#GPS Dog Fence
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halodogcollar · 2 months ago
Discover the revolutionary Halo Collar 4, the most advanced GPS dog collar for ensuring your furry friend’s safety wherever you go! Featuring groundbreaking dual-frequency GPS technology, this GPS dog fence provides unparalleled location accuracy, even in urban areas. Whether you’re traveling with your dog by car or plane, the Halo Collar 4 makes it easy to keep your furry companion safe while exploring new places. Perfect for dog owners who value dog tracking and dog safety while on the go. Learn how to use this innovative dog safety collar for all your adventures!
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askgildaseniors · 5 months ago
Discover how the Halo Collar transformed Rip, our Romanian import, into the ultimate livestock protector on Marlo Farms! In this video, Deana Adams shares her experience using the Halo Collar for 2.5 years to keep her cattle and show goats safe from coyotes. See how this smart GPS collar creates a virtual fence, allowing Rip to patrol and protect 24/7 without boundaries. If you’re a farmer or livestock owner looking for a reliable way to safeguard your animals, this is a game-changer you won’t want to miss. Learn about Halo's easy setup, unmatched accuracy, and why it’s a must-have for any working farm.
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pasanggpsterdekat · 4 months ago
Toko Instalasi GPS Terdekat
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Untuk Anda yang sedang mencari toko instalasi GPS terdekat, ini adalah informasi yang akan memberikan panduan lengkap tentang cara memilih toko yang tepat, jenis GPS yang tersedia, hingga informasi mengenai GPS pakai kartu apa yang sesuai. Apa itu GPS dan Bagaimana Cara Kerjanya? Sebelum kita membahas lebih jauh tentang toko instalasi GPS terdekat, penting untuk memahami cara kerja GPS. GPS adalah teknologi berbasis satelit yang digunakan untuk menentukan lokasi suatu objek secara real-time. Sistem ini bekerja dengan cara menerima sinyal dari satelit yang kemudian diolah untuk memberikan koordinat posisi yang akurat. GPS dapat dipasang pada berbagai jenis kendaraan seperti mobil, motor, bahkan alat berat. Pengguna bisa memantau posisi kendaraan secara langsung melalui aplikasi yang dihubungkan dengan perangkat GPS. Selain fungsi pelacakan, beberapa perangkat GPS juga memiliki fitur tambahan seperti notifikasi gerakan, pemutusan mesin jarak jauh, dan pelaporan kondisi kendaraan. Mengapa Memilih Toko Instalasi GPS Terdekat? Memasang GPS bukanlah hal yang sepele. Proses instalasi yang tidak benar bisa menyebabkan kerusakan pada kendaraan atau mengurangi efektivitas perangkat GPS. Oleh karena itu, memilih toko instalasi GPS terdekat yang berpengalaman sangatlah penting. Berikut adalah beberapa alasan mengapa Anda harus memilih toko instalasi GPS yang dekat dengan lokasi Anda:
Kualitas Layanan yang Terjamin Toko GPS yang memiliki reputasi baik umumnya memberikan layanan instalasi yang profesional. Mereka memiliki teknisi berpengalaman yang paham betul cara memasang GPS dengan benar, sehingga perangkat dapat berfungsi optimal. Dengan memilih toko instalasi GPS terdekat, Anda juga bisa dengan mudah mengunjungi toko tersebut jika ada masalah atau ingin melakukan perawatan.
Kemudahan Konsultasi dan Garansi Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan tentang jenis GPS yang paling cocok atau GPS pakai kartu apa, Anda bisa langsung berkonsultasi dengan teknisi di toko. Selain itu, dengan toko yang dekat, Anda bisa lebih mudah mengklaim garansi jika terjadi kerusakan pada perangkat atau instalasi.
Akses Cepat untuk Perawatan dan Pemasangan Ulang Kadang-kadang, GPS perlu diperiksa atau disesuaikan ulang untuk menjaga kinerjanya. Dengan memilih toko instalasi GPS terdekat, Anda tidak perlu repot melakukan perjalanan jauh hanya untuk memeriksa perangkat Anda. Ini memberikan kemudahan dalam hal perawatan berkala dan memastikan GPS Anda selalu dalam kondisi terbaik. Cara Memilih Toko Instalasi GPS Terdekat yang Tepat Tidak semua toko instalasi GPS menawarkan layanan yang sama. Agar Anda mendapatkan yang terbaik, berikut adalah beberapa tips untuk memilih toko instalasi GPS terdekat yang tepat:
Cek Reputasi dan Ulasan Saat mencari toko instalasi GPS terdekat, selalu cek reputasi toko tersebut. Anda bisa membaca ulasan dari pelanggan sebelumnya di internet atau bertanya kepada orang yang pernah menggunakan jasa toko tersebut. Toko yang memiliki ulasan positif biasanya lebih bisa dipercaya.
Pastikan Mereka Menawarkan Beragam Produk GPS GPS hadir dalam berbagai jenis dan fitur. Toko yang baik akan menawarkan berbagai pilihan produk, mulai dari GPS dasar hingga yang memiliki fitur canggih seperti pelacakan real-time dan integrasi dengan sistem keamanan lainnya. Pastikan toko yang Anda pilih memiliki perangkat GPS sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.
Layanan Purna Jual dan Garansi Layanan purna jual sangat penting, terutama untuk perangkat elektronik seperti GPS. Pastikan toko yang Anda pilih menawarkan garansi dan dukungan teknis setelah pembelian. Ini akan sangat membantu jika perangkat mengalami masalah di kemudian hari.
Teknisi Berpengalaman Instalasi GPS memerlukan keterampilan khusus. Teknisi yang berpengalaman akan memastikan bahwa perangkat dipasang dengan benar dan tersembunyi dengan baik sehingga tidak mudah ditemukan oleh pencuri. Pastikan toko yang Anda pilih memiliki teknisi yang berpengalaman dan terlatih. Jenis GPS dan Kartu yang Digunakan Salah satu pertanyaan yang sering diajukan oleh calon pengguna GPS adalah GPS pakai kartu apa? Pada dasarnya, ada dua jenis GPS yang paling umum digunakan untuk kendaraan, yaitu GPS dengan SIM card (kartu SIM) dan GPS tanpa kartu SIM. Berikut penjelasannya:
GPS dengan SIM Card Jenis GPS ini menggunakan kartu SIM yang terhubung dengan jaringan seluler untuk mengirimkan data lokasi ke server. GPS jenis ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk memantau posisi kendaraan secara real-time melalui aplikasi di smartphone atau komputer. GPS dengan SIM card sangat populer karena kecepatan dan keakuratan datanya. Adapun pertanyaan mengenai GPS pakai kartu apa, jawabannya tergantung pada provider layanan yang Anda pilih. Sebagian besar GPS menggunakan kartu dari provider seluler yang menyediakan jaringan GSM, seperti Telkomsel, XL, Indosat, dan sebagainya. Pilih kartu SIM dengan jaringan terluas di area Anda untuk memastikan GPS dapat bekerja dengan optimal.
GPS Tanpa SIM Card Beberapa GPS tidak memerlukan kartu SIM karena mereka menggunakan teknologi satelit secara langsung. GPS jenis ini biasanya digunakan untuk keperluan khusus seperti pelacakan alat berat atau kendaraan di area yang jauh dari jangkauan sinyal seluler. Meskipun akurat, GPS tanpa SIM card cenderung lebih mahal dan jarang digunakan untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari seperti pelacakan mobil atau motor pribadi. Keuntungan Menggunakan GPS dengan SIM Card Setelah memahami GPS pakai kartu apa, mari kita bahas beberapa keuntungan dari menggunakan GPS dengan SIM card dibandingkan GPS tanpa SIM card. Untuk mengetahui perbedaan antara GPS dengan SIM card atau tanpa SIM card bisa masuk kesini
Pemantauan Real-time GPS dengan SIM card memungkinkan Anda untuk memantau lokasi kendaraan secara real-time. Anda bisa mengakses data lokasi kapan saja melalui aplikasi yang terhubung dengan perangkat GPS. Hal ini sangat membantu jika kendaraan Anda hilang atau dicuri, karena Anda bisa segera mengetahui keberadaan kendaraan dan melaporkannya ke pihak berwajib.
Fitur Tambahan yang Lebih Lengkap GPS dengan SIM card sering kali dilengkapi dengan fitur tambahan seperti notifikasi gerakan, batas kecepatan, serta pemutusan mesin jarak jauh. Fitur-fitur ini membuat GPS lebih dari sekadar alat pelacak, tetapi juga alat pengontrol kendaraan.
Jangkauan Lebih Luas Dengan menggunakan jaringan seluler, GPS dengan SIM card dapat bekerja di hampir semua lokasi yang memiliki sinyal GSM. Ini membuatnya ideal untuk digunakan di kota maupun di daerah pinggiran yang masih dalam jangkauan sinyal provider.
Biaya yang Lebih Terjangkau GPS dengan SIM card umumnya lebih terjangkau dari segi harga dibandingkan dengan GPS tanpa SIM card. Selain itu, biaya operasionalnya pun lebih murah, karena Anda hanya perlu membayar paket data untuk mengirimkan lokasi ke server. Harga Instalasi GPS di Toko Terdekat Bicara soal harga, toko instalasi GPS terdekat umumnya menawarkan berbagai paket harga tergantung pada jenis GPS yang Anda pilih dan fitur-fitur yang tersedia. Berikut adalah gambaran umum harga instalasi GPS:
GPS Motor Instalasi GPS untuk motor biasanya lebih murah dibandingkan mobil karena perangkatnya lebih sederhana. Harga untuk GPS motor berkisar antara Rp 500.000 hingga Rp 1.500.000 tergantung pada fitur yang Anda pilih.
GPS Mobil Harga instalasi GPS mobil lebih tinggi karena perangkat yang digunakan lebih canggih. Kisaran harganya antara Rp 1.000.000 hingga Rp 3.000.000, tergantung pada fitur seperti pelacakan real-time, notifikasi, hingga pemutusan mesin dari jarak jauh.
Biaya Berlangganan Beberapa GPS dengan SIM card mungkin memerlukan biaya berlangganan bulanan untuk paket data. Biaya ini bervariasi tergantung provider kartu SIM yang Anda pilih, namun umumnya berkisar antara Rp 50.000 hingga Rp 150.000 per bulan. Toko instalasi GPS terdekat adalah solusi ideal bagi Anda yang ingin menjaga keamanan kendaraan dengan teknologi canggih. Memasang GPS tidak hanya memberikan perlindungan ekstra, tetapi juga kemudahan dalam melacak kendaraan Anda kapan saja dan di mana saja. Dengan memilih GPS pakai kartu yang sesuai, Anda bisa mendapatkan perangkat pelacak yang akurat, cepat, dan terjangkau. Jangan ragu untuk mengunjungi toko instalasi GPS terdekat di kota Anda untuk berkonsultasi lebih lanjut tentang jenis GPS yang paling cocok untuk kendaraan Anda. Dengan begitu, Anda bisa memastikan kendaraan Anda selalu dalam pengawasan dan terlindungi dari potensi pencurian atau penyalahgunaan.
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avnnetwork · 6 months ago
Ensure Your Dog's Safety and Comfort This Fourth of July with the Halo Collar GPS Virtual Fence
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The Fourth of July is a time for celebration, filled with barbecues, fireworks, and gatherings with loved ones. However, while we enjoy the festivities, our four-legged family members may find this holiday overwhelming and stressful. The loud noises, flashing lights, and unfamiliar activities can turn what should be a fun day into a nightmare for our dogs. This is where the Halo Collar GPS Virtual Fence comes into play, providing a solution that keeps your dog safe, secure, and stress-free during the Independence Day celebrations.
Understanding the Fourth of July's Impact on Dogs
For many dogs, the Fourth of July is one of the most stressful days of the year. The sudden and loud explosions from fireworks can trigger anxiety and fear in even the most laid-back pets. Dogs have acute hearing, and what sounds like a minor pop to us can be a terrifying boom for them. This often results in dogs trying to escape, hiding, or exhibiting signs of severe anxiety such as panting, pacing, and excessive barking.
In fact, more pets go missing on the Fourth of July than any other day of the year. The combination of fear and confusion can lead to dogs running away from their homes, putting them at risk of injury or worse. As responsible pet owners, it's crucial to take steps to ensure our dogs are protected and comfortable during this time.
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Introducing the Halo Collar GPS Virtual Fence
The Halo Collar is more than just a GPS tracker—it's a comprehensive safety and training system designed to give your dog the freedom to explore while keeping them safe. Unlike traditional fences, the Halo Collar creates a virtual boundary that you can customize to suit your property. If your dog approaches the boundary, the collar will gently guide them back, using customizable feedback like sound, vibration, or static correction, depending on your dog's needs and training.
How the Halo Collar Keeps Your Dog Safe on the Fourth of July
Real-Time GPS Tracking
One of the most significant features of the Halo Collar is its real-time GPS tracking. If your dog ever leaves the designated safe area, you will receive an instant alert on your smartphone. This allows you to act quickly and ensure your dog's safety, even in the chaos of the Fourth of July celebrations.
Customizable Virtual Fence
The Halo Collar allows you to create virtual fences anywhere, whether you're at home, at a friend's house, or on vacation. This flexibility ensures that your dog always has a safe space, no matter where the holiday takes you.
Stress-Reduction Through Training
The Halo Collar also serves as a training tool, helping you reinforce positive behaviors in your dog. Leading up to the Fourth of July, you can use the collar to train your dog to respond calmly to various stimuli, including fireworks. Over time, this can significantly reduce their anxiety and help them feel more secure during the holiday.
Preventing Escapes
With its gentle feedback system, the Halo Collar deters your dog from crossing the boundary without causing harm. This is especially important on the Fourth of July when the sound of fireworks might tempt even the most obedient dogs to bolt. The Halo Collar ensures they stay within the safe zone, giving you peace of mind.
Tips for a Stress-Free Fourth of July with the Halo Collar
Early Training: Begin using the Halo Collar well in advance of the Fourth of July. This will give your dog time to get used to the virtual fence and the feedback system, making it easier for them to stay calm during the holiday.
Create a Safe Space Indoors: Even with the Halo Collar, it's a good idea to create a safe, quiet space indoors where your dog can retreat if they feel overwhelmed. Make sure this area is away from windows and doors to minimize exposure to the noise and lights of fireworks.
Provide Distractions: Keep your dog occupied with their favorite toys, treats, or a puzzle game. The more engaged they are, the less likely they are to focus on the fireworks.
Stay Calm: Dogs are highly attuned to their owners' emotions. If you remain calm and relaxed, your dog is more likely to do the same. Use soothing tones when speaking to them and avoid reacting to the fireworks yourself.
Why the Halo Collar is a Must-Have for Dog Owners
The Halo Collar isn't just for the Fourth of July—it's a year-round solution for dog owners who want to ensure their pet's safety while giving them the freedom to explore. Whether you're taking your dog on vacation, to a new park, or just want the peace of mind that comes with knowing they won't wander off, the Halo Collar is an invaluable tool.
Versatility and Portability
The Halo Collar is portable and can be used anywhere. This means you can set up a virtual fence at home, at a friend’s house, or even in a campsite. The flexibility ensures your dog is safe no matter where your adventures take you.
Comprehensive Safety Features
In addition to GPS tracking and the virtual fence, the Halo Collar offers activity tracking and a built-in nightlight, ensuring you can keep an eye on your dog in low-light conditions. These features combine to offer a comprehensive safety solution for your pet.
Peace of Mind
For dog owners, there's nothing more important than knowing their pet is safe. The Halo Collar provides that peace of mind, allowing you to enjoy your Fourth of July festivities without constantly worrying about your dog's well-being.
Real-Life Success Stories
Many dog owners have already discovered the benefits of the Halo Collar, especially during the Fourth of July. For instance, Sarah, a dog mom from Texas, shared her experience:
"Last year, our dog Max bolted during the fireworks display and we spent hours searching for him. It was terrifying. This year, we decided to try the Halo Collar, and it made all the difference. Max stayed calm and within the yard the entire time. The real-time tracking was a lifesaver, and knowing he was safe allowed us to actually enjoy the holiday."
Stories like Sarah's are common among Halo Collar users, who appreciate the combination of safety, convenience, and training capabilities that the collar provides.
The Fourth of July should be a day of celebration, not stress—especially for our dogs. With the Halo Collar GPS Virtual Fence, you can ensure your pet is safe, secure, and as stress-free as possible during the holiday. By combining cutting-edge technology with thoughtful training, the Halo Collar offers a comprehensive solution that allows you and your dog to enjoy the Fourth of July to the fullest.
Invest in your dog's safety and peace of mind this Independence Day and beyond with the Halo Collar. It's more than just a collar; it's a lifeline for your dog's well-being, offering freedom, safety, and comfort all in one.
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wiseinsights · 6 months ago
Effortlessly Protect Your Pup: Setting Up a Virtual GPS Fence with One Tap on the Halo Dog Collar App
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In today’s digital age, technology has brought about innovations that make pet ownership easier and safer than ever before. One such groundbreaking tool is the Halo Dog Collar, a smart device designed to give you peace of mind while granting your dog the freedom to roam safely. With the ability to set up a virtual GPS fence with just a single tap on your smartphone, the Halo Dog Collar offers a simple yet highly effective way to keep your pet within safe boundaries.
This blog post will guide you through the effortless process of setting up a virtual GPS fence using the Halo Dog Collar app. We’ll also delve into the various benefits of this feature, share real-life success stories from satisfied pet owners, and provide tips to maximize the effectiveness of this powerful tool.
Understanding the Halo Dog Collar
Before diving into the specifics of setting up a virtual GPS fence, it’s essential to understand what makes the Halo Dog Collar a standout product in the pet tech market.
The Halo Dog Collar is more than just a tracking device; it’s a comprehensive safety system for your dog. Developed by experts in pet safety and training, this collar combines GPS tracking, activity monitoring, and customizable virtual fences into one sleek device. The collar is designed to be comfortable for your dog to wear while providing you with real-time data about their location and behavior.
Check out the following video :
Key Features of the Halo Dog Collar:
GPS Tracking: The collar provides accurate, real-time location tracking, so you always know where your dog is.
Virtual Fences: Set up boundaries that trigger alerts or corrections if your dog strays too far.
Training Tools: The collar includes gentle feedback options, such as sounds and vibrations, to guide your dog’s behavior.
Activity Monitoring: Keep track of your dog’s daily activity levels to ensure they are getting enough exercise.
One of the most compelling features of the Halo Dog Collar is its ability to create virtual fences with just a single tap on the Halo app. This function is what sets the Halo Dog Collar apart from traditional GPS trackers and physical fences.
Step-by-Step Guide: How to Set Up a Virtual GPS Fence
Setting up a virtual GPS fence using the Halo Dog Collar app is incredibly easy. Whether you’re at home, in the park, or on vacation, you can establish safe zones for your dog in just a few moments. Here’s how:
Step 1: Open the Halo Dog Collar App
Start by opening the Halo app on your smartphone. If you haven’t already downloaded the app, it’s available for both iOS and Android devices. Once the app is open, make sure your Halo collar is connected to your phone via Bluetooth or cellular data.
Step 2: Access the Virtual Fence Feature
From the app’s home screen, navigate to the "Virtual Fences" section. This is where you can view existing fences, modify them, or create new ones. The interface is designed to be intuitive, so even if you’re not tech-savvy, you’ll find it easy to use.
Step 3: Set Your Fence Location
To set up a new virtual fence, tap the “+” button or the option to create a new fence. The app will prompt you to select a location on the map. You can either use your current location or choose another spot by dragging the map to your desired area. This is particularly useful if you’re setting up a fence at a place other than your home, like a park or a friend’s house.
Step 4: Define the Fence Boundaries
Once you’ve selected the location, you’ll need to define the boundaries of your virtual fence. The Halo app allows you to draw a custom-shaped fence by tapping on the map to create boundary points. Alternatively, you can choose from predefined shapes like circles or squares. The app will automatically calculate the area within the boundaries and display it for your review.
Step 5: Save and Activate the Fence
After setting the boundaries, simply tap “Save” to activate the fence. Your virtual GPS fence is now live, and your dog’s collar will notify them if they approach or cross the boundaries. You can monitor their location in real time and receive alerts on your phone if they stray too far.
That’s it! In just a few taps, you’ve created a safe zone for your dog, no matter where you are.
Benefits of Virtual GPS Fences
The ability to create virtual GPS fences with the Halo Dog Collar offers numerous benefits for both you and your dog. Let’s explore some of the key advantages:
1. Enhanced Safety for Your Dog
The primary purpose of a virtual GPS fence is to keep your dog safe. By establishing boundaries, you can prevent your dog from wandering into dangerous areas, such as busy streets, dense forests, or unfamiliar neighborhoods. The real-time alerts allow you to act quickly if your dog leaves the designated area, giving you peace of mind.
2. Flexibility and Convenience
Unlike traditional physical fences, virtual GPS fences can be set up anywhere, anytime. Whether you’re at home, visiting a friend, or traveling, you can create a safe zone for your dog with minimal effort. This flexibility is particularly valuable for dog owners who live in apartments, have large properties, or frequently take their pets on trips.
3. Cost-Effective Solution
Installing a physical fence can be expensive and time-consuming, especially if you have a large yard or live in a rented property where modifications are restricted. Virtual GPS fences eliminate the need for costly installations and maintenance, providing a cost-effective solution for keeping your dog secure.
4. Customization and Control
With the Halo Dog Collar app, you have complete control over your dog’s boundaries. You can easily adjust the size and shape of the virtual fence to suit your needs, ensuring your dog has enough space to roam while staying within safe limits. Additionally, the app allows you to set up multiple fences in different locations, which is ideal for multi-property owners or frequent travelers.
5. Training and Behavioral Guidance
The Halo collar is equipped with gentle feedback mechanisms, such as sounds and vibrations, that can be triggered if your dog approaches or crosses a boundary. These cues help reinforce your dog’s understanding of the boundaries without causing stress or discomfort. Over time, your dog will learn to stay within the safe zones, making the virtual fence an effective training tool.
Real-Life Success Stories
The Halo Dog Collar and its virtual GPS fence feature have garnered praise from countless dog owners who have experienced the benefits firsthand. Here are a few success stories:
Sarah and Max: A Travel Tale
Sarah, an avid traveler, loves taking her Golden Retriever, Max, on road trips across the country. However, she always worried about Max’s safety in unfamiliar places. After investing in the Halo Dog Collar, Sarah was able to set up virtual fences at every campsite and rental home they stayed at. Max could explore new environments freely, while Sarah enjoyed peace of mind knowing that Max was safe. “It’s like having an invisible fence wherever we go,” says Sarah. “The Halo collar has made our travels stress-free.”
John and Bella: Suburban Adventures
John lives in a suburban area with open spaces and busy roads nearby. His energetic Border Collie, Bella, loves to run and explore, but John was concerned about her venturing too far. With the Halo Dog Collar, John set up a virtual fence around his property, allowing Bella to roam the yard without the risk of escaping. “Bella gets to enjoy her freedom, and I don’t have to worry about her running off,” says John. “It’s the perfect solution for active dogs.”
Emily and Cooper: Apartment Living
Emily lives in an apartment complex with limited outdoor space for her Beagle, Cooper. She was hesitant to let Cooper off-leash in the shared courtyard until she discovered the Halo Dog Collar. Now, Emily sets up a virtual fence in the courtyard every time they go outside, giving Cooper the freedom to play without the risk of wandering off. “It’s amazing how easy it is to set up a fence with the app,” says Emily. “Cooper loves the extra space to explore, and I love knowing he’s safe.”
These stories illustrate how the Halo Dog Collar’s virtual GPS fence feature has transformed the lives of dog owners, providing them with a reliable and convenient way to protect their pets.
Tips and Tricks for Optimal Use
To get the most out of your Halo Dog Collar and its virtual GPS fence feature, consider the following tips:
1. Regularly Update the App
Make sure your Halo app is always up to date. The developers frequently release updates that improve functionality, add new features, and enhance security. Keeping the app updated ensures you’re getting the best performance possible.
2. Test the Fence Before Use
Before relying on the virtual fence in a new location, it’s a good idea to test it out. Walk your dog around the boundaries to see how the collar responds and make any necessary adjustments to the fence settings.
3. Monitor Battery Life
The Halo collar relies on battery power for its GPS tracking and feedback mechanisms. Regularly check the battery level and recharge the collar as needed to ensure it’s always ready to protect your dog.
4. Customize Feedback Settings
Every dog is different, so customize the feedback settings to suit your dog’s personality and training needs. Some dogs may respond well to sound cues, while others may benefit from gentle vibrations. Adjust the settings to find what works best for your pet.
5. Use Multiple Fences
If you frequently visit different locations with your dog, take advantage of the Halo app’s ability to store multiple virtual fences. You can easily switch between saved fences or create new ones as needed, ensuring your dog is always protected.
The Halo Dog Collar’s virtual GPS fence feature is a game-changer for dog owners who want to provide their pets with freedom and safety. With just a single tap on the Halo app, you can create a secure environment for your dog to explore, whether you’re at home or on the go. The ease of use, combined with the flexibility and peace of mind it offers, makes this feature an invaluable tool for any pet owner.
By following the simple steps outlined in this blog, you can quickly set up a virtual GPS fence and enjoy the numerous benefits it brings. With the Halo Dog Collar, protecting your pup has never been easier—or more convenient.
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echowisdom · 6 months ago
One Tap to Keep Your Best Friend Safe: How to Create a Virtual GPS Fence with the Halo Dog Collar App
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In today’s fast-paced world, the safety and well-being of our furry friends are paramount. With technological advancements, pet owners can now rely on smart devices to ensure their dogs are secure and happy. The Halo Dog Collar is one such innovative solution, combining GPS, training, and activity tracking into a single, user-friendly device. One of the standout features of the Halo Dog Collar is the ability to create a virtual GPS fence with just a single tap on the app. This feature provides peace of mind, knowing your dog is safe within the boundaries you set, and it’s incredibly easy to use.
This blog will walk you through the steps to create a virtual GPS fence using the Halo Dog Collar app, explore the benefits of this feature, and provide tips on maximizing its potential. Whether you're a tech-savvy pet owner or someone who’s new to smart pet devices, this guide will help you make the most of this fantastic tool.
What is a Virtual GPS Fence?
Before diving into the “how-to,” it’s essential to understand what a virtual GPS fence is and why it’s beneficial for your dog. A virtual GPS fence is a digital boundary that you set around a specific area, such as your yard, a park, or any place you frequent with your dog. Once the boundary is set, the Halo Dog Collar monitors your dog’s location in real-time, alerting you if they approach or cross the defined boundary. This feature ensures that your dog remains safe within the designated area and gives you peace of mind when your dog is off-leash.
How to Create a Virtual GPS Fence with a Single Tap
Creating a virtual GPS fence with the Halo Dog Collar app is designed to be intuitive and straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
Step 1: Open the Halo Dog Collar App
Ensure your phone is connected to the internet and open the Halo Dog Collar app. The app is available for both iOS and Android devices and can be downloaded from their respective app stores.
Step 2: Connect to Your Halo Dog Collar
Before setting up the GPS fence, make sure your Halo Dog Collar is charged and connected to the app via Bluetooth. Once connected, you’ll see the collar’s status on the app’s home screen.
Step 3: Navigate to the GPS Fence Feature
On the app’s main interface, look for the GPS Fence feature. This is typically represented by a map icon or a “Create Fence” button. Tap on this to begin the process.
Step 4: Select Your Desired Area
The app will display a map of your current location. You can zoom in or out to adjust the view. To create a fence, simply tap on the area you want to define as a boundary. The app will automatically generate a circular or polygonal fence around the selected spot.
Step 5: Adjust the Fence Size and Shape
You can customize the fence by dragging the boundary points to expand or shrink the area. This feature allows you to create fences that perfectly match your yard’s layout or any specific area you choose.
Step 6: Save Your Virtual Fence
Once you’re satisfied with the fence’s size and shape, tap the “Save” button. Your virtual GPS fence is now active, and the app will start monitoring your dog’s location relative to this boundary.
Step 7: Monitor and Enjoy Peace of Mind
After setting up the fence, the app will notify you if your dog gets close to or crosses the boundary. You can also track your dog’s activity and location in real-time, ensuring they’re always safe.
Check out the following video :
Benefits of Using the Halo Dog Collar’s Virtual GPS Fence
Now that you know how easy it is to set up a virtual GPS fence, let’s explore the benefits of this feature:
1. Enhanced Safety
The most significant advantage of a virtual GPS fence is the added layer of safety it provides. Whether you're at home or on the go, knowing that your dog is within a safe zone gives you peace of mind. The app’s instant alerts allow you to react quickly if your dog ventures too far.
2. Convenience
Setting up a traditional physical fence can be time-consuming and costly. A virtual GPS fence eliminates these concerns, allowing you to create and adjust boundaries within seconds, directly from your smartphone.
3. Flexibility
Virtual GPS fences are incredibly flexible. You can create multiple fences in different locations, perfect for when you travel or visit friends and family. This feature ensures your dog is always protected, no matter where you are.
4. Training Tool
The GPS fence can also be used as a training aid. By setting boundaries, you can teach your dog to stay within specific areas. The collar’s gentle feedback helps reinforce this behavior, making training more effective and stress-free.
5. Activity Monitoring
In addition to safety, the Halo Dog Collar tracks your dog’s activity, including steps, distance traveled, and calories burned. This data helps you ensure your dog is getting enough exercise and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Tips for Maximizing the Use of Your Virtual GPS Fence
To get the most out of your Halo Dog Collar’s virtual GPS fence, consider these tips:
1. Regularly Update the Fence
As you and your dog’s needs change, don’t hesitate to update or create new fences. Whether you move to a new home or your dog’s play area changes, the app allows you to easily adapt the virtual boundaries.
2. Use Multiple Fences
Take advantage of the app’s ability to create multiple fences. Set up different boundaries for various activities, such as a walking route, a play zone, or a rest area. This ensures your dog is always within a safe zone, no matter what they’re doing.
3. Combine with Other Training Tools
The Halo Dog Collar offers other training features, such as sound and vibration feedback. Combine these with the GPS fence to reinforce positive behavior, helping your dog learn and adapt to boundaries faster.
4. Keep the Collar Charged
Ensure the collar is always charged so it can effectively monitor your dog’s location. The app provides battery status updates, so you’ll never be caught off guard with a low battery.
5. Monitor Activity Levels
Use the activity tracking feature to keep an eye on your dog’s exercise and rest patterns. If you notice unusual behavior or changes in activity levels, it might be time for a vet visit.
6. Stay Updated with App Improvements
The Halo Dog Collar app is regularly updated with new features and improvements. Keep the app updated to ensure you’re benefiting from the latest technology and enhancements.
The Halo Dog Collar’s virtual GPS fence feature is a game-changer for dog owners. With just a single tap, you can create a safe and secure boundary for your dog, giving you peace of mind and your dog the freedom to explore within safe limits. The ease of use, coupled with the collar’s other smart features, makes it an indispensable tool for modern pet care.
Whether you’re at home or on the go, the virtual GPS fence ensures your dog’s safety is never compromised. It’s more than just a boundary; it’s a safeguard for your best friend’s well-being. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can quickly set up and start using this feature to protect your dog and enhance their quality of life.
Embrace the future of pet care with the Halo Dog Collar, and give your dog the safe and happy life they deserve.
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thepuremedia · 6 months ago
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cjdaddyaffiliate · 9 months ago
PawOn Strive to provide our pet with a free,comfortable and safe lifestyle.
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amirasainz · 18 days ago
Could I please request Hamilton daughter reader. Maybe a cute moment with Roscoe and Leo?
Enjoy reading and send some requests!
-xoxo babygirl ♥️
Dogs, Bikes, and Free Rides
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It was a sunny afternoon at the GP, the air warm and inviting as birds chirped faintly in the background. The paddock was bustling with energy—mechanics fine-tuning cars, media crews setting up shots, and team personnel buzzing around like bees.
Five-year-old Yn was less concerned with the hustle and bustle of the race weekend and more intrigued by the perfect weather. Her curly hair bounced with each excited step as she explored the Ferrari motorhome with her dad and Charles. The two were deep into filming some content for the team, laughter and friendly teasing filling the space between takes.
Yn sat cross-legged on a bench, her chin resting in her small hands as she watched her dad talk animatedly to the camera. Charles stood beside him, his trademark grin ever present. Boredom started to creep in, making Yn fidget.
Then, she had an idea.
Spotting her little red bike propped against the fence nearby, Yn's face lit up. But there was a problem—she didn’t want to leave the dogs behind. Roscoe, her dad’s beloved bulldog, was lounging lazily on the grass, while Leo, Charles’ mischievous dachshund, wagged his tail excitedly as if sensing adventure.
“Hmm,” Yn mused to herself, tapping her chin thoughtfully.
Determined, she marched over to the dogs. “Okay, guys,” she announced seriously, “we’re going on a ride.”
Roscoe snorted in response, clearly uninterested in moving. Leo, on the other hand, barked happily, ready for anything.
With great difficulty, Yn managed to coax Roscoe up and into the front basket of her bike. He grumbled but complied, his heavy body nearly tipping the bike over.
“Whoa! Stay still, Roscoe!” she giggled, struggling to balance.
Leo, much lighter, was easier to handle. He leaped into the basket beside Roscoe, his tail wagging furiously. Yn stepped back, admiring her work.
“Perfect,” she declared proudly, dusting off her hands.
Gripping the handlebars tightly, she climbed onto the bike. With a determined push, she started pedaling, the dogs wobbling slightly in the basket before settling in.
The wind whipped through Yn’s curls as she cycled down the service road that ran parallel to the track. The rhythmic hum of engines in the distance only added to the excitement.
Meanwhile, her dad and Charles had just wrapped up their segment. Charles stretched his arms overhead, glancing around. That’s when he spotted Yn in the distance, pedaling furiously with two dogs precariously balanced in the basket.
A laugh bubbled up in his chest. “Uh, is that Yn?”
Lewis followed Charles’ gaze, his brows furrowing in confusion.
“What the—” he started, blinking in disbelief. “Is she... is that Roscoe and Leo in the basket?”
Charles nodded, grinning. “Yep. Looks like they’re getting the VIP treatment.”
As Yn drew closer, Lewis stepped toward the edge of the track, waving his arms.
“Yn! What are you doing?” he called out, his voice a mix of amusement and exasperation.
Yn didn’t even slow down. Her little legs pumped furiously as she yelled back, completely unbothered, “The dogs wanted a free ride!”
Charles burst out laughing, doubling over as Lewis stood there, utterly baffled.
“A free ride?” Lewis repeated incredulously, shaking his head. “Roscoe doesn’t even like moving!”
Yn zipped past them, her focus unwavering. Roscoe looked mildly annoyed but resigned, while Leo barked gleefully, clearly enjoying the adventure.
“She’s fearless,” Charles managed between laughs. “And creative. You gotta give her that.”
Lewis sighed, though a smile tugged at his lips. “Yeah, she gets that from me, I guess.”
Charles nudged him playfully. “Sure, let’s go with that.”
They watched as Yn disappeared around the bend, her determined figure growing smaller.
“You think we should go after her?” Charles asked, wiping a tear of laughter from his eye.
Lewis shrugged, a fond smile settling on his face. “Nah, she’ll be back when she gets tired. She’s got this whole paddock wrapped around her little finger.”
“True,” Charles agreed. “Plus, Roscoe’s too lazy to let this go on for long.”
As predicted, it wasn’t long before Yn reappeared, her pace slower but still steady. She pulled up in front of her dad and Charles, her face flushed with triumph.
“See?” she panted. “Told you they wanted a ride.”
Lewis crossed his arms, trying to look stern but failing miserably. “And what if you tipped over, huh? What then?”
Yn gave him a confident grin. “Didn’t tip, though.”
Charles chuckled. “She’s got a point.”
Lewis shook his head in disbelief. “You’re too much, kid.”
Yn beamed proudly. “Thanks, Daddy.”
Charles crouched down, scratching Roscoe behind the ears. “So, how was the ride, Roscoe?”
The bulldog snorted, clearly unimpressed. Leo, on the other hand, barked enthusiastically.
“Leo liked it,” Yn said matter-of-factly. “Roscoe’s just grumpy.”
“I can relate,” Charles teased, earning a playful swat from Lewis.
“Alright, adventure girl,” Lewis said, lifting her off the bike. “Let’s get you and these dogs some water before you pass out.”
“Okay, but can we do it again later?” Yn asked hopefully.
Lewis sighed, exchanging a glance with Charles.
“We’ll see,” he said diplomatically.
Charles grinned. “That’s a yes.”
Yn cheered, throwing her arms in the air. “Best day ever!”
As they made their way back to the motorhome, Yn chattered animatedly about her next great idea, leaving her dad and Charles shaking their heads fondly.
One thing was certain—life was never boring with Yn around.
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addysadness · 1 month ago
Debunking common Lando Norris hate / misconceptions :) 
Debunking common Lando Norris hate / misconceptions :) 
Lando “bottles” starts / turn 1 - This is so overly misused and has led to so much ridicule, hate and toxic memes and harassment. What most people who use this don’t know or bother to look into is that Lando’s reaction times were actually always consistently in the top few times compared to the other drivers.  For example, throughout the 2024 season, the commentators (helped by the AWS stats) noticed that Lando’s reaction times were on par with his rivals. However, the gears made a strange sound and indicated that, although the MCL38 took time to launch, it was not due to LN’s reaction time or start but rather related to the car. (See Zandvoort) Mclaren realised that the MCL38 had a glitch that had occurred in multiple races and events across the 2024 calendar: ”It wasn’t the smoothest of starts to the race for Lando, though, as he experienced a small glitch finding second gear during his acceleration from pole,” said Mclaren.  Despite Mclaren’s eventual recognition of the mechanical fault they didn’t help dissipate the “bottler” narrative and continued to paint Lando in a negative, blaming light as seen in multiple points and situations throughout the season.
The “its luck not talent” comment from Brazil 2024. THIS WAS TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT BY THE MEDIA, He was not referring to Verstappen. Even if it was, Lando retracted the comment or rather the media twisting it in the FIA gala. And even talking about his win in Miami being lucky because of the safety car
The situation with Tr*mp in Miami, it was a bad situation all around however what do people expect him to do? All of the drivers are trained in PR and have to be careful and measured in response to the media and guests. Tr*mp was having a Republican party conference in the Paddock suite and visited Mclaren due to the location of their hospitality and garage. He also posed with several high ranking F1 officials including Lando’s direct boss Zak Brown and the heads of the FIA and F1. No person would risk speaking out when multiple people with authority over your job and status are interacting - specially in a time of high political divide. Also, Lando has mocked and expressed his hate for Tr*mp multiple times on stream in the past. He has also gotten in trouble for speaking about social issues in the past (along with Lewis and Seb) as the FIA have barred drivers from talking about their political beliefs and stances.
This is a good article by Planet F1 with more information and a good perspective on the way that Lando would have to be: “his comments sounded like a young sportsman desperately trying to stay neutral and not come down anywhere but sitting straight on the fence.” :
The truth behind Donald Trump’s Miami GP visit in a tale of unfortunate events
People calling Lando unsportsmanlike and not a Team player. Lando has always been extremely team centric and has said for years that he is motivated by his team and making his team proud. He has a very close relationship with a lot of his mechanics, often getting them tickets that they struggle to get, taking them out for dinner and keeping an eye on personal life details such as noticing when one of his mechanics got a dog. LN always thanks Oscar when he has the opportunity in both post race debriefs and pre podium interviews (see Singapore 24 and many others). In the 24 season he did multiple things for Oscar in terms of giving him points, wins and helping defend to protect Oscar’s position (In Baku 24, he held Perez off).  In the Qatar Sprint Race, he unprompted and, actually against team direction, gifted Oscar the win as well and ensuring Oscar was in P2 in the first place by slowing down to give him DRS Slipstream the whole race.  I personally don’t think Lando should have done this but it shows his good character - even in Hungary he did give Oscar the win. 
And despite the horrific treatment and emotional manipulation by his team he still congratulated Oscar after the race, praised his talent and DID spray him with champagne despite popular misconception. 
He regularly shows respect for all the drivers, having good rapport with most of them. And doing things like having a meeting with Franco Colapinto and his manager in Brazil and trying to help him with easing into the expectations and spotlight of being a F1 driver. 
Lando isn’t perfect, he has done things that aren't ideal but he tries to learn from them. Most of the times he has acted imperfectly - like the Hungary cooldown room comment - was when he was coming down from an adrenaline high after a race where he was treated horribly by his team.  In fact,  Lewis said later he saw no harm in it. 
Lando has always done a lot of charity work, raising money for causes like Dementia, deaf and blind children, BLM (e.g.  "I’m Happy They Unfollowed Me"- Lando Norris Bashes His Racist Fans - EssentiallySports), NHS, and Mind (mental health awareness), despite receiving a lot of backlash because of this. He has spoken up about women in motorsport and his company Quadrant have multiple female members and recently posted a blog about Women in motorsport on their website:
Let’s be as kind as we can as we all love this sport and should be united by this not the opposite. Just because we prefer some drivers doesn’t mean we have to hate the rest.
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halodogcollar · 5 months ago
In this in-depth interview, Justin Wanca speaks with Mike Ehrman, the Chief Technology Officer of Halo, about the game-changing features of the newly launched Halo 4 Dog Collar. Released on September 30th, this innovative product takes pet safety and tracking to the next level with dual-frequency GPS technology for unmatched accuracy, a redesigned battery life that lasts up to 40 hours, and a smaller, lighter design that fits dogs of all sizes.
Mike walks through the exciting new features, including a louder speaker, improved feedback system, and enhanced durability for even the most active dogs. Whether you're upgrading from the Halo 3 or exploring Halo's latest dog collar technology for the first time, this interview covers everything you need to know.
Learn about the Halo Protection Plan, firmware updates, and exclusive discounts for current Halo users. The Halo 4 Dog Collar is now available and is quickly becoming a must-have for pet owners seeking top-notch safety and performance for their furry companions.
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askgildaseniors · 7 months ago
Discover the new Auto-Fence feature with the Halo Collar, designed to keep your dog safe using GPS fences. Easily set up and customize virtual boundaries through the Halo app by entering your address or adjusting a pin on the map. The collar provides warning sounds, vibrations, and customizable static alerts to help your dog understand and respect boundaries, ensuring their safety and building long-lasting habits.
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robfinancialtip · 1 year ago
Experience the freedom and security of the Halo 3 collar in today's video! 🐾 Join us as we share our insights after a few months of training our energetic new pup, Cosmo, with this innovative GPS-based collar.
With the ability to set up a virtual fence anywhere, the Halo 3 collar provides instant and reliable boundary control for both our dogs, whether we're exploring the Adirondacks, at home, or visiting family. The best part? Our furry friends get to enjoy the outdoors, roam freely, and indulge in their favorite activities without being constantly tethered to a leash.
Discover the versatility of this collar as it offers three types of feedback – sound, vibration, and static – allowing us to tailor the training experience to our specific needs. Watch as we toggle between these feedback modes, providing our dogs with the perfect balance of guidance and independence.
Join the adventure with Halo 3, where boundaries meet freedom, and training becomes a seamless and enjoyable experience for both pets and owners alike! 🌟🐶
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jillsandwhichs · 8 months ago
Our Future Days
Joel Miller x Reader series, Chapter 2, A helping hand
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Pairing: Fem!reader x Joel Miller
Summary: Joel helps you set up new furniture in your new home
WC: 4.4k
Type: Sfw
A/n: Hi! Hope you all enjoy. Please check out my masterlist, there's a lot of stuff there. You can get to know me, you can see the rules of my blog and then you can see all of my fanfictions. You'll be able to find the previous chapters to this fic and upcoming ones. You'll also be able to find my Wattpad & AO3. Thank you
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Waking up bright and early, you felt your dog, Becker, licking the hell out of your face. He most likely had to go potty. "Jesus buddy, let mama wake up." You giggled, scratching his fur. He was also just very energetic. You could see the sun shining through the windows of your new home, it was most likely eight to nine in the morning, the usual time for Becker to go pee and poop. Although, back at your family home, there was a doggy door so you never needed to be awake.
"Hold on baby." You mumbled to him, rubbing your eyes carefully, allowing them to adjust. It wasn't too hard to fall asleep last night, which was a miracle. If anything, the air mattress was most uncomfortable. You assume you'll either get your other furniture today or tomorrow, which will be Heaven on Earth! Becker continued to be a rowdy pup, running through the house and chasing a ruckus. "Alright, alright." You sighed, getting up out of the bed.
Your back was killing you but it was nothing you haven't felt before. You quickly folded up the blanket on the bed before setting it on the end neatly, although you presume Becker will later untidy it, he's a crazy boy. "Gotta go potty?" You taunted him, patting on your thighs. He stuck his tounge out and ran to the front door, pawing at it. You giggled, strolling up to the door and opening it up for him, watching as he bolted into the front yard.
Before going out with him, you grabbed your cardigan off of the hanger, putting it on briskly. The fresh morning air felt good, it smelt like rain outside. You could tell the grass was wet too, maybe it sprinkled throughout the night. Becker made his way behind the brown fence, cocking his leg up and going pee, you didn't watch though, that was weird. Instead, your eyes darted over to Joel's house. That same black truck was still in the driveway, maybe he works later? Or maybe not at all?
There were no lights on in his home. You were also still curious as to who that other person in his home last night was. Definitely could not have been his brother, it was a woman. They had a decently smaller frame and were very short. At least 5'1, if not shorter. It doesn't even matter to you, it shouldn't, you have no right to butt into his business. You're just inquisitive...
Becker ran back over to you, licking your hand as it rested at your side. "Oh what boy?" You snickered, petting the top of his head before he then bolted back off into the sideline of the yard, rolling in the damp grass. "Becker..." You sighed out, also not being able to contain your laughter. You could really go for some caffeine right now, especially with how your back is feeling. If you're going to have to move furniture today, you'll most definitely need the extra boost of energy.
You still didn't know your way around the city. It was massive. Compared to your small, average, boring town in Oregon, this was like Los Angeles. You'd never want to live there though, absolutely not. Dallas wasn't even your first choice. The job offer just wasn't something to scoff at. You were grateful for the opportunity. Originally, either Washington or Arizona were where you wanted to live. But Texas was last on your list, especially specifically Dallas.
Your phone was still inside of the house, charging on the kitchen counter. You'd need it for the GPS in order to find a local nearby coffee shop.
Whistling, you called for Becker to come back into the house. You were contemplating on whether or not you'd bring him with you to get coffee. You'd probably have to, he'd lose his mind being left all alone in an empty unfamiliar house. You didn't mind, he was just so energetic in the mornings. He slipped right past you and through the front door, running around and sniffing areas he hasn't gotten to yet. You giggled silently as you snatched your phone, checking the time. It was 9:25 in the morning, it felt good to wake up at a good time like this.
The phone was also on 100% which was a big plus, the last thing you wanted to deal with today was your charger bugging out. Your data was finicky as it was, barley having service out here which made no sense. Nonetheless, you opened up Safari and searched for nearby café's. There was one not even five minutes away, it was perfect and it was already open. You'll probably get some food while you're out too, Becker will be fine on that, he has some treats in the car.
You tied your cardigan up, setting your phone in the pocket of it as you put your slippers on. You weren't going to get all dressed up just to get some coffee and breakfast, there was no point. "Becker, wanna go for a ride?" You spoke in a high pitched voice. Becker began to pant as he ran over to you, jumping all around. "Let's go boy." You whispered, petting his soft head as you opened the front door, using your car keys to unlock the front & back seat.
As you opened up the backseat, you patted it twice, alerting Becker to jump in, which he did. He made himself comfy on the array of seats. You presume he was quite hungry, you grabbed out two treats and fed them to him. "Don't worry boy, your food may come in today." You said softly to him, kissing his furry side before shutting the car door gently, he doesn't particularly enjoy loud noises.
You climbed into the front seat and stuck your key into the ignition, hearing the affirming sound of your vehicle starting. "Good." You muttered to yourself. Your car doesn't even have any reoccurring problems, it's just an unwanted fear of it breaking down that bothers you. You could hear a song playing on the radio, instantly, you turned it up, enjoying some new noise after sleeping in an utterly silent house... Besides Becker's snoring, that is...
Pulling out of your driveway, you looked to your right towards Joel's house and seen his front door open. You didn't immediately drive off. You watched as he and his brother walked out, clearly ready for the day. Joel glanced up from his stance, seeing you in your truck. His face formed a slight smile as he caught a glimpse of your face. You smiled back, putting your hand up to give him a small wave, which he kindly returned. After that, you drove off, not wanting to make it awkward.
Joel seemed like a kind man. He was willing to help you out, which was a pro. The men back home were similar, it's always made you feel secure. Then again, you can handle yourself well. You moved all the way to Texas with little to no help. The only man by your side was, well, Becker! Best boy any woman could ever ask for!
Driving off, the roads in the suburbs weren't all that busy, in fact, most of them were empty. It's just that the main roads were going to be hell. At least it wasn't even earlier or lunch hour yet, then you'd probably have to take back roads but those would be full of people too. It's just a major change compared to how traffic was back home. Maybe in a way, it was nice? It felt more realistic. More alive in a sense. Becker surely likes it, he loves any & all attention.
"Okay then..." You murmured to yourself, setting up the GPS through your phone. On the screen, the text read it was about six minutes away, it was great. Having a café this close was excellent, you'd definitely use it to your advantage. Every morning, before work, stopping by for some coffee & a bagel sounded like a wonderful idea. You just hope the prices aren't insane. Inflation is a bitch.
"Want some better tunes boy?" You shouted out to Becker with a giggle, changing the station to where a lot of calming, unwinding & serene songs played. Felt like it fit the mood. You also rolled down Becker's window for him, he loves sticking his head out and being obnoxious.
As you turned left, you got onto the main roads. A ton of small owned businesses and shops flooded the area and not only that, within the distance, large & tall skyscrapers towered over the massive city. "Holy shit." You whispered to yourself. This is where you'll be living and it feels extraordinary. If you recall, the tallest building back home was a damn courthouse and even then, it doesn't even compare to these establishments. It was a big change from home, that's for sure.
You spotted some spots you'd definitely wanna check out soon. A boba shop, a retailer, a chinese place and more. There weren't places like this back home, at least no where near your town. "Becker, we're almost there." You assured him, you could hear how quiet he had gotten. He was hungry but you'd just want to wait til the truck comes in, hopefully today, if not, it was really going to be shitty for not only Becker, but you too.
The GPS now said four minutes away but it felt closer than that. The main roads were filled but not to the brim. It was because a lot of people were at work or doing something for the day, it was Saturday after all. At your upcoming job, you won't have to work weekends which was a life saver. It'd be good to give you and Becker time together and time to set up your house. You couldn't wait to see how it will look once it's completely decorated.
Randomly, the thought of Joel came back into your head. For some reason, he was unforgettable. The way he spoke to you was unlike anyone you'd ever met before. You wanted the truck to come by today so he'd help you unload it all like he had offered last night. Imagining him in your house kind of warmed your heart & stomach. You barley knew him and yet, he was on your mind. His brother though? No. Maybe it was because the two of you didn't speak but it was also just because Joel was different. There was a different ring to him.
Minutes later, you pulled into the coffee shops parking lot, noticing there was a drive-thru which was perfect, you really didn't wanna go through the hassle of going in. Not only that, Becker wouldn't be able to come inside and he's a big 'ol whine baby without you. It would also allow you to decide on what you want easier.
You drove through, waiting patiently behind another car. This car had a Florida license plate with flowers around the border of it. "Long ways away from home, huh?" You mumbled to yourself, somewhat projecting. You still need to change your plate to be for Texas rather than Oregon. It's just a tedious process. You'd also have to change Becker's collar to have Texas on it as well, which wouldn't be too bad to deal with. There's just more important stuff to handle right now.
You pulled up, stopping at the mic system and studying the large screen that displayed all the drinks and snacks you could get. "Hi, what can I get for you?" You heard a woman say through the com. "Just one second please." You replied, tapping on your steering wheel. You were just going to get a White Mocha Coffee but you also wanted a snack. They had a lot. Bagels, bread, sandwiches, etc. And everything looked really good.
"Alright, so, I'll get a white mocha coffee and let me get the grilled ham & cheese sandwich." You spoke clearly to the woman. "Okay, in total, that'll be 13.47$ at the first window!" "Thanks." You said softly, pulling up. The sun was officially up. It looked nice in the center of the city, aside from all the people and cars. The buildings, wildlife, nature and atmosphere was all collectively beautiful. Oregon was definitely better compared to the city life but beggars can't be choosers.
As you drove up, the woman whom you were speaking to opened the window and held out your receipt. "Your total was 13.47$, correct?" She asked you with that classic customer service voice. "Yeah, here you go." You beamed, handing her your card. You took the receipt, tossing it into your center console. The woman swiped the card and tapped a few buttons before handing it back to you. "You have yourself an amazing day!" "You too hun." You said nicely to her before she then shut the door.
The next window handed you a bag and a cup. You were practically drooling over how yummy it smelt. "Have a good day." The man spoke, passing you both items. "You too." You nodded, setting the coffee in the cup holder and placing the bag onto your lap. You'd definitely have to share with Becker once you're home. "Onwards and upwards puppy." You giggled before pulling out of the coffee shop. You'll definitely come here again.
Hours later, you were sitting out on your front porch, scrolling through Facebook on your phone. You felt a sense of sorrow seeing all the people back home living their lives. You wish you could be there with them, especially your friends. They all mean so much to you and now, you'll rarely see them. Holidays of course and occasional visits but that's about it. It's worrisome, you don't want any of these friendships to fade away. That isn't your intention.
You also miss your family. They're all going on with their lives and it's upsetting to see. You especially miss your cousins, they were your closest members of your family. You don't have any siblings so it was the closest you got to that either. Luckily, your favorite cousin plans to visit you soon. It'll be nice, just to vent to them and hear how the family is doing. You aren't close to much others in it though.
"Becker, c'mon boy!" You shouted for him, wanting him to stop being a trouble maker. You walked towards him and looked up, a huge burst of happiness filled you. It was that truck, the one that had all of your house supplies in. "Yay!" You yelled, grabbing onto Becker's collar, pulling him back carefully into the yard instead of the sidewalk. You were very happy with this outcome. Becker definitely will be too. His dog bed will be a plus for him, no more sharing... Until he jumps into bed anyways.
The truck backed into your small driveway, badly fitting due to how large the vehicle was. It parked quickly and you ran up to the back of the truck, internally screaming. You couldn't wait to set your bed back up. You heard the truck door shut as a slim, tall man emerged from it. "Hey, this for you?" The man asked, showing you the clipboard. You read the name and nodded, "Yes, that's me." You beamed. "Alrighty, everything in here is yours then. I can help you unload if needed, unless you have others to help you." He spoke kindly, hooking the clipboard back.
You took a gander over at Joel's house, he was outside, his brother there too. They looked not busy, why not ask them to help? Joel did offer after all. "One moment." You said in a friendly tone to the man. You ordered Becker to sit and be patient before you then crossed the street. Joel noticed this, his posture forming to be more standard as he looked you up and down. He dropped his cigarette, stepping on it. "Didn't think I'd see you again so soon." His southerness was unforgettable.
Giggling, you set your hands onto your hips. "Me either... Hey, I just have a question though." You said softly, gazing up at him. He chuckled and looked down at you, he was much taller than you. "Anything." "So, that truck in my driveway, it has just about everything I own in it... Would you mind giving me a hand with it? I'll even pay you if needed." You asked with confidence. You don't even know what urged you to come over and feel so free asking him. You feel like he'll say yes, even without pay, honestly.
"Glady." Joel voiced to you, setting his phone in his pocket. "Ya think you'll need both of us or...?" "Just you should work, I don't wanna bother the both of you." You awkwardly chuckled, giving a slight smile to Tommy. Tommy nodded, he didn't seem to really care. "Sounds good to me." Joel expressed, beginning to walk alongside you to the house. Inside, you were screaming and dancing. You don't even understand why either.
"Thank you, I appreciate this. I honestly don't think the driver dude could help." You mumbled beneath your breath. Nothing against him, he just probably does it all day, it gets tiring. Joel gave you a slight laugh, "Yeah, I got it. I don't have these for nothing." Joel teased, referring to his rugged muscles. You blushed before giggling, "I see that." You whisper. Becker ran up to you as you walked into your driveway. "Oh hey there." You spoke to him, kneeling down and kissing the roof of his nose, scratching his head.
"He the only pet ya have?" "Yeah, he's my one and only baby." You vocalized, pulling away from him. "I ain't got any pets, just my daughter." Joel cackled. You were literally shocked when he said that. This man looked way too young to have a daughter. At the same time, this cleared your worries. Was that young woman in the house his kid? "Jesus, no way you have a kid?" You spat out unfiltered. "Sorry, I just didn't think you'd be old enough." You recuperated yourself.
Joel smiled at you, his facial hair scrunching up. "Yeah, had her when I was real young. High school love and having the mindset of a teenager will do that to ya." He admitted, unlocking the back of the truck, pulling it open with his arms, revealing all of what you owned. The way his fibrow arms flexed when he opened it made you feral in silence. He has such a good body. You couldn't help but look at them from time to time.
"I imagine... I never dated in Highschool or College. I just kept to myself." You spoke honestly. It's not that you didn't want to date, you just never had the chance overall. "You don't have to answer but you still with her mom?" Joel didn't reply at first, he just gave you a monotone look before he then hopped into the truck, you did too. "Nah... Her mama isn't a very good woman. I've been done with women for some time now because of her. Sarah is the only girl I need." Joel said with earnest. He was honorable for that. A father putting his children before romance is respectable.
"I totally understand that. That's a good move on your part, father wise." You complimented him. "I try." He chuckled. He didn't seem very open to speaking about her, rightfully so, who'd really talk about their child to a stranger? Joel grabbed ahold of a few large boxes. "Where you want these?" The man asked you, holding all of them with strength. "Oh, inside please, or just wherever is easier, I guess." You rambled, also grabbing a box, you already knew this box was full of Becker's stuff due to him sniffing it and scratching at it.
Joel jumped out of the truck, setting all three boxes in your kitchen, you followed behind him. He scanned the house, whistling at the sight. "Nice, mine looks similar but this is more craftsmen, I like it." He praised your sense of style. "Yeah, me too, it's nice." You snickered. You bent down and opened up Becker's box, grabbing out his favorite chew toy. "Here you go mister." You kissed his head and allowed him to play with it. "You seem like a good dog mom." Joel tittered. "Oh, I try." You said with sarcasm. It was an easy job. Just feed the fattie and baby him, he'll be one happy pup.
The two of you exited the home, Becker staying on the inside now that he had his stuff, he was quite content. Joel double checked the trailer before laughing, it was such a attractive laugh too, super country. "Damn girl, how much stuff do you need?" He teased you. "A lot." You joked. "I'm guessing you'll need help moving this bedframe?" "Most definitely." You sighed, not even wanting to dick with it. "Where's your bedroom at? Upstairs, I assume?" He questioned you. "Yes, like the first door so it shouldn't be to difficult." "Alright." Joel replied, beginning to drag it out for you.
"You're very strong." You muttered, somewhat hoping he wouldn't hear. "This is what being a contractor does to you, darlin." Joel chuckled, lifting the bedframe from one end. The way he called you darling about made you pass out, it was so different, once again, adding onto his character so much. You lost your train of thought. His body glowed in the sunshine. The minor sweat on his forehead and arms was so entrancing. "Hey?" Joel asked you, snapping you out of your head. "You alright?" He gave out a manly southern laugh. "Yes, of course, just the heat is irritating." You lied, grabbing onto the opposite end of the frame.
Until the two of you reached the top of the stairs, you opened your bedroom door, allowing him to fully push it in, placing it down onto the floor. "Want it anywhere specific?" "Just in the center there." You requested. He gently pushed it out, aligning it as well, it was like he read your mind. "Thank you." You said quietly, pulling your hair into a ponytail. You looked over at him whilst doing so, noticing he was staring at you, his eyes were dark and his expression was as if it was focused. You didn't say anything, not wanting to make yourself look stupid.
"We can go grab my bed now? I'll be able to handle the rest of the boxes on my own though." You broke the silence, pulling your hands away from your hair. "You sure? I don't mind helping ya out." "I'm sure." You spoke truthfully, turning out of your bedroom and treading down the staircase, Joel doing the same right behind you. Becker was passed out on the floor, his belly exposed and you couldn't help but snicker, he was so cute.
You stepped outside again and entered the back of the truck. It was still quite full. The couch you had purchased was also there in a clearly hefty box, you weren't excited for that. "If you wanna head home, you can actually, I might be able to handle this mattress on my own." You said, trying not to hold him up. "Don't sweat it, I got it." Joel said with a low & husky voice as he grabbed the end of it. "Y'know, I get the impression you are an independent girl." He chuckled out. You giggled and nodded, "Just how I was raised."
The two of you helped one another slip the mattress into the home and up the fabricated stairs. The sound of Joel's grunts as he moved it upwards were attractive and made you wanna risk everything but you remained silent, of course, you two had only just met. This was just such a new experience for you, that's all. Joel picked up the mattress half way, plopping it down on the frame with a groan, straightening it out too. "I'm guessing you get about 20% of this whereas that dog of yours gets 80%?" You laughed when he said that, but he was correct.
"When Sarah was little, she'd crawl into bed with me and I'd hold her. She stopped doing it as she got older, she's in her early teens now, but I'd kill for it. I have a love-hate relationship with the fact she's gettin older." Joel snickered, rubbing the ridges of his nose. "I bet... I hope someday I can experience that." You tittered, crossing your arms. "You want kids someday?" "Of course I do." You nodded. Joel didn't respond, he just gave you a half smile. "It's a blessing, that's for damn sure." He said hushly. You glimmered at him.
Your guy's eyes locked for a few seconds, your breathing also becoming heavier. He made you feel a type of way you hadn't felt before. It was a welcomed feeling though. Your stomach twisted & turned whenever he was around and you found yourself staring at him any chance you could get. He obviously didn't feel the same but it's whatever, he's not looking for a woman anyways as he stated. A small crush won't hurt, right?
A few minutes later, the two of you were back outside in the Texas warmth, basking in it. There was still a few larger and smaller boxes in the truck but you didn't mind dealing with those alone. You didn't wanna keep him busy for to long. You turned to look at him, his eyes were already down on you. It made you blush because your back was originally faced to him. You shook the thoughts from your head before talking to him.
"Thank you Joel, I'm grateful for your help." You thanked him, crossing your arms. "Course, anything you need, just give me a holler." Joel reminded you, placing his hand on your arm gently. You looked down at it and leered, discreetly biting your lip too. "Will do." You smiled up at him. Joel nodded, pulling his arm away moderately. "I'll see you around." He said softly, giving you a playful wink as he walked off. "See you Joel." You mumbled, watching as he went back to his house.
Now, you just had to deal with all of this hunk a junk. "Here we go." You groaned, hopping into the truck, all alone.
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dogcollarreview · 5 months ago
Unlock the Power of Safety with Halo Collar!
Discover how the Halo Collar keeps your dog safe with innovative GPS fencing technology. Learn how to set up customizable boundaries through the user-friendly app easily—simply move the pin on the map or enter your street address, and a fence will be generated based on property lines and safety guidelines.
Watch as we explain how Halo Collar alerts your dog with warning sounds, vibrations, and static corrections to ensure they stay within safe limits. With just a little time and effort, you can create lasting habits that protect your furry friend for years.
Join us to see how Halo Collar makes pet ownership stress-free and safe!
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sitkowski · 5 months ago
into the sea of waking dreams ( jolly karlsson x matt dierkes )
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pairing: jolly karlsson x matt dierkes cw: 18+ MDNI ⚠️ friends to lovers, mentions of animal injuries, discussions of a breakup, mutual pining, a little bit of angst, a healthy dose of fluff, making out, hand jobs, little bit of choking. word count: 3.3k author's note: i got coerced (affectionately) into this one! bless friends who plant brain worms. title comes from sarah mclachlan's "possession", divider by @steddiecameraroll-graphics ✨
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Maybe it's crazy, but when Matt tells Jolly that he and his girlfriend split, Jolly offers to come out there. Matt tells him he doesn't have to, but he can hear it in his voice. He's lonely. So Jolly tells him he misses the dogs and he'll take up residence in Matt's guest room for the foreseeable future during the band's break. It’s not like he’s doing much else at the moment, and he senses that the break up and the touring hiatus were taking its toll on him. Jolly shoots down every plausible argument about him wasting his break hanging out there, packs up his car and puts the new address into his GPS. It’s a bit of a drive, but he makes it there just before dark.
The pictures that Matt sent them all once he moved didn’t do the house justice. It sits on a few acres of land surrounded by trees, with a huge fenced in yard and what’s probably too much house for just one person and two dogs. He gets the appeal of it though, and it does hurt a little bit to look at this place and know that the person Matt intended to live here with didn’t stick around. He has to shake the thoughts from his mind before he parks the car in Matt’s driveway.
He’s barely out of the car before he hears the front door open and the dogs come running out. Boo is bouncing around his feet, and Zeus immediately jumps up to lick him to death. It takes him a minute to realize there’s a third dog who is just as excited to meet him. A little smaller than Zeus, she’s got long reddish brown fur and she’s immediately affectionate with him, pushing Zeus out of the way to get attention.
“That’s Aggie,” Matt’s voice comes from the front porch, and Jolly looks up to see him lingering there, hands shoved in the pocket of his hoodie as he leans against the railing. His mouth curves up in a smile at the sight of him crouched down on the ground with the dogs. “She’s new.”
Jolly wants to ask if he got her before or after the break up, but he doesn’t. Instead he meets Matt at the bottom of the stairs and pulls him into a hug. It seems to be just the thing he needs, the way that he clings to Jolly for a few minutes.
“You didn’t have to come,” Matt says finally.
“Yeah, I really did,” Jolly hooks his arm around his shoulders, leading him up the steps. “Show me around this place.”
Even though Matt insists there isn’t much to show him around for, he still gives him a tour; there are three bedrooms and two bathrooms, a spacious living room and open kitchen and dining room. There’s a basement where he keeps all of his equipment, and he’s soundproofed everything even though it’s just him and there aren’t any neighbors for a few miles. The best part is how proud he is of the place despite his protests about how it’s just a house, it’s something he’s wanted for a while. Jolly was glad he was able to have it. They go back outside, gathering up Jolly’s stuff to bring into the guest room. He sends a group text to Noah and the Nicks, letting him know he made it there safe before he demands that Matt feed him.
While they cook, because Jolly can’t not participate, Matt tells him how Aggie came to be with him. He found her wandering alone on the road on the way to the store one night. After asking the closest neighbor if they were missing a dog, he took her to the vet, just to see if she was chipped. She wasn’t, and after a week of trying to find her owners, he decided if someone was gonna abandon her she belonged with him anyway. Jolly couldn’t even be surprised, he was sure if Matt could he’d fill the place with animals.
“Well?” Matt asks later that night once Jolly’s settled in and they’re sitting out on the back porch, watching the dogs run around the lit up back yard to tire themselves out. “Aren’t you going to ask me what went wrong?”
Jolly takes a drink of his beer, looking over at him. “No.”
“Why not?”
“I didn’t come here to interrogate you about how your relationship ended, I came here because you needed someone.”
Matt smirks a little, picking at the label of his bottle. “You think you’re gonna be my shoulder to cry on? Or something else?”
There’s an innuendo there that Jolly doesn’t miss, and maybe he should be surprised that Matt’s bringing that up. It’s been years since the two of them hooked up, and he doesn’t really know how to tell him that he didn’t come here for that without making it sound like a rejection. That’s probably the last thing Matt needs right now. And yeah, he wouldn’t say no if he asked outright. He’s not going to tell him that right now either.
 “I think…that I’m gonna crash for the night. You still wanna show me those trails tomorrow?”
“Yeah.” Matt nods. He looks like he wants to say something else, but changes his mind. “Good night.”
Jolly decides to retreat to the guest room. 
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He wakes up with Aggie curled up beside him. He wasn’t sure when she’d come in, but he thought he’d seen Matt peeking in at one point as if he’d been looking for her. She makes him miss Harper, and he grabs his phone and snaps a picture to send along in the group chat. Folio demands that he kidnap her and bring her to him immediately.
It takes a little bit for him to drag himself out of the bed and down the hall to the kitchen. He doesn’t see Matt, but he’s guessing he’s still somewhere in the house. After making himself a cup of coffee, Jolly thinks to check the basement. Of course he’s there, headphones firmly over his ears as he messes with one of his many projects. Instead of sneaking up on him and scaring the hell out of him, Jolly just taps the light on and off really quick to get his attention.
“Sorry, if you’re busy I can entertain myself for a little while?”
Matt takes off his headphones. “Nah, it’s fine. I spend too much time down here as it is. Did you wanna get breakfast before we wander off into the woods?”
It’s not so much wandering off into the woods as there are clearly worn down paths that run around the length of Matt’s place, out onto the main road, and back to a neighboring tree farm. Matt lets the dogs zip around between the trees, Boo trying his best to keep up with the bigger two. Jolly can tell that something is bothering Matt, but he doesn’t say anything. He just waits him out because he knows that’s how it works with him. The night before, when he’d asked Jolly why he didn’t ask about the breakup yet, he knew it was because he wanted him to push. Not because it would make him talk, but because then it would be an argument and he’d be distracted from it.
“I thought this is what she wanted,” Matt says at one point, and Jolly stops walking to look at him. “We’d always talked about it, you know? When I was around to be bothered with it. You know this is what I always wanted at least. Big house, lots of animals, someone else here with me. But that last tour, it was probably her final straw.”
“She knew what touring was like for you—”
“We saw each other six times on the last stretch, Joll. And do you know what I did when she said she didn’t see me enough? I offered to find her a job on the next tour.”
To some, that might seem like a good idea, but Jolly knew it wasn’t. He knew what it probably took for Matt to ask that of her, and how he probably didn’t even realize it until after he asked how it wouldn’t have worked anyway.
“She never would have asked me to give up anything, but I just expected her to drop her life and follow me around on tour? It just kinda snowballed from there, but I deserved that.”
“You deserve to be happy, Matt.” Jolly tells him.
“But I am happy…here, with the band out on the road. I thought I was happy with her but maybe we were both just faking it really well in the end.”
Jolly wants to hug him, so he does. Matt seems grateful for it, even though he won’t say. He doesn’t even argue when Jolly kisses him on the forehead before giving him a gentle shove towards the path that leads back to his house.
“So, are you gonna tell me why you really dropped everything just to come out here and hang out with me? Or are you just gonna pretend it’s all for my benefit?”
It’s not like Jolly had huge plans for their break, he was doing what everyone else was doing; resting, catching up on sleep and with friends and with family. Slowly losing his mind a little without his guitar in front of him constantly. He didn’t think they needed to make a big deal about it, but obviously Matt was waiting for an answer. “When you called me, you sounded…lonely.”
Matt stops walking, turns around and looks at him. “What about you, Jolly? Were you lonely too?”
He hadn’t really thought about it like that. Maybe he had been. When they were on the road, there was always something to do, always someone needing his time and attention for something. But maybe this is what he needs right now. Hiding out in the middle of nowhere with Matt for a while.
“Fuck, sorry, that came out all wrong. I’m glad you’re—”
The dogs race by them, giving Jolly a much needed distraction. He brushes past Matt, heading back up the trail. He can feel Matt’s eyes burning into his back, and he realizes that he probably gave him his answer without saying anything at all. 
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Opie and Mack show up after Jolly’s been there two weeks. Matt says he’s going to the store, and comes back with two cats sharing a carrier. Opie was an all black Maine Coon with one eye, and Mack was a smaller short haired Tuxedo that immediately glued himself to Boo. Jolly’s already used to Aggie becoming his shadow since he arrived, but the addition of the cats seems to lighten something in Matt. Especially Opie, who had a rough life before he ended up in the shelter, only to be adopted out and come back injured and untrustworthy of people. But he seemed to adore Matt, who tended to end up at the shelter when he was really supposed to be at the store.
He keeps waiting for Matt to ask him when he’s leaving, for him to hint that he might want time to himself. But it doesn’t happen. By the time they’re pushing a month of Jolly being there it’s just…normal. He never says anything about Jolly having more of his stuff sent down, no one asks when he’s coming back. Somehow, he and Matt have fallen into this sort of routine that is endearingly domestic and he loves it.
It’s late one night when Matt knocks on Jolly’s bedroom door. He tells him to come in, still half paying attention to his book. He doesn’t even really look up, not until Matt’s crawling over top of him on the bed, pulling the book out of his hand and putting it aside. Before Jolly can ask what he’s doing, Matt’s mouth is sliding over his. It’s a surprise, but not an unwelcome one, and then Jolly's pulling him closer. He deepens the kiss, until Matt's tongue finds his. His arms wrap around him, tugging so they're flush together, nipping at Matt's bottom lip until a moan finally escapes him. He slides a hand the hem of Matt's shirt, thumb sliding over the warm skin just above the waistband of his shorts. Matt makes a soft noise into his mouth, grinding down onto him.
Just as quickly as it’s started, it’s over. Matt pulls away, breathing heavily as he backs off the bed. He walks out the door without a word, and Jolly lays there, stunned, trying to figure out what the hell just happened. Finally he gets up, going to track Matt down. He doesn’t get to just do that and then run away without any kind of explanation. But when he looks all over the house, there’s no one there but the animals. It hasn’t been that long, he couldn’t have gotten that far. Shoving his feet into his shoes, Jolly grabs his jacket and rushes outside.
Matt’s sitting out in the gazebo that’s in the back corner of the yard, nothing but his silhouette visible. Jolly sits down beside him, not saying anything at first. But when Matt doesn’t say anything, just sits there and stares at his hands, he can’t keep his mouth shut.
“If that was your idea of a joke, it was a really bad one.”
“I didn’t mean for that to happen.”
“Which part?” Jolly asks. “Sticking your tongue down my throat or up and leaving the way you did?”
“That’s not—you’re not here for this. I shouldn’t have done that.”
Jolly reaches over and grabs Matt by the chin, makes him look at him. “What part of me essentially moving in with you told you that I wasn’t here for this?”
He doesn’t let Matt pull away. He just waits, lets his words sink in. The realization is there in Matt’s eyes and eventually he just shakes his head a little.
“So…you were okay with all of that?” he asks with a little uncertainty in his voice.
“All you had to do was ask me. Instead of doing a driveby.”
Matt laughs a little, “That’s not what that was at all, just so you know.”
Jolly drags him into a kiss. He keeps it gentle, no rush. It’s easy to fall into it and all he can think about is how good Matt’s mouth feels on his. Any tension that had been lingering in Matt when he sat down beside him seems to melt away beneath Jolly’s touch, but he’s trembling and his hands are cold when he reaches up to cup Jolly’s face.
“What are you doing out here without a coat, dummy?” Jolly finally asks against his mouth. “C’mon, let’s go back inside.”
He leads him into the house and back to his bedroom. Opie’s in his bed, and Matt sighs, picking him up and kissing him on top of his head before putting him down in the hallway and closing Jolly’s door. He turns around and immediately tugs off his shirt and sweats, crawling beneath the covers in just his boxers. He does it as if he does it all the time. 
“Well, are you just gonna stand there and stare at me, or are you gonna come warm me up?” he asks.
Jolly shrugs off his jacket and tosses it aside before he takes off his own shirt and sweatpants. He gets beneath the covers beside him, before reaching up and turning off the reading lamp attached to the headboard. He's barely settled on the mattress before Matt's hands are on him. He presses his mouth to Jolly's collarbone, traces his tongue up his neck, sinks his teeth into a spot beneath Jolly's ear that makes him let out a moan. There will be a mark there come moreing. He groans and arches against Matt, pressing closer before he grabs him by the hips and tugs him on top.
Matt shifts back, reaching down to palm Jolly's cock through his underwear. It's not lost on him that he has absolutely no control over this situation and he's perfectly okay with that. Reaching up, he fists a hand in Matt's hair and pulls him down, kissing him again. He lets out a desperate sound against his mouth when his hand dips beneath the waistband of his boxers and he starts stroking his cock. He's not even trying to drag this out, and Jolly gets his free hand into Matt's boxers to touch him too. It's messy and too fast. They're not even kissing anymore, just panting against each other's mouths and keeping each other as close as possible.
Jolly can feel his heartbeat thudding in his ears and he whines, squeezing his eyes shut. Matt’s hand feels so good on him, his other hand resting just so on Jolly’s throat. Not restricting his air enough to be a problem, but enough for him to feel it.
“Is this good?” Matt asks breathlessly.
Jolly wheezes out a disbelieving laugh that gets tangled up in a moan. “Are you kidding me?”
“Just checking,” Matt lets his tongue slide along Jolly’s bottom lip and smirks. “You’re gonna come first right?”
“God you’re still a bossy fuck in bed. Shut up and get me off...please.”
Matt leans down and sinks his teeth into Jolly’s shoulder, moving his fist faster. Somehow, the angle is still working for both of them, but Jolly’s the one who comes first, just like Matt thought he would. He strokes Jolly through it, and Jolly barely realizes when Matt comes all over his fist and his stomach.
“We’re still good at that,” Matt murmurs into his chest, tipping his head up to look at him. “Yeah?”
Jolly doesn’t even have to think about it. “Yeah.”
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“Hey Jolly?” Matt’s voice rings through the foyer as he’s coming into the house, and Jolly pokes his head out of the kitchen where he’s been making dinner. “I need your help with something, like right now.”
When he comes out of the kitchen, he notices that Matt’s standing there funny, holding his arms around the front of his hoodie. For a brief, panicked second, he thinks he hurt himself outside. But then the front of his hoodie starts moving.
“Oh my god, what have you done now?”
“I didn’t do anything! I just found it, out by the wood pile, all alone,” Matt protests. “Stop looking at me like that. I waited to see if its mother was around, but no one else was out there.”
“What—” he opens his hoodie, and Jolly blinks. Once, then again. “Matthew! Is that…is that a goddamn racoon?”
“Yeah!” Matt sounds a little giddy and a little panicked. The kit is just a little bit bigger than Mack, clinging to the front of his t-shirt. It doesn’t seem frightened at all. “We should keep it.”
“Are you kidding me? Of course you’re not. Okay, let me just…wrangle the other kids in the room and you take it in the —”
“Marble. Her name is Marble”
“You named her? How long have you been outside with her?” 
Matt leans up and gives him a sweet kiss before humming and walking towards the kitchen while Jolly hooks a hand beneath Aggie’s collar and leads her down the hall.It shouldn’t surprise Jolly at all. Nothing should at this point. Not Matt finding a raccoon of all things outside, not the fact that they’re clearly going to keep it. Not even the idea that he and Matt are serious with each other now is surprising. Soon, they’ll have to go back to the real world; touring, recording, all of that. But for now, they have this. And it’s not surprising at all.
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