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Fanfiction: Sympathy For A Downer
Chapter 62
The next morning, Nick was still clingy. “Good morning, my King. Did you sleep well in your new home?”, he whispered while hugging him. He was also rubbing his cheek against Arthur's shoulder, tickling the other man a bit. “Fantastic”, Arthur approved. “Just fantastic. And the morning sun”, he gestured towards the window, “I missed that too.” “It's much more comfy than a tunnel, right?” Nick's voice was soft as silk and he kept hugging. Arthur kissed his forehead, then he gently attempted to shove him away. “Nicky...why don't we try out your kitchen today? I wanna see if you have another coffee monster lurking in there that needs to be tamed.” “Hmmm...”, Nick said, “The monster is me.” “Then we better go feed you.” Nick slowly let go of Arthur, who noticed his lover was trying his best to look happy but his expression was rather bittersweet. It didn't take long until Nick put an arm around him again.
Side by side, they went all the way to the kitchen. They passed by the manager who gave them a surprised look. Arthur was almost blushing, but they quickly said good morning and went their ways. The kitchen was cleaner than it had been the first time Arthur had seen it. No dirty dishes in the sink and someone had dusted the place up. Nick pointed at the coffee machine. “There it is. Try your luck, my King.” Arthur figured this was easier. However, when the liquid ran out, he realized he had forgotten to put a cup underneath it and backed away from the hot splash. “Ouch! Goddamnit! No, no, no...!” The drink ran down the counter and created a puddle on the floor tiles. “Sorry...” Arthur turned around and was surprised to find his lover laughing out loud. Looking back at the mess, he couldn't help but to laugh with him. It was the first time this morning that Nick looked happy, and his laughter was enchanting.
When they started wiping up the puddle together, the door opened and Brad came in. “You having fun in here?” He eyed the scene. “Oh, hi Arthur.” “Good morning”, Arthur said shyly. “Busy reporting the news, huh?” Brad sounded rather bitter. “What news?” Then Matt came in. “Hi Arthur.” He looked from Arthur to Nick and Nick saw him draw the conclusion. “Nick”, Matt asked afterwards, “Can I have a word with you?” “Uh”. Nick glanced at Arthur who made a puzzled nod. “Sure.” He got up and followed Matt outside, bracing himself for a storm. In the living room, he leaned against the wall and eyed his friend who seemed to search for words. “Do you have any shame?”, he brought out. “What? Can't I have guests anymore?” “Guests?”, his friend snapped. “You're lying into my face! Arthur was the one you betrayed Morrie with! You spent days with him and we were joking about it! How long did you betray him?” “Sssh, quiet,” Nick hissed. “He doesn't know about Morrie.” “Oh, great! You better go and tell him then!”, Matt shouted. “Sssh, Matt, please, leave this to me!”, Nick whispered begging. “I can't believe it! You...” Matt made a fist. Nick braced himself for a punch. But Matt lowered his hand again – and his voice. “He's just another poor soul you're playing with!” “No, listen, I'm not playing, I love him!” Matt gave an upset gasp. “And Morrie? You used him because it was convenient? You heartless piece of...!” “No, I love him too!” Matt grimaced.
“Listen, I know it sounds funny, but...” “Funny?”, his friend spat. “It sounds fucked up! And it look awful! You spend the night with Morrie, he dies, you come back full of blood and instead of mourning like a true lover you bring the next playmate home!” “Matt, he's not a playmate and I do mourn!” “Really?” Matt lifted his brow. “Sounded more like laughter to me. You have a weird way of crying.” “I had one pleasant moment after a horrible day and you...” “Oh, you poor thing! One 'horrible' day of mourning for a year long friend! Are you sure one playmate is enough to repair your broken heart?” Now Nick raised his fist. “Say that one more time...” “Oh, now you're protective!”, Matt teased him. “If only Morrie had received your protective instinct! He'd still be alive!” That was too much for Nick. He jumped at Matt and threw him on the ground. Matt punched back, and soon they were rolling on the floor. The noise alerted Chris who ran in and stepped between the two. “Are you crazy? This won't bring him back!” Because neither of them wanted to hurt Chris, they stopped. Nick kneeled on the floor and started sobbing while Matt got up, his expression sour. “I'm done with you!”, he yelled at Nick and went out. Chris watched him leave and then pulled Nick up. “Come, let's get out of here...”, he said. “Great timing, really. Making that fuss while the reporter is here...” “He's a friend...”, Nick sobbed. “Sure...but he'd suck at his job if he wouldn't turn that into a story.” “Let me talk to him.” “Like that? No way, man!” But Nick escaped him and went back into the kitchen. Both Brad and Arthur sat at the table and gave him a startled look.
“Arthur”, Nick said wiping his eyes dry, “do you have a minute?” Both men exchanged glances, then Arthur went with Nick. Nick insisted to flee into his bedroom and then he clung to Arthur again. “I'm sorry about Morrie Memento. I had no idea...”, Arthur whispered. “I found him in the morning when I went back home.” “Oh god, I'm sorry...” “Now they think it was me...I touched Morrie, because in my panic I tried to shake him awake and then I was all bloody when they brought me home...” Arthur shook his head. “When I saw what they did to Kitty, I wondered if they were even human.” Nick cried as an answer. “Nicky, that'd be another reason to leave...” “But Arthur, I can't just abandon them...as long as they don't hate me, I'll stay.” Arthur sighed. “Were you talking about me? I think I heard you say my name.” Nick began to pat his hair. “They thought you were here to...put salt into the wounds, I guess. Create a big story about Morrie's...holiday.” “Is that why you were fighting?” “We're upset, all of us...”, Nick said quietly. “I should apologize to Matt.” “Later”, Arthur said and kissed Nick's cheek.
“Arthur?”, Nick whispered. “Yes, Nick?” “Could you do me a...big favour?” “Huh...perhaps? What is it?” “You're still a reporter, right?” “Yeah?” “And you were at the party?” “Oh, I forgot about that. I recall we had our own party.” Arthur was happy to see Nick smile at least faintly. “Could you...write a piece about it? Say that it all went smashing and no one was hurt?” “Uh...I guess...” “Please.” “It's actually about time I get something done...” Arthur crawled out of the bed. Nick busied himself gathering papers and pencils for his lover and put them all on the desk. “There you go. You need something else? A drink maybe?” “Uh...water would do, thanks.” Nick grimaced. “Water? You're not in jail.” “But everything you gave me so far made me lose my mind.” “Are you sure it was the drink?”, Nick purred and massaged Arthur's shoulders. “If not, there's no hope for me...”, Arthur sighed and stretched himself. “Water, please.” “Alright.” Nick shrugged and made his way to the bar to get the mineral water.
On the way, he met Virgil. Nick only muttered a greeting and then went to the counter. Virgil followed him and lay a hand on his shoulder. “Let me see”, he said. Nick turned around and showed him the bottle of soda he had in his hands. Virgil however inspected Nick's face. “Any bruises?” “No...”, Nick said. “You know Matt, he doesn't hit very hard...I'm fine.” Virgil relaxed and leaned against the counter. “So...Arthur's the one, huh?” Nick put the bottle down. “Yes...and I've been with him all night, so at least he knows that I'm not a killer.” A pause ensued. “How long do you know him?” “You too?”, Nick protested. “You never cared about my relationships and that made you very pleasant to talk to!” Virgil made a face. “I was more interested in how good you know that reporter.” “I know him good enough.” “Was he really with you all the time?” “Yeah...I guess so...I had him like that...” He held up his arms the way he had held Arthur and tried a smile. Virgil remained pondering. “What do you mean? Are you suspecting Arthur now?” Nick was shocked. “I'm trying to make sense out of things. And he wouldn't be the first bad egg you trusted. I feel that there's something off about him.” “Don't call him that!”, Nick blurted out. “He's just shy, that's all! And if you all make him feel like he's off, it's no wonder he's acting weird!” Virgil crossed his arms. “So, I'm not the only one who suspects him? Interesting.” Nick turned away and rolled his eyes. “Morrie was doubting him. The others like him.” “Morrie, huh?” Virgil took a deep meaningful breath. “Did you ask him what he thought in detail?” Nick noticed this conversation was going the wrong way. He should've bitten his tongue. “No”, he said coolly. “I think he was jealous.” “Well, he wasn't wrong, wasn't he?” Nick span back to his manager. “For Christ's sake, Virgil! That doesn't make Arthur a killer! I'm sure it's not one of us, I've probably never seen the guy! Or the girl! I have a lot of jealous fans, they're all suspicious! It's too easy to suspect Arthur instead! You should be smarter than this!” Virgil didn't answer. He quietly walked away, deep in thoughts. Nick could only hope that he drew the right conclusions. He came back to Arthur with the bottle in his hands.
“I'm sorry it took me so long, my King. Virgil held me back”, he said while serving his lover the drink. “There you go.” He patted Arthur's shoulder and looked at the paper that was filled with small handwriting. “Thank you. I'm almost done”, Arthur explained and took a sip from the soda. “A few statements from you should spice it up, if you don't mind.” “No, not at all!” Nick pulled over a chair and sat down next to him. They worked on the text and Nick was very happy that his lover was such a talented writer. “Alright, that should do it”, Arthur finally concluded. “Together with the photos I took it should be enough to make this look like the most smashing happening ever.” “Oh, Arthur!” Nick fell into his arms. “You're a life saviour, literally!” He ruffled and kissed the pretty black hair. Arthur answered with pulling him down for a deeper kiss. After that, Arthur collected the sheets. “I have to hand this in now.” Nick followed him to the door and blew kisses when he walked away. Arthur shyly waved. He was both embarrassed and flattered. Nick seemed to fully accept him now and didn't hide his affection.
Nick watched Arthur until he disappeared behind a block of houses. Then he stood in the corridor, not knowing what to do with himself when suddenly he heard a noise in the kitchen. He hesitated, not eager to have another fight with one of his friends. On the other hand, he wanted to know what they thought about Arthur and if they were okay with him moving in. If not, he had to convince them. So he went into the kitchen and was surprised by finding a woman in a black and white dress. “Sally?” Sally was huffing and puffing as if she ran all the way to here. “Hey, how're you doing? I haven't heard from you since...” He stopped. Oh... “Hi, Nick. I'm sorry for not coming by sooner. I really forgot the time while I was working on some... new specials. How are you doing?” “Great! Actually, I should tell you something...uh...it's nothing personal...” Sally's heart sunk. Fantastic! Now he'd tell her that he didn't want her around anymore and if she wanted help she better asked her other special friends... “I stopped taking party favors.” Sally needed a moment to process this. “Really?”, she then blurted out, relieved. “Yeah, I'm sorry....I really loved your stuff, but hey, the band is here, perhaps they'd like something...” He left the kitchen and Sally hurried after him. “Wait, Nick, I'm not here for party favors.” “No?” Nick eyed her. Then he came closer. “What else would you want from the Lightbearer?” Sally ran a finger along his arm. “I miss a song...It was so special to me but I can't find it anymore...It's the Unicorn Song. It's not on the market anymore but I thought you might still have a record.” Nick smiled. “Baby, who needs a record?” He began to sing the song to her and started to dance with her around the room. She joined his singing and danced with him until both broke out in laughter. Sally applauded him and he made an elegant bow. “This is even better than the original! What do you think? Fancy joining the band?” “Oh, no, rather not, I sound like a dying cat.” “But a cute dying cat.” She laughed and gasped. “Please, do you have a record of this? I really need this song.” “No problem. I think it's in my lair.”
They went into the dressing room that gave Nick a rather weird feeling in the stomach. Only a day and a few ours ago, everything had been still okay. With a fake smile, he opened the entrance to his lair. “Ladie's first.” They wandered along, passing by the massive statues of himself. He tried not to look at the spot where he had sat and cried. He found the record amongst other old records from his past. “There it is.” Suddenly, it was very precious to him, too. Morrie was on it. That was why he hesitated to hand it over. “Thank you so much, Nick! You don't know how much this means to me!” Sally looked at the record as if it was the most precious thing in the world. It comforted Nick. At least Morrie was in good hands. They way she looked made him ask: “If you need anything else...” She fumbled with her dress, as if she didn't know what to say, thinking. “You don't happen to have cod liver oil somewhere?” “Cod liver oil?” Nick had forgotten that stuff existed. “What do you need that for?” “It's for...a new formula...It's the last ingredient I need...and it looks like it's sold out in every store...” Her eyes rested on him. “Well, I don't remember having it but I don't mind looking. After all, I have all sorts of substances.” He winked and she brightened up. Sally didn't believe he had cod liver oil, but by now, she was clutching at every straw she could find. First, they examined the bar in the lair but there was no oil. Next, they turned his kitchen upside down. Despite the gravity of the situation, Sally couldn't help but joke around with Nick during their search. Nick's kitchen was full of clobber that didn't belong there...or in any decent household in general. It was during another laughing fit that suddenly Arthur Hastings entered the scene, looking at her and Nick in disbelief.
“Arthur”, both Nick and Sally said at the same time and they made an effort to enlarge the distance between each other. “Look who's here”, Nick added brightly. “I see...”, Arthur replied less happily. “Hi, Sally.” “Hi, Arthur...Nick is helping me to get...uh...an ingredient...” “Yeah, she needs cod liver oil. You don't happen to have some in your stash?” “Cod liver oil? No, I don't think anybody has...” Sally's face fell. “What are you up to?” Arthur eyed her. Sally crossed her arms behind her back. “I...would you believe me if I told you that this is very important to me?” “Perhaps”, Arthur shrugged. “I don't know.” Sally then leaned against the counter, eyeing the floor tiles. “I actually know who has cod liver oil”, she confessed.” “Great, Let's go there then!” “It's in the Haworth Labs...and I'm like...persona non grata there...” “Everyone is”, Arthur protested. “It's insane to even go near there without permission!” “You could go in disguise....but I can't show my face around there, they'll recognise me anyway...” “Well, that's...bad for you...”, Arthur said, not liking this conversation one bit.
“You think one could get in with a press pass?”, Nick continued to make it worse for Arthur. “Yeah..., that would work.” Sally lightened up. “And you'd need someone who's good with words.” She darted a glance at Arthur. “Hey! Hey, stop, everyone calm down!” Arthur held up his hands. “I know what you're implying, but no one of us will set foot into Haworth Labs! It's fucking suicide!” “Arthur”, Nick stepped forward. “We're her friends.” “You're also her...friend?” He turned to Sally. “Who's not your friend? Don't you know someone who's fitting better for this kind of mission? A soldier maybe, or a martial arts professional?” “Well, Arthur, you're quite the good fighter”, Nick countered. “You really want to send me there?” “Not alone, dummy! I'll come with you.” “You? Nick, you can't hurt a fly! And anyway, what would be your disguise? You're not a reporter!” “But I have a press pass!” “What? Why?” “I...well, borrowed it from one of your colleagues I guess. I figured it's useful to have one.” Arthur stared at Nick. “You'd still have to defend yourself.” “Don't you remember the headboy? I can help myself just fine.” “That was mere luck!” “That and my strong arms! Anyway, do you think there are actual fighters in the lab? They're only scientists! We sneak in, grab the oil and get out without anyone noticing us! It's gonna be fun!” Also Sally began to look surprised, but she beamed at Nick and then turned back to Arthur, who's level of despair increased.
“You watched too many movies! In reality, nothing works out the way you think!” “That's why you'll figure out the plan, because you have all the experience and I'll do what you say.” Arthur looked at him helplessly. “Please, Arthur”, Sally stepped in. “I'll pay you back. I can get you that letter of transit.” “I already have that.” “Really?” Sally eyed the floor again. Arthur now felt sorry for her. Nick seemed to feel so, too. “Why can't we do this for her? We are her friends.” “We're not her only friends, trust me.” “But she asked us!” “No, you! I came here by accident.” “Right, and I even owe her one, for everything she did for me. If you don't want to come with me, I'll go alone!” Nick crossed his arms. “If you want to kill yourself, go on.” “Arthur, please!” Nick made puppy eyes. Also Sally. Arthur felt cornered. “Fine!”, he blurted out. “But if anything goes wrong, we'll escape, cod liver oil or not!” “Thank you”, Sally said and her fingers touched his arm. Arthur's gloomy look rested at her and she let go.
When Nick went out of the kitchen later, he ran into Virgil again, who wanted to talk to him. Nick wasn't very keen on hearing more accusations, but he went along. In his room, Virgil shut the door and then turned to Nick. “Could you...give me one of your Joy pills?” “What do you need it for?” Nick didn't like the idea of giving even one of them away. Virgil scratched his neck. “Well...I don't...feel alright...Your Joy seems to make you happier then the regular Joy, so I thought...I could borrow one just this once...” Promptly, seeing Virgil sad made him feel sorry and it won against his suspicion. “Hey, no problem”, he said and held out a handful of pills to him. “There you go. I want my dear manager to be happy again.” Virgil opened his hand and Nick let the black pills fall into it. “I forgot you miss Morrie too...I'm so selfish.” “Sssh”, Virgil held a finger close to Nick's lips. “You're upset too. Don't beat yourself up about it.” Nick cracked him a thankful smile. “Get well, Virgil...if you need more, just ask me...” Virgil returned the smile and opened his arms. Nick didn't hesitate to dash into them.
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