#GIta in bengali
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gitaacharaninbengali · 2 days ago
68. কথা এবং কাজের মধ্যে সমতা
শিশুরা বিশ্বকে বোঝার জন্য, নতুন জিনিস, আচার-ব্যবহার ইত্যাদি শেখার জন্য তাদের পিতামাতার দিকে তাকিয়ে থাকে এবং এই কারণেই বলা হয় যে একটি শিশুকে বড় করার সর্বোত্তম উপায় হল কথা ও কাজে সমতার উদাহরণ স্থাপন করা। একই নির্ভরতা জীবনের পরবর্তী পর্যায়েও চলতে থাকে যেখানে নির্ভরতা বন্ধু, শিক্ষক, পরামর্শদাতা ইত্যাদির উপর হতে পারে। এটা বোঝায় যে এমন কিছু লোক আছে যারা সবসময় আমাদের উপর নির্ভর করে এবং নির্দেশনার জন্য আমাদের দিকে তাকিয়ে থাকে। আমরা যা করি তা তাদের প্রভাবিত করে। এই প্রসঙ্গে শ্রীকৃষ্ণ বলেছেন, “শ্রেষ্ঠ ব্যক্তি যেমন আচরণ করেন, অন্য ব্যক্তিরাও তারই অনুসরণ করে। তিনি  যা কিছু প্রমাণরূপে নির্দিষ্ট করে দেন, সকল মানুষ তাই অনুসরণ করে” (3.21)।
শ্রীকৃষ্ণ আরও ব্যাখ্যা করেছেন যে, “ত্রিলোকে আমার কোনো কর্তব্য কর্ম নেই এবং প্রাপ্তব্য কোনো বস্তু অপ্রাপ্ত নেই, তথাপি আমি কর্মে ব্যাপৃত থাকি, কর্মত্যাগ করি না  (3.22)। আমি যদি সাবধান হয়ে কর্মে ব্যাপৃত না থাকি, তাহলে অত্যন্ত ক্ষতি হবে, কারণ মানুষ সর্বভাবে আমার পথেরই অনুসরণ করবে (3.23)। আমি যদি কর্ম না করি তা হলে এই সব লোকে উৎসন্নে যাবে তথা আমি বর্নসঙ্কর ঘটানোর ��েতু এবং প্রজাগণের বিনাশের কারণ হব” (3.24)।
স্পষ্টতই, শ্রীকৃষ্ণ পরমাত্মার রূপে আছেন যিনি পরে তাঁর বিশ্বরূপ প্রকাশ করেন। তিনি সৃজনশীলতার আকারেও আছেন যার মধ্যে রয়েছে সৃষ্টি, রক্ষণাবেক্ষণ এবং ধ্বংস। এই শ্লোকগুলিতে, সৃজনশীলতা তার কর্তব্য পালন বন্ধ করে দিলে পরিণতি সম্পর্কে শ্রীকৃষ্ণ উল্লেখ করেছেন।
যখন একজন কৃষক গম বপন করেন, তখন সৃজনশীলতা অঙ্কুরিত হওয়ার জন্য দায়ী। সৃজনশীলতা বন্ধ হয়ে গেলে, বীজ অকেজো হয়ে যায়। অঙ্কুরিত হওয়ার পর যদি সেই ফসল না বাড়ে, সেটাও বিভ্রান্তির কারণ। বড় হওয়ার পরে, যদি এটি বীজ উত্পাদন না করে তবে এটি প্রজন্মকে ধ্বংস করবে।
আমাদের জীবন এই মহাবিশ্বে তৈরি দৃশ্যমান এবং অদৃশ্য স্বয়ংক্রিয়তাগুলির উপর বেশি নির্ভর করে এবং এটি সৃজনশীলতার নিরলস পরিশ্রমের কারণে সম্পূর্ণরূপে সম্ভব।
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bharatsastra · 1 year ago
গীতা সম্বন্ধীয় প্রশ্নোত্তর পর্ব ২
গীতা সম্বন্ধীয় প্রশ্নোত্তর | Questions and Answers on Gita Part 2 শ্রীমদ ভাগবত গীতা (Shrimad Bhagawat Gita) হল ভগবান শ্রী কৃষ্ণের মুখ নিসৃতঃ বাণী। মহাভারতের (Mahabharat) ভীষ্ম পর্বের (Bhishma Parva) অন্তর্গত ১৮তম অধ্যায়ে গৃহীত। আমরা এই গীতা সম্বনধিত কিছু  গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্ন উত্তর (Questions and Answers on Gita) নিয়ে আলোচনা করছিলাম। এই প্রশ্ন উত্তর দুটি পর্বের মধ্যে প্রথম পর্বে আমরা জেনেছি গীতা…
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boyfriendjohnnyseo · 11 months ago
Bhagavad Gita 5.20 - Understanding the Enduring Nature of Time
In this chapter the Lord extols karm-yog over karm sanyas, and He recommends it to Arjuna as the preferred path. He also explains that pleasures of the senses have a beginning and an end, and that the wise do not delight in them.
Those who remain constantly in Krsna consciousness do not feel disturbed by good or bad. Such knowledge is called samat sraddhi, or self-realization.
The origin of all creation
Many cultures have a creation story. For example, the biblical Book of Genesis states that God created the heavens and the earth in six days, but rested on the seventh day, which He made special. This is a classic doctrine of creatio ex nihilo—creation from nothing.
The Jains take a different approach. They say that the universe has never been created or destroyed but merely changes forms. They also reject the concept of time as a linear progression.
The Bhagavad gita 5.20 clarifies that the ultimate driver of the material universe is the Supreme Lord, who oversees its seamless operation. He is the creator, maintainer and destroyer of the universe, and He exists in the hearts of all living entities as the Supersoul, as indicated by the words brahma-nidhiyam sarvata-bhutasah-prapadyante sarvatah. He is brahma, ajata and mrtyuh—the origin of auspicious and inauspicious activities. He is also the Lord of death, as stated in this verse: pratnasya visno rupam (Bhagavad-gita 2.20). He also controls all aspects of creation.
The driving force behind all creation
A new force has been discovered that is driving the universe into a rapid expansion. It seems that this powerful force is the source of dark energy. But what is the ultimate driving force behind the entire creation?
The Bhagavad-gita explains that the Supreme God is all pervading and that He is the origin of both auspicious and inauspicious activities. He is the controller of all demigods and is known as brahma, amrta and mrtyu – the supreme brahman, the primeval existence and the governing force of both material and spiritual universes.
The Gita teaches us to develop an understanding of this principle by practicing selfless service (seva) and Self-knowledge. A person who is a selfless servant of the Lord and is enlightened about this truth, will be completely equipoise in his dealings with both good and bad events. Such a person will neither rejoice when he receives something pleasant nor be disappointed when he receives something unpleasant.
The enduring nature of time
The enduring nature of time is the key to understanding the nature of our experiences. Just as inanimate objects extend through space by having spatial parts, so human beings persist through time by having temporal parts (you exist today and existed yesterday).
As the Bhagavad-gita explains, one who is steady of intellect, not deluded, unites himself with Brahman. Such a person is not elated by what pleases him or dejected by what displeases him, because he is not identified with joy and sorrow.
He is not envious of others, nor is he resentful of himself, for he has cultured his mind to desire only Krsna. Such a person is called nirdosam, faultless. This is the state of a person who has overcome the spell of material existence. Such a man understands that the Supreme Lord is the master of both auspicious and inauspicious activities. He is brahma, amrta, mrtyu - the origin and controller of all the demigods and human beings.
The equanimity of the realized seeker
In a day and age where many people focus on maximizing their happiness and avoiding pain, cultivating equanimity may help us live more meaningful lives. Equanimity involves being aware of what’s going on in a given situation without getting too emotional or invested in it.
The self-realized person has equal vision when it comes to both desirable and undesirable situations. He doesn’t get elated when something pleases him and neither does he become perturbed when it disappoints him. This is a state of calmness called sthira-buddhi, which enables him to be steady in the face of life’s ups and downs.
Equanimity is a powerful antidote to fear. Studies show that practicing meditative techniques like shamanism can improve equanimity, which is an essential ingredient for living a life of meaning and purpose. This is why it’s so important to develop a regular meditation practice. Practicing shamanism can also help you overcome negative habits like indifference, which can stifle your personal development.
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fopeez · 11 months ago
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stingraystudiess · 9 months ago
Spring Break Recap - with pictures :)
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the day we got off my friends and I went out to town and went to the beach. (so so grateful for where I live)
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my (not so baby anymore) cousin visited from Switzerland! we did so many things since this is the first time she had come to Scotland, she is such a bookworm so me and my dad bought her some books from Waterstones. Love her sm :)
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Wrote a letter to my school teacher about joining an abroad programme. I really hope I get in as I honestly believe it would be life changing. this was a draft dw! didn't look this scruffy on the final one :P
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Cat shelter volunteering (I didn't get any photos of the shelter as I felt that would be inappropriate) this was on the way back though and I thought It looked magical. forever grateful for the scenery around me.
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Played around with my new keyboard. It's a Casio and I love it sm, it was gutted by my uncle and auntie from Switzerland. I partially learned Chemtrails Over The Country Club by Lana Del Rey.
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My friends birthday party!!! we did pottery painting and I got to paint a highland cow :D got ice cream (yum) and went to the park after.
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Started reading the Bhagavad Gita. For those who are not aware, the Bhagavad Gita is a Hindu epic scripture that is part of a larger collection of works known as the Mahabharata. The Mahabharata is a Sanskrit epic consisting of over 100,000 shloka (a form of long prose passage) fully forming in to about 1,800,000 (1.8 mil) words and is approximately ten times the length of the Iliad and the Odyssey combined. The length explains why most only read smaller portions such as the Bhagavad Gita which is in fact a poem! ok I could talk about this forever but I hope that someone learned something new from my spiel :P.
Other stuff I did
-Reorganised my note taking and filing system (I could make a whole post about that)
-looked through all my subject specifications to get a feel of how many topics were are (and sub topics... and sub sub topics :,) )
-painted a mini canvas for my friend (dw that wasn't the only thing I got for her birthday)
-did some sketching (my artistic ability comes in waves)
-played Roblox, idc If its childish SUE ME (I am undefeated in paintball 🥱)
-did my extracurriculars (Sangeet and Bengali)
-Celebrated Poyla Boishakh and Vhaisakhi
Goals for new term
-study at least an hour on weekdays
-ace my sangeet exam
-get >6 on everything
-plan for mocks accordingly
-stay consistent
-do assignments as soon as they are given
-have fun
Ok this was long but I feel as if I did my break justice, a lot went on and it would be wrong to not give details.
thank you so much for reading this long post
Signing off~
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sadguru2022 · 12 hours ago
Buddha And His Dhamma | धम्मपद | Dhammapada hindi part 2 |
Buddha And His Dhamma | धम्मपद | Dhammapada hindi part 2 | #buddha #buddhainspired #buddhaquotes #buddhateachings #buddhastory #lordbuddha #buddhamotivation #buddhastatue #namobuddhay #maitreya #shahajipatil #zen #zenstory  #ambedkar Subscribe to this Channel for Updates on the latest Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXfLPomxulXW3FBCZyCbsLQ ------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------- Please share this channel & the videos you liked with your family & friends also. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXfLPomxulXW3FBCZyCbsLQ Thanks for Visiting & Best Wishes! Shahaji Patil philosopher, Spiritualist, Blogger, Writer buddha song dhammapada gautam buddha on positive thinking dhammapada audiobook dhammapada hindi dhammapada english dhammapada audiolibro dhammapada explained dhammapada gatha dhammapadam swami tattvavidananda dhammapada osho dhammapada audiobook in hindi dhammapada audiobook english dhammapada and bhagavad gita dhammapada atthakatha dhammapada audiobook in nepali dhammapada analysis dhammapada audiolivro audiobook dhammapada hindi dhammapada buddha song dhammapada audiobook dhammapada in marathi धम्मपद osho lecture in hindi The dhammapada dhammapada buddha song धम्मपद mangal maitri Buddh vandana dhammapada audiobook amma pada in marathi dhammapada full hindi audiobook dhammapada gatha aur katha dhammapada audiobook in marathi dhammapada buddha dhammapada by ben prabhu dhammapada by osho in hindi dhammapada book in hindi dhammapada bengali dhammapada buddha vagga dhammapada buddhism dhammapada by osho buddhist dhammapada foundation buddha dhammapada buddha dhammapada hindi ben prabhu dhammapada buddhism dhammapada buddha rashmi dhammapada buddha's dhammapada osho hindi buddhist dhammapada buddha's dhammapada satsang #01 best dhammapada book dhammapada chanting dhammapada chanting in pali dhammapada chapter 1 dhammapada commentary dhammapada completo dhammapada citta vagga dhammapada con đường của phật cerita dhammapada dhammapada el camino de la doctrina dhammapada audiolibro completo citta vagga dhammapada cara membaca dhammapada cara baca dhammapada cara baca syair dhammapada dhammapada pali chanting dhammapada el camino de la verdad dhammapada dr. shivansh thero dhammapada deutsch dhimmada dhammapada dhammapada os ensinamentos de buda dhammapada el camino de la doctrina audiolibro dhammapada eknath easwaran dhammapada english pali dhammapada explained in hindi osho dhammapada english el dhammapada dhammapada full dhammapada français the dhammapada - full audiobook धम्मपद, DHAMMAPADA The Dhammapada The Vaggo #YTBoostRequest, Buddha And His Dhamma, Dhammapada, buddha motivational story in hindi buddhist philosophy, dhammapad a quotes gautam buddha on positive thinking motivational quotes motivational stories positive mindset buddha bhajan बुद्ध भजन बुद्ध वंदना बुद्ध अमृतवाणी बुद्ध तथा उनके संदेश buddha amritwani buddha vandana buddha morning song gautam buddha song buddha mantra #धम्मपद #Bk mangal maitri sabka mangal hoye re मंगल मैत्री buddha vandana tera mangal mera mangal buddh vandana dhammapada hindi audio book dhammapada hindi osho dhammapada hindi dhammapada hindi dhammapada kya hai dhammapada pali hindi dhammapada 143 home tour dhammapada story in hindi osho dhammapada hindi dhammapada in hindi dhammapada in nepali dhammapada in english dhammapada in marathi dhammapada in pali dhammapada indonesia dhammapada in kannada dhammapada italiano dhammapada in telugu dhammapada in bengali osho on dhammapada in hindi dhammapada jacob needleman jhipi jhipi bend party dhammapada jhilpi jhipa bend party dhammapada dhammapada kannada dhammapada kannada song kisah dhammapada kitab suci dhammapada kinh pháp cú dhammapada pembacaan kitab suci dhammapada dhammapada tentang kewaspadaan dhammapada lucia helen dhammapada lecture dhammapada livro dhammapada libro le dhammapada lomba dhammapada dhammapada la enseñanza de buda audio livro dhammapada lucia helena dhammapada lucia helena galvao dhammapada lomba baca dhammapada livro dhammapada dhammapada music dhammapada marathi dhammapada malayalam dhammapada magyar dhammapada nepali dhammapada nova acropole samyutta nikaya dhammapada nova acropole dhammapada dhammapada osho in hindi dhammapada osho part 2 dhammapada sayings of the buddha pali dhammapada odia osho dhammapada the dhammapada (sayings of the buddha) dhammapada song, the dhammapada osho, the dhammapada, the dhammapada eknath easwaran, the dhammapada book, the dhammapada english, buddha vandana Buddha Song Copyright Disclaimer :- Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.
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onnoyomonon · 2 months ago
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Pitripokkho(পিতৃপক্ষ): গোপন সম্পর্কের আড়াল যদি হঠাৎ খুলে যায়? | New Bengali Short Movie Full Short Film Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLQReu6Gn8c
🧑‍ Credits: Story Name: Pitripokkho CAST: SHANKAR: Animesh Bhaduri PUROHIT: Samir Kundu GITA: Moumita Dhani Bose CHUMKI: Sanjukta Kundu NITU: Sabita Das CREW: DIRECTION: Team Debapratim Creations STORY, SCREENPLAY & DIALOGUE: Debapratim Dasgupta CINEMATOGRAPHY: Ishan Ghosh EDITOR: Soumya Chatterjee (Bunty) MUSIC, POETRY & RECEITATION: Sauvanik Dutta MAKE-UP & HAIR: Sabita S Burman & Mampi Das PROMO TEAM: Sohini Bhowmick & Shrijit Raha DUBBING: Nataraj Das EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: Diptonil Chowdhury PRODUCTION CONTROLLER: Riddhipratim Dasgupta PRODUCTION ASSISTANT: Bapi Das SPECIAL THANKS TO: Rajib Mukherjee, Shantital Mukherjee, Sidhanta Saha, Subir Chowdhury, Sabuj Thakur, Residents of Bankim Pally & Arindam Sil Digital Advisor: Sanjay Sen ‪@StudioViolina‬ Label: ‪@OnnoyoMonon‬
️⃣ Hashtag:
Pitripokkho #NewBengaliShortFilm #NewRelease #HiddenTruths #BengaliCinema #ShortFilm2024 #Pitripokkhoshortfilm #NewBengaliMovie #EmotionalStory #newshortfilm #shortmovie #newbanglashortfilm #banglanatok #OnnoyoMonon
Thanks for Watching🙏🏻
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deepanboopathy1 · 2 months ago
Top 5 Movie Producers in India
The Indian film industry is inspired by the visionaries who make Bollywood, Tollywood, Tollywood and regional cinema successful and here is a look at five influential Indian filmmakers with their unique creative style is shaping the future of the business and a commitment to quality storytelling.
1. Top 5 Indian producers who have done Tollywood
Tollywood has given the Telugu film industry international recognition, and a large part of its success can be attributed to some of its best producers. These visionaries include Allu Aravind of Gita Arts, D.V.V.V.Danayya and D.V.V. These producers constantly push the boundaries with low budget films, collaborations with top actors and innovations in filmmaking technology Their work has not only strengthened Tollywood’s in India but helped Telugu film to reach a global audience, especially in popular films like RRR and Pushpa
2. Deepan Boopathy: He is a notable actor in Tamil cinema
One notable name in Tamil cinema is Deepan Boopathy. Known for his work in Tamil cinema, Deepan Boopathy is famous for making films with content that balances commercial appeal and artistic value for Deepan Boopathy has made acclaimed Tamil films supporting talent new, unique stories and experienced guides. His focus on delivering quality films to the Tamil audience helped him occupy a prominent place in the industry. Determined to nurture local talent, he is considered one of the rising stars in the Tamil production scene.
3. Indian filmmakers who are known to make films regionally
Producers in India’s regional theaters play an important role in the overall success of the project. Apart from Bollywood, regional films — such as Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Malayalam, and Bengali — bring cultural diversity to cinema. Filmmakers like Shobu Yarlagadda of Arka Media Works in Telugu, Anto Joseph in Malayalam and Ajay Devgn in Marathi have proved that quality regional content can attract national and international audiences Such a credit is committed to promoting regional cinema , and helping to promote culturally accurate stories that resonate with audiences around the world.
4. Indian actors making waves in Indian cinema
The success of Indian cinema on the global stage is largely due to filmmakers breaking new ground. Karan Johar of Dharma Productions and Aditya Chopra of Yash Raj Films are just two globally renowned names. By nurturing Bollywood and regional talent, they help create an industry that celebrates diversity and creativity. These filmmakers set a high bar for the Indian film industry, and used their influence to shape Indian cinema for generations to come.
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jagtardass9226 · 5 months ago
To know the secrets of Vedas, Shastras, Gita, Puranas, Quran, Guru Granth Sahib, Bible, must read the holy book "Gyan Ganga".🧘🧘
Languages available: English, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Nepali, Kannada, Bengali, Marathi, Gujarati, Telugu, Oriya, Assamese.
Author: Philosopher Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj✨✨
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banglabooksme · 7 months ago
Kishore Gita by Swami Jagadisgwarananda Bengali Pdf
Kishore Gita by Swami Jagadisgwarananda Bengali ebook Pdfebook name- ‘Kishore Gita’Written by- Swami JagadisgwaranandaBook genre- Hindu religious bookFile format- PDFPages- 123File size- 5MbQuality- Good, without any watermark, This version of the Gita is written to suit teenagers. Here is an extract of the Gita told like a story.Some of the most famous verses are quoted with translation to…
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baranibaran · 7 months ago
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gitaacharaninbengali · 5 days ago
67. লিপ্ত এবং নির্লিপ্ত
শ্রীকৃষ্ণ আমাদের আশ্বস্ত করেছেন যে অনাশক্তির সাথে কাজ করার মাধ্যমে, যা আসক্তি এবং বিরক্তি অতিক্রম করে, একজন চূড়ান্ত অবস্থা অর্জন করে (3.19) এবং রাজা জনকের উদাহরণ দেয়, যিনি মাত্র কর্মের মাধ্যমে পূর্ণতা অর্জন করেছিলেন (3.20)।
শ্রীকৃষ্ণ জোর দিয়ে বলেছেন যে এমনকি একজন রাজা যিনি বিলাস-ব্যবসায় নিমগ্ন এবং অনেক দায়িত্বের অধিকারী তিনিও নিঃস্বার্থভাবে সমস্ত কাজ সম্পাদন করে পরমপদ লাভ করতে পারেন। এর মানে হল যে আমরাও একইভাবে আমাদের পরিস্থিতি সত্ত্বেও সর্বোচ্চে পৌঁছাতে পারি।
ইতিহাসে এমন উদাহরণ খুব কমই পাওয়া যাবে যেখানে দুজন আলোকিত ব্যক্তি কথোপকথন করেছেন। এরকমই একটি কথোপকথন রাজা জনক এবং ঋষি অষ্টবক্রের মধ্যে, যা অষ্টবক্র গীতা নামে পরিচিত, যা সাধকদের জন্য অন্যতম সেরা বলে বিবেচিত হয়।
কথিত আছে যে একবার একজন গুরু তার একজন শিষ্যকে, যিনি একটি কটি এবং ভিক্ষার বাটি নিয়ে বসবাস করতেন, রাজা জনকের কাছে শেষ পাঠের জন্য পাঠান। তিনি জনকের কাছে আসেন এবং ভাবতে থাকেন যে কেন তার গুরু তাকে এই লোকটির কাছে পাঠালেন যে বিলাসবহুল কিন্তু প্রাসাদে থাকে। একদিন সকালে, জনক তাকে স্নান করতে কাছের একটি নদীতে নিয়ে যায়। ডুব দেওয়ার সময় তারা খবর পায় যে প্রাসাদ পুড়ে গেছে। ছাত্র তার কটি কাপড়ের জন্য চিন্তিত হয় যখন রাজা জনক নিরবচ্ছিন্ন অস্থির থাকে। সেই মুহুর্তে ছাত্রটি বুঝতে পেরেছিল যে একটি সাধারণ কটি কাপড়ের সাথে সংযুক্তিও সংযুক্তি এবং এটি ছেড়ে দেওয়া দরকার।
আসক্ত�� ছাড়া অভিনয় গীতার মূল শিক্ষা। এটি লিপ্ত হওয়ার পাশাপাশি নির্লিপ্তের একটি অবস্থা। বস্তুগত জগতে, একজনকে সম্পূর্ণভাবে লিপ্ত থাকতে হবে এবং একটি নির্দিষ্ট পরিস্থিতিতে নিজের সেরাটা করতে হয়। একই সময়ে, তিনি অভ্যন্তরীণভাবে নির্লিপ্ত কারণ এই ধরনের কর্মের পরিণতি তাকে প্রভাবিত করবে না। ফলাফলটি করা প্রচেষ্টা অনুসারে হতে পারে বা এটি সম্পূর্ণ বিপরীত হতে পারে এবং উভয় ক্ষেত্রেই তিনি চিন্তিত বা বিচলিত নন। এটি ‘কর্ম-জীবন’ ভারসাম্য বজায় রাখার মূল চাবিকাঠি।
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reikisthan · 8 months ago
শ্রীকৃষ্ণের এই বাণী দূর করবে সকল সমস্যা|Sri Krishna Vani|श्री कृष्ण वाणी 🙏🙏
শ্রীকৃষ্ণের এই বাণী দূর করবে সকল সমস্যা|Sri Krishna Vani|श्री कृष्ण वाणी 🙏🙏 মন ভালো করার ঔষধ | Bangla Motivational Video | ShriKrishna Bani in Bengali | Gita Sri Krishna Vani | সেরা ২০ টি শ্রীকৃষ্ণ বাণী । Top 20 Shri Krishna Bani in bangla | Bhagavad Gita Krishna Bani Krishna Bani In Bengali || Krishna Bani Bangla ||Krishna Bani|| Krishna Vani Read the full article
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prwizard · 8 months ago
Mrinalini Sur Sthalekar Awarded "Changemaker in Social Work" at the Prestigious India Business Conclave 2024
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Born in 1981, Mrinalini Sur Sthalekar's life has been a tapestry woven with threads of compassion, activism, and dedication towards serving society. From her early years at St. Mary's Convent to her academic pursuits at esteemed institutions like Allahabad University and Pune University, Mrinalini's journey has been marked by a relentless pursuit of knowledge and a deep-rooted commitment to making a difference.
Mrinalini's academic journey took her through the corridors of law, earning her LLB from Pune University and later, an LLM from the prestigious National Law School Bangalore. Armed with legal knowledge, she embarked on a decade-long career as a lawyer, advocating for justice and equity in the courtrooms of India.
However, it was Mrinalini's passion for social service that truly defined her path. For nearly two decades, she has been actively involved in teaching underprivileged children and working with various NGOs dedicated to human rights, women's rights, and child rights. Her dedication to uplifting marginalized sections of society has earned her widespread respect and admiration, culminating in her receiving the prestigious "Changemaker in Social Work" award at the India Business Conclave 2024, The event, graced by distinguished dignitaries including Mr. Jayesh Ranjan, IAS – Principal Secretary (IT, Telangana), Honourable Former Justice of Andhra Pradesh and current Chairman of the Human Rights Commission, Shri G. Chandraiah, and Dr. TP Shashikumar, Former ISRO Scientist & Deputy Director - Directorate General of Security, Government of India, among others, celebrated excellence and innovation across various sections of the society.
Beyond her work with NGOs, Mrinalini's commitment to her roots and culture shines through her involvement with the Kashmiri Pandit community. Married into a Kashmiri Pandit family, she has become a vocal advocate for the rights and identity of her community, actively participating in the Kashmiri Pandit samaj at both state and national levels. Her tireless efforts towards preserving the heritage and identity of the Kashmiri Pandits reflect her unwavering commitment to her roots. She proudly asserts her identity as a Koshur Nosh (Kashmiri Pandit daughter-in-law), wearing the Kalpush and Taranga headwear, significant historical symbols given by Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya to a Brahman's daughter-in-law. The Dejhor (ear ornament) and athoor hold sacred significance, symbolizing the union of Shiv-Shakti. Her saree, adorned with hand Sozni embroidery, stands as a testament to the rich cultural heritage of Kashmir, with the walnut color thread representing the sacred walnut offered during Puja, believed to symbolize the four Vedas.
With a multilingual proficiency that spans Hindi, English, Bengali, French, Sanskrit, Bhojpuri, Maithili, Oriya, and Assamese, Mrinalini is not just a communicator but a bridge-builder across diverse communities. Her ability to connect with people from different backgrounds has been instrumental in her advocacy and social work endeavours.
Mrinalini's vision for the future is rooted in education and empowerment. She aspires to dedicate her life to the upliftment of underprivileged children in villages, working towards creating a more equitable society. Her commitment to Hinduism and Sanatan Dharma serves as a guiding light in her journey, inspiring her to serve her Motherland and her people selflessly.
In recent years, Mrinalini has expanded her horizons to include rural and tribal development initiatives, particularly focusing on Gram Udyog and rural handicrafts. Her endeavours extend to teaching Bhagavad Gita in blind schools and orphanages, and her attachment to Gaushalas underscores her reverence for all forms of life.
Mrinalini's journey is not just a personal odyssey but a testament to the transformative power of service and dedication. Her unwavering commitment to social justice, cultural preservation, and education stands as a beacon of hope in a world that often seems besieged by challenges. As she continues to walk on the path of service, guided by the principles of Hinduism and the spirit of Jai Hind, Mrinalini Sur Sthalekar epitomizes the spirit of a true humanitarian and a proud Indian.
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fopeez · 1 year ago
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swamibhoomanandatirtha · 8 months ago
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Poojya Swamiji's 91st Jayanti (13-May-2024)
The holy 91st Jayanti of Poojya Swamiji was celebrated on May 13th, 2024, both at the Ashram and other centers. At the Ashram, the morning commenced with devotional bhajans, followed by Guru Paada Pooja led by Sri. Radhesh and Smt. Gita. The sacred worship began with the enchanting recital of Guru Stotras, followed by the invocation of Poojya Swamiji's 108 holy names. With each name uttered by Nutan Swamiji and Ma, embodying the collective devotion of all devotees, they tenderly placed flower petals at the revered Guru’s feet, brimming with profound love and devotion.
Poojya Swamiji's Jayanti message was first delivered in English and then in Malayalam. Additionally, Swamiji conveyed a few words in Bengali, particularly for devotees in Dakshinkhanda. Following this, devotees paid their respects and received Prasadam from Poojya Swamiji, accompanied by a celestial musical performance led by Sri G. Mohan and his team of artists. The event concluded with Poojya Swamiji spontaneously picking up his sticks and initiating a joyous dance, inviting everyone to form a circle around him. Amidst the euphoric singing led by Sri Sreenivasan, clapping and dance filled the air as everyone was deeply moved, shedding tears of love and gratitude!
For more news and updates, please visit the Ashram Website: https://www.bhoomananda.org/latest-news/
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