#Galiano club
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anthr--apology · 2 years ago
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So many things going on here.
But props to #galianoclub for their community cinema night #howtoblowupa pipeline
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personal-reporter · 2 years ago
Lago Maggiore Folk Fest 2023 a Baveno
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Dal 16 al 18 giugno a Villa Fedora di Baveno, sul Lago Maggiore, si terrà il Lago Maggiore Folk Fest 2023, davvero imperdibile per gli amanti della musica folk e celtica. Venerdì 16 alle 20.30 la serata d’apertura della kermesse accoglierà il grande ritorno sulle rive del Lago Maggiore di Davide Van De Sfroos che, dopo la pubblicazione in doppio vinile e digitale di Davide Van De Sfroos – Live 2022, torna in concerto con “Live Estate 2023”, una serie di appuntamenti per l’Italia e la Svizzera. Ci sarà una scaletta ripensata per questo tour, prodotto e organizzato da MyNina, dove, oltre ai successi e ad alcuni brani del disco Maader Folk, si aggiungono canzoni che mancavano da parecchio tempo nel repertorio live del cantautore. Sul palco ci saranno anche i musicisti Angapiemage Galiano Persico (violino, mandolino, tamburello, cori), Daniele Caldarini (tastiere, chitarra acustica), Paolo Cazzaniga (chitarra elettrica e acustica, cori), Silvio Centamore (batteria, percussioni), Andrea Cusmano (trombone, plettri, chitarra, flauti dritti, fisarmonica, tastiere, cori) e Matteo Luraghi (basso). Van De Sfroos verrà preceduto dai Gadan, gruppo che comprende 4 musicisti esperti e già largamente conosciuti nella scena irish-rock italiana, ricchi di anni di frequentazioni dei maggiori festival europei e americani di folk tradizionale e contaminato. Ad esibirsi sulle note musicali ci sarà il corpo di ballo Gens d’Ys, che fin dal 1993 è sinonimo di danza irlandese in Italia, con all’attivo 34 sedi in 30 città italiane e gode da anni del patrocinio dell’Ambasciata Irlandese in Italia, di diversi Ministeri succedutisi negli anni e, dal 2011, di quello dell’Ente Nazionale del Turismo Irlandese, di cui è Testimonial Ufficiale. Sabato 17 giugno alle 20.30 ci sarà il cantautore Lorenzo Monguzzi con il gruppo Folkmiseria con un’esibizione tra musica e spettacolo che, prendendo spunto da una passione per il dialetto adatta alcune tra le canzoni più conosciute del panorama musicale rock americano, oltre alla presenza di musiche e brani inediti. Il concerto sarà preceduto dall’esibizione degli Ogam, formazione marchigiana con all’attivo due produzioni discografiche Li Ma To (1993) dedicata al percorso del grande gesuita maceratese Matteo Ricci e Il regno della Sibilla (2001) ispirata alle leggende dei Monti Sibillini. Domenica 18 giugno alle 11.30 ci sarà la musica dei Talamh, un progetto che unisce tutta l’esperienza sui palchi internazionali di  Caterina Delphine Sangineto (voce e arpa) e Davide Bonacina (chitarra, tin whistle), punto di riferimento del circuito irlandese italiano, con uno dei giovani astri nascenti italiani del violino Irish, Joan Gatti. Il repertorio si snoda da ballate dell’Isola Smeraldo fino a set strumentali, dalle suggestioni dell’arpa fino al suono del gaelico scozzese. Dalle 14 si aprirà il Balfolk Afternoon e sul palco si alterneranno i Ponente Folk Legacy, nati nell’autunno del 2018 dall’incontro di 3 musicisti liguri da anni impegnati nell’ambito della musica folk e tradizionali, i Tribot, che racchiude al suo interno l’esperienza che i suoi componenti hanno accumulato nel mondo del folk e balfolk, e il Jason O’Rourke Trio, del maestro suonatore di concertina di Belfast che torna in Italia per presentare l’ottavo album The Sunny Slide of the Latch, con dieci tracce ispirate allo stile tradizionale irlandese. A chiusura dell’edizione 2023 del Lago Maggiore Folk Fest ci saranno i Bards From Yesterday  gruppo che si conferma come una delle band più preparate della scena italiana, ideatori di uno spettacolo unico portato su più di 400 palchi di club e festival internazionali. Read the full article
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motionsickishreader · 2 years ago
The Poet X Review
The Poet X Elizabeth Acevedo
"Pero, tú no eres facíl" is a phrase Xiomara's mother uses to describe her. As Xiomara "X" Batista enters freshman year of high school she faces many of the struggles associated with coming of age, such as boys and a maturing body. An even bigger struggle is a newfound questioning of Christianity, the religion X has grown up with and is entangled all throughout her life. But just as her mother says, X is not easy. As a result the two frequently clash as a lifetime faith is questioned. Through the guidance of English teacher and poetry club advisor Ms. Galiano, Xiomara is able to use poetry as an outlet as she navigates her mother's temperament, first love, and everything in between .Through verse from Xiomara's point of view along with the occasional school assignment, readers watch as X navigates her first year of high school and grows more confident in herself and as a poet. Acevedo’s language and style in this novel is casual yet effective as readers will easily be able to connect and empathize with Xiomara. As the novel is set in a modern day setting, Acevedo incorporates many references to modern artists and technology in a way that is natural and helps to strengthen the characters and their situations. The layout of specific lines and structure of various poems add to the overall feeling and power of the messages conveyed throughout the novel. Readers from all backgrounds will likely be able to connect to the story in some way. While most of the narrative is focused on Xiomara’s blossoming first love with a boy from her class and her struggles with her mother, Acevedo incorporates various dynamics and relationships into the story. There is a strong emphasis put on the positive relationships that can form between students and teachers, as Ms. Galiano serves as a positive influence in X’s life by introducing her to the power of expression through poetry. Acevedo also slightly touches on LGBTQ relationships through Xiomara’s twin brother, Xavier, and his budding romance with a boy from school. While this story would be beneficial to all readers, it particularly would benefit those coming from an urban area and a background similar to that of Xiomara. Readers of this book could learn the power of writing and the positive effect it could have on one’s life.
BIBLIO: 2018, HarperTeen/HarperCollins Publishers, Ages 13 up, $14.99. REVIEWER: Jessica Hummel FORMAT: Young Adult ISBN: 978-0-0626-6280-4
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ninja-muse · 5 years ago
Hi all! Your friendly neighbourhood book-slinger here! As you know, the Covid-19 pandemic is hitting the economy hard, small businesses especially. As you may not know, bookstores have one of the largest overheads and one of the smallest profit margins of any business ever. Many rely on foot traffic and neighbourhood support, which means if they haven’t already shut their doors due to public health measures, they’re still seeing a major drop in the number of customers and books sold—often while still needing to buy new stock and pay rent. It’s not completely dire, we’re not looking at a world without bookshops, but a lot of booksellers are genuinely worried all the same.
This is where you guys come in! If you need books right now (and I’m talking to Booklr here so there are decent odds you do), and you’ve got the money to spend, please consider hitting up an indie for them rather than a chain or exclusively online bookstore. A lot of them took online and phone orders before this year, and many are now offering curbside pick-up, lower shipping costs, and local delivery, and all of them could use your support right now. (They’re also, by and large, some of the most delightfully bookish people you’ll ever meet.)
Don’t know who your indies are? That’s what this post is for! It’s kind of skewed to my area right now because that’s what I know, but it will be updated as I get more recommendations. So please, rec your local indies to me! Add them to this post, slide into my asks, whatever’s most comfortable.
And please note that even if a store is closed and in lockdown, that does not mean you can’t place an order for when the crisis is over.
Let’s share the bookstore love!
There is now also Bookshop.org and the Save Your Bookstore app, for anyone who is interested.
Last edit: May 15, 8:50 am PST.
Abbey’s Bookstore - Sydney. Closing on March 30. Taking online, phone, and email orders, delivering.
Crow Books - Perth. Taking phone orders, shipping.
Q’s Books - Newcastle. Window display where you can request by pointing.
Secret Bookstuff - Newcastle. Closed, taking online orders and offering phone recommendations. 15% off until end of March.
White Dwarf Books - Perth. Open to the public, Paywave preferred, taking orders for shipping
Alice’s Bookshop - Closed. No info about orders or shipping.
Books For Cooks - Open to public. Free next day delivery for people in isolation in local area
City Basement Books - No information.
Coventry Bookstore - No information.
Hill of Content Bookshop - Open online. Free delivery to the CBD, and shipping.
Metropolis Books - Open to the public. Offering free freight via Australia Post for online orders over $50
North Melbourne Books - Open but limited to 3 customers, offering free home delivery to North and West Melbourne.
Paperback Books - Open but closing early, taking phone, email, and online orders and shipping.
Readings - No longer accepting cash payments. Free delivery on online orders $150 and over — anywhere in Australia. 
Robinson’s Bookshop - Some stores may close early, taking online orders.
Syber’s Books - No information.
Shakespeare and Company - Vienna. Taking email orders.
A Google Map of all indies who deliver
The Edmonton Bookstore - Edmonton. Closed. Taking phone, online, and email orders. Updating webstore daily. Accepts Paypal.
Fair's Fair - Calgary. Closed,  taking email orders and doing curbside pick-up, credit and debit only
The Next Page - Calgary. Closed, taking online orders and delivering for free within Calgary
Pages On Kensington - Calgary. Taking phone and online orders, doing deliveries and curbside pick-up
The Wee Book Inn - Edmonton. No information.                       
British Columbia
Lower Mainland
Black Bond Books/Book Warehouse - Services and openness vary depending on location, but currently offering $5 shipping within the Lower Mainland
The Book Man - Chilliwack and Abbotsford. Closed. 
Carson Books - Vancouver. No information.
Golden Age Collectables - Vancouver. Open.
Hager Books - Vancouver. Closed. Has a webstore.
Kidsbooks - Vancouver. Closed to browsing. Online and phone orders. Curbside pickup, shipping, delivery.
Lucky’s Comics - Vancouver. No information.
MacLeod’s Books - Vancouver. No web presence
Massy Books - Vancouver. Currently open online with free delivery within Metro Vancouver and discounted rates across Canada
The Paper Hound - Vancouver. Open to the public, taking phone and email orders, offering free bike delivery
Pulp Fiction Books - Vancouver. Open to the public, taking orders online, by phone, and by Twitter, shipping daily (more details)
Tanglewood Books - Vancouver. No information.
White Dwarf Books/Dead Write Books - Vancouver. Open to the public, offers some free delivery
Y’s Books - - Vancouver. No information.
Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands
Beacon Books - Sidney. Closed, taking orders via AbeBooks, ships.
Bolen Books - Victoria. Taking phone and online orders, small window for in-store pickups, $5 shipping within BC for orders for $40
The Children’s Bookshop - Sidney. No web presence.
Coho Books - Campbell River. Taking phone, email, and online orders. Will deliver locally once a week
Galiano Island Books - Galiano Island. Closed but taking online orders. Delivery on the island free, BC shipping $5.
Galleon Books & Antiques - Sidney. No web presence.
The Haunted Bookshop - Sidney. No web presence.
Laughing Oyster Books - Courtney. Taking phone and online orders and will deliver within the Comox Valley.
The Military and History Bookshop - Sidney. No web presence.
Munro’s Books - Victoria. Closed till end of March, taking phone and online orders, $5 shipping within BC
Russell Books - Victoria. Closed, has pick-up window, offers free North American shipping with $50+ purchase with some limitations
Tanner’s Books - Sidney. Closed, taking phone and online orders, storefront pickup, $5 shipping within Capital regional district, free delivery to locals in a senior’s residence or self-isolating.
Mosaic Books - Kelowna. Closed, taking phone, email, Facebook, and online orders, free local shipping over $75, curbside pickup.
Nuthatch Books - 100 Mile House. No information.
The Open Book - Williams Lake. Phone and online orders. In-store and curbside pickup, free local delivery.
Saskatchewan and Manitoba
Bison Books - Winnepeg. Taking phone, online, email, and DM orders. Free local delivery or curbside pickup, with delivery available at cost everywhere else in the world. Accepts Paypal and e-transfer.
McNally Robinson - Winnepeg and Saskatoon. Closed but open by appointment. Taking phone and online orders, offering curbside pickup, next day Winnipeg delivery as low as $5, shipping across Canada
Attic Books - London. Closed to at least April 13. Taking phone, email, DM, and online orders. Processing phone payments. Curbside pickup.
Bakka-Phoenix Books - Toronto. Closed to public until April 5. Online orders.
Brown and Dickson - London. Closed. Taking online and social media orders, considering free delivery within London. Seels gift cards.
Argo Bookshop - Montreal. Open. Phone and online orders, curbside pickup, shipping. Selling gift certificates. Events have moved online and are starting a discussion series. Partnered with Libro.fm.
Babar Books - Montreal. Closed, taking online orders. Free shipping for West Island. $7.00 flat rate for Greater Montreal.
Librairie Drawn & Quarterly - Montreal. Closed, taking online orders, shipping, curbside pickup. Partnered with Libro.fm. Has launched an online storytime, runs an online book club.
Northwest Territories
Yellowknife Books - Currently taking online and phone orders with curb-side drop-off, also ships
Shakespeare and Company - Paris. Closed. Taking online orders but shipping later. Sells vouches and subscriptions.
Gutter Bookshop - Dublin. Closed at least to March 31. Online and email orders, shipping worldwide. Free postage within Ireland over €30. Sells vouchers.
Holzer Books - Jerusalem. Appears to have updates in Hebrew.
Danny Books - Jerusalem. No information.
The American Book Center - Amsterdam and the Hague. Closed for browsing today. Still taking web orders, handling emails and answering the phone. Free shipping in Netherlands over €20.
Blackwells - Chain, but a good one.
Book-Ish - Crickhowell, Wales. Closed. Taking online orders. Has an outside donation box for toiletries for NHS staff. Recommending books on Twitter.
Ryde Bookshop - Isle of Wight. No information.
Topping & Company - Closed. Taking online, email, and phone orders, and shipping.
Chicken and Frog - Brentwood, Essex. Closed. Email orders. Online events. Home deliveries.
Daunt Books - London. Closed. Not currently taking orders.
Five Leaves Bookshop - Nottingham. Closed. Onlne and email orders, free postage and direct delivery from suppliers. Building a webstore and planning online events. Accepts PayPal and National Book Tokens.
Foyles - London. Closed. Online orders. Free UK standard delivery. Has subscription packages. Events cancelled until the end of May.
Gay’s The Word - London. Closed. Not currently taking orders.
Mostly Books - Abingdon-on-Thames, Oxfordshire. Closed.Taking phone, email, online, and social media orders. £3 postage except for large orders. Accepts PayPal and BACS.
Mr B’s Emporium - Bath. “Non-contact open.” Email and phone orders. Has sections on their website for recommendations and suggestions. Has gift vouches and reading subscriptions. Until March 31, £2 postage for 1st class, £1.50 for 2nd class. After that, free shipping over £30. Launching a Youtube channel.
Persephone Books - London. Closed. Online orders, but cannot ship due to lockdown.
Sevenoaks Bookshop - Sevenoaks, Kent. Closed. Online and email orders. Very limited hand-delivery. Shipping from suppliers.
Tales on Moon Lane - London. Closed. Email orders. Delivering. Giving recommendations.
Warwick Books - Warwick. Closed. Phone, email, and social media orders. Shipping from warehouse. Accepts bank transfer and PayPal. Has gift subscriptions and vouchers.
Edinburgh Bookshop - Edinburgh. Closed. Taking online, email, and phone orders. Deliveries paused, but still shipping.
Golden Hare Books- Edinburgh. Closed. Taking online, email, and phone orders. Free local delivery, UK shipping for £2.50.
Lighthouse Bookshop - Edinburgh. Closed. Taking online, email, and phone orders, shipping as low as £2. Starting an online newsletter for bookstore vibes. Setting up a system where people in danger from domestic violence can ‘order a book’ and they will then alert the relevant local services to provide help.
Transreal Fiction - Closed. Not currently taking orders.
Alley Cat Bookshop and Gallery - San Francisco. Closed. Taking orders on Bookshop.org for direct home shipping. Sells gift certificates. Has a Patreon and a GoFundMe.
Books Inc./Compass Books - Bay Area. Closed. Online orders, free shipping.
Booksmart - Morgan Hill. Open, taking orders, curbside pickup. Home delivery within 3 miles, shipping $3.99 or free over $25. Providing gloves to browsers.
Borderlands Books - San Francisco. Closed, filling mail orders.
City Lights - San Francisco. Closed. Unable to directly fill online orders but lists with Bookshop.org.
Dog Eared Books - San Francisco. Valencia location in store to take your calls between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. every weekday. Taking orders on Bookshop.org for direct home shipping, and online orders in store. Sells gift certificates. Has a GoFundMe.
Green Apple Books - San Francisco. Closed. Taking online orders. Free shipping on orders over $25. Partnered with Libro.fm. Is selling “Stay Home Read Books” shirts and gift cards.
The Last Bookstore - Los Angeles. Open by appointment, taking online and emails orders, offering curated gift bags, still accepting donations and buying used books
Leigh’s Favorite Books - Sunnyvale. Closed. Online reservations. Contactless local delivery. Accepting direct donations.
Omnivore Books - San Francisco. Closed. Phone and online orders. Limited pick-up hours. Shipping.
Recycle Bookstore - Campbell and San Jose. No information.
A Shop Called Quest - Phone orders, curbside pick up, shipping options. Also selling gift cards
Skylight Books - Los Angeles. Taking online orders and shipping with limitations.
Vroman's Bookstore - Pasadena. Online orders under $75 for shipping only. Partnered with Libro.fm, MyMustRead, and Corkcicle. Selling gift cards and taking financial donations.
That Book Store - Wethersfield. Open. Curbside pickup, free delivery available. Partnered with Libro.fm. Has a GoFundMe.
Vero Beach Book Center - Vero Beach. Open for curbside pickup. Still giving recommendations and retrieving in-store stock.
Book Nook - Decatur. Open.
Eagle Eye Books - Decatur. Closed to browsing. Taking online and phone orders, curbside pickup.
Little Shop Of Stories - Decatur. Closed to customers until April 8, but allowing store pickup. Online and phone orders. Free home delivery in 30030 and neighboring zip codes. Partnered with Libro.fm.
Tall Tales - Decatur. Open.
57th Street Books - Closed. Taking online orders.
Anderson’s Bookshop - Naperville, Downers Grove, and LaGrange. Online orders temporarily suspected due to volume. Downers Grove taking phone orders and has curbside pickup. Sells gift cards. Has a GoFundMe and is partnered with Libro.fm.
The Book Table - Oak Park. Closed. Direct shipping from distributor. Selling gift cards. Answering emails.
Bookie's New and Used Books - Chicago. Closed for in-store browsing. Taking online orders. Delivery within five-mile radius, curbside pickup. Also sells through Bookshop.org and is partnered with Libro.fm. Sells gift cards and ebooks.
Myopic Bookstore - Chicago. Closed.
Quimby’s - Closed at least to end of March. March and April events cancelled. Taking online, email, and phone orders, shipping, curbside pickup. Offering recommendations on Zoom.
Powell’s Books - Chicago. No information but takes online orders.
Sandmeyer’s - Chicago. Closed. Taking phone and email orders.
The Scarlet Page - Oregon. Closed. Doing curbside delivery. Selling book bundles at flat prices. Has a GoFundMe.
Unabridged Bookstore - Chicago. Closed to the public. Taking online orders, shipping. Sells gift cards.
Women & Children First - Chicago. Closed until May 1. Taking online orders and shipping. Preorders available. Partnered with Libro.fm. Doing poetry events on Instagram and other virtual events elsewhere.    
Prairie Lights - Iowa City. Closed to the public. Taking phone and online orders. Free local delivery, curbside pickup, shipping free over $50 within the continental US.
Book-a-Holic Bookstore - Wichita. Open, offering curbside pickup.
Eighth Day Books - Wichita. Taking orders and shipping.
Rainy Day Books - Fairway. Open. Taking phone and online orders. $5 priority mail under $75, free shipping over $75. Offering phone recommendations.
Raven Book Store - Lawrence. Taking email and online orders. Free local delivery. $1 shipping across the US. Has book subscriptions.
Watermark Books and Cafe - Wichita. Open. Taking online orders, $3 shipping within continental US, curbside delivery of books and food. Sells eBooks and audiobooks.
Nanny Goat Books - Louisville. No information.
The Book Escape - Baltimore. Closed. Taking orders, shipping daily, offering free delivery.
 The Book Thing of Baltimore - Baltimore. Closed. Soliciting ideas for safely giving away books during social distancing and looking for satellite bookshelves. Accepting financial donations.
The Ivy Bookshop - Towson. Closed. Taking phone and online orders, shipping, offering phone recommendations.
Brookline Booksmith - Boston. Closed. Taking phone and online orders, shipping. Recommendations on social media.
Harvard Book Store - Boston. Closed until April 7. Online orders. Shipping. Offers print-on-demand services. Events cancelled.
More Than Words - Boston and Waltham. Stores and events currently closed. Still accepting book donations.
Trident Booksellers and Cafe - Boston. Store and cafe closed to public. Events cancelled. Shipping within US. Food delivery and pick-up. Sells gift cards and partnered with Libro.fm.
Wellesley Books - Wellesley. Taking online orders, direct shipping from distributor. Partnered with Libro.fm. Sells gift cards.
Bookbug and This Is A Bookstore - Kalamazoo. Closed, taking orders, providing reading lists. Has launched a book subscription service and is accepting donations.
Kazoo Books - Kalamazoo. No information.
Literati Bookstore - Ann Arbor. Closed until April 13. Processing current orders and sending incoming orders through a distributor that ships. Has a GoFundMe.
Dreamhaven Books - Minneapolis. Open, taking phone and email orders, $10 care package within the US.
Excelsior Bay Books - Twin Cities. Closed for browsing. Taking online and phone orders, giving phone recommendations, curb-side pickup, shipping. Selling audiobooks and gift certificates.
Red Balloon Bookstore - Twin Cities. Closed. Giving recommendations by phone. Parking lot pick-up, free shipping, orders $20 free delivery in neighbourhood.
Wild Rumpus Bookstore - Twin Cities. Closed. Taking online orders, offering curbside pickup, free shipping or delivery on orders over $10.
Lemuria Books - Jackson. Taking online and phone orders, offering curbside pick-up and shipping. 
Vargo’s Jazz City and Books - Bozeman. No information.
Country Bookshelf - Bozeman. Closed to browsing. Open for pick-up orders, prefers curb delivery, local delivery, or shipping. $1 shipping nationwide. Taking online and phone orders, acting as personal shoppers.
Isle of Books AKA Used Book Emporium - Bozeman. Open. Taking phone and online orders. Curbside pickup and shipping. Doing short readings on Facebook.
New Jersey
Words Bookstore - Maplewood. Events postponed to April 25. No other information. Has webstore.
The Book House - Millburn. Online orders. Selling subscriptions, gift cards, and gift baskets. Offering email recommendations. Partnered with Libro.fm.
New York
Bluestockings - NYC. No information, has webstore.
The Book House of Stuyvestant Plaza/Market Block Books - Albany. Closed. Events to be rescheduled. Online orders, direct shipping from distributors. Partnered with Libro.fm.
Book Culture - NYC. Some locations closed, all closed to browsing. Taking online orders, shipping. Pickups uncertain. International shipping. Buyback suspecting but accepting book donations.
Books of Wonder - NYC. Offering digital storytime.
The Corner Bookstore - NYC. Events cancelled through April. Phone and email orders, free local delivery. Customizes gift baskets. Allows customers to open an account. Sells gift certificates.
Dashwood Books - NYC. No information
Greenlight Bookstore - Brooklyn. Closed to the public. Online orders shipping from supplier, free over $100.
Housing Works - NYC. Bookstore and cafe closed. Clinics still open. Taking financial donations for the organization as a whole. Sells gift cards.
Kitchen Arts and Letters - NYC. Closed. Filling phone and mail orders.
The Lit Bar - NYC. Online orders, shipping, curbside pickup by appointment. Partnered with Libro.fm.
Midtown Comics - NYC - Open, taking online orders, currently running a 20% off everything sale until March 31st
The Mysterious Bookshop - NYC. Closed. Shipping all orders when business ban lifted.
Revolution Books - NYC. Closed to public. Still providing information and analysis, and online programming.
Shakespeare & Co. - NYC. No information, but webstore and free shipping.
Spoonbill and Sugartown - NYC. Taking email orders and shipping.
The Strand - NYC. Closed, taking online orders.
Three Lives and Company - NYC. Closed and not currently processing orders.
North Carolina
The Book Lady - Munroe. No information.
Bookmarks - Winston-Salem. Taking phone and online orders including preorders, curbside pickup, free shipping over $25. Offers memberships, gift cards, and subscriptions. Partnered with Libro.fm, sells ebooks. Taking donations.
The Captain’s Bookshelf - Asheville. No information.
Epilogue Book Cafe - Chapel Hill. Closed. Online orders, $3 shipping. Partnered with Libro.fm
Firestorm Co-op - Asheville. Open. Taking online orders. Events cancelled till end of March. $1 shipping.
Flyleaf Books - Chapel Hill. Closed. Online and phone orders, curbside pickup and $1 shipping through April.
Island Books - Kitty Hawk. No specific information but does online orders.
Malaprops Bookstore/Cafe - Asheville. Online and phone orders. Events and book clubs suspended to May 15. Home delivery throughout Buncombe Country with two book minimum, free shipping over $50 and free delivery downtown, curbside pickup. Exploring subscription services and digital content. Directing donations to the Book Industry Charitable Foundation (BINC)
Quail Ridge Books - Raleigh. Closed to the public Weds and Thurs. Taking online orders. All March events cancelled. Free media mail shipping to continental US.
The Regulator - Durham. Closed to customers. Phone and online orders. Curbside pickup, reduced shipping nationwide. Sells gift certificates.
The Book Loft - Columbus. Closed till April 6. Taking online orders, shipping for $4.99.  
Black Sun Books - Eugene. No information but putting their stock online.   
The Book Bin - Corvallis and Albany. Open. Phone orders. Free home delivery and curbside pickup.
Browser’s Books - Corvallis and Albany. Closed to public, open by appointment. Taking phone, email, and messaging orders, and posting shelfies for online browsing. Free shipping in Oregon over $15. Curbside pick-up.
Dudley's Bookshop Cafe - Bend. Closed. Taking email and Facebook orders, doing deliveries. Partnered with Libro.fm.
Grass Roots Books - Corvallis. Faking phone and online orders. Free shipping, curbside pickup. Launching an “Irregular” newsletter.
J Micheal's Books - Eugene. Closed, curbside and local home delivery.
Powell’s Books - Portland. Closed through April. Free shipping for over $25
Smith Family Bookstore - Eugene. Closed. Taking phone and online orders, allows pickup, also shipping.
Tsunami Books - Eugene. Taking phone, email, website, online, and Facebook orders. Curbside pickup. Accepts checks and cash. Free shipping anywhere in the US.              
Towne Book Center & Wine Bar - Collegeville.  Closed. Online orders. Free standard shipping in the US. Sells gift cards. Partnered with Libro.fm and MyMustReads. Some book clubs meeting digitally.
Parnassus Books - Nashville. Closed to public. Taking and shipping orders. Events cancelled until April 10.
Star Cat Books - Bradford. No information. Takes donations.
Brick and Mortar Books - Redmond. Closed. Taking online orders.
The Elliott Bay Book Company - Seattle. Closed until March 31, taking phone and online orders, taking curbside pickup, limited home delivery, free delivery for over $50, free shipping within US.
Imprint Books - Port Townsend. Closed to browsers until March 31. Taking phone and email orders. Direct-to-home shipping for $2, free over $30. Giving recommendations. Partnered with Libro.fm. April writing workshops now on Zoom.
Left Bank Books - Seattle. Closed to the public. Taking phone and online orders (including for store credit), shipping daily.
Lion Heart Books  - Seattle. No information.
Magus Books - Seattle. Closed as of March 26. Taking phone and email orders, shipping
Main Street Books - Monroe. Closed to browsing. Stock listed on spreadsheet, Amazon. and Bookshop.org. Free shipping. 20% off gift cards.
Mercer Street Books - Seattle. No information.
Ophelia's Books - Seattle. Closed to the public. Available for phone or email orders that can be shipped or picked up during limited hours.
Secret Garden Books - Seattle. Closed until at least April 7 and not processing orders until then.
Third Place Books - Seattle. Taking orders, free shipping to March 31.
Twice Sold Tales - Seattle. Open weekends, selling gift certificates, has a GoFundMe
Uppercase Bookshop - Snohomish. Closed to browsing. Taking online orders. Shipping and delivery. Sells gift cards. Partnered with Libro.fm and MyMustReads.
William James Bookseller  - Port Townsend. Closed.         
Absinthe Books
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jay-x-dj · 5 years ago
OUT SOON - You Are My Dream (Rmx 2019) Yatagan Records
Disponibile dal 3 dicembre in Esclusiva su Beatport
Thanks for support: Joseph Capriati, Luigi Madonna, Robert Owens, Julian Cooper, Riyaz Khan, Manmachine, Manuel Le Saux, Sergio Matina, Steve Mantovani, Club Beats, Essential Deluxe (Radio), Ivo Solachki, Javier Galiano, Pidi Radio, Radio-Quiet Records, Revival88, Studio Radio26, The House Of House Radio, Innersenceradio 24/7 drum n bass, Dany T, Luca Colombo.
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pinertour · 2 years ago
Nootka island fishing club
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Round trip air fare from Gold River to the Lodge is $185.00 per person. All-Inclusive Barkley Sound Fishing Rates Fun packed guided fly fishing days, tuition and lessons for beginners and expert anglers, all year round. Two guests per boat with guide, all fishing gear, care of catch, room and all meals. We require a 50% non refundable deposit to hold a reservation. I am a very adventuresome person, so when my wife asked me “why don’t you try someplace else”, I replied “ I don’t want to”Ģ Night 3 Day Fully guided trip $1299.00 per person.ģ Night 4 Day Fully guided trip $1949.00 per person.Ĥ Night 5 Day Fully guided trip $2598.00 per person. Fishing in open boats in the beautiful calm waters of Nootka Sound is just an added bonus. I feel like the owners and their staff are like long time friends, who we always enjoying seeing, not to mention that we have caught our limits of salmon on all six trips to the lodge. I love the small lodge experience, lots of good food and we do not like large crowds, especially when the reason for going is to relax and fish. “Every time we go to Nootka Island Lodge, we have a great time fishing and relaxing. They offer 4-day/3-night all-inclusive fishing trips that include lodging, gourmet meals, transportation, and. Surrounded by the beautiful waters of Nootka Sound, this incredible Vancouver Island retreat offers some of the best fishing trips in the area. Esquimalt Anglers Association Haig-Brown Flyfishing Association Island. March 10,Wild Game Dinner and Auction Fundraiser 3pm to 10pm at Perani Arena.Ĭheck out there web site See what one guest says about their experience. Nootka Wilderness Lodge is the perfect destination for your next British Columbia adventure. Nootka Sound Resort is a floating, all-inclusive resort moored in the friendly waters of Galiano Bay in Nootka Sound, BC. Fly fishing on pristine river frontage on the Gold river or salmon fishing for Springs, Halibut and Coho in Nootka Sound. Located in the beautiful Comox Valley, British Columbia. Our rooms have en-suite with shower, private walk on water entrance, gas fireplace, gorgeous views, and x-long twins or king size duvet covered beds. Nootka Wilderness Lodge is located in Nootka Sound off of the unspoiled west coast of Vancouver. Experience superb Vancouver Island fishing Fish for Coho (Silver) and Chinook (King) salmon at one of Canada’s premier fishing lodges in beautiful British Columbia. Outfitters Expo March 9th, 1pm to 9pm at Davison Country Club. Join Pacific Safaris this summer at Nootka Island Fishing Club for super hospitality and lodging including all meals and wine with dinner. Salmon Fishing at Nootka Wilderness Lodge. Come join us at the Safari Club International Flint Michigan Regional Chapter's Annual Outfitters Expo and Auction.
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richincolor · 7 years ago
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Title: The Poet X Author: Elizabeth Acevedo Genres: Contemporary, Poetry Pages: 368 Publisher: HarperTeen Review Copy: ARC received via publisher Availability: Available for purchase now
Summary: A young girl in Harlem discovers slam poetry as a way to understand her mother’s religion and her own relationship to the world. Debut novel of renowned slam poet Elizabeth Acevedo.
Xiomara Batista feels unheard and unable to hide in her Harlem neighborhood. Ever since her body grew into curves, she has learned to let her fists and her fierceness do the talking.
But Xiomara has plenty she wants to say, and she pours all her frustration and passion onto the pages of a leather notebook, reciting the words to herself like prayers—especially after she catches feelings for a boy in her bio class named Aman, who her family can never know about. With Mami’s determination to force her daughter to obey the laws of the church, Xiomara understands that her thoughts are best kept to herself.
So when she is invited to join her school’s slam poetry club, she doesn’t know how she could ever attend without her mami finding out, much less speak her words out loud. But still, she can’t stop thinking about performing her poems.
Because in the face of a world that may not want to hear her, Xiomara refuses to be silent.
Review: Note: The Poet X includes physical and religious abuse, sexual harassment, and references to homophobia.
One of the best things about a novel in verse is how immediate the character’s voice can feel. Xiomara is an outstanding character who is trying to figure out how to express herself and coming to terms with the fact that what her church teaches (and her mother staunchly believes) does not reflect the world as she sees it or the way she wants to live. She is sharp, witty, and always bracing for a fight, and some of my favorite poems are the contrasts between what she wants to say and what she actually feels she can say (e.g., her homework assignments).
The Poet X is a great coming of age story. Xiomara pretty much does it all—falling in love, questioning religion, clashing with family, finding an outlet for her passion, calling out rape culture and sexism—and good times and the bad help her discover who she truly is and what she believes. Xiomara discovering and falling in love with slam poetry while we’re reading her poetry is a beautiful experience. It made me want to pull up some of my favorite Sarah Kay videos (yes, I had a slam poetry phase in my 20s) and just put them on repeat.
Even without knowing author Elizabeth Acevedo’s impressive and extensive body of slam poetry work, her love for the form was clear throughout the book. And so was Xiomara’s. I loved every time Xiomara made it to the poetry club or interacted with the other members, especially Ms. Galiano. Women mentoring other women is one of my favorite things, and having this teacher repeatedly reach out to Xiomara and encourage her talents was honestly inspiring.
But Xiomara’s story isn’t just a steady upward climb of honing her poetic talents; it touches on several more difficult topics. She is keenly aware of how much rape culture permeates her life and how much her mother buys into it and into the church’s sexism. There are some awful, painful scenes where Xiomara is punished (or insulted) for her budding sexuality and religious doubt. While there is a mostly hopeful conclusion to some of this, it left me concerned that Xiomara had only really bought herself some breathing space with her mother. (But that’s my pessimistic self.)
The romantic relationship between Xiomara and Aman is very well done, and Aman is one of the many interesting supporting characters in the book. One of the best traits a romantic lead can have, in my opinion, is consistently demonstrating a desire to listen. When Xiomara felt like she had to be silent, Aman was there, encouraging her with her poetry. (Another excellent trait is knowing when to apologize and how to make up for doing wrong.) I was also very fond of Twin (Xiomara’s twin brother, Xavier) and Caridad, as well as Ms. Galiano.
Overall, The Poet X is an important, moving novel in verse about growing up and finding your voice in a world that can be very hostile to your existence. Acevedo’s writing made me pause, more than once, to wonder at the beauty and cleverness of particular phrases or imagery. I’m definitely going to spend the weekend watching some of her videos (link below).
Recommendation: Buy it now, especially if you love poetry. The Poet X is a great coming of age story about discovering your voice in a world that is hostile to your existence. Acevedo’s debut novel features a memorable heroine and gorgeous poetry, and your life would be richer for reading it.
Elizabeth Acevedo – Books, Poems & Videos
Elizabeth Acevedo and Sarah Kay on Their New Books, Latinx Representation, and Why Poetry Is Political
Q & A with Elizabeth Acevedo
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euskadideportes · 7 years ago
Athletic Club: ORGANIGRAMA DE LEZAMA / #AthleticClub #athletic
@EuskadiDeportes (Vitoria, 20 de Jun. Texto y foto pertenecientes a: http://www.athletic-club.eus).- Estos son los entrenadores que configurarán el organigrama técnico de Lezama para la temporada 2018-19
Bilbao Athletic: Gaizka Garitano / Patxi Ferreira/ Iñigo Lizarralde
Basconia: Aritz Solabarrieta / Iñaki Gonzalez Abadía
Juvenil A: Andoni Galiano / Joxean Alvarez
Juvenil B: Iban Fuentes /…
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muublanco · 7 years ago
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tickets already on sale link in bio ▶️ @bacalaomen : present SANGRE “Album Release Party” special guest @acostaofficial and #VideoMapping Show : #MuuBlancoVideoArt & #Boogaloo Vibes : #DrMuusica / @openstageclub Friday 16 / 9:00 Pm 2325 Galiano Street, Coral Gable, FL. 33134 / $15 - $20 door. #BacaloMen @drmuusica @muublancovideoart #CoralGable #305 #MusicLife #ArtLife #MusicLive #LatinSound #LatinVibes (en Open Stage Club)
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bibliophilebookreviews · 5 years ago
The Poet X
The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo
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A short novel written in poems.
Here’s the spoiler-free premise: Xiomara Batista is a 15 year old Dominican girl in New York being raised by an extremely religious mother who favors Xiomara’s twin brother. When Xiomara’s English teacher encourages her to join the new Poetry Club, Xiomara initially refuses, partially because she is supposed to be attending her confirmation classes at church. But, school continues and Xiomara’s hesitance fades as her “rebellion” emerges -- a budding relationship with a boy, questioning religion and the bible, and discovering the poet within herself. 
I absolutely LOVED this book!! I was nervous at first because I’m not a huge fan of poetry, but I listened to the audiobook (which I highly recommend) and it honestly felt like the novel that it is. It’s pretty short -- the audiobook is only about 3 hours -- but there’s a lot happening. 
First, I really felt for Xiomara. She is a teenager that I think a lot of young women can relate to in one way or another. (For me, it was almost 100 percent.) She’s got a complicated relationship with her mother (don’t we all) and is struggling to reconcile her own faith and reality. Xiomara wants to experience life, which may or may not have anything to do with the boy she likes, and her best friend is her complete opposite. Poetry becomes her outlet, her escape even, a part of her she didn’t even know she had but now cannot live without.
Which brings me to the second thing I loved about this book: Ms. Galiano. She is such a good teacher and mentor to Xiomara. I love that Ms. Galiano believed in Xiomara, was patient with her, allowed her to cultivate her love of poetry. Ms. Galiano was a mother to Xiomara in a way and at a time that Xiomara’s own mother couldn’t be. And yet, Ms. Galiano’s nurturing of Xiomara is not a slight against Xiomara’s mother -- they’re both important in Xiomara’s development.
Third -- AND THIS SECTION MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS -- I was okay with not knowing whether Xiomara actually won the poetry slam although, I’m guessing it’s implied. I appreciated the reason Xiomara and Aman broke up, and even more that he was there for her when she needed him without holding a grudge. I love that Xiomara and her mother made up -- with Father Sean’s -- and you can tell that things will never be perfect between them. But I do think that the entire experience gave Xiomara a sort of spiritual understanding when she otherwise would have probably just resented her mother and church even more. SPOILERS OVER.
I felt that the ending was handled very well. The whole story leads up to the poetry slam so there’s really no need to continue beyond that; the celebration was sufficient and the conflicts had been resolved, even in Xiomara’s last essay. This book is not exactly a “coming of age” novel, but there’s so much self-discovery and overall maturation -- and not just for Xiomara. Even though I don’t think it’s necessary, I could see a tv show being made from this, perhaps detailing more than just one year of high school for Xiomara or delving further into the other characters’ lives. This book was just really good and I enjoyed it immensely! I would one thousand percent recommend it to anyone!
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buenosairesnews · 5 years ago
Argentina women's volleyball team setter Galiano plans comeback
BUENOS AIRES, May 22 (Xinhua) -- Argentina's women's volleyball team's setter Valentina Galiano is set to resume her career at Spanish volleyball club Barcelona after stepping away from the sport l Buenos Aires news today
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jay-x-dj · 5 years ago
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OUT SOON - You Are My Dream (Rmx 2019) Yatagan Records Disponibile dal 3 dicembre in Esclusiva su Beatport For Info & Booking: [email protected] - [email protected] Thanks for support: Joseph Capriati, Luigi Madonna, Robert Owens, Julian Cooper, Riyaz Khan, Manmachine, Manuel Le Saux, Sergio Matina, Steve Mantovani, Club Beats, Essential Deluxe (Radio), Ivo Solachki, Javier Galiano, Pidi Radio, Radio-Quiet Records, Revival88, Studio Radio26, The House Of House Radio, Innersenceradio 24/7 drum n bass, Dany T, Luca Colombo. https://soundcloud.com/jay-x/sets/you-are-my-dream-rmx-2019 #techno #technology #techhouse #djset #djs #djmusic #mp3 #housemusic #technolivesets #photooftheday #picoftheday #instamusic #musically #music #musica #musikdj #producer #djproducer #beatport #spotify #itunes #applemusic #production https://www.instagram.com/p/B4jv9-EoJfs/?igshid=1thtrnsefbbjm
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robertespinola1 · 6 years ago
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Asunción, 13 de julio de 2019 COMUNICADO ⏫MENSAJES A LAS FAMILIAS DEL CIT Los abajo firrmantes ROBERTO ESPINOLA (Ex Presidente 1993-1996 / 1997-1999), JULIO GALIANO (Ex Presidente 2012-2014 / 2015-2017), GLORIA N. CARDOZO DE GALIANO y CARLOS CESPEDES, hoy socios suspendidos en sus derechos injustamente por un Tribunal de Reglamento y Disciplina; hecho a medida por intereses mezquinos, con procedimientos sumariales viciados de nulidad, de inicio al fin, con el único objetivo de acallar nuestras voces, y que respondemos a viva voz: ¡¡¡ NO LO LOGRARAN!!! Nosotros tenemos “techo de acero”, lo cual nos permite gritar a los cuatro vientos nuestras opiniones como SOCIOS Y DUEÑOS DEL CLUB, no pudiendo los autores intelectuales de este adefesio jurídico jactarse de lo mismo. Hoy, 24 hs. antes de la Asamblea extraordinaria convocada a los apurones y socializada únicamente con los “amigos”, con nuestras voces acalladas, nos permitimos dar a conocer nuestra posición al respecto: Emisión de títulos: Manifestamos nuestro parecer favorable a su emisión y con ello favorecer la continuidad de la familia dentro de SU CLUB, siendo incluso una de las prioridades propugnadas por nuestra administración. Lo único que pedimos a los Asambleístas es que se exija la presentación de todos los estudios que sustenten el impacto demográfico del mismo, así como las inversiones a realizar a fin de poder recibirlos en nuestra casa. ⏫Obras de Infraestructura / Demolición del Casco Histórico: Somos convencidos de la necesidad de seguir invirtiendo racionalmente en obras de infraestructura que nos permitan acoger a las socios dentro de la jerarquía a que está acostumbrado el Socio Propietario del CIT. Estas decisiones no pueden ser tratadas a la ligera y sin socializarlos adecuadamente entre los Propietarios, existiendo Socios profesionales de primer nivel que podrían asesorar y apuntar a la excelencia de siempre, mas aún teniendo en cuenta que se pretende demoler el 🚫CASCO HISTÓRICO DEL CLUB, de contramano a lo que dictan las normas arquitectónicas y el sentido común cuando se tratan de edifcaciones con un alto contenido histórico y emotivo como es el caso, alterando esa primogénita concepción (en Club Internacional de Tenis) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz3x5FVj3FE/?igshid=wr7dnw7my9bm
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buyweedonlineshop-blog · 6 years ago
Medical Marijuana Dispensaries - Few Things To Know
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Are you considering opening a medical marijuana dispensary in California? Medical marijuana is legal in almost 14 states in US including California and a large number of people today are resorting to this substance as a means of recovering from their medical conditions. Physicians believe that marijuana contains healing properties and can help people suffering from debilitating medical conditions such as cancer, persistent muscle spasms, glaucoma, seizures, AIDS, etc. However, to be able to open a California medical marijuana dispensary, it is important for you to make sure that you are familiar with the state as well as the federal law. Opening a California medical marijuana dispensary means that you have done your homework and know what it takes to open the dispensary according to the laws of your state. A good dispensary is one which maintains its integrity and records and it does not take much time for law enforcers to close an open dispensary if it is found that things are not being conducted according to code. Although marijuana dispensaries, delivery services and clubs are in business in California, the sale of this substance as well as any other type of cannabis is strictly illegal under the federal law. However, under the California State law, sale is illegal, but non-profit distribution may be allowed to some extent. One of the best ways to go about opening a California medical marijuana dispensary is to enroll in some good courses that are put together by professionals.  If you beloved this report and you would like to obtain a lot more facts concerning galiano kindly check out our own web-page. With the help of medical marijuana schools and courses, you will be able to prepare yourself to enter one of the fastest growing industries in the US. Even if you are not aware of the current state laws and how you can open your own dispensary, the courses you take up will take you through everything step by step. There are many online courses that you can take up if you are unwilling to join a school. These online courses on how to open a marijuana dispensary in California will not only provide you with general information, but will answer all the questions that you may have and also provide information about vendors, collectives, consultants, accountants, lawyers and anyone else who could help you move your project forward.  
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erigibbi-blog · 7 years ago
Libri in arrivo Aprile 2018
Libri in arrivo Aprile 2018 #LibriInArrivo #LibriInArrivoAprile #LibriInArrivoAprile2018 #NuoveUscite #NuoveUsciteAprile #NuoveUsciteAprile2018
LIBRI IN ARRIVO APRILE 2018: se non avete idea di cosa leggere non dovete far altro che scoprire le nuove uscite librose di Aprile 2018.
Libri in arrivo Aprile 2018
(03/04) Miden – Veronica Raimo(Mondadori): È un mattino cristallino come tanti a Miden. Una ragazza bussa alla porta di una coppia con un’accusa di abuso sessuale. L’accusato è il suo ex professore di filosofia. La compagna del…
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latikobe · 8 years ago
El güiro en activo más antiguo de Cuba
VILLA CLARA, Cuba.- Uno va curioseando en pos de las pequeñas historias que se orillan si las arrollan las grandes —del país— y que aún puedan contarse. Acaso por preferencia —o lo que sea que sobre/sub/valoremos en gente talentosa—, dejamos de lado algunas biografías.
Cuando Ry Cooder “descubrió” —de la mano de Juan de Marcos— al Buenavista Social Club que después alargó con foránea mirada Wim Wenders (1999) a aquellos artistas relegados —unas veces por pereza oficial y otras por desconocimiento—, quienes conformaron las tradiciones armónicas de Cuba, pocos fueron los elegidos.
Junto a Brasil, México, y Argentina, la música cubana supera en influencias al resto de las naciones latinoamericanas por su diversidad genérico-creadora, independientemente del impacto que hayan dejado otras en las nuestras.
Escuché a amigos en Mallorca hablar de este viejito “inmortal”, quien todavía hoy, con 78 años, sigue sonando e integrado a orquestas típicas desde mediados del pasado siglo.
Raúl Martínez González resulta difícilmente igualable en perseverancia y consagración a un instrumento fijo. Ha visto morir a su familia (la esposa y el único hijo) y ha tenido que tocar en trances muy dolorosos, por compromiso, en circunstancias que a muchos quebrantarían.
Por ese respeto por el arte de un autodidacta que nunca despertó el interés de la prensa, quien ha puesto a bailar a generaciones de apasionados, es que le propongo conversar en el municipio mismo (Playa) donde aún reside. Nacido allí el 8 de diciembre del 38, en un día que, para futuras efemérides culturales, albergaría ambiguas conmemoraciones.
De niño su mamá le llevaba a los bailables en los Jardines en la Tropical y el Salón Mambí, sitios frecuentados a la matiné por todas las clases sociales capitalinas. Raúl se arrinconaba mientras los mayores se divertían, aprendiendo a desmarcar cada ignota-nota del suspenso pentagrama. Llegó a canturrear —con 11 años— todas las melodías en boga.
Su predilección por el guayo (o güiro, como llaman al idiófono de golpe directo/raspadura de procedencia tanto bantú como yoruba que debe su nombre al fruto con que se construye: el calabazo, y que en la música campesina acompaña al laúd y a la guitarra) no es más que la continuidad rítmica en síncopa de caderas con que le contagió Florentina, su madre.
Pasearse casi 65 años entre una docena de agrupaciones sirvió para crecerle un prestigio al que hoy consideran ‘el máster más vola’o para cualquier grabación o descarga’, resultado de escasear competidores.
Raúl, que es tan grande como la música que interpreta, vive en medio de una pequeñez conmovedora. Su casa, de una sola habitación erigida sobre mínima salita-comedor, la consiguió con el importe de vender el viejo automóvil cuando la Vista (ya no tan Buena) aconsejó abandonarlo.
En fotos donde se preserva radiante vagando por medio mundo, aparece junto a Cheo Feliciano, los Titos Puentes y Nieves, músicos de Marc Anthony y hasta los de Arturo Sandoval.
Oigámosle simpar itinerario:
Mi embobamiento con la música comenzó en 1949. Iba a todos los bailes infantiles del BSC vestido de cocinero con una espumadera en la mano, porque mi padre era socio fundador y un primo suyo llegó a presidirlo. Con ese tareco de cocina produje mis primeros batacazos. Los famosos de ahora no “descubrieron” aquel sitio en mi barrio de Marianao, fue que alguien les contó. Lo fundaron en la 29 entre 60 y 62ª, luego lo mudaron a 31 entre 46 y 48. Un día vi a Cachao tocando con Arcaño (y sus Maravillas) y quedé fascina’o. Cuando les pregunté cuánto pagaban por la tumbadora, respondieron que lo mismo que al timbal ¿y el güiro?, pues igual. Lo asumí por ser el más ligero y sabroso de los 3. Ahí me enseñaron que tocarlo con la muñeca era la salvación contra el cansancio. Mirar ensayar me permitió recoger lo mejor de Félix Reina (de Musiquita, con Cachao en la flauta, y su hermano Jesús al piano). A los 2 los disfruté en el bajo. La inclusión de la tumbadora en el danzón, que era la onda, fue cosa tremenda. Cuando le dije a mi madre que iba a ser músico me respondió que yo no había estudiado nada. De ella aprendí viéndola danzonear.
Al tío de Puppy (el de Los que Son-Son) le decíamos “Escaparate” (güirista de Arcaño) y fue quien me reveló los secretos que atesoro. Su hermano (“El Nene Alimenta’o”) me miraba, no bailar sino observarles, y un día de guapo me atreví; —maestro, yo voy a tocar así—.
Con el güiro ya agarra’o supe que con él solito se puede sacar versión (acústica) hasta del himno nacional —lo cual es delito— pero Cachao, que fue libre antes que nada, compuso un danzón con melodías de las guerras, y sus manos, junto a las de Bebo Valdés, están en el paseo de Hollywood. Las mías no estarán ni en La Rampa del Veda’o.
Estando con la Silver Stars que fue mi primera orquesta, conocí a Enrique Jorrín y nos hicimos socios, dedicándonos aquello de…“El Silver tiene lo que más yo quiero”… Fue otra maravilla suya. Todavía la tocan para los viejitos en el Palacio de la Rumba.
Miguelito Cuní, Orlando de la Rosa, Joseíto Fernández, Abelardo Barroso (Machito), la Orquesta Sensación, Félix Reina, Joseíto González (Rumbavana), Orlando Guerra (Cascarita) y yo, cuando perdíamos la pincha, siempre encontrábamos empleo porque juntos fuimos fundadores del Sindicato de Músicos que luego aniquilaron.
De este género somos pocos los Graduados (empíricamente), pues sin él no existirían son, danzón, chachachá, ni música cubana al fin.
En El Niche compartí con Chano Pozo y Sabino Peñalver —el bajo de Félix Chapotín—.
Entré al Combo de Samuel Téllez —que era abogado y un genio—, antes de la intervención que hizo el gobierno, y a veces, clandestinamente, suplí en Melodías del 40. Por un dinerito extra.
En el Hotel Capri fui co-director del espectáculo junto a Joaquín M. Condall, y además tocaba en aquel combo. Con Condall nos mudaron a Tropicana para producir shows como “Los romanos eran así” que duraban años en cartelera Y no eran fenómenos que pasaran por culpa del “metrónomo”. Eran de legítimo empuje popular.
En la percusión el interés de los jóvenes iba hacia los tambores. No lo había —ni lo hay— por el güiro. Mi hijo se graduó de “baterista” porque estaba prohibida la enseñanza de otros elementos de percusión “no clásicos”, además de toda la música popular. Tuvo que aprender los secretos del son con un particular. Cuando Raúl Jr. terminó la ENA (Escuela Nacional de Arte), lo enviaron a cumplir el “servicio social” al Conjunto Artístico de las FAR (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias), idéntico al de los demás países socialistas. De allí no pudo evadirse para progresar en medio de tentadoras proposiciones, porque los militares difícilmente sueltan aquello que apresan.
De la ENA amenazaron con botarlo porque era fan mío. Luego lo que le tocó fue en “el verde”, ahí lo retuvieron una enormidad, impidiéndole desarrollarse. Siquiera cuando quisieron que fuera bajista de La Aragón, ni con Pachito Alonso, Adalberto Álvarez, y otros que hicieron maromas para que lo liberaran. Claro, era hijo de nadie, pero a él lo enseñó más Peñalver que la escuela entera. Ni siquiera Urfé pudo con eso, excepto explicarles la conga que incluye al bongó únicamente para educar la mano.
Mi hermano, también músico, había sido parte de La Aragón desde 1955.
En 1953 yo estaba fijo, con doble vínculo desde el 55 con la orquesta Almendra, hasta que en el 60 se acabó “la búsqueda”. En el 61 me ubicaron en la Modelo (del 59) y en el 62 con Téllez. Fue en 1968 que se recupera el poder alternar oficios y colaboré con el Piquete Típico de Odilio Urfé. Desde el 69 y por diez años estuve en el Conjunto Rumbavana. Del 80 y hasta el 2006 con la Orquesta de Elio Revé, y en 2007 pasé a Pedrito Calvo y la Nueva Justicia. Desde 2009 ando dando tumbos con la Orquesta Siglo XX y a partir del 14 suplo con la Charanga Típica de Gonzalo Rubalcaba. Tengo varias medallas que luego te mostraré, la de los 30 años en la Cultura, Laureado por 50 consecutivos, me dieron evaluación de primer nivel no me acuerdo cuando, pero me satisface más un diploma del CIDMUC (Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de la Música Cubana) por mis “notables aportes a la percusión cubana en la obra de toda la vida”. He asistido a muchos festivales en América, Europa y Asia haciendo lo que sé hacer. ¡Mi primer viaje fue al Perú en el 87!
Aprendí música preguntando, porque había nacido con algo adentro. El güiro no tiene lectura ni papel pautado, hay que tocarlo con el corazón. Y según Zenaidita Romeu “no será nunca percusión menor”. Lo dijo en un programa buenísimo de televisión que después quitaron. Y agrego yo que “la marcha”, sin él, no va. A ningún lado’.
Una anécdota con nombre y apellidos
Raúl Martínez junto a Cheo Feliciano (foto cortesía del entrevistado)
Junto a Joseíto Fernández y Germán Pinelli (foto cortesía del entrevistado)
Junto a Tito Puentes (foto cortesía del entrevistado)
Raúl recibe a CubaNet en su casa (foto del autor)
Raúl recibe a CubaNet en su casa (foto del autor)
Raúl recibe a CubaNet en su casa (foto del autor)
Raúl recibe a CubaNet en su casa (foto del autor)
(foto cortesía del entrevistado)
Existía una tiendecita habanera (Galiano e/ Barcelona y San José) donde los cubanos que recibían el anhelado permiso, podían adquirir la indumentaria imprescindible para su primer viaje internacional: un traje, una maleta, par de zapatos. Allí se entera nuestro Raúl de que un homónimo anterior (el pintor) había comprado lo correspondiente a “esa persona y debía hasta el pago” —al entonces Consejo Nacional de Cultura—, por tanto; “nada de adquisiciones”. Ignoraba también que en años por venir le exigirían aclarar su identidad para llegar a comerse una hamburguesa. O registrarlo bajo sospecha de ‘infracción proletaria” en los merenderos regulados del periodo especial.
Preguntado por la actual ola arrasadora (del reggaetón) me dice:
No me gusta, no tiene sentido, quizá si le incluyeran saxo, paila, y bajo, a lo mejor llegaría a escucharlo. Toda la música puede volverse buena si se hace sin inventos.
Hay grupos claves en la música cubana de todos los tiempos con los que se codeó Raul que no me cuenta, por modestia. Creados en las primeras cinco décadas del siglo XX: el Sexteto Habanero, Ignacio Piñeiro, Los Muñequitos de Matanzas, el Trío Matamoros, la Orquesta Sensación (la que integró por épocas), la Casino de la Playa y, el corolario de los años 40: Chano Pozo, su amigo, quien tanta influencia ulterior tuvo en el jazz. A los 50 pertenecen las big-bands tropicalizadas: Lecuona Cubans Boys, la Riverside (en ella también), Orquesta del Benny Moré; aunque la más cosmopolita de todas fue: La Sonora Matancera. Teniendo a Celia Cruz por voz, con quien compartió escenarios. Hubo orquestas que trascendieron fronteras; el gran Pérez Prado. Pero Lecuona Cubans Boys fue la más rotunda en la Europa de posguerras.
Abunda Raúl sobre meridianos culturales que desde el son de La Ma’ Teodora pasando por Ñico Saquito y Ernesto Lecuona, desde las danzas de Cervantes y Saumell a Julián Orbón y Aurelio de la Vega, cree firmemente que es en la música popular donde lo cubano alcanza su excelencia;…‘sobre todo por la ricura que ha esparcido en este mundo de escasa paz y menos alegrías’…
Los elitistas encasillaron al chirimbolo de matriz africana como el menos trascendental de los orquestales. A partir de ahora —y gracias a Cubanet—, cuando se busque con Google a artistas cubanos contemporáneos, aparecerá este Raúl Martínez González, “El Güirero Mayor” de la isla, porque sencillamente ya está.
El güiro en activo más antiguo de Cuba
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