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master-mind-art · 9 months ago
🌌 Skate the Cosmos! 🚀🌊
An astronaut on a colorful cosmic wave, capturing the thrill of space and skateboarding in one epic ride! 🌟🛹✨
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finewithoutit · 4 years ago
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@galaxyride​ says, ‘ i told you, i’ve got this. ’
                 They’re outnumbered, not that they’ve ever got an even fight on their hands, and the expressions worn by the beings standing between them and their shuttlecraft don’t exactly scream ‘pleasant encounter’. Her Captain speaks --- mumbles, is more what he does. And her lips thin because she knows that tone, knows he’s trying harder to boost his own confidence than he is hers. 
Protocol never makes it to the surface of a planet with them, they’ve been through too much together for abject professionalism, but even Nyota feels weird pointing out that the last time he said ‘I’ve got this’ they ended up stranded on a desert moon for seventy-eight hours. Right now what Kirk needs is for someone to have is back, “I know.”
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atlaslived · 6 years ago
POSITIVITY   ⋆⋆   @galaxyriders
🎯:  Your portrayal is on point!🌟:  I love seeing you on the dash!
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omg we haven’t even written anything together yet so this is like?? so nice??? thank you so much, lovely — i’ve really loved what i’ve seen of your muses so far and i can’t wait to see more of you on my dash!! ♡
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goofbcll · 6 years ago
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       “Pidge, the galra have cracked into our serves.” Hunk flexed his hands, ready to work on blocking the attack, “Unless, you’re trying to get them to get our secrets. Maybe, you should have strengthen the security!”
@galaxyriders // starter.
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silentpiilot · 6 years ago
@galaxyriders |  Winter based starter
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     It was a relaxing day, freshly fell snow from the night prior. The snow  was glistening from the sun, almost blinding in fact. Kinkade smiled, shifting  his video camera in his hands. These were beautiful shots, and he wanted to get them. It was early in the morning, the snow still clung to the trees, and it was just overall beautiful.
    Olive hues spotted a familiar figure walking buy, trying to keep warm. He recognized him easily. A small smile was tugged on his lips. He wasn’t so sure what sort of reaction he was going to get out of this, but he was in a playful mood. Kinkade gathered up some of the freshly snow, balled it up, and tossed it in his direction. 
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quanteum · 4 years ago
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       hello && welcome! i’m luca and thank you for visiting
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     you’ve stumbled upon my marvel / dc multi-muse blog.  inspirations here come from both comic and movie media.  some may lean more heavily in one direction than others.  all are varying degrees of canon divergent and fleshed out with headcanon.  
     icon psds and graphics may not match as i’m mashing a bunch of solo blog attempts into this one.
     please be sure to specify muse ( or narrow it down ! ) when sending anything in or requesting.  me making a decision is never a quick affair.  plus, a specification gives me the confidence that you’re getting content you’re interested in.
   this will be a low activity blog.  i favor heavily plotted threads so please feel free to reach out if you feel the same.  on that note, memes are also a great way to get started as will probably not be throwing out a starter call for a good while.  if it’s in the tag then i’m still accepting it.  always feel free to respond if you have the muse to do so !
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✚    rules / muse list    ✚   memes    ✚   interest tracker
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                        also at:   @valiantsword​  ✚  @apollorise​   ✚ @galaxyride
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purrglr · 4 years ago
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             hello && welcome! i’m luca and thank you for visiting
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     selina is heavily rooted in rebirth canon but her story is pulled together from a number of things i find make sense.  this can and might include other timelines or other media.  everything is held together by duct tape and headcanon.  can be compliant with dceu ( not yet sure about the upcoming r.pat version but we’ll see ).  please note her main verse is single ship.
   this will be a low activity blog.  i favor heavily plotted threads so please feel free to reach out if you feel the same.  on that note, memes are also a great way to get started as will probably not be throwing out a starter call for a good while.  if it’s in the tag then i’m still accepting it.  always feel free to respond if you have the muse to do so !  
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✚   doc    ✚   memes    ✚   interest tracker
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                        also at:   @dreamsaved​   ✚ @galaxyride
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huntmade · 4 years ago
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                      hello && welcome! i’m luca and thank you for visiting
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     for the time being sam is heavily rooted in seasons 1-6.  i’ve watched up until season 9 but my memory of it is spotty.  while i do a rewatch and catch up on content i’m going to keep him where i’m most comfortable.  we can also go in to fandomless territory if you’d prefer. 
   this will be a low activity blog.  i favor heavily plotted threads so please feel free to reach out if you feel the same.  on that note, memes are also a great way to get started as will probably not be throwing out a starter call for a good while.  if it’s in the tag then i’m still accepting it.  always feel free to respond if you have the muse to do so !
   that being said, my mobile is logged on to my steve ( apollorise ).  feel free to poke me over there as it may not see messages here right away.  dis.cord is also available if preferred.
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✚    rules & doc    ✚   memes    ✚   interest tracker
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                        also at:   @apollorise​​  ✚  @quanteum​   ✚ @galaxyride​
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shieldrevive · 4 years ago
we’ve made it to functional ( minus an actual promo rip ).  captain james t. can be found over at @galaxyride
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kalvaertar · 4 years ago
Although Grant was accustomed to space travel, he never enjoyed sudden temporal shifts that were not of his own making. It was one thing to know the where he was in relative space time, but the other to not know entirely. 
Small clues no doubt held the answer to the question’s he posed. A blaring headache for one, the need for more air than he usually required was another, and also the dizziness was another. It would all pass in time, but it was the downside of not being fully Kal’vaer’tar.
They could at least endure such an occurrence with little trouble. Grant, on the other hand, had to suffer side effects that varied from situation to situation. In most cases, they were light, but every now and again . . .  they became problematic.
Thankfully, this was not one of those times, and it was simply a slight amount of pressure in his head he had to worry about as well as extremely blurry vision. Something that would pass in time.
“---- Going to feel that in the morning.”
Rather, he was feeling it now, but as he believed himself to be fully alone? He didn’t really care about the fact that he practically was emitting off a fair amount of cold or that two meters around him in every direction seemed to be entirely frozen, covered in ice, or both.
“That was a close one.”
(  @galaxyride  )
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galteani-blog · 6 years ago
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hi everyone ! a new year is upon us & i have high hopes for 2019 ( bc 2018 was a crapshoot lets be real ) & i wish you all a prosperous new year !
i’d like to start by thanking my closer friends in the community; ( @nostraen / @pyreflown / @alteani / @kinkadence / @astraei ) nima, eevee, tim, komu, & propaganda have all been great friends to me throughout the year & they’re all incredible writers ! thank you all for being lovely people <3
next, i’d like to thank my other partners ( whom i’d love to get to know better ); ( @wrongblooded / @obsidianled / @controllxd / @tsujiru / @kegane / @bladebuilt / @prxcul / @greenroar / @maudlxne / @leoregina​ ) you’ve all been amazing partners to write with and i would love to talk with you all more ooc; hmu for my discord if you don’t have it already !
finally, i’d like to thank the rest of my mutuals ( whom i admire from afar and would love to interact with ); ( @bladeblazed / @argentplated / @piceousbonded / @solarshooter / @solstrae / @depthsbled / @alteabled / @sylvabled / @marmomran / @contraducem / @stolenbystars / @degausseur / @iliyovunjika / @temettnosce / @galaxyriders / @purepilot / @bledlinked / @kvganc / @astraliability / @godspyre / @galranscars / @iceferno / @kokoronoshi / @logictwisted / @permasclaris / @starbastard / @earthlost / @weptichor​ / @noirpilot​ / @alteaost​ / @voiidlost​ / @luminarysolace​ / @starzure​ / @alteaveined​ / @tarnishedluminary​ / @vin-robles​ / @rebelastrum​ / @ofgalran​ / @altruistheart​ / @dualitydefined​ / @anotheraltean​ / @galrannoodle​ / @aquntics​ / @lnstinctalone​ / @impfiltration​ / @warzonic​ / @shiroganc​ / @blazerought​ / @thosepeas​ / @bulletsblue​ / @bladesmcn​ / @legendavyblue​ / @lunaforged​ / @astravein​ / @sherisen​ / @shinkv​ / @bluechose​ / @azureroar​ )
cheers ! here’s to keeping Lotor alive & well <3 
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sylvabled · 6 years ago
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it’s hard to believe i’ve been around for over TWO YEARS in the rpc and my blog. i expected to stick around for as long as i have considering the fact i hyperfixate to hell and strongly identify with pidge, but i didn’t expect to have over 500 PEOPLE interested in my writing over others in the rpc. i’m so honored and grateful to have people even remotely invested in what i like to do, and i’m thankful for the people i’ve meet on here. i can’t really express how much i appreciate all of you even if i tried. v:ld may have swan dived over the edge with the last season, but i’ll still love the series for the majority of it and i’ll be here for a little while longer with pidge, that’s for sure!  to those who have recently followed me, those who aren’t as active, and those who have been with me since day one: thank you from the bottom of my heart! as long as i still have ideas, i’ll be writing on pidge 💚💚💚 
special little section for my main lovelies!
@alteabled / @catusbled / @caelusbled / @empyrebled / @depthsbled / @tremorbled / @pyrobled​ / @astralinity / @intelsought
some of my amazing active mutuals that i love seeing on my dash and i’d love to interact with more!
@ahdynn / @aquaeques / @aquntics / @astraliability / @astravein / @baymaxtm / @blazerought / @bloomrot / @chaosgiven / @codeshot / @daesmotis / @dragetunge / @drawnred / @everanalytical / @floweringeclipse / @galaxyriders / @galranscars / @galteani / @goofbcll / @guncobo / @hanbunno / @ilmortale​ / @inanthesis​ / @legendleft​ / @logictwisted​ / @mappedfates​ / @marmomran​ / @matthcwholt​ / @mekaon​ / @mettatoniic​ / @noirpilot​ / @ofalsehoods​ / @onesfirst​ / @pallsc​ / @panickypaladin​ / @permasclaris​ / @pistolhymn​ / @praesidioest​ / @purepilot​ / @shiroganc​ / @talariis​ / @tempcsts​ / @victoryclaimed​ / @voidgravity​ / @voidslept​ / @xcallmepidge​ / @yellowlinked​ / basically my entire mutuals list ( lol  )
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sachwlang · 5 years ago
Disneyland's Avengers Campus Takes Thanos' Snap Out of the Equation
Disneyland’s Avengers Campus Takes Thanos’ Snap Out of the Equation
Disneyland California Adventure’s Avengers Campus will act as if Thanos’ mighty snap never happened. The Walt Disney Company and Marvel Studios partnered on the new area of the popular theme park, which will allow Marvel Cinematic Universe fans to be immersed into the world of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. The new addition joins the Guardians of the Galaxyride, which has been open since…
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wenillustrations · 6 years ago
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GalaxyRider: Cake and Kamikaze (Cover) by Nessienono
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sylvabled · 6 years ago
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          This is time of year where everyone gathers with their family, friends and loved ones all around the world. Sadly, with having friends across the country to on the other side of the world, we can’t exactly see each other. But that doesn’t mean we can’t give our appreciation to our beloved mutuals! I’m beyond grateful to know each and everyone of you who shall be listed. For mutuals with a V:LD muse or enjoys the show: we’ll get through the rest of this year and treat our muses right! Keep doing what you love! For all my friends, acquaintances, mutuals, and followers: I WISH YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR! THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE WITH ME FOR THIS WILD RIDE OF A YEAR! 💖🎄
          LOVE, ZOE.
special shout out to the people who i can’t see my life without! you are amazing friends and i can’t wait to see what adventures we’ll get into next year!!
@astralinity / @alteabled / @catusbled / @codeshot / @depthsbled / @drawnred / @empyrebled / @empyrosis / @caelusbled / @intelsought / @lunorder / @pyrobled / @tremorbled / @yellowlinked
now for the rest of my wonderful mutuals and friends!
@absoluteneed / @ahdynn​ / @aquaeques / @aquntics / @astravein / @astraliability / @becomedeviant​ / @blazerought / @bladeblazed / @boostiohs / @calculatedmfe / @catanobile​ / @chaosgiven​ / @cheeiw​ / @clawwsout​ / @contraducem​ / @daesmotis​ / @darkchose​ / @dawnstrap​ / @deathwalksamong​ / @degausseur​ / @dragetunge​ / @everanalytical​ / @frystsnow​ / @galteani​ / @galetide​ / @galaxyriders​ / @goofbcll​ / @griffiation​ / @guncobo​ / @hanbunno​ / @huckleberrytm​ / @iceferno​ / @inanthesis​ / @legendleft​ / @lingzhcu​ / @lunascient​ / @marmomran​ / @matthcwholt​ / @mettatonmas​ / @mekaon​ / @mistlenoct​ / @onesfirst​ / @paladaeon​ / @pallsc​ / @panickypaladin​ / @permasclaris​ / @pistolhymn​ / @praesidioest​ / @promptical​ / @purepilot​ / @pyreflown​ / @shiroganc​ / @solarshooter​ / @solstrae​ / @talariis​ / @victoryclaimed​ / @voidgravity​ / @voidgravity​ / @walcure​ / @xcallmepidge​ /
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sylvabled · 6 years ago
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TAGGED BY: @astralinity  TAGGING: @pyrobled, @empyrebled, @empyrosis, @depthsbled, @tremorbled, @alteabled, @catusbled, @voidslept, @codeshot, @galetide, @galaxyriders, & anyone who wants to steal it!
S - sit still, look pretty by daya Y - you don’t know me by elizabeth gillies L - l.i.e. by exid V - victorious by panic! at the disco A - africa by ninja sex party B - bulletproof by la roux L - little infinity by make out monday  E - emperor’s new clothes by panic! at the disco D - dare by gorillaz
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