#Gaaah the OTP or all otps
intothewickedwood · 5 months
🐈‍⬛ 🌻 😇 👥️ 🎶 for the ask game <3
Thank you so much for the asks! <3 :D
🐈‍⬛ animal
My favourite animal is a cheetah! I'm just so impressed by their speed and how they run. If I had a mutant power, I'd want it to be super speed. So I want them to teach me there ways!
😇 blorbo
Right now, my The Wilds hyperfixation is so strong I can think of practically nothing else (oopsie). But yes! I love all the Wilds girls but Toni Shalifoe is my favourite <3. Honestly, she might have taken the crown of favourite character of all time at this point. Just gaaah. Such a softie underneath all that understandable anger. Cares so much for those she loves. I love her and all the layers of her character.
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Before I watched the Wilds I got really into Legacies again (by finally watching s3 and s4). Absolutely obsessed with Lizzie Saltzman! Very relatable in some regards. Absolutely hilarious! Has so much pain and so many deep insecurities.
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Alice Jones from Once Upon A Time, (my beloved) <3! A silly who has suffered too much!!
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Chelsea Daniels from That's So Raven. She's so endearing to me. The silliest of sillies. Raven is a very close second, though.
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Natalie Goodman from Next To Normal. Relatable in an ansty way.
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Peter Simmonds from Bare: A Pop Opera. So relatable. A Cinnamon Roll <3.
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Kate Dalton from We Are The Tigers. Sarcasm queen.
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Vincent Lin From Adamandi. They may be a murderous blorbo. But they're my murderous blorbo.
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Circe from Epic: The Musical. She's just so cool.
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Draculaura from Monster High. Again, so cool and I love how much she loves her friends.
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Chloe Sullivan from Smallville. Big influence on me growing up. Though I probably shouldn't have been watching Smallville at 9. She just cared so much about those she loved.
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Simon Tudor from Jeopardy. His character development is everything <3.
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Cloe From Bratz. The biggest drama queen ever and I love her for it.
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Kurt Wagner from X-Men Evolution (and just x-men in general). He's such a silly guy.
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Shalimar Fox from Mutant X. The most badass, protective queen to ever.
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And that's all I can think of, but they're in no particular order. Except Toni. Toni gets the number 1 blorbo badge.
🌻 flower
I don't know much about flowers but I really like the look of Plumeria.
👥️ otp
So many! I shall limit myself to one per show.
Shoni!! (from The Wilds). I think they have made it to number 1 otp status!
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Snowing from Once Upon A Time. But also shout out to Curious Archer!
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Mizzie from Legacies! Still can't believe they got to be endgame!! I thought it was just gonna be hopes and dreams but the way I screamed my head off!! I love an unrequited love storyline but I love it even more when it then becomes requited. He thought the world of her and then she realised she felt the same about him too and it was beautiful and I cried (and screamed).
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Natalie x Henry from Next To Normal. He's just so supportive of her and would do anything to make sure she's okay and that makes me want to cry into my cereal.
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Peter x Jason from Bare: A Pop Opera. Everything hurts. But their chemistry was of the charts and they were so in love and I am in pain.
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Cheer Wives from We Are The Tigers. They were sooooo bad for each other but needed each other? It was a mess but I was so very there for it.
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Quincent from Adamandi. I am once again in so much pain. I can't get over how beautiful the lyrics they sang were when referencing each other.
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Freffy from Skins. The way he cared for Effy D,:. He would haved moved mountains just to make her smile. My heart will forever be broken over what happened to Freddie. He deserved so much better.
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Dracudeen. Just the whole of 'This is Not How Or Story Goes.' There was no hetrosexual explanation for that and Clawdeen nearly died to save her!
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Chlark from Smallville. Next to Simon x Chrissie, they were one of my first otps. No one did friendship like them. But I always wanted it to be more. That whole unrequited thing that was never really given a chance to become requited.
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Edited to add: Chlavis! I now one cannot have 2 otps that include the same character but I always go back and forth between which I like best. Chlavis' story was so intense and traumatic but at least it ended up being requited this time around! Extremely requited!
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Simon x Chrissie. Tfw the two most terrible people you'd never wanted to be stranded in the wilderness with have the most beautiful, unrushed character development and learn to care for people other than themselves as they slowly fall in love, when there was merely the shallowest one-sided crush you ever did see there before. The way they became heroes <3. And the way Simon just didn't know how to be without Chrissie but persisted in trying to save her when chances were beyond slim. I miss them so much and need to rewatch <3.
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Harlan x Cyrus. They had so much chemistry and genuinely had a connection and now we'll never know what happened to them. I wish we got to know them better. Darn you Amazon!
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Cloe x Jade from Bratz. It was more of a case of all the unwritten fanfiction I had in my head for them as an 11 year old. But I only let it get as gay as Monster High 2 at the time, which is actually very incredibly gay, so I don't know who my brain was trying to fool.
Lance x Kitty from X-Men Evolution. They had a really interesting connection and were drawn to each other.
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🎶 musical artist
I mostly listen to musical theatre songs but my favourite band has always been S Club 7. I'm not sure I have an overall favourite solo artist. Maybe James Morrison!
Thank you again for the asks! They were such a blast to answer!
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hazbincalifornia · 1 year
The idea of a character affirming and praising their s/o when they gain weight is making me soft r n. LIke, praising their body both verbally and physically, affirming them when they eat and encouraging healthier eating habits (particularly if their s/o is working through an ED or body image issues)... slowly transitioning as their s/o's confidence and self-image and relationship with food improves from support to mutual love and enjoyment and appreciation of food and their body (1/2)
(2/2) I can so easily see this going both ways with Stolitz, with Charlie supporting Vaggie through body image issues, with Wally or Kiki or Sallie May supporting Verosika through a career-induced ED... gaaah just the sheer idea of my OTPs going on that journey makes my heart full, i wish all my favourite characters a very be fat, be happy, be a foodie, be in love
It's so so good! So often weight gain is seen as a sign of something solely bad, and it being viewed as recovery from bad circumstances or a distorted body image... fat and happy with a loving and supportive partner who just cares that you're happy above all else (but also thinks you're hot no matter the size) is fantastic actually!
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cauldronofmorning · 3 years
Doctor Who for the fandom ask
the first character i ever fell in love with: Donna Noble. I came in late s2, cried when I should have, but Donna was the first one where I was like "okay I'll defend you with everything."
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: Rose Tyler. Still love her! But she's very much overhyped.
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: Ten/Simm!Master. A big reason is the "timecock" fandom, and how misogynistic/racist they can be to Twissy and 13/Dhawan!Master.
my ultimate favorite character™: Eleven. My fairytale hero and monster all in one.
prettiest character: Romana, both Romanas are great but specifically Lalla Ward in that red coat is such a gender.
my most hated character: I really hate Simm!Master a lot. I know I'm supposed to, but he also gets so much woobiefication from fans who don't extend the same to Missy or Dhawan or any non-white companion.
my OTP: I know I said about Ten/Simm!Master, but I love Best Enemies so much.
my NOTP: am I allowed to say the fluffy (made up) version of Thasmin? cos how they are in the series is great, but you go to fic and they're completely different, all huggy and emotionally open.
favorite episode: I'm going for fluff here and I'm sorry, but Husbands Of River Song. It's sweet and hammy and lovely, and probably the best example of Moffat trying to make up for previous mistakes.
saddest death: Missy! She wanted to stand with the Doctor and she's surrounded by flowers like when she was first introduced and gaaah.
favorite season: Tie between Seven's season with Ace, season 4 before Journey's End cocked it up, season 10 with Twissy heading for a tragedy, or season 12 when that tragedy has consequences.
least favorite season: Season two of NuWho. It's when I started, but god they're annoying now.
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: Jack Harkness. Admittedly because John Barrowman keeps on sexually harassing his castmembers. I feel bad for it! Cos Jack *is* important, but when I think about the good in Revolution Of The Daleks, it's completely Yaz's side of the conversation that I remember.
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: Seven, manipulative war criminal of my heart.
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: forever seething about how badly Martha was treated. Also Peri.
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: I only love Whoffauldi when it's "your soul is the same as mine (derogatory)"
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: NineRose. TenRose really annoy me, but Nine/she are pretty cute.
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My grumpy ranger 💛
favourite thing about them ~ how fiercely loyal she is, like this is a girl that started off running up rocks and jumped over a cliff just to avoid talking to the other rangers. Then as they start to get to know one another she starts to trust them and her loyalty to them is so strong. Her “Kim! I’ll go with you” in the final fight always kills me because she’s just come so far from not caring about them to wanting to fight alongside them.
least favourite thing about them ~ this is a hard one, I would say the way she holds things in. Both Trini and Kim are both guilty of doing this - the holding shit back and not talking about what’s bothering them or how they are hurting until it hits a point. I think with Trini it’s also she holds back because she’s constantly moving, she’c constantly having to uproot her life so she holds back to avoid getting hurt but she definitely improved with this for sure.
favourite line ~ [about security] “someone should have pointed that out. Oh wait, I did.” - it’s just so snarky and petty and I think it sums up her personality so well, the delivery is just so sharp and gaaah I love this sarcastic little shit! 😍
brOTP ~ BUMBLEBEE BESTIES! aka Zack and Trini. These two are such a force to be reckoned with, constantly teasing one another but man if they are working together! They pull the best pranks and are just so silly with one another. Zack is the first one to call her T.
OTP ~ Trimberly/Trini x Kim. I don’t think this needs to be explained. Just look at the donut scene if you need more proof.
nOTP ~ Trini and a man. Sorry my girl is a lesbian and that’s that.
random headcanon ~ when Trini gets overwhelmed or emotional she reverts to speaking in Spanish. Remember that scene in GA where Callie is speaking in English and then she flips into Spanish and so all the other rangers are like ???? except Kim who violently blushes in the corner. I also have the headcanon that Trini and Billy spend time together in such a soft and gentle capacity - they’ll just sit together and enjoy the quiet both getting on with their work or listening to music and it’s just the comfort that they are both there and present. Sometimes the others will walk in and Trini is teaching Billy Spanish phrases, other times Billy will be working and every now and again Trini will hand him a tool or give him a water bottle.
unpopular opinion ~ I um don’t really have one that I can think of.
song i associate with them ~ “Small but Mighty” from Teacher’s Pet (2004)
favorite picture of them ~ a gif instead of a picture but her smile, this moment is just so carefree and fun. It feels like the point where Trini fully accepted she was opening up to the rangers and to Kim. It was so special and the smile is so soft and pure.
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paintalyx · 4 years
Pass the happy! 💐 When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications.
gaaah i'm seeing this late but here it goes:
1) seeing cute animals whenever i go out for a walk (mostly pigeons, dogs and cats, but i see hedgehogs, turtles, frogs, swans and ducks sometimes)
2) finding a fanfic of my otp that has all of my favourite tropes
3) when my friends randomly send me one of those "this reminded me of you" messages
4) when someone listens to me infodump and gets really into it (or when someone infodumps me about something they're very passionate about)
5) finding my old art and writing and remembering the story behind each work
thank you for the ask!! it feels nice to remind yourself of this stuff every once in a while ^^
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chiaroscuroverse · 7 years
The Nine/Rose/Jack hunger is real
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Oooh, thank you for this ask (in response to my tags on this polyamory moodboard post) Let me tell you about how much I have thought about this!! More under the cut, because my thoughts are all over the place and want to turn angsty…..
Ok, there are a lot of beautiful fics written set right in the sweet spot of this era, particularly WMR on Teaspoon has quite a lot of good ones. I have two other favorite ones to rec: 
Chilly by Darcie - this has so many things I love and is probably exactly in my headcanon wheelhouse! “Canadian Shack” trope, hypothermia, hurt/comfort, Nine and Rose in an established relationship inviting Jack to join them. The one fic I’ve started writing has a similar backbone, so that probably means I imprinted on this one, haha. 
Of Broken Strings and Dolls  by @youlighttheskyfanfiction - I cannot EVEN stress how much I love this AU! The three of them are toys in a dump and it’s the Doctor being healed and the most delightful, totally sfw thing. FANTASTIC! 
So….I love the three of them as a team, regardless. Their Team Tardis era is magical and totally my #let me live here. :D I love the fanon of Jack as shipper and instigator who enjoys/is frustrated by their sexual tension.  
To me this OT3 is a slight “what if” canon divergence from the OTP of Nine & Rose. There is definitely enough canonical support for a certain vibe between all of them. I don’t think it was “really” happening (but then I’m on record that I don���t think Nine and Rose consummated anything until That Kiss - fic is for what-ifs!) 
The trouble is, as much as I might want to, I can’t quite get to balanced-poly-triad headcanons for them. This is where the angst alert comes in… (and I completely support other headcanons - anyone feel free to comment with your ideas. I’m just rambling about where my mind goes…)  I feel like Rose and Jack would both be more *in love* with the Doctor than with each other, although they love each other and have a deep friendship. And the Doctor…well, he’s ultimately all about Rose and wanting to make Rose happy. I think he obviously grows to care for Jack, canonically flirts with him, and would enjoy intimacy *if Rose wanted it.* 
If I look at it as primary couple who opens up to a secondary partner who is cool with that, then all is well for a moment in time. Part of this is probably that although I multiship Jack, my endgame OTP for him is Ianto. So there could be a verse where he is with the Doctor and Rose for a time, then meets Ianto somehow. My head always goes to angsty places with this, imagining the changing point of the relationship, Rose tearful and the Doctor stoic as they work through the adjustment. And that’s aside from the angst of Jack having a Martha-type realization that he needs to get out to be #1 to someone (gaaah!) 
Those are all the canon-verse thoughts! In an AU polyamory scenario…who knows!! 
One thing I have not seen yet is a long verse with them working through a lot of emotional changes - if anyone knows of one, please let me know! (ala, The Loved Verse for Ten/Rose/Tentoo.)  My headcanons lead in to that kind of fic, but I have no plot for my unformed ideas, so I don’t know if I would ever do it! Anyway, I very, very much love poly m/f/m dynamics, sexually and emotionally– when the mood strikes it is juuuuust molto bene! :P 
But what do you think??
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flourhurricane · 7 years
The Spy / Agent OTP: Deacon x Farah
Answered these spy / agent prompts from this post, like I said I would. It was fun!
Who whispers the “Mission Impossible” theme song on an actual mission? Who shoots them a look of utmost disbelief?
You know Deacon is going to be the one who hums the theme song. Imagine Farah during her first job as a Railroad agent. She’s nervous, she’s prepared for every situation she could think of, she listens to everything Deacon tells her... and he just grins and starts humming to himself. The look Farah would give him would be incredulous.
Who is the new recruit who always manages to do something wrong? Who rolls their eyes but helps them in secret, never taking any of the credit?
Farah is the new recruit and she does make mistakes along the way. She’s also hard on herself so I don’t think Deacon would roll his eyes. (Well, no one would know, not with those sunglasses.) He’d rather let mistakes be experiences to learn from. And he’d rather have Farah take the credit, like he always tried to do with Claire.
When your OTP have children, who tells them stories of all the missions they went on? Who interrupts with, “and then I swooped in and saved the day!” 
HA. Honestly? I don’t think Deacon and Farah care to make their lives sound exciting to their kids. I mean, I guess they tell stories? Deacon would be the one to “embellish” the truth and Farah would be the one to tell the kids all the facts, but. They lead dangerous lives. They don’t want their kids following in their footsteps. Really, I see Deacon telling the twins stories about their aunt Claire and how she saved the Commonwealth. Claire’s the real-life hero, not him. (And maybe that causes Farah to tell the twins stories about how their dad has saved lots of people, which just embarrasses him. Gaaah, this is the best answer I can give, y’all.)
When your OTP, who aren’t together (yet), end up trapped in a very small space (like an air vent), who suggestively wiggles their eyebrows? Who repeatedly bashes their head against the wall and can’t believe their bad luck?
Nah, neither of them would do anything to make the other uncomfortable. Would Deacon make jokes? Obviously. Would he make a sexual innuendo? No, not until they’re dating. Deacon would be making jokes because very tight and dark spaces freak him out. Not as much as heights, but it’s close. Farah would be quiet, trying to think of an escape plan, and yell at Deacon for not taking the situation seriously.
Who’s the brains and who’s the muscle? OT3 Bonus: “What, what does that make me? / “You’re... well, you’re you.”
Deacon and Farah are both smart. Deacon is a master at espionage and Farah picks up on it quickly, plus she’s great with planning traps. 
OT3 Bonus: Danse is the Railroad heavy, so he’s the muscle. Farah is the brains and Deacon... is Deacon. *lol*
Who makes funny faces behind their boss when their next mission is being explained? Who is trying really damn hard not to laugh?
Deacon loves to make Farah laugh, especially at the most inopportune times. But... I actually think he has enough respect for Desdemona to listen to her, even if it’s the same kind of mission he’s done a hundred times before. But if Carrington is the one speaking, then Deacon is definitely making the funny faces. And Farah is a) trying not to laugh while; b) shooting Deacon these looks that clearly say, “Are you FIVE?”
Who takes their job very seriously and seldom shows any emotion, let alone smiles? Who’s the joker and makes it their mission to entertain them?
Oh, Farah shows an emotion. Fear. It makes her take their missions seriously. She doesn’t want to show any weakness, doesn’t want to make any mistakes. That means she exhibits some anxiety, and snaps at Deacon when he’s not being “professional.” Deacon just wants Farah to relax, take a deep breath, realize no everything is ever going to go as it’s planned. AND hide his own insecurities. So he jokes. Tries to lighten the mood, entertain her. It eventually starts to work, some time after the second mission together.
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donamoeba · 8 years
[ENG Translation] Free! Eternal Summer - Another Story Interference of a Fantasy (based on the Sourin Mook Drama)
Thank you @otp-tears​ for proofreading this!
Sousuke: So the location of the deal is in a nightclub. How annoying. My target…there he is. At the counter, huh.
(what? No sousuke awkwardly dancing and maneuvering himself to the counter?? nooooooo)
Minami: Here’s the stuff.
Uozumi: First let me check them. *click*
Uozumi: *sniff sniff* These are indeed authentic, used competition swimsuits. It’s a deal.
Minami: Please transfer the money to my usual account.
Uozumi: Okay.
Sousuke: Bingo.
Sousuke: Hold up.
Uozumi: A cop!? Gah!
Sousuke: Do you think you can hit me with such a shoddy attack?
*painful cry*
Minami: Time to go!
Sousuke: No way I’m letting you escape!
Minami: Ow-ow-Ouch! My arm…!
Sousuke: Give it up!
Uozumi: You forgot to watch out behind you! GAAAH!
Sousuke: …! He can still move…? Dammit!
Rin: You always mess up at the last stage don’t you, Sousuke? Heeah!
*painful cry*
Rin: Phew, that’ll do.
Sousuke: Rin!?
Rin: Hee. Yo! Long time no see, Sousuke! (such a cute grin :D)
Narration: Free! Eternal Summer - Another Story
Narration: Interference of a Fantasy
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Mikoshiba: Thanks for gathering here, guys! I’m Chief Inspector Mikoshiba. Today we’ll have a new addition to our team! Matsuoka, please introduce yourself!
Rin: I’m Matsuoka Rin and I transferred here from Interpol. My name sounds like a girl, but I’m a guy.
Mikobashi: So you just happened to be at the club before you started your new post today and helped out with the arrest? You sure have some strange luck! And those shark teeth of yours are pretty cool! All right, your nickname from today on will be SHARK! Gahahaha-!
Rin: …Huh?
Mikobashi: And our first task for Shark will be…patrolling!
* * *
Sousuke: I still can’t believe you transferred here, Shark.
Rin: Shuddup, Sousuke. Call me Rin like usual. Also keep your eyes on the road when you’re driving.
Sousuke: Alright, alright. But you should call me Senpai, y'know? You might’ve come from Interpol, but right here, I’m your senpai.
Rin: Oh fine. Sooousuke-senpai.
Sousuke: …
Rin: What’s the matter, Sousuke-senpai?
Sousuke: …Actually, forget it.  It’s too weird.
Rin: Hahaha, you’re right.
Sousuke: Yup.
Sousuke: But anyway, Rin, why did you come back and become a small-town policeman?
Rin: That’s because I want to protect this town with you, where we grew up together.
Sousuke: Rin…
Mikoshiba: (on the radio) There’s a new case! Shark! Whaley! Come to the crime scene at the Nakagawa Corporation’s estate quickly!
Rin: “Whaley”…?
Sousuke: …The Chief just likes to call me that.  Let’s go! *siren*
(T/N: Shark whales are called Jinbeizame in Japanese which is literally “Jinbei shark,” due to its skin pattern resembling a kind of traditional Japanese robe called “Jinbei”.  So Mikoshiba’s nickname for Sousuke is actually “Jinbei,” but I chose to translate it as “Whaley”)
Nakagawa: When I woke up this morning, I found this warning note next to my pillow.
Sousuke: “Today we will come for your golden stag beetle statue. The Phantom Thieves, Sea Otter and Duck…”
Rin: The Phantom Thieves, Sea Otter and Duck…?
Sousuke: They are thieves who’ve been causing havoc in this town.
Nakagawa: Well, I can’t just sit around and do nothing, so I’ve devised a fool-proof plan—
Nakagawa: The lights went off!
Sousuke: They’re here!
Nakagawa: Ahh…! The golden stag beetle statue… it’s leaving through the window.
Sousuke: How is it floating like that!?
Rin: Woah! Is that an airship?
Sousuke: Phantom Sea Otter!
Momotarou: YES! YYEESSSS! I’ve caught The Golden Stag Beetle on my line! It’s only one, but it’s a big catch!
Rin: Not so fast! I’m gonna jump onto the airship! Just you wait!
Sousuke: Don’t be reckless, Rin! I’m coming too!
Sousuke: We just barely caught the windowsill with our fingers…what are we gonna do now?
Rin: We’ll break the window and get inside!
Sousuke: Break the window? How?
Rin: Hehe, like this! GAAH!
Sousuke: …You’re carrying a gun.
Rin: Don’t underestimate a former Interpol officer, Sousuke-senpai!
Sousuke: Well done, Junior!
Rin: Alright, let’s go! Sousuke!
Sousuke: Okay!
Sousuke: So we’ve finally made it inside, but…
Rin: This is where things get dicey.
Nitori: Oh, geez…how awful of you two to break our window!
Sousuke: Phantom Duck!
Nitori: Nice to meet you, former Interpol Officer Matsuoka Rin-san! My name is Phantom Duck. I look forward to knowing you!
Rin: There’s nothing to look forward to, cos I’m gonna arrest you right here, right now!
Nitori: Oh, that could be a problem. We still have work to do to help people and save the world, so I have no choice but to ask you to take a short nap…with this tranquilizing gun. Good night. *shoot*
Rin: Dammit…you’ll pay for this… (Rinrin that’s a villain’s line XD)
Nitori: Momo-kun—er, I mean, Phantom Sea Otter! I’ve captured two policemen. Let’s fly across the sea and escape!
Momotarou: Roger that!
* * *
Rin: Yo. You awake, Sousuke?
Sousuke: Rin? Are you all right?
Rin: Yeah. I’m fine. Just a few bruises.
Sousuke: Where are we?
Rin: Seems like we’re locked inside a room within the airship. I can see clouds from the window.
Sousuke: And we’re not only confined, but we have our hands cuffed too.
Rin: This pipe they’ve chained the handcuffs to—I can try to pull it off the wall!
Sousuke: Don’t try by pure force, Rin. There’s a spare key in the breast pocket of my uniform.
Rin: Haha…way to go, Sousuke!
Sousuke: But we can’t use our hands. You need to tear my pocket with your teeth.
Rin: Got it. SHARK! (okay this is where I lost it lol)
Rin: Now I just need to move it toward me with my foot…hah hah…if I can stretch my arms…just a bit more…
Sousuke: Are you getting there?
Rin: Yeah, this is easy peasy! …Sweet! I got the key! Ugh…grrr. It’s hard to use a key with your hands behind you. Alright! I’ve uncuffed my hands! Wait for me, Sousuke!
* * *
Momotarou: Nitori-senpai! Nitori-senpai! The texture of this gold stag beetle statue against the skin…! And the shiny polish! This is perfect~!
Nitori: That’s good to hear, Momo-kun. *beep beep beep* Hmm? Wait a moment.  Momo-kun, do you hear something from inside the stag beetle statue?
Momotarou: …Huh?
Nitori: Eeek!? This sound…could this be a bomb?
Momotarou: Whaaaat!? That billionaire! He fooled us!
Nitori: C'mon, Momo-kun! You have to do something!
Momotarou: How am I supposed to know what to do!? Nitori-senpai, how about you do something?
*intense beeping*
Nitori: It’s gonna explode—!!!
Momotarou: GYOEEEEE!!
* * *
Rin: Sousuke, I’m gonna get those handcuffs off you right now.
Sousuke: Thanks.
Rin: Woah!
Sousuke: An explosion!?
Rin: Oh shit! The key! Wait for me, Sousuke, I’m gonna grab the key! UGGH!
Sousuke: Grrh!
Rin: What is it this time!?
Sousuke: Rin! Watch out! The window is—!
Rin: Water!? Dammit. We’ve fallen into the sea!?
Sousuke: With all this water gushing in, it looks like we’re sinking.
Rin: Dammit! Where’s the key!?
Sousuke: There’s no way you can find the key with so much water. Rin, don’t worry about me. You need to go or we’ll both drown here!
Rin: You idiot! As if I’m going to escape alone without you!
Sousuke: Shit. The water level is already up to my neck. Rin! Just go! I’ll come after you later…*cough*…!
Rin: Sousuke! Take a deep breath!
Sousuke: *gasp*
Rin: Sousuke…wait for me! I’ll also…!
*struggling noise*
Sousuke: Don’t worry about me! Go now! Rin!
Rin: Almost there…almost…
Sousuke: Go…Rin…otherwise you too will…
Rin: Dammit! *floats back to the surface for air* *dives again*
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Rin: Wait a sec, Sousuke, I’m gonna give you some air now! (can we ALL pretend they went where makoharu didn’t go here? XD) …Sousuke!? The pipe broke!
Rin and Sousuke: *gasping for air*
Rin: Are you alright, Sousuke!?
Sousuke: Yeah, only just. What about you?
Rin: I’m okay. More importantly, we need to move quick or the water’s gonna reach the ceiling!
Sousuke: But how do we get out? There isn’t an exit at all. Rin! Look at that!
Rin: Huh?
Sousuke: There’s a crack on that wall over there.
Rin: A crack? Heh…Sousuke. Are you still able to do that thing you do?
Sousuke: by THAT, you mean…?
Rin: Yeah! Let’s do it!
Rin/Sousuke: One, two, three!
Rin: When we were still kids—
Sousuke: —we practiced the hell out of this!
Rin/Sousuke: Somersault Turn Kick!
Rin/Sousuke: *heavy breathing*
Sousuke: Geez, you’re seriously too reckless. I thought I was going to die.
Rin: No way I’m gonna let you die so easily.
*fist bump*
Sousuke: Yeah!
Rin’s voice: Sousuke…Sousuke! Sousuke!
Rin: C’mon, get up! Didn’t you say you’re gonna join me on my morning run?
Sousuke: …it’s morning.
Rin: What’s the matter? You’re even more absent-minded than usual.
Sousuke: I almost…died in my dream…
Rin: Huh? What kind of dream is that?
Sousuke: I don’t remember the details, but you were there too.
Rin: You idiot! If I were there, I wouldn’t have let you die so easily.
Sousuke: …You’re right.
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Rin: C’mon, hurry and get ready! Let’s get going!
Sousuke: Okay!
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talvikielo · 8 years
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I’m not usually a fan of potential closet yandere characters at all, but oh my gosh I love Yuzuru and his route so much that I think Yuzuru x Nozomi is tie with Kurou x Nozomi now for my current Harutoki 3 OTP.
His route gave me so much feels since I’m so weak for the unrequited love trope and I love to see how he obviously cares for Nozomi a lot considering how sweet and soft he is whenever she comes into the picture aaaahhhhhh 😢😭😭
I was planning to do either Saku/Benkei’s normal route or Kurou/Ridvan Izayoiki’s route next, but after finishing Yuzuru’s route, I have an intense need to see his Izayoiki route now gaaah!!
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loathedlineage-a · 8 years
amelia & harry :^)
IM TIRED OF ALL THESE ASKMEMES BEING FOR OTPS TBH so leave a brotp/platonic ship in my ask and i’ll tell you:
who steals french fries off the other’s plate: this is SUCh an amelia thing but i think she would lower her tendency to snatch fries off harry’s plate when she finds out that he was practically starved throughout his entire childhood :’))))who jokingly moves in for the kiss when someone asks if they’re a couple: neither. they’re twins and although amelia would pull a joke like this it would be with someone she isn’t related to. who has to bust or bail the other out of jail: harry has to bail amelia out of jail, lbr. i mean, i know harry has a tendency to get into trouble but amelia is essentially their father incarnate. and honestly i dont think harry would like the idea of his sister sitting in jail. he’d probably bust her out if he had to. who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues: it definitely goes both ways. harry and amelia are both there for each other. harry’s advice/comfort tends to be a little bit more awkward than amelia’s but he does mean well. however, harry can also cross over the line of ‘overprotective big brother’. this most definitely happens when amelia is upset. who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes: amelia. need i say more? she’s a little shit. who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk: amelia. i dont think harry would mind. i mean, a bed’s a bed. either way, they both get a bed. who starts and who wins the pillow fights: amelia starts and amelia wins mostly. she’s a beater on the gryffindor quidditch team for a reason. although harry is pretty quick so that gives him an advantage at times. who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush: i think these are all amelia. gaaah i feel super bad for harry omg. but yes amelia would say this to cho. and ginny. and draco. 
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zhulibun · 8 years
{*slides in my URL*}
[ ♛ ] send me a url and i’ll tell you the following;
my opinion on;
character in general: I am usually picky in general when it comes to female characters. But I’d have to say Kougyoku became my favorite female character from magi when I seen her. She seemed all serious and a meanie when she first appeared then meeting Sinbad caused her to go all cute and adorable and gaaah I just love her. She is precious and deserves someone who loves and truly cherishes her other than that man! *cough* koubun *cough*how they play them: superbly! I just adore Kenzi’s Kougyoku! She plays her muse as how she usually acts, but at the same time she is also very entertaining and her threads- *blows a kiss* to die for.the mun: There is still much more I do not know about Kenzi but overall she is a fun and very sweet person to talk to!
do i;
what is my;
overall opinion: 
I always love seeing Kenzi’s Koug on my dash and when we interact I always smile, and the feels of our ship just have me going all gaga and I always seem to have fun interacting with her. She is one of my favorite kougyoku rpers and I highly recommend her blog if anyone want a fun kougyoku to interact with!~ Love her to death and I don’t care if we had 50 threads together I will always love each and everyone of our threads together. She and her muse must be protected and loved forever! I am glad to talk with and be friends with a great friend and kougyoku rper!
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Gaaah this meme has the cutest Qs they're all so nice! How about 6,10,13,15?
6. Who falls asleep while watching a movie? 
He just gets so sleepy, especially if there’s a lull in the action on screen, that sometimes it’s just inevitable. So, as long as he’s comfortable enough, he’ll just drift off in the middle of a movie.
Usually he’ll lay his head on Derek’s shoulder and almost immediately fall asleep, sometimes even drooling on his poor boyfriend. Because usually he can’t fall asleep without his pillow but he can with Derek.
Derek just smiles to himself and pulls a blanket over Stiles to make sure he’s nice and comfortable, runs his hand through his hair. And he’ll just relax back and finish watching the movie, making sure to tease Stiles about it in the morning.
10. Who carries all the important documents while traveling? 
Probably Derek.
He seems like the more responsible one, even if it is only by a little itty bit. And I think Stiles would definitely trust him enough to keep all the important documents, especially since Stiles is prone to misplacing things.
13. Who’d give their child sweets behind the other’s back? 
Already answered: here
15. Who would discreetly pinch the other one’s butt in public? 
Already answered: here
OTP Questions
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