#Gabe’s gonna be like oh yeah I’m this ceo of this company and…
inkspottie · 11 days
I've been wondering this since day one, but...
If Gabriel is a CEO... is he like, rich?? Or like, RICH RICH??
He rich rich. He’s got a freaking pool, he can leave his job and not lose anything lol
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eadanga · 1 year
When Love Last Part 2
Summary: When Yasmin gets a new job in the biggest company in the city she falls for her hot boss
Parings: GabexMC
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Yasmin sat at her desk going through all the papers Gabe left for her This work isn’t so bad I can do all this in a matter of time Suddenly the office door opened and a middle aged lady came in
“Hi you must be Yasmin I’m Lydia Hamilton”
“Nice to meet you”
“You too I see your working directly under Mr Ricci”
“Yeah I thought I’ll be working under you”
Lydia smiles “Well I handed him your resume I thought you’ll be a good fit for this position”
“Oh thank you Ms Hamilton I won’t let you down then”
“I know you won’t dear but it’s not me you have to worry about impressing”
“But still you have faith in me that you handed me a position working directly with the CEO your approved matters to me too”
Lydia grins “I’m glad I know you can do this you’re gonna do amazing”
“Thank you I’ll do my best”
Lydia nods then heads out the door while Yasmin continues to work. Her office phone rings and she quickly answers “Hello?”
“Yasmin come to my office please”
“Ok Gabe”
Yasmin got up and headed to his office. He smiled and gestured for her to have a seat he handed her a notepad “Take notes for me would you?”
Yasmin nodded as she picked up the pen and notepad
“There’s this gala coming up we have it every year just wanna make sure I have everything complete”
“Of course Gabe”
“Can you attend it will your husband or boyfriend mind?”
Yasmin looked up in surprise from her notepad “I don’t have a husband or boyfriend all I have is my amazing best friend and roommate Liz”
Gabe smiles “Oh well then you can bring her to the gala as your plus one”
Did he just ask if I was single? Yasmin blushes then pushes the thought out of her mind “Of course I’ll ask her to come”
“Great we want more people to attend the event”
“And I’m sure you can bring your wife or girlfriend too”
Gabe smirks as he looks at her out from the corner of his eye “I don’t have that either very single”
Single huh Yasmin smirks as Gabe turns back to his computer
“Really I can’t believe that”
Gabe looks at her again from the corner of his eye “Why you think I’m good looking?”
Yasmin blushes and looks at the floor smiling “Well yes you are”
“I can say the same about you” Yasmin feels her face heat up as Gabe clears his throat “So I’ll send all the details to you for the gala”
“Ok thanks Gabe” Yasmin stands and exits his office she feels her heart racing Was he just flirting with me?
“A gala? How awesome! You know I’m gonna go”
Yasmin giggled “Glad you’re in Liz”
“But what are we gonna wear we have to shop”
“I don’t think”
“Shhh no no no no we’re gonna shop right now and fix up our hair and makeup!”
Yasmin laughs “Ok Liz let’s go”
Liz cheers then grabs her hand and they head out to the mall. As Liz searches through the racks “So how’s you and your boss?”
“Oh good he’s nice and he was” Yasmin blushes and mumbles
“What’s that? I can’t hear you!”
Yasmin giggles “Ok he was flirting with me asking me if I was single and then said I was good looking”
Liz smirks “In that case we gotta find a dress that he’ll really like”
Yasmin laughs “Liz we’re going to the gala for work stuff and fun not to have sex with my boss”
“Why can’t we do all 3?” Yasmin groans as Liz laughs then smiles “But tell me how do you feel about him?”
“Liz I can’t tell you that when I just met the man I have to get to know him first”
“Haven’t you heard of love at first sight?”
“This isn’t the movies Liz”
“It can still happen you gotta believe it”
Yasmin sighs “You watch too many movies”
Liz playfully sticks out her tongue “And they are packed full of information”
Liz hands her a beautiful silk pink long dress “Now try this on”
Yasmin puts on the dress and twirls around “I love it”
Liz comes out of the dressing room in a gold dress “I love it too we look amazing we are so ready for this gala”
“Yes we are”
Liz smirks “And Gabe will love it too”
“Oh be quiet”
They both laugh as they go pay for their dresses
tags: @indiacater​ @mfackenthal​ @the-soot-sprite​
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smol-and-grumpy · 4 years
Light My Fire - CH02
Pairing: CEO!Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: She always thought her boss was an ill-tempered man, but when he presents her with a proposition she can’t quite deny, she gets to know him better. It’s not bad, right? Because all she has to do is being fake married to him for six months, sounds do-able, right? Right.
Warnings: Slow build, a pinch of angst, doubts, a little fluff too, maybe?
WC: 2975
Please share your thoughts with me, I’d love to hear your feedback.
Beta’d by @deanwanddamons​ <3
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There’s a knock at the door in the afternoon and she opens up to Gabriel, Dean’s personal driver and handyman. She has known him for a while now, having started at the company almost at the exact same time. Gabe’s secretive — probably why Dean hired him in the first place — and he’s really easy to talk to. 
“Boss said I should move your things to his apartment.” Gabe says and steps in. 
“What else has he told you?” She closes the door and follows Gabe over to where her suitcases are. 
“Nothing much. You’re married or something. But I signed a NDA, so, no worries,” He shrugs like it’s no fucking deal, which makes her wonder what else he knows. She wonders what else Gabe witnessed while driving around for Dean.
“Is that all?” He asks and points his finger at her two packed suitcases.
“Yeah, I travel light.” She smiles, feels a little embarrassed actually. But that’s how it is. Everything she owns fits into two lousy suitcases. It’s actually quite sad when she thinks about it. 
“Damn, you could have taken the subway with them suitcases. There’s no need for me,” Gabe says it with an amused tone to his voice. 
 Gabe drives into the parking garage of the building Dean lives in. He tells her to call the elevator and take the one far left because that one will go to the top floor without making unnecessary stops. He then takes out her luggage and follows her. 
As they are standing in the elevator, the stupid music starts to play and she hates that. Hates lame elevator music, because it makes everything so much more awkward. Dean even has his own elevator. It’s a little ridiculous when you think about it. 
They arrive and Gabe shows her the way, which is probably not really hard because there’s only one door that looks like an apartment door. All the other doors had  signs on them that say Keep out! or Private!
Gabe rings the bell and she waits behind him. She can’t lie, she’s a little scared. Like, he’s her boss and he’s so damn grumpy all the time and she’s afraid that he’s going to fire her even in his own home. 
Dean opens the door, his hair’s ruffled, his jacket and tie are off, the top two buttons of his shirt are loose, and his sleeves are rolled up. The shirt has those crinkles on them as if he just took a nap. Maybe he did? He was complaining about a headache earlier. 
“Hey,” He says and opens the door wider, for Gabe and her to step through, “Thanks Gabe, that’ll be all.”
“Right,” Gabe nods, “I’ll be in the car ready to leave when you are.”
Dean gives Gabe a courtesy nod before he closes the door behind him. He then turns to her. It's really awkward. She wonders if she’s made a mistake in agreeing to be his fake wife. 
He has both his hands in his pockets when he looks at her and asks, “You okay?”
“Yeah,” She manages to give him a weak smile. She can’t tell him that she’s in fact, not really okay of course, that she’s in fact, nervous as hell. 
“Come on, follow me,” Dean starts to walk through the penthouse and she needs to speed up to be able to keep up with him. His legs are incredibly long and hers are not, “I’ll show you around.” 
They walk into a big open space. There’s a black sofa in one corner. It faces a ridiculously big screen tv. There are also two big comforter chairs which she frowns a little at. It’s not that they don’t look nice, they just don’t really fit into the setting. 
Dean senses her confusion, “I bought them for when Sam’s over. Watch,” He grins and walks over, sits in one and reclined himself. When he settles, he pushes a button and there's a buzzing sound, “It massages your back,” He says, a smile on his face that’s brighter than the sun. She couldn’t not laugh at that. 
“Right,” Dean says then, “Gotta get out before I let myself be sucked into it. It’s hard to get out once you relax too much.” 
She can imagine and actually, she can’t wait to get in there herself.
He continues to walk ahead and they get into a kitchen area. The fridge is more than twice as big as the one she has at home and it’s stocked up, too. Either he went to the store before or he has someone to do it for him. She thinks it must be the latter. She just can’t imagine him walking through the aisle wheeling a cart in front of him.
After the kitchen, he walks along a hallway and points to the rooms. 
“That’s my study, I don’t use it that much but there’s a computer and printer. If you need something, you can use it.”
The door next to the office is the guest bathroom. It’s bigger than the living room of her apartment. 
They walk further along the hallway and come to stop at two doors on either side of the narrow hallway.
Dean opens up the door to her right, “That’s your bedroom,” They walk in and it’s spacious as hell. She thinks it’s even bigger than her whole apartment. Everything is kept in a warm mix of white and beige, “And that’s your bathroom.” He walks through to the en-suite and she can see that the tub is huge. 
He looks at her, sees her mouth standing agape and has to grin.
“What?” She asks, feeling a little flushed knowing that he’s been watching her. 
Pressing his lips into a tight line, he grins a little. There are teeny tiny dimples showing, “There’s a gym on the first floor of the building, you’re free to use it if you want.”
“Okay,” She follows him out again and wonders what is behind the door that he hasn’t mentioned, “And what’s there?”
“That’s my bedroom.” He says simply, and he’s already rushing back into the living area, and fuck why are his legs so damn long. She is glad that they’re bowed, he would probably be even faster if they were straight.
“Dean, slow down, I’m not that fast,” She has to call out because he’s already at the door to the balcony. 
He laughs, “Sorry, I’m just so used to walking around with Sam and he never has a problem keeping up with me. I’ll try to go slower, okay?” He waits until she reaches him.
“That'd be great, thanks.”
“Come on, you need to see this,” There’s a boyish smile decorating his face. It’s nothing like the grumpy Dean she knows as her boss. He’s genuinely content, and it shows. 
He opens up the door to the balcony and holy shit, it’s not a balcony. It’s a freaking terrace. There’s a hot tub on the far left side, overlooking the city.
“Nice, isn’t it?” 
“Yeah,” She agrees, “It really is. How often do you get to enjoy it, though?” It’s a legit question because she knows how much he works. 
“Maybe I’ll get to enjoy it more now that you’re here.” His voice is a little soft when he says it. Before she can even ask what he means by that, he clears his throat, “Right, I really need to go back to the office now. Will you be okay? I’ll try not to stay too late, alright?” 
“Make yourself at home. It’s yours now, too.” He’s about to turn around but then he stops, “Really missed you in the office this morning. Ruby doesn’t know how I drink my coffee.”
“It’s not hard? You drink it black.”
“Yeah, but hers is different.”
She doesn’t really know if he’s shitting her. Dean’s so hard to read sometimes. 
“Dean, the coffee is the same!”
“Fine,” He rolls his eyes, “But anyway, just so you know. You’re missed in the office. Not just because of the coffee.”
“Now you’re just kissing my ass.”
Dean snorts out a laugh before he turns around and picks up his tie and jacket. He walks to the door, turns around again, “Call me when you need anything!”
She can’t even say okay because she can already see  that the door closed. 
Two suitcases are easy to unpack. Half of her new closet is still empty. She didn’t even need more than an hour. 
Walking out into the living room, she sees the comforter and decides to spoil her body with a massage. 
She sits in, reclines herself and pushes the same button Dean did before, and immediately a buzzing sound fills her ears as her back starts to vibrate. She lets out a squeal at first but soon starts to relax and it does feel really good. She closes her eyes and almost drifts off when she feels another kind of vibration in the back pocket of her pants. 
Taking out her phone she looks at her screen.
 D: What are you up to? Find everything alright?
 Y/N frowns. Because she sees the time and knows for a fact that he’s in a meeting right now because she organized that meeting.
 Y/N: Aren’t you in a meeting?
D: Yeah, but I’m bored.
 She doesn’t even know that he’s a texter. Every time she saw him with his phone in his hand, he talked to someone. He never just has his phone in his hand and fucking texts.
 Y/N: If you’re really interested, I’m sitting in the comforter and I’m enjoying a massage.
D: Jealous.
Y/N: Was thinking about taking a bath in the hot tub. I’m allowed to use it, right?
D: You are. But I would wait til the evening. The view is nicer then.
Y/N: Okay.
 But he’ll be here in the evening and he’ll see her in the tub. Ugh. 
 D: Right, just wanted to see if you’re okay. Since you are, I’m gonna go back to listening to whatever Donatello has to tell me. See you later, Y/N.
Y/N: Talk to you later
 She snorts out a laugh, thinks that texting-Dean is kind of adorable.
 After a relaxing massage, she decides to take a shower. Mainly because she still hasn’t showered after she poured coffee all over herself this morning. 
The shower’s huge too, the water pressure is excellent. The nozzles (and boy are there many of them), hit her sore spots just right.
She dresses herself back in some jeans and shirt. Normally if she’s at her home, she’d walk around in only a shirt but she’s practically a guest around here — even if Dean insists that it’s her home, she doesn’t trust it yet — and she doesn’t really know how her boss would react seeing her walking around in his apartment in only her underwear and a shirt. 
Taking her book that she didn’t get to finish this morning out into the living room, she grabs a cup of coffee before she makes herself comfortable and cozies herself up on the couch to finish her book. 
Just when she reaches the second to last page, Dean walks in, his tie already loose around his neck, “Honey, I’m home!” He smiles when he sees her staring at him, “I always wanted to say that once in my life.”
“You’re early,” She says, pushes at the button of her phone to realize that it’s almost 6pm. Normally he’s still at the office. 
Dean switches on the light for her and she doesn't even realize that it starts to get dark out. 
“Yeah, I still have a headache. It’s been like that since I woke up after the night I married Amara. Didn’t feel like working longer and leave you alone either.” He comes to sit next to her and she catches the smell of his cologne mixed with his musk. He smells delicious even after a long day and that’s not really fair. 
“Should I go get some painkillers? You just have to tell me where they are kept.”
“Nah,” He sighs, “I’ll just take them before I go to sleep. What are you up to?” He asks her, and she sees that he’s eyeing up her book that she’s still clutching in her hands. 
Her face starts to flare up. 
“Just reading a book.” She says it in an easy way, tries to sound nonchalant about it but she knows that she fails.
Dean catches the cover before she could hide it and he starts to grin, “You sap.” He stands up again when he sees that she starts to feel uncomfortable if they didn’t  change the subject soon.
“What do you want to eat? Does Pizza sound alright? I’m not in the mood to cook tonight.”
That’s when it dawns on her that she’s playing his fake wife and maybe she should have cooked him something for dinner? Because that’s what wives do right? She doesn’t fucking know because she hasn’t even been in a relationship long enough to cook anything for anyone. Except that she sometimes used to cook for Jack. Oh my god, Jack! She still has to tell him what happened! 
She gets up from the couch, abandons her book and walks to Dean who’s already in the kitchen leafing through take-out leaflets, “I’m sorry, I should have cooked you something,”
He stops in his tracks to look at her, one eyebrow raised, “What?”
“Yeah, I’m supposed to be your fake wife and I’m supposed to cook you something.”
Dean sighs, “Y/N, really. That’s not why I fake married you. You don’t have to do anything in fact. It’s okay alright? I’m a big guy and  if I want something cooked, I can do it myself.”
“Okay,” She says, still feels a little guilty about it, though. And Dean seems to sense it because he drops the leaflets and walks over to her, places his hand on the back of her neck and she catches the whiff of his cologne. It makes all the hair on her body stand up and she gets light headed. 
He lowers himself a little, looks her in the eye, “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, you understand? Hey, look at me.”
She does, looks straight into his green eyes. Dean Winchester has freckles. She never noticed them before, was always distracted by the green of his eyes. 
There’s a moment of silence, and she doesn’t know if he feels it too. Feels a magnetic force that pulls her towards him.
“Are we good?” He leans in closer and she can feel his hot breath.
“Yeah,” She nods.
“Good,” He says, but doesn’t quite move away yet, if anything he moves even closer. He’s closer to her than he’s ever been, “Because I want you to feel comfortable around me, okay? I’m really not your boss when we’re together. I want you to be yourself, can you do that?”
Dean smiles, showing his white fangs. Her heart races a little more. She would love to feel the teeth on her skin.
Y/N, what’s wrong with you?
He lingers a little longer, his hand still firm on the back of her neck and she feels like he’s staring into her soul. He licks his lips before he speaks, “Are you hungry?”
“Not really,” 
She’s really not, at least not yet. She’s too confused to eat. Confused about the fact that she feels that she’s attracted to her own fucking boss. Someone who she’s faked married to!
“Right, how about you take that bath in the hot tube that you talked about? I’ll go take a shower and we’ll order later, huh?”
She looks out of the window and grins, because the sun’s going down and the view’s really is fabulous, “Sounds good to me.”
 She slips into her room to change into a bathing suit. She doesn’t really have anything fancy, only a simple black bikini but she’s not really here to impress him, is she? She’s not really here to do more than being his fake wife, right? Right.
When she walks out to the terrace, Dean must already be in his room because she can’t see him but she did find the tub heating up and bubbling away. There’s a bottle of wine and glasses on the table next to the tub. She smiles when she thinks that he prepared it for her. She wouldn’t have guessed that he would do things like this. At least not boss Dean that she knows.
She steps into the tub and lets herself sink lower. Closing her eyes, she embraces the feel of floating outdoors.
“You didn’t pour yourself wine?” Dean’s voice suddenly jerks her back to reality. 
Y/N opens her eyes to see Dean standing there, wearing a simple shirt and sweatpants. His hair’s still damp from the shower. She’s astounded, he looks completely different. Still good, but different. More casual, more relaxed. 
“I was too excited to get in,” She smiles at him.
Dean mirrors her smile before he pours the wine for her, “You must have wine in there in order to get the full experience.” He walks over to hand it to her. 
“Thanks,” She says, and thinks whether she should ask if he wants to join her? What’s the proper hot tub etiquette? “You want to come in?”
He chuckles, “Nah, maybe some other time, I’m enjoying the view from here.” He pours himself some wine and sits down, stretching himself before his face settles into a smirk. 
She thinks it’s weird that he said he wants to enjoy the view but he’s sitting facing her. 
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prorevenge · 5 years
Go ahead and undermine my credentials and hard work. I'll just make sure people know who you really are.
I'm 25(M) and I work in the IT department for my company. Our IT department branches out into 6 smaller departments (Technical Support, Programming, Web Development, Computer System Analysis, IT Security, and Network Engineering). Each of these has their own boss and the boss of these all answer directly to the Director of the IT department. A couple weeks ago, I was called into the Director's office when I came into work. She’s an incredible person and mentor.
She told me that she had some good news and bad news. The bad news was that she was offered another job at a much larger company as the IT director at one of their branches in Chicago, so she’d be leaving in a couple of months. The good news was that the position for IT director at our company was open, and given my performance and reputation around the office, my immediate boss (the head of Computer System Analysis) had put my name in for consideration for the job! Each of the six department bosses in IT had to put one name in for consideration, so I have at least five other people who are competing for this job, plus any potential outside hires (It’s four now, but I’ll get to that). After our little chat, I weighed the pros and cons of the job if I get it and I decided to just go for it! I might have a pretty good shot at getting the job, since I'd consider myself a fairly likable person, a hard worker, and fairly good at my job. But there are others who are also very good candidates and I'd still be okay if I didn't get the job. It’s an honor to just be considered.
Now let me tell you about the target of my revenge. For the sake of this story, let's call this guy "Gabe". As the head of Technical Support, Gabe had the power to recommend anyone in his department for the position, but he picked himself. Now I already knew him and what he's like because a year ago I also worked in Tech Support for a short time. I was originally hired to be in the Computer System Analysis department, but I volunteered to help out in Tech Support since we were a bit short-staffed at the time. Gabe is an obnoxious, self-absorbed, arrogant, and uptight dick who doesn't listen to anyone who he feels is "beneath him". He's either in his late 30s or early 40s, but either way he has at least 10 years on me. He's a little on the chubby side, receding hairline, and a neck-beard. All he needs to achieve his final form is a fedora. Back when I worked for him, he gave me a lot of crap for so many little things. From not filling out repair tickets right to completing a repair slightly out of order, he always had something to complain about. But other than that, he seemed fine to me. To be honest, I probably wouldn't have done what I did or gone as far as I did. But then this happened:
I was just doing my work and minding my own business, as one does. I stood up to go refill my water bottle at the water fountain and guess who follows me? If you said Gabe, then congratulations. You get a cookie. Gabe walks up to me while I'm filling up my bottle and starts a conversation.
Gabe: Hey OP, what's goin' on? How are you?
Immediately I knew somebody was wrong. He's never this friendly. But I had no easy way out of this, so I rolled with it.
Me: Hey Gabe. I'm good. How're yo-
Gabe: So I heard that (Head of CSA's name) put your name in for the Director's job.
Me: Yeah! I'm really excited to interview! It's an honor to even be considered.
Gabe just laughs and puts on his normal expression of smug and gassy
Gabe: Listen to me. If you think they're gonna pick you, a lazy new kid who can't even write a fucking repair ticket correctly, over me, a team manager who's had 15 years with this company, then you're out of your goddamn mind.
I was shocked. I couldn’t believe those are actual words that a coworker, much less a coworker with a higher position, said to my face.
Me: What the hell? Why would you say that? I did nothing but good work for you last year and you know it.
Gabe: It was mediocre at best! When I become the IT director, I’m gonna crack the whip. Why anyone would think someone like you is a worthy candidate for one of the highest positions in the company is beyond me. So I’ll make sure my new department heads have better judgement than (Head of CSA’s name)
He walked away smugly and I just stood there, both shocked and honestly quite hurt. The only part he got right was that I was relatively new, being there for two years. But I also realized in that moment that I couldn’t let this kind of person be the Director. But, again, I’m just a kid to them, so what can I do?
Planning The Revenge
That same day, I went down to the building's cafeteria to take my lunch break with my girlfriend (she works in the Marketing Department). I told her about the promotion and what happened with Gabe. She made me feel better by talking me down and that was super nice. But what happened next was even better. A few of my friends from IT walked by to congratulate me as well and they sat down. A couple of them are from Tech Support and the rest are from the other departments. My girlfriend welcomed them to sit down with us and we made it a little party. We talked and then I told them about what happened with Gabe. The ones in Tech Support all groaned and, surprisingly, so did the rest of them. I was intrigued and I asked them to elaborate, and all of them have their own Gabe horror story.
Turns out that his usual condescending remarks aren't the worst of it. They had stories about him ripping into an intern for not getting his coffee order right, one story about him making transphobic remarks about an HR rep (really sweet guy. Makes incredible babka.), one of them has a couple of recordings of sexist and rape-y comments towards the female department heads in IT, and he's even come to work intoxicated on multiple occasions. Although that last part wasn't really news to me, since he reeked of alcohol frequently.
Now at this point, you’re probably asking the same question my girlfriend asked: “Why don’t you tell somebody?” Well I’ll tell ya. Our communication policy is kinda shit in IT. Rather than report a dispute or an issue immediately to HR or the Director, we have to give it to our immediate superior, which in this case would be Gabe for a lot of them. You really think Gabe’s gonna rat himself out to the Director? As much as I love my boss and think she’s going a wonderful job, that’s the one policy that she has that I don’t agree with.
At this point, we had all kinda bonded over our mutual hatred for Gabe. We had all agreed that Gabe would be an absolutely terrible boss and we needed to stop him. We were the Avengers and this was our Endgame (which is funny since Endgame would come out the next day). Just then, my genius girlfriend said something that I couldn't believe I didn't figure out sooner. She said "Y'know, this time next week, you're going to be face to face with the CEO, an HR rep, and your Director for the interview. That's your opening. You can air out all of his dirty laundry right there." The rest of our faces lit up, realizing this too and we were ecstatic. This was our chance and we weren't going to waste it. Gabe is a terrible human being and would be an even worse Director. He had to go. But I'd need proof first. So that's what I got.
Revenge Time
Along with rewriting my resumé and brushing up on my interview skills, I spent the next week being something of an investigative journalist. I asked my previously mentioned coworker to email me those recordings he had of Gabe’s rape-y comments (which by the way were absolutely sickening to listen to. I think the worst one was “I’d love to raw her over the trash can like the dirty whore she is.”), as well as spending time interviewing members of the Tech Support team as well as some of the other department heads. Almost everyone had some form of bad experience with him, ranging from unprofessional to downright abusive behavior. The head of WebDev even said that she was always uncomfortable whenever they were alone in a room together. By the time I was done, I had 3 voice recordings of Gabe, 4 pages of quotes from people around the office, and the stories I had originally heard at lunch that day when we began planning. I really wanted to prove his whole day-drinking thing, but I was afraid that going that far might cost me my job. But what I wanted to do was sneak into his office, open his drawers, and hopefully find empty liquor bottles or something to that effect. But what I had would just have to suffice.
Then the day came. We were in the Endgame now. I showed up to the work the day of interviews in my finest suit, my resumé, and literal pages of evidence to make my case. I walked into the office and saw my competition along with a bunch of other people who I didn’t recognize. Those were the outside hires. I was getting pretty nervous, especially when I saw the interview committee in the conference room through its glass walls. The CEO, my Director, and an HR Rep. I took a few deep breaths, checked when my turn was, and then I sat down to do my work, just waiting to make my move. A few of my coworkers came by my desk to wish me good luck, and that made me feel a lot better about it.
I waited and waited for my turn and then saw Gabe walking up to me from the conference room, so that means his interview must’ve just finished. I pulled out my phone and went to voice memos and began recording, just in case I got anything more out of him, and oh boy you bet I did.
Me: What’s up, Gabe? How was your interview?
Gabe: Great. Obviously. The job is as good as mine. You might as well not even try.
Me: I’m still gonna try my best, man. Who knows? I might even get it.
Gabe: Yeah keep dreaming.
He starts to get up in my face and I can smell his lunch on his breath. Too many onions. He then starts hissing at me.
Gabe: You’re absolute trash, kid. They’re not gonna pick a kid with two years of experience with an undergrad degree over me. I’ve been at this company for far too long and got my undergrad degree and my masters from Princeton! Don’t think for a second that you have the upper hand. You’re nothing to me!
I held my breath while he ranted and then he walked away to talk to another one of my coworkers who had their interview already. Coworkers around me just looked at me both shocked and confused once he walked away. I grabbed my phone, stopped the recording, and played it back. That was it. That was the final piece. I waited for a couple more interviews to finish, until they finally called me in. I grabbed my bag and my phone and walked into the conference room. As I walked, I could feel the eyes of some coworkers on me. They knew my plan, and I think they were counting on me to pull this off. Once inside, we all shook hands and exchanged formalities before sitting down and letting the interview begin. Not all of it is relative to the story, so let me just skip to the end.
CEO: Given the amount of internships you've done and how much time you've put into the company, you may have a good chance. However, we've just interviewed people with almost triple your experience. How do you stand out from the rest.
Me: Well, if I become the new Director, I already have some ideas for policies I'd like to put into place.
Director: Oh really? Would you care to give us an example?
Me: Don't get me wrong. I believe that you have done an amazing job as Director of this department, but there are some things that I think can be improved upon. For instance, our policy when it comes to HR.
HR Rep: Could you elaborate on that, please?
Me: Certainly. In the IT department, when we have any disputes or grievances to settle, we need to report them to our direct superior. Not the Director, but to the lower department heads. My goal is to streamline communication, so workers can report issues directly to the Director or go straight to HR.
Director: Alright, but can you tell us why the current policy is an issue?
I started smiling. This was it. This was my opening.
Me: Funny you should ask. Recently, I heard stories from a bunch of my coworkers about our head of Tech Support, Gabe. He's been very rude to his staff and to others on multiple occasions. In fact, I think "unprofessional" is a bit of an understatement from the stories I've been hearing.
Right then, I reached into my bag and pulled out the long list of stories and quotes I had gathered from the past week and handed them to the CEO.
Me: I care about my coworkers, so I did some digging. I really feel like this is something that you need to see.
I watched as the search committee read the quotes and stories. I watch their expressions turn to shock and disgust, which I totally get. I felt the same way when I heard all of this.
HR Rep: This is a... conflict of interest. From what I know, Gabe is also your competition for this position. How do we know that these stories aren't fabricated so that you could get an advantage? Because offenses like these could result in immediate termination. I hope you have a way to prove these very serious accusations.
Me: I had a feeling you'd say that. You are free to interview any of the people I quoted, but I can just save you some time and show you this.
I pulled out my phone and opened up the email that my coworker had sent me and all four of us listened to this neck-beard's disgusting and upsetting quotes. But I wasn't done there. I also pulled up the most recent one. The conversation between me and him. My Director just looked down at her desk and then they looked at each other. I was the one to break the silence.
Me: I'm sorry you had to hear all of this.
CEO: Could you please email those recordings to me? I would like to address this immediately.
Me: Of course. You are free to keep those papers too.
I forwarded the email to him along with my recording.
Director: Thank you for this information, OP. We'll let you know our decision when the time comes.
Me: Of course. Thank you for your time.
I shook everyone's hand again and that's when the HR Rep spoke up.
HR Rep: Can you please ask Gabe to come back? I would like to address this immediately as well.
I'm ecstatic at this point
Me: I would be happy to.
I leave the room and notice my friends in Tech Support just staring at me. My girlfriend was also sitting at my desk, since we planned on going out for lunch after my interview. I didn't want to give anything away, so I kept a straight face and walked past them and towards Gabe's office. I walked in and sighed.
Me: The interview committee wants to see you again.
Gabe just looked up from his computer and just gave me a cocky smirk, as if to say "I told you so." He got up and pushed past me towards the door. I followed behind him towards the conference room and we parted ways when he went in and I walked towards my desk. I wanted to see exactly what happened. I watched what unfolded through the glass walls. I saw Gabe's face turn white and his expression turn from smug to terrified. He turned his head to me and I had this shit-eating grin on my face. I just waved and then left my office with my girlfriend to have a nice lunch.
The Aftermath
I was feeling pretty good about the whole day. I got my revenge, did fairly well in a job interview, and had amazing chicken parm for lunch that day. I felt so good, that I decided to take the rest of the day off. I went to the zoo, saw a really cute koala bear. The next day, I came to work dressed down since interviews were over, and then patiently waited for the committee to make their decision. When I walked into the lobby of the building, my two friends from Tech Support ran over and trapped me in a bear hug.
Me: Well this is new. What's this for?
Friend 1: You did it!
Friend 1: No! We wouldn't know even if you did. We're talking about Gabe!
Me: I stopped him from getting the job?
Friend 2: Oh you did a lot more than that. But you'll just have to see for yourself.
Both of them drag me to the elevator to go up to the IT floor. When we get there, they dragged me through the main office and over towards Gabe's. When we got in, all I found was an empty room with a desk in the middle of it. My jaw dropped. Apparently I collected so much evidence for Gabe's misbehavior, not only did I eliminate him from gunning for the Director's job, but he was also fired from the company and potentially blacklisted since everything I submitted for evidence against him was put on his permanent file. I'm not sure if he was blacklisted or not since I'm not entirely sure how that works, but he's definitely gone for good. I asked them about the details of what happened after I left. They told me that Gabe was so mad (probably at me), that his face was bright red. After he left the conference room, he spent the rest of the day packing up and drinking in his office, so I guess my day-drinker theory held up. He left in shame, and we won't see him again.
I was so excited. Gabe was gone and it felt like the office was a brighter place. People were so excited that a few people outside the Tech Support department brought in a bunch of desserts, from cheesecake to brownies. They were delicious, but I think what them taste better was that I did something to cause this rush of joy. I think the best part of this whole thing is that only a couple of people know that I had something to do with this. The rest of them? Totally clueless. I'm not the protector that IT wants, but I'm the protector that IT needs. Now enough humble-bragging. It's starting to make me feel like a douche.
In hindsight, I don't know what would've been more satisfying. Doing what I did or getting the job fair and square and firing Gabe. But if there's one thing I learned in life, you will do things that you are proud of that you will enjoy and you will do things that you're not so proud of but will really enjoy. This doesn't apply. I am both very proud of this and I really REALLY enjoyed this. This might come back later to bite me in ass, but for right now I think I'll enjoy it. But now the Director has to pick a new head of Tech Support. Either that or she'll give that job up to the next Director. It's been almost a few days since the interviews and we're still waiting on the results. Even if I don't end up getting the job, I still gained something from this. I have a better bond with my coworkers and got rid of the asshole in my office. If enough people like this story, I'll update you on if I got the job or not.
Moral of the story: Don't shoot an unfamiliar gun. You don't know how strong the kickback's gonna be.
TL;DR: I was considered for a job promotion but was demeaned by a superior who was also up for the job. I found out bad things about him and presented them during my interview and got him fired and possibly blacklisted from getting another job.
(source) story by (/u/KyuubiBlade)
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