#GP reads Manga
gear-project · 7 months
Annon-Guy: I know we did this song and dance number before, but apart from Asura from Samurai Showdown and Ragna The Bloodedge from BlazBlue, who do you see as viable Guest Character material for Guilty Gear StrIVe? Especially since 2B appeared in GranBlue Fantasy Versus Rising.
It can be any character from games to manga and light novels. Let's hear your thoughts and ideas my friend.
Jae Hyuk Chae
Yes, you heard me.
From Immortal Regis/Cavalier of the Abyss.
Read the Manhwa and you'll understand.
(I'd also recommend the cast of Legend of Maian by the same author, Lim Dall Young).
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lovelypancake33 · 15 days
Ngl that woke me up
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chidoroki · 1 year
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July 7th - Zack’s Birthday
(with one Zack from almost every chapter he appears in)
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lucienarcheron · 7 months
February Reads 📖
The Frame-Up (ARC) by Gwenda Bond - 2/5
One Piece Volume 20 - 4/5
One Piece Volume 21 - 4/5
One Piece Volume 22 - 4/5
One Piece Volume 23 - 4/5
Fangirl Down (Big Shots #1 - ARC) by Tessa Bailey - 2/5
Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross - 5/5
Fangirl Vol. 3 (The Manga) by Rainbow Rowell - 4/5
February was so long for some reason??? Anyway, the best book of the month was Divine Rivals! Was a gorgeous read and if you haven't read it yet, highly recommend it! I wanted to knock out Ruthless Vows this month too but haven't gotten a chance to dive into it. Hopefully, my first March read! No rereads this month which is SHOCKING lol but if this is one I could erase from memory it would be Fangirl Down. Chapter 26 of that book still haunts me lol.
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necronatural · 1 year
The Reigen Arataka Deranged NormalMan Review
Do you ever think about how Reigen has like. A really strange belief in The System and How Things Should Be. Like REALLY strange. Whatever he's got going on is so much weirder than "scammer with a heart of gold".
I think it all comes together if you read the 10th Season 3 omake like, seriously interrogate this:
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This is normal, if comedically thoughtful and realistic for a shounen character. This guy talks like a mandatory reporter. What's strange is what immediately follows:
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Not only did he hunt down the families of the children bullying his client (insane. where did he get that info), he also contacted the school as if he were representing his own son in order to get justice, and then hunted down a source of complaints when the school fell through.
This is like a genuinely bizarre level of commitment to the bit, and the bit is "the system works, and if it doesn't work, we will find a system that does work, and if we cannot, hell or high water it is my PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to make the system stop slouching so it works again".
Long thread on the manga with this reading⬇️
Before I start. Reigen adopting Teru is more IC than you think but I don't think it is IC in the way people think it is. I think about this a lot and I think people who do it because they like Reigen aren't understanding how into his bit he is. Guy who talks to social services
So remember the arc that won people over to Reigen despite the fact he's an asshole who takes advantage of Mob and derides him constantly in order to keep him complacent?
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He has Mob's phone on his GPS. This makes sense; he's been taking him out and about since he was 11. Very responsible!
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Reigen dismisses the "Boss" mistake thinking well, it's a misunderstanding, but it got me in. Yet as soon as he heard they're committing crimes, he VISIBLY puts on his Boss Pants to chastise them. Again, normal so far. I think any scammer with a heart of gold would do this. (And foreshadowing for why he retried reprimanding the Claw Cadres a second time after getting power.)
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Again. He's a scumbag. So he leaves Mob to beat their asses using his previous rhetoric. But then!
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Reigen's shady morality is more like "people who can take care of things should take care of things". To him, Mob is the Authority on Espers, and can handle conflict like this. Immediately upon becoming aware he can't, Reigen thinks "oh, okay, so the only person who can take care of things is someone who can deescalate". (Pictured: Deescalation)
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Okay. Besides the fact this is insufferable as a general concept - YOU just told him to handle it YOU are the source of his stress - his first step in deescalation is to force Mob to back down. Rather than asking him not to fight, he reestablishes "rules" in order to convince Mob he must back down - the same way he tried using what he said to worm his way out of dealing with this shit - and then sets himself up as the authority figure to which the others must obviously defer in matters of His Boy, like a parent accepting criticism at a PTA meeting. This isn't Reigen claiming Mob so much as "in order for them to not attack Mob, they must view me as a representative for Mob".
And like a good authority figure:
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Continuing with his phrasing:
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If you think about it, this is like...an objectively very strange and incredibly bold approach to this situation. They're homicidal. Reigen is a DERANGED level of Normal Man. He has this image in his head of normalcy, of the world at standard operating procedures, and reinforces it right through an entire conflict. Carceral beliefs don't even factor into this, simply expressing his principles and expecting them to fold.
And they do lol. I keep wondering how Shou must have felt listening to him talk like that
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We see a little more of his good side in work; when he was getting so little work it was affecting his grocery bills, this moneygrubbing scammer still asked for like $200 to clear an entire city of hauntings. (His regular exorcisms are around $30). Fair prices are part of his principles of how the business should be. He operates basically at-cost. He mentions he wanted to come out here because he's bored. He's killing time as a career.
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Just realized he called Mob in last minute so Mob didn't know he accepted crops instead of money. Shigeo didn't like that
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So consider that he never got caught here and there was a call on the news to hunt him down at the end of this bit: for the average viewer of the anime, it's just funny, but this is part of the Mogami pre-arc so we've gotten a hold of him by now; he probably holds an inherent belief that the police will intercept him and not Mob. Why wouldn't they? Why would an adult man want to dress up in a highschool girl's uniform? The System will understand.
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Not relevant to my point but I like how he realizes what's wrong with Mob way before the final arc, just not why it's happening. Also he doesn't say anything.
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With the way his principles are, you really get the feeling that Reigen does his best to avoid culpability specifically because if something happened that was his fault, he'd have to step up to the plate to compensate for that, which is troublesome to him who is a career time-killer. It does not occur to him that an actual bad person and scammer would not step up to the plate as a matter of course. This is his way
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What I find really interesting is that this Militant Insane NormalMan does have a sense of wanting something "special", but rather than whip Mob up the way Dimple did Ritsu, he ended up projecting his own values onto Mob, as if he could recreate a special "self" within him. He's always deriding him and baiting him and lying to him in hopes of creating a superb person that a special individual like Mob finds admirable, as if Mob is the authority on his quality of character. Sad! lol
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Anyway, it adds a lot more kick to this famous line. Reigen genuinely believes in Authority
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Authority works!
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And if Mob (the authority on espers) doesn't work, who's the person who MUST step up to the plate [common sense]? You guessed it.
There are other aspects of Reigen's character that everyone and their dog has already picked up on (his self-loathing is the entire reason the way he talked to Mob in Confession arc hit so hard), but this one's my favourite. He's insane
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randomyuu · 6 months
so hold my hand (consign me not to darkness) [1/4]
Ah, yes. The fic that made me realise I’m in desperate need of Cursed Spirit Gojou in my ever-growing favourite GoYuu tropes.
Content Warning!
Major Character Death. Other characters are disrespectful to the corpse.
I highly suggest you read the fic first, or just the fic, since I don’t think I was properly able to adapt it into drawings. While I managed to use roughly two weeks of on-and-off planning, researching, and storyboarding, I only had a full week to finish it. You can read more of my thoughts below the comic if you’re curious.
Title: so hold my hand (consign me not to darkness)
Author: qalb_al_louz
It’s ongoing, and as of this drawing, the fic is in its third chapter. While this is (sexually) SFW, always be mindful of the tags! Please keep yourself safe and sound.
Please read from right to left, and enjoy!
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You can only upload 30 images in one post, huh Damn, I gotta divide it into parts
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Alrighty, I'll put my watered down unhinged thoughts below. No extra drawings down there if you're curious haha (unless you want to see the storyboard and the characters' full body character sheet, lemme know). You can skip the stuff underneath the Keep Reading for all parts.
This fic had me grinning from ear to ear every time I read this. The atmosphere, how it goes from POV to POV—of pure fear and panic—and the peak excitement I got when Yuuji properly meets Gojou, like brooooo 😭
Gosh I cannot emphasise how much I love this fic. I’ve always been wanting to make a whole comic out of it, especially since it was 2 chapters and it doesn’t look like the author will update it, but it just… kind of forgotten ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
But then the author posted a new chapter and I told myself this is a sign I should really start.
also goddamn I was so naive to think I can tackle 2 chapters as comic—no I was in fact cannot
The moment I laid my eyes on the first paragraph, things were portrayed very vividly in my mind. The panel, the angle, Gojou's head rolling down... I was like, hell yeah. Then I continued reading and I finally succumbed to my desire to draw this out.
At first I want to adapt this into a vertical format like those manhwas. However the longer I try to learn and storyboard it... I am simply not yet comfortable with it, especially for such a big project. Even the 1st storyboard starts vaguely vertical before the panels quickly crammed into that B4-B5 format lol. The first sketch estimated 69 (heh) pages for 90% of chapter 1. I said "no" for my own sanity and fully focused on the usual manga format and it was narrowed down to 60. Still a lot though, quantity and time-wise. So with a heavy heart, I can only do the majority of chapter 1 :”) I really really want to draw Sukuna talks back to Gojou—do you have any idea how good that scene was??? Gojou tried so hard to restrain himself, he’s so other I love him 😭
Due to the sheer length of this comic (I'm still in disbelief), I have limit lots of things, and that includes the drawing. If you've seen my other JJK fanarts, they are more rendered than this one. Well, this one is purely sketched with the help of the eraser to tidy up some lines. This is also the first fanart that I did purely on Photoshop, so I can control the typesets and drawings in one place. Usually, I use Photoshop for panels and typesetting and Krita for drawing.
I don't really like Photoshop's brush, but it did really well in curbing my perfectionist tendencies, so that's good.
It's also been quite a while since I draw in general (sobs) so... yeah, you might find differences, or not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
I know setting is important, but maaan I genuinely won't miss rereading chapter 83-93 with a heavy focus on background and character locations. I just want to read the action and dialogue😭 However continuity is really important. But my spatial intelligence is almost non-existent even GPS sometimes can't help me. All I'm saying is that if you find some silly drawing mistakes, do forgive me ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_I only drew all this in a week because otherwise I won't have another chance to complete this.
Well, lots of things I won't miss from this project, but haha let's talk about the characters instead because holy shit what was I thinking, starting this year drawing this many characters in the same project??? I have never drawn anyone here except for Yuuji, Gojou, Nanami and Megumi. I don't think I've ever drawn older Getou before. I already forgot how to draw my boy Yuuji and I gotta draw all these people???
This is what you call making a bad decision, kids. Don't do your "drawing warmup" after months of not drawing and tackling a project of a scale way bigger than you've ever tackled before.
Thank you for reading this far! I hope you find my complaint entertaining! But make no mistake, I genuinely still love the fic. Drawing this, even with all the headaches it gave me, only makes me adore this fic even more.
Thank you very much to each one of you who follows and leaves comments and tags on my silly art—it never failed to make my day :D And I sincerely wish this one also made your day or even made your minute! I'll see you in the next part!
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ihatedtoadmit · 9 months
The Windows To My Soul [1]
pairing: OT8 x fem! reader (gender is rarely mentioned)
genre: soulmates, angst, fluff (mostly in the later chapters)
warnings: almost being kidnapped, occasional curse word
word count: ~3.8k
summary: Attending your favourite idols' concert didn't go as planned, not at all.
↳ Masterlist ↳ Next chapter
All rights reserved. Please do not steal, repost or feed my work into AI. Thank you!
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I looked around the unfamiliar streets, my worried expression hidden under my mask and Eevee cap, the latter’s ears flapping around with my jerky head movements. Uselessly looking at the street signs, I sighed, unable to read them in this foreign country.
I had travelled to Japan with a friend, purely to watch the Stray Kids' concert they had held just earlier that day. If we wanted to see them live once in our lives, we had no choice, with us living in a small country in Europe. And as we all knew, idols didn't usually hold concerts in Europe, making international fans cry out in despair all over the world. Either way, we decided to join the japanese concerts, us being fans of the country itself as well, due to our love for anime and manga.
But now I stood in the streets alone, typing directions into google maps on my phone, to at least try to get to the train station. You see, my friend came with her boyfriend and they had booked a place to stay at together. She had offered to let me stay without an ounce of hesitation, but I didn't want to be a bother and intrude. So, I’d booked a place by myself, but by the time I had gotten around to it, everything in that city near the concert or even my friend's place had already been booked. I had no choice but to choose a place at a hotel that was far away, far enough that you could only reach it with a train from the concert's location.
Come on me, I was a big girl, I could do this. I got here somehow -still had no idea how, with my anxiety and horrible navigation skills-, I could find my way back too.
So with a quiet, nervous sigh, I started following the directions shown on my phone, head slightly bopping to the music that filtered through my headphones that sat snugly on my ears, over my cap. Of course the pleasant and energetic tunes were from the same band I had seen hours ago on stage, but with the added background noise of the late city life, thanks to the ambient aware option on my headphones.
The train I needed to reach wouldn't leave for a good while, so I could slightly relax and look around the cement jungle without having to hurry needlessly. It was interesting to see how different, yet in a way, similar it was to my own country. Sure, the buildings' style was different, the streets were more busy and bright, but some shops were the same or really similar. It was nice, to just not feel completely alien and lost in a foreign city.
Although one thing that kept happening was that people kept staring at me. Naturally, it was bound to happen with my slightly over 6 feet height in Japan of all places, but the added combo of my Eevee outfit only strengthened it. Some people even outright complimented me, making me awkwardly bow and thank them in my limited japanese knowledge. To my utter surprise, some even asked for a selfie or a photo, undoubtedly making my cheeks dust with red, all evidence hidden under my mask and scarf.
Things seemed to be going well, until the time of day was starting to run out and the streets were slowly but surely becoming empty. The fact that my GPS was taking me through slightly questionable roads didn't help in the matter at all.
Then I heard it.
Footsteps, somewhere behind me, never stopping.
At first, I didn't think too much of it, but then my paranoid mind made me pause my music on my phone, the device buried in the depths of my pocket. I didn't stop and look around, merely continued to walk towards my destination to not seem suspicious, something my gut told me to avoid at all cost.
Then I listened.
The footsteps were still there, something that didn't change no matter how much I had walked. They were also weird, rhythm-wise. They felt unnatural, as if the person didn't usually walk like that. Their rhythm was also suspiciously like mine, the sound of our steps usually mixing together into one, making me listen keenly for several minutes to confirm my suspicions.
My pulse picked up, skyrocketing into the stratosphere.
I had heard about the dangerous things that could happen on the late night streets of Japan, my mind now on overdrive as I tried to act natural, as if I was clueless still.
I had to get away from this person somehow, I didn't want any of those horrors to happen to me, just the mere thought made my skin crawl and head hurt.
I shouldn't have turned down my friend's offer, being a third wheel would have been so much safer.
My eyes fluttered down onto my phone and my heart skipped a beat.
I was walking in the wrong way.
Amidst my panic, I must have taken several wrong turns, because now I was dangerously far away from the train station. Maybe if I hurried I could have made it, a debatable thought in itself, but that was the last thing on my mind as I heard people chatting from my right. Turning my head over there, I was met with bright lights from advertisement boards and all kinds of fairy lights, the fact that I was in a dark alley registering in my mind only then.
I didn't hesitate to make my way over there with quick steps, my long legs carrying me swiftly and quickly towards my desired goal.
But not quick enough.
Before I could reach the main street, I was grabbed from behind, something being forcefully pushed in front of my face. But probably due to height differences -also thanks to my fluffy scarf and my mask’s added layers of protection-, the person couldn't quite do it quickly and I instinctually elbowed them wherever I could reach.
Based on the grunt he let out, I hit his gut, the arms around me releasing their hold just enough for me to break away and sprint towards the people with all my adrenaline-powered strength.
When I reached the brightly lit street, my eyes looked around the empty place, mind halting to a stop.
Where were the people? I just heard them! Where were they?!
But before I could look around properly, I was tackled to the ground, my arms that instinctually cushioned my fall  flaring up in pain. An instinctual yell left my mouth as I wrestled with him, my scattered mind resorting to shouting in english and broken japanese both.
Just as I thought I was going to be kidnapped, my hands held down and face stuffed with a drenched cloth, the weight on top of me disappeared in an instant.
I didn't really know what just happened, I only heard some shouting -in what language, i wasn't sure anymore- and skin upon skin impact, before the quieting sound of shoes hitting the ground reached my ringing ears.
I simply blinked up at the dark sky as I panted there, head laying on the dirty pavement underneath me as I fought with the nauseating dizziness that was attacking my system violently.
Sometime later -because i wasn't sure how long i had been laying there for-, a figure appeared in my vision, his eyes above his dark mask filled with worry. Sounds came from him, but it all sounded gibberish to me at that moment.
After receiving no reply, he turned to the side to talk to someone, but before he could do anything else, I quickly sat up. He fussed around me, rightfully surprised by my sudden movements, but I cared not as my mind finally caught up to itself.
I quickly tore my damp mask off, hiding my face from the harsh autumn wind with my scarf quickly afterwards, the soft fabric providing me with much needed comfort. Feeling the dark fabric in my hands, it was no wonder that no amount of breathing helped after my attacker had left. It was soaked with most probably chloroform, explaining why I was still feeling so dizzy.
Looking up from the mask, I saw the man who had -probably- saved me, crouched right in front of me. Another man was next to him, taller and more built, dressed in dark clothes. They were talking, but the language they used was definitely not japanese or even english. From the sound of it, it was another asian language, but I couldn't pinpoint which with my extremely limited knowledge and gibberish thoughts.
Not knowing what else to do with my hazy mind, I bowed my head as much as I could towards my saviours, uttering my thanks in japanese. Thankfully, I knew that much from all those years of watching anime and beginner japanese language classes.
They immediately stopped talking, the man who fussed over me earlier saying something along the lines of not a problem in japanese and asking me how I was feeling. I said I was okay, because really, I was, my mind was just a bit foggy. His eyebrows furrowed at my answer, as if he couldn't believe me for some reason. I furrowed my own eyebrows at that and slightly tilted my head to the side, not understanding his confusion.
But when I tried to stand up after putting my cap and headphones back on properly -the latter around my neck this time-, I understood his concern.
I was shaking.
Sure, not extremely, but the slight, unintentional movements of my body were there, clear as day.
"Oh, looks like I lied about being fine, sorry." - I quietly uttered out in english, not even realising that I had switched languages once again. "So I did hear it right, you do speak english." - one of them spoke back, catching me off guard.
"Shit, sorry, it wasn't intentional." - I quickly muttered out, defending myself. "No worries, now I know why you didn't respond to me the first time and just looked lost instead." - he lightly laughed out.
The person next to him extended a hand towards me, and after blinking at it for a few seconds, I finally realised he was just trying to help me up. So, with a purse of my lips and a bow of my head, I thanked him and took his hand. He swiftly pulled me up, checking if I needed some help to stay upright. Seeing that I was alright -as alright as one could be in that situation-, he let me go and talked to the other man in that foreign language once again.
I simply stood there, the weight of what had just happened not fully hitting me yet. Realising that I was still clutching my mask in my hand, I pocketed it and looked towards the only other man on the road besides us three.
He was speaking in that same foreign language, but sometimes he switched over to english. His accent was thick and painfully familiar, along with his deep, melodic voice. I tried to fit the puzzle pieces into their place as I just watched him, how he spoke to his phone, no doubt vlogging or live streaming.
" -y, hey, are you okay? Do you need to sit down?" - a soft touch broke me out of my train of thoughts, his voice -that was also familiar and had a similar accent- laced with worry. "Y-yes, yes, sorry, I was just lost in thought. But thank you two, again, for saving me, I don't know what would have happened if you weren't here. Really, thank you so much." - I rambled out, bowing a few times for good measure. "Hey, it's alright, I'm glad we were here. Do you need help getting home? Where're ya headed to?" "Ah, the train station. But I'll be fine alone… Why are you looking at me like that?" "... The train station is hours away from here, and it's already almost midnight."
Eyes widening at his answer, I took my phone out of my pocket -a miracle it had stayed there, unharmed- and unlocked the screen. Sure enough, he was right. Checking the schedule for the train I needed, no matter how many times I read it over and over again, the letters and numbers didn't change at all.
The last train would depart in 30 minutes, something that I would only reach if I had magically gained the ability to teleport.
My eyes turned glossy as I continued looking at my screen in despair, lower lips caught between my teeth as a way to ground myself.
I couldn't get to my rented out hotel room now.
"Hey, hey, look at me. It's gonna be okay. What's the matter?" - his warm voice reached my ears once again, my eyes flitting up to meet with his. "My…my train… The last one’s gonna depart in 15 mins, something I have no way of reaching. And now I-, I can't get to my hotel room now, I don't have anywhere to stay–" - my voice cut off at the end, worry eating me out from the inside.
Even if I were to call my friend to stay with her and her boyfriend, they were a few hours away from where I ran away to. I had already checked it, multiple times. Somehow I’d walked in the completely wrong direction as I was trying to escape that man.
"It's gonna be okay, trust me, I'll think of something. Why don't you sit down over there and eat this, while I talk to my buddies here, hm?" - he gently said, pointing towards a nearby bench and handing me a lil protein bar from his pocket.
I blinked down at him -because he was considerably shorter than me-, but then I carefully took the offered snack and nodded. I didn't have anything else to do anyway, and I needed to take any help I could get. That much was obvious to me, even in my current situation.
I felt like a pathetic child that needed to be looked after, sitting there on the bench as I snacked on my protein bar in an Eevee cap.
Maybe I was one. I wouldn't be surprised at this point.
Having finished munching on the snack, I pulled my scarf back up and stared emptily at the ground in front of me, hands clutched and resting on my knees that rested tightly clenched together, no doubt causing a faint bruise to form.
I was absolutely fucked, to put it simply.
I had been almost kidnapped in a foreign country, merely hours after I’d had the time of my life at the first concert of my life. Chloroform was probably still lingering in my system and clouding my mind, not to mention that my only friend in this country was long asleep and I had already formed a splitting headache.
Truly, truly, wonderful.
I couldn't help the sigh that left through my nose, my hand going up to rub at my now dry eyes -contact lenses sadly had that effect-, but stopping when I remembered I had makeup on. I tugged the cap even more into my hurting head, instinctively trying to hide myself magically with the habitual gesture.
Just when I thought about putting my headphones up and calming my still very erratic pulse with some music, the shorter man approached me -the taller one lingering behind-.
He sat down beside me, leaving a comfortable amount of space between us, something my jittery mind much appreciated.
"So, we talked about it, and ya could stay with us for the night if you want to. It's just me and some friends. Of course, you would get your own room, all to yourself. I can bunk with one of my pals for the night no problem. I understand if ya don't trust me, truly I do realise how sketchy my offer sounds, but… I don't want you to stay out here for the night and get hurt even more. I have the opportunity to help, and I want to." - he carefully explained it to me, making sure I was following his sentences actively.
I remained quiet, thinking the offer through.
He was right, it was definitely sketchy as heck, but, what could I do? I could either stay out here on the streets, because everything was either closed or booked already -stupid concert-, or I could go with them.
"Ya can decide a bit later too, ya kno'." - I quickly shook my head gently -that massive headache significantly becoming worse-, cutting him short. "If you guys really don't mind, then… I would like to take your offer." - I gently muttered out, bowing once again in gratitude. "Oh please, stop bowing, ya really don't need to. It's alright, really, none of us bite, I promise. Actually, lemme introduce you to one of my pals, he's been there, live this whole time."
He stood up after he pointed to the aforementioned streamer and I quickly followed him, slightly bowing towards the taller man once again in gratitude as we passed by him. He sheepishly rubbed his neck and waved his hand in front of his face in a dismissive way, probably wanting me to stop bowing, just like the shorter man.
Speaking of which, I watched as he walked up to his buddy, my body slowing to a halt. I didn't want to disturb their job or hobby as well -whatever streaming was to them-, so I stopped before I could enter their phone camera's range.
The other man was slightly taller, but still smaller than me, with blonde strands peeking out from underneath his black beanie. Few freckles sat above his own dark facemask, my eyes squinting at the familiarity.
But once again, my train of thoughts were disrupted before I could come to a much needed conclusion.
"Hey, don't be shy, c’mere. This is Felix, and I'm Christopher, but call me Chris." - he introduced themselves to me as I still didn't go into their camera's range just quite. "I’m… well, uuh, my name’s weird and foreign, so for simplicity purposes, call me Eevee. For… for obvious reasons.  I'm sorry, I will tell you later if you really want to know it." - I added in, bowing my head before glancing at their stream.
An understanding hum left their lips and I suddenly felt like I was in the presence of an anime character. A sunshine one, to be specific.
"I wanted to say it earlier, but your outfit is so freaking cute, like, really cute! Where did ya get it?" - the blondie asked, eyes sparkling and smile widening, so much so that his eyes were slightly arched upwards, turning into little crescent moons.
Taken aback, it took me a few seconds to formulate a normal reaction and reply.
"I-, uh, thank you? Well, I kinda got these clothes at different places and times, they just fit together nicely by coincidence. The scarf and cap was actually a gift from my brother, because he saw this silly lil cap in an Austrian store one day and wanted me to put it on real bad. Long story short, here I am now, fully decked out. A walking, comically tall Eevee on the streets. Just don't throw a pokeball at me. They hurt surprisingly much." "Ooooh, that's so cool. Hyung, we gotta get a cap like this later! Also, wait, did someone actually throw a pokeball at ya?" "... Yeah…"
Their expressions were hilarious even with their masks on, absolutely worth the pain. I couldn't help the little laugh that slipped past my lips.
"Don't worry, it only happened like twice, and one of those times it was a plushie." "Fhew, okay, I was gettin' worried there for a sec." - the blondie sighed out, his hand placed onto his chest out of relief.
With a small laugh they started walking, my anxiety-filled self unsure if I should join them. I really didn't want to be on camera, even though my face was practically completely covered.
But I didn't need to ponder for long, their forms looking back at me and beckoning me to join them.
"Come here, and naur, don't worry, it's fine. You're not disrupting us."
With a small nod and a deep breath, I joined them, slightly waving at the camera.
Christopher introduced me, or I assumed he did, because he was speaking in that foreign language once again.
"Right, Eevee, do you speak korean?" - one of them asked, drawing my attention to him from the flooded chat that was moving way too fast for my tired eyes.
So that was what that foreign language waaas, got it.
"Ah, uh, no, not at all. I couldn't understand a word of any of your guys' conversation, don’t worry."
"What do ya mean don’t worry, that must feel awful to not understand anything! We'll speak more english then, no worries! I couldn't speak it a few years ago either, so I truly do feel ya." - he replied, voice cheery and calming.
Now hang on for a fucking second.
This boy to my right was blonde, had freckles, had a deep voice, had a weird english accent and hadn’t been able to speak korean up until a few years ago.
The boy to my left had the same accent, his voice was way too fucking familiar and nice, he had dark curls peeking out from underneath his beanie and could speak korean well.
Stray Kids had their concert half a day ago in the same city, a band that had two members with an eerily similar description.
Haha, naur, no way.
I looked back at them as they were talking to their chat, only coming to that same, insane conclusion. Glancing at the flooded screen on the phone, I mostly saw -probably- korean characters, but there were a few english sentences as well. One of them caught my eye, the word 'Chan' peeking out from it painfully.
My breath got caught in my throat.
Okay, okay, they were just people, act normal. Just, normal, okay? If they won't find out you're a STAY, and neither will the other fans, everything would be fine. I didn't plan on taking photos of them secretly or anything anyway, like a goddamn sasaeng. So just breathe and ignore that they kinda do be idols and people you look up to, okay?
Aaaagh, I was so absolutely fucked.
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Next chapter
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chimaeraonwards · 1 year
pokemon is out here gamifying good habits with Pokemon Sleep, Pokemon Go, and Pokemon Smile. here are some apps i think will be announced soon.
Pokemon Eat - a cooking/nutrition app where a pikachu in a chef uniform helps you pick healthy recipes to cook
Pokemon Bathe - a squirtle teaches you how to shower and you can earn bubble points
Pokemon Read - an app that finally holds all the pokemon adventures manga and the printed dex
Pokemon Fight - an app with self defence videos taught by a hitmonchan that doubles as a gps that gives you the location of nearby irl gyms and fight clubs
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velvetxkissesx · 2 years
come home
izuku midoriya x fem coded reader
after Izuku leaves UA, you and the rest of your class make the decision to drag him back kicking and screaming if you needed to. you go over the recent events that led you up to that moment in time.
WARNINGS: SPOOIIILLEEERRRS FOR SEASON SIX SO IF YOU HAVENT WATCHED OR READ THE MANGA YOU’VE BEEN WARNED. violence, lots of cussing because of katsuki bakugo being present, extremely unedited and unread, it’s so long I hate it so much but I’m posting it anyways because I’ve been obsessed with this idea. it’s a little angsty I suppose
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“You know he isn’t going to come easily, right?” You mumbled to Bakugo, as you two walked out of the security gate side by side. The rest of your class behind you.
“Yeah yeah, I’ve kicked his ass once, I’ll do it again and drag him back by his stupid hair,” Bakugo tightened his gauntlets before he looked at you, and finally realized how terrified you were, “Hey, this is going to work idiot, we all have things we need to say to him."
You all made your way, following the gps Endeavor had for him. Everyone’s nerves were high, maneuvering through the streets. There was no way you guys were going to fail this mission. Not when it was something this important. For someone this important.
"Over here, I found him."
-----a few days after izuku left UA
"Bakugo she's still HEALING!" You could hear a loud commotion outside of your hotel room. There wasn't much left in you to care though, not when you were rereading the same scribbled out note that was on your bed. It was even right next to your favorite flower.
You have to understand that not telling you about One for All was hard. There were a lot of times that I wanted to turn to you, but I couldn't. Don't be mad at Kacchan for knowing and not saying anything either, I made him swear. I have so much that I want to tell you, but that will have to wait for now. I am sorry I kept this a secret from you of all people.. You almost died, he almost killed you because he gathered what you meant to me. I have to stay away from UA, away from you, to keep you all safe.
I hope you can forgive me..
Your door busted open, Bakugo being held back by Sero and Denki. He looked at you, and then at the paper in your hands.
"Stop crying and get your ass up, we need to figure this out." Bakugo threw a bag with your uniform in it at you. You looked up at him and the other guys and waved them out of the room so you could get dressed.
"Todoroki, I might punch your dad," You mumbled, and the taller boy looked down at you while you all waited to corner him in the principal's office.
"You were just released from the hospital after your heart was slightly punctured, I don't think punching the number one hero is in your best interest," Todoroki half-way joked with you, before his tone went serious again, "If you do it though, you'll have my support."
All of you walked into the principal's office, and Endeavor looked shocked at first before he sighed. He almost seemed to just accept the fact the entirety of Class 1-A was standing in front of him. None of you were happy with him. Bakugo explained to him why you guys needed to go, and you backed up his statement. The two of you, and Todoroki staring down the number one hero. Endeavor tried to argue and talk him out of it, but the principal wouldn't budge. Instead he gave you the okay to track down Midoriya, and bring him back.
Your feet ran faster than you should have been able to, considering it wasn't too long ago your heart was in pretty bad shape. None of that mattered though, your best friend was there. He was there and you were close enough to reach him. You could reach him. All of you were in the area soon enough, Todoroki using his ice to subdue the villain Midoriya was fighting even further. Yaoyorozu helping imprison him even longer.
He didn't even look the same anymore, not even just because he hadn't bathed in who knew how long. His usually bright green eyes were dull, and tired now. You didn't know what you wanted to do more, hug him or punch him for leaving you all behind like that. He was looking around slowly, trying to assess the situation. Finally though, his eyes landed on you.
For a moment he looked relieved, but then his face dropped again.
Izuku watched in horror as the black and red shards shot out of Shigaraki, but he wasn't aiming for him. No instead they went for their target, you. One went straight through your chest, another hitting your shoulder, another hitting your leg.
You didn't scream, you didn't even panic. Instead your clouded eyes focused on the one thing that always calmed you down. Izuku Midoriya, with his beautiful green hair, and matching green eyes. The boy that felt like spring to you. You wanted him to be the last thing you saw.
Izuku couldn't move as he watched the blood you coughed up trickle out of the corner of your mouth. Your once bright colored suit now soaked red. Before you went limp, before your eyes closed for what Izuku thought was for good, you said something. Izuku couldn't hear it though, because before he could even process what had happened to you, Bakugo was injured just the same.
“I don't understand, why are you here?" He looked everywhere but you, which made you want to punch him even more.
"We were worried about you," You stepped more towards Bakugo, making sure he couldn't just ignore you. Izuku's eyes flickered towards you again. He grabbed his mask and started to stand up.
"That's nice, but I'm fine really, no need for concern," He put his mask back on his face, "So leave."
Bakugo started to clap.
"Oh yeah, great speech! Wasn't that great?" Bakugo looked at you, you knew he was trying to keep you on track, "Just what we wanted from the famous One For All successor! Real talk, are you able to smile right now?"
"In order to smile.. For everyone to live in peace.." He stood up, and maybe you were just trying to convince yourself but you swore you could've felt him looking at you through his mask, "I have to go, I'm sorry."
Izuku got ready to move, and you took in a deep breath. All of your classmates were already prepared for this, for him to go this route. There was no way he was going to let it happen without a fight.
"You're going to have to make us, ya busted-ass All Might wannabe!" Bakugo taunted.
"We had a feeling that's what you were going to say," Iida sighed, "Let's do this class!"
"You're coming home Izuku." You clenched your fists
You knew it was Bakugo when there was one quick knock, followed by your door handle being shaken, and then more knocks coming after. You opened the door and he shoved a costume case at you, followed by a bag of your fixed up support equipment.
"We have his location, we are going to get him now, and you're coming," Bakugo grumbled, and you raised an eyebrow, "Don't give me that stupid face, I know what the principal said about you hanging back, and I don't give a shit,"
"You guys can do this without me," You sighed and turned into your room. Bakugo let out an annoyed sigh, followed by a lot of mumbling that you could only assume would piss you off if he said it out loud.
"Look, just because your heart got a tiny little hole in it, doesn't mean that you're not capable of helping!" Bakugo snapped, and he grabbed your shoulders to turn you towards him, "That damn idiot needs to see you, standing up, walking, and talking, or else all of this goes to shit!"
"I don't understand why I am such a crucial part to this working!" You shouted, the tears stinging your eyes, "I mean it's not like we were that close anymore, not since we started work-studies! You and Todoroki will be there, Iida will be there, everyone else will be there I don't understand why it all falls apart if I don't come!"
"Do I have to spell this shit out for you? You aren't just a friend to him, just like he isn't for you," Bakugo's tone seemed to soften, even if he was still talking at the same obnoxious volume, "Look, we both have shit that we have to say to him, things we have to confess, so get dressed and come the fuck on,"
You blinked a few times, trying to figure out how Bakugo knew about your feelings for your best friend. It wasn't something you had really shared with anyone.
"You knocked out on the battlefield, you didn't see him after we got stabbed, for a second I thought the idiot might actually rip Shigaraki's ass into pieces," Bakugo's voice was finally quieter, "Once he was on the ground, and he was looking at what we all thought was you lyin' there dead, he told you he loved you, that he was in love with you,"
"That's why I am saying we need you to help us, he needs to see you okay again, and maybe then we will have a better chance to get through to him."
You nodded your head.
Before you lost consciousness after being stabbed, you told Izuku the same thing.
That you loved him.
Everyone had been trying to talk to him, but he just kept trying to run. That was until he fell into your trap. Todoroki was the next line of defense after you, but Izuku wasn't showing any sign of moving once he saw you. He actually dropped once he spotted you on the roof. His mask had fallen off and you were finally getting a good look at his face.
"I am trying to protect you, you have to let me go," Izuku's voice cracked a little, but you shook your head and stepped towards him. He didn't run or back away, he stayed still.
"I am so.. so angry with you," You tried your best to keep your temper and your voice even, "Do you remember, a few nights before the battle even happened, when we were sitting in your dorm room?
"I'm happy that I've had you for such a long time, you know that?" Izuku's words caught you off guard, both of you turning red, "I just, I mean, because we are best friends and-"
You looked at him, and gave a small smile, "I'm happy that I have you too, Izuku."
Neither one of you could find the right thing to say next. So instead you both just sat on his bed, and changed the subject to other little things going on. There was one difference though, your pinkies stayed right next to each other, just barely overlapping.
"I had so much more that I wanted to say, but I was too scared to," You stepped closer, "But I'm not scared anymore, so Izuku what I really wanted to say that day, what I said to you after Shigaraki-"
"I know, at least I think I do," Izuku whispered, and you stopped, "Which is just another reason why I have to go, I have to get as far away from you as possible, so that he can't use you against me again."
"Do you really think you being gone is going to stop him from targeting the school? From targeting us?!" You finally let the tears come out, "I am so sorry that you had to see that happen to me, I should have moved faster, but if you think you know what I was going to say that day, then you know why I am not giving up until I know you're safe!"
Izuku stepped forward, and pushed your hair off of your forehead. His lips were chapped, but they still felt so soft against your skin. Both of you seemed to be stuck in time like that, his lips just barely kissing your forehead. There was a silent apology in that moment, a silent confession. Before you could reach for his hand and let him know that it was okay, and that you really did feel it too, he was gone. Todoroki's ice wall was the next thing to catch him. The next plan was in motion.
"We are with you! You don't have to face anything alone!" Tsu shouted at him and the ice began to shake. You ran to the edge of the building, and watched.
"Have you considered this might be exactly what All For One wants?!" Todoroki yelled, "He could go after UA while we are distracted here! You've worn yourself out, and you still don't have a lead on the League, so stop this!"
"Izuku you need a new plan!" You shouted, using your quirk to get up onto the ice with Todoroki so he could hear you, "We are more than ready to help you do just that!"
"If you actually want to save our school, then instead of abandoning it, come back and fight for it!" Todoroki held out an arm to protect you from slipping on the ice that was still struggling to hold Izuku, even though Todoroki was forming even more to try and hold him, "Let's stand together and protect UA!"
'"You can't be near me!" Izuku struggled against the ice.'"You can't be near me!" Izuku struggled against the ice.
"You don't get to make that decision for us!" You yelled, grabbing Todoroki's arm to steady yourself, "Izuku please!"
"You could all die! This is a fight that is destined to take place, between One for All and All for One, the rest of you can't keep up!" Izuku finally broke out of the ice, and Todoroki got you two off of the ice. You looked at him defeated but he gave you a firm nod and got ready for the next phase.
Bakugo was helping Iida get to him. Kaminari placed a firm hand on your shoulder. He was trying to reassure you, silently, as you all cheered for Iida. You flinched forward a little bit, your heart still too exhausted to be doing all of this. Sero and Kaminari both helped you back down onto the ground, where Kirishima was trying to catch them.
"Stop trying to run away from us," You stepped away from the other two boys, walking towards Izuku more, "Don't you get it? We aren't giving up on you, we all agree it is time for you to come back,"
"I wish I could, but I.. I am too scared, there are a lot of people that me coming back could cause trouble for," Izuku's voice was cracking. You grabbed Bakugo's shoulder.
"Do it." You whispered.
"When you said that you have things you needed to confess to him, do I have some competition to worry about?" You opened the door, and Bakugo scoffed before he shook his head.
"No, dumbass, I just owe the idiot an apology," He mumbled, his eyes avoiding your own wide ones, "I owe you one too, but you're going to have to wait,"
"Awe Kacchan, I always knew you were still our friiieennnddd." You teased, trying to lighten both of your moods. The three of you grew up together, and although Bakugo didn't shove you as far away as he did Izuku.. He still distanced himself enough from you.
The crowd reacted the way you had all expected them too. Izuku had tried to sneak off, but you grabbed his hand. The two of you looked at one another, but he stayed silent. He squeezed your hand slightly. Uraraka was the one to try and take a stand though, floating above the crowd while she defended why he needed to be there. You only let him go when Kota broke through the crowd, running for the boy who once saved him. You stepped back, standing by Bakugo as you watched the crowd change their minds.
"You still need to tell him y'know?" Bakugo muttered, nudging you slightly, "If I could apologize to Izuku in front of our entire class, you can tell him you love him, let it be in private later, but you have to do it,"
"I will, but first he needs to rest, plus Denki was right he needs to take a damn bath."
The boys took charge of making sure that Izuku got a bath. Judging by all of the noise, you could only assume it was going well. You got out of a quick shower, and made your way back to your room. The boys were going to be there awhile, and you were sure that it wouldn't be the right time to have that conversation now. You opened your door though, and let out a scream at the fact there was already another person standing in there.
"I'M SORRY KACCHAN MADE ME COME UP HERE AND WAIT I THOUGHT YOU KNEW!" Izuku's hands frantically waved around as he rushed forward to apologize.
"That idiot really needs to understand that it was more than just a tiny hole," You mumbled, rubbing your chest, "Zuku stop saying you're sorry, it is okay, I just wasn't expecting you, I thought you were still in the bath,"
"Some of the guys still are," Izuku's eyes were focused on where the scar was just barely showing out of your tank top. You closed your door, and grabbed his hand. You were certain he stopped breathing when you put his hand against the left side of your chest.
"It wasn't your fault that I got hurt, I was trying to help you, I knew the risk," You whispered, holding his hand against your heartbeat, "He managed to hit right beside my heart, so it wasn't punctured all the way through, but there was a lot of bleeding, the medics fixed it though,"
Izuku's eyes filled with tears again, as he stared at where his hand was resting. You only moved his hand, so you could hug him. You wrapped your arms around his torso, and pressed your face into his chest. His arms wrapped back around you, his face pressing into your hair. The two of you stood there like that, crying with each other. Taking in the fact that you were both okay, you were both alive.
"I couldn't hear you that day, when you told me, it wasn't until a couple days ago when the moment replayed in my head that I realized what you said," Izuku pulled back, and pulled you back too, "I came to see you before I left, you were asleep, all hooked up to machines and out of surgery for them to fix what quirks couldn't, they said that they were just waiting for you to wake up but that they didn't know when that was going to happen.."
"I didn't until a few days after you left, then I found your note and," You trailed off before you took a deep breath, "Izuku, there is so much happening right now, and I know that everything is a little tense and scary, so maybe it isn't the right time but we both know that there is a lot we need to lay out for each other, so can we just.."
"I love you," You could barely hear him, but he said it first, "You're right, things are tense and scary, we don't know much for certain, but I know how I feel about you, and I can't let myself be scared about that anymore, but before this can be anything I.. I mean we have to defeat All for One, and I would like to do that with you by my side.."
Both of you were still crying, but you knew it wasn't just guilt or sadness anymore. They were happy tears too. You were both convinced the other was in danger, and for the first time in weeks you both felt at ease. Just standing with each other, holding onto each other. Izuku’s feelings finally out on the table. No more ‘I have so much to say’, no more beating around the bush. He loved you, in the same way you loved him. So even though you knew he was right, and it wasn’t the time or place for you both to cross that line between friends and lovers..
"I love you, so much, I have for awhile now before you had One for All, before you were this big hero with the fate of the world on his shoulders," You put your hands on his chest, "So now it’s time for you to share that burden, with me, with everybody here, because we are in this together Izuku Midoriya,”
Originally you were just going to kiss his cheek, but he grabbed your face and kissed you. Both of your cheeks were still wet with tears, but you didn’t care. His lips were still chapped, but you didn’t care. It was a quick moment, maybe not even the most romantic, but you didn’t care. His hands stayed on your face, and you both kept eye contact.
“When this is all over, I owe you a date.” Izuku whispered, and you agreed.
The two of you walked down to join everyone else in the common room. Bakugo was glaring at you, waiting for confirmation, and took it as a sign when you held up your middle finger at him discreetly. There was also the fact Izuku hadn’t let go of your hand as he talked to everyone else. After you got to scold All Might for letting Izuku do this.. You and Izuku eventually ended up falling asleep together on the couch. His head resting against your chest, instantly soothed by the sound of your heartbeat. Your hand was in his hair, still gently playing with it before you slipped into an even deeper sleep.
“Should we move them to their beds?” Kirishima looked at the two of you tangled together on the couch. Todoroki shook his head, and put a blanket over you both.
“Nah, they’re not letting each other go anytime soon.” Bakugo defended you two, and he even took it upon himself to sleep on the other couch.. Just in case of course.
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ecargmura · 8 months
Cherry Magic Episode 4 Review - You're A Wizard, Tsuge
As the first half of the episode has shown, Tsuge has become a wizard now. Like Adachi, he has gained the power to listen to people’s hearts. How will Tsuge use this to find a love interest? Well, he found one already. That was darn freaking fast. Who does he fall in love with? The cute deliveryman Minato.
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I think their ship name is called Tsugemina. Anyways, Tsugemina’s portrayal in the live action is a bit exaggerated compared to the manga and anime (which are pretty much identical). In the live action, Tsuge is very dramatic when he falls for Minato and when he realized he’s in love, he actually bashes his head against a bookshelf. When I watched the live action, I thought that Tsuge was a bit of a weirdo, but reading the manga and watching the anime made me realize that the way Tsuge is portrayed here is more faithful as he is a stoic man by nature. While the Tsugemina section seems short, that’s because the Tsuge chapters are pretty short in comparison to the main couple; there aren’t a lot too, so who knows when we’ll get another segment of them in future episodes.
I do like the Tsuge and Adachi scene. As Tsuge is a novice wizard, he’s unsure how to make use of the power, but for Adachi, the power has brought good things into his life; Tsuge even notices this too as Adachi has become a bit more talkative, especially when the topic revolves around Kurosawa. In the manga, this scene actually takes some time after the second Tsugemina scene as Adachi had mentioned that he read Tsuge’s new book and noticed the change in his usual heroine types as he added in a heroine with the exact same description as Minato, showcasing how down bad he is for this guy he barely knows (heck, he doesn’t even know his name until later on). Despite the changes, I do like the scene but I dislike the fact that Tsuge gets blocked from the chances he gets to talk to Adachi about the magic.
After Tsuge and Adachi meet up, the episode then shifts to Adachi being the focus character, which I think is a rather good way to transition. Adachi gets jealous for the first time when he sees a pretty lady talking with Kurosawa and starts getting insecure about himself. Despite his jealousy, he does realize that if he did get jealous of that woman, that means he does like Kurosawa in that way. I do like how he was fast to process that and accepted it right away. It sort of shows that even if he doesn’t have romantic experiences, he’s still mature enough to understand what love is.
It’s kind of sad to see why Adachi’s so hesitant towards romance. I sort of get it. If I heard someone say that it’s impossible to date me because of the lack of experience, I’d get insecure too. I’m glad that Kurosawa exists to show that Adachi can be loved no matter how much he adverses romance. The part where Kurosawa comes over to his house was sweet; however, how the heck did he know his address? The way Kurosawa thought about how he’d cherish all of Adachi’s first was heartwarming. I legit stomped my feet in a giddy mood. Why is this anime so cute? Why are they so cute?
No worries, though. The pretty lady happens to be Kurosawa’s sister, Mari. She’s hilarious as she feels like a typical older sibling trying to pester her brother to get what she wants: to stay at Kurosawa’s place until her boyfriend apologizes to her. She even followed him to Adachi’s house via GPS. I do like how Kurosawa feels like a bullied little brother here. She is also good with words as she managed to convince Kurosawa to stay at Adachi’s house, to which his simp self accepts after fantasizing a domestic AU he conjured up in his mind. Haha, he’s such a simp.
Oh and uh, the voice actor trivia of the week is that Gen Sato, Minato’s VA, only has done BL recently. Like out of the four main cast, he has the least amount of experience in BL media but I’m sure that’ll change. In the drama CD, he was voiced by Kouhei Amasaki.
What are your thoughts on the birth of the side couple? How about Mari as a character? What about the whole Kurodachi segment? What did you think about the episode as a whole?
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gear-project · 2 years
Annon-Guy: Fighting Climax - Your close, but everyone except Akira and Selvaria originated from Light Novels, a "cousin" of sorts to Manga. The Anime shows didn't happen until later after the Novels (and manga sometimes). Sometimes Anime Adaptations get flack for either not following the story (which in Dengeki's case is not the case and they stay close to the original story) or flanderizing certain characters (Taiga is much MORE physically aggressive to Ryyuji in the anime then in the novel).
I'm vaguely familiar with a lot of shows having originated as Light Novels, but I find myself reading Manga versions more often these days, so I'm less familiar with the Light Novel versions.
And yes, I'm aware of the Virtua Fighter and Valkyria Chronicles guests, though I'm also aware that Virtua Fighter characters have also been guest characters in the Dead or Alive games as well.
I'm not entirely familiar with Valkyrie Chronicles, though I have heard of it (military simulation tactical games don't interest me as much as other genres do, like Valkyrie Profile/Valkyrie Elysium for example or the Disgaea games).
I've played anime styled fighting games like Jump All-Stars before, and even the Tales of Versus game, among others... heck, I even covered Shining Blade Arcus recently...
But, I find, in terms of my own personal interests with fighting games in particular, that I prefer a very specific style of anime game.
That style of game started with games like Battle Arena Toshinden and Soul Blade (Soul Edge/Soul Calibur) and even obscure 2D fighting games like Gundam Battle Assault and The Rumble Fish... it was that "sharp art style" of very pronounced characters with a unique intensity that really drew me in.
Next of course would be Samurai Shodown (Samurai Spirits) and even Bloody Roar... but unfortunately I never had as much time to play those games or the funds.
Nope... try as I might... both as a fan of anime and a fan of games... I could never shake my feelings for one game alone.
And even if that game spawned offshoots (like BlazBlue, Skullgirls, Granblue Fantasy Versus, Dragonball FighterZ, and even DNF Duel)... I still wouldn't stop being a FAN of that one singular game and its unique style of visuals, music, and pacing as a fighting game.
You DO realize... I'm talking about Guilty Gear, don't you?
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rubylarkspur22 · 6 months
No Context Manga Note Quotes
So, to best prepare for writing the manga arcs of Demon Slayer(mostly in Sunlit Blossoms), I purchased volumes 15-23, and made some notes to have a general idea of what's supposed to be going on. Here are some quotes from my notes, which I am reading backwards!
Of course, Manga Spoilers ahead. A lot of 'em.
"Tanjirou wakes up demonic and ready for war crimes..."
"... Evil Sunshine Boy who's clearly prepared to rip their head off and eat their internal organs."
"Oh, yeah, the sun's still in the sky and demons still burn up in its vengeful rays, and Tanjirou starts getting crispy before he can kill someone."
"Surprise mf! Sun Breather is sun proof! God damn it!"
"One man must be Bakugou's ancestor with hw aggressively he yells 'DIEEE!!'..."
"... and apparently the plan is Giant Demon Baby..."
"... Miss 'Casually Spend a Year Micro-Dosing Until My Body Has 700x the Lethal Dose of Wisteria Poison'"
"Muzan calls Kaburamaru dumb... like the guy who's failing with 5 brains has room to talk"
"Muzan reflects on his clash w/ Yoriichi, claiming Mr. Chillest MF Alive was the true monster..."
"'F*** You' drug cocktail"
"Surprise mf! Tanjirou's back in business! Man's half-blind, actively dying, and ticked all to hell, all bets are off!"
"... but Tanjirou's f*** to give got taken out by the poison."
"... until they mention Muzan will escape, which has homeboy[Tanjirou] suddenly very awake"
"1000+ Year Old Man Doesn't Know What a Cat Is, more at 10"
"Nezuko gets Ghost GPS from Tanjurou, and promptly yeets herself off a cliff..."
"Meanwhile, Tanjirou can't breathe because of the blood he's choking on..."
"Tanjirou's ready to end a career and an existence"
"... free round of entrees"
"... Tanjirou is prepared for a multitude of felonies involving Muzan until Giyuu tells him to calm tf down"
"Yuichirou tries to get Muichirou to go back to the land of the living... like Muichirou hasn't been cut in half like Darth Maul"
"Spoiler alert! The dumb f***s don't standby!"
"Hello, Monster Head! I can already see the monster f***ers drooling all over this guy"
"Mama Tsugikuni is a queen, protecting her baby right after giving birth to twins"
"Gyomei casually alters his blood flow... as ya do"
"Then Sanemi whips out the foot sword, like the absolute madman he is"
"Being in complete control of the terrain has its perks, and is annoying for the opponents"
"Akaza realizes Tanjirou has gone Plant Mode..."
"... then the dumba** yells his intent"
"[Akaza] pokes at the wound labelled 'Kyojurou Rengoku'"
"Yay, Blood Demon Styptic(anti-BDA-Juice)"
"Zenitsu has balls now. Good for him"
"Go off, Queen! Poison him! Avenge your sister!"
"Muzan's a b**** who refuses to take responsibility for his role in messing up the world(... not surprised)"
"... Tanjirou violates his restraining order..."
"... he[Tanjirou] and Giyuu chat after the daylights are regained"
"(Tamayo is a menace, and she's great!)"
"... Tanjirou gets a restraining order"
"... Zenitsu gets chucked in a river and Inosuke gets CPR"
Not directly backwards, but these are some of my favourite quotes from the Volume 15-23 notes I took for the Demon Slayer manga.
It's not even every note I took. Some were very straightforward, others had humour to them.
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super Manga ch.51-54
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Dragon Ball fans will read a comic like this and be like “It’s about time they let the supporting characters do something for a change!” even when “something” is “getting clobbered by henchmen.”
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So last time, Moro defeated everyone on New Namek and consumed the planet’s life force.  Goku, Meerus, and Majin Buu narrowly escaped via Instant Transmission, while Vegeta hitched a ride on Merus’ GP ship, then hijacked it and made the pilot take him to Planet Yardrat. 
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Moro doesn’t particularly care what the good guys do from here, since he no longer sees them as a threat.  He’s content to let them run loose in the universe until he’s ready to consume their power.  In the meantime, he’s got his army of escaped space crooks, and he sends them to find worlds with plenty of ki energy for him to eat.  Their first target is Zoon, the homeworld of Pui Pui and a bunch of crewmen from Babidi’s spaceship.  The criminals loot the planet of its treasures, then Moro shows up to devour its energy.  Then they move on to the next world.
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However, this particular group of crooks is only feigning loyalty to Moro, so when they scout a planet, they just loot it and tell the others that it was a dry well.  Then they get the bright idea to loot Earth, since they heard that it has a supply of “blue aurum” or “sky gold”, a precious metal used for spaceship propulsion. 
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Meanwhile, Goku spars with Merus because he’s curious about Merus’ powers.  There’s a special training room in GP headquarters, but it’s not reinforced to handle Goku beyond Super Saiyan 3.  Nonetheless, Goku is satisfied that Merus has powers and abilities that he doesn’t understand, which means Merus might be able to train him, which could help him refine his control over Ultra Instinct.  Goku thinks UI could turn the tide against Moro, except he doesn’t know how to activate Ultra Instinct at will.  Merus agrees, and takes Goku to a Hyperbolic Time Chamber where three days pass on the inside for every one day on the outside.  The time dilation isn’t as great as the Chamber on Earth, but Merus is only interested in using it because he can cut loose in there without anyone knowing about it. 
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Meanwhile, Vegeta meets the Yardratti master who taught Goku Instant Transmission, a guy named Pybara.  The Yardratti look different in this comic because I guess Toyotaro wasn’t sold on how they looked in the anime, but he still included the anime design, and wrote a throwaway line about how there’s multiple types of Yardratti. 
Anyway, in DBZ, Goku said that they knew lots of neat techniques, but Pybara explains here that they really only deal in a single study-- Ki Control-- which can be applied in a multitude of ways: Teleportation, duplication, size changing, etc. 
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While Goku and Vegeta train, the Galactic Patrol struggles to deal with the unfolding crisis.  They send Jaco to Earth to deputize more fighters into the Patrol.  What he doesn’t know is that Piccolo has already caught the bunch who came to loot the Earth of its sky gold, and he failed to stop them from sending out a distress signal to Moro.
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I think I’m up to Volume 11 of the manga.  It ends with a bonus comic where Goku and Vegeta explain the plot of the Broly movie to Meerus. 
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Jaco briefs Dragon Team on the group of criminals Moro sent to investigate the first group’s disappearance.  Moro doesn’t particularly care about the first group, but he figures if they got captured on Earth then, there must be some decent power there worth absorbing.  Jaco knows the next group, but in particular, he’s concerned about an android called Seven Three.  He has a copy ability that he activates by grabbing a victim by the neck.  Once he does that, he can imitate the victims entire moveset for thirty minutes.  They’re supposed to be ten days away by spaceship, but Seven Three last used his copy power on a planet of Sonic the Hedgehog guys, and it turns out they can make warp portals, so he arrives early.
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So Seven Three manages to copy Piccolo’s powers, which forces Piccolo into a veritable stalemate.  Then Gohan shows up and turns the tide, because he’s more powerful than Piccolo and he knows Piccolo’s moves so well.  Seven Three tries a Hellzone Grenade on Gohan and he just slips out of is and catches Seven Three unaware.
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Gohan manages to get the upper hand, but before he can finish Seven Three off, he switches powers.  Turns out he can save power-sets that he copied earlier, and one of them was Moro’s.  So now Gohan has to fight a guy with all of Moro’s abilities, and Moro made short work of Goku and Vegeta. 
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But the real Moro learns that Earth is where Goku and Vegeta came from, and that they’ll return eventually, and Moro decides he’d rather postpone the attack on Earth until then.  So he orders his goons with withdraw and plans to return two months later.  This is relayed to Merus, and then to Goku. 
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Meanwhile, Whis visits his father, the Grand Minister, and asks about Merus.  Apparently he’s not what he seems, or something.  I... sort of don’t care, to be honest.  
This arc is really all over the place.  The basic conflict is overly simplistic: Moro wants to eat all life energy in the universe and no one is powerful enough to stop him.  And yet we have all these subplots going on, most of which don’t really matter in the long run.  The fight on Earth was pointless, since Moro has nothing to win or lose, and then he just calls off the battle so he can do it again later.  The whole thing with Majin Buu apparently went nowhere.  I liked the idea of calling back to the Grand Supreme Kai, but none of it actually mattered.  Now we’ve got this whole mystery surrounding Merus, but what difference does it make?  He can’t beat Moro, and if he’s a double-agent, it doesn’t matter, because Moro has no need for such things.
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rikeijo · 1 year
Today's translation #403
Ferbi vol. 41, Sayo Yamamoto's interview
Part 15.
-- You said just that, didn't you? (laugh)
Y: And then, for the first time, somebody had really listened to me. The producer told me that he'd just got a request from Asahi TV and that they wanted to make a sports anime. When I heard that, I thought that I had to make an anime about Grand Prix series - there was no other option. If I made Grand Prix series the theme of the anime, I thought that it should work just fine, if GP Final was in the final episode, and 12 episodes should be just enough to construct the story.
-- And from that moment, the Yuri!!! project has started for good, is that right? The (original) screenplay was created by a mangaka, Mitsurou Kubo, but why have you decided to work with her?
Y: At first, I was planning to work with a scriptwriter, but I thought that I wouldn't be able to find anybody, who is as obsessed with figure skating, as I am (laugh). At that time I really loved a radio podcast that Kubo-san was doing with Nomachi Mineko-san, All night Nippon, and I were listening to them very often. I was just a one listener, but I selfishly thought that I could become good friends with her. And then Kubo-san started to talk about figure skating on that podcast and it was really interesting. I knew that she had created manga storyboards that were used as screenplay for "Moteki" the movie, but when I read about her more, I saw that she had a long-running manga series in "Weekly Shonen Magazine", so I could visualize that she should be able to write a screenplay for a TV anime series, as well. Another important thing was that she had experience in being involved with works based on somebody else's original ideas. I thought that she must be used to working with other people.
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
I'm a bit late because I got sidetracked earlier, and technically I'm supposed to be writing a paper for class, but I think I have enough time, and I'm not going to be able to focus until after the brainrot delivery anyway, so here we go.
I'm still not completely sure what to do about Sun in LU EAH AU, but it just occurred to me that I will be replacing the Master Sword with the Vorpal Sword. Personally, I think Vorpal Sword sounds cooler than Master Sword anyway, so it's fine.
The thing is, I forgot about Fi and Ghirahim until now. Fi is still going to be a sword spirit, but to keep with the cautionary tale theme of fairytales, her origin story is going to have to be modified a little bit, I think. (To be honest, this AU is turning into a "how mean can Gryphon be to the characters" challenge.)
The idea behind the sword spirits is that they're a consciousness that's inside a sword (presumably to make it very powerful). More or less the equivalent of a human/hylian soul.
I haven't ever read the comic/manga about what happens prior to Skyward Sword, but I know that the general agreement tends to be that Hylia was in love with the original version of Link and that that's why she chose to be reincarnated with him.
So I need to fact-check that at some point just to clear things up, but I think it would be really cool to have Fi be a soul that sacrificed herself for one reason or another to be remade into a blank slate to power the Vorpal Sword and also act as a GPS/personal assistant to the wielder of the sword.
Fi wouldn't even have to be Hylia's lover, she could have an unrequited crush, be her best friend, or even the deity equivalent of a sibling or child. (Maybe the Fierce Deity is actually Fi's younger brother or cousin.) I think Fi could very easily be aromantic, asexual, and/or a lesbian, all of which are excellent options in my opinion.
I think it would allow for some interesting possibilities regarding types of love and devotion, especially if Ghirahim had a parallel origin story, except his sacrifice wasn't made out of a pure love and that's why he's so creepy and evil. I think it would make sense for him to be infatuated with Demise (although the feeling is not mutual) and thus taken advantage of and turned into what he currently is.
I don't really think most of this backstory would ever be in the main story, but it would make a good side story because I am now very invested. If there is interest in it, I might actually go ahead and write out a couple thousand words of plot around it.
HELL YEAH HELL YEAH DAILY BRAINROT!! I get so excited when I see these
(I wish you luck on your paper, you got this)
OUGH AN UNREQUITED CRUSH OH MY GOD. Lesbian Fi would be so cool, but also so would any of those other options YOU ARE COOKING AS USUAL DUDE
thank you so much for the daily brainrot I look forward to the next one :)
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no-psi-nan · 1 year
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Real Answer:
I've cried about this before on here multiple times but this is my favorite line, and the one that made me an indefatigable Akechi stan:
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Yeah I'll have feelings about this again, why not.
"I can still be your playmate" literally recontextualized the way I think about love hsfjdlshfks. Like. Play is such an essential part of living. Not just for humans, pretty much every animal we've ever studied turns out to engage in play when given the opportunity (feels safe, not hungry/thirsty).
And playing with others is especially important in social species! Notice how core playing is to human society: all games obviously, but also sports, gambling, a huge chunk of media dedicated to various games or using games as a base for a story, etc.
Anyways, Kusuo just hasn't gotten the opportunity to play, really play, since he was a small child. Even if those early games with Kusuke counted, they no longer did once Kusuke installed the limiters. After that, every game was tinted with the danger of basically losing his life should he lose, essentially destroying any fun that Kusuo could have gotten from it. Not at any point does Kusuo wish he could play a game with his brother again – it's something he would rather avoid at all costs.
And we can see that Kusuo does not really know how to play on his own either. When left to his own devices, he only reads/watches/plays shitty/obscure media, watches live TV, or stares at the ceiling. His powers prohibit him from doing a lot of things, and if he's up to anything else, it's usually training to improve his control (like when he threw a baseball back and forth a billion times to get better at it).
So when Akechi comes up with a game for Kusuo to play, it's actually groundbreaking. Especially because Akechi purposely does not place any limits on Kusuo in order to do it! That's HUGE!
Kusuke ALWAYS tries to limit Kusuo when they play, handicapping Kusuo in London with a GPS tracker and 2 friends to limit his power use, and using Toritsuka as a hostage during the Cat Tank arc (and there's no way Kusuke didn't shoot at Toritsuka directly multiple times to make Kusuo take the hit). The only time Kusuke doesn't handicap Kusuo is for the fireworks "birthday surprise", but that was explicitly because he was testing the limits of Kusuo's powers to adjust the Cat Tank.
On the other hand, Akechi doesn't put any limits on what Kusuo could do to play, and in fact, watches him obviously using his powers (specifically clairvoyance and distance telepathy). To him, Kusuo using his powers is not cheating, because Kusuo's powers are as much a part of him as his hands or eyes.
The wording of Akechi's comment in the first panel, "I guess [...] I'm still better than you when it comes to betting on horse races", and then "It seems there may still be plenty of things we can go head to head in", shows that Akechi didn't actually know whether he would be able to provide Kusuo with a challenge. And that he's happy he can! Because it means that he and Kusuo can play together!
And tbh, Akechi himself probably has trouble finding people who can keep up with him in games. He mentions in the same chapter that he doesn't have any friends and isn't even sure what social people do for fun, rip.
So anyways, it just really hit me that the ability to be playmates is so important for a deep personal relationship. Like if you can't feel safe enough to relax and be silly and vulnerable, and try new and different things together, how good is that relationship really, y'know??
Yeah. That line gets me every time lol.
Stupid Answer:
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Love that he's trying so hard to take the conversation away from anything that could mess up the manga rating but as soon as someone makes an incorrect statement about dick, he immediately has to correct them with penis ethnography. We stan this pan king lmao.
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My special interest is cock and brother, I'm about to start info-dumping.
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