#GOW Odinsons
nonndrawz · 11 months
Rating the GOW Odinsons on how well they would twerk
Thor: 9
I think everyone can agree that Thor has the most booty!!! Like??? He's double-cheeked up on a Thursday afternoon with hella ass!!! When the sun is still out!!! So he seems like a perfect 10/10 right??? Well unfortunately Thor needs to get tipsy first because there's no way in Hel he's gonna twerk sober!!! As a result of his drunkness, Thor wouldn't have have good tempo/wouldn't be perfectly on beat. However, his thunderous ass claps would hard carry.
Týr: 3
As much as I love Týr, there is no way he's getting a good rating. First of all, this man is built like a rectangle so there's barely any curves or ass. Secondly, I can't imagine him having any dancing skills because he's too shy to move his body and his long limbs make it difficult. Sure he traveled the world and saw new dances but out of respect, he wouldn't try any of it. Plus at the end of the day, he's a lanky white boy, so I don't think he has any rhythm. Tbh the only positive I can see is that he'll try his best.
Heimdall: -100
This man couldn't twerk to save his life.
Baldur: 8.5
Now why would I rate Baldur so high??? Well, firstly this man absolutely will twerk without question, so he doesn't need to be drunk to do any goofy shit. Secondly, he's crazy and skilled enough to try all sorts of twerking styles and methods (like twerking upside-down). Thirdly because of his (curse) immortality, he has unlimited stamina and can twerk for hours on end. Fourthly because he lacks physical sensation, his other senses are probably heightened and stronger. So it's likely that he can hear better and therefore be more on beat. Lastly, Baldur definitely has enough boredom and free time to master a dancing skill just for the fun of it. The only negative is that he has an average ass, so he can't get it clapping.
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smallkebab · 2 years
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Papa Thor and baby Thrúd 🥹
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 5 months
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👁️ They know some stuff about you 👁️
Heimdall would bully you and shove you up the locker while Silja teases you about your most embarrassing moments of your life.
Night sketch of Heimdall and Silja. Bro I don't know what or why am I doing this but yeah just have it 😂
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anyabathory-blog · 7 months
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God of the Foresight everyone.
*swears in Old North* *meow*
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Tyr and Thor
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From experience I can tell you that the eldest child is ALWAYS the first one to see through the bullshit of their parents.
So Tyr is the oldest child in this verse (nothing says otherwise).
When we hear his story, we know he is this calm, peacful, loving person and that he turned on his father to save the giants and innocent people.
Being the peacful person he is, he must have relentlessly tried to talk to his father and convince him before outright turning on him. and there must have been a breaking point for him to give up on his father completely.
I thought to myself: "What was the breaking point?" and then it hit me.
A young Thor who had accidentally killed his own mother.
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Odin makes his life hell for it. Tyr begs his father to go easy on Thor.
"It was an accident. He's only a child." he would beg. The words only fell on deaf ears as Odin continued to make Thor into his killing machine.
That was the breaking point. That was the day Tyr started working towards Odin's downfall
Tyr didn't turn on Odin for giants. He turned on him for the giant that mattered to him the most.
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hawkofkrypton · 2 years
Im REALLY loving how they made Odin a “manipulative mob boss” type, someone who rules with psychological presence, charisma rather than raw power and might.
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A breath of fresh air compared to like… 99% “big fellas” in the series (2/3 of this group included) plus perfect sense Atreus would “vibe more” with him, since he’s never really been one for muscle talk.
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puppymeowchow · 2 months
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I feel like they would be friends or worst enemies
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kuroosamaa · 1 year
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I offer a quick sketch of the big boi himself ⚡️
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day0fnight · 5 months
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god of war ragnarök - heimdall odinson and helheim
( portraits and scenery 4 / 6 )
developer: santa monica studio
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tacticalhimbo · 3 months
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no thoughts, just a big boy <3
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smallkebab · 2 years
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Thor, God of Thunder ⚡️
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 5 months
What's Silja's story and her relationship with Heimdall?
Ah yes! I've mustered up a story for Heimdall and Silja inside my mind, so here goes! (This is gonna be a long post lol I'm gonna pour it all here)
🔮Some Heimdall x Silja Lore! 🌌
oh and their theme song is 'Circles' by EDEN 👁️👁️
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Silja was born in the times when Freyr ruled over Alfheim. As Freyr was away a lot because of the conflicts with the Aesir and Freya, Freyr and the elves decided to 'create' a being which can hold the balance and peace between the light and dark elves. Freyr merged a piece of himself with the Light of Alfheim. From there, Silja was born/created. So Freyr is kind of her father.
Silja is the goddess of memory and remembrance, as her eyes were imbued with the Light of Alfheim itself, enabling her to see everyone's past. She was raised as a princess by the elves, but she's pretty much a trophy goddess who holds the peace in Alfheim when Freyr disappeared after Odin and Freya married.
In truth, Silja became bitter and judgemental as well from her hindsight powers. She could see the elves' pasts, even when they don't remember. She's always in Alfheim, and so she desires adventures more than anything - freedom.
During the time of Odin and Freya's marriage, Silja often comes to Asgard as an ambassador of Alfheim for diplomatic reasons. That's when she finds her joy, a chance to get out of Alfheim to visit other realms. And that, was where she met Heimdall.
(YES THEY'RE COUSINS) (BUT NOT REALLY OKAY) (Heimdall had 9 mothers while Silja is born from the Light) (God that sounds so bizarre HAHAHAH)
Heimdall can see her thoughts, while Silja can also see his past. For once in their lives, they met a similar person. They quickly become the Judgy Friends™.
One day, because she could fly (another gift from the Elves) she took Heimdall away from the wall and took him strolling along other realms, showing him that the other realms are beautiful as fuck as well.
When Odin knew that Heimdall had left his post in the wall, Odin became furious and disappointed, telling him how would he entrust Gjallarhorn with him if he left his post like this.
Heimdall (with his Odin's manipulation tactics) grew distant and pushed Silja away. With Freya's banishing from Asgard and locked away from other realms, she had to stay in Alfheim to keep the Light and Dark Elves from fighting again.
Without her father figure and her only friend, Silja, who desired freedom from her responsibilities as a trophy goddess, ran away from Alfheim, which left the realm in a state of war once again. She didn't care anymore.
>>> BOOM God of War (2018) <<<<
Silja roams the Midgard and Niðavellir, helping people with her powers of memory and remembrance, learning not to judge, but also how to empathize. At first she was still judgemental about the weakness of a powerlessness human and dwarves, but from her adventures, she learned to empathize, and helping tortured souls come to terms with their pasts.
She spent most of her time roaming Midgard, but after the death of Baldur and Fimbulwinter came down upon the nine realms, she had to go back and check on Alfheim. Finding it in chaos and dead bodies of Elves are everywhere, Silja sneaked towards the Light of Alfheim, and saw a glimpse of Kratos going inside the Light.
>>> BOOM God of War Ragnarok (2022) <<<
Still helping the Midgardians surviving harsh winters, and with her seeing the pillar of thunder-ice, Silja encoutered Kratos, Atreus, and Mimir in a fight against trolls and draugrs. Mimir introduced Silja to the father-son duo.
(The way Silja was SHOCKED when she saw Kratos' past tho...)
Kratos thought that Silja mean harm to them since they killed a lot of Elves, but turned out she paid it no mind, since they won't stop warring even if the sun lights upon Helheim.
They part ways, but Atreus bumps onto Silja in his adventures with Sindri, begging her not to tell his father. Silja being the naughty goddess she is, promises Atreus not to tell Kratos.
When Kratos and Atreus brings back Tyr to Sindri's house, Silja was left flabbergasted, because she couldn't see Tyr's past at all. It was weird, because back in the days, She could see Týr's past well enough as the others. However, Mimir suggested it might be one of the many consequences of Odin's tortures.
When Kratos and Atreus' relationship grows tense, she chooses to stay silent, because Silja understands what Atreus feels. When Atreus stormed out of Sindri's house and ran to Asgard, Kratos and Freya was worried shitless about Atreus going to Asgard, so Silja offered to follow Atreus, saying she'll make sure Atreus doesn't do anything too stupid.
Plus, she knows that the first person Atreus will meet in Asgard is him. Someone needs to protect Atreus from his antiques.
Time to visit a long-lost friend 😉
Colored version of Silja's early design (⁠ʘ⁠ᴗ⁠ʘ⁠✿⁠)
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I had a realization about Modi.
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When you first go to Asgard as Atreus and meet Sif, she's angry at you, due to what you did to Modi. Which tells you she resented Atreus for what he did.
When you meet Thrud, she tells you no one liked Modi and that they're better off without him and actively tries to be friends with you, which at least tells you she didn't resent Atreus despite him needlessly killing her brother.
When you work with Thor the first time and he pins you to the wall with Mjolnir, he starts with "Modi had some problems." That and the first battle with Kratos tells you that Modi was regarded lowly even by Thor and Thor refuses to acknowledge his own role in Modi's death.
When you meet Sif again with Thrud, she angrily scolds Thrud and says that she shouldn't be with Atreus because of "What his father did." not "What he and his father did.".
and in Ragnarok, when you meet Thrud again, she says "You're a killer just like your father and you're here to kill us all." implying that she thought he wasn't a killer.
All of these facts point to one conclusion:
They never told Thrud what happened to her brother.
She thinks both her brothers died in battle. She doesn't know what Thor did.
Which makes sense, but also ...... that's fucked up.
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yumehonkaii02 · 5 months
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I make this doodle again...
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thydonutart · 2 years
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He dislikes* them all equally.
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day0fnight · 5 months
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god of war - baldur odinson
( icons 1 / 2 )
developer: santa monica studio
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