themoongirls12 · 1 year
230928 | kimxxlip instagram reel - Kim Lip with Kang Gyeongwon 🦉
Love lee~ last ride🚗
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yesilovekpopgg · 2 years
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hinapiaofficial · 1 year
유비들! 생각하자! #희나피아 생각하자❣️
매순간 생각나게 만드는 얼굴대천재 희나피아의 셀카타임📸
#HINAPIA #민경 #경원 #은우 #예빈 #바다
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d4myeon · 2 years
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hinapia - drip m/v packs
happy 3rd anniversary :(
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9823678 · 1 month
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witchblade · 2 years
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multiphandomunnies · 6 months
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gf! yuha
stop that
hug me
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shuaestheist · 1 year
characters: kyungwon (hinapia), jeonghan (seventeen) summary: the only remnants of their past is a single cassette and countless regrets. word count: 600-700 genre: angst content warning: mention of death inspiration: disturbance (boa)
It's been a month since Jeonghan and Kyungwon broke up. It's been a month since Kyungwon died as well. 
It was a horrible accident, Kyungwon's death. The two had a big fight and broke up. Kyungwon left his place with tears pouring from her eyes. As she crossed the road, she got hit by a delivery truck. She was declared dead on arrival. Now, Jeonghan could do nothing but stare at the ring he gave his dead lover.
The doorbell of his house rang, breaking the silence. Sluggishly, he answers the door. "A package for Mr. Jeonghan Yoon? From Ms. Kyungwon Kang," at the mention of her name, his head lifted and his lifeless eyes glimmered with confusion and longing. A package? From his dead girlfriend? He took the package and signed the papers. 
Jeonghan sits in the living room, opening the box. It was a single cassette, the case bearing her face that shined like the sun. "Of course, you knew I preferred cassettes," he smiles bitterly and reached beside him, taking the cassette player that was always there. The blonde pops the tape in and presses play.
[ PLAY ] May 22, 2017.Hi, Hannie oppa. It's me, Kyungwonnie. I made this tape since I do feel like we're breaking up soon. So if you're listening to this, that means I'm gone. Right?Anyways, I wanted to say I was very very happy with our relationship. I love you, you love me. We promised each other that we would walk down the aisle and get married to each other in the near future. I... really love you. So so much. But these days... we don't seem to get along. W-we always fight, it's like w-we don't know each other anymore. Ah~ why am I crying?  [ PAUSE ]
At this point, tears streaked Jeonghan's cheeks again. He remembers the calls she sent that he disregarded in favor of hanging with his friends, for some hookups too. Jeonghan thought that Kyungwon was too clingy and whiny. Oh how he wished it wasn't so, how he wished he didn't think that way.
[ PLAY ] Yeah. You ignored my calls. We barely met. It's like we were strangers all over again. You know, I would cry to Minkyeong every time you missed my call. Minkyeong would tell me that you're tired of me, that I should find another. But I didn't want to. I would just say that you're busy and that I'll wait for you, cause I knew you'd come back to me. I'm holding on to the promise you made me. But I did see. I see you being cold to me. I see you being indifferent and irritated with me. I see that you weren't meeting my eyes. I see that your heart and mine weren't... in sync anymore. You changed in front of me.Was I boring? Was I too clingy? Too annoying? Too obsessive? Tell me... I want to change for you. I want to be the girl you want.I can't even remember that sweet look you gave me whenever we had a date. Nor the hugs and warmth you gave me when we cuddled on your couch. You saw me get sad and yet, you didn't even comfort me.I'm still here, though you're already fading from my life. I can't even imagine you crying over me.... [ PAUSE ]
After that statement, silence enveloped the complex. Jeonghan thought it was broken or it was done. Just as his thumb hovered over the stop button, Kyungwon started speaking again.
Jeonghan started breaking down with the next words.
[ PLAY ] Maybe my I love you's weren't enough.[ PAUSE ]
Her voice enveloped him. Jeonghan looked up to see Kyungwon kneeling in front of him with a watery smile. 
"Maybe I just want to hear you say one last I love you to me,"
Jeonghan cried out, whispering I love you over and over again to the girl in front of him. As he reached out to her, she disappeared like a mirage. The cassette stopped and popped open.
Kyungwon was gone forever and Jeonghan was so stupid to let the love of his life go.
If only he could rewind time.
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fcble · 2 months
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In which Andrew attends a meeting. FEATURING: Andrew Han, Lee Taein, the Zenith Entertainment shareholders WORD COUNT: 3.2k SETTING: July 2024 NOTES: The second third of Andrew's Great Existential Crisis of 2024. You can read part one HERE.
The most unpleasant task Andrew was left with was representing Jaeseop at Zenith's biannual shareholder meeting. He dreads it, and yet it arrives anyway. He borrows a shirt and tie and suit jacket from Haksu so he can finally appear in front of Taein in a different formal outfit. 
Jaeseop both drilled facts in Andrew's head and left him a pile of notes. Altogether, Andrew still feels like he's walking into a lion's den.
He arrives precisely three minutes before the meeting starts, or, just in time to interrupt Taein’s introductory speech. Four people watch his grand entrance, and for once, Andrew isn’t upset at the barely controlled fury in Taein’s gaze. Every seat at the table is filled, but the table sits more than four people anyway, so Andrew drags a chair from the side of the room and seats himself in an empty spot, two spaces down from Taein, which is as far from him as he can get. According to Jaeseop, that’s where he sits in these meetings. Andrew has no qualms about taking his seat. 
The silence is palpable. Andrew breaks it. “Good morning, sajang-nim.” His gaze flicks around the other three people, mentally cataloguing their names and professions. Ahn Jinguk, the only barrier between Andrew and Taein, is likely a shady character. Jaeseop was surprisingly mum on his occupation and role. On Taein’s left is Kang Gyeongwon, the only woman in the room and the architect behind every Zenith Entertainment contract. Andrew has her to thank for the allowances in his updated contract, though he doubts those were her decisions. A gaudy Louis Vuitton handbag sits on the table next to her. The last person, seated next to her, is Jung Seobum, a representative of a venture capitalist firm and possibly the largest source of Taein’s money. Someone is missing. Andrew thinks for a few seconds and eventually drags the name Han Cheolhwan out of his subconscious. A police officer, by Jaeseop’s teachings.
Taein makes a noise that could possibly be mistaken for a similar sentiment. Andrew knows immediately that he won't be writing the next Fable album.
“Yejun-ssi,” Seobum greets from across the table. He appears to be the only person other than Taein who knows who Andrew is.
“Andrew,” Andrew corrects sharply.
“Of course. My apologies.” He sounds anything but apologetic. Though Andrew trusts Jaeseop and his notes, he wonders how Seobum could possibly be the friendliest person in the room.
Taein looks like he wants nothing more than to punt Andrew out of the room. Andrew had timed his arrival on purpose, ensuring he was last, because he knows Taein wouldn’t risk losing face in front of his shareholders by kicking him out. The only way he’s leaving this room is if the building security forcefully removes him, and that would most definitely lead to Taein’s loss of face.
“As I was saying before I was interrupted,” Taein says, with another pointed glare of unbridled hate in Andrew's direction, “you have most likely noticed our missing member. Cheolhwan-ssi will be indisposed for the foreseeable future.”
“You can say he's being investigated for bribery and is suspended from his job,” Gyeongwon says, arching one perfectly manicured eyebrow.
Taein inclines his head. “It could also be said in the way Gyeongwon-ssi has chosen to word it.”
The political tension in the room is stifling. Andrew wonders how Jaeseop can possibly stand it, even if he only has to deal with it twice a year. He pictures Jaeseop here instead, parleying with people twice his age, and okay, that isn’t difficult. He’s always been good at it. Andrew has his suspicions that Jaeseop would still be their leader, regardless of his relation to Taein. He hates that these are the people in charge of his career and his life. Taein is more concerned with himself and his profits. Andrew knows that much at least, and he assumes the rest of his investors are more of the same.
“Yuxuan?” Taein asks, and that's when Andrew notices his executive assistant in the back corner of the room, almost entirely blocked by a computer screen.
The lights dim, and the projector screen behind Taein lights up with a PowerPoint presentation: the Zenith Entertainment 2024 Q1 and 2 Retrospective.
“You all know why you're here,” he says, somewhat dismissively. “Next slide.”
The next slide is a short list of the company's activities. There isn't much to list. Most of what is there is familiar to Andrew, because most of it concerns Fable. 
“Neon Nights released their first English-language album in February. Their follow-up American tour was a success. Fable also successfully promoted their third full length album and completed their second world tour. Next slide.”
Andrew has never heard Taein speak so succinctly. He sounds almost bored, droning on about accomplishments. It occurs to Andrew that he never asked Jaeseop how long the meetings usually last. They're progressing faster than he expected. There might be enough time in the day for him to idle in Intak's studio for hours while he makes a poor attempt to work.
The next slide presents a clash of numbers and graphs. Andrew steals a glance around the room. No one seems surprised. Gyeongwon is taking notes, ballpoint pen looping a series of characters in a small notebook. He studies the graphs closer as Taein reads them out loud. Fable is responsible for a good two-thirds of the company’s revenue, based on his best guess of the largest blue section of the largest pie chart. He divides the number roughly into a 50/50 split—to cover the differences between album and tour profit distributions—and then divides the larger segment into five for the active members of the group. It resembles, to a certain extent, the numbers in Andrew's bank account. Taein may have his faults, but he pays them for their work. Finances don't worry Andrew too much, not with his songwriting royalties to supplement them.
The next largest segment of the graph is the magenta of Neon Nights, about half the size of Fable’s share, and roughly the same amount as Jaesun. Andrew can’t help but wonder where that comes from. He doesn’t pay too much attention to the majority of the company’s inner workings, but he knows Jaesun hasn’t had a comeback recently. That, and his studio is still under occupation from Jaesun’s producer.
When he turns his attention back to Taein, he’s saying, “Profits this semester have demonstrated a thirty percent increase compared to the previous semester.”
His gaze settles on Andrew as he adds, “There is Fable’s world tour to thank for that.”
That’s probably the nicest thing Taein will say to him all meeting, so Andrew nods along. He can’t help but think of everything that could have gone better: his fight, in Jaeseop’s stead, for a few vacation days; Mingeun and Byeonghwi getting lost in New York, despite their insistence that it never happened; Haksu’s absence from their final show.
“Next slide,” Taein says abruptly. Andrew idly wonders if he’s afraid of showing any sort of weakness in the current company. He knows he is.
The plans for the second half of 2024 bring no surprises. Taein continues his breakneck pace, running through Intak’s August mixtape release and Fable’s still-unnamed October subunit and the also October debut of his second group at what could pass for the speed of light. In Andrew’s humble and less than expert opinion, it seems too pass much too quickly. Then again, considering the people in the room—CEO, lawyer, literal capitalist, whatever Jinguk is—it’s unlikely they care about music at the level he does.
This time, as Taein reaches the end of his breathless presentation, he doesn’t ask Yuxuan for the next slide. It gives Andrew the distinct impression that something is wrong, or at least something out of the ordinary is about to occur. Jaeseop never prepared him for this.
“Returning to the issue of Cheolhwan-ssi”—here, Taein frowns—”I have already received a proposal for a new shareholder.”
The silence is deafening. Andrew waits for someone else to break it, because he certainly doesn’t want to do it again. Jaeseop would know what to say. He silently curses the Korean War and mandatory enlistment.
“Why didn't you tell us?” Seobum finally asks, twisting his gold wedding band. The slightest hint of anger undercuts his words.
“It was a simple matter,” Taein says dismissively. “The last step in the process is, of course, our joint approval.”
“Do we know this mysterious person?” Jinguk asks from Andrew's right, quiet baritone commanding the attention of the rest of the room. He doesn't speak much and Jaeseop had nothing to say about him except for the fact that he’s Taein’s right-hand man. It makes Andrew wary.
Taein nods. “She's the new head of Song Studios. Song Hyemi-ssi.”
That seems to be a cue for Yuxuan—they must have rehearsed this—because the projected presentation now switches to a new slide, photos and bullet points of Song Hyemi’s qualifications. The table erupts into arguments, giving Andrew the time to skim the slide. They must have been hard at work suppressing it throughout the rest of Taein’s presentation. Hyemi is the eldest daughter of the recently deceased Song Studios founder, a screenwriter and director in her own right, a graduate of SNU and Stanford, mother of two children and still a business woman.
Jinguk appears to be winning the argument. “Enough,” he says with finality, and Gyeongwon and Seobum stop debating Hyemi's theoretical share. He stares pointedly at Taein and then adds, “You will not go through with this. Given my relationship with them, I find it absurd you'd consider it.”
“I don't manage actors and she doesn't manage singers,” Taein says crisply. “There is no problem.”
Andrew doesn't understand all of what they're implying, but he’s a part of the conversation by virtue of being here. Jaeseop would say something, so by that logic, Andrew has to say something. “She's Jaesun-ssi’s aunt. It's a conflict of interest on multiple fronts.”
Taein's fury is ice cold. “You are here as Jaeseop’s representative. It is not your place to speak of your own opinions.”
Andrew refuses to back down. Jaeseop wouldn't back down. He's the youngest and least experienced person in the room, and when has that ever mattered anyway? He's used to that. He laces his fingers together under the table to keep them from shaking. 
Jinguk beats him to the punch. “Let him speak. No one else is saying anything worthwhile.”
He shares an almost reassuring glance with Andrew. It would be more reassuring if he didn't have such a foreboding presence, the type of gravity that commands attention with the suggestion of danger. His classic good looks—he’d fit right into some black and white film—do nothing to temper that. Andrew hopes he won’t say anything to get on Jinguk’s bad side. He pushes the thought aside and forges on.
“It isn't my opinion—it's factual. It's as if you, sajang-nim, were to sit on a board like this somewhere else, say, where Jaeseop worked.”
Taein interrupts. “There are no issues with that. I'm certain Hyemi-ssi will be able to make decisions for the benefit of Jaesun-ssi and the company.”
Andrew seizes the opportunity by the throat. He’s going too far forward to return. “You assume those two things are one and the same. The good of the company is not necessarily the good of the artist,” he says, perfectly heartless in the way Jaeseop could never be. He leans forward and locks eyes with Taein, pushing a strand of hair back behind his ear. “You have already demonstrated your willingness to prioritize Jaeseop. What makes you think Hyemi-ssi will be different?”
The room falls silent for two beats, and Andrew finally feels the flush of adrenaline start to fade. Gyeongwon looks like she would have preferred it if Andrew was tossed out of the room the moment he walked in.
“Do you let all your employees talk to you like that, Taein-ssi?” Seobum asks, sounding amused.
Jinguk comes to Andrew’s defense yet again. Andrew has half a mind to tell him he doesn’t need it. Only half. “We are all equals here.”
“Enough, Andrew,” Taein nearly snaps. “Yuxuan, the lights. We need to take a vote today. Hyemi-ssi is expecting my response soon. The more we delay, the more she attempts to strike another monetary deal with me.”
“In what way?” Jinguk inquires, polite but still terrifying, as the lights return to their normal brightness. 
“When I signed Jaesun-ssi, Hyemi-ssi was kind enough to provide a regular, sizable donation.”
A bribe, Andrew thinks, and for once, everyone seems to agree with him. That could be Jaesun’s profit, he realizes. Taein was bold for including that.
“And this is the first time you chose to mention it?” Seobum asks.
“I can't say I'm surprised,” is Gyeongwon’s clipped response. “Like attracts like.”
If the air in the room didn't feel so charged, Andrew might have enjoyed seeing Taein backed into a corner like this. 
“It’s unimportant,” Taein says dismissively. “Does it change any of your opinions?”
“No,” Seobum says sulkily, like he’s a kid and not some age older than Andrew. All their arguments have been rather petty and childish.
“Then we vote,” Taein says, sounding self-satisfied. “Gyeongwon-ssi?”
“Yes.” Gyeongwon’s response is immediate. “It’s time you brought on another woman.”
Taein nods. “Seobum-ssi?”
It takes him a beat longer to answer. He’s fiddling with his wedding band again. Andrew can’t tell if that’s his genuine reaction, or he’s playing them all for fools. “Yes,” he finally answers.
“It’s settled, then,” Taein says, self-satisfied smile playing across his face. “I look forward to seeing everyone again in six months to meet Hyemi-ssi.”
“Taein.” Jinguk’s voice is more a growl than normal speech. Andrew subtly shifts his chair a couple of inches over to his right.
“Do you need it spelled out? I was under the impression you knew better than that.” Taein’s tone is mocking. “My vote, of course, is for Hyemi-ssi to join us. Andrew-ssi doesn’t get a vote, and that leaves you as the sole opposition. Surely you know three is greater than one.”
Privately, Andrew thinks he should get a vote. At the same time, he has no desire to involve himself in their power struggle. It’s another new side to Taein: having a spine. He’s sure that if Jinguk pushed a little harder, over the course of days or weeks, he could whittle Taein down. It’s too bad they don’t have days or weeks.
“Stop playing dumb. You know why I protest.”
Seobum’s gaze flicks between the two of them like he’s watching a particularly interesting tennis match. Andrew would be amused if his heart wasn’t in the pit of his stomach. He tries to think about the solo tracks he’s writing for Fable’s subunit album instead. It’s unfortunate that other than Haksu’s request for a ballad, he has nothing. Andrew doesn’t want to write a ballad. He also doesn’t want to break that news to Haksu.
This time, it’s Gyeongwon who defuses the situation. “Men,” she says, lips pursed. She flips her notebook closed. “If you’re finished with your squabbling and you have nothing else to share, some of us have other appointments to attend.”
Taein shifts back to being a cordial host at once. “Of course. My apologies for keeping you here.” He doesn’t sound apologetic at all.
Gyeongwon is the first to leave, rising to her feet almost as soon as Taein finishes speaking. Her only parting message is a short, “
Seobum is next. He nods in an almost bow to Andrew, and says, “It was a pleasure to meet you, Andrew-ssi.”
Out of politeness, Andrew rises from his seat to meet him halfway. “Likewise,” he says. 
There's nothing more he wants than to leave. Turning to Taein, he says, rather stiffly, “This was very enlightening.”
It enlightened him to the fact that he never wants to do this again. Except Jaeseop won't return until next summer, and that gives Andrew at least one more meeting with them. He isn't looking forward to that.
Taein seems torn between amusement and annoyance. “There are no cameras. It's unnecessary to lie. And for all of our sakes, it would be preferred if you sat out the end of the year meeting.”
Andrew doesn't want to do this, but it doesn't mean he won't do it. “I told Jaeseop I'd do it for him. He deserves to be updated.”
“Then take care to represent him in a more honest manner.”
The threat is clear. And yet Andrew thinks Jaeseop would agree with what he said, though maybe for different reasons.
“Andrew, was it?” Jinguk asks. He seems almost pleasant now. He also pronounces Andrew's name with an American accent.
“Yes,” Andrew answers hesitantly, still guarded.
“I want to talk to you. We'll be stepping outside.” He frames it as a statement, not a question. Neither Taein nor Andrew protest.
In the hallway, Jinguk produces a business card from an inside breast pocket with a flourish. “You performed admirably today. When you become tired of working for Taein, give me a call.”
Andrew has no intention of making a career out of this—once was much more than enough—but he accepts the proffered card. The use of “performed” has to be deliberate, even as he doubts Jinguk will have any need to hire a singer or producer. “Thank you. I'll keep that in mind.”  
Jinguk nods. “It would be a shame to squander your potential here. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a few more matters to discuss with Taein-ssi.”
Andrew knows when he's being dismissed, and he's only too happy to leave. He turns the card over as he walks. It's solid cardstock, the name Ahn Jinguk embossed in large black text on the left half. Underneath is his title—Chief Administrative Officer—along with a phone number and an email address. The other half of the card is a logo, the letters D and Y stylized in a taeguk. It takes Andrew a minute to place it, but when he does, he feels almost faint. While the Danyoung Group is significantly less flashy than Samsung or Hyundai, they’re a conglomerate all the same, and Jinguk appears to be in a relatively powerful position. 
He presses the down button to summon the elevator. So this is the type of people Taein consorts with. He's suddenly grateful for Haksu's extensive collection of formal button-downs that he doesn’t wear anywhere except church. He’d hate to appear in front of a chaebol representative in one of the same few faded dress shirts he’s had since college. He doesn’t even own a suit jacket.
Andrew knows it’ll be some time before Jaeseop responds to his texts. He writes the messages anyway, starting off with, Did you know Taein is business partners with a chaebol rep? and following it up with Taein is replacing Cheolhwan with Jaesun’s aunt, Hyemi. Those are all of the important events. He figures Jaeseop can make an educated guess at the content of the rest of the meeting.
He steps into the elevator, still holding Jinguk’s business card. He briefly entertains the idea of shredding it or tossing it. Then he thinks better of it and tucks it into his pocket. Someone like him could be a powerful ally, something he’s certain Taein recognizes as well. It’s far too early for Andrew to know if catching his attention like this is a good thing or a bad thing. Only time, and maybe Jaeseop, will tell.
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themoongirls12 · 1 year
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230712 | kanggyeongwonn instagram story - Kim Lip with Pristin/Hinapia Gyeongwon 🦉
💥Congratulations on the comeback💋💋
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yesilovekpopgg · 2 years
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hinapiaofficial · 1 year
[ #경원 ]
아이고 지금 일어났다
오랑이의 한복거울셀카>_• 👻❤️
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maeumverse · 3 months
ZENITH ENTERTAINMENT is a fictional South Korean entertainment company. It was founded in 2016 by former SM Entertainment executive LEE TAEIN, shortly after his supposedly amicable departure from the company. 
They are best known for their first and flagship group FABLE, who continues to be the only artist formed solely by the company. Zenith is also notable for the way CEO Taein notoriously inserts himself into the smallest of business decisions, and their refusal to take trainees since Fable’s debut.
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NAME: Zenith Entertainment
TYPE: Private
INDUSTRY: Music, entertainment
FOUNDER: Lee Taein
HEADQUARTERS: Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea
AREA SERVED: Worldwide
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FABLE (2018 — present): eight seven member boy group
NEON NIGHTS (2021 — present): five member girl band
JAESUN (2023 — present): idol soloist
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LEE TAEIN (1969) … Founder, CEO, and Fable's creative director. Former SM Entertainment talent acquisition director. Played by Lee Byung-hun.
PARK SANGHYUN (1972) … COO and CFO. Has been trying to get a private office for the past seven years. Played by Lee Seo-jin.
CHEN YUXUAN (2002) … Taein and Sanghyun's executive assistant. Underpaid and overworked intern. Played by Liu Yu.
WOO HYEKYUNG (1997) … Social media & marketing manager. Has held the position since 2017. Rules the open office with an iron fist. Played by Park Soobin.
SHIN JUBIN (1985) … Neon Nights and Jaesun's creative director. Classics fan. Can conjugate ancient Greek. Played by Hwang Jung-eum.
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KIM GAEUN (1981) … Fable's lead stylist. Co-founder of modern hanbok brand Shinbok. Played by Son Ye-jin.
HONG SHINUI (1975) … Historical consultant for Fable. Korea University adjunct professor. Historian specializing in the middle period of the Joseon dynasty. Played by Lee Tae-ran.
JEON DAEWOONG (1995) … Fable's manager. Former SM Entertainment trainee, 2014-2017. Always thinking about who he could have been. Played by Ahn Hyo-seop.
LEE AERIN (1990) … Neon Nights' manager. Not their first fan, but still their biggest one. Played by Tiffany Young.
NAM CHOHYUN (1998) … Jaesun's manager. Also his cousin. Otherwise unqualified for his job. Played by Han Gichan.
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LEE TAEIN (1969) … 60%. Founder and CEO.
AHN JINGUK (1978) … 15%. Danyoung Group CAO and fourth son of the current chairman. Played by Gong Yoo.
JUNG SEOBUM (1990) … 10%. Venture capitalist, representing Daehan Ventures. Played by Lee Junho.
KANG GYEONGWON (1981) … 7%. Lawyer, the eponymous Kang of law firm Kang & Cho. Played by Ock Joo-hyun.
HAN CHEOLHWAN (1969) … 6%. Senior Superintendent in the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency. Played by Yoo Jun-sang.
LEE JAESEOP (1995) … 2%. Idol, member of Fable. Played by Kim Doyoung.
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9823678 · 2 months
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underrated-ggs · 11 months
Happy Flashback Friday, brought to you once again by an underrated disbanded girl group. Underrated bop of the day is "Drip" by HINAPIA, who debuted on November 3, 2019 with this single. They were supposed to have their first comeback in March 2020, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, their comeback was delayed and eventually cancelled. This was their only release. They disbanded in August 2020.
Since their disbandment, Minkyeung has focused on her modeling career and also signed with KPLUS as an actress. Gyeongwon has been focusing on modeling as well.
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xe-company · 1 year
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BIRTH PLACE: Gwangju, South Korea
BIRTHDAY: March 28th, 1997
HEIGHT: 163 cm (5’4″)
WEIGHT: 44 kg (97 lbs)
TWITTER: @/ badomens_Jyoooo
POSITION: Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Sub Vocalist
Representative Emoji: 🍜 [RAMEN BOWL]
Representative Bad Omen: The number 13
Her English name is Maysi.
Whenever she needs to be productive she likes to put an anime on in the background. 
She is a former MINX member.
She’s in a ’97 liner group with Oh My Girl‘s Binnie, Gfriend’s Yuju, Momoland‘s Jane, HINAPIA‘s Minkyeung and Gyeongwon and DIA / Uni.T‘s Yebin.
Loves getting movie and book recommendations from PROPHETS.
She is the youngest of three children; an older sister [86′] and an older brother [91′] both are active in the Korean military.
She own two snakes; both are at the dorms.
Would like she try a lighter hair color for a comeback.
She was born in Gwangju, but when to school in Busan.
If she had to pick an instrument to learn she would want to learn the Bass guitar.
She used to know Japanese when she was growing up but she hasn’t spoken it for a while she she forgot most ot it.
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