checkadii · 2 months
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simpjaes · 4 months
hiii ! i'm new to your blog as i just joined tumblr like a month ago and stuff. so far i've read only first date etiquette and big dick for dummies from your blog and they're definitely my favourites from all of the fics i've read in total. your writing style is so amazing and your voice is so clear and concise. and tbh, tumblr was my first time reading smut and i was so scared reading it like it's porn on paper 😭😭 but then i gradually grew more confident in reading it and started having my own preferences because of your fics, i've realized that straight up smut does not appeal to me as much as smut with plot does because when i read first date etiquette, the smut was intense i'll say that, but i came for the plot and the plot was amazing. and big dick for dummies was so good and is definitely my favourite 😭😭 i want to read more of your works, but don't know where to start. so if it's alright with you what works do your recommend of yours to read for someone fairly new to your blog? thank you for this and have a nice day, i hope your blog reaches massice success and you get eternal happiness 😌😌 take care.
omgggg!!!! welcome beloved 🖤 i'm honored to be your introduction though I can be quite chaotic and a bit of a mess over here!
I'm a big fan of plot before the porn because I, personally, really love the build up and i feel like it makes it more impactful when the smut happens! ofc, don't force yourself to read smut if it makes you uncomfortable, but again, i'm very thankful to be one of the writers that helps you feel more confident in reading it!
if you want a lot of plot first, i'd recommend these two fics:
DISCLAIMER: they are dark fics, do not read them if it could make you feel uncomfortable pls, i want you to feel safe here!
FRENZY | (ao3) - 33k total FRENZY PART TWO - 14.2k total in which jake is your stalker and becomes the "perfect" boyfriend for you ONE OF THE DAMNED GIRLS | (ao3) - 20.4k ONE OF THE DAMNED GIRLS PT. 2- 21.8k in which sunghoon is a 328974938274329 year old vampire and you're an alt girl who...uh...thinks he's just a turbo goth with a blood kink
now, if you're looking for something shorter than like 40k, i'd suggest:
SERIAL-SWEETHEART (ft. sunghoon) (ao3)- 23.6k [warning: infidelity] in which sunghoon is your boyfriend and his little brother, jake, rly rly wants what his brother has.
AND!!! if you don't care who you're reading about, i highly suggest these fics from my other blog!
neighborly⇢ ao3⇢  18.8k ⇢ (seungcheol ft. mingyu) the one where your husband, seungcheol, fucks you in front of the window to help the neighbor (mingyu) get off and then said neighbor shows up at the door a week later. the perks of being that guy   ⇢  ao3⇢ 14k    the one where jihoon is a dildo salesman, a caterer, a self-titled mechanic, and also your ride home. he is not an expert in any of his jobs, but he sure is an expert in wit and, well, other things. follow through ⇢ao3 ⇢ mark x afab reader | hyuck x afab reader ⇢ 23.5k   the one where mark has feelings for you and your friendships grows sexual over text after you move away. when you come back, he has no idea how to keep the same energy. also, haechan is your new fwb and he’s also mark’s best friend.
that being said, ;-; thank you so much for reading <3 hope i can continue to provide!
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woolmasterleel · 3 years
OC rambling again
Demi is a really heavy sleeper (gotta rest those ancient bones)
MOTHERBOARD does everything Sophia doesn’t. She is the security system, she makes the morning tea (or coffee), she drags Demi out of bed
Kisaki sleeps standing up probably
Coral and Pearl keep trying to teach Pea how to swim, but he’s too afraid
Demi cannot swim. He just sits in the water like an old person
Alice (Tagashei and Kisaki’s daughter) is less afraid of Magyrah’s massice blood-dragon form than she is of Mad Rabbit
Kisaki makes Tagashei proof read his research papers
It takes Sophia a really long time to put her hair up (understandably), Demi usually helps her
Lady G’s wife is named Pandora...........
Pandora is the one who organizes and records who is in Limbo and what for
Of course Pandora looks like a pretty flower lady. Until she doesn’t
Mirror is so stupid for falling for a wanted criminal, but at least he’s better now
The guy really started gardening and decided he liked it more than smashing things with his massive hammer
Yugami wants attention, but then he doesn’t
He doesn’t understand Lady Galvarium and that drives him nuts
That is all, thank you and goodnight <(_ _)>
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avengernerdone · 5 years
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So Wyrm-Boi.
What if
See I thought this whole time Wyrmie was Steven portraying as his own inner turmoil-after all, he hasn't been a "human" in so long it would make sense that any self-toxicity he has would not be recognized as a biologically human reaction to all the PTSD he has. He wouldn't see it in himself so what would he do? BOOM he transform himself into warm boi.
But then I stayed thinking that he's not that big. Sure, he's a diamond. But only partly, and while Rose totally transformed her entire physical light Steven is light (only the light of my life). He has organs, and he physically would not be able to stretch his body to the massive amount of what Wyrmie is.
But who is made of light? All the colors?
White Diamond.
You don't go through thousands of years thinking you are perfect then suddenly change in three years. Especially to such a infinite being, that's no time for them.
And we saw in "Change your Mind" how EASY it was for White to change just by sweet boi Steven talking back. She's quick to change.
Rose, arguably the weakest of the Diamonds (but by no means weak), changed into Rose Quartz for earth and Garnet. For everyone. She did that for thousands of years, non-stop.
White is the strongest by herself. She is the Massice Player, this Big Guy, the first. Literally the biggest WITHOUT fusion.
And we know corruption makes the infected Gen bigger, correct?
Whose the only one who can possible get that ginormous? Bigger then White?
White Diamond.
White Diamond corrupted Theory my dudes.
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squatsteader · 6 years
Hillbilly squatter attempts to build a Miwok house in the sierras
The Miwok is a loose nit group of North central Californian Amerindians, still present today in a number of small ‘Rancherias’, like reservations in miniature. What’s interesting about them is their adaptation to three basic geographical locations, and their semi-nomadic relationships with these regions. The pacific coast offered a rich source in protein and pretty much everything one needed for nourishment, so much so that pre hispanic corn cultivation  never really caught on…..why? They didn’t need it.
The central valley of Cali runs  north-south through  practically the entire state, and was also a rich source in wild food supply. Back in the day, before most all of it was drained off, massive networks of lakes, swamps, inlets and rivers was the predominant feature, providing the Miwok families with reeds to build tightly constructed, waterproof, and architecturally intriguing lodges. Reeds were the main material for canoe making as well. So many wildfowl lived here, and migrated through here, that the old trope of “wings in such number as to darken the skies” was a common occurrence, especially in Fall and Winter for the migrations.
The foothills and higher ranges of the Sierras offered much as well during the summers. The Miwoks in that region concentrated on acorns as a dependable food supply, augmented by fishing, elk and deer hunting, etc. Berries also grew in profusion throughout the ranges.
These early days of prehistory must have been a wild food paradise, which afforded the people much free time for a culturally rich existence, replete with myths, dancing, gaming (including gambling ironically) song, and sport. This was completely destroyed as the Catholic “Missions” of the Spaniards became, basically, slave labor camps where the Miwok and many other groups were forced to work, subsisting on inferior diets. Many took to the hills, some rebelled. As many as 90% perished, though their numbers have rebounded some, in the latter 20th century.
When the “americans”, Scotch Irish, German, English, etc, arrived on the scene with the intense gold fever that infected the mountians, the Miwok were literally hunted like game, as the minors used dogs, poison, cannon, deception and trickery, and rifles to very nearly commit mass genocide. But the Miwok clung to an existence of the hidden refugee, finally reaching a modicum of legal security by the 20th century.
Tho basically an Appalachian raised hillbilly without a drop of Indian blood, Ive always been fascinated by all facets of Native American life, and so, exploring the Sierras in the Yosemite region, homeland to the Miwok and others, I found a little secret glade off the road to try and build a Miwok traditional lodge. Their basic structure included Large planks of bark and outer wood peeled from large pines cedar, and sequoia. Many of the larger lodges were grubbed into the ground several feet, especially the  meeting houses, kind of a communal livingroom space for the entire village, where much gambling was had, important political meetings conducted, ceremonies held, and story telling that reached deep into the night, as logs were draped on the fire, which burned slow in a pit at the center.
My lodge was much the same, tho I used mainly deadfall for the structure, leaned tepee style, around a circular pit roughly three feet deep. The extra dirt I then mounded around the bottom of the structure, adding further insulation for those fall and early spring nights still white with frost.
My lodge still stands, I hope, probably curtained with drifts of snow 20 and more feet, which means its mostly buried. I often think about the lodge at night, in the dark of my squat in the city, I picture lazing by the pit fire at the center, gazing at the stars  through the  smoke hole above. Listening to owls and Coyotes…
I’d like to think the ghosts of those people could still be heard singing, their drums adding as rhythm pounded from the earths center, its heartbeat. But those drums have quietened, for many many generations. Even so, I hear that ceremonies still take place in the rancherias, that programs dedictaed to the revitalization of their native language are strong, and indeed drums can still be heard in the rancheras, with the rich smoky tang of acorns slowly cooking in massice iron pots. The heart of the earth still beats...
What can we learn abt these intriuging people? Let’s imagine we were able to get our population levels down, maybe a pipedream, maybe an impossibility. But just imagine a central vally reflooded with massive lakes supporting very nearly an equal amt of food recources as today. I’m not a back-to -the stoneage kinda guy. We very likely cannot afford to try and save our planet without it at this stage. But: we can most certainly learn from those who were able to sustain themselves comfortable wothout damaging thier environment.
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kierancampire · 3 years
Can someone help me
I noticed this massice crack has, suddenly appeared on my wall, so i called Axis to get them to take a look and fix it, guy insisted it was a hairline crack from the building moving, told me to paint over it as they won't do anything
So i asked what about the rest of the cracks and holes in the walls, i said about how the windows can be pushed from the walls, and how my ceiling is literally rotting away in my airing cupboard. The wind has been awful lately, strong winds, the noise of the wind blowing into my flat is so loud, it's freezing and i can feel it hitting me 6 feet away. I mentioned the mold too, he said the guy who came and checked it said there are works being done on the building, so they're hoping whatever's being done fixes it. I said all of this stuff is inside my flat though and they're only doing external works, so it doesn't solve anything (also, the guy who came last time said they'd clean the mold). The guy repeated the council are doing works so they will do nothing
I stressed how i don't feel safe, i then mentioned how it has been 3 months since i reported my front door isn't attached properly and no one's done anything. The guy told me to get photos of this all, i said people have already been over and taken photos. He repeated again that they are not going to do amything, i started crying then hung up. I got told people were coming to sort all these issues, but they lied as no one's coming to do anything.
I don't feel safe. I am so cold in my flat, the wind is making me depressed. But this crack, just the state of the walls, all the other cracks and holes, the state of my ceiling, he and others can say otherwise, but i disagree, it is such a massive crack and to appear so suddenly, and with everything else. It's not right, i don't feel safe, but they won't help me
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chimericarchitect · 7 years
gallionicTrickster 2
-- gallionicTrickster [GT] began trolling talentedSalad [TS] at 20:24 --
[08:24] GT: limey
[08:24] TS: yeah, assfag?
[08:25] GT: your gay
[08:25] GT: that is all
[08:25] TS: FACT
[08:26] TS: For more facts, sign up at EATMYASS.GOV
[08:26] GT: ew hell no
[08:27] GT: your ass probobly tastes like limeade
[08:27] GT: mixed with ass
[08:27] TS: yeah. facts are gross.
[08:27] GT: and lowblood shit
[08:27] TS: pff
[08:27] TS: noice
[08:27] GT: noice as fuck broskey
[08:27] TS: Broskey
[08:27] TS: u ghey
[08:28] GT: not as ga as aV
[08:29] TS: Me too though. Champions of Ghey, aV and I. You could be too, if only you were GREEN
[08:29] GT: im basically green
[08:29] GT: with envy
[08:29] TS: or vomit
[08:30] GT: of how simple your retard lives are
[08:30] TS: yep. vom
[08:30] TS: compare your lowly self to my mighty form
[08:30] TS: and tremble
[08:30] GT: my nook wasnt ready
[08:30] GT: can you fuckin tuck that shit away
[08:31] TS: It is tucked away. That's just how MIGHTY it is.
[08:31] GT: yikes
[08:31] GT: can you not
[08:31] GT: i ordered an adult like an hour ago
[08:31] GT: my waiter sucks ass
[08:32] GT: probobly cause they are a limeblood
[08:32] TS: Here is your order, Sir. Sorry for the delay.
[08:32] TS: https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/13561562_304011619936407_1506883607_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTI4OTAxOTEzMjUyMDIxNTM2Mw%3D%3D.2
[08:32] TS: Avocado toast with bluberries
[08:33] TS: special 4 u
[08:33] GT: wow
[08:33] GT: id say that was rom antic if i wasnt so disgusted by the thought of those colors mixing
[08:34] GT: which im not
[08:34] GT: your move gay boy
[08:34] TS: bustAsickMove.exe
[08:34] TS: ur move assfag
[08:35] GT: bustAnevenSickermove.exe
[08:35] TS: oh SHIT
[08:35] GT: my body is ready
[08:36] GT: thats cause lowblood get shit pc's
[08:36] TS: tru
[08:36] TS: bet yours is clogged with pics of lowblood BULGE tho
[08:36] GT: come to my hive and experience the granduer of being part of a tyranical oligarchy
[08:36] GT: so much lowblood bulge
[08:37] GT: all of it in fact
[08:37] TS: o hellllllll no blu boi
[08:37] TS: i just got my ass waxed
[08:37] TS: lowblood shit is wack
[08:38] GT: mad wack
[08:38] TS: MadWackingIt.jpeg
[08:39] GT: thats lewd
[08:39] GT: i aprove
[08:39] TS: yep
[08:39] TS: ok hang on
[08:39] TS: here's somethin youre gonna like
[08:44] TS: https://78.media.tumblr.com/da81750fe3cd3b5648328783b234a6fc/tumblr_owrmd6NmU21wcqdpto1_1280.png
[08:44] TS: On the house
[08:45] GT: looks like it tastes like cock
[08:45] GT: PEAcock
[08:45] GT: badum tis
[08:45] TS: holy shit
[08:45] TS: ImpressivePun.png
[08:45] GT: holy shit
[08:46] GT: EasilyImpressed.gif
[08:46] TS: like dis?
[08:46] TS: https://i.makeagif.com/media/10-26-2014/exoIzn.gif
[08:47] GT: yeah that basically what i think of everytime i say anything to any of you lowblood fags
[08:48] TS: snooty booty
[08:48] TS: that's ur name now assfag
[08:48] GT: pfffft
[08:48] GT: i aint even
[08:48] GT: you ever try talking to a clown
[08:48] TS: no?
[08:48] GT: those guys are high as fuck
[08:48] TS: how high?
[08:48] TS: AreYouMAdCuzUrShort.exe
[08:49] GT: yeah pretty much
[08:49] TS: Me too, buddy. Me too.
[08:49] GT: seadwellers are massice cunts
[08:49] GT: like
[08:49] GT: legit cunts
[08:50] GT: not like me
[08:50] GT: well
[08:50] GT: kinda like me
[08:50] GT: except like
[08:50] GT: 100 times more cunty
[08:50] TS: Maybe that's why they live in the water. Because they're wet and salty.
[08:50] GT: yeah like my nook
[08:50] TS: YIKES.png
[08:51] GT: im a degenerate
[08:51] GT: my house is a giant bucket
[08:51] GT: its still overflowing
[08:51] TS: oh lord jegus
[08:51] TS: is THAT why u wanted me to come over?
[08:51] GT: the drones get scared when they make the rounds
[08:51] GT: lol no
[08:52] GT: i wanted you to come see retards try to open a front door thats actually a wall
[08:52] GT: im watching it on camera 6 right now
[08:52] GT: they dumb as hell
[08:52] TS: Don't lie. You just want me to clean your shit.
[08:52] TS: I don't pick up corpses.
[08:53] GT: man i just fill buckets with blood and give it to the drones anyway
[08:53] GT: not like they can tell the difference
[08:53] GT: system broken
[08:53] GT: ezpz
[08:53] TS: TopKek.gif
[08:53] GT: RareTrollPepe.png
[08:54] TS: Mai Lawd an Saveyur
[08:54] GT: wtf are you even saying retard
[08:54] GT: nvm i decoded it
[08:55] GT: with my vaqstly superior intellect
[08:55] TS: it was almost too much for you, huh?
[08:55] GT: yeah
[08:55] GT: i hear thast alot
[08:55] TS: ^_^
[08:55] GT: your gay as shit
[08:55] TS: You bet your blue raspberry bootycheeks I am
[08:56] GT: sempai pls
[08:56] GT: calm down sempai im not ready yet
[08:56] TS: no
[08:57] TS: spred them lIKE BUTTER
[08:57] TS: on my AVOCADO TOAST
[08:57] GT: i must obey my lowblood superior
[08:57] GT: its the law
[08:58] TS: -chokes on ur massive ego-
[08:58] TS: -and mine-
[08:58] TS: -at the same time-
[08:58] GT: do you wanna touch egos bro?
[08:58] GT: its not gay if its in private
[08:59] TS: If that ain't the gayest shit I ever did hear
[08:59] TS: with my own two vibration catchers
[08:59] TS: then I have never heard a word
[09:00] GT: sounds about right
[09:00] TS: Sorry, I can't hear you. Is that gay or am I deaf?
[09:00] GT: both
[09:00] TS: DUN DUN
[09:00] TS: SuspenseReleased.gif
[09:01] GT: i hear cerulean bulge can cure that
[09:01] TS: holy fuck
[09:01] TS: You're back on your bullshit, I see
[09:01] GT: yeah pretty much
[09:01] TS: LonelyAssFag.jpeg
[09:01] GT: its EveryDayBro.exe
[09:01] TS: we should start a clan
[09:02] GT: yeah
[09:02] GT: call it lonely gay boys.com
[09:02] TS: Perfect. it will be for the most pathetic and lonely.
[09:02] GT: yeah
[09:02] GT: like me
[09:02] GT: i am top notch gaytard supreme
[09:03] GT: no one challenges my dryness
[09:03] TS: Get urself a seadweller. I hea they MoistBois.png
[09:03] GT: ew no
[09:03] GT: i hate seafood
[09:03] TS: fish filet
[09:04] GT: those guys are always up to something fishy
[09:04] GT: i dont trust it
[09:04] TS: you don't want the............
[09:04] TS: cod piece?
[09:04] GT: fuck
[09:04] GT: i cant compete
[09:04] GT: these memes are off the dankospectrum
[09:05] TS: Oh shit. My dankometer broke. How high on the dankospectrum AREwe??
[09:05] GT: danker than SmokeWeedEverday-d-Day.png
[09:06] GT: its gone past lime and jade
[09:06] GT: its like
[09:06] GT: fuschia levels of dank
[09:06] GT: unacceptable
[09:06] TS: Oh. My. LORDLY. COCKWRANGLER. I do NOT want to get locked up for this violation of dank safety regulations.
[09:07] TS: Put on your helmet, tardo and buckle your McFuckin belt
[09:07] GT: ok
[09:07] TS: TailspinInitiate.exe
[09:08] TS: CrashAndBurn.gif
[09:08] TS: HuffRubble.jpeg
[09:08] GT: ok
[09:08] TS: yo
[09:08] GT: ok
[09:08] TS: Yo
[09:08] GT: ok~
[09:08] TS: YO
[09:09] GT: yes dadi~
[09:09] TS: no
[09:09] GT: ok
[09:09] TS: YOOOOOO
[09:09] GT: fuck your easily amused
[09:10] TS: Or easily agitated. Hard to tell through a husktop, yeha?
[09:10] GT: how dare you
[09:10] GT: i feel threatended
[09:10] GT: dont speak to me or my lusus ever again
[09:11] GT: come over anytime ><3
[09:13] TS: hopy shiz
[09:14] TS: don't eat any corpses before dessert
[09:14] GT: yikes
[09:15] GT: i signed up for some bad times
[09:16] TS: yeah, maybe later.
[09:16] TS: gtg
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that1badassbitch · 7 years
So i just had a weirdly detailed dream. It started with like a book back summary of the plot? It was like "poor hero made something her dad wasn't supposed to see but her phone died and shunted all her phone things to her dad's computer for back up so she has to get friends to wipe his harddrive while she finishes her crazy intense mission treasure hunt" Then I was this chick digging a massice, deep hole to get to a treasure chest with a clue to where I go next in it, and it opened to a huge cave system and I opened the chest and it told me to go to a power plant at the end of the system and "you'll know what to do." So I go zipping high speed through these caves and manage to get a rifle shotgun hybrid thing and I'm shooting monsters like BAM. I get to the power plant and these monsters have taken over and there's a class of kids on a field trip there so I go around and kill all the monsters and eventually tell the teacher to get the kids outta there, it's safe to escape now so git gone. AND THEN POLICE. I put the gun down and put my hands up but this one cop is still pointing a gun at me as he's talking and getting closer and he makes a comment like "you look like trouble" but in like a flirty tone? And he glances at my hands where my fingernails are shaped into claws and I get a brilliant idea! So I tackle the guy and rake my claws down his neck/chest,(which was really hot like damn it couldve been a sex dream at that point) then while he's giving me this smirky self satisfied look I choke him out. I get up and sprint for the hallways deeper in where I somehow know my treasure is waiting and find the room bc the number is my address number I guess and I go in and find my boxes of goodies and it's Accessories mostly. Pretty ones, but mostly accessories. And then there was makeup all over and it looked fancy as hell So I packed it all up in the boxes and got ready to go when suddenly there's the cop I choked in the doorway and he kinda calmly offers me this martini glass with purple stuff in it and I'm thinking "wow I should not drink something from someone I choked out and otherwise do not know" as I take the glass and try a sip (it was super creamy and kinda flowery??) And then he says "That's more what I had in mind when I said trouble" And I shit you not somehow I was so upset by his sad, betrayed-by-his-gf-action-hero tone that I woke up and said "what the fuck?" And I couldn't get back to sleep because I was so upset by this figment of my imagination being sad that I scratched him nd then choked him out Why can't I have normal sex dreams
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watachan · 6 years
Don’t panic guys!
OK, so I know everyone is panicking with that “massic blog suppression” tumblr is doing, but we need to stay calm. People have already said they were deleted then asked their blogs back and were accepted back into tumblr.
Just, no panic guys! I know I don’t have a huge count of followers, but to the ones that will read this, don’t panic.
Anyway, I guess I can promote my instagram since I’m here: I’m watachan89 there. Just doing it because everyone is sharing their infos.
We’ll survive this. See you guys tomorrow! :)
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itsiotrecords-blog · 7 years
What makes a weapon powerful? The word powerful can be very subjective in this case. Causing massive annihilation is powerful but so is inciting fear in a prolonged and painful manner. Anything that can destroy lives and properties is powerful, conversely anything that can protect lives and properties from these 25 most powerful weapons in history is also equally powerful. There is no stopping any country or institution from proving to the world how powerful they can be whether by destroying their enemy or protecting their own.
#1 Maxim Machine Gun A self powered machine gun that could fire 600 rounds per minute which is equivalent to the firepower of 30 contemporary bolt action rifles. It has mostly been associated with British conquests and was famously used when 700 British soldiers fought off 3,000 warriors with just four Maxim guns in the Battle of Shangani.
#2 Pumhart von Steyr With a ball diameter of 80 cm, this super gun was the largest weapon used in 15th century Austria. Heeresgeschichtliches Museum at Vienna houses this monstrous bombard today.
#3 Monster Mortar The world’s largest cannon ever has a caliber of 975 mm. Created by Joseph Paixhans, this monster weapon staked its notoriety during the Siege of Antwerp in 1832.
#4 Tsar Cannon This engraved cannon is the largest howitzer ever made. It weighs 38 tonnes and is 5.34 meters long. Built in 1586, this massive weapon is now being displayed at the Kremlin in Moscow Russia.
#5 Mark I The first war vehicle to be called a tank could carry 5 machine guns and 8 soldiers. Mark I had several upgrades numbered II to X but all bore the same resemblance to their “Mother”. This massive tank and its variants were used by several countries throughout the First World War.
#6 Karl Gerat This mean machine created by Rheinmetall for the Nazi war machine was the largest self-propelled weapon to be used in actual attacks during World War II.
#7 Schwerer Gustav and Dora These two humongous World War II era German 80 cm railway siege guns are the largest caliber rifled weapons in history used in live combat and its shells are the heaviest of any ammunition ever.
#8 RPG-71 The Ruchnoy Protivotankovyy Granatomyot or hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher or simply the RPG is the most widely used anti-armor weapon in the world. Used by both militaries and insurgent groups, RPG’s even the battlefield out against opponents with more heavy artillery.
#9 B41 (MK-41) This gravity bomb is the United States’ most powerful nuclear warhead ever but has already been retired in 1957. The only 2 bombers that carried it were the B-52 Stratofortress and B-47 Stratojet.
#10 P-270 Moskit With a top speed of Mach 3, this Russian supersonic ramjet powered cruise missile makes it hard for enemies to counter attack. Not only that, because of the active military weapons’ secrecy, little is known about it’s background except for some measurements, calculated speed and a few other bits of very basic information.
#11 P-800 Onyx Other than the fact that its recorded speeds are between Mach 2.9 up to a whopping Mach 5.7 making it way faster than the previous item on this list, this Russian supersonic anti-ship cruise missile can also effectively sink a US carrier. That’s powerful.
#12 Shabab missiles A class of long range Iranian missiles that could potentially reach up to 5,000 km, Shahab missile upgrades are shrouded in secrecy but the assumption is that they would be used during a possible invasion by Israel.
#13 Agni Missile The Agni missile is a family of medium to intercontinental range ballistic missiles developed by India, named after one of the five elements of nature.
#14 Fat Man and Little Boy We all are familiar with the Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombings that changed the course of history during the last World War. Named after film characters, these two infamous nuclear bombs gave humanity a shocking memory of what warfare can do to a nation and its future generation.
#15 B53 The 9 megatons of TNT in B53 staked their claim as the most powerful warhead ever. It is one of the last very high yield thermonuclear bombs in the U.S. service but is no longer used actively.
#16 MOAB/GBU-43/B Massive Ordinance During the time of its development, the Mother of all Bombs or the officially named GBU-43/B Massice Ordinance was considered the most powerful non-nuclear weapon ever designed. Tested on March 11, 2003, its blast can destroy 9 city blocks with a radius of 137.61 m. A larger version of 13 tons was reportedly developed.
#17 FOAB or Aviation Thermobaric Bomb of Increased Power (ATBIP) Nicknamed “Father of All Bombs” (FOAB), this is a Russian-made air-delivered/land-activated thermobaric weapon. In describing the bomb’s destructive power, Russian deputy chief of the general staff Alexander Rukshin was quoted as saying, “all that is alive merely evaporates.”
#18 Tsar Bomba Remember those enormous mushroom cloud explosions in history books? Well those were caused by these guys. The Tsar Bomb had a mass of 27 tons and would create a fireball with a radius of 3.5 kilometers.
#19 Nimitz Class Aircraft Carrier With twin nuclear reactors that don’t need refueling for 23 years and bays that are capable of holding up to 130 F/A-18 Hornets just the appearance of this carrier in any region is enough to influence global politics.
#20 The Airborne Laser/Boeing YAL-1 The Boeing YAL-1 Airborne Laser Testbed, (formerly Airborne Laser) weapons system is a megawatt-class chemical oxygen iodine laser (COIL) mounted inside a modified Boeing 747-400F. It is primarily designed as a missile defense system to destroy tactical ballistic missiles (TBMs) but funding for the program was cut in 2010.
#21 The Predator and Predator B (aka The Reaper) Used by the United States, the Royal Air Force, and the Italian Air Force, these drones are becoming increasingly common for both combat and recon operations.
#22 The Trident II D5 SLBM Launched from a submarine, this missile contains eight thermonuclear warheads. That’s bad news for anybody even remotely near the target.
#23 R-36 ICBM The difference between the previous entry and this Russian missile are the number of warheads that it can carry and the fact that it is normally launched from dry land. With its massive payload this ICBM wouldn’t have much trouble initiating a nuclear holocaust.
#24 Dead Bodies Nuclear bombs and lasers are scary and powerful, no doubt about that. But as they say there’s more than one way to skin a cat, and if you’re going for slow, mentally devastating destruction sometimes launching the diseased riddled bodies of prisoners that you’ve executed back over the city walls is the most sadistic way to go about decimating a  population.
#25 Chimera Viruses As we just said, being able to destroy an entire city in less than a second with the push of a button is one way to measure destructive power, but being able to selectively and slowly decimate a population with disease and infection is so unconventionally brutal that it has to top the list.
Source: List25
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Bad day
Zorya: hey guys we dont have much to report today Avea: we have mainly stayed in our room a Lily: and did homework Rei: we still do not really thag great Ovea: and have a massice headache
Jessica: and are still recovering from yeasterday
0 notes