#GTA 2023
caernua · 7 months
fr tho i think we've been hearing this shit about 'it'S a NoT A gAmE it'S A GaMe anD a MovIe' and 'new form of media' like it's some groundbreaking innovative design and the future of gaming for at least 10 years now and it's. NOT ?? maybe it's the future of movies but certainly not the future of video games. the best part of gaming imo is the versatility in storytelling and how many forms that can take. i'm just thinking like. when you have rpgs where actions and lines of dialogues affect your choice and the narrative greatly, when they make you stop and think and care about every element of that world (depending on the worldbuilding) are you seriously trying to tell me that some set narrative full of a listers full of pretentious arthouse indie film bullshit is going to be better than that??? that games in general WILL EVOLVE TO THAT?? fuck no. interactivity is the pinnacle of gaming, that shit is never getting replaced
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kkayop · 1 year
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notmadsimon · 6 months
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our man brucie by me for magical, stunning grand theft auto fanzine (2023)!
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thenoman-sland · 6 months
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We are so happy to share the final result of this project with all of you. There are 38 pages of art and fics based on various games of the series. For free! We hope you enjoy it as much as we did while making it.
Please, remember to support the contributors. All of them did an splendid job and we are so grateful to have them as part of this project.
Special thanks to our mod @nevergonnasimpyoumikey for all of her help!
To download the pdf, click here.
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atalajoestar · 6 months
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My drawing for the GTAZINE 2023 !!!
This is the first time I'm participating, I hope I can be part of it the next years : DD
Please take a look at the amazing artworks and download the zine HERE
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marmakar · 6 months
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Vote for Love
I took part in the GTA Fanzine 2023 by @thenoman-sland (and @nevergonnasimpyoumikey) and I made pins for fun!
GTA LCS Toni Cipriani and Donald Love (Donalni)
To download the pdf, click here.
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meowdious · 6 months
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"Lost, but not forgotten." 🏍️
my work for Grand Theft Auto Zine 2023 ♥️
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bountifulharvest356 · 7 months
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I'm sorry. This is so fucking funny. FNAF and Roblox are trending along with, MK1, GTAV and DBD. That's just insane.
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phatkochi · 9 months
Ik it's a little bit too early but!!! Art for @jesse-png 's #grandtheftspooks event!!!
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Had so much fun drawing this 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🎃💗
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theheartlandsblog · 9 months
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trikey, late 2003. grownups play dress-up sometimes, too. 👗🎀🧁
(third time's the charm...? sorry it's cropped, tumblr is being awful with nsf+T and i'm trying to convince it to keep the post up. you aren't missing much, it's just legs and feet.)
entirely crosshatched in pen. 1 october 2023. a special thank-you to @wisteria-desanta / @michaelmandoarchive for providing some lovely reference pictures with her modding capabilities!
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niko-ur-local-moron · 6 months
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Last doodle of Tony this year
He's proud of yall for making it through 2023 and he hopes y'all keep on going 👍
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searchingacct · 6 months
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We may not be able to detect how many felonies you committed, but humanity is grateful that no city is as dysfunctional as Los Santos.
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ostolero · 6 months
j and annie and I ride a rollercoaster in gta @quaternion-group @pinkatnight
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tayfabe75 · 5 months
"The only reason we make money is to make music. That was the original plan. All we ever did was scrounge money so we could make music. We've never made music to make money. Like, that's the cart before the horse. So, I think what's what people start doing, they go, 'Oh, this makes us money', and then they go after the money. Whereas all we've done is like, 'Let's make as much money this year, so next year we can like, play GTA in the studio and make a record' … That's all we do. And then we reinvest it in a sick show, and then we do it again the next year."
February 2, 2023: In an interview with Tom Power, Matty admits that the only reason The 1975 make money is to make more music. (source)
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thenoman-sland · 6 months
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My piece for the Grand Theft Auto fanzine.
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shinigami-striker · 1 year
GTA IV in 2023 | Saturday, 04.29.2023
Happy 15th anniversary to Grand Theft Auto IV.
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