#Game of thrones oneshot
thebadboyfanclub · 1 year
Don’t Say It (Tywin x Reader)
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I know I disappeared for a little but I hit a writers block with this one, I think it’s due to exhaustion over me working full time so I hope @thanyatargaryen forgives me if this wasn’t what you intended. Enjoy
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Olenna Tyrell was a legend, she had learned the rules by heart and was now on a mission to pass them down to her wonderful granddaughters, the beautiful rose that listened to the name of Margaery and the bewitching siren that could stop a man with a simple song, the young (y/n).
Olenna was no fool, she recognized that the two girls were her strongest soldiers, with these two alone she could rule all of Westeros, well at least all the men which was the same thing.
“Today is an important day, even for you dearest, the wedding of your sister to the king means every eligible lord from all of the seven kingdoms will be attending”
“I am well aware, you do not have to worry about me, grandmother”
(Y/n) reassured olenna whilst her handmaidens assisted her with the finest dress anyone had ever seen, it was her first time at court she needed to look her best, (y/n) squeezed into a dress that was custom made, her hair had taken hours and was brushed to perfection and she smelled of the finest of fragrance oils that were brought from Dorne, it is safe to say that (y/n) couldn’t have looked nor smelled better.
Everyone’s breath hitched at their throats when (y/n) walked with the confidence only a Tyrell could possess, she strutted up to her big sister to wrap her arms around Margaery with clear endearment.
“Congratulations, my queen”
“Oh come on now stop with that”
“I know this is a blessed day for the king but could he be so kind and hear a plea I have for him?”
“Anything for my good sister”
“Look after my dear Marge, as she has done for me”
(Y/n)s voice was as sweet as strawberry cakes and her smile could stop a man dead in his tracks, the young Tyrell leaned on her big sister pressing her chin on Margaerys shoulder whilst the bride leaned her head close to (y/n) as well, the girls shared a strong bond, it was the first time that they would be separated ever since (y/n) was born.
What they did not know was that a certain someone had already his blue set of eyes on the lovely Tyrell who seemed so blatantly unaware of it all, Tywin had sworn to never remarry, no one would ever be as good as his dearest Joanna, she was the one that knew him like the back of her hand, the lady that could wrap her arms around the vicious lion and make him swoon, if she saw him now she would laugh at him, she always told him “never say never my love, you won’t know what the future holds for you”.
“You have your queen and your alliance now, I hope you are happy”
“Naturally, Margaery will serve the realm greatly”
“Soon enough she will start popping out lions, hopefully, my little (y/n) will have better luck”
“What could be better than becoming the queen mother?”
“Becoming the lady wife of a lord that cares for your well-being and happiness”
Tywin grew silent, there was nothing he could say against the allegations of Jeffrey’s cruel nature, he could only hope that Margaery was cunning enough to outsmart him which honestly was not going to be much of a huddle, all the times that Joffrey has been able to be sadistic was owed to other peoples stupidity to either allow him or cover for him.
“Well then let me take a good look at this girl you have such expectations for, lady (y/n)”
Tywin called for the girl whilst he stood a few feet away from the newlyweds, (y/n)s eyes finally found his, and Tywin felt his chest grow tight, the girl was a dream, a dream he often had but could never speak of due to him always believing it will be just that… a silly dream of a widower.
“Lord Tywin, I can imagine this day is probably one of the happiest for your house, correct me if I am wrong but house Tyrell has never wed a Lannister prior to this moment”
“Indeed, let this be a fruitful union for both of our houses, your grandmother has spoken quite highly of you”
“Oh do not listen to her, it is a grandmother's nature to always speak for her grandchildren in the best light”
“Nonsense, Garlan is utterly nice which makes him boring and Loras likes to imagine being a young day twirling in a dress on the garden field, I had lost all hope up until you and your sister were born, the true soldiers of the Tyrell’s”
(Y/n) smiled sweetly before she leaned to place a kiss on her grandmother's cheek, (y/n) and Margaery was well trained, they had sat on the table and played against the best of players only to come out victorious, now Margaery was queen and (y/n) was ready to score her alliance that would bring nothing but glory to her and her family.
“Lady olenna is a lot of things but she is not soft nor does she hide behind her finger, if she says you are her best card then I truly believe it”
Olenna noticed the graciousness in the old lions' words, she picked up on the scanning look that started from her toes and ended on the top of her head, (y/n) did not even have a hair out of place, she placed her hand over her heart as a sign of vulnerability and her smile became brighter in gratitude.
“You are utmost kind, my lord, it is not every day a lady gets to be complimented by the warden of Casterly Rock and the hand of the king, I consider myself lucky for that”
“Luck has nothing to do with it, above it all I am a man that favors honesty and that is what you are receiving”
“I shall go before your words get all in my head, it was an honor to meet you, my lord”
(Y/n) went to curtsy before she was interrupted by Tywin that instead of letting her, reached for her hand and then placed his other one on top of hers, a smirk still evident on his lips as his eyes pierced through her, yet he was left with nothing, (y/n) had always prevailed under the hawking looks of men, she was well aware that she could not budge whatsoever.
“I will see you later Grandmother”
“Of course little flower, go on now, have some fun for me”
Olenna kissed the top of the lady’s head lovingly, it was not a secret that olenna doted on her especially now that it was her turn to marry, she had to bite her lip when it came to Margaery since her son had already bargained her for a sweet deal of a crown, she must do right by (y/n).
Once the lady was far away enough Olenna turned her head towards Tywin who was still following the enchanting Tyrell with his gaze, the way she walked, talked, even her breathing was perfect, his thumb traced over his fingertips, recalling how soft and warm he skin felt against his touch.
“I know that look”
“You are planning something”
“I always am”
“If you are scheming to betroth my precious flower to another lion, I must admit I would rather it be you than that little son of yours, in truth I would rather for her to stay away from lions but an old lion is better than Tyrion”
The news of Tywins betrothal hit everyone in kings landing like a ton of bricks. Joffrey was dead, Margaery was technically the dowager queen, and the crown was getting weak by the moment.
(Y/n) had become her sister's shadow, some applauded her compassion and how she was present at all hours to console her sister, what they did not know was that Olenna was already moving the strings for Margaery to marry Tommen, the young, kind boy who could never hurt a fly, however, Olenna had ensured both of the girls now once and for all, what better way to do that than to mess with Tywins head?
“Lady olenna, to what do I owe the pleasure?”
“I am here to propose another marriage between my house and yours”
“That is no surprise, I am to expect you wish to betroth Margaery to Tommen?”
“No, no my dear Margaery has been through way too much”
“Loras is still to marry Cersei, is there a change in that betrothal?”
“Unfortunately that mess of a wedlock is still going steady, I am concerned over my (y/n)”
Tywin had been too occupied with writing to look up at olenna up until now, his ears perked up at the sound of her name, the girl with the bright smile and the scary resemblance to a shadow of the past.
“What do you wish to suggest?”
“My (y/n) is sweet, kind, and full of life, I believe Tommen would treat her as delicate as she deserves to be treated”
“Tommen? You want to put (y/n) by the new king's side?”
“Tommen is a good boy, nothing like Joffrey, I have taken notice of how Tommen smiles at her, no man could ever deny my beloved granddaughter, I am convinced their reign will be prosperous”
“Mayhaps, although I do not believe Tommen should be the one to marry (y/n)”
“Who else could stand the weight of the crown? Tommen is in much need of someone like (y/n), to keep him humble and gentle, show him what it is like to be loved”
That was what made tywins blood boil the most, the concept of (y/n) hugging Tommen, his grandson brushing (y/n)s hair, the lady creating a child out of Tommens semen, the image of her with a swollen belly whilst Tommen rubbed his hand over it made his skin crawl.
No, no he would never allow another man to be by her side on those milestones, he was graced by the gods with a second chance at love, how could he be a bystander to a marriage that would probably be terrific, although Tywin could never survive with the “what if” lingering on his mind.
“Because she is to marry me”
“I am to be betrothed to the lady (y/n), our marriage will take place the same day as Margaerys and Tommens, your Margaery will be queen, and lady (y/n) will become the lady of the rock”
“I would rather die than let my dearest become a second wife, your daughter will eat her alive once the news hit her ears”
“Are you afraid of Cersei?”
“I am petrified of the brass neck your daughter possesses, that woman thinks she can do whatever she pleases with no consequence”
“Cersei is my daughter, you have nothing to worry about she will not be allowed to harm your little girl, once (y/n) falls pregnant that child will become heir of Casterly Rock”
“What if she births a girl?”
“You and (y/n) along with Margaery will decide on her future, I will not partake or force my daughter to do anything”
“Your offer is dripping with syrup, but I will not accept, I gave you Loras and Margaery and now you dare to ask for more”
“If you do not consent to this then I shall announce a match of (y/n) and Ser Sandor Clegane, how does that sound?”
“Careful now, what you are suggesting is… grasping”
“Indeed, but I am feeling rather charitable so I grant you the day to decide, if I do not have an answer by the morrow then the sweet girl will be cloaked with a wonderful yellow flag”
Tywin was a man that proudly stood behind his every word, so as he walked out with a triumphed smirk on his lips he was too occupied with feeling his triumph to notice that olenna was also doing the same (y/n) was now the future lady of the rock and Margaery was to have a second chance to wear the crown.
“My lord”
(Y/n) interrupted his thoughts once she saw him, Tywin stopped swiftly before he could fall right onto her, she was waiting behind the door anxiously, her eyes gawked at the man as her cheeks grew rosy from the embarrassment of her clumsy nature.
“Lady (y/n), what seems to be so important that you could not wait in your chamber for your grandmother”
“She informed me about my betrothal, I apologize I was just so fidgety I wanted to know the second that it was settled”
“Are you in such a rush to marry that boy? I am concerned over your taste”
“Tommen is a wonderful person and the future king, any lady would be lucky to be his lady wife”
“So is it the promise of a crown that excites you? I can tell you wearing a piece of metal decorated with gems will not bring you any happiness”
“Pardon my intrusion but why are you so opposed to the fact of me marrying your grandson? I am highborn and have received the proper education, your house along with the Baratheon owe my family everything”
“It is not you that is not enough young lady”
Silence fell over them, Tywin had stumbled right on her trap and now he was as still as a grain of salt, only blinking at the girl that acted surprised over his suggestion that Tommen was the one that was short when he stood next to her, (y/n) bit her lip before she gazed down for a split second and then back up, she wanted to appear at a loss of words.
“I do not want to believe what my thoughts are suggesting”
“You are a fool if you don’t”
“Lord Tywin, you and I it- how could”
“I am too old for this game my dear, I have given your grandmother the rest of the day to decide and if I’m being frank I believe that luck is on my side, so I suggest you ran along and instruct the finest tailor to start on your gown, you must look as stunning as ever”
“I am fluttered, but I do not understand-“
“Listen to me dear, from that moment you smiled at me you have haunted every waking moment and I cannot seem to escape you even in the shackles of deep slumber, I am aware that I do not look like the young and beautiful knight in shining armor a maiden might expect to marry but I can you this promise right now, every other lady from east to west will be jealous of the luck you held when you marry me”
Lord Tywin once again made his exit thinking that he had the upper hand, if someone were to consider everything that has been done in this world wasn’t it always like this?
A man trotted away victorious while the woman stood and smiled proudly at herself, moving the strings without even the man realizing that she had very carefully placed the strings around his arms like a little puppet.
“My dearest girl, I was there at your birth and I took one good look at you and saw the moon and the stars in those eyes, I always knew you would be the brightest of them all”
Olenna informed (y/n) once she had walked into the office Tywin was in moments ago, Olenna wrapped her arms around her in the most loving manner and (y/n) responded with the same warmth.
“We have so much to plan, the future doesn’t wait for anyone”
“How could he ever do this to our family?”
“Who did what?”
“Do not play the fool with me Jaime I am sure you have heard of the vilest news, our father is to marry that little rat from Highgarden”
“One of them is a smirking whore and the other one is a rat? Well you certainly won’t have a good time in the palace once all of them marry into our family”
“How could be so calm at this time? Our son is dead, the other one is to marry Margaery and now our father betrayed us”
“Our father has been without a wife for over a decade Cersei, he is a highborn lord, anyone would have a good chunk of heirs from another wife by now”
In jaimes defense he has always attempted to take the logical side when Cersei went on her little paranoid rants over loyalty or whatever the case was at that time, however, this time he could not sit for hours and let her blabber.
Jaime did not even blink when his father told him about his betrothal, he is a kingsguard, and Tyrion is… well, Tyrion and Cersei have played her part in becoming queen though she could not inherit lannisport, every year he waited for his father to announce a marriage of alliance for himself and now it was finally time.
“This is despicable, they will tarnish our name”
“How will they do that exactly? (Y/n) will probably do her best at becoming pregnant which will install our name to live on which as you know is truly what our father cares about”
“Margaery is a manipulative little scum she will shred our Tommen to pieces”
“Tommen was tormented by Joffrey for years and you know it, if anything having some female tending to him will probably do wonders for his confidence”
“Of course as a man that is all you think about, I do not even know why I came to you over this matter, once again I am called to act by myself”
That is when Jaime had heard enough, very softly he rose from his seat and went over to his clearly disheveled sister, a kiss was laid on the center of her forehead all while his hands rubbed up and down to her forearms making her puff out a breath of relief from the comfort his touch brought to her.
“You will do nothing, Father has already announced his betrothal, if anyone even touched a hair from (y/n)s head he will not hesitate to demand its head to be served on a silver platter”
“Father is just being short sighed it is us that must act to save him”
“From what? Having his bed warm by a woman? Especially her, surely you are not that blind that you haven’t understood what he saw in her”
“Don’t say it”
“I know it feels like salt over the wound-“
“No, no”
“You must admit the resemblance is uncanny”
Cersei pushed him away harshly, tears welled up in her eyes and all of a sudden she was rudely pulled back to that day, the gods forsaken day that Cersei had to witness her mother laying in bed with blood staining her nightgown.
“That bitch is not our mother”
“She is not, though she looks like her”
Requests are open!
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To Dream of Home | D. Targaryen
▹ Pairing: Daenerys Targaryen x Stark!Reader
▹ Genre: Fluff with mentioned Angst
▹ Words: ~2.5k
▹ Summary: A storm at Dragonstone brings you and Daenerys together and allows for confessions of love to slip.
▹ Note: I am very gay, that is all. My love for the Targaryen's has returned and y'all are gonna be sick of me.
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
A storm raged on the island of Dragonstone. 
Charcoal skies were dappled with thick silver-black clouds that brought the heavy rains that shook the keep. Roaring thunder and electric blue lightning. Treacherous seas and a storm that could rival the vengeance of a god. The inhabitants of Dragonstone seemed acclimated to the severe weather.
You, however, were used to winter winds and thick snowfall. Not devastating rain and earth rattling thunder. Sleep eluded you which led you to where you were now. Locked away in a small room near your chambers, you made a makeshift altar upon your arrival to Dragonstone with your half-brother Jon.
“You spend an awful amount of time here.” 
The voice cut through the silence, an intrusion of your time of peace. Kneeled before the makeshift altar you’d created, a half dozen flickering candles illuminated the center of your face and carved shadows on the contours of it. Wordlessly, you finished the final verses of your prayer before lifting your lowered head and turning to face the intruder. 
At the doorway, not daring to cross into the room without permission, was Daenerys. Her hesitance to intrude was strange, seeing as Dragonstone was her keep you were a guest in.
Her hair was loose, waves cascading over her shoulder and down her back. The curls and creases left by her braids were the only reminders they’d been there. She wore dressing robes in hues of blue, embroidered flowers and designs following the curve of her body. She was beautiful in an ethereal kind of way. It was the type of beauty you half expected to be a facade, that one day you would wake to find Daenerys had only ever existed in your mind. 
“I find the prayer soothing,” you responded, slowly standing. Your legs were sore from kneeling on the hard stone too long. There was a crick in your neck that tinged painfully if you turned your head too far left or too far right. Yet you did your best to keep a grimace from your expression. The last thing you needed was Daenerys thinking it was her presence you found unpleasant and not the needling pain in your body. 
“Do you pray often?” She shifted her head, causing tendrils of silvery hair to move from over her shoulder to rest along her back. Violet eyes stared at you curiously, lips pursed in an almost grin. She hardly seemed to smile, the oppressive halls of Dragonstone mimicking the impending war for the Iron Throne. 
“I do, yet I do not believe the gods are listening,” you muttered the last part quietly, followed by a deep breath. 
You glanced towards the candles and the altar, recounting every moment you’d spent kneeling before ones just like it. The years had been unkind, the horrors only growing worse as the years passed. It had shaped you into the woman you were today, hardened by deaths you never should’ve witnessed. Yet there was a part of the ten-year-old girl that still lived within you, that believed the gods were listening and that if you prayed hard enough, they would grant your wishes. 
“I never did much praying as a child, my brother didn’t see the point.” Her eyes moved past you, staring at the makeshift altar. Lit by the dim light of the room, you could see a hint of melancholy that tinged her violet eyes blue. Your gaze lowered to the ground at the mention of her brother, her upbringing so different than yours had been.
Northerners were as harsh and cold as the winter winds they grew up in, but beneath all the cold, austere facades your family was as warm as the hearth in the great hall. You’d grown up with a family who loved and cared for you. Whispers of Viserys’ anger reached even the North, his grief twisted into madness. 
Both parties may have passed, but at least you had your family's love to hold onto during the darkest nights. Daenerys had no such thing. Nothing but the hope of reclaiming her family’s stolen valor as a light in the night. 
“If you want, we could pray together.” Her attention returned to you. “It may help you sleep through the storm.”
Daenerys pondered your offer for a moment before accepting with a single nod. She crossed the threshold into the room, her gown following her like a cloak. You returned to the kneeling position you were in before, Daenerys taking her place beside you. 
“Some people believe there are specific words you have to use, that then have to be said in a specific order or the gods won’t care. But I don’t believe that, I allow my feelings to guide my prayers. Perhaps that’s why the gods aren’t answering me, but I feel better that way.” 
Daenerys nodded, watching you with such attentive eyes you had to look away in fear of the flush that would appear on your face. “Do you say them out loud?”
“Sometimes, but mostly I just mentally recite them. It feels like it's my own secret that way.” There was a hint of coyness in your voice that made a smile appear on the corners of Daenerys’ lips. 
Silence fell over the room, only the roar of thunder and the patter of rain to be heard. The candles continued to burn, the wax melting and staining the stone flooring. There was a single window in the room, a flash of lightning filling it with pale blue light. Subconsciously, your eyes moved to Daenerys’ side profile. 
Her eyes were shut and her lips slightly parted. She looked so soft and innocent, and you wondered if this was who she could’ve stayed if not for the rebellion that harshened her worldview. What would she have become if she didn’t have to fight tooth and nail every moment of her life just to survive? The quiet of the room and the soft curves of her face allowed you to imagine just how different she may be in a different lifetime. 
Your eyes had lingered on her too long, you knew, but you couldn’t look away. Your heartbeat had sped up, butterflies fluttering in your stomach. She’d always made you feel giddy like a child, but now that there was no chaos to distract you. It was easier to hone in on the feelings she elicited from you. And perhaps you shouldn’t entertain them, but a small sliver of hope kept you holding on. 
The weight of your gaze must’ve been heavy because Daenerys lifted her closed eyes from the floor and met your gaze. Her expression was unreadable, but you could’ve sworn her eyes flickered to your lips before meeting your eyes. 
“What did you pray for?” The words fell from your tongue before you could consider how invasive they could be. But she didn’t seem offended, a small blossoming on her face as another streak of lightning filled the room. It made her skin glow, making her look even more otherworldly. 
“I prayed for home.”
Her answer sent a pang of sadness that was surely reflected in your eyes. She brought dragons back to the world and freed the slaves of Slaver’s Bay while uniting the Dothraki under one banner and making them cross the sea for the first time ever. So many fantastical acts were done because of her, it was easy to forget behind it all was just a scared girl. She could make herself of steel and ice, but underneath it all would always be flesh. 
“I pray for home as well,” you uttered. 
She raised a brow, non-verbally asking you to elaborate. Her expression was so attentive, like a sponge ready to soak up whatever information you may present to her.
How could you possibly ever deny her?
“I very much wish to return to the North. The short days and long nights, the air that was sharp with a bitter chill. Grey skies and white grounds. Snowflakes that fell into my mouth as Theon and Robb chased me to the edge of the woods. The sky was bleak and void of color, but the hearths in the Great Hall made light dance in the keep, mead keeping everyone warm and merry.”
The smile on your face was tinged with melancholia, the grief making your body lock up and freeze. Those days were long gone, and you could never return to them. That didn’t stop you from wishing for it, however.
To hope that one day you might wake up and find this had all been a terrible dream. Your mother and father were still alive, Robb was preparing to become Lord of Winterfell; Arya and Sansa would continue to bicker and Jon would join the Night’s Watch to make something of himself. Everything would be right and war wouldn’t cast a shadow far darker than that of the worst winter storms. 
But those were the wishes of a naive child, the life you were in is the life you’re stuck with. But perhaps in another lifetime, you got to live out every fantasy and forgotten dream.
“That sounds beautiful.”
Daenerys’ voice pulled you from your reminiscing, your eyes wandering back to hers.
“It was.” 
“And yet you left Winterfell to come here with your brother?” 
You swallowed thickly. Winterfell had become a bittersweet place. Walking the Great Hall felt as if you were in a haunted house. The ghosts of past memories lingered in every corner, the echoes of laughter you’d never hear again filling your head. The relief being home had brought you had been short-lived, the weight of the betrayal of Theon and the Bolton’s tainting it. 
Winterfell wasn’t home anymore. 
“I--” you stuttered, unsure of just how to put your feelings into words. How do you tell someone that your home doesn’t feel like home anymore? How do you explain everything you had fought for felt empty in the end? It didn’t lift your pain or mend the scars of the past years. Instead, it ripped over the scabs and left you bleeding in the snow. 
“I don’t know if Winterfell is my home anymore.”
Daenerys hummed, nodding her head. Her expression was solemn and in her eyes, you saw understanding. She knew all too well the conflicting sentiment of fighting for something you may not want in the end. 
“When I was a girl, Viserys and I lived in a house in Braavos with a red door and lemon tree outside my window. It was the closest thing to home I’d had.” 
Subtly, you scooted closer to Daenerys, eager to unravel more of her elusive past. She hardly spoke of her life with Viserys, most of the memories too painful to reminisce on. And maybe, just maybe, her vulnerability was a sign that your feelings weren’t so unrequited. 
“What was it like?” You prod for her to speak more on her time in Braavos, enraptured by the glimmer in her eyes. 
“It was a beautiful house and so large, at least it seemed large at the time. There was even a room with a wooden beam with animal faces carved in it. I had my own room and a window to peer outside. I’d sit there for hours, watching the sunrise and the sunset.”
Her hand rested on the floor, and tentatively, you reached over and placed your hand over hers. You half expected her to brush you off, but instead, she leaned closer to you. Shoulder to shoulder, you could smell the floral oils her hair had been washed with. 
“What happened to it?” 
She sighed, eyes wandering back to the altar. “Our patron passed and the servants sent us away. But even after all these years, I still long to return. To escape to the innocence of my youth.”
A beat of silence passed, Daenerys longing words hanging in the air. 
“We could always return.”
Daenerys turned, meeting your gaze. Inches separated your face from hers, and this close up, you could see the faint freckles that created constellations on her skin. 
“And if it’s no longer standing?” 
Your heart stuttered as you hesitated on your next words. It was now or never, the time to lay your cards on the table and learn if your hope was delusional. 
“We could build a new one with a lemon tree just outside the bedroom. I’m not much of a widdler, but I could try to carve new animal faces in the wooden beams in all the rooms.”
For a moment Daenerys doesn’t speak, doesn’t even seem to breathe. Her eyes are locked with yours, wide and unblinking. Nerves begin to create a thousand cuts in your mind, perhaps you’d been too forward in your confession. 
“And you would stay with me?”
She wanted to hear you say it, to verbalize you’d never leave her side, not willingly. 
“I’m not much for the heat, but I could learn to love it to never leave your side.”
She exhaled a small puff of air, a smile lighting up her face. The apples of her cheeks were rounded and rosy, violet eyes twinkling like the stars in the sky. The sudden impulse to run your fingers through her hair came over you. And you acted on it, gently carding your fingers through the silver-gold strands of hair. 
“Then perhaps we meet in the middle and build our house with the red door in a more temperate climate.” 
She leaned closer, the tips of your noses brushing. 
“We could make our home on the mountainside? It would leave plenty of room for the dragons,” you suggested. Daenerys smiled, the whisper of a laugh leaving her mouth. The sound was the sweetest melody you’d ever heard. You’d never wanted to stop hearing it. 
“And direwolves?” 
“Maybe one or two.” 
You cut off whatever Daenerys may have replied with, placing your lips against hers. The kiss was gentle as if to seal the promise you’d made. She smiled into it, her hands weaving themselves around your neck. You pulled her closer, practically pulling her into your lap; you’d wanted her as close as possible. To bask in the warmth radiating from her body and the softness of her skin under your fingertips. 
Perhaps things would’ve been different in another lifetime, where Daenerys got to be the princess she should’ve been and you the daughter of a very much alive Ned Stark. But perhaps in those lifetimes you and Daenerys would never be more than passing acquaintances. She'd be the princess of the kingdom and you the lady-daughter of the Warden of the North. 
This lifetime felt like trying to sail through a storm and Daenerys was the lighthouse guiding you to the shore. The death and loss had been painful, but it all led you to this moment with Daenerys. It nearly made the events of the past years worth it.
"Let's win this war so we can build our silly little house," you muttered against her lips, eliciting another laugh from Daenerys before she placed her lips on yours again.
You would give Daenerys her house with the red door and the lemon tree outside, no matter the cost.   
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justanoasisimagines · 3 months
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Summary; Jon dreams of being reunited with you, but what happens when he does. Pairing; Jon Snow x Female Reader WordCount; 548 Warnings; Strong Language A/N; Requests are open! Credit to @cafekitsune for the divider and the banner
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Since the day Jon left Winterfell and took the black, a lot had happened. He'd been tried and tested beyond his wildest dreams or night terrors. Yet by the grace of the Gods, he'd survived.
Jon was forced to adapt and change. To fight for his life, he barely had time to himself. To think of anything but the challenge in front of him. Yet when he could his mind drifted to the wellbeing of his family, to you and his son.
A night of passion after moons of tottering around each other. Subtle glances and touches, softly spoken words of admiration before it all boiled over.
It had been the final straw for Catelyn. her husband's bastard having a bastard child of his own. His father promised to take you in, to give the child and yourself a comfortable life.
Many moons had passed, and the boy would be five name days old. He'd heard no word if either of you were alive or dead. It troubled his thoughts knowing he'd never held his son. He'd never confessed to you, your son was more than a night of lust, but rather love. If he was being honest, he'd loved you the moment his eyes laid on you. It didn't matter the length of time passed, he'd always love you.
"Lord commander there is someone here to see you." Ser Davos instructed. Jon quietly shoved the thoughts aside as he strode around the familiar passages. As he reached the steps leading down to the courtyard. He froze.
A tall blonde woman who appeared with a dark-haired man, perhaps a squire stood in the center. Yet it wasn't them who'd stumped him. Sansa was standing in front of them holding the hand of a dark-haired little boy, the spitting image of himself.
Gods, please don't let this be a dream.
Jon took his time making his way down each step. His eyes were firmly placed on his family, terrified of them disappearing.
Sansa threw herself into his arms. He held onto her tightly, he'd been apart from his family for too long. Over her shoulder, he caught you lifting your son into your arms saying something to him.
Once he and Sansa parted. She stepped to the side, a look of knowing. Jon suddenly felt unease settle in his stomach as he slowly approached you.
Jon took a long pause. Jon couldn't believe the years apart had enhanced your beauty. His son appeared to be strong, dressed in warm furs in his house colors. A proper little Northern Lord.
Jon couldn't speak. He'd imagined this scenario a couple hundred times, yet he couldn't speak. He didn't have words. What should he say? What could he say?
"You are finally in front of the woman who blesses your dreams and you don't speak. Can your son speak?" Tormund interupted his thoughts. Jon smiled as his son giggled at Tormund's odd question while he buried his head into your neck.
"He's a little shy at first but he'll warm up soon enough. Hello Jon." Hearing your voice broke Jon out of his indecisive state, he crossed the distance between you bringing you both into his arms, holding on for dear life. He refused to let you out of his sight again.
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fandom-puff · 1 year
It's absolutely fine if you are not comfortable with it, but could I please request happy, tipsy sex with Tyrion Lannister? Preferably with an established relationship? Again no pressure if that doesn't work, thank you! xx
Thank you for your request- hope you enjoy!!
Pairing: Tyrion Lannister x reader
Warning: drunk sex (both Tyrion and reader are at the same level of tipsiness; neither is blackout drunk), alcohol consumption
Gif creds to owner
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“More wine, my lady?”
You nodded and with a grin held out your goblet for Tyrion to fill, not moving until he had filled it to the brim, making Bronn laugh.
It had been a pleasant evening; a new shipment from Dorne had come into King’s Landing, and Tyrion had a few bottles of the finest Dornish red brought up to his chamber. Between you, him, Bronn and Podrick, you had cleared off nearly all of the bottles and the effects were beginning to show. Podrick was slumped in his chair, dozing with a small smile on his face, the occasional snore sounding from him. Bronn had started to slur and put a ‘fuck’ or a ‘cunt’ in every other sentence.
And you and Tyrion had been eye-fucking each other for the best part of an hour.
Tyrion drained his cup before setting it down. “Bronn, Podrick, leave us,” he said suddenly, his eyes never leaving yours.
Bronn kicked Pod’s leg. “Come on, lad. Else you’ll end up watching your Lord fuck his lady,”
Any other time you would’ve shot the sellsword an indignant look… but right now you had eyes only for your Lion of Lannister, but when the door slammed shut, it was you who pounced, your lips pressing to his in a feverish kiss.
“My, my, sweet YN,” Tyrion groaned between kisses. “It seems the Dornish gets you hot,”
You tugged on his lower lip, your fingers knotting in his hair, one hand trailing down to the straining bulge at the front of his breeches. “Should say the same for you, Husband,” you murmured, voice low and sultry, your hand closing around his cock. Tyrion watched with amusement and longing as you fumbled with the strings of his breeches, releasing his pulsing cock and taking it (albeit clumsily) into your mouth.
“YN,” he rasped, tugging at your hair until you released him with a lewd, wet noise. “I won’t last long in your pretty mouth,” you pouted up at him, your lips slightly swollen. “I’d much rather spill my seed in your tight little cunt,”
He laughed at how quickly your face brightened, and he pulled you up from the floor. You grinned, pushing him back on the plush couch, squealing as he reached up and tore the bodice of your dress, admiring the swell of your breasts as he tugged at the strings of your corset. Soon you were stripped bare, straddling him on the couch. He grasped at your thighs as you lowered yourself to his cock, his fingers fluttering through your wetness briefly. He grunted as his tip slid between your folds, before your plunged him deep inside you with a throaty moan.
“Gods,” he groaned as you rode his cock. “Oh, Gods,”
“Now’s not the time for prayer, my Lord,” you reminded him. “Unless, of course, you want to fuck me in the Great Sept of Baelor,”
Your words spurred Tyrion on, and he met your movements with thrusts of his own, and he relished in the way your eyelids fluttered. “Such-ah- blasphemy, my sweet wife,” Tyrion groaned, “wine turns you into quite the little harlot it seems,”
“Tyrion,” you moaned out, gripping onto his shoulders for leverage, and he smiled as he felt your movements stutter. “Tyrion, please,”
“Too focused on my cock to listen to me, Hmm?” Tyrion teased, pinching your nipple. “Come for me then, YN, let me feel you,”
You would’ve came with or without his bidding, your cunt fluttering around his thick cock as you cried his name, your eyes rolling back into your head.
“Fuck,” he cursed, his orgasm quickly following yours as he filled your clenching pussy with his seed. “Fuck, YN, good girl,” he praised, and as you fell forward onto his chest, he smiled, kissing the top of your head.
Clumsily, you managed to make it to bed (tripping over an empty bottle along the way) and into your Lion’s arms. Your head would ache on the morrow, but the ache in your thighs would be worth it.
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mlmxreader · 4 months
Burdensome | Brienne of Tarth x m!reader
↳ ❝ Brienne of tarth ( I love this woman dear…) "Please, I don't wanna fight" "Wherever you go, just be sure it's somewhere I can, too" ❞
: ̗̀➛ You and Brienne come to a crossroads about something that makes you both realise that the scars of the Red Wedding still run all too deep.
trigger warnings: ̗̀➛ swearing, mentions of death, grief, mourning
↳ word count: 1031
Brienne was not exactly thrilled, to say the least; an invitation to an allied house’s most recent party to celebrate a wedding between the eldest son and the person he had fallen in love with - last time, such a thing did not go down well, and you understood her apprehension more than most. Maybe a little too well on the understanding front.
You missed Robb more than anyone else, as he had been your childhood friend, and it was through his mother - the lady Catelyn Stark - that you had even met Brienne; but you wanted to go, as you were keen on the house.
They had always been a friend to you, and offered you food and clothing and shelter at no expense when you had needed it most when you could not safely make it to Winterfell.
You wanted to see such a joyful moment, although the scars of the Red Wedding as they called it, still ran more than deep; you still could not look at a wolf without crying, and nor could you look at a dog with dark grey fur and yellow eyes anymore.
You could not hear Robb’s voice without mourning the friend you had lost so long ago; you wished that he was there, that you could go to the party with him and share the joy together and share in both the pride and humour of being asked if you were of some sort of relation due to nothing but your closeness.
You would have been proud to have called him kin, just as he would have been proud to do the same. But Robb was not coming back, and you knew that. You knew that you would have to go to the party alone, despite your lady’s insistence not to.
“Brienne, I love you more than I can ever say,” you told her quietly, shaking your head. “But I have to go. If nothing else because Robb would have wanted me to.”
“Sir,” Brienne sighed as she dumped her armour beside the bed and began to change into her night clothes. “I understand that the loss of Robb is not something that you can get over - believe me, I still mourn for Lady Cat. But it would be too much for me to go, you know that, and I would worry for you all the same if you went without me.”
You frowned, sitting beside her on the bed and gently kissing her bare shoulder. “I’m not sure what we’re supposed to do.”
“Nor am I,” she admitted with a curt shake of her head. A soft cough left the back of her throat as she tugged on her shirt. “I have only ever asked that, wherever you go, just be sure it’s somewhere I can, too… and I’m not sure I can follow this time.”
You nodded slowly, clearing your throat as you looked at her sword resting against the nightstand; it was a beautiful weapon, almost as beautiful as the woman who wielded it. Yet in the dim lighting, it seemed to hold the same blue as her melancholic eyes; the loss that still overpowered you both and kept a steady weight upon both pairs of shoulders.
It wasn’t as if either of you had people who could go in your stead the way that Lords and Ladies did, and it wasn’t as if hiring someone to go along was in the question, either; but if Brienne said she could not follow, then you respected that.
You understood her decision, and you had always said that you would do such a thing; but you did not want her to worry, and nor did you want to disappoint an ally who you so often referred to as a good friend.
For a moment, you hung your head as you sighed; debating on what to do until she gently cupped your jaw and turned you to face her. The sadness in her eyes was as bright as dragon’s fire, and drowned out the small smile upon her lips.
“Please, I don’t wanna fight,” she said with a shake of her head.
You swallowed thickly as you leaned into the touch, allowing a heavy and burdened sigh to leave your lips as you stared into those melancholic eyes. “Nor do I, my beloved… but what do we do?”
“Well,” she hummed. “We can always talk more about it tomorrow. Or you can send a raven to Jon Snow, and ask for his thoughts - I know you thought of him as kin, perhaps some outside perspective would do us both good.”
You dared to smile as you nodded slowly. “You always were the smart one.”
Gently, she patted your cheek as she shook her head with great fondness. “I know. But compared to you, my good sir, it isn’t exactly difficult.”
For a split moment, the scars did not exact as you laughed along with her; seeing her blue eyes light up without melancholy, for even just a few seconds, made it more than worth it.
To hear her stupendous and gorgeous laugh and to see her wonderful and brilliant smile made your knees week just like it did when you first saw her; she did not need to use a stroke of her sword to make you crumble and to turn your knees to something as useful as a bowl of milk left in the heat for days.
Brienne was, without a doubt, the single most beautiful woman you had ever met in your life, and you would have done anything to make sure that she was happy; you would have done anything for her, and all she needed to do was to ask.
But the second the laughter died down, the melancholy came back to her eyes, and you wanted nothing more than to cry; it was almost as if she felt guilty for experiencing a brief and fleeting moment of unburdened joy.
But you felt the same.
The scars of the Red Wedding still ran deep, and the burdens that came with it would never go away; you would never get over it, and you were certain that she would not, either. 
if you made it to the end of this fic and you enjoyed it, then please, if you have any cash to spare, any at all, maybe consider making a donation to help Sara to get medical aid and relocate - any amount of money, no matter how big or small, does make such a huge, genuine, difference.
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Robb Stark giving gifts to his significant other would include...
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this man most definitely does not give gifts often
he's most definitely someone who doesn't place a high value on materialistic goods
money, jewels, clothes - it means little to robb
family, duty and honour is what he really values
like this man would choose a meaningful show of respect over a bag full of gold coins any day of the week
and to be honest, robb could definitely not marry someone who was obsessed with material things
so it's safe to say that his love language is definitely not gift giving
and the soldiers he spends most of his time with would definitely agree
and to be quite honest, he thought the whole concept of giving things like flowers was quite daft
and he really didn't understand why sansa and his mother giggled and gushed about it so much
jon and theon very much agreed with him
that was until he met you
and all he wanted to do was shower you with affection, all day every day
and he certainly did with his words and his touch
but that wasn't enough
he could remember the first time he gave you flowers like it was yesterday
wild peonies, picked from the forest, blushing and blooming
he wasn't quite sure why he'd done it, maybe he'd remembered all the times sansa had complimented them
but then he was there in front of you, the stalks all mushed together clumsily in his hand
they were a bit worse for ware, having suffered the horse ride home - slightly bent at the stalks and petals missing
and then he felt like such an idiot standing at your doorstep with these shitty flowers in his hands as he looked down at you
but then you looked up at him and tears welled in your eyes and you gave him this smile that even the gods would have blushed at
and you were so radiant and grateful and squeezed him so tight he thought he was going to pass out
and it was the smallest little gift but you were acting like he'd just given you a sapphire and it made him love you even more
because he knew then that it wasn't really about the gift for you, it was about the thought he'd put into it
and then all of a sudden he couldn't get enough of it and he was officially hooked on getting you gifts
earrings, necklaces, bracelets, flowers, cakes, dresses - you name it, Robb gave it to you
and you were so grateful and gracious every time but it got to the point that you had to start trying to refuse them because this man was just giving you way too much
'Robb I cannot accept this.'
'Why not?'
'Because where on earth am I going to put a horse?'
now you're married, the gifts still don't stop
but now it really depends on why this man is giving you a gift
because robb has also realised the power of giving gifts when he's fucked up
if he's giving you a gift just because he loves you, or its your anniversary or birthday - it is something lavish, whether it be a necklace with a diamond carved into the shape of a wolf, or flowers that filled an entire room (jon was not pleased as he unfortunately learnt that he suffers quite horrible hayfever)
but he also loves giving very thoughtful gifts, whether it be a poem or a drawing he's done of you
if it's because you've had a fight or he's done something stupid - it is something cute or thoughtful that makes your heart flutter, such as a puppy for one of your children, or a surprise picnic at your favourite waterfall near the castle, or a love letter with a single rose
'what happened to not getting them a puppy until they are older?'
'i just found it on the street... what was i supposed to do?'
oh my god he'd just get so much shit from the boys
but he would not even care
'robb i think i'm feeling a bit down, can i get some flowers too?'
'no but i can offer you a punch in the face instead.'
at the end of the day, robb knows that for you it is not about the actual gift, it's about the thought and effort which only makes him love you even more
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wonderdustwriting · 2 years
Fluff Alphabet - Podrick
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Activities – What are their favorite things to do with you? How do you spend your free time?
Podrick loves to spend his free time with you. Whether it's reading or signing together taking a stroll through the market. Podrick enjoys being in your company. He finds you easy-going and a calming presence to be around, which is why he likes interacting with you no matter the activity. Perhaps this is because, unlike so many of the other's in Westeros, you have no ulterior motive.
Boo! – How do they feel about surprises, giving and receiving?
Podrick likes to surprise you. He likes to watch your face light up when you see he's thinking about you. Podrick will surprise you with gifts that remind him of you. It could be a trinket or a flower or sometimes it's food. On the other hand,  Podrick does like receiving surprises. It shows him that you've thought about him when you're apart. Podrick never expects anything from anyone, so when he does receive anything, he's always appreciative. However, surprises from you are always going to be his favourite.
Comfort – How do they comfort you when you’re upset? When the tables turn, do they come to you, or try to handle it themselves?
Podrick is always great at comforting you. He knows what to say or how to cheer you up. He'll provide you with your favorite sweet treat, or he'll draw you a bath. He'll sit and listen to your concerns or worries. Podrick will always make time for you. In regards to his issues, Podrick will keep them to himself for some time because he doesn't want to bother you with his problems. However, when you ask if Podrick is well, then he would come clean about what's bothering him.
Dance – Do they like to dance with you? How good of a dancer are they?
Podrick is a decent dancer, and he does like to dance with you. It's a small moment of peace away from everyone else. Away from all the politics. Where everyone is constantly watching everyone. However, for that moment, it's just you and Podrick, and that's all that matters.
Excitement – How do they act when they’re excited? What excites them?
Podrick can't help but smile from ear to ear when he's excited. There's an extra bounce in his step as a heavy burden is not bringing him down, not today. Podrick appears more cheerful and overall in a good mood. Podrick tends to get excited about being praised by Lord Tyrion and the thought of seeing you after a long day. It's also a great day when nothing goes wrong.
Future – What are their plans for the future? Do they see themselves getting married, having kids?
Podrick never thought of marriage and having a family until he met you. As your relationship progresses, the more he begins to envision your future together. A home, maybe some eland, a couple of kids running about.  Podrick will always desire to give you the best life imaginable.
Gifts – What do they give you as presents? How often do they get you gifts?
Podrick likes to buy you gifts. He'll find the most random and thoughtful of objects that remind him of you, flowers, trinkets, your favorite sweet or savory treat. Podrick doesn't need a reason to buy you a gift, he'll pick things up as frequently as he can. It's just one of the ways Podrick likes to show his love for you.
Hold – How do they hold you? Cuddling, sleeping, holding hands…
Podrick likes to hold you. Whether. it's holding your hand while you're waiting through the street or pulling you into his lap, so the two of you can read together. The first time you share a bed, Podrick pinches himself several times to prove that he's not in the most glorious dream ever.
Ideal – What’s their ideal date like?
Podrick's ideal date would be taking a trip on horseback to the middle of a wooded area so the two of you could share something to eat and drink. All the while getting to know each other. It would be private enough away from prying eyes, just you, him and some good food.
Jealousy – Do they get jealous easily? How do they handle it?
Podrick is not a person who gets jealous easily. He's confident in the relationship the two of you have. However, even Podrick has his limits. He doesn't like anyone toching you. The moment anyone does that, Podrick immediately approaches the situation and wraps his arm around your shoulder to display that you're with him.
Kisses – How do they like to kiss you? How frequently do you kiss?
Podrick will kiss you as frequently as possible when you have privacy. He'll kiss you to say thank you, a kiss as a greeting. He'll pull you closer so you can get lost with one another. However, when you're in public, he's more likely to kiss you on the forehead or the cheek.
Love – How do they show you that they love you?
Everyone can tell how deeply in love with you Podrick is just by how he looks at you. It's the way when you enter a room, and his attention is immediately solely on you. The way he's always the perfect gentleman. The way he would gladly give you the world if you asked for it.
Melt – What do you do that absolutely makes them melt?
Podrick's heart melts when you care for him. Everything you do for him in his mind displays the seriousness of the relationship. When you write him little notes before he leaves each day, prepare his meals, and attend to his clothing. Those are just some of the things you do that he melts for.
Nicknames – What do they call you, and what are their favorite things to be called?
Podrick has a variation of Nicknames for you. Like Love, my heart, my sweet, my everything. Whereas for him, you tend to be more creative and related to moments you've shared.
Obvious – How obvious do they make it that they like you?
Podrick didn't make it obvious. He does his best effort to avoid making his feelings for you known because he's terrified that you're going to reject him. Podrick's heart breaks at the thought of this. It's Tyrion who works out Podrick's little crush on you, and it's Tyrion who finally gives Podrick the courage to finally confess his feelings for you.
Pets – Do they have pets? Do they want them?
Podrick doesn't have pets because he's too busy being a squire to Lord Tyrion. However, that doesn't mean Podrick wouldn't like to own a cat or a dog someday, but for now he's simply too busy to be able to look after a pet.
Quiet – How are the calm, quiet moments with them?
Podrick is a quiet and reserved, so the quiet moments between you are peaceful and calm. There's never an awkward silence between the two of you. You are able to read each other well and always know what the other needs.
Romance – How romantic are they? What are their go-to ways of being romantic?
Podrick would consider himself to be a romantic. He'll buy you gifts and plan romantic dates whenever possible. Podrick learns rapidly how vital physical time and affection are from Tyrion. Podrick may not start the most romantic. However, he is a quick learner.
Safe – What makes them feel safe and comfortable around you?
Podrick feels safe around you when he realizes anything that he says to you doesn't go any further. Podrick also knows he's safe when you defend him publicly without question. It's the pleasant feeling he gets when he's around you. You know Podrick feels comfortable around you when he's less nervous around you and comfortable speaking freely, more jovial as he holds more eye contact.
Tend – How do they act when you’re hurt or sick, and vice versa?
Podrick always worries when you get sick, he's terrified he'll lose you. He's always so compassionate ready to get you anything you need. He'll listen to the Master and keep a mental list of the medication and when you need to take it. On the other hand, Podrick gets clingy when he's sick. All he wants to do is lie in bed and hold you. When you need to step away for any reason, he immediately holds his hands out and tries to pull you back to him, no matter how hot or clammy he is, he needs to feel you close.
Unique – What’s an unusual thing about them that’s oddly charming?
Podrick knows random facts, being the quietest person in the room, so people often talk, forgetting he's there, so he often learns random facts and likes to tell you about them after a long day while you're winding down for the day.
Variety – Do they prefer to keep things the same, or spice it up?
Podrick likes to surprise you so he can keep you on your toes, but while in a relationship, he prefers to keep things as routine as possible. So when he does surprise you, it's a good shock. However, Podrick will always communicate with you, so he knows where your head is.
Wash – What’s it like taking a bath with them, or helping them wash up after a fight?
Baths with Podrick are always interesting. While they're calming and relaxing after a long day, they can also be cheeky with Podrick whispering sweet nothings into your ear, or how much he's missed you throughout the day while trailing his fingertips up and down your body. It's one of your favourite activities to do together.
XO – How do they show you affection? How much PDA are they willing to show?
Podrick is an affectionate person. He likes to hold you, kiss you etc. It's one of Podrick's love languages. He is happy to give you that and so much more. However, in regards to public Displays of Affection. Podrick is more reserved. He likes to hold your hand, and he will give you a cheek or forehead, but anything other than Podrick is not comfortable in doing so.
Yearn – What do they do when they miss you?
Podrick will look at anything you've given him, trinkets, letters, anything that smells of you. He'll count down the days until you return to him, and then he promises he won't let you out of his sight again until the two of you have to be apart again.
Zzz – How do they act when they get sleepy? How is it sleeping in the same bed?
When Podrick gets tired, he tends to tug you towards your shared chambers because he doesn't want to go to bed alone. Podrick is a cuddler and likes to hold you close at night with the blanket wrapped around you both. Podrick snores a little, and he needs you close at all times, if he feels you've moved too far,then he'll pull you back to him.
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chyckles · 1 year
Requests & Characters I write for
Requests are OPEN
Drop your request in my ask box, and I'll try to write it as soon as possible. Keep in mind that this is a hobby, I have a life outside Tumblr, respect my time and don't pressure me.
Please remember English is not my first language, and I'm still learning, so if you see an error (there will be plenty of them) don't be mean to me. If you don't like it, just ignore my posts, thank you.
Your request need to contain:
The character/s you want me to write about (I will leave the list at the end of the post). I don't write ships, only “x reader”. If what you want is a preference, then only specify the fandom.
Select one of this: one-shot (2k+ words), preference or drabble (500-1k words).
Give me a brief description of what you want. You can even send me a scene or dialogue that you already have in mind.
Let me know if you want a bad or good ending. If you don't say anything, I'll do whatever feels right for me.
I will not describe any physical feature (skin color, weight…) unless it's relevant for the plot, so if the reader needs a specific feature please include it in your request.
I DON'T WRITE SMUT BY REQUEST, only whenever I feel like it. Sorry.
I can write love triangles, but not polyamory because I don't know almost anything about it and don't want to mess it up. Maybe in the future. The only exceptions are Steven Grant and Marc Spector, they're the only ones that I can make the reader date at the same time.
I DON'T WRITE INCEST, PEDOPHILIA OR ANY SICK THING LIKE THAT. If the character is underage, the reader will also be underage, and they will behave like underage people. I can write age gaps if the characters are both adults.
I don't necessary write only romantic relationships. If you want any kind of platonic relationship, that's okay, just specify it on the request.
Characters I write for:
I will add new characters of other fandoms in the future. These are just temporary. My favorites are in bold.
Bucky Barnes
Carol Danvers
Kate Bishop
Marc Spector
Natasha Romanoff
Peter Parker (Tobey, Andrew and Tom)
Sam Wilson
Steve Rogers
Steven Grant
Stephen Strange
Wanda Maximoff
Yelena Belova
Harry Potter
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Cho Chang
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
James Potter
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
Nymphadora Tonks
Remus Lupin
Ron Weasley
Sirius Black
Game of Thrones
Arya Stark
Daenerys Targaryen
Cersei Lannister
Jaime Lannister
Jon Snow
Robb Stark
Sandor Clegane
Sansa Stark
Tyrion Lannister
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
The walking dead
Carl Grimes
Carol Peletier
Daryl Dixon
Glenn Rhee
Maggie Greene
Negan Smith
Rick Grimes
Hazbin Hotel
Sir Pentious
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ransprang · 10 months
Jaime Lannister x Fem!Reader Hcs
Fueling my Nikolaj and GOT brainrot~ enjoy
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NSFW and SFW -
1. Man protects you like a dawg. He will not have anyone touch you or get too close without drawing his sword the second they take a step closer (Not even your parents).
2. Jaime loves having sex the second you both are alone, he just can’t help it. A quickie in the meeting room, in his chamber, after shower. He loves it when he stands tall and you’re on your knees sucking him off as a to thank him for protecting you.
3. Jaime loves carrying you over his shoulder. He’s strong, and you’re his. In the palace he will subtly tease you by carrying you over his shoulder to your room.
4. Jaime loves restraining you, he will tackle you down, pinning your hands above your head. He likes to be in charge, and fuck you to relieve his stress from the long day of managing Cersei.
5. Jaime would like to have children with you, and possibly favour them over Joffrey. As they are his to claim to the public, and he can love them freely also protect and raise them.
6. Jaime likes being just a boy around you. No pressures to fight or decisions. He likes teasing, making jokes and possibly be obsessed with building blocks which makes you look at him sometimes think, how at the core hes just. a. guy.
7. When you watch him fight or be an exceptional swordsman you want him to fight you similarly but in the bedroom, without his clothes on and definitely with a different sword of his. You could testify Jaime was skilled with his other not so miniature sword as well.
8. Cersei would love bullying you, in order to push you away from her beloved brother. Jaime wouldnt never rage at her, but would protect you from all her evil schemes and will never let anyone or anything harm you. They will have to face him before you.
9. Jaime takes off his metal hand and stares at where his wrist used to be sometimes, but he will only show such level of sadness and vulnerability in front of you.
10. Jaime loves pounding you with your legs over his shoulders, he loves to watch your breasts bounce bringing him closer to the edge faster.
Your twin,
Admin Sav
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luvinescent · 9 months
Stealing Time
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Pairing: Modern!Robb Stark x fem!Reader
Summary: Weddings should be an event full of joy and happiness for everyone involved. Especially for the bride and groom, who are the main focal point of it all. So, what is the reason for celebrations if they both have gone missing?
Warnings: MDNI, 18+, sexual content, smut, p in v, dirty talk, etc.
Word count: 3933
Additional: M/H/N stands for Maid of Honors Name.
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A soft melody of a strong quartet could be heard through the air like a soft breeze as more guests continued to arrive. The venue was decorated with fairy lights that cascaded down, a crystal chandelier in the middle of it all, creating an inviting and dreamy atmosphere. The celebratory music pulsated on the dance floor, enticing visitors to sway and swirl in a joyful celebration. The air was filled with laughter and lively discussions that mixed with the sound of glasses clinking as toasts were being offered in honor of the newlyweds.
The only problem was that neither one of them were present in the room.
Catelyn Stark, mother of the groom, stood scanning the room next to the wedding planner— a young girl who looked to be on the verge of pulling out her hair. Catelyn could hear the small anxious mutters of “we’re off schedule now” as the girl kept analyzing the clipboard she held in her hand. Excusing herself from the girl and her husband, Catelyn went towards the hallways connecting to the venue. She was stopped in her travels by a distant relative on her husbands’ side, smiling at the old man.
“Catelyn!” he greeted heartily. “Where is that boy of yours? I haven’t seen him or the new Mrs.”. He let out a great laugh, holding onto his rounded beer belly for support. Catelyn returned the laugh, nodding at his question, “I was just about to go get him. I’ll be right back”.
She turned around; the sound of her heels clicking on the shiny floor echoed, causing any guests in her path to quickly shift aside. Catelyn walked with a confident stance, her chin up, shoulders back, and a big smile covering her face. A smile that was very deceiving and Jon Snow knew this when she came faced with him.
“Where is your brother?”
He stared wide eyed at her, caught off guard by her presence and her question. His face was a ballet of nervousness, revealing the false confidence he was trying so hard to keep up. “I-I, uh… I don’t know...”, Jon shrugged his shoulder, wincing a little at the look she gave him. Catelyn smacked her lips, grabbing a hold of Jons ear, “Don’t lie to me. Where is Robb? The nerve of that boy! Disappearing at his own wedding, and you covering for him. I thought I raised you both better than this!”. The entire time, the bride’s maid of honor had stood next to Jon, witnessing him get a scolding from his mother, but Catelyn could care less about his embarrassment. Before Catelyn could continue her interrogation, she was stopped by the sound of a familiar voice within her distance. “Have you seen Y/N?”.
Turning around, Catelyn saw the mother of the bride asking a family member before she turned and saw her. “Oh, Cat!”, the mother rushed towards her, “Have you seen my daughter? I can’t find her anywhere”.
Putting back on that wide smile, Catelyn turned her head to Jon and the maid of honor. “What a coincidence. I can’t seem to find my son either.”
The two looked like deer’s caught in headlights. Both their words jumbled out fast, inaudible to the human ear. Thinking fast, M/H/N leaped into action, her words both a hasty attempt and holding a somewhat truth to them. “Y/N went to go change from her wedding gown to her reception dress”. Jon nodded vigorously in agreement at her explanation, “A-And Robb wanted to change his shoes”. M/H/N whipped her neck and gave Jon a glare, his add on not helping as Robb did not bring extra shoes. Y/N’s mother did not have time to question any of what they said—being brisked away to go greet a great aunt.
Catelyn stood in front of the two adults once again. She raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed by their statements.
“Y/N went to go change?”
“Yes”, M/H/N said instantly.
“And Robb went to go change his shoes?”
“Yes”, now it was Jon.
“…and they went together?”
“…yes”, they both replied. Humming to herself, she continued observing them, knowing very well they were hiding something. “How long ago did they leave?”. They once again exchanged looks with one another, face flushed with embarrassment, “Uh, not that long ago…they’ll be here soon”. Catelyn’s skepticism deepened, her eyes darting from M/H/N awkward performance to Jon’s increasingly guilty expression. Letting out a sigh and rubbing her temples, she turned to return to the party, “Fine”.
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With one hand tangled in his auburn curls, you panted against Robb’s lips, “mm you’re insane”. Robb chose to ignore your words, his lips choosing to instead attack your neck and his fingers gripping hard on your thigh— surely to leave bruises come morning. Craning your neck back for more easy access, you tried reasoning, “they’re probably looking for us now—“. You couldn’t even finish your sentence, his cock having thrusted into your walls so deep it left you gasping for air, “f-Fuck, Robb!”
He groaned against your neck, his hips moving in rhythm against yours, “Who cares what they’re doing when I get to have you like this to all to myself”.  You almost bit your tongue when his hand slipped between the two of you, fingers rubbing at your sweet spot, “Fuck, I love it when you moan my name”.
It was almost close to an hour ago when your maid of honor took you to change out of your wedding dress into your reception dress. Coming out of the dressing room, you were met with both your newly brother-in-law and newly husband. While M/H/N and Jon engaged in some conversation about the band arriving soon, Robb and you took to wrapping each other up in arms. With a huge grin on his face, he planted small kisses all over your face, “My gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, wife”. Laughing at how his stubble tickled against your face, you laid your palm up against his cheek, “Aye, watch the makeup”, quickly giving him a kiss on the lips before pulling away and looking into his blue eyes, “but thank you my very handsome, good-looking, very very very attractive husband”. You two shared a moment of silence and intense gaze before you both broke out in giggles, capturing each other’s lips in one another, moving tendering and deeply. Pulling away, Robb stared down at you, both love in his eyes but also a hint of something else.
“You know you really do look gorgeous. You look equally as beautiful in this dress as you did in your wedding dress”. You thanked him once again but gave him a puzzled look when he said he had other opinions, however.
“And what other opinions are those?”, you said, smiling while waving at a cousin who just entered the building. Turning back to Robb, you noticed the way his eyes had slightly shifted in emotion; something more carnal behind them. Bending down his head towards your ear, he whispered softly, “If we weren’t in public right now, I’d have you naked with my head between your thighs”. His voice brought chills up your spine as he blew a soft gust of air on your earlobe before going back to height. Biting your lip and playing with his tie, you titled your head to the side and chuckled softly “You would, huh?”. His only reply was a nod, watching your every move like hawk and gulping as your fingers started to trail along his neck now. Robb was being unfair; he knew just how much his words had an effect on you. But yours did too. Bringing him down by his tie, you’d thought best to return his teasing—fighting fire with fire.
Slowly, you leaned up, “…I want you inside of me. I’ve never wanted to fuck you more than I do right now”. You could hear his breath hitch behind his closed mouth. Both of you were once again stuck in an intense stare down, this time only desire and want in your gazes. You were quick to fix yourself up, distancing yourself a bit from Robb and plastering on an innocent smile as more guests arrived, “Hi. Thank you for coming”. You snickered to yourself; feeling Robbs eyes on your back as he hadn’t moved a single inch from his spot. Jon and M/H/N ended their conversation and turned to face you both, nodding their head in the direction of the main area, “Alright, let’s get going”.
You took one single step before Robb came up behind you, grabbing you by your forearm and pushing you towards his chest. “Actually”, he started, “Y/N told me her dress is bothering her”. M/H/N had stepped up, examining you from head to toe, “Oh, let me help— “. Robb had interrupted her by raising his hand and shaking his head, “No, it’s fine. I got it. Besides, we want to spend some quiet time together, don’t we babe?”. Looking up at him, you quickly assessed the situation and nodded along, “R-right, yeah. We’ll be right back. You guys go and have fun. Who cares about us anyways.”
Jon and M/H/N didn’t have time to argue back— the new couple running down the halls of the building, hand in hand with laughter being echoed throughout it. Jon tsked his tongue, shouting at his brother and sister-in-law who were still in view, “What do you mean who cares about you guys?! This is your wedding!”. They both turned to flip Jon off, turning the corner and disappearing to the next connecting hall. Sighing, Jon rubbed his face as M/H/N came to stand next to him in silence.
“You know there was nothing wrong with her dress”. “… Yeah”.
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And that’s how you found yourself with Robb in some random office room in the building of your wedding reception. Robb’s patience was running low as he pushed you up against the wall and against the corner of what some seemed to be some bookshelf. Both your lips hungrily going at each other very frantically. A loud moan was swallowed by his mouth when his fingers went down, pushing your panties to the side and starting to play with your wet folds and opening. Wasting no time, you trailed your hands down towards his belt, quickly trying to undo it. Robb pulled away entirely from you, using the distance to unbutton a bit of his dress shirt and to take off his belt. Breathing heavily, you grabbed him back down by the neck for another kiss, biting his lip and sucking on his tongue. Pulling away, you raised an eyebrow at Robb with a smirk present on your face and his lips darkened and wet with saliva, “I’m almost positive this kind of tradition is reserved for tonight. You know, after the reception, not during”. Robb laughed slightly, pushing up against you and grabbing a hold of your thigh, wrapping your leg around his waist while the other stood for balance. His other hand was used to bunch up the fabric of your white party dress and to pull down one of its straps. “What can I say”, he bit along your neck, “you’re just so damn beautiful. So damn sexy. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to hold myself back when I saw you walking down that aisle”. His lips returned to yours. This kiss was messy with teeth almost clashing and tongues fighting. Both your hands were everywhere they could be felt; his on your thighs, ass, hips, breasts, and yours on his chest, neck, and back. Pulling away, Robb looked at you from head to toe and gave you a teasing smile, “And what’s all this?”. With both your body movements and clothes shifting, Robb had finally taken noticed of the white lace lingerie you had underneath the entire time of both your wedding dress and your reception dress. Rolling your eyes, you gave him a pointed look, “It was supposed to be for tonight. Way to ruin the surprise”.  He pouted mockingly at you and let out a small chuckle, kissing your forehead before his previous lustful look returned, “We can keep it on for now. And for tonight, I’ll just pretend it’s my first time seeing it”.
The way he spoke and stared at you had sent something straight to your burning core and had made you shifted closer to him unconsciously. “Such a gentleman”, you spoke running a thumb along his bottom lip and started kissing him again. With his belt already undone, it only took a few seconds to push down his clothing layers just enough to free his cock. As a brief warning, sliding your panties to the side, he slid his tip through your wet folds for a couple seconds. The whine you let out was all he needed before he pushed entirely inside you. You gasped loudly and screwed your eyes shut as Robb gave you a few seconds to adjust to the sudden fullness. Shaking your head, you bit down on your lip, “Don't be gentle with me—I like it when you're rough”. Robb wasted no time, gripping your thigh and fucking deeply into you, “Ah, fuck”, he moaned out, “you feel so fucking good. My good girl. My fucking wife”. He moved his lips along your collarbone, groaning and biting down. “Mm, fuck” you muffled out as your pussy clenched around his hard cock with every thrust he made. Robb took a second to look down, watching the way you took him in and your sleek and arousal that coated him every time he reentered. He was in heaven. Looking back up, you stared at Robb whose pupils were dilated in rapture with a little sweat coating his forehead. You probably looked the same to him as well. Your standing leg was starting to lose balance, causing you to slightly shift. Robb was quick to grab a hold of you, causing the tip of his cock to hit your most sensitive spot and just what he was looking for. “Hmm!”, you moaned out, “fuck Robb, right there!”, you truly felt like you were seeing stars. He started to fuck into you even faster and harder, increasing his movements, your pussy clenching even more, indicating your release. Eyes rolling back, you let your head fall back against the wall as you let out a mixture of curse words, moans, and Robbs’ name. Your body filled with warmth and pleasure, trembling as Robb held onto you and continued trying to reach his own climax. His movements were starting to get sloppy; you knew he was reaching his dissolve soon. However, he had to stop his movements abruptly; the doorknob to the room shaking vigorously.
Despite having locked the door beforehand, it was Robb’s natural reflex to reach over and hold onto the knob. At the same time doing so, he had let out a groan, and you a squeak as he slightly pushed you with his body. You were caught off balance but were able to hold onto the corner of the bookshelf, giving Robb a glare while he raised his finger up to his lip.
“Is somebody in there?”
Both your eyes widened in mutual shock; mouths agape as you two exchanged a horrified glance. You both recognized that voice as Robb’s Aunt Lysa.
She started banging harshly on the door now, “I know that someone is in there. I can hear you! This is a private event! If the cops need to be called, I have no problem- “.
“It’s me Aunt Lysa”, Robb spoke out, slightly cringing. Your face was flushed red; both because of your current activities and because of shame. Looking down, Robb’s left hand still had your thigh wrapped around his waist and his cock still buried inside you.
“Robb?”, Lysa questioned, “Is that you? Your mother has been looking everywhere for you! What are you doing in there?”
Robb gave you a once-over before clearing his throat, “I’m just…changing”. Your grip on the shelf was losing itself, causing you to readjust and move — which caused you to slightly sink down onto Robb’s cock. He was quick to bite his lip to stop the moan coming from his mouth, almost drawing blood in the process. Robb knew you too well and covered your mouth with his hand, knowing you would do the same. The only probably was that he wasn’t as quick.
“Now, hold on,” Lysa loudly said from the other side of the door, “I can hear another person in there and it sounds like a woman. Robb Stark you may be my nephew but I swear to God if you’re doing what I think your doing - “
“It’s me Mrs. Arryn”, you finally spoke out too. There was a moment of silence from the other end before Lysa started speaking again, “Oh, Y/N. Of course… Your mother was also looking for you…”. There was some awkwardness to her tone as you tried your best to clean up the situation, “I’m just changing too. Robb’s helping me”. Another awkward silence passed, “Of course he is…”. You and Robb gave each other a side glance; it was clear she didn’t believe you two and knew what you two were really doing. “Well”, Lysa began, “I best let you two get back to uh…changing…oh, um, where are the bathrooms?”. Robb was the one to answer her question, “On the other side of the building”. With a quick thank you and goodbye, you could hear the distant sound of her heels from the other side before she was gone entirely.
Turning back to Robb, you slapped his chest, groaning into your hands, “Ughhhh, that was so embarrassing”. He only laughed, making you peek at him from the gaps of your fingers. “What are you laughing at? You heard her; our parents are looking for us, so we better go”. Robb’s only response was to kiss you sloppy, pushing back once more inside you. You gasped into his mouth, his tongue playing with yours. Robb then pulled out of you completely, making you whimper from the sudden emptiness. Grabbing you by the forearm, he dragged you towards the desk in the room, bending you over it, pushing your dress up and your panties down— exposing yourself fully to him. He caressed your ass before smacking it hard; making you huff, “Let them wait a few more minutes”, his fingers played along your glistening folds. Standing up behind you, he pushed himself back into you, thrusting in, and out, and in again. Each time rougher than the other as he stretched out your cunt. Grabbing ahold of your hair and arching your back for him, he spoke into your ear, “This is our special day, isn’t it?”. Your only answer was a loud moan, his fingers being placed in your mouth to suck on. “Besides, I’m not fully done with you”.
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About twenty minutes later (some of which took up of M/H/N fixing your makeup and concealing your bite marks), you and Robb entered the main room holding arms. Guests were raising their glasses up to you in cheers— some already clearly starting to get tipsy. A close friend of yours came up to you both, hugging you and giving you your congrats while Robb shook hands with her boyfriend. Once they pulled away and moved aside, you both had clear sight across the room of the one person who was looking for you two the most: Catelyn Stark. To make matters worse, she was also conversing with her sister; both whispering and giving you two the side eye.
“Crap” both you and Robb said in unison, watching Catelyn with her wrath make her way towards you. Your sight was cut off by the wedding planner standing stressed and tired in front of you, “Okay, we can get back on schedule if we just follow with the original plan. Bride, it’s time for the father-daughter dance”. Your ears perked up at the familiar sound of the music you had chosen for this occasion and turned to see your dad already on the dance floor. Turning back to Robb, you gave him a sheepish smile, “Would you look at that… gotta go”. He was quick to grab a hold of your hand, “You can’t leave me. You vowed to be with me through anything”. Pulling your hand back, you raised both hands up in defense, “I had my fingers crossed when I said that”.
Seeing his pouted puppy look made you laugh, quickly blowing him a kiss, “I’m kidding. I love you”, turning to go dance with your father. Robb didn’t even have to turn around— already feeling his mother’s presence behind him. Wrapping arms with him, many passersby would see the scene as a mother coddling her son. But Catelyn was actually pinching Robb’s side, and hard. “You are so vulgar I swear. At your own wedding Robb, really? You couldn’t wait until after?”, she spoke through gritted teeth.
Robb winced a little at the pain, but his eyesight was also focused on you. Smiling and laughing with your father. “Why are you getting only me in trouble? Y/N was equally in on it”. Catelyn could only roll her eyes at her sons’ immature response, “Please, knowing you and knowing her it was probably all your doing”. Staring up at him to continue her scolding, she stopped momentarily at the look in her sons’ eyes. Following his line of vision, she was meet with you. A tender smile graced Catelyn lips. Nothing short of captivating was the way he gazed upon you. His unspoken proclamation of love seemed to go beyond words, and his eyes radiated an undying commitment. “Are you happy?”, she asked Robb. The song was coming close to the end. Robb turned to face his mother, a stern look on his face and nothing but seriousness was his tone, “Yes. I am”. From the corner of his eye, Robb could see your father leading you to him. Standing up higher, Catelyn gave him a quick peck on the forehead, “Good. That’s all I’ve ever wanted”. You and your father came face to face with the both of them, Catelyn giving you a peck on the cheek and your father handing you over to Robb, “She’s all yours’ son,” he patted his shoulder, “take care of her”.
Robb led you to the dance floor where the band had started to play a slower and more romantic song. Swaying to the tempo, you spoke up, “So, was she angry?”. Robb let out a small chuckle, smiling down at you. “She was,” he began, “but she said she’d forgive us if we gave her a grandchild”. Staring at him agape, you slapped his chest with a small gasp, “She did not say that!”. Now you both were laughing. The world around you two seemed to fade into a soft blur as you moved, lost in the embrace of your love. Resting your head against his chest, you felt the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. “I love you”, Robb spoke up, his hand tenderly placed on the small of your back. Sighing deeply, inhaling his scent and allowing yourself to bask in his warmth, both of you feeling safe in each other’s embrace, you let him know your feelings, “I love you too”.
Enjoying the moment's beauty, you both stayed in each other's arms as the music softly faded into the night. You both understood that this dance was only the start of an endless journey together.
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thebadboyfanclub · 1 year
The Lover Of The Seven Kingdoms (Tywin x Reader)
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First of all, I’m sorry but you cannot tell me anything when it comes to Tom hiddleston being the perfect young Tywin Lannister. Second, I love writing morally grey female characters and I wrote grant maester pycelle and mushroom in cause I wanted to show how a lot of male historians portray women in one way cause it’s just easier.
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The lover of the seven Kingdoms” grant maester Pycelle had used as a description of (y/n) Martell, the second wife of Tywin Lannister, the symbol of femininity for a plethora of men in kings Landing, the mother of lord Ezra Lannister and lady Asena, the scandalous twins and one of the few bastards that later became legitimate and inherited Lannisport, then they had three more, lady Nymeria, Lady Zara and Lord Sorin, (y/n) was the secret passion of Tywin since she stepped foot at court, she was to be Joanna’s lady in waiting.
Her appearance was one carved by the Gods, long dark raven hair that curled down to her waist, olive skin, and almost black eyes, her lips thick, and a body as juicy as the fruits of her land, her twin brother Dorian had sent her to Kings landing as a way to show respect and also expand her horizons.
“Princess (Y/n) had relations with one of the bastards of house Dayne when she denied him the man gutted himself in front of her, Doran sends her away to avoid more scandals caused by her lustful appetite”
Mushroom note, Joanna liked her, she was smart and endearing, and she knew how to play her part, however, what Joanna had not taken in mind is that (y/n) stopped at nothing to get what she wants, in this case, it was the young Tywin Lannister, the tall man with muscles everywhere, blue eyes and blonde hair was the subject of desire for a plethora of ladies, none of them had the guts to go after him, (y/n) was not like them, she had her eyes set and the game had begun.
“My lord”
(Y/n) called for Tywin, the hour was quite late but Tywin was the hand of the king, the hour did not matter when they were things he needed to pay attention to, papers to be signed and payments to be settled.
(Y/n) had studied his schedule, Joanna was already in bed and Tywin was free, most of the servants were dismissed so they were no prowling eyes to catch her.
Tywin halted and turned to look at the girl that called for him, she wore a rather sheer dress which was unlikely of hers, Dornish people were always costumed to very light choices in clothing, still, this was a step further, if the candles burned a bit brighter Tywin would have been able to see… well everything.
“Princess (y/n), is there something wrong?”
“No, not exactly, I was hoping to talk to you, in private”
Tywin hesitated, (y/n) was just outside her chamber, she was holding the door open which meant that her choice of privacy was her room, still, curiosity about what it could be that needed to be discussed in such a secretive way was enough for his feet to go one and then the other inside.
(Y/n) closed the door before she spun to rest her back on the wood, a smirk playing on her lips as her plan was going smoother than she expected, the room was decorated in cherry red and gold colors, some orange as well and the intense smell of vanilla and musk took over Tywins senses.
“So, I would prefer it if you started talking”
“Do you like being the hand of the king?”
“You summoned me to ask me if you like my occupation?”
“No, I summoned you because I have a pair of eyes, eyes clear enough to see that something has been bothering you”
“Well I am flattered that the princess cares to ask for my well-being, however, I must go”
“You can’t lie to me Tywin, if it’s not your duty then it has something to do with me, you have been avoiding me, you can’t even look me in the eye”
Tywin once again chose to not speak he only made a b line for the door to which (y/n) was resting, she had managed to think of everything down to reaching for the handle when he did, making their hands touch, Tywin did not pull his away, he let it rest on top of hers as he towered over her and she looked up at him with doe eyes.
“Is it me, my lord? It is my presence that is bothering you?”
“No? You are breathing quite heavily, your eyes travel below my lips, and… dare I say you could have moved me if you truly wanted to, no one is here, my lord, you can confess to me”
“Go on, confess”
Her voice was barely above a whisper as she gawked at Tywin with lustful eyes with a hint of innocence, she had done this before, Tywin was a mere puppet, a bug that got caught in the spiders' web and was now waiting to experience her poisonous bite.
Her kiss could be described as venom, it made his entire body feel like it was burning and her touch was the only remedy, his addiction started and ended with her, he had been fantasizing about her every night, haunting him like a succubus and stealing the life out of him, at an instant he forgot everything, his wife, his status, his entire life would crumble if someone were to find them, none of it mattered, all that he cared about was to see her, take her.
He took her right on her window, some servants had even reported that they could see the young princess bareback as her moans grew some attention, alas none of them thought something of it, most of the castle had seen a generous amount of men go in and out of (y/n)s chamber at all hours of the night.
Tywin was in utter awe with (y/n), he almost felt like he would faint as he reached his high, it was the only time Tywin considered that (y/n) was a practitioner of dark magic. No other woman had held such power over him in this act.
“My lion”
She had whispered in his ear before she kissed him,(Y/n) was the perfect lover, every night he would slip from his chamber and knock on her door, she would be waiting for him, take him up to the sky, and wrap him with her fire that burned as bright as dragon fire.
Tywin was entirely himself around her, she allowed him to be in control and gave him the euphoric theatrics of prowling on her, which made (y/n) giggle a little, it was refreshing and borderline hilarious to move the strings in the background while Tywin thought he was moving them only because she let him touch them.
“I have exciting news”
“Which is?”
“Princess (y/n) is pregnant, how lovely would it be if we get to marry our children? We could secure Dorne and bind my friendship with her”
“We will do no such thing”
“Tywin, think about it if we-“
“You are forgetting an important thing Joanna, the princess is not married, who knows who the father of that bastard is, my child will not marry anyone of such low status”
What else could he have said? We can’t marry them cause they are siblings? Joanna would be crushed, Tywin had run to her chamber that night, not even bothering to knock as he burst into the room startling her, still once she laid her eyes on him she smiled, she dared to smile as if nothing has happened.
“How dare you announce your pregnancy without even telling me first”
“I thought you had noticed”
“No, I hadn’t and Joanna wants to marry your child with one of our children”
“I am sure we will find a way around it”
“Find a way around it? How are you so calm when the world is crumbling on your feet? You are not married nor betrothed, this child will be declared a bastard”
“This child will be my firstborn, a child created by you and me if you remember, that is all that matters to me”
“Not to the rest of the realm”
“I do not care about the rest of the realm Tywin, that is your problem, it will be royalty in Dorne, I do not care what they call my child here”
“Some said she bathed in goats blood every full moon, she would burn candles and speak in foreign languages to make Tywin stay by her side”
Mushroom claimed, it could be true or just whispers since no one understood the powerful hold that she had on the young lord, Tywin was a fearsome man, calculated and ambitious, yet (y/n) could sway him in any direction she wished with a bat of an eyelash.
It was such a peculiar moment, (y/n) gave birth to twins four moons after her lady Joanna, Ezra and Asena, both of them had their fathers' eyes, sapphires that shined in the light of the sun as (y/n) fed them from her breasts, Tywin had held Asena first, she looked nothing like Cersei still something in him knew that the two girls were born to be each others nemesis, fate had played him like a fiddle.
“I was thinking of going back to Dorne”
“My brother said it is not safe for us, people will talk and I do not want my children to grow up in a venomous environment”
“No, no you will stay, Ezra and Asena Hill has a nice ring to it”
“They are Martells, my love, they shall be called that”
(Y/n) was not ashamed of her children, on the contrary, she adored them and kept them by her side at all times, she taught them how to walk, talk, sing, and dance, a endearing mother with a backbone made of Valyrian steel, a combination made straight out of the seven rings of hell.
“Push, my lady”
“I can’t, (y/n) please make it stop”
“Maester, what is taking so long?”
“The babe has breached, it will not let me pull it out”
“It hurts (y/n)”
“I know, my lady, just one more push”
Joanna fought tooth and nail to survive, unfortunately, her labor did not harvest any fruit for her, the son survived but Lady Joanna did not even get to hold him, grant Maester pycelle held Tyrion and presented him to lord Tywin who was utterly disgusted by the ugly creature.
“That is no son of mine, throw him in the river”
“You will do no such thing”
“This matter does not concern you, princess”
“It does, you may be excused maester”
Pycelle only nodded and left them alone, a strange aura surrounded both of them, Joanna was gone, a deformed babe had taken her life, and (y/n)s belly was ready to pop any minute, what was to be done now?
“Does cruelty excite you?”
“Cersei and Jaime are both healthy and Lannister featured, that… thing could not have been created by me”
“It was not the babes' fault, so I have to remind you that you are also guilty of the thing you are accusing a dead woman of?”
Tywin was a man but that meant little to nothing, if Tyrion was a bastard then there was no difference between him and (y/n)s children, Tywin was in no place to frown upon such an act since he was having another child on the way, a bastard.
“Listen to me, my love, I know you loved Joanna and I loved her too, but the babe survived, it’s the last thing we have from her, grief is a strong emotion, but we have each other to lean on, don’t you want this for us Tywin? for me?”
There it was, her secret weapon, that sweet voice that dripped of honey and the big doe eyes, she knew how to play the damsel in distress down to every detail, Tywin put his lips in before he shook his head in defeat, his wife had departed but his mistress stood before him, demanding a place at his table and life, which he was willing to give her.
Cersei was frantic, the announcement of her father's betrothal to the princess (y/n) and the reaffirmation of her bastard children had brought her to an utmost stage of rage that she was going around her room like a hurricane, she was throwing things and cursing as loud as her lungs allowed it.
How could he do this to her? To her family? That woman had slithered her way into their life like a snake and was now feasting over her mother's dead body, this was just plain disrespectful to her mother.
Tywin found Cerseis handmaidens outside her chamber as the sounds that came from it could put to shame any wild animal, the ladies looked frightened and not one of them dared to go in, however, all of them tried to warn him in leaving the lady be, suggesting that this has probably happened before.
“What do you think you are doing?”
“Get out”
“Young lady I advise you-“
“Shut up! I don’t want to listen to you! How could you marry her?! How could you do this to my mother?”
That was the last thing she said before a harsh slap landed on Cerseis's cheek, the girl was taken back by the act since her father had never hit her, he would discipline her but mostly by raising his voice or finding peculiar tricks of punishment, for Tywin to get physical with his daughter meant that she had gone too far.
“You do not get to judge my decisions, you will welcome your brother and sisters and you will be nice to my wife whether you like it or not, did I make myself clear?”
Silence only looks that could kill were exchanged
“Did I make myself clear?”
“Yes Father”
“My love?”
(Y/n) walked into the room, she had heard everything although she chose to reside in the act of being clueless, Tywin had turned away from his daughter and walked to his soon-to-be wife’s side, his hand found hers and brought it up to his lips, (y/n) smiled fondly before she scanned the room with her eyes, a puzzled look on her face as the room was upside down.
“What has happened? Is the young lady alright? The handmaidens were stuttering when I asked about the noises”
“Yes, no need to worry, my dear, Cersei was just redecorating”
“Oh, well if she wishes I can help with that”
“No, no, Cersei is quite specific, she prefers doing things her way, hence this scenery, we should live her”
“As the young lioness wishes, but before we leave”
(Y/n) took a few steps so she can stand ahead of Cersei, Cersei truly felt like a lioness, one that was trapped in a cage to be exact, as much as Cersei wanted to believe she could outsmart anyone (y/n) had years up on the horse, so naturally she was now trotting past Cersei with her caring smile and eyes that lit up, Cersei was left to looking like a kid that threw a tantrum whilst (y/n) looked like a mother that did her best to keep the peace.
“I know you are angry at me, I would be too, I will not try to be your mother, I do however hope that one day you will view me as your ally or your friend even”
(Y/n) went to caress Cerseis cheek which Cersei flinched away from that earned her a cold hard stare from her father, (y/n) only bit her lip in defeat, then it was replaced by a smile of hope, (y/n) genuinely wanted things to go as smooth as possible, to keep all of Joanna's children close to her, it was the least she could do she wasn’t a complete monster, as much as Cersei liked to think of her as one.
“Perhaps it’s too soon, I am asking way too much of you, I hope you have a great day, sweetling”
“Put everything back in its place, now”
Tywin instructed in a stern voice before they exited the chamber that Hurricane Cersei was occupying, Tywin was sure that she would throw something at the door once it was closed and he stood correct when a loud bang was heard.
“She is a young girl that lost her mother, having an attitude with me is inevitable”
“Cersei is not a normal young girl, she has a superiority complex over everyone, our children will not interact with her yet”
“That won’t be a problem, Asena is not… fond of Cersei either”
“I wonder why, let us not think of Cersei right now, it is time for Nymeria to be fed”
“See how beautiful it sounds when it rolls off the tongue? And you wanted to name her Lydia”
Since this babe was the first legitimate child of Tywin and (y/n) he had the suggestion of picking the name of the beloved girl, on the contrary (y/n) was not budging, she was adamant on naming her daughter after the biggest warrior queen Dorne has ever known, her precious Nymeria.
“The princess never wanted to marry lord Tywin, she was far more interested in keeping their relationship private, howbeit Lord Tywin was too consumed by his emotions for her to consider the fact that the princess could have been wed, she simply chose not to”
Grant maester Pycelle added when asked about their wedding. (Y/n) did not care about her children being legitimate or owning land, Dorne was her home, her brother had congratulated her on the birth of her twins and even offered to have them in Dorne, and her family was delighted by (y/n) bringing forth new heirs for the Martells, it was only Tywin that wanted to make it official, to let everyone know that the princess was now cloaked by the lion, her life as the lady of the rock had begun and Dorne had entered a land that they never really thought of earning.
“In a day you will be my wife, therefore, my children’s good mother, I expect them to treat you as such”
“I do not, Tywin they are in mourning, you cannot expect them to make it easy for me”
“I am not dimly witted my dearest, I know they will have some thoughts over our marriage, albeit I will make sure they keep it to themselves”
Requests are open!
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Cregan Stark x Reader
The storm and the road block made it seem like it was the worst day in your life, but maybe it was all part of fate's plan that led you to meet Cregan Stark, the kind and caring owner of the inn/pub
Modern AU
The rain pours down in sheets, so heavy it feels like the world outside your windshield has vanished into a blur of water and darkness. Your headlights barely cut through the downpour, and every few seconds, you tighten your grip on the wheel as your tires skim over puddles that splash up against the sides of the car. You glance down at your GPS, trying to get your bearings, but it’s hopeless—everything around you is just an endless stretch of rain-soaked trees and winding roads.
Just when you think you might be lost, you catch sight of the warm glow of lights coming from a building up ahead. It's an inn, a cozy-looking place with soft amber light spilling out from the windows and a sign creaking in the wind. You hesitate for a moment, considering stopping, but you’re so close to your destination—or so you think. With a sigh, you press on.
It isn’t long before you regret that decision. Barely a mile down the road, your path is completely blocked by a massive fallen tree. There’s no way to go around it, and there’s definitely no way you’re moving that thing by yourself. With a sigh of frustration, you check your phone for any signal. Of course, there’s nothing. The storm has cut you off completely.
With little choice, you turn your car around and head back toward the inn. When you finally pull into the gravel lot, you take a deep breath, preparing yourself for the mad dash to the entrance. You grab the small overnight bag from the passenger seat and step out into the storm.
The moment you’re outside, the rain hits you hard, soaking through your clothes in seconds. By the time you make it to the door, you’re drenched from head to toe. Water drips from your hair, your coat sticks uncomfortably to your skin, and your boots squish with every step as you push open the door and slip inside the inn.
The inside of the pub is warm, filled with the hum of conversation and the rich scent of beer, stew, and wood smoke. The wooden beams overhead, worn from years of weather and patrons, give the place a rustic, inviting charm. You glance around, trying not to look too out of place despite the fact that you’re dripping onto the floor.
The pub is semi-packed with people, a mix of locals and a few travelers like yourself, all gathered around tables and the bar. You scan the room, looking for someone who might be in charge, when your eyes land on him.
Cregan Stark.
He’s standing behind the bar, a tall, broad figure in a flannel shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. There’s a towel draped casually over his shoulder, and he’s in the middle of handing a pint of beer to someone when he glances up and sees you. His eyes—a stormy grey, like the skies outside—lock onto yours for a moment, and you feel a jolt of awareness pass between you. When he notices you, his dark eyes linger for a second longer than expected, and his brows lift in mild surprise.
Self-conscious, you brush a damp strand of hair out of your face and look around awkwardly, noticing that you're the only one who’s soaking wet. You approach a man nearby, your voice polite but a bit flustered as you ask where you can find the owner or the person in charge. They point toward Cregan.
You look over again, and this time, he’s watching you more intently. You muster a smile—one that feels almost apologetic for your bedraggled state—and he smiles back, something subtle but warm. You cross the room toward him.
“Hi,” you start, your voice a little breathless from the cold and the nerves. “I was hoping you might have a room available? The storm’s getting worse, and a tree fell down across the road… I’ve been driving all day, and I just really need a place to stay.”
He studies you for a moment, his eyes softening as he takes in your drenched form and the clear exhaustion on your face. Then, he nods with a small, reassuring smile. “I’ve got a room for you,” he says, his voice a deep rumble. “Come on, I’ll show you.”
You follow him up a set of creaky wooden stairs, the smell of old wood and burning logs filling the air. He leads you to a small, cozy room tucked away at the end of the hall. When he opens the door, you immediately notice how homey it feels. There’s a small fireplace in the corner, a tidy bed with a thick quilt, and the soft light of a lantern casting a warm glow. You notice a few personal touches—an old jacket hanging on the back of the door, and a book left on the nightstand. It feels lived-in, like someone’s been staying here, but you don’t question it. It’s perfect.
“I’m sorry for the mess,” Cregan says as he steps inside, lighting the fire for you. “It’s the only room we have left, but it should be warm enough once this gets going.”
You watch as he tends to the fire, the flicker of flames catching the rough edges of his features. There’s something almost comforting in the way he moves, steady and confident, like he’s used to taking care of things, taking care of people.
“Thank you,” you say softly. “I really appreciate this. I’m—oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t even introduce myself. I’m Y/N,” You give your name with an embarrassed smile.
“Cregan,” he replies with a nod. “Nice to meet you.”
The fire crackles to life, filling the room with warmth. Cregan straightens up, dusting his hands off before turning to face you again. “If you need anything, I’ll be downstairs. Just come find me,” he says, his voice still low and calm. “Get some rest. You look like you’ve had a long day.”
You offer him a tired but grateful smile. “I have. Thank you, again.”
Cregan nods once more before leaving you to the warmth of the room. As the door clicks shut behind him, you quickly change out of your wet clothes and sink into the bed, feeling the comfort of the quilt wrapping around you. The storm outside grows fiercer, the sound of rain and wind battering against the window, but inside, by the fire, you’re safe and warm.
The night passes peacefully for the most part, but the occasional crack of thunder jolts you awake, leaving you staring at the shadows on the ceiling. It’s unnerving, this wild weather, so different from what you’re used to in the city. But eventually, exhaustion pulls you back under, and you sleep soundly until morning.
When you wake, the fire has burned down to embers, and while the rain continues to fall in a steady drizzle, the storm has passed. You get dressed in something warm and make your way downstairs, hoping to find some breakfast.
You pause on the last step when you spot Cregan, fast asleep in a small nook by the window. His head rests against the wall, his arms crossed loosely over his chest, and there’s a certain peace in the way he sleeps, like he’s used to this, too—staying up late, keeping an eye on things. It’s only when your footsteps creak on the wooden floor that his eyes flicker open.
“Morning,” he says, his voice thick with sleep but still holding that same calm. He stretches slightly as he sits up, and you can’t help but notice how the soft morning light catches in his dark hair, casting him in a gentle glow.
“Good morning,” you reply, your tone warm and polite. You glance toward the nook, feeling a sudden wave of guilt. “Why were you sleeping down here?”
Cregan shrugs, a slight smile playing on his lips. “I gave you my room. Didn’t want you stuck in the storm all night.”
Your heart skips a beat, both at the gesture and the way he says it so casually, as though it were no big deal. “I’m so sorry,” you say quickly, apologizing. “I didn’t realize—”
He holds up a hand to stop you, his smile deepening just a little. “No need to apologize. It was the only room left, and you needed it more than I did.”
You bite your lip, feeling a mixture of gratitude and guilt. “Thank you, Cregan. Really," you smile anyway. "I should probably get going soon, but—”
Cregan shakes his head. “Road’s still blocked. It’ll take some time before it’s cleared. You’re stuck here for a bit.”
The thought of staying doesn’t seem so bad, not with the cozy warmth of the inn and Cregan’s quiet, reassuring presence. “I guess I’m not going anywhere then,” you say with a small laugh.
Cregan pushes himself up from the nook, rubbing the back of his neck as he moves toward the kitchen. “How about some breakfast? I’ll get something going.”
You follow him into the kitchen, where the space is just as rustic and charming as the rest of the inn. As Cregan begins to pull ingredients from the shelves, you offer to help.
“At least let me do something,” you insist with a smile. “It’s the least I can do after taking up your room.”
Cregan glances at you, amusement flickering in his eyes. “Alright,” he concedes. “If you insist.."
Before you know it, you’ve taken over most of the cooking, quickly falling into a rhythm, chopping vegetables and preparing food with a practiced ease. Cregan watches you with quiet amusement as you take over the stove, his eyes lingering on your movements.
“You’re pretty good at this,” he comments, leaning back against the counter with his arms crossed.
You glance up at him, your cheeks flushing slightly at the compliment. “I’ve always loved cooking,” you admit, focusing on the pan in front of you. “It’s just… relaxing.”
Cregan nods, watching as you move with precision and skill. He doesn’t say much, but there’s a quiet appreciation in his eyes as he steps aside, letting you take control of the kitchen.
It isn’t until you hand him a plate of food that you realize what you’ve done. You pause, suddenly feeling a little awkward. “I’m sorry,” you say quickly, “I didn’t mean to—”
Cregan smiles, cutting off your apology with a soft chuckle. “Don’t apologize,” he says, taking the plate from you. “No one’s cooked for me in years. This is a nice change.”
The breakfast passes in quiet companionship, the clinking of forks against plates the only sound between you. Cregan sits across from you at the small, wooden table, his dark eyes occasionally flicking up to meet yours. There’s something calming about him—his steady presence, his unhurried movements. He doesn’t fill the silence with idle chatter, but when he speaks, his voice is warm and genuine, his words always just enough.
“So,” Cregan starts after a few bites, his tone casual but curious, “what brings you to this part of the country in the middle of a storm?”
You take a moment, chewing thoughtfully before answering. “My great-aunt had a house not far from here. She passed away recently, and it was left to me. I was planning to fix it up and sell it, but…” You gesture to the window, the rain still tapping softly against the glass. “The weather had other plans.”
Cregan’s expression shifts slightly, like he’s searching through memories. “I think I know the place,” he says after a moment. “Old stone house, right? Near the edge of the woods?”
You nod, surprised. “That’s the one. You know it?”
He nods back, a small smile tugging at his lips. “Did some construction work there a few years back. Just small stuff—repairs on the roof, fixed up some windows. It’s a nice place, though. Needs some care, but it’s solid.”
His knowledge of the house comforts you in a way you didn’t expect. “That’s good to know,” you say, smiling a little. “I was worried I’d show up and find it falling apart.”
Cregan chuckles softly. “It’s seen better days, but nothing too bad and that place has a lot of history.”
His words surprise you, and you meet his gaze. “Really?”
He smiles faintly. “Yeah, old places like that need a lot of upkeep, but it’s got character. I imagine it must be pretty overwhelming, though—handling all that on your own.”
You shrug, but there’s a truth to his words. “It is,” you admit. “I’ve never taken on a project like this before, but… it feels right to try. It’s strange,” you continue after a beat, “being in a place I’ve never known but somehow connected to through family.”
Cregan watches you with a thoughtful expression. “I get that,” he says quietly. “Sometimes, places have a way of pulling you in, whether you mean for them to or not.”
His words resonate with you more than you expected. You’re struck by how easy it feels to talk to him, how naturally the conversation flows between you. There’s a quiet understanding between you both, even though you’ve only just met.
“Do you have family around here?” you ask, curious about the man who’s been so kind to you.
Cregan shakes his head. “No,” he replies, a small, wistful smile playing on his lips. “Grew up around here, but it’s just me now. The inn’s been in my family for generations, though. Figured I’d stick around and keep it running.”
There’s a beat of quiet before he asks, “So, are you planning to stick around for a while?”
You shrug, stirring your tea absentmindedly. “That depends on how long it takes to get the house in order. I hadn’t planned on staying long, but…” You glance out the window again, the rain still falling in a steady, rhythmic pattern. “It seems like I don’t have much of a choice right now.”
Cregan nods thoughtfully. “The roads will be blocked for a bit. We’re used to it around here, though—it’ll clear up soon enough.”
You offer him a small smile. “I guess I’ll have to get used to it too.”
There’s something easy about being with him. The conversation flows naturally, without effort. His quiet presence is calming, and despite the storm raging outside, you feel a sense of peace you hadn’t expected. He’s not just some stranger running an inn; there’s a depth to him, something steady and kind beneath the rugged exterior.
When the plates are empty, you help him clear the table, insisting that it’s the least you can do after taking over his kitchen.
As you stand by the sink, washing the dishes together, you feel his gaze on you again, and when you glance over, you catch him watching you with a small, amused smile.
“What?” you ask, a laugh escaping your lips.
He shrugs, leaning against the counter. “Just not used to having someone help out around here,” he says. “It’s… nice.”
You dry your hands and turn to face him fully, your smile lingering. “Well, I’m not used to storms like this, or being stranded in small inns, so I guess we’re both out of our element.”
He chuckles, the sound low and pleasant. “Seems like it.”
The rain outside begins to let up, and the inn feels warmer, and cozier now that you’ve shared a meal and conversation with Cregan. There’s a comfort in the quiet moments, a sense of calm that settles over you.
Just as you’re about to say something, the door to the inn opens, and a gust of wind sweeps in along with a couple of drenched locals seeking shelter from the rain. Cregan straightens, pushing off the counter with a nod toward you.
“Duty calls,” he says with a smile, his tone teasing but gentle. “I’ll check in with you later, alright?”
You nod, returning his smile. “Thanks, Cregan.”
As he heads back toward the bar, you linger in the kitchen for a moment longer, your thoughts still on the quiet connection that had sparked between you. It’s subtle, but it’s there—something warm and easy, something that feels like the beginning of something good.
For the first time since the storm began, you feel like maybe getting stranded here wasn’t such a bad thing after all.
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justanoasisimagines · 3 months
Being Married to (Headcanon)
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Requests are open! Credit to @cafekitsune for the divider and banner!
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❀Tormund is such an attentive husband. The moment you two say your vows, Tormund sees you as someone he's going to love and protect until his final breath.
❀Tormund would kill for you. If someone glances at you the wrong way he'll kill them. I someone threatens you, he'll murder them slowly. Tormund is not afraid to fight everyone. He's more ruthless when it's related to you. No one would be able to defeat him.
❀Tormund is a proud husband. He's always telling stories about something you've done. It doesn't have to be a massive victory. You could help sow his trousers together and he could make it sound like you defeated a bear.
❀This also goes with everything you make him. Craft him a new weapon, he shows it off to everyone. Stitch him some new furs, and Tormund will brag. He loves showing off the things you do for him.
❀When you are in battle together Tormund keeps an eye on you as much as he can. He knows you can be ruthless with any weapon, but he still worries. The tension in his shoulders does not lessen until he's caught a glimpse of you again.
❀When the battle is finally over, Tormund is quick to locate you. He hoists you into his arms and takes you away from the scene. He needs to spend some time alone with you. To celebrate and reassure you are both still alive and together.
❀If Tormund sees something he thinks you'll like, he'll take it. He doesn't care who it belongs to, he'll find a way to obtain it. He enjoys the way your face lights up whenever he presents you with something.
❀Tormund puts your needs before his own. He must protect you, to look after you, to make sure you are taken care of and provided for. He needs to make sure you're happy and safe.
❀With this being said, you make then make sure Tormund is looked after. Tormund will protest, but you remind him you made vows to protect and look after each other. He reluctantly allows it.
❀Tormund is easily a jealous person. He knows what other men think. He's always skeptical about their movements and their motivations. He's quick to remind the two of you one married and unless they want him to rip their head off they need to leave you alone.
❀Tormund takes you everywhere. He even takes you to the wall. If he's going somewhere he doesn't see why you can't come with him.
❀Tormund's not great when he's poorly. He's used to being able to go at one hundred percent. Yet when he's sick he becomes solely dependent on you. Suddenly, he's a child again. Tormund hates it. Although the extra attention from you isn't too bad.
❀Tormund also gifts you weapons. He likes to know he's gifted you the weaponry to protect yourself with.
❀Tormund likes you to sit in his lap. Why would you need a chair when he has a perfectly good lap? Even if you go to sit in a chair. Tormund will pull you into his lap.
❀Tormund is an openly affectionate person. He holds very little boundaries. He doesn't care who sees. If he wants to show you affection. If they want to stare, let them. If they want to look away then do it. ❀Tormund is going to be blunt in your relationship. He's never going to beat around the bush. He wants you to be completely honest. When you and Tormund get married, Tormund refuses to be with anyone else. Nothing or no one can tempt him. ❀Tormund likes to call you terms of endearment like "my love", "my fire", "my wild heart" ❀Tormund is a gentle giant. He loves you with all his heart. Wholy and without any conditions. He's willing to tear him apart and build you a safe place. Marriage is serious to Tormund as are you.
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sarahisslytherin · 1 month
the hour of the wolf.
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jon snow x reader
summary: your nightmares of king's landing follow you to castle black. jon does his best to comfort you.
contains: angst, talk of sa, ptsd, crying, hurt/comfort.
a/n: this one's bittersweet, also first jon and official got fic!
word count: 0.7k
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Wind howled outside your cabin at Castle Black, the sound not unlike a ragged scream. You had heard screams like it, had heard them leave your own lungs on several occasions over the past years. You squeezed your eyes shut, praying for sleep to drag you away from your thoughts. But in the pitch black of your chamber you saw the face of every man who tried to hurt you, tried to put their hands on you. You squirmed and writhed and howled but they gripped you all the same. It felt real, too real. You choked on a gasp as you shot up in bed, the cold hitting you like a wall of ice. You were covered in only the thin layer of your smallclothes and the furs that blanketed the bed. You would find no rest here, at least not tonight.
You laid on layer after layer, preparing for the day ahead even though it was the middle of the night. But you had to do something, anything but lie there and relive the horrors you experienced in King’s Landing. You tugged on your furs as you left your room, the harsh northern winds paralyzing you momentarily. Your boots thudded against the wooden floorboards as you made your way through the corridors and down to the courtyard. 
There he was, cloaked head to toe in fur. His sable curls ruffled in the wind, snowflakes catching in them as they fell. Your friend from childhood, the first person you thought to run to once you’d escaped the claws of King’s Landing. Jon Snow. How he had held you when you arrived at Castle Black a fortnight ago, your eyes sunken and your skin pale. You had run to him with a fervor you hadn’t felt in years. You had wept onto his shoulder, nestled deep into the furs as he held you like he would never let you go again. And now here he was. Awake, like you, during the hour of the wolf.
“Couldn’t sleep?” he asked, his voice gravelly and laced with concern as he watched you trudge towards him through the snow. You shook your head in response. “I know the feeling”.
You came to stand beside him, observing the snow-covered railings. “Does it ever get easier? Sleeping, living?”
He was quiet for a moment, considering his words. “It does.” he decided. “The wounds heal over time. They become scars. You remember how you got them but they don’t sting the way they once did.”
You prayed he was right, prayed the gods would be merciful with you in a way they hadn’t for so torturously long. “I have tried to be strong, Jon. But I feel I can’t go on anymore. It is all-consuming. I lie awake at night and I see their faces.”
Jon’s whirled in your direction. You hadn’t spoken to him about what you’d suffered just yet, though he was dying to know. “Whose faces?”
Your mouth went dry. “Joffrey, Cersei, Meryn Trant, the executioner. Men who had taken me and tried to have their way with me. They flash before me when the world grows too quiet.”
Jon’s eyes did not leave you as you spoke. “If I had known, I would have put a stop to it.”
“How would you have stopped it?” you snapped, glaring at him in a way you knew deep down he did not deserve. “There was nothing you could do, nothing I could do.”
Jon came up close to you now, a gloved hand coming up to cup your cheek. “You are strong. Six hundred men here and you might be the strongest of us all. Aye, we might be able to cut down our enemies, but none of us would have endured a fraction of what you did. You are as much a warrior as any man here, do you hear me?”
A single tear slid down your cheek, and Jon was quick to wipe it away. “I hear you.”
“If anyone touches you, calls you a name or so much as looks at you a certain way- you come get me, and I’ll take care of it. Understand?” he pleaded with you, and when you looked into those deep brown eyes of his you wanted to cry.
“Thank you, Jon.” you whispered, burying yourself in the crook of his neck as he cupped the back of your head. He shushed your quiet sobs with all the patience in the world, placing a ginger kiss on your temple.
“I love you.” you sighed into his ear. It was the first time you had ever spoken of the sentiment you knew existed between the two of you. And you decided to breathe life into it with words. “I have always loved you.”
“So have I, love.” he choked out as he held you flush against him. “You’re safe now. Try and get some sleep. I'll stay right here. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
You knew you would sleep easier in the hours to come, but for now you just held onto the one thing in your life you knew you could trust.
tagging: @velvetcloxds @oweninadaydream @spxllcxstxr @shemisseshome
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avtrbee · 2 years
in the beginning (part 2)
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✢summary: in a final attempt to salvage the rift between your families, you suggest a marriage pact between you and and alicent’s second son (part 2 of in the beginning)
✢pairing: aemond targaryen/reader, 3.7k words
✢warnings: typical targaryen incest, possessive aemond, i think i write aemond in a darker way than what tumblr sees him as, add more lmao
✢a/n: hello everyone! i'm glad by the attention in the beginning got :)) thank you so much for your comments and notes and please do not hesitate to tell me how you feel about my work! your responses motivate me so much, thank you once again <33 there is no taglist for this fic, unfortunately. + gif isnt mine!
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The next few days were a blur. True to your mother’s words, your trip back to Dragonstone had been postponed, though you were fairly sure you were to stay in Kings Landing indefinitely as Aemond’s wife. Once the news of your engagement has reached the ears of the realm, you have been subjected to endless congratulations from lords and ladies and their best wishes. Your brothers, on the other hand…well, you didn’t stick around for that.
“You can’t evade them forever, sweet girl,” your mother tells you. She has little Aegon beside her who runs towards you as soon as he spots you.
“Do they hate me?” You ask quietly. You sit on a bench outside of a balcony, wringing your hands. You despise the way you sounded so timid- so weak. At least Aegon is content and happy playing with your skirts, oblivious to any conflict within the family.
You hear Rhaenyra’s steps as she walks to you with a hand on her belly. “Hate you?” She repeats with a small laugh. “You have held Jace’s heart since the day he held you. Luke looks up to you more than anyone.” Her slender finger raises your head by lifting your chin and stare you down with her gaze. “You cannot avoid your brothers forever.”
You weren’t avoiding them…you just preferred to delay their inevitable reactions. Unfortunately, your mother was right. It was Jace who finally cornered you in the gardens, waiting for Aemond to finish his morning sparring. 
“I’ve missed you.” Jace’s words cut through the tension first. Guilt floods your mind. Out of all your brothers, Jace was the one closest to you. You remember Laenor complaining as he was tasked to chase two toddlers around the keep, with one going the opposite way of the other. 
“It’s only been a fortnight, Jace. I’ve…I’ve been busy with the preparations,” you lie and Jace looks at you with a knowing glare. You avoid his gaze instantly. “Where is Luke? He normally shadows you like a lost pup.”
Jace shrugs. “I’m sorry that it had come to this,” he whispers, walking towards you. A closer look on your brother tells you that he had run away from sword training early as there was a thin layer of sweat that covers him. “I shouldn’t have let him get under my skin during the dinner, I should’t have-”
“I know,” you reply softly. Jace takes a seat beside you and you lean on him instantly. Jace had been your first knight, your first protector out of anyone. “I shouldn't have hit Aegon, too.”
“I don’t like it,” Jace announces and it does not surprise you. Bad blood between the Princess and the Queen’s children are well known.  “I don’t want you to marry him.”
“I don’t like it either,” you admit. Not yet, your mind whispers.  “Brother-“
“You asked for this, did you not?” Jace asks, looking at you. “Mother told us- Daemon too. You asked for this marriage. He did too, back in the day.”
You twist your head to look up at your brother. You have not heard this before. “What do you mean?”
You feel Jace’s shoulders shake as he laughs. “This is not the first time mother had tried to broker peace with the Queen. I was to marry Helaena and you to Aegon,” your brother tells you and you nod. You had known about the failed efforts and the betrothals that she had offered. “Aegon had boasted your betrothal to Aemond that day and I had never seen him so angry-” Jace laughs heartily. “-Aemond was still a little thing back then, and half as talented with a sword but he still challenged Aegon to a duel.”
“For my hand?” You ask amused and Jace nods in reply. “He liked me that much?”
“And now he will have you.” Jace finishes, “all because you have begged mother for it.”
His stare bores down on you and you feel a sudden rush of anger surge in you.You lift your head out of Jace’s shoulder and stand. “You should be on your knees, thanking me,” you seethe. You briefly wonder if you resemble your mother the most angry. “I am cleaning up the messes you have made.”
“I am only scared for you, mandia,” Jace confesses, taking your hand in his. His tone quells most of your anger, and makes you feel as if nine again with Jace gently scolding you for a broken vase. “We were only children, after all.”
“He was also a child,” you frown. 
“Do not act like you were not complicit in teasing him,” Jace warns, “He does not carry bad blood towards you because of some childhood infatuation.”
“I did not tease him by flaunting a pig to be his dragon!” You reason. You were once a child, eager to accept any sort of attention from your brothers and uncles and wary of any action that would lose their favor. You were torn once you were old enough to realize that they had chosen Aemond to be their victim when he had always paid such gentle care for you. 
You regret it now, turning a blind eye to Aemond when he was clearly suffering, and guilt bubbles in your chest when you remember Aemond welcoming you into his chambers to play despite looking the other way when he was pushed and thrown to the ground.
You recall his glum mood when you entered his chambers in the afternoon holding two wooden dragons on each hand. 
From his seat, Aemond shyly peaked at your approaching figure. You could not have hid the gasp that escaped your mouth when you saw his face. Aemond’s right eye was beaten and swollen blue while his other side had streaks of blood running down his cheeks from his forehead. 
“Aemond!” You rush to him, dropping the wooden dragons on the floor. 
In a panic, you reached for a nearby rag on his dresser and began your attempt to wipe the blood off of his face. At your touch, Aemond flinches before you realize you have had to be gentle in treating his face. Gentle like he was to you.
“What happened?” You asked, dabbing on the already dried blood that ran across his cheeks. You moved away to dip the cloth in a glass of water in hopes to wipe the blood off his face.
“I was fighting,” Aemond answers, leaning in as you came back with a damp rag. 
“Fighting who?” You try your best to be even more gentle once you got the the wound on his forehead.
“Aegon.” He turns his head to look at you when he answers. “I challenged him to a duel to protect someone.”
Your face morphs into shock. “Aegon?” You demand. “He is twice your size! They must be pretty important for them to make you fight Aegon.”
Aemond does not offer you a reply, but you do not mind. His silence means the less his head will move and thus, the more you could clean his face. 
“You must see a maester,” you say in defeat. You had gotten a closer look at his now cleaned wound, and though it would not need stitches, it needs a special salve that Maester Mellos keeps in his rooms. 
“Aemond?” You call for his attention when you realize he was not listening. Instead, his gaze is focused on the door of his chambers. You follow his sight and realize he was staring on the floor where you had dropped your wooden dragons.
“Do you think I’d ever get a dragon?” He asks.
You were careful enough to hide your pitying stare when he looked at you. You had found that Aemond loathes pity, especially when talking about dragons. You had tried to express your sorrow for him once, but he only responded in anger. “Maegor didn’t have a dragon until he was twenty-and-six,” you offer instead. “He got Balerion after it.”
“I don’t want to be like Maegor the Cruel!” Aemond protested, his eyes misting up in tears. “Aegon tells tales of dragonriding, it’s all he talks about. It’s freeing, he says, and everyone looks like ants when you look below. I’d never get to experience it. Even Helaena has a dragon.”
You gasp audibly, as an idea pops in your head. You grasp his hand, tugging him out of the room. “We can ride Vermithor!” You tell him. “He was King Jaehaerys’ dragon, the biggest after Vhagar so he can definitely saddle two. Maybe even more!”
Aemond snatches his hands back. “I don’t want to ride Vermithor! He’s yours! He’s not my dragon.” Aemond’s face looks at you contorts in betrayal and hurt. 
You realize he thinks you’re mocking him. “No, no-” you reach out to grasp his hands again in a desperate attempt to satiate his temper. “I- I only meant you can ride with me! So you could feel what it’s like! Besides…” you trail off, uncertain. 
Aemond looks at you curiously and squeezes your hand. You relent immediately. “Would you like to know a secret?” Aemond nods and you pull him closer. “Mother says I’m not to marry Aegon anymore,” you whisper, darting your eyes around the hallway for anyone who might listen. “She says the King and your lady mother had chosen to betrothe him to Helaena instead.”
You look around the hallway again, missing Aemond’s small smile that he could not resist even with a split lip. “Maybe…” you continue. “Maybe she’ll tell the queen to betroth me to you next, that way you don’t need your own dragon because husband and wives share things. All that is his is hers, and hers his.”
“Truly?” Aemond asks.
You nod. “Vermithor can be ours,” you insist. “Whenever you want a ride, you can always find me and we’ll ride together, then you won’t need your own dragon anymore." You tug his hand down the hall with full intentions of running to the Dragon Pit. This time, Aemond did not resist. “Let’s ride our dragon.”
Aemond had screamed so loud as he rode Vermithor behind you, as the dragon flew as soon as he sat down on the saddle. His hands squeezed your waist tighter as he shouted louder while you held on to the reins tightly. 
Eventually Vermithor’s ascent comes to a stop, developing into a smooth sail along the clouds. “Open your eyes, Aemond!” You command.
“How did you know I was closing them?” Aemond quips, hugging your waist tighter despite the easier flight. You had no doubt in your mind that his eyes remained squeezed shut.
“Open them!” 
For a minute, Aemond is silent. You had half a thought to threaten him to his fall if continues to close his eyes, but before you could word out your threat he whispered softly, “Beautiful.”
Then you imagine he took in the sight of Kings Landing and Blackwater Bay on top of the clouds, admiring the tall structure of the Red Keep and millions of houses surrounding it. From here, he could catch the view of the Kingswood as it peeks at the horizon. 
You couldn't agree more. “Indeed.”
He was looking at you.
The rare sight of your mother, Queen Alicent and King Viserys together greets you as you land. Alicent runs to Aemond as soon as Vermithor is escorted back into the pit, and kneels in worry as she hugs her son. 
“I thought-” Alicent mutters, smoothing Aemond’s hair over and over. “I had thought the worst.”
“Don’t worry, mother.” Aemond says, with the widest smile on his face. “I rode a dragon!”
Your mother was the sole opposite of Alicent for she did not reek of worry, she radiated in anger. Nevertheless, she rushes to you. “What were you thinking?” Rhaenyra demands. She tugs your ear. “If Aemond had fell-”
“But he didn’t, sweet girl,” you felt the firm hand of your grandfather. Viserys looks down at you with a proud smile.
Behind you, your mother rolls her eyes. “Father, don’t save the damn girl. She’s spoiled enough as it is.”
“Ah, it’s her grandmother’s spirit, I tell you.” Viserys replies, his eyes twinkling at you in pride. 
“Lady Alyssa?” You ask, already familiar with your grandfather’s tendency to compare you to his mother. “You and Uncle Daemon’s mother?”
“Yes, brave girl.” Viserys agrees with a nostalgic smile. “Have I ever told you my first ride on a dragon? I was no smaller than a babe when my mother, the Lady Alyssa…”
“If there is any penance we could do, sister, we would do it.” Jace’s voice tugs you out of your memory. 
“I am the penance, Jace.” You say, frustrated. “I am the punishment. Our marriage will close the rift that we have opened.” It is not fair- none of it is. You try not to dwell on your situation too much lest you’d be tempted to thrash and throw an unladylike tantrum. If only you, Jace, and Luke were kinder to Aemond, if only Aemond didn’t lose his eye, if only your lady mother and lord father had other children-
“Have you seen his left eye, sister?” asked Jace. His tone is unrelenting and stubborn, too hurt from the reminder that a marriage needed to be born over childhood games. “I hear he has a sapphire in place of it. Some say he exchanges the gem to each day.”
“Jace, please,” You plead quietly, mindful that even in private gardens Kings Landing has ears. You cannot let them see anymore cracks of your house. “I am not asking you to be friendly, I’m only asking for civility for my sake, if not, for the realm.”
Jace holds your stare almost challengingly, before a voice rings out from the other edge of the garden. 
“Betrothed,” greeted Aemond. 
Your head whips to the direction of his voice.  He stalks over the two of you like a tiger, each step a calculated move of restraint. He has grown so much now that Aegon could steal no victories in challenged duels, and you were sure he would fare well against Jacerys despite being a few years younger. 
Aemond’s eye glinted in the sunlight as you see it roam your figure before slowly looking at Jace beside you. “Brother,” Aemond greets maliciously with a smirk upon his lips. 
Jace gives a tight lipped smile that almost looks painful. He regards Aemond with a curt nod. “Not yet.”
Your head turns back to face your brother with a glare and he meets your gaze in equal rebellion. You echo your previous plea to him in your head desperately as if he could hear your thoughts. Before long, Jacerys relents and breathes out a sigh. 
He extends an arm to your head, bringing your forehead close and presses a soft kiss on your temple. 
“I was just leaving, brother,” Jacerys says as he steps away from you. It was not the best response he could have given, but you did ask for civility and not sudden camaraderie. You give him a grateful smile as he turns and walks away.
“Hmm,” was all Aemond had to say as he saw the silent batte between the two eldest children of his sister. Wordlessly, he offered you his arm which you graciously accepted and he led you to the opposite side of Jacerys’ path, walking you deeper in the gardens of the Red Keep.
For the past two weeks, it had become a habit for you to wait for Aemond to finish his morning lessons with Ser Criston Cole and you would roam the Red Keep’s halls with your arms in his. Sometimes he surprises you with courting gifts. Once, he had given you a necklace embedded with huge sapphire stones and little rubies surrounding it.
“For your Velaryon and Targaryen blood,” Aemond explained, as you turned and raised your hair. His fingers were gentle as he hung the necklace around your neck.
“Why bother with these courting gifts?” You asked. “I am to marry you anyway.”
“A reminder to the others,” he simply replies.
You try your best not to snort. You had almost smirked in amusement once Aemond had presented you with the necklace. You pretended not to notice that the shades of the sapphires were far deeper than the color of your father’s house, but instead perfectly matches the shade of his left eye. You would not be surprised if the sapphires were cut from the same stone to what was in his face. 
Despite your initial reaction to the betrothal, you had found yourself charmed at the gesture- not that you would openly admit it. 
“Jacerys is fond of you,” Aemond says after a few moments. He had said nothing as you strolled through the gardens until now. “He is incredibly protective.”
You resist the urge to roll your eyes at Aemond’s hypocrisy, with the weight of your sapphire necklace sitting heavily on your neck a screaming reminder to anyone that you were spoken for. “He is my brother,” you reply instead, clutching Aemond’s arm. “My first knight before any of the others.”
Aemond gave another hmm, offering no reply until minutes later when he asked- “Does he fuck you?”
You halt immediately, eyes widening at the accusation. You blink at Aemond once trying to understand if you had heard him wrong. Aemond’s gaze looked at you expectantly. 
“What.” It came more of a statement than a question. 
“Does he fuck you?” Aemond calmly repeats, tugging your arm to continue your walk. If you weren’t too bewildered, you would have noticed the slight tremble in his hand.
“He’s my brother!” You protest, disgusted. Your face contorts in what you would imagine your expression would be if you had bitten into a lemon. 
Beside you Aemond scoffs. “As if that has ever stopped our family before.”
You tilt your head in consideration. Well- he’s not wrong. “He doesn’t. He wouldn’t dare,” you answer. “He is a gentleman to a fault. The only women he can talk to freely are me and our mother.”
Aemond’s eyes squint in thought. “Has he ever bedded a woman?”
“Why are we discussing Jacerys’…bedroom activities?” You snap. You do not want that image in your head, especially since his rooms in Dragonstone are directly beside yours. “Please remind me.”
Before you knew it, you had arrived at the courtyard where Aemond had been before he came to you at the gardens. Aemond slows down to a stop. 
“Tell me, my lady,” Aemond whispers as his nose trails your jaw. He has caged you in his presence behind a pillar in the courtyard. “Have you ever touched a man?”
You hitch a breath as you feel his hand clump your dress’s fabric, slowly pinching it up, up, up. You feel the summer breeze on your now exposed leg. Your eyes frantically roam the courtyard, wary of any person that was unfortunate enough to pass by, all the while Aemond’s face remains close to you.
You can feel every breath he takes and he lets out as he leans further in you like Aemond was taking a good sniff. 
“It’s alright,” he coos, his free arm patting your hair. “I admit I have lain with a woman before.” Your eyes snap to look at him, almost insulted. How dare he tell you this like you aren't his betrothed? You get the sudden urge to rip the necklace off you and throw them on the ground only to see his expression.
But it seems like your anger fuels him more.  “Aegon dragged me to a brothel,” Aemond explains, trying to placate you. “If I had known you were to be my wife I’d turn any woman away. So- tell me, my lady, have you?”
Aemond looks at you with a smiling look but you are still wary. 
“I have,” you admit quietly and Aemond’s face drops. 
“With who?” He shakes as he asks you this, his fist shaking as he holds your dress.
You see the Targaryen madness poets speak about your family in his violet eye that glints of violence no matter what you will say. The madness had killed the builders of the Red Keep, 
“A stableboy. In Dragonstone.” Your voice is a whisper as your own eyes look up to him nervously.
“A stableboy?” Aemond repeats, his eye glinting once more before your hand clamps on his wrist in a panic. Aemond’s hand has suddenly wrapped around your throat, squeezing threateningly. There was no dangerous pressure- not yet- but his hands shake like he wants to snap your head off. 
“Aemond-” you try to plead but he is far gone. 
“You sullied yourself for me,” he whispers incredulously, “for a stableboy?” 
“You have fucked a whore,” you seethe as you feel his hands tighten. 
Immediately, his hand is gone from your neck. His palm cups the back of your head and pushes it to his chest where he lays his chin on it. “It’s alright,” he whispers, all traces of malice gone from his voice. You feel the vibrations of his voice on your head. “With a mother with three bastards and a brother with hundreds more, we didn’t know any better did we?”
You try to rip yourself off him, insulted at his remark at your mother but his hand remains firmly behind your head. Aemond cages you with his palm and his leathers. 
“Shhh,” he whispers. You feel his fingers leave your dress as his palm makes contact with your thigh. You feel your eyes flutter as his hand roams your leg, his fingers gently caressing up, up, up-
“My prince, my princess.”
The way Aemond turned around to face the approaching servant was comically elegant, if his hand were’t so near your cunt just moments before. You try to calm your heart that was beating so loud that you were certain the servant would have heard it.
“There are dressmakers ready for you in your chambers.” To your dismay, the servant’s gaze turned worrisome at the sight of you. “My princess, are- are you alright? Shall I fetch the maester? You’re face is burning.”
“Oh,” You chuckle awkwardly, a hand coming up to your face. “I didn’t realize-”
“The princess is cold. No need for any maesters,” Aemond answers swiftly, before turning to you. “Come, my lady,” he coos mockingly with the devilish smile like he could hear the rapid beat of your heart. “The dressmakers are waiting.”
Absolute cunt.
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Troublemaker | Daemon x reader
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Summary: the three times Daemon is harassed by a tiny toddler. 
Warning: Age gap of around 10 years between reader and Daemon. Furthermore, Daemon did not marry Lady Rhea Royce. 
93 AC
At two and ten Daemon Targaryen had escaped his teacher. instead he preferred to spend his day underneath the Weirwood tree. The young prince was laying at the root of the tree with arms underneath his head while sleepily looking up at the sky. Somewhere he can hear one of his teachers call out to him. Without doubt wanting to enrich him with an ancient batter or the doom of old Valyria. Something he had learned about a thousand times. This morning has already been filled with sword fighting and while he rather would have ridden his dragon Caraxes he knew sneaking out the Dragon pit would be almost impossible. God knows what his brother Viserys was doing, and he was not really planning on finding out as his brother was probably going to snitch him to his teacher anyway. 
Something was tugging on his hair and annoyed he hoped his eyes looking around for the culprit that had interrupted his nap. With a frown on his forehead, he looks at the tiny toddler sitting content at his side. Their little plump fingers going through his hair and occasionally give a sharp tug. Other than the two of you the Godwoods is empty. No nursemaid or servant to be found. The little one was babbling content noises. Judging by the snit of her dress the little toddler was not a servant’s babe but a child of one of the noble ladies residing in the keep.  
He tried to ignore the toddler and closed his eyes again. It is not his responsibly to take care of a little girl that what the servants are for. A screech interrupted his rest once again and his eyes quicky found the little one once again. This time you were crawling away from him towards the table underneath the roofed area. The table was covered with a long cloth, hanging of the edge of table almost to the ground, the table was decked with silverware and set for a quick lunch. He knew the curiosity of toddlers and while you had crawled your way there, judging you age he knew you were old enough to be learning how to stand so he made his way towards you quickly. For such a little thing you were quick and had almost reached the table. He carefully scooped you up, but your little fist had managed to grip on to the tablecloth and with Daemons motion of scooping you up you had managed enough force to pull the silverware from the table. 
The silverware was clattering to the ground around Daemons feet, wine, and food clinging to his clothing. He groaned but to your amusement the sound of the silverware and his frustration made you giggle. A soft and innocent sound which Daemon had to admit made his heart melt. “Oh, you are enjoying this, little troublemaker.” His voice made an adorable smile spread on your face and he softly tickled you to make you laugh again. He swung you around back to the tree to sit down and keep you out of harm’s way. 
The sound of the silverware clattering to the ground had attracted maids and other public to see what was happening. As the maids were quickly and quietly cleaning up the mess you had made. A woman came running in. She let out a sign of relief when noticing you. Her color of her hair and eyes matched yours and Daemon was positively that it was your mother. “Oh, my baby.” The woman exclaimed while quickly gathering you into her arms. The little toddler did not seem to like being ripped out of Daemons embrace, who you had considered to be your friend as the toddler started frowning and making grabbing hands towards him. “I am sorry for the trouble she has caused my prince.” The woman apologized quietly while soothing her daughter. Who’s lip was starting to wobble. “Next time do not let her out of someone’s sight as she might not be so lucky.” He scolded the woman, which he recognized as one of the ladies of a noble house who had just arrived at court for the festivities. 
“Of course, my prince, thank you for watching over her.” The lady made a courtesy towards him. Daemon only nodded and walked past the woman with all intention to make haste and find new place to relax but your baby talk made him halt. He turned around towards you and with his index finger lightly fluttered over your little face. “She is a troublemaker that one.” And with that he took his leave. 
A few weeks later he was walking towards the courtyard to practice some sword fighting when he noticed a presence behind him. He looked over his shoulder and abruptly stopped when he saw you waddling behind him. “Ah the little troublemaker has mastered walking.” He said to the little toddler. Unbeknownst to him the door of the room you and your family was occupying was left open and when seeing him walking past you had seen your chance and followed him. You made grabby hands at him, and he saw that as a sign to pick you up. Content of being in his arms your hand grabbed at his long hair.  
“Och, little one let’s not do that.” He untangled his hair from your little hands but as soon as he freed his hair out of your grip your hands were back into his hair. He simply gave up and continued his way towards the courtyard where the training sessions were held. Along the way ignoring the glances of the people around him. 
His sword fight teacher raised an eyebrow when he saw the young prince come his way with the small toddler in his arms but said nothing. Only looked on in amusement when Daemon carefully sat the toddler down on a bench gave you a wooden dagger to play with, to keep you occupied and distracted. “She is a troublemaker that one.” Was the only thing the prince acknowledged about the toddler before focusing on the training. Somewhere in the middle of the training a maid who had been sent to look for you had taken you away. Which had resulted in your cries echoing across the courtyard displeased with being taken away while you had been playing with the wooden dagger and had been watching Daemon train with wide eyes of amazement. Daemon almost had snatched you out of the hands of the maid when your disagreement with the situation had made itself known. But decided against it as you were not family of him. His eyes followed the form of the maid who quickly carried you away.
Two months later he was properly introduced to the little toddler it was the name day of your older brother. His father, Viserys and he had made his way towards the garden where the party was held. His father properly introduced his brother and him to the family, and your mother stumbled over her words as she properly met the prince still aware of the time, he had scolded her for not watching her child.
The royal family had sat down on the provided chairs which were placed around the garden for the parents to be able to socialize and the children to run around and play. As soon as your little eyes had found him you had made your way towards him. Daemon had not noticed you sneaking up on him until you were tugging at his clothes. Your mother tried to distract you but to no avail. “Y/N, baby come here” You had only looked briefly towards your mother before again tugging these times more urgently at his clothes. Daemon looked down at you, the same smile on your little face as when he had first met you and again his heart melted. He picked you up and sat you in his lap. 
From there you had a great view and was watching other kids play around you while also sheepishly eyeing up the cakes standing on the table. Daemon quickly took notice of the cakes when he saw you attempting to crawl on the table. “Ah see your little trouble side is coming out again.” He spoke quietly to you making sure his brother could not jest him about talking to a toddler. You let out an adorable giggle at the sound of his voice and again tried to move closer to the cakes. “You just can not help it, can you?” Daemon kept an arm around your stomach to make sure you did not fall or lose balance before plating one of the cakes onto a plate and putting it in front of you. A little scream came from your mouth as the little cake you had been eyeing was now in front of you. 
Without much hesitation your hands grabbed the cake and brought it to your mouth. You leaned against Daemon with the cake in your hands clearly content with your position. Daemon let out a soft groan because of the crumbs that were falling onto his clothes. Your mother had given up on trying to coax you away from the prince. With a full belly and a comfortable position, you had quickly fallen asleep in Daemons arms. However, every time when your mother would try to lift you out of Daemons arms and give you to one of the maids. You would stir and start whining which ended up with Daemon being annoyed with your mother and telling her you were fine in his arms. He ignored his brother who was trying to stifle his laugh across from him at the table clearly finding it amusing how much his brother was wrapped around the toddler little finger.
In the end Daemon was the one who had carried you back to the castle. Nobody allowed to get you out of his arms. He loved the feeling of that responsibility, caring for you was slowly but surely one of his favorite things. While his brother was jesting that you had imprinted on him like a little baby rabbit. Daemon could only relinquish in the feeling that you had chosen him to do so.
Slowly he placed you in your bed. He brushed your baby hairs before leaving the room without another glance. Missing the little smile that graced your lips even in your sleep.
111 AC
Daemon was nervously tugging at the collar of his jacket while looking around the great hall trying to not meet the eye of a single spectator. The great hall was transformed into a magical place where the wedding ceremony was going to take place. Sun light was lighting up the room making the golden and white wand decorations handing from the walls shine. Flowers were wrapped around the columns and the tacitly pleased around the room. You had planned it out to the last detail even the broach on which tied the cape and his jacket together. 
You had gifted it to him last night. It was a golden dragon midflight with its wings stretched out. It was unlike the Targaryen crest, and he had never been gifted something this thoughtful. For its eye was a single ruby. “For the color of Caraxes scales.” You had proudly stated while pinning it to his wedding attire so that it would all be ready for tomorrow. Like he said you had planned everything. Before he could properly thank you, you had all but ran out the room. Screaming back at him that he would have to wait one more night. 
Once again, he roams the space, and his eyes briefly meet your parents. While he practically had to beg your dad for your hand your mother was already wiping her tears away. Your father was a little less pleased as he glared at Daemon with a stoic face. Your father was not a fan of the 10 years age gap, as well reputation of rogue prince. However very much like Daemon you had both of them wrapped around your finger from a verry young age. Every marriage proposal you had rejected in favor of this one. After all you had dreamed about this wedding for ages and what you want you would get even if your dad was not totally aboard with it. As a father he had his concerns and Daemons reputation did not paint him in a favorable light. 
The music starts playing and Daemon shifts his attention to the big heavy doors. The doors are opened by two knights and within seconds you are making you way down the rows of people. You were wearing a heavily decorate golden gown with flowers and little stars on it. The trail of wedding dress is in a long trail behind you, shifting the flowers that mark the path towards the altar on the ground slightly. In your hair is a grand diadem set with rubies and diamonds. Around your neck is a necklace set with stones where part of it drops downs and settles between the valley of your breast. The necklace together with the drop earrings was his engagement gift for you. You had only worn them once before showing them off at their engagement feast before locking them up and saving them for your wedding day. 
 You had almost reached the altar and Daemon reached out his hands to help you up it. You looked like a goddess with the sunlight warming your face and making your dress sparkle. You take his hands in yours and squeeze it to reassure yourself that this is all happening, and it is not just a dream. The maids in charge of the trail delicately place it around you when you stand in front of your soon to be husband before they take a step back. The septon comes forwards and hushes the crowd. You smile nervously at him, as if you had only just noticed the crowd. 
 “Who is giving away the bride?” the septon asks. “I am!” your father voices bellows through the sept. He climbs the stairs of the altar and slowly takes of the beautiful made cloak in your house colors. The cloak is heavily decorated and reaches all the way to the floor. “You sure about this honey, we can still make a run for it.” Your father tries to joke but you see the emotion in his eyes. “Yes father, he is the man I want to marry.” You sneak a glance at Daemon who is tense, clearly having heard the conversation and you father offering you a way out. Your father only nods a response before kissing your forehead and returning to stand next to your mother. 
 “Now who is to claim her?” Daemon reaches out to the servant who is holding his cloak. As he unfurls the cloak the crowd gasps at the sight of the cloak. The cloak was of a black fabric and looked velvety of texture. The dragon was made from red thread but in the light of the sun it seemed to reflect and glimmer. Just as your house cloak this one reached the ground as well. the chain that would hold the cloak around your shoulders was made of gold and the clasp was another dragon quite similar to the broach Daemon was wearing. He now understood why you were persistent on that dragon. 
He stepped closer to you and your usually scent invaded his senses. He smiled at you and carefully wrapped the cloak around you before fasting it. His finger ghosted over the rounding of your breast before he dutifully stepped a step back. keeping the appropriate distance between the two of you. “With the exchange of cloaks, the bride has passed from the protection of her father into her husband’s protection.” The septon declares before moving to take up the wine cup. 
He leads the prayer and blesses the cup before giving it to Daemon. Without breaking eye contact Daemon takes a sip out of the cup. tasting the bitter taste of the wine before swallowing it. He takes the cup to your lips and tentatively tilts it so you can take a sip out of it. “Let this wine be the first of many things they will share between them,” The septon once again declares before taking the cup away. 
 The septon then gestures for the bride and groom to take each other’s hands. “Repeat after me.” Daemon for the first time during the ceremony looks at the septon and from the corner of his eye he sees you doing the same. “With this kiss I pledge my love and take you for my lady and wife.” Daemons eyes are back on yours while he repeats the septon. “With this kiss I pledge my love and take you for my lady and wife.” You feel your cheeks warm at his words and can’t help but look at the way his lips move while speaking his vows. The septon now turns to you. “With this kiss I pledge my love and take you for my lord and husband.” Without hesitation you repeat the words and intuitive take a step forwards. Daemon places his hand up your waist. 
“Then in the power invested in me by the faith of the seven I declare you man and wife as they are one flesh, one heart, one soul now and forever and may they live a long and fruitful live.” Before the septon has even finished his speech Daemon pulls you into his chest. Your hand bracing for the impact lays on his chest. With his free hand he tilts your chin upwards and presses his lips against you. The world around you goes silent, no longer are you hearing the clapping of the invited lords and ladies. Your whole attention and senses are dedicated to the prince in your arms. A prince you can now proudly call yours. You feel his free hand roam its way down to your butt. The Septon clears his throat obviously uncomfortable at the sight of that and reluctant Daemon ends the kiss. “You are stuck with me, little troublemaker.” You smile up at him blissfully still in his warm embrace. “I would not have it any other way.”  
Part 2
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