#Galaxy S4 problems issues
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porcupine-girl · 2 years ago
We’re about a quarter of the way through S4 of Babylon 5 - I can’t really talk about anything without major spoilers, so thoughts under the cut!
Overall, the writing and acting have both definitely leveled up over the past two seasons. I know the guy who played Sinclair had to leave the show earlier than planned bc of severe mental health issues, he wasn’t dropped because of his work and was going to be written out regardless, but it was good that he left. When he came back for an episode he was a little painful to watch. Bruce Boxleitner was such a step up acting-wise, and tbh I think it helped the whole cast. It’s so much easier to act well when you’ve got a good scene partner.
We’re both very confused by the choice to wrap up the shadow/vorlon plotline at this point in the show. It feels like we should be hurtling toward the end of act 2 right now, where everything goes to hell, and while you usually get a victory before that it’s not usually a saving-the-galaxy level victory that ties up the A plot with a neat little bow.
I assume the rest of the series deals with earth, which has been entirely ignored for like half a season now. Weren’t they working with the shadows? Was earth on the vorlons’ hit list?? Did nobody from earth other than B5 and the rangers have any involvement in what just happened? Is earth just North Korea now, totally cut off from the rest of the galaxy??
I mean, there are hints that we’re not done with the shadows. Maybe some got left behind or something. There’s the future on Centauri Prime - it’s been strongly implied that the time travel is a stable time loop, meaning that’s still going to happen, so something is still causing problems there and something is “watching” Londo (though seemingly from the inside, not like the shadows flanking Morden). Then there’s whatever happened to Garibaldi when the shadows took him. We noticed he wasn’t in the big battle episode, even as one of the people the shadows used to talk to Delenn. Did the actor just need some time off or something? It seemed like it should’ve been him instead of Franklin (how many times have we even seen Delenn talk to Franklin??).
Also, I am now super amused whenever Delenn (or Lennier but he doesn’t say it as often) says Valenn like he’s still a religious figure. I know old habits are hard to break, but you not only know the guy personally, you now know that he didn’t come up with all the ways he revolutionized Minbari society himself - he was just making it how he knew it would be in the future! LOL
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atplblog · 2 months ago
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messymindofmine · 2 years ago
I know some other people have said this but that apartment fight was just the most horrifying spectacle. In some ways, it actually reminded me of Gamora and her sister from Guardians of the Galaxy. Their father forced them to fight each other for dominance and the one who lost would suffer the consequences. While what happened between Miguel and Robby is obviously not the same, it does give me those vibes. 
First off, Johnny continuously lies to both Robby and Miguel to get them to become friends despite both of them making it clear that they have no desire to do so. Robby even says that Johnny and Miguel can have their thing and he’s just not interested. Rather than respecting Robby’s wishes, Johnny forces them into a fight to “sort out their issues.” When you take into account how Johnny has treated Robby throughout the show, it actually makes the fight even more sickening. From the start, Johnny has always pinned Robby and Miguel’s rivalry on Robby. Despite Robby being his son, he has never once even bothered to even think about the possibility that Robby is not the one responsible for the whole thing. He never once even considers that Miguel could be the one to blame. He has no problem accusing Robby of starting fights in juvie despite having no way of knowing what actually happened. He saw his son (whom he’d already hurt by failing to show up on a visit that HE scheduled) with a gigantic bruise on his face and immediately accused him of starting a fight. Then when he and Robby speak about the school fight (when Robby yet again is one to reach out to Johnny) and Robby makes an attempt to defend himself, Johnny immediately shuts him down despite having been the one to bring the subject up by saying that he wasn’t there. Then in s5, Johnny really goes above and beyond and drags Robby to Mexico by lying to him about why they were going. He actively puts Robby in danger simply by even taking him to Mexico in the first place and then gets into one bad situation after another. It was Robby who had to jump in to help Johnny fight off they guys trying to steal from him. It was Robby who had to bail Johnny out and get him the money to get the van back. All Johnny did during this time was stand around making stupid comments and annoying people. Then when he gets the phone call from Carmen, he tells her that she shouldn’t be putting herself in danger as Robby sits there and listens. You can see in Robby’s face how much that hurts him. Johnny was more worried about the safety of his girlfriend who is a grown woman and whose son it was that they were looking for to begin with than he was about the safety of the son that he has already hurt and abandoned countless times and was actively putting in danger just by bringing him along on a trip he didn’t even want to go to. Then after all that, when they find Miguel, Johnny rushes to him an sweeps him up in a hug that makes the one he had with Robby at the end of s4 pale in comparison. 
Now after all this, when both boys have made it clear they are not interested in being friends, Johnny is still too wrapped up in thinking about what he wants that he just keeps on ignoring that. So instead of dealing with it like a responsible parent/mentor, he twist a drunk and upset Daniel’s words and makes the boys physically fight things out. Aside from the fact that making two kids physically fight each other is abusive in general, as some others have pointed out, this fight was never meant to benefit Robby to begin with. By making Miguel and Robby fight each other, Johnny was quite literally offering Robby up on a silver platter to Miguel. Think back to Miguel’s words to Sam at the first avt, Miguel told Sam to just wait and watch what he does to Robby. So Miguel’s desire to hurt Robby didn’t just start after the school fight. No, it started right from the moment he met Robby at that party. He attacked Robby before he’d even said two words to him and then made it very clear that he wanted to hurt him badly during the avt. Which is exactly what he did. The way we are shown the school fight in the flashbacks makes it seem as though it is entirely from Miguel’s perspective. Which means that it neglects to show how it was Miguel who attacked Robby first and then kept on attacking him until Robby had no choice to fight back. It neglects to show how Miguel literally had Robby face down on the ground in pain as he twisted his arm behind his back. So from the start, the only person this fight could have ever benefitted is Miguel. For the first time, Miguel actually got to hurt Robby as much as he wanted to and he got to do it with Johnny’s permission. 
Johnny could have stopped the fight the second Miguel kicked Robby in the face and made him bleed. Instead he just stood there and let it happen. Funnily enough, it wasn’t until Robby started getting a bit more aggressive that Johnny made so much as a remark to get them to stop. Even then, as Miguel kept beating the absolute crap out of Robby and Robby was limp in Miguel’s grip as Miguel held him up against the railing, Johnny didn’t stop it. He could have easily rushed in and pulled Miguel off at any point instead he just stood there yelling and waving his arms. He didn’t even step in until after Miguel and Robby talked and Robby took all the blame for the fight while Miguel stood there and pretended to be some saintly hero who was being oh so generous by accepting Robby’s apology while not offering a single word of apology himself. Then of course Johnny revealed that news and you can see in Robby’s face the moment he just shuts down completely. After having just been beaten almost to a pulp by his father’s student during a fight his father arranged, he understands now that the only way to gain a place in Johnny’s life is to do whatever Johnny wants him to do and make nice with Miguel. It is in that moment that Robby finds himself well and truly trapped in the role that we see him playing for the rest of this season. Johnny has made it clear that Robby’s life means very little to him compared to the life Johnny has with the Diazes and the only way for Robby to gain acceptance is to essentially kneel at their feet and be their emotional (or even physical if need be) punching bag. Johnny has treated Robby horrifically throughout the show but in this season he has gone above and beyond and has escalated to actually abusing Robby. I’ve said before that while Johnny may well “love” Robby in the way that parents naturally love their children, he very clearly doesn’t love or even really like Robby as a person at all and that is not in any way Robby’s fault at all. No, it is 100% Johnny’s fault yet it’s Robby who keeps paying the price
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kidcooper02 · 3 years ago
i know the chances of YJA getting a season 5 are extremely up in the air right now but regardless i know i would still LOVE to hear your thoughts on Bart and Ed's relationship and how what happened in s4 could continue into a hypothetical s5 when it comes to them specifically, if you feel like sharing! your takes are awesome i love reading them
(Also just know, I do not understand things when it comes to fictional sciences, I'm making up bullshit and I know it and I apologize if it's painful how wrong I am)
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OK SO, Towards the end of season 4 the Legion talked a lot about Chronoton radiation. This is basically radiation specific to timetravel, meaning whoever is exposed to it becomes immune to any timeline changes. Which is why Bart can stick around, Neutron in the future remembers Bart leaving, Yada yada yada..
Basically, Bart's time machine was practically leaking the shit which is how they knew he truly was dealing with time stuff.
So I had an idea about investigating things with the potential to be Chronoton irradiated.
This bleeds into a "Wally's not dead" storyline (I'm not sure which way I fall on how I want it to end tho, with him being alive or not idk I have a differing paths).
Bart's time with the Legion refreshes his memory on time shenanigans, he hasn't needed to think about all the time he messed with since he's been settled into the present and helped with the Reach invasion. Especially with their end scene where they aren't even sure they're going to be able to get back to their own time due to their radiation. I think, besides the whole experience being traumatizing, that conversation could've gotten Bart on a certain path of thinking.
This is where I start making up bullshit lol
With all the crazy shit that goes on around the world (and galaxy) that the League deals with, I imagine some world building could be bunker like locations scattered around to keep inventory on "Shit We Wrecked" for stuff they don't know what to do with but want to hold on to in case. So, up in the North Pole bunker, lies the dormant MFD from the attempted Reach invasion.
Bart is not in the best head space I would think. Lots of past memories of things he went through but also the people who were around him. He's feeling angry and sentimental and a little lost if he's being honest. All this thinking about the people he lost in the future and the ones he lost in the present, boils him over to want to just.....DO something.
There's nothing he can do for Joan, and he knows that. It was a grounded way to go. But Wally? It was rushed and unexpected, it didn't even make sense because no one knew it could even do such a thing. So, why not try to figure out why it happened the way it did. Along the way, get some closure and time to think. (This is a self indulgent thought but if anyone has read "We Look Both Left and Right" by theatrythms on ao3, I'd love to incorporate their Bart backstory into flashback snippets as Bart travels to the North Pole to really examine the MFD for the first time since 2016)
But, Bart can't truly expect to be left alone through all this.
Ed was hurt by Bart's actions, either by not being made aware or by the way Bart seemed to brush off what just happened to him. Ed is feeling all kinds of ways but the one thing he knows is that, Bart needs help. Canary is one thing but Ed would want something more for Bart, more than what he can or the League can provide.
Ed and Bart have a conversation on how everything affected Ed, and open the dialogue for Bart to express everything he went through. But it won't come that easy. Ed had real grounded problems that were triggered by Bart's actions. Bart...hasn't even sorted through the existential nature of himself let alone know where to exactly dig at with his issues. But Bart is a doer, so when he comes up with the idea of investigating the MFD to get closure (really to gain a sense of control over loss), Ed isn't leaving his side (both in he doesn't want Bart doing this alone and, Ed is feeling a little soft. He needs to feel like he isn't alone ((and maybe convince the lost boy inside that Bart needs him too-)))
So, Ed and Bart go on their own little mission to the North Pole. I'm not sure how to organize the rest of my thoughts but stuff I wanna hit on is
Ed keeping and encouraging Bart to having an open dialogue with the others not on their little mission. Just, emphasizing that knowing the Team awaits their correspondence and cares for their wellbeing is something I need Bart to learn (and Ed to get a refresher on)
I think the comic is building up a Markovia n Taos conversation, and I want Ed to have that plot line of being the defender of the MHYC and wanting to know why/how their peers are ending up in Markovia. I want Ed and Brion dialogue (I'd even be down for a fight but I love them both please don't fight)
With Ed wanting to stay by Bart but also having to think about the situation with the MHYC, I want it to be a lesson inside Ed to learn. Coming full circle into potential struggles we talked about Ed having, in which he feels like he isn't worthy of having people stick around for him, having that scab start bleeding again with Bart's mission with the Legion. (Ed feeling like he has to prove himself again to Bart that he's reliable, that Bart doesn't have to leave him because Ed can help!) Letting the two of them talk out this issue, that throwing away your ambitions to support your partner isn't how you "prove" you're "worthwhile." Letting them hug and confess all over again (and for the audience the first time) that they want the other around because they like them, not because of an arbitrary thing they provide. Giving Ed the reassurance that, it's not about physically keeping yourself bound to the other that shows you're not alone
In turn, teaching Bart that it's good to have someone right by your side. That he doesn't have to burden himself into doing things alone. That when he's feeling down, isolation isn't the only thing he can do. That people WANT to be there for him
I just want them to have a healthy dialogue about relying on each other more while also not tying their worth to what they can do for the other
So Ed can feel comfortable having his own storyline of dealing with the Metateens and leaving Bart on his own without the fear Bart will just disappear. And vice versa that Bart can have his moments of silence to piece together his thoughts and feelings, knowing that he has Ed in his corner to come back to him so he won't stay bottled up
Again, that fic I mentioned earlier would be SO GOOD for Bart flashbacks that he can open up about to Ed, real catharsis for Bart to open up and for Ed to be an ear
If they discover Chronoton Radiation on the MFD, what does that mean for Wally? Maybe Bart gets a little "Failsafe" moment in convincing himself this means Wally is alive
MAYBE WE CAN BRING UP THE FACT ED WAS ABLE TO TELEPORT INSIDE GRANNY GOODNESS'S TORTURE POCKET DIMENSION DESPITE NOT SEEING IT AS A PHYSICAL LOCATION AND PRESUMABLY BECAUSE HE JUST TELEPORTED TO BART, and what this could mean about how Ed's power can grow (previously mentioned fic, Ed's only line about teasing Bart that maybe one day he can grow to teleport through time and Bart won't be the only time traveler on the Team anymore.....now wouldn't that be interesting)
Again I'm not sure how I'd end this, end it with proof that Wally is in the time stream and Bart and Ed travel together? Proof that it wasn't quite Chronoton radiation, Wally is dead but Bart learns at least why AND he got a lot more off his chest? I like what both can do
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rodneymckays · 3 years ago
stargate episodes that should have been, part 20: an alternate reality episode where cam went to atlantis and sheppard joined sg-1. in this universe cam wasn’t injured in antarctica and i think that he is the kind of guy who would go to another galaxy for fun and also because he has to do the Best thing he can possibly do and that’s going to another galaxy. sheppard for whatever reason didn’t sit in the chair but did still fly jack down to antarctica so when they’re looking for sg-1’s fourth jack is like “well there’s this guy i met who kinda reminds me of me except he likes antarctica for some reason” so he becomes sg-1’s fourth under sam’s command. i think at first that would cause issues because of his problems with following orders + sam is new to her command and feeling somewhat insecure about it BUT these issues aren’t with sheppard disobeying sam’s orders they’re just sam worrying that he will. because sheppard only disobeys orders that he sees as bad and from what i remember of s4 + his personality in general he really respects sam. anyways this is actually a 3-parter because you have the sg-1 episode where our sg-1 meets the other sg-1, the atlantis episode where our atlantis people meet the other atlantis people, and then the crossover where they all meet one another because you can’t have the sheppards and the cams not meet themselves. i have no idea where in the timeline it is beyond “not season 4” because there are inconsistencies, but whatever. it’s also very long so i am using paragraph breaks for once!! also i will be putting a 1 after the duplicates from the show universe and a 2 after the duplicates from the au for clarity. (everyone without a number is the only one of themselves present and is from the au). also i definitely got carried away and this is too much plot and not enough character interaction even though i originally thought this one up for the character interactions, oops.
EPISODE 1: SG-1. somehow, our sg-1(1) is pulled through to this other reality. something to do with ba’al messing with some ancient tech in the other reality. the sg-1(2) of that reality, led by sam2 and featuring a major sheppard2, has snuck onto the ha’tak ba’al is using as his base of operations. they run into our sg-1(1) and there’s some spider-man pointing meme and then sam1 and sam2 start discussing how this could have happened while the valas compliment each other’s hair and cam1 and sheppard2 go “wait but you’re supposed to be in atlantis” “no, YOU’RE supposed to be in atlantis.” eventually we find out that ba’al is using ancient tech to develop a hyperdrive capable of traveling between galaxies, which the goa’uld don’t have. his test destination is the pegasus galaxy because he figures that if it works for one jump but then fails, then he can just turn up at atlantis and ask the tau’ri for help again after threatening them lightly to save face. obviously the humans don’t want ba’al going to pegasus, because we like our villains to stay confined to just one galaxy, and also if his hyperdrive works then he could destroy atlantis or ally himself with the wraith or be defeated by the wraith and have his ship captured and now the wraith have an intergalactic hyperdrive or—well, there’s lots of ways it could go wrong, and sg-1(1) gets the point that they need to help sg-1(2) stop ba’al. they spend much of the episode tracking ba’al and sneaking around the ship, until they finally corner ba’al in the engine room and teal’c2 shoots him. unfortunately, they enter hyperspace almost immediately after this, and are captured by… another ba’al. END.
EPISODE 2: ATLANTIS. somehow, our atlantis team1 is pulled through to this other reality. something to do with mckay2 and zelenka messing with some ancient tech in the other reality. our atlantis team1 is quickly locked in interrogation rooms because who are they and why is major sheppard with them instead of colonel mitchell? this tips off mckay1 to the fact that they’re now in an alternate reality. fortunately mckay2 and zelenka have already reached this conclusion and they’re let out of the interrogation rooms just in time for news to reach atlantis that a ha’tak has arrived in pegasus. (and also before ronon1 and ronon2 start fighting instead of just glaring menacingly at one another, because who thought it was a good idea to have ronon2 interrogate ronon1. he didn’t even ask any questions.) alternate weir decides to send the atlantis team2 in to investigate but mckay2 is like “i’ll need someone to help me with the goa’uld tech, we’ll take zelenka” but zelenka is immediately like “no?? there’s another you here. take him. i don’t like leaving the city” so it’s decided that both mckays will go, and you can’t send mckay1 without the rest of his team so EVERYONE is going. they take two jumpers because mitchell2 and sheppard1 both want to fly the jumper. when they arrive through the space gate that the ha’tak is near, they see a badly damaged wraith hive with no life signs. the ha’tak has also taken some damage, but much less, and they’re able to fly through a hole in the hull to board. they detect minimal life signs: two on the bridge, eleven in the cells, and a few others scattered around that must be ba’al’s jaffa. the group decides to split up; they toss a coin and mitchell’s team2 goes to the bridge while sheppard’s team1 goes to the cells. when sheppard’s team1 arrives at the cells, they find them unguarded but locked. mckay1 cracks the lock and we see the cell doors slide open. cut to the bridge. when mitchell’s team2 arrives, they see one of the dots on the life signs detector begin to fade. mckay2 gets the door open just in time to see ba’al collapse to the floor, having been fed on by a wraith. END.
EPISODE 3: CROSSOVER. what the hell, ba’al is in a wraith now. (i’ve always wondered about what would happen if the goa’uld met the wraith; would they fight and if so who would win? or would a goa’uld take a wraith as a host? is that even possible? i say yes because it’s Fun.) the symbiote entered the wraith and then promptly fed on his former host because he was hungry. this is obviously Terrible News because the wraith are bad enough but tbh they’re not very smart. ba’al is. mitchell’s atlantis team2 all point their weapons at him and radio sheppard’s atlantis team1 to let them know there’s now a goa’uld with a wraith host. sheppard1 responds and says “ok, we’ll we’ve got two sg-1s here. and also todd” to which mitchell2 replies “who the hell is todd?” (“pale skin, long hair, likes to suck your soul out with his hand but makes it weird by returning your soul ten minutes later?” “oh you mean casper.” “what the hell kind of a name is casper?” “what the hell kind of a name is todd?!”) we find out that “casper”, who is of course alternate todd but was named casper by mitchell2, was on the hive ba’al disabled. he and one other wraith were taken aboard the ha’tak, and he was put in the cell for later in case the first implantation of a wraith didn’t work. he’s willing to help everyone defeat wraith ba’al, because goa’ulds taking wraith as hosts is bad for the wraith too. so they do some stuff, and with much difficulty, kill wraith ba’al. it’s harder than killing a normal wraith because he has the goa’uld regenerative ability, and also he keeps feeding on his jaffa to recover after being shot. eventually they manage to trick him into a set of rings and space him. then they have to decide what to do with the ha’tak. casper wants it for himself because of the intergalactic hyperdrive and turns on them. they manage to activate the self destruct and flee back to the jumpers. they believe that casper is destroyed in the self destruct, but he survives somehow. the rest of the episode is the sams, mckays, and zelenka trying to figure out how to send sg-1(1) and the atlantis team1 home. we also get a few character moments between everyone and their counterparts: cam2 and both sheppards discuss puddlejumpers while cam1 is sad because he doesn’t have the gene and never received gene therapy so he can’t fly a puddlejumper. they break into medical to convince beckett to give cam1 the gene therapy; they’re pretty sure it’ll work on him since it worked on cam2. it does, and the cams and the sheppards immediately have a race to the mainland and back. (the sheppards win, but it’s close, and the cams try to blame it on the fact that cam1 has never flown a jumper before while everyone else has.) the daniels go to the library together and share their knowledge about the ancients and the ori; mostly they know the same stuff but they do both learn a few new things. the ronons fight one another. it’s a draw. the teylas and the teal’cs watch the ronons fight, and then meditate. the valas flit between each of the groups and compare their versions of everyone. vala1 ends up in weir’s office and bugs her with a bunch of questions until weir actually puts down her work and just Hangs Out. vala2 ends up with the cams and the sheppards because she’s absolutely best buds with sheppard2 and desperately wants to meet sheppard1. anyways after everyone hangs out for awhile they go home and it’s a very :) ending, which is what they need after All That.
i like this character swap idea a lot because after watching the pegasus project i was kinda chomping at the bit for more character interaction between sheppard and the rest of sg-1. particularly vala. more after the cut cause i wanna yell about all the other stuff i love about this!!
i also like the idea of sheppard not being in the team leader position. it makes me wonder what him following orders offworld, particularly sam’s, would look like. i don’t remember him and sam butting heads over command decisions in quite the same way him and elizabeth did at the start (sheppard wanting to go go go, make slapdash decisions, usually in an effort to help people, altho sometimes misguided, particularly in hot zone, vs elizabeth who was often looking towards a less militaristic approach, i.e not trading explosives to the genii, not torturing a POW etc. and who took her time making decisions). but then again, both sam and john are military. so, it’d be interesting to see how sam manages him along with the rest of the team. also, since hes not in a leadership position (no ones counting on him to keep the team together), would he be even more gungho about the self-sacrifice play? or just the same as ever? anyway, enough about john (once i start, i can’t stop, it seems), let’s get into the episodes!!
Episode 1:
“if it works for one jump but then fails, then he can just turn up at atlantis and ask the tau’ri for help again after threatening them lightly to save face.” LMAO truly ba’al’s modus operandi.
and the wraith potentially stealing hyperdrive technology is DEFINITELY something sg teams of all universes and galaxies should team up to put a stop to. a whole new galaxy to feed on?? not to mention earth??? NOT GREAT. the situation definitely calls for earth’s mightiest heroes squared.
also i appreciate a good sneak on an alien ship. especially times 2. and who would partner with who?? so many fun character combos!
Episode 2:
LMFAO OKAY. ronon vs ronon is such a ronon thing that i laughed out loud. both of them would definitely wanna know which one was tougher. also. also. i would love for zelenka and mckay1 to have a science twin moment and mckay2 to get all proprietary and be like “get ur own!”
i can’t imagine rodney would get along all that well with himself so its a good thing the rest of the teams will be there to run interference. and be separated on the ride there bahaha. cam and sheppard would totally fight over who gets to fly the cool spaceship (the teylas look at each other with raised eyebrows of sympathy and respect. both teams require them to pull on their reserves of infinite patience).
OOOO and ending on a CLIFFHANGER and INTRIGUE, QUICKLY, to the next episode!
Episode 3:
u kno, i was thinking earlier, after reading the first episode, what would an interaction between goa’uld and wraith look like? my immediate thought was, they are either gonna join forces to crush the stupid humans or fight because the goa’uld kinda need those humans for indentured servitude and, u kno, living. or, u kno, they would fight just because their ginormous egos clashed. but NEVER did the thought occur to me that a goa’uld might take a wraith as its host for its superior genetic makeup over humans (super strength, jedi mind tricks, telepathy etc.) and this is why ur brain is amazing. and a smart, conniving creature in control of a wraith body…spells trouble. and i didn’t even consider the double healing factor which would make any wraith on par with an uber wraith (that i dont remember ever seeing after the defiant one lol).
also cam naming his todd casper means everything to me. his ability to drop movie/pop culture references no one gets/appreciates is extremely endearing.
another amazing thing about this; sam actually gets to science with mckay and zelenka FOR ONCE. i’m really sad we were deprived this in season 4, like i get sam was the leader of the expedition in that season, and it wasn’t her job to be doing science/where is the time, but u can’t take the science out of the girl, no sir. i just wanted the beautiful mind children to be techno babbling it up, all with a begrudging respect for one another, as everyone stares in awe and confusion.
and cam gets to fly cool spaceships!!!! for leisure! with no one threatening his life! he did not get to do enough flying imo. and the teyla’s definitely deserve meditation time after dealing with double of their rambunctious team. and YES elizabeth deserves to have fUN. vala is the best person to help her with that. and vala and sheppard!!!! being buds!!! ALL I HAVE EVERY WANTED FROM STARGATE! what a fantastic ending to a wonderful series of episodes.
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bedlamsbard · 4 years ago
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(in response to this post)
This turned out really, really long, so, uh, apologies?  The short version is that the number one rule is that your legacy characters don’t undercut your main cast.
I think Rogue One and Solo pulled it off -- Solo is a weirder case because it’s a prequel story about a main character, but Rogue One’s use of Tarkin, Vader, Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, etc. worked for me because from the beginning they were there to support the original characters in the film and never wavered from that.  Rogue One also benefited from knowing exactly what it was going to do and never wavering from that for an instant.
In terms of the shows, TCW is also not a straightforward case because it was using film characters as its mains and pulling from all over, but in terms of OT characters that appeared in the show, I am pretty happy with how TCW pulled off Chewbacca in Wookiee Hunt (3.22) -- puts him there, uses him well to support the main character of that particular arc (Ahsoka) and the other supporting characters (the other youngling Jedi), but it doesn’t turn into the Chewie episode. Same with Ackbar in the Mon Cala arc in S4: support, not overwhelming, doesn’t waver from the central theme of the arc.  Tarkin’s the other big one, and I’m pretty satisfied with the way he was used in TCW -- he’s always there in reference to the main characters of the arcs he appears in, and not in reference to himself, if that makes sense -- he’s there because having him there specifically makes more sense than it doesn’t.
(Honestly, I think the little philosophical lessons really helped with TCW being able to keep its focus: they have to drive straight towards that and not hesitate about it.  Every time they dropped those (I’m talking about you, Siege of Mandalore), they ran into a problem where they sort of wandered around a bit.)
Maul...I like Maul a lot.  I don’t have that much of a problem with the decision to bring him back into the timeline in TCW (at least you always knew that when George Lucas was doing something he was doing it because he enjoyed it, instead of the current case of “are you doing it for a purpose? for cheap lulz? for the aesthetic? are you setting up a sequel? are you trying to course-correct another piece of canon?”).  I do think Maul got overweighted in S7, and this is partially because they didn’t really have the space to build him up from where he ended in S5.  The Darth Maul - Son of Dathomir comic helps a little, but S7 is such a rapid switch from where he is in S5 (and you do have to assume that most viewers hadn’t read the comic) that he then pulls in too much narrative weight, and that’s because S7 was trying to do something really, really different from what the previous six seasons of TCW were trying to do.
Rebels sometimes pulls it off, sometimes does not.  Since we’re on the topic of Maul already, I am actually fine with Maul in Rebels.  I don’t actually think he was used to his full benefit because they pulled back at the last minute, but Maul in Twilight of the Apprentice? Fine with that. Same with Holocrons of Fate and Visions and Voices. (I’ve got a few other problems with Visions and Voices.)  Maul is always there in relation to the main characters of the show, not in relation to himself and not in relation to a non-Rebels character.  Did it have to be Maul (back in TotA, obvs, not the latter two)?  No, but it makes sense and it works really well thematically with all of the characters present in that episode.  Holocrons and Visions and Voices, same.
Twin Suns, on the other hand, another Maul episode, was a disaster -- beautifully made episode, everyone is in character, it should never have been made.  (I’m currently grumpy about this one specifically because I recently saw an “Ezra shouldn’t have been in Twin Suns” take.)  Yes, Maul and Obi-Wan are both interacting with Ezra, but Ezra in this ep is basically himself the McGuffin.  Neither the actual, thematic, or emotional conflict in the episode revolves around Ezra even if he’s the instigator of that final showdown.  If you can start and end an episode without the show’s main cast (and Rebels differs from TCW in that it did, very specifically, have a main character as well as a main cast), you’ve made a mistake.  Not to mention that Twin Suns takes a bunch of narrative and thematic weight that was set in TotA and earlier in S3 (such as the Maul/Kanan and Maul/Ezra parallels), and then completely ignores it in favor of a confrontation that is not going to be emotionally significant for viewers who are there for the show’s main cast.
Darth Vader mostly works in Rebels -- in S2 in isolation, not as part of the greater Rebels plot arc which is a weird hot mess of deescalating villains season by season (a whole ‘nother thing).  In Siege of Lothal he’s set up in relation to the main cast and that’s who most of his interaction is with.  Same with TotA, though I sometimes think more weight is put on the Vader/Ahsoka duel than should be there in terms of who the main cast are.  Sometimes I think it’s fine as is.  His other brief appearances are fine, since he’s mostly there just to loom and use up the fabric animation budget.
Tarkin really works in Rebels -- this is honestly Rebels’ biggest legacy character success, my gods, his introduction in Call to Action is terrifying.  Did it have to be Tarkin?  No, they could have made an OC and had the same role, but Tarkin here, in this context?  It ups the tension level a thousand percent, we see him ordering around the Imperials in the show (and the execution scene still gives me chills), and the end of Call to Action, when he’s talking to Kanan on the gunship and orders the destruction of the communications tower?  This is easily one of the most terrifying thing Rebels has ever done and to be honest, I’m not sure they ever topped it in terms of sheer presence.  Evacuating the star destroyer in Fire Across the Galaxy? Perfect parallel to ANH.
From S2-S4, Rebels really wavers back and forth on their use of legacy characters and this is true of the show as a whole from that point onwards -- when there’s a legacy character, they tend to be overweighted in terms of the episode and in terms of how much narrative space is given to them rather than to the main cast.  Not all the time (I have issues with the S4 Mandalore arc, but I think Bo-Katan was played fairly well because most of the narrative weight was still on Sabine), but a lot of the time.  The Future of the Force is really bad on this in terms of Ahsoka -- most of the episode is still focused on Kanan and Ezra, but then they’re taken off the board so she can have her dramatic fight scene.  Shroud of Darkness -- I go back and forth.  (I have other issues with Shroud.)  Leia in A Princess on Lothal -- mostly okay, but some weird moments, like using her to rally the Ghost crew into action?
Wedge in The Antilles Extraction -- fine  He’s played in relation to Sabine, his presence in the ep is thematically consistent with everything else they’re doing. Saw Gerrera in both S3 and S4 I really go back and forth on.  I think I’m mostly okay with him in terms of how he’s played in those four episodes, but I also think there are a lot of questions raised in terms of, like, his relationship to the Alliance.  (This goes for his appearance in Jedi Fallen Order as well -- I’m fine with it, it’s not mindblowing, it was nice to see.)  Mon Mothma I go back and forth on and part of this is because I’m not entirely sure what they were doing with the Rebel Alliance -- this same thing is true for Saw Gerrera.  Especially in the back half of S3 (though it appears earlier as well), Rebels is intersecting more and more with the Rebel Alliance in the lead-up to Rogue One and ANH, but I don’t think they were really entirely sure what they wanted to do with that thematically, which is how we get these wildly varying views of the Alliance even from within it, especially in S4.  Which is part of the reason why S4 thematically is A DISASTER.  (y’all I should not have come out of S4 hating the Rebel Alliance and I still can’t tell if they did that on purpose or not?)
I’m not mentioning every legacy character in Rebels here (Cham, Hondo, Madine, C-3PO and R2-D2, Bail Organa), but mostly the ones where they pay major roles.  Rex I think Rebels mostly managed to pull off having as treating him like supporting cast and not overweighting him as character.  -- The clone trio at the beginning of S2 has them in relation to Kanan, Ezra, Kallus and the stormtroopers, etc., not just in relation to themselves.
(I have no idea how to talk about Thrawn in this context because Thrawn isn’t exactly a legacy character from the current canon, but on the other hand he’s a major EU legacy character, so he’s also just a weird god damn case in general that doesn’t really have a parallel in current canon?)
What else we got -- Star Wars Resistance; doesn’t use that many legacy characters but uses the ones it has pretty sparingly.  Poe is always there in relation to Kaz, Leia has a very brief appearance, Phasma and Hux are mostly there because it makes sense for them to be there, same with Kylo Ren.  Resistance has its issues (both thematically and with pacing) but this is not one of them).
Jedi Fallen Order -- Saw was fine; Vader wasn’t overweighted once he showed up.  Battlefront II had its legacy characters almost entirely in context of Iden and Del; they weren’t there just to be there.  (And not being a gamer I’m not one hundred percent certain how those two felt in actual playing, vs. my watching them on YT.)
(I am not terribly familiar with the current canon books and comics because I stopped reading them a while ago.)
Non-canon example from Legends: Han Solo’s appearance in the Wraith Squadron novels.
The short version of this is: if you’re going to use legacy characters, you want them to be there in relation to your main cast. It has to work thematically; they can’t undercut your mains. Their stories, no matter how important to the saga as a whole, should not overwhelm the main cast of your actual show/film/game/whatever. And they definitely should not undercut your mains.  (I think Mando did this fine with Bo-Katan, tbh.)
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calliecat93 · 4 years ago
ST: TNG S4 Watchthrough Episodes 14-17
Clues: As the title hints, we have a mystery episode. The crew gets knocked out for thirty seconds… or so they think. Things are clearly not adding up like one of Crusher’s experiments having advanced a full day despite having just set it up before the knock out. The only one who can explain is Data, the only one who wasn’t knocked out… but he won’t. Why? Well… I won’t spoil it. Let’s just say that it’s pretty wild. Since I won’t spoil it, I can’t really say a lot about it. But it was an interesting episode as the crew puts together the pieces and them trying to get Data to talk. Data’s not one to lie without a good reason for it, so there has to be a mass reason as to why. And ho boy, did he have a reason alright. Pretty good all in all. 3/5.
First Contact: No, not the movie. So here we have the Enterprise making first contact with a society preparing to go into warp for the first time. Riker went undercover among them… but he got injured and found out as human. Whoops. Seems business as usual, right? Well… we have a bit of a twist. All of this is from the perspective of the Pre-Warp society. We see what the Enterprise’s encounter is like from the POV of the aliens, and it makes this a lot more interesting. Now we know that the crew is good guys and Picard is very much a stickler for the Prime Directive so he won’t allow any interference of the society’s progress… but they don’t. There’s a sense of wonder as well as fear. I mean if what to you is a bunch of futuristic aliens show up out of nowhere, one of them had integrated into your society, they are clearly more highly advanced than you, and start going on about a Federation of planets and the like, how would you react? Some of us may be all for it, others of us would be terrified/paranoid, and some may fall anywhere else in between. Malcor III seems to be on par with regular Earth at the time, maybe a bit more advanced, but ultimateley the events in the episode has them decide not to go forward with space exploraiton and turn down the Federation’s help. At least until they’re more prepared, which they currently aren’t. They do get Riker back, so that’s good~! The different perspective really made this one stand out, the Malcorians coming off as properly concerned about all of this, but overall reasonable about it. Well aside form one guy who is too paranoid over it, but it feels like we got a decent balance of ‘paranoid asshole’, ‘awed by the possibilities’, and ‘concerned but willing to listen’ with the three we see the most. The only issue I have is Riker more or less was potentially ugh… treated inapproprotiatley by an alien-obsessed woman… and it’s treated as a joke. Umm… WTF?! Other than that, good episode~ 4/5.
Galaxy’s Child: Of all the episodes that they decided to follow up on… they picked Boody Trap. Y’know, the one where Geordi made the hologram of one of the Enterprise designers to help solve the Problem of the Week. Now I tried to be nice when I went over that episode since I assumed that it would be a one-off…. but this one has caused me to no longer be able to brush off the episode as such. Look, I love Geordi and I don’t think he means to be this was intentional and the hologram thing was genuinely for work… but this episode portrays him as an utter creep using the Nice Guy card to justify himself. He fell for the hologram of Dr. Brahms and when she arrives on the Enterprise and turns out to be nothing like the hologram, he’s not too happy. But he tries to push it anyways and it’s just…. no. It gets worst when Brahms sees the hologram and I am fair, she had every right to be angered and disturbed by it and Geordi trying to force something between them. It was one thing when it happened as it did during Boody Trap, at least he remained focused on the task there, but here? I just… I know this was the 90’s but… ugh. It just looks utterly horrible now. I guess the point of the episode was that when you fantasize about someone and they don’t match that fantasy, you need to accept it and see them as they are. I don’t feel like Geordi is being necessarily presented as in the right… but it IDT they really saw how the execution makes it ook really wrong and especially now in the wake of the MeToo movement… yeah. It’s not as horrid as certain events in TOS’ The Enemy Within was by any means and it has a relevant message about not expecting your fantasies to be the reality, but other shows have done that much better. So unless there’s another follow-up that I’m unaware of, I have zero interest in revisiting this or Boody Trap ever again and I hope that if they have to give Geordi a failed romance plot (wasn’t he over that by Transfiguration though?), they portray him a Hell of a lot better than here. 2/5.
Night Terrors: So in this episode, the crew finds themselves unable to fall asleep. Specifically, they can’t achieve REM sleep. Aside from Data, who as an android doesn’t need sleep, the only one who can is Troi… but she has nightmares that involve flying and strange messages. Due to the lack of sleep, everyone’s losing it. Emotions are high, several hallucinate, memory lapses, and they are unable to properly do to their jobs. Which gets really bad when the engines won’t work. As someone who has constant insomnia, they all have my sympathy. So I looked it up and apparently lack of REM sleep can indeed cause issues as we saw here. Crazy, huh? Okay, let’s get the obvious out of the way. Yes, the Flying Troi bits were pretty silly. Aside from that… it was fine. For an episode called Night Terrors, it… didn’t really have a lot of terror. The only scenes that legit freaked me out was the covered corpses rising when Crusher was in the morgue and Worf almost killing himself. Even Troi’s nightmares were more silly than scary as previously noted. The rampant paranoia and everyone just… losing the ability to function is legit freaky though. Seriously Worf’s meltdown and Troi having to talk him down… that was heavy. Otherwise, it’s gone. Could have been better, could have been worst. A fine watch all in all. Also Guinan with the Big Laser Gun? Amazing. Honestly, it was pretty much the female characters solving all th problems in this episode and not losing their minds like pretty much all the male characters (that aren’t Data) did, so good job ladies~! 3.5/5.
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tonystarkbingo · 5 years ago
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TSB Week 22!
For badges this week (and last week because Mod Meg forgot!) we have a whole load of Participation badges!
Lacrimula Falsa
Ria Rose
And for Bingo, congratulations to Trashcanakin!
Remember, if you don’t claim your badges using this form, you will not get your badges!
Reminder about our LAST DISCORD PARTY in a couple weeks (June 20th), and that your last fills are due by JUNE 30TH, with your masterposts due on July 4th!
And now, on to the amazing fills from this week!
Title: Trauma Bingo (the Avengers need ALL the therapy) Collaborator: LBibliophile Link: AO3 Square Filled: R3 - Shared Trauma Ship: Bucky Barnes & Avengers Team Rating: Teen Major Tags: Angst and Humor, PTSD Summary: SHIELD remembers that trauma therapy exists, and their sights are set on the Avengers. Aka. How many issues can you fit in one team, and can you also get them all in the same person. Succeeding at trauma bingo is not actually winning… Word Count: 1180
Title: Twelve Months Collaborator: RiaRose Link: AO3 Square Filled:  Chapter 1: A2 - Love or Lust Chapter 2: A1 - Workshop Troubles Chapter 3: R1 - Flight Chapter 4: T1 - Presumed Dead Chapter 5: S3 - Major Injuries Chapter 6: T5 - Non Penetrative Sex Chapter 7: K5 - Asking for Trouble Chapter 8: S5 - Bedtime Stories Chapter 9: K2 - Dares/Bets Chapter 10: A4 - Domesticity  Chapter 11: T3 - Vibes in Public Chapter 12: K1 - Kink in Anal Sex Ship: Stony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Explicit Sexual Content Summary: Tony! Don’t you get it? I love you. And I know you love me!” Steve jumps to his feet, reaching for Tony as he walks away. “I’m failing to see the damn problem!”“We can’t be together!” Tony snaps, spinning around to face him. “What part of this are you unable to comprehend?! It’s only going to end in me hurting you. I’m only going to break your heart, Steve. Fuck! Don’t you have  any self-preservation?”ORThe story of Steve Rogers and Tony Stark, told in increments, month by month. Word Count: 13893
Title: “Groot!” - Nice to Meet a New Old Friend Collaborator: Fighting_for_Creativity Link: AO3 Square Filled: A4 - Groot Ship: Groot & Rocket Raccoon Rating: Teen Major Tags: Accidental Time Travel, Kid Tony Stark Summary: Rocket and Groot are stranded. Both on a backwards planet, and in a long ago past. Word Count: 2146
Title: An Airforce Pilot, A Pararescuer, And A Nuclear Deterrent Share A Bed Collaborator: cami-chats Link: AO3 Square Filled: K3 - Kink: Anal Sex Ship: Rhodey/Tony/Sam Rating: Explict Major Tags: PWP Summary: Tony had been invited into threesomes before. Hell, he had proposed threesomes before, that wasn't the issue here. Being invited into one by two people that he thought were just friends, not only to him but to each other? Well that came out of left field for him. But here were Rhodey and Sam looking at him all sincerely as they asked him into their bed. Of course he said yes. Word Count: 5085
Title: Iron Elvis Collaborator: Von_Gelmini Link: Tumblr Square Filled: R4 - Presumed Dead Ship: Starker Rating: Gen Major Tags: Major Character Death? Summary: Moodboard Word Count: N/A
Title: Winter Soldier Sachet Collaborator: newnewyorker93 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: A4 - Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier Ship: None Rating: Gen Major Tags: Crafts, Winter Soldier Summary: The star detail from Bucky’s metal arm, made out of felt & filled with rice and cinnamon Word Count: N/A
Title: Galaxy Collaborator: Von_Gelmini Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K5 - Galaxy Ship: None Rating: Gen Major Tags: None Summary: Moodboard Word Count: N/A
Title: Knight in Shining Armor Collaborator: G Link: Tumblr Square Filled: T4 - Kidnapped! Ship: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader // IronDad Rating: Teen Major Tags: Mention of capture/kidnapping Summary: Tony Stark’s kid is captured by some of Kingpin’s men, and Peter Parker comes to the rescue Word Count: 1299
Title: Shit My Dad Says Collaborator: eachpeachpearplum Link: AO3 Square Filled: S4 - You Can’t Trademark That Ship: Pepper Potts & Morgan Stark Rating: Teen Major Tags: Post-Endgame, Pepper and Morgan Family Fluff (with a bit of grief because, you know, post-Endgame) Summary: Tony was right, it is about legacy. No one can deny all the good he did, nor can they argue with the sheer number of people who are alive because of him, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t leave Pepper a lot of shit to deal with. Word Count: 743 + comic strip
Title: Seasoned with a little bit of Pepper Collaborator: Violettavonviolet Link: AO3 Square Filled: T1 - Pepper Potts/Rescue R4 - Artificial Intelligence Ship: Pepperony Rating: Gen Major Tags: Post-Avengers Shawarma Scene, Steve is Confused, Established Relationship Summary: What do you get when you fly a nuke into space and afterwards go eat shawarma without calling the love of your life?You get a very angry Pepper, that’s what you get. And what do you get when on top of all of that, you don’t inform your team about the potential guest in the tower?Well now you’re just in for a very fun night… Word Count: 2228
Title: Mr. Stark’s Guide to Accidental Marriage Collaborator: Violettavonviolet Link: AO3 Square Filled: T3 - Accidental Marriage Ship: FrostIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: Hangover, Blackouts, Accidental Marriage, Loki is a Little Shit Summary: Tony was still not entirely sure what he had done but he decided it was best to ask her directly. “Pepper, I can’t remember a thing from last night, what did I do that was so terrible? Did I sleep with the daughter of a senator in a janitors closet again, because I swear I didn’t mean to!“…Tony didn’t respond for a second before he yelped, “I MARRIED LOKI ODINSON?“or: How Tony Stark accidentally married Loki and everything somehow turns out fine. Word Count: 1970
Title: The Not So Secret Secret Couple Collaborator: Violettavonviolet Link: AO3 Square Filled: T4 - Secret Relationship Ship: IronHusbands Rating: Teen Major Tags: 5+1, Secret Relationship, Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Summary: They hadn’t meant to keep it a secret, it just kinda happened.And now, when they are finally ready to show the whole world that they are together, nobody notices.orfive times an avenger remained oblivious and the one time they spelled it out for them. Word Count: 1901
Title: Art for Winter Witcher Collaborator: feignedsobriquet Link: Tumblr Square Filled: S2 - Action/Adventure Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: N/A Summary: fanart for 27dragons and tisfan’s Winter Witcher  Word Count: N/A
Title: IronJelly Collaborator: eachpeachpearplum Link: Tumblr Square Filled: A3 - Free Ship: None Rating: Gen Major Tags: Crochet, Jellyfish Summary: IronJelly aka Peach’s adventures in crochet Word Count: N/A
Title: A Birthday Party to Remember Collaborator: cami-chats Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 - Tony Stark/Scott Lang Ship: Tony Stark/Scott Lang Rating: Teen Major Tags: None  Summary: When Pepper has to go out of town unexpectedly, it's left to Tony to take Morgan to her friend's birthday party. He almost left early, but Cassie's father, Scott, proves to actually be interesting. Word Count: 890
Title: A Little Motherly Push Collaborator: rebelmeg Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 - Riri Williams Ship: Mama Rhodes & Tony & Rhodey Rating: Gen Major Tags: Family Fluff, Adoption Summary: Mama Rhodes is not above a little bit of nagging and above-board manipulation to get what she wants.  Word Count: 1653
Title: Flashes Before Your Eyes Collaborator: Von_Gelmini Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K2 - Deaged Tony Ship: None Rating: Teen Major Tags: TW Drug Use, Moodboard Summary: I’ve interpreted the de-ageing as memories, when he thinks he’s about to die, of Tony’s youth in the 80s. Good and bad. Word Count: N/A
Title: Dum-E + Levi Collaborator: PoliZ Link: Tumblr Square Filled: T1 - Science and Magic Ship: None Rating: Gen Major Tags: fancraft, Iron Man, Doctor Strange,  Dum-E,  Levi (aka Cloak of Levitation) Summary: While their human companions  are getting to know one another better, so are Levi and Dum-E.  Word Count: N/A
Title: Stark Salvage Collaborator: romancebyfaye Link: Tumblr Square Filled: R4 AU:Sci-fi/Futuristic Ship: Stuckony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Sci-fi, Stuckony, moodboard Summary: Stark Salvage Word Count: 226
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almondbiscotti · 5 years ago
Stuff I’ve Watched this CB
Sorry, really got a lot. I’ve ranked them from most recommended to least recommended. And separated movies from series. And have included some shows I’m planning to watch! 
Kim’s Convenience S4 I LOVE APPA. Was a bit appalled I didn’t know S4 was out on Netflix because it’s one of my favourite shows on Netflix. It’s REALLY GOOD. So many laugh out loud moments, the characters are WONDERFULLY fleshed out and the chemistry between the actors is through the roof. Story telling is also amazeballs. 10/10 would recommend.
Dirty Money S1&2  10/10 would recommend! I really liked Dirty Money because I learned so so so so much from the show! I do think the producers had no intention of being unbiased and presenting a neutral stance on the “villains” because I wanted to punch every single “villain” every damn episode. If you’re looking for objectivity and “both sides of the story”, I don’t think this show is for you. But that said, everything presented is factual so I did learn a lot. Supplemented with additional reading post show, I felt like a whole new world was opened to me. :) 
Only issue I had was how damn ridiculous it was that whenever a horde of zombies were running towards our protagonists, they’d just stand there and do their typical Korean AISSSSSHEEEEBYEFUCK stance for like a full 17342154 minutes while the music and tension builds and the zombie horde comes closer and closer and closer and THEN they finally decide to run. Eh friend, what siah. Also, I concluded from watching Kingdom that if there ever was a Zombie apocalypse, I’m completely and utterly FUCKED. But I live in ridiculously hot Singapore surrounded by water... so I guess I’ll be alright? 9.5/10 
Derry Girls S1-2 Irish Catholic School Girls, I’M SOLD. I mean, come on. How can I not LOVE this show? It’s HILARIOUS. And having spent 10 years in an all girl catholic school, Derry Girls really really resonated with me. The characters are laugh out loud hilarious, and all really likeable! The only issue I had with it is that the characters don’t really grow very much over the course of 2 seasons. So season 1 first episode vs season 2 final episode, it won’t matter even if you watched it backwards.
Because the seasons are very short, only 6 episodes per season and there are only 2 seasons so far, it doesn’t matter very much. For now. But I reckon if they had like 7 seasons, it’s going to get VERY repetitive. But at the moment, ISSA GREAT! 9/10
Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency S1 8 Episodes of ABSOLUTE CRACK. It’s based off something Douglas Adams wrote so I wouldn’t expect anything less. Acting isn’t great but the storytelling is riveting. If you enjoy Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (the book), it’s very likely you’d enjoy this. It can get quite frustrating sometimes though because it’s so ridiculous so if you’re looking for a detective series based on solid logic, look somewhere else. But if you just want some fun and silliness mixed with some smart, this is wonderful. 8/10 
Never Have I Ever S1 I had a lot of trouble liking the main character but on retrospect, it might be because the character doesn’t even like herself that much to begin with. Had quite a few laugh out loud moments and the Asian family moments were very relatable.  THE MOTHER. THE MOTHER IS EVERYTHING. She’s my favourite, I would watch an entire series with just her. The main problem with Never Have I Ever (in my opinion) is that it tried to do a lot of things to prove the same point. So it does get a bit frustrating after a while. By the 3rd episode, I’m just like GET ON WITH IT I GET IT. I GET THAT FAMILY IS MOST IMPORTANT, I GET THAT SHE’S NOT GRIEVING HER FATHER. So... it can get a little cliche and repetitive. To me la. But still funny, still good. :)  8/10 
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt S1-4 The opening track really really grows on you. UNBREAKABLE! They’re alive, damn it! IT’S A MIRACLE! Created by Tina Fey, this show is silly and full of fun.
I really liked S1-3. It’s a very light-hearted show that makes you feel really good watching it because it’s just so positive and optimistic. S4 got a bit too ridiculous for me and the characters started doing some really weird shit that is a bit too incredulous (it was never a logical show based too much on reality to begin with but S4 was really a bit much). But if you like shows like The Good Place, I reckon you’d like Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. 8/10
The Circle USA Can’t remember why Housemate and I started on this but it was actually not bad! I think it’s because the OG characters were really likeable! JOEY! JOEY IS A PRECIOUS PUPPY THAT NEEDS TO BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS. It’s not very intellectual and I was never too invested in any of the characters or relationships. BUT! great if you don’t want to think too much and just watch some mindless TV that isn’t absolute trash. (TOO HOT TO HANDLE I’M LOOKING AT YOU.)  7/10 
Tiger King S1 SIEOW ONE THIS SHOW. It’s an absolute MINDFUCK. I started with many questions, I finished with A BILLION more. I don’t even know how to describe or explain this show. IT’S MADNESS. There are big cats, gay husbands who turn out not to be gay, tiger queen who allegedly killed her husband and fed him to her tigers, crazy dude who tried to pay some other dude 5k (i think? or 3k? seriously it’s crazy) to kill tiger queen, big guns and expired meat and pizzas?!?!! Yah, Mindfuck. CRAZY/10
Cable Girls S1-4  Season 1 and 2 were BEAUTIFUL. The characters have so much depth, the acting is impeccable, the costumes are AMAZING, the cinematography is inspiring, the story telling was riveting. Then season 3 and season 4 happened and... I will pretend the show ended in S2. -_- Character development took a major hit from season 3 onwards. But I would still recommend Cable Girls because the acting, the acting is AMAZING. 10/10 for s1&2. 5/10 for 3&4.
Money Heist S4 Was quite hyped for this and was really quite let down. The beauty of Money Heist has always been structure in chaos, elegance in the mess. S4 was very frustrating because it didn’t have that. I felt like they were trying very hard to make you think the heist team was going to fail and started to fill in weird impossible things to ensure the plot was still able to proceed. Did not enjoy S4 as much as I thought I would. :(  But if you have invested in the previous seasons, you know you’re gonna watch it even if it’s absolute crap anyway. 6/10
The Letter For The King S1 Ep 1&2 Premise was quite interesting, trailer was interesting enough. But DEAR GOD WAS IT SLOW. And also, literally ALL the characters were unlikeable! I don’t understand why anyone would make a show with entirely unlikeable characters. I couldn’t get past the 2nd episode but I went ahead to read a few reviews and recaps. Yeah, was a good idea to stop at episode 2. Would not recommend. 2/10
Game Night  Rachel McAdams is QUEEN. A really loltastic film. Is a really good post dinner wind down to end the day film. And particularly because I can relate to how competitive our main couple was. :) Some parts don’t add up and there are a few times I think the story becomes a bit too much for itself, trying to layer upon layer of twists, but still a good fun movie! :) 7.5/10 
The Half of It Heartwarming. :) Enjoyed it because i think the main protagonist is very likeable. And she’s so... plain and relatable. I hate to say this though but... I found the whole movie quite forgettable. Like, it didn’t feel very deep to me though it did touch on quite a few intense and deep topics of first love, family, self acceptance etc. But it’s just doesn’t reverberate through every cell of my being. The whole movie is just so gentle and because it is so mild, it becomes forgettable. Acting is good, character development is okay I guess. But generally... just mediocre to me. But not bad. I just wished it wasn’t so... light and airy. I wish it made me cry. 7/10
Cabin in the Woods Housemate wanted to watch it because it’s horror-esque. I was okay with it cos it’s horror comedy. And also Chris Hemsworth. :D Was quite loltastic. Though SPOILER ALERT Chris Hemsworth’s character dies a bit too early for my liking. I really liked the over the top inclusion of various different monsters near the end. Was fun trying to identify them. Fun movie! Not very scary but quite a bit of gore that’s peppered with lots of humour to make it okay. 7/10
Extraction LOTS OF CHRIS HEMSWORTH. But plot wise... hmm... Housemate enjoyed it because he said the fight scenes and the things our extractor does are very real and is what a trained professional would do in the high pressure situations he finds himself in. They probably had a great consultant to keep things realistic.  I didn’t enjoy it as much because I felt that our hero was... too powerful and the bad guy was too bad. Almost caricature-ish. Difficult to have character development like that. But hey, I didn’t watch it for depth, I watched it for Chris Hemsworth’s face so... very much satisfied. :) 7/10 
Other Stuff I’m Planning to Watch 
After Life S2 I liked S1 so... just a continuation I guess. Typical English humour. Also, I watched S1 dealing with a death of a friend so the show does have some sentimental meaning for me.
Hollywood S1 New show seems promising! There are blacks, gays, sex, extortion, glitzy costumes, glamour and really blonde blondes. Also the guy who plays Sheldon Cooper in BBT. High hopes, I have high hopes! 
Whoa fuck, I really watch a lot of Netflix. 
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thebrochtuarachs · 6 years ago
just disappointing.
I keep wondering why of all the topics EW could release about OL is that they have to dig up old dirt and issues from S4 that they "as TV experts and journalists" should be criticizing too rather than just looking for mere explanation.
I mean why not talk about S5 instead? Forget S4 ever happened and move on to the next? And I only got one answer to that mystery...
EW can't write about S5 cause nothing interesting is happening in the production. I mean just look at the lackluster fan engagement from PR and cast - even they can't find the spark anymore - which is so sad because this show had a lot of heart, genuiness and potential at the beginning. Now, no one tell me "it's tight-lipped production" or "top secret" - the show is not in GOT level to be THAT secretive. Plus even so, any topic about S5 is much better than that horrible article of "defense".
So if the new production is boring, why not talk about the characters and the story - of course, mainly, about Jamie and Claire Fraser, the heart and soul of Outlander? That's always a safe bet, right?
Well, not really, cause you really can't talk about Jamie and Claire without talking to or about Sam and Cait. And for some reason, talking to Sam and Cait or talking about them is an off limits topic from here to the next galaxy. 🙄 This is just sad too because those 2 are the ones that really need to promote the show - not MBR, not Maril, not Sophie, not Rik, not RDM, not Terry, and not Diana. Sam and Cait brought Outlander to light way back in S1 and made the show a hit because they were or seemed to be their genuine selves and all the people gravitated to that fresh and unselfish outlook. But now, I'm almost just done to those two as any other with all the shiz show happening. I mean if nothing really is going on between those two, they should have no problem about the shipping (I can name at least 2 other non-RLC that have close friendships that didn't affect their OTP portrayals - so I don't consider "blurring the lines" as the issue cause we not that crazy).
So if the production is boring and you're 2 main stars are off-limits (🙄), what is left?
Talk about your secondary characters that the writers succesfully made them unlikable and uninteresting.
Even I as a fairly neutral person in the "casting issues", tried to give them (writers and actors) a chance but S4 was just brutally hard to watch because you can just NOT FEEL IT. Rik and Sophie, as good-looking or celebrity-looking or actor-looking as they are, just don't get Bree and Roger individually and together. And this is not even just about Sam and Cait as Jamie and Claire - I mean, I like the chemistry of Cesar and Lauren and I'm digging their portrayal as Fergus and Marsali but Sophie and Rik - basically the supposed second stronghold of this show - JUST DON'T HAVE IT.
And adding the comments they made about how the situation was handled, I mean they might be just following orders (god i hope she is), but come on, she knows that's not the way its suppose to go. Saying these things makes her even less likable so that's not a good thing.
And of course there's MBR who just don't want to take responsibility for his actions, putting blame on no one but the fans for having too high of an expectation. Im sorry for reading the book and understanding it - yes, Outlander is dramatic but you don't have to cut the parts that make it light and heartfelt. That's the heart of the book - something bad happens but in the end, they choose to come back together and see the good side of it - but no, it has to be dramatic and painful all the way (take that s4 finale in its entirety where nothing good happened - no, roger coming back the way he did was not a happy moment for me cause again, I didn't feel it). MBR and the writers room are too caught up and overthinking the story and the results are not pretty at all. They really need to regroup and re-read the book and understand that Jamie and Claire is the heart of it and go from there. This should be their top priority because TFC is a hard book to condense and condensed badly, S5 is looking to be another disaster.
Apologies for the long post. I normally stay away from commenting but when I saw that EW post, J just saw red because they are acting like what happened last season was no big deal and I cant pass that up as a fan. As a fan, we are respectfully being critical and they should, at least, consider to listen to what we say because we love the show too and we have good insights from the viewer and reader perspective. But knowing them, they would probably see this as "bullying" rather than constructive criticism - let's see how they handle the rage and sadness of disappointed fans.
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alizrak · 6 years ago
Thrawn Treason Review
You know me. You know how much I love Thrawn and Zahn, but I’ll try to be as objective as I can with this.
At first I was going to give it a 8/10 but having these few days to go over my feelings and putting the issues I found to words, I believe I’ll have to make that a 7.5/10.  I liked Treason, but I liked Thrawn and Alliances better.
This is my spoiler free review comparison:
Thrawn 2017 - 9/10 I loved the heart this book. Just watching the struggles that Thrawn and Eli faced to get to the top was worth it. I was surprised by the revelations and implications the story had for the Galaxy at large… but especially by how emotionally charged the ending was.
Alliances - 8/10 Anakin and young Thrawn were amazing and so fun. There were several emotional scenes and a HUGE setting up for potential story lines now that we know Ezra and Thrawn are lost out there in the UR, but I’ll be honest and say I had a few problems with some slow parts.
Treason - 7.5/10 What I loved about Treason were the characters. I wish we could have explored them more but the plot didn’t allow it. If I had one request for Zahn in the next book it would be less math, more character development. There are other issues but I’ll explain them below the cut.
Now, the full review:
The story was very fast paced. There was always something going on, people doing a thing, going places, trying to stay a step ahead, not a moment to spare. Some parts from the previous books felt like they were dragging their feet so this was a change of pace. 
The book was mostly serious compared to the hilarity we got from Anakin and Thrawn, and even Vader and Thrawn in the last book, although there are a few fun gems too with Ronan and how everyone reacts to Krennic.
Zahn also did a splendid job to establish the grysk as a -real- threat. In Alliances I couldn’t help but feel the Grysk were too similar to the Vagaari but with more black mail. Now, we get to partially see how they keep their slave/clients in control which is… scary. Really scary. I even think there might be some Force domination at work but I guess the only way to be sure would be for Ezra to confirm it if he ever gets to meet them in the future with Thrawn.
The book it’s at its strongest when the main characters interact. I liked the personality of the new characters and they feel very distinctive from one another. Ronan was a rollercoaster of “I like him- I hate him”. Ar'alani was amazing to have back after reading her in Outbound Flight. Every time she talked with Thrawn, Eli or Faro it was a top notch experience. 
Faro is having second thoughts on her competence because she thinks she might have let down Thrawn in some way, Eli continues to be the goodest space cowboi in the Galaxy which I love and cherish, and Thrawn… well, Thrawn is Thrawn, which is both good and bad. Also the new Chiss girl was interesting but I hoped we could have learned more of them.
My issues:
The plot quickly shifts from a politically charged bet to get rid of pests, to a big conspiracy to con resources out of Stardust, to overly complicated battle plans against an invasion force that you must follow closely word by word to try to visualize and understand what is happening... or you will get lost. That’s going to be a problem for a lot of people. I struggled.
I actually felt tense and exhausted because there was no chance to catch your breath before we got another invisible Grysk ship or complicated puzzle to solve with science. When Thrawn explains a plan I honestly feel like I’m getting a class on astrophysics and thermodynamics. I didn’t need every little detail of how everything will work down to the angles because I started to get lost. Looking back I realize that perhaps a good third of the book might be comparing data, analyzing said data, making an intricate mathematical plan, revising the data and applying it. I commend Zahn for his amazing descriptions at how they get to a solution, but even for me it was a little too much. I feel a bunch of that time could have been used to develop a few other issues that we were misled to expect…
For example, we were technically lied in the premise of the book. The premise at the back was the one it was marketed by the publishers and SWs and speaks how Eli seeks out Thrawn to warn him about a big problem in Csilla… and that never happens. Not even close. They stumble into each other by accident when their respective “prey” encounter each other. That was a let down. I expected more information on Csilla and interactions between Eli and Thrawn. In fact, they were barely in the same room, let alone... alone. I’m starting to fear steps were taken from high up to tell Zahn to “tone them down”, going as far as hinting a possible female interest for Eli because Eli and Thrawn have undoubtedly gained certain popularity. I’d think this is the case, as even Zahn wrote Eli wondering why was Thrawn being so aloof towards him and chalking up to having to be professional in public. That’s too much of a coincidence. In any case, many of us came hoping to see how their friendship from the first book had evolved after such a long time... but it just fell flat.
Next is the inconsistencies with time. Those who are also fans of Rebels know that from the moment Thrawn leaves Lothal a number of events happen that critically endangered the TIE Defender project. We get at the beginning of the book one such scene: Thrawn speaking with Tarkin, asking him to come to Coruscant. We get it from Faro’s pov, allowing us to have another look at that talk and a little more of Thrawn’s insight on what might happen if they leave Pryce in charge. He assumes the Rebels will attempt to rescue Hera and might succeed given Pryce is emotionally compromised. The moment Thrawn left Lothal, a timer started in my head to the next scene linked to these events in Rebels: the very next day Thrawn would have a holocall and confront Pryce for her incompetence, he would look more than just displeased… he would be angry. A type of frustration that carried on to the finale where he seems ‘incredibly done’ with everything and he’s trying to salvage the situation as best as he can. That’s… that’s a big thing if we are talking about Thrawn. 
As a lover of Rebels and the Thrawn books I expected to get the answer that explained why Thrawn was acting like that. So, as the plot developed, battles were won, puzzles were solved and treasons were unearthed, I started to realize the book was running out. I wondered if something would happen at the end that messed everything up and his call with Pryce would be the last strand. But there was no call. The book ended. A whole week had somehow passed already. I was aghast. At no point it felt we were witnessing the events of several days. The book talked of hours passing by so I assumed this would be “Thrawn and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day”… but instead he seems satisfied with the results even though he lost the bet on a technicality and, just like that, Thrawn states he must return to Lothal in the brevity. So in the end, Thrawn simply gets a holo meeting with the Emperor who is not exactly satisfied with his results and questions a his loyalty a little, so they will talk about that after Thrawn gets the Jedi chamber into the Chimaera and brings back Ezra to him. Aaaand the book ends. I was… stunned.
There were no answers here. And Zahn didn’t seem to align the most important story arc of Rebels and how it affects Thrawn other than a mention at the beginning and the very end. For someone who is painfully detail oriented with their battles, this was a huge oversight. You could even argue this plot could have happened at any point in S4 but Zahn saw an opportunity to patch it right after Jedi Night. 
In any case. While we get a few lovely scenes with Eli and the Chiss… there’s one thing that has become what I regard as emotional highlight for the last few Thrawn books: even though Thrawn wins, he loses something that you could regard as personal. In Thrawn (2017) he loses Nightswan, a rival and almost an equal he hoped could become and ally, as well as “losing” Eli by doing the best for him by sending him away. In Alliances he let’s go of Anakin, both in the past and the hope that he can bring him back in the present. Even more importantly, in Outbound Flight he loses Thrass. But there’s no such thing here. Thrawn wins the battle but loses the funding bet and still doesn’t look phased.
Also, compared to the previous books, there was no point in which Thrawn wasn’t in control of the situation. In the first book Thrawn was a little at a loss with the politics and society which is why Eli was always doing his best to help him. In Alliances, the real danger was the possibility of Vader having the last word on whether or not help him retrieve the girls and stop the Grysk. It was something out of his control, and it showed. I hoped the third book was Thrawn facing an impossible choice, hence Treason. But it wasn’t. It was Thrawn slightly bending Imperial protocol and rules like we are used to by now. I suppose that’s on me. I wished we had seen *something* that Thrawn can't face with logic. Treason ends there, just as Ezra was about to become that *something* immediately after you close the book. 
Overall, the enjoyment of this book may vary at certain points if you don’t like math battles or care too much about the timeline. I don’t feel there wasn’t any big revelation like in the two previous books like Thrawn saying there were bigger threats than the Empire lurking int he UR and that he playing the long game to replace the Emperor. In Alliances we got the bomb with the Chiss navigators and how their powers work different than the rest of Force Users. I don’t feel anything in Treason gets to that level. Nothing happens that changes your perception of the Galaxy at large or even the story that was happening parallel to it Rebels. You could arguably skip this book but you would be missing some great Eli, Faro and Ar’alani content that makes this book truly shine.
I’ll reread it soon but now I’ll likely skip on the battles and focus on the characters because ELI IS JUST THE BEST AND YOU ALL KNOW IT. xD
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sifiwiki · 8 years ago
Galaxy S4 problems Recent facts & reviews: Workarounds & Solutions how to galaxy s4 problems fix
New Post has been published on http://mywikispace.com/galaxy-s4-problems-recent-facts/
Galaxy S4 problems Recent facts & reviews: Workarounds & Solutions how to galaxy s4 problems fix
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Samsung galaxy s4 problems : By now most of you must’ve gotten word that Samsung has rolled out updates 4.3 Jelly bean for Galaxy S4 around end of October given or take a week depending on the region and carrier you are in. Soon after the S3 had received the same 4.3 Jellybean update in some countries US, Finland, UK, Korea…etc. that was in early November. Yet, news confirms that all carriers weather in the US AT&T, Sprint & Verizon or even other carrier in different regions have stopped the update days after its release for the S4 and even S3 as many bugs, issues, abnormal response, freeze, and a general weird or unexpected issues showing up Understanding the problem.
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Galaxy S4 problems Recent facts & reviews
So before we go into summarizing some of the most issues reported and potential solutions, let’s spend a couple of minutes just clarifying the root issue. The S4 originally was launched with the 4.2 Jelly bean Android version which is comparatively very stable and reliable, yet that was not the case for S3, which originally came with 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 and both version are quite stable and reliable. So there is nothing wrong with the S3 and S4, in fact the S4 is a great phone equipped with state of the art and edge hardware technology, not to mention the endless features presented in it. However it is far than obvious that Samsung took a hasten step into releasing the 4.3 Jellybean updates before it ensures customization of the software with Touch Wiz which is the brand customization of Samsung over stock Android versions is tested and bug-free.
how to fix Galaxy S4 problems Recent facts & reviews: Workarounds & Solutions :
read more : htc one problems and solution
The problem of all problems
Now that we dig the real problem source, I would advise in general that for those who updated their phone, roll back to original software by performing a simple reset; Go to Settings, Backup and restore, and simply restore your phone to Factory settings. Or do the hard button reset by pressing the Vol Up button + Home Button + Power Button/lock button, keep pressing all three buttons until you see menu screen after your phone restart, scroll down using vol down and select “Wipe all data and reset to original settings” to select use power button. I personally recommend this solution to end-up all issues once and for all, until a proven bug-free update is released which will happen eventually. Not to mention the 4.4 Kitkat Android version is released and news has it that Samsung might jump directly to that “especially for the S4” phones rather than fixing the bugs for the 4.3 Jellybean update.
Yet, if some of you prefer to continue using your phone(s) with the current updated 4.3 software then below you will find popular reported problems and solution to overcome these issues.
Problem: Lag or stutter
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Many people have found that the S4 stutters out of the box. There are reports of stuttering on entering and exiting apps, some lag on unlocking, and also lag when pressing the Home button. You can reasonably expect a smartphone this powerful to be as smooth as silk. If it isn’t then you can try the following:
Possible solutions:
Go to Settings > Developer options and scroll down. Try changing Window animation scale, Transition animation scale, and Animator duration scale to Animation is off. If you don’t see Developer options then you can unlock it by going to Settings > More > About device and tapping the Build number several times (you should get a pop-up message when developer options is unlocked)
-Go to Settings >My device > Lock screen and then tap Unlock effect and change it to None.
Fire up S-Voice and go into Settings and then uncheck the box next to Open via the home key. Be aware that this will disable the double tap activation for S-Voice, but it will also eliminate the Home button lag.
Problem: Lack of storage
If you bought a 16GB Galaxy S4, you might be disappointed to find that you only have around 8.5GB free. The operating system and the preloaded apps are taking up over 6GB of the available space.
Possible solutions:
You can buy a microSD card, up to 64GB, and you can use cloud storage solutions like Google Drive and Dropbox.
The problem is that some apps can’t be installed to a microSD card, and they obviously can’t be run from the cloud. Your other option is to root your S4 and get rid of some of the bloatware. Problem: Overheating
A lot of people have reported that the S4 is getting very warm or even hot at times. Most people are experiencing this during movie playback or while gaming. Some had a problem with random apps, during calls, while browsing the web, or while using the camera. A few have experienced an issue while charging. Any smartphone is going to heat up with extensive use and hot weather will have an impact too.
Possible solutions:
It could be a rogue app. Make sure you have the latest updates for all your apps. Fire up the Play Store, tap Menu then My apps, and you should see available Updates at the top right. If you have an up to date app that always seems to cause the problem, then try to find an alternative.
Some people report that media server could be the culprit. Try removing the microSD card and backing up all the files onto your computer. Reinsert the card into your S4 and format it. This might solve the problem.
If it is a software problem then an update might solve it. There are reports that Sprint S4 handsets have already received an OTA (over the air) update, but we don’t know what it was for. In any case this solution means waiting.
If your S4 continues to heat up,and you aren’t using it heavily, then it’s possible you have a hardware problem. Contact your retailer, carrier, or Samsung to report the problem and see if you can get a replacement.
Samsung Galaxy S4 problem battery drain
Is your battery draining faster than expected? Any smartphone is going to eat up a lot of juice if you use it a lot, but if you’re experiencing heavy battery drain it could be linked to the overheating problem discussed above. The hotter your battery gets, the faster it’s going to drain. You could use an app to check the temperature and make sure that’s not the real reason for the excessive battery drain.
If you find that your battery juice is draining fast under light usage, and the phone isn’t overheating, then there are a couple of things you could try. Start by going to Settings > More > Battery and find out what is eating the power.
Disable feature you aren’t using: Wi-Fi, GPS, Mobile data, Air view, NFC, etc.
Turn on Power saving mode via the extra Quick settings in the Notifications bar.
Reduce your screen brightness and timeout.
Use a dark wallpaper.
Watch out for apps that are constantly syncing. You’ll find options to set the sync duration in the Settings menu of most apps like Facebook, which can be a drain on power.
Problem: Display smearing or ghosting
A number of S4 owners have experienced a smearing or ghosting issue when they are scrolling in menus with a black background. Some report a purple haze on the grey bits of the menu and elsewhere. The effect is more noticeable when the brightness is turned down. Some people have also reported a red tint on black.
Possible solution:
Samsung has reportedly already released an OTA update that fixes the red tint on black, but the smearing issue has not been solved. Some people argue that it’s a limitation of the hardware; others are claiming it will be fixed via a software update.
Workaround: It might be worth trying the free Screen Adjuster app, as it allows you to calibrate colors and contrast.
samsung Galaxy S4 problem Wi-Fi
Can’t connect to Wi-Fi, it’s very slow, or keeps dropping connection : A lot of people run into issues with their smartphones and routers. Quite a few S4 owners have reported their Wi-Fi connection dropping frequently, and a few are unable to connect at all. The problem with Wi-Fi issues is that they could be down to the hardware (mobile device or router), or they could be caused by the software (on the mobile device or the router), or they could be caused by settings (on the smartphone or the router). To complicate things further, software problems could be down to Google’s Android or Samsung’s Touch Wiz overlay.
If you find that other devices are connecting to your router without a problem then it looks like you have an issue. Try the following:
Workarounds: Most people report that toggling the Wi-Fi switch in quick settings, or turning your smartphone and/or router off and on again, temporarily solves the issue.
Potential solutions:
Go into Settings > Connections and tap Wi-Fi. Then tap Menu and make sure Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep is set to Always.
You can try turning off Wi-Fi power save mode on your S4. On the phone dialer type *#0011# then Menu > Wi-Fi and turn Wi-Fi power save mode to Off.
Make sure that your router firmware is up to date.
Change your router settings, maybe change the 802.11 mode or channel. You should refer to troubleshooting documentation for your specific router, or contact your ISP to find out how.
Problem: Smart stay, pause, scroll, rotation doesn’t work
Some of the exclusive features on the S4 are what tempted people to buy it over the major competitors, so it can be a disappointment for people when they can’t get a feature to work as advertised. A lot of people complain that the Smart Stay, Pause, Rotation, and Scroll features aren’t working for them.
Potential solution:
Assuming you’ve checked that they’re turned on in Settings > My device > Smart screen. You should also make sure that the lighting is sufficiently bright for your S4 to see you. The phone has to be able to see your face using the front-facing camera. If you’re obscuring that camera, or the environment is too dark, then it simply won’t work.
That’s it for samsung galaxy s4 problems right now, but stay tuned because we’ll update this article in time. If you’ve encountered any of these problems, or something else entirely, then post a comment. If you have another solution to suggest we’d also love to hear from you, so please share
I hope this helps many of you who are facing problems with Galaxy S4. Your comments will be a compensation for this work  🙂
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art-by-ejsu · 6 years ago
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Awhile ago, I experimented with Galaxy Tab S3 being my main computer for work. I love the portability, but I decided to switch back to Windows for screen size and storage. I just picked up a newer version, Galaxy Tab S4, it comes with 256 GB internal storage, and just a slightly larger screen at 10.5" compare to S3's 9.7". I decided to give it another go as my main system. Screen size wasn't as big of an issue for me before, although I am not entirely happy with a 10.5" and I wish the aspect ratio was 3:4 like it was on S3, instead of 10:16, but I can appreciate the overall tablet size is still relatively unchanged, and it's still super portable. The internal storage is, of course, extremely important, since I'd like to take my work anywhere and sometimes I wouldn't have access to internet, eventhough there's external storage available, I couldn't put all of my favorite drawing apps on S3, that's no longer an issue on the S4. The game changer, was the DEX mode for me. I can now connect to an external monitor as a desktop mode, have all the reference materials on the desktop, and still running the tablet mode with my drawing app on the S4. Even when I wasn't connected to an external monitor, I still run the tablet in DEX mode, because the irritating AirCommand is disabled in this mode. Accidental click on the pen's side button is no longer a problem. Only thing is switch between Tablet and DEX mode exits out of apps that are currently running, I have to make sure I saved my files before I switch, I had lost a day of work by switching modes and forgot saving. That was on me. I am loving this setup so far. #galaxytabs4 #tabs4 #comic #work #setup #samsung #android https://www.instagram.com/p/ByYn_JpBE-4/?igshid=191yq4jxcuo2s
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kerbaldevteam · 6 years ago
KSP Loading... A Renewed Galaxy and History and Parts Pack Gets a Release Date!
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Welcome to our official newsletter, KSP Loading… !  Do you want to learn about all the current developments of KSP? Here’s the place to be, so let’s get started!
KSP Enhanced Edition
We are getting closer to the release of KSP Enhanced Edition’s first DLC; History and Parts Pack, as well as a console-optimized free update. Releasing on March 21, both the History and Parts Pack and the free update are filled with content, including new parts, revamps, suits and features that console players will be able to enjoy for the first time! The History and Parts Pack will cost $9.99 USD on both PlayStation Store and Xbox Marketplace.  
Mun Launch Site
Alongside the Woomerang Launch Site, Dessert Complex and the Island Runway, console players will get an additional launch site in the DLC not currently available on PC: the new Mun Launch Site. Check it out!
PC 1.7 Update
Our work on the 1.7 update for PC progresses and we are determined to fill this release with content and improvements that will continue to advance the KSP experience in various ways.
Galaxy Cubemap replacement
One long requested visual enhancement our team has implemented is the replacement of the game’s galaxy cubemap. Our artists carefully crafted this environment map to reflect a nicer color palette and more defined celestial objects, all while respecting the original star positions. You will also notice that we’ve doubled the resolution and no color bandings or other weird distortions are visible.
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Click here to see high res images.
The revamping of older parts is an ongoing endeavor of ours, and the 1.7 update won’t be lacking in them - this time around focusing on small engines.
RV-105 RCS Revamp
One of the small revamped engines is the RV-105 RCS Thruster Block. This has received a well-deserved makeover and will display brand new textures and emissive maps, as well as an adjustment to its geometry. This way these small monopropellant thrusters will not only continue to help us with attitude control and linear motion, but look great while doing so!
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Click here to see a high res image.
New 3.75m and 5m Nose Cones
We also took the time to include a couple of highly requested nose cones to fit on the 3.75m in diameter Kerbodyne S3 and the 5m in diameter S4 fuel tank series, the latter one exclusive to owners of Making History. The extra-large Mk12A and the huge Mk16A Protective Nose Cones, look similar, but that won’t stop them to make your enormous rockets and crafts a little more aerodynamic.
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Click here to see high-res images
New Features
Altimeter mode toggle
Aside from the visual enhancements mentioned above, we are including a long requested quality-of-life feature in this update that will allow you to toggle the altitude mode from Above Sea Level (ASL) to Above Ground Level (AGL) by simply clicking on the altimeter box. It’s important to mention that we are evaluating our players’ feedback and making some adjustments to the UI, so stay tuned!
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Click here to see an animated gif showcasing this feature.
Scrollable PAW 
Another small quality-of-life feature we’re adding to the game is the addition of a scrollbar to the Part-Action-Window. This will keep the PAW within the bounds of the screen when there’s too much data to display, something that might come in handy for players who use mods and sometimes saturate the PAW with lots of information.
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* note that this screenshot is demonstrative only
The Bug Hunt
As part of our ongoing effort to reduce the number of bugs and issues that inevitably arise when dealing with such a complex game as KSP, our team is constantly at the task of finding and fixing existing bugs, as well as preemptively eliminating any issues that have arisen during the development of update 1.7. Among the various bugs that are no more, these ones stand out:
We fixed a visual problem with the PQS normal maps that caused planets to have mismatched normals seams when seen from orbit. The team also fixed a bug where symmetry would break animations on some parts and another that locked the ‘Return to KSC’ button at the top of the altimeter during flight scenes. The thermal overlay that was rendering on parts with lights was also fixed, alongside a hilarious bug that caused the launchpad flagpole to explode when a Kerbal fell off the top of it.
Meet the team
This time in our Meet the Team section is the turn of programmer Bjorn Askew, also known as BJ, who some of you might have gotten to know if you followed our Making History Streaming Event last year. BJ is an experienced programmer who has worked in high profile studios and AAA titles. Here are a few words from BJ himself:
Worked as a games programmer for 10 years. Currently terrified that the little pink men from Duna might be spying on him.
Finally we want to remind you that you can share and download missions on Curse, KerbalX, the KSP Forum and the KSP Steam Workshop.
That’s it for this edition. Be sure to join us on our official forums, and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Stay tuned for more exciting and upcoming news and development updates!
Happy launchings!
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alexhalesreview · 6 years ago
Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 - Full tablet specifications and new features
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The Samsung S6 Tab was a glorious launch back in the day. While S series was going through a monotony problem, Samsung Galaxy S6 Tab came and refreshed the entire brand. Samsung Galaxy S6 Tab is considered a mild breakthrough in the Samsung range and a considerable find in the economical phones category by many. So here is why Samsung Galaxy S6 Tab still worth your money and you should certainly buy one!
Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 has one of the well-celebrated design upgrades with a slimming outline of 5.7mm from Samsung Galaxy Tab S4’s 7.1mm. It weighs a 420g and is pretty light. The slimming outline is the main unique feature but it is really much slimmer than its predecessors, so that is quite a unique characteristic in the display section.
The problem is that the slimming design did not allow for a headphone jack. The product has no headphone jack. But it also has a 5 MP rear-facing camera with a 123- degree field of view. Like its predecessors, it also has a thick bezel that surrounds the 10.5-inch screen, a single front-facing camera and a quad Dolby Atmos- tuned speakers.
S Pen Stylus and Keyboard Cover:
The Tab has a divot that is a magnetic strip running along the rear corner. The book covers, whether keyboard included or excluded, always folds over the S pen and has a lock. This means that the Galaxy Tab S6 requires a book cover at all times.
The display is 10.5- inch (2,560x1,600) with Super AMOLED touch screen that is standard in most of Samsung S series products. The product comes with an in-screen fingerprint sensor that allows the Tab to be free of the facial recognition software and its corresponding issues.
The camera is front- facing, with a returning 8MP front-facing camera and 13MP main rear shooter.  The camera has a 5MP ultrawide lens that allows for a richer context in your pictures. The tabs are not devices that are commonly used for picture taking but if you want to take one, then this is your best choice.
Specs and Performance:
The processor is Snapdragon 855 chipset with a RAM of 6GB or 8GB and the storage of 128GB or 256GB storage. The running capacity of the tab is great to this day and because it has such strong processing credentials, the resulting product is very long-lasting.
An early verdict from TechRadar, back in the day, shows that this is a highly sturdy product that should sustain through tough use. We have gone through the glorious internet and found this to be a valid claim. Many individuals are buying the product because is very sturdy and longlasting. Many individuals have young children who use Tabs and handle it roughly, this product will survive the rough use and will last a long time.
Drop us a comment below and tell us what you think.
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theseviolentdelightss · 6 years ago
Counting Paths XV
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Series Summary: After a lifetime on the run from the Empire, Reader makes a move that could have drastic impacts for both friend and foe. A Reader insert/fanfic. Gifs belong to their respective owners.
Word Count: 6719
Author’s Note: So I’m not going to tip to around it, in the past few months I’ve gone through a very personal, horrifically traumatizing experience that I am still coming to terms with. Depression and anxiety have always been issues I’ve struggled with but I never thought I would one day experience the effects of PTSD. Seeing death, truly seeing it firsthand, changes you as a person and it has taken months for me just to come back around to some sense of normality. Writing this latest bit has helped and I know some of that inner struggle poured over into my writing. Hopefully it’s not too particularly jarring,and as always I am so thankful for those of you that have stuck around for this long. You have no idea how very much it means to me.
-Side note: I took complete unabashed inspiration from one of my favorite television shows of all time in this chapter. Shiny on you if you recognize it.
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII Part VIII Part IX Part X Part XIPart XII Part XIII Part XIV
You awoke to the loud sound of someone banging away in the cargo hold. Most likely Roland, busy securing yet another hidy-hole for whatever you had been sent to fetch this time. That man was like a magician when it came to securing supplies in the most unlikely of spaces. You once saw him retrieve a pallet of medicine hidden beneath your core containment unit. One miss step and he would've gotten a doze of radiation strong enough to kill him a thousand times over. None of that seemed to bother him, even as you watched on petrified, the older man simply shimmied beneath the small crawl space and flung the first container of vials over his shoulder. Leaving you no other option than to leap forward and catch it. This went on another two dozen times until Roland eventually crawled out from under the containment unit like a drunk toddler. Rolling carelessly as he dragged his larger bottom half upwards. The symphony of obscenities that awaited him as soon as he rose to his feet reminded Roland that though he may have surpassed you in rank Songbird was your ship and you were her captain. Considering your recent reinstatement into the Rebel Alliance Roland had no choice but to respect your terms.  
That lasted for about a fortnight.
Rolling over you clung tightly to the sheets. Not yet willing to forego the warmth of your thick blankets to return to the waking world. No matter how elusive it felt at times you had grown to love sleep more in the recent months. 75 percent of the time it left you gasping for air, fumbling off the side of your bed and onto the cold floor below but that remaining 25 percent was the only true escape from reality afforded to you. Everything else was a just poor mans attempt.
Today had been no exception.
Thankfully in your clumsiness you had taken some of your pillows overboard with you and had softened the blow. Nevertheless, you had undoubtedly collected your share of bruises that would likely show their ugly purple faces over the next few days. So there was that to look forward to, how lovely...
Chirping somberly V1-S4 switched from his hibernation and rolled across the small space that was your cabin. Bits of decorations hung over the walls, the flag of your homeworld, a bouquet of Alderaanian flame lilies glowing on the bedside table atop a stack of books you had read easily a dozen times. It wasn't much but it was the closest thing to having a home as you could get; though, even as the thought crossed your mind you knew that wasn't entirely true. Like it or not a small part of you missed your cramped room on Yavin 4. At least there had always been something to do, a project to work on, someone to talk to... Sure you had Roland and the rest of your crew to keep you company but that was different.
You had told yourself you simply missed Theodren. He was your best friend after all and the two of you had missed time to make up for given how long the two of you had been apart in the past. To be separated again so shortly after reuniting felt cruel but war doesn’t wait for things such as sentiment.
War doesn’t wait at all. 
You missed your lunches with Penelope. The sweet mechanic you had befriended after she taught you how to fix your port control a few weeks before your first mission. The girl was so cheerful that any time the two of you met up for lunch or worked on your ship together you couldn’t help but smile. Her kindness was infectious and a welcome change to the coldness you had experienced from other Rebels in the past. After you became one of them again all that changed. Suddenly you had amassed a fair amount of acquaintances during your time on base, most of whom you missed. Still, that did nothing to change the truth of the matter...
The person you found yourself missing the most was Cassian. 
Any time something especially odd happened on a job or Roland got too drunk and began declaring his secret love for show tunes it was Cassian you found yourself wishing you could run to. The two of you had come to share so much of your time together that it felt foreign to have so much apart. As if some part of yourself was missing. This was made all the worse given how you had left things between the two of you. The memory of which you seemed incapable of getting out of your head.
As S4 inched closer to where you lay you're reminded of just how grateful you were to have the loyal droid by your side again. When you had finally been allowed access to him again after months apart it felt as if you were being reunited with a family member that had gone missing. Hands shaking slightly you reached out to place your palm atop the droid’s shiny dome shaped head before gently leaning your forehead against the smooth surface.
“I'm alright buddy.” You reassured S4 as if you were a mother soothing a child. “Just another bad dream.”
S4 hummed happily as you smiled, giving him a gentle pat on the side. Pushing yourself off your knees you gathered your blankets and tossed them back atop your bed before stumbling towards the shower. Hopefully you'll have better luck tonight...
The day passed by as per usual. Rolland had taken over the ships controls while you had busied yourself helping the crew encode your inventory manifest to hide your ship's true cargo in case you ran into Imperial scanners. Nine hours later and your dozenth supply run had went off without a hitch. If everything went according to plan you would be returning to Base 1 with a ship full of enough stolen Imperial power cells to supply an entire Rebellion division for a month.  
Only problem was that flying with Imperial stamped cargo was a death sentence to anyone stupid enough to get caught. Even so, most pilots would rather take the risk of staring down the barrel of a trooper's blaster than traveling through raider territory. Low life pirates that sat out in the darkness of the outer rim waiting to attack and pillage any unsuspecting vessel that wandered their way. Still you had no other choice but to choose the later, set your scanners to their full capacity, and hope you could pass through long enough to make it to the nearest hyperspace lane. It had been months since you last returned to base, and even that had only been for a single night. Just enough time to make a drop before heading back out again. 
After your return from Nar Shaddah you had been busy to say the least. Everything had happened so quickly, one moment you're swearing in as soldier in the Rebel Alliance, again, the next you're in the midst of a shouting match with Cassian. One that left you feeling shaken and uncertain as to where you stood with the captain. Not a word was said to mend what had been broken. Instead settling for uncomfortable silences and unresolved issues. 
You had thought he would be happy. That perhaps it would make up for crashing his last mission so spectacularly. The next day you received your first orders; an immediate mission to help secure a shipment from a core planet that had been secretly aiding the Rebellion for months. Though you still had some reservations about committing to the Alliance's entirely, you were delighted to be doing something other than sitting around twiddling your thumbs. When the time came to leave you searched all over base for Cassian to say goodbye, but the dark eyed rebel was no where to be found.
Thus began a new strange chapter in your life. A smuggler for the Rebellion, who would've thought?
More often than not you and Roland simply served as a single link in a very long chain that connected various Rebel outposts. Picking up supplies from one location just to deliver them to another. It was all part of the Alliances attempt to keep the Empire from pinpointing any potential drop off points. Large quantities would be brought in by ships such as your own on outlying moons and planets with lax security to be smuggled into larger settlements in smaller quantities later. Essentially you were spice runners, only instead of smuggling drugs you were transporting medical supplies, power cells, food. This however was your last in a very long trek across the galaxy. Normally you preferred the sky to staying grounded but you couldn't deny that you were eager to return to Yavin 4.
Two weeks, Mon Monthma had promised you two weeks off the job if you managed to secure the shipments in half the usual time table. A task you had pulled off flawlessly. All that time working with Han and Chewie had made you adept in this line of work. Something you were sure Cassian wouldn't care for. Not that you would know. It had been weeks since the two of you had last spoken.
252 days to be exact.
Everything had been going smoothly. Roland and S4 had navigated a clear course as you triple checked your  hyperdrive when suddenly the alarms began to ring over head. The bright white lights in the hallway illuminated off and on in a dizzying fashion as you ran towards the cockpit. S4 chirped erratically as you ducked your head through the doorway and hurried inside.
“What the hell is going on I thought you two got us around them-”
“It's not Imperial.” Roland said as he spun in his chair, keying into Songbirds own enhanced scanners to bring up a read out of the strange ship that had just entered a spacelane dangerously close to your own.
“Commercial vessel?”
“Looks like it.”
Chirping beside you S4 illuminated a hologram of the vessel in question.
“I'm reading it as an old 908 Trans-Q model.” Rolland's brow furrowed as he read the droid’s intel.
“That doesn't make any sense, I didn't think Trans-Q operated anymore. Weren't they bought out by the Empire?”
Leaning over Roland you tried to get a better look at the ships read out. Anything that might possibly explain why you had suddenly run into a passing ship, whose make was no longer in operation, while traveling an unmapped route, with a cargo full of stolen goods, set for the head quarters of the Rebellion. All of which seemed a bit too coincidental for your liking.
“Yea they were.”
“Do we have a visual?” You asked, S4's low hum quickly answered your question. He did however manage to pull up the ships internal system's processing data, instantly something about it struck you as odd. “Wait, look at their radiation level.”
Leaning closer Roland's eyes trailed down the screen to where you were pointing. The number was more than just suspiciously high, it was unheard of. Utterly unfit for sustaining human life.
“They're operating without their flux stabilizer that's ch'sei...that's suicide.”
Stepping back your eyes were drawn to a small spot in the distance. Growing larger with each passing second. It wasn't often that you truly felt fear. Not because you were especially brave but because the majority of the time you didn't much care if things suddenly ended bloody. Its what you had signed up for after all. You were back in the game. All it takes is one wrong step and you're dead. You knew just how dangerous what you did was; none the less, for the most part you had grown calloused to the fear of death. It was more an inevitability than a concern. That didn't stop your heart from dropping into your stomach as the first beads of cold sweat began to prickle your skin.
Every childhood horror story, every supposed sighting from other pilots, every alleged encounter you had ever heard of Ravangers played in your mind like some twisted nightmare come to life.
“Oh fuck.” Roland swore breathlessly. “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck...”
“We have to tell the others.” The blood in your veins felt suddenly frigid as you reached for the ships intercom.   With trembling fingers you pressed the button at the base of your ship's controls. Eyes never once straying from the ship in the distance. Its rusty color and dilapidated state gradually coming into view.
“This your captain speaking.” You began, breathing in and out slowly in an attempt to keep your voice calm. In truth, for the first time in months you were completely, and utterly terrified. “We've intercepted another ship, appears to be Ravangers, most likely a raiding party. We haven't been hailed yet and we are holding course so everyone please remain calm. We should be passing them in a few minutes. We'll take it from there.”
Letting go of the intercom button you stepped back, eyes aching from staring so harshly into the dark distance. Digging in your vest pocket you retrieved your com link.
“Zara I need you up here, now.”
Stepping back you stood on unsteady feet for what felt like hours when the sound of Zara coming to a stop beside you shook you from your trance.
“What's going on why are we-” She began, eyes darting to the ship in the distance before falling eerily quite. “Who are they?”
“Ravangers.” You replied coolly.
“Ravangers aren't real.” The young girl scoffed gently. “My grandma used to tell us stories about them to get us to stay in bed at night or do our chores. They're just a myth.”
“Well if grandma says it then it must be true.” Roland muttered sarcastically, busy preparing the ships engines in case you were given no choice but to run.
“They're not myths.” You said, grabbing the young teen by the wrist and forcing her to look you in the eye.
“You're not lying?” Zara asked, all confidence drained from her voice. The majority of the time all the young girl did was glare at you, still fostering a mountain worth of reinstatement towards you over her sister's death. Now; however, the only emotion she wore was one of complete fear. “What happens if they hail us?”
“If they board us...” You sighed, trying to decide rather you should be utterly truthful in the face of impending danger or try and appeal to the young girls age. “They'll flay us alive, feast on our flesh, and sew our entrails into their armor...”
Zara's face turned white, even her darker complexion couldn't hide the noticeable rush of blood. Her hands began to shake as she looked up to you, still just a child, so much youth shone through her eyes that were now wide with fear.
“And if they're feeling generous they'll do it in that order.”
You finished, your grip on Zara's wrist loosening as you took her hand in your own. Pealing back her fingers you placed a small dark capsule in her palm. Though she shook her head at first you folded her fingers over the deadly pill and held them there.
“Just in case.” You spoke gently.
“What about you?” She asked, her voice steady though she appeared anything but.
“Songbird is my ship, I'm her captain. I won't abandon her.”
“They're hailing us!” Roland shouted, immediately sending a rush of adrenaline through your body. Letting go of the young girl you threw yourself behind the controls and began deploying counter measures.
“They've got magnetic grappling!” Zara exclaimed, pointing to the electric arm that had began to stretch out from the ships left side.
“Yes thank you I can see that!” Though your voice was laced with sarcasm you knew that if you wanted to survive this you had only one option. Slamming your fist against the intercom button you shouted a warning. “Quick, everyone find something to hold on to!”
“They're on us!” Zara's voice was becoming frantic. A sound you hadn't heard since the night the two of you met. 
“S4 cut the hydraulics!” You yelled for the droid who made quick work of your order. Efficient as ever.
“What the hell are you doing?” Roland watched as you flipped various switches, unsure of what it was you were hoping to accomplish.
“You'll see.” You couldn’t help but grin at the absurdity of what you were attempting. “Roland as soon as I say so, you make the jump. Now hold on!”
Pulling the yolk tightly to the side you engaged your reverse thrusters on one side while going full burn on the other. Immediately the ship whipped into a jarringly fast turn that found you suddenly behind the Ravanger ship that had only seconds before been in front of you. Yanking the yolk back to the opposite side you managed to steady the ship long enough to align your coordinates, albeit backwards.
“Please let this work.” You prayed, switching the ships directional system into neutral. “Now!”
The moment you shouted the words you felt the force of the leap pressing you into your seat as your ship made its jump into hyperspace. Albeit in reverse. A moment of silence hung in the air before being quickly replaced with shouts and whoops of excitement. Most people go their entire lives without ever crossing paths with a Ravanger, let alone an entire raiding party. They were a rarity, even in the outer rim. They're community was such a small offset of a larger cultural species that it came has no surprise that most people thought of them as myths but you knew better. You had seen their handiwork before. Not a sight you would soon forget and yet you had left them burning in your wake.
“That was amazing!” Zara squealed as she leap up and down before wrapping her arms around you where you sat, still partially in shock, and pulled you out of your seat.
“As much as I hate to inflate your ego that was pretty damn impressive kid.” Roland smiled, a sight you usually only witnessed at 3 in the morning after two pints too many, or anytime someone fell. The man had an oddly specific sense of humor to say the least. As he ruffled your hair with his calloused hand you thought for a moment that perhaps you had actually died upon making the jump and this was all some sort of weird afterlife experience. It wasn't until you started to fall asleep that night, half drunk and giggling, did you realize for sure you weren't dead or dreaming. Puking your guts out will bring you back to reality all too quick.
As you broke into the atmosphere of Yavin 4 the following day you were still mildly hung over yet happy all the same. You hadn't seen Theodren in months and had been too far out to safely contact your best friend for nearly six weeks. You had expected him to be there waiting in the hanger when you returned. What you hadn't expected was for him to be surrounded by so many of your fellow comrades. One look at Roland was all it took, you really need to start taking his communication privileges away from him when he drinks. Apparently everyone on base had heard of your quick maneuvering with the Ravangers the night before. Though you should have known better you forgot how much of a superstitious lot a fair amount of the Rebellion was. It reminded you of your old grandmother, sitting in her knitting chair, reading the smudges left behind in her tea cup. This recent run in would undoubtedly have their interests peaked.
As Theodren spread his arms wide you returned his hug almost as tightly as you had the last time the two of you had reunited. This time though, when he pulled back to look at your face Theodren glimpsed more than just excitement. He saw exhaustion, anxiety, even a lingering hint of fear that seemed to dull the flecks of gold in your eyes. He wanted to ask right there what was wrong but knew better.
“You look ghastly.” He quipped, the corners of his mouth turning up in a grin as the two of you pulled apart.
“Still look better than you.”
“Hm, I don't know if I'd go quite that far.” Theodren continued. “I do believe there are some sects of society that would perhaps find this-” Taking his hand he gestured up and down your frame. You were covered in soot and grease from working on your ship all night. Trying to repair the damage done by your daring Ravanger escape. “Attractive. I'm sure you'd be a shoe in for a beauty pageant on Jakku.”
With that you gave your old friend a playful shove as you swung your bag over your shoulder.
“I get it! I need a shower.” You shouted jokingly as you made your way towards the open hanger.
“Why not two?” Theodren replied, cupping his hands around his mouth to project the sound of his voice as you stepped further away. “Make up for lost time.”
Chuckling softly you shook your head. Eyes scanning the nearby ships for a particular U-Wing. When you failed to spot it you felt a small surge of comfort, at least he hadn't simply known of your return and chosen not to greet you along with the others. Surely, he wasn't still that mad... Moving through the crowded hanger and hallways you were welcomed back by a number of familiar faces, some new. Perhaps word of your Ravanger escape had made the rounds more than you had originally thought. It made sense truthfully, other than war and work there wasn't a whole lot for people to talk about on base. Conversations could get dull fairly quickly so whenever something particularly unusual or spectacular happened it was typically the main topic of conversations until something else came along or people simply got bored.
Keying in your door code you were welcomed by the cool darkness of your room instantly. The only light came from the narrow windows and through it was still quite warm outside the inside was blessedly cool. Like a puppet whose strings have been cut you lost what little hold you had left the moment the door shut behind you. Your knees began to wobble uncontrollably, forcing you to grasp the corner of your bed as your bag tumbled to the floor. Stumbling forward your legs eventually gave out as you slid down the side of your bed. Now that you were alone, in a place you felt safe from prying eyes, the reality of yesterday's events hit you like a smack in the face. Leaving you shaking as you fumbled behind you to pull a pillow close to your chest. You had been so distant, so detached for weeks that this sudden burst of intense emotion was almost too much to bare. Burying your face inside the pillow you let lose the scream that you had been holding in for hours. The thick cotton did a fair job of muffling the sound of your screams but did nothing to hide the creak of the floor behind you. 
In an instant you sprung to your feet. Turning on a dime and throwing the pillow in your hands directly at the intruders face.
“The hell?” Cassian's accent was instantly recognizable. Leaving you feeling like a fool as your hands flew to cover your mouth. It wasn't till you noticed Cassian's state that you felt your cheeks begin to burn as you turned your eyes towards the ceiling.
“I didn't think you were here.” You stuttered.
“I just got out of the shower you idiot!” He hissed, dropping the pillow in his hands to retrieve his towel from off the floor. Quickly securing it around his waste and holding it tight with one hand just to be safe.
“Yup, kinda put that one together.”
“You're not supposed to be back yet. They said you wouldn't get here till this evening.” Cassian shook his head as he turned away from you. Moving over to his dresser where he began to dig out his daily uniform. Trying his best not to pay you much attention as you sat yourself on the corner of your bed. Gaze still firmly in the opposite direction. Hopefully he had done a good enough job of straightening the comforter and pillows that you wouldn't notice the impression his body had left. Nearly every day he worked on base he would find himself taking his lunch hour to sneak away to his room, crawl atop your bed, and escape the world for a moment. It was the only time he felt any sense of peace and even after all these weeks a small hint of your perfume lingered in the linen.
“Made the jump quicker than expected.” You replied, pealing off your jacket before falling backwards atop your bed. Relishing the comfort of it as you spread out your arms to stretch.
“What happened? You run into another old flame you'd like to impress?” Cassian scoffed before instantly wishing he could take it back. In the reflection of his mirror he could see you spread out on your back. Pale curls cascading down your side as you clung to pillow he had always used.
“Ravangers.” You mumbled, kicking off your boots as you pulled the pillow in your arms tighter.
“What?” Cassian asked, spinning on his heal and stepping towards your bed. Surely he hadn't heard you correctly.
“We ran into Ravangers.” You repeated, sitting up to find Cassian standing noticeably closer than before and thankfully at least partially dressed. His shirt still gripped in his left hand. A look of confusion and something else washed over his face. For a moment you thought perhaps it was concern but that didn't much fit into the current state of affairs when it came to yourself and Cassian. As much as you hated to admit it, it seemed he was indeed still pissed.
Leave it to a man to hold a grudge after 8 months of zero communication.
“We had to run so of course they had to chase us.” You explained, keeping your hands busy playing with a fray in the threading of your comforter. Strange you hadn't noticed it before, normally little things like that would drive the perfectionist inside of you crazy. “Fried my hydraulics but I was able to make the jump. Shaved a few hours off my time.”
“Aren't you impressive?”
Though you had tried to hide it, you were hurt by Cassian's words. A truth that undoubtedly showed on your face. After everything you had been through the past few months, after everything you had done for his cause, and still he treated you as an inconvenience.
“Why do you have to be like that?” You muttered, turning up to face him. His own expression unreadable to you. “I just wanted to come home.”
And there it was. The slow knife that was gradually killing the both of you. Cassian knew what you had meant. What home truly was but that was not a responsibility he wanted. Not because he didn't share the same sentiment but because he couldn't bare to be the one responsible for taking that home away.
“Yea, well welcome home.” Was all he could think to say before tossing on his shirt and boots before hurrying out the door. Your very presence was suffocating to him. Leaving him no option but to hurry off in no particular direction.
Sighing you kept still for a few moments. Allowing it all to sink in as you stared blankly ahead. A part of you wanted to cry while the other half wanted to scream and break everything in sight. Instead you settled for reaching inside your duffel and pulling out a bottle of Tevraki Whiskey. A parting gift from your crew for getting them out of a particularly sticky situation. Pulling out the cork with your teeth you spit it across the room where it rolled beneath Cassian's bed. The inside of the refresher was still warm as you stepped in and turned on the shower. Discarding bits of clothing as you gulped down the smooth whiskey. Allowing it to burn your throat as you cherished each swig.
An hour later you had dried your hair and slipped into your usual casual attire with the full intent of meeting Theodren and the others at the cantina on base. All it took was sitting down to pull on your boots and you were out like a light. Head crashing into your pillow as the exhaustion you had fought suddenly overtook you.
When your eyes finally began to flutter open a handful of hours later it took a moment for you to gather your surroundings before remembering where you were. Home. Except something felt off. Unnatural. As your gaze drifted around the room your heart dropped into your stomach before returning with a vengeance. It was him, again. After all this time.
Instinctively you willed yourself to sit up, to leap out of bed but you were frozen. You couldn't move, couldn't even scream for help. It was an old sensation, and one you hadn't missed. Of course you had been told what it truly was: just a simple sleeping sickness that wasn't entirely uncommon, particularly in those suffering from past trauma. Still, waking up to find yourself paralyzed, staring at the bloody specter of someone you loved, is not an easy experience to rationalize.
As the door swung open, casting a warm glow into the room you felt as if you were drowning at sea and had spotted a ship in the distance. In walked Cassian, nonchalantly as ever, hardly so much a glance in your direction. Already you could feel the tears begin to swell in the corner of your eyes. As he turned towards the refresher you prayed he would catch a glimpse of your face, perhaps see the anguish burning beneath your frozen exterior. You thought for sure all hope was lost and that you were doomed to ride this one out alone; however long it may last, when Cassian's feet came to an abrupt stop. Slowly turning his head to peer through the darkness in your direction.
Cassian had been grateful when he came in to find you sleeping. Thankful that he would have more time to think of a proper apology, not some drunken slurred excuse which was currently all he had to offer. He even thought you were talking in your sleep again. Right up to the point that he was about to walk away entirely when he heard it. Such a pitiful whimper, like a fawn separated from its mother. It wasn't the normal chaotic mumbling of your sleep talking. This sounded deliberate. Desperate. Stumbling forward Cassian switched on your bedside lamp and found the look of terror on your face far more sobering than any cold shower he could've taken.
“What is it?” He asked, kneeling at your side. As much as you wanted to turn your head to face him all you could do was peer out of the corner of your eyes. Trying to focus on him entirely, ignoring the other pale face that stared out from the darkness. Cold dead eyes looking at you and seeing nothing. “What's wrong?”
Cassian did his best to speak calmly as he settled on the edge of the bed. As his hands fell to your shoulders he found them tense as stone; yet, he could see the rapid rate of your heart as the vein in your neck throbbed with each passing beat. His fingers found their way to your wrist in the dark. Easily taking your pulse as it thumped against the tips of his fingers with far too much force and speed. You were more than just terrified, you were petrified. Nearly on the verge of shock. He knew you had issues with sleep, he had even witnessed some himself,  but nothing like this. It broke him to see you this afraid, this helpless.
“You're okay.” He whispered, rubbing a hand up and down your left arm while the other maintained its grip on your right shoulder. “You're okay, just breathe in and out.”
The more Cassian spoke the calmer you felt, as if each word had been a tiny doze of peace, of comfort. As he inched closer, the warm light washing over his face so that you could finally see him clearly, you felt your strength returning. Taking your hand in his own Cassian could feel as each digit began to crawl across his palm.  You could sense your body shaking as you drew on every ounce of strength inside you to propel yourself upwards. Arms draping around Cassian as you fell into his grasp. In the haze you couldn't think of anything else that had happened between the two of you. None of the bickering or resentment even registered. In that moment he was all you had.
A life preserver in a sea of nothing.
Your only tangible connection to reality. The one thing you could feel other than fear. So you clung tightly to him. Fingernails digging into the fabric of his shirt as your body continued to shake.
“It's alright, it's alright.” He repeated softly into your ear, arms inching around your waist as you pulled yourself closer until you were practically sitting in his lap. He could feel your chest rise and fall against his own. Your panicked breath against his neck. The warm tears that escaped your eyes to cascade down his cheek from where your faces were pressed against each other.
Cassian tried to remember the last time he felt this close to someone. It was only a moment later, as he buried his face into your hair, the sweet smell of your shampoo filling his senses, that Cassian realized the last time he had been this close to anyone was you. The memory of that night came flooding back to him, filling his head with all manner of thoughts. He wasn't sure how much time had passed before your body finally began to still, the grip of your hands loosening as you slowly lent back to face him. Instinctively Cassian found himself pushing the stray strands of hair out of your face. Reaching up you took a hold of his hand gently. Your gaze now locked with his.
“Thank you.” Your voice was barely a breath, so quite that had Cassian not been so close you aren't sure he would have heard it.
“Are you alright?” He whispered, rolling his hand over in your own to hold it gently between the two of you.
“Yea I'm...” Damn you wished you could lie to him, tell him that everything was fine and that he could go to bed. Not to worry about you considering you weren't his problem. He had been so cold to you earlier after all. But looking into those brown eyes of his all you wanted to do was stay fixed, planted exactly where you were until the tenderness that hid beneath his gaze had rid you of every terrible thought, every horrible memory. “I was so afraid...”
“It was just a bad dream.”
“No I-I mean the Ravangers.” You stuttered. Cassian furrowed his brow, looking down for a moment as you struggled to catch your breath. Your body still trembling gently beneath his hands. “I saw that ship and I was terrified.”
“Anyone would be.” Cassian assured you, his voice soft as he spoke.
“It wasn't just that I was scared of dying Cass, it was...” Chewing your bottom lip you found yourself at a loss, unsure if this was the sort of thing you should be sharing with someone, let alone Cassian of all people.
“What?” He asked tenderly, once again reaching up to tuck another rebellious curl out of your face.
“It was everything I was leaving behind.” You sighed, looking away from Cassian's piercing gaze. “So much left unfinished, so many words left unsaid...”
The moment the words left your lips you felt the heavy thump of Cassian's heart against your chest. Neither of you had moved more than an inch apart since you had awoken entirely, a realization that seemed to only strike you now as you became hyper aware of how the close the two of you were. It had been months since the two of you had last been this close yet it wasn't until now that you realized just how much you had subconsciously yearned for it.
How very much at home you finally felt.    
“Can you stay?” You asked hesitantly, nearly certain that you had over stepped your bounds. “Please?”
As Cassian sat there, allowing your words a moment to sink in he thought for a moment that he surely must be dreaming. How many times had he fallen asleep after a long day to find himself in a moment similar to this. How many times had he wished he could have gone back in time and been honest with you about everything. About his job, about his fears, and how he hadn't felt like himself since that night the two of you had kissed. How he had lied to himself by convincing you it meant nothing. All he could think to do was touch you. Gently he rested his palm against your cheek, thumbing away a single delayed tear that had fallen. Looking you deep in the eye he nodded softly.
Cassian maneuvered the two of you smoothly, maintaining his hold on you as he laid the both of you back onto your bed. Moving your arm out from under him you waited until he had kicked off his boots and pealed off his outer shirt to leave only a cotton tank underneath before pulling the blankets over the two of you. As Cassian laid back down you weren't sure if he intended to keep his current distance. As if he had read your mind the Captain turned his head to face you, trying to read your expression in the dark before turning his attention to the ceiling. His heart suddenly in his throat. He felt like a teenager again, too scared to speak up. Instead he inched his hand closer to yours, bit by bit until he felt the soft flesh of your fingers aside his own. Like two dancers in sync each of you laced your fingers together. A feeling like warm liquor filled your stomach as you rolled onto your side, mustering up the courage to pull the captain's arm around your waist as you nuzzled yourself into his chest.
The sigh of relief that left your lungs was only mirrored by Cassian's as his arms again wrapped tightly around you. Bringing your body flush against his own. With your ear pressed against him you could hear every beat of Cassian's heart. The comforting repetition easing you into a sense of calm. His strong arms around you made you feel safe for the first time in months, allowing sleep to quickly creep up on you. Your eyes had almost closed when you looked up only to find Cassian watching you. Too tired himself to make an attempt at hiding it.
“I missed you.” Smiling softly, your eyes flutter once, twice before closing entirely. Calm, steady breaths escape your lips as Cassian tries to get a grip on himself. Just that morning he had sworn to himself that he would not allow himself to fall back into whatever it was the two of you had going on. He had even forced himself to say those rude, hell mildly cruel things to you, in the hopes to stave you off. Eight months he had spent convincing himself that there was nothing between the two of you and not even twelve hours after landing you were back in his arms. The one place he swore he wouldn't find you. The one place he so desperately wanted to keep you. It was torture feeling this way. A sweet pain that he found himself wanting again and again. There was a word for it, he knew that for certain, he just wasn't ready to say it. Not even to himself. Instead he settled for pulling you closer if possible, relishing the way you instinctively shifted in his arms, hands gripping the fabric of his clothing as if even in sleep you wanted him closer.
Just as he had that night on his ship so many months ago he found himself leaning down and pressing his lips against your forehead. That same surge of adrenaline pulsing through his veins leaving him with no hope of denial. Giving in, if only for tonight, Cassian rested his head atop yours and slept soundly for the first time in years.
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