starshine-valley · 1 year
How does Haruka Kiritani feel about being THE more more jump member ever
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engagemythrusters · 1 year
okay. ahsoka. here we go
Immediately a fan of the music. Did they get the same people as TBOBF and The Mandalorian? The Ludwig person? Forgot the name…
But also red? Why red crawl?
Why is she searching for Thrawn not Ezra. Like I know the two left together but you think Ezra would be the priority. Not thrawn.
Aaand there’s the ship. Always start Star Wars with a ship.
Uuuugh my pirate site keeps buffering. Booooooooo
“They’re jedi” okay vibe but are they actually. Or is it those sorta-Sith guys
Ugh okay my annoying I have to go without subtitles now… :/ tbjs js gonna be hard
Okay that was a very Star Trek move. Why. For what.
Shin Hati evil love that for her. Love evil gorls
Evil granpa got shoulders daaamn love that for him
Ah it’s Bad Wig Girl.
God seriously why are the wigs so bad. Fucjing Disney. Boo.
Man I miss when Star Wars had cool titles. Phantom Menace. Return of the Jedi. Now it’s just fuckin NAMES.
Oooo interesting place. Old jedi temple? Looks like it.
Aaand her Lekku and Montrals still look like shjt styrofoam.
Okay fun lightsaber trick. At least theh didn’t forget how cool Ahsoka Tano is.
Wonder if we’ll see Morai…
Oh wow. Ahsoka wearss lipgloss ig. Okay.
This is very slow paced. Move a lil girl.
Those remind me a lil of the Zeffo spheres. But if they were filled. Idk maybe I’m making a connection that isn’t there. I just really like Star Wars Jedi games. Their lore was WAY COOL.
What do droids need capes for tho. Like why. That’s literally so fuckin impractical
God I love T-6 shuttles. Best Star Wars ship. I mean other than bobas. But yeah T-6 sexiest SW ship
Do we get to see Sabine soon I miss her
Okay her makeup and contacts really really suck
Hera just. Disbelieving. I get it. She’s so hurt she can’t let herself hurt anymore.
“Does that mean Ezra—“ WEEPING
Hera “oh my god more jedi bullshit I can never escape” Syndulla
Oh lothal so so pretty
Ohhh it’s that wall
Ohhhhhh weeping
Oh she’s not there
Hehe I love her
I love u Jai
God look at them. Look at the wall. Christ. Kanan…
Hehe sabine
Sabine u shit hehe
This is a good actress for her 10/10 thank you for giving yourself to our beloved explosions girl
“She’s crazy” yeah she had years of being stupid with Ezra to make her nuts xoxo
What’s the kitties name
Ohh it even uses the same loth cat sounds from the show AND real kitty sounds
What’s the NAME of kittyyyyy
Oh Ezra’s stuff 😭
“More than others” WHAT?! Okay. Not sure what that means.
Not sure that I like the change that recording brought. But. It’s okay I’ll accept it.
Evil gorl <3
WHYD she choose such a bland ass name then?!?!!
oh my god. Jesus that was force shit wasn’t it. Fuck that oh my fod DONT MAKE HER FORCE SENSITIVE YOU DUMB FUCKS. IM SO FUCKING MAD.
Haircut time?
No not yet.
That was CRAP dialogue. That was HORRIBLE. Wow. Oh my god fire these writers. So hard.
I do love this music tho. It’s p good.
Okay so far it does NOT make sense how ahsoka arrives at the tower at the end of rebels. This isn’t fair. I loved that scene so much.
Awww chopper drawing.
Okay she’s a puzzle maker now as well as an artist? That’s dumb
And she’s gonna steal it isn’t she hehe she is def Ezra’s sister >:)
Huyang like “I taught this”
Luke so not the only jedi he was meant to be hehe I mean k get it. But also it’s so dumb 😂
Sad that they didn’t make Lothals mountains just like the ones in the real series.
callin him Turkeyleg until told otherwise
Sigh I miss Ezra.
Fucking miss Kanan. It still hurts so much.
It’s been so long does Sabine still hurt? Does she still miss him the way she used to?
Heraaaa hiii 🥰
Hera knows her daughter
Okay so why is holograms so. Sounding like this. It’s more… MORE. Than how they used to sound. Is technology worsening or some shit?? Don’t like that.
Ahsoka stop being MEAN TO MY SABINE.
Yeah SNIPS. Ha.
Heras greatest strength is that she is understanding above all else. And I love her sm for it.
I better be
Palm hand fist…
Okay fine.
Mr Tukeyleg
Ah shit yeah I figured
Nothing will ever be easy for her. Nor for ezra.
She can use a lightsaber and she can use the Darksaber BUT BY GOD SHE IS NOT FORCE SENSITIVE
Why are u flying so slow 😭
No not my girl 😭
Oh is that the end ep 1?
Oh who is Ray? Rest well, Ray <3
Ep two coming in a sec.
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starlightrows · 2 years
Welcome back to Krax (re)Watches. Tonight I’m watching the first episode of The Bad Batch and giving my unfiltered thoughts. I don’t remember shit from watching this the first time
Episode 1 — Aftermath
I forgot about the red clone wars logo!!!
Grey temples Obi Wan appearance, 😌
Baby Kanan!!!! Caleb!!!!
That was a fun entrance
Wrecker being able to push a 1000 pound tank is wildly impressive
The droid saying “I guess I’m in charge now” and then immediately getting shot is such a mood
Green armor is a great look
Tech not even looking up from his computer… rude ass iPad kid
Master Bilabba… my beloved
Having to relive Order 66 again… ouchie
This snowy forest is honestly really pretty
Crosshair shooting first has cop vibes, nasty
Can you imagine? Caleb just fuckin ices Crosshair? Show would have such a different vibe
Hunter instantly lying about Caleb jumping to his death has major dad vibes
Crosshair you nosy ass bitch
Master Shaak Ti 😭
Messy ass men’s dorm room
Crosshair is like an annoying coworker. Passive aggressive. Low key a narc.
“And MY exceptional mind” pretentious
“You are more machine than man, percentagewise” ableist
How has no one ever seen Omega before?
The clones cheering for the emporer’s speech has such an uncomfortable thing to watch
She sounds Australian
Hunter dad squats down to talk to her
Tarkin has nazi pants
Can you imagine being a fuckin 10 year old and going to hang out with a bunch of 20 something year old soldiers
SOUP clone
Crosshair thinks he’s too good for a food fight… loser
Echo’s PTSD makes me sad
“Turned into that” referring to Echo’s prosthetics… why do people like this guy?
Fucking hell I just realized the first episode is over and hour long…
“For which you will be fairly compensated” — viewing the clones as merchandise is disgusting
Tube Babies!!!
5 is all that remain… Echo is a regular clone… she’s talking about Omega
Crosshair filed a report stating Kanan lived. Snitch.
I fully forgot about Saw being in this
Tech believe propaganda
If you love the emperor so much, why don’t ya marry him Crosshair
Tech just casually stating Omega’s an enhanced clone
Crosshair litters
I really love the idea that troopers have little family pictures
The Corrie guard got sent back to Kamino and immediately started acting like top dog
Body glove scene
Omega creating sympathy for Crosshair makes sense in a narrative way, I guess… but I just do not like him.
Tarkin is crusty as fuck
Why did they let Tech keep his nerd goggles?
Still undecided on if Wrecker has a false eye or a white eye?
Lol they’re running around in their undies
My desire for a Lula plushie has been renewed
Take a shot every time Crosshair says the word “orders” take two every time someone else says it
Finish your drink every time Crosshair litters by spitting his toothpicks
I forgot how little resolution we get about the Kaminoans intentions
I remember watching this the first time and being a big Wrecker girl, and I still am sort of, but honestly none of them really do it for me anymore 😅 I’ve spent too long thirsting after Boba and Wolffe
Final Notes:
Unwhitewash The Bad Batch, others have more and better things to say on this topic but it must be stated if I’m going to make a post about this show at all.
I forgot literally everything about this show, and part of the reason why is because I didn’t like it that much 😅
Still gonna watch the rest and season 2 though
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daincrediblegg · 2 years
in an act of desperation for more star wars content I have regretfully decided to watch the sequel trilogy again (with the exemption of ROS for my own sanity)
#yes I will be filtering out the bad bits with my OWN edits in my head which frankly make more sense and disney should have hired me to do#and all the shit that s&p no doubt had a hand in fucking up royally to the detriment of storytelling#everyone is going to kill me for saying also that the only solid through-line is ben solo's whole shit- and rey's also up until ROS#for the record this really is my only option I have watched all of clone wars I have watched all of rebels (kanan x hera FTW)#I have literally nothing except perhaps to watch The Mandolorian and TBOBF again and I won't let it come to that until season 3 of Mando#is about to drop#also controversial but Rogue One is kinda meh. It walked so Kenobi could force-jump kick-flip through the air over it.#I respect it for that service but nothing more#also I was firmly in the 'rey is a kenobi or perhaps a jinn' camp back when TFA came out and I still am but also liked that TLJ made her#a nobody so I'm conflicted#WAS convinced the guy Poe was talking to on Jakuu was related to Rey and now with the new info in Kenobi I can become more convinced he was#obi wan's brother but hey... hindsight is a bitch of a thing ain't it JJ Abrams? you fucking CUCK#anyway enough speecy spicy hot star wars takes and on with the show#oh yeah and S&P totally made rose tico happen bc Poe was supposed to be the feature alongside finn in that entire storyline#bc s&p is homophobic (no shade to the actress tho she's cool it's just a raw deal). you can't change my mind I know I'm right
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kanerallels · 3 years
"There is no unspoken thing between us."
"Well, that's a Catch-22. Because if you said there was, it would be spoken, and then you'd be a liar. So by saying there isn't, you're telling the truth, and admitting there is."
Marvel quote—and you know which couple this is for 😉
Oh, you KNOW I do!!!
Pairing: Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla
Word Count: 3,559
Warnings/Tags: Rated G (for the fetching green vest Kanan's wearing)
Read on AO3!
Having deep cover operatives in the Empire was an important part of running a spy network. They gave Kanan some of his best information and helped him sneak the objects of the Empire’s rage right out from under the ISB’s nose more often than not.
But it could be a little inconvenient when he needed to pick up data from them. Because it almost inevitably involved him getting into some kind of ridiculous disguise and sneaking into some place the Empire didn’t want him in.
Case in point, he thought wryly, smoothing down the front of the fancy vest he was wearing over his dress shirt. “How do I look?” he asked, his voice quiet enough that none of the guests around him could hear.
“Ridiculous as always,” Kasmir’s voice came from the earpiece he wore, and Kanan rolled his eyes. The rest of the Yellow Submarine’s crew had demanded that he wear it, partially because they were bored and partially because Kasmir claimed Kanan had a habit of not giving them proper updates about what was going on. So they’d hacked the security cameras, and Kanan was set up with an earpiece. “Otherwise you’re fine. Remind me what your plan is again?”
Claiming a glass of champagne from a nearby waiter, Kanan muttered, “Blend in while I wait for our contact to drop off the intel at the dead drop, then go there as soon as I get the signal. After that I get the kriff out of here as soon as possible.”
As he took a drink of the bubbly drink, Ezra said, “Sounds boring. Actually, this whole party looks boring. Just a bunch of grown ups in fancy clothing drinking alcohol and sucking up to each other.”
“Welcome to adult parties for the rich and tyrannical,” Kasmir told him, and Kanan had to stifle a grin. “They all suck.”
Unfortunately, Kanan couldn’t disagree. The Empire’s parties mainly consisted of flaunting their fabulousness to everyone else, but really just came off as self-absorbed. Luckily for him, this particular party had been incredibly easy to sneak into.
Taking another sip from the champagne glass, Kanan swept a glance around the room again-- and spotted his contact. The light-haired man, clad in a dark dress uniform, swept out of a door, his steps brisk and business-like as he passed by. He didn't give Kanan a backwards glance, but Kanan could tell he knew he was there.
“Alright, I'm on the move,” he said softly.
“About time,” Kasmir complained. “This is incredibly boring.”
Stepping through the doorway his contact had come out of, Kanan pointed out, “You're the ones who wanted to listen in.”
“Yeah, but I prefer blaming you,” the Kalleran said as Kanan moved into the room. It was some kind of sitting room, with a few armchairs here and there, and a small table in one corner.
Tuning out Kasmir, who was continuing to grumble, Kanan began searching the room. The table turned up nothing, so he moved to one of the armchairs. Dropping into it, he slid his hands down the side and into the cracks. A grin spread across his face as one hand encountered a slim rectangular shape. Bingo.
Pulling the datacard out, Kanan slipped it into the pocket of his vest. Cutting off Kasmir, he said, “I've got the intel. On my way out.”
He slipped out of the sitting room again, and a quick glance around the room made it clear that he’d been neither missed nor spotted. Time to get out of here, he thought.
Making a beeline for the door, Kanan paused to swipe a mini jogan cream cake from a waiter. He popped it in his mouth-- and nearly choked at the sound of a familiar laugh. A far too familiar laugh.
Spinning around, Kanan searched the crowd behind him. No way. No kriffing way. But even as he thought it, his gaze landed on where a handful of people were dancing to the elegant music in the background. And his eyes were drawn to a green-skinned Twi’lek woman, dancing with an Imperial officer and wearing a smile he knew had to be fake.
Some kind of makeup obscured the markings on Hera’s lekku, and she was a ways away from Kanan, but he’d recognize her anywhere. Especially that voice, which he could hear speaking in her native Ryl accent even from that distance. Who knew she had an accent? He mused.
Kanan nearly jumped when he heard Kasmir shout his name in his earpiece. “Kriffing-- don’t do that,” he hissed, turning away from the crowd so no one would see him moving his lips.
“What are you hesitating for? It’s time to get out of there,” Kasmir urged. “We’re not even supposed to be here, ya know.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” Kanan said. “I just, uh, might not be back right away.”
“What? Why not-- oooh. Mini kid, check the cams.”
“On it!” Ezra chirped in the background.
Ignoring them, Kanan turned back to the crowd, scanning until he spotted Hera again, still dancing with the same Imp, her movements graceful. What is she doing here? If someone spots her-- okay, calm down, Kanan. She can take care of herself, and you’re not technically responsible for watching her back.
No matter how much you wished you were, whispered some part of him, the part of him that occasionally told him to please forget all of the spy stuff and talk to Hera.
In his ear, there was a gasp. “I KNEW IT. Hera’s here, guys!!!” Ezra’s voice was unreasonably excited as he spoke. “What is she doing here? Kanan, does she know you’re here? Are you gonna talk to her? What do you think she’ll--”
“Kasmir,” Kanan said, cutting off his apprentice, “I’m going off coms. I’ll be back in a bit.”
“You’re doing WHAT? Wait, kid, don’t you dare--”
Kasmir's voice was abruptly cut off as Kanan plucked his earpiece out and stuck it in his pocket. He had no doubt he'd be getting a good chewing out over this later from Kasmir. But Kanan also had a feeling it would be worth it.
He headed toward the dancers, weaving through the crowd and keeping his gaze locked on Hera. As he drew closer, he felt his heartbeat pick up slightly.
Hera was always beautiful, there was no denying that. When Kanan had first met her, he'd been literally incapable of speech standing across from her. And he had a feeling he was going to have a very similar problem now.
She wore a dark red dress, the short sleeves made of a dark gauzy fabric. Silver lace patterns covered the whole thing, shimmering in the light with Hera's every movement. It was mesmerizing.
Kanan suddenly realized he was staring. Kriff. Alright, try and focus, Jarrus.
Slipping past a few more guests, he stepped out of the crowd and onto the dance floor just as Hera and her partner moved up near him. “May I cut in?” he asked.
The Imperial officer dancing with Hera looked like he wanted to argue, but one glance at Kanan changed his mind quickly. He stepped back, and Kanan moved forward smoothly, sweeping Hera back into the dance.
Hera’s gaze flicked up to him, a demure smile crossing her face-- and Kanan saw the moment when she realized it was him and not some Imperial. “Wha-- Kanan?”
~ ~ ~
As Hera gaped at him in shock, she saw a grin crossing Kanan’s face. “I’d bet this is the last place you expected to see me,” he said, his deep voice low and remarkably self satisfied.
“You could say that,” Hera agreed, recovering quickly.
It hadn’t been too difficult to slip into the party. All Hera had had to do was bat her eyelashes a few times and the Imps were basically falling over themselves to let her in. While it was useful, it did also get on her nerves a little, even if she was used to the way most people looked at her species these days.
Kanan, on the other hand, didn’t exactly have the same qualifications. Frowning, she asked, “How did you get in here?”
“Does it matter?” Kanan kept his voice low as they kept dancing, and Hera had to admit-- he was a good dancer, better than she would have expected.
He was also dressed better than she would have expected-- a crisp olive green dress shirt, the sleeves pushed up, under an emerald green vest with a high collar, trousers of the same olive green, and brown boots. His hair was back in it’s usual ponytail, and he wore a slight grin.
He looked good-- which Hera would never give him the satisfaction of admitting. She would only admit to herself how her heartbeat sped up slightly at his proximity, at the feeling of his hand resting on her waist.
Taking a quick breath, she said, “Probably not. Although I do wonder what you’re doing here, I have to admit.”
“Free hors d’oeuvres,” Kanan said breezily. “Nothing tastes better than expensive Imperial wine, especially when you’re not supposed to drink it. How about you? I have a feeling you’re not here for the canapes, or whatever they’re serving.”
“Not exactly,” Hera said. “But I’m not sure talking to you about it is the best idea. After all, you’ve made it very clear you’re not interested.”
“Really? That’s what you think? I thought you knew that wasn’t true at all.”
Giving him a look, Hera said, “In the cause.”
“Oh, that.” Kanan made a face. “I liked what I was talking about better.”
“I’m sure you did.”
A slight smile curved Kanan’s mouth, and he studied her for a few seconds as they danced. “When are we going to do something about this unspoken thing we have going on?”
“What?” Hera blinked, surprised that he’d actually said something. “No-- there’s no unspoken thing between us.”
Shrugging, Kanan deftly spun her out as he said, “Well, that’s a Catch-22, because if you said there was, it would be spoken and you’d be a liar. So by saying there isn’t--” he pulled her back in, this time closer than she had been. Hera felt her heartbeat pick up again at the sheer closeness of him.
“--you’re telling the truth and admitting there is,” Kanan finished. His gaze caught hers, and he studied her for a moment with those teal eyes of his. Hera saw his eyes drop to her lips, and caught her breath, wondering for a moment what he would do, and how she would react to it.
Focus, Hera, she told herself sternly. You need to finish up here and get back to the crew. Clearing her throat, she said, “I don’t really have time for your flirting, dear. I have a mission to finish, sooner rather than later.”
“What’s your rush?” Kanan asked lightly.
“Well, let’s just say I have a new crew member, and I’d prefer to get back before she destroys the ship,” Hera said wryly. “She’s a little… temperamental.”
“Sounds like fun,” Kanan said. “Alright, how can I help?”
Giving Kanan an unimpressed look, Hera said, “We just had this conversation. You don’t want anything to do with the cause.”
“You know me so well,” Kanan said, smirking. “But I’m not doing this for the cause. Trust me.”
The pointed intonation at the end of his sentence didn’t really surprise Hera. However, that wasn’t exactly about to change her answer. “That’s not terribly reassuring,” she said.
“Hey, you know I’m capable,” Kanan pointed out. “And you don’t have to trust me here. But I’m willing to help.
“Alright-- what are you asking in return?” Hera asked.
To her surprise, a stung look flashed across Kanan’s face. “Nothing. I’m not always looking for some kind of payout, you know.”
Kriff. Hera grimaced, well aware she’d put her foot in her mouth. “I’m sorry,” she said, coming to a stop on the dance floor and making sure she had Kanan’s attention. “That was stupid of me. You’re right, and I should have seen it. I know you better than that.”
And she did, strange though it seemed.
“Thanks,” Kanan said quietly, his voice serious for once. He paused, then said, “Now where are we going?”
Hera paused, darting a glance around the room. Luckily, the owner of the house was distracted at the bar. “This way,” she told him, grabbing him by the hand. She pulled him off the dance floor and through the crowd, heading for a door on the far side of the room. Kanan followed her willingly, and together they slipped through the door in question.
The door led them into a dark hallway, and Hera led the way forward, Kanan on her heels. “Let’s hope we don’t run into any other party-goers,” she muttered. “This could be a potential awkward situation.”
“Oh, I don’t know. I hear public displays of affection make people very uncomfortable,” Kanan suggested, and Hera let out a sigh.
“Do you ever stop?”
“Not unless I have to. What’s the plan here?”
“I’m trying to break into the main office,” Hera told him. “It should be a little ways away from here. All you need to do is watch my back. Oh, and come up with a good excuse if we’re caught.”
“Shouldn’t be a problem,” Kanan said easily. “Just lead the way, Captain Hera.”
They didn’t have far to go before they reached the door Hera had been looking for, and stepped inside. The office was large and elaborate, with wood panelling and an extremely expensive vase on the desk.
Moving behind the desk, Hera booted up the console and pulled up her skirt to reveal the holster strapped to her leg, holding her blaster and a datacard to download the intel she needed. Pulling out the datacard, she glanced at Kanan, fully expecting him to be watching her.
To her surprise, he had his gaze fixed on the door, and was rather steadfastly not looking at her. Maybe he’s got a bit of chivalry left after all, Hera mused. Who would have thought?
She let her skirt drop and inserted the datacard into the console, tapping at the screen to find the information she needed. “This shouldn’t take more than a few minutes,” she told Kanan.
Glancing back at Hera, Kanan said, “Well, that’s good. This way, we might have time for something else. Maybe a little more dancing, that kind of thing.”
“What part of ‘I need to get back to my ship before a teenage Mandalorian tears it to pieces’ did you not understand?” Hera shot back.
“Oh, come on,” Kanan said with a sigh. “Seriously, though-- when was the last time you did anything for yourself instead of your cause? You deserve a night off.”
“And it just happens to be with you?” Hera said, feeling a smile twitch across her lips in spite of herself.
Kanan shrugged nonchalantly, a gleam in his eye. “It’s an added bonus.”
“Hmm.” For a moment, Hera let herself think about what it would be like to just spend the rest of the night out. Dancing, food, maybe a little flirting. It sounded fun. Like something she might have done in a different world, if she hadn’t been fighting the Empire, and she’d met Kanan under different circumstances. “That sounds… nice. Fun, even.”
“Can’t let the Empire stop you from having fun,” Kanan pointed out, leaning against the desk as he caught her gaze. “I’ll buy you a drink. Who knows, you might even enjoy yourself--”
Then Hera saw him freeze, his eyes going wide. “What is--” she started, and the door hissed open.
“Wha-- what are you doing in here?” demanded a brusque Imperial voice, and the owner of the house stalked into view. Hera saw a “well, kriff” expression flash across Kanan’s face.
“Wait-- are you--” the owner started. Moving fast, Kanan grabbed the vase on the desk, spun around and smashed it over the man’s head.
As the Imp crumpled to the ground, Kanan turned to Hera. “Time to go,” he said.
“Definitely,” Hera said as the console let out a beep. “I have what I need anyways.” Pulling out the datacard, she slipped it back into her holster, and she and Kanan made for the door.
They hadn’t gotten far before an alarm started going off. “Looks like we’ve been spotted,” Kanan muttered, his brows furrowing.
“Do you have a ride out of here?” Hera asked.
“Yeah-- follow me.”
Kanan headed back the way they’d come, pushing open the door that lead into the room where the party was being held. Hera hesitated for a second, then darted after him as he shouldered his way through the somewhat confused crowd.
They’d made it halfway through the crowd when the doors burst open, and an irate voice shouted, “STOP THAT TWI’LEK!!”
Hera heard Kanan breathe a curse quietly as she pulled her blaster out from under her dress. “Keep things stealthy until we don’t have to,” she muttered.
“Yeah, that’s going really well so far,” he hissed.
“You’re the one who smashed a vase over someone’s head!”
“Well, you shot down my other idea!”
Letting out an exasperated sigh, Hera said, “So help me, you’re going to drive me--”
She was cut off by a hand clamping down onto her shoulder. “Here she is!” someone shouted. “I’ve caught the intrud-- ugh!”
Hera spun smoothly, twisting away from the man who’d grabbed her, and slammed her fist into his throat. As the man dropped to the ground, clutching at his throat, Kanan grabbed her by the hand and pulled her forward. “Remind me never to make you that mad,” he said.
“You’ve come very close, dear,” Hera shot back.
“Have I mentioned you look amazing tonight?”
“You’re not helping your situation. Wait-- are we heading for the window?”
“You’re about to find out how I got into this place,” Kanan said, a grim smile crossing his face.
Releasing Hera’s hand, he didn’t stop in his tracks as he grabbed a bar stool and heaved it through the window, shattering the glass. Shards of it flew everywhere, and Hera heard screams as Kanan came to a stop next to the window.
“Come on!” he said, holding out his hand.
Hera darted forward, glancing down as Kanan’s hand wrapped around hers. A speeder was parked a few feet below them. “Creative,” she observed.
“I’m a creative guy,” Kanan quipped, then ducked as blaster fire zipped past them. Lifting her own blaster, Hera shot back at the stormtroopers who were flooding into the room. “Time to go!” Kanan said, and jumped, Hera leaping after him.
They landed in the speeder in an undignified pile, and Kanan immediately scrambled into the passenger’s seat. “Get us out of here!”
“On it,” Hera said, switching on the speeder and tossing Kanan her blaster. “Make yourself useful, please!”
“Yes, Captain Hera,” Kanan said, lifting his blaster and firing at the stormtroopers that were crowding into the window. Hera let out a triumphant sound as the engines roared to life.
“We’re out of here.” Slamming on the acceleration, they leaped forward. Kanan let out an undignified yelp, and Hera suppressed a smile as they zipped away from the building and into traffic.
It didn’t take them long to disappear, out of sight from the Imperials. Leaning back in his seat, Kanan remarked, “It’s been way too long since I’ve flown with you. You’re still as incredible as you used to be.”
Hera felt a small smile flash across her face. Kanan’s real compliments were somehow much nicer than his casual flirting. “Thanks. Now, where are we heading?”
“You can drop me off up here,” Kanan said, pointing. “It’s not technically my speeder, so you can take it wherever you need to go.” Pausing, he added, “Or we could find something to eat. Have a drink, maybe…”
Hera found herself hesitating, to her own surprise. Because part of her wanted to say yes, which she definitely didn’t expect. Maybe some of that flirting was actually starting to rub off on her.
But at the end of the day, she was working with the Rebellion, and Kanan refused to commit to something like that. And she really did have to get back. “Not this time,” she said, bringing them to a stop at the roadside. “I have work to do. Thank you, though, for your help with this.”
“Any time,” Kanan said, giving her a half-smile. “Until next time, Captain Hera.” Catching hold of her hand, he bent down and pressed a gentle kiss against the back of it.
Hera’s eyes widened, a slight flush spreading over her at the unexpected gesture, and Kanan shot her a wink. “Couldn’t let you leave without a souvenir, could I?” He vaulted over the side of the speeder and headed down the street, looking supremely satisfied.
Despite herself, Hera felt a smile crossing her face. Typical Kanan. Gunning the engines, she took off down the street, heading back to the Ghost and her next mission. Trying to pretend like a certain gunslinger wasn’t still in the back of her mind.
She had a feeling that wouldn’t work very well, though. Kanan never made things like that easy. But Hera was starting to wonder if she actually minded.
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lilylilie001 · 4 years
The Clone Wars S07E09 reaction
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“Old Friends Not Forgotten”
Okay I am so exited for this! This is the episode I have been waiting since the first time I saw the announcement Trailer!! I have a few hopes for this Episode, you can read them here
Ashley Eckstein said that she cried when she watched the episode a few days agos, so I got my tissues ready!
Anyway let’s start!
- My computer just died on my while starting the episode, but I fixed it
- I am so scared! I want to see this so bad! But i don’t want it to be over in a few minutes
- Grievous! Long time no see!
- Seriously? That is all the Kanan we get? I mean...I guess I am fine but I kinda expected...more
- Seeing the Jedi on the missions they are going to die on breaks my heart...honestly I almost cry every time I see Plo in a fighter....ohh godddd order 66 is coming
- Trailer shots! (well technically last TV Spot Scenes)
- Did Obi-Wan just save Cody’s life?! OMG my babies! I did nit expect yo cry before Ahsoka arrives.....Ahhh Dave what re you doing to me???
- “Anakin where are you?” I see nothing has changed with you two
- Full Battle, Cody and Obi-Wan have taken cover, Anakin just walkes around like a god with blasters shouting behind him, while talking to Obi-Wan dodgin a blaster and trolling his master hahaha this boy kills 😂😂😂
- “ We already finished our battle so we decided to come and help you with yours” 😂😂😂 also technically you did not anwser his question
- I could quote their whole conversation honestly! I did not expect the episode to be so good before Ahsoka even arrives!!!
- “I know better than to try and stop you” well... I am just gonna leave this here without any comment
- “I have come to surrender” Look at him he can’t even say that without sarcasm 😂
- R2?
- Yes if course it is R2, I would know him anywhere
- The Clones being done with Anakins plan and Rex supporting his General no matter what is giving me life!
- Fly away boys!
- Please tell me Anakin will brag about this later when talking with Ahsoka
- Cody asking Obi-Wan if he play as well like he is is dad 😂😂😂 i can’t this episode is too good already!
- We are five minutes in and watching this has already taken me 20 minuets because I had ti stop to write this 😂
- “Always glad to help my friend” ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME HERE???!
- FULCRUM jauskakawhwhkee egejeneejejejehhejejdbwjkshaiwkdwbkwkauiwkjwje
- Ahsoka is coming ahsoka is coming ahsoka is coming ahsoka is coming
- “Are you okay?” Can you see the happiness in his eyes? My heart can’t take it anymore....
- Anakin is so happy! He basically jumps around Obi-Wan
- Parallel to the movie!!!!! Ahsoka stepping out of the ship (you bet I will use that in every video from now on)
- R2! He is so happy to see her as well!!!
- Ahsoka touching R2 Shjskwjjejrejejksjwvwhfducrujdsibseivdyjxdinsty
- How dare you stop him! I needed to hear that!!!
- Look at him! He is so heart broken 😭
- “What where you doing on Oba Diah?” Anakin beeing a concerned father ahsnehekenajksmshualsnsjsksnsbso
- Holy shit! Bo-Katan...that hid right in the feels! (Why are Obi-Wan and Bo-Katans interactions so much more satisfing that Ahsoka and Anakins?)
- Anakin and Ahsoka are alone! ANAKIN AND AHSOKA ARE ALONE!
- They smiled at each other! OMG Ahsoka finally smiled at him!!!
- “I have a surprise for you” it’s the clones, right?
- They called her commander ahnsensjenejwkkdbebsjdmsbsssoslkbisksbeh
- “They have been waiting to see you” i already know this scene but it still kills me!!!
- “Sure thing, commander.” Hahekskiskskwnisownswjkaowkehwosknskslskskakwhsosmehwoskensozlsk
- Are you kidding me? She is was so close to opening that box!!!
- I hate this scene! i hate palpatine for doing this!
- OMG Ahsoka is giving Obi-Wan attitude....
- Anakin is so uncomfortable 😂😂😂
- I am so mad at Obi-Wan right now. I mean who’s fault is it that she is not part of the army any more? Yours! Because you and your whole counsel did not belive in her!
- Come on Obi-Wan!
- “May the force be with you” Okay I can forgive you bc I love you but you are really making it hard on me Obi!
- “He doesn’t seem to stay dead” 😂😂😂😂😂😂
- “Good thing I thought you otherwise” that is the kind of wholesomeness I have been waiting for!
- Also can we talked about the fact that he had Ahsokas lightsabers with him on a siege! Like he probably carried them with him everywhere after she left and took care if them in case she ever comes back......
- This is the last time they see each other? Good luck? GOOD LUCK? GOOD LUCK????? No hug, no snips, no skyguy, no I am proud of you? JUST GOOD LUCK?????!!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME????!!!!! I am crying! I am literally crying!! I am not okay guys....
- Will we see the battle of couresant?
- No it is just Ahsokas fleet.
- How is half of the 501st this much? 😂
- It kinda looked like Ahsoka has a crush on Bo-Katan for a second 😂 but honestly I would not be against it
- This girl just reminded me so much of sabine from the back 😂
- Ursa!
- “Don’t need one” Rex smile.... I missed these two together so much!
- “Race you to the surface” she is so Anakins Padawn!
- I missed seeing her fight with lightsabers... I am so gay...
- “Thanks commander” I smiling so hard right now
- I think they just killed the Sabine lookalike 😂
- “Beat you” Anakin energy
- “Some things never change” 😭
- Commander Rex 😭
- Bo-Katan sounds so worried about her! That is kinda cute
- Ahsoka is walking straight into a trap but I have felt some many different emotions watching this that I simply don’t have the ability to worry about anything right know 😂
- I am so happy right now that neither Rex or Jesse have followed her into the tunnels...
- “I was hoping for Kenobi. Why are you here?” Does he know her?
Okay so in conclusion: I am not okay. Not at all. And I am not satisfied! But I also I loved this episode so much!!!! I think I will watch it again today without pausing it.
So if you excuse me I will finish my Anakin & Ashoka video know and then probably cry for a few hours...
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piscesbiitch · 4 years
Star Wars characters in Hogwarts Houses:
Anakin Skywalker - Gryffindor (too stubborn for his own good, Extra, too brave for his own good, overprotective, Pure of Heart Dumb of Ass, reckless personified, flippy jumps off of explosions!!, No Thoughts Head Empty)
Obi Wan Kenobi - Ravenclaw (follows the rules, witty!!, The Negotiator, talks his way out of problems, flirts with his enemies, 99% of Anakins impulse control, just look at the entirety of the Brain Invaders episode)
Ahsoka Tano - Gryffindor (inherited Anakins stubbornness, Snips, smol Pure of Heart Dumb of Ass, did i mention stubborn, has a strong moral compass, Will Fight You, remember when she decapitated half of Deathwatch? i do)
Padme Amidala - Gryffindor (kept a gun by the thrown when she was queen, is ready for a fight Always, will die fighting for what she believes in, very trusting, completes the Stubborn Holy Trinity)
Captian Rex - Gryffindor (lets be honest, most of the clones would be in Gryffindor with their Headassery, brave af, "loyalty means everything to the clones" like??? Gryffindor. )
Qui Gon Jinn - Ravenclaw (the midichlorian conversation anyone??, is the Luna Lovegood of the Jedi, wiiiise)
Darth Maul - Slytherin (the most ambitious person in the galaxy, ambition, did i mention Ambition??? also revenge)
Asajj Ventress - Slytherin (also very ambitious, has almost died for revenge multiple times, Bold, tends to lean on the more selfish side of things)
original trilogy:
Luke Skywalker - Gryffindor (bravery!!!, just kinda rolled with the punches, also very stubborn!!!! definitely Padmes son, another Pure of Heart Dumb of Ass)
Leia Organa - Slytherin (the perfect rebel, literally helps overthrow the Empire which is pretty fucking ambitious tbh, strong leader, a Bold Woman, Takes No Shit, "well someone has to save our skins")
Han Solo - Hufflepuff (will drop everything to help his friends 24/7, very caring, cares too much actually, Loyal, seems like an exceptional finder, very Passionate)
Chewbacca - Hufflepuff (is if a shag carpet had the personality of an overgrown golden retriever, Pure!!!!, sticks by Han through all of his shit, the best friend anyone could have)
Lando Calrissian - Slytherin (sold out his friend and for what? selfish dumbass. but he redirected his ambition towards a better cause, is also very assertive)
R2D2 - Gryffindor (BADASS, the drunk uncle at the wedding, "hold my beer" personified, teaches BB8 swears for fun)
Yoda - Ravenclaw (Wise Old Master trope, but is more of a crazy space wizard tbh)
Rey - Gryffindor (inherited the Jedi Stubbornness gene, is a big brave girl who dont need no Jedi!!, Will Kick Your Ass, is on guard at all times, may seem like a ray of sunshine on the outside but is all Fight on the inside, idealistic)
Finn - Hufflepuff (cares very very much about the wellbeing of his friends, listens to his heart instead of his head, Pure, has a very good heart, is just an all around great guy!!)
Poe Dameron - Gryffindor (he would be in Hufflepuff if his dumbass didn't try and start a mutiny in tlj, Bravery, has his head stuck in his cockpit, Will Not back down from a fight)
Kylo Ren - Slytherin (very ambitious indeed...., selfish to a fault at times, Anger Issues)
Ben Solo - Gryffindor (literally gave his life to save Rey, entered a fight that he had no idea if survival was guaranteed, that is the definition of Brave, my sweet boy)
Rose Tico - Ravenclaw (actually Has Braincells, very intelligent, rose through the ranks very quickly, is probably one of the only things keeping the Rebellion together at this point)
BB8 - Hufflepuff (Baby!!!!, loyalty is the default setting, did i mention baby!!)
Kanan Jarrus - Gryffindor (headass, extremely stubborn, extremely reckless, playful despite his traumas, likes to keep the situation light, is the most selfless person I Love Him)
Hera Syndulla - Gryffindor (too brave for her own good, also extremely stubborn, always puts the mission and her crews safely above her own, if you hurt her kids she Will End You)
Sabine Wren - Ravenclaw (insanely smart, creative!!!, stands out as an individual in a crowd, the brains of the Ghost Crew, Snarky AF, very expressive)
Ezra Bridger - Slytherin (very ambitious, strong willed, he may be a headass but at least he's smart about it, very goal oriented, a driven individual Indeed)
Zeb - Hufflepuff (always down to kick some ass for his friends, Big Brother energy, big heart, Loyal)
Chopper - Gryffindor (big Fuck Da Police energy, Will Fight You for free, just a lil shit)
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norcumii · 4 years
Ruminating on Rebels,1
Apparently I’m blathering on about Rebels episodes as they happen, which I hadn’t expected. I hope that means there’ll also be an overview at the end of the season, but I haven’t decided yet. Regardless, I finished the first one, so here we go.
Episode 1: Spark of Rebellion Part I
Vader talking to an Inquisitor about how “the Emperor has foreseen a new threat: the children of the Force must not become Jedi. Hunt them down and any Jedi who might train them.”
Lothal: seeing Ezra top of a watertower watching a new super star destroyer coming in, zipping off to the city, where he helps a random citizen who some Imps are roughing up – it’s demonstrated he can pick pockets like nobody’s business. Then it turns out him helping the fruitseller (is this a Cabbage Guy reference? It feels like a Cabbage Guy reference) is self interest, to get food. Spots the Ghost crew beginning a heist of several speeders worth of mystery crates, Ezra inserts himself to grab a speeder. Chase scene out of the city, TIE fighters come in, the Ghost swings in and takes out one (leaving the other – this convinces Ezra to go with the crew, along with his crate that he Force jumps with onto the ship). Bit of a battle, off to Hyperspace, back to the planet where they give food from the crates to needy folks in “Tarkintown” and the guns to a smuggler that gives them intel on some Wookiee prisoners. Ezra discovers Kanan’s old lightsaber and a holocron, steals the latter. Crew bluffs their way onto the transport ship, only to find out it’s a trap via incoming Star Destroyer, and it’s on Ezra to go warn the others due to jammed comms.
Random impressions:
I hate this art style. I feel like it’s specifically designed to sell toys. I feel the same impulse to reach out and take armor apart that I have when I see a new style of mechanical pencil: my hands itch to find out how to take it to pieces. I paused during certain scenes and it’s such a clear picture I wanna reach out, snag the toy, and remove bits to figure out how it all goes together, and BOY does that kill any immersion. Also, everything is plastic. Especially hair. Like, “great, you make bouncy lekku, but COULD WE MAYBE SEE HOW THAT’S HAIR AND NOT A BLOB EATING EZRA’S HEAD?”
The fight scene choreography is nice, I will certainly grant that. The chase scenes were also good.
I am honestly, SERIOUSLY concerned: Kanan shows up, and I have no idea WHY, but BOY do I want to immediately punch him in the face. Like, my brain is going “that man has a very punchable face!” This is not a normal reaction for me, and I can’t tell WHY it’s happening. Help?
This show is clearly trying for the “repetition is funny” model. Hells, Sorkin can do it. Let’s find out if it sticks!
Apparently Zeb isn’t a furry? He kinda looks like he should be furry. But between the “rare hairless Wookiee” crack and him referring to Wookiees as “those hairy beasts” I guess not? Hrm. Hopefully that’s cleared up later!
If there’s one clear moment I loved, it was absolutely when Ezra realizes he’s in space, and the moment they go into hyperspeed. That was just beautiful. Wide-eyed AWE, for all that he immediately wants to go back home. THAT was well done.
Hopefully more coherent views:
It’s not a hot mess, but it does feel a bit across the board. Fine, it’s the first episode, those do that – especially when we don’t know yet how coherent a storyline this series is supposed to be. (Like, season-long arcs. Are those a thing? Yes I have seen later seasons but it was sporadic and I honestly don’t recall more than random beats, so I’m trying to approach this as a fresh slate.) It’s about introducing the characters and situations first and foremost.
And regarding that...it’s messy. Some things are just not meshing. I’ll probably save most of that for next time, after seeing more interactions, but meanwhile, the things that really jump out at me.
Ezra has been alone since he was about six. Fine. I desperately want him to be more feral. Dirty fighting, an absolute biter – you’ve already got him being good at getting out of spaces and away from people, but he comes across like he’s been on his own maaaybe 5 years tops? He’s too smooth. Also, it’s not clear yet if he’s used to his Force abilities or if that’s somehow awakening due to...age? Being exposed to Kanan? I am seriously hoping this gets addressed, but meanwhile I love the idea of an Ezra who just thinks it’s normal for him to be able to make impossible jumps or run incredibly fast or not be noticed (sometimes) when he tries really really hard. He doesn’t know why most folks can’t or don’t do that, but not his problem – just gives him an advantage. It’d be delightful to see that in contrast to a Kanan who’s been suppressing all things Jedi for literal YEARS (quite understandably), and now he’s weirded out by how good this kid is at some stuff. He’s just a natural at it, and that’s...disconcerting. Match that with how Kanan knows how to hone those skills, or use them in different ways, even if he’s not as GOOD at them, and you’d have a fascinating power dynamic going on.
Kanan and Hera are also off in a way that I think was just the animators not meshing with the writers, and the oversight was lacking there. Kanan’s look when Hera takes Ezra away so she can keep an eye on him – it was jealousy. Now, fine. That makes sense, all things considered, but at the same time it kinda set off my creep meter? Like, dude, this lady already called you “love” earlier and the power dynamics make it clear you’re second in command around here, I can understand being insecure about one’s place in an uncertain galaxy but that made it look like you thought there were going to be shenanigans going on in that cockpit which EW.
Is it the art style? Is this related to the face-punching instinct and me somehow really disliking this guy without grounds so far? I have no idea, but it’s also concerning.
The other bit of animation that bothered me was when Chopper drags Hera and Kanan in to find Ezra has discovered the lightsaber. Kanan is fierce, defensive, and sounding JUST this edge of holding on to civil behavior he would like his glowstick back, NOW PLEASE. Hera, meanwhile, is leaning against the doorframe – smirking? But when the camera turns and Ezra leaves the cabin, she’s frowning and looking grumpy. What even is going on with that? If it’s a set up of Ezra – 1, dick move, and 2, creepy.
End summary:
It seems like a weak start. No one grabs me as a sympathetic character I wanna claim, no one is actually likable to any degree. That’s literally just the first impression and not a killer factor, because first episodes can often be about wrong impressions – trying to stay positive. Hate the art style which is going to be a problem. Need to remember to blather on about team dynamics next episode.
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My Last Jedi review...
Now it’s finally time to talk about my opinions on The Last Jedi!
The short answer is: I enjoyed the movie for the most part, and I appreciate that it was able to subvert expectations and take a different route than normal.
Now for the long answer, one most of you probably won’t stick around for :P
(P.S Forgive me if I mention things out of order. My memory isn’t always the best!)
For a little background, I went to see the Last Jedi at the midnight screening with my cousin and 15 of his friends. I was dressed as Rey, keeping with the tradition of cosplay at midnight screenings as I had for the past two years at both TFA and Rogue One. I’m telling you this because every time I see a new Star Wars movie, I have the most amazing, awe-stuck experience, and hence, my opinion will be biased and faults that others may realise can be glazed over by myself as I had such fond memories of these movies. So no, my opinion is not perfect, but to me if I enjoyed a movie while watching it that’s all that really matters.
Now to the review!
Starting off, I really enjoyed the first space battle, and I felt it was a great way to start off the movie. I was a little jolted out of the Star Wars universe at first due to the different camera techniques that are not often seen in these movies, but I like that they’re branching out into more cinematic shots and willing to explore their techniques more. Seeing Carrie Fisher and her daughter on the big screen did make my heart throb for a moment, and I still love Leia as much as ever, especially the dynamic between Poe and herself. They were very much a mother-son dynamic, and I still love Leia’s snappy little “You’re demoted” with an equally sassy slap!
I enjoyed where they went with Hux. He wasn’t fleshed out, but he was able to be a comic relief in my opinion, one you often didn’t expect. Some people may not like this, but when both screenings I attended to laughed at the first scene between Hux and Poe, I know I’m not the only one that enjoyed the humour. I thought it landed well, and because of my twisted sense of humour I quite enjoyed Hux becoming the ragdoll to the powerful force users. Just a little light-hearted fun in my opinion.
So basically, the first space battle was great, and I think it was a strong start to a strong movie.
Now, I’ll move onto the Rey plot as Finn’s one wasn’t really explored much until after Rey’s started. Everyone expected this massive moment when Luke got his lightsabre, something huge, something spectacular! And to be honest, I really liked that he metaphorically and literally threw those expectations away. So often the passionate fans of Star Wars lose sight of the fact that we, the audience, do not have control. And we shouldn’t do! How boring would a movie be if it always went the way we wanted?
To the fans that lightsabre is important, something passed down through the Skywalker legacy. But to Luke, it’s a memory of that traumatising day when he lost a limb, almost fell to his death, lost his friend to a bounty hunter, and most importantly, found out his father was one of the most evil figures in the galaxy! To be honest, I wouldn’t want to hold on to something like that either! There must be so much bad energy surrounding that sword, and that’s not even mentioning all those younglings that were slaughtered to the blade.
So yes, I do think it was appropriate for Luke not to care about the sabre. I wasn’t expecting him to do it in such a drama queen fashion, but we’re talking about the Skywalkers here! When have they ever done something not over the top?
Now, I’m going to mention something really quickly, because I’m going to write its own post for this topic.
How the KRIFF is hyperspace tracking a new technology?! Everyone’s acting like it’s the most original idea they’ve ever heard, and people are mentioning that Rogue One hinted to it, but I’m like “Hey, how about that episode of Rebels where THEY WERE LITERALLY TRACKED THROUGH HYPERSPACE WITH A TRACKER?!?!?!” Is it just me, or did this just feel really off? I mean, if the Empire had already at least started that kind of technology, surely the First Order with all their fancy equipment would have that right? And how did the Rebels not know about it? Was the Ghost crew just all chill after that death defying attack and like “We won’t let the other cells know they can literally be tracked through hyperspace by the Empire and destroyed within seconds.” But that’s just me, a Rebels nut that tries to connect Rebels to anything imaginable.
Now that my little rant is over, we’ll move on.
After finding out the ship is being tracked through hyperspace, Finn tries to leave so that Rey won’t accidentally stumble into the battle and get destroyed in the process. Now, I REALLY love this scene between Rose and Finn. It’s great chemistry, and the part where Rose goes “I’ve had to taser 3 other people today trying to escape in this very pod!” and Finn’s all like “That’s disgraceful” *Desperately trying to shove his escape pack out of view*
Anyways, love it, it’s great.
One thing that confuses me is how Finn knows the layout of every First Order ship when he was just… a janitor? Like I get it, funny joke and all but how would the guy that presumably had only worked on Star Killer Base know the layout to Snoke’s ship? And how would Rose, who is supposed to be just an average resistance fighter who’s always in the background, know how to disable something like that? They obviously didn’t even know this technology existed, so how did they know all that information about the tracker and how to disable it? I imagine a hyperspace tracker would work differently to a normal respect in some way or another. But that’s just me.
Now, Kylo Ren in this entire movie was AMAZING! Adam Driver played him so well, I’ve never seen someone be able to express such conflict in merely facial expressions alone! Especially the scene where he’s in the elevator and his eye is twitching, and you can tell he can’t handle the literal roast Snoke just gave him and smashes his helmet to the wall. I love it so much, and just Kylo Ren/Ben Solo was portrayed so well in this movie! And yes, I am one of those people who believe Kylo Ren will get redeemed. Not in the sense that he will come to the light, but in the sense that he and Rey and will balance the force together. I’ll get more into that later.
Okay, now I’ll get to the part that really tripped me out. You all have to admit, that scene with Leia flying through space was pretty strange right? Now, it’s not impossible for a character to survive space. Actually, Kanan Jarrus survived being ejected into space twice, and he still lives at the time I’m writing this. But in those cases Kanan was either A) Saved by someone else as he was unconscious or B) Had things to cling on to and propel himself off long enough to get back into an oxygenated area. Leia on the other hand really surprised me, and not entirely in the best way. She just suddenly… willed her way into the ship? It looked very out of place, especially in a Star Wars movie.
The best way you could fix this while still keeping the theme is to have the TIE’s blow up the command room, but not let their bodies get like… flung so far out? If you kept their bodies floating within the area of the now broken and exposed command room, you could have Leia use the debris to get to the door and then save her. I don’t know, I just feel like that would have been a bit more believable. The force is strong and all but I don’t know if it can go that far.
Anyways, briefly mentioning Holdo, I wasn’t sure how to feel about this character at first. She was giving off a really shifty vibe so naturally I thought she was a spy or at the very least was trying to sabotage their escape, but turns out she was in the right. That’s great and all but it still doesn’t explain why she didn’t tell anyone this plan of hers? Like, if she had just told Poe from the start, he wouldn’t have immediately jumped onto Finn and Rose’s risky plan. Little bit of a plot hole but I can glaze over it.
So, this is getting super long and I’m going to go analyse each plot thread separately now:
The Finn and Rose plot:
Though I think the relationship sort of jumped out of nowhere, I did enjoy their dynamic, and I would like to see them get to spend more time with each other. The casino did feel a little dull on the Star Wars scale, but things like the water ship that became airborne when it left the water was awesome, and I like those animals that they eventually ride on. For those of you who’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know I threw out the suggestion that DJ was Ezra, and at the time that seemed fitting as I was hellbent to get Rebels in there somewhere! But I’m pleased to say that I enjoy DJ as his own separate character. He’s quirky, and just really laid back and relaxed. I really enjoyed that, and not ever really knowing who’s side he was on was great. Like, you think he might be untrustworthy after asking for payment, then he gives Rose back her necklace, and then he ends up betraying them again when his life is put at risk. I love his character, and the little things like BB8 and him discussing who owned the ship was great.
Finn: This isn’t your ship, is it?
BB8: *Beeps*
DJ: *Laughs* He said I stole it. *Glances at BB8* We stole it together.
It’s just bits like these that are the icing on the cake.
I know people are saying this plot was unnecessary and all, but I really enjoyed it and I think if they had taken this plot out and only focused on Rey and Luke, it would have lost of a lot of it’s impact. The Rey and Luke scenes are great because they’re scarce, just like how Luke and Rey don’t actually interact that much. What would we even see? Rey practising stuff while Luke silently tries to figure out his own stuff? I think people forget that sometimes less is more, and I think it applies well to the Luke and Rey plot. I enjoyed the Canto Bite plot, and it was an interesting way to show how those outside of the Resistance and First Order stand in terms of the war.
Okay now to the Poe plot:
This was an interesting one. There wasn’t huge amounts of it from memory, but when it did show up it always made me think. After all, we saw this plot from Poe’s perspective. We love Poe, and even though we all know he can be reckless, everyone knows he has the best intentions and roots for him. We follow him as he tries to help Finn and Rose the best he can, while locking horns with Holdo, a character we don’t know very much about. That puts us in a position where we stand on Poe’s side because we trust him as a person more than Holdo, and it ultimately could have ended in all their deaths. It’s pretty interesting when you think about it…
Now to the meat of the story! The Rey/Luke and Rey/Kylo plots:
Luke and Rey have an interesting dynamic. You can tell there’s a part of Luke who’s curious who Rey is, and naturally wants to help her in some respect. But he’s held back by the fear of failure. That he will lose Rey the same way he lost Ben. So he pushes her away to protect her from himself, only to push her straight into the one who was pulling her to the dark. It’s such a brilliant dynamic, and I think that’s what’s so brilliant about the Yoda scene. My favourite line is “The greatest teacher, failure is…” because it’s so true! You learn so much more from your mistakes then you ever could from constantly being correct. Luke made a mistake with Ben, and he lost him. Now he could choose to wallow in that mistake, or use it to use advantage and learn how to stop it from happening next time. It’s a really good message, one I think should be encourage more often. It’s alright to do something wrong, it’s alright if you make a mistake. We shouldn’t be punishing kids for low grades, and instead encouraging them to learn and grow from these experiences.
The Rey and Kylo dynamic is even more interesting! I definitely found it the most interesting part of the movie by far. Basically, Kylo and Rey become connected through the force and are able to see each other and converse across the galaxy. I love how we see their dynamic go from ‘Immediately shoots at and fight of where Luke is again’ to,
“I’ve never felt so alone in my entire life…”
“You’re not alone…”
“Neither are you…”
AHHH! It was done so well. There’s definitely something awesome about these two characters getting to learn from each other. Rey can sympathise with Ben’s feeling of abandonment, and Kylo and sympathise with Rey’s feelings of loneliness. They are two sides of the same coin, and they compliment each other so well. I think it’s important to note that Rey cares about Ben Solo, not Kylo Ren. And even though Kylo Ren is saying to do whatever it takes to rule, Ben Solo is yearning for the compassion that Rey gives him.
Kylo Ren and Ben Solo are two different people. It’s not uncommon in the Star Wars universe to identify themselves as two different people. Darth Vader was considered different to Anakin Skywalker. Caleb Dume was not the same as Kanan Jarrus. And if you go a bit deeper characters like Count Vidian was different to his old former life before he decomposed due to disease.
It’s an interesting concept, but Rey and Ben work so well together, as seen by that AMAZING throne room fight scene! Seriously, best fight scene in Star Wars to date! It really displays each of their powers really well, and shows how much stronger the light and the dark are together than apart. Speaking of which, the idea of balance is pointed to heavily in this movie. When Rey is meditating, she says things along the lines of “Warmth, cold. Life, death. Peacefulness, chaos. Life, death. And in the middle, a force…” The force is the balance, and they’re using the concept of yin and yang in that one cannot exist without the other, and both are needed to be complete.
Rey is the light, and Kylo is the dark, as shown by Snoke’s quote of: “Darkness rises, and the light to meet it,” and also while speaking to Rey “I warned my young pupil that as he grew stronger, his counter in the light would grow too.” (Or something along those lines.)
I really like where this is going, and even though Kylo wasn’t redeemed in this movie, I do believe he and Rey will work together to start a new Order of Grey Jedi by episode 9. I’ll probably get more in depth about this stuff in another post, but I just thought I’d get that stuff off my mind.
And also, for those upset that Snoke was useless, let me tell you this. Snoke is just a stepping stone to exhibit Kylo’s power. No where was it explained that Snoke would be something bigger. That was just an assumption fans had imposed onto the character. Same with Rey’s parentage. No where did it indicate she was part of the Skywalker legacy, that was just something that was assumed because the saga is about the Skywalkers (even though Kylo is there as the Skywalker but that’s an argument for a whole other day). Basically, the Last Jedi reversed the expectations by making Rey a nobody (thank the force for that), and making Snoke just a tool for Kylo’s rise to power. And it does NOT make it a bad movie for doing that.
In my opinion, I think people had something they carefully theorised on for two whole years, a movie of their own, and were disappointed when they got something different. It’s alright to want to think things out guys, and I’m glad so many people are so passionate about something that they think out their own plan of events. Heck, even I’m guilty of it. But when you let those expectations grow so large that it’s impossible to please, the only person you are hindering is yourself.
Anyways, this post is so long, so I’m going to make a list of things I like and things I didn’t like about the movie to sum it up:
-Leia floating through space like a wizard
-Luke milking a creature on screen, like wtf?
-Initial shot of Yoda when he appears. (Once the tree is burning and he takes on more of his original puppet behaviour than CGI it’s much better.)
-Finn knowing the layout of all First Order ships even though he’s just a janitor
-Hyperspace tracking being a new technology
-Rose somehow able to disable a technology that is supposedly new and never heard of.
-“Well when you see Hux let him know Leia has a very important message… from his mother.”
-“I believe he’s tooling with you sir.”
-BB8 plugging the wires with his kriffing head
-Awesome yet sad sacrifice of Rose’s sister
-Carrie Fisher’s daughter on screen
-Consequences to risky actions
-Big deal, Big Deal, BIG DEAL!
-“Finn, leaking, naked, what?”
-Luke throwing the lightsabre like a drama queen
-Chewie breaking down the door like hulk
-Rey literally reaching out her hand
-Luke using a freaking blade of grass to mess with Rey.
-“I feel something!” “Yeah? That’s the force!” “Oh my gosh I feel it!” “You’re really strong with it!” “Really?! I-“ *smacks her with said grass*
-R2D2 and Luke reunion!
-“Hey holy grounds buddy, watch the language.”
-Force bond
-Rey, the whole way through
-Ben Solo, the whole way through
-Luke Skywalker, the whole way through
-Finn, the whole way through
-DJ and BB8, holy damn they’re like partners in crime
-Yoda sending a flipping lightning bolt cause Luke can’t finish the job
-“Page turners, they were not.”
-“The greatest teacher, failure is.”
-Hux being a kriffing ragdoll
-Crystal foxes!
-Throne room fight scene
-“Bring it on Chrome Dome!”
-“You were always scum…” “Rebel Scum?” *Mic drop*
-Holdo’s sacrifice
-Crait. Just the entire salty, little planet
-Luke and Leia reunion
-Luke brushing off his shoulder like the drama queen he is-
-Realising no footprints were left in any of the Luke battle scenes on Crait
-Rey lifting all those stones like a boss
-Rey and Finn reunion!
Basically, I love the movie, and you’re allowed to agree or disagree about it. That’s the brilliant part about opinions. We’re all allowed to have one, and no one should be disrespected over it. I doubt many of you made it through my analysis, and I’ll probably go into certain points in more detail in the future, but thanks anyways. Hope you have a great day, and may the force be with you always!
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aion-rsa · 4 years
What The Mandalorian Means for Ahsoka Tano’s Future in Star Wars
Despite never appearing in the flesh in any of the movies, former Jedi padawan Ahsoka Tano is undoubtedly one of the most popular characters in Star Wars. A hero in every sense of the word, Ahsoka’s journey spans almost the entire film saga, just in animated form.
First introduced as Anakin Skywalker’s apprentice in The Clone Wars animated series, Ahsoka quickly became one of the main protagonists of the series, as we watched her grow as both a Jedi and a commander who led clone forces for the Republic. And even though her time with the Jedi came to an end before Order 66, when she chose to walk away from the Order in search of her own path, she continued to fight for others.
In Rebels, she became the spy known as “Fulcrum,” helping the fledgling Rebellion in its struggle to topple the Empire. It was during this time that she also faced Darth Vader on an ancient Sith planet called Malachor and learned the truth about the fate of her former master. But the revelation did not break her, even as her duel with Vader left her stranded on Malachor.
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Ahsoka’s live action debut in The Mandalorian, played by Rosario Dawson, marks another major step in her journey. No longer someone trying to find her place in the galaxy or with the Jedi, she now uses her powers to help those who need it. And as Magistrate Morgan Elsbeth learns in the “The Jedi,” nothing will stop Ahsoka from seeking justice.
“She is, for lack of a term, a master, because she’s largely an independent at this point,” The Clone Wars and Rebels showrunner Dave Filoni, who is also an executive producer on The Mandalorian, told Vanity Fair. “I play her much more as a knowledgeable knight. A wandering samurai character is what she really is at this point. I’ve always made comparisons to her heading toward the Gandalf stage, where she is the one that has the knowledge of the world and can help others through it. I think she’s reached that point.”
But if you followed Ahsoka’s journey from the animated series to The Mandalorian, you probably noticed that there are still some gaps in her story. How did Ahsoka escape Malachor and show up on Corvus so many years later? And how was she able to speak to Rey in The Rise of Skywalker? Most importantly, what does “The Jedi” tell us about Ahsoka’s future?
How Is Ahsoka Tano Alive in The Mandalorian?
While we know Ahsoka Tano reappeared in the very final scene of Rebels, reuniting with Mandalorian hero Sabine Wren on Lothal before setting out in search of Ezra Bridger, who went missing after being launched into hyperspace while fighting Grand Admiral Thrawn in space, we don’t really know how Ahsoka escaped Malachor in the first place.
For those of you who don’t remember (or didn’t watch Rebels, which shame on you), Ahsoka stayed behind to duel Vader inside the Sith temple on Malachor while the rest of the heroes escaped in the season 2 episode “Twilight of the Apprentice.” For almost two seasons after that, Ahsoka’s fate was unclear, with some believing that the fan-favorite character had met her end at the hands of her master.
But season 4 episode “A World Between Worlds” revealed the truth. In the episode, Ezra gains access to a mystical realm containing portals to different points in time and space. It’s through one of these portals that Ezra is able to pull Ahsoka out of Malachor, just as Vader is about to land a killing blow with his lightsaber.
For a moment, it seems as if Ahsoka has found a way off Malachor. But when Emperor Palpatine senses the world between worlds through the Force and tries to gain access to it, Ezra and Malachor are separated while trying to stop the Sith lord. In the process, Ahsoka is forced to jump back through the portal to Malachor. She then walks back into the Sith temple to an uncertain future.
That’s the last we see of her on screen until she reunites with Sabine in the epilogue of the Rebels series finale “Family Reunion – and Farewell,” which takes place a year after Return of the Jedi. “The Jedi” reveals that Ahsoka is still searching for Ezra four years later, but doesn’t shed light on the sequence of events that led her from Malachor to Lothal and then Corvus.
The best answer we have comes from an unlikely source: the Star Wars Card Trader mobile trading card game from Topps. A series of Ahsoka cards designed by Filoni himself reveals that Ahsoka found another portal within the Sith temple on Malachor that led her back into the world between worlds and “on a spiritual journey that changed the course of her life,” according to Wookieepedia. That’s a pretty vague answer to a very big gap in Ahsoka’s story, but since Filoni designed these cards, they must be canon, right?
The good news is that Ahsoka’s escape from the planet means that we’ll hopefully get to watch many more of her adventures on The Mandalorian as an older and wiser hero.
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What Is Togruta Life Expectancy?
Just how old Ahsoka is when she appears in The Mandalorian? According to Wookieepedia, Ahsoka was born in 36 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin). Since The Mandalorian takes place in five years after Return of the Jedi in 9 ABY (After the Battle of Yavin), this means that Ahsoka is around 45 years old in “The Jedi,” leaving plenty more years of adventuring ahead of her.
Barring an illness or any of the usual hazards that come with fighting bad guys in the galaxy far, far away, just how many years does Ahsoka have left? While there’s no canon answer when it comes to Togruta life expectancy, the old Legends continuity did state that Togruta could live up to 94 years, a pretty long lifespan when you consider that real-world human life expectancy is about 72 years. Of course, this pales in comparison to the lifespan of Yoda’s species, who can live for centuries.
Regardless of whether the life expectancy of Togruta is the same in the Disney canon, I wouldn’t worry too much about that. Beloved Star Wars characters rarely die of natural causes, which brings us to a big question about Ahsoka’s future: how is her journey fated to end?
How Did Ahsoka Tano Die?
Even if she’s not physically in the movie, Ahsoka’s presence is felt in The Rise of Skywalker when she speaks to Rey through the Force during the film’s climactic battle with Palpatine. She can be heard saying, “Rey!” when the young hero reaches out to the generations of Jedi before her to give her the strength to defeat the Sith once and for all. Although it’s just as likely that her inclusion in this scene is simply a wink at the Star Wars fans who love the character, Ahsoka’s single line in The Rise of Skywalker has led some to wonder whether this means she died prior to the events of the Sequel Trilogy.
There is some “evidence” that this might be the case, primarily the fact that the other Jedi who speak to Rey in The Rise of Skywalker — Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu, Yoda, Qui-Gon Jinn, Luminara Unduli, Aayla Secura, Kanan Jarrus, and Adi Gallia — are all dead. But the difference is that we’ve witnessed the deaths of all of these other characters, whether it be in the films, the TV series, or in the pages of the books and comics. (While we don’t see how Master Unduli died, her death was confirmed in Rebels.)
Ahsoka’s fate, on the other hand, is not written in stone. As far as we know, Ahsoka could have lived decades beyond The Mandalorian, and Filoni even suggested after the release of the film that, just because Rey could hear her voice on Exegol, that didn’t mean Ahsoka was necessarily dead.
Was thinking of all of you this fine morning, Happy Holidays! – Dave pic.twitter.com/WpD0kKMbfk
— Dave Filoni (@dave_filoni) December 25, 2019
Filoni went as far as to tell io9 that the movie “doesn’t really have any big implications to what I’m doing with the character, to be honest. I just thought it was a really fun thing. I thought J.J. [Abrams]’s instinct to be so inclusive with all these various elements of Star Wars and characters [was great]. And I thought it would be a great thing for the actors involved to be a part of something that was just really this celebrating moment of the Star Wars saga. So I didn’t think of it in a literal story [way]. The film, to me, is like a different area.”
In other words, Ahsoka’s cameo in The Rise of Skywalker could be nothing more than just a wink at fans. Certainly, Ahsoka’s story in “The Jedi” suggests that she has plenty more to do. Next on her list is finding Grand Admiral Thrawn, who could lead him to where Ezra is.
Will Ahsoka Be in The Mandalorian Again?
In many ways, and this is pure speculation, “The Jedi” plays like a backdoor pilot, setting up what could be Ahsoka’s own standalone series on Disney+. The episode introduces just enough of Ahsoka’s own mission without giving much of it away. By the end of the episode, we know that Ahsoka’s on her way to find Thrawn, a confrontation so many years in the making that it seems too big (and distracting) to happen on The Mandalorian.
But even if Ahsoka were to get her own series, that doesn’t mean she would never cross paths with Mando and Grogu again. Since Disney bought the Star Wars franchise in 2012, the studio has been working to build a shared universe of stories on screen that communicate with each other and share characters from one property to the next — just like the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In the same way that The Falcon and the Winter Soldier and WandaVision are meant to tie into the upcoming Marvel movies, The Mandalorian and a potential Ahsoka series (and the rumored Boba Fett spinoff) could be set up to interact with each other, too.
In fact, “The Jedi” has left the door open for Ahsoka to appear in future The Mandalorian episodes, even as she searches for Thrawn in her own series. She’s already played a pivotal role in Mando and Grogu’s own journey, not only helping the bounty hunter learn his little companion’s real name but also revealing Grogu’s tragic history. Unable to fully understand the child or the way of the Jedi, Mando has needed people to show him the way throughout his quest, and Ahsoka could prove to be the perfect guide and mentor for the duo when it comes to the mysteries of the Force, even if she won’t outright train Grogu as an apprentice. As Filoni said of Ahsoka’s resemblance to Gandalf: “She is the one that has the knowledge of the world and can help others through it.”
Will Ahsoka Meet Luke Skywalker?
In “The Jedi,” Ahsoka points Mando and Grogu to Tython, a mysterious planet powerful in the Force that could be the birthplace of the Jedi Order. There, Grogu must decide whether to reach out with the Force to another Jedi or stay with Mando.
“If he reaches out through the Force, there’s a chance a Jedi may sense his presence and come searching for him,” Ahsoka tells Mando. “Then again, there aren’t many Jedi left.”
Fans’ ears likely perked up at this line of dialogue since we all know of at least one other Jedi operating in the galaxy five years after Return of the Jedi: Luke Skywalker himself. Is the show hinting that Luke will make an appearance on the show to take Grogu in as his student? That seems unlikely since Mando and Grogu are the emotional core of the series, but Ahsoka’s acknowledgement that there are other active Jedi in the galaxy could mean that she’s aware that Luke is out there.
Could this mean that Ahsoka has already met Luke or is poised to meet him in the future? Either way, their meeting seems inevitable. In fact, an Ahsoka and Luke story would provide the rhyming poetry that Star Wars so often deploys: Anakin’s old apprentice finds Anakin’s son years after Vader’s death and helps him learn something new about the Force or the Jedi. Ahsoka could guide Luke in ways that Anakin could not, while she could learn more about her master’s ultimate sacrifice for his son.
The only issue, of course, is that Mark Hamill is much older than Luke would be five years after Return of the Jedi, which means that a potential meeting with Ahsoka would likely involve some heavy CGI to de-age Hamill or a recast of Luke. Unless Ahsoka doesn’t meet Luke until much later in his life, it might be time to ring up Sebastian Stan.
Keep up with all of The Mandalorian season 2 news here.
The post What The Mandalorian Means for Ahsoka Tano’s Future in Star Wars appeared first on Den of Geek.
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kaliori · 7 years
Bookends, Part 10
The typical morning on the Ghost dawned quiet and dim, with the same caf, the same holos, the same steel interior. Everything was gray or brown, down to the black caf in each crewmember’s mug. The morning after he professed his love for Hera, Kanan had a much more colorful outlook on life. He downplayed it as much as he could to toe the line of proper behavior on the ship. He even let Hera leave her quarters first, when he really wanted to walk with her hand in hand, pull out her chair, pour her caf, shower her with Malreaux roses, among other nauseating gestures.
She greeted him with a smile and a salutation, much better than the previous weeks of strained relations. When he settled down next to her for caf and holo viewing, he couldn’t help himself. He went to put his arm around Hera’s shoulder and got as far as her upper arm before she blocked the gesture. She refused by gently guiding his hand down to rest in his lap. His eyes flicked over to Zeb, who was already seated when Kanan came in and nodded his greeting before going back to his drink and the holonews.
Kanan accepted what Hera gave him. It wasn’t the time or the place. Until it was. With Zeb occupied and Kanan conceded to withholding, Hera surprised the hell out of him with her hand on his knee under the table, rising higher up his leg, slowly moving up the inseam of his work trousers. Another quick, sneaky look, this time to his other side where Hera sat, her other hand on her mug while her free hand worked her way up to his zipper. She gave it a quick little tug, not enough to move it down, then pulled her hand back up above the table to grip her mug in both hands.
“We have a lot of work to catch up on,” she told her crew after finishing off the caf with a big gulp. “It’s good to have you back, Kanan.” She departed to get started on the day’s work and left Kanan with fewer answers about her than before.
Hera was usually the subject of the thoughts in the back of his mind throughout the day: during work, before falling asleep, after waking up, sometimes even during meditation. He and Zeb spent most of their day schlepping heavy pieces of scrap metal promised to a droid repair shop on Tebru. Hera helped them sort through the materials in the cargo hold, informing them she owed the proprietor a long overdue favor. “I’ve never seen anyone so happy about a pile of rusted junk,” she said.
Hard labor wasn’t enough to push Hera out of his mind. He barely heard what Zeb had to say, when they weren’t grunting and breathing heavy through hefting the irregular, unwieldy shapes of metal. Something about challenging him to holochess after their evening meal, maybe. Kanan couldn’t get past Hera shutting him down in one beat and in the next being unable to keep her hands to herself. It annoyed him as much as it turned him on. So much had changed for them, literally overnight. And yet, more of the same as he continued his fight for her attention.
Kanan avoided both Hera and Zeb during the mid-day break. He chose to stay with the scraps in the cargo hold. His water jug and an impossible amount of dust from the old dirty parts were his only companions as he pondered his current state. He rested with his back propped up against a bulkhead and tilted his head up with his eyes closed. He could meditate anywhere and at any time. He had to master that skill as a man on the run, first as a teenager all the way through to adulthood. Meditation didn’t provide answers about Hera. Loving her was a brand new ballgame, much more than what he had in the past with anyone else. With no frame of reference for love and what came along with it, he knew one thing: he had a lot more to give than copping a feel under the breakfast table.
The remainder of the work day crawled by. Metal sorted and delivered to Hera’s merchant friend with a smile and hug between the two, and a small bag disappearing into Hera’s oversized cloak wrapped up the day’s job. Kanan would know the clacking of credits together anywhere. “I thought you said you owed him a favor,” he said to Hera as she folded her cloak on board the Ghost.
“I did,” she said, fixing her eyes on him. “But he owed me money and we were broke.” She swiped her hand on his chest to brush away leftover rust debris from working in the cargo hold. He welcomed her touch every time, even if it was just to clean him up a bit. His hand fit over her smaller hand almost entirely as he pressed hers to his chest. If he hadn’t been a walking dust cloud, he would have swept her up in his arms. She wriggled out of his grip after only a few seconds.
At least this time she didn’t snap back at him. She just shook her head briefly and told him to get cleaned up. Kanan added up the score from everything that happened over the last night and day as he freshened up. Hera’s reluctance around him still hurt, almost as much as the cut he opened up on his jawline when shaving the extra beard growth. He looked himself over in the mirror, pressing down on the cut to curb the bleeding. Thankful to be back in the land of the living after the nightmare near Laramus base, Kanan did not give in to complacency. He’d taken his lumps to get to Hera. The symbolic knick stood for more of the same in his future if it meant being with her.
In Kanan’s absence, Hera had avoided looking over at the vacant co-pilot’s chair while flying. The picture of the seat without Kanan started a swirl of worry and despair in the pit of her stomach. Something in her smile showed bittersweet when Kanan took his regular place beside her. “What,” he asked. “I clean up nice, don’t I?”
Hera had to admit he was right. In clean clothes with a trimmed beard, he was back to his vibrant self and handsome as ever. Since he put everything on the table, she could let her looks linger over him. As long as she’d set a course and nobody else was watching. Chopper had a pesky habit for snooping. She wasn’t about to submit to the judgement of an astromech droid.
“How are you feeling,” she asked after Kanan had settled into his chair and refrained from quipping something else ridiculous back to her. She could have answered that question herself after spending the night with him and watching him lug heavy scrap metal around all day. He was fine, in more ways than one.
Kanan bit back the automatic response, the one that would assure her he was better than ever, but he couldn’t lie to her. He couldn’t lie to himself anymore either. Every time she put her hands on him, her touch lingered long after she left him behind. Her warmer temperature and softer skin were just surface delights. She set his entire world on fire from the very beginning on Gorse, and the flame only grew from there. With nowhere else to go, he took a leap of faith on her, despite the uncertainty of her being there to catch him.
“I want to talk about us,” he said. His search for the right words felt like an agonizing eternity, matched only by Hera’s reticence to answer.
“I mean, are you hurt,” she said finally, in a quiet voice. She wouldn’t look at him for any amount of credits in the world. Her cheeks flushed and her pulse jumped a few hundred beats in seconds.
“I am hurt,” he said. “I just want to be close to you and--”
She pushed out a sigh so heavy she nearly clouded the windshield in front of her. “I can’t do this,” she said. Stonewalling him, but she stayed in the captain’s chair. It was an opening and he had to take it. For himself, and for her.
“Hera, just give me ten damn minutes,” he said. He’d never spoken to her in such a harsh manner. They’d had fights and bickered and exchanged heated words, but this was the first time he’d slipped and cussed at her. Even a mild curse was enough to throw her off. She looked over at him for a moment, his hands out in front of him in an emphatic pleading gesture. If the cockpit were big enough, he would have been on his knees in front of her.
“I love you,” he said. “I love you and I want to be with you and that’s it.”
“Kanan, I told you we can’t do this here,” she said.
“What? Is is because of Zeb?” She shook her head, but Kanan was already off to the races. “Hey, Zeb,” he called behind the cockpit.
“Yeah?” Zeb’s voice came from somewhere behind a bulkhead.
“Can you give us some privacy? Hera and I need to talk about a few things.” She gave him a look that blared you have got to me kidding me as he and Zeb shouted back and forth.
“All right,” Zeb said. “I’ll go count bolts with Chopper.” Kanan let for a few silent seconds go by before he turned back to Hera. “Now it’s just you and me.”
“So then, talk,” she said. She flipped the autopilot switch on, a symbolic gesture that told Kanan he had her attention, as much as she resisted the conversation she knew was coming. From the time she woke up alone in her bed after screwing Kanan, she had a sinking feeling she’d end up screwing herself. Feelings were a son of a bitch.
“I have been talking,” he said. “I’m the one doing all the talking here. I don’t know anything about how you feel. You come into my room in the middle of the night to fuck and then you leave. You want to feel me up under the coffee table but you won’t even let me hold your hand. I know I put a lot on you by saying the love thing but I don’t want or expect anything extra from you. I don’t need you to say you love me back. I just want to know that you could love a guy like me.”
With her arms crossed tight over her chest and body sunk back into the pilot’s chair, she looked smaller to him. Like she was a lothcat trying to flatten itself to avoid danger. “I didn’t bring you here for that,” she said.
“Hold on, now,” he said. “You didn’t bring me anywhere. I came here because you invited me. That’s the problem. You think about us separately. It’s you and me, never you and me.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
He sighed and readjusted himself in the chair. “I’m worried that you’ll never be able to make room for me in your life. Not just the guy you fly around the galaxy with. Someone to share your life with.”
She shook her head again. “You know what my life is about,” she said. “And you knew it when you came on board.”
“But don’t you want more than that?” His words and the nakedly earnest look in his eyes made a breath catch in her throat.
“I don’t think about it,” she said in a thick voice, like she was fighting tears.
“That’s total Bantha shit,” he said. “I see so much more when you look at me. You light up when you’re around me. Well, when I’m not pissing you off.”
“You’re pretty good at that.” The tears shone in her eyes but didn’t fall. There was no pink blanket to comfort her. Kanan knew what he had to do.
“It’s a lot to ask of you,” he said. “It’s a lot to ask of me, too. I have no idea what I’m doing. I had to unlearn 15 years of Jedi training just to figure out what to do with myself around a woman. I’m still trying to figure out the feelings part.” Now he felt the hot mist stinging in his eyes. “I do know that I can’t wait for another gang to beat the shit out of me to bring us closer again. If we’re going to be together it’s because we’re working this out. Together.”
“I’m really scared,” she whispered. “I’ve never said that out loud to anyone, ever. I just put my head down and keep going.” She looked over at him and he waved her to join him in the chair. She didn’t move. He could feel her energy changing by the minute as they traded what they hid deep inside their hearts. She was almost there. “Out of everyone I’ve met, I thought you would understand the most.”
“I get it,” he said. “I know you. It’s why I fell in love with you. I’m trying to tell you I’ll take you and everything that comes with it.”
“Kanan,” she said, exhaling a shaky breath. “I do love you. I never meant to make you doubt it. I just don’t know what to do with it.”
“Hell if I know, love,” he said. “I want us to figure it out together.” She bit her lip and hugged her arms closer to her chest. “Will you just get over here already?”
“Almost,” she said.
“You’re thinking about how being with me could comprise the mission,” he said.
“Hey,” she said, suddenly sharp. “I told you not to use the Force on me.”
He shrugged. “I swear to you, I’m not doing it on purpose,” he said. “It’s not something I can turn off. I can’t help but pick up on your energy right now. You’re practically on fire over there.” She tried to glare at him but the heavy emotions in the cramped cockpit turned her mean expression softer. “I don’t need the Force to know what’s important to you. I just know you now.”
“What do you think you know about me?” She’d asked the same question at the bar near Laramus. This time, it wasn’t an accusatory jab back at him. He was making a play for her heart; he needed to move the ball closer to the goal.
“I know that you’re strong and powerful and independent,” he said. “I know you don’t need me. I know you’re not looking for a boyfriend. Now I know that you love me.” He shrugged again.
“Kanan,” she said, much softer now. “It’s hard for me to think about things I want. But I want you.” What she’d said in their late night liaisons and clandestine touches finally came clear to him. “I can’t make promises--”
“I don’t need promises,” he said. “Here’s what I want. I want to wake up next to you, pour your caf in the morning, pull out your chair, hold your hand...and I need to know the story about the lamp.”
When she laughed the tears finally escaped from her eyes. “Damn,” she said, swiping at the tears coursing down her cheeks.
“I need to make a promise to you,” Kanan said. “I’m not going anywhere. For as long as you’ll have me, I’m right here.” Now he had her attention. She focused on him and let the tears fall in silence. “If I leave, I’m coming back. Or I’m taking you with me. You took me as I was, when I was a godforsaken mess. You got me.”
That was what it took to get her out of the pilot’s chair. She settled into his lap and into his embrace. Her tears dribbled down his neck as he pulled her closer. “Don’t tell anyone,” she said.
“About the crying,” he asked.
“Any of it,” she said. “It’s nobody’s business.”
He reached out a cautious hand to comfort her, remembering her warnings about lekku. It took an enormous amount of restraint for him to pat one lek. He must have done something right, because she burrowed into the crook between his arm and chest to get even closer to him. What a profound streak of luck for a formerly calamitous vagabond. He finally said all the right things, made all the right moves, and got the girl. He knew better than to let up now. He had promises to keep to her on top of dismantling the Empire piecemeal. Everything he asked for would come at a price. It would have to be paid another day. He handed the rest of his day and night over to Hera.
“You got it, love.”
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cloudybakery · 7 years
Spoilers ahead, obviously
-I FREAKING LOVED THAT LITTLE MOMENT AT THE BEGINNING WITH KANAN AND EZRA my blueberry son has grown so much and it just shows how he’s come to realize that it’s not all about being a Jedi and all about the force, it’s about the rebellion and making a difference all together and I’m just so proud
-Kanan and Hera are so married and I can’t handle it I love it so much their dynamic gets better and better and I’m waiting for an episode where it’s just the two of them and stranded somewhere and we get to see their relationship laid out plain and simple 
-KALLUS MY D U D E that little smirk in the elevator oh my god...also I loved the portrayal of him physically in this episode;  that little strand of hair honestly made so much of a difference, and the fact that he took such a bludgeoning really showed how strong Thrawn is(I mean we saw him training, but Kallus taking him on in a fight was still awesome).  It’s so interesting to think back when he wasn’t with the rebels, when he was the main threat to the Ghost crew.  He’s grown so much as a character with so much depth, and it looks like he’s going to join the Ghost crew once and for all(P L E A S E I WANT THIS DYNAMIC SO BADLY)
-I loved the ending scene with Kanan walking through the Ghost, checking up on everyone for the audience.  The little moment he shared with Kallus was awesome, and the pilots standing outside Ezra’s door was probably my favorite part.  It made the fight feel more raw, because it was.  It wasn’t a true victory, just an escape with heavy loss.  The entire battle sequence honestly brought back so much nostalgia for the Clone Wars because that was constant field battle.  This was the first time in Rebels we saw an organized ground attack between the team and troopers that was exclusively military 
-REX WAS OUT THERE WITH HIS LITTLE HAND BLASTERS AND IT BROUGHT ME SO MUCH JOY Him and Zeb have become an awesome team of mass destruction and it makes sense since they both fought in wars.  They’re built for combat(Zeb figuratively, Rex literally) and automatically stick together.  
-OKAY BUT THOSE STAR DESTROYERS THAT WAS TERRIFYING Hera’s facial expressions were freaking insane just from confidence to shear terror in 2 seconds it was crazy AND THE R A N G E OF THOSE BLASTS HOLY SHIT they never put that on display in any other series or movie that was astounding I had no clue that was possible 
-THE FREAKING BENDU HOLY FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK the Bendu is literally just wrath saved up for those who enter his space.  I still love that calling him a coward was all it took to get him to do something.  He may not take sides, but he with most definitely defend his pride 
-Commander Soto.  I saw the look on his face and I knew it was coming.  The way he died was probably the most honorable they could have done it.  He gave his life to the rebellion, trusting in all of these people to help him.  Giving his life meant that he trusted them enough to carry on into a better tomorrow
-Sabine Wren the love of my life(She painted a plate of her brother’s armor that was so cute) freaking built a shield generator from nothing I love her 
-HERA. FREAKING HERA HOLY HELL her expressions in this episode literally killed me they were so amazing she looked like she was going to gut Thrawn and sell his innards for credits no one messes with Hera’s family
-At the same time when she had the look of utter defeat on her face it was devastating
-I realized halfway through that they had the power to kill off Rex and I got really scared because I had heard that this was going to be a full out episode hold-nothing-back kind of thing but was very relieved when nothing happened
-there was SO much room for a cliff hanger.  When they were all making the jump to hyperspace, there was a lot of panning from camera to camera per say, especially when the Ghost was about to pick up Kallus.  I’d seen that kind of cinematography before, we all have.  The really tense moment, relief is just within reach, everything will be fine-BOOM.  Tragedy.  But the tragedy never came, and I don’t know whether to be relieved or terrified that they are holding back something far worse than this battle.  I’m looking at you Dave Filoni.  
-Thrawn and the Bendu was a really interesting encounter.  Thrawn obviously thinks that the Jedi are some sort of magic wielders within his extremely logical sense of thought.  He literally calls it “devilry” which I for one found hilarious.  Thrawn seemed intrigued by the Bendu and his knowledge, but he also seemed scared for the first time.  It was nice to know something actually scared the guy. 
-GIVE ME KALLUS AS SPECTRE SEVEN PLEASE AND THANK U I am really looking forward to his arc holy crap we have so much to look forward to it’s gonna be a blast my dudes 
-Thrawn’s story continues and I am in pain because he has more pain to inflict on my children and I am not ready
-I wonder how close they will get to the Rogue One story now.  I mean it’s set 10-15 years after the Empire took over, and the rebellion with Mon-mothma was just started up in this series.  How much longer do we have?? I really don’t want to think about it. 
-One more time I’m just gonna appreciate the existence of Sabine Wren my girlfriend because I honestly love her so much 
-I hope we get some Mandalorian episodes next season based around what is happening in their civil war and Sabine fighting front lines 
-Poor AP-5 was just waddling around trying not to die and trying to keep up with everyone that poor droid
-WHERE WAS ASHOKA.  WHERE.  I refuse to believe that she is dead because that is not how the Rebels works.  As far as I know, they didn’t confirm it in Rebels Recon like they did with Maul(I mean that death was obvious but still) so I refuse to believe that she is dead.  I’m counting on you Dave Filoni.  Don’t fuck it up 
But yeah.  My children are alive.  This is fine.  Less destructive that season two finale, amiright?  It’s not like I was on the verge of tears the whole time or anything.  Definitely not.  
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rebel-21 · 8 years
Drowning in Mud part 3/5
As the wind blows through his long dark blue hair. he listened to any news from Sabine Hera and Zeb it had been all most 20 minutes and still nothing.
He breathed heavily into his oxygen mask “ Should we go in and see if there ok” turning his head way from the building they were scouting out.
“No” Kanan spoke up sternly “ That would bring to much attention anyway your mugs getting too much attentions lately.”
Ezra wanted to make smart ass comment but thought about better of it. As he turned his head back to the building.
“ How you feeling?” Kanan moved closer to him. “You have been quieter ever since the little incident earlier.”
“ yeah am ok.” As his mind wandered to the building that he saw earlier that day and how the air just smelt so awful “why-why are they doing that. He thought to himself.
Who’s doing what Kanan spoke his arms crossed cocking his head waiting for him to speak?
” Oh, I thought I was speaking to myself He didn’t realize that he actually spoke out aloud.
“ You did speak in your head but your connection was completely open to me so I heard your thought literally scream out to me.” Kanan quickly explained.
Ezra looked away “oh sorry didn’t mean to do that thought I put my mental shield up earlier.”
Kanan wrapped an arm around the boys “ Am sure you did but sometimes they can come down when you been mentally or physically weakened in some way.”
“ could we focus on the mission and talk  less about my health later” Ezra spoke, “ Not like I was dying of anything.”
Lucky Kanan didn’t bring up the subject again. As he watches from the street below him. As the minutes past and still, they hadn’t come out yet.
He was brought out of his thoughts by the blaster being cocked behind them. As he slowly turned to see three men standing on the rooftop with their guns pointed right at them. “ you guys make any sudden move we will open fire on your asses.” One of the men spoke.
“There nowhere to run anyway the men on the left spoke his voice was raspy like he had been smoking a full pack of cigarettes in one go.
” we heard that you guys would be coming to collect something that should be rightfully are.“ Ezra quickly gave Kanana a look trying to figure out what the older men were thinking.
As he looked down to see that Kanan had three fingers down to his side as his eye where turn looking for the edge of the building.
Ezra understood right away as both of them throw they’re to hand out using the force to knock the men down to ground their blaster flying out of there hands. He felt Kanan grab him from behind as they both jumped off the roof. Landing on a balcony that was 8 feet below them.
” What the hell how did they know we wanted to try to make a deal.“ Fallowing Kanan as he jumped down from the balcony and ran in one of the side alleyways. ” Am not hundred percent sure Kanan said honestly as they hid behind the dumpster.
“ Spectator 1 can you read me” Kanan raised his head to his comm link but all he got was static. “ were seating ducks out here. Looking around to make sure that they hadn’t been spotted.
 ” There they are!!!!“ Ezra pointed out as they were running out of the building men hot on their heels. ” That not good.“ Ezra mumbled. ” nope it really not the kid" Kanan agreed as the both broke into a run to help them get some cover fire. Ezra quickly clipped off his blaster began to aim at the other men. As Kanan blocked blast with his lightsaber from hitting him in the process. 
“ Nice of you guys to join us what did u do Ezra tell the whole fleet we were in there,” Sabine spoke as she grabs Ezra to push him in front of her. “ Hey, I can’t help it that they love my face so much.” As they all ran into the alleyway to find some cover. “Ugh, there too many of them Hera spoke, ” we didn’t even get the gun it was all stupid trap from the very beginning.“ I can’t believe I didn’t see it coming earlier.”  she try to take another shot but she had to duck so she wouldn’t  get shot down. 
As an idea strike Ezra  “HERA MOVE!!!!” He jumped in front of her throwing his hand’s out letting  the force flow through his hand as the dumpster was flown across the ally way and smashed into the men that were firing. 
As he felt all the energy leave his body as he knees gave out from under him as he landed on all four on the muddy ground very much dazed. He felt someone pick him up under his knees and back. As they ran He could feel rain starting to fall there was a loud explosion the person that was carrying him got thrown  Across the ground as his body hit the ground hard his oxygen mask flew off his face and he knew no more.
He was woken from someone roughly kicking him in the side of the ribs. sadly he had woke many of time to people beating him senseless when he was on the streets so this was not something new to him. His eye snapped open to being completely startled to the fact he was inches way from Kanan’s face. HIs body bolted up from where he was lying. his eyes scanned the area to figure where the hell they were. He looked around to see that the crew was laying unconscious all around him. 
“ Look who finally thought it would be a good idea to wake up boys.”  a snide male’s voice spoke from the far corner of the alley they were in. Ezra slowly went to grab his lightsaber from his side to found that it wasn’t there. “ Looking for this little Jedi another man came out behind a dumpster. swing the weapon around in his hand. “ how much do think we can get for this Boss as throw it to the men that spoke earlier. The men caught it with ease “oh we can get a pretty price for something like this” The man who Ezra assumed was the whole brains of this oppression. 
“ what do you want with us” Ezra slowly stood up from the muddy ground. His head swam from the lingering exhaustion after performing that force push earlier. As he stood in the middle of the ally making sure that he kept himself in between his friends that were vulnerable and unconscious. 
Making sure he didn’t take his eyes off the two men he made sure he could grab his hidden knife that he had up his arm if he needed. “ So all ask again what do need us for what did we do to you.” his voice was full of confidence year of living on the street helped him keep a level head.
“You have a lot of guts kid.” The leader spoke “ I thought you would be cowering in the corner cause the baby didn’t have his weapon. “ So you want to know why we attacked you guys.” Ezra didn’t speak he knew the men was trying to get him to say something stupid so they could have reason to attack him.
“ We attacked you cause you’re the reason we are living this way You think you Jedi were so much better than us normal people. So when we heard that some of you were still alive and you were running around acting like you were doing good it was finally time for us to shut you piece of shits up.”
Ezra back shot up straight as the force told him to move as he just allowed his body to do what it needed. as he rolled out of the way by another man who had just missed him by inches with a switchblade. He cursed himself for not sensing there were more of them. “ Look we didn’t mean to mess with any of you guy.” Ezra tried to explain to the men as he dodged another attack. sliding in the mud.
He quickly flicked his knife out of his sleeve as he lashed out at the other men that had got the drop on him.  using the force to knock the knife out of the men’s hand. Bring his knee to knock the wind out of the men as he doubled in pain flipping over the men with ease thrusting his knife to the jugular. putting enough pressure to draw a little blood. “Look give me my stuff back and  I won’t have to kill each and every one of you .” Ezra’s eyes flashed in anger “ You think am the normal Jedi” As he left out a laugh as he sneered at each one these piece of shits. “I have lived on the streets I know what type of people you are and each one of you deserves to die so all ask again leave or all of you die a most painful death.”  
“ oh, young Jedi I don’t want to kill your friends just you.” Before he could figure process what the gang leader spoke he felt a shock run through his whole body as he screamed in pain he felt his hand  let go of the knife  before he fell to the ground face first in the mud unconscious once again
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nozoroomie · 8 years
I Can’t Believe I Met Ayase Eli
Summary: As a late birthday present the members of aqours take Dia back to Tokyo for a fun day of shopping and fun in the city, but when Dia gets lost she finds her way to a cafe where she meets a certain favourite idol of hers.
Notes: Hello everyone! Wrote this self indulgent fic after seeing this amazing artwork by twitter user @ ah_hahauccu  This is sort of like. Another late birthday present for Dia. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it :')
Thank you for all likes and reblogs! 
Dia clutches tightly onto her phone as she roams the busy streets of Tokyo. Alone. Without a single person she knows next to her or within the same radius as her. When the group agreed to spend the day after Dia’s birthday in Tokyo, browsing the shops and having a good time with her, she never expected losing everyone the moment they all exited the street with the train station.
Their group chat is bustling with replies. They all agree before anything else happens, they need to meet up somewhere. You proposes a cafe and then Riko tells everyone the best cafe to meet at isn’t too far from the station itself. If they can regroup outside there, they’ll be fine.
Dia however, can’t recall exactly which direction she came from. She has no clue how to retrace her steps back to the station, and the gps on her phone keeps telling her she’s on the other side of the city (which she knows is impossible. There’s no way the brunette traveled that far in the span of twenty minutes.) She sighs as she sends a reply to her friends.
 “I don’t know where to find it.”
Kanan’s the first one to respond.
 “Well, are you near any cafes? Why don’t you go to one near you, and we’ll make our way to where you are. This way you won’t get lost deeper in the city and we’ll be able to find you faster.”
 “OH! Good idea Kanan!”
All the words Mari send are in an English font, but the thumbs up sticker she adds can only mean she supports Kanan’s idea. Dia looks around the street for signs of any form of restaurant or a building she can wait by that stands out more than any other. She walks forward a bit, passing by different businesses and people until she see’s the small hanging sign of what might be a restaurant. She speeds up her pace only to find the hanging sign has an arrow attached to it, pointing down a small side street. There aren’t many people walking down it and Dia sighs as she heads towards the cafe.
Once she’s there, she reads the sign and opens line.
 “I’ve found one.” She types.
 “Okay! What’s it called?!”
Chika adds a few stickers in her eager reply. Dia smiles a little as she tells them the cafe’s name. There are several stickers of excitement sent from the other girls before Riko’s reply comes.
 “I know where that is! You really did get far from us Dia...”
Mari sends a laughing cat sticker while Dia blushes embarrassed.
 “Don’t worry. We’ll be there soon.” Kanan reassures.
 “Hey, why don’t we have lunch there?” Hanamaru proposes. “If Dia is there maybe she could get a table for all of us!”
Yoshiko sends a happy looking devil emoji, agreeing with Hanamaru’s suggestion.
“Great idea! We could all go for something to eat now, right?” You adds in.
The group agrees and soon Dia finds herself stepping into the small cafe and asking if there’s a way she’ll be able to get a table for nine. The hostess seems surprised but is happy to accommodate. She tells Dia to wait there while she and a couple employees put a few tables closer together. Dia nervously looks at her phone for any more messages and sighs when she sees nothing. She’s confident they’ll find the place, especially since Riko knows it, but she still fears waiting alone at the place.
Being alone in Tokyo is still just as scary now as it was when she was a child.
Dia doesn’t realize she’s blocking the door until someone in front of her clears their throat. She looks up to the source of the sound and she stares for a moment. A tall woman with long blonde hair standing not too far away from her offers a small smile. Dia blinks once as her brain processes this woman’s appearance, recognizing her from somewhere. The woman begins speaking as she does.
 “Sorry for troubling you, but are you alright?” She asks.
Dia can’t think any longer as her lips close into a tight line and she drops her phone.That face, the hair, the voice, the bright blue eyes, this woman isn’t just anyone. This woman is Ayase Eli. The Ayase Eli. Her idol (both literally and in a role model sense.) The sound of her phone clattering on the tiled floor brings her attention away from her and she practically jumps.
 “A-Ah! Uhm, O-of course!” She almost shouts, wincing when she sees her phone is screen down on the floor.
 “S-sorry! I’m sorry!” she aplogizes hastily as she bends down to grab her phone and move out of the way, but her foot slips and she ends up kicking the poor, expensive thing across the floor. Dia internally screams when it collides with the tip of Eli’s boot. There’s a small laugh and Dia slowly pulls her hand back when Eli bends down to grab her phone for her.
 “It’s fine, I’ll get it.” Eli picks it up with ease, brushing the thankfully uncracked screen with a gloved hand and holding it out to her. She gives Dia another smile. “Here you go.”
Dia hesitantly reaches out and takes it into her slightly shaking hands.
 “T-thank you” She gives Eli a short bow and Eli chuckles.
 “Not a problem.”
There’s a small silence between them and Dia feels as if she could explode. Ayase Eli asked her if she was okay. Well, she had been a bit nervous earlier, but right now she feels like she’s the luckiest girl in the world. It isn’t every day you just casually bump into your idol while you’re lost in the middle of Tokyo, waiting for your friends to come find you. Eli breaks the silence by voicing her concern again.
 “Really though, are you okay?”
 “O-oh, yes! Y-yes I’m fine.” Dia somehow voices. She wonders how deep the blush on her face might be.
 “Ah, I see.” Eli smiles again, a relieved smile. “I’m glad to hear that. You looked so lost standing in the doorway here, I thought maybe you were stood up or something.”
Dia can’t believe she’s having such a casual sounding conversation with the Ayase Eli and she shakes her head.
 “N-no. My idol group- I-I mean Aqours- n-no! No I mean my friends! My friends will be here soon. W-we got separated while we were on an outing for my birthday and I found this place and they’re all coming to meet me here. Soon. They’ll be here soon.”
Dia feels like digging herself a hole and burying herself inside it. Why did she say all of that?! Eli doesn’t need to know any of that information. She covers her mouth and quickly bows again, stammering out a nervous apology. Another laugh comes from Eli and Dia nervously looks at her, seeing her expression is a polite yet charming smile.
 “Aqours huh?” She lifts her eyebrow and Dia wants to throw herself out the window and run as fast as possible.
Is this how Riko felt when all her... interesting novel purchases poured out of her locker in the station?
 “I think I ‘ve heard of you before. A good friend of mine likes to keep up with the current generation of school idols.” She comments. “She’s only said good things about your group, I believe.”
Dia can hear it now. Angels. Angels are singing. There’s a heavenly chorus above her and she’s slowly ascending from her body onto another unearthly plane of existence. Somehow, in one way or another, her idol knows of her. Not entirely, but even just knowing her a little bit is more than enough. This is the pique of her idol career and it’s only just beginning.
 “T-thank you. I’m honored! Humbled even! I- I really mean that.” Dia blurts. “I’ve, aspired to be like my idol ever since I learnt what school idols were. I even became student council president somehow, just like she was. ”
Eli looks at her endearingly and Dia can’t believe she’s over sharing so much. This is so embarrassing. Where are her friends? Can they save her from this horror show she’s performing in front of the former muse member?
 “Sounds like you’re working hard.” Eli tells her. “Keep at it, alright? Being a school idol and student council president is a lot of work.”
For a moment, Dia feels relaxed. She smiles at her and nods in agreement.
 “It can be difficult but,” She pauses for a second, playing with a strand of her hair and looking away from Eli. “I-If Ayase Eli can do it, then I can too.”
She swears, from the corner of her eye she can see the hint of a blush on Eli’s cheeks as she laughs.
 “Hey, what’s your name?” Eli asks her beginning to button up her jacket.
 “K-Kurosawa Dia.” The brunette answers.
 “Kurosawa Dia.” Eli repeats. She smiles at her and Dia can feel her heart beat blasting in her ears.
 “I’m Ayase Eli,” She introduces, “It’s nice meeting you.”
She gives Dia a small bow and honestly, Dia feels faint.
 “Y-You as well, Ayase-san.” Dia returns the gesture.
There’s a small silence that follows them as Eli adjusts the scarf around her neck. Dia’s a little disappointed to see her leaving so soon, but she knows that a chance encounter like this doesn’t mean they’ll be spending time with each other. Hell, Dia’s lucky she got to speak as much with Eli as she has. Her friends will never believe the story when she tells them about it in the next few minutes or so.
Literally. Nobody’s gunna believe her at all. Dia can almost feel the tears of frustration forming from the conversation that has yet to happen with her friends.
 “Did you say it was your birthday?!” Eli suddenly asks. Dia blushes and nods.
 “I-it was yesterday, but today is the day my friends were all able to celebrate it with me.” She explains.
 “Oh! Well, Happy belated Birthday.” Eli smiles and Dia sees stars.
Her idol just wished her a happy belated birthday. This might be the new best moment of her life (really, this whole experience will be when she really thinks about it.) Dia thanks her with another bow and shuts her eyes tightly. Her smile must be huge right about now.
There’s a bit of movement in front of her and Dia looks up to see the hostess has returned. She smiles at her and Dia isn’t all too surprised she almost forgot she asked for a table for the group. She is in the presence of someone famous after all.
 “Here, Kurosawa-san.” Dia’s attention is brought back to Eli and she notices the older woman holding out something to her. She reaches out and Eli places a small piece of paper into her hand. Dia blinks and looks down, seeing it’s a specials list for the cafe they’re in.
“Turn it around.” Eli says, making a spinning motion with her finger.
When Dia does her eye’s bulge at least twice their normal size and she looks at Eli in both awe and confusion.
 “Don’t tell too many people you met me here, alright?” She says in a voice just loud enough for her to hear. She lifts a finger up to her lips and gives Dia a small wink. “It’ll be our secret.”
Dia almost crumples the paper in her hands and she nods.
Eli giggles and gives the girl a small wave before walking past her and through the door. Dia’s still standing in the. entrance of the cafe and she watches the door slowly close behind Eli as she exits. Her mouth is still open and she feels lightheaded. Did that all really happen?
She looks down to the paper and sees Eli’s signature, bold and perfect on the piece of paper and Dia smiles.
Maybe getting lost in Tokyo this time around isn’t so bad.
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ianmoonestuff · 8 years
AQOURS 1ST LOVE LIVE ~Step! ZERO to ONE~ Live Viewing Coverage in Malaysia
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I really don’t know how to start this article with. It was a hell of a concert. Full of ups and downs kind of feelings. The memories that AQOURS had given us was quite priceless. As usual my article will be very long and VERY thorough. 
So please, in order for you to fully enjoy reading my article, it is recommended for you to really spare some time, brew a cup of coffee(or tea, whichever you prefer) and sit back, take a deep breath and enjoy.
I’ll divide the coverage into Day 1, Day 2, personal opinions, the REAL things that happened during the Live Viewing in Malaysia and BONUS as I’ll explain one of the greatest history and memories in Love Live concerts.
Update: -Added video highlight from official sources. I also want to share the unofficial one but I lost it..sorry
(25th Feb)
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GSC Movies stated that the official merchandises will be available to purchase starting 12.00pm until the concert began. I rushed there by train(as usual) in the morning. Some of my friends are already there as early as 6am or so I heard.
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They only provided a very LIMITED item such as pamphlet, sub-unit rubber strap keychains and KingBlade.
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And surprisingly everything went sold out fast for the FIRST hour!
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Also we were featured on the big screen. The video was during the recent Final Love Live and the record breaking for the largest audience and 1st Live Viewing in Malaysia.
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It’s time. People taking their seats.
Now some of the highlights from the concert. I won’t provide any pics because...it’s a rule duuh and I won’t gonna risk my country from getting ban. Also I won’t specify it much since you guys can read it more from many sources out there.
So they start with Aozora Jumping Heart followed by Koi ni Naritai AQUARIUM and introductions. Everything went so well until...rainstorm came.
Yeah the live viewing got interrupted. I heard that Singapore were affected too. If it does then I’m not that surprise since it’s raining season now here in Southeast Asia. It happened to be during a raining season so can’t help much. We tried to warn people to keep switching off their phones. The least thing that we could do was do not disturb the signal. We missed Yume de Yozora wo Terashitai and Genki Zankai DAY! DAY! DAY! but quickly recovered until CYaRon’s mc part.
The funny thing was if you guys remember the 2nd or 3rd episode when Chika, You and Riko about to perform their first debut and everything doesn’t went well because of the thunderstorm? Yeah, it was the same thing that happened us. All of us were screaming “KISEKI!!!”. Some of us even sang some idol songs to calm us down(curse the guy who sang BokuHikari XD). The funny thing was they even sang some random songs from other idol anime like Macross Delta and iM@s.
My favourite part was when Guilty Kiss make their appearance with Strawberry Trapper song. KYAAAAAAAA!!!! It was a legit rock song sang by some cute girls and I LOVE IT. Their performance was FREAKING AWESOME!!! I CAN’T DESCRIBE MUCH HOW AWESOME THEY DID. EVERYONE CHEERS MAKE IT MORE PUMPED UP AND I CAN’T STOP TYPING IN CAPS!!! MY OSHI HAVE TO BE MARI AND AINYA, HER SEIYUU AND SOMEHOW I PICKED THE RIGHT GIRLLL!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH. LOCKK ON!!!!! MY KOKORO!!!!
Not to mentioned AZALEA!! Especially Arisha. Given that she’s also a gravure idol, man I can’t help but being amazed of how was she look with that dress. GOSH!!!
The live ended with Step! ZERO to ONE as one of the encore.
We actually did the largest AQOURS-SUNSHINE cheers but I forgot to take the picture because I was busy queuing in the arcade(my bad sorry )  
(26th Feb)
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Well the weather back then was pretty cloudy. I can expect many things can be happened during 2nd...which it was indeed happened.
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I started a few bit late and the hall will be open on 2.30pm.
2nd day setlist was pretty much the same as first but they replaced AQOURS Heroes with humming Bird. 
Somehow I did a good deed as a fellow Love Liver. Apparently a girl sitting beside me didn’t have any KB and judging by the way she act, she was a shy girl. Once the concert was about to start everyone were standing up except for her. So in order for not letting her felt left out, I offered let her borrowed one FLL KB(I actually brought three different kind of KBs during that time haha how convenience). She said she was kind of nervous(aww how cute) but I kept telling her that just enjoy the show, scream all you want and dance the hell all you want, we don’t judge here as we’re all Love Liver here. So I did showed her how to use the KB and yeah she missed some of the chants, cheers, calls but meh she was still learning.
Everything went so well and again like I said before since it was a raining season here...yes, we got another interruption and this time it was kinda frustrated for me. This because we still have a few more songs left to go and *boom* it happened. I heard people praying to God so it won’t happen that long, some of them even left the hall for awhile for a breather and yeah I did pray a lot too so we won’t missed much. 
Then suddenly some guy screaming from outside the hall. He told us that they finally announced the 2nd season of AQOURS and 2nd Live Tour! We screamed with overjoyed but we still want to watch the broadcast.
Then the broadcast turned back into normal and it showed the last mc where Aikyan was crying about the announcement. I straight away grabbed my KBs and support her along with other cast.  Thus, the 1st Live ended with a breeze...well...not ‘that’ breeze as I’ll talk about it later. Enjoyed some dinner with other Love Liver then went home with head full of memories and tiredness of supporting your favourite girls(I slept while standing in a train...no kidding)
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Forgot to mention that we actually did made a flowerstand. We have representatives there who handle the flower for us.
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 Thanks to all who contributed for our project. Surprisingly we have one Indonesian contributor there who also joined our project. Incase people wondering, KEI is my nickname there.
Below are some shenanigans that we Malaysia’s Love Liver did haha
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(Noticed that various idol series?)
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The thing that he hold was actually AQOURS callbook.
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...courtesy of Malaysia’s Love Liver.
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Oh and if you decided to come here in Mid Valley, please visit Komugi bakery. I really love their meronpan. Wish you were here @emitsunosaurus-rex
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And that’s all for AQOURS 1st Love Live ~Step ZERO to ONE~ coverage from me. Thanks for reading...you can go now...unless...
Rikako’s Breakdown
Yeah...it was one of those biggest moment in histories of Love Live live concerts. It literally hit me hard...VERY hard seeing RKK’s(Rikako) struggle for the sake of the concert, for the sake of other members and for the sake of her fans. We didn’t stop discussing about it after the concert was done. Even while we’re having a dinner. I had to ban myself from listening any AQOuRS songs after the incident in order to let the feeling cool down a bit...(but knowing internet’s natural being, I kept being hit by feelings everytime I checked my phone.)
It was a 2nd day live viewing. The seiyuu were already took their spot for Omoi yo Hitotsu ni Nare song. The piano was already there as usual. The idea of the performance was to imitate back episode 11 where we already know the story behind it was that Riko had a problem of playing piano and won’t play before this but then decided to join the competition...but since this is LIVE concert, it was a real business.
When Chika(Anchan) started to sing everything went well...until when the music was cut off. I actually did noticed a ‘wrong’ note being pressed resulting the music sounds a bit off. The rest of the seiyuu just continue on dancing and keep acting professional as they might be thinking it was just a technical problem and soon be over. The instrumental version was played a bit to cover RKK mistake but just for a few seconds as they realized that RKK...REALLY DO NEED HELP NOW! 
A faint voice saying ”ごめんね”(gomenne) was heard and Anchan rushed to RKK and embraced her, hugged tightly and calmed her down followed by Ainya(Mari) and Suwawa(Kanan). The word ”大丈夫”(daijoubu) being repeated countless time in order to make sure RKK really calmed down. Anchan reached and gave her a water bottle and a towel. They hold her hands very tightly and keep on calming her down. Knowing Ainya’s personality, I already expected that she will rushed to RKK too(YOU GO GIRL!!).
Yes RKK had a panic attack. This might be because of the pressure she had to face when it comes to Omoi yo Hitotsu ni Nare song where she volunteered herself(if I’m not mistaken) to perform the piano part. I’ve to admit everything went very well on the 1st day and it was really great watching RKK performed. Having no background of any music theory, she practiced playing piano for the past 3 months...for her fans. 
The crowds including me broke into tears. The incident really...really...really hit me VERY hard! At first I thought it was a gimmick to imitate back the scene where Riko can’t play piano...but it was a mistake and I’m really sorry for thinking it that way. I really am. 
The crowd then switched their KB into sakura pink and keep chanting “RIKAKO!” countless time. I did the same and screamed my lungs out hoping my voice to reach out despite broadcasting in Malaysia. All of the crowd turned into a sea of sakura pink as a sign of supporting RKK. Tear-mark left on our face during that time.
Anchan, Suwawa and Ainya, they hugged each other for a very quite some time. Then they continued on taking their spot leaving RKK alone again and hoping everything will be fine. I still can’t forget RKK’s face and shaky hands from the camera view that mounted beside the piano as soon she about to start playing it.
They performed Omoi yo Hitotsu ni Nare as usual and this time without any mistake and no flaw. RKK’s performance on piano was flawless. Ending the song with a view of RKK pressing the last note...with her shaky hands trying to get that perfect sound...she pressed it. The last note was a bit off but I DON’T CARE!! RKK have done well for us. The audience still keeping their sakura pink KB and keep on chanting RKK’s name endlessly. The performance ended with You greeted ”ただいま”(tadaima) followed by ”おかえり” by RKK...with a smile.
Again...it was one of the greatest, heart warming moment in the history of Love Live concerts. Rikako eventhough you’re not my oshi, you’ve earned a special place in my heart because of your act of braveness facing your hardship, never give up and keep on smiling in the end...
There you have it, my coverage for the past 2 days. I was listening to Omoi yo Hitotsu ni Nare while finishing this article and yeah nonstop tears streaming out. Sorry for taking it too long as I was busy and calming myself up after that ‘incident’.
With 2nd season coming up and Next Step Project, I hope they realized that they are actually competing with their own senpai in this idol-anime world. Not to be rude but I’m looking forward for AQOURS to beat their senpai sometime haha
As always, feel free to contact me if there are any errors here and there. I won’t bite.
Pictures Credits: https://www.facebook.com/gscmovies/ https://www.facebook.com/scania.hokokonn https://www.facebook.com/sixthseal https://www.facebook.com/blesxjiarong https://www.facebook.com/aio015 https://www.facebook.com/thompson.enthusiast https://www.facebook.com/houjoufamily https://www.facebook.com/Chiu.K.Liang https://animatetimes.com My pictures My monochrome-themed instagram account
~If there’s a colour for courage, it would be sakura pink~
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gondalsqueen · 6 years
Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Star Wars: Rebels Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla Characters: Hera Syndulla, Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger, Sabine Wren, Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios, C1-10P | Chopper, Ryder Azadi, Mart Mattin Additional Tags: Fix-It, Jedi Night, Nobody Dies, Team as Family, Pregnancy, i have now spoiled the whole thing in tags, non-graphic description of past torture, you know--canon compliant, Hurt/Comfort, Injury, non-consensual drugging, you wanted to see kanan take care of hera post-torture right?, come on we all did, more hurt/comfort, very little other than hurt/comfort, allusions to oc death, Discussion of Abortion, but you can probably figure out what they decide on that one
Summary: A fix-it fic for "Jedi Night." Notes:  All right, I just spent 40,000 words processing Kanan's death and proving that I could deal with reality (if by "reality" you mean "the lives of completely fictional characters," which I do).But here's the thing about fictional characters--they aren't real. So they don't have to stay dead like real people unless we want them to.
... They were losing altitude, Kanan’s weight dipping one wing of the glider and forcing Hera to strong-arm the thing starboard or fly crooked. She leaned back and pulled with all her might. They were going to clear the wall… they WERE… And there was the Imperial fuel depot—they’d made it. They hit the ground hard and Hera bounced into the air before crashing back onto the glider. Kanan lost his grip entirely and rolled across the ground, but he got up immediately, unhurt. They were going to be okay. Up the central fuel pod, climbing quickly together just like the old days. Kanan put her on the ladder first because she was, she had to admit, still just a little loopy from the interrogation drugs.
But they were fine. They made it to the top. They were fine.
Then they waited. Waiting was how a good plan went sour. 
Tell him, Hera thought. You almost died, you are running out of time, TELL him. But she couldn’t remember what she was supposed to say. She went for the simple truth, the thing that seemed so burningly obvious that it couldn’t remain unspoken: “I love you.” Then she kissed him to shut down all of those self-doubts. His lips on hers and his face weirdly smooth against her nose—for five seconds all was right with the world.
Sabine showed up with the gunship, Ezra gesturing to them from the back. And still Kanan dragged his feet.
Then Pryce fired on her own fuel pod and all hell broke loose.
The blast hit. The explosion followed a second later. Hera screamed and charged towards Kanan, thinking we’ve got to get out of here, it’s already too late, what is he doing?
He was holding back the explosion. He turned to face her, hand outstretched—he STOPPED her, she hated the feeling of that formless grip on her body—damn him, he lifted her right into the air, DAMN him, he was going to get himself killed, he’d been PLANNING it.
But with all of his attention on her, he couldn’t stop Ezra. The kid rushed right past her and stood shoulder to shoulder with Kanan, and together they pushed.
“Get on the ship!” Kanan yelled.
“No way! You told me we do this together!”
Hera dropped abruptly onto the fuel pod and had to scramble back up.
Together, fending off the impossible, Kanan and Ezra walked backwards step by step.
“Push it outwards,” Kanan yelled. “Out towards the other pods.”
Hera watched their backs as if the force of her gaze would hold them steady.
“Hera!” Sabine shouted. “Get on the ship so we can leave when they get here!”
Oh, of course. She grabbed the outside railing and scrambled on.
A step...another step… And then they were close enough that she could reach Ezra and drag him to safety by the nape of his neck.
“Go!” Kanan was shouting, “Go, go!” But he wasn’t on the gunship yet.
Sabine lifted off. Hera dove wildly and managed to catch his arm. If he hadn’t jumped, his weight would have dragged her right out of the transport.
Then the blast threw them sideways and they weren’t so much flying as being tossed. Kanan grabbed her on one side and Ezra on the other and they both held their footing as their ship tumbled through the sky.
“Karabast!” Sabine shouted, but Hera couldn’t get to her to help because she was literally standing over thin air.
“Ride it out,” Hera called. “Don’t try to fight it or you’ll end up in a spin.”
“Yeah, I know, I KNOW!”
Cannon shots flew past them, tracking closer, and they could do nothing but wait for control to return. Then the gunship righted. Pryce’s AT-ATs took one more shot, but they were already out of range and free, and FREE. They’d made it.
“You IDIOT!” She shoved Kanan so hard that if he hadn’t already been holding himself in place, he would have flown against the back wall. He’d scared her to death. “What was that? I thought you were going to die!”
“Yeah,” he said, shaky and completely off his game. “So did I.” He ruffled Ezra’s hair affectionately. “Some smart-alek kid always did like to throw a kink in the Force.”
“I learned from the best.” Ezra was breathing fast too. “But Hera, will you please HOLD ON to something?”
She grabbed onto a strut and realized that Ezra was holding her in a light Force grip only when he let her go. Then it was Kanan’s turn—he wrapped his arms around her too tightly, kissed the top of her head, and left his face there. “I am constantly saved by how little I actually know about the universe.”
Tell him, she thought. Tell him right now, blurt it out before something else can happen and mess things up again. “As a matter of fact, I know something else that you don’t know,” she said before she could lose her nerve again. “I’m pregnant.”
The dead silence made it clear that they’d all heard.
She hadn’t intended it like this, blindsiding him in front of other people at the worst possible moment, when she didn’t even know if she WAS still pregnant after the crash, the beatings, the torture.
“You’re what?!” It was Ezra who spoke. The gunship listed precariously to one side as Sabine seemed to be suffering a fit of...coughing?
Kanan was wearing that smug smile that still managed to infuriate her. “As a matter of fact, I...might have known that already.”
He shrugged guiltily.
“We really need to talk.”
They got out of the ship exhausted and bruised, but laughing. Zeb met them in the field and started laughing too. “You did it! You got her!”
“They got me,” Hera confirmed as Zeb picked her up in a giant hug and swung her around.
“Hey, careful!” Ezra yelled.
“Why? Is she hurt? Are you hurt?” he asked Hera.
“Pfft,” she said dismissively, right in his face. Okay, maybe the drugs hadn’t totally, 100 percent, worn off.
Zeb set her on the ground. “What, then? And what’s so funny?”
Sabine grinned. “Two words. Spectre. Seven.”
“Who’s Spectre Seven?”
Ezra whistled innocently, the message clear: don’t ask me.
“What are you talking about?”
Kanan and Hera laced their arms behind each other and walked towards the base, worse for the wear but still in the fight.
“Guys, seriously. Who’s Spectre Seven?”
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