Magnus x Josie | Bobby x Josie | Bobby x Scarlet  things you said after you kissed me - Bobby x Lucas things you didn't say at all - Lucas x Josie things I wish you'd said - Lucas x Josie things you said over the phone - Magnus x Josie things you whispered in my ear - Bobby x Magnus things you said through your teeth - Henrik & Magnus “I’ll keep coming back for as long as you want me to.” - Bobby x MC “Stop being so hot, please.” - Bobby x MC “I love you, but I love her more.” - Bobby x Lucas
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garyrennell · 5 years
hi beautiful people💕 i’m doing the fluff alphabet challenge by @ravena-dottir, in collab with awesome @mrsgaryrennell✨ we really took our time to analyze crane boi’s personality here, to give the most accurate responses posible💖 aaaand this is a long one, as everything i write😂 i hope you like it.
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
physically, he is drawn to a girl’s eyes and smile, as he compliments MC for those in the game. he also is a butt and thigh guy👀 personality wise, he appreciates curiosity, intellectuality and overall kindness.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
absolutely YES. he wants to have children of his own to take care of and to prove himself that he can be the best dad ever, the father he never had. he dreams of taking his little boy to football practice and teach him mechanics💙 you bet he’ll be there for this children whenever they need him and will be extra protective and such a cool dad🥺 and if he finds a girl with the same love and care inside of her, there’s no doubt he’d be eager to start a family asap.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
in canon, he’s always giving cuddles or asking for them, so crane boi here is a cuddle fan💖 @mrsgaryrennell and i came to the conclusion that Gary’s love language is mainly physical, because cuddling is his type of intimacy and his way to show affection, rather than words for example. he likes bed cuddles with his girl lying on his chest and his bigs arms around her, especially in the morning. even if his girl is not close, he’ll pull her into a cozy cuddle or simply ask for one✨
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
he prefers very casual dates and if he gets to plan it, he’ll put thought into it. for example, he plans a simple picnic date and makes sure he brings good food and takes his girl to a nice place; or a movie date and makes sure to buy popcorn and get really good seats. overall, Gary transforms simple dates into something especial without going over the top💕 during the date, expect a “top quality banter and an absolute gent” lmao, especially the gent part because he’s basically proud of his nan educating him like that.
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
he’ll probably turn this phrase into a joke because he doesn’t like being a melt😂 it would ruin his lad image. in joking mode, he’d say something along the lines of “you’re the loaf of my life” while holding a piece of bread lmao, but in a serious occasion he’d say “you’re my happiness” or “you’re my favourite”.
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
in the game, we think he realized he had fallen for MC while the girls were away in CA. he found himself missing her big time and thinking about her all the goddamn time, wishing she was there with him. also the idea of having a domestic life with MC is what made him sure that she was the one💖
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
gentle is basically Gary’s middle name lmao, that boi is full of gentleness. he’s gentle when he holds his girl, when he kisses her, in his wording even when he’s not very good at expressing himself with words. everything he does, he makes sure he does it with care and tenderness🙈
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
as most of his way to show affection is through physical contact, he often reaches for his girl’s hand. Gary is a simple guy, so he doesn’t really care if he’s holding the back of her hand, her palm, if his fingers are intertwined or not— he doesn’t really care as long as their hands are together💕 he’s also the type to caress the back of her hand with his thumb in a soothing manner.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
oh boy oh boy, when it comes to first impressions, Gary comes across as handsome, confident, cheeky and flirty, which can result into him looking like a laddy lad type of guy💪🏻 it’s not far fetched lol but in the first impression of him you miss a lot of the depth of his character and personality.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
not👏🏻at👏🏻all. he doesn’t mind if a guy approaches his girl and flirts a little, because he likes to see that others appreciate her too. when he would definitely get jealous is when the person hitting on his girl is really bold and obvious. Gary is a “silent jealous”, which means that he will not be confrontational about it but will throw deadly glances, frown and mutter under his breath. he will just stand at one side trying not to look bothered, arms crossed and grumbling to himself lmao. and then, when asked, he’ll deny to death that he’s jealous💀
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
we all know the guy has experience, so he is definitely an expert kisser. he really enjoys slow kisses and likes to take his time, he doesn’t rush and is also very gentle. basically, he knows what to do, when to do it and how to do it😉 he likes playful and sneaky kisses too, everything that comes along with some cheekiness. in the game, MC always initiates the kisses, so there’s that🤷🏻‍♀️ but it fits his personality more for him to be the one initiating the kisses.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
him, and it’s canon. Gary is an open book, so as soon as he is sure that he’s in love, he’ll try to let his girl know in the most intimate way posible. he’ll say it in private and will make sure he picks the right moment.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
in the game, the final date, when he asks MC to be his girlfriend. outside of the Villa, definitely the shipyard date, because it’s the first time a girl accepts to go watch the lights of the cranes with him🥺💕
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
crane boi doesn’t spoil, less with expensive things🤷🏻‍♀️ but, he will treat his girl with everyday, simple and casual details. she likes a certain type of tea? he will make sure to buy it whenever he can. she likes chocolate? he’ll buy some whenever he goes grocery shopping. maybe will even buy her a flower if he wants to come home with a surprise. in general, he buys small, meaningful things that will come to usage for her.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
for MC, he reminds her of navy blue and the color red. the first one is partially influenced by his eyes and the second is because of his cozy flannel💕
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
in canon, he uses “love, babe, cutie, darling and poppet” when referring to MC. he also uses “mate” as kind of a pet name too😂 we recently noticed that Gary is all down for melty pet names and even makes them up himself, so he surely will have a personalized and creative nickname for his girl💕
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
he likes old and vintage appliances, especially ones that are broken so he can fix them. @mrsgaryrennell has a cute headcanon in which Gary likes to fix old stuff (e.g radios) for elderly people or for donating them to charity😢💙
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Gary loves rainy days, it’s canon. he either is down to go dancing in the rain or to spend it at home, cuddling next to a window with his head lying on his girl’s lap as she plays with his hair💖 and drinking a warm cuppa, of course.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
this is a heavy one. we all know Gary’s struggles with mental health, so even after his therapy his first option is going to the gym. he thinks it helps with sadness when it doesn’t, but at least he feels less stressed out afterwards. after that, if he is really down, he’ll go talk to his nan about it🥺 to find comfort and support in her.
when cheering others up, he is all about company and being reassuring. he tries to get people to talk about their feelings because, through therapy, he has learned that it works. when the other person is well enough, he will try to make a joke to lighten the mood✨ as my girl @mrsgaryrennell said: even though he’s a little broken himself, he still tries to make others feel better.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
cRAnEs🏗 aND hiS nAn👵🏻😂 he’s a Star Wars fan, so he would be very chatty about it, or about science in general. he also likes to share funny stories lol.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
again, the gym thing, sadly😔 but apart from that, he likes to fix broken stuff when he is stressed, or build things for other people.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
his killer pecs and huge arms💪🏻😂 crane boi is very proud of who he is, so he mostly shows off his thicc body. we also have this headcanon in where Gary likes to show off his girl, to let the world know how amazing she is. he never shuts up about her💕🙈
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
he would propose after a 3-4 year relationship, to make sure the time is right, and wouldn’t do it without talking about the idea of marriage with his girl first. he would propose in a very intimate and private way, just the two of them in a especial place for both💙
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Do I Wanna Know by Arctic Monkeys and Stone by Jaymes Young🎶
Y = You the ___ to my ___ (e.g the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)
he’d say “you’re the levers to my crane” lmao or “you’re the safety to my worksite”💀
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
he wants a big, energetic dog (just like him lol) so probably he would own a fluffy golden retriever🐾
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