#Galleria Six
marcogiovenale · 6 months
23 marzo, milano: mostra di gianluca codeghini, "baciare, toccare e urlare a distanza"
Gianluca Codeghini Baciare, toccare e urlare a distanza Galleria Six Piazza Piola 5 Milano Opening 23 marzo 2024 ore 18 Fino al 4 maggio 2024 In questa terza mostra personale presso la galleria Six, Gianluca Codeghini riduce ai minimi termini ogni sua certezza concettuale e formale, annulla ogni possibile approdo – al punto tale da lasciare nello spettatore l’incertezza di essere altrove, come…
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blueiscoool · 1 month
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Rome's Vestal Virgins: Protectors of The City's Sacred Flame
Chosen as young girls, the priestesses of Vesta, goddess of the hearth, swore a 30-year vow of chastity and in turn were granted rights, privileges, and power unavailable to other women in Rome.
Marcus Licinius Crassus was one of the richest and most powerful Roman citizens in the first century B.C. Yet he nearly lost it all, his life included, when he was accused of being too intimate with Licinia, a Vestal Virgin. He was brought to trial, where his true motives emerged. As the first-century historian Plutarch recounts, Licinia was the owner of “a pleasant villa in the suburbs which Crassus wished to get at a low price, and it was for this reason that he was forever hovering about the woman and paying his court to her.” When it became clear that Crassus’ wooing was motivated by avarice rather than lust, he was acquitted, saving both his and Licinia’s lives.
One of the most remarkable elements of this story is the fact that Licinia owned a villa in the first place. Unlike other women, Licinia could own property precisely because she was a Vestal Virgin. The story of her trial also reveals how that privilege came with a price: A Vestal Virgin had to abstain from sex, a sacred obligation to one of Rome’s most ancient customs that would continue until Christianity ended the cult in A.D. 394.
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FIRE GODDESS: The remains of the Temple of Vesta stand in the Roman Forum. Unlike most temples, it did not contain a central image of the goddess. It was the site of the holy fire and a repository of various sacred artifacts.
Vestal Veneration
According to Roman authors, the cult was founded by Numa Pompilius, a semi-mythical Roman king who ruled around 715 to 673 B.C. Unlike most Roman religious cults, worship of Vesta was run by women. The hearth was sacred to this goddess, one of Rome’s three major virgin goddesses (the other two being Minerva and Diana). The rites surrounding the Vestals remained relatively fixed from the time of the Roman Republic through the fourth century A.D.
Six virgin priestesses were dedicated to Vesta as full-time officiates who lived in their own residence, the Atrium Vestae in the Roman Forum. The Vestals’ long tradition gave Romans a reassuring thread of continuity and may explain the Temple of Vesta’s traditional circular form, a style associated with rustic huts in the city’s deep past.
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KEEP THE FIRE The Vestal Virgins tend the sacred fire of Vesta, on whose protection Rome depends. 17th-century oil painting by Ciro Ferri, Galleria Spada, Rome
This place of worship, which lay alongside the Atrium, was where the priestesses tended the goddess’s sacred fire. Once a year, in March, they relit the fire and then ensured it remained burning for the next year. Their task was serious as the fire was tied to the fortunes of their city, and neglect would bring disaster to Rome.
To become a Vestal was the luck of the draw. Captio, the process whereby the girls were selected to leave their families and become priestesses, is also the Latin word for “capture”—a telling turn of phrase that evokes the kidnapping of women for brides that took place in archaic Rome. Records from 65 B.C. show that a list of potential Vestals was drawn up by the Pontifex Maximus, Rome’s supreme religious authority. Candidates had to be girls between the ages of six and 10, born to patrician parents, and free from mental and physical defects. Final candidates were then publicly selected by lot. Once initiated, they were sworn to Vesta’s service for 30 years.
On being selected, their life was spent at the Atrium Vestae in a surrogate family, presided over by older Vestals. In addition to room and board, they were entitled to their own bodyguard of lictors. For the first 10 years they were initiates, taught by the older priestesses. Then they became priestesses for a decade before taking on the mentoring duties of the initiates for the last 10 years of their service.
Training the Novices
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"The School of the Vestal Virgins" 19th-century colorized engraving by L. Hector Leroux.
After lots were drawn from the list of young girls who could serve Vesta, initiates were brought to the Atrium Vestae, where their training would begin. The training was overseen by the chief priestess, the Vestalis Maxima, who came under the authority of the Pontifex Maximus. The first 10 years were spent training for their duties. They would spend the second decade actively administering rites, and the final 10 were spent training novices. The chastity of the priestesses was a reflection of the health of Rome itself. Although spilling a virgin’s blood to kill her was a sin, this did not preclude the infliction of harsh corporal punishment. First-century historian Plutarch writes: “If these Vestals commit any minor fault, they are punishable by the high-priest only, who scourges the offender.”
Public monies and donations to the order funded the cult and the priestesses. In Rome religion and government were tightly intertwined. The organization of the state closely mirrored that of the basic Roman institution: the family. The center of life of the Roman home, or domus, was the hearth, tended by the matriarch for the good of her family and husband. In the same way, the Vestals tended Vesta’s flame for the good of the state.
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A silver denarius, also from the second century B.C., bears a representation of the circular Temple of Vesta.
Unlike other Roman women, Vestals enjoyed certain privileges: In addition to being able to own property and enjoying certain tax exemptions, Vestals were emancipated from their family’s patria potestas, patriarchal power. They could make their own wills and give evidence in a court of law without being obliged to swear an oath.
Thirty Years of Chastity
These rights came at a high price: 30 years of enforced chastity. Many historians believe that the health of the state was tied to the virtue of its women; because the Vestals’ purity was both highly visible and holy, penalties for a Vestal breaking her vow of chastity were draconian. As it was forbidden to shed a Vestal Virgin’s blood, the method of execution was immuration: being bricked up in a chamber and left to starve to death. Punishment for her sexual partner was just as brutal: death by whipping. Throughout Roman history, instances are cited of these grim sentences being passed.
Jealousy or malice made the women vulnerable to false accusations. One story, celebrated by several Roman writers, concerns the miracle of the Vestal Virgin Tuccia, who was falsely accused of being unchaste. According to tradition, Tuccia beseeched Vesta for help and miraculously proved her innocence by carrying a sieve full of water from the Tiber.
Allegations of crimes against the Vestals’ chastity sometimes went to the top of the social order. The flamboyantly eccentric, third-century emperor Elagabalus actually married a serving Vestal Virgin. It is a sign of the enduring symbolic importance of the cult that this heresy was one major factor that led to his deposal and murder.
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The Vestal Tuccia, falsey accused of breaking her chastity vow, is saved by the intervention of Vesta, who enables her to carry water in a sieve from the Tiber back to the temple. 17th-century painting by Giovanni Battista Beinaschi.
Vestal Vestments
The ceremonial dress of Vestals highlights their dual, and somewhat contradictory, embodiment of both the maternal and the chaste. Physical appearance was an integral part of their role, making them stand out as different from other women, but also echoing physical traits of conventional women.
Dressed in white, the color of purity, the Vestal Virgins wore stola, long gowns worn by Roman matrons. Hair and headdresses played an important symbolic function. The Vestal hairstyle is described in Roman sources using an ancient Latin phrase, the seni crines. Historians cautiously agree it means “sixbraids,” and is mentioned as the coiffure of both Vestal Virgins and brides. A Vestal wore the suffibulum, a short, white cloth similar to a bride’s veil, kept in place with a brooch, the fibula. Around their heads they wore a headband, the infula, which was associated with Roman matrons.
Daily rites for Vestals were often centered around the temple. Most important was maintaining the holy fire. If the fire went out, the attending Vestals would be suspected not only of neglect but also of licentiousness, since it was believed impurity in a Vestal’s relations would cause a fire to go out. Other typical duties included the purification of the temple with water, which had to be drawn from a running stream. In readiness for the numerous festivals that required their attendance, the priestesses were required to bake salsa mola, a cake of meal and salt that was sprinkled on the horns of sacrificed animals. Important religious festivals included the Vestalia, dedicated to their goddess, Vesta, and the Lupercalia, which highlights the contradictory role of the Vestal Virgins, as it was closely associated with fertility.
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A representation of a Vestal Virgin.
A Roman Tradition
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A bust of Numa Pompilius from the Villa Albani Museum in Rome, believed to have been sculpted in the Roman Imperial Period.
Romans believed the cult of the Vestal Virgins was instituted under the eighth-century B.C. king Numa Pompilius, the successor of Rome’s founder, Romulus. First-century A.D. historian Plutarch wrote that Numa may have “considered the nature of fire to be pure and uncorrupted and so entrusted it to uncontaminated and undefiled bodies.“ Numa is credited by Livy, in his History of Rome, with formalizing other key Roman cults, including those of Jupiter and Mars. Many historians believe Numa was legendary, and that the worship of Vesta and other cults developed slowly out of pre-Roman customs, perhaps dating back to the older Etruscan culture that dominated Italy before the rise of Rome.
In the innermost part of their temple, the priestesses looked after their secret talismans. Among these objects was the sacred phallus, the fascinus, the representation of a minor god of the same name. The fascinus (the root of the word “fascinate”) is closely bound with magic and fertility. It was also in this part of the temple that they probably kept the palladium, the statue of Pallas Athena that the legendary founder of Rome, Aeneas, brought to Italy after the destruction of Troy, his home city—another aspect of the Vestal cult that tied Rome’s origins into an ennobling and ancient tradition.
Romans regarded these priestesses with a sense of awe. Plutarch points out “they were also keepers of other divine secrets, concealed from all but themselves.” It was believed they possessed magical powers: If anybody condemned to death saw a Vestal on his way to being executed, he was to be freed, so long as it could be proven the meeting was not by design. Vestals, it was said, could stop a runaway slave in his tracks.
The privileged position of the Vestal Virgins in Roman society survived for more than a thousand years, passing through Rome’s changing systems of monarchy, republic, and empire. The cult would not, however, survive Christianity. In A.D. 394 Theodosius closed the House of the Vestals forever, freeing the virgins from their obligations, but also removing their privileges.
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VIEW OF THE VESTAThe ruins of the Atrium Vestae stand in the Roman Forum. The rectangular pools formed a part of the complex’s long, central patio. To the right of the Atrium are the remains of the Temple of Vesta, and behind the wall are the three remaining columns of the Temple of Castor and Pollux.
Even as their flame was extinguished, aspects of the cult may have passed into the new faith as it swept through the Mediterranean. Just as the position of the Pontifex Maximus lived on in the papal title “pontiff,” young women in the early years of Roman Christianity embraced virginity and celibacy in their desire to be “eunuchs for the love of heaven.” Scholars believe the role of the Christian nun was inspired, in part, by the chaste figures who dutifully tended the holy flame of Vesta.
By Elda Biggi.
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hotcryptidsinyourarea · 2 months
Falling for the Frogman of Loveland, Ohio
story synopsis: Molly is a 30-something cookbook editor who has decided to move from New York to Loveland, Ohio after a bad breakup and a desire for a fresh start. She is instantly attracted to her neighbor Jeremiah's midwestern charms, but this local guy is much more than meets the eye...
human (she/her) + interdimensional humanoid frogman (he/him)
cw: aint-shit brooklyn hipster ex-boyfriend. millennial real estate angst. Ohio.
Chapter 1
I never thought in a million years I would end up in Ohio of all places. I’ve always fancied myself a real City Girl type. I grew up in the Houston metro area where I was more likely to be perusing the Galleria or eating sushi than I was engaging in any of the more agrarian behaviors outsiders assume Texans are wont to do but largely don’t. And then as soon as I graduated, I made my way to New York to officially start my life in the city I would never leave, as far as I was concerned.
But after 14 years of scraping by, 14 years of overpriced rent and skipping meals in order to afford the bills, I’ve had enough. I sold my furniture, wrapped up my loose ends, and made a break to escape the rat race. 
Okay, maybe I’m not some maverick refusing to buy into the capitalist hustle. My grand escape from New York is a little less Snake Plimson and more desperate-slash-dumped. I was supposed to move in with my boyfriend Mark, the gorgeous and brilliant photographer I had been seeing for three whole years. My lease with my last roommate was coming to an end, so Mark and I decided to do what grown ups supposedly do and finally get a place together to embark on the whole domestic bliss thing. I was absolutely looking forward to having someone to split expenses with, but even more so it felt like I was finally becoming a real adult. Moving in with your boyfriend in New York is, as far as lifestyle accomplishments go, the equivalent of getting married and having kids for people in the burbs. And I was ready to start this next chapter of my life knowing I was on track with the milestones expected of me. 
Unfortunately, Mark was not ready. At the big age of 36, he came to the conclusion that he didn’t know himself well enough to get tied down to a life of commitment– or even the eighteen months our lease would occupy. “There’s so much I still want to do,” he said. “It would be unfair to you if I was here physically, when my heart and soul are somewhere else,” he said. I wanted to deck him.  
Honestly, I can get over the rejection from a man who was self-admittedly only half present, but his dumping me put me in a position far more precarious than heartbreak: sitting there with just six weeks to find an affordable place to live in New York City. Not impossible, mind you, but a significant burden where I will absolutely be forced to make concessions regarding what I want. I was looking down the barrel of a too much for too little housing situation that I’d be stuck in for the foreseeable future. It wasn’t out of the realm of possibility that I would end up in a street level roach motel with a toilet in the kitchen for no less than $4000/month. 
But after a few hours online searching for options, the algorithm gods smiled down upon me. I was scrolling through my feed having just double tapped on a high school friend’s baby announcement when I saw it: a targeted ad that read: GET PAID $30,000 TO LIVE AND WORK IN OHIO. 
$30k is not going to make me a wealthy woman, by any means, but it’s a hell of a lot more than I stood to lose trying to find acceptable lodging in the city. And while I had a decent social circle I didn’t want to abandon, my desire to go out and spend my free time (as well as my not-so-free-money) had dwindled as of late. I found myself avoiding the parties and bars where I more often than not spent the evening straining my voice just to have a simple conversation with someone I can barely even hear in favor of staying in to read with a glass of wine while brainstorming fan theories with other members of one of the several fandom Discord channels I belong to. And my job has essentially become 100% remote as of late. Any essential meetings I may need to attend could be covered as a business trip, but considering most of my job involves research and grunt work versus client-facing duties, it likely wouldn’t come up at all. I was free to leave New York. 
That is to say, my curiosity was piqued. So I clicked. And I applied. Then in what felt like a whirlwind courting, I was put into contact with a state worker who walked me through the grant application with the kind of midwestern charm I found refreshing after over a decade of city cynicism. I was then presented with a selection of eligible properties, mortgage options, and even connections to discounted moving services. Seemingly quicker than one could say “buckeye state,” I had a home lined up for me. 
A month later, here I am: driving west to Loveland, Ohio. I would never admit it out loud to my friends in New York, but when I saw the option for the little single story bungalow in a town called Loveland, I was instantly drawn to the romanticism of the name. I’ve never considered myself a romantic. After all, my last relationship was built more upon a desire to live a D.I.N.K. lifestyle than some sort of deep, burning passion between two souls made of the same. But finding this opportunity to start anew in an actual hand-to-god house that I could feasibly own felt more like a whirlwind case of woo than dating men ever did. After all, having a place of one’s own to which she can safely escape has been an unattainable dream for women throughout the recorded centuries. 
I am not so jaded as to deny the appeal of true romantic love; the security of a trusted partner and the comfort of consistent, pleasurable sex is not something I would turn away if it presented itself. But I also accept the fact that those ideals are born from a rather modern mindset born from the emergence of the bored middle class who desired a genteel way to express their own horniness disguised under the veil of “art.” 
Well, I mostly know that. Maybe it’s all I’m allowing myself to believe in order to keep myself from being disappointed when I inevitably never experience the kind of love that makes one write poems and paint portraits. I mean, there’s ample evidence in this world that some people truly do fall in love  I recently read that the English poet and surrealist patron Edward James was so in love with his dancer wife Tilly Losch, he had the impressions of her footsteps woven into the stair’s carpet in their home together, creating a tribute to their shared intimacy and the love he held not just for her physicality, but her contribution towards turning their house into his home. 
Of course, Edward and Tilly ended up divorced. To his credit, James didn’t destroy the carpet upon the dissolution of his marriage and her subsequent campaign to pin it on his bisexuality rather than her infidelity. Instead he ended up donating it to an arts’ college and replaced the one in his home with a new commission– this time, featuring the pawprints of his beloved dog. C’est l’amour! One day you’re in love with your gorgeous dancer wife and her elegant footsteps, the next, she’s outing you in divorce court and you’re making lobster telephones with Salvador Dalí. 
So with all that in mind, I find myself here in the Cincinnati suburbs, heading directly to my new life in a land of love smack dab in the middle of The Heart of It All. But despite how it sounds, I’m not holding out for a hero. I will happily settle for falling in love with my new life and my new house. 
I may not be in love, but I am definitely crushing on my new place. As I pull into the driveway, I feel my heartbeat quicken in excitement. It’s so BIG! I mean, I’m from Houston– I know how big houses can be and this isn’t a mansion by any means. In fact, the listing called it a “modern cottage” style, insinuating that it’s on the smaller side of homes. But I’ve been apartment dwelling in New York for so long, I feel unsure about what to do with so much space to myself. I don’t have even close to enough furnishings to fill this place. There shall be much shopping in my foreseeable future. And there isn’t just a yard– there’s two! I might take up gardening. Maybe I’ll get a dog. My head is swimming with the possibilities. 
I grab my bags from the car and saunter up to the front door. It’s not my first time across the threshold– I flew out here before closing to oversee the inspection and get to know the area. But none of that diminishes my excitement. After all, this is my first home! I get to have a little bit of romanticization within the experience. As a treat.
The first thing to notice when walking into the house is the spacious open-plan kitchen and living area. The kitchen is what really excited me about this house. As an editor for cookbooks, I spend a lot of time there developing and testing. And now with all this room, I can fill it with every specialized tool and rare ingredients my little heart desires. The kitchen island fills the space and features a dozen or so drawers and cabinets of all different shapes and sizes to accommodate all my storage needs. And the appliances are perfect. The refrigerator is a pistachio green color with a design that looks like it came straight out of the 1950s, but it’s actually brand new and energy efficient. The stove features a gas range as well as a griddle top– the kind my Nana used to make us pancakes whenever we’d stay with her over Christmas. There’s also plenty of room for me to set up a desk for when the actual writing needs to occur. I’m going to get so much done!
The rest of the house is perfect for me. The master bedroom faces the east, so the sun pours in as soon as it rises. The connecting bathroom has a huge clawfoot tub AND a corner shower with rain-style fixtures. The second-largest room features floor-to-ceiling built-in bookcases that basically called to me when I first saw them in the listing. I was planning on converting it into a dual-use library-slash-guest room, but now that I’m here, I wonder if I’ll be willing to share it with any guests. Is it considered gauche for a grown woman to commit an entire room to house her hardcover romantasy collection? Well, they might just have to call me fucking gauche because I am seriously considering it.
Besides, the smallest third bedroom could serve as a perfectly adequate guest room. It can barely fit more than a bed and a dresser, but it would work. Between the future library and future guest room is the second bathroom. It’s not as nice as the master bath, but all the fixtures are new and the tiling is a really cute black and white subway style that will go well with the modernist decor I have in mind. 
But decorating, working, filling up bookshelves– those are all to-do items for the near future. At the moment, I should really focus on the tasks at hand. First, I need to unload the rest of my things still in the car. The storage pod I have the majority of my possessions in is scheduled to be in my driveway in a couple days, but I brought the bare necessities along with me. After that, I will need to get some food in me. I make a mental grocery list while I unload the car. 
I got the entire $30k from the grant, but I only needed $20k for the down payment, leaving me with a nice chunk of change to invest in a new-to-me hybrid sedan. I haven’t owned a car since I sold the one I drove in high school after graduation. But considering I grew up in a city that is mostly a collection of zig-zagging freeways and pavement, I am pretty comfortable behind the wheel even after all these years of living by the graces of public transportation. The autonomy granted with a personal vehicle is not lost on me. No more showing up late due to MTA delays or having to avert my eyes from strange male passengers whose hands are conspicuously not in plain sight, though still in visible motion. Instead, I now get to enjoy the comfort of a working air conditioner and the freedom to belt out Beyoncé songs at the top of my lungs. Which is exactly what I do on my drive to the supermarket.
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gaytwirights · 1 month
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Damned By Heavenly Stigma - a Seth Twiright fanmix
Alive - Frank Wildhorn
You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid - The Offspring
Alone - Nico Collins
Candle Queen - Ghost
Butcher Vanity - Vane Lily
Bliss - Dewdroppe
Like A Dog - Ferry
Galleria - Hiiragi Kirai
Wag Kang Bibitaw - Steampianist
It Should've Been Me - R.I.P
Six Feet Under - Vane Lily
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spotify link
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garadinervi · 1 year
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John Baldessari, Throwing Three Balls in the Air to Get a Straight Line (Best of Thirty-Six Attempts), Edizioni Giampaolo Prearo / Galleria Toselli, Milano, 1973 [Rosemary Furtak Collection, Walker Art Center Library, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN. © John Baldessari]
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iww-gnv · 8 months
The union representing Hollywood musicians begins bargaining on Monday with demands for streaming residuals and protections from artificial intelligence. The American Federation of Musicians kicked off the talks with a rain-soaked rally at the Sherman Oaks Galleria, home of the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers, which bargains on behalf of the major studios. The musicians’ top issues are the same ones that forced Hollywood writers and actors to go on strike last year, paralyzing the industry for six months. Like the other unions, the AFM is not seeking to completely block artificial intelligence or “instrument replacement technology.” But the union wants to make sure that musicians can use it as a tool, and are not cast aside in the process. “We’re not Luddites,” said Tino Gagliardi, international president of the union. “In fact, a lot of our people are developing this stuff. We need consent. We need compensation. And we need credit.” The AFM represents about 70,000 members across the U.S. and Canada, including recording musicians as well as touring artists and orchestra and nightclub performers.
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middleearthpixie · 2 years
Seven Days ~ Chapter Twenty-Six
Seven Days -  Modern Tolkien AU
Firefighter Frerin Durin died in a fire set deliberately. But after he helps his brother, Thorin find happiness, Frerin is offered a second chance. He has to prove himself worthy by righting the one major wrong in his life. Otherwise, history will repeat and he will die for good this time. The catch? He has seven days in which to do this and isn’t even certain what his major wrong is.
At least, he doesn’t know for long. 
Syd Prescott has known Frerin since high school. She spent one night with him and then he vanished from her life. Now, he claims he wants to make it up to her, to right was he realizes was his major wrong. But can she trust him? And can he prove to her that she can before it’s too late? 
Pairing: Modern!Frerin x OFC Syd Prescott
Characters: Frerin, Syd, Alex, Nico, Tori, Dave Brewer,
Warnings: None
Rating: T
Word Count: 3.6K
Tag List: @mrsdurin @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @fizzyxcustard @legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being @rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketch-and-write-lover @sherala007 @enchantzz @knittastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell @jotink78 @frosticenow @quiall321 @dianakc @msjava1972
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here.
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“Are you sure this is a good idea?”
Syd shook her head as she and Alex sat in Alex’s Bug, staring up at the outside facade of Bloomingdale’s at the Cranford Falls Mall. “No, I don't know if it’s a good idea or not, Lex. All I know is Frerin swore one of the women working at the Galleria was Tori.”
“So, we’re going to what? Confront her? Drag her out behind the dumpsters and kick her ass? What?”
“I don't know,” Syd snapped, her stomach twisting into knots. “I’m sorry, Lex. I—I just don't know what I’m going to do. I don't know if I’m going to do anything yet. I just want to see her for myself.”
“You know what she looks like?”
Syd nodded. Tori’s image was burned into her brain, the smug smile she offered Syd as she knelt alongside Frerin’s body in that smoke choked warehouse forever seared into her memory. “Yeah, I know what she looks like, but she won’t look like her.”
“So, how will you know, then?”
“I just think I’ll know. And I know that sounds ridiculous, but I also know you know what mean.”
“Yeah,” Alex said with a sigh, “I do.”
They sat there in silence for a few more minutes. Syd didn't want to move, didn’t really want to go into the mall because she didn't doubt for a moment Frerin saw Tori and she didn't doubt for a moment she would recognize Tori even if she wasn’t the same woman Syd remembered from the fire. As she told Alex, she would just know. 
“Syd,” Alex shifted on her seat to look over at her, “what are you going to do if we see her?”
“I have no idea. I just—I need to see her myself, to see what I have to deal with.”
“You gave Frerin a nazar, right?”
“Gram gave him hers.”
Syd nodded. “That’s how I know she is taking it—and Frerin—seriously. She didn’t hesitate, Lex, but took us upstairs and gave it to him.”
“And did he put up a fight?”
“No. He wears a St. Florian medallion.” Syd paused for a moment. “You know, he told me the night he died, he wasn't wearing it. So, I’d say he believes.”
“Thorin has a St. Michael medallion in his truck.”
Syd looked over at her. “Frerin never takes it off. He sleeps in it, showers with it, it’s always around his neck.”
“So, why did he take it off that night, then?”
He glanced down at her as he tucked it back beneath his shirt. “She didn't like when it hit her—” He stopped, mindful of Gram’s presence—“I just took it off.”
He’d looked so uncomfortable when he’d said it, with Gram offering up that knowing look Syd had seen so often and having met Lisa, she could hardly say she was surprised by his reason. “His girlfriend at the time didn't like when he wore it during sex. It’s on a fairly long chain and it… swings kind of wildly at times.”
“It’s hit me a few times, but it’s not like it hurts or anything. It just kind of bounces off my chin or the end of my nose. No big.” She shrugged, then turned back to look at Bloomie’s once more. It was probably only her imagination, but she could almost see the darkness descending upon the mall. How on earth did Tori find her way to heaven, as Syd assumed that was where Frerin had been? He was a firefighter, a selfless occupation according to the power he referred to as the Big Guy. Where else would a firefighter go?
Her thoughts slid to Frerin and she hoped he was all right. He was on the opposite side of town, but the haze from it was visible in the distance. A sigh touched her lips, but she held it at bay. She couldn't wait for this to be over, for them to be rid of Tori and able to get on with their life.
“He asked me to marry him, Lex,” she said softy without looking away from the mall. 
“I know. You told me this.”
“No, I mean, he just wants to do it now.” Now she looked over at her sister, whose expression remained neutral. “And I do, too.”
“You’re going to elope?”
“I think so, yeah. We can do a wedding and all that later if we want, but I kind of like the idea of him and me going to Aruba and getting married on a beach or something.”
“Syd, you’ve been a couple for like ten days.”
“I know, but it’s weird, because it just feels like we’ve been together forever. And it feels right.”
“When something is right, it’s right.”
“It is.”
“That’s what Thorin said when we first started seeing each other,” Alex told her. “And I know what you mean about feeling like you’ve been together forever. I felt that way with him as well.”
“You promise you won’t say anything?”
“I promise, Syd.” Alex reached over to clasp her hand and gave it a squeeze. “You ready to go in?”
“No. But I have to.” Syd squeezed back and then released her hand to open her car door. The wind sweeping the parking lot was a frigid blast that nearly yanked the door from her grasp and as she climbed out of the car, her hair whipped about her face, wrapping about her head. 
She swept it back, then closed her door. Alex climbed out as well, dropping her keys into the pocket of her too-big Lands End coat. “So, what are we even doing?”
“I don't know just yet.” Syd peered at her over the Bug’s roof. “I think I first want to see if she is even here today. Frerin said she was working at Harper’s.”
“Why was he there?” Alex shot her a knowing look.
Syd smiled. “Christmas is coming and he is a guy. He thinks jewelry is the law. But, that’s really not important now, is it?” 
“No, I don’t suppose it is.” Alex glanced at the mall’s innocent pale stone exterior, a frost cloud forming as she exhaled. “I’m kind of scared, Syd. I mean, what if something happens?”
“We run?” Syd came around the Bug’s nose and slipped her arm through her sister’s. “I really don't know. But, let me just give you a heads’ up—don't let her touch you.”
“I think that might be how she is able to take someone over.”
“Like that movie? That old one that was on television not too long ago? With the demon?”
“Kind of. Only, that wasn’t a demon, he was an angel and that’s why I think she can do it as well.”
“She’s an angel?”
Syd nodded, giving a tug on Alex’s arm to start them toward the mall. “Frerin died, right? And he’s a firefighter, so that’s a selfless profession by nature, which means he’s already got a leg up on most people, so to speak. So, I think had he not been given the chance to come back, he’d have been made an angel as well. And that’s what I think Tori was supposed to be.”
They stepped up onto the sidewalk, which was gritty with salt scattered all along it, leaving jagged whitish outlines and markings all along the concrete. “Frerin told me she was a teacher who died in a school shooting, but what if it wasn't the sacrifice people think it is? What if she died trying to keep herself from getting shot and not one of the kids?”
Alex had been reaching for the door handle and stopped halfway, her arm still extended, and stared at her. “What?”
“What if she wasn't trying to shield her kids, but get out of the classroom or wherever she was?”
“Damn, that would be cold.”
“Yeah, and it would probably get you into heaven—if that’s what it is—at least at first. And he said he thought she was his guide, but it turns out he was hers. So… my guess is she’s a fallen angel or a fallen angle in training or whatever she’d been called before officially achieving angeldom. And yes, I’m pretty sure I just made that word up.”
“A fallen angel moves through people by touch.” Alex sighed softy as she grabbed hold of the door and tugged. “So, we can’t let anyone touch anyone. Do you know how difficult that could be?”
“Yep. Be careful.”
“Be careful, she says.” Alex rolled her eyes. 
“I know. I know…But try, okay?”
They made their way through Bloomingdale’s, avoiding any and all contact with any other people. When they stepped out into the main walkway, Alex looked over. “Harper’s?”
Syd nodded. “Harper’s.”
The mall was relatively empty, mostly young mothers pushing strollers and old people power walking, and avoiding them all was simple. Still, as they neared the entrance to Harper’s, Syd’s heartbeat sped up. Frerin didn't tell her what Tori looked like now, but somehow, like she’d told Alex, she had the feeling she’d just know. 
As they neared Harper’s, the nazar nestled against the hollow of her neck seemed to grow warmer, which gave Syd pause. That had never happened before, just as it had never felt like it hummed against her.
“I promise you, Syd, I won’t take it off. Hell, I took off St. Florian and died in a fire. I’m not stupid enough to make the same mistake twice.”
St. Florian. St. Michael. Nazar. All amulets to ward off harm and she wondered how many firefighters and cops wore them, but never gave a second thought to them having any sort of power? She knew the power they were supposed to have, but always considered it with a bit of skepticism. After all, she and her sisters wore nazars on a regular basis, and yet, she’d never stopped to think it was anything more that superstition.
But now, the small glass disk had grown warmer still and she knew the same happened to Alex’s when her sister looked over and said, “You feel it, don’t you?”
Syd nodded. “Be careful, Lex.”
“You, too.”
Harper’s was quiet at not quite eleven in the morning. Three saleswomen stood at various intervals behind the long rows of glass displaying glittering stones of every color and substance. Syd’s mouth went dry as she and Alex crossed the store’s threshold. The nazar went hot then, humming hard enough that the vibrations rippled through her.
At the far end of the displays, nearest the mall’s interior, stood a willowy woman with a mass of curly dark hair and intense dark eyes and as Syd caught those eyes, the nazar grew almost unbearably hot.
The woman’s nameplate identified her as Christina, but Syd knew those eyes, for they were the same ones that had locked with hers in the smoke-choked second floor of a warehouse and the smile that Christina offered up was almost identical. Her aura was a smeared mess of grays and shades of black. Syd had seen it in the warehouse, but at the time attributed it to the smoke and haze of that massive fire. But now she saw how wrong she was.
They were the colors of evil.
Those dark eyes widened and an almost lupine smile curled Christina’s lips. “Do you ladies need any help?”
Alex looked over at Syd, and then to Christina and Syd knew Alex felt the nazar’s reaction, because her hand almost moved toward her neck. She caught it in time, saying, “I think we’re just browsing, thank you.”
“Well, if you change your mind,” those dark eyes slid in Syd’s direction, as flat and cold as river rocks, “just let me know.”
“We will.” Alex moved closer to Syd and under her breath, muttered, “I don't like it here. There’s something… off… about her.”
“That’s Tori.”
“No shit?”
“No shit.” Syd looked back at Christina. “We’ll let you know.”
“He didn't buy anything, you know.” Christina’s voice was almost oily. “You’ll be disappointed.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Syd caught Alex’s elbow. “Let’s go.”
“Thank you,” Alex whispered as Syd steered her toward the mall’s interior.
“Sydney…” Christina’s voice, sickly sweet and equally malicious, floated across the store toward them, “you little fool…”
Alex’s arm stiffened beneath Syd’s fingers and Syd whispered, “Ignore her.”
“Syd, she—”
“Ignore her.”
“Sydney, don’t run away… you know it’s pointless, don’t you?”
Syd ignore the sweet singsong voice, steering Alex out of the store. They didn't look back, didn’t slow their pace, but instead hurried back through Bloomingdale’s and it wasn’t until they were back in Alex’s car that they spoke.
“What the fuck was that?” Alex burst out, staring at the building once more. 
“That was Tori.”
“How did no one else hear her? How do they not think she is completely nuts?”
Syd shook her head, Christina’s taunts still ringing in her ears. “I don't know. I need to sit down and talk to Gram to figure out what we do next.”
“We need to drive a wooden stake through her. Or shoot her with a silver bullet maybe.”
Syd shot her a look. “She’s neither a vampire nor a werewolf, Lex. I don’t think either one’s going to work.”
“Maybe we do both.” Alex turned over the Bug’s engine. “Then we cut off her head. And then set her on fire for good measure. I bet Thorin would shoot her for me if I asked.”
“You’re insane,” Syd told her flatly. “She’s already dead, remember. Not undead. Dead.”
“So why hasn’t some reaper come and dragged her sorry ass back to Hell?”
“I don't know. And that’s why we need to talk to Gram.”
It was almost noon by the time the fire was out and Engine Two rolled into the Felix Number Nine Diner where Frerin sank into the booth with a tired, “I need coffee.”
Nico ran a hand through his hair and winced. “I need a shower. And so do you, Durin.”
“Yeah, I know.” Frerin glanced over at him. “A nice hot shower, with my girl.”
“Oh, now that sounds like a plan.”
“You know it.”
“What sounds like a plan?” Brewer dropped into the booth across from them, and slid to the far end to leave room for Holly.
“We’re gonna take a shower with Durin’s girl.”
“Yeah, I don't think we need you there, Zarelli,” Frerin told him with a tired laugh. “Syd and I will be just fine on our own.”
“Well, that’s no fun.” 
“Cry me a river.” Frerin shook his head and turned his attention to the menu.
A waitress came over to their table then. “What can I get you all?”
Brewer and Holly ordered full breakfasts, but Frerin and Nico only wanted coffee. None of them said much as the waitress brought first coffee, then breakfasts, and that general quiet held out until they returned to the station.
In the locker room, Frerin peeled off his smoke and sweat-stained turnout, and the clothing underneath and padded into the showers to stand beneath a hot, needling spray. 
“You okay, Frerin?” Nico joined him in the showers, thrusting his face into his own spray. 
“You okay? You seem a little out of it.”
Frerin ran the bar of soap over one arm and nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just up late with my girl last night. I was supposed to be on the bench until next week, remember.”
Nico grinned. “Must be nice, having a warm body to cuddle up to.”
“It is.” Soap foamed across his chest and down the other arm. They were the only two in the showers, although he could hear Brewer and the others as they came into the locker room. A few minutes more and each shower head would be taken. “Can I ask you something?”
“What’s that?” Nico set his own soap on the ledge and reached for a bottle of shampoo to squeeze a small amount into his open palm.
“Do you believe in angels and demons?”
“You heard me,” Frerin ran the soap along the back of his neck, then his underarms, “angels and demons, ghosts and spooks and things that go bump in the night. You believe in that stuff?”
“I’ve seen things I can’t explain,” Nico said, his hands going still in his hair. “So, yeah, I guess so, why?”
“You think Syd and her family are a bunch of charlatans?”
“Truth?” Nico shook his head. “No. My sister had a reading done by the oldest one. What’s her name?”
“Yeah, Teddy. And when she came to dinner that Sunday, she told us Teddy knew stuff no one else outside our family could possibly know.” He thrust his head under the spray to rinse the shampoo, adding, “And she talked my mom into having a reading done and the same damn thing happened. So, yeah, I I think they’re doing something over there.”
He straightened shoving his wet hair out of his face. “Why?”
“Because, I—”
Brewer and two others came into the showers at that point and Frerin bit back the rest of his sentence. Nico gave him a puzzled look, but let the matter drop as they both finished showering and reached for their towels.
Back in the locker room, Nico sank next to him on the bench before their lockers. “What’s going on, Frerin?”
Frerin shook his head. “Not here, man. Too many ears.”
“Something to do with your girl?”
“Kind of, yeah.”
“Everything okay?”
“With Syd?” Despite the weight on his mind, Frerin smiled. “Everything’s great with her.”
“So, what’s the problem?”
“Not here. Swing by later and I’ll fill you in.”
Nico looked puzzled, but nodded just the same. “Yeah, what time?”
“Let me talk to Syd first. Riley and I are staying with her for the time being.”
Nico’s heavy dark brows pulled low. “What?”
“It’ll make sense later. I promise.” Frerin looked up and for a moment, wondered if he was making a mistake in telling Nico any of this. For all he knew, it wasn't even Nico sitting there beside him, but Tori instead.
His gut twisted. Damn it all, he hated this. He just wanted this over with for good. Wanted it over for good and to begin the next stage of his life, with Syd. 
“Let me talk to her first.” Frerin dragged his navy blue henley over his head and bent to tug on his boots, all the while feeling the weight of Nico’s stare burning into him. “What?”
“You’re sure everything is okay, because you’re not yourself, man.”
“Yeah, well, I’ve got a lot going on.” He stood and rake his fingers through his damp hair. It was getting too long and annoyed him. Same with his beard. Maybe it was time for a change. Normally, he’d wait until spring to shave off his beard, but maybe it was time to do it a little sooner. 
“Frerin, you sure—”
“I’m sure.” He slammed his locker shut, twisted the combination lock, and tossed his towel into the laundry bin. “Let me just talk to Syd about it, since it’s her family’s house and I’m just a guest there and I swear it will make sense when I tell you. Just… humor me, okay?”
Nico shrugged. “Sure, man. Let me know.”
“You just have to promise you won’t think I’ve completely lost my fucking mind.”
Nico snorted. “Not a promise I think I can keep, Frer.”
“Try.” Frerin shrugged into his jacket. “I’ll see you later.”
“Hope so.”
Frerin dug his keys from his jacket pocket and made his way out into the frosty air. He was dead tired, the exhaustion seeping into his bones, but Christmas Eve was ten days out and he looked forward to it, despite everything going on around him. It was the first Christmas in a long time he looked forward to, actually.
It was a clear, sunny day, the light sparkling off the snow that still covered the ground. More snow was predicted in the next coming days, so it looked like they’d have a white Christmas. In spite of everything, that brightened his mood a little. Ever since he was a kid, he loved when it snowed for Christmas. There was just something about seeing everything white and magical.
He sighed as he tugged open the Jeep’s door and climbed into the driver’s seat. Before he was given this second chance, he’d planned to spend Christmas with Lisa. He’d thought about proposing to her, she’d definitely been hinting at it, but something kept stopping him. Of course now, he knew what that something was, but then, he couldn’t explain it. Couldn’t explain the hesitation. The reticence. The feeling that it just wasn't right. It was the universe telling him to be patient. To wait. That Lisa was not the woman he was meant to be with, but in time, he’d cross paths with the one who was.
He’d correct his greatest mistake.
He reached into the inside pocket of his jacket and his fingers brushed velvet. He caught the small box between his thumb and forefinger and tugged it free, then finagled the small clasp on the front. 
The sunlight sparkled off the ring tucked into a bed of black velvet inside the box. The tanzanite set in white gold split that light into flashes of red and blue and white, sent them bouncing off the Jeep’s interior. 
This was what stopped him from asking Lisa to marry him. She wasn't the one for him. That woman was Syd and this Christmas, he was not only going to ask her to marry him, but if all went well, they’d spend New Year’s on a beach in Aruba, exchanging vows and moving on to that next stage as a married couple. 
If all went well.
And he hoped like hell it did. 
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master-john-uk · 1 year
My late grandfather's stockbroking and insurance business was one of the first companies to move into the new Hay's Galleria development when it opened in 1987, relocating from the City of London. Three of my cousins continue to run the "family" business from the same office.
I, like my father, never had any interest in joining the family firm, and by 1987 I had already established myself in the Ministry of Defence. Due to my grandfather's complicated Last Will and Testament, I owned 30% of the company at that time. Something my stockbroker cousins were not happy about. Uncle Charlie was struggling to sell the City of London office building which was built for my grandfather in the early 20th Century.
Uncle Charlie and his two sons offered me a deal. I could buy the six storey building near the Bank of England for a very discounted price, in exchange for most of my shares in the business that they were running. I jumped at the chance.
It was not the wisest business decision I have ever made, (but it proved to be profitable a few years later.) I had this huge building in the City which I had no idea, or long-term plan of how I was going to use it... and I now only had a negligible income from my remaining 2% shareholding in the family business. From 1988 to 1997, with the help of my newly recruited Business Advisor I managed to rent out the office space to several other businesses, which paid for the upkeep of the property and generated a small income.
In 1997, I began formulating a plan to start my own business in defense and security research and development. At that time the MoD had begun subcontracting their R&D work to private companies, and there was talk about large-scale redundancies.
Also in '97, the City office building was in desperate need of a refit and renovation, and most of my tenant businesses moved out.
In 1998, I started my own business after securing two contracts from the UK Government. I rented workshop space at my original employment base of MoD Fort Halstead, which doubled as my office initially. (I was still officially employed by the Ministry. This put a strain on my time, but also helped fund my business in the early days.)
In late 1999 refurbishment complete, my company's head office opened in the City of London. We began a rapid expansion gaining work from other UK based businesses, and seeking international clients.
The beginning of the 21st Century was an exciting time, but financially very difficult. Competing against £billion companies such as BritishAerospace was not easy. This was when having a prestigious City of London address proved to be a big advantage. (In those days, most business contracts were negotiated face-to-face.)
In 2002 my hard work paid off, and our business boomed (in more ways than one!) The City office became a very busy place. More and more administration staff required, as well as IT experts, a small electronics workshop and London-area technician's base.
Today my company occupies the top three floors of the City building, two floors are currently rented out to other businesses, the 1st and ground floors are currently under-utilised and used by the building management team, as well as providing bicycle storage, shower and changing facilities... nobody wants to sit next to a sweaty, lycra-clad cyclist all day long! I was looking at the possibility of opening the ground floor to the public with a coffee shop and, maybe a small gymnasium... but, then COVID struck... luckily before I decided to go ahead with these plans.
In January 2020, my company's R&D team and workshop relocated to Wiltshire, from Fort Halstead on the outskirts of London. (That was a sad for me, as that is where I began my career forty years earlier.) When the pandemic hit in March of that year, my company took a big financial hit when our largest ever non-military contract was cancelled.
We survived, but since then I have been looking to relocate the office and sell the City of London building. Like Uncle Charlie in 1987, I have struggled to find a potential buyer who would make me a sensible offer. Early in 2023 a property developer made a very generous offer. I am now struggling to find a suitable alternative site. I do not want to lose any of my loyal office staff... so, it needs to be secure, close to London, have ample parking and be close to a mainline railway station. I recently found an ideal building on a new industrial estate south of Gatwick Airport, but the nearest railway station is too far away.
There is a possibility of building a new office at the site we rent near Croydon where we currently keep our London-based technician's vehicles and equipment. I can drive there in just over 30 minutes and it has (fairly) good transport links. The owner of the site is not keen on the idea, but I have submitted plans to the council. If approved, I will make an offer to the current owner to buy the site. (They need to recoup their losses from the ongoing rail strikes somehow!)
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hjartveikur · 1 year
₊˙ ◌ ⁎˚ 〇﹒﹙(kai) kim jongin. cismale. he/him.﹚ guess who was almost late for their shift at mall store again?? that’s right, it was hwang inho! it’s a wonder their job as a salesperson in goyun skate isn’t in jeopardy. the twenty-seven old has been working at sunset galleria for one and a half year, and is well known for their charismatic nature. on bad days, they can be rather stubborn trait, though. when the mall is dead at night, they can usually be found flirting at the vesper lounge but don’t tell their boss! ﹙ zen. twenty-six. they/them. gmt+8. none. ﹚
heylo, this is zen with my rather goofy flirting mess of a puppy! please never take him seriously unless he's in his "professional" zone aka when he skates (or flirts). read more for some tldr headcanons!! like this as well and i'll reach out to brainstorm a thread / if you're interested in any of the prompts
about | plots | playlist | moodboard
surprise surprise, he isn't daegu born actually. he's seoul borne, specifically from the rich residential area of gangnam is where he stayed, but who know what he is up to in daegu
as much as he denies it, he comes from a 'comfortable' position where money is the least of his concerns, hence why he's always been a salesperson aside from the freedom it gives.
because of his passion in skating though, he isn't an absolute shit at his job. in fact, he could best advice what gears you'd need. perhaps even give you a personal training session
he knows he's good looking and uses that to his benefits of course. from sugaring people up to pretending he's an innocent man, he'd work his way in and out to get what he wants
he can be found rather anywhere in the mall if he's playing hanky panky off work. it can be a slow day, so he's off around to flirt and well, to mess with people.
off duty though, you can still find him at the mall where he'd most likely be found at the vesper lounge in which he could definitely buy himself a drink but never will. if you work there then god bless you.
more tba!
prompts i would like to write
given his flirtatious nature, naturally i'd like a fun plot where he flirts with people regardless (he's doesn't label himself with any sexuality or romantic preference), whether it actually works or not we can def discuss that
someone who harbors a silly crush at him just because he's good looking (whose heart he might break, or he would just entertain the silly little crush but never too involved with it)
and naturally someone he breaks the heart of
that One (1) best friend from another store who he bothers a lot but your muse don't actually consider them as friend (yet would not mind his presence regardless)
someone who hates his flirtatious and charismatic nature. perhaps someone who works in the opposite store to goyun skate and sees the crowd flocking in to the store, wondering how in the world inho could get so many 'customers'. (friendly rival??)
someone who frequents the lounge as much as he does, but inho actually parasites on them for free drinks
one night stand of sorts
a rather fun plot where he gets someones help in purchasing a lipstick colour (ends up in a mess of swatches, or just plain o' flirty kiss jokes)
an alternative friendly rival in which your muse may be trying to dig some dirt to use against inho and to reputation, where he was caught browsing the adult section in the store, though he really was just clumsy that one time and dropped something that fell into that aisle.
lastly (for now), someone he actually falls for and it doesnt work out well in his favor
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minhru · 1 year
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hi hi <3 my name's sun and not only am i super excited to be here, i'm also here to bring you min haru!! (slash the radio host at the sunset galleria slash perpetual daydreamer slash ex-actor-now-a-runaway slash ... u get the gist) but yeah under the cut i have some info abt him which ended up basc being me rambling far too much so pls bare with me whilst i try to rub two brain cells together to come up w a decent tldr @_@ nyways enough of me please like this post if youd like me to hit u up for plotting (i also have disc if thats better) or feel free to message first!! ♡
profile is linked here (x)
min haru, 27, full-time radio host and residential nap-taker
having two very famous actors as parents (think son yejin and hyun bin marriage news level) inevitably meant that he was not only born in seoul, but also under the glare of the much too bright spotlight
shoved into commercials and dramas as soon as he could walk thanks to the helping hand of nepotism and lots of media play
his parents loved each other a lot, both in front of and behind cameras, but for some reason that same affection never really extended to him
they saw him as a stain on their careers more than anything, considering he wasn't really the best actor despite his efforts and esp not compared to his parents
an article about his average performance in the new sbs drama on sundays, 9-10pm slot? netizens leaving negative comments? nothing he didn't hear from mom and dad first, and certainly not half as biting, even though it would be a lie to say they didn't have an impact on his already crumbling confidence
starred in dramas and films throughout his teens, though more often in supporting roles much to his parents' annoyance
rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat up until he hit 20, and his mom was hit with illness after illness and was forced to retire. years of stardom and unhealthy life habits eventually caught up to her and haru was left picking up the pieces, trying to take care of her whilst maintaining the rest of his packed life
haha-hehe-hoho-laugh-out-loud'd as much as he could until he eventually had a pretty public breakdown on the set of a drama (no amount of reporting could delete the behind the scenes video that was plastered over sns) one year later and was subsequently booted
and then, as most of the news outlets say, proceeded to "drop off the face of earth" aka delete all of his social media, move out from his family home and hide from the cameras. very few people know the reality, which is that his dad kicked haru out after he told him he no longer wanted to be in the industry
doesn't keep in contact with his dad anymore but still talks to his mom!! who sends him money etc, helped him for those few years after he disappeared when he shifted from tiny to tinier cities, working odd jobs here and there until the next big actor/actress appeared and the media eventually "forgot" about him considering it had been years
moved to daegu 3 years ago and working at sunset galleria ever since!! he's the v happy radio host @ the sunset radio kiosk, choosing the music that plays throughout the mall alongside reading out stories people send in, passing on comforting messages and reminding people to take care
also has two cats called mimi and momo that he adopted from a rescue :^) not the step dad but the #dad that stepped up
in terms of his personality: walls raised to the sky, quiet, very withdrawn. like very, very, very withdrawn. it's been over six years since he's been in the limelight and he still dislikes being in front of cameras, feeling like he's being perceived or watched, analysed etc etc
the irony of disliking attention yet being a radio host isn't lost on him but haru vc: at least people don't actually see my face at sunset unless they're nosy
perpetually nervous, fidgets a lot, a people-pleaser, very malleable. a genuine medical mystery because he has no back bone and there's very little in the world that can get him to express an emotion stronger than indifference
his tendency to be over-polite and inherently quiet nature means he can come across as rude even if that's the opposite of what he intends
always wearing headphones so he promises he isn't ignoring you, you just caught him at a really bad time
speaking of promising he isn't ignoring you -- he has a bad habit of not replying to texts for days or disappearing and taking a week off work whenever things get too hectic for him it's a habit he hasn't managed to shake off just yet
also embarrassingly clumsy. this might be the third time you've seen him walk straight into the glass doors
there's a difference between being lonely and being alone -- and he's both. paradoxically, he does want to make friends but just has no idea how to approach anyone and hopes that staring at you from a distance is a good first step
loves crocheting :^) like loooveess crocheting :^) just a 6'1" guy and his silly little crochet toys
plots -- i promise i'll scramble together a plots page soon but for now id love to brainstorm and fill in any open plots people want!! to throw out a few ideas
someone who knew him back in seoul; fellow child actor; someone who kept in contact with him after he disappeared; someone who thought he would keep in contact with them after he disappeared and he did not (sorry); childhood best friends; someone who swears they recognise him and he keeps telling you that recurrent delusions are something u need to get checked out; the classic ex-friends or exes; fwbs; avid listeners of sunset radio; you keep running into each other smoking under the "no-smoking" sign; one-sided crush from far away; fellow cat-owner; fellow music enthusiast; ex-fans who can't believe he's actually here; someone who recognises him from his meltdown video but pretends not to, etc etc
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mightyflamethrower · 9 months
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FBI agents have arrested a Texas man on charges that he and six other men gang-raped two toddlers in the restroom at Houston's Galleria shopping mall and posted a video of the assault online. Hector Fernandez, 29, who worked at a kiosk in the Galleria, has been arrested on federal charges of sexual exploitation of children. He faces up to life in prison, and a federal magistrate has ordered him held without bond.
The case originated with the discovery by the Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation��of four videos in “a private, by invitation only, forum on the dark web.” 
The FBI was consulted and, using image mapping software that searches social media accounts, was able to identify a child who looked like one of the two two-year-old victims in the video. A relative of the child who had posted the image on social media identified a "sanitized' image of the child from the videos. As a bonus, the relative also identified one of the men in the video.
Fernandez previously worked at a store in the Galleria that has since shut down, according to the complaint. Both children seen in the videos, ages 2 to 3, were related to women who also worked at the mall, the complaint said. The Houston Chronicle is not naming the stores or the women to avoid releasing identifiable information about the children.  The women sometimes took the children to their workplaces at the mall when they couldn’t afford or find child care, the complaint said. Both women considered Fernandez their friend and previously had allowed him to take the children around the mall while they were busy working, according to the complaint.  ... Fernandez was identified by two distinctive silver bracelets worn by a man present in three of the videos, according to the complaint. Both women identified the bracelets as belonging to Fernandez, and investigators found photo evidence on Fernandez’s social media accounts that also showed him wearing the bracelets, the complaint said. Authorities are unsure when the videos were taken. One woman told investigators that Fernandez walked her relative around the mall once in December 2022 and took the child trick-or-treating without her present in October. The other woman said Fernandez took her relative around the mall once this summer.
I'm not going to make public judgments about Fernandez or his lifestyle based on his Instagram account, but YMMV. (If you won't pass judgement over something as disgusting and vile as this what would you pass judgement over.)
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This kind of stuff is becoming more and more common. There is an obvious parallel between Fernandez and six of his "besties" raping toddlers and another case in Atlanta that seems to have vanished from sight.
In my view, several things are driving this phenomenon.
Much of this could not happen without social media. It lets these people search out others with common interests. It lets them share videos and what I'd call "tactics, techniques, and procedures." While pedophiles may be the leading edge, I'm positive that right now, there is a similar “private, by invitation only, forum on the dark web” catering to serial killers.
Second, there is a reluctance by society to recognize that evil exists. Real evil. It is not a lack of impulse control or a personality disorder; we are seeing actual, garden-variety evil. Some people can't be deterred and can't be rehabilitated. We've become too "modern" to accept the presence of supernatural forces. Even Christians, whose entire religion is based on the supernatural, are left trying to find psychobabble explanations for what are patently and obviously evil actions.
Finally, much of society is reluctant to make judgments that would open them to accusations of bigotry. Would I have let @allegedly_hector have one-on-one access with my two-year-old, no matter how many rainbows were in his Instagram profile? No. Because any unrelated male acquaintance who wants to babysit a two-year-old is going to make my pedo-antenna start pinging. Maybe some related ones will trip the alarm, too.
As a side note, in May, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law a bill extending the death penalty to child rapists. This is a direct test of the 2008 Supreme Court decision in Kennedy vs. Louisiana that barred the death penalty for child rape. That court majority (Kennedy, joined by Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg, and Breyer) is gone, and the dissenters remain (Alito, joined by Roberts, Scalia, and Thomas) and have allies.
I'm not idealistic enough to believe these people can be deterred, but I think it is important that society express its disgust in a way that can't be mistaken.
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Romans 1:26-27 The Message (MSG)
Worse followed. Refusing to know God, they soon didn’t know how to be human either—women didn’t know how to be women, men didn’t know how to be men. Sexually confused, they abused and defiled one another, women with women, men with men—all lust, no love. And then they paid for it, oh, how they paid for it—emptied of God and love, godless and loveless wretches.
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Soo about art history! Well I studied a lot about applied art history - I really hope that's the right word but it's like furniture and stuff as well around architecture, sculpted and painted art (boii oh boi I really don't know the English terms sorry!!) And that was really interesting and I love learning more bc there's always so much more to know! I think my studies mainly focused on being able to put dates on art pieces and sort them into a time period - but also.. random funny artist stories my beloved XD Also for my thesis I had a look at Soviet war memorials so that's up my alley as well!
Hbu? Do you have any fav periods/genres/artists? :3
ooh applied art history sounds great! i wish my courses covered more architecture and practical crafts like furniture, it's pretty centered on painting and sculpture for the most part. and Soviet war memorials?? damn that's such a good topic, and hey hell yeah, congratulations on writing a thesis!!
and YES i do have favourites, putting it below a read-more sdkfgh:
RIGHT so my favourite movement is absolutely Impressionism, i love the depiction of light and the painting style of lots of small distinct brushstrokes is Such a wonderful effect. i'd have to say Claude Monet is one of my all time favourite artists, i especially love his sunsets:
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Impression, Sunrise, 1872, oil on canvas, 48 × 63 cm, Musée Marmottan Monet, Paris
Also really like his snowy landscapes, and how he paints water, as well as his colour choices! it's not really displayed in these paintings, but in a lot of his more natural landscapes- especially the floral ones- the colours are so vibrant :D
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Train in the Snow, 1875, oil on canvas, 59 x 78cm, Musée Marmottan Monet, Paris
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The Magpie, 1869, oil on canvas, 89 x 130cm, Musée d'Orsay, Paris
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The Water Lily Pond (Nymphéas), 1904, oil on canvas, 90 x 92cm, private collection
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The Bridge at Argenteuil, 1874, oil on canvas, 60.5 x 80cm, Musée d'Orsay, Paris
Similarly, I really like J.M.W. Turner, particularly for his dramatic seascapes and his paintings of ruins! Some favourites would be:
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Fishermen at Sea/The Cholmeley Sea Piece, 1796, oil on canvas, 91.4 x 122.2cm, Tate Britain, London
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The Burning of the Houses of Lords and Commons, 16th October, 1834, 1934, oil on canvas, 92 x 123cm, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia
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Melrose Abbey, 1822, pencil and watercolour on paper, 19.6 x 13.3cm, private collection
and these are some more things I've studied that I ended up really liking!
Edouard Manet: he was So controversial in nineteenth century Paris it's ridiculous, and i found it fun to look at all the layers of constructed identity in his works! Most well known for Olympia.
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Chez le père Lathuille, 1879, oil on canvas, Musée des Beaux-Arts Tournai
Caravaggio: LOVE the horror and detail and drama of his works, third life enjoyers might like all the beheadings skjfhdg. highly recommend looking into this guy's life story and historical context because he. man. he sure was a character! it's also hilarious to read about how hated he was for painting in a naturalistic style. (and. the murder but honestly it seems like they hated his painting more)
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Saint Jerome Writing, c. 1605-6, oil on canvas, 112 × 157 cm, Galleria Borghese (one of the tamest of his works skjdfh)
Hiroshige Utagawa and Katsushika Hokusai: had a unit on Japanese print making and !!! i hadn't known much about print as a medium but Holy Shit it's so versatile and the works by these artists are just stunning! want to look more into print for sure :D
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Utagawa Hiroshige, Plum Garden, Kamata (Kamata no Umezono), in One Hundred Views of Edo, 1856–59, woodblock print, 34 x 24.1 cm, Brooklyn Museum
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Awa Province: Naruto Whirlpools, in Famous Places in the Sixty-odd Provinces, 1855, woodblock print, 36.5 x 24.4 cm, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Hokusai made SO MUCH work but his most famous work by far is:
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Katsushika Hokusai, Under the Wave Off Kanagawa, in Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji, woodblock print, 1830-1832, 25.7 x 37.8 cm, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City
Gothic architecture: haven't gone into much depth with architecture, really liked what i learnt though, and the round arches, ribbed vaults, and tall windows with stained glass are beautiful.
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St. Francis Xavier Church, c. 1840, Amsterdam, Holland
and thank you so much for the ask!!! i'd love to hear more about anything art history related from you (or anyone else!), as specific or in depth as you like :D
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luvdrcp · 1 year
new muse incoming! baek hwayoung. permanent headache for her boss, resident sour patch kid with an ever-present sweet tooth. hello everyone i'm e! im pretty sure i forgot to introduce myself on the other intro lmfao but hi hi this is a new muse i'm trying out :) hope u all grow to love her like i do, but <3 this and i'll come to u for plotting for either of my muses.
₊˙ ◌ ⁎˚ 〇﹒﹙kim minju. cisfemale. she/her﹚guess who was almost late for their shift at the midlight hotel?? that’s right, it was baek hwayoung! it’s a wonder their job as a pool lifeguard isn’t in jeopardy. the 22 year old has been working at sunset galleria for six months, and is well known for their attentive nature. on bad days, they can be rather dramatic, though. when the mall is dead at night, they can usually be found helping herself to a treat at candycakes or icehaus, but don’t tell their boss!
born september 20, 2000 as a the second child of four. three brothers who were a pain to deal with, but she still loved them. they are mainly the reason behind her current personality. even though it was mainly in jest, thick skin was definitely needed to survive living with her brothers. roughhousing was included as well, and she has a number of faded scars from the numerous accidents from fights she got into with them.
her love for the ocean was present from a young age. she was always drawn to the sea and the sound of the waves. the ocean provided her with a sense of freedom and tranquility that she couldn't find anywhere else, especially in her household. learned how to swim from a young age and always loved spending her summers by any body of water.
did pretty mediocre in school. was never her strong suit since most of it bored her, but she knew that she'd have to make a living somehow so she at least tried a little bit. she had her high achieving little brother for her parents to focus on for academics. if she was going to go somewhere, it was likely going to be because of athletics.
speaking of water and swimming, she swam competitively for a long time, starting when she was 9, up until her last year of college. she was pretty good, if her medals counted for anything. so yes, she was good. she also worked part time as a lifeguard amongst other things as a teenager.
speaking of college, she had to chance to swim competitively for a college team abroad. her piss poor english that could barely get her though a conversation from before? majorly improved from being surrounded by native english speakers for four years. really was pushed to her full potential under a D1 program but quickly figured out this was not something she wanted to do for an actual living, so she made the choice to retire from competitive swimming when she graduated.
once she graduated, she went back home and promptly moved out of her childhood home with her older brother since he had an extra room and he did not find someone to take it. she started interning at places and working jobs in the meantime, preparing herself to actually be an adult. moved out into her own place a half a year later once she found a place suitable for herself.
turns out, being in the water for so long didn't mean it was going to be easy just giving it up all at once, so to ease the longing, she started giving swimming lessons to children during the summer. even got close enough to one or two families where she babysits the kids as well. somewhere down the line she finds herself working as a lifeguard again, but this time for midlight hotel.
described by locals as not very friendly/approachable, but is still annoyingly good at her job, even though she does test the boundaries sometimes. jokes on them, she's actually approachable she just doesn't like dealing with people who can't follow rules that were in place for their own safety. hwayoung has nothing to combat the unfriendly part, though.
fun facts
the cliche pretending to drown to get the lifeguard's attention? hwayoung hates it !! the amount of times it's happened to her just upsets her more (even if most of them were kids who thought she was pretty) she likes to think she can depict when someone's actually drowning, so in the instances where someone is obviously pretending and is old enough to know better, she makes a whole spectacle out of it hopefully to embarrass the other. so far her track record is perfect.
loves decorating her tote bags with different patches and keychains. patches are a little more permanent than her liking, so she prefers using keychains for personalization. she has a collection of cute keychains, which she switches out frequently to reflect her mood or style.
probably should've been fired ages ago with the way she'll close the pool "for maintenance" whenever she just didn't want to actually do her job. abuses her privileges occasionally and even uses it after it's closed. it's really a wonder how she's still employed, but maybe it's her charm? or the fact she's just really knowledgable that makes her a valuable lifeguard? who knows the truth
has enough money to not work a proper job for a while, but likes working to keep her busy. this lifeguard stint was supposed to only last like three months before moving on to the next thing, but she just loves the laidback atmosphere of the mall so she has stayed.
cares a little more about her looks than she did years ago. growing up with brothers had left her not caring, but her time overseas and being surrounded by other women had exposed her to a side of her that had been repressed. so, maybe she shows up a little dolled up or overdressed for a job that involves her potentially getting into water, but she doesn't care as long as she looks and feels good.
quick ideas for plots once again to compensate for not plots page rn
someone who can't swim, or can't swim that well. hwayoung gets secondhand embarrassment just watching your muse attempt to swim, and out of the kindess of her heart she offers to teach you (she expects some sort of payment)
someone who like to prank hwayoung while she's on duty... even though she briefly "scolds" them, the small upturn of the lips on her face reveals that she's amused. it's evident she's enjoying it with no plans to stop any future plans since your muse never really faces any actual repercussions.
icehaus/lapis roasters/candycakes regular! half of her paycheck probably goes back to the mall with the way she's constantly buying stuff from those establishments. she'd be 10x more nicer to the workers here bc they provide her with the one thing that brings her joy. potential friendships blooming that way? or maybe someone concerned with her daily sugar intake?
people who don't like her. she sometimes can be a little... rough around the edges? sometimes. often her words can be misunderstood and she is very aware of that and does nothing about it. if you misunderstand she's not going to make the extra effort ot make herself clear.
someone who can teach her something new. she loves learning new things... as long as it isn't educational. maybe she'll teach you something she learned in exchange?
unrequited crushes, flings, one night stands, broken hearts,,, give me something messy bc i <3 messy/angst/slowburn.
friends. yes she can be a little hard to get to know sometimes but that doesn't mean she's not fun to hang out with!! if you just look past her words and just vibe, she can 75% guarantee that she'll make spending time with her worth your time. although, she might honestly be a bad influence these days.
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shalini-yadav45 · 2 years
Viewing the places of Dallas
Dallas is an ultra-modern and advanced developed city that fascinates worldwide visitors.
It is unique considering everything we have at our fingertips- fine dining, high-level sports and entertainment, arts, museums, outdoor activities, a living music scene, and great weather. Dallas is the most friendly city in the world. 
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One of the best places to live Texas. The best time to visit Dallas is after winter and before summer in the month of spring in the northern hemisphere. The greenish feast of the gardens and trees September and November.
 In the southern hemisphere it is summer from March to may.The highest and average celsius is 25 degrees and lowest celsius is 15 degrees.
Here some of the points we should know about it:
Are you in Dallas or planning to visit the dollar so some of the places where we can enjoy and capture each and every moment where we spent the time. 
1. The shopping party
2. Love of sports
3. Family fun
4. Nightlife style
The shopping  party
Dallas is an ideal place for shopping for each and every style,taste and budgets it has sometimes to offer. Here are some top places for shopping where we can get makeup things, clothes, music and other items also.
Northpark center, wild bill’s western store, galleria dallas, buffalo exchange, stanley korshak, bullzerk, mizzen+main, spinster records, uncommon market, vintage martini. These are some of the places for shopping that we want.
Love of sports
Dallas is home for several professional sports mainly we are knowing about some of the six sports are:
The Dallas Cowboys- National Football League,
Dallas Mavericks- National Basketball Association, 
Dallas Stars- National Hockey League, 
Texas Rangers- Major League Basketball,
Dallas Wings- Women Basketball Association 
FC Dallas- Major League Soccer.
Some other sports are also known as roller derby, cricket, call of duty, horse racing, ultimate frisbee, etc….
Family fun
Dallas is a place for attracting family and more over kids. Most of the people are showing interest in trips with family to see and enjoy the world. Here  some of the places we know about it are: Dallas World's aquarium, Perot museum of nature and science, klyde warren park, art district, sightseeing bus tour.
Here are some of the places that can be played by kids and sightseeing places where we can do lots of things. 
Nightlife style
Some of the best nightlife in Dallas are deep Ellum, downtown, uptown, design district, Oak lawn. In Dallas once the sunset is down then the city is filled with lights and beautiful music to cocktail on the rooftops some make sure the plan of dallas.
Enjoying the music with a drink. There are endless opportunities to see and enjoy music. Have endless laughs at night out.
Finally, we are now Dallas is a third-largest city in texas.home for more neighbors and attractive places to visit, lifestyle of those places. Weather of that place can have more awesome range but it can not be explained.
Dallas is the palace of the center business district(CBD), Texas, United States located in the geographic center of the city. We also know the nickname of Dallas is ”City of Hate”. Modern culture that can be more sophisticated.
Considering the unique style of Dallas are attracting people worldwide to visit that palace using weather, food, activities, entertainment, and so on. For more related topics click here best time to visit Dallas place where millions of memories can be captured by viewing this particular place.
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satgurutravelae · 8 days
The Best Places to Visit in Italy - if It's Your First Time
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Why Italy Should Be Your Next Destination – Top 5 Places to Visit in Italy
If one is a novice traveler seeking to combine history and culture with breathtaking scenery, then Italy could be the destination. From the architecture and art of Florence to the ancient ruins of Rome, there's something for everyone in Italy. Whether you fancy art, food, or simply soaking up the Mediterranean sun, Italy has it all. When in Italy for the first time, here are five must-visit places for any tourist.
1. Milan: one of the best places to visit in Italy
Milan is generally recognized as the fashion and design capital of Italy. It is a place which one should not miss when visiting the country for the first time. Starting with the famous Duomo di Milano-a cathedral which has been in the building process over six centuries-one can proceed up to the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II-a beautiful passageway in which luxurious shops and fashion boutiques with posh cafes are located. Then, there is Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece, The Last Supper, which is kept in the refectory of the Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie. Also, one should visit the opera house, La Scala. You can take a jolly walk along Breara district. Milan holiday package from Dubai
2. Rome: Discovery of an eternal beauty
Whether it is your first or tenth visit, no trip to Italy would be complete without a visit to the Eternal City. Rome boasts ancient ruins, historic landmarks, and vibrant neighborhoods. Explore the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Pantheon. Toss a coin into the Trevi Fountain for good luck and so you will definitely return to Rome!
From here, proceed to the Vatican and enjoy every bit of it, including the grand St. Peter's Basilica and the Sistine Chapel, housing masterpieces of Michelangelo and Raphael that keep astounding people with their exquisiteness. One can climb to the top of St. Peter's dome and have a panoramic view of the city.
Rome is famous for its typical dishes: pasta carbonara, cacio e pepe, and pizza al taglio. Enjoy it with a glass of local wine and with one scoop of gelato for dessert. Rome holiday package from Dubai
3. Florence: Plunging into Art and Culture
Florentia is often called the birthplace of the Renaissance. Thus, no art lover and no historian can skip the opportunity to visit this fabulous city in any case. World-renowned museums and galleries are placed there: the Uffizi Gallery, the Accademia Gallery housing Michelangelo's magnificent statue of David, charming narrow streets and piazzas-in a word, here one may admire buildings of the Duomo and Palazzo Vecchio.
For a real unforgettable experience, hike to the top of the Duomo for breathtaking panoramic views overlooking the city, or take a leisurely stroll across the famous Ponte Vecchio bridge. But most importantly, sample the delectable Tuscan food and gelato while one is in Florence!
4. Amalfi Coast: Sun-kissed Beaches and Breathtaking Coastal Views
The Amalfi Coast is where one will find the quintessential taste of an Italian seaside. This stunning stretch of coastline is speckled with picturesque fishing villages, pastel-colored houses, and crystal-clear waters. Take a drive along the famous Amalfi Drive, through the charming towns of Positano, Amalfi, and Ravello. Amalfi is also the perfect spot to take a boat tour to the island of Capri.
You can sit on pebbled beaches, swim in the Mediterranean Sea, or hike along the cliff-side pathways for stunning views. And to complete it all, you will be able to try fresh seafood dishes and limoncello-a locally prepared drink using locally grown lemons. The Amalfi Coast is sure to leave unforgettable memories of Italy.
5. Venice:
Nicknamed the "City of Water," Venice is a romantic, enchanting city to any novice visitor. One can enjoy the scenery of this historic city from a gondola ride down the canals, passing under arched bridges and beside huge palazzos. Visit St. Mark's Square and admire the beautiful mosaics of St. Mark's Basilica.
Equally unmissable are the islands of Murano and Burano, in a riot of color, this sea-farers' haven is famous for its glass-blowers and lace-makers. Just don't forget to have a taste of fresh catches with a spritz at a café on the side of the canal while you watch the world go by.
The city of Venice is best on foot; one makes the most of it quite literally by wandering around its narrow streets, passing concealed alleys. Stumble upon places like Rialto Market, where fresh produce and seafood are purchased by the locals. - Venice holiday package from Dubai
Plan a tour to some of the best places to visit in Italy: Italy holiday packages from Dubai
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Allen Lambert Galleria Toronto Canada No 3 Color Version Art Print by The Learning Curve Photography on Pixels. The Allen Lambert Galleria and Heritage Square was constructed after an invited design competition in 1987. The atrium is a six story high pedestrian thoroughfare that connects Bay St to the west and Yonge St to the east in the Toronto Canada financial district and is frequently used as a showcase for major photography and art exhibits. Original photography…… https://www.pinterest.com/pin/64668944645192543/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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