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blindfoldcd · 9 months ago
ooc. Watching the 4.7 special program and SOBBING
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cero-sleep · 1 year ago
This au is so PRETTY whatttt
Also gimme lore/headcanon tidbits about La Muerte and Fiero's interactions (if you wanna) I absolutely gobble up the whole they're both evil or at least morally grey and both think they have the upper hand thing 👏👏👏👏👏👏 Also can I have some info abt Yin and Yang? (again love their designs) and perhaps any other characters in the au? (ngl I found out about this last night when I was kinda doped up on sleep meds and I was just like squealing all stupid cause it's so COOL and PRETTY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA) Is there a fic? If so I must reeeaaad Also for the palette challenge, 3E and Fistfight with a God? (kinda fitting in'it) Again if u wanna
Ok so, Fiero and la Muerte, this two are stuck in an eternal dance, in which both think they have the upper hand, they are convinced they are the cat toying with it's prey, but are they also the mouse?
As @/chaoticgouda said "they are each other's destruction, each other's doom, but the rush is just so intoxicating that neither of them can walk away. they bring out the worst in each other. they think they're the best for each other."
This relationship is mutually destructive, they are always manipulative, saying what they need to say to get what they want, they are teasing, It's a relationship built on toxicity
Now the twins, Yin and Yang... They are the gods of bad and good karma respectively, they are lower gods, being the least powerful out of them, la Muerte and la Vida, the other two being higher gods
Yin is always smiling, but don't be fooled by that, she isn't a happy fellow, instead he is the most assertive of the two, they are choleric, quick to anger and more on the grumpy side
He is in charge of bad karma, giving people what they deserve. This can include deaths, but it's not common, as that's seen more as an extreme measure
Yang is the more shy and reserved type, being pretty quiet and soft spoken. She is always frowning
They are in charge of good karma
This way the twins can keep things in balance
There is another god, a higher one, the god of life and creation, la Vida
I'm glad you like my au!!! Unfortunately there isn't a fic, but if I end up writing anything (doesn't know how to write hsjshsj) I'll post it here! For now I rely on asks and my inspiration to draw for it!
And your prompt!!! Thanks again fr!
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smokeybrandreviews · 3 years ago
Smokey brand Movie Reviews: Pride and Prejudice
I shill hard for the Dragon Ball franchise. I do and i am unapologetic about it. A cursory search of this blog will prove that. Its riddled with love letters to Toriyama’s magnum opus. Hell, arguably my single favorite character in all of anime and manga, Vegeta, calls this meta-narrative home. One of the greatest arcs in shonen manga history, the Freezer arc, is from this story. I was a fan long before Toonami exposed DBZ to an entire generation, a whole new demographic, of people. I watched this thing in Japanese with no subtitles, on the International Channel. I love Dragon Ball and gobble up almost all of the content this thing releases, even if it’s bad. And there is A LOT of bad, man. Dragon Ball GT, the soulless step-sibling better off forgotten, is one of those bad things. Even Super is a mixed bag with it’s excellent Broly film and abominable power creep and it is through that lens that i finally watch Dragon Ball Super: Superhero.
The Good
I have to say, this thing looks amazing. the CG animation has come a long way and the camera work because of it, is exceptional. Superhero’s presentation is a very kinetic, dynamic, watch and truly a feast for the eyes. That said, i am a hand-drawn purist so, for me, Broly still sits atop that Super ladder but i am thoroughly impressed with Superhero in terms of animation quality.
The action in this thing is top tier Dragon Ball. That final clash with Cell max was exceptional but even the little run up battles with the Gammas turned out to be pretty satisfying. Again, and i can’t stress this enough, these scraps had nothing on Broly but they are probably the second best of the franchise. So far.
I’m a sucker for lore and DB has some of the richest available so getting little nods toward stuff was fun. Little easter eggs like Gohan’s sight getting better when he transforms or how Saiyans are midgets until they’re not but my favorite was when Krillin reminds Piccolo about his power to embiggen. We haven’t see that sh*t since Slug and that wasn’t even canon to the series!
This thing is a love letter to tokusatsu, which is right up my alley because i ADORE that sh*t! My childhood was defined by Transformers, Spider-Man and...Godzilla! I was the target audience for Mighty Morphin Power rangers. Voltron was my sh*t when i was in grade school. Seeing Hedo’s obsession with superheros reminded me of my love for Kamen Rider and that giant kaiju battle at the end between Cell Max and Embiggened Orange Piccolo was kind of everything.
Speaking off, i was thoroughly surprised by how much i ended up liking Cell max. Perfect Cell is actually my favorite antagonist from DBZ so i was a little sus when i heard the description of whatever the f*ck Cell Max turned out to be. I think my apprehension was warranted but, in action, the big, red, f*cker kind of works. He’s no Golden Freezer but i like the nod.
While I'm on the subject, i enjoy the fact that Toei brought back the Rd Ribbon Army for this one. These cats are probably the most enduring antagonist for the Z-Warriors, outside of Freezer, himself. They’ve dogged Goku for decades, always finding a way to pull some sh*t out of their ass, and i am okay with all of that. Bringing in Hedo, Gero's grandson, and Magenta, Red’s actual son, was brilliant and a solid homage what came before. I also really enjoyed the Gamma twins. It’s going to be really interesting going forward, whenever Super comes back.
And then there’s Piccolo. Can we all just take a breath and finally recognize good ol’ Junior as the problem he is? I’ve always had a soft spot for the Namek and to see him fall by the wayside over the years really hurt. Dude getting the Potential Unlock and then a whole ass Transformation, the first for a Namekian, was fantastic. I can’t wait to see him finally spar with Vegeta in that new form. Also, can we just acknowledge dude is the best dad in the franchise? Like, he raised Gohan and is actively raising Videl right now. Pop-pop Piccolo over here, just tugging away at me heart strings.
And now to broach the beastly elephant in the room, Gohan. I’m not a fan. Never have been. Dude is kind of soft but even i can’t deny dude was a whole ass force in this movie. I always kind of wondered what would happen if Gohan when Super Saiyan while in his Ultimate form and we finally got that answer: Beast. That sh*t was cool as f*ck, I'm not going to lie, but do i think it’s the strongest form in the franchise? Nah. UI Goku could probably beat it. Ego Vegeta, too, as long as he doesn’t f*cking die. Still, that sh*t was cool as f*ck, even if it was the biggest ass pull in Dragon Ball history.
The Bad
The overall narrative is kind of dumb. This is the epitome of a bare-bones framing for cool sh*t. Like, nothing was of consequence in this thing and never once did i feel like anyone was in danger. And that’s not because there are several sets of Dragon Balls scattered throughout Universe Seven, the fact that Goku and Vegeta were a teleport away, Broly was up there, Whis and Beerus exist, and even Freezer was around in all his Golden glory. No, this entire conflict was fabricated just to get Gohan to, you know, go Beast mode so of course this thing felt kind of unnecessary. Still, for what it wanted to do, it was fine. It’s definitely the weakest plot among the Super movies so far, though.
The Gohan focus as kind of blergh. Again, I'm not a Gohan fan but considering this thing started as a Piccolo movie until Toei forced Gohan into the narrative, i was a little turned off. This thing kind of ended up being more a Gohan AND Piccolo event, which is a nice callback to the early days of DBZ (with a little Pan sprinkled in there for good measure) but i would have preferred a straight Piccolo outing. Like, was Gohan going Beast absolutely necessary? For marketing, sure. An Orange Piccolo can only get you so far and them Saiyans are proven cash cows but still. More Piccolo, less Gohan.
This thing sucks in comparison to Broly, I'm sorry. On it’s own, it’s fine. Probably the second best Super film we got but, watching this immediately after Broly was a real mistake because, goddamn! Broly is a whole ass complete film. It has strong character from op to bottom and the best action the series has given us so far. Plus, it’s hand drawn for a lot of it and that sh*t is gorgeous. Superhero is everything Broly is, substantially better than the Super series, but so far from the shine f the Broly film that it’s sick. The whole time i was watching Superhero, i was just hung up on how much more awesome this experience could have been if it was hand drawn and that took me out of it considerably.
The Verdict
Ultimately, i rather enjoyed Dragon Ball Super: Superhero. It’s flawed, definitely, and doesn’t come anywhere near Broly in terms of quality, but i like what we got. It’s gorgeous, that homage to the Red Ribbon menace wonderfully, and even gives us Cell fans a little taste. I wasn’t super keen on Gohan being the “lead” protagonist but his Beast mode was dope and Piccolo did get substantial time to shine. Overall, Superhero isn’t bad and i understand why it killed at the box office the way it did. I had fun with Dragon Ball Super: Superhero and feel pretty good about where this film leave the franchise. I look forward to the ramifications in the next series, or whatever Toyotaro decides to acknowledge. The Super manga is hot garbage right now, man. What even is Gas?
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smokeybrand · 3 years ago
Smokey brand Movie Reviews: Pride and Prejudice
I shill hard for the Dragon Ball franchise. I do and i am unapologetic about it. A cursory search of this blog will prove that. Its riddled with love letters to Toriyama’s magnum opus. Hell, arguably my single favorite character in all of anime and manga, Vegeta, calls this meta-narrative home. One of the greatest arcs in shonen manga history, the Freezer arc, is from this story. I was a fan long before Toonami exposed DBZ to an entire generation, a whole new demographic, of people. I watched this thing in Japanese with no subtitles, on the International Channel. I love Dragon Ball and gobble up almost all of the content this thing releases, even if it’s bad. And there is A LOT of bad, man. Dragon Ball GT, the soulless step-sibling better off forgotten, is one of those bad things. Even Super is a mixed bag with it’s excellent Broly film and abominable power creep and it is through that lens that i finally watch Dragon Ball Super: Superhero.
The Good
I have to say, this thing looks amazing. the CG animation has come a long way and the camera work because of it, is exceptional. Superhero’s presentation is a very kinetic, dynamic, watch and truly a feast for the eyes. That said, i am a hand-drawn purist so, for me, Broly still sits atop that Super ladder but i am thoroughly impressed with Superhero in terms of animation quality.
The action in this thing is top tier Dragon Ball. That final clash with Cell max was exceptional but even the little run up battles with the Gammas turned out to be pretty satisfying. Again, and i can’t stress this enough, these scraps had nothing on Broly but they are probably the second best of the franchise. So far.
I’m a sucker for lore and DB has some of the richest available so getting little nods toward stuff was fun. Little easter eggs like Gohan’s sight getting better when he transforms or how Saiyans are midgets until they’re not but my favorite was when Krillin reminds Piccolo about his power to embiggen. We haven’t see that sh*t since Slug and that wasn’t even canon to the series!
This thing is a love letter to tokusatsu, which is right up my alley because i ADORE that sh*t! My childhood was defined by Transformers, Spider-Man and...Godzilla! I was the target audience for Mighty Morphin Power rangers. Voltron was my sh*t when i was in grade school. Seeing Hedo’s obsession with superheros reminded me of my love for Kamen Rider and that giant kaiju battle at the end between Cell Max and Embiggened Orange Piccolo was kind of everything.
Speaking off, i was thoroughly surprised by how much i ended up liking Cell max. Perfect Cell is actually my favorite antagonist from DBZ so i was a little sus when i heard the description of whatever the f*ck Cell Max turned out to be. I think my apprehension was warranted but, in action, the big, red, f*cker kind of works. He’s no Golden Freezer but i like the nod.
While I'm on the subject, i enjoy the fact that Toei brought back the Rd Ribbon Army for this one. These cats are probably the most enduring antagonist for the Z-Warriors, outside of Freezer, himself. They’ve dogged Goku for decades, always finding a way to pull some sh*t out of their ass, and i am okay with all of that. Bringing in Hedo, Gero's grandson, and Magenta, Red’s actual son, was brilliant and a solid homage what came before. I also really enjoyed the Gamma twins. It’s going to be really interesting going forward, whenever Super comes back.
And then there’s Piccolo. Can we all just take a breath and finally recognize good ol’ Junior as the problem he is? I’ve always had a soft spot for the Namek and to see him fall by the wayside over the years really hurt. Dude getting the Potential Unlock and then a whole ass Transformation, the first for a Namekian, was fantastic. I can’t wait to see him finally spar with Vegeta in that new form. Also, can we just acknowledge dude is the best dad in the franchise? Like, he raised Gohan and is actively raising Videl right now. Pop-pop Piccolo over here, just tugging away at me heart strings.
And now to broach the beastly elephant in the room, Gohan. I’m not a fan. Never have been. Dude is kind of soft but even i can’t deny dude was a whole ass force in this movie. I always kind of wondered what would happen if Gohan when Super Saiyan while in his Ultimate form and we finally got that answer: Beast. That sh*t was cool as f*ck, I'm not going to lie, but do i think it’s the strongest form in the franchise? Nah. UI Goku could probably beat it. Ego Vegeta, too, as long as he doesn’t f*cking die. Still, that sh*t was cool as f*ck, even if it was the biggest ass pull in Dragon Ball history.
The Bad
The overall narrative is kind of dumb. This is the epitome of a bare-bones framing for cool sh*t. Like, nothing was of consequence in this thing and never once did i feel like anyone was in danger. And that’s not because there are several sets of Dragon Balls scattered throughout Universe Seven, the fact that Goku and Vegeta were a teleport away, Broly was up there, Whis and Beerus exist, and even Freezer was around in all his Golden glory. No, this entire conflict was fabricated just to get Gohan to, you know, go Beast mode so of course this thing felt kind of unnecessary. Still, for what it wanted to do, it was fine. It’s definitely the weakest plot among the Super movies so far, though.
The Gohan focus as kind of blergh. Again, I'm not a Gohan fan but considering this thing started as a Piccolo movie until Toei forced Gohan into the narrative, i was a little turned off. This thing kind of ended up being more a Gohan AND Piccolo event, which is a nice callback to the early days of DBZ (with a little Pan sprinkled in there for good measure) but i would have preferred a straight Piccolo outing. Like, was Gohan going Beast absolutely necessary? For marketing, sure. An Orange Piccolo can only get you so far and them Saiyans are proven cash cows but still. More Piccolo, less Gohan.
This thing sucks in comparison to Broly, I'm sorry. On it’s own, it’s fine. Probably the second best Super film we got but, watching this immediately after Broly was a real mistake because, goddamn! Broly is a whole ass complete film. It has strong character from op to bottom and the best action the series has given us so far. Plus, it’s hand drawn for a lot of it and that sh*t is gorgeous. Superhero is everything Broly is, substantially better than the Super series, but so far from the shine f the Broly film that it’s sick. The whole time i was watching Superhero, i was just hung up on how much more awesome this experience could have been if it was hand drawn and that took me out of it considerably.
The Verdict
Ultimately, i rather enjoyed Dragon Ball Super: Superhero. It’s flawed, definitely, and doesn’t come anywhere near Broly in terms of quality, but i like what we got. It’s gorgeous, that homage to the Red Ribbon menace wonderfully, and even gives us Cell fans a little taste. I wasn’t super keen on Gohan being the “lead” protagonist but his Beast mode was dope and Piccolo did get substantial time to shine. Overall, Superhero isn’t bad and i understand why it killed at the box office the way it did. I had fun with Dragon Ball Super: Superhero and feel pretty good about where this film leave the franchise. I look forward to the ramifications in the next series, or whatever Toyotaro decides to acknowledge. The Super manga is hot garbage right now, man. What even is Gas?
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