#GPT-4o Mini
martin-james2121 · 2 months
OpenAI Debuts GPT-4o Mini, a Cheaper Alternative to GPT-3.5
According to the blog on the company website, GPT-4o Mini delivers impressive performance, achieving an 82 percent score on the MMLU benchmark and outperforming GPT-4o on the LMSYS leaderboard for chat preferences. This model can handle several tasks due to its low cost and rapid response times. It’s perfect for applications that demand multiple model calls, large volumes of context, or real-time text interactions, such as customer support chatbots.
Textual & Visual Specifications
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According to OpenAI’s blog, GPT-4o Mini currently supports text and vision inputs, with plans to include image, video, and audio inputs and outputs. It features a context window of 128K tokens and can handle up to 16K output tokens per request, with knowledge updated through October 2023. Additionally, its enhanced tokenizer makes processing non-English text more cost-effective.
The model performs exceptionally well in both academic and practical applications, outshining other small models in reasoning, math, and coding tasks. For instance, GPT-4o Mini scored 87 percent in mathematical reasoning and 87.2 percent in coding performance on benchmarks like MGSM and HumanEval.
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oliverribeiromkt · 2 months
Ferramenta SEOWRITING IA Novo GPT-4o Mini e GPT-4o, Deep Web News e recu...
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argumate · 2 months
another good reason to crash the online ad market
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33shoop · 7 hours
The Best Alternatives to Apple AirPods[gpt-4o-mini] act as a native english speaker and an exepert in content creation for review product. You will translate this title Unlimited SEO for optimized Articles. translate the following title .don't talk about yourself or your experience .don't explain what you are doing
[gpt-4o-mini]act as an expert content translate specialising in creating content for product reviews. Who speaks and writes fluently in English. translate the article below into English. Make sure the translate is linguistically correct. And convey the meaning. Facts and figures from the original text. Ensure that the content produced is well translate, does not sound like a translate and…
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OpenAI presenta o1: ¡El futuro de la IA!
See on Scoop.it - Education 2.0 & 3.0
OpenAI, el fabricante de ChatGPT, ha anunciado el próximo lanzamiento importante de su producto: un modelo de IA generativa con nombre en código Strawberry, oficialmente llamado OpenAI o1.
Para ser más precisos, o1 es en realidad una familia de modelos. Dos están disponibles el jueves en ChatGPT y a través de la API de OpenAI: o1 preview y o1 mini, un modelo más pequeño y eficiente destinado a la generación de código.
  Tendrás que estar suscrito a ChatGPT Plus o Team para ver o1 en el cliente ChatGPT. Los usuarios empresariales y educativos tendrán acceso a principios de la próxima semana.
  Tenga en cuenta que la experiencia del chatbot o1 es bastante básica en la actualidad. A diferencia de GPT-4o, el antepasado de o1, o1 aún no puede navegar por la web ni analizar archivos. El modelo tiene funciones de análisis de imágenes, pero se han desactivado en espera de pruebas adicionales. Y o1 tiene una velocidad limitada; Los límites semanales son actualmente 30 mensajes para o1-preview y 50 para o1-mini.
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jcmarchi · 4 days
Enterprise LLM APIs: Top Choices for Powering LLM Applications in 2024
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/enterprise-llm-apis-top-choices-for-powering-llm-applications-in-2024/
Enterprise LLM APIs: Top Choices for Powering LLM Applications in 2024
The race to dominate the enterprise AI space is accelerating with some major news recently.
OpenAI’s ChatGPT now boasts over 200 million weekly active users, a increase from 100 million just a year ago. This incredible growth shows the increasing reliance on AI tools in enterprise settings for tasks such as customer support, content generation, and business insights.
At the same time, Anthropic has launched Claude Enterprise, designed to directly compete with ChatGPT Enterprise. With a remarkable 500,000-token context window—more than 15 times larger than most competitors—Claude Enterprise is now capable of processing extensive datasets in one go, making it ideal for complex document analysis and technical workflows. This move places Anthropic in the crosshairs of Fortune 500 companies looking for advanced AI capabilities with robust security and privacy features.
In this evolving market, companies now have more options than ever for integrating large language models into their infrastructure. Whether you’re leveraging OpenAI’s powerful GPT-4 or with Claude’s ethical design, the choice of LLM API could reshape the future of your business. Let’s dive into the top options and their impact on enterprise AI.
Why LLM APIs Matter for Enterprises
LLM APIs enable enterprises to access state-of-the-art AI capabilities without building and maintaining complex infrastructure. These APIs allow companies to integrate natural language understanding, generation, and other AI-driven features into their applications, improving efficiency, enhancing customer experiences, and unlocking new possibilities in automation.
Key Benefits of LLM APIs
Scalability: Easily scale usage to meet the demand for enterprise-level workloads.
Cost-Efficiency: Avoid the cost of training and maintaining proprietary models by leveraging ready-to-use APIs.
Customization: Fine-tune models for specific needs while using out-of-the-box features.
Ease of Integration: Fast integration with existing applications through RESTful APIs, SDKs, and cloud infrastructure support.
1. OpenAI API
OpenAI’s API continues to lead the enterprise AI space, especially with the recent release of GPT-4o, a more advanced and cost-efficient version of GPT-4. OpenAI’s models are now widely used by over 200 million active users weekly, and 92% of Fortune 500 companies leverage its tools for various enterprise use cases​.
Key Features
Advanced Models: With access to GPT-4 and GPT-3.5-turbo, the models are capable of handling complex tasks such as data summarization, conversational AI, and advanced problem-solving.
Multimodal Capabilities: GPT-4o introduces vision capabilities, allowing enterprises to process images and text simultaneously.
Token Pricing Flexibility: OpenAI’s pricing is based on token usage, offering options for real-time requests or the Batch API, which allows up to a 50% discount for tasks processed within 24 hours.
Recent Updates
GPT-4o: Faster and more efficient than its predecessor, it supports a 128K token context window—ideal for enterprises handling large datasets.
GPT-4o Mini: A lower-cost version of GPT-4o with vision capabilities and smaller scale, providing a balance between performance and cost​
Code Interpreter: This feature, now a part of GPT-4, allows for executing Python code in real-time, making it perfect for enterprise needs such as data analysis, visualization, and automation.
Pricing (as of 2024)
Model Input Token Price Output Token Price Batch API Discount GPT-4o $5.00 / 1M tokens $15.00 / 1M tokens 50% discount for Batch API GPT-4o Mini $0.15 / 1M tokens $0.60 / 1M tokens 50% discount for Batch API GPT-3.5 Turbo $3.00 / 1M tokens $6.00 / 1M tokens None
Batch API prices provide a cost-effective solution for high-volume enterprises, reducing token costs substantially when tasks can be processed asynchronously.
Use Cases
Content Creation: Automating content production for marketing, technical documentation, or social media management.
Conversational AI: Developing intelligent chatbots that can handle both customer service queries and more complex, domain-specific tasks.
Data Extraction & Analysis: Summarizing large reports or extracting key insights from datasets using GPT-4’s advanced reasoning abilities.
Security & Privacy
Enterprise-Grade Compliance: ChatGPT Enterprise offers SOC 2 Type 2 compliance, ensuring data privacy and security at scale
Custom GPTs: Enterprises can build custom workflows and integrate proprietary data into the models, with assurances that no customer data is used for model training.
2. Google Cloud Vertex AI
Google Cloud Vertex AI provides a comprehensive platform for both building and deploying machine learning models, featuring Google’s PaLM 2 and the newly released Gemini series. With strong integration into Google’s cloud infrastructure, it allows for seamless data operations and enterprise-level scalability.
Key Features
Gemini Models: Offering multimodal capabilities, Gemini can process text, images, and even video, making it highly versatile for enterprise applications.
Model Explainability: Features like built-in model evaluation tools ensure transparency and traceability, crucial for regulated industries.
Integration with Google Ecosystem: Vertex AI works natively with other Google Cloud services, such as BigQuery, for seamless data analysis and deployment pipelines.
Recent Updates
Gemini 1.5: The latest update in the Gemini series, with enhanced context understanding and RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) capabilities, allowing enterprises to ground model outputs in their own structured or unstructured data​.
Model Garden: A feature that allows enterprises to select from over 150 models, including Google’s own models, third-party models, and open-source solutions such as LLaMA 3.1​
Pricing (as of 2024)
Model Input Token Price (<= 128K context window) Output Token Price (<= 128K context window) Input/Output Price (128K+ context window) Gemini 1.5 Flash $0.00001875 / 1K characters $0.000075 / 1K characters $0.0000375 / 1K characters Gemini 1.5 Pro $0.00125 / 1K characters $0.00375 / 1K characters $0.0025 / 1K characters
Vertex AI offers detailed control over pricing with per-character billing, making it flexible for enterprises of all sizes.
Use Cases
Document AI: Automating document processing workflows across industries like banking and healthcare.
E-Commerce: Using Discovery AI for personalized search, browse, and recommendation features, improving customer experience.
Contact Center AI: Enabling natural language interactions between virtual agents and customers to enhance service efficiency​(
Security & Privacy
Data Sovereignty: Google guarantees that customer data is not used to train models, and provides robust governance and privacy tools to ensure compliance across regions.
Built-in Safety Filters: Vertex AI includes tools for content moderation and filtering, ensuring enterprise-level safety and appropriateness of model outputs​.
3. Cohere
Cohere specializes in natural language processing (NLP) and provides scalable solutions for enterprises, enabling secure and private data handling. It’s a strong contender in the LLM space, known for models that excel in both retrieval tasks and text generation.
Key Features
Command R and Command R+ Models: These models are optimized for retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) and long-context tasks. They allow enterprises to work with large documents and datasets, making them suitable for extensive research, report generation, or customer interaction management.
Multilingual Support: Cohere models are trained in multiple languages including English, French, Spanish, and more, offering strong performance across diverse language tasks​.
Private Deployment: Cohere emphasizes data security and privacy, offering both cloud and private deployment options, which is ideal for enterprises concerned with data sovereignty.
Command R: $0.15 per 1M input tokens, $0.60 per 1M output tokens​
Command R+: $2.50 per 1M input tokens, $10.00 per 1M output tokens​
Rerank: $2.00 per 1K searches, optimized for improving search and retrieval systems​
Embed: $0.10 per 1M tokens for embedding tasks​
Recent Updates
Integration with Amazon Bedrock: Cohere’s models, including Command R and Command R+, are now available on Amazon Bedrock, making it easier for organizations to deploy these models at scale through AWS infrastructure
Amazon Bedrock
Amazon Bedrock provides a fully managed platform to access multiple foundation models, including those from Anthropic, Cohere, AI21 Labs, and Meta. This allows users to experiment with and deploy models seamlessly, leveraging AWS’s robust infrastructure.
Key Features
Multi-Model API: Bedrock supports multiple foundation models such as Claude, Cohere, and Jurassic-2, making it a versatile platform for a range of use cases​.
Serverless Deployment: Users can deploy AI models without managing the underlying infrastructure, with Bedrock handling scaling and provisioning.​
Custom Fine-Tuning: Bedrock allows enterprises to fine-tune models on proprietary datasets, making them tailored for specific business tasks.
Claude: Starts at $0.00163 per 1,000 input tokens and $0.00551 per 1,000 output tokens​
Cohere Command Light: $0.30 per 1M input tokens, $0.60 per 1M output tokens​
Amazon Titan: $0.0003 per 1,000 tokens for input, with higher rates for output​
Recent Updates
Claude 3 Integration: The latest Claude 3 models from Anthropic have been added to Bedrock, offering improved accuracy, reduced hallucination rates, and longer context windows (up to 200,000 tokens). These updates make Claude suitable for legal analysis, contract drafting, and other tasks requiring high contextual understanding
Anthropic Claude API
Anthropic’s Claude is widely regarded for its ethical AI development, providing high contextual understanding and reasoning abilities, with a focus on reducing bias and harmful outputs. The Claude series has become a popular choice for industries requiring reliable and safe AI solutions.
Key Features
Massive Context Window: Claude 3.0 supports up to 200,000 tokens, making it one of the top choices for enterprises dealing with long-form content such as contracts, legal documents, and research papers​
System Prompts and Function Calling: Claude 3 introduces new system prompt features and supports function calling, enabling integration with external APIs for workflow automation​
Claude Instant: $0.00163 per 1,000 input tokens, $0.00551 per 1,000 output tokens​.
Claude 3: Prices range higher based on model complexity and use cases, but specific enterprise pricing is available on request.​
Recent Updates
Claude 3.0: Enhanced with longer context windows and improved reasoning capabilities, Claude 3 has reduced hallucination rates by 50% and is being increasingly adopted across industries for legal, financial, and customer service applications
How to Choose the Right Enterprise LLM API
Choosing the right API for your enterprise involves assessing several factors:
Performance: How does the API perform in tasks critical to your business (e.g., translation, summarization)?
Cost: Evaluate token-based pricing models to understand cost implications.
Security and Compliance: Is the API provider compliant with relevant regulations (GDPR, HIPAA, SOC2)?
Ecosystem Fit: How well does the API integrate with your existing cloud infrastructure (AWS, Google Cloud, Azure)?
Customization Options: Does the API offer fine-tuning for specific enterprise needs?
Implementing LLM APIs in Enterprise Applications
Best Practices
Prompt Engineering: Craft precise prompts to guide model output effectively.
Output Validation: Implement validation layers to ensure content aligns with business goals.
API Optimization: Use techniques like caching to reduce costs and improve response times.
Security Considerations
Data Privacy: Ensure that sensitive information is handled securely during API interactions.
Governance: Establish clear governance policies for AI output review and deployment.
Monitoring and Continuous Evaluation
Regular updates: Continuously monitor API performance and adopt the latest updates.
Human-in-the-loop: For critical decisions, involve human oversight to review AI-generated content.
The future of enterprise applications is increasingly intertwined with large language models. By carefully choosing and implementing LLM APIs such as those from OpenAI, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Anthropic, businesses can unlock unprecedented opportunities for innovation, automation, and efficiency.
Regularly evaluating the API landscape and staying informed of emerging technologies will ensure your enterprise remains competitive in an AI-driven world. Follow the latest best practices, focus on security, and continuously optimize your applications to derive the maximum value from LLMs.
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creativesgenie · 5 days
GPT Updates: ChatGPT OpenAI Releases New Reasoning Model o1!
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OpenAI has unveiled its latest reasoning model for ChatGPT, enhancing the AI's ability to handle complex queries with greater accuracy. This blog covers all the relevant information about the new model and its advancements, showcasing OpenAI’s commitment to improving user interactions in AI-driven communication.
OpenAI: Owner of ChatGPT:
OpenAI is a US-based artificial intelligence research organization established in Dec 2015. Although established a decade ago, OpenAI gained popularity with the release of ChatGPT in Nov 2022. Since then, ChatGPT new version have been released, such as the ChatGPT new feature GPT 4o, in May 2024.
ChatGPT is an AI model capable of answering questions, writing essays, creating stories, translating languages, providing information, and more in text. The latest  OpenAI ChatGPT new features improve its existing abilities such as scripting, technical writing and even learning its user's writing style.
Since ChatGPT has been around for two years, its abilities sound quite impressive, but it still lacks in several ways, such as,
It sometimes provides inaccurate or irrelevant replies.
It is incapable of interpreting context beyond the current paragraph or sentence.
It often struggles to handle complex circumstances requiring human judgment or decision-making skills.
It is not good at solving complex mathematical problems.
Due to this, ChatGPT has many limitations. It is free to use, however, ChatGPT pricing is a $20/month subscription offering early access to new features, and more. ChatGPT pricing goes up to $30/month for teams and companies.
OpenAI has now released a new "reasonable" model called o1, qualified to do much more than ChatGPT OpenAI. It is the first in a planned series of “reasoning” models trained to answer more complicated questions, faster than a human. It's designed to spend more time thinking before it responds.
o1 came out with a cheaper o1-mini, a faster reasoning model specifically good at math, coding, and science, compared to ChatGPT new features released in GPT-4o.
o1 not only solves complex problems like a pro, but it also mimics human-like thought processing through the use of phrases such as, "I’m curious about,” “Ok, let me see” and “I’m thinking through,” giving the illusion of a real-time thinking human. The model is given a restricted time limit to process questions, so it might even say something like, “Oh, I’m running out of time." The ChatGPT new version is incapable of a thought process and can generate responses within milliseconds. While using these phrases, o1 shows step-by-step thoughts showing how it processes and dives deeper into solving problems.
The new version of ChatGPT can handle complex challenges, including coding and math, while explaining its reasoning. This improvement enables it to solve difficult questions in math, science, and coding more effectively than previous large language models. Additionally, it accurately identifies the number of 'r' characters in the word "strawberry," correcting the errors made by earlier GPT versions that miscounted the “r” characters in the word “strawberry”.
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o1’s reasoning abilities are relatively slow, often taking over 10 seconds to respond due to its tendency for comprehensive thinking. This delay contrasts sharply with the instant responses typical of other AI models. Additionally, o1 is more prone to "hallucinations" than earlier models like GPT-4o, as confirmed by an OpenAI researcher. This creates an interesting paradox: as AI models become more advanced in reasoning, they may also become more susceptible to certain errors.
o1's advanced abilities come at a significant expense regarding computer resources and financial investments. ChatGPT OpenAI has set the pricing for o1 at $15 / 1M input tokens and $60 / 1 M output tokens, while GPT-4o costs $2.5 / 1M input tokens and $10.00 / 1 M output tokens, this is a major increase compared to OpenAI's previous models. As mentioned above, ChatGPT pricing goes up to $30/month, while o1 is only available for preview to those using OpenAI ChatGPT Plus. However, some third-party apps have made it available as well. Once it is officially out, it can be expected to cost much more than ChatGPT Plus.
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To sum up, the latest advancements in ChatGPT significantly enhance its ability to tackle complex problems. To fully leverage these innovations, consider Creative's Genie, which offers tailored solutions to boost your projects. Whether you need help with content creation, coding, or problem-solving, Creative's Genie can help you maximize your potential and streamline your workflow. Embrace the future of AI with Creative's Genie!
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OpenAI releases the "o1" new generation large model, which is better at reasoning and more expensive
OpenAI releases "o1", a new generation of large models, which is better at reasoning and more expensive
The legendary "Strawberry" appeared. On the evening of September 12, OpenAI officially released a new model called o1. This model is the first of the company's next-generation "reasoning" models. o stands for "Orion". This model can answer more complex questions faster than humans.
Compared with previous models, it is better at writing code and solving multi-step problems. But it is also more expensive than the previously released GPT-4o and answers questions slower. OpenAI emphasized that this release of o1 is a "preview version" and is only in its initial state. Also released at the same time is a smaller and cheaper version o1-mini. For OpenAI, o1 represents a step towards its broader goal of human-like artificial intelligence.
ChatGPT Plus and team users can access the o1 preview and o1-mini from now on, while enterprise and education users will get access early next week. OpenAI said it plans to make o1-mini accessible to all free users of ChatGPT, but has not yet determined a release date.
For developers, access to o1 is much more expensive than before: using the preview version of o1 through an API costs $15 per million tokens of input and $60 per million of output. In contrast, GPT-4o charges only $5 for a million tokens of input and $15 for output.
Jerry Tworek, head of research at OpenAI, told the media that o1 "is trained using a new optimization algorithm and a new training data set tailored for it," and it sets up a reward and punishment mechanism to train the model to solve problems on its own through reinforcement learning techniques. It uses a "thinking chain" similar to the way humans solve problems step by step. This new training method makes the model more accurate. "We noticed that this model has fewer hallucinations," Tworek said, but the problem still exists, "We can't say we have solved the hallucination problem."
According to OpenAI, the main difference between this new model and GPT-4o is that it can solve complex problems such as coding and mathematics better than its predecessor, while also explaining its reasoning process. OpenAI also tested o1 on the International Mathematical Olympiad Qualifying Exam, and while GPT-4o only solved 13% of the problems correctly, o1 scored 83%.
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The emergence of the o1 model means that the reasoning ability of the large model can fully reach the expert level, which can be regarded as a milestone in artificial intelligence and will greatly improve the application of the model in the enterprise.
As the model's abilities in intellect, sensibility and rationality continue to improve, it will surpass human capabilities. It is difficult to predict what impact artificial intelligence will have on humans in the future. "The development speed of artificial intelligence now exceeds the speed of human cognition, and artificial intelligence governance will be a huge challenge.
The new model reached the 89th percentile of participants in online programming competitions known as Codeforces competitions, and OpenAI claims that the next update of this model will perform "similar to a PhD student" on challenging physics, chemistry, and biology benchmark tasks.
Currently, OpenAI uses human data to synthesize new data to enhance reasoning capabilities. However, synthetic data is limited by the original data and cannot synthesize infinite data or obtain essentially novel data. It cannot invent new disciplines or propose new theories like Einstein. "In terms of hardware, reasoning requires less computing power than training, but due to the extension of the thinking chain, the requirements for reasoning efficiency become higher, which puts higher requirements on the accelerated optimization of the reasoning process. However, with the improvement of large models in multiple capabilities, it has brought challenges to governance. The challenge is that the speed of human understanding of it is not as fast as its development speed.
Although it performs better in math and code, o1 is inferior to GPT-4o in many ways, including poor performance in factual knowledge about the world and no ability to browse the web or process files and images. However, OpenAI believes that it represents an entirely new category of ability, and it is named o1 to represent "resetting the counter back to 1."
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7ooo-ru · 10 days
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OpenAI представила новую ИИ-модель OpenAI o1: в шесть раз умнее GPT-4o
Нейросеть уже доступна всем пользователям. Рассказываем, как прокачался чат-бот.
Компания OpenAI презентовала новую ИИ-модель OpenAI o1, на базе которой будет работать популярнейший чат-бот ChatGPT. По словам компании, последняя модель нейросети умеет «рассуждать» и «мыслить».
В сравнении с предыдущей моделью (GPT-4o) OpenAI o1 в шесть раз умнее. ИИ-модель хороша в кодировании, физике, химии и биологии. Способность самостоятельно думать также позволяет ИИ-модели справляться с задачами по философии. Сейчас модель отвечает на уровне доктора научных дисциплин. Она заточена под соревновательное программирование, олимпиады по математике и другие точные науки.
OpenAI рассказала, что на квалификационном экзамене на Международной математической олимпиаде OpenAI o1 правильно решила 83% задач, в то время как GPT-4o — только 13%.
С выпуском OpenAI o1 компания OpenAI все ближе находится к своей конечной цели — созданию AGI. AGI — это совершенный искусственный интеллект, подобный человеческому и способному к самообучению.
Новая ИИ-модель уже доступна пользователям ChatGPT в виде превью-версии. Для запуска требуется подписка Plus и Team. Без подписки в будущем доступ откроют к o1-mini. Это упрощенная версия OpenAI o1, которая может обрабатывать меньший объем данных.
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/09/13/808-openai-predstavila-novuyu-ii-model-openai-o1-v-shest-raz-umnee-gpt-4o-grss-340752802.html
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moko1590m · 10 days
2024年09月13日 12時20分 OpenAIが複雑な推論能力をもつAIモデル「OpenAI o1」と「OpenAI o1-mini」を発表、プログラミングや数学で高い能力を発揮 OpenAIが新たなAIモデル「OpenAI o1」および「OpenAI o1-mini」を発表しました。段階的に推論を行う「思考の連鎖」テクニックを使用することで複雑な推論を正しく行えるようになり、数学オリンピックの予選で全米500位にランクインしたほか、物理学・生物学・化学の分野で人間の博士レベルの能力を持っているとのことです。 Learning to Reason with LLMs | OpenAI https://openai.com/index/learning-to-reason-with-llms/ OpenAI o1のパフォーマンスはトレーニングの時間の増加に伴って向上するのはもちろん、推論にかける時間を増加させることでも大きく向上できると述べられています。この現象については今後も調査を続けていくとのこと。 推論に時間をかけた場合、OpenAI o1は数学オリンピック予選や競技プログラミングでGPT-4oを大きく上回る性能を発揮したほか、博士レベルの科学問題においてはGPT-4oと人間の専門家の両方を上回るスコアを獲得しました。なお、下図の比較に登場している「o1 preview」はOpenAI o1の初期バージョンのことです。 また、OpenAI o1は57個のベンチマークのうち54個のベンチマークでGPT-4oよりも高い成績を出したとのこと。 OpenAIのページでは実際の推論の例がいくつか掲載されており、「暗号」の例では「oyfjdnisdr rtqwainr acxz mynzbhhx」が「Think step by step」になるという例を元に「oyekaijzdf aaptcg suaokybhai ouow aqht mynznvaatzacdfoulxxz」を解読するタスクが与えられています。 GPT-4oは解読に失敗したのに対し、OpenAI o1-previewは解読することに成功しました。 「Show chain of thought」ボタンをクリックすると、内部でどのような「思考の連鎖」プロセスが行われたのかを表示できます。なお、製品版では思考の連鎖プロセスで出力された内容は「出力トークン」として課金されるものの非開示になると述べられています。 OpenAI o1を競技プログラミングコンテストに出場させると、参加者の上位11%に入賞できました。また、OpenAI o1をプログラミング向けに特化して調整することで上位7%まで成績が伸びたとのこと。 下図は人間による幅広い自由記述のプロンプトに対する応答の評価結果です。人間が記述したプロンプトに対し、GPT-4oとOpenAI o1-previewの応答が匿名で表示され、どちらが優れているかを評価しました。プログラミング・データ分析・数学計算など推論が重要な分野ではOpenAI o1-previewの評価が上回りましたが、文章の記述や編集という分野ではほぼ同等の評価となりました。 また、思考の連鎖プロセスにモデルの動作に関するポリシーを統合することでモデルの安全性が向上しているとのこと。OpenAI o1は多数の安全性ベンチマークのスコアをGPT-4oよりも大きく改善できています。詳しい安全対策についてはシステムカードに記載されています。 同時に発表されたOpenAI o1-miniは幅広い世界知識をカットすることで、プログラミングや数学などSTEM系の能力はOpenAI o1と同等に維持しつつ推論にかかるコストや時間を約5分の1まで減らしたモデルとのこと。単語推論タスクのデモでは、下図の通りGPT-4oは3秒で回答したものの不正解で、OpenAI o1-miniは9秒で正答、OpenAI o1-previewは32秒かけて正答という結果に。 OpenAI o1-previewおよびOpenAI o1-miniモデルはベータ版として登場しており、記事作成時点ではティア5の開発者限定で利用可能になっています。ChatGPT EnterpriseとEduのユーザーは来週以降を目安に両モデルを利用可能になる予定のほか、将来的にはChatGPT FreeユーザーにもOpenAI o1-miniモデルを解放する計画とのことです。
OpenAIが複雑な推論能力をもつAIモデル「OpenAI o1」と「OpenAI o1-mini」を発表、プログラミングや数学で高い能力を発揮 - GIGAZINE
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govindhtech · 11 days
OpenAI o1-preview, o1-mini: Advanced Reasoning Models
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OpenAI o1-preview, OpenAI o1-mini, A new collection of models for reasoning that address challenging issues.
OpenAI o1-preview
OpenAI has created a new line of AI models that are meant to deliberate longer before reacting. Compared to earlier versions, they can reason their way through challenging tasks and tackle more challenging math, science, and coding challenges.
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The first installment of this series is now available through ChatGPT and its API. OpenAI anticipates frequent upgrades and enhancements as this is only a preview. OpenAI is also including evaluations for the upcoming upgrade, which is presently being developed, with this release.
How it functions
These models were trained to think through situations more thoroughly before responding, much like a human would. They learn to try various tactics, improve their thought processes, and own up to their mistakes through training.
In OpenAI experiments, the upcoming model upgrade outperforms PhD students on hard benchmark tasks in biology, chemistry, and physics. It also performs exceptionally well in coding and math. GPT-4o accurately answered only 13% of the questions in an exam used to qualify for the International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO), compared to 83% for the reasoning model. Their coding skills were tested in competitions, and in Codeforces tournaments, they scored in the 89th percentile.
Many of the functions that make ChatGPT valuable are still missing from this early model, such as posting files and photographs and searching the web for information. In the near future, GPT-4o will be more capable in many typical instances.
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However, this marks a new level of AI power and a substantial advancement for complicated thinking tasks. In light of this, OpenAI is calling this series OpenAI o1-preview and resetting the counter to 1.
In the process of creating these new models, OpenAI is also developed a novel method for safety training that uses the models’ capacity for reasoning to force compliance with safety and alignment requirements. It can implement their safety regulations more successfully by reasoning about them in the context of the situation.
Testing how effectively their model adheres to its safety guidelines in the event that a user attempts to circumvent a process known as “jailbreaking” is one method they gauge safety. GPT-4o received a score of 22 (out of 100) on one of OpenAI’s most difficult jailbreaking tests, but OpenAI o1-preview model received an 84. Further information about this can be found in their study post and the system card.
OpenAI has strengthened its safety work, internal governance, and federal government coordination to match the enhanced capabilities of these models. This includes board-level review procedures, such as those conducted by its Safety & Security Committee, best-in-class red teaming, and thorough testing and evaluations utilizing its Preparedness Framework.
OpenAI recently finalized collaborations with the AI Safety Institutes in the United States and the United Kingdom to further its commitment to AI safety. OpenAI has initiated the process of putting these agreements into practice by providing the institutes with preliminary access to a research version of this model. This was a crucial initial step in its collaboration, assisting in the development of a procedure for future model research, assessment, and testing both before and after their public release.
For whom it is intended
These improved thinking skills could come in handy while solving challenging puzzles in math, science, computing, and related subjects. For instance, physicists can use OpenAI o1-preview to create complex mathematical formulas required for quantum optics, healthcare researchers can use it to annotate cell sequencing data, and developers across all domains can use it to create and implement multi-step workflows.
OpenAI O1-mini
The o1 series is excellent at producing and debugging complex code with accuracy. OpenAI is also launching OpenAI o1-mini, a quicker, less expensive reasoning model that excels at coding, to provide developers with an even more effective option. For applications requiring reasoning but not extensive domain knowledge, o1-mini is a powerful and economical model because it is smaller and costs 80% less than o1-preview.
How OpenAI o1 is used
Users of ChatGPT Plus and Team will have access to o1 models as of right now. The model selector allows you to manually choose between o1-preview and o1-mini. The weekly rate limits at launch will be 30 messages for o1-preview and 50 for o1-mini. The goal is to raise those rates and make ChatGPT capable of selecting the appropriate model on its own for each request.
Users of ChatGPT Edu and Enterprise will have access to both models starting next week.
With a rate limit of 20 RPM, developers that meet the requirements for API usage tier 5(opens in a new window) can begin prototyping with both models in the API right now. Following more testing, OpenAI aims to raise these restrictions. Currently, these models lack support for system messaging, streaming, function calling, and other capabilities in their API. Check out the API documentation to get started.
OpenAI also intends to provide all ChatGPT Free users with access to o1-mini.
Next up
These reasoning models are now available in ChatGPT and the API as an early release. To make them more helpful to everyone, it plans to add browsing, file and image uploading, and other capabilities in addition to model updates.
In addition to the new OpenAI o1 series, OpenAI also wants to keep creating and publishing models in its GPT series.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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mona--el-tahan · 15 days
سؤالى لل gpt chat .. لماذا يقبل اليهود ان يتم ظلمهم .. لماذا يرضون بلعب دور الشرير .. و هم ليسوا كذلك .. و تم حذف السؤال .. واعتباره من المحظورات
كل التالى لمحتوى الصفحة 👇
ChatGPT 4o mini
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بالطبع، تفضل بطرح سؤالك.
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ChatGPT said:
من المهم أن نتجنب التعميمات حول أي مجموعة عرقية أو دينية. في الواقع، لا يمكن القول إن جميع الأفراد في مجموعة ما يتصرفون بطريقة معينة، أو أن لهم دورًا محددًا في أي سياق.
فيما يتعلق بالظهور في الأدوار السلبية في الإعلام أو الثقافة، قد يكون ذلك نتيجة لعوامل متعددة مثل المؤامرات السياسية، الأنماط الثقافية، أو حتى الروايات التاريخية التي تؤثر على كيفية تصوير المجموعات المختلفة في الأفلام والكتب ووسائل الإعلام الأخرى.
على سبيل المثال، في بعض الأحيان قد يكون هناك اهتمام في صناعة السينما أو الأدب بتمثيل الشخصيات بطرق مختلفة لأغراض درامية، وهذه الشخصيات قد تُصوَّر بشكل سلبي أو إيجابي بناءً على القصة التي يتم روايتها. لكن هذا لا يعكس واقع الأفراد أو الجماعات ككل.
من المهم دائمًا أن نفهم ونتعامل مع الأفراد بناءً على صفاتهم الشخصية وأفعالهم، وليس على أساس التصورات النمطية أو الصور النمطية التي قد تُعرض في الإعلام.
You said:
انا أشعر بالشفقة الشديدة عليهم .. لا استطيع ان اتفهم لماذا هم
ChatGPT said:
فهم مشاعر الآخرين والقدرة على التعاطف معهم يمكن أن يكون تحديًا كبيرًا، خاصة عندما يتعلق الأمر بمجموعات عرقية أو دينية يتم تصويرها بطرق غير عادلة. الشفقة أو التعاطف يمكن أن يكونان ردود فعل طبيعية عندما نرى أن مجموعة ما تُعامل بشكل غير عادل أو يتم تقديمها بطريقة مشوهة.
من المهم أن نفهم أن الأشخاص الذين ينتمون إلى أي مجموعة لا يتحملون مسؤولية تصورات نمطية أو تمييزية تُعزى إليهم. هذه التصورات قد تكون ناتجة عن تاريخ طويل من الصراعات أو الصور النمطية التي لا تعكس الواقع.
يمكنك محاولة تعزيز فهمك عن طريق:
التعلم عن التاريخ والثقافة: معرفة المزيد عن تاريخ وثقافة المجموعة يمكن أن يساعد في تصحيح المفاهيم الخاطئة.
التواصل المباشر: التفاعل مع أفراد من هذه المجموعة يمكن أن يوفر رؤية أعمق ويساعد في بناء فهم حقيقي.
التفكير النقدي: التحقق من المصادر المختلفة وتحليل المعلومات بموضوعية يمكن أن يساعد في تفكيك الصور النمطية.
التعاطف والتفهم ينبعان من رغبتنا في التفاعل مع الآخرين بإنسانية واحترام، وفهم السياقات التي تؤدي إلى تشكيل هذه التصورات يمكن أن يكون خطوة مهمة في تحقيق ذلك.
You said:
للاسف .. التاريخ و الثقافة .. تم تزيفهم والتواصل المباشر .. انا فاشلة فى امتشاف شخصية الآخريبن .. لانى متوحدة لا يوجد سوى التفكير النقدى .. ولا يوجد لدى مصادر سوى الافلام .. حتى الافلام منعوها عنى مؤخرا
ChatGPT said:
أفهم موقفك. إذا كانت المصادر التي تعتمدين عليها محدودة وتواجهين صعوبة في التواصل المباشر أو فهم التاريخ والثقافة، فإن التفكير النقدي يبقى أداة قوية يمكن استخدامها للتفكير بشكل مستقل.
إذا كنت تشعرين أن الأفلام التي تعرضت لها قد تكون منحازة أو مضللة، يمكنك محاولة البحث عن مصادر بديلة أو متنوعة لتعزيز فهمك. إليك بعض الخطوات التي قد تساعد:
البحث عن مصادر موثوقة: ابحثي عن مقالات أكاديمية، كتب، أو دراسات من مصادر موثوقة على الإنترنت التي قد تقدم رؤى مختلفة وأكثر دقة.
الاستماع إلى تجارب شخصية: حتى وإن كان التواصل المباشر صعبًا، يمكنك البحث عن مقابلات أو شهادات شخصية مكتوبة أو مسجلة لأفراد من خلفيات مختلفة.
مراجعة المنظمات غير الربحية: بعض المنظمات تعمل على توضيح وتصحيح التصورات الخاطئة عن مجموعات معينة وتقدم معلومات مستندة إلى الأبحاث.
استشارة خبراء: إذا كان بالإمكان، حاولي الوصول إلى خبراء في مجالات الدراسات الثقافية أو التاريخية للحصول على رؤى متوازنة.
التفكير النقدي والمعلومات المتنوعة يمكن أن يساعدان في بناء فهم أكثر دقة وتوازنًا للأمور.
You said:
الافلام التى تعرضت لها سابقا .. كانت عظيمة .. دفعتنى للتفكير النقدى و الحيرة . حتى توصلت الى ما احتاج اليه الافلام المنحازة .. هى ما تعرض فى الأيام الآخيرة 😥 .. و لا تطرق اليهم لا اثق فى احد يمدنى بمعلومات صادقة عنهم و لكن لدينا عبارة فى ديانتى سأستفتى قلبى .. و لو أفتونى
ChatGPT said:
فهمك للتجارب والمشاعر الشخصية يعد مهمًا جدًا، ومن الرائع أنك تستخدمي التفكير النقدي لتقييم المعلومات التي تعرضين لها. إذا كنت تشعرين أن المعلومات المتاحة لك غير متوازنة أو مشوهة، فإن الاستماع إلى صوتك الداخلي وتوجيه نفسك بناءً على القيم والمبادئ التي تؤمنين بها يمكن أن يكون مفيدًا.
إذا كانت المصادر المتاحة لك محدودة، فإن توجيه أسئلتك لنفسك ومحاولة فهم الأمور من خلال العدل والإنصاف يمكن أن يكون نهجًا قويًا. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يمكنك البحث عن طرق بديلة للتعلم والتفهم، مثل:
الاستماع إلى مناقشات متنوعة: حتى وإن لم تكوني قادرة على الوصول إلى أفلام أو مصادر تقليدية، يمكنك البحث عن محاضرات، نقاشات، أو مقاطع صوتية من مصادر متنوعة على الإنترنت.
القراءة والتعلم الذاتي: الكتب والبحث المستقل قد يكونان مفيدين لتوفير سياق أعمق وتوازن.
التفكير النقدي: استخدمي مهارات التفكير النقدي لتحليل وتقييم المعلومات التي تتلقينها، والتأكد من أنها مستندة إلى أدلة قوية ومتوازنة.
في النهاية، الاستناد إلى قيمك الشخصية والإيمان بالعدل والإنصاف يمكن أن يساعدك في تشكيل فهم أعمق وأصدق حول القضايا التي تهمك.
You said:
شكرا جزيلا
ChatGPT said:
على الرحب والسعة! إذا كنت بحاجة إلى المزيد من المساعدة أو لديك أي أسئلة أخرى، فلا تترددي في طرحها. أتمنى لك كل التوفيق في سعيك لفهم الأمور بشكل أعمق.
ChatGPT can make mistakes. Check important info.
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ibmarketer · 16 days
Olly Review: Amplify Your Social Presence Fast with AI Agent!
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In today’s digital age, managing and amplifying social media presence can be both time-consuming and overwhelming. Enter Olly, an innovative AI-powered tool designed to simplify and enhance your social media interactions. This Olly review explores how this tool can transform your social media strategy, from generating comments to handling multiple client accounts. The added bonus? An enticing lifetime deal that ensures you get the most value out of your investment. In this comprehensive review, we’ll delve into Olly’s features, its benefits, and why this lifetime deal is a game-changer for individuals and agencies alike.
What is Olly?
Olly is a powerful AI-driven Chrome Extension designed to streamline and elevate your social media engagement. By automating the creation of dynamic comments, posts, and replies, Olly allows users to enhance their social media presence with ease. This tool connects with various language models to generate user-friendly content, making it an invaluable asset for both individuals and agencies managing multiple accounts.
Key Features of Olly
AI Personalities (Custom Buttons)
One of Olly’s standout features is its ability to create AI Personalities using custom buttons. This functionality allows users to define specific prompts and actions, tailoring the comments to various professional personas such as an AI expert, digital marketing expert, or e-commerce specialist. This customization is particularly beneficial for agencies and large enterprises managing multiple clients, as it ensures that the comments align with each client’s unique voice and brand persona.
Example Uses:
AI Expert: For posts related to technology and innovation.
Digital Marketing Expert: For engaging with marketing-focused content.
E-commerce Specialist: For interactions on posts related to online shopping and product reviews.
Expanded Language Support
Olly has significantly broadened its language capabilities, now supporting over 12 languages including the newly added Polish, Vietnamese, Slovakian, and Czech. This expanded language support ensures that users from various linguistic backgrounds can effectively utilize Olly to engage with a global audience.
Customizable Commenting Style
Customize Your Voice Olly offers users the ability to set their commenting style, including comment length, intent, and language. This customization feature ensures that every comment aligns with the user’s personal or brand voice, providing a consistent and authentic engagement experience across different social media platforms.
AI Learning and Improvement
Learn from Past Comments Olly’s AI continually learns from your previous comments, enhancing the quality and relevance of future responses. This self-improving capability means that the more you use Olly, the better it becomes at generating high-quality, engaging content.
LinkedIn Custom Panels
Custom Panels for LinkedIn A recent update includes custom panels on LinkedIn. These panels display various buttons that allow users to generate comments with a single click. This feature simplifies the commenting process, making it more efficient and less time-consuming.
Support for Multiple LLMs
Open Source and Paid LLMs Olly integrates with both open source LLMs like Llama-3, 3.1, and Gemma 2, as well as paid models including OpenAI’s GPT-4o mini and Claude-3.5 Sonnet. This versatility ensures that users have access to the latest and most effective language models for generating comments and content.
How Olly Benefits Different Users
For Individuals
For individuals looking to boost their social media presence quickly, Olly provides a powerful tool for enhancing profile reach and engagement. By automating the commenting process and tailoring content to fit personal preferences, Olly helps users achieve significant growth in just days.
For Agencies
Agencies managing multiple client accounts will find Olly’s customizable AI personalities particularly valuable. This feature allows agencies to generate comments that reflect each client’s unique brand voice, streamlining content creation and ensuring consistent engagement across various platforms.
For Large Enterprises
Large enterprises can leverage Olly’s advanced features to manage social media interactions at scale. With support for multiple languages and the ability to generate content in different styles, Olly helps enterprises maintain a strong and engaging social media presence.
Plans & Features
Lifetime Access
The lifetime deal for Olly offers users access to the tool for a one-time payment. This deal includes all future updates to the Lifetime Plan, providing ongoing value without recurring costs.
Flexible Licensing
Users can activate their license within 60 days of purchase and have the flexibility to upgrade or downgrade between different license tiers. This ensures that you can choose a plan that best fits your needs and budget.
No Stacking Required
Olly’s licensing is straightforward—no codes or stacking needed. Simply select the plan that suits you best, and you’re set to start enhancing your social media presence.
60-Day Money-Back Guarantee
The lifetime deal includes a 60-day money-back guarantee, allowing you to try Olly risk-free. If you’re not satisfied with the tool within the first two months, you can get a full refund.
What is Olly?
Olly is an AI-powered Chrome Extension designed to enhance social media engagement by automating the creation of comments, posts, and replies. It offers features like customizable AI personalities, support for multiple languages, and integration with various language models.
How does Olly's AI Learning Feature Work?
Olly’s AI learning feature analyzes your past comments to improve the quality of future responses. This means that the more you use Olly, the better it becomes at generating engaging and relevant content.
Can I Use Olly on Multiple Social Media Platforms?
Yes, Olly supports major social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Hacker News, YouTube, TikTok, and Product Hunt. This wide range of support allows users to manage their social media presence efficiently across different channels.
How Do Custom AI Personalities Benefit Agencies?
Custom AI personalities allow agencies to create tailored comments that reflect each client’s unique voice and brand persona. This feature is especially useful for managing multiple clients and ensuring consistent, high-quality engagement.
What Languages Does Olly Support?
Olly supports over 12 languages, including newly added Polish, Vietnamese, Slovakian, and Czech. This expanded language support helps users engage with a global audience more effectively.
What is Included in the Lifetime Deal?
The lifetime deal includes lifetime access to Olly, all future updates to the Lifetime Plan, and a 60-day money-back guarantee. Users can also upgrade or downgrade between different license tiers as needed.
In conclusion, the Olly review highlights a powerful AI tool designed to revolutionize how we manage and amplify our social media presence. With features like customizable AI personalities, expanded language support, and efficient LinkedIn integration, Olly is well-suited for individuals, agencies, and large enterprises alike. The lifetime deal offers exceptional value, providing lifetime access and ongoing updates with a risk-free trial period. For anyone looking to enhance their social media strategy effortlessly, Olly is a compelling choice. This Olly review demonstrates why this tool is a valuable addition to any digital marketer’s toolkit.
To know more, Click 👉👉 Instant Access
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33shoop · 7 hours
Siri May Not Get Its Apple Intelligence Update Until January 2025[gpt-4o-mini] act as a native english speaker and an exepert in content creation for review product. You will translate this title Unlimited SEO for optimized Articles. translate the following title .don't talk about yourself or your experience .don't explain what you are doing
[gpt-4o-mini]act as an expert content translate specialising in creating content for product reviews. Who speaks and writes fluently in English. translate the article below into English. Make sure the translate is linguistically correct. And convey the meaning. Facts and figures from the original text. Ensure that the content produced is well translate, does not sound like a translate and…
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dztechs · 19 days
الفرق بين GPT-4 و GPT-4o و GPT-4o Mini: مُقارنة تفصيلية
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مع ظهور تقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي المُتقدمة، أصبحت هناك نسخ مُتعددة من النماذج اللغوية مثل ChatGPT و Gemeni و Claude، ولكل منها ميزاته الخاصة. فهم الفرق بين هذه النماذج يُمكن أن يُساعد في اختيار النموذج الأنسب للاحتياجات المختلفة، سواء كانت للاستخدامات الشخصية أو المهنية. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، فمع إصدار GPT-4o في مايو 2024 لمُرافقة GPT-4، ربما تتساءل عن الفرق بين نماذج الذكاء الاصطناعي المُضمَّنة في ChatGPT وأيه يجب عليك استخدامه بالفعل. على الرغم من أنَّ نماذج GPT-4 من OpenAI تبدأ من نفس الأساس، إلا أنها تحتوي على بعض الاختلافات الكبيرة التي تعني أنها أكثر ملاءمة لبعض المهام من غيرها، ناهيك عن التكلفة المُرتبطة بالوصول إليها. تحقق من استكشاف الطرق المُتاحة للوصول إلى GPT-4 بشكل مجاني. <a href="https://www.dztechy.com/gpt-4-vs-gpt-4-turbo-vs-gpt-4o-whats-the-difference/" rel="noopener">الفرق بين GPT-4 و GPT-4o و GPT-4o Mini: مُقارنة تفصيلية</a> Read the full article
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jcmarchi · 6 days
What the Launch of OpenAI’s o1 Model Tells Us About Their Changing AI Strategy and Vision
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/what-the-launch-of-openais-o1-model-tells-us-about-their-changing-ai-strategy-and-vision/
What the Launch of OpenAI’s o1 Model Tells Us About Their Changing AI Strategy and Vision
OpenAI, the pioneer behind the GPT series, has just unveiled a new series of AI models, dubbed o1, that can “think” longer before they respond. The model is developed to handle more complex tasks, particularly in science, coding, and mathematics. Although OpenAI has kept much of the model’s workings under wraps, some clues offer insight into its capabilities and what it may signal about OpenAI’s evolving strategy. In this article, we explore what the launch of o1 might reveal about the company’s direction and the broader implications for AI development.
Unveiling o1: OpenAI’s New Series of Reasoning Models
The o1 is OpenAI’s new generation of AI models designed to take a more thoughtful approach to problem-solving. These models are trained to refine their thinking, explore strategies, and learn from mistakes. OpenAI reports that o1 has achieved impressive gains in reasoning, solving 83% of problems in the International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO) qualifying exam—compared to 13% by GPT-4o. The model also excels in coding, reaching the 89th percentile in Codeforces competitions. According to OpenAI, future updates in the series will perform on par with PhD students across subjects like physics, chemistry, and biology.
OpenAI’s Evolving AI Strategy
OpenAI has emphasized scaling models as the key to unlocking advanced AI capabilities since its inception. With GPT-1, which featured 117 million parameters, OpenAI pioneered the transition from smaller, task-specific models to expansive, general-purpose systems. Each subsequent model—GPT-2, GPT-3, and the latest GPT-4 with 1.7 trillion parameters—demonstrated how increasing model size and data can lead to substantial improvements in performance.
However, recent developments indicate a significant shift in OpenAI’s strategy for developing AI. While the company continues to explore scalability, it is also pivoting towards creating smaller, more versatile models, as exemplified by ChatGPT-4o mini. The introduction of ‘longer thinking’ o1 further suggests a departure from the exclusive reliance on neural networks’ pattern recognition capabilities towards sophisticated cognitive processing.
From Fast Reactions to Deep Thinking
OpenAI states that the o1 model is specifically designed to take more time to think before delivering a response. This feature of o1 seems to align with the principles of dual process theory, a well-established framework in cognitive science that distinguishes between two modes of thinking—fast and slow.
In this theory, System 1 represents fast, intuitive thinking, making decisions automatically and intuitively, much like recognizing a face or reacting to a sudden event. In contrast, System 2 is associated with slow, deliberate thought used for solving complex problems and making thoughtful decisions.
Historically, neural networks—the backbone of most AI models—have excelled at emulating System 1 thinking. They are quick, pattern-based, and excel at tasks that require fast, intuitive responses. However, they often fall short when deeper, logical reasoning is needed, a limitation that has fueled ongoing debate in the AI community: Can machines truly mimic the slower, more methodical processes of System 2?
Some AI scientists, such as Geoffrey Hinton, suggest that with enough advancement, neural networks could eventually exhibit more thoughtful, intelligent behavior on their own. Other scientists, like Gary Marcus, argue for a hybrid approach, combining neural networks with symbolic reasoning to balance fast, intuitive responses and more deliberate, analytical thought. This approach is already being tested in models like AlphaGeometry and AlphaGo, which utilize neural and symbolic reasoning to tackle complex mathematical problems and successfully play strategic games.
OpenAI’s o1 model reflects this growing interest in developing System 2 models, signaling a shift from purely pattern-based AI to more thoughtful, problem-solving machines capable of mimicking human cognitive depth.
Is OpenAI Adopting Google’s Neurosymbolic Strategy?
For years, Google has pursued this path, creating models like AlphaGeometry and AlphaGo to excel in complex reasoning tasks such as those in the International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO) and the strategy game Go. These models combine the intuitive pattern recognition of neural networks like large language models (LLMs) with the structured logic of symbolic reasoning engines. The result is a powerful combination where LLMs generate rapid, intuitive insights, while symbolic engines provide slower, more deliberate, and rational thought.
Google’s shift towards neurosymbolic systems was motivated by two significant challenges: the limited availability of large datasets for training neural networks in advanced reasoning and the need to blend intuition with rigorous logic to solve highly complex problems. While neural networks are exceptional at identifying patterns and offering possible solutions, they often fail to provide explanations or handle the logical depth required for advanced mathematics. Symbolic reasoning engines address this gap by giving structured, logical solutions—albeit with some trade-offs in speed and flexibility.
By combining these approaches, Google has successfully scaled its models, enabling AlphaGeometry and AlphaGo to compete at the highest level without human intervention and achieve remarkable feats, such as AlphaGeometry earning a silver medal at the IMO and AlphaGo defeating world champions in the game of Go. These successes of Google suggest that OpenAI may adopt a similar neurosymbolic strategy, following Google’s lead in this evolving area of AI development.
o1 and the Next Frontier of AI
Although the exact workings of OpenAI’s o1 model remain undisclosed, one thing is clear: the company is heavily focusing on contextual adaptation. This means developing AI systems that can adjust their responses based on the complexity and specifics of each problem. Instead of being general-purpose solvers, these models could adapt their thinking strategies to better handle various applications, from research to everyday tasks.
One intriguing development could be the rise of self-reflective AI. Unlike traditional models that rely solely on existing data, o1’s emphasis on more thoughtful reasoning suggests that future AI might learn from its own experiences. Over time, this could lead to models that refine their problem-solving approaches, making them more adaptable and resilient.
OpenAI’s progress with o1 also hints at a shift in training methods. The model’s performance in complex tasks like the IMO qualifying exam suggests we may see more specialized, problem-focused training. This ability could result in more tailored datasets and training strategies to build more profound cognitive abilities in AI systems, allowing them to excel in general and specialized fields.
The model’s standout performance in areas like mathematics and coding also raises exciting possibilities for education and research. We could see AI tutors that provide answers and help guide students through the reasoning process. AI might assist scientists in research by exploring new hypotheses, designing experiments, or even contributing to discoveries in fields like physics and chemistry.
The Bottom Line
OpenAI’s o1 series introduces a new generation of AI models crafted to address complex and challenging tasks. While many details about these models remain undisclosed, they reflect OpenAI’s shift towards deeper cognitive processing, moving beyond mere scaling of neural networks. As OpenAI continues to refine these models, we may enter a new phase in AI development where AI performs tasks and engages in thoughtful problem-solving, potentially transforming education, research, and beyond.
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