brackishkittie · 1 year
crazy in love, dina woodward
— dina woodward x black!reader
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synopsis: dina as a gf whose literally infatuated with you.
c/n: pretty suggestive, but mostly just fluff!
a/n: was so excited to finally write smth for my bby dina I love her sm!!!
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☆゚— gf!dina who loves physical touch and quality time. she loves just laying next to you and admiring all of the features on your face while caressing your face with a big smile on hers.
☆゚— gf!dina who helps you get ready when you guys are going out anywhere, like on a date.
“baby can you help me please?” you ask her while struggling to put on your earrings because you two were kinda late. “was waiting for you to ask me.” she giggles and quickly helps you put your earrings on. “you look beautiful..” she says as she stares at you through the vanity mirror, she adores her gf so much.
☆゚— gf!dina who lovessssss kissing you to wake you up, kissing you before bed, and kissing you even when you’re wide awake and focused on something.
“are you done yettttt?..” she whines, she’s been trying to get your attention for awhile but you were too busy doing whatever you were doing. “almost done baby..just give me like five more minutes.” you say to her but she no longer wanted to wait and just started kissing all over your face which made you two erupt into laughter. “hey stop! that tickles! diiii get off of meeee!!!” “try to stop me then!”
☆゚— gf!dina who loves playing with your hair. she loves playing with your braids, your twists, locs, etc. she oils your scalp for you and even learned how to do cornrows for you anytime you felt like wearing a wig. she’s always ready and willing to do something for her girl.
☆゚— gf!dina who rewatches your story every single time you post yourself. she just be cheesin at her damn phone, watchin her gf look good. ( she don’t even care abt the music startin over, it doesn’t even bother her. all she cares about is her beautiful gf on the screen. )
“dina it’s been ten minutes take ts off now.” “ok fine one more time…OUUUUU look at my baby! I gotta watch it again just hold on.” “DINAAAAAA!!”
☆゚— gf!dina who sets you as her lock and home screen wallpaper so EVERYBODY and I mean EVERYBODYYYYY knows that you’re her girl and if they don’t get it by then, then they’ll be sure to know by the way she CONSTANTLY brings you up in every single conversation she has with anybody even if it has nothing to do with what they’re talking about.
“so I’ve been deciding on whether I should surprise my-” “omg my girlfriend loves surprises!” “???..what?..”
☆゚— gf!dina who loves baking and cooking with you. you guys made cinnamon rolls one time and all you two cared about was just the smell of cinnamon and love in the air. the faint noise of summer walker playing in the back from the tv and you two laughing.
“yk what this icing reminds me of baby?” “dina you are absolutely insane…” “OH COME ON!” “YOU ARE A NASTY NASTYYYY WOMAN DINA.” “you love me though.” “shut up.”
☆゚— gf!dina who gets jealous when she feels as if someone is gettin a little bit too friendly with you…if they compliment you on your hair in a way she thinks was flirting, she’ll take matters into her own hands and start mean muggin them, palming your ass, grabbin your waist..she would do anything to make it known that you were hers.
☆゚— gf!dina who I personally believe is a switch, she loves taking control most of the time but when you’re in control? GODDDDDD THAT WOMAN TURNS FERAL. she turns into putty in your hands, like she’s literally in love with you. you can just touch her in the slightest and she’ll already have goosebumps trailing up her skin.
☆゚— gf!dina who has you as her gorgeous passenger princess. she keeps her hand rested on your thigh or when at a red light, takes it as a chance to just admire you and take in your beautiful features once again. ( sometimes she doesn’t even realize the light is green and snaps out of it once she hears the loud honk of another driver behind you two. 😭😭 )
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tags: @mariefilms @machetegirl109 🫧
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
More Reading Thoughts: The Grey Havens
Oh wow, another chapter review, haven’t seen one of those in ten thousand years
I’m not ready I’m not ready I’m not ready aaaaahhh
this has been such an incredible year and a half; i don’t want this book to end
but the sooner i finish, the sooner i can start over again!! so let’s go
Fatty Bolger!! 😭 We missed you, friend!
Man how am I gonna draw him skinny and still recognizable?? Guess I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it
Man I remember being so annoyed that she received a welcome like this when I was a kid, but now that I’m older, the display of mercy is overwhelmingly touching
She’s leaning on Frodo’s arm!! FRODO’S! He brought her out himself! And they all cheer for her courage and tenacity!
Y’know what? You’re all right after all, Lobelia. You’re all right.
I love the implication that hobbits will not accept a mayor who is not RotundTM 🤣
Ahhhhh okay so THAT’S where I got my childhood definition of “horny”
I’m sure in this case it means “like horn (the material), hard and rough”, which is an excellent descriptor, and it’s a shame I will never be able to use it in my own writing
Aww, I love you, Gaffer
“It was a purely Bywater joke to refer to it as Sharkey’s End” PFFFFFFT 🤣🤣
The four hobbits being known as the Travellers is so sweet
Frodo: “Ah yes, your box of dirt, the box of dirt from Galadriel, the box of dirt given specifically to you by Galadriel, Galadriel’s dirt”
I love that Frodo knows every single grain of this stuff is magical
I love even more that Sam is antsy and can hardly keep himself from running around and checking if the dirt is doing anything LOL
Year 1420 haha blaze it
“All the children born or begotten in that year, and there were many…” Tolkien knows how baby booms work
“And no one was ill, and everyone was pleased, except those who had to mow the grass” BAHAHAHA 🤣
Ohhhhh oh Frodo, oh bby
Sam was away 😭 And Farmer Cotton was the one who found Frodo in his bed in pain 😭😭 o w
Okay but Frodo just automatically assuming like “of COURSE we’re gonna be roomies” is just *chef’s kiss*
I love these boys so heckin’ much
Frodo: So we’re roomies, yeah? Sam: Er, I…well I’d love to, but…but Rosie. Frodo: MORE ROOMIES 8-D
Tolkien: “And they loved Frodo dearly, and no one in the Shire was better cared for” Me: Thanks, Tolkien 🥹😭💚
Merry and Pippin walking around like the local legends they are
Sam doesn’t even know how well respected he is in the Shire 🥺
Noooo Weathertop
“Taking after Rose more than me, luckily” And this solidifies my headcanon that Rosie is drop-dead gorgeous
Frodo hiding his illness from Sam hurts, man. You can feel him trying to stay cheerful. Ow, ow, ow.
“‘You can’t go far or for a long time now, of course,’ he said a little wistfully.” I AM GOING TO EAT THE CARPET
“The Downfall of: The Lord of the Rings” Rollllll credits! *ding*
Oh. Ohhhh. The Elvish song meeting Frodo and Sam as they sit on their ponies in the forest in late evening. I’m gonna cry.
Bilbo: Well, I’m older than the Old Took now! Bucket list completed. Time to go!
“But I thought you were going to enjoy the Shire, too, for years and years, after all you have done.” Same, Sam…same. 😭😭 (that’s what the Magnolia AU is for)
How. How does Frodo predict the names of Sam’s kids. “And perhaps more I cannot see”—how can he see in the first place?? How does he know? He’s getting Elvish, Frodo is. Very, very elvish.
Just. Frodo’s whole speech. I don’t have anything to say, I’m just soaking it in, and I feel so joyful and so sad all at once. It’s so tender and intimate and yet so distant. Tolkien, you’re so cruel, I love you.
Okay okay be calm, it’s okay, just keep going
And they’re ending the story the same way they joined it because Frodo is trying to leave and they said “NOT WITHOUT US” I’M GONNA GNAW HOLES IN THE COUCH AND BAWL LIKE A BABY
The three of them riding back home in silence but taking comfort in each other
I joke about these things making me cry but I actually, literally, have mist in my eyes right now holy cow
It’s so melancholy and comforting and it hurts and yet it makes you feel so happy and whole
The story is coming to an end, and there’s so much you want to say, but you can’t find words for any of it, and yet the silence says everything and more
(And Merry and Pippin don’t start singing until they take their leave of Sam, almost as if they were being considerate of his feelings first, but as they go and you hear their voices in the distance you get the sense that everything is going to be okay)
“Well, I’m back.”
The end.
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xhanisai · 7 months
okay - something I can actually ask lol XD
have a great day bby <3
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
Fun fact, I used to always write about me and my friends and all the adventures we would go on so that sparked my interest in writing in general. As for sharing fanfiction, I was thirteen at the time and I was in the Sonic fandom (huuuuuuge fan of sonamy, silvaze and shadmari). I couldn't find any stories that were 'perfect' for me or had things I was looking for so I took the reigns myself and BOOM that's how my fanfic writer era started.
Can you believe I've been writing fanfics for over ten years...?
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
I'm an illustrator and writing is actually just a side hobby. When I do have writer's block (which is so often), I draw. But when I have art block at the same time, I try to watch things for inspiration or I go out on a walk. I'm planning to get back into playing piano too so I'm gonna use that for the creative juices.
Also, looking at your friends' stuff or discussing ideas with them can really get the creativity going!
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
I'm making progress on my new online portfolio
Haven't been hospitalised in over a year
Had really good hotpot the other day 😂
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
Duuuuuuude I have so, so many favourites! It's INSANE. For this fandom, one of the few fanarts that always come to mind is this one by NaturalWind
It's absolutely gorgeous and never fails to blow me away. I love the lighting, the colours, the pose, the art style! It's just <3333 It's so underrated and deserves so much love. But I guess since this is tumblr, some art styles are preferred over others LOL.
Thank you for the ask, Seas. MWAH <3333
Ask Game
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stitching-in-time · 6 months
Worlds 2024, thoughts on the men: My overall takeaway is that they are mostly insane, and I love them.
Ilia freaking Malinin, and his six quads! What even! He just goes out there and does a quad axel on the spot, and then does five more quads. The audacity! I feel exhausted just watching. And then he teases to watch out for what he's going to do next season, like wtf? Quints? Is that what you're planning you insane, sick child? Disgusting! Fine! Do it! Whatever! I never thought I'd see a quad axel until I was in a nursing home in the future where we have flying cars, so fine, bring this dystopian quintuple jump future upon us. Omg! Ugh! (But seriously, he's a good skater and he's improving his artistic ability every year. He seems like a nice kid, and how can you not be happy for him? I'm not sure I'm ready for the quintuple revolution, but I support him going for it if he wants to!)
Adam Siao Him Fa is insane as well, putting in freaking illegal backflips in his come-from-behind freeskate! Jfc what is it with French skaters? Do they all make a pact when they start skating to be like, 'ooh la la, I am French and I will do illegal backflips to say f*** you to le judges, who are le stupid!' Is that how it goes? I think it must be, because what crazy person, who's coming from 19th place, willingly sacrifices 2 points when they could contend for a podium spot?? Adam Siao Him Fa, apparently. And the little smart ass still makes the podium anyway, I literally love him. He's so good and he's so crazy, and he wears mesh shirts with floral prints so we all know that while Ilia is the quad god, he's still the pretty one. Frenchmen. What are they. Ugh.
Yuma Kagiyama is like always a bridesmaid with all these silver medals, but that's not exactly a bad problem to have. He really has the whole package, and while he wasn't perfect in the free, it wouldn't have mattered in the standings if he were, after Ilia's quad-fest, and I'm sure someday he'll have a perfect skate and skate away with this title yet.
Shoma Uno bby, so sad he had a rough free, he's so exquisite, and I really thought he'd defend, but he at least is experienced enough to be philosophical and gracious even when not making the podium. Truly a legend.
And omg hooray for Jason Brown and Deniss Vasilijevs! My quadless wonders! They both were so gorgeous and ended up in the top ten! I think this is the first time I've seen Deniss put together two clean programs in years! And his freeskate was totally new! He brought a brand new freeskate to freaking Worlds and nailed it! Incredible! Another insane man that I love!!
Sad to not see Matteo Rizzo, but I guess he's probably still recovering from the surgery he had instead of going to his Italian nationals, so glad he's looking after his health and getting better for next season. The other Italian guys were very good here, so hopefully they'll maintain at least two spots if not gain the three. The Italians are really building a strong team ahead of their home Olympics, we love to see it!
There was just a lot of good stuff, it was an exciting one this year, and I hope the men will continue to be their authentic, awesome and insane selves next season!
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alhaithamhabibi · 2 years
in short, i took quizzes and these are my results!
also kudos to our lovely @that-one-pretty-bitch and her post for sending me down a spiral into these manhwas! post your results too!
the first quiz ( whose your manhwa ml? )
the second quiz ( who's your manhwa father? )
the third quiz ( which fl are you? )
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...um, thanks for the poison, dad?? otherwise, he's fine for me tbh. doting dads aren't my preference tbh he seems to give me some air to breathe and just let me do my own thing just know i will fight and take away mom's attention from you ehehe >:)
i love ishid so much you have no idea like my bbyboy deserves the world ( yunifer x ishid was my first ever manhwa ship and they have a special place in my heart ) but for ishid to be my ml, i will fight everyone to protect my man and shower him with so much love ahakmdkdls
to be compared ( or assigned ) shuli von neuschwanstein as my fl adds ten years to my life ajlslfhg my gorgeous darling deserves everything and seeing her smile makes me so happy!! bby you're the light of my life, the source of my happiness, and my north star, you deserve the universe and so much more! you're gonna get your happiness in this life, i promise! <333
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vagabond-umlaut · 1 year
—waking up about two hours ago around 9,, I typically see over like 99+ new things on my dash overnight while I’m asleep ngl. so anytime between then and the ten hours prior to that might work?? that’s just in general for the weekdays too tbh. ik you done posted the fic (I’ll get to it soon bby lemme finish my coffee it already looks so good to read 😍) but that’s my opinion tho. ALSO UR ACC LOOKS GORGEOUS I LOVE IT 💖❤️💖❤️
i'll keep ur schedule in mind, baby; dw 👍🥰🥰 AAHHH pls lemme know ur thoughts once u read it 🤩🤩🤩 TYYY! ALSO ANY IDEA WHT MY BLOG TITLE REFERS TO??? 😁😁 @ancient-vivarium
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anchanted-one · 2 years
Children of the Storm
Summary: A chance discovery leads Jedi Masters Uupa WneSuul, Oteg, and his Padawan Nariel Pridence to the unexplored world of Resh-Krenth 22813; a world its inhabitants call ‘Raudraksha’
This is the beginning of my new work, the Book of Heroes. It’s a rework of my old stories from the ground up.
“Children of the Storm” is a prologue of sorts, a short story which introduces my new main lead, Vajra.
I’ll be posting chapter 2 in a couple of hours.
3658 BBY (5 BTC) System Designated: Resh-Krenth 22813; soon to be rechristened ‘Raudraksha’
The skies turned a pleasant shade of purple with the deepening dusk. A light snow fell down upon the hardened soil below. The nearby mountain stream was in full force from the recent rains, and the scent from unfamiliar flowers wafted through the air on the cold breeze.
Sergeant Tarsten of Remigold Squad stood alongside his eleven squadmates behind Jedi Masters WenSuul and Oteg. Oteg’s Padawan, the somewhat dim Nariel Pridence, stood at her Master’s side patiently. Ever the prim young lady, her hands tucked behind her back.
Before them stood several of the natives, two women and one man. The leader was one of the women, the shorter and older of the two. Shorter, but she still towered over all three Jedi, who were admittedly small in any crowd. They conversed with ZS-33 acting as the interpreter. Tarsten thought that Oteg was already starting to get the hang of the language.
Both parties’ escorts waited nearby, with weapons held in more relaxed poses now that it was clear that there would be no violence. There was just one Republic Squad, consisting of twelve soldiers, and their assigned protocol and astromech droids. The Natives, who called themselves the Raudra, numbered forty, not counting ten servants. All but two of them were women. Tarsten found these natives, especially the women, held the eye almost as well as Twi’leks did. They were gorgeous, with three dark eyes and skin that looked like a star-studded dusken sky.
Their muscles were slender and compact, and their simple garments revealed a fair amount of their midriff and shoulders. They wore carved jewellery of several kind of metals and precious stones. They had decorative tattoos on their lithe bodies. The three men had no facial hair, and were a little taller and muscular than the women.
The warriors all carried a short horn bow with arrows, a trident, a shield, and a pair of heavy short swords. They had leather armour which they had stowed away when the standoff cooled. The servants—who had taken cover behind rocks and trees until their leader had given them the all-clear—didn’t seem armed at all, except for items like knives. Flimsy ones too, useless in a fight.
“They really are something aren’t they?” Bredan sighed. “Simply gorgeous.”
“They have nothing on the Twi’leks,” Coop grunted.
“That’s your opinion, dori!” Tarsten laughed. “In my eyes, that margin is slim.”
“Three eyes...” Korin chuckled. “And what eyes they are!”
“Wonder what they’re talking about?” Bredan wondered. Several of the women were chatting particularly animatedly, eagerness alight in their gestures and lilting laughter.
The other interpreter, B8-DA, replied in its bored librarian voice. “They are talking about a festival that is to start tomorrow at dusk. They think that they can make it to their capital from here before the final day. They’re setting up a last-minute act together. That man over there is thinking of getting another set of armour as his is getting too small for him. The quieter women are discussing the ones who died slaying Darth Bellicose. There is to be a ceremony in their honour for their valour.” He listened another moment. “It seems that a child got caught up in the skirmish, and was orphaned in the violence.” Tarsten thought he was imagining it, but was that a tinge of sorrow in the droid’s voice?
“Damned Sith,” Bredan spat. “Even worse than the Hutts!”
“Hutts would have enslaved them,” Tarsten reminded him. “Not sure who’s worse of the two.”
“Sith enslave too.”
“Because they’re sadistic, not for profit,” Korin chimed in. “Which is worse?”
“To be honest, I hate assholes who grin and say ‘strictly business, nothing personal’ before slapping a collar round your neck,” Tarsten shivered.
Tarsten turned at the sound of footsteps. Several of the warriors were approaching; both men and several of the women. The one in the lead, one of the males, said something in a strong but friendly voice.
“Have we angered you in some way?” Bait translated.
“Was that all there was to it?” Captain Toramad had joined them. “Sounded like there was more to it.”
Bait was the opposite of most protocol and interpreter droids. He did not speak nearly as much, clarifying the nitty gritty the way most such droids tended to. It was a blessing and a curse. He did not get underfoot like them, but he often paraphrased.
“Their words are a little big, is all,” Bait grumbled. “Unnecessary padding. But perhaps quite pleasing to the ears. Quite unusual for a primitive civilisation. I suspect we will find poets and singers aplenty in their cities.”
“Tell them that we were discussing the Sith,” Tarsten told him. “That we know how those bastards just take whatever they want and kill thousands just to make a point. Tell them we heard them discussing their dead, and remembered our own fallen, as well as other people just as bad.”
The Droid complied, and faces darkened, some with rage, others with sorrow and pain.
One of the women said something, and Bait said. “May we sit with you? We can drink to our fallen together.”
“We accept.”
Tarsten knew that at least some of his squad was more interested in drinking with the sexy locals than an impromptu memorial, but it was difficult to pass up an opportunity to turn away free booze.
The man whispered something, and his brother-in-arms walked away to speak with a group of servants. They nodded at whatever was being said, and hastened to the cart they had stowed their supplies in. Soon they returned with several clay casks and cups.
The Raudra sat down in a messy semicircle, and the good folks of Ardent Company copied their example and formed the other half. Servants handed out the cups and began filling them with liquor. It was interesting to see a four-armed species doing this kind of task.
Once all cups were filled, the Captain raised his cup and said “To our fallen loved ones, gone too soon… but not forgotten.” The others echoed the words and swallowed. The brew did not burn the throat as badly as some did, but still had an appreciable kick hidden within.
Tarsten lowered the cup from his lips to find the Raudra staring at them, a few looking mildly offended. One of the older women clicked her tongue and said something which broke the spell.
One of the people that Tarsten had assumed was a servant walked into the middle of the ring and began reciting a hymn as all the Raudra closed their eyes and held their cups in all four hands. The hymn got over quickly enough, less than twenty seconds, and then they all opened their eyes and gulped down their drinks.
“She said ‘Our ways are not their ways’,” Bait explained without prompting. Tarsten felt a little heat in his cheeks unrelated to the ale. “Apologize for us, will you?”
Bait Complied, and the group just chuckled.
“Do you pray for your dead?” One woman asked, with Bait translating. “Do you sing?”
“Sometimes,” the Captain replied. “We just have small speeches.”
“That feels insufficient somehow,” Bait translated one’s remark. “How can you show your feelings of love, loss, pain, or joy without music?” as another, with another “It is simply not their way!” as the older woman from before reminded them. “We love music, relishing the note in every breath… but they might have other interests. Do they, perhaps, dance when they can? Paint? Carve statues?”
“All of the above,” Tarsten confirmed. “But we’re simply not that into art of any kind, except in its proper place. I don’t know why.”
Every set of three-eyed faces looked incredulous at such an utter lack of artistic expression.
The servants were quick to help clean up once the brief remembrance was over, then began making preparations for supper. With delicious smells filling the air, the warriors pressed Tarsten and the others with questions, now curious about how different the ‘lands beyond the skies’ were.
The soldiers tried to answer their questions honestly, but couldn’t help exaggerate every now and then.  Bredan and Korin, among others, were quick to make sexual innuendos and references to their virility every chance they could, but it appeared that Bait sanitized the dialogue, going by the lack of either interest or disgust.
“It is regarded a bad idea to flirt with primitive species,” Tarsten recalled. “Most primitives have archaic view on copulation. Some see it as holy, finding the thought of casual sex repugnant. Others were quick to descend into orgies at the slightest provocations, orgies which might sometimes had unintended consequences like allergic reactions or diseases. Sometimes even death, if a species responded to poor performances violently.”
Eventually, the elder from before had a question which got Tarsten’s attention.
“Which of you are the women, and which the men?”
“We’re all men,” the Captain replied. “Except for Wency, Darri, and Shei.”
The woman gapsed.
“How can you send so many of your men into battle?” she asked. “Do you have many?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Wait a minute,” Coop spoke up. “Ask them what their gender ration is.”
Bait replied. “Approximately one male in every ten births. Every child is precious, but a male, even more so.”
“But… that doesn’t make sense! Most primitive cultures would aim to subjugate the weaker sex.”
“The society is largely matriarchal it seems. The men retain their independence because Rudra—” the droid looked confused for a second. “Oh, I see. ‘Rudra’ is their main deity, and legendary ancestor. And they, the ‘Raudra’ are his descendants. Anyway, Rudra defeated a large snake who tried to enslave them, and declared that none of his descendants shall ever have their freedom taken away from them. In accordance with his wishes, no one is constrained by anything save tradition. Even the servants are not slaves.” For a second, B7 muttered a few Raudra words under his breath and said “You know, I’m starting to take a shine to their language!”
Soon afterwards, the Jedi and their leaders finished their deliberations, and returned to their respective groups. All of them seemed rather absorbed in their own thoughts, as though much had been learned on both sides.
Conversation reached a lull among the grunts too. They ate dinner in contemplative silence, after which the Raudra sang and danced hypnotically to entertain their guests, playing handheld percussive instruments.
Everyone went to bed early, with the Raudra insisting that they would take the watch as the Republic soldiers were their guests.
Tarsten and the others had a good night’s sleep for once, better than they’d had in quite a while.
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baekhvuns · 1 year
Helllooo. My trip is going well, though there's so much going on and I'm extremely tired, I don't have enough time for work 😭😭
See idek know if Madrid played well, but it's good to hear they can win when I'm not watching. Lmao right, he could've pulled a Zizou, but waited for him at the car park instead kwjdkskajsjahajaj
Man City? I don't know her, I'm sorry...
Omfg my Exol flatmate has been freaking out about all the Exo stuff, I hope I can bring her a little Exo related gift, perhaps Kim Kai?
Sports being fixed shocking 🔪 they're not even subtle. Okay maybe I'm holding a grudge cause I have two F1 friends and I sometimes read their posts and both dislike Leclerc and I definitely remember him pissing me off at some point, je suis désolé Charles jskajsksjajawjaj. But fuck Max! Oooooh a Lewis movie, a docu or a regular film?
Maybe if Chelsea did the Rover challenge they would manifest a win, because it's looking BAD for them 💀
Seonghwa needs to give me a Radiohead cover, I still of him singing Creep for a few seconds 😭 or a different Troye song, something about more... cheerful. Idk even cover Anti-Hero from Taylor cause I surprising tolerate that track. Or you know.... TAMINO. It's him in Rewrite the Stars! ❤❤❤❤ and not San giving us a sad cover too a d a song that Jonghyun has written. I haven't heard it yet, because I don't wanna be sad lol
I only heard the Xikers song once, it was fine, but I'm just not interested, and my boy Yechan - the only one I know is giving HJ lol.
I'll send you a whole truck of miso aubergine 🍙 if you stop mentioning undercut Hwa! Ok but he's legit the only one who looks good to me with undercuts... not my fave hairstyle, but still it's Hwa http://twitter.com/atinyteez009/status/1645777420413460481?t=4DN7__sgeyNsFQWfLDOg8g&s=19 except for middle row left and right THAT BALD ASS LOOK NEEDS TO GO. HWA BBY I'M SORRY BUT THIS IS A JUMPSCARE https://twitter.com/hwaberrymilk/status/1641244669551190016?t=6J038XLKmCEVkRgOTq3-SQ&s=19
No way he went coconut head when I have a chance to see him?!?! https://twitter.com/nobodylikehwa/status/1646889850082058242?t=bzDLXyXSeSsPZV-EuZUVlQ&s=19 he looks cute, but there's nothing to brag about, boy :/
I hope we'd be able to record the Taemin meeting 😭 I'm so happy. Sad that it's not the whole Shinee, because I miss them, but Lee Taeeeeeeeeeeeemin!!!! If we get Ten, Taemin and Taeyong to do the Rover challenge I want SuperM back! Btw if my friend convinced me to go to the Dojaejung album premiere I'd have seen THE LEE TAEYONG, but I didn't :"))))))
Yeah Ravi... I can see why he was desperate, but??? My guy, covid fucked everyone over you're not special
I was so shocked seeing WayV like?!?! YY was very cute and shy, they all were. I also spent too much money in that dumb grocery store, like why even, was blinded by the men! SM actually disappoints me greatly, but at least they like me now... I'm hoping for Ateez in Japan, but idk 🔫🔫🔫
I watch Kamisama Kiss and Maid Sama regularly <3 truly the blueprints
Many kpop idols should just stfu, seriously. And need to act like adults, Bambam's agency wants to sue people and alright, does who call him a pedo need to relax, but... no apology? I'm so disappointed in Chaeyoung and her shitty response, girl :/
I'm so stocked for Barbie, even if it's bad I'm living for it, but I'm looking forward to edgy MEN reviewing it lmaooo. Omg the Le Sserafim photos and teasers?! So gorgeous, I hope I like the song though
Model is annoying and Y/N was too nice to him! I still stand by that! Ooooh true Domino as well, it fits so well.
See one of my friends went to the EXO meeting, she's Korean and was appalled by the shit she heard and saw :( kinda ruined the experience for her, because some bitches next to her were awful
Pls I hope Pique's girl cheated and especially with Pep 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Hellllooooo https://twitter.com/nobodylikehwa/status/1646412780126314496?t=URn3wDrqRANfwQsY3gwniQ&s=19
????? And they're going to Qatar too. I'm gonna go and stand outside KQ's building and yell. And Waterbomb festival, uhm not Seonghwa soaked kn water THANXX - DV 💖
Helllooo. My trip is going well, though there's so much going on and I'm extremely tired, I don't have enough time for work 😭😭 //// See idek know if Madrid played well, but it's good to hear they can win when I'm not watching. Lmao right, he could've pulled a Zizou, but waited for him at the car park instead kwjdkskajsjahajaj
hello!!!! hope you’re having lots of fun!!! see madrid only played well bc all our players were injured 🤚🏻 NOO SERIOUSLY AND THAT OTHER DUDE IS TRYING TO BE INNOCENT??? MF U MOCKED A UNBORN CHILD WHILE UR A WHOLE ASS ADULT !!!!!!!! anyway, not a new news but real madrid fc dropped to a new low and is distorting and rewriting spain’s history <3 local football news : neymar’s having his second kid, hakimi did a uno reverse , livapool doing a 1-6 😳, rm dropping to a new low by bringing n*zi’s in it?????? mané and sané beef, benzema next season last season, and messi barca ✊🏻😭
???? like barcelona’s presi was unalived by that dictator they are saying favoured barca????? legitimately what the fuck
Man City? I don't know her, I'm sorry... /// Omfg my Exol flatmate has been freaking out about all the Exo stuff, I hope I can bring her a little Exo related gift, perhaps Kim Kai?
man city the one that’s most likely gonna win the treble?? hMMMMMM THE EXO STUFF PLS THE WAY I WAKE EVERYDAY TO NEW CONTENT IT FEELS SUSPICIOUS, yes! if ur in sk april 20,, u might see kai at a hello 82 event! ur exol flat mate better be ready bc we are getting the cb and world tour 😭😭 AND I WILL BE THERE, I WILL BE THERE
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Sports being fixed shocking 🔪 they're not even subtle. Okay maybe I'm holding a grudge cause I have two F1 friends and I sometimes read their posts and both dislike Leclerc and I definitely remember him pissing me off at some point, je suis désolé Charles jskajsksjajawjaj. But fuck Max! Oooooh a Lewis movie, a docu or a regular film? /// Maybe if Chelsea did the Rover challenge they would manifest a win, because it's looking BAD for them 💀
NOT even a little it’s ridiculously mad how they are messing w certain teams just for a former racers kid to win,, we are tired of the dutch national anthem, put that same energy to schumachers kid too then 🔫 LMFAOOO SEEE if they dislike leclerc they do not know race 🔫 this overtake he did was insane
honestly i think the universe dislikes him so adding a few dislikes won’t hurt i guess fbwndbsn but he’s mad resilient i rmr his father passed away and the next day (?) he was at the race and won it and then his godfather (bianchi) died and then his close friend did, crazy guy but just drives for ferrari, his teammate tho, he deserves it <3 really does ngl <3 YEAH MAX CAN GET IT HES ON MY LAST STRAW BC IF HE WINS THE CHAMPIONSHIP AGAIN ITS ON SIGHT I UNDERSTAND UR FRIENDS ON THAT PART 🤚🏻 a full fledged movie!! a biopic and brad pitt’s in it as well, i think he’s playing alsono or vettel!
LMFAOOO atp nothing can make chelsea win, not even our lord and saviour kai maybe if they get nagelsmann or enrique somehow come
Seonghwa needs to give me a Radiohead cover, I still of him singing Creep for a few seconds 😭 or a different Troye song, something about more... cheerful. Idk even cover Anti-Hero from Taylor cause I surprising tolerate that track. Or you know.... TAMINO. It's him in Rewrite the Stars! ❤❤❤❤ and not San giving us a sad cover too a d a song that Jonghyun has written. I haven't heard it yet, because I don't wanna be sad lol
STOP IT UR RIGHT HE NEEDS TO DO THOSE CLASSIC COVERS RATHER then the tiktok things pls 🔫 anti hero?? omg hwaxtay >> EVERYTHING STOP! ITS TAMINO X HWA AND MADDOX NEEDS TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN WHAT THE HELL, after hearing san’s cover i had to immediately go hear the lee hi’s ver and then stumbled upon her performance of it crying and then sobbed my eyes out
I only heard the Xikers song once, it was fine, but I'm just not interested, and my boy Yechan - the only one I know is giving HJ lol. //// I'll send you a whole truck of miso aubergine 🍙 if you stop mentioning undercut Hwa! Ok but he's legit the only one who looks good to me with undercuts... not my fave hairstyle, but still it's Hwa http://twitter.com/atinyteez009/status/1645777420413460481?t=4DN7__sgeyNsFQWfLDOg8g&s=19 except for middle row left and right THAT BALD ASS LOOK NEEDS TO GO. HWA BBY I'M SORRY BUT THIS IS A JUMPSCARE https://twitter.com/hwaberrymilk/status/1641244669551190016?t=6J038XLKmCEVkRgOTq3-SQ&s=19
idk what it is but kq doing a lot of songs w that middle eastern sound track that just ✨ like esp the real’s last part, play it at a party and everyone would sTEP UP LMFAOOO I GUESS I WONT GET IT BC UNDERCUT HWA >>>> very hot man, very,,, OKAY SOME PHOTOS HE REALLT LOOKS BALD FHWJFKSFHKS that last one, needs a slap on his neck
No way he went coconut head when I have a chance to see him?!?! https://twitter.com/nobodylikehwa/status/1646889850082058242?t=bzDLXyXSeSsPZV-EuZUVlQ&s=19 he looks cute, but there's nothing to brag about, boy :/
I hope we'd be able to record the Taemin meeting 😭 I'm so happy. Sad that it's not the whole Shinee, because I miss them, but Lee Taeeeeeeeeeeeemin!!!!  If we get Ten, Taemin and Taeyong to do the Rover challenge I want SuperM back! Btw if my friend convinced me to go to the Dojaejung album premiere I'd have seen THE LEE TAEYONG, but I didn't :"))))))
PLS RECORD EVERYTHING GET HIS SIGN ON EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE A SHINEE MEMBER HOSTS IT 😭😭 speaking of superm, wonder how that dozen is doing jcbwkcjcl came and posted a picture then sent the kpop into a havoc and then disappeared smh,,, NAURRRRR U DIDNT SEE THE LEE TAEYONG????? TOP 10 BETRAYALS OF LIFE
Yeah Ravi... I can see why he was desperate, but??? My guy, covid fucked everyone over you're not special /// I was so shocked seeing WayV like?!?! YY was very cute and shy, they all were. I also spent too much money in that dumb grocery store, like why even, was blinded by the men! SM actually disappoints me greatly, but at least they like me now... I'm hoping for Ateez in Japan, but idk 🔫🔫🔫
yeah 😭😭😭 ravi bro use some of ur mind,,, like now u gotta do jail AND military?? AAAAAAAAAAAA STOP THEIR SKINS MUSTVE BEEN SO BLEMISHFREE,,, YANGYANG SHY??? DID HE DRINK SOMETHINGVFANBDWK WHAT DID U BUY FROM THE GROCERY STORE 😭😭 are the insides like pc’s and collectors items??? ATEEZ IN JAPAN!!!!! WATERBOMB FESTIVAL!!!!
I watch Kamisama Kiss and Maid Sama regularly <3 truly the blueprints /// Many kpop idols should just stfu, seriously. And need to act like adults, Bambam's agency wants to sue people and alright, does who call him a pedo need to relax, but... no apology? I'm so disappointed in Chaeyoung and her shitty response, girl :/
TRULY TRULY!!!!! omg anon do u rmr pretty rhythm aurora dream, alice academy, kodocha, itzurana kiss??? no seriously like what’s it take u to stop ur mouth,,, if i was in their place id say nothing AND still be earning, imagine earning millions for not speaking??? idols need to go back to being mysterious,, someone said her apology was straight out of chatgpt 😭😭😭 and youngji…saying the n word, wearing a ganesha shirt on a drinking show…while drinking 😭😭
I'm so stocked for Barbie, even if it's bad I'm living for it, but I'm looking forward to edgy MEN reviewing it lmaooo. Omg the Le Sserafim photos and teasers?! So gorgeous, I hope I like the song though /// Model is annoying and Y/N was too nice to him! I still stand by that! Ooooh true Domino as well, it fits so well.
I AM TOOOOOO!!!! booking tickets for it right after oppenheimer bc i think everyone will need barbie after watching that movie,, hoping both of the movies reach a great success!! this year’s movies are so packed, oppenheimer, barbie, dune 2, insidious series, hunger games, ghosted, pope’s exorcist, indiana jones, mission impossible, the nun 2, the exorcist (omg), wonka AND IVE BEARD THEYRE TRYING TO MAKE A LEGALLY BLONDE 2 ???? WE ARE WINNINGGG,, domino’s vocals are so stUNNING YES THE LSF SONG IM SO EXCITED TO SEE WHAT THEY DO
See one of my friends went to the EXO meeting, she's Korean and was appalled by the shit she heard and saw :( kinda ruined the experience for her, because some bitches next to her were awful /// Pls I hope Pique's girl cheated and especially with Pep 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
right 😭😭 idk why they treat them like this for having a family come on 😭😭 BUT WHATS GOOD KEXOLS WERE THROWN BY EXOS BODYGUARDS ✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻 THROWN!! KARATED!!!! kexols were also mad bc exo went to japan and were like “are exo japanese singers now???” gIRL IF U DONT SHUT UR MOUTH!!! APPARENTLY SHE DID SHE WAS FRIENDS WITH PEP’S DAUGHTER AND THEN PIQUE CHEATED ON HER WITH A LAWYER THIS IS SO MAD BUT FUNNY pep did it for shakira i knew he was a fan
Hellllooooo https://twitter.com/nobodylikehwa/status/1646412780126314496?t=URn3wDrqRANfwQsY3gwniQ&s=19
that outfit😵‍💫😵‍💫
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https://twitter.com/NotBonkyP/status/1647252825884315651?t=2YBhU2HWp8M4rd_dzjJpTQ&s=19 ????? And they're going to Qatar too. I'm gonna go and stand outside KQ's building and yell. And Waterbomb festival, uhm not Seonghwa soaked kn water THANXX - DV 💖
ateez in japan,,, anon are u 👁👁 not qatar come on 😭😭😭 SOAKED IN WATEF FBWNBDKW AND THE WET HAIR???? ANON HOW WILL U SURVIVE FBWNFHK
we winning??????
now hold on…
LMFAOOOO my asian queen 🤲🏻 this is so fun bc imagine her singing fireworks @ buckingham palace fbwkfbsk, can’t wait to see the coronation and the history
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itshillaryrodamn · 6 years
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[x] 🥰
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
I'd Rather Be Sleeping
First Lady of Private Garden Fic
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AN: these two have always been a hot ass mess 😭
Synopsis: First Lady can never get up on time for school, so her boyfriend helps her in any way that he can
Pairing: Baby!Jack Harlow x Baby!Reader
Requested by the gorgeous @softtcurse love ya bby!! 😘
Read Asking For It first
Jack rolled his eyes as your phone went straight to voice-mail once again.
This was the fifth time in a row.
It was Friday morning and the two of you were supposed to be on your way to school within the next 45 minutes.
But, this was the usual.
You would always shut your alarm off because you hated loud noises and went back to sleep.
Instead of hitting snooze so that it would go off in another five minutes, you turned it completely off.
So, your alarm clock quickly became your boyfriend who just so happened to live across the street.
Jack grabbed his backpack along with his keys and began to make his way across the street to your house hoping that you were awake and was getting ready so that the two of you could leave.
He reached under the mat for the spare key and quickly made his way inside.
Your parents as well as your older sister would always leave the house before 6 am so there was nobody to wake you up so that you could get ready on time.
After taking the steps two at a time, he softly knocked on your pink bedroom door at the end of the hallway in the hopes of you being awake.
Of course he was met with silence.
He opened the door to see you still sleeping soundly with the teddy bear he had gotten for you this past Valentines Day.
He took a minute to admire how cute you looked before breaking you out of your slumber.
“Get up.”
“Go away." You mumbled while hugging the bear closer to you.
"Baby, get up and get ready! We're going to be late!"
"Can't you just come and lay down next to me? We can skip today."
"Not when we have an exam third period."
"Oh fuck, is that today?"
"Baby! I've been reminding you all week!"
"What time is it?"
"6:45! Get your ass up!"
"Oh shit!"
"Did you turn your alarm off again?"
"Ehh, probably." You replied while shrugging and swinging your legs out of the bed.
You basically ripped off your pajamas before hopping in the shower as Jack sat on your bed and scrolling through his phone to keep him occupied.
At this rate, he knew that he was going to be here for awhile.
"Babe! You wanna join me?"
"Stink, we CANNOT be late! You're about to get detention for a week if you keep playin."
"Boo, you're no fun."
You walked back into your room with a towel wrapped around you and proceeded to make your way to your closet in order to find something to wear.
“Baby please don’t take forever picking out something to wear. Besides, I thought you picked out your outfit last night?”
“Hmm, I don’t want to wear that anymore.”
“Y/N!! We do NOT have the time.”
“Relax, it won’t take me long.” You reply while kissing him.
Once you finally decided on your outfit which took another ten minutes with Jack eyeing you and the time on his phone, you dropped your towel right in front of Jack and he couldn’t do anything but groan.
“What? You want me to get dressed don’t you? And you are in MY room the last time I checked. I definitely asked you if you wanted to join me in the shower and you said no. So deal with it.”
“Not fair, babe. We have somewhere to be.”
“If you say so, Jackman.”
“We literally have a month and a half until we graduate.”
“It’s not like either of us are actually going to college anyway, so why am I putting in so much effort?”
“So that your parents don’t kill you.”
“Hmm, good point.”
Once you had gotten dressed it was then time for you to do your hair. You sat down at your vanity and proceeded to take it down out of the bonnet. 
You decided on a slicked back ponytail since that was one of the easier styles that you tend to do and it didn’t take very long.
However, this morning it was taking a little while longer because you couldn’t get the right side of your hair to lay down how you wanted it to with the edge control.
And your boyfriend was getting antsy.
“Baby, that style literally only takes you five minutes, what’s the hold up?”
“My baby hairs won’t lay right this morning! I don’t know what the problem is.”
“Y/N, come onnnnn.”
“Hush it Jackman and let me focus. You having a fit is not helping me in the slightest.”
Once you were finally satisfied, you started to get up from your vanity and put on your shoes, but then you had a realization.
“Oh, I need to do my makeup too. Almost forgot.”
“Now should I do a smoky eye or use the pink eyeshadow?”
All Jack did was groan in response and you poked him so that he would answer you.
“Smoky eye matches better with your outfit, now come on!”
“You sure are being more bossy than usual this morning.”
"Smush, can we get food? I'm hungry." You asked as the two of you were finally settled in Jack’s car.
He didn’t care if there was anything else that you forgot to do at this point, he was going to get you out of the house one way or another.
"No stink, we're already 20 minutes late."
"Please? My treat and besides I need you to eat something to be able to focus in class. It’s a thank you for coming to get me and waiting for me this morning." You replied as you kissed his cheek.
"It's already on the way!"
"If you didn't take so long doing your hair and makeup we might have been able to."
"Whaa? You said you liked when I did my hair like this and that it was pretty!"
"Yes, it is. But now we're late. I woke you up in enough time to be there before the first bell rang."
“Please, please, please.”
Jack eased the car to a red light before looking over at you and sighing.
He literally could never tell you no.
Especially when you started to pout and gave him puppy eyes which you were currently doing.
“You want your usual smush?” You asked and he simply nodded his head.
It was now 7:57 and the two of you strolled into first period holding hands with the big bag of McDonald’s in Jack’s hand that wasn’t occupied by yours. Class had started at 7:25.
This was the one class that all of PG had together, which involved all of you cracking jokes and not really paying attention but it was an elective and therefore an easy A.
The two of you made your way to the back corner where everyone else was already seated and they all had looks of disbelief on their faces. 
“Y/N, are you ever going to get here on time?” Urban piped up and asked. 
On a good day, Jack had time to get you AND Urban, but that hadn’t been the case at least for the last month.
“Leave me alone, Urb. Too fucking early.”
“And wait one got damn minute, yall were already late AND stopped for food?” Nemo asked taking in the sight of the McDonald’s bag in front of him.
“Y/N made me.”
“But ain’t it your ass who is driving?” 2fo asked as he rolled his eyes.
“Did yall even bother to get us something?”
You and Jack shared a look before the both of you started to unwrap your food.
You simply winked at him before stabbing a straw into his orange juice and handing it to him.
“No. Yall not my boyfriend.” You replied while taking a bite of your hash brown.
“But, we’re your best friends.”
“And? At least he makes sure that I’m awake and comes to get me every morning. What the hell yall be doing?”
“We actually can get here on time by ourselves that’s what we be doing.”
“All yall can kiss my ass.” You replied while handing Jack a packet of strawberry jam to put on his sandwich.
Jack calmly and quietly sat in the corner and finished his food as you were going back and forth with the rest of PG on the topic of the both of you not bringing them any food.
“And Jack over there not saying a got damn thing while we up here hungry as hell.”
“Inhaling that shit like it’s his last meal.”
“What am I supposed to say?!”
“You ain’t even try to look out for your boys?! You didn’t think we wouldn’t want anything?!”
“Are you surprised? Y/N is involved and what she says goes.”
“Yeah, she definitely wears the pants in the relationship.”
“Hey! She does not!”
Everyone exchanged a look before looking back over at Jack and busting out laughing including you.
Once the laughter died down, Urban had suddenly looked over at him to see Jack was rolling his eyes.
“Oh, wait. You were serious?”
“Fuck yall.”
“Hmm that’s what I was trying to do this morning, but noooo we had to come to school.” You replied while taking a sip of your orange juice.
“Yall nasty. Yall stay fuckin each other’s brains out. Like Y/N how you that horny at 6 am?”
“Do yall not see how fuckin fine my boyfriend is?” 
Jack instantly turned red.
“Nah, I don’t swing that way, but still. You need help.”
“Shut the fuck up, 2fo.”
“Does the offer still stand at 2 PM?” Jack asked you and you could nothing but smirk.
“Shit, the offer will always be there. Matter of fact, I think I need to go home during lunch because I forgot something that I’ll need for fourth period.”
“What the actual hell? Yall are terrible. It’s Friday and yall have the whole weekend to fuck my goodness.”
“And? I want to get started early.”
“Oh, babe. You want to try that new food spot for lunch we passed earlier?”
“Ooh yeah, I heard they have good lemonade too. I hope they have lemon pepper wings.”
“Are yall actually going to bring us something back this time?”
“If your name isn’t Jack and you aren’t my boyfriend I’m not getting yall a got damn thing.”
“See that’s why your ass is not about to graduate. Shit like that.”
“You take that back Urban Henry!”
“Yall know it’s every man for himself when it comes to those two.”
“Nah, correction. It’s Jack and Y/N for themselves and they don’t give a flying fuck about anybody else.”
“And don’t you fuckin forget it. Oh, baby, I have an extra blueberry muffin. You want that for a snack later?”
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hajimine · 3 years
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characters: (timeskip) suna rintarō, miya osamu, kita shinsuke, ojiro aran
a/n: (help i accidentally posted the ask so uhh here we go again) don’t worry about it lovely!! i’ve done atsumu’s in the first one so i’ll add mr aran instead bc we need to see more of him in fics smh, hope u dont mind!! and tysm for the req bby @japanesevenom <3
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SUNA RINTARŌ ➞ his signature smirk finds its way onto his lips when he sees you. he uncrosses his arms and readied himself for the impact. you jump into his arms with excitedly, making him chuckle. “did you miss me that much, angelface?” you roll your eyes at him, “so what if i did, huh?” he grins, knocking his forehead against yours lightly. “good. ‘cause i missed you too—a lot.” suna’s cheek burns slightly when he realizes that his teammates are probably watching this whole ordeal. but the smile that tugs on the corners of his lips is genuine when he sees your face—you seem so happy and content in his arms that his heart flutters warmly at the sight of you. he bites his lip, “just let me gather my stuff first and we can go grab some dinner, okay?”
OJIRO ARAN ➞ aran chuckles lightly when he sees you running towards him at full speed. he catches you with ease, strong arms holding the back of your thighs to support your weight. “hi beautiful, what’cha up to?” you hum, “nothing much, i missed you that’s all.” as you trace the lines of his cheekbones with your finger, aran leans into your touch, eyelids fluttering shut. he’s vaguely aware of his teammates’ stares, but he pays them no mind. “wanna order some takeout when we get back?” he asks, brushing his nose against yours, grinning when your face grow warm. “i’ll meet ya by the door in ten minutes, i just have t’ talk to our coach first and then we can go home, alright?” he places you back on your feet and presses a gentle kiss on your forehead, cupping your jaw with his hand, a fond smile gracing his lips.
MIYA OSAMU ➞ a lopsided smile spreads across his face when you run towards him, he has his arms wide open and his knees slightly bent, fully ready to catch you. “there ya are, gorgeous. i’ve been waiting for ya.” your legs are securely wrapped around his torso as he presses butterfly kisses along your jawline, hands interlocked just below your butt. “i wanted to surprise you, ‘samu.” you sigh into the crook of his neck. he smiles, leaving one last peck by your ear, “well surprise me ya did. you wanna go home now?” he asks and you nod enthusiastically. he chuckles, putting you back down on the floor and taps his finger on your cheek, a small smile on his lips. “give me a sec, i’ll close the shop in a bit and we can leave together, kay?”
KITA SHINSUKE ➞ you’re a bit hesitant to just jump into kita’s arms after he spent a long day in the fields, but his arms are spread open for you, urging you to do so. he catches you with no problem, muscles flexing with the newly added pressure. “well hello to you too, my sweet.” he laughs lightly, eyes turning into little crescent moons. “are you tired, shin? you can let me down if you are.” his grip on your thighs tightens, almost possessively. “’m not, darling. and even if i am, i’ll still wanna hold ya in my arms.” your face grow warm at this, your fingers making its way through his soft locks. “you’re so cheesy, i never expected you to be such a sap.” you mumble under your breath. kita laughs, eyes fluttering close as he takes in your comforting touch, but he doesn’t deny your claims.
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-> writing masterlist | requesting rules | taglist form
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please reblog! it helps me a ton!! <3
© HAJIMINE — do not repost, copy, or claim any of my works as your own. just don’t plagiarize it’s not that hard please.
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gojosattoru · 2 years
✨🌈☀️send this to ten people you’re happy to see everytime they pop up on your dash/notif and wish them a good day 🌟🌈💥😊 hope youve been doing great ana!! im loving your alphabet challenge, so many inspiring templates youve made and continue to make :3 hope you have a great day and drink alot of water + yummy foods, love you!! 😊😊
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My cute babieeeess!! So sorry for answering so late!! Have been a bit disorganized lately cause of job sdghcshjk but omg thank you SOOOO much for sending me these beautiful messages AND with your extra loving words you can’t imagine how this makes me smile, my heart melts and i go on my days with extra strength!! <3333 really thank you for always being so caring and so loving!! It always makes me feel so blessed to have people like you beside me everytime <3333 You deserve these MILLION times over <33333 You are too precious and such cute angels!! *SMOOCHES YOU ALL* I love you with all my heart, hope life is being kind to you, rest plenty and please take care of yourselves too oki? <33333 Always sending you my support, great vibes and all the love my heart can reach!!! YOU are the amzing ones, may all your life be blessed with the best!!! Thank you Alyssa @mokacheer (i’m so happy you are liking my alphabet challenge bby hehe it’s been so much fun >//U//< still have to work the rest, i had these saved on my drafts now with work i don’t have much time to edit but i will do my best!! idk if you’re gonna do it but i would really LOVE to see yours too alyssa hehe thank you so much bby, i’m doing good and taking good care <3 hope you are too my love!! *hugs*) Lena @sleepytortellini (my precious cute lil sis thank you for always encouraging me and for sending always such cute and lovely messages lena, you are truly adorable and beautiful human being, always with so much to give!! thank you honey! hope school is going well and please don’t push yourself too hard oki? <3333 love you loads!!) Mira @rekiskyan (miraaa thank you my love you’re so lovely and talented bby it’s been so awesome to be seeing your edits, every single one is super cool and so colorful!! it bursts my heart with happiness, keep it going bby!! love youuu) Nuu @myownangel (no YOU are the AMAZING one hgcshjk gosh you’re making me blosh bby thank you so much for this!! it made me jump in joy <33333), Alice @roronoazooro thank you honey, wish you a amazing day/night, hope you are doing well and taking good care of yourself bby! love you so much!! *chu* Daisy @okkotsu-yuutas ( I MISS YOU TOOO DAISY OMG THANK YOUUUU this made me smile when i saw your message gsdvcsjk you never cease to make me squeal with your endearing messages my love!!! *hugs and never lets you go* thank you bby!! hope you are well and you’re not pushing yourself too hard bby, please stay hydrated and take plenty of rest oki Daisy? love you with all my being bby thank you so much!!!!!) and Alice @alice-chan-chan wish you a wonderful day bby take care and stay safe Alice, love you loads!! and btw have been loving your recent gfx omg they are simply GORGEOUS!!! ahhhh!!<333333~~
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luxekook · 4 years
okay, bloomer ❃ myg
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❃ pairing: floral assistant/rapper!yoongi x reader
❃ genre: strangers to lovers, fluff, slight crack, light angst and smut
❃ summary: spin-off sequel to ‘petal to the metal’; in which the reader visits a flower shop on her way home from work to treat herself to a flower and then keeps returning just to interact with the shop’s cute tsundere floral assistant. the last thing she expects is to see him ~spitting hot fire~ and looking hot as sin at her friend’s music event. how is she supposed to get flowers in peace now?
❃ word count: 10.2k
❃ warnings: 18+, cursing, violent imagery, mansplaining, tattooed and pierced yoongi, jealousy, mention of drinking, lots of sass, yoongi is soft as hell, rapping, jungkook being an idiot, smut [biting, blindfolding, bondage, sensory play, oral (f + m receiving), unprotected sex (WRAP IT), slight dom/sub themes, yoongi and reader are swiches, dirty talk, workplace sex]
❃ beta’d by: the amazing and gorgeous phia @meowxyoong​
❃ banner by: the iconic and beautiful danica @dee-ehn​
❃ commissioned by: my angel bby sweetheart jess @floralsuga​ UWU ILY AND I HOPE U LOVE THIS YOONGI AS MUCH AS I DO!!!!
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The first time you enter the flower shop, it’s on a whim after a particularly bad day at work. You stomp down the street towards your apartment stewing over how Darryl can go screw himself as far as you are concerned. You almost flipped your desk today after the fifth time he tried to explain your own job to you. 
It’s like you haven’t been working at the graphic design firm for over three years and know all there is to know about typography and how it reads on book covers. You knew the moment your boss paired you with Darryl for this assignment, you were going to be in for a bumpy ride. You just didn’t expect the bumps to be of Mount Everest proportions.
You probably look crazy as you stalk down the block untethered in your rage, mumbling something about shoving your stylus so far up Darryl’s ass he’ll choke on your creativity. 
Somehow you unconsciously turn your head to admire a display of flowers blooming in a shop window. The blooming bunches of color call to you like a beacon of light in the darkness. Fuck it, you are going to treat yourself.
You dart across the street, dodging traffic. You need a flower. You need something that will brighten your evening and remind you that there is still beauty on this earth after all that mansplaining. And it seems that Of Fern & Freesia Flower Co. will be your oasis of choice. 
Squaring your shoulders, you push open the heavy wooden and glass door of the shop. The sound of a bell chimes in the air as you enter. A smile forms as you take in the array of greenery and petals surrounding you. The air smells like summer meadows and deep forests. 
Wandering around, you realize that it’s going to be harder than you thought to pick just one flower to go home with. As you near the back of the shop, you notice the general shop counter with a cash register, a small jar, and an array of flowers scattered across the deep oak wood. It seems like someone is piecing together a bouquet.
“Can I help you?” A low, languid voice calls out to you. Slowly, a boy emerges from the back room. Your eyes widen at the sight before you. He’s of average height with lean muscle and tattoos winding up both arms. His ears glint with multiple piercings, his left eyebrow has an intimidating slice through it, and his hair is a messy array of silver with a sexy as hell undercut. Yet, despite all of that tough exterior, the second you look at his face you melt.
The boy has the cutest face you have ever seen. His cheeks are full and pink, his nose is the most adorable little button, his lips are a dusky shade of rose. He has the face of an angel wrapped in a sinful package. Honestly, it’s unfair.
After a few moments, you realize he seems to be waiting for you to speak. Slitted eyebrow arched, he stares at you, dark eyes flicking over your own body.
“I’m looking to get a flower, but I just don’t know which one to pick,” You sigh, eyes shifting to glance around the shop once more. “There are so many beautiful ones to choose from.”
“Well,” The boy murmurs, “Sometimes one beautiful flower just stands out from the rest.”
Your eyes return to him, finally noticing the name-tag haphazardly pinned to his apron. Yoongi. His name is Yoongi. “And do you know which flower stands out today?” You ask, hands gripping your work tote so that you don’t do anything embarrassing like squish his chubby cheeks between your palms.
“Without a doubt,” He quirks a small smile in your direction before walking around the counter. Without a word more, he wanders down the rows of flowers and stops at a particular bunch of blue blossoms. He carefully selects one flower from the bunch and extends it out to you.
You accept the flower, examining it closely. It’s beautiful indeed. Shooting a glance at the sign attached to the bucket the flower had originated from, you smile as you read the label of ‘rare blue-tinted orchids’ (rare and unique beauty).
Turning back to Yoongi, you realize he has already begun to walk back to the counter. Quickly, you follow in his footsteps, carefully holding your flower in one hand and digging through your bag to find your wallet with the other. Upon reaching the counter, you gently place your orchid down to finally retrieve your wallet from where it had been lurking at the very bottom of your tote. 
“How much do I owe you?” You look up at Yoongi who had been staring at you with a peculiar expression on his face. 
He just shrugs, fiddling with one of the many silver rings adorning his fingers, “Nothing. It’s on the house.” 
“What?” You tilt your head in confusion, “But the sign said these are rare, so I’m sure it can’t be cheap.”
Again, Yoongi just lifts a shoulder lazily and shoots you a half smile, “I get an employee discount.” 
“Oh,” Your eyes fall under his intense scrutiny. They land on the small jar sitting next to the register. It’s labeled with a sticky note that says: “Feed Yoongi’s Dumpling Addiction”. 
“Dumplings, huh?” You grin at the cute boy and quickly grab ten dollars from your wallet, shoving the bill inside the jar. 
“Hey!” Yoongi pouts, “That’s not fair.” His cheeks are shaded a bright pink, “You can’t use my weakness against me like this.”
“I just did!” You laugh, slinging your bag over your shoulder and picking up your orchid once more. “Bye, Yoongi.”
You send him a wave and head back out into the night. You don’t realize he had stared out after you for quite some time with a small smile and a gleam in his eye. No, you are too busy picturing what it would be like to go get dumplings with a cute flower shop assistant. 
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The next day at work you bring your flower along with you. Your desk needs some life breathed into it, and your flower does just the trick. Plus, you can't help but smile each time you look at it. 
And so when cursed Darryl waltzes over to you to talk about your project, you kindly tell him to fuck off. You know, in a safe for work fashion. You don’t need his bullshit or his bad vibes. Not when you can draw up romance novel cover designs with a certain boy in mind. It comes as no surprise to you as you realize later on that you had been drawing orchids woven throughout the book title.
The rest of the week passes by slowly as does the wilting of your flower. Yet on Thursday, your boss praises you for your flower designs, so much so that she decides to give you the company credit card to go buy a bouquet for the office as further inspiration. You tell her you know just the place. 
Taking an extended lunch break, you trek over to Of Fern & Freesia. Stepping through its doors brings an immediate smile to your face. You glance around, noticing a few other customers scattered throughout the shop. No sign of Yoongi.
You weave your way around the rows of flowers and the patrons that dot the aisles. A heavy feeling of disappointment settles in the pit of your stomach as you notice that there is a woman at the counter instead of the cute boy from a few days prior. The woman glances up as you approach, “Oh, hello! Welcome to Of Fern & Freesia. How may I help you?” 
“Hi, yes,” You shoot a furtive glance around, “I was hoping that you could recommend a bouquet?”
“Hm,” She nods, “Of course! What’s the occasion?” 
“It’s just for my office,” You explain, “We need some inspiration, and flowers seem to have helped lately.”
“I see,” She smiles, “Well, let me ask you if—” 
“Hey, boss lady! Do you know what happened to the lace ribbons? I can’t find— Oh,” Yoongi halts as he emerges from the back room and lays eyes on you. “Hello,” He mumbles, running a hand through his hair.
The woman helping you looks at Yoongi and then looks back at you and then looks at Yoongi again. A sly smile forms on her lips, “Well, well, well. Why don’t I go look for those lace ribbons while you help this customer here.” She turns to you, “My very best employee will be sure to take excellent care of you.”
Chuckling slightly, she disappears through the door that Yoongi had vacated a minute before.
“I’m your only employee!” Yoongi calls after her, the small smile on his face betraying his complaint. Still grinning slightly, he turns his brown eyes back to you, “Hello again…” He pauses, clearly waiting for you to fill in the unspoken blank.
“(Y/n),” You extend a hand out tentatively, “And you’re Yoongi.”
“That I am,” Yoongi smirks and takes your hand in his. You glance down at your clasped hands and marvel at how his hand fully engulfs yours. The heat of his palm burns into you while the coolness of his many rings makes you shiver. Eventually, you let go, certain your cheeks are as red as the display of roses to your left.
“Well, what can I do for you, (y/n)? Back for another flower?” His eyes flit around the shop briefly before returning to yours.
“A bouquet, actually,” You smile, “For the office. On the office.” You flash the company card that your boss had given you, and your stomach flips as he laughs – his dark eyes crinkling and his gums showing adorably. 
“Didn’t picture you working in an office,” He mumbles, his eyebrows furrowing slightly as his tongue pokes his cheek.
“Oh, so you’ve been picturing me, then?” You tease and internally sigh as he blushes fiercely, turning away from you.
“Yah, you know what I meant,” Yoongi scowls without any real menace, “You seem like you do something - I don't know - weird.”
You stare at him a moment and then burst into laughter. Yoongi pouts as you continue to crack up over his brazen observation. “I mean I guess designing romance novel covers isn’t the most conventional job, but it pays the bills and it’s pretty fun.”
“Romance novels?” Yoongi widens his eyes comically, “Don’t say that around the boss lady, she’s obsessed with them.”
“I heard that,” A yell sounds from the back room, “And I’m demoting you!”
“I’m demoted just by being associated with you!” Yoongi calls back.
You think you hear his boss mutter something about shoving a branch of redbud (betrayal) up Yoongi’s ass but you can’t be sure. Yoongi walks around the counter to lead you around the shop.
“What are you looking for, (y/n)?” His gaze is heated as it rests on you, and you bask in its glory.
“I’m good with whatever you recommend,” You shrug, “I’m in your hands.”
“Not yet,” Yoongi mutters under his breath; and before you can question that remark, he stalks off down an aisle, practically mowing down innocent shoppers. You trail after him, watching as he seems to be picking flowers at random. However, once he brings them all up front to arrange them, the flowers combine effortlessly into a beautiful bouquet.
“Wow,” You say softly, admiring the colorful arrangement before you, “This is beautiful, Yoongi. What kind of flowers are they?”
Yoongi rapidly fires off a number of flowers, most of which you had never even heard of before: honeysuckle and alstroemeria flowers (devotion), lilies of the valley (return of happiness), and petunias (your presence soothes me). 
As you hand him the company card to ring up your purchase, you notice a stray flower set aside from the bunch. “That one didn’t fit with the rest?” You joke, pointing to the multi-petaled pink flower.
Yoongi rolls his eyes, “Obviously not, (y/n). That one is for you.”
You let out an embarrassingly high-pitched giggle, “Well, excuse me for not being an expert, flower boy.”
He groans at the nickname, shaking his head in disgust. But, you see his lips twitching. God, he is so cute. You almost don’t even know how you had been intimidated by him at first. Even his tattoos and piercings are endearing to you now. You see them as a layer of protection he has in order to protect his soft heart.
Yeah, you are fucking whipped.
In an attempt to distract yourself from your growing infatuation, you glance down. The tip jar catches your attention, and you grin immediately as you read today’s inscription: “Yoongi’s Nap Fund: One Dollar = One Nap”. 
“Don’t even think about it,” Yoongi warns, but it’s too late. You shove another ten dollar bill inside. 
“Goddamn you,” Yoongi sighs, and the way he says it sounds like a confession. And you are so losing your marbles. And your job. You catch sight of the clock hanging on the back wall, and you are so, so late to get back to the office.
Cursing softly, you grab the bouquet and accept the flower Yoongi extends out to you, “Thanks, flower boy. I’ll see you soon, yeah?”
With that, you rush out the door, pulling a full Yoongi as you ruthlessly storm past customers on your way out. You unknowingly leave Yoongi in your dust, staring at you with what can only be affection. 
When you get home after your shift later that night, you quickly put your new flower in a mason jar with water and admire its beauty. After a quick google search, you identify the flower as a camellia. 
You fail to read further. But, if you had, you would have discovered the meaning of the flower Yoongi had gifted to you… My destiny is in your hands.
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The next few weeks pass in a flurry of flowers - each prettier than the last. But that could just be the rose-tinted glasses you’ve been walking around with ever since you met Yoongi. You had visited Of Fern & Freesia such an embarrassing amount of times that you figured you should have a frequent flyer card.
But, who in their right mind could blame you when men like Min Yoongi exist? That’s right, you are on a full name basis now courtesy of one of Yoongi’s latest tip jars: “Support Min Yoongi in purchasing an off button for Jeon Jungkook”. 
With every visit came a new flower and a new post-it note on his tip jar. For instance, last Monday Yoongi gave you two stock flowers (you will always be beautiful to me), to which you immediately clowned him on for buying you stocks. He had just shaken his head at you - a common reaction from Yoongi that you had been on the receiving end of too many times to count. On that day, you had shoved a twenty dollar bill in the jar labeled: “New headphones for Yoongi’s silent, sad and lonely ears”. 
This Tuesday you had arrived at the shop right at closing. Your job had required you to stay for a late meeting because Darryl had fucked something up with his latest project. It’s honestly a wonder how he hasn’t been fired yet. After the meeting ended, you had practically run out of the office to make it to see Yoongi in time. When you stepped into the shop, you had been greeted with a growly yell of “We’re closed! Get lost!” And then when Yoongi came storming towards the front, he’d skittered to a halt, his mouth opening and closing as he struggled to find words.
You had just shyly waved like an idiot and then had turned to leave, only to be tugged back inside by Yoongi. “Come on,” He had said lowly, seeming quite exasperated with you, “I have your fix.” He had held your wrist all the way up to the counter as you blushed profusely behind him. He had handed you a zinnia (I mourn your absence), and you had added a couple five dollar bills to his jar simply entitled: “Do it. You won’t.”
And, finally, yesterday you had made sure to visit on time, clocking out of work at 5:00PM exactly. Your boss had even asked if you had a hot date. God, you had fucking wished. In all your hurry to get over to Of Fern & Freesia, you had forgotten one important piece of information that had been made crystal clear the moment Yoongi had locked eyes on you - you needed to do laundry.
Now, this might seem like an odd and offhand comment, but it meant that you had been wearing your more formal work clothes out of necessity. A form fitting pencil skirt with a tucked in button up blouse - both of which were on the tighter side from not being worn enough - paired with your favorite stilettoed ankle boots had been your outfit of choice and your last resort.
You had clicked and clacked your way up to the counter and had almost turned right back around at the look Yoongi had given you. His eyes had been the darkest you’d ever seen. You hadn’t quite been able to read the storm of emotions within them. Had it been anger? Annoyance? Attraction? 
God, you had prayed it was the last. 
When you had made it to Yoongi, he had let out a harsh breath before turning away from you for a moment. “Hey, flower boy,” You had said tentatively, “Are you okay?”
“I’m just peachy,” He had muttered, slamming down a few flowers on the counter. 
“O-o-okay,” You had responded, drawing out the word. You had stared quizzically at Yoongi as he fiddled with his rings, looking more on edge than you had ever seen him before. His eyes had flicked over your body, and then finally he had met your eyes.
“Sorry,” He had grumbled out, “You just caught me off guard. These are for you.”
As Yoongi had gathered the flowers he had slammed down on the counter, you had realized you still had your hair up and fastened with your stylus. Tugging it out of your hair, you had tousled your hair with your fingers for a bit and then had shoved the stylus in your bag. You had thought you had heard Yoongi choke slightly, but your ears surely had been playing tricks on you. 
You had grinned at him as you grabbed the flowers from his outstretched hands and then tucked a twenty in his tip jar inscripted with: “Help Yoongi endure Kim Seokjin’s presence for three hours.”
Later that night, you had realized that you really should have brushed up on your flower knowledge sooner because apparently the flowers he had given you were peach blossoms (I am your captive). While their meaning is still unbeknownst to you, you now appreciate the pun wholeheartedly. 
You had even tried to see him tonight, but he hadn’t been working for some reason. It’s hard not to assume the worst. Is he on a date? Oh god, has he had a girlfriend this whole time? A boyfriend? A partner? You almost call up your friend Jackson to cancel on his music event because all you want to do is sit down on your couch with the two men who will never let you down - Ben and Jerry. 
But, you can't.
Jackson would hunt you down and drag you there himself if he had to. He had done that very thing when you tried to bail on his last party. It hadn’t been your fault that you considered a midweek celebration of his five point increase on his credit score to be extra as hell. But that is just Jackson, and you adore him for it.
You met Jackson through your job. He sometimes models for the book covers that your company produces; because, let’s be real, Jackson is a whole snack. Unfortunately, you seem to be attracted to boys on the surlier side as opposed to those on the sunshine side of the spectrum.
Therefore, you and Jackson are great friends, and he brings out (READ: forces out) your more social side. Tonight, he is MCing a local music show at one of the bars downtown. It’s apparently some sort of open mic night. You just hope your ears are all in one piece when you return home.
The bar is crowded as hell as you slip through its doors. The entire back area has been converted into a stage, and you notice Jackson getting ready to begin MCing. Of course, he spots you immediately, waving incessantly. You can’t help but smile back widely and wave.
Squeezing your way through the crowd, you luckily spy a free barstool with a decent view of the stage. Quickly claiming it as yours, you order a beer and settle in for the night. Your eyes drift across the crowd, seeing some familiar faces of musicians you had seen before at events like this.
You even think you see the woman from Of Fern & Freesia in the back corner, but that’s probably just your brain playing tricks on you. Your attention is brought back to the stage as Jackson begins to announce the general lineup for the night and then the first performer.
As you listen to the first performance, your heart aches. The musician’s ballad is slow and soulful, its lyrics deep and jarring. What you wouldn't give to feel a love like that, too feel so deeply for another person and to have that returned unconditionally. Again, your mind turns to the damned flower boy who has been ruling your thoughts lately. And as the song ends, you clap along with the crowd like you hadn’t just planned out your entire future with a boy you had met just a handful of times.
You watch as Jackson introduces the next performance - some group called ‘Bangtan’ featuring some dude named ‘Suga’. What kind of name is that? A stage name, you hope.
Five boys jump onto the stage, and the crowd goes fucking wild. As you assess the boys with your own two eyes, you see the hype. They’re hot as fuck. 
Their performance begins with two of the boys singing. Your eyebrows raise as their sweet voices grace your ears. You almost fall into a sense of security as their vocals envelop you. And then the rapping begins.
Your jaw drops all the way down to the pits of Hades as you take in the sight of what can only be Yoongi, your sweet fucking flower boy, spitting crazy hot fire alongside two other beautiful boys. Had you somehow eaten an edible unknowingly on your way over here? Have you teleported into an alternate universe? Have you travelled into another dimension? Have you fallen into the fucking upside down?
God, he looks so fine. In all the times in the flower shop, you had only seen him in plain t-shirts, black jeans, and an apron. Therefore, your mind is fucking blown at the way Yoongi is wearing the shit out of a long white t-shirt, ripped blue jeans, a white and silver jacket, and silver chains. 
The boy is sauntering around the stage like he fucking owns it, all cocky and brash. Your attention is riveted by the sheer talent before you, but your sanity is in shambles. He drags a hand through his messy hair and his undercut peeks out from underneath. Damn, that hairstyle suits him well.
It seems the performance is over both too soon and not soon enough. And when Yoongi stays on stage all by himself, you silently pray to any higher power out there that you survive this. The low sound of the bass fills the bar as Yoongi lazily nods to the opening beats of whatever he plans on performing.
Almost by fate, Yoongi’s eyes meet yours. They widen as they take you in, and you are absolutely certain you also resemble an owl as you stare back. Like the dork that you are, you lift your beer up in a silent toast to him, and your stomach flips as his lips quirk.
And then he starts. You cannot look away. Somehow Yoongi rapping solo is just as good as the previous performance with the four others. It might even be better; but, then again, you are insanely biased at this point. 
As he performs, you lose the ability to speak, to cheer alongside the crowd. The way Yoongi commands the stage with his words, his presence, his talent is quite possibly the sexiest thing you have ever seen. The looks he sends you definitely don’t help. You might actually melt into a puddle on this very floor.
And you nearly do as Yoongi’s song ends and he sends you a wink as he hops off stage. God, you need to get it together before you track the boy down, tug him to you by his silver chains, and kiss the hell out of him and his talented mouth. 
Yeah, you need to leave ASAP. Shooting Jackson a text, you leave a twenty on the bar and haul ass out of there.
How are you supposed to face Yoongi after this? You can’t even pretend it didn’t happen because he had seen you. If you don’t go back to the shop, he might think you hated his performance. But, if you do go back to the shop, you’ll have to face the boy who had destroyed your ovaries on stage in front of multiple dozens of people. 
Lord, you are so fucking screwed.
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Saturday and Sunday pass with many more existential breakdowns; and by the time Monday arrives, you decide that - fuck it - you are going to do some recon. 
You email your boss that you are running a bit late and head over to the flower shop. It is barely 9:00AM when you strut through the doors.
The woman you had seen once before startles as you burst in, “Oh hey, it’s you! Um, Yoongi doesn’t work until later.”
You swear you turn fifty shades of maroon, “I-I know.”
She also blushes, “Right, sorry. I haven’t had my coffee yet. How can I help you? Another bouquet?”
Before you can answer her, a boy bounds through the door holding two steaming coffee cups. He looks eerily familiar, but you can't quite place where you have seen him before.
“Morning, noona!” The boy beams at the woman, and then belatedly realizes you are also there. “Aish, sorry!” You gape as he somehow becomes small, huddling by his ‘noona’. “I didn’t realize you had a customer already.”
“That’s alright, Jungkookie,” She smiles at the admittedly cute boy who is now scrutinizing you for some reason.
“Aha!” Jungkook snaps his fingers, “I know you! You’re Yoongi-hyung’s g—”
The woman grabs Jungkook’s ear before he can continue, “Ignore him. Please.” She shoots the boy a dark look that sends him pouting.
You try your best, but the words are already flying through your mind. Yoongi-hyung’s girl? His girl insert-space-here friend? His gremlin? His goddess divine? His fucking Go-Gurt?
The possibilities are too endless; and so you pull a Spongebob and burn the memory from your brain for the sake of your rationality. You quickly grab the first flower you see - a love-in-a-mist (perplexity) - and pay for it before jetting out the door.
Your feelings? Unstable.
Your recon mission? Unsuccessful.
Your inevitable face-off with Yoongi? Unavoidable.
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“I heard you came by yesterday morning.” 
You nearly jump out of your skin, barely having crossed the threshold of the flower shop before Yoongi slides right in front of you. “Holy sweet mother of god, Yoongi! Have you been lurking by the door just to scare me like this?”
Yoongi’s gaze darts around, decidedly not looking at you. “No?” He tries. You don’t let him succeed.
“Oh, really...” You arch an eyebrow and try to step around him, but Yoongi just matches your movements - effectively blocking you from advancing further.
“Stop trying to distract me,” He growls. His frown is admittedly cute instead of intimidating in the way he probably intends. “Why did you visit yesterday morning instead of last night?”
It’s your turn to avoid eye contact as you look for any possible avenue for escape. Yoongi gives you no room to budge or even any time to answer as he continues to question you. “Could it be…” He leans closer to you, “That you didn’t like what you saw on Friday?”
Your heart stutters in your chest as Yoongi grows closer still, his breath ghosting over your ear as he whispers, “Or maybe… it’s that you did like it.”
Before you risk it all and pounce on him while he’s working, you pull a spin move around Yoongi that would even make Lebron proud. Trying to put as much distance  between the two of you as possible, you power-walk away from him, calling over your shoulder, “Yes, I liked it, okay? God.”
You weave your way between the shelves of flowers with Yoongi trailing your every move. That little shit is relentless in his pursuit. You shoot him an evil eye between two buckets of flowers that he steadfastly ignores, “What did you like about it?” Yoongi grins widely, “Come on, tell me. Tell me. Just tell me, tell me, tell m—” You round the aisle he is on and clamp a hand over his mouth.
“Min Yoongi, for the love of reese’s peanut butter cups, shut your mouth.” Your glare strengthens as you can just tell he’s smirking underneath your hand. It’s difficult to ignore the plushness of his lips pressed against your palm. Did he just lick his lips? With your palm over them?
“I liked the collaboration you did with Jungkook and the other boys,” You shoot back at him, desperate to take him down a peg, “It was cute.” With a victorious smile at his darkening expression, you tug your hand away and turn to walk away. But déjà vu strikes as Yoongi’s hand envelops your wrist.
He pulls you back into his chest as he leans down. You can feel his words flow from his chest as he murmurs, “Oh really? And did you know that Jungkook is happily in a relationship? What a bummer.”
“Uh, I don’t recall asking,” You retort, “But that’s great for Jungkook. Should I send him a card in congratulations?”
“Fuck, you are so frustrating,” Yoongi groans and lets out an exasperated laugh, “Are you really going to make me ask?”
“Undoubtedly,” You grin like the menace you are.
Sighing, Yoongi presses closer to you. “(Y/n),” His lips brush against your ear, “What did you like about me?”
The way that Yoongi’s scent wraps around you, the way his lips move against your skin, the way his words drip with sensual intent makes you cave almost immediately. “Well, you had some fire bars, bro,” You blurt out.
He stills for a second and then a laugh bubbles up from his chest. You pout as he doubles over, clutching his stomach. 
“Hey,” You complain, “I thought that’s what all the youngsters are calling it these days.”
Yoongi laughs harder, “Oh my god, please stop. I’m going to break a rib from laughing too hard.”
You sniff, “Well, consider that the first and last compliment you will get from me. Ever.”
That shuts him up real quick. “Aw, babe,” He whines, following you as you move towards the counter in the back of the shop. Thank god there are no other customers to witness your complete degeneration into Min Yoongi Trash™. 
You slouch against the counter as you reach it, turning to face him. “Don’t ‘aw, babe’ me, babe. Now, get me my flower.”
Your sass does nothing but bring a smile to Yoongi’s face, and your frown deepens.
“I know just the thing,” He smirks. 
You don’t trust it. At all.
Yoongi goes behind the counter and grabs a little potted flower from behind the register. He pushes it over to your side slowly. “It’s a potato vine flower (you are delicious),” He says, like that explains everything. “It reminds me of you.”
You gape at the admittedly pretty triad of flowers intertwined together in the small silver pot. “A flower with potato in its name reminds you of me?” Your eyes narrow down into slits as you stare at him.
“Those are the words that came out of my mouth, yes.” His lips quirk at your growing ire.
“Hmph,” You turn up your nose, “Well, I will take it as a compliment. Potatoes are great, versatile, and goddamn tasty.”
“Indeed,” Yoongi smiles, running a hand through his hair. The rings adorning his fingers glisten under the shop’s lights, and you cannot help but follow his hands as they once again return to his sides.
You can feel your face warming as indecent thoughts of his hands on you fly through your brain. As your gaze remains lowered, it falls upon the tip jar. Today, it reads: “Help Yoongi fulfill his dream… of doing absolutely nothing”.
Before Yoongi can stop you, you shove a twenty into the jar. “Thanks for the potato plant, Yoongi,” You try to hide your smile as he - as predicted - gets into a huff over your incorrect identification.
“It’s a potato vine flower!” He yells after you as you walk away, “You know that, right? It’s important to me that you know that!”
“Po-tay-to, po-tat-oh,” You call back to him, laughing as you ignore his groan of protest. Provoking Yoongi might just become your new favorite hobby.
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Work consumes your next few days and prevents you from visiting your lovely little flower boy. Obviously, that has contributed to your mood taking a turn for the worse. But, it’s also done a steep nosedive because fucking Darryl is back at it again with his misogyny. You really shouldn't be surprised at this point, but here you are, surrounded by cleaning supplies, one concerned model, and one indifferent photographer.
Your joint project is culminating tomorrow - book cover proposal for one of the industry’s top romance authors. The one job, the one fucking job, you had given Darryl was to buy props. And guess what Darryl had gotten? Fucking mops.
“I thought you just wanted to clean or some shit,” He had said and then had the nerve to shrug.
Oh, you are going to clean alright. Clean him right out of his office, you will. Using him as the broom you personally sweep the floor with. 
Now, your cover model Jinyoung is here, and there is nothing to make this shoot interesting. Jinyoung, one of Jackson’s close friends and fellow model, awkwardly tries to comfort you as you stew in your rage in the corner of the studio.
“What are we going to do?” You cry for the tenth time, getting ready to either burst into tears or to burn the building to the ground. At least Darryl had made himself scarce ever since you tore into his ass for a solid fifteen minutes. Honestly, that had been the highlight of your day.
“Are there any props around here?” Jinyoung suggests. You look around the studio only to find the photographer Mina scrolling through her phone and an assortment of lighting fixtures against the white backdrop. Suddenly, your gaze snaps back to Mina - more specifically to her floral patterned shirt.
“Come with me,” You grab Jinyoung’s hand and tug him out the door, “Mina, I’ll be back in ten!”
The photographer sends a thumbs up, and you and Jinyoung are on your way. “Where are we going?” He chuckles as you keep tugging him along out of the building and down the street.
“We are going to improvise,” You grit out as you stomp towards your destination, hand still grasping Jinyoung’s tightly. Finally, you arrive at Of Fern and Freesia. “We’re getting flowers,” You declare and enter the shop with Jinyoung in tow.
“Alright then,” He mutters, probably thinking that he doesn't get paid enough for this. And honestly neither do you - especially when you lock eyes with Min Yoongi and his face looks like thunder. You become hyper-aware that you are still clutching onto Jinyoung as Yoongi’s eyes fall to focus on your clasped hands. His jaw tightens. 
And then his expression clears like nothing had even happened. 
Your heart beats fast in your chest as you watch as Yoongi turns and walks into the back room of the shop without a backwards glance.
Had that been a display of jealousy just now? It could not have been. Nope.
You shove this whole thing aside. You aren’t Yoongi’s anything. Just like he isn’t yours. 
You clasp Jinyoung’s hand tighter as you haul him towards a selection of roses. “What do you think of any of these?” You ask Jinyoung and point to the different colored roses. 
“Uh, they’re nice,” Jinyoung doesn’t seem too committed to your search, but you pay that no mind. You have one goal: do not get fired. Actually, no. You have a second goal: get Darryl fired. 
You pluck a red rose (love) and a burgundy rose (unconscious beauty) out of their respective buckets. Holding them up next to Jinyoung, you try to envision the book cover. But instead of seeing Jinyoung with rose petals raining down around him, you see Yoongi sprawled out across your bed with petals scattered around him.
Not the time, (y/n)! 
Oh, god. The time!
You quickly grab the entire bucket of red roses and gesture for Jinyoung to grab the burgundy rose bucket. “We’ll get both and figure it out later,” You say, moving onwards towards the counter. Jinyoung follows you obediently. 
When you make it to the counter, you both plop the buckets down. 
“Couldn’t have just one, huh?” 
You and Jinyoung jump as Yoongi appears from behind you as he rounds the counter. 
“Had to take them both?” He continues, his expressionless face is worrisome. But, you do not have the time to analyze it or his confusing words right now.
“Uh, yeah? Yoongi, listen, we’re really late, and I need to pay quickly. I can explain later. Please.”
Your voice cracks on your last word, and Yoongi’s blank expression softens slightly as he sighs, “Okay, (y/n).” He accepts your credit card that you have outstretched to him and rings your flowers up.
“Thank you, Yoongi. You’re a lifesaver,” You say in a tiny voice, going to grab your wallet when you realize you don’t actually have cash on you right now. You’ll have to come back later.
“Yeah, thanks, man,” Jinyoung says, giving Yoongi that classic headnod that ‘bros’ do. 
Yoongi shoots Jinyoung one of the iciest glares you have ever seen; and yet, somehow, Jinyoung just smiles without a care. 
“You’re welcome, (y/n),” Yoongi replies, handing you back your card along with the receipt. “Oh, I also have flowers for you - for both of you.” He snags two different flowers from the shelf behind the counter and holds one out to each of you.
You accept the pretty white flower which Yoongi calls a polyanthus lily (pleasures that inevitably cause pain), while Jinyoung gingerly accepts a cluster of smaller yellow flowers. Yoongi smugly declares them to be tansies (I declare war against you). 
Thanking Yoongi again, you rush out of the shop with a bucket of roses in your hands and a model hot on your heels. You have a shoot to save and a bone to pick. It is time to get shit done.
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Seven exhausting hours later, you emerge from your workplace with a sense of bitter accomplishment. Your shoot with Jinyoung had gone as well as it could have given the circumstances.
You and Mina had gotten as creative as you could have with the hundred roses you had bought from Of Fern & Freesia. You had showered Jinyoung in rose petals, you had made him place a rose between his teeth, and you had him extend one flower out like the Bachelor.
God, if you hadn’t been half in love with your flower boy you might have kissed Jinyoung for being such a good sport. Instead, you had settled for personally calling his agency to sing his praises and for making a note to send him a bonus.
Another win had come later this afternoon when you had been lucky enough to bear witness to Darryl’s termination. Your boss had been horrified to hear about Darryl’s fuckup and about all of the other bullshit he had put you through. As it turns out, she had already been keeping tabs on him for similar suspicions and this had been all the evidence she needed to seal the deal.
The look on Darryl’s face had been life changing. It had carried you through the last few hours of editing and arranging the final book cover proposal.
And so, finally, you drag your tired ass back to Of Fern & Freesia to both tip Yoongi for earlier and to give an explanation for the brevity of your afternoon visit. That is, if he is even still working at this hour. The shop is nearing its close, and you just hope you aren’t too late.
The bell chiming is the only sound that greets your ears as you enter the shop. The place is absent of the customers who usually roam around the aisles, examining flowers. Undeterred, you walk towards the back of the shop.
Yoongi is slouched over the counter, typing away furiously on his phone. He doesn’t look up as you approach as it seems he’s lost in his own virtual world.
“Paging florist Yoongi,” You call softly and smile as Yoongi is finally the one to get jumpy.
“Yah,” He cries, slapping a hand to his heart, “What are you trying to do, woman?”
“I’m trying to greet you, duh,” You roll your eyes, biting back a grin. 
“All alone this time?” Yoongi sets his phone on the counter, turning his full attention - and sass - to you.
“Alone? Please,” You scoff, “My FBI agent is surely tailing me somewhere nearby.”
“There goes that mouth,” Yoongi mutters darkly, his eyes dropping to your lips for a split second. He leans closer to you over the counter, “Tell me, (y/n)... Does your boyfriend like it when you talk back like that, too? Or is that all that attitude just for me?”
You mirror his actions, leaning over the counter and bringing your face closer to his. “He would like it... If he existed.”
Yoongi’s eyes widen slightly before narrowing, “Really? Then who was that boy you came in here with earlier? So you’re saying that you hold hands and buy flowers with just anyone?” His attention on you is hard and absolute, but you don’t flinch. 
You lean closer, lips only an inch or two away from his. “Hm,” You say, in mock confusion, “I didn’t realize that the last Daylight Savings had shifted us all the way back to the 14th century. Oh, wait. It’s still 2020, and I can do whatever the fuck I want.”
Before you can blink, Yoongi’s hands shoot out to cradle your face and his lips are on yours. A gasp slips between your lips, and Yoongi takes advantage of your shock to slip his tongue into your mouth, tasting you. He pulls back slightly, his lips brushing yours as he mutters, “You are so goddamn infuriating. You walk around here looking like a fucking thirst trap when I have to be Professional Yoongi™, and then you say these absurd things that only make me want you more, and then you show up at my music show and almost make me forget every word I have ever known, and now the only melodies and lyrics that run through my brain relate to you, and so I am just losing my goddamn mind over you—”
You kiss him. “Shut up, you giant adorable idiot,” You mumble against his lips, “And for the record, I liked you first.”
Yoongi pulls away from you and shakes his head, “No way, babe. I’ve liked you since the moment I saw you standing at this counter for the first time last month.” 
You cross your arms, “Oh yeah? Well, I’ve liked you since you walked out of that back room right there to help me for the first time last month. So, it looks like we’re even.” 
“Even?” Yoongi grins, ducking down to pull something off the shelf below the counter. “That’s cute. But, I win,” He straightens, placing a bigger tip jar that you’ve never seen before onto the counter between you. Slowly, he turns it around so that the post-it note attached to it is displayed for you: “Cute girl (Y/n) and Yoongi’s Date Fund”. 
“Wow, am I not cute anymore?” You joke, looking up at Yoongi who rolls his eyes.
“That was before I knew your name, babe, and (y/n) is too beautiful a name not to be written at every opportunity.”
It’s your turn to roll your eyes. Your cheeks flush traitorously as you smile, “You’re so full of shit, Min Yoongi.”
“Am not,” He argues, moving around the counter over to your side. Just when you think he’s trying to get closer to you, he moves past you.
“Where are you going?” You trail after him, pausing when you notice he’s pulled a ring of keys from his pocket. Your eyes widen to their full extent as you watch him lock up the shop and flip around the sign to read: “Closed”.
Yoongi turns back around. “Come here, (y/n),” He says, his voice deep, his lips tugging into a smirk. 
You resort to your instinctual reaction whenever someone issues you an order, “Make me.”
“I was hoping you’d say that,” Yoongi prowls towards you. You back up with every step he takes, and before you know it, your back is up against the counter. Yoongi’s arms cage you in on either side of your body. He’s so close. The heat from his body sears into you and you think you might just faint from proximity.
“What do you want from me?” You whisper as Yoongi’s head dips to place soft kisses along your neck.
“I want you,” He says without a pause or hesitation, “In any way you’ll give me.”
“And would I get you in return?” You sigh as Yoongi sucks lightly on the skin right below your ear.
You feel his smile before he answers, “Babe, you already have me.”
Your heart swells. He is yours. But in true (y/n) fashion you cannot help but to fuck with him further, “Ah, well that just disincentivizes giving myself to you. Since I already have you, why should I let you have me?”
Yoongi bites your neck lightly in response to your teasing, and you are too surprised to catch the moan before it winds its way out of your mouth. “Fuck, baby, I need to hear you make that sound again,” Yoongi growls, his hands gripping your thighs before lifting you onto the counter. “Let me have you,” He begs, pulling his head back to stare at you. His pupils are so blown out, and you are certain yours are the same way.
His hands are still gripping your thighs as you clench them together as best you can with Yoongi in between. 
“Oh,” Yoongi murmurs, looking too pleased, “Is my baby desperate for my touch already?”
“Puh-lease,” You reply, “Don’t act like you aren’t hard as fuck right now, Min.” 
“That’s besides the point. I’ve been hard for you since you walked in here in that tight as fuck skirt and those fucking heels,” Yoongi scowls. “And then you had the audacity to take your hair down like some sort of seductress. I had to jerk off like three times that night.”
“Oh,” You grin evilly, “You mean… like this?” You reach up to pull the pencil out of your topknot, successfully sending your hair tumbling down your shoulders. You shake your head slightly to help the strands settle and bask in Yoongi’s dark expression complete with clenched jaw.
“That’s it,” Yoongi’s hands slide under your thighs, and suddenly you are thrown over his shoulder.
“Yoongi!” You cry as he carries you into the back room of the shop.
“Shut it, you,” Yoongi spanks your ass once, and you let out a tiny squeak before you are set down on a marble island amidst a room full of flowers, ribbons, and anything even remotely related to bouquet-making. 
You’re too distracted by the beauty that surrounds you to notice that Yoongi is grabbing something from a nearby shelf. He returns to stand in front of you once more. “Let me taste you,” He says as if he’s asking for the time of day. 
“If you must,” You feign indifference, but your smile betrays you.
“Clothes off,” Yoongi says, his voice deeper than you’ve ever heard it. You don’t think twice before stripping out of your blouse and unbuttoning your dark jeans.
“You’re gonna have to help me, Yoongi,” You sigh as you stare down at the lack of room Yoongi is giving you to stand to take off your pants.
“It would be my honor,” Yoongi replies, and you groan at his dramatics. “Ass up,” He commands. You lean back onto your elbows and lift your ass up so that he can take your jeans off successfully.
“Damn, baby,” His eyes burn into you as he takes in the sight of your body covered just barely by your lace bra and panties. Tugging a scrap of ribbon from his pocket, Yoongi approaches you, “Can I blindfold you?”
“Kinky,” You breathe, nodding. Yoongi grins and gently ties the soft ribbon around your head, effectively surrounding you in darkness.
“Lay back,” He murmurs. You do so, shivering slightly as your skin meets the coolness of the marble. A soft kiss is placed to your cheek before you feel a brush of something else cross your neck.
You gasp as what you can only imagine could be a flower is dragged along your body, dipping in between your breasts, down across your stomach, ghosting over your hips. All of your senses are buzzing, hyper-aware of everything but your sight.
And so when you feel a finger slowly stroke you over your panties, you let out a gasp. “Yoongi,” You moan, your hips shifting in vain to bring his hand closer.
“Say my name again,” He growls, and you hear a snip along with a quick touch of metal.
“Yoongi,” You chastise, “Did you just fucking cut my underwear off?”
“Hm, not quite the tone I was asking for but it’ll do,” The grin is apparent in his voice and you open your mouth to lay into him when his tongue slides between your folds.
“Fuck,” You sigh, your hand winding down your body to clutch at his hair, “Yoongi, please.”
“Well, since you asked so nicely,” Yoongi mumbles, and then you are suddenly moved closer to the edge of the island and his mouth is on you.
His lips kiss over every inch of your pussy, his tongue flicks out every so often to drag over your clit. It’s slow and torturously sweet. Your back arches as Yoongi suddenly sucks lightly at your swollen bud. 
That sets him off. You feel Yoongi’s finger tease your entrance, lightly pushing in and out as his mouth continues to suck and caress your pussy.
His finger sinks into you, and you curse, moaning Yoongi’s name as he continues to push in and out of you. Though your vision is taken, you begin to see white as you hurtle towards the precipice.
Another finger is thrust inside you and you cry out. “Fuck, baby,” Yoongi growls, “You are so wet for me, so tight, so delicious. Tell me when you’re close. I want you to come in my mouth.”
Fuck, he’s filthy. You think you might love him.
“I’m already close, you little shit,” You groan as he sucks your clit harshly, making you somehow see stars.
Yoongi immediately switches things up, his tongue sinks inside you as his fingers rub your clit in quick, light circles.
You come with a scream, feeling Yoongi sucking and lapping up everything you give him. He carries you through your orgasm, and finally you sink back onto the marble.
And then you rip off the blindfold.
“My turn!” You grin, blinking furiously as your eyes readjust to the light of the room. You sit up. Yoongi is still kneeling between your legs, gazing up at you with wet lips and a feral expression.
“Your turn?” He arches an eyebrow and stands. You take advantage of his movements and hop down off the island.
“Those are the words that came out of my mouth, yes,” You throw his own words from a few days ago back in his face.
You can tell he remembers when he laughs slightly, his eyes crinkling adorably. 
“Now get naked, Min Yoongi,” You command, unhooking your bra and letting it fall to the ground.
Yoongi groans at the sight of you and then whips his shirt off, throwing it at you.
Laughing, you catch it and chuck it to the side. Before you know it, Yoongi stands naked before you. His torso is also covered in ink, his nipples are pierced, his cock is hard.
You slowly walk over to him, excited by how the tables have turned now. “Blindfold?” You ask, dangling the satin ribbon in front of you.
He shakes his head swiftly, “No, I need to see you.”
You grab his cock and revel in the hiss of breath he sucks in, “Baby boy, I don't think you understand who is in charge here.”
“Fuck,” He moans, both at your words and at the slow movements of your hand along his length. 
“Now, since you made me come particularly hard, I’m going to give you another option: I tie your wrists.”
Yoongi looks pissed, “I have to pick one?” 
You take your hand away, and he caves instantly. “Fine! Tie my wrists.”
“Good boy,” You smirk, “Now lay on the island like I just did.” You watch as he listens, grumbling all the while about how he wanted to touch you and how this was some bullshit. He’d learn.
Finally, Yoongi is in position and gives out a big sigh like he just went through so much effort. So extra.
You make quick work of his wrists, tying them above his head loosely. “Let me know it gets to be too much for you, okay?” You kiss him softly and swiftly and smile as he tries to chase your lips as you pull back.
You hop onto the island and slowly kneel over Yoongi. Your knees are on either side of his calves as you lean down, arching your back so your ass is high in the air, and then you suck the tip of his cock into your mouth.
The moan that Yoongi emits is so sexy that you almost skip right to sitting on his dick - almost. Instead, you just speed up, swirling your tongue around him and cradling his balls in your palm.
“Fucking hell, baby,” Yoongi rasps out, his eyes squeezed shut, “Your fucking mouth.”
You smile around him and take him further inside your mouth. Yoongi chokes out more curses than you have ever heard before. And when you swallow around him, he groans, “I’m gonna come. Wanna come on your tits.”
You release him with a pop. “No,” You say, sitting back on your heels. 
Yoongi’s neck strains as he looks down at you, “Please, (y/n), baby, I need you. Fuck, you’re so fucking sexy.” His head falls back as he smirks slightly, “I can’t believe that you just sucked my dick and that I actually got to eat you out just now. Damn, I don’t know how I got so lucky. Maybe I saved someone famous in my past life. Or maybe I was Spiderman—”
Moving quickly, you settle further up his body, hovering over his cock. Your hand covers Yoongi’s mouth. “Are you malfunctioning? Oh my god, I broke you. And to think I was going to sit on your dick next… That’s too bad. I don't think you can handle it.”
His eyes widen to the size of dinner plates as he stares up at you, “Mmph!” His words are muffled by your palm.
“What’s that?” You tease, leaning down to slowly suck on his nipple, swirling the piercing around with your tongue. “You still want me to?”
This time, you remove your hand so he can reply fully. As soon as your palm leaves, Yoongi cries, “Please, please, please, baby. Take me inside you. I’ll make you feel good, I promise!” 
“Well,” You straighten, grabbing his cock and lining him up with your entrance, “Since you asked so nicely.”
Slowly, you sink down. Inch by inch you watch as Yoongi’s face scrunches up as he murmurs your name like a prayer. Finally, you take him all the way inside. “Well, how does it feel, baby?” You grin.
“Like fucking heaven,” He groans, his fists clenching above him as he tries to thrust into you as best he can.
“Relax, baby,” You place a palm on his chest, “Let me take care of you.” With that, you begin to move. Your hips swivel slowly at first and then pick up the pace. You feel him twitching inside you and you know that he’s already close from how well you sucked him off earlier.
You ride him hard, sliding up and down his hard cock and watching his face as you ruin him. His breathing is harsh and his legs begin shaking beneath you, “Fuck, shit, damn, baby, please.”
His words are a garbled mess as you clench down around him, beginning to feel your own orgasm rising. “Don’t you dare come yet, Min Yoongi,” You hiss, leaning back slightly to take him deeper.
“Baby-y, please.” You watch enraptured as a tear slips out of his eye. Yoongi’s abs are clenching and you know he is so fucking close to coming. 
“Look at me,” You order, sliding a hand down your body to circle your clit. He listens and groans immediately at the sight of you.
“Watching you ride me makes me want to come even more!” He whines, but nevertheless keeps his eyes on you. You smile and moan softly as you continue to ride him, flicking your clit between your fingers. You’re close now. 
Your movements become frantic as you bounce on his cock, your hips shifting over his. You hurtle towards your climax and you tighten around him, “Come.”
Immediately, you feel him come inside you, painting your walls and filling you with warmth. You light up as you come for the second time that night, your walls pulsing around his cock, milking him. 
Yoongi is undone underneath you, his head is thrown back, throat on full display. He is muttering something about the sweetest pussy ever and wedding rings. And he looks so good that you can't resist laying down on top of him, kissing his neck. “You good, baby boy?” You smile in between kisses.
“I think you did break me,” He mumbles, his hands settling on your hips. Wait a second…
“How did you untie yourself?” You pout, relaxing into Yoongi’s chest as his hands rub your ass.
“Silk is slippery, babe,” You can practically hear his grin, “But not as slippery as your pus—”
“Min Yoongi!” You cry, hopping off of him. He whines as he slips out of you but then licks his lips as he notices his own cum dripping down your legs. 
“Come here,” He crooks a finger at you.
“Make me,” You retort once again, smirking slightly. 
He groans, “I don't think I can even move right now if I wanted to. But come on, sit on my face.”
“Wow, such language!” You slap a hand over your heart, “My delicate ears will never recover!”
“You’re the worst,” Yoongi laughs, easing up to sit. “Damn, I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard.”
“Nice,” You nod proudly, “Leave that review on Yelp, please.”
His dark eyes narrow, “Who else is leaving reviews, (y/n)?” 
Laughing, you tug on Yoongi’s discarded t-shirt, “Oh, you know, the rest of my harem of flower boys.”
“What!” Yoongi makes a miraculous recovery as he jumps off the island and tugs you to him, “I’m your flower boy, baby. You’ll never need anyone else.”
Smiling widely up at him, you simply reply, “Okay, bloomer.”
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a/n: flower meanings sourced from: The Complete Language of Flowers: A Definitive and Illustrated History by S. Theresa Dietz AND The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh [again, meanings differ depending on the source!)
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1tad0ri · 4 years
Hai bby! It’s me again! Back to be a lil thottie for megimi 🥰 Im just surprised no one thought about this- but sucking off Megumi? Is like the dream. You just know he had a gorgeous cock and a big one too! Especially when he comes from a long stressful day and you’re sitting all pretty between his legs and just sucking him off?? What I wouldn’t give 🤤 Thanks bby! - 💖 Nonnie
warning: blowjob
fushiguro megumi x gn!reader
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you really said it all
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when the front door clicked shut not even ten minutes ago, you could already feel the weight of his stress from the heavy sigh.
“megumi?” he’d looked up at your voice, pausing midway as he shrugged off his jacket. you’d both had a mission earlier that week with the others and the higher-ups had shoved all of the paperwork for it onto him this time. (maybe it was because he was capable. maybe it wasn’t. it wasn’t like you had a single clue what went on in their heads.)
meetings and forms and everything that went along with the aftermath of missions had him spending long hours away—unregistered special grade curses were always a pain to report. between the mission and the pile of work that had followed, the past few days had obviously been hard for him—you could tell he was tired. but now megumi was home and right in front of you and he was all yours once again.
he looked good. dressed up with a black turtleneck and the dark trench coat you’d reminded him to take before he headed off into the crisp morning air, he looked perfect—“meeting with important people today. have to look good,” megumi had explained to you, voice still a little groggy, as he got dressed in your shared bedroom. he had tugged at his sleeves one last time, pressed a kiss to your forehead, and then was off.
in fact, megumi looked so good that as he stood in front hallway of the house, you found your hands slipping up his shoulders to push his coat the rest of the way off, leaning up to give him a greeting kiss. normally a small peck, it deepened when you pushed into him and he returned it with the same fevor—it seemed like you both had the same idea. the nudge of his tongue into your mouth spread warmth through you.
megumi’s jacket fell off his shoulders at last with a mere tip of your hand and he let it pool carelessly on the floor at his feet, not pulling away from your mouth in the slightest. his hands, now free, came up to wrap around your waist.
having barely taken five steps into the house, megumi already had you pressed against him, kissing you breathless—what a day.
when you parted for air, you kept your foreheads leaning together and you fought back a smile as you felt his fingers drawing circles onto the small of your back. “welcome home.” you gave him a small, playful kiss.
“mmm.” megumi nudged his nose against yours. “missed you. a lot.” you felt his hands pushing up the back of your shirt. “like a lot.”
you giggled and pecked him again, pulling back just a bit when he tried to deepen it again. “missed you too. hard day?”
a bitter chuckle. “you have no idea.”
as his hand crept further up your shirt, you laid your hand on your arm to stop him, relishing the cute, confused look he gave you. “let me take care of you tonight then.”
not even ten minutes ago, megumi had come home after a grueling day, and now, not even ten minutes later, you had shoved him down to lean back against the couch as you knelt between his legs. belt buckle undone and the bottom of his turtleneck pulled up for him to bite on, toned lower stomach peeking out, megumi had his pretty cock on display, the tip red as you pumped his length and the rest of it flushed an inticing rose color. precum was already beginning to bead at the slit.
never letting your eyes leave his, you licked a stripe up from the base and then let your mouth sink around the top and slowly around the rest of his cock just how you knew he liked it. your tongue was hot where it pressed against the underside of his dick and he had to strain to prevent his hips from bucking up into your mouth.
“sit back and relax,” you’d originally told him, smiling when you had sunk to your knees in front of him and set about undoing his belt moments ago. and now you were sucking him off, so warm and so pretty where he looked down at you. megumi groaned at the sight—you were always so good to him.
you hollowed your cheeks and megumi ground his teeth together, head falling back and shirt still clamped in his mouth. “fuck.” you let him rest his hand on the back of your head, the weight gentle but urging as he took in your wide eyes and the way your mouth was stuffed full. “i love you so, so much.”
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sunflower-riki · 3 years
ENHYPEN reaction to (confessing / first kiss)
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Enha x reader!
Genre : fluff fluff fluff ✨
You guys were watching a movie
The theater didn't have much ppl in there as it was a romcom
And ofc it was your boyfie idea
As you guys were watching the movie
There came THE SCENE
They KISSED uwu
Never ever in a million years did you think it's going to be this intense
In an attempt to dodge eye contact you turned your head
Only to see your bf staring at you
His eyes said a purpose
Almost unintentionally your heads came together
Lips placing on top of each other
Almost as of sculpted for each other
This was a moment of euphoria
Nothing seemed to move around you both
You guys slowly pulled out of the kiss and placed your foreheads on top of each other smiling endearingly
Your lips were exactly what I missed baby
You guys were on a dinner date
Candle light and all
You guys were sitting opposite to each other
admiring each other's beauty
Just how gorgeous you looked with the candle light falling on your face tracing your features
And how handsome he look wearing a tuxedo with hair neatly gelled back emphasizing his sculpted ones
He was your personalized Levi Ackerman ( is it just me or anyone see the resemblance)
He never realized how much in love he really was at this stage
His heart would scurry outside his protected cage even at the most minute thing you would do
His face would turn crimson red with just you smiling
He knew he had met THE ONE
Mustering up all his courage those 4 words slipped out of his mouth
" I love you honey "
You guys were in a date in the dog park
With Layla ofc
Hands interlocked and at times playfully swinging
You guys couldn't be happier
Ig even Layla was influenced by your guys overflowing energy
She was hoping wagging her tail happily trailing along with you
Jake let Layla in the dog play area where they could leave the dogs to play around
You guys decided sit in a bench under a tree not too far from where Layla played
He rested his head on your shoulder slowly inhaling your sent
You smiled unknowingly
This time it was you who said those meaningful words
You just couldn't help it
"I truly love you jakey"
You guys were ice skating uwu
He was teaching you too to be more precise
He had his arm wrapped wound your waist providing you support
Slowly guiding you around the ice rink
It was obvious you were nervouse
As your body was constantly tensing up now and then
This doesn't go unnoticed by hoon
He planted a peck on your cheeks
This was an attempt to calm you down
It was after a good 1 min of standing in that position
That was your FIRST KISS
And soon after he realized he just buried his face into the crook of your neck
You couldn't help but laugh
Are you blushing hooni
((When you are a crimson red tomato))
You guys were on a spa date
Omg omg
Your hands would just brush against his
And he would be a tomato sunoo
Your boi is shy xxxx
Pls cuddle him uwuwuw
You guys had face masks on
Mumbling inaudible words to each other
Laughing for no reason.
You guys looked like two little kids
You started to tickle him it soon turned into a tickle battle
After the fight
You guys broke into a bunch of giggles
I love you my sunshine
You were attending one of his taekwondo competition
He was heavily nervous for it and anticipating for it for a long long time
You knew it better than anyone
The day of the competition he was nervously fiddling his fingers
Being extra clingy and more
You couldn't help but laugh at the bois frustrated or should I say trusfrated state
He was abt to pass out at this rate
To calm him down
You placed a gentle kiss on his forehead
Before whispering
Good luck wonie!
You guys were coming back from school
All jolly and happy
Swinging hands
And eventually nudging onto each other
Gleaming with happiness
It was all fun and joy until Niki
Decides to go
" are you from Tennessee cus you're the only ten I see"
Really ??
You litteraly pulled a disgusted and cringed face
You decided to make him flutter
You moved your face into a close proximity
Understanding your intention
He decided to turn the tables over
Pressing a light pecks on your lips
You ended up buying your face into his chest
Now who is shy bby?
(( While boi looked like he was hyperventilating))
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fonulyn · 3 years
Ohoh how about top 10 Leon screenshots from infinite darkness to go with Ur other Leon screenshots?
you have no idea how hard this was and how much i cried deleting perfectly good screenshots so i'd manage to narrow it down to ten :'D but at least I got to stare at Leon all the while, so... :'D
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i love how this is a callback to re4 and re6 :D ah and such a pretty shot!
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this is just incredibly beautiful and the lil hint of a smile? I die 😭
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i can't even explain why i adore this? but i do. very much.
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beautiful clever bby
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he's about to cry and i'm about to follow the damn example
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for some reason in this he reminds me so much of the Damnation look and I am living for that.
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i... may have a thing for him getting strangled? 8)
ah thank you, anon! as hard as this was, it was also very rewarding :'D this morning i had zero screenshots of ID, now I have 600 of Leon and that obviously makes my life considerably better.
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