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atf1216 · 6 years ago
GOT Series Finale
So I’ve decided that no matter what happens, this show has been a HUGE part of my life and I will love it always. There is really nothing else to say. The actors have been FANTASTIC. The costumes, locations, set decorations insanely amazing that it always appeared that we could just walk into these places and find who we wanted from the show. The music has just been... wow. I mean, just wow. Regardless of how this season has played out, I am so so thankful for this show. I really am.
But I’m still going down with my ship!! GENDRYA FOREVER!!!
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besttvvideos-blog · 6 years ago
GAME OF THRONES | A WRITER'S CURSE What the writers prevented: Predictable ending. Daenerys or Jon Snow ruling and winning the Game of Thrones. Cersei suffering or dying brutally. And all other obvious fan theories. Guess what. They did none of that. Yep. Not predictable. But really? Was it worth it? They tried so hard for it not to be predictable at the expense of what could've been or what could be a historic TV event.
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jjenkinsphoto · 6 years ago
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>>> SWIPE >>> The coffee cup indident!! Such a blast shooting this series with them last month at MegaCon! 🐺⚔️👑☕ Melisandre | @annafaith Sansa Stark | @lexiegracelove Bran the Broken | @justin.sparapani Arya Stark | @olliemei Night King | @nicktheklown Daenarys Targaryen | @jennapavlic Jon Snow | @kosplaykev Event | @officialmegacon Inspiration | @gameofthrones & @starbucks ————————————— BE SURE TO TURN ON POST NOTIFICATIONS TO SUPPORT AND STAY UP TO DATE WITH MY WORK! ————————————— ©️ DO NOT CROP & RE-EDIT PHOTOS / ALWAYS ADD PHOTOGRAPHER / COSPLAYER CREDITS WHEN SHARING ©️ ————————————— #hbo #gameofthrones #branthebroken #aryastark #jonsnow #nightking #branstark #got #daenarystargaryen #housestark #gotseriesfinale #megacon #megacon2019 #megaconorlando #cosplay #cosplayers #cosplayphotography #sonyalpha #fanguru #amazingcosplay #finalbattle #kingslanding #ironthrone #starbucks #cosplays #cosplaying #cosplaypic #gameofthronescast (at MegaCon Convention) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByN-CjajbiK/?igshid=133b5y0zrdoya
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blissful-tomorrows · 6 years ago
For the last time... series finale...
Valar Morghulis
Dany better die 🙄🙄
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waltf · 6 years ago
VERSÃO ORIGINAL EM TELA INTEIRA... May 26th, 26 de Maio...Trailer de ‘The Last Watch’ (A última vigília) – documentário que será lançado após o fim da 8ª temporada mostrando os bastidores da reta final! Tem até o Kit Harington chorando na leitura dos roteiros. #TheLastWatching #MakingOff #BehindTheScenes #ForTheThrone #HouseStargaryon #Stark #Targaryon #ValarMorghoulis #ValarDohaeris #GameOfThrones #GoT #GoTseriesFinale @gameofthrones @hbo @hbobr 🗡⚔️ ❄️ 🐺🔥 #OhanaSaltySoul #SeaSaltySoul #MamaGirlsSurfToo 🐚 Feat by @waltf 🌀Follow @my.beach.home & @kahunadogs & @ohanasaltysoul 🙏🏻🌀🌸🏄🏻‍♀️���🏻‍♀️🌊🐚☀️🌴🐳🐬🐋🍃🍍👊🏻✌🏻️��� Mahalo ohana, mahalo ke akua!!! 😎✌🏻️🌊👙🐚🌴🍍☀️🏄🏻‍♀️🧜🏻‍♀️🏄🏻🏖🏝🌅🙏🏻🌀 #Aloha #Ohana #Namastê #Mahalo #MahaloKeakua #MahaloNuiLoa #CarpeDiem #AlohaAina #AlohaKai #AinaLani #AlohaSpirit #SaltyWaterLife #SunSaltSea 👊🏻Followers sales profiles and inappropriate profiles I block and report! https://www.instagram.com/p/BxqKn8hBFYT/?igshid=1whyug2zu63dp
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coolrosiethings · 6 years ago
Gendrya positivity
Call me a clown, but I still don't believe the leaks are 100 % true, if at all. All the little things they did with the Gendrya storyline, especially the symbolism with the Hound/Gendry can't have been for nothing. That wouldn't make sense at all. I know what D&D did to Bramie, believe me I don't like it either, but at least the addiction/love for Cersei has always been part of Jamies character. So I will keep on hoping until I've seen the episode on Monday evening. I may regret putting that much faith in D&D, but what's life without a little hope and optimism.
See you on the other side, Gendrya-Fam.💞
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Not my Gifs.
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hurricane-red · 6 years ago
Is There Life After Game of Thrones?
A Reflection
As the final episode of Game of Thrones is now airing this weekend, I thought it would be a great time to reflect on how far we've come, where we are today, and where (I think) we're going to end up.
Filming for the first season of the show began right around the time I started a new relationship, and when the TV premiere finally aired, the two of us had just gotten married. We followed the development of the show through the internet, and my subscription to Entertainment Weekly, and I was SO excited about it. I hadn’t read any of the books at the time, but I managed to read all 4 of them (A Dance of Dragons hadn’t been published yet) before the show came off hiatus to begin airing Season 2.
I have to confess - I’ve been a Jon Snow fan from Day 1, and I immediately understood that he was going to be absolutely vital to the story - I just had no idea at the time what that would mean. 
When Game of Thrones began airing in 2011, I was 27 years old. My husband was 31. I had a 7 year old daughter, some betta fish, and a fiddler crab.
Today, she is now 15, and has just watched the previous seasons of the show to catch up within the past 2 months. We’re going to watch the finale together. I’m now 35 years old, and my husband is 40. We’ve been through several job changes, got some different pets, and I went back to school and finished my college degree in English. 8 years down the road, we are still passionate about this show...but there are a lot of loose ends that are leaving me with questions, and I want to talk about them in case they aren’t addressed in the final episode.
I have an odd sinking feeling that an hour and 20 minutes is not enough to tie up all of the loose ends that currently exist, and I’m worried about it.
1. Varys was writing a note in the beginning of Season 8, Episode 5. Who was he sending it to? He burned a note in the candle fire later - was it the same note? Were we supposed to believe he didn’t get to send the one he wrote initially? Varys has long been described as the Master of Whispers - I’m not sure he would’ve spent that time knowing he was about to be snuffed out of existence by his queen without spreading his message to someone else first. Varys’ work could continue to haunt Daenerys Targaryen long after he is gone. After all, who are his little birds going to report now that he has met his demise?
2. For a long time now, I have felt like Daenerys isn’t going to make it to the end. Recent developments have shown me that my assumptions are likely correct. I don’t believe the book series is called ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ because it’s about Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen ruling together. I think it’s called ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ because it’s about Jon Snow’s discovery about who he is and who he needs to become in order to protect his people. My biggest issue is wondering how the people who know and believe the story are going to be able to convince everyone else - there are people that are not going to believe it.
3. Jaime and Cersei Lannister may not be dead. We don’t yet have proof. 
We have major plot points still in play 
4. Why are Sam and Gilly leaving? Jon is going to need a Maester. Sam can’t just spend all that time in the Citadel and decide he’s going back home - that’s not how being a Maester works. Also, I’m pretty sure Maesters don’t have children--will they even allow him to be one knowing that he has a family now? Maesters have always kind of been presented as ‘supposed to be’ monk-like figures. 
5. What’s going to happen with the wall? Is the Night’s Watch even necessary at this point, now that the threat of the undead has been eliminated?
6. What is Bran’s role going to be in the realm now that the Night King has been defeated? I’m not sure what purpose remains for the Three-Eyed Raven.
7. Are there any Children of the Forest left? If so, what is their purpose in the larger picture, and what does it mean for Westeros?
8. Is Tyrion going to accept the seat of command at Casterly Rock, if he is the only member of Tywin Lannister’s immediate family left alive to do so? Or will he remain by the side of whoever comes out on top as the ruler of Westeros?
9. I’m fairly confident at this point that Sansa Stark will rule on as the Lady of Winterfell, but what is Arya’s place in the kingdom? Does she even have one?
10. Do we care about Robin Arryn at this point? I mean, I’m pretty sure he’s still up in The Eyrie, but what I’m not sure on is if he’s important to the rest of the story anymore.
11. Who gets the dragon in the great Targaryen divorce? Will the dragon’s loyalty shift to Jon?
12. Someone’s probably going to have to kill Daenerys Targaryen in the final episode. My question is NOT whether or not this is going to happen, but WHO is going to be the one to strike the final blow?
13. Will we get to know who is in line to rule after the Targaryen line finally ends? The current prospects have no living heirs to carry on their names, and I want to know what’s going to happen down the line.
14. How does the Lord of Light fit into all of this? Does the end of the show have a religious message?
My theory for the finale? 
Daenerys will be sentenced to execution for her destruction of King’s Landing and thousands of innocent people by Jon and Sansa, and the sentence will either be carried out by Arya or Drogon. Jon Snow becomes Aegon Targaryen, 11th of his name, 998th Commander of the Night’s Watch, The Last Targaryen, and he may very well rule until the end of time, because I’m not sure he can die anymore. Melisandre may well have rendered him immortal. About what happens to the rest of these characters, I have no idea at all...but I can’t wait to find out.
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pointsincase · 6 years ago
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While everyone has been complaining about the uneven pacing of the Emmy-winning fantasy series, I’ve been politely asking for help regarding the very consistent (slow) pace of the wall of flame in my home, which has now, over the course of the last 27 days, consumed my kitchen, my laundry room, and a solid 1/6 of my living room. . Apparently if a fire moves this slowly, the fire department considers it “controlled,” and they hang up on you, even as you explain that, though admittedly more sluggish than most fires, the flames continue to advance very steadily. I set up a camcorder to record the flames for several hours, and, after speeding the footage up, you can definitely tell that it moved 8 or 9 inches. I mailed them the tape a week ago, but haven’t heard back. I guess I should’ve included a catchy intro where you see the map of my smoldering home. I bet these firefighters loved it when the red priestess Melisandre lit thousands of Dothraki arakhs aflame in a matter of seconds. These days, people only care about fast fires. It’s a real shame. . A Song of Ice and Fire author George R. R. Martin seems to have written himself into a corner, which is a lot like being stuck in the corner of a good ? of your living room because a fire is now blocking one of the three exits in your home. Sure, I still have unimpeded access to my bathroom and both of my bedrooms, but how long will that remain true? Certainly Khal Moro and the other khals of the khalar vezhven did not expect Daenerys Targaryen to set all the dirt in their temple on fire, burning it down in no time at all, but look at them now! What if my living room floor proves to be as flammable as that dirt? In any case, it's not looking like my house is going to walk out of these flames unburnt. @airbrooks #got #gameofthrones #gotseriesfinale #flamewars #housefire #housefires https://www.instagram.com/p/ByGNz70gQYy/?igshid=1l6onam5p7k2d
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iampaigeb · 6 years ago
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What do #Dragons eat? #GameofThronesSeriesFinale #GameofThrones They eat #dragoncupcakes Made from #chocolate. #chocolatecupcakes #GoTSeriesFinale https://www.instagram.com/p/BxqwjSqFhPy/?igshid=19v9rtvt3gv45
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forafriend · 6 years ago
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Just trying to manage my#gameofthrones feels for the finale #icecream #icecreamsundae #gameofthrones #gameofthronesfinale #got #gotfinale #gotseriesfinale #sanfrancisco #strawberryicecream (at Joe's Ice Cream) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxqt3TdBjIN/?igshid=102wim0ts6hbm
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dottie-minerva-mikas · 6 years ago
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She is my idol.
okay but can we talk about the fact that sansa stark spent her formative years as a prisoner in the red keep wishing every day that somebody would save her and nobody ever did?? and then years later despite the fact that she didn’t know if jon would ever forgive her for spilling the truth about his parentage, despite knowing how skilled the unsullied are and how dangerous it is to herself and her people, the moment she hears that he’s a prisoner in the red keep she rallies the remaining northmen and rides all the way to king’s landing to save him, fully prepared to go to war against the last of dany’s forces, a stance she makes very clear while she’s literally sitting right in front of the commander of said forces?? sansa stark became the hero she’d always wanted for herself 
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besttvvideos-blog · 6 years ago
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When you realize..
Game of Thrones is an Origin Story of a Super Villain.
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jjenkinsphoto · 6 years ago
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Ever wonder how Arya got her ups? See following excerpt from the script, ["Something is hurtling towards him out of the darkness — Arya," "She vaults off a pile of dead wights, leaps at the Night King, and she plunges the dagger up through the Night King's armor. The Night King shatters."] Swipe to see the moment before he shatters... 🗡❄️🐉 Arya Stark | @olliemei Night King | @nicktheklown Event | @officialmegacon Photographer | @jeffjenkinsphotography Inspiration | @hbo & @gameofthrones ————————————— BE SURE TO CHECK BACK DAILY TO STAY UP TO DATE! ————————————— FOLLOW THE LINKS IN BIO PAGE IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SUPPORT MY WORK AND ALSO PURCHASE PRINTS! ————————————— ©️ DO NOT CROP & RE-EDIT PHOTOS / ALWAYS ADD PHOTOGRAPHER / COSPLAYER CREDITS WHEN SHARING ©️ ————————————— #hbo #gameofthrones #aryastarkedit #aryastark #jonsnow #nightking #branstark #got #daenarystargaryen #housestark #gotseriesfinale #megacon #megacon2019 #dragoncon2019 #cosplay #cosplayers #cosplayphotography #sonyalpha #amazingcosplay #epiccosplay #thenightking #kingslanding #ironthrone #awa2019 #cosplays #cosplaying #cosplaypic #gameofthronescastedit (at Winterfell) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1WiEOKjQC-/?igshid=15ydv6sgbzui9
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waltf · 6 years ago
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A pergunta q não quer calar... e você, gostou do final? Eu não, mas como essa série nunca fez fan service eu sabia que não ia gostar. Valar Morghoulis, Valar Dohaeris e ponto final. Acabou. Óbvio que não vão fazer final alternativo, mas rumores dizem que apesar de dar pitacos aos produtores, o RR Martin estava esperando a série na tv terminar para escrever os dois últimos livros com um final diferente, pq ele odeia ser previsível... será??? #BrokeTheWheel #NotToday #HouseStargaryon #Stark #Targaryon #ValarMorghoulis #ValarDohaeris #GameOfThrones #GoT #GoTseriesFinale @gameofthrones @hbo @hbobr 🗡⚔️ ❄️ 🐺🔥 #OhanaSaltySoul #SeaSaltySoul #MamaGirlsSurfToo 🐚 Feat by @waltf 🌀Follow @my.beach.home & @kahunadogs & @ohanasaltysoul 🙏🏻🌀🌸🏄🏻‍♀️🧜🏻‍♀️🌊🐚☀️🌴🐳🐬🐋🍃🍍👊🏻✌🏻️😎 Mahalo ohana, mahalo ke akua!!! 😎✌🏻️🌊👙🐚🌴🍍☀️🏄🏻‍♀️🧜🏻‍♀️🏄🏻🏖🏝🌅🙏🏻🌀 #Aloha #Ohana #Namastê #Mahalo #MahaloKeakua #MahaloNuiLoa #CarpeDiem #AlohaAina #AlohaKai #AinaLani #AlohaSpirit #SaltyWaterLife #SunSaltSea 👊🏻Followers sales profiles and inappropriate profiles I block and report! https://www.instagram.com/p/BxsA5NfBCWv/?igshid=ykvyervfw9ay
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dottie-minerva-mikas · 6 years ago
But can he swing a sword?🤔
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Wtf happened to him
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blissful-tomorrows · 6 years ago
All is right in the realm...
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