retrocgads · 4 months
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UK 1987
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hzrnvm · 2 years
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shaykai · 4 months
I would love to hear more about Vat'il's past, I was desperately intrigued by the one comic-- I assume the shock collar aversion is the matron slapped it on him so she could have a way to control his Urge, but how'd he end up with her family? How long did he stay with the drow? When did sceleritas show up— [is dragged offstage]
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The shock collar is just something all of the servants in her house wear- she doesn’t know that he’s a Bhaalspawn/know about his Urge- to her understanding, he’s just a bit murder happy (which isn’t entirely out of the norm as far as drow culture goes)
Sceleritas showed up a little while before he killed his adoptive family, kind of bonding with him while also trying to encourage him to not neglect his Urges (he doesn’t listen and ends up killing his family via the Urge taking over 😔)
As far as getting to Menzoberranzan goes, he was captured while aimlessly wandering through the Underdark. Backstories are liable to change, but so far I’m going with Gwnn- a guard captain- gifted him to Valora- The Matron- as a courting gift. Initially speaking, he’s almost borderline decorational and mostly just serves to fetch and deliver things- until she finds out he has a penchant for killing things, and then he’s essentially her personal assassin
I’m not entirely sure on how long he’s there for, but so far it’s roughly about 10ish years- currently speaking, he escapes as a teenager :> (fun fact! He escapes after Sceleritas says that his Father wants him to come home and gives him the same little invisibility cloak you get in game from him)
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needlenxggin · 1 year
Gwynn is going to pick up the plushie in utter confusion but then he's taking plush Vash with him, stuck in his messengers bag. Gotta keep dad safe.
He squirms around a little inside the bag before his pops out of the bag with a soft squeak and he looks up to Gwnn with a grin. "HIya son!"
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mei-b-blogging · 2 years
Twitter refugee
Haven’t used this site since 2020 since I shifted to being a twitter frog. Even if the blue bird app doesn’t die, I guess this is somewhere else to post my art? 
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Hi I’m gwnn, they / them, and I do original character art as well as worldbuilding. Wonder if there’s a way to do one of those “Show me your OCs” posts like they do on twitter ( . _ .) I’ll do one of those art dumps to post all the lore and character art I’ve done since 2020. I swear I’ve gotten better since then. Or at least I sure hope so.
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thyele · 2 years
94歳が市に1千万円寄付 「社会に還元する」過去には故郷に1億円:朝日新聞デジタル https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASR1D7V99R16PIHB00C.html
山里亮太“日テレ朝の顔”に抜てき「まさか!?」 黒田みゆアナと新番組『DayDay.』担当 | ORICON NEWS https://www.oricon.co.jp/news/2263969/full/ おめでとうございます!
加速する梅干し離れ 消費量約20年で4割減 製造業者が苦境「倉庫がパンクして商品の行き場がない」|まいどなニュース https://maidonanews.jp/article/14812933 死んだばあちゃんの方法で親戚が漬けてくれてそれを食べてる
注射を不安がる子を安心させようと手を握る優しい先生 つぎの瞬間看護師が爆笑した理由とは | おたくま経済新聞 https://otakei.otakuma.net/archives/2023011303.html 将来有望(笑)。
大人かわいい通勤バッグがひっくり返すと痛バッグに “会社からそのまま推し活に行けるバッグ”予約受付中(1/2 ページ) - ねとらぼ https://nlab.itmedia.co.jp/nl/articles/2301/13/news032.html
大の阪神ファン千秋が歴代監督と「LINE友達」と明かす「ただのタニマチ」フジ「VS魂」出演 - 芸能 : 日刊スポーツ https://www.nikkansports.com/entertainment/news/202301120001288.html
2023年新たにはじめたいこと 3位「副業・複業」、2位「週休3日制度」、1位は?(1/2 ページ) - ITmedia ビジネスオンライン https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2301/13/news104.html
THE LAST ROCKSTARS、デビューライブのチケット追加販売が決定 | BARKS https://www.barks.jp/news/?id=1000228759
GAUZESシストさん「前回は拡散しないで下さいといいました! 今回は少しだけ知名度を上げるために! 体を売ります😅変な意味じゃないよ🤣 #GAUZESフンドシスト #名古屋GAUZES 拡散成功したらこれの! キーホルダーだ!! 失敗したら作らん🤣🤣 https://t.co/2A820ibB2u」https://twitter.com/sisut829/status/1597868599225769984
GAUZES 水谷優流さん「ゆーるなんか観たくないとおもう シスト氏を期待してたと思う 期待外れでごめんね 自分なんかみなくても 他にカッコイイバンドの人達でるんでよろしく。」https://twitter.com/yururiyuruyu/status/1613307871869140992
Frostラジオ番組Blackout With Gods of Decay1月18(水)24時放送さん「Gods of Decay 1st album “Collective Psychosis” OUT NOW!! @Sliptrickrds Check it out! https://t.co/MDKBLaPgKe [Sliptrick Records] https://t.co/MmGFEaTugu [iTunes] https://t.co/bQdgNPOpwn #SliptrickRecords #CollectivePsychosis #SoundProjectSIVA #SGstrings #GWNN #JacksonGuitars」https://twitter.com/guitarist812/status/1467991111675555844
オオシマトモヒロ🇫🇷Sister Ley TERRO TERRO Agniさん「これはこの前作ったジェフベックのセッションのゲスト参加曲のプレイリスト、ロジャーウォーターズとケイトブッシュがお気に入り。 https://t.co/wvIbf3WycI」https://twitter.com/info_cassandra/status/1613406335072362496
MSGEX GAKUさん「MSGEX 10th Album「MSGEX presents "PAVILION 22FW"」 [特設サイト] https://t.co/56ZfDw5TdX [BOOTH] https://t.co/fwBwyImmld [XFD-Full Ver.-] [niconico] https://t.co/GJewDNEtrx [YouTube] https://t.co/JtQQy5tyZA #MSGEX #M3 #M3秋 #M3秋2022 #拡散希望 #チャンネル登録お願いします https://t.co/gUgF09rPQI」https://twitter.com/msgex/status/1578354456315445249
SEXX GEORGEさん「いよいよ今週末から始まる🔥 THE LADIESROOM SHOW !! Re-START ★柏PALOOZA ★名古屋 CLUB UPSET ★大阪Big Twin Shovel ★札幌SUSUKINO 810 チケット ●e+ https://t.co/aF67cePZ7t… ★岐阜羽島MAGIC ISLAND ★大阪POTATO KID ★札幌BAR STINGRAY チケット ●TIGET https://t.co/84yMxflOUb… https://t.co/27yJrifR8c」https://twitter.com/abikoshinonkai/status/1613343779951611905
BOYS ROOM🚹🚺@2/17上野さん「📣ライブ告知📣 BOYSROOMいざ東京へ🚃 2023年2月17日(金) 【タイトル】寒月の夜会 【会場】上野音横丁 【出演】高木フトシ/BOYSROOM/頼田陵介(UNCLOCK LOVER) OPEN18:00START18:30 【料金】前売り¥3,500/当日¥4,000(別途D代¥600) 【予約】https://t.co/nmuTJB8Syj ★アーティスト予約あり」https://twitter.com/BOYSROOM_info/status/1613114808970391554
Zeke Deuxさん「【後7日!初東名阪無料ワンマンツアー愛知編】 2023年1月18日(水) 今池CLUB 3STAR 前売 ¥0 / 当日 ¥0 (※D代別) プレミアムチケット(残り若干数!) https://t.co/xXg5SkcjGi ※目的のメンバーの推しメンフェイスタオル @xkakerux0712 @gt_haruka916 @TunBass @GERTENA_satsuki @Loa_drum https://t.co/Clwq2fNGMY」https://twitter.com/ZekeD_Official/status/1612992821455101953
101A infoさん「【2023年第1弾LIVE決定】 本年もマイペースでよろしくお願いいたします! 2023/3/10(金)池袋手刀 kehre. presents「Sea, swallow me」 ■出演 kehre. 101A …。【サイレンス】 ■open 18:30 / start 19:00  ■前売3,500円 / 当日4,000円 ◎前売券予約制 1/17 23:10~受付開始https://t.co/jVoXEZU4Qk https://t.co/EqdQCh0MQ9」https://twitter.com/_101A/status/1613123107497312257
中島卓偉さん「夜中に頼む。 #中島卓偉」https://twitter.com/takuinakajima/status/1613220568916193280
中島卓偉さん「日付変わって今日! #上野優香 #角打ちゆうか #tvk #中島卓偉」https://twitter.com/takuinakajima/status/1613221039965900801
中島卓偉さん「1曲も被らずアコギで3公演! 2公演目なんてハロー提供曲しかやらん! 独りで乗り込む真冬の札幌! 体脂肪8%! もっと卓偉に優しくしてほしい。 いや音楽処のスタッフの皆様は卓偉に優しいです。 #音楽処 #中島卓偉」https://twitter.com/takuinakajima/status/1613222750465986560
【貴族】Shinpei Mörishigeさん「大嫌いな冬でも満喫しなければSONだぜ ふと見上げると空に星が輝いてる夜は、ほろよいを片手に好きな音楽を聴きながら家まで歩いて帰ってみたりもする。 これを幸せと呼ばずして何と呼ぶ! https://t.co/jxODDsMsfY」https://twitter.com/KIZOKU_0927/status/1613245225451016193
MORRIEさん「明日1月11日(水)12:00よりチケット発売! https://t.co/umtDHOwEdA 【MORRIE the UNIVERSE “SOLITUDE”】 紡がれる存在と無の叙幻私 2023年2月18日(土) 浅草VAMPKIN DAY 14:00 Episode 102:  幻春の魔は恋を食い荒らし NIGHT 18:00 Episode 103:  影無き幻女と契りて故郷人無し愛の魂 https://t.co/HqRdq8GnN4」https://twitter.com/nowherenobodygu/status/1612630473880264706
こもだまり|昭和精吾事務所さん「昨日はお誕生祝いにいただいたお餅を鏡開きました。 おはようございます。 今日は朝から区役所に向かってます。 お昼に銀行、夜は新年初の砂々良 @sasara620 出勤です! https://t.co/YdLgcwoCqY」https://twitter.com/mari_air/status/1613320090010931200
Ryuichi Kawamuraさん「https://t.co/9JHDMeDzWW」https://twitter.com/RyuichiKawamur2/status/1613320414134165504
KINGRYOさん「おはようございます。 2023.1.13(金)am9:58 機材車🚐のお迎えと音源MIX最終日!! 今日も頑張りまーす🦁👍」https://twitter.com/kingryoworld/status/1613339612109471744
kein-officialさん「【LIVE情報】 本日TOUR 2023「木槿の柩」ツアー初日! 1月12日(木) 大阪BIGCAT 18:30 / 19:00 当日券販売します! 開場時間の18:30より会場入り口付近当日券売り場にて販売。 チケット料金: 指定席¥8,300(税込) ※入場時Drink代別途必要 先行物販は16:30より開始予定。 お待ちしております! https://t.co/KM20OHwls9」https://twitter.com/kein_official_/status/1613340028989755392
BUCK-TICK OFFICIALさん「本日(1/12)10:00〜 ファンクラブ&モバイルサイト会員限定ツアー 🔱FISH TANK × LOVE & MEDIA PORTABLE ONLY LIVE🔱 [振替公演] 1月18日(水)愛知:Zepp Nagoya 1月20日(金)福岡:Zepp Fukuoka のチケット追加受付(先着)を実施! お申込み・詳細は ▶️https://t.co/Vu369KDtqo #BUCKTICK #BUCKTICK35th」https://twitter.com/BUCKTICK_INFO/status/1613340357319659523
KINGRYOさん「間違えたw 今日は2023.1.12(木)だね( •́ɞ•̀)」https://twitter.com/kingryoworld/status/1613343556814663683
aieさん「遂に今夜・・・。 kein、23年振り(たぶん)のジャパン ツアー初日・・・。 大阪BIGCAT、 19時開幕・・・。 https://t.co/E64axZxq5S https://t.co/aDVjutWiXQ」https://twitter.com/THEGOD_aie/status/1613345204056256513
ヴィジュアル博士のる@監修オムニバスCD2種発売中さん「#Nowplaying Martyr - cocklobin (CHRONUS) ヴィジュアル系である以上"暗さ"を求めてしまうんだけど、個人的にはドロっとしたダークさよりも仄暗さぐらいが一番心地よい。 https://t.co/kCE8csjeIe」https://twitter.com/vr_noru/status/1613349257989468161
ヴィジュアル博士のる@監修オムニバスCD2種発売中さん「【Horizon/Makoto】 ex.the LEMのMakoto氏による、フルアルバム以来約半年ぶりとなる新譜はキラキラした音が眩しい、背中を押してくれるようなメジャーコード全開のポップなナンバー。 演奏を骨太な音で固めることにより、ロックとしての力強さも同時に感じることもできる、明るい気持ちになれる一曲。 https://t.co/epN1qESFXH」https://twitter.com/vr_noru/status/1613350354347003905
niguさん「3月20日(mon) 廃人バンド 池袋CHOP チケットの詳細です。 篤人君のOfficial HPお借りしております。 https://t.co/Fhf6eCxWpc 発売日同じだけど1部と2部で発売開始時間違うからお気をつけて。」https://twitter.com/nigu_chang/status/1613369898713112582
中島卓偉さん「本日【RADIO】生ゲストです! 1/12(木)12:00-14:54 ON AIR #ラジオ日本『#加藤裕介の横浜ポップJ』 @yokohama_popj 出演予定時刻:14:10-14:35頃 パーソナリティ:#加藤裕介、#香坂みゆき 生ゲスト:#中島卓偉 番組HP https://t.co/6VuAgX5tTN radiko https://t.co/VGbVyvsvkv #卓偉」https://twitter.com/takuinakajima/status/1613370036974149632
Hydeさん「[STAFF] THE LAST ROCKSTARS 1/29(日),30(月)東京ガーデンシアター公演の見切れ席のチケットがFC限定で販売決定! ※ステージおよび映像・演出が見えづらい席となります。 [申込期間] 1/18(水)12:00〜23:59 ▼HYDEIST https://t.co/bLPnbzRsSr #THELASTROCKSTARS #YOSHIKI #HYDE #SUGIZO #MIYAVI https://t.co/yC8meyjhqZ」https://twitter.com/HydeOfficial_/status/1613372196222808064
KING OFFICIALさん「【TOMORROW】 2023.1.13(金) 吉祥寺SHUFFLE KING RYO ONEMAN LIVE 〝完全なる独唱〟 OP18:00 ST18:30 ■入場 受付中 https://t.co/fVrWiN5YHk ※キャンセル連絡必須 [email protected] ■配信 https://t.co/HDKyuf2Xoq 〝完全なる独唱 ENCORE〟 START21:30 ■配信 https://t.co/yUPDnjKx6w https://t.co/O2BSf631q2」https://twitter.com/KINGOFFICIAL114/status/1613376742567313408
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mangoandwolfey · 3 years
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fuckyeahlegionm · 4 years
Legion M’s own Terri Lubaroff talks with director Tanya Wexler and comic artists Tula Lotay and Dani Strips about GWNN and about adapting comics to film!
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sephiraallen · 5 years
Legion M is using disruptive new equity crowdfunding laws to build an entertainment company owned by FANS. That's because we believe an entertainment company owned by its audience has a fundamental competitive advantage over those owned by Wall Street.
Fans are the ones who buy the tickets, pay the subscriptions, and fuel the multi-trillion dollar global entertainment industry. Individually, each of us is just a consumer, but together we have the power to shape the future of Hollywood. LegionM.com
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prf-dakota · 5 years
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Just got my #GWNN merch! It's going to be exciting to see how this turns out! The shirt even fits! #LegionM #comic #GirlWithNoName #western #film https://www.instagram.com/p/B5BcliblaWH/?igshid=1qgp1vr9doz2u
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hzrnvm · 2 years
oh also asking you about urinetown!! genuinely curious about it tell me stuff nowww
Urinetown is a work of fiction created by Muncee surrounding Mike, who takes care of Heaven. Green, Gwnn (Girl With No Name), and Jesse the Fonz were recent entries into heaven when Aufbau, the creator of the world decides that heaven has to stop existing for it's goal to be reached. Urinetown was preceded by After, a somewhat short introduction to the world and the meaning of heaven. Urinetown focuses heavily on the concept of nothing and how the characters relate to it. (ok im breaking the poor attempt at encyclopedic tone) It has this whole flippin' system for how the characters and the characters' symbolism on substance relate to each other and it's like sooo cool and it helps me with symbols and ideas. also there's Jimbo but i mean idk about him
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sixspades · 8 years
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Livestreaming tonight @ 8:30PM EST!
Come join me over on Picarto while I continue with this page from last week ^^
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inspirerae22 · 8 months
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Many of you do not know this, but Master, @bigmack61, and I are very active in our local community in the Central Texas Area. Master has been a board member and President of our local group, GWNN aka Group With No Name. I have mostly been involved with our group's yearly education weekend conference call, BASH, as a committee member. But in 2017, I stepped up and became the Producer of the event. Then again I stepped up in 2020 and became a board member. In 2022, as my last year as a board member, I stepped up once again to become the Producer of our yearly education weekend conference. I have not given up that title yet. I am still producing away and 2024 will be my 3rd year in a row and probably my last. So I am going to share our social media posts with you all. Enjoy. Question? My inbox is always open as long as you are respectful.
To be considered, apply to be a Presenter or Vendor at GWNN BASH. The application deadline is February 15th. Presenters can apply at https://bit.ly/3tnIjCi Vendors can apply at https://bit.ly/3uZETWN GWNN BASH XXXI - Be You June 27-30, 2024 Austin, Texas https://gwnnbash.com Questions?: [email protected]
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thehealingplum · 3 years
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Im a musician not a photographer.
This is gwnn. my guitar. my baby. my precious. my first.
her name is
cuz i was having an existential crisis and we’re discovering ourselves together. mmhm. me and gwnn.
im still brand new at guitar i dont even have my callouses yet T_T
gwnn is so precious to me tho cuz i have sacrificed my lovely claws for her. my beautiful long nails. my nails that i have always been proud of. sacrificed for music.
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fratboykate · 5 years
😂😂😂😂😂GONN. Papi you have no shame, i love your damn blog.
NOOOO wait. My bad, the network name is GWNN. I was thinking about CONN for CO but then I was like “No bitch, new year new you. CO is asleep. Leave him there. He taking his nap. He on break. This is 2020. You just GW now.” and then just forgot to switch the “O” out lol.
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charlesoberonn · 6 years
I'm calling my Avatar sequel idea Avatar: The Girl With No Nation (or GWNN for short).
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