#Gabriel Gonzaga
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Manuel Maria Filipe Carlos Amélio Luís Miguel Rafael Gabriel Gonzaga Xavier Francisco de Assis Eugénio, King Manuel II of Portugal
British vintage postcard
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best-habsburg-monarch · 7 months
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Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor, reigned 1765-1790
The tags keep calling him a poor meow meow From anon: "I mean... Does this dude even NEED propaganda?! If this guy doesn't make you root for an absolute monarch, then noone will. Like with the caveat that enlightened absolutism is still absolutism and thus still not a GOOD way to run a state - well, Joseph II. was truly the most enlightened of absolutists. Just the fact that he abolished serfdom and instituted religious tolerance in Habsburg domains is enough to make him stand far above all of his predecessors and successors. Like, all of the other contestants can go home. None of them could ever top that (Franz Joseph I. had several opportunities, but wasn't keen on taking them). Even his other reforms were at worst misguided, but driven by genuine desire to better his country. Plus, you have to feel bad for him - the poor guy busted his ass for the country, just to have to take back a lot of his reforms simply because they were too ahead of their time, both of his marriages were unhappy (partially his own fault, but only partially) and, lest we forget, both of his kids died young. Voting for him is the least you can do for my poor baby!" anti-Joseph II, from anon: Joseph II anti propaganda cheated like hell and treated his nephew Franz I (II) really mean by denying him company and food sometimes and also insulting him all the time. only good thing about him was that he was in Amadeus (1984) which was a banger film
Pedro II, Emperor of Brazil, reigned 1831-1889
This time with the beard From anon: "1: The Glorious Beard. Now that is the beard of an emperor. Small children could get lost in it while sharing their Christmas wishlists. 2: Under his monarchy Slavery was abolished without a civil war (whistles innocously in how long it took) 3: Pedro de Alcântara João Carlos Leopoldo Salvador Bibiano Francisco Xavier de Paula Leocádio Miguel Gabriel Rafael Gonzaga is an amazingly long full name"
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comtessezouboff · 1 year
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Louis XIV's Gallery of Beauties
A retexture by La Comtesse Zouboff — Original Mesh by @thejim07
This set of 20 portraits was comissioned by the king himself in the 1650s to Charles and Henri Beaubrun (except for a portrait of Henrietta Anna of England, Comissioned to Nicolas Mignard) The portraits comprises the queen, royal princesses and ladies of the court. They hanged at the king's appartments at Versailles. In the 1670s the paintings were progressively relegated to the king's minor residences, but in 1837, Louis-Philippe, King of the French turned Versailles into a museum and rejoined the paintings, in the Louis XIV Rooms, where they remain.
The set includes 20 portraits, with the original frame swatches, fully recolorable. The portraits are of:
Anne Genèvieve de Bourbon, Duchess d'Estouteville and Longueville
Françoise-Athénaïs de Rochechouart (later, Marquise de Montespan)
Anna Martonozzi, Princess of Conti
Anne Louise Boyer, Duchess of Noailles
Anne Marie Gonzaga, Countess Palatine
Anne de Rohan-Chabot, Princess de Soubise
Catherine Henriette d'Harcourt, Duchess d'Arpajon
Catherine de Neuville, Countess d'Armagnac
Charlotte Catherine de Gramont, Proncess of Monaco
Charlotte Isabelle Angélique de Montmorency-Bouteville, Duchess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
Elizabeth of Orléans, Duchess of Guise and Joÿeuse
Françoise Madeleine d'Orléans (née de Valois) Duchess of Savoy
Françoise Mignot, Mareschalle of l'Hospital
Françoise de Neufville, Duchess of Chaulnes
Gabrielle-Louise de Saint-Simon, Duchess of Brissac
Henrietta Anna of England, Duchess of Orléans
Madeleine-Charlotte d'Albert-d'Ailly, Duchess of Foix
Marguerite Louise d'Orléans, Grand Duchess of Tuscany
Marguerite-Louise-Suzanne de Béthune-Sully, Countess of Gyche
Marie Thérèse of Austria, Queen Consort of France and Navarre
Found under Decor > Paintings for 940 §
Retextured from the "portrait of Anne Marie Louise d'Orléans", found here
Table, torcheres and floor by @thejim07
Rest of the decor by @joojconverts
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(Sims3pack | package)
(Useful tags)
@joojconverts @ts3history @ts3historicalccfinds @deniisu-sims @katsujiiccfinds
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mdmomotaz · 4 months
Fashion designer: Tatiana Shabelnik Jewelry designer: Alex Soldier Shoe designer: John Fluevog Models: Vaiva Tuckuviene, Edward Moquette, Nick Kearney, Tatiana Konovalova, Anna Dmitrieva, Tatiana Smolin, Svetlana Cammarano, Anna D'Cruz, Gama Peralta, Sofi Gizich, Ray Guerrero, Alex Veach, Jamal Johnson, Margaryta Miuller, Dylan Schultheis, Grace Wang, Corey Hegel, Margaret Covalcin, Evgeniya Ahearn, Michaela Baker, Gabrielle Edmann, Bella Wasserman Videographers: Chance Spiessbach & Percival Gonzaga Editor: Tatiana Shabelnik
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ibarbouron-us · 1 year
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Cada 27 de febrero se celebra la fiesta de San Gabriel de la Dolorosa, conocido también como Gabriel de la Virgen de los Dolores, religioso pasionista italiano fallecido en 1862 a los 23 años. Este santo, junto a San Luis Gonzaga, ostenta el título de “Patrono de la juventud”.
Gabriel fue un joven ejemplar que supo renunciar a las vanidades del mundo y poner toda su confianza en la Virgen María, Madre de todos. Además, como lo atestiguan sus últimas palabras, pronunciadas con su último aliento, Gabriel fue fiel devoto de la Sagrada Familia: “Jesús, José y María, expire en paz con vosotros el alma mía”.
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paytonslitreviews · 8 months
A Literary Review and Analysis of Gabriel García Márquez’s “A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings”
Gabriel García Márquez’s short story, “A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings,” tells the story of an old, winged man who has crash-landed in the courtyard of a home belonging to Pelayo, Elisenda, and their then-newborn child. Not knowing what to do, the couple calls in the help of a neighbor woman “who knew everything about life and death” and are told the man is not a castaway as the couple had first believed but an angel. The couple locks the man in a wire chicken coop with their hens and wake one morning to discover the entirety of their neighborhood crowded around the cage entertaining themselves by throwing the man scraps like “a circus animal.” The local priest, Father Gonzaga, arrives at the home to do his own examination of the man and quickly suspects him an impostor, warning the crowd “against the risks of being ingenuous.” However, this advice is ignored. With the number of onlookers increasing rapidly, Elisenda has the idea to begin charging five cents admission to see the “angel.” Pilgrims arrive from far away to see the man, and Pelayo and Elisenda quickly become very wealthy. Carnival attractions show up at the residence, one of them a “woman who had been changed into a spider for having disobeyed her parents.” The allowance to ask the woman anything they desired, the “sincere affliction with which she recounted the details of her misfortune,” and the winged man’s propensity for performing “consolation miracles”—a blind man gaining three additional teeth, a paralytic almost winning the lottery, etc.—all served to completely draw the public’s attention away from the man and toward the spider-woman. With the money they have earned, Pelayo and Elisenda build a luxurious two-story mansion. When the winged man’s health begins to decline, the couple worry the man may die, only because they do not know what to do with a dead angel, but with the eventual arrival of the next spring, the man’s condition steadily improves, his wings growing “large, stiff feathers.” The story ends with Elisenda watching the winged man succeed in taking flight and disappearing into the horizon.
“A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings,” is captivating in its exploration of human nature and seamless incorporation of the fantastical. Originally published in Spanish in 1955, it was later translated and published in English in 1972.
The quick introduction of the character of the winged man draws the reader in and the subsequent cruelties that are done to the man keeps their attention. The story is written in a style that is largely simplistic. The language is easy for the reader to understand and the plot is easy to follow, yet the thematic meaning of the story can be interpreted in several different ways. The people in this story seem almost unsurprised and disillusioned with magic and the fantasy elements we see in the story—the winged man and the spider-woman. They seem less awed by the winged man’s existence and more with the possibilities of what he can do for them and possibly also the mystery of his true nature. This seems to imply that the people of this fictional world have seen magic and have long accepted it as reality.
Also written simply is the casual cruelty and abuse inflicted on the winged man. Immediately upon the discovery of the man in the couple’s yard, the detail that the neighbor woman advised them to “club him to death,” and their response that they “did not have the heart” to do so is presented with an absurd sense of normalcy, which continues throughout the story. It begs the question: is it just the unusual presence of wings on an otherwise very human man that makes the townspeople abandon the standard of respect that all people deserve? Is it the wings in addition to his overall downtrodden and helpless nature? Which leads me to the message that I find in this story—people often view others that are different or disenfranchised or reliant on others as being lesser than. There are so many groups of people, both historically and today, that can be represented by the winged man and the way he is treated in this story.
Another element that I found interesting in this story is the possible commentary on mob mentality. We see this in several instances, such as when Pelayo and Elisenda go into the courtyard one morning: “they found the whole neighborhood in front of the chicken coop having fun with the angel … tossing him things to eat through the openings in the wire as if he weren’t a supernatural creature but a circus animal,” and later they, “pulled out feathers to touch their defective parts with, and even the most merciful threw stones at him … they burned his side with an iron for branding steers.” Everyone in the crowd feels comfortable participating in this abuse.
A lesser but still notable point made in the story is the discussion, perhaps even satire, of the Catholic Church. When Father Gonzaga conducts his inspection of the winged man, he greets the man in Latin, with the text stating, “The parish priest had his first suspicion of an impostor when he saw that he did not understand the language of God or know how to greet His ministers … and nothing about him measured up to the proud dignity of angels.” He then reminds the gathered crowd that “the devil had the bad habit of making use of carnival tricks in order to confuse the unwary.” He then promises to “write a letter to his bishop so that the latter would write to the Supreme Pontiff in order to get the final verdict from the highest courts.” I won’t go on about this critique of the Catholic Church, but there is something to be said about the Godly authority given to Catholic officials, the excuse of Satanic trickery in order to deny what is in front of them, and the strict hierarchy of the Church.
Finally, I believe the ending of the story speaks to how unappreciative we as humans often are and also to how those profiting off the suffering of others do not give credit or regard to those suffering. By the end of the story, Pelayo and Elisenda have enough money to build a mansion “with balconies and gardens,” buy whatever their hearts desire, and quit working altogether—as a direct result of the exploitation and abuse of the winged man. However, even then, the couple continues to treat the winged man as nothing but a subhuman nuisance. At one point, the text states, “the exasperated and unhinged Elisenda shouted that it was awful living in that hell full of angels,” the hell being their lavish mansion. Only when the winged man’s health is declining, the story says, “Pelayo threw a blanket over him and extended him the charity of letting him sleep in the shed.” The winged man had been on their property for years and was only then given shelter for the first time. After the man takes flight and leaves the couple’s property, the story concludes with Elisenda watching him disappear “because then he was no longer an annoyance in her life but an imaginary dot on the horizon of the sea.”
In my opinion, “A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings,” is a captivating and thought-provoking story, and Márquez’s writing is able to evoke a range of emotion from the audience. We are left reflecting on the themes of this story where many things are left unrevealed to the reader and contemplating the many points Márquez has made about human nature.
Márquez, Gabriel García. “A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings.” The Big Book of Modern Fantasy, edited by Ann Vandermeer and Jeff Vandermeer, Vintage Books, 2020, pp. 66-70.
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faisal-af · 1 year
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finishinglinepress · 1 year
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NEW FROM FINISHING LINE PRESS: Learning to Breathe by Cindy Buchanan
On SALE now! Pre-order Price Guarantee: https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/learning-to-breathe-by-cindy-buchanan/
Learning to Breathe explores a #mother’s journey through years of attempting to navigate the guilt, confusion, and loss that comes with being the parent of an #addict. It includes poems of grief and sorrow, as well as poems of endurance, strength, and praise. Through poetry as a form of prayer, the speaker realizes she has control only over herself. If she is to survive and be of help to her child and to those she loves, she must find how to be resilient. This is a parent’s story, and the poems are an offering of hope to the many others in similar relationships: despite almost unbearable sorrow, we can learn to breathe again.
Cindy Buchanan was raised in Alaska and has a B.A. in English from Gonzaga University. She studies poetry at Hugo House in Seattle, Washington where she currently lives, and is a member of two monthly poetry groups. Her work has been published in Chestnut Review, Evening Street Review, The MacGuffin, Hole in the Head Review, and other journals.
PRAISE FOR Learning to Breathe by Cindy Buchanan
Cindy Buchanan‘s mesmerizing chapbook moves with centripetal force around the story of losing—yet not losing—a child. Teeming with love, warmth, and beauty, Learning to Breathe intimately charts a mind searching for answers, a heart as it slowly breaks, and a soul in pursuit of the sublime. The poems bravely confront what it means to grieve when the object of grief is not dead, only gone—”when I turn to face/the sun but find it missing.” Buchanan conveys a higher understanding of longing and love that breaks and warms the heart all at once.
–Kim Kralowec, author of We retreat into the stillness of our own bones, The Saplings Think of Us as Young.
Cindy Buchanan‘s stunning and heart-wrenching debut depicts a harrowing world in which a speaker-mother has lost her daughter to addiction. Saturated with emotion—sorrow, guilt, and most of all, grief—these poems, heavy as they are in their implications, lift off the page with their poignant, elegantly-crafted lines. “I had to turn from not you/ and not call her by your name,” the speaker says of another to her absent daughter. The natural world is a solace, yet can never be enough to turn the speaker from her loss, as she begs: “Pick up the phone. Hear/ my blood pound in your veins.” We ourselves experience the pounding as we move through this collection, each poem building on the last to create a final sound—a swoosh, a pulse—that ultimately chooses breath. Learning to Breathe is a survivor’s story and a must-read for anyone who’s ever experienced loss—which is all of us.
–Jeanine Walker, author of The Two of Them Might Outlast Me
“How to grieve a loss that’s ongoing? How to tell a story when the main character is missing? The poems in Cindy Buchanan’s Learning to Breathe contend with these difficult questions and so many more with deftly wrought, emotionally wrenching poems that paint a vivid portrait of a daughter’s absence, a mother’s love, and the messy complexities of addiction. While this collection roams the house of grief and does not flinch away from painful truths, it also attends—at crucial times, in aching ways—to beauty, making space for the flowers that remain in view, enduring, to bloom.”
–Gabrielle Bates, author of Judas Goat
The poems in Cindy Buchanan’s Learning to Breathe capture the heartbreak and powerlessness of being the parent of an addicted loved one. These poems are full of love, loss, and that eternal question, “Why?” I know this grief, and Buchanan renders it well.
–Susan Vespoli, author of Blame It on the Serpent
“How do you cry a prayer?” Cindy Buchanan’s poems are beautiful, breathtaking expressions of a mother’s remembrances of a daughter. As a bereft mother myself, this collection profoundly touched me and gave me comfort.
–Susan Knox, creative nonfiction and short story writer, author of Financial Basics, a Money-Management Guide for Students.
Please share/repost #flpauthor #preorder #AwesomeCoverArt #read #poems #literature #poetry #addiction #parenting
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
WHIDBEY ISLAND, Wash. (AP) — A civil rights activist from Spokane, Washington, a business owner and the founder of a winery and his family were on the floatplane that crashed in the waters of Puget Sound, killing 10.
The U.S. Coast Guard released the names of the victims early Tuesday. The body of one of the dead was recovered by a good Samaritan after Sunday afternoon’s crash. The other nine remain missing despite an extensive search.
The Northwest Seaplanes flight was on its way from Friday Harbor, a popular tourist destination in the San Juan Islands, to a Seattle suburb when it went down without sending out a distress call.
The dead include pilot Jason Winters, activist Sandy Williams, winemaker Ross Andrew Mickel, his pregnant wife Lauren Hilty and their child Remy Mickel. Also killed were passengers Joanne Mera, Patricia Hicks, Luke Ludwig, Rebecca Ludwig and Gabrielle Hanna. The Coast Guard did not provide hometowns.
Mickel was the founder of Woodinville-based Ross Andrew Winery.
“We are deeply saddened and beyond devastated at the loss of our beloved Ross Mickel, Lauren Hilty, Remy and their unborn baby boy, Luca,” the Mickel and Hilty families said in a statement. “Our collective grief is unimaginable. They were a bright and shining light in the lives of everyone who knew them.”
The Washington State Wine Commission said in an email that Ross had “an incredible impact on the Washington wine community” and will be greatly missed.
Williams was a lecturer, filmmaker, founder of the Carl Maxey Center and editor of The Black Lens, an African American-focused newspaper.
“Sandy was a voice for the voiceless, a tireless advocate for marginalized people in Spokane, a journalist unafraid to speak truth to power, a builder of hope in her vision for the Carl Maxey Center, and a beloved friend to countless members of our community,” The Spokane County Human Rights Task Force said on Facebook.
Thayne McCulloh, president of Gonzaga University, said the community lost a leader, teacher, activist and powerful voice.
“I am devastated to learn of Sandy Williams’ passing and we @GonzagaU extend our condolences to her family, many friends and colleagues,” he tweeted. “Sandy: Rest In Peace.”
Joanne Mera was a business owner from San Diego, The Seattle Times reported. Her niece, Sami Sullivan, said she was visiting family in Seattle when the crash occurred. She leaves behind three children and a husband of more than 30 years, Sullivan said.
“Joanne Mera was someone everyone gravitated towards,” Sullivan said in a statement. “She was the life of any party and the soul of our family. She was the best mom, wife, sister and friend.”
The Coast Guard ended the search for survivors Monday afternoon after “saturating an area” of more than 2,100 square nautical miles (nearly 2,800 square miles or 7,250 square kilometers).
“All next of kin have been notified of this decision,” the Coast Guard said on Twitter. “Our hearts go out to the families, loved ones and friends of those who remain missing and the deceased.”
The plane went down in Mutiny Bay off Whidbey Island, roughly 30 miles (50 kilometers) northwest of downtown Seattle and about halfway between Friday Harbor and its destination in Renton, just south of Seattle.
Whidbey Island resident Jeff Brewny and his wife were walking their dog Sunday when they heard a loud boom.
“First thought was thunder. It was that loud,” he said. “There was no flash like you get with lightning. So, you know, I thought it was a boat exploded. It was that devastating. My dog went crazy.”
The owner of the seaplane company was aboard one of two flights that took off on Sunday, Scott Giard, director of the U.S. Coast Guard’s search and rescue for the Pacific Northwest, said at a new conference.
The owner told authorities he saw the other plane divert slightly off course and he tried to make radio contact but was unable to.
“Shortly after that, he noticed on his flight tracker that the flight had stopped tracking and notified authorities,” Giard said.
Officials received reports that “the aircraft dropped suddenly at a fair amount of speed and hit the water,” Giard said. “We don’t have any video or pictures of the incident as of this moment.”
There was no distress call or distress beacon from the crashing plane, he said. The aircraft has an electronic locating transmitter onboard, but they have not received any transmission.
“That is very typical in times where there is either a hard landing or a crash of an aircraft,” he said.
The cause of the crash is unknown, authorities said.
The National Transportation Safety Board said Monday they’re sending a team of seven to investigate the crash of the DHC-3 Turbine Otter.
Coast Guard searchers found “minimal debris,” Giard said. By Monday afternoon, they had only found three to four long and narrow pieces of aluminum, very few personal items, a seat and some small pieces of foam.
Without a clear picture of the actual crash, and not knowing whether it exploded on impact or immediately sank to the sea floor, 150 to 200 feet (45-60 meters) below, it’s difficult to know what happened to the plane, he said.
Northwest Seaplanes is a family owned business founded by Clyde Carlson, according to the company’s website.
The company’s business office next to the seaplane dock at the Renton Municipal Airport remained closed behind fencing Monday. The only visible activity was two people hugging near the front door.
A woman who answered the phone early Monday said they’re waiting to learn more and are devastated by the crash.
“It’s a small crew. Everyone’s close,” said the woman, who would only give her first name, Michelle. She declined to say more.
The company posted a message on Facebook late Monday saying they are heartbroken.
“We don’t know any details yet regarding the cause of the accident,” the post said. “We are working with the FAA, NTSB and Coastguard. We have been in communication with the families. We are praying for the families involved, including our pilot and his family.”
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abraaocostaof · 3 days
Lula ouve economistas do governo Dilma 2; Mantega participa do jantar
A informação do encontro foi publicada pela jornalista Mônica Bergamo, da Folha de S. Paulo, e confirmada pelo blog. Também estavam no jantar o ex-secretário do Ministério da Fazenda Luiz Gonzaga Belluzzo, o fundador do Instituto Conhecimento Liberta (ICL), Eduardo Moreira, e o diretor de Política Monetária do Banco Central, Gabriel Galípolo. Source link
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Carlos Fernando Luís Maria Victor Miguel Rafael Gabriel Gonzaga Xavier Francisco de Assis José Simão, King Carlos I of Portugal
Portuguese vintage postcard, mailed in 1904 to Bordeaux, France
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best-habsburg-monarch · 8 months
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Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor, reigned 1619-1637
Not Bohemia's favorite emperor
Pedro II, Emperor of Brazil, reigned 1831-1889
More Leopoldina than Pedro I
From anon: "1: The Glorious Beard. Now that is the beard of an emperor. Small children could get lost in it while sharing their Christmas wishlists. 2: Under his monarchy Slavery was abolished without a civil war (whistles innocously in how long it took) 3: Pedro de Alcântara João Carlos Leopoldo Salvador Bibiano Francisco Xavier de Paula Leocádio Miguel Gabriel Rafael Gonzaga is an amazingly long full name"
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profleonardobastos · 2 months
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Olhares sobre Petrópolis! Homenagem à Tribo de Gonzaga, e aos amigos Toni Magdalena e Gabriel Tauk.
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mdmomotaz · 4 months
Tatiana Shabelnik | Spring/Summer 2024 | NYFW, Fashion Art World, February 9, 2024 Fashion designer: Tatiana Shabelnik Jewelry designer: Alex Soldier Shoe designer: John Fluevog Models: Vaiva Tuckuviene, Edward Moquette, Nick Kearney, Tatiana Konovalova, Anna Dmitrieva, Tatiana Smolin, Svetlana Cammarano, Anna D'Cruz, Gama Peralta, Sofi Gizich, Ray Guerrero, Alex Veach, Jamal Johnson, Margaryta Miuller, Dylan Schultheis, Grace Wang, Corey Hegel, Margaret Covalcin, Evgeniya Ahearn, Michaela Baker, Gabrielle Edmann, Bella Wasserman Videographers: Chance Spiessbach & Percival Gonzaga Editor: Tatiana Shabelnik
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ruivagaucha · 6 months
Um pulinho ali em São Luiz Gonzaga, na quarta-feira, 03/01, para honrar a família Pastoral que está começando essa nova etapa, nesta cidade que receberá grandes bênçãos de Deus, através da vida e ministério dos pastores @pr.samyralves e @pra.silviaa .
Tudo o que fizeram em São Gabriel foi um treinamento para alavancaram e irem além, aonde Deus os colocará e continuará honrando e os fazendo crescer.
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fredborges98 · 7 months
"Caro Lord Rothschild,
Tenho o grande prazer de endereçar a V. Sa., em nome do governo de Sua Majestade, a seguinte declaração de simpatia quanto às aspirações sionistas, declaração submetida ao gabinete e por ele aprovada:
`O governo de Sua Majestade encara favoravelmente o estabelecimento, na Palestina, de um Lar Nacional para o Povo Judeu, e empregará todos os seus esforços no sentido de facilitar a realização desse objetivo, entendendo-se claramente que nada será feito que possa atentar contra os direitos civis e religiosos das coletividades não-judaicas existentes na Palestina, nem contra os direitos e o estatuto político de que gozam os judeus em qualquer outro país.´
Desde já, declaro-me extremamente grato a V. Sa. pela gentileza de encaminhar esta declaração ao conhecimento da Federação Sionista.
Arthur James Balfour."
Por: Fred Borges
“O governo não é a solução para nossos problemas; o governo é o problema.”
Se você colocar o governo no controle do deserto do Saara, em cinco anos haverá escassez de areia.”
Frases de Milton Friedman.
Versão da Declaração de Balfour em 2033 no Brasil.
" Caro Luiz Philippe de Orléans e Bragança,
Tenho o grande prazer de endereçar a V. Sa., em nome do governo de Sua Majestade Bertrand Maria José Pio Januário Miguel Gabriel Rafael Gonzaga de Orléans e Bragança e Wittelsbach a seguinte declaração de simpatia quanto às aspirações sionistas, declaração submetida ao gabinete e por ele aprovada:
O governo de Sua Majestade encara favoravelmente o estabelecimento, na formação de um novo Estado no Brasil, vigésima oitava unidade federativa,de um Lar Nacional para o Povo Judeu, e empregará todos os seus esforços no sentido de facilitar a realização desse objetivo, entendendo-se claramente que nada será feito que possa atentar contra os direitos civis e religiosos das coletividades não-judaicas existentes neste nova unidade, nem contra os direitos e o estatuto político de que gozam os judeus em qualquer outro país.
Desde já, declaro-me extremamente grato a V. Sa. pela gentileza de encaminhar esta declaração ao conhecimento da Federação Sionista.
Fred James Balfour III."
Com esta declaração fica assim selada a paz entre Palestinos e Judeus.
Assim, o governo brasileiro dá um pequeno passo para o homem, mas um gigantesco salto para a humanidade sem direito a teorias conspiratórias e em pleno exercício da democracia.
O ano é 2033, o Brasil não é mais uma republiqueta corrupta e ditatorial administrada por juízes, senadores, deputados de moral duvidosa e um presidente ladrão e corrupto.
Todos os políticos " Chupa- Tetas" do Estado com seus "salários milionários foram desaparecidos" ou " desbaratados" pisados e amassados, feito baratas.
"Não se aproxime de uma barata pela frente, de um cavalo por trás ou de um idiota por qualquer dos lados."Provérbio Judeu( adaptado).
Houve uma higienização da "republiqueta", uma limpeza de todos os esquemas de corrupção, fisiologismo e clientelismo, assim como Brasília, a capital, perdeu o status de capital do Brasil e foi para o Paraná.
Todos os políticos da esquerda ditatorial foram exilados em ditaduras socialistas ou comunistas.
Seus bens assim todo seu patrimônio foi confiscado e distribuído ou alocado na educação, segurança e saúde da nação.
O mal foi cortado pela raiz, todo movimento de esquerda socialista ou comunista foi considerado ilegal e seus membros e líderes filiados ou não foram exilados pela preferência das "ervas perigosas" para Venezuela, Cuba, Rússia, China, Coréia do Norte, Irã, ou qualquer país cujo regime é ditatorial.
Estão proibidos de se deslocarem, se transferirem ou se mudarem para: França, Reino Unido, Suiça, EUA ou qualquer outro país livre ou capitalista, assim como estam proibidos de enviar, trocar, negociar, transacionar com qualquer cidadão brasileiro residente no Brasil, inclusive familiares ou amigos ou "companheiros".
Agora o Brasil é um regime monárquico e parlamentar democrático onde só pode exercer cargos públicos ou políticos quem se isenta do recebimento de qualquer valor econômico- financeiro direto ou indireto nesta atribuição ou ocupação ou no exercício da função pública.
“A intervenção do governo na economia tornou-se mínima, limitando-se à proteção dos direitos individuais e à manutenção da ordem.”Milton Friedman ( adaptado).
O voto não é mais obrigatório por parte da população e quem assim exerce este direito é obrigado ou tem o dever de acompanhar em tempo real o eleito ao cargo público, tendo plenos poderes de dar voto coletivo de censura e tornar inviável a permanência do eleito no poder, não precisando da anuência do congresso, sendo "a voz do povo a voz de Deus!"
A função pública tem pré-requisitos de candidatura:
Idade: Acima de 50 anos, brasileiro, financeiramente independente, renunciando a todo e qualquer valor no exercício da função pública.
"Para o ignorante, a velhice é o inverno; para o instruído é a estação da colheita." Provérbio judaico
Sem vínculos de qualquer tipo com o antigo regime de esquerda, socialista, comunista ou terrorista ou ditatorial.
Para concorrer ao cargo público se passa por um recrutamento feito pelos cidadãos e seleção com bases técnicas e meritocráticas de competência e habilidade a cada cargo público.
Assim, passada a fase de higienização da República, estamos neste momento vivendo a plena democracia com todos tendo o acesso à educação com qualidade.
Quanto ao ensino superior é totalmente privatizado ou destinado a fundações, institutos ou associações auto sustentáveis que podem receber doações,são isentos de impostos ou taxas federais, estaduais e municipais e que por sua parte,em contrapartida ,reserva bolsas de estudo para os melhores do livre mercado e de natureza concorrencial, livre de monopólios, oligopólios, cartéis, disfunções do capitalismo econômico ou de mercado causadas pelas antigas práticas de corrupção.
Agora os candidatos a cargos públicos são indicados por concursos anuais de provas de proficiência, habilidade e competência, sempre com transparência de critérios, métricas e parâmetros e padrões, sempre atualizados.
Neste contexto histórico,eu, Fred James Balfour III declaro oportuna e estratégica a iniciativa da criação do novo Estado que se chamará,pelo nome que quiser, inclusive Israel, um estado que promove e promoverá ainda mais, além de 2033, o desenvolvimento da educação, segurança e saúde de todo Brasil, mas sobretudo a PAZ!
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