zcyleeta-blog · 7 years
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hello buggies!! really sad bc my computer just crashed and I lost what I had already typed of this but second times the charm hopefully. I’m naomi (( she/her || twenty || est )) and these are my characters. I have zaylee zatara, daughter of zatanna zatara, and I also have gunner logan son of garfield logan aka beast boy. yes I gave them names with the same first initial it just felt right. I don’t have their entire backstories down yet but I’ve listed what I do have and some possible connections below. I’d really love to get some connections before we start, so pumped for this.
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(zaylee zatara)
No way, is that MAIA MITCHELL? Oh, wait, no, that’s just ZAYLEE ZATARA. They’re about TWENTY years old, and came here from GOTHAM CITY. They’re the daughter of ZATANNA ZATARA. From what i’ve heard, she DID know who their parent was. I don’t know what exactly they’re capable of, but I wouldn’t mess with them, I hear they’re pretty UNPREDICTABLE, MORBID, & IMPETUOUS. Even so, I’ve also heard that they’re CHARMING, WITTY, & INTREPID.
personality; zaylee is a very headstrong and driven girl. she has been raised to be independent and never take no for an answer. she’s extremely smart and almost puts too much effort into achieving her goals. ever since she was young zaylee wanted to be a police officer, getting older and developing powers she realized how useless the profession is in a world full of superheros and how they only dealt with the petty stuff... like parking tickets. none the less her determination kept her going with that court of study and is currently getting her bachelors in criminal justice in gothem as well as a minor in french and latin... like I said, over achiever. zaylee is somewhat of a negative human, she’s certainly a pessimist. she’s the type of girl that loves horror films and wants to ride the biggest roller coaster. she doesn’t particularly like or trust most people, so the ones she does trust she keeps very close.
background; zaylee is gothem city born and raised. she has lived at shadowcrest manor the majority of her life, up until college when she got an apartment in the city. shadow crest manor is the ancestral moving home of the zatara family. it has been just outside the city of gothem since john zatara’s ownership. the building is a very magical building and can move on it’s own and is not visible to most. zaylee has been learning magic at the manor since the age of seven, post her police officer goal phase. zantana has taught her when she has the time but a lot of the studying has been done on her own. part of the reason for zaylee’s un-trusting nature is probably due to the large amounts of time she spent at the manor alone. she had homeschooling until high school. zaylee has never know who her father is and zatanna has made it clear that she doesn’t want her asking. for now she doesn’t quite frankly care who he is.
abilities; zaylee isn’t nearly as powerful as her mother but she does hope to be someday, and with her dedication there’s no doubt to most that she will be. 
telepathy: zaylee works on her telepathy but it’s a very difficult ability to master. for now she can erase memories and strongly persuade someone to do something, however the persuasion can be broken quite easily with intervening.
telekinesis: she can move and obtain objects that are various distances from her using spells. 
deflection: she can deflect oncoming attacks to her, if she has enough time, to eliminate or reduce the attack.
eldritch blast: zaylee can blast enemies with mystical energy. this ability is the one her mother has worked with her most on and she’s quite good at it.
phasing: zaylee can make herself into her "phantom form" and become intangible. this is another ability zatanna has worked with her on. however she’s not particularly strong at it and can only hold the form for a certain amount of time before returning.
healing: zaylee has some healing powers which she just discovered. however it take a ton of energy and she can only do it to herself.
reflection: this is a new power she’s been working on and therefore doesn’t get it correct every time. she can reverse physical trauma so that attacks that come her way will deflect and hit the opponent instead.
possible connections:
- GOTHEM CITY: if your character is form or has been in gothem hmu because zaylee has lived there (( just outside of there )) practically her whole life. - RIVAL/FRENEMY: zaylee is very competitive in nature, so it’s natural that she would feel a rivalry to others. - EX: i have a headcannon for zaylee’s past love life. she had an exboyfriend who was the only guy she ever truly loved, however rumor spread that he was cheating on her. humiliated, because zaylee hates feelings and even letting herself get that close with someone was extreme, she broke up with him on the spot without even hearing him all the way out. he actually wasn’t cheating on her. - BEST FRIENDS: she’s got a bit of an icy exterior but I swear she’s one of the most loyal and loving people to those she holds close. - FAMILY FRIENDS: aye oh justice league children of any kind I’m sure we’ve meet at the work family picnic right justice league probs has those right?? sorry I think I’m funny. also maybe if your parent is a magic user of some sort zatanna is like queen of magic so she probably knows most.
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(gunner logan)
No way, is that HARRY STYLES? Oh, wait, no, that’s just GUNNER LOGAN. They’re about TWENTY-ONE years old, and came here from NEW YORK CITY. They’re the son of BEAST BOY. From what i’ve heard, he DID know who their parent was. I don’t know what exactly they’re capable of, but I wouldn’t mess with them, I hear they’re pretty UNRELIABLE, IMPULSIVE, & CAUSTIC. Even so, I’ve also heard that they’re SANGUINE, COMICAL, & LOYAL.
personality; oh god where to even begin with this kid. gunner is probably one of the cheekiest guys you’ll ever meet. he really takes after his father, despite not really knowing him. gunner can make a joke out of almost anything, whether it’s a good joke or not. he’s quite childish, very unreliable, and honestly a bit airy at times. however, the kid will have your back no matter what, he’s a light ball of energy, and he’ll always have a smile on his face. gunner is very flirtatious and it gets him into trouble sometimes. gunner never knew an enemy, he literally trusts everyone. the kid is very gullible so he kinda needs someone to make sure he’s not like accidentally committing crimes for people. gunner is vegetarian like his father, he’s super passionate about animals.
background; garfield was one of those dads that came around every once in awhile to take his son out to the baseball park. gunner had nothing but fond memories with his father growing up, however the memories were minimal. his mother and garfield had a one night stand that resulted in a pregnancy. his mother wasn’t to keen on her future child growing up around a superhero and violence so she kept visits with garfield to a minimum. gunner has been able to bond with his father more so since moving out and making more of an effort to get to know him, especially since he started developing similar abilities. no gunner didn’t ever turn green, but ever since he was young he had a strange connection with animals. as he got older it developed and he was sort of able to read and communicate with animals. this doesn’t mean that he could fully understand them, just pick up on what they might be thinking. at the age of eleven was when he first actually transformed into one. that was around the time when his mother was considering kicking garfield out of his life for good, gunner was determined to find a way to make that not happen--hence figuring out how to shift. the plot worked since gunner couldn’t figure out how to transform back from being a Pomeranian and garfield had to come and help him out. gunner was born and raised in nyc and is currently attending nyu for film production, however he really wants to get out there and fight the bad guys... but his mom keeps trying to hold him back of course.
abilities; since garfield passed down a mutated gene to gunner it has manifested somewhat differently in him.
metamorph: gunner has the ability to morph into various animals. however unlike garfield this has taken tremendous effort. he can’t simply think of an animal and transform. gunner has to almost meditate and focus to transform into a new animal. some he has mastered but others don’t always morph into the objective animal.
gunner has never mastered dinosaurs like his father.
animal telepathy: gunner has a stronger since of telepathy than his father. he has a sixth since with animals, including humans, and can read extremely well. he can’t read minds thought for thought but he can pick up on a general understanding of how their feeling or thinking. because of this he’s also a vegan like his father... can’t have the animals judging him.
martial arts: since from a young age gunner wanted to be like his father, he begged his mom to put him in martial arts and karate. essentially any sort of fighting class he could get her to let him do. he didn’t think he had any powers back then but its paid off really.
possible connections:
- FRENEMIES: gunner is the type to be friends with the enemy?? idk he sees good in everyone and is probably a bit over trusting. he’s probably accidentally join some evil team of some sort not realizing what it was bc they offered him pizza. - BROTP: amigas cheetahs friends for life. -gunner sings as he transforms into a cheetah- I’m actually losing it getting to the end of this post but please bring me those bff plots. - EXES(??): gunner is super flirtatious but has never had what he thought was a serious relationship. I think it would be interesting to see if someone maybe thought they were dating/committed in some way and gunner didn’t even realize. - FAMILY FRIENDS: teen titans and young justice children wya??
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