#Gaoithe Sagittus
galespider · 5 years
Aesthetics // My Characters
bold what applies.
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I. THE FAIRY.  chipped nail polish. glitter highlight. tall trees with smooth bark. tangled hair. the taste of cinnamon sugar. talking too loud and too fast. overgrown flowers in your hair. crumbling buildings reclaimed by nature. flirting. walking home at 3am with no coat. platonic hand-holding. blowing smoke out of your nose. dragonfly wings. chaotic good. freckles. fairy rings. secret meetings. gender nonconformity. leather. smudged eyeliner. forbidden fruit.
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II. THE REAPER.  computer errors. a shiver down your spine. haunting beauty. hard liquor. crowns of thorns. shadowed alleyways. decaying plant matter. shattered mirrors and broken glass. corrupted memories. stopped clocks. the scent of stale cigarettes. tattered black hoodies. walking your friends home. the crescent moon. the sea. a graveyard on a foggy day. cold rings on cold fingers. absolution. looking out the window of an airplane. soft kisses.
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III. THE WITCH.  graffiti. pretending to know what you’re doing. worn paperback books. growing up too fast. parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme. lace boots and combat boots. moth wings. candles on every surface. a weathered deck of cards. turning the music up. fireflies in jars. calloused fingers. drawing on your skin. sunlight filtering through clouds. petrichor. a dying rose in a jar. wearing a crystal pendant. illusions and spells. black cats. mint gum. chapped lips. dirt under your fingernails. the cycle of life and death.
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IV. THE WOLF.  murders of crows. frost-bitten leaves. wolves howling at midnight. knocking on your door. leaving food out for stray animals. the twang of an acoustic guitar. honey. tiny red buds on trees. claw marks on the walls. golden eyes. slightly too long stubble. sharp canines. soft, thick fur. hunger. a small cottage in the middle of the woods. knitted fingerless gloves. sleeping on the forest floor. always finding your way back home. (Just a note from me, Gale: I decided to categorize my characters within each) Tagged by: Saw @bhelni’s post! Tagging: @ksilberne, @wamoura, @ask-the-captains-crew, @masked-general, @the-fallen-creation, @red-dawnbringer, and anyone!!
Original Template!! v v v Down Below v v v
bold what applies.
I. THE FAIRY.  chipped nail polish. glitter highlight. tall trees with smooth bark. tangled hair. the taste of cinnamon sugar. talking too loud and too fast. overgrown flowers in your hair. crumbling buildings reclaimed by nature. flirting. walking home at 3am with no coat. platonic hand-holding. blowing smoke out of your nose. dragonfly wings. chaotic good. freckles. fairy rings. secret meetings. gender nonconformity. leather. smudged eyeliner. forbidden fruit.
II. THE REAPER.  computer errors. a shiver down your spine. haunting beauty. hard liquor. crowns of thorns. shadowed alleyways. decaying plant matter. shattered mirrors and broken glass. corrupted memories. stopped clocks. the scent of stale cigarettes. tattered black hoodies. walking your friends home. the crescent moon. the sea. a graveyard on a foggy day. cold rings on cold fingers. absolution. looking out the window of an airplane. soft kisses.
III. THE WITCH.  graffiti. pretending to know what you’re doing. worn paperback books. growing up too fast. parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme. lace and combat boots. moth wings. candles on every surface. a weathered deck of cards. turning the music up. fireflies in jars. calloused fingers. drawing on your skin. sunlight filtering through clouds. petrichor. a dying rose in a jar. wearing a crystal pendant. illusions and spells. black cats. mint gum. chapped lips. dirt under your fingernails. the cycle of life and death.
IV. THE WOLF.   murders of crows. frost-bitten leaves. wolves howling at midnight. knocking on your door. leaving food out for stray animals. the twang of an acoustic guitar. honey. tiny red buds on trees. claw marks on the walls. golden eyes. slightly too long stubble. sharp canines. soft, thick fur. hunger. a small cottage in the middle of the woods. knitted fingerless gloves. sleeping on the forest floor. always finding your way back home.
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galespider · 5 years
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I wanted to do fluff doodles c:
Commissions, Deviantart, Twitter, Instagram
It was unusual that Krowell had requested me to travel to The Burn with him, the barren white desert where creatures used to roam within its pristine sands.
I immediately accepted as I looked at him. He looked weary and tired. Probably from his work or some other things that kept his mind way too occupied. 
I wanted to ask what was wrong but I restrained myself. It’s best to sometimes keep things on hold rather than fester at moments. I knew if I asked, things would just rile up within his heart. 
But … He needed someone to at least be there at his side. No matter how silent our departure was. And I never ever want to leave his side.
The sands were the only thing that we have seen ahead of us as we stood there, the sun beating towards us. There was a slight breeze that aided the beautiful landscape where clouds of white were formed on the ground, traveling to what destination the wind carried them.
Krowell slowly sat down with his legs in front him, resting his arms on his knees.  “Is this what it feels like to be liberated …?” He had said. Even though he was free from the Garlean forces, he still wore his uniform. Maybe to remind him that he is not one of them anymore, even though it was ironic. He took off his cape and hat off and set it down next to him. He kept his gaze on the horizon. He was definitely a different person. Not harsh, nor cruel, nor intimidating. He was not a monster nor demon. 
But an Au Ra. Proud, compassionate, prideful, but ever so caring. I sat down next to him, wanting to be closer to him. I have done it, have I? Have I freed him from evil clutches? I hope so … Krowell has done so much for me and yet, I felt like I have done nothing. 
Time passed and he fell asleep. The bearable heat took him, warmly caressing his black clothes and made him comfortable. I looked upon his resting visage, away from the sun’s beam. This is the life he deserved. Peaceful and serene within this spot in The Burn. His favored location, desolate, clear, yet full of zen. 
I rested my hand on his soft white hair and held his hand with my other. I couldn’t help myself as I saw his other empty hand as his thumb twitched. He was dreaming perhaps. Perhaps of harmonious thoughts. I didn’t hesitate to slip my tail in his hand as it settled.   He looked more like a child, comparable to Raksha when he slept peacefully.
These Garlean PoW children … Were finally free. 
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galespider · 5 years
Character Tendencies: Gaoithe Sagittus
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Italics - a sometime truth
Bold - a constant truth
1. smoking: the action or habit of inhaling and exhaling the smoke of tobacco or a drug.
2. binge drinking: the consumption of an excessive amount of alcohol in a short period of time.
3. drug abuse: the habitual taking of illegal drugs.
4. nail biting: a common body language sign of anxiety/tension.
5. lip biting: a common body language sign of anxiety/tension.
6. night owl: a person who is habitually active or wakeful at night.
7. early bird: a person who rises, arrives, or acts before the usual or expected time.
8. negative attitudes: a philosophy of approaching life with criticism & pessimism.
9. positive attitudes: a philosophy of approaching life with optimism & confidence.
10. swearing: the use of offensive language.
11. superstitious: an irrational belief that an object, action, or circumstance not logically related to a course of events influences its outcome.
12. inspecting fingernails: a common body language sign of boredom.
13. scratching your neck: a common body language sign of uncertainty.
14. foot and finger tapping: a common body language sign of stress/impatience.
15. nose touch: a subtle body language sign of deceit.
16. flipping hair: a common body language sign of craving attention.
17. twirling hair: a common body language sign of flirtation.
18. cracking knuckles: a common body language sign of readiness.
19. hands behind back: a common body language sign of confidence.
20. finger pointing: a common body language sign of authority.
21. hands on hips: a common body language sign of readiness.
22. hands in pockets: a common body language sign of mistrust/reluctance.
23. frequent touch: a common body language sign of warmth/familiarity.
24. throat - clearing: a common body language sign of rejection/doubt.
25. jaw - clenching: a common body language sign of hostility.
26. eye - rolling: a common body language sign of irritation.
27. head - tilt: a common body language sign of interest.
28. whistling: to emit high - pitched sound by forcing breakthrough a small hole between one’s lips or teeth; usually to a tune.
29. humming: make a low, steady continuous sound like that of a bee; usually to a tune.
30. perfectionism: refusal to accept any standard short of perfection.
31. photographic memory: the ability to remember information or visual images in great detail.
32. paranoia: a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self - importance, typically worked into an organized system.
33. exaggeration: a statement that represents something as better or worse than it really is.
34. intuitive: using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive.
35. quick - witted: showing or characterized by an ability to think or respond quickly & effectively.
36. interrupting: breaking the continuity of a conversation with one’s own statements.
37. doodling: to scribble or make rough drawings, absentmindedly.
38. irritable: having or showing a tendency to be easily annoyed.
39. gambling: to play games of chance for money; bet.
40. travel sick: suffering from nausea caused by the motion of a moving vehicle, boat, or aircraft.
41. sensitive: having or displaying a quick & delicate appreciation of others’ feelings.
42. melancholy: a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause.
43. chewing gum: the exercise of chewing flavored gum which is not intended for swallowing.
44. fidgeting: to make small movements, especially of the hands & feet, through nervousness or impatience.
45. skeptical: not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations.
46. neat - freak: compulsively obsessed with cleanliness.
47. gossiping: divulging personal information about others.
48. prim: feeling or showing disapproval of anything regarded as improper; stiffly correct.
49. abbreviating: giving others nicknames/shortening names/giving pet names.
50. having a catchphrase: having a sentence or phrase typically associated with a specific person.
Tagged By: @avwalya​! Thank you from awhile ago! QQ I forgot to do this. I have done this with two of my chars, and now why not Gaoithe? c: Dang, Gaoithe has semi-truths ..
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this again! 
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galespider · 5 years
My Character’s Husbando/Waifu stats!
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Gale: “I am average, I guess!”
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Krowell: “... I ... Suppose?” It’s not wrong.
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Gaoithe: “Oh my. Is this even right?” (•゚д゚•lll)
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Raksha: ... (No Answer)
Quiz here and a waifu version too
Tagged by: @red-dawnbringer, Thank you! I had to do all of my characters! > _ < It seemed appropriate. And they were right about the cuteness factor about your character. ;D 10/10 Would hug.
Tagging: @ksilberne, @wamoura, @the-fallen-creation, @avwalya, @kha-merc-ffxiv, @fair-fae, @masked-general, @ask-the-captains-crew, @bhelni AND ANYONE! Feel free! 
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galespider · 5 years
Notes: Gaoithe Sagittus
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Bold all that applies to your character
Italicized any that are applicable in some way
Extra notes in (parentheses)!
Eyes: Blue | Green | Brown | Hazel | (Dark) Gray | Gray-blue | Other
Hair: Blonde | Sandy | Brown | Black | Auburn/Red | Ginger | Grey / White | Multi-color: White and Black highlights | Other
Body Type: Skinny | Slender | Slim | Built | Curvy | Athletic | Average | Muscular (Slightly toned) | Pudgy | Overweight | Petite
Skin: Pale | Light | Fair | Freckled | Tan | Olive | Medium | Dark | Discolored | Red
Gender: Male | Female | Trans | Cis | Agender | Demigender | Genderfluid | Other | Doesn’t Care About Labels
Sexuality: Heterosexual | Homosexual  | Bisexual | Pansexual | Asexual | Demisexual | Other | Unsure | Doesn’t Like Labels | Doesnt want a Label
Romantic Orientation: Homoromantic | Polyamory | Heteroromantic | Biromantic | Panromantic | Aromantic | Demiromantic | Unsure | Doesn’t Like Labels | Doesn’t want a Label
Species: Midlander Hyur | Highlander Hyur | Wildwood Elezen | Duskwight Elezen | Hellsguard Roegadyn | Sea Wolf Roegadyn | Dunesfolk Lalafell | Plainsfolk Lalafell | Keeper Miqo’te | Seeker Miqo’te | Xaela Au Ra | Raen Au Ra | Other (?)
Education: High School | College | University | Master’s Degree | Phd |Other
I’ve Been: In Love | Hurt | Ill | Mentally Abused | Bullied | Physically Abused | Tortured | Brainwashed | Shot
Positive Traits: Affectionate | Adventurous | Athletic | Brave | Careful | Charming | Confident | Creative | Cunning | Determined | Forgiving | Generous | Honest | Humorous | Intelligent | Loyal | Modest | Patient | Selfless | Polite | Down-to-earth | Diligent | Romantic | Moral | Fun-loving | Charismatic | Calm
Negative Traits: Aggressive | Bossy | Cynical | Envious | Shy | Fearful | Greedy | Gullible | Jealous | Impatient | Impulsive | Cocky | Reckless | Insecure | Irresponsible | Mistrustful | Paranoid | Possessive | Sarcastic | Self-conscious | Selfish | Swears | Unstable | Clumsy | Rebellious | Emotional | Vengeful | Anxious | Self-sabotaging | Moody | Peevish | Angry | Pessimistic | Slacker | Thin Skinned | Overly Dramatic | Argumentative
Living Situation: Lives Alone | Lives With Parent(s) / Guardian | Lives With Significant Other(s) | Lives With A Friend(s) | Drifter | Homeless | Lives With Children | Other 
Parents/Guardian: Mother | Father (Disowned by father) | Adoptive | Aunt | Uncle | Foster | Grandmother | Grandfather | Other |
Sibling(s): Sister(s) | Brother(s) | None | Other
Relationship: Single | Crushing | Dating | Engaged | Married | Separated | It’s Complicated | Verse Dependent | Other:
I Have A(n): Developmental Disorder | Learning Disorder | Personality Disorder  | Mental Disorder | Anxiety Disorder | Sleep Disorder | Eating Disorder | Behavioral Disorder | Substance-related Disorder | PTSD | Mental Disability | Physical Disability | Other
Things I’ve Done Before: Had Alcohol | Smoked | Stolen | Done Drugs | Self-harmed | Starved | Had Sex | Had A Threesome | Had A One-night Stand | Gotten Into A Fist Fight | Gone To The Hospital | Gone To Jail | Used A Fake ID | Played Hooky | Gone To A Rave | Killed Someone | Had Someone Try To Kill Them
Tagged By: @avwalya, Thank you, love! ^ u ^
Tagging: @bhelni, @ksilberne, @fair-fae, @red-dawnbringer, @the-fallen-creation, @ask-the-captains-crew, @wamoura, and anyone else!! O_O
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galespider · 5 years
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Oh thank you so much, @nihil242 !! <3  Hmm ... Things that make me happy ... 1) My twin sis and older brother, and his wife 2) Online Friends 3) My FFXIV characters that I love as well 4) Critical Role, Dungeons and Dragons group! 5) And draw what I love from Final Fantasy XIV and 07 Ghost
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galespider · 5 years
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~Tea Time (Make a Teacup based on your Muse)♥️
Top: Gale Spider, Gaoithe Sagittus Bottom: Krowell Raggs, Raksha Neun
Tagged by: Saw @nihil242‘s post!
Tagging: @wamoura, @ksilberne, @the-fallen-creation, @fair-fae, @bhelni And anyone else!!
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galespider · 5 years
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Some meme that I did awhile ago from Twitter.
Strangely enough, Gaiothe received a LOT of changes than my three other FFXIV characters.
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galespider · 5 years
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More High School FFXIV shenanigans! 
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galespider · 5 years
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Au Ra jeweled prompt from Twitter!
Gaoithe with Jade and Krowell with Tiffany Stone.
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galespider · 6 years
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Rules: Fill the Bingo with your character’s name or appearance to discover their Husbando potential. Blank Bingo can be found under the cut.
Tagged by: @wamoura Thank you for the tags! Oh my god. I rarely have anything for Gaoithe ;laskdfj;as
Tagging: Anyone who wants to or comes across this!! Tag me so I can see :D @masked-general, @ask-the-captains-crew, @khasarbuduga,
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galespider · 6 years
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I think Gao might have a new hairstyle. He probably grew it out to let it be braided like this.
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galespider · 5 years
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I was too late ...
Commissions, Deviantart, Twitter, Instagram
(NOT Canon. I just wanted to do more angst things.)
I was too late. As soon as I woke up from being unconscious, I saw Gaoithe already laying on the floor. Writhing in pain, yet slightly unmoving.
I shouted out his name in desperation, only to feel myself wearily making my way towards him and pushing aside my severe headache. That damn forsaken voice had stopped me from my tracks to kill Zenos.
Did Gaoithe really come to my rescue only to let himself be recklessly killed? Killed. I dare not say that when I am holding on to his dear life right at this very moment.
What an idiot ... A foolish idiot. The both of us ... Why would he come and rescue me at a time like this?!
He muttered a few words that I could barely had made out. “I’m-- ... S-so..rry...”  Gasping for air, I held onto those hands that clasped his wounds. Blood. Red. Pouring from his mouth. Coming from an innocent life such as his. I didn’t know what to say at this point. “Silence! There’s no need to ... You’re are fine. You’re alright. You’re going to be alright ...” 
My voice wasn’t brash, but quivering as I held him tighter. My pact with him wasn’t able to protect him at all. Why? Why must it fail to do so?!
Tears were the only light I have seen through his eyes as he was struggling not to depart. I couldn’t feel myself being in the verge of tears but they did. Maybe to share our light together in this dark desperate hour.
For the sake of the Twelve. If all of you can hear me ... Save us all. Save this life. I beg of you! Althyk, turn back the hands of time so I may save him! Such a young life is never meant to be whisked away. Not from my hands. Not from this hellish war we have been enduring. This is just but one evidence of having retribution from the Garlean’s cold hearts. And I dare to have all of their heads roll upon my feet with my very own frozen heart. Even if it means
Every. Last. One of them.
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galespider · 6 years
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Quick doodle on Gao’s (permanent??) Hair! 
Very interesting hair. If I were to make this his permanent hair, I definitely need to practice drawing braided hair QQ
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galespider · 6 years
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With shenanigans. Surprise your loved ones this holiday. 
Merry Christmas!!
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galespider · 6 years
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Ain't nobody bringing us Down 🎵
DOODLED IT! I can’t wait to go on break again ... 
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