mewpet · 18 days
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So I redrew this piece from uhhhh 8 years ago(?!)
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what woud they do if their S/O had a cuteness agression overload? idk how to describe it but if they were just cuddling or smf and their S/O got so happy that they hugged them tightly, REALLY tightly and like started giggling and screaming from happiness? how woud they react plz tell me i have a lot of these stuff happening
Undertale Sans - He jumps a bit at the sudden movement, just blinking at you in confusion. Uh, ok, yeah, he can cuddle. Can you just not crush his ribs, please? He needs them to breathe and stuff, you know. Sans doesn't mind much other than that, he's not that cuddly, but he lived with Papyrus his entire life so he's used to it.
Undertale Papyrus - Your excitement excites him even more and now he's doing the same with you. Papyrus has a lot of cuteness aggression too, so he doesn't mind. He was already a bit like that when you met him, because of Undyne, but now both of you are encouraging him so who is he to resist? He loves hug!
Underswap Sans - He whines, annoyed, and starts to wiggle his legs in the emptiness as you're holding him like a big cat under the arms, hugging him tightly. Please, he's begging you, let him go. He's not mean enough to push you away, but he definitely looks like a grumpy old man right now. He doesn't like hugs, that's a waste of time.
Underswap Papyrus - He tenses in surprise and shock, startled, before relaxing when it turns out you actually just want a hug. A very tight hug, right, but still a hug. You know you can just ask, right? If you missed him that much, he could come to cuddle with you in bed, you don't have to tackle him like a rugbyman.
Underfell Sans - It depends on what state you are in your relationship. If it's the beginning, he will bite your arm to force you to let go, and probably be mad at you for the rest of the day. After a few months though? He's just resigning to his fate. You can hear him sigh loudly as you kiss his skull everywhere and squeeze him like a teddy bear, but he doesn't do anything to stop you either. He guesses that's his life now.
Underfell Papyrus - Like Red, he tends to growl often the first few times, unhappy, but then after several months of this, he just rolls his eyes at you and sighs, not doing anything to escape your crushing arms. He still growls from time to time to show he's definitely the one in control here to please his gigantic ego, but you know it's all a facade and it doesn't have any effect on you.
Horrortale Sans - He whimpers pitifully as you're crushing his neck. Oak would never be that tolerant with anyone else and you know that, and maybe you're taking a little too much advantage of the situation. He likes hugs, but he's not a big fan of you jumping randomly at his face, it often startles him. But when he realizes it's just a hug, he immediately calms down and goes back to normal. Still, be careful to not play with fire too much as there's one day where he might punch you out of surprise lol.
Horrortale Papyrus - He grimaces in pain every time, as it hurts his spine. He would prefer if you rather not jump on him. One or twice is fine, but after that, he might stop you midway by making you faceplants into his hand. He doesn't feel particularly sorry either about it.
Swapfell Sans - He hisses, then chomps your arm with his very pointy teeth. The more you insist, the harder he bites. Nox doesn't like being tackled out of nowhere and will let you know. Usually, he's pouting a few hours after that, and giving you long intense dark stares for a good week every time you're getting too close. No touchy.
Swapfell Papyrus - At your own risk. Rus loves that so much that you actually trained him to do it as well. Except Rus is twice your size and twice your strength too. So yeah, the first time he tackles you on the couch, emptying your lungs as he hits you, it's going to be a surprise. Rus loves to play violent games, but maybe a little too much so be careful.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He does a dramatic slow turn to you with the most "WTF" expression you have ever seen him do.
You decide it's best to slowly let him go if you want to survive another day. Wine is not cuddly. And he's wearing expensive clothes. Do that again and he yeets you by the window.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - When you come running to him, screaming, he freaks out and starts to run for his life as well, screaming at the top of his lungs lol. You startle him. Good luck tackling him without him screaming like he's getting murdered now.
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imtrashraccoon · 13 days
Guess who's back
Lolita anon ‼️ (*`▽´*)
An ask for the UT!, US! And UF! Papyri and sanses!
(Since some of the skelies dont have a scarf or bandana thing uhhh, its winter for their part of the ask so they are wearing one since scarfs are required </3)
They were getting ready when S/O walked up to them, gesturing to the scarf saying that they want to do it for them
When they're done they pull back and...
The scarf is tied into a bow
Before they can react they just hear "because you're a gift" and they walk away with a squeaking guinea pig
It isnt until later they realize that was a distraction of the fact they bought a guinea pig
Its named kitty now even though it is not a cat
(#゚Д゚) its 4 AM here though so i need to sleep, bye bye !!! (*´∀`)♪
I always enjoy writing your requests! I must apologize that it took me this long since I was doing the Don't Imagine requests, but it's here now. (Side note: I have a couple of those that still need finishing but I took a small break from writing this week.) I hope you like this.
Undertale: Classic (Sans) & Vanilla (Papyrus)
- He was about to head out to pick up Frisk from school and wouldn't have even put a scarf on if his brother hadn't insisted on it. The cold goes right through him after all... He's a little taken aback when you offer to tie it but he lets you since he likes seeing you happy. Although, the bow is a little...childish. He's not a babybones, okay? He'll wait to untie it until he's out of sight so he doesn't hurt your feelings.
- The mild flirting does get him to blush a little. Shucks, he's not sure how to react to that except to make a pun about his presence. He definitely can't untie the bow now, not with how sincere you were. He leaves none the wiser with a bit of a spring in his step.
- It's only an hour later that he remembers the guinea pig and realizes that you purposely distracted him. He's still impressed by the pun but he's also not sure why you did it. He doesn't care if you've collected another pet, so long as it's properly looked after anyways. If anything, he just got another nap buddy. Do guinea pigs even take naps? Eh, he'll ask you about it later.
- He was on his way to meet Undyne for a "training" session (really just a glorified snow fight) and had started putting on his winter gear when you offered to help. He explains that unlike his brother, he doesn't need assistance with this sort of thing but humours your odd request with a smile. He's a little taken aback when you decide to tie his scarf into a bow but can't deny that he actually likes it. He almost wishes he'd worn his scarf like this as a babybones.
- He blushes a little and manages a quiet "nyeheheh", although it takes him a second to realize that you weren't just flirting and also made a clever pun. He's rather impressed that you managed to trick him like that and he'll be thinking of a way to get you back for the rest of the day. He might get a little more flustered than he normally would when Undyne inevitably asks why his scarf is tied the way it is.
- He noticed the guinea pig immediately but didn't get a chance to ask about it in the moment. He'll be sure to ask you about it later and will be overjoyed at your name choice. He's also curious about how you care for a guinea pig and wonders if it would be lonely by itself. Maybe you should get it a friend?
Underfell: Crimson (Sans) & Scar (Papyrus)
- He's of the opinion that he doesn't need a scarf and that he looks silly with one anyways. He's only stepping out for some fresh air and even if the weather does turn, he's been through worse. He only relents when you start to pout and mutters under his breath about how he really should start saying no to you. Unfortunately for you, he absolutely hates the bow and protests that you're going to ruin his reputation. He tears it off immediately and storms out, although it's obvious that he's more embarrassed than angry.
- He's blushing but more from embarrassment than your flirting attempt. He'll cool off by the time he gets back but it gives him plenty of time to think of a way to embarrass you in return so you better watch out.
- Fortunately, the distraction was very effective and he's completely surprised when he eventually does find out about the guinea pig. He's a little weirded out by it but ultimately deems it not his problem. You've been good about looking after your bunnies so it'll probably be fine. Just, keep it away from him? He's not keen on rodents, even if it's a lot cuter than most are.
- He was about to go check on the goats since one is about to give birth any day now when you offered to help him with his scarf. At first, he didn't understand what you were asking since he knows perfectly well how to tie one. When you still insist on helping him, he gets suspicious but bends down enough so you can reach. He almost laughs when you tie it in a bow and gives you a bit of a patronizing pat on the head. He explains that he's too old for that now but he appreciates your efforts to make him feel special. He unties the bow afterwards and leaves with a smile.
- It's only when he's inside the barn that he allows his composure to break. Why do you have to be so cute?! It was a corny attempt at flirting but it still left his soul fluttering. He'll eventually think of a way to respond that is equally as clever.
- He noticed the guinea pig but was too focused on remaining in control of his emotions to say anything. He'll casually bring it up later on, possibly catching you by surprise, and make sure you're aware of how much work it can be to look after it. You do know that they're social animals and should have a companion so it won't be lonely, right? And don't even think about putting it in the same enclosure as your bunnies or he'll lecture you about that too.
Underswap: Blue (Sans) & Saffron (Papyrus)
- He was off to work when you stopped him and asked to tie his scarf. He starts to say no but you immediately put on puppy eyes and he can't bear the thought of making you upset. He's a grown skeleton and doesn't normally like being fussed over like this. He blushes at how close you're standing and can't bring himself to look at you directly. The bow really doesn't help him calm down either.
- He was already blue in the face but your attempt at flirting only made it worse. He doesn't know how to respond and bashfully rubs the back of his skull. At least he now knows you were being clever and not infantilizing him, intentionally or not. He's pleased as punch while driving to work afterwards and only unties the bow when he arrives.
- He was much too flustered to even register that you were holding a guinea pig and only remembered when he got home in the evening. He's ecstatic about the new addition to the household and finds their name rather amusing. He's curious about the differences between a guinea pig and a rabbit so you better be prepared to answer a lot of questions.
- He only wanted to step outside for a smoke break when you ambushed him and insisted that he wear a scarf. At first, he attempts to weasel his way out of it and makes a few puns to distract you. Unfortunately, you're equally as stubborn and physically loop it around his vertebrae. He relents after that but not without commenting that he's not a babybones anymore. He's actually stunned when you tie the scarf into a bow and stands there silently as you leave.
- Once he gets over the shock, he's secretly very impressed. You got him good and he's not so sure he can top that. He ends up playing with the ends of the scarf instead of doing what he originally planned to. You're too good to him and he finds his soul swelling with joy afterwards.
- He definitely saw the guinea pig but was too distracted to dwell on it. He'll hide his surprise when you eventually tell him about it but he doesn't mind the new addition. The name gets him to snicker a little and he can't help but ask why you're like this. He's not complaining though; you make his life better just by being in it. He'll pay close attention to how you care for it so you don't have to worry if you aren't able to for whatever reason.
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jester-dragons-aus · 5 months
Ah fuck I've done it again
Amalgam AI AU
I've seen some AUs about the humans being AI instead of Caine and I thought that might be the simplest way to get this monstrosity to happen with a massive glitch without abstraction playing a part.
I think I just really like horror AUs and doing stuff like that is just so fun so I made another one with a better title than "Horror House" cuz c'mon what the hell does that mean lol
The only characters I don't have designed currently are Zooble, Caine, and Bubble but I'll add them soon. Caine will be a human, Bubble could be something to help him out and what not.
Inspired by AUs like Sm-baby's and The Horror Circus AU, but like, different ofc.
Think this: the game wasn't originally supposed to be a horror game, just a game you go through for fun. Like Undertale, I guess? But not quite
So first and foremost, I think people would wanna see Pomni, though Jax was the first to be designed.
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Pomni is supposed to be some sort of anti-virus or some sort of protecting thing. Supposed to fix bugs and glitches and prevent viruses from getting into the game. Like a firewall, I guess? I tried to make her look like "right/wrong" esc thing. She was the last to be designed and it was like 1 am when I designed her. I had no clue what to do with her, I'll be completely honest.
Story wise, she'd be trying to find a way to undo this massive glitch and get the game back to normal before she can even rest. Once Caine pops up to try and fix the game from inside, as a dev himself, she does her best to protect him and help him fix the game.
No there is no shipping in this AU, they're just helping each other basically survive. They might become friends over time but nothing more. :V
Next up: Ragatha and Gangle! I actually really like Gangle's design but Ragatha definitely needs a few tweaks I think.
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Ragatha, before this massive glitch, would have been an NPC that would help a player out at the start but end up getting lost after a certain point, like a tutorial. She was the most caring character in the game before everything went down.
Gangle used to be someone who ran a little theatre thing in the game, as I've seen from other AUs and took inspiration from, but she's usually nice no matter what mask she has on. More arms means she can help more people at once, right? Game mechanics wise she was like a little shop keeper for costumes if they're needed and she can help with newer mechanics on stage if something new is added. Friendly NPC, you know? Love her design, too!
Now for the first two to be designed, Jax and Kinger!!
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So Jax was like a reoccurring villain, I guess. Always trying to make the player quit the game or just scare the shit out of them, despite him not being very scary himself. He's more played off to be a joke character, if I'm honest, always failing with his antics and what not. It's part of the code! I actually like his design, small lil paws and just so shapey over all.
Kinger was like a final boss, I guess? The scariest of all of them at that time. He was a king, ruling over his pawns and such, all of which were also bug themed! I love making Kinger bug related it's so fun. He's a big softie in reality but hits like a train if you ever went against him. He had terrible vision despite all of his eyes and was very slow despite the amount of legs.
Now for what everyone has been waiting for.
The reason for the AU title.
The MASSIVE glitch that caused everything to go downhill.
The Amalgam.
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I still think it needs a few tweaks here and there but this is one of four concepts I've had for it.
One time all four of these characters were together, which was relatively rare but possible, a glitch happened in the game. Pomni doesn't know where it started from and none of the game devs understand how it happened, but it did. Some devs think there's a hacker. A massive glitch pulled those four characters together into one terrifying being, always hostile and destructive. All the code of the characters were merged into this thing and somewhat scrambled. The game has now been broken to where once you're in, you can't escape until it's fixed, yet no one knows it, which is why Caine went in.
So much has happened and it's still being fixed, but a hostile blob of characters constantly attacking whenever it's near? It will be hard to fix.
It seems to be guarding something.
Concepts for the amalgam:
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You can see in the first one I was going to put Zooble there but I still need a good design for Zooble. Let's see what they'll be.
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maskedinfinate · 9 months
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hehe um ok ! since you asked so politely
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this is um. corrin. an oc for that undertale post-neutral run au i posted about a few days back. They're a captain of a place called the Riverbed, my own fanmade area which is sorta above waterfall. It's the highest point of the underground and is basically where all the water FALLS from. into. waterfall. wow. amazing. Corrin wants to act intimidating he wants to act like a bigger "threat" than he already kind of is, because hes had to experience a lot of people treating him like he didnt know a thing about what he was talking about when he was CLEARLY experienced, but wasnt listened to because he looked the youngest, and young = stupid apparently. So he tends to hide his face, because he really just. hates that. Corrin is also a type of water monster that can mainly only survive in waterfall, in places like hotland (or i dunno the DUNES) he is at risk of evapporating very quickly and straight up DYING. btw :3 i'll add kind of a lighting round of facts abt them that arent really mega important but if you want more to chew on then like ok here (THIS IS "do you like the colour of the sky?" LEVEL LONG READ MORE AT YOUR OWN RISK)
I'll start from when he was a babey up until like present time in my au i guess
Corrin was born in the riverbed area, while its not very populated due to having more water than land, he and his family thrived. His mother used to be a captain too, but she quit sailing to raise him. He got incredibly attached to all the stories she told about her experiences with sailing, and wanted to do just that when he grew up.
When he was a teen he needed to earn enough money to be a personal student for a well trained sailor, because there arent many schools in the underground to begin with so education regarding specific things like sailing, art, etc, have to be exercised by a personal trainer.
To get that money for about a year he worked at a daycare in snowdin, which was far from home but worth it. Working with vastly different kids who were learning all about their enviornment taught Corrin how to properly handle a large group of people all at once in a calm and content manner.
Once he had enough money he got to study. woohoo! then he got to sail! yippee! he got himself a crew, a good boat, and everything.
Corrin and his crew's main goal for sailing is to help other monsters. Sometimes monsters can get stuck in waterfall, or even get lost, maybe even be trapped under the riverbeds waves, and thats where they swoop in to help. They actually managed to help a few royal guards who were in danger at some point, which garnered them a bit more attention. Corrin was gifted a harpoon by undyne as thanks for he and his crews effort into helping the royal guard, and he uses said harpoon to fire at shit with a harpoon gun :3 ok so. this is the part where corrin meets star ok. get ready ig.
Sometimes, monsters from that little home area of waterfall get lost and need a ride back with the boat. But sailing there is of course safer, but takes a long time due to a bunch of twists and turns needing to be taken. So corrin and their crew thought of a plan. They'd scope out a sort of shortcut to get to that home area faster so monsters wouldnt have to wait so long. As they were testing their theory the waters were extremely uncooperative, but Corrin got reckless. He took a wrong turn and they ended up crashing and he went overboard. Corrin sorta. floated away. half drowning, half not, just kinda out of it. Since the riverbed is the highest point of the underground, he ended up falling! many times! and much like a certain lil human guy ended up crashing into one of the mines in the dunes. The dunes, being a very hot area, is NOT suited at all for corrin. He can die there if going without water for at most 3 days. So corrin seeked refuge and for help to get back to waterfall or for someone to just. idk. give him water. Unfortunately he was attacked ! uh oh! From his looks alone corrin does NOT at ALL look like hes from the dunes and is an easy target, yknow. Corrin fought back though as he does have a weapon, a fucking harpoon gun, but as he did so he was caught in the act at the worst second. in rolls the fuckin feisty five, despite knowing how serious the situation is they were like "nah lets keep this up for the roleplay" "we might die" "no" sooooo corrin got locked up in jail! He was able to explain his situation about how hes a water monster and will die within days if hes kept in that cell, so they come up with a compromise. If corrin helps them out around the wild east, THEY can help him get back to waterfall AND give him water ! And yea. then he and star get mega gay and homosexual. wow. corrin actually forms a bit of a rivalry between the five because he doesnt enjoy being bossed around, but he kind of has to or he might die yknow. dont feel like giving all the juicy details but eventually he and star get a bit close and yeeeaaaaaa but then they help corrin back to waterfall, but he and star stay in touch. through letters ! Corrin keeps every letter he gets from star btw in a special little box. because he likes stars awful handwriting
Eventually though when frisk rolls around, and kills asgore (canon to my au) Corrin is fucking. Furious. He has lost all hope. He as well as entire monsterkind has lost their freedom to a CHILD. Blinded by rage he begins taking out all his anger out on humanity, which, to Star, who KNEW clover and LOVED them like family because of how incredibly kind they were, takes great offense to that. Corrin and Star have to temporarily take a break from eachother so that Corrin can work on his issues regarding humanity, having to realize frisk didnt have much of a choice. It was either them or asgore. And they're a child. Who might not be able to process or understand the weight they carried on their shoulders.
Once Corrin comes to terms with that, and calms down, he and Star are back together and are happy :3
Though, then Palila enters !!! (another oc for the au, the player char) and. Corrin is hesitant. Palila sneaked onto their ship to be able to go from one place to another much quicker, but in turn, Corrin has no idea how to handle them. Corrin doesnt know what to do, all hes ever learnt was to fight or get someone off of the ship immediately if possible. But Palila is a child. A HUMAN child. He doesnt want to fight them, not after all the time he spent collecting himself and trying to berid of all his hatred for humanity and what they've done to monsters, but he's forced into a situation where he HAS to fight because someone is TRESSPASSING on their property. He first sends Palila to Time-out (those daycare instincts kicking in) but once they escape he cant really do anything but fight.
Once hes spared though, he makes a compromise with Palila too. They can stay on his ship whenever they need to and wherever they want to go (like sorta the riverperson) but they must ask or inform someone on deck before doing so. and now hes a dad :3 So yeah thats basically all of it in like a very bitcrushed summary i didnt want this to get too long but whoops. If you're reading this, you're cool. If you read EVERYTHING? you're insane, love that for you. thank you.
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ritterum · 2 years
As a Stupidist, I’ve found it useful to hold two (harmless and arbitrary) “beliefs”: one that can logically be argued to be true, and one which is both logically and intuitively absurd. These aren’t “beliefs” in the popularly understood sense of the word - certainly not actual philosophical positions to stand and die for! - Rather, think of pictures or sticky notes on one’s desk: reminders of the things or people closest to us.
Take as an example these two beliefs: (1) that technical understanding and mastery of the natural world translate into the ability to project indvidual/community will onto one’s surroundings; and (2) that the Gallic provinces consist entirely of cured pork bits. The second is obviously absurd - Gallia sit omnis divisa in partes tres, but those partes are geographical delineations of land, and land is clearly not made of processed pork. One could make the argument that this land could be, say, traded for barrels of pork; or that, like stardust, all pork eventually decays or is shat out and turned into soil. It may be that in some obscure medieval document, the entire region was declared to be made out of pork! In similar fashion, (1) appears to be self-evident: the development of the arts and sciences allowed e.g. Galileo to espy the moons of Jupiter, or Toby Fox to create Undertale. And yet certain animals and humans can do things effortlessly or instinctually that most people would struggle to do even with  training (consider hunting dogs bred solely for spotting/tracking/retrieving, or savants like Mozart and von Neumann who played with notes/numbers like they were Lego blocks).
I think this disparity handily illustrates the principle of caution: we are meatsacks who default to heuristics and pattern-matching, and it is easy to fall into generalizations or jump to conclusions. Perhaps we missed an angle, or forgot to drop a zero in the calculations - whatever the case, it is prudent to remember that we are but meatsacks, and approach truth-seeking with thoroughness and respect.
As meatsacks, we are inevitably going to mess this up somehow - maybe due to lack of caffeine, or lack of perspective! This brings us to the principle of compassion, which, put reductively, is: we’re trying to do the best we can with the best we’ve got, and as hunks of meat, that’s not a lot. But we can watch each other’s backs and pull each other up, which is a damn lot more useful than pissing on someone for not knowing how to pull themselves out of the mud. The keyword here is “growth mindset”. I’m a huge believer in the “lucky 10,000” concept popularized by Randall Munroe: at any given time, there are about 10,000 people in your continent of choice who aren’t aware of <common thing>. Why ridicule them for not knowing <common thing>, when you could celebrate them being the lucky 1 out of 10,000 to discover it!
And this brings us to the third leg of the Stupidist tripod: curiosity. What queer meatbags we are, that we have gained the ability to look upon our world and comprehend it. And how much there is to comprehend! The great temptation of adulthood is to pick a lane and stay in it; to affiliate oneself with tribal beliefs; to trade the promises of discovery for the secure stasis of prestige. All well and good, until the ever-changing world shifts under our feet, and we are forced to remember how to wonder, how to adapt.
I started out this essay wanting to talk about core conflicting beliefs, and ended up with a primer on Stupidism. I guess that’s just how the ball rolls! Feel free to adopt the conflicting beliefs above, which, since they’re quite lengthy, I’ll sum them up for you:
Knowledge is power.
France is bacon.
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kanene-yaaay · 2 years
Secrets Plans, Silent Screams and Great Discoveries (Papyrus x Reader)
Warnings: None, really! Just some playful tickles with Ler!Papyrus and Lee!Reader. About 3.000 words.
Kanene’s notes: YEAH I REALLY DID IT LET’S GOOOOOOO. It only took like 6 years of knowing undertale to gather the courage to write this so. Never give up from your dreams I guess. Sdfgjukjhgfbn. Haaaaappy day everyone! Wish you a very lovely and great week :D
You snickered, hardly reacting at your friend’s natural loud tune besides pausing the documentary so you could give the skeleton at your side your entire attention. After a few months of friendship - full of shenanigans, laws of physics being broken or unnaturally bent, spaghetti and strangely enough a sock in the corner of your living room that for some reason couldn’t be moved from the floor?? - it became easier to notice the tells of when something has been eating the monster’s mind. A certain way that his eye sockets kept jumping from one side to another, a slight ‘tap tap tap’ of his gloves patting his femurs in a quick pace, the way his body kept swaying on the couch, as if Papyrus was physically stopping himself from doing something. All of these showed that something was about to happen soon.
Good thing this time it was just a random shouted sentence. You don’t think you could take another surprise spar slash training slash self defense class slash friendship special attack from Papyrus. Your poor body was still recovering from the last one from Undyne.
Still, the question had been sudden enough that, after all of your surprised snickers dried out and no further context was given, every single memory and knowledge about human basic constitution and anatomy fled from you (a human) and your mind (a, and it’s important to emphasize, very human like mind who has never been anything but a part of the homo sapiens sapiens species even since it existed) and all the parts of the human body that had no bones were immediately forgotten. 
Under Papyrus’ excited and expectant smile (when did you begin to notice the difference between each of his smiles, again?), you freezed and stared back at him with a default blank expression.
More staring.
Ayyy. That is some very productive interaction you’re having right there.
With no hesitation he met your eyes with an equal unblinking gaze, lowering his back enough so you both would be at the same eye level. You held this for a few seconds before averting your eyes to the television, realizing that the match could go forever since he was a skeleton and didn’t need to blink. 
The screen was still frozen on the exact frame in which the narrator amplified a hair strand in order to explain how proteins and activated genes made it possible for human hair to be found in different shapes, colors and forms. Somehow you felt like Papyrus wasn’t asking about hair. What had been the subject before this, again?
Allured by the sound you turned around only to find Papyrus’ face a few centimeters from yours, which immediately resulted in a yelp as you pushed the skeleton away, closing your eyes with a surprised bark of laughter that only grew stronger with the other’s triumphant shout.
“ONCE AGAIN THE GREAT PAPYRUS WINS THE DIFFICULT NON BLINKING HUMAN GAME WITHOUT BREAKING A SWEAT (EVEN THOUGH WE SKELETON MONSTERS DON’T HAVE ENOUGH SWEATS TO BREAK!)” He was quick to adjust himself back to his upright pose, red cape flying in a heroic manner behind him, moved by a mysterious wind that you stopped to try to comprehend a long time ago. “NOW, AS A PRIZE FOR MY AUSTONING VICTORY YOU, HUMAN FRIEND, MUST HELP ME TO UNDERSTAND THE MYSTERIES OF HUMAN ANATOMY.”
“Of course, Papyrus. But, huh, you know, if you’re curious, feel free to ask anything, you don’t need to win any game for it.”
Your smile was big and warm when he looked back at you with focused determination. It was hard to not smile when in the company of such a sweet, funny monster. You’re glad you both ended up becoming friends.
“OF COURSE.” He blinked, eyelights growing big and fuzzy on the corners and, before you could take a good look at it and wonder what it meant, Papyrus jumped to stand. “NOW HUMAN, I SHALL GO DO… SOMETHING! SOMETHING REALLY IMPORTANT AND TOTALLY UNRELATED TO YOUR PREVIOUS WORDS, OF COURSE. I WILL SEE YOU SOON.”
“Ah, okay.” Confused, but still more than used to Papyrus sudden appearances and disappearances, you began to stand from your comfy spot on the couch, trying to not think too much about how you expected your fun hanging out would last longer than this and about the sadness that suddenly filled your soul. “Do you want me to open the window so you can-”
But before you could even finish the sentence the Mascot of Monster Kind backfliped himself behind the couch. Your couch. The couch was right behind both of you and as it seems not very close to the wall if a three foot tall skeleton was able to simply backflip his way to hide behind it. That couch, exactly. 
Well, both him and Sans had been in weirder places, though.
(You would never, ever forget the time Papyrus simply asked Sans to come over your place for a movie night over his phone and then in the very next second you heard strange a sound in your closet only to open it and find the older brother cramped inside one of your forgotten shoeboxes making jokes about skeletons on your closet and walking a mile with no shoes or something like that.) 
However, even if able to do amazing things, monsters could be quite fragile and that was one of the reasons that made you basically throw yourself on the furniture to try to see if your friend was fine, an offer of grabbing some monster candy on the tip of your tongue before Papyrus own - surprisingly quiet - musings interrupted it. 
“The Human Once More Prove Themself To Be A Master In Improving Their Friendship’s Power With Nice Words And True Flattering… But Nyeh! The Great Papyrus Will Not Be Defeated! They Don’t Even Suspect That With This Hang Out And My Questions About Humanity I Created The Perfect Scenario For Both Acquiring Knowledge and Having An Amazing Bonding Experience. The Nice Human Friend Won’t Even Realize How Much Strong Our Friendship Will Be Until They Get Sweeped Out Their Feet With How Much Amazed With My Friendship Skills They Are. After That Nothing Will Prevent Us From Becoming Best Friends! Nyeh he he!” 
Oh my god. One of your hands fled to your mouth.
“My Awesome Bonding Plans Never Fail.” He wiggled, confidence oozing from his tune as he adjusted himself better on the tight place, a glimpse of something being caught by your gaze before disappearing again. Was that a kind of book? “Except, Of Course, For When They Do.”
Be still my heart.
With all of your will and determination, you held the urge to scream after witnessing such a sweet scene. 
Carefully, very carefully you turned back to face the TV, sitting calmly on the couch. A huge wave of fondness flooded your entire being as you waited for the tall skeleton to get out from his hidden spot with an expression full of serenity, as if your soul wasn’t babbling and shaking on your chest, overloaded with cuteness.
It didn’t take long before the spot on the couch right beside you was filled again.
“Great to see you around!” Smile. “So, you were asking?”
So. That-
That is not what you were expecting.
Warm phalanges started tracing the shell of your ears, quickly following the path to the skin behind it, careful and delicate swirls and scribbles dancing on every inch of skin, trying to understand how it connected the shoulders to the head. A series of chills ran across your spine, spreading fastly an uncontrollable, giggly sensation that made your lip quirk with a hint of a smile.
Ok. That tickled. A lot.
“HUMAN!” Your body immediately tensed, the flight or fight instinct bubbling just under your skin, wondering if the skeleton realized what just happened. Were monsters ticklish? Wait, was Papyrus ticklish? That thought made a mischievous quirk of lips expand wider in your expression, battling fiercely against the tingles that had just gotten just a tad harder to ignore under those wide attentive eyesockets. You couldn’t tell if the mirth shining on them was playful or just happy. “THERE IS NO NEED TO BE SO TENSE. THE GREAT PAPYRUS WOULD NEVER UNFAIRLY ATTACK HIS FRIENDS!”
His words did nothing to alleviate your questioning! Attack?? Like a tickle attack? Did he know he was tickling you? But Papyrus wasn’t exactly a subtle guy, he would have said something if he knew about your ticklishness, right? Should you attack him back right now? Could this be counted as a friendly monster spar?
While your thoughts ran a mile per hour in your head an accidental mishap happened, both of his hands momentarily slipping and tickling the underside of your jaw, fishing an unexpected yelp and a squirm that led to you almost scrunching up your neck in reflex.
That made him stop. Papyrus squinted his eyes at you, hands hovering just a little away from the skin, but for all the ghost feeling of phalanges trailing on your ears and somehow spreading all across your neck continued he could very well be continuing his research right now.
Hm. Perhaps agreeing to help him understand better the human body wasn’t the smartest of the ideas.
You tried to ignore the way your face began growing hot and butterflies started to wiggle their wings excitedly on your stomach, a reaction that only grew stronger when a fire of recognition lit on the skeleton's expression, a triumphant ‘AHÁ!’ floating in the air. 
“SO! Papyrus!! I’m glad that I was able to help. That was a very educative research so what if we stopped right here and continued to watch the documentary no-”
“NYEHEHE!” His loud, carefree laughter cut your babbling, a gloved hand patting your shoulder in a comforting manner. “FRET NOT, MY DEAR AND VERY SQUISHY HUMAN FRIEND! A FINE AND UNDERSTANDING SKELETON MONSTER AS MYSELF WOULDN’T HOLD YOUR INCREDIBLE, QUITE EXTREME TICKLISHNESS AGAINST YOU!” ‘Extreme Ticklishness’ If the skies wanted to send lightning to strike you right now that would be the perfect moment. “NOR WILL I LET THIS NOT SO SMALL AND IGNORABLE DETAIL PREVENT US FROM HAVING OUR ULTIMATE FRIENDSHIP MOMENT!” 
He scooted closer, hands open in your direction. Every word and gesture screamed amusement and yet true honesty. His chest poofed with his next sentence, his cape once again flying around. “DON’T WORRY FRIEND HUMAN, YOU CAN TRUST YOUR VERY ADORABLE WEAKNESS WITH ME.”
Papyrus looked full of hope at you and your melting face. 
You needed to look away. If you continued to stare at the playful shine in his eyesockets or the way his smile was so big and hopeful you knew you wouldn’t be able to…
…Damn you and your weakness for this monster. How could you say no to him in this situation?
“Alright.” You slumped in defeat, trying to not show how much giddiness and excitement were dashing across your nerves at saying those simple words, tingles starting to spread again on your tickle spots, butterflies now throwing a party and flying non stop on your stomach. “Go ahead.”
Afterall, it was just a bit of tickling, right? A little bit of it. You could take this. For Papyrus. For education. You definitely could endure a few seconds (or minutes, or hours-) of a tickly research, right? Yeah. Yeah, you could! For the friendship power! You aren’t even that ticklish, afterall!
His phalanges, once again, began trailing your ears, intertwining the light, maddening scribbles with a light tapping as he moved across your cheeks, leading to an unstable grin to form again on your features, the beginnings of an onslaught of titters jumping impatiently in your throat.
No. Nope. Not ticklish at all.
Shivers accompanied his movements as he followed the underline of your jaw, the tracing now escaping to your chin and neck, each new tap tap tap tap of the tip of his phalanges leaving a trail of tingles and bouncy feelings awake on its way.
You could take this. For Papyrus. He was being so incredibly, horribly and unbelievably soft with every touch of his that you could, you definitely could just not start giggling uncontrollably like a teenager in love from those cheesy animes you and Alphys liked to watch. Did his mindfulness make everything even more unbearable and your giggles gigglier? 
Yes. But you were not. going. to. break.
“HUMAN!” You let out a puff of air that sounded too much like a snort but of course it wasn’t one because you were not being affected at all by this research. “THE DOCUMENTARY MENTIONED ABOUT YOUR MANDIBULA BEING ABLE TO HELP YOU TO HEAR BETTER. DOES THAT MEAN THAT EVEN WITHOUT BONES YOUR EARS STILL NEEDS THE HELP OF ONE TO WORK WELL?”
“Y-yeah?” It took everything in your soul to not become a mindless puddle of titters and actually sum enough brainpower to answer him, even though you couldn’t stop how much higher your voice became with such predicament. “Actually, w-we snk- hahave little bones in o-our ears to hehelp with re-ressonance and hearing.” 
Oh my god, he began scribbling his way to your collarbone, taking his precious time to outline every single inch of the sensitive skin. Your wiggles were an inevitability now.
It wasn’t even that strong of a tease. More like a poke of lighthearted fun between friends than anything, however it still made your cheeks bloom with warmth and titters uncontrollably spill from your lips, yelps and high pitched squeals being quick to follow the symphony.
“I cahahahan’t!”
“Nonono!” You tried to protest but it was already too late, his determined drumming began teasing from the nape of your neck to the tip of your shoulder blades with no mercy, quickly making their way across them and getting dangerously close to your ribs. What was the point of this research again? “Pahahapys, come on!”
“GASP!” He said that out-loud, sounding delighted. And, if you could open your eyes and stare at his smile without immediately breaking in louder laughter you would be able to watch how his face got brighter with mischief. He almost bounced on the same place with excitement at how lovely your reactions were and how cool his nickname (His own nickname! Given freely from a friend! A human friend!! His plan was working!!!) sounded between giggles. “OH NO, HUMAN! YOUR CUTENESS LEVELS ARE UNSTOPPABLE RIGHT NOW! THEY COULD EVEN GET ALMOST AS HIGH AS MINE!! HOWEVER, I, PAPYRUS, HAVE NEVER BEEN DEFEATED IN A BATTLE OF CUTENESS, AND NEVER WILL BE! PREPARE YOURSELF! FOR MY ESPECIAL TICKLE ATTACK!!"
“Wait, wait, wait!” Your voice failed when suddenly your sides were tazed unmercifully, fishing more noises than just titters and giggles for the first time. Your wiggling became stronger, your body trying to escape from the horribly, awful tingly shocks but being skillfully chased and attacked by someone who seemed talented in chasing and tickling dodgy targets. “But why!”
You opened your mouth to protest against such an unfair nickname but suddenly there were fingers rubbing circles on your ribs and scratching the space in-between them, being careful to give each bone an equal, especial attention and nothing more than a mix of a wheezed screech and quiet sorts were escaped from your mouth. 
You were trying very hard to pay attention to Papyrus’ words, however, that task, once so simple, only grew at each second harder and harder since your adorable, nice and totally fucking unmerciful friend - that was SO paying for that - found a rather delightfully weak spot right in the middle of the path that connected your side and your belly. And now he was taking his precious time to give to that ticklish spot plenty of scribbles, pinches and pokes, attentively watching your reactions to see which ones brought the best squeaks and made such a beautiful laughter ring happier.
A curious hand gave your knee a squeeze, fishing more protesting high pitched giggles. Your own hands latched on the gloved ones, holding his wrists and attempting to push the offending squeezes away with no real heat or strength. A couple of scribbles found their way to the ticklish skin under the spot and a soft ‘nyehehehes’ followed the wobbly squeals created by such discovery.  
And, just like that, plenty of weak wheezes, ringing laughter, uncontrollable titters, wobbly crackles, sneaky yelps and quiet snorts dutifully followed every squeeze, scratch, drumming, pinching, poking and any and every form of tickle attack that you could ever imagine, each of them hopping across your sides, armpits, belly, knees, ribs, neck and even your spine with both careful, soft tickles and horribly unmerciful attacks that, in the end, equally left you with a gigantic smile from ear to ear plastered on your face, leftover tingles still teasingly tingling and remanent giggles still giggling in the air.
You closed your eyes, taking greedy gulps of air, hands still holding Papyrus’ wrists.
More giggles.
“Hohow high can your cuteness lehevels get?”
Papyrus froze, beads of sweat forming on his skull as your hold got stronger. 
Subtly, he tried to pry his wrists from your grip, more magic sweat appearing on his face when his efforts proved to be unsuccessful.
“Mm hm. Papys?” 
Papyrus’ hands mirrored your hold, arms tensing in preparation for the sparring that would sure happen.
“..... YEAH?”
You opened your eyes, a dangerous glint of playfulness shining in them. 
Random extra stuff and original bullet points of this fic (that has been changed as I wrote the fic because I can’t follow sht xD):
- Papys wants to know more about human's ears ("HOW CAN SOMETHING BE SO EFFICIENT AND HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH BONES!")
- He ends up discovering human's tickliness and continues to accidentally tickle them. ("NO WORRIES, DEAR HUMAN! THE GREAT PAPYRUS WOULD NEVER UNFAIRLY ATTACK HIS FRIENDS")
"I cahahahan't!"
- Then he get hit by a wave of playfulness and decide to truly be mischevious with the reader and be like:
- Needless to say, his plan backfired. Reader got even more adorable. Oh noooooo. Papyrus loudly complains about that with plenty of teases, tickles and fake-sad 'nyohohoo!'"
* Also, yeah, Papyrus definitely noticed you peeking at his hidden spot behind the couch but he thought that would be impolite to show that he noticed since you were trying very hard to not make any sound so he just acted as his great, natural self!
* “your body trying to escape from the horribly, awful tingly shocks but being skillfully chased and attacked by someone who seemed talented in chasing and tickling dodgy targets.”  yep that was def a reference about Sans and I personally headcanon Papyrus as a gigantic tickle monster that can AND will tickle his gremlin of a brother sdfrjukjhghyg
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cats-artbag · 2 years
Hey everyone 💦 I’m finally getting around to all these from this year... thank you to those who were checking in with me still 🙏❤ and hello to anyone who’s new! 👋
My brain decided one day to just hide away from checking everyone’s reactions to SwapOut, both here and on dA... I think that’s what happened ;; Because I remember feeling the moment my brain stopped. I guess I got scared about what people would think about the next few chapters and if they would like the ending or hate it etc. Just. Fearing that people might not like the ending which hasn’t even happened yet 😞
Aanyway. I am trying to push that feeling away. You can still see me working on SwapOut on stream sometimes! I’ve gotten to know many more friends over this year because of streaming and I am so thankful for that... But aside from that, I have also been pulled into another fandom ;; Ever since I got to know about Ingo in Pokemon Legends: Arceus, I am now verrrry into the Subway Masters ;; beloved twin brothers 🚂 So truthfully I’m not as invested in Undertale now... but I hope it’s okay to share doodles of other things I love here from now on too 💦
Here’s an exercise doodle I did for october drawing (pose ref from soupery/taffybuns on twitter now) Just really wanted to hug Uncle Ingo 😢 and I got carried away sdgh :
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And replies to asks below the cut!
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It doesn’t! Gaster is still Gaster in SwapOut =)
This was back when I was playing OMORI on stream!! Man that was forever ago by now ;; aaaa
I think I mentioned liking Aubrey the most hehe 💖 Although now I love Mari too 😭
Aaaahh thank you so muchh 💦💖 Hopefully you see this sdghdsh I’m glad my work inspired you, your kind words lift my spirits as well 🙏🏻💕
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@verydumbkid (late apologies)
To anyone who would like to translate, I am alright with it as long as you credit me properly in the description and link back to my SwapOut archive! Please share your translation with me as well if you do! I’d be able to share it with everyone too ✨
I... *huff* finally posted it, ksenya... *haugh* Still love it so much, thank you for doodling my first ever Hype Train on twitch <’3 💕💕
Thank you bothhh 😭 I’m sobbing too, thank you for the lovely words 💖 I hope to continue forward if everyone will still have me 🙏🏻💦
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@littledidyouknowzaherahh (blog doesn’t exist anymore but I wanna bring a thing up anyway)
This might not be what the ask meant, but I could bump posts in the morning/night for whoever prefers it 🤔 I don’t usually do it cos I didn’t wanna spam my page and everyone’s timelines, but if it helps you guys not to miss posts then I’ll do it more. Let me know if you guys prefer it! I’ll try to tag them as #catsbump. Same for asks, I like doing them in a batch so it doesn’t spam everyone ;; If you don’t mind me answering each one as they come, let me know too!!
Short answer: yes 🙏🏻 Thank you for still checking in ❤ Would love to see you guys around when I stream SwapOut! Everyone’s company cheers me up, always <’3
Thank you!! Don’t feel bad about using a translator, I admire people who go through the trouble to reach others outside their language!! 🙏🏻💦 I’m glad you like my comic even though it is mainly in English, thank you for reading everyone 💕
And with that, I have pretty much caught up with my inbox sdfghgfdf Hope to see you guys around still! I’m usually on our discord server and I stream occasionally so check them out if you wanna know whether I’m still alive haha
Take care everyone 💕
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turtlemagnum · 4 months
there's this online recreation of the sans fight that i played religiously back in middle school before i even owned a device capable of running undertale, still up. i got good enough at it that under normal circumstances, i can usually do it first try. a bit of a banging my head against a brick wall thing, but damn did it eventually break. honestly i think doing that before ever actually playing undertale was a bit like goku training in 100x gravity, except instead of landing on namek to fight frieza he went and fought raditz again and just absolutely wrecked his shit. at least, until i got to undyne, still not great at her. god i love her. adhd, getting distracted, i had a goddamn point i was trying to make. so, notice that i said "under normal circumstances" as a caveat. what i would consider not normal circumstances would be, say, playing with fucked up arrow keys. such as, the ones that seem to be on every goddamn modern laptop where up and down are both collectively taking up the same amount of real estate as a single normal key, because apparently right shift needs that extra fucking space. like seriously who the fuck even uses right shift, top 10 useless keys right there, right next to caps lock and most of the function keys. guess i've just gotta suck it up until i can afford to get an actual gamer laptop and not a budget office clunker that i got for the admittedly nice CPU
honestly like, i think my ideal laptop would be halfway between the Ultra Gucci Gamer shit and what i have now. give me like, 16 gigs of RAM, a decent CPU for emulation, a low end but modern and power efficient discrete GPU, and a big fuckin SSD. no RGB shit, just a power waste, though i do like having backlit keys at times i think the more efficient way to go about it would just paint em with something glow in the dark. is glowstick fluid toxic to get your hands on? i remember hearing about a guy who died because he injected that shit at a rave, but i don't know how much of that is This Shit Is Poison vs Dont Put Things That Arent Blood In Your Blood Sacks You Moron, y'know. for some reason radium popped into my head, but after thinking about it for more than an instant i'm like 85% sure that shit's what done killed marie curie, and now i can't help but imagine that's something elon musk would tell his engineers to do. "yeah. just a, uh, gamer key-board. with, radium paint on the lettering. saves power, good for the planet." what was i saying
anyways yeah like. the only other specs i can think of would be just having as many ports as possible, 1080p screen @ 60hz, y'know the bare minimum in Current Year. i will say that my current laptop has given me problems with screens i've never had on a computer before, there have been times where i see something i know for a fact is a different, more saturated color on other screens and having it be barely different from the background. also? i want that motherfucker bulky god dammit, i'm tired of everything being thin and light and having absolute dogshit battery life. i miss when i could charge my gameboy once a week and have it entertain me the entire goddamn time, y'know. i'm lucky if i get half a day of consistent use out of a laptop or my switch without charging it, y'know. to be honest, you should be able to murder someone with your technology. i could kill a man with a gamecube or the PC my dad left me as a kid, if i tried to bash a man's skull open with my laptop the laptop would take more damage than the skull. like don't get me wrong, it'd fucking hurt, but i'm not sure there's any singular component in this thing less than 95% cheap polymer by volume. a goddamn disgrace, lemme tells ya. back in ancient rome we had the technology to build bridges strong enough to still be used today, there are guns from the world wars that you can shoot to this day, you're tellin me you can't make a laptop sturdier than a saltine cracker? well, i'm pretty sure they're mostly designed by crackers, so i guess i can't blame em too hard for their inadequacies. such is lief i suppose (sic)
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bluu3berry · 10 months
Error's assistant
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With the old clothing of error this frisk isn't normal, in this multiverse everything is normal. But- Error and ink adopted a frisk and a chara as an assistant.. We have Frior, and we have Chalk. Today we'll be talking more on frior's end and his journey, to the last detail.
A forgotten AU, the creator never came back to leaving their old ideas with the AU the ideas was.. bringing to life One of Destruction, One of Creativity.. it was all still unfinished til a "sans" found the local chara of the AU, taking it into his hands as a student finding it with potential, Who came for the frisk? ... The opposite, the emeny, a Bug a glitch.. Found the destructive child that was still in a state of sleep.. since the AU was never finished they couldnt wake up til they left. So the sans took his chance and took the frisk as a student.. growing a  bound with it soon after..
Frior came from a "Female" Frisk AU, Never fitting his body he has transitioned, But that is a minor story compared to what is to come!
With the old clothing error once had, socks, and new shiny red shoes from a stolen AU.. (Underfell) he was tasked and trained next to and besides error like a father, Error was his adopted father, Nicknamed "Papa" by younger frior, Guess the name never fell did it?
when error finally let frior explore outside the anti-void something came to a surprise! a colorful new world, has his "Papa" always been destorying this? Why was their so many? He understood now why his father thought that way. It was to cluttered it hurt to look at, all those dimensions, alternations.. everything just hurt to watch.
But in all good times their is a side to the evil /creativity/ as we find frior standing in a fight against the guardian, the "Good" guy.. one who "helped" make AU's, He also had a assistant.. Chalk.. Something sparked in Frior. He remember the time before all of this the time when he was in the unfinished AU, the chara even had.. half of the other soul.. Frior freaked out, and after that he would always try and hangout with chalk when error wasn't looking, so would chalk in response they grew close unlike error and ink. becoming great friends..
They're still an assistant but has way more freedom then they used to, error is more leaned on the rules and they have more freedom being good old pals with chalk, Chalk even helped replace the dirty old pencil they where forced to have with a brand new one!
it seems good.. but would you like to see more of frior?
Age - 16
Gender: FTM (trans) He/him
Sexuality - Pansexual
Personality: Quiet, Jokester, "wise", Quick, Prankster
Neurodivergent (autistic)
Likes: Human flesh.. (jk or am i..?), Quietness, Talking, Choas, peace, Destruction.. ERROR AKA "PAPA"/J 
Dislikes: Ink (somewhat), Freshink, any "fresh", Gum, Cheese sticks, (REALLY HATES APPLE SAUSE)
Relationships- Ink: Meh, Error: Father, Fresh- Annoying person, Nightmare: Scared of, Horror/Dust: Can take on, Killer: FRIENDS, Dream/Blue: Good pals!, Outer: Uncle figure (Susgest more ig)
------------SOUL INFO---------------
-Soul- Destruction
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This soul is incomplete or ripped in half version of the true soul "Creativity!" The other side is kept in with chalk, if ever combind.. may the undertale omniverses pray for forgiveness..
Powers - usually only destructive, they cannot usually make any stable creations only creations that stand for a while then fall within seconds.
Item: Drawing tablet pen
[item ability: Can be used to tear and ripp items in half usually causing code to break, it can also draw and summon small creatures to aid in attacks]
Armor: White arm stockings
[Armor Ability: Causes minor delay in the attack but also adds 10 defense]
Accessory: Cat hood
[Accesory ability: Nothing.]
Max HP: 90/90
Attack: 10
Defense: 10 + Armor = 20
[Art by CuddleTheCow on Toyhouse]
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etheraltale · 2 years
etherealtale char facts bcoz idk (wip?)
big fat ass fucking spoiler warn ✨✨
lets start with snas
he owned a wheat farm with papyrus but he rarely ever tended to it. it was usually papyrus who took care of the crops. sans was the one quality checking the groups of wheat and separating them in two groups. half of the harvest was to sell, the other half was to eat and turn into bread. usually it would be papyrus walking to the market and selling them too.
he wears a quartz pendant of an upside down heart which represents his soul for some reason. papyrus has a pendant like this too.
now were getting into spoiler territory, continue sans' segment at ur own risk :)
since papyrus left for the royal guard, he was left with money by papyrus, as he went to fight in the war going on between the monsters n humans. although, the money was originally given to him to pay off the taxes. but instead, he spent the money on wine and other alcoholic stuff. he also spent money on cigarettes. which stained a few of his clothes.
papyrus ✨✨
papyrus didn't just tend to the crops, he also happened to be training. he often punched trees and made training equipment using the materials he had on hand. he fenced using long, thin sticks with sans sometimes. he took his training quite seriously.
he also happened to cook alot, he loved baking bread and stuff and his favorite ingredient was probably any fruit jam. he normally cooks sweet things, but whenever he comes back from the market he always brings home a few tomatoes for sans cause apparently he really likes eating them raw. none of them are sure why though.
sliightt spoilers ✨
unlike classic paps, ethereal paps isnt too childish, but that doesn't mean hes given up on his childhood dreams. hes always dreamed of fighting somehow. back then, undyne didnt exactly trust papyrus with fighting. he wishes undyne could see him now.
Friskk yaay
frisk grew up to be king (im sorry i dont know what the nb term is))
they ruled about half the country. the other half was taken over by the monsters since they escaped. frisk's castle is decorated with undertale references and icons EVERYWHERE. (this also includes asgore's castle but eh i need more facts)
for example, their ballroom floor has the 7 souls of the innocent. and there are buttercups painted everywhere, and a few real ones. frisk, chara and an unknown child have their own massive stained glass window portraits. maybe flowey's face is painted on the floor somewhere too but idk.
first of all i wanna get this outta the way but, alphys is definitely my fave so far lol but anyways this whole segment contains spoilers so keep reading at ur own riskk
Since undyne sacrificed herself for frisk and the rest of the human race, as soon as alphys stepped foot onto the overworld ground, she promised to dedicate her life to a new invention, the telescope (sorry gallileo-) she and undyne have always dreamed of seeing the stars together. she dedicates the invention to her in hopes that she can maybe watch undyne in heaven, probably just a metaphor tho.
she lives in an abandoned watchtower with mettaton as her assistant she often paints the stars too. she sometimes paints on her walls too. she also paints undyne occasionally.
i believe she also dreams about showing her invention off to the world, but she's very shy and stuff so she refuses. the old watchtower was built beside a beachside. alphys thought this would be a nice place to live because first of all, its rlly pretty duh, second, sand = glass so she can use it for the lenses of her invention.
i loaf ethereal alphys so much hGhHGHHghH
(this is still a wip! expect more bios in the future i guess)
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void-chara · 2 years
seeing people leaving the dteam fandom talking about how they are ashamed of how much they centered their lives around it and how unhealthy it was, and im happy for them to be happier, but i cannot relate or understand at all. this is how i am with every fandom. its the symptoms. has been since i was little. when i was a little kid i wouldnt eat unless my parents made references to my intrests. like when i was a toddler they had to call everything coal rocks, because i was super into thomas the train. after that when it was bambi they had to say that line that the dad deer said about “how do you know you dont like it if you wont try it” and my dad had to do a funny voice and everything, even with food i knew i liked. when i liked ariel i needed them to call my food seaweed, and its also probably part of the reason seafood is still one of my favorite types of food. half of my current clothing is videogame merch bought from fangamer, most of it being undertale. id say i wear undertale merch at least three times a week which is saying something concidering how infrequently i do my laundry. i could identify probably any undertale song almost as soon as it starts playing. when i find music i like i listen to it for twelve hours a day for at least a month. the only reason my mcyt obsession was less healthy than any of my others is because i didnt fully take into account emotionally that theyre real people, even though i knew it logically. having a longterm “Normal” intrest is not an option for me, and even if it was itd probably be less healthy for me than what i currently do. i need hyperfixations to make up for the adhd dopamine deficit, and keep my brain at least semi-functional. i need special intrests for the comfort and familiarity. this isnt an option. glad for everyone whos gonna have a much more balenced life now but thats just not an option for me cant relate. im too disabled i guess lol. not upset with anyone whos saying things like that im just feeling sort of bad about it for RSD reasons probably and wanted to explain my obssesions. anywya glad to see the neurotypicals leaving can fandoms go back to being unapologetially weird and strange now lol ive seen way to many people talking about weirdos and freaks and making fun of executive dysfuntion issues. can we stop that now
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S/O and skeleton play Just Dance
Main ten plz
Undertale Sans - He's sitting on the couch and lazily moves the controller from there. The thing is clearly monitoring only small movements, why would you even tire yourself out when he can make a high score by doing nothing? You're raging so much.
Undertale Papyrus - He puts all his soul into this. But, uh... Papyrus is very expressive when he's dancing, and that's at least the fifth time he accidentally smacks you at full force in the face with his controller. He swears he's trying to pay attention but he has too much passion in his heart.
Underswap Sans - He insists on playing the highest difficulty because the easiest ones are not challenging enough. After like twenty dances, he's still as fresh as new while you're coughing your lungs out and can't catch a breath. You want to stop, he refuses. He's having too much fun. You're going to die you think.
Underswap Papyrus - He's doing his best but, uh, it's not really good. He's a terrible dancer and it's hilarious to see. He's completely oblivious to it though. He's having fun and he really doesn't care about what he looks like, he just wants to win.
Underfell Sans - He's doing the bare minimum to please you, but that's really not his thing. He's moving a leg or an arm from time to time, that's it. Every time you're looking at him, he blushes furiously and ignores you. Stop staring you're going to lose.
Underfell Papyrus - He didn't want to play but then you said it's just because he knows he's going to lose. Now, he's destroying you on the dancefloor. You're getting crushed, beaten, and crushed again as he wins dance after dance. Now who's the loser, uh?! LOSER!
Horrortale Sans - He can't coordinate his legs and arms properly and the instructions are going too fast on the screen for him to proceed. He gives up after ten minutes, defeated, and just sits on the couch to watch you. He's tired just looking at you move and eventually falls asleep.
Horrortale Papyrus - He can't participate because of his back, but he's cheering you and appreciating the show. You swear he's staring at your butt and he's not even hiding it. When you call him out, he simply wiggles his non-existent eyebrows at you. What is that even supposed to mean?
Swapfell Sans - He keeps whining saying the game is boring and that the devs would win so much more money if they put effort into doing a similar thing to train royal guards. Is he the only one to see the potential of this thing? What's even the point of dancing in your living room? Do you have so few friends you express the need to have the TV as your friend? Yeah, that and definitely not crying because you're better at the game than he is.
Swapfell Papyrus - He's a dirty player and will try all he can to distract you from the game to win, even pushing you into the couch so you lose a few seconds. After a few minutes, both of you completely forget the game as you're fighting on the floor playfully trying to make the other fall. He can't take things seriously.
Fellswap Gold Sans - You call this dancing? This game is for babies. He'll show you real dance! He throws the controller, grabs you, and makes you dance with him for real. After ten minutes, you're so tired you can't even walk anymore. Wine calls you weak but says you have potential for a royal prom. That's sort of a compliment you guess?
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He doesn't want to play at first, shy, but the more you're playing, the more he comes to you. Eventually, you manage to convince him to try, and now he won't stop dancing. He's not that bad, adding to that. You help him to discover something about him this day.
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hey Frank can you write me some undertale gen fic
Okay, sure:
[CW: spoilers, spoilers in the sense that things will be spoiled if you have read both Floornight and Undertale.]
Let me see if I can't do this... but I don't think it can be much better than anything you might have imagined in the past few days, I don't think I really have much to contribute to this beyond "here, here you go."
So if that is your expectation, it's fine. (I also don't think I can make much of a mark on any of this.)
I'll just go ahead and start writing, I guess. If we can't get the gen-fic-writing going properly, then we can always cut it off here.
So, it started off, as far as I can remember, rather similarly to the conversation between Susie and Ralsei. It started with Susie being in a bad mood because she was very tired after an incident on the subway. On the way home, she tried to convince herself that the incident was bad because people were upset with her, but she thought, "I'm tired and annoyed with myself and my own problems." But as she thought about it more, she began to realize, "I'm tired and annoyed with people in general for being upset with me. It's probably really unfair to blame this on some random girl I saw on the subway, when in reality it's because of all the people who are upset with me now."
Later, on the subway (the train at the end of the first chapter of Floornight), she has a conversation with Ralsei in which she says, "It wasn't my fault that we got stuck on the side of the train for two hours." Ralsei answers, "You shouldn't take all that blame on yourself, no matter how much you try." But Susie replies, "I mean, maybe I shouldn't, but I do! I was in the right, and I was in the wrong, and the whole situation is my fault, the whole subway thing, and even the way I talk to people! I mean, I shouldn't be blaming myself and people, but I blame myself all the time! I just don't think it's my fault, I just think it's mine! But it really is my fault, because I did it."
Then, there was a bit where Ralsei asks, "Well, how about that, then! How did I guess?" and Susie responds, "It's just one of those times where things just happen in front of your eyes, it just happened, and you're left to figure it out by yourself! That's just what's called life! No other real people get stuck on the side of a subway like this, and no other people in the whole world say to themselves, 'Ah! I'm stuck with this weird kid who talks like a weird kid should!" This was a typical example of Susie talking too much, and Ralsei being too polite to answer back.
And I was... well, I was thinking about that conversation a lot later in my copy of Floornight (maybe Chapter 11 or 12 of Floornight?), and, yeah. I'm not sure if it had anything really to do with the "undertale" aspect of this chapter, but I just keep coming back to it again and again.
As I said last time, I don't think the characters will respond well to talking about their mental states.
I think I'd better not talk about much about Ralsei here. I'm not really feeling a connection with him any more.
(Also I think that I made a mistake, which is the other thing I need to talk about with regards to this chapter. This chapter is not, as my copy of Floornight makes me think, the part where Susie finds out about [insert name]. This chapter is before that. And you can see why this is important when you consider what is coming up in Chapter 22 of Floornight.)
I should talk about what [insert name] said and how that connects with the story here -- the other aspect that makes me think it's important to talk about the chapter as a whole.
Susie has been pushing it, this whole time, trying to make herself believe that there's some way, even if she is wrong, that this is her fault. When Ralsei said, "I think you're taking your frustrations out on yourself a little bit too much," Susie replies, "You'd think that, wouldn't you?" Later, Ralsei asks, "Do you still need to think about that?" and Susie answers, "I don't know," and "Maybe I should just put off thinking about it for a while." When Ralsei asks, "Why?" and Susie replies, "What else do I have to do?"
(I was thinking about these two chapters when I was editing Floornight for [redacted], and I was wondering if maybe I made the same mistake there that I made in Chapter 11.) This chapter is about Susie realizing that, on some level, she may have known this all along. And if you can remember what I said in Chapter 11, it may help to put some of this into context. But anyway, you'll just have to read Floornight -- or Undertale.
In Chapter 11 of Floornight (after the "doom bell" has been rung), the player has been exploring a large room with no obvious exits, and then the camera swoops away to reveal some sort of central hub. And the whole rest of the story has been building up to a big confrontation between the player and the central villain. Now here is Susie's realization, with some additional information, as a "further piece of the puzzle" -- I'm really not sure if it's a better or worse development than the information in Chapter 11.
This wasn't my fault. This wasn't my fault. I didn't do anything to make this happen. What was the game planning for me to do? Just sit down here and stare into nothing, while everything fell apart?
Well, this was what was going to happen anyway, when Susie goes up on the platform. She's going to be confronted by a boss, and she'll be forced to choose between two evil versions of her. One of them will leave (probably because she fought him and won, as in the original story), and one of them will stay, and she will be forced to kill him.
Now, Ralsei doesn't say anything in the Undertale dialogue, but what I imagine Ralsei's saying here is that he thinks that maybe the way it was written was a mistake. (Again, maybe not quite as important as what I said about Chapter 11.) Maybe instead of forcing the player into a "do-or-die" confrontation with the Big Bad, the game would have made it more of a challenge -- as the original story does -- or it would have presented the player with an option like "kill the final boss right away," or something similar.
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luckyzdice · 11 months
Why did I just have a nightmare that started with kids watching some toy looking trains pass by in like a valley underneath them in the streets, then one kid having a similar toy, and then that kid getting home to the same neighborhood apartment as the SpyxFamily anime, but like they're temporarily staying in a large extravagant apartment that looks modern for the age their fictional world lives in. So then Loid, the father, is like looking at some strange obelisk about how ancient people could overcome getting cavities, and he's nodding to it as he stares at the strange, carved in words illuminated by an overhead light and a mysterious glow coming from inside the rocks, making dream me feel bad about tooth problems going on irl, when suddenly there's a portal looking hole with a small toy train in it?
Loid pales and tells Anya and Yor (the dog did not appear in my dream) to go back to their rooms. As they do Loid goes to the TV, and a train set takes over the screen, morphing into a little (sans error undertale looking ass) kid(still just a kid, not a skeleton). And Loid just? Recognizes the demon? And the demon recognizes him back? Classic demon having a beef from fighting childhood Loid I guess. At first, the TV demon wanted to "play a game", quickly popping up all of those dumb childhood horror games that has become popular irl, but then as Loid becomes annoying with his adult inquiries the demon lunges at his face! And with a tiresome but constant struggle, like someone putting a magnet into a magnet wand a specific way when there are more magnets in it, Loid is winning?
But then without either of them knowing until they can hear the toilet flushing, Anya, who maybe can't read a demons mind?, had gone to the house toilet room. And where the living room had become a trap for the demon to lunge at Loid again, suddenly you hear little Anya scream in the bathroom. Loid hesitates for a bit, expecting the demon to have split up to distract him and then attack, as he calls for Yor, but with no answer. Loid jumps over the couch and dashes to the bathroom to find Anya, now with a cocomelon headband!(oooh scary!) Loid peels the cocomelon off of the standstill Anya, who's brain the demon could not fully control instantly, like how you peel a magnet off of a barely metal ball. Loid wins, and now there is a thin, mildly flexible and moving cocomelon headband wriggling in his hands, begging for mercy. The implications for what Loid is going to do with the demon go wild with violence as his face scarily darkens over the demon that dared mess with his mission
And then like, my alarm woke me up. And it took me a solid half an hour to write this all out.
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vaugarde · 3 years
ive been watching brave animated series on netflix and halfway through the six episodes, so im gonna finish it and hopefully like it more by the end, but ngl i havent gotten this much tonal dissonance in a while
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