cainite-bite · 10 days
no i dont want to use the app! i dont even want to browse it on my phone! let me open that shit on my desktop! why is everything barred to a stupid app on google store! get that outta here!
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yang4ever · 21 days
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𝜗𝜚⋆₊˚ ⋅ ୨୧ 𝐼 𝐻𝒜𝒯𝐸 𝒞𝒜𝒩𝒱𝒜𝒮!!! ₊˚ʚ 🎀 ₊˚✧゚
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musclegoth · 3 months
spacehey is a good idea in theory but not in practice u will never be able to replicate the aura and energy of myspace in 2024 not at all. it creeps me out tbqf. we need something new instead
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ghoulgeists · 2 years
it is now possible to take destreza's pants off on demand with the click of a button on his little toyhouse page :3 Go play with him <3
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cyanopicas · 6 months
Mutuals...... you must acquire neocities websites immediately.
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softwaluigi · 2 years
ohhh my god why did I put that assignment off til the last minute
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just-a-queer-fanboy · 2 months
My school banned neocities literally 1 day after I set one up they are fucking VIGILANT
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fingertipsmp3 · 11 months
Girl help I don't understand my homework
#so the assignment i've just finished (well sort of) was to create a html form. fine; great#i also had to style it in bootstrap. okay. add some validation. yep; all fine#but then. but then i had to check that the information inputted had been submitted somewhere and could be retrieved#which normally would be fine but it's on my eleventy blog which is menacingly gigantic and messy#i also don't really understand what .md or .njk or .php files are#i tried to copy what sam (classmate i have a crush on) did but not be too obvious with it but i don't think that worked either#which begs the question of whether or not sam even managed to figure it out#i wish i could ask him but leading with 'hey i'm the person who's been going through all your github repos in incognito mode.#does your form work' does not seem like the move#anyway i submitted a mostly nonfunctional form because i don't care anymore. kick me off the course i dare you to do it. i want you to do i#i swear to god some higher power does not want me to become a web developer. the amount of shit that has happened to me this past six weeks#is like biblical. like did anyone have my sister dying; my dog becoming so senile that she needs to be put down;#my best friend getting robbed & me getting sick on their october bingo. because i sure didn't#and on top of it all i'm trying to comprehend javascript. like it's not... it's not the vibe#i'd quit but then i'd just be here doing fuckall and also i'm way too stubborn to quit#there's a part of me that's like. back in august i didn't even know what html and css were and now i'm creating whole ass pages with them#i'm also a fucking boss with git/github now. it damn near had me in tears when i first learned about it#so yeah i Can learn javascript but there isn't really time to learn everything i need to learn#because i fucked around too much and now i'm finding out!#i really feel like i should've told the guidance person about my problems last week when we had that meeting but it was like... i didn't#want to cry over ms teams in front of this person i barely know. so i was just like 'yeah i'm fine'#honestly halfway tempted to ask if i can join next month's cohort when they start and just get a do-over. it's literally a free course#or drop out and do a scrimba bootcamp instead. or drop out and never think about web development again.#drop out and run away to eastern europe to teach english. drop out and go get high in amsterdam until the money runs out and i have to work#in a ski lodge or something to stay alive. hm. hmmmmm#personal
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ntrlily · 1 year
not to be an endless torrent of negativity but i am so sick of ao3's parser it is so annoying
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dduane · 5 months
Hello! Do you think your conception of magic in YW is influenced at all by computer code? Between High Wizardry and some of the website admin stuff you discuss here, I'm guessing you've coded at least a little.
I'm an actor-turned-librarian who's cobbled together a little bit of coding competency through goofing off. The other day I tried to explain how I conceptualize a coding project and, well, first you need to figure out something's name -- and make sure you're properly specific for the context, you may need a lot of detail in how you name it -- and then you can start figuring out how to persuade it to do what you want ....
So I guess it's sort of a chicken-and-egg question: have I conceptualized coding in the image of my favorite fictional magic systems, or have I been generally drawn to magic systems with a sort of code-y, process-y inspiration?
I wouldn't like to second-guess your in-brain structure. But I can talk about my historical processes a bit, as they may apply to this.
Let me step back slightly. Before* I was a writer, I was a nurse. Before I was a nurse, I was studying to be an astrophysicist. Both of these arts/sciences require a certain sense of the hard structure of the universe—of the ways it requires you to put bits of it together if you're going to get anything useful done. This general outlook has determined, to a certain extent, how I interact with the nuts and bolts of the online world.
More historically speaking: I'm one of an unusual stratum of computer users who were technologically orphaned by the (bankruptcy) failure of the Osborne computer company in the mid-1980s. Those of us who had these machines, and who were at all techie-oriented, quickly became WAY more so in an attempt to keep our Osbornes running after the company went under. We learned how to keep our babies going without any available support, and when we moved on to other machines, we quickly became expert in fixing them... having learned the bitter lesson that when your computer fails, most of the time you're the only one you're going to be able to rely on to keep it going.
We learned to do things for ourselves, from the bottom up: hardware to programming. That mindset has remained with me from then until now.
After my Osborne, I moved from an early Apple (lent by our old friend Michael Reaves) to various early DOS/TRS machines when I moved over to this side of the Atlantic. I wrote Star Trek: The Kobayashi Alternative on a TRS-80 Model 100, gods bless its gentle hardworking heart. (I can still see in my mind the pale, pine-panelled interior of the ancient creaky London hotel, just south of Notting Hill Gate Tube, where I did most of the Trek work while I was in town on other business. I'd hooked the computer's modem to the hotel's phone system with alligator clips.) While Peter and I were later sorting out where we'd live on this side of things, for a long time—before portable computers, except for the TRS—the big machines lived in the boot of the Volvo while we migrated from place to place. And always the alligator clips were there.
Finally we settled in Ireland, and not too long after us, so did the Internet. (But not before I had to go up to Dublin one time, with the alligator clips again FFS!, and show the adorably clueless national telephone company guys how to hook up/in. ...I never pass that building without thinking of it: once Telecom Eireann, then Eircom, then Eir. Now it's a Starbucks. No matter. I remember where to hook the alligator clips in.)
And then, with the internet, lo, there came the (net-oriented) coding. Our first household web site went online in 1995. I handcoded our site's HTML. (Because what's a girl to do: wait for the techbois to make such work accessible or affordable? Bwahahahaha.) I continued to do that until the early 2000s, at which point I moved our sites to Drupal and learned its obscure ways. These days—having decided that Updating Damn Drupal Core Every Week is not what my mom raised me for—I've migrated all our household sites to WordPress, and I like it. I still pay a lot of attention to them, but at least I don't have to custom-code every whole damn page. I'm happy enough to let Elementor do that, while inserting occasional custom CSS, because (a) I have other writing to do, and (b) Life Is Too Short.
(I also used to hand-build our household computers, because (a) money was short and (b) why not know exactly what all your hardware is? But more recently I've started letting Scan in the UK do that. It's another Life Is Too Short thing... and Scan does good work. Lovely tight builds, and good customer service when needed.)
So: yeah, I code. :) Is the Young Wizards universe’s spell structure influenced by that? Uh, yeah. Inevitable, I’d think. Habit is such a taskmaster.
Meanwhile, summing up: I'm fluent in HTML. I'm nearly as fluent in CSS. I have enough PHP to be dangerous (to myself as well as others). I have memories of C that I can dredge up when necessary. I generated most of the Rihannsu language in MS-BASIC, gods bless it. ...And beyond that (as we say around here), deponent saith not. :)
*Or “while”, as I started writing when I was six or seven.
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altraviolet · 2 months
re: new fic ramblies
haha guess who's gonna be in the new fic :D but with a face & hands (I'm assuming he was forged with a face????)
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Damus! haha what a loser. an incredibly powerful loser...
(poor Damus)
(but not really)
I haven't been able to think of a happy ending for the new fic. major character death isn't ideal but it's what feels like the logical end to the themes of the story. I'll keep thinking because I like & prefer happy endings. alternately, I need to think of a "cheating death" ending that doesn't feel unearned or too miracle-y
I've never plotted out a story in full before. I prefer to write snippets and scenes as they come to me and discover the story that way. I've been writing out questions ("What is the ending?") and then writing out tons of answers to the questions ("Ending X or Y or Z"), but things are very slow to slot together. It's hard to make decisions about what to do because either I don't want to pick the wrong thing, or nothing so far appeals to me. Essentially, the problem is the problem, in that, I don't know what's supposed to happen, so I don't know how to write what happens 😄
One of the things that made TEG fun for me was putting my favorite characters in there. I haven't done that the same way so far... maybe I should try, haha.
Damn. Plots are hard! xD
Regarding IDW1 Soundwave: I went through the tf wiki (each comic has a Quotes section) and grabbed as many Soundwave quotes as I could find. I'm analyzing his way of speaking so I can try to understand his character. Instead of making a whole new character out of him, I'd like to challenge myself to write the IDW1 personality. So far I've gathered that he states the obvious in a way that is insulting without being overtly insulting, which is, in itself, a skill xD
Hound: You captured Megatron?! Bumblebee: I, uh, rescued Megatron. Megatron: You assisted me. Soundwave: This is not important.
Though it seems easier to characterize him by way of other characters' reactions:
Jetfire: Good luck. Soundwave: When has luck been on our side? Jetfire: Always a pleasure.
If anyone somehow magically has a repository of IDW1 Soundwave quotes, please let me know xD
Regarding AU vs fan continuity, which is a phrase I just learned... I'm not sure how to characterize this fic. It's basically ganking the IDW1 characters, but putting them on a Cybertron with a vastly different beginning. Instead of Primus and the Guiding Hand and the God Wars, the expansion, the Ark, functionism and ratioism, etc etc, there's going to be a totally different mythological/diety set up. It's still going to be deeply rooted in what being Cybertronian means (as far as I can define it). I read that a 'fan continuity' would be recognizably Transformers by a non-fan (as opposed to something like a coffee house AU), and that's the goal. So maybe I should be using that phrase to describe it. I guess... if The Angel Breaker still felt like a Transformers story to you - it had recognizably Transformery elements - that's more the vibe than IDW1 itself.
On another note, I should probably use this fic as my excuse to finally utilize Scrivener, but I'm... I don't wanna, haha. I don't wanna learnnnnn iiiiiiiiit... I'll just suffer with my 7 year old version of OpenOffice. Also I have concerns about how to transfer fic from Scrivener to AO3. AO3 does not like OpenOffice. I have to write out all the html, which is annoying, but it is a devil I know.
I'm going to tag all the ramblies and posts regarding the new fic as "re: new fic" until it has a title. Then I'll be able to retag with the title name :) I think it will be interesting to do some rambly posts about the new fic, because it's kind of like talking aloud with a friend. I did a lot of talking to myself for TEG, haha.
New fic characters so far: Soundwave, Ravage, Laserbeak, Rodimus, Flatline, Damus
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hey Jon can we have that book recommendation I’m curious
(tw: stalking, scopophobia, loss of child, arson)
do not purchase this book do not buy anything off this website theyre stealing your information. this website is unreliable and customer service does not respond they do not pick up their phones.
i bought this book for my 5 year old daughter. she kept waking me up in the middle of the night for weeks beforehand. it was normal, kids do that, kids are scared of monsters. but i would always read her i spy. we have every other edition, down to the miniature versions and the seasonal ones. eventually, she learned where everything was, though, and the books got boring, so i looked up 'i spy books' for the 80th time this month. it brought me here, and i purchased the book for shipping.
the very next day it was brought here, and i was astonished at first, but once i saw the condition of how it was packed, i figured why it came so fast. it was a wreck, the corners all beat, a handful of packing peanuts and some thin paper tossed cattywompus inside. the shippers mustve played hacky-sack with it before tossing it up to the house
even so, my girl was excited. she had completely forgotten about the supposed monsters, she just wanted the book. it's a unique edition for sure, instead of looking for small items on a small scale, it just looks like pictures of parks or buildings, along with riddles like 'i spy a tricycle, i spy ten cards, i spy a crack in concrete that's hard'. it was a change of pace for me, even- a challenge. but my daughter was doing phenomenally.
the photographer must be local to my area, because i recognized the photos soon. hell, i think i saw the back of my head in the bank one. but it got strange when it came to a picture of a street.
my street of my home.
now im thinking, 'maybe it's personalized, it's google maps, and they look up the address for the buyer before they send it out?' but that was... impossible. after i ordered the book it came the very next day, there was no way theyd be able to just cram this page in last second. not only that, but there was the riddle.
i spy a sewer grate, a baseball, a torch,
i spy a busted-up box on the porch.
i shut the book on that page and told my daughter to go to bed. there was fuss, but something was wrong. i tuck her in and she complains again about monsters in the window. all through the night, theres monsters in the window, and i snap at her when she wakes me up the 3rd time.
at that point she was crying, and i was.. yelling. i dont feel good about it, god, especially not now, but i was tired and scared. thats no excuse. so was she.
after telling her it would be ok, she slept in my bed with me. i held her tight the whole night through, and i would do my research in the morning, i assured myself.
but i didnt het a chance. by sunrise she was gone. not in her bed, in her pillow fort, not in the kitchen, the den, nowhere. i phone the police, and i end up running down the street screaming her name.
as i get back home, though, i felt compelled to that damn book. god, why did i go back to that damn book??
it was a picture of us through the window.
'i spy ten earrings, 2 rings, and a comb
i spy a mom and daughter at home.'
it was like my tears froze from shock. i steeled myself and flipped to the next page.
'i spy a woman, big tears and brown curls
i spy a book, but i see no girl.'
as i said, the police are investigating this store. burn in hell you freak. ill see you there.
Well. It took some digging, but there's your recommendation. We were able to get I Spy: Housewarming from the crime scene - or, more so, the wreckange. Donna was griefstruck, this adding onto the loss of her husband shortly before this, leading to a burst of arson. The book was recovered just fine, seemingly one of the Leitners that can withstand some flames.
J. Sims, The Archivist
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xx-akubara-xx · 4 months
not much help for the individual posts but for the master post, you should be able to copy paste the post's text/code if theres an html mode into a word doc, and find/replace xxno-thoughts-just-chaosxx with xx-akubara-xx and that should fix them for the masterpost. it at least fixes it if i copypaste the link and manually change that bit. it's just that tumblr is stupid and doesnt redirect changed urls properly.
Oh god, is that what happened - all this because I updated my username, isn't it? God damn it.
That's a solid tip, thank you!
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max1461 · 1 year
What I want when we have to make the new tumblr:
a clean web 1.0 style interface that doesn't take up ridiculous amounts of ram on my god damn computer when I leave a tab open
html and markdown formatting options again
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crackaddict55 · 2 years
Learning html and css as a hobby right now and like. It feels like arts and crafts it’s fun and visual but also the damn boxes aren’t positioning correctly and I haaaaaate watching YouTube tutorials god
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was poking around with html and found a huge list of x11 colors with registered keynames and immediately went "god damn this roster is gross as fuck". and then immediately went "no wait, gross colors don't exist", and made this color palette abt it. feel free to use or don't. i'm not your boss
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