#Galaxy Railways
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deuxlitresdeux · 8 hours ago
Ouais ! (Enfin je crois)
(Je l'ai pas dessiné pendant deux ans #fraude) (j'ai peut-être arrêté de le dessiner deux ans mais au vu des proportions il a pas cessé d'aller à la cantine pour autant) (dsl j'étais occupée avec sherlock bbc et les taulards de prison break) (puis j'étais gavée) (bisous bisous)
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It's been so long, so painfully long.
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kabob129 · 1 year ago
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@amtrak-official space trains?
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deuxlitresdeux · 1 month ago
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My powers are back (i'm trying to escape the prison break hyperfixation by reconnecting with the Leijiverse hyperfixation)
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zerolockfan · 4 months ago
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It's fall season, the commanders are having a night out for some drinks. Schwanhelt can't hold his liquor and Zero is afraid of being caught by Marina (as he should be).
Gift for @deuxlitresdeux and inspired by her fanfic!
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galaxyrailwaysworld · 9 months ago
Happy Pride from Galaxy Railways!
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So in the fact it’s pride, I decided to scribble some of our local LGBTQIA couples!
We have
Gordon x Edward - Gordon being Gay and Edward being Transgender FTM and Bisexual (male leaning)
Duck x BoCo - Duck being Gay and BoCo being Pansexual Non Binary
Rheneas x Falcon - Rheneas being Bisexual (male leaning) and Falcon being Transgender FTM and Gay
Lola x Lori (mine and my gfs OCS) - Lola being a Lesbian and Lori being Pansexual!
(Look at you all getting sneak peeks of some loco designs! Ugh special fools)
Anyway! Happy Pride ❤️🏳️‍🌈
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inkyminx · 7 months ago
CW: Blood, Hanahaki Disease.
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And the silly timelapse under the cut.
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aube-in-arcadia · 1 year ago
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Quoi de mieux que ce début d'année pour le lancement du projet ANTHOLEIJI ?
L'objectif ? Un recueil de fanfictions du Leijiverse, par différents auteurs. Le défi ? Commencer par trouver les auteurs
C'est parti pour une (longue) aventure !
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Quoi ?
un recueil de fanfictions du Leijiverse par différents auteurs
un livre pour l’horizon 2026
format papier, 200 pages min, A5 couverture souple
un exemplaire envoyé à chaque contributeur
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Conditions :
texte pouvant se lire indépendamment
accessible à un néophyte à qui l’on aurait présenté le Leijiverse comme « des pirates de l’espace et des trains qui volent »
format nouvelle (one-shot ou two-shot, jusqu’à 10k ou 15k mots). Notez que des textes très courts de type drabble conviennent aussi (mais il en faudra plus)
rating T max
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Modalités :
vous pouvez proposer un texte déjà existant
vous pouvez proposer plusieurs textes (jusqu’à 15k mots)
pas de non-fiction ou de méta
n’importe quelle série du Leijiverse est acceptée, y compris les plus obscures
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A noter :
je suis tatillonne sur la forme et la cohérence globale. Attendez-vous à des demandes d’ajustement sur vos textes (ne serait-ce que pour le côté « accessible aux néophytes »)
je me laisse le droit de refuser un texte s’il ne correspond pas à mes critères d’édition
English writers welcomed, but your text will be translated in french. Depends on the volume, the original english texts could be included at the end of the book, or presented in another book. French fanfictions will not be translated in english.
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tadashidumba · 10 months ago
Finally organizing the books I bought from my Japan trip, so here is a Leijiverse doujin collection update no one asked for.
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weirdowithaquill · 18 days ago
Not sure if i can ask for more than 1 but ... 53,56,71? 71 is especially cool cause i just got back into a galaxy railways kick
I'd say ask for them separately (I love answering asks + it makes my life easier) so I'll answer 71 in this post! But you can definitely ask for more than one!
71: Wisps of Time (The Galaxy Railways)
So, this fic is a bit of an AU idea that has been floating around in my head for the longest time, but only recently did I start typing up an idea for it. The basic idea is that Sirius Platoon is punished for 'insubordination' after a mission and as punishment have to help digitise the books in the railway's central library. While there, Manabu keeps finding references to engines that - to his knowledge - never ran on the Galaxy Railways, starting a long chain of events that leads to the group crossing the universe in search of the truth behind the origins of the railway.
Here's a quick snapshot of what I've written!
'Manabu made it to the museum not long before it was due to close, hurrying through its halls past centuries’ worth of rail history until he came to a stop in front of the only surviving example of a Type 1472: Type 1472, number 1472.0091. It was just as Captain Bulge described it - an attempt at clean lines and beauty in steam disturbed by dozens of exposed pipes that burst from the boiler at random to run alongside it. The entire thing was painted in Galaxy Railways red, with the standard issue whistle and filter - and it was all so utterly wrong. The tender had the Galaxy Railways logo stamped on it - and it was a standard-issue tender, not the sleek one that 4472 had. 
The blurb was no help either - if anything, it made things worse. 
The Type 1472 was built between 2180 and 2200 in the Brittanion Quadrant for the Galaxy Railways, being numbered between 1472.0001 and 1472.1001. These engines formed the majority of passenger engines used in the Quadrant between 2180 and 2235, when they were replaced by the Type 55 diesels. Number 1472.0091 was built in 2183 on the Planet Nottingborough and used on expresses between Planet Destiny and the Brittanion Quadrant. In 2205, it became famous for its part in the evacuation of the Planet Edinscow when it pulled the last train to leave the planet before it was destroyed. 
Manabu pulled up the first picture of 4472 - the one that had dragged him into this rabbit hole in the first place. The beauty in its lines, the brilliant shade of green that almost seemed to blend in with the lush grass around it. The number and letters that seemed to taunt him - the numbers and letters that didn’t exist with this class. 
Snapping a photo of 1472.0091, Manabu turned to leave. “I wonder what Captain Bulge will think of this - these two cannot be the same,” he muttered to himself.'
Thank you for your ask!
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kidlit-queen-competition · 2 years ago
Poll: the Ratatosk Express from the Bifrost Incident vs Big One from the Galaxy Railways
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(image descriptions in alt text)
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mimmixerenard · 4 days ago
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Music from a bygone time
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deuxlitresdeux · 1 year ago
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Derniers craquages en date.
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zerolockfan · 11 months ago
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Some old sketches of Warrius Zero and Schwanhelt Bulge having fun at the train museum and then having a drink and complaining about pirates later on
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galaxyrailwaysworld · 8 months ago
James the Tender Engine
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⭐️ Owner of the LYR Class 28
⭐️ Learning slowly to accept and love themself again, due to their accident scars
⭐️ Latino (specifically Ecuador), looks around 25, They/Them, Pansexual (Crushing)
⭐️ Owner of the most lavish clothing, lace, silk and ancient clothing
⭐️ Has definitely ridden a bull before, but hated it, and never did it again
⭐️ Owner of a lovely Persian Cat named Patch
⭐️ Labelled the most prideful employee, but knows their limits on that. (Definitely not as prideful as canon James)
⭐️ Loves painting their nails with Thomas, loves when Thomas paints their nails especially when they���re neat.
⭐️ Industrial piercing, 3 lobe piercings on his left side and snake bites.
⭐️ Slowly, learning to adjust their attitude toward Edward, but, it is a challenge.
(yayyyy that’s the 3rd out of the 8, here’s James! Thank you for the patience😭)
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inkyminx · 11 months ago
If I had a nickel for every time I watched something and the first episode immediately made me start crying, I’d have three nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened three times.
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art-in-arcadia · 1 year ago
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