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captainunderkrupp · 1 year ago
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I love Bruce's GIANT wife
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campingwithmonsters · 2 years ago
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mama madama… she gives her bayo a kiss every night before tucking her into bed and telling her she loves her.
also here’s the sketch and flat color as well cause I really liked these as well
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holysmokesblog · 4 months ago
Could it be real?
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Vander x reader
Words: 0.5k
Warnings: -
Summary: You must face a fact that seems impossible, but it’s right there before your eyes—it’s just a matter of believing it.
Note: It's been over two years since the last time I posted something here. I hope you enjoy this piece, and that the translation is correct since I'm not very good at English. <3
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He was there, just a few meters away, but he didn’t seem like himself. He didn’t look like him, didn’t sound like him, and didn’t even smell the same. He was simply unrecognizable.
Vi’s heavy hand rested on your shoulder, pulling you out of your thoughts. You looked at her, searching for answers, but she only stared at the massive creature lying on the ground.
“Are you sure it’s…”
“Completely.” Vi didn’t let you finish your question. She released your shoulder and approached the giant, who lay asleep a few meters away. She gently touched its back. The beast stirred uncomfortably, but upon seeing the young woman, it relaxed. “I have no doubt.”
You stepped closer, slowly, afraid your approach might alert the massive being, but it kept its back turned.
“Just look at him, and you’ll understand.”
The creature hunched over, trying to appear smaller (an impossible feat), and took a cautious step forward. You stepped back, which made him freeze in place.
Finally, the immense creature turned, and you saw him. He wasn’t how you remembered. He didn’t look like the man you’d fallen in love with in the Lanes, the one you’d shared most of your life with, built a family with. But without a doubt, it was him.
Your mind raced, struggling to comprehend everything that was happening—how your husband, the man who had died years ago, was now back in a body that wasn’t his own.
You remained silent, unable to respond. Your brain kept trying to process everything, but no answer came. Vi, still enraged, was about to say something else when a loud snort stopped her.
Seeing that you wouldn’t come closer, Vi stepped in again.
“I know he looks different, but I swear, this is Vander. He remembers us.”
“How is this possible?”
“We’re not sure, but you have to trust me.”
“I searched for his body for months. I didn’t… I didn’t find anything—”
“That doesn’t matter anymore!” Vi snapped, furious. “He’s here now. We can help him; we can bring Vander back! How can you not be happy?”
The massive creature that had once been your husband took another step in your direction, but this time, you didn’t back away, so he kept advancing. Panic gripped your chest with every step he took, the fear that touching him would wake you up in your apartment, drenched in tears.
When he finally reached you, he lifted one of his enormous hands and gently brushed your cheek, wiping away the tears that had begun to stream uncontrollably.
“Is this real?” You looked into his eyes. “Please,” you begged. “I don’t want to wake up.”
Vander didn’t dare touch you again, fearing you might run away, but you couldn’t stand it any longer. You buried yourself in his chest. He hesitated for a moment but finally wrapped one massive arm around you, lowering his face to your head and inhaling deeply.
“You’re real,” you murmured through your sobs, unable to believe it.
“I’m here,” he said in a deep voice, squeezing you gently with the arm that held you close.
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:) Heyyy you gremlins of the Forest, seas and alleyways! I have sustenance for you
🌊💧🐚 Siren Everlasting trio + Dan and Ellie 🐚💧🌊
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So now on to the plot! Danny with Sam and Tucker [+ fetus Dan and Ellie] have to leave their world and before they can get out the GIW got Danny by being turned over by his parents and in clear Dc X Dp fashion we traumatize the fuck out of this boy and after the traumatizing Sam and Tucker break into the GIW base and ‘Take care of’ ( Kinda Yandere Sam and Tucker let’s go! ) and they take him ( he already has Ellie and dans core in him so….three for one deal ) and they head to clockworks place and explains the problem and what do they do now???
And for clockworks side of this he knows they can’t stay in the ghost zone because even if Sam and Tucker are extremely practically ghost at this point and will most definitely be ghost when they die ( but that in the FAR future because ✨ecto-contamination✨ ) but they are still considered human enough to the point they can’t stay in the ghost zone so they can’t stay with here but there is a deserted mostly water planet where the inhabitants ( this is where the presume aliens come in) are like the sea animals that live there but more alien and stuff and due to the ecto their body can adapt to the environment and with his powers he can make it almost instantly so that would work { sorry if this is a bit of word vomit I don’t know what do word it }
And Sam and Tucker are chill with plan because they get everything they want with this
They get
To stay with the love of their lives (and afterlives)
get to have their children (yes they have already claimed Ellie and Dan as their children and NO ONE can stop them) safe and cared for
Have their Love heal and be safe
And with the added bonus with beatass new siren like forms that they can use to protect their love
So their good with this plan and Danny just wants him and his family ( Sam and Tucker his Lovers and Ellie and Dan his children) to be safe and happy so he’s also chill with this and they tell clockwork as much he opens a portal to said planet and as soon as Sam, Tucker and Danny step into the water they turn into their more siren/mermaid like form
Danny’s form is a lot more white beta fish
Tucker’s is more like a octopus
Sam’s form looks more like a eels
They all are pretty big compared to humans or well normal humans, Now onto their home/cave it is in the more deep part of waters and Danny spends a lot of time in the cave due to being pregnant with Ellie and Dan + Sam and Tucker protectiveness, well Sam and Tucker are hanging around him or are getting food….and that’s all I can I think of for now but probably going to add more after post
Now onto the DC part of this so someone or something alerts the JL about a planet that is not supposed to have sentient life so a team ( Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, aqua man) go to check it out and they end up in a submarine and are trying to find where that sentient life is so this can go two ways for how The everlasting trio and the JL meet
The FIRST way that the team is in the submarine and get a little bit to close to the cave for Sam’s and tuckers likings ( which is no where near Danny and the baby’s did I mention that in these forms that their instincts kick into overdrive and add that with pregnant Lover not a good combo ) and so Sam and Tucker take the only option in is situation which is slap it around enough so what’s in side of it to drown *Cue Instincts yelling for them to take the body’s and feed them to pregnant mate* and for the JL point of view in this their just waving their way through the water trying to find what is making the sensor go off and all the sudden their being beating around the water by the looks of it two giant alien mer-people that are clearly pissed off about something and this goes on for a few minutes and the submarine is about to start taking on water if the mer-Aliens don’t stop hitting the sub!!! And while this was happening Danny is taking a nap ( which Sam and Tucker were to before the JL showed up ) and Danny wakes up because he hears….yelling??? So still a bit tired he gets out from the cave to find where they are and he finds them beating a sub around like their playing catch so of course he interrupts and now back to the JL view point they see a third mer-alien and it seems to be upset about something and almost immediately the other two stop hitting the sub to go comfort the third one….that is showing and they all have this collective thought “So that why they were so upset! We got to close to the baby’s!” And that’s about it for the first way this could go
The SECOND way is that Danny just swimming outside the cave ( Sam and Tucker are doing…something ) and he comes across this sub and of course he’s curious about it so he goes to check it out and for the JL this showing mer-alien just comes up to the sub and starts to swim around it and seems curious about it while letting out chips and hums ( in these forms talking sounds like chips/hums/growl ) and when they try to make contact they seem to understand what their trying to convey until their mates show up and their very upset…
And now time for the details of design for Danny I’m thinking this
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But instead of legs because you know… mer person ( and the jewelry is given to him by Sam and Tucker instincts go brrr)
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And this is is the kinda fish I’m thinking Danny’s form takes after
For Sam I’m thinking but just get rid of the bag and lantern and cling the dress around her hips and make it shorter and that really what I’m thinking
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For the top {I really can’t find anything for tucker and Sam that I’m thinking for this so..} and this is the pic for the tail but of course make it purple and black…yes I know there are pics of purple and black eels this one is the search that looks like it’s not going to steal my soul 
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And for tucker….I really can’t find what I’m thinking about so you just get words this time so his just shirtless that’s it maybe he has a few arm bands and some fabric around his waist but that really it for his thought process
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Oh and here’s the pic that I’m thinking his mer half takes after
And that’s about it for my thoughts hope you gremlins like it byeeee
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pomegranatelifethis · 13 days ago
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The Clumsy Hero’s Big Secret
Being Batman’s daughter is already hard. But being Batman’s clumsy daughter? That’s a whole new level of disaster.
You had spent years fighting crime in Gotham alongside your father and brothers, but no matter what you did, you were always in their shadows. Bruce was too overprotective, and you never got the chance to prove yourself.
So, you came up with a plan.
You would join the Justice League.
Of course, if your father ever found out, he’d probably lock you in the Batcave for the rest of your life. Which meant…
You did not tell him.
A fake identity, a new suit, a voice modulator—as “Nova,” you were officially a Justice League member!
Everything was going perfectly.
Until… you inevitably ruined it.
You took a deep breath, standing in the Justice League meeting room. Stay calm. Don’t mess this up.
You were here. Actually here!
Wonder Woman nodded at you. “It’s good to see you, Nova.”
Superman smiled. “You work alone, right?”
You forced a nervous grin. “Yep! Totally alone!”
No one could find out you were from Gotham. And especially not that you were Batman’s daughter.
And then… it happened.
Your foot got caught on the leg of a chair.
You tripped forward.
The chair slammed into the table.
The table knocked over Flash’s coffee, spilling it all over Wonder Woman.
She quickly moved back, knocking her arm against the emergency alarm button.
The entire Watchtower went into red alert.
Every single hero turned to stare at you.
You slowly got up and cleared your throat. “Uhm… sorry?”
Flash narrowed his eyes. “There’s no way you’re this clumsy.”
Superman folded his arms. “You remind me of someone.”
And that was when you heard his voice.
Your blood ran cold.
No. No, no, no, no, NO.
Slowly, you turned toward the giant monitor.
And there he was.
Your father.
His face was unreadable, but you knew him well enough to understand—you were dead.
Superman raised an eyebrow. “Batman, do you know her?”
Your father exhaled sharply.
“I do. Because she is my DAUGHTER.”
You DIED. Your career was OVER.
Wonder Woman sighed. “Care to explain, young lady?”
Flash took a slow step back. Green Lantern smirked. “This is going to be fun.”
Then your comms crackled to life.
Dick: “HAHAHAHA! You’re KIDDING! This is amazing!”
Tim: “How did I not figure this out?! Am I not supposed to be smart?!”
Damian: “You imbecile.”
And then came your father’s voice.
“(Y/N). HOME. NOW.”
You paled.
Slowly, you took a step back. Maybe you could run?
Then you SPRINTED.
…But you knew your father was faster.
And when you got back to Gotham, you were in for the worst lecture of your life.
But hey— at least you made it into the Justice League!
Even if it was just for a little while…
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leth-writes · 8 months ago
Yandere batfam x reader part 4!
The cafe, Little Spoon, was extraordinarily quiet for this time of day; last time you had been the line had been out the door to get a drink, let alone sit at the tables and enjoy a meal. Yet, you supposed the complete lack of jobs and the constant villain attacks had created the perfect storm to kill most small businesses. In that light, you were happy such a small cafe was able to stay open, especially with the encroaching giants in the area. Sitting at the table, picking at your bagel with your head down, you felt shame. Having dumped your entire life story out for TIm and Jason to pick at, you felt weirdly hollow.
It felt like someone had scooped out your insides with a dull spoon, and you stared despondent down at your mangled bagel. Jason was texting again, and Tim was staring into the distance, lost in thought. You got the feeling you were the subject of his reverie. It felt weird, seeing them both so lost in their own worlds, especially after the intense way they had stared as you explained your reasoning behind choosing their family.
You didn’t know what to do now, and shame radiated through your core at facing the victims of your crime face to face. No matter how much you had apologized, and how much they had promised they didn’t mind, it still felt hollow, like you wouldn’t ever be able to make up for what you’d done.
“Well, I sicked Barbara on your landlord; if he’s got any dirt, she’ll dig it up.” Jason sighed as he plopped his phone down on the table, leaning back in his chair. “It’s probably a mafia connection. We’ll have to alert the … authorities.” Tim pondered, still half lost in thought and staring out the window. The idea of your landlord, the very one who had indirectly put you in this situation, and who you still hadn’t seen, having some sort of criminal connection had never crossed your mind; you couldn’t believe it was even possible. Hell, it was the type of thing to happen in film, not in real life! Yet, the more you thought about it, the more it made sense; it would explain the constant patrolling from the bats the last little while, you supposed.  You stared at Tim’s face in profile, noticing the sharp turn of his thin, high nose and his full, pink lips. You couldn’t believe you were soulbound, destined to have some sort of relationship that only time would reveal. You weren’t sure what your next steps were, but you felt guilty enough to do whatever Tim and Jason would suggest.
Jason abruptly stood up, making meaningful eye contact with Tim. “Hey, I’ll get you a coffee. Want anything else to eat besides that poor bagel?” He questioned you, a half-smile gracing his chiseled face. You shook your head mutely, unwilling to ask for even more. Besides, you weren’t feeling hungry, the anxiety killing any appetite you may have. Tim had turned to look back out the window, so you occupied yourself with glancing around the small room. The only other customer was a young Asian woman, maybe mid-twenties, with choppy black hair ending at the nape of her neck and flaming her face in floaty whisps. She was looking down at her phone, small mouth upturned into a smile, with her chocolatey dark eyes locked onto her screen. She was giggling slightly, evidently at the response from whoever she was texting.
As you attempted to get a closer look at her screen, both out of boredom and curiosity, Jason crossed your line of sight and sat a large porcelain cup and saucer in front of you. “Here,” he started, “It’s hazelnut. Drink up, then we can leave for the manor so you can meet the others”. You took a small sip as he sat down, looking behind you toward the door. 
“I’m sorry, I don’t really feel comfortable going to the manor. I can’t impose on your family, not after everything I did…” You responded, taking another sip of the rich, thick drink. Jason huffed playfully, rolling his eyes and smiling. “I told you it’s fine. You aren’t the first and you won’t be the last, but you’re definitely the cutest,” He smirked as you hiked your shoulders toward your ears in embarrassment. “Listen, the least you can do is meet the others. I’m sure they’d love to get to know you for who you really are, they’ve been curious for ages,” Tim turned toward you, staring earnestly into your eyes and gently gripping your free hand. 
“I… I don’t know…” You said hesitantly, pausing to take a large sip of the drink and glance out the window. What did you have waiting for you? Your apartment was empty and the neighbors weren’t exactly great company as of late, and the constant rejection while looking for work was definitely taking its toll. You yawned, overcome with a wave of sudden exhaustion. Your adrenaline must have crashed after it spiked earlier, you supposed. Through the fog of the exhaustion, you found yourself nodding along to their gentle affirmations as they led you out to the car that was now parked in front of the cafe. If you were more conscious, you would’ve questioned it, but the exhaustion wiped you out and you ended up passed out, laid over Tim’s lap as he ran his hand down your back and whispered reassurances.
Getting in the car was the final mistake that sealed your fate.
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a-killer-obsession · 9 months ago
Afab reader B number 19 please
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Sweet Little Cream Donut
Prompt: Breeding
Additional Tags: afab reader, she/her pronouns, established relationship (kinda?), body worship, size difference, oral (reader receiving), loss of virginity, squirting, creampie, cockwarming
WC: 2.5k
Event Masterlist
🔞 Minors DNI 🔞
“I don't know what to do anymore, Brulee,” you sighed to your sister-in-law, blowing on your tea before taking a sip of the hot sweet liquid. You'd spent a great deal of time with her since your wedding to Katakuri three months ago, and you felt comfortable talking to her about anything and everything. She loved her brother and wanted him to be happy, just as much as she wanted you to be happy with him.
“Have you talked to him about it?” She asked, stirring sugar into her tea, making small clinks as the spoon rubbed against the edge of the porcelain cup.
“I mean, I mentioned a few times that Mama has been more than enthusiastic about grandchildren,” you placed your teacup back down on the gold rimmed plate, “but he just gives a huff and changes the subject. He barely even kisses me. Maybe I'm not pretty enough for him”
“That is certainly not the case!” Brulee exclaimed, “sister, you are beautiful! A woman truly worthy of my darling big brother! I think perhaps… perhaps he's scared of hurting you? Hes always been a gentle soul”
“Mama chose me for a reason,” you pouted, “my people are larger than most, stronger, and she knew how much I want children when she picked me, he should know I'm more than capable of holding my own. Mama isn't stupid, she didn't pick some flimsy human for a reason”
“Maybe it's time to lay it on thick then,” Brulee suggested with a mischievous smile, “buy some pretty new lingerie, sweet perfume, light some candles, seduce him”
“Brulee!” You giggled, not expecting the woman to be so forward, “shopping trip then?”
“Shopping trip!” She clapped excitedly.
Katakuri was due in at any moment. He often had a meeting with Mama after dinner, as a Sweet Commander and the Minister of Flour it was important that he and the other ministers and commanders meet a few times a week to keep up to date with the happenings in Totto Land. Tonight was one of those meetings, so you'd had time to prepare for your grand scheme of seduction. Shaving every hair from your body, applying perfumes and lotions that smelt like baked goods, putting on a pretty new set of pink lingerie - a lace trimmed mesh mini dress and matching thong - and setting the mood with vanilla candles and soft music. Everything was ready and you paced the room nervously before finally settling on the edge of the bed, waiting for the heavy footsteps in the hall that signalled the approach of your husband.
Your legs rubbed together in anticipation, losing your virginity to such a large man was no small event, but it should have happened months ago on your wedding night, and you were more than ready for him to finally claim you. Not to mention, you were eager to present Mama with a grandchild - you wanted to fit in here, but the longer you went without signs of pregnancy, the more she subconsciously frowned in your presence. She was an intimidating woman, you wanted to please her.
Heavy footsteps and the unlatching of the door alerted you to Katakuri's arrival, and you stood tall as he entered. Your kind were large, yourself standing at 9 feet tall, but Katakuri was a giant of a man, almost twice your size at 16 feet. You picked at the cuticles of your fingers nervously as you waited for him to latch the door and turn to you, his expression unreadable as he noticed you standing there and took in your appearance and the romantic atmosphere. He removed his scarf slowly, he'd shown you his true face before the wedding, not wanting to force you into a marriage if you were going to be scared of him, and his nose wiggled as he smelt the sweet scents in the air.
“What is this?” He asked nervously.
“This is… me… asking you to take me to bed,” you tried to feign confidence but it was hard to form a coherent sentence or keep his eye. He languidly closed the space between you and fiddled with the hem of your dress, rubbing the thin silky fabric between his thumb and index.
“I take you to bed every night,” he stated.
“Kat… you know that's not what I mean,” your hand laid against his bare chest where his vest lay open, tracing one of the bright pink tattooed stripes that ran down it. He shivered under your touch and quickly took a step back, your hand falling limp to your side.
“I can't,” he said softly.
“Why not?” You pouted, feeling hurt at his rejection, “am I not pretty enough? Do you not want to give me children? Are you… are you ashamed of me?” A tear formed and rolled down your cheek as you admitted to the insecurities.
He was back in front of you in a flash, wiping the tear gently with his thumb, his large hand easily encompassing the entire side of your face as you leaned into it and looked at him longingly. “That's not it! You're beautiful, so unbearably stunning,” he quickly assured you, “I… I can barely keep myself from you, night after night, but I… I can't… I don't want to hurt you”
You held his hand to your face and blinked up at him, his sad expression looking out of place on his strong features. “You won't hurt me Kat, you have to trust that I'd tell you if you were hurting me. I'm not glass, I'm strong, Mama chose me for a reason. You won't hurt me. I want you, Katakuri, please”
His breath hitched as you found a new wave of confidence, running your hand up his chest and up to his jaw, tracing one of his sharp teeth with your fingertip, showing him how unafraid you were. Your hand ran back down as you circled him, Katakuri turning with you as though it were a dance, till his back was to the bed. You pressed against his chest and he let you move him, falling to sit on the bed as you climbed into his lap to straddle it. Raised on your knees you could just barely reach his mouth, and you pressed a hot, desperate kiss onto him, a small whine escaping him as you forced your tongue past his sharp teeth, wet muscles meeting and crashing against each other for the first time. You pushed the vest from his shoulders, letting it fall to the bed, and ran your hands over his body, guiding his hands to your waist before pulling him down by his neck so you could lower yourself to grind against his forming erection.
Your tongue ran up the scar on the side of his face till your mouth met his ear, tugging on the lobe with your teeth before whispering to him. “Breed me, Katakuri”
He made a possessive growl before grabbing your waist and flipping you both so you laid underneath him. His strong hands made quick work of your pretty new lingerie, tearing them from your body and revealing your soft bare skin that prickled with goosebumps as the cool night air touched it. Cool air replaced by hot wet saliva, his thick tongue ran over you, eagerly tasting and devouring every inch of you, making you moan and writhe as he sucked and nipped at your more sensitive spots, leaving marks over your entire body. The only place he avoided was your needy centre, teasing you and working you up as he touched and licked at your arms and legs and torso and neck, till finally he ran his tongue up your thigh and pushed your legs apart, groaning as he ran a fat stripe up your dripping virgin cunt. This flavour was all for him, nobody else would ever taste such delights, he thought to himself as he devoured you greedily.
You moaned and tugged at his short purple hair as he lapped and sucked at your sensitive pussy, rolling your clit with his tongue, his breath hot and vibrating against you as he let out satisfied groans and held your thighs around his face. He looked up at you with hungry eyes that had your hips rolling on their own accord, unintentionally riding his tongue as he grinned against you, careful to control your movements so as not to catch your soft plush thighs against his sharp teeth. You practically screamed from pleasure as his tongue bullied its way inside you, head falling to the pillow with a string of unabashed moans and back arching as he thrust it in and out of your tight entrance, before you suddenly shook and came on his tongue without warning. Katakuri made a contented growl and cleaned your release with his tongue, savouring your taste on it, his eyes closed and face relaxed as he drank you.
“So sweet,” he sighed, running his tongue through your folds once more like he couldn't get enough, “you're not ready for me yet though, I'll have to stretch that sweet tight hole a little more”
You moaned and bucked as he slid two thick fingers inside you, pumping you and scissoring his fingers to stretch you out, taking his time to get you open enough for him. He added a third, his tongue returning to your clit and distracting you from the slight sting of the stretch as he added a forth, the lewd wet squelch of your pussy almost deafening over the soft romantic music as he finger fucked you with increasing speed. One last flick of your clit with his tongue, and you were gushing around his hand, his brows raising in surprise at the volatile release before quickly lapping at it, his hand wet against your thigh as he held you tight to his face and groaned against you.
You were shaking and panting as he finally let your legs go, licking his lips and watching while your hips rolled off the bed, desperate for him to fill you. “Kat, please,” you moaned, “I want you so bad”
“I know my sweet,” he stood at the end of the bed and unzipped his pants teasingly slowly, kicking off his shoes and sliding his pants down till his monstrous cock sprang free, your breath catching in your throat at the sheer size of it. Your thighs rubbed together anxiously, wondering if you could even fit him all inside you. “I can't wait to fill you with my seed,” he purred as he climbed back onto the bed, your eyes greedily scanning every taut muscle that formed his large body, every tight corded bulge and curve that you craved to run your tongue over. You couldn't help but reach between your bodies and take his cock in your hand, so hot and hard, your hand far too small to wrap around it. He groaned and bucked into your palm, precum dripping from the tip as you stroked him experimentally.
“So big,” you whined, “want you to fill me up”
“I will, my sweet,” removing your hand gently as he began to position himself between your legs. Your eyes rolled as his fat tip pressed against your soaked entrance, his precum beading against you and adding to the lubrication. “You're gonna look so good when you're fat and round with my babies,” he purred, pressing into you devastatingly slow, your nails sinking into his forearms to make deep half moons as your pussy stretched around him. “There's a good girl,” he groaned as he fit more and more of his cock inside you, “so tight, so desperate to milk me for all my seed, I'm gonna give it all to you sweet girl”
He grunted and breathed heavy against your shoulder as he bottomed out, feeling the bulge of his own cock inside you as his abdomen pressed against yours. Your thighs shook at the sheer fullness, his cock pressing against every sensitive part of your walls and stretching you impossibly wide, every tiny movement making you whine as he collected himself, trying his best to hold back from immediately slamming into your virgin pussy.
After an age he slowly slid back out, only his tip remaining inside you before penetrating you again. He set a slow, deep pace, your thighs wrapping as best you could around him, pressing your heels to his ass and urging him to go faster. “More,” you whined, “more, please, breed me”
He let out a low groan and nipped your shoulder with his sharp teeth before grabbing your hips and slamming into you. You let out a shrill pleasured scream with every thrust, the entire island would no doubt hear you as he fucked you hard, your smaller body jostling back and forth with every heavy pounding of his fat cock. You screamed as an orgasm ripped through you, Katakuri grabbing the headboard for support as he groaned at the added tightness, never letting up on his brutal pace.
“Yes yes yes yes,” you cried, seeing stars and making deep scratches on his back and chest, back arching of the bed as he growled down at you, watching your tits bounce with every deep thrust, watching the way the membrane around your entrance pushed pulled with every movement, refusing to let his cock go, begging for him to release inside you. He held himself pack, his sheer willpower keeping him on the precipice, determined to make you cum one more time before he would reward himself.
“Gonna- gonna cum again-” you whined, barely able to speak through your panting, eyes glazed over, expression pained with a goofy, fucked out smile as your husband fucked the coherence out of you. Having only ever expressed orgasms by your own hand, you were in absolute nirvana, body tingling with the effects of three orgasms and quickly feeling the approach of a forth. “Want- want your cum- hnng- fil-ll me up, p-please”
“Gonna breed you good baby,” Katakuri groaned, headboard creaking under the strain as his thrusts became erratic and desperate, “fuck, gonna cum too, fuck”
The tightening of your pussy as you came put him over the edge, headboard giving out and snapping violently as he let out a roar and spilled out inside you, the sheer volume of his pent up release combined with his thick cock making cum immediately drip from your hole, Katakuri making final thrusts as your orgasm settled. He stayed inside you as he stilled, pulling back only a little as his cock twitched and made one last deposit, keeping himself as a plug so you had no choice but to accept his cum. You panted hard, laying against the soft mattress, willing your body to open up and accept his seed, willing it to take and make you round with his child.
“I love you,” he finally stuttered through heavy breaths, throwing broken pieces of headboard to the floor, sweeping away wood fragments with his hand and laying beside you, pulling you with him, cock still warm deep inside your cunt. “So beautiful… so sweet for me..”
“I love you too Kat,” you panted, arms wrapping around his neck and face nestling against his while rouge beads of cum slid down your thighs. “But maybe we should invest in a stronger bed,” you giggled.
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elliewrites77 · 1 month ago
Oh My Love
Monkey D. Luffy x fem!reader
Masterlist ⟶ More
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You were lounging in the forest, a bed of soft moss underneath your blanket as you rested underneath the shade and took in the breeze. The smell of the ocean only a few feet away from the tree line, just barely in sight, calmed you.
You winged animal friend laid resting right next to you, tired after his daily flight. The hippogriff has taken a bit longer today, taking two laps around the large island instead of his normal one.
You smiled as you glanced at him, seeing how tired he was. Despite being such a large creature, he reminded you of a cat when he was sleepy.
That changed, though, when he suddenly perked up, on alert as he looked towards the ocean. His eyes focused on the little bit of ocean you could see through the trees.
You sat up, glancing from him to the same direction. His sight was naturally much better than yours, so you couldn't see whatever it was that caught his attention. But you knew he saw something when he stood suddenly, his stance getting protective as it always did when something unfamiliar was approaching. He was protecting you.
You stood with him, hand moving to his feathers along his back as you strained your ears, hoping to hear something. All you could hear was the sound of the waves.
You hopped onto his back, knowing he would want to examine the possible threat. He took off almost instantly, making you clench your eyes as the wind whips your hair all over. No matter how many times you flew with him, it always took a moment to adjust.
As soon as you made it into the sky, you searched below for any sign of what he sensed. In the near distance, you saw a ship. It was too far to see what image was on the sails, or the smaller details of the ship, but you could tell this ship was different. Far different from any ship you'd seen before, pirate or otherwise.
Flying higher, your companion got closer to the clouds so that you could get closer to the ship but hopefully stay out of danger.
That attempt, however, was for not when your flying friend was suddenly grabbed by what appeared to be...arms??
They wrapped around his form multiple times, even winding around his midsection, which left your legs trapped against the beast. Your eyes widen as a screech leaves the hippogriff. Before either of you know, you're being pulled down.
A scream leaves your lips as you grab onto his feathers, eyes clenching in fear. You felt him close his wings, unable to fight against the strong pull of the 'arms', and not wanting to risk them getting injured. The extra security around your legs did little to stop the dropping of your stomach. You felt queasy.
You felt the arms unwrap right before the feeling of flooring underneath his hooves. You slid off his back, landing on your side on what felt like a wooden floor, and had to keep your eyes clenched as you tried not to throw up. You could hear talking, but the pounding in your ears made it impossible to understand any of what was being said or by who. Your eyes remained shut until you felt your feathered friend stayed, hearing his wings spread almost instantly. Without looking, you knew he was taking a protective stance once more, ready to fight whatever foe pulled you both down. You blinked your eyes open.
He was standing in front of you, making it impossible to see the owners of the voices on the other side. But you could hear them.
"Luffy! What was that for?!" A woman's voice said, followed by what sounded like a smack.
"OW! Look at it, it's a giant bird thing! SANJI!" Another, male voice yelled out. Something about the voice reminded you of sunshine, which was a weird thought, but one you had all the same.
Your friend remained in his protective position, intentionally hiding you behind his large body. You tried to look around at what you could from your position, but nothing you saw really helped you.
You heard footsteps, and the sound of a door shutting. The feeling of not knowing how many enemies were on the other side of your winged friend made you heart race, slight panic setting in. You gripped his feathers, still on the floor. The action made his focus shift, his bird like head turning to look at you. This shift made his wings drop slightly, making you visible to the unknown sailors.
You made eye contact with a girl with long orange hair, and her eyes mirrored yours as they widened. She seemed to freeze, during which you took the chance to stand, gripping your friend tighter for safety. This gave the rest of the people the chance to see you, except for the mans voice from before. He saw him, a man with a straw hat on his head, turned away and speaking to a taller man who also froze at the sight of you.
"Cook this bird thing, Sanji! It looks yummy!"
The mans words made fire settle in your chest, replacing the panic. The idea of someone killing your dear friend, treating him as if they were cattle bread just to be made dinner, made you furious.
"He is not your food!" You own voice surprised you. You hadn't even meant to speak, but you tried to straighten your spine once you realized you did, wanting to appear tough and sure.
The man turned at the sound of your voice, but didn't seem to realize you were a stranger, a sudden and unexpected presence on board, when he replied.
"But he looks tasty!" He practically whines, before being smack on the head by the orange-haired girl. It seems to get his attention, as he actually focuses on you while rubbing the back on his head where a bump has now formed. He looks at you with a confused look, but doesn't at all seem alarmed.
You, however, stare back with wide eyes, shocked. Those words. Those words were the exact same ones tattooed into your skin. The same words that you had read every single day since you turned 18 years old. The same words that you had waited to hear, because they would finally mean you've met your soulmate.
"You?!" You exclaim, grabbing your head. Your stress was clear. Your soulmate was the person who had (somehow) captured you and your companion. Someone who, by the looks of it, was a pirate, if the skull and crossbones on the sail was anything to go by.
Don't get me wrong, now that you're looking at him, he doesn't seem all that threatening, but still. He basically kidnapped you, even if unintentionally.
He seems even more confused at your words, but neither of you get a chance to speak before a small animal, who looks just like a reindeer on 2 legs, walks up to the man and grabs his wrist, turning it to reveal the words. The placement was the same as the words on you.
"Look Luffy, those are your words!" The reindeer spoke. This 'Luffy' stared down at his wrist, taking a moment to recall how the words you first spoke were the exact ones written on his skin. When he realized, he looked up at you once more.
You weren't exactly expecting a large grin, one the shinned so bright it rivaled the sun, to take over his face. Before you could even blink, you were being wrapped (again) by his unnaturally stretchy arms. They coiled around you in an imitation of a hug, leaving you immobile and unable to fight against him as he pulled you into his chest. Your breath left you at the impact. He was very very strong.
You heard a sound leave your flying-friend, seemingly surprised at the sudden manner in which you were taken from his side. You also heard a girly screech follow, assuming the girl from before got spooked.
"Hiya Soulmate! I'm Luffy." Luffy introduced, still hugging you to his chest tightly.
"L-uffy..Please..let..go.." You managed to get out. His hold was far too tight.
He listened, thankfully, unwrapping his arms and letting you go from his hug. You stumbled back slightly, getting a chance to really look at him as he did you.
Perhaps it was because you knew he was your soulmate, or perhaps it was his joyful smile. Whatever it was, you were able to push aside the strange and uncomfortable meeting, and give him a grin in return.
"Hi Luffy, I'm y/n." You said, not bothering to go for a handshake, considering he had already hugged (squeezed) you. You glance back to the hippogriff behind you before looking to Luffy again. "Please don't eat my friend."
After getting a pretty reluctant promise from Luffy that he wouldn't try to hurt or eat your companion, you allowed him to pull you away. The rest of his group didn't even get a chance to introduce themselves, or stop their captain, which you learned he was after a while. He was so eager to meet you, apparently having been as excited as you had always been. He was especially eager to know more about your friend, mentioning how cool pets are just as good as new meat. You tried explaining he wasn't a pet, but Luffy only gave you a blank look.
Hours past, the sun slowly setting behind you both as you talked. He apologized for 'kidnapping' you, informing you he hadn't known you were even on the creature he mistook as a giant bird. After forgiving him, he asked about your island. They were apparently stopping for supplies, though they couldn't stay for long because the log pose, worn by who you learned was Nami, would risk getting set on the wrong target. You tried not to show how deflated that made you feel, hearing that your newly found soulmate wouldn't be staying for more than a day at most. You weren't sure what that meant.
Once you finally realized how late it was getting, you told Luffy you needed to head home.
"What, why? Do you have to go?" He said (whined), pulling you back down when you tried to stand. It made you laugh.
"Because Luffy, it's late and we have to get home." You said, gesturing to the resting hippogriff, who had a sleeping reindeer resting against him.
"But you'll come back tomorrow, right? Ready to sail?" Luffy stood, letting you do the same. Thankfully, he could be clingy but not too overbearing.
His words made you pause though, giving him a confused look.
"Sail? What do you mean?"
He stared back, giving you the same look as if the answer were obvious.
"Well you're comin' with us, aren't you? You're my soulmate."
Your eyes widen. Yes, you had figured that either you would have to go with him or he'd have to stay unless you two were to be separated, but you hadn't really thought that the expectation was for you to just go with him.
"I-I hadn't..I guess I didn't think about it..But Luffy, I can't just leave me home without giving it some thought. If you're leaving tomorrow, what if I'm not ready?"
He seemed to pause, a small pout on his face as he thought about what you said. You weren't sure what kind of crazy idea he would come up with, but his thinking face made you smile.
"Nami says we can't stay too long, so I don't think we'll be able to wait. But don't you want to stay with me? You said you were as excited as me."
"I'd like to stay with you, Luffy, but I've never considered being a pirate. This island is my home, this life is what I know. You're asking me to leave that all behind without even giving me a full day to consider."
He huffed, his brows furrowing. He reminded you a bit of a child who wasn't getting the toy he wanted, but you couldn't help finding him endearing.
"Look, I'll..think about it tonight. Just..wait till tomorrow afternoon, and I'll meet you at the docks to give you my answer." You eventually spoke, sighing as you felt a bit of stress over the decision you'd have to make.
Luffy seemed pleased with your answer, giving you a nod and a smile. Assuming that meant you could leave, since the ship had docked hours ago, you walked towards your feathered friend. He stood, making Chopper slide onto the floor (somehow staying asleep). Before you got onto his back, you paused and turned back to Luffy.
rushing toward him, you pulled his taller frame down to kiss his cheek, not giving him a moment to offer a reaction before rushing back to the hippogriff and hopping on. You continued to avoid looking back to Luffy as you took to the sky, the moon lighting your way back to the humble cottage you called home.
You didn't sleep that night. Once you made it home, you spent the first hour sitting outside your house, talking to your beastly friend, asking him what he thought; should you go or stay? He, in turn, spent the hour looking at you with a blank stare. He would be more helpful if he could understand me, and I him you had thought.
After that, you paced around your home, thinking about all of the pros and cons to your options.
If you went, you'd finally get to be with your soulmate (whether romantically or otherwise), you'd be apart of a seemingly fun and good group of people, you'd get to travel and go on adventures, and you'd be a part of a family.
But you'd also be a pirate, someone who was constantly being chased by the marines. Your life would always be in danger, the unknown would be what you have to look forward to. And you wouldn't be able to be sure of anything. Not when you'd get to eat, when you'd be on land, when you'd be in a fight, nothing. Luffy seemed to be a little unpredictable, and with the way he talked about the adventures he had already had, a little fight-seeker. That meant you'd never even be sure your soulmate was actually safe.
If you stayed, if you stuck with what you knew, life would be just as easy as you were used to. The only difference would be that you wouldn't daydream about meeting your soulmate, about who he was or what he was like. Because you knew. That would mean you wouldn't have anything to look forward to outside of this island.
Eventually, you rested on your bed, but didn't fall asleep. You simply laid there, contemplating it all as you stared at nothing. As the sun began to rise, though, and the sounds of the nearby village waking started to be heard, you made your decision. You hoped it was the right one.
Luffy stared at the island from the figurehead of the Sunny, watching the people he could see like a bird watching insects. He ignored all of Nami's calls that they couldn't wait much longer, as well as Usopp's nervous 'what if she isn't coming at all'.
The crew of course wanted their captain to be with his soulmate, but they knew there was a chance you weren't willing to leave all you knew for a man you met yesterday, tattoo or not. The closer it got to noon without seeing you, the more anxious everyone became. Luffy ignored it all, waiting.
Half an hour later, just as he was starting to let the worry creep in, he heard his name being yelled from afar. He perked up, excitedly looking around the island for where the call was coming from. He saw some of the locals stop as well, turning to find the sudden voice. Then, he saw you.
You were riding on the back of the hippogriff, a small wagon attached to the creature being pulled as well. He wasn't flying, but running much like a horse was. He was careful to avoid running into any villagers as he made his way towards the ship.
Luffy whooped, jumping down to stand on the wooden dock as he bounced in excitement, already knowing your appearance meant you were coming.
You, meanwhile, shouted a few goodbyes to the villagers you had known your whole life. You had left some letters, for the ones who mattered the most. But your focus still remained on the grinning boy, who only got brighter as you got closer.
As soon as you were close enough, your companion slowed, allowing you the chance to jump down. You jogged the small distance to Luffy, who immediately wrapped you in a hug, a normal one this time, spinning you around before setting you down again. You gave him a grin, which he expectedly returned.
"What took you so long?!"
"Well I had to pack, didn't I?" You motioned to the small wagon. "My whole home in one night, you should have known that might take a while."
Luffy only smiles.
"Ready to go then? Nami's rushing you."
You laughed, nodding.
"As long as he can come with me, I'm all set." You gestured to the hippogriff. Luffy didn't hesitate to nod.
He helped you board the ship, properly introduced you to his crew, and had you sit back as they set sail. After leading you to his favorite spot on the ship, the figurehead, he grabbed your hand.
As you held his hand, looking out at the vast ocean you were starting to travel on, the wind blowing against your skin, you smiled. You knew then, you had definitely made the right choice.
after the first "companion" i knew i made the wrong choice not naming the hippogriff lol. But maybe I will later, who knows. Anyway, this is my first One Piece fic! I plan to do a soulmate au for more of the strawhats, but Luffy was naturally the first. :) so far all i've done is JJK stuff, but I hope this is still good. im always open to constructive criticism! barely proofread
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upon-a-starry-night · 1 year ago
Love Favors The Misfortunate
Natasha Romanoff x Gender-Neutral Reader
Natasha Masterlist Main Masterlist
Word count: 3.2k
Warnings: Minor Violence
Summary: Misfortune always seems to follow you no matter what you do. But where there’s trouble, Nat often follows, maybe love was on your side after all?
Disclaimer: This was part of a writing exercise I did so it’s kind of silly and unedited but enjoy!
Somehow you always managed to wind up in the worst situations that Earth could possibly experience. You wondered if you were just cursed or something considering last week you were present for not one but two bank robberies. 
Maybe that was just the life of a delivery driver?
You hoped the lady behind the bank counters Caesar salad tasted better after death threats and salty tears of desperation.
This time, however, in the middle of checking the GPS during a stoplight, the sound of screams alerts you to the number of people ditching their cars and running past your motorcycle in fear.
Looking up you see the giant rip in Earth's atmosphere, monster-looking creatures spilling out of the hole. 
Oh, Good.
You immediately kick your motorcycle into gear, walking the bike through the crowds of people until you can manage to make a U-turn and speed off, weaving your way through the panic.
You spare a few glances into your mirrors as more flying monsters spill out of the sky and it's during one of these glances that you fail to notice the giant alien who has just landed in the street a few feet ahead of you. By the time you notice him you only have enough time to attempt a full stop which results in your bike sliding from under you and skidding across the pavement. Ouch.
Much to your luck, however, the bike collides directly with the monster and sends it straight into its own spear. A weird purple liquid oozing slowly from underneath the unconscious body. 
You frown, it was going to cost a pretty penny to get your bike fixed if it was even salvageable and now you definitely weren’t getting paid for the hamburger and fries that were probably still warm in your delivery bag.
Maybe you could see if french fries taste better after near-death and motorcycle debt.
Wincing, you feel your arms already bruising and your jeans have ripped through to your thigh, you're not bleeding as much as you probably should be from that slide but it still hurts like hell. Thank god you were wearing all your safety equipment.
A hand is extended out to you and you graciously take it, looking up to meet eyes with the prettiest redhead you’ve ever seen. She’s giving you an impressed smile and you feel like you could melt right then and there. Although that might also be from the burning pain in your leg. 
You probably need to find a hospital. Or maybe you were dead and this was an angel.
You always figured they’d look like the horrendous abomination of eyes and wings that they were described as, not as pretty redheads with striking green eyes but you weren’t complaining.
“That was a good move” There are still people running past you screaming but it feels like time stops when she speaks to you. 
“Yep. that was definitely something I did on purpose” Drumming your fingers on your thighs you watch her chuckle and give you a look that tells you she knows you did not, in fact, do that on purpose.
You glance between your bike and the woman in front of you, screaming civilians making the moment almost comical. You felt like you were in some kind of rom-com apocalypse.
Despite it being the last thing you should probably do, you extend your hand out to her and tell her your name. She gives you a very amused look and you shrug your shoulders as if to say ‘Why not? We’re here aren’t we?’ 
She chuckles again as she takes your hand, introducing herself.
Natasha. Derived from the Russian name Anastasia, which means resurrection. Maybe she was an angel. Damn.
Natasha nods her head in the direction of the crowd and smirks “Shouldn’t you be joining them?” You shrug. “Unless you know more moves like that?” She gestures toward your beat-up bike and you shake your head
“No. Unfortunately, I haven't mastered the art of more than one motorcycle trick yet” Not that you could get that thing to start back up again after that anyway.
She shakes her head with a laugh, glancing over her shoulder at the mess the city is becoming before turning back to you. “ Well I guess until you learn you should probably get running”
You nod, a little dejected, your calmness in relativity to the situation was likely the result of a concussion but you weren’t worried. Unless Nat was not real, in that case, you should be worried. Very Worried.
“Will we meet again?” it’s cliche and you immediately feel like a protagonist in a Disney movie but it’s a genuine question.
She smirks and looks around at the city again, gesturing to the absolute clusterfuck that New York had become “For your sake, I hope we don't” 
You know she doesn’t mean anything bad by it and it’s your turn to smirk when you say “Knowing my luck, we will” You hope she finds herself near a few banks in the upcoming months…
She smiles at you and nods her head in the direction of the crowd and you understand what she’s trying to tell you. With one final wave and a small “good luck” you run in the direction of your fellow New Yorkers, occasionally glancing back to see her running in the direction of the main battle.
You didn't know who she was but Damn did you want to. 
The next time you find yourself in a particularly unfavorable situation is not for months later. Minus that one time you witnessed two old ladies get mugged and that time you almost got hit by an ice-cream truck. But you got free ice cream from the second one so you weren't counting it.
You’d taken up a job in a small pizza place to pay for your bike repairs. It didn’t pay much but you didn’t have that many options after New York got attacked by aliens and half the businesses were destroyed or temporarily shut down. This is one of the few places still open which means on Friday nights you were busy as hell.
It was not a Friday night. It was a Tuesday afternoon and your coworker who was supposed to be on shift with you called out sick which meant you were manning the shop by yourself. Your stupid coworker was probably just off cheating on his girlfriend again but you didn’t care because the shop was empty which meant you could play games on your phone without his judgmental stare.
You’re struggling through level 5 of Candy Crush when the sound of breaking glass comes from the front of the shop and you sigh. You would be surprised but it was New York, more specifically it was your life in New York.
What you are surprised by, however, is the sight of familiar red hair covered in glass in the entryway, and you really want to rub your eyes with the squeaking sound effect like in the cartoons but the amount of microfibers that just got released into the air would suggest not doing that.
“Well well well” You realize you sound more like a supervillain than you intended and you freeze when she stands and sharply turns in your direction, gun pointed directly at you. You throw your hands up in surrender immediately. Goddamn supervillain catchphrases always making pretty girls turn their guns on you.
When she seems to recognize you she relaxes only for a man to jump through the already broken glass window and tackle her to the ground again. You want to help but considering you still haven't learned any more motorcycle tricks(or any tricks in general) you figure you would probably be useless.
You watch helplessly as she disarms and renders the guy unconscious in a matter of seconds and then stands and dusts herself off. The guy on the ground looks like some old-timey variation of Hitler and you're pretty glad she knocked him unconscious before he could even notice you. 
You focus back on Nat who's looking at you like a wounded animal that could run away at any moment and It’s then that you realize that most people are not quite used to these kinds of situations. Clearly, you weren’t like most people. You point to the body in a trenchcoat on the ground as you crinkle your nose
“Are you taking that guy with you when you leave?” She huffs out a laugh and you feel yourself smile at successfully getting her to laugh again.
You, one.
Hitlerman, zero.
At least you were winning one game. Stupid Candy Crush.
She looks around the shabby pizza place and then zones in on your nametag, only them seeming to realize you worked there. She tilts her head, nodding to your flimsy little name pinned to your T-shirt. 
“Why are you working here? Where’s the bike?” You sigh, you knew the question was coming but it’s still a sore subject for you. You internally punch a wall but on the outside, you frown just a little. It’s the saddest expression Nat’s seen on your face so far.
“She’s in the shop. Repairs are taking longer than I thought and now I’m forced to conform to my least favorite type of work just to get her back” Nat gives an understanding nod and then cringes a little, walking towards you until she’s right in front of you. She places a hand on your head and you inhale sharply.
A small frown forms on Nat’s face “You’re bleeding” 
The feeling of her hand on your face confirms that she’s not an angel or a figment of your imagination and you don’t realize you’ve voiced that thought out loud until you hear Nat barking out a laugh.
“I’m flattered but, well-” She glances up, then behind her, then back towards you “I wouldn’t be so sure just yet” She smirks and removes her hand just as a ceiling panel falls from the roof. Dust flies into the air and you cover your face to avoid getting more shit in your eyes.
When the room finally settles Natasha is nowhere in sight but there’s a Captain America band-aid on the serving counter and you feel a small smile across your face. What a dramatic exit. Now who was the supervillain?
You take great notice of the fact that Hitlerman is also gone and you wonder how the fuck she managed to do that. But more importantly, you hoped this wasn’t coming out of your paycheck.
You can’t emphasize enough to most people how much you’re not even trying to be in the situations you get caught in. In fact, the one time you stayed home for a week you ended up catching the Flu. How the hell do you catch the flu from staying home? After that, you just accepted that you were a magnet for misfortune and there was nothing you could do about it.
Although, after meeting Nat you found yourself a little excited anytime something misfortunate happened and that was probably psychotic and you should definitely check yourself into a psych ward but you’d probably end up choking on a crayon and getting deemed a risk to those around you so what was the use?
Still, of all the robberies you’d been a witness to you’d never been a part of a hostage situation. Until now. Stupid Banks! 
Usually, you’d assume that the police would handle a situation like this and you’d be stuck in this bank for hours until someone grew a dick and negotiated something but this time circumstances were a little different. To start, the guy who was currently robbing the bank was holding some type of gun that was the equivalent of real-life freeze tag. 
Anyone who got zapped by the oddly blue glowing gun was frozen in place, which led you to problem number two. 
The police had shown up nearly half an hour ago and someone must not have briefed them on this wacko holding you hostage because the second one of them snuck in the back door with a gun he was frozen in place looking like the idiot that he probably was. 
You would attempt to grab his gun but you didn’t feel like doing that shit. Who were you to risk your life and try to be a hero for some money that this poor fellow probably needed considering New York's rent cost.
Maybe if the stupid fucker hadn’t frozen the one lady who knew the code to the very comically large bank safe he wouldn’t be stuck making stupid negotiations and holding people hostage.
Instead, you settled against a wall near a bunch of crying civilians and attempted once again to beat level 10 of Candy Crush. You give up after ten minutes and delete the app. Really you were just trying to kill the time until you-know-who showed up.
She and her band of merry men had grown a reputation for taking care of situations that the regular authorities couldn’t and that’s why you weren’t the least bit surprised when the room began to fill with a cloudy white smoke.
Others began panicking, fearing that it was some sort of poisonous gas and you rolled your eyes. This was not poisonous gas, you’d seen poisonous gas and this was not it. 
This was a very dramatic entrance formulated by your absolute favorite redhead. God, you felt like you were in a spy movie. Any second now you’d see a faint figure slowly descending from the ceiling in all black with a gas mask on and spy music would start playing.
Any second now.
Aaaaaany second now- 
A scream from beside you makes you jolt and you find the sobbing woman next to you with a hand over her mouth. A gruff-looking man is telling her to keep quiet and your eyes widen for a second as you think ‘Oh shit. Double robbery.’ But from behind the gruff-looking man walks a familiar figure and she pats him on the shoulder as she passes him. 
You squint your eyes, what an oddly metal-looking shoulder. Perhaps you were hallucinating. Stress and all that.
By this point, enough white smoke has filled the room that the bank robber is wildly swinging around in fear as he squints to see. He’s probably more on edge after that woman's scream as well. Yeeeeah more of a horror movie than a spy movie now. 
The reason you can see everyone so well is due to your superior eyesight and definitely not the science lab goggles that you had in your bag for no suspicious reasons. Hey, you had to be prepared for literally anything considering your luck.
Nat’s wearing some kind of night vision-looking goggles and a mask and when she passes you you poke her leg. She jumps a little, glaring at you until she seems to recognize you despite your flawless Lab Scientist disguise and her eyes widen. Her eyes seem to scream ‘What are you doing here’ but you feel it’s too obvious of a question to bother answering. 
Instead, you give her the biggest smile you can muster and a friendly wave, mouthing “Hiiii Nat!” 
She rolls her eyes but you can see the smile she’s hiding under her mask and you mentally fist pump. Three for three.
You point to the man wielding the gun and mouth to her “Go! Team go!” 
She shakes her head, exasperated by your lack of fear and self-preservation but holds her finger up to her mouth telling you to be silent as she turns to sneak up on the man. 
Your body does so love disobeying orders though, so it chooses that moment to sneeze, which has the man pointing the gun in your direction (not that he can see as his eyes are practically watering now) and Nat turns to you with a glare.
You raise your hands up in surrender and in an attempt to help, you throw the nearest object on the floor across the room. Oh, that was your phone- well, okay. Either way, it helps, the man swings back in that direction, blasting his gun in the air and Nat takes the moment to attack him from behind. 
She disarms him easily, taking him to the ground and placing him in handcuffs. She inspects the device carefully, flipping a switch and aiming it at the closest frozen person. With a bolt of light, they unfreeze and gasp for breath. Good, at least the idiot had created some sort of Ctrl-Shift Undo button.
You're part of the first few escorted out of the building considering you weren’t frozen or in hysterics and the paramedics look at you a little funny but wrap a shock blanket around your shoulders.
Yes, shock. That's what you were experiencing. Normal people things. You twist back and forth and watch the shock blanket sway as you wait for Nat to be done with her serious business. God, serious business was boring and took forever.
When she finally emerges from the building she ignores the press and police that come up to talk to her and heads straight for you. Ha! Eat shit losers.
She doesn’t bother with formalities, why would she? It's you. Instead, she hands you a small black box as she takes in the shock blanket you’ve tied around your neck to look like a cape.
“Here’s your phone” You take the object from her hands and inspect it.
Oh wow, No cracks, that's great. Wait- “This is not my phone” You turn it over and inspect the Stark logo on the back of it. Yeeeeah definitely not yours.
“No, it’s not” She doesn't bother lying to you at least, and you hum in acknowledgment. Well, you weren’t one to pass up a free upgrade. You pocket the phone and stick your hands in your front pockets, flashing her a smile
“So… you come around here often?” She rolls her eyes at your stupid attempt at a joke. Or flirting. Either one works.
“How do you keep ending up in these situations?”
It’s your turn to smirk “Maybe it’s just an excuse to see you?” 
She gives you a look that says ‘It better not be’ and you just shrug, your shock blanket falling to the ground. Fucker. Making you look uncool. You refuse to bend down and pick it up. Recovery blankets were for losers anyway.
Still, she smiles at you anyway and crosses her arms “I’m beginning to think the only way to keep you safe is to keep you with me”
Your heart leaps but you pretend to be nonchalant. You're only blushing because of shock or whatever. Play it cool “That doesn’t sound like a bad idea” A stupid smile forces its way onto your face despite your best attempts to repress it and Nat laughs at your stubbornness.
“But first I think we’ve got to teach you some self-defense” She nods her head indicating for you to follow her and you both begin walking in step to an unmarked black car. 
Kidnapper car.
Cameras are flashing around you and you think about how cool you’ll look with Lab goggles atop your head and white smoke in your hair on the news tomorrow morning. The media was going to love you.
Turning to Nat on your way to the car, you have a question that’s been itching at you that you feel the need to ask 
“Do you think your sugar daddy can help me fix my bike?”
She punches you in the arm.
A/n: This was initially a writing exercise to write the silliest short story I could think of, but I thought it was cute so I decided to post it~ Starry
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zepskies · 1 year ago
Smoke Eater - Part 4
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Pairing: Firefighter!Dean Winchester x F. Reader 
Summary: Dean Winchester is the cocky, but well-respected Lieutenant at Firehouse 25. He leads by example, but he’s also known to break a few hearts. He’s starting to crave something he’s never had, though. Something stable. Something real. 
That’s when he meets you, on a truly terrible day, trapped in a rickety old elevator.   
🔥 Series Masterlist
Song Inspo: “Take It to the Limit” by The Eagles
Word Count: 6,000 Tags/Warnings: Major fluff alert. Some angst(ish). First date part 2…and a second date?
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Part 4: Rocky Road
You enjoyed dinner more than you expected to. Dean was funny, and charming, and deeper than you might’ve expected at first glance.
He also didn’t let you even think of paying any part of the bill. In his view, he’d asked you out, so your purse was staying the hell away from the little black booklet.
The only problem was, the freely flowing conversation you and Dean had all through dinner kind of stalled after you left the restaurant. He’d chosen a spot in downtown, so the two of you walked leisurely down the sidewalk, under rows of soft overhead string lights and a gentle chill on the evening air. 
Dean had his hands in his pockets, and even that casual gait caught your eye. He looked good tonight in his black slacks and jacket. The dark blue buttoned-down worked for him too, just as well as the red plaid and jeans worked for him last night. Just like his gray lieutenant’s polo and navy pants worked for him.
In fact, you didn’t think there was anything that wouldn’t work for him.
“So, what’s next?” you asked. Dean glanced over at your question, looking a bit uncertain.
“Well, I’m gonna be honest. This is as far as I thought things through,” he said. “What do you want to do?”
You hummed and touched your chin. You paused and considered your surroundings. There were little shops, clubs, and restaurants on either side of the street. But then you spotted something nearby: a cart with a pink overhead. You smiled.
“You up for dessert?” you asked, pointing to the ice cream stand.
Dean shot you a slightly disbelieving look.
“Yeah? Ice cream after that fancy shmancy meal?”
You shrugged. “Why not? Come on.”
You looped your arm through his and tugged him along with you. He smiled at your enthusiasm and let you do it.
He later watched you try no less than five flavors of ice cream before you settled on the first one you tried—chocolate chip cookie dough. Which you ordered on a cone, with brownie pieces on top.
“The only way to do business,” you told him sagely. Dean grinned and held a hand to his chest.
“A woman after my own heart,” he said. “Here I thought you were gonna make fun of me for getting rocky road.”
“Why would I? I don’t discriminate when it comes to dessert…and only fun people get rocky road,” you countered.
“Tell that to my brother,” Dean scoffed. “He gets plain-ass chocolate chip. Every time.”
“Oh, you have a brother?” you noted with interest. “Any other siblings?”
“Nope,” he said, and accepted his cone from Steve, the guy operating the kiosk. “Just my giant little brother.”
“…You’ll understand when you meet him.”
“When, not if. That’s encouraging,” you said with a smile. Dean shot you an amused grin back.
You held your cone with one hand while you rifled through your purse for your wallet with the other, but by the time you looked up, Dean was already handing over his credit card. Your brows furrowed.
“This is all still part of the date,” he rationalized. His green eyes fairly danced with amusement, which you begrudgingly accepted with a sigh.
You then looked at your cone from all angles, trying to spy the best spot to start. You decided to go at it from the side. Though you tried to be graceful about it, you realized you hadn’t totally succeeded when a brownie piece almost fell off. You yelped and managed to catch it before it fell on your dress.
“Smooth,” Dean remarked. You shrugged and hummed happily while you took another bite.
“I told you. I don’t play when it comes to dessert,” you told him.
“Clearly,” he teased.
You briefly looked up at him through your lashes, making him smile. You really did have a pretty pair of eyes. And when your tongue came out a little to lick your lips, he was drawn to that as well.
And an even prettier mouth, he thought. Damn.
He raised a thumb to wipe away a bit of ice cream left behind on your lower lip. You blinked up at him, your eyes a bit wider, and he saw the bout of shyness in your resulting smile.
You shivered then with a bit of cold, whether from the ice cream or the chill on the air.
Dean’s mouth quirked, and he gave you his cone. “Hold this for a sec.”
You did so for him, but you watched him curiously as he shrugged out of his jacket. He wrapped it around your shoulders, like this was some kind of Hallmark moment.
Heh. Can’t believe Meg had it right, he thought, as he caught your blush.
“Thanks,” you said softly.
“Can’t let you catch cold in this little dress,” Dean reasoned. He tugged you in closer by the ends of his jacket.
Once again, his gaze was drawn to your face, your eyes, and finally your lips. You still held both ice cream cones between you two, but he could be careful enough to sample something else.
He started to lean in…
“Hey, man!” said Steve. “Don’t forget your wallet.”
Hesitating, Dean’s lips pursed as he turned his head to look back. Sure enough, he’d left his wallet on the counter. Letting out a subtle sigh, he glanced down and found you biting your lip in amusement.
He released you to go back and pluck his wallet out of Steve’s hand. The kid looked college age, and chilled out of his mind, like he didn’t realize he’d just interrupted another dude’s flow.
“Thank you,” said Dean, a bit pointedly.
Steve gave him a bored smile.
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While you continued walking and finishing off your ice cream, you went with the flow of people coming and going; couples, families, people walking their dogs and with their children for an evening stroll.
You learned that Dean’s brother was a few years younger than him. The two shared an apartment, though Sam had a girlfriend, Eileen.
She worked at a specialty school, specifically with hearing impaired children, as she herself was deaf. Sam had learned a bit of ASL in school and worked on becoming fluent after they met. He was an assistant prosecutor working in the district attorney’s office.
“Wow. They sound like a power couple,” you remarked.
Dean inclined his head. “Yeah, they’re the smartest people I know, to be honest. They’ve been going strong for a few years now.” 
And he learned that you were an only child, raised by your grandparents, and still living in your childhood home with your grandfather.
You admitted to him that after your grandmother passed away a few years ago, you just never found it within yourself to move out and leave George alone. He still needed you…and you probably needed him too, in some ways.
“Nothing wrong with that,” Dean said. "Taking care of your people is number one."
You gave him an appreciative look. He wanted to ask where your parents were in this situation, but he didn’t want to pry if you weren’t up for sharing. It felt like something even more personal.
You then stopped in front of a beautiful French bakery. It was closed, but you could still smell freshly baked bread and sweetness through the glass doors. You leaned against them while you peered inside.
“Ooh, I’ll need to come back here,” you said, before you remembered that you did in fact have company. Dean sidled up next to you and crossed his arms in amusement.
“You want a piece of cake or something?” he teased. “I’ll get my crowbar from the car.”
You grinned. “Not the jaws of life?”
“That’d be a bit extreme for a glass door, don’t you think?” He raised a brow at you.
“Don’t underestimate the lengths I’ll go to for quality cake,” you quipped back.
“All right,” he chuckled. “I like a girl who knows what she wants.”
You’d lost count of how many times you’d blushed tonight, but it had to be a record. You turned to him, but unconsciously kept a hand on the glass door.
“When I was in culinary school, I dreamed of opening up a bakery just like this,” you said. There was the gleam of memory and nostalgia in your eyes, and Dean found himself getting swept up in it.
“What happened to the dream?” he asked.
You sighed, letting your hand fall away from the glass. You hesitated to confide in him, to reveal this much of yourself. But there was something about this man that…well, that made you trust him. Even with this part. You tugged his jacket closer to your body.
“My grandma died about a month before I graduated,” you said. “She and my grandpa raised me…after my mom left.”
Dean’s gaze gentled, while his brows drew together. That just about answered his question about your parents.
“How old were you when she left?” he asked.
“Officially? Six years old,” you replied, sighing heavily. “She didn’t want responsibilities.” 
He acknowledged this with a slow nod. He got the feeling your dad was never in the picture.
“Have you talked to her since?”
“No,” you said. “I lived with my grandparents from the beginning. She’d breeze in and out of town, from what little I remember. But one day, Gram finally asked her: When are you going to realize that you’re a mother?” 
You glanced away for a moment. “Well, after that…I never saw her again.”
You took in a deeper breath to steady yourself. You didn’t often talk about this, let alone with someone you’d just met. Yet again, you felt safe enough with Dean.
“But after Gram passed, my grandfather was already retired,” you continued. “I needed a job, not a pipe dream.” 
Dean had been listening to you with rapt attention. This was the first time he truly frowned. The wind was brushing strays of your hair across your forehead. He reached out and tucked a few strands behind your ear.
“Not all dreams are pipe dreams,” he said.
You flickered at a smile, looking up at him.
“Fair enough,” you replied.
Your eyes roamed his face this time, falling to his lips. You found yourself tilting up your chin when his face began bowing toward yours.
You felt his warm breath on your cheek, his hands grasping your arms, your hands gently resting against his sternum. By now, your heart was tripping up, double timing. And yet, you felt at ease as your eyes closed.
Only to be startled out of your wits when a dog yapped by your feet.
Even Dean jolted. His grip on your arms tightened on reflex. Both of you turned with wide eyes at the little Pomeranian that yanked at its leash. The woman holding it pulled her dog back.
“Sorry!” she called as she passed by. And she was still wrangling with the dog as she made her way down the sidewalk.
You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me. You read the thought across Dean’s frowning face. Though you felt the same way, you still smiled.
You leaned up and kissed his cheek instead.
“Thanks for listening,” you said. “I know that was heavy for a first date. I’m sorry.”
Dean’s eyes were warm when he looked down at you. You seemed to be honest and straightforward, which wasn’t a bad thing. In fact, he liked that a lot. In his experience, it wasn’t something he encountered very often with women.
Or maybe just with the women you’ve gone after, he thought.
“Nah, don’t apologize…but I’m sorry for your loss. I really am,” he said, thumbing at your cheek.
You could see that he meant it too. “Thank you.”
You ducked your head, fighting embarrassment. Not that he'd given to reason to feel embarrassed or ashamed, but you still couldn't believe he'd cracked you open like a book, without even trying. Andréa was sure to tease the hell out of you for that one.
You glanced back up and managed to spy something past Dean's shoulder. You smiled and took his hand. 
“Oh look! There’s a bookstore open,” you said, and led him farther down the path.
Dean later followed you, once again with his hands in his pockets as you browsed through each aisle. He should’ve known you were a reader. But you were cute, he thought, as your fingers brushed across certain spines of books while you scanned their titles and covers.
You glanced over at him. “I’m sorry. This must be really boring for you right now. I’ll come back another time—”
“No, no. I’m along for the ride,” Dean said with a smirk. It earned another amused look from you.
“Well, buckle up then,” you teased. You led him down to the Mystery section—murder mysteries being your favorite, you told him. He raised a brow at that.
“What? Were you expecting romance novels with telenovela-style covers?” you asked. And you draped yourself across the bookshelf, holding the back of your hand up to your forehead, like you were about to “faint.”
Dean shook his head at you, but his eyes were dancing again.
“Nah, give me a juicy mystery,” you said, as you continued to browse. “Clues, evidence, surprise twists, villain reveals…”
“Well, I’ll say that real life Magnum P.I. ain’t all that fun,” Dean remarked. That made you raise your head from the book you were inspecting and look over at him.
“Hmm, that sounds like personal experience,” you said.
He hesitated, but he eventually nodded. “Yeah. My dad’s a cop. A detective, actually, in homicide. Real Law & Order, you could say.”
Your eyes grew comically wide, and Dean had to laugh.
“Now that is interesting,” you said. “How long has he been a cop?”
“Heh. My whole life,” Dean replied. There was something behind his eyes that you didn’t miss.
“Hmm, something tells me being a cop's kid isn't all it’s cracked up to be,” you said. "Bet you couldn't get away with anything, huh?"
He smirked. "Not a damn thing. I coulda sworn my dad had cameras planted all over the house."
But no, his dad was just that good at reading him and Sam. Granted, it wasn't often that they tried to pull one over on the old man, but their teenage years had been...interesting.
You laughed lightly while you continued to browse.
“Your dad was tough growing up?” you asked. Dean considered you, and your question with a tilt of his head.
“My dad’s a good guy,” he said. “The best at his job. And he’s the toughest son of a bitch I know.”
You knew then that there was a story there, or maybe several, but you didn’t want to push it. Dean seemed to be at the edge of what he was willing to get into on the subject.
So you just nodded and chose a couple of books, which you insisted on paying for yourself. Unlike a meal or dessert, he hadn’t participated in this part, you reasoned.
“That’s not how that works,” Dean said, but he begrudgingly let you pay for your own books. You carried the bag out of the store with a satisfied smile on your face.
Dean shook his head with a smile of his own. Though he did take your free hand in his on the way back to the car.
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Dean meant to take you back to your house…but maybe you weren’t quite ready for the night to end just yet. He was driving his sleek tank of a car down the main road when you got an idea. 
“Oh, we’re going to drive over the river,” you remembered. “There’s this little spot right before it where you can pull over and park, see the skyline… Have you seen it?”
Dean glanced over at you with a gleam in his eye. “I have. It’s definitely a sight to see.”
“I haven’t seen it in a while,” you said.
A smile curved his lips. “Well, that’s a damn shame. Let’s fix that.”
The Impala soon pulled into a clearing off the side of the road, just before the Kansas River. True to your memory, there was a beautiful view of the city skyline. The half-moon above sprinkled light across the water. The waves were otherwise black and choppy.
“It’s been a while since I’ve seen it at night,” Dean said. You turned to him and smiled.
“Thanks for tonight. I had a really good time,” you said.
He raised his brows at you. “We’re not done yet. You’re the one who wanted to sightsee.”
You chuckled and nodded in agreement. You were feeling a bit warm with the heating vents on you, so you unclipped your seatbelt and shrugged off Dean’s coat. You folded it up nicely and draped it across your lap.
You didn’t notice it, but Dean’s gaze drifted over to you when you bared your shoulders again, revealing smooth skin and the tantalizing neckline of your dress. Even in the dim lighting, the vibrant green caught his eye. 
But it wasn’t until the car stopped rumbling so much that you noticed the radio playing hard rock in the background. It sounded like a lot of screaming and guitars to you.
“What the hell are we listening to?” you said.
“Hmm, not an Van Halen fan?” Dean replied, giving you a chiding eye. “Aw, I don’t know if I can trust you if you can’t appreciate Sammy Hagar.”
“Oh no,” you said with a laugh. “He likes mullet rock.”
“Yes, he does,” Dean grinned. “The bigger, crazier hair the better.”
You rolled your eyes. “All right, Hendrix. Mind if we change the station?”
You hand reached for the radio knob, but Dean’s hand batted yours away.
“Ey, ey!” he said, though a smile raised the corners of his lips. “Driver picks the music.”
 You full on laughed then.
“Okay, but can we please listen to something less grating?” you asked.
Dean snorted. “All right, your highness. Let me see what I’ve got…”
You watched him curiously as he reached over on his side and pulled out a few ancient relics.
“Oh my God. You still listen to cassettes?” you asked in disbelief. Dean shot you another grin as he sorted through a handful of them. He considered you for a moment, debating his decision.
He chose a cassette and popped it in. Soon, the rhythmic melody of a guitar filtered through the speakers. You tilted your head.
“The Eagles?” you guessed. The song was familiar…
“All alone at the end of the evening, and the bright lights have faded to blue,” crooned from the speakers. “I was thinking 'bout a woman who might have loved me. I never knew…”
“Wow, all right,” Dean said, grinning. “Guess I haven’t lost you to the Bieber pop masses just yet.”
You gave him an amused look.
“My grandfather is an Eagles fan,” you smirked back. Though you patted the Impala’s dashboard. “But I guess I shouldn’t be surprised you’ve got an old soul.”
“I prefer the term ‘vintage,’” Dean quipped. He noted the way you seemed to be admiring his car. “My dad played this stuff all the time when Sam and I were kids…I guess the car’s another thing he passed down to me.”
You looked over at him then. “Yeah? He give it to you as a graduation gift or something?”
He inclined his head, brushing a hand through his hair.
“Sort of,” he said. You smiled then, shifting towards him in your seat.
“Ooh, that sounds like a story.”
He acknowledged that with a nod, though he hesitated. “You really wanna hear it?”
You rested an elbow on the armrest between his chair and yours, chin in hand, staring up at him encouragingly. Your brows raised in a “go ahead” gesture.
With an amused sigh, Dean nodded.
“Believe it or not, after I graduated high school, I wasn’t sold on the whole college thing.” His lips twisted wryly. “That was more Sam’s beat. So my dad thought it’d be good if I followed in his.”
Your eyes widened. “You were going to be a police officer?”
Dean smiled. “Well, I got into the Academy.”
That was where he met Cas, all those years ago. First, they were sort of silently competing on their scores, each wanting to be the best in the class. For Dean, it was because John Winchester had been the best. To this day, he still held some of the top scores in the region.
Meanwhile, Cas had come from a strict, religious family that drove him to succeed in whatever he put his mind to. Cas hadn’t liked Dean’s casual, joking, surface-level arrogance, thinking he wasn’t taking it seriously.
Dean had thought the guy had a serious pole stuck up his ass.
“I was about halfway through, but I just…my heart wasn’t in it,” Dean said. “Cas could see it. He asked me why the hell I was working so hard if I didn’t really want this.”
“To beat me?” Cas had asked. “To level your dad’s scores? To prove you can be him? Frankly, that sounds idiotic. Not to mention, utterly pathetic.”
Dean hadn’t wanted to face it at first, but he’d known then that his archenemy was right.
“You know…up until then, I don’t think I’d ever considered what the hell it was I wanted,” he admitted. His fingers drummed on the Impala’s steering wheel.
He knew you were listening. Just listening, like you were taking in his every word. He didn’t know why, but your quiet attention made him keep trying to fill the silence.
“So I quit,” he said. “Didn’t tell my dad…but Sam was the one who put the Fire Academy paperwork on my desk. Once I worked up the nerve, I took the firefighter test on the sly.”
“Was your dad mad?” you asked.
Dean chuckled. “At first.”
It had also been the first time he felt like he’d truly impressed his father. Namely, by not doing what John expected of him. That was more Sam’s territory.
“But after I made it through the Fire Academy, he gave me Baby,” said Dean.
He laid a fond hand on the steering wheel. It hadn't been the first time John said he was proud of Dean, but that day was still a good one, etched into Dean's memories. Sometimes it blocked out the darker ones.
“Baby?” you asked in bemusement. 
He blinked, looking over at you with a quirk of his lips.
“Uh, yeah,” he said, and swiped a hand over his mouth.
That, and the way his gaze dropped a bit, you thought he seemed a bit embarrassed. Not by his old-ass taste in music, but by the fact that he’d named his car.
What a giant dork, you thought, as your smile grew.
Leveraging a hand on the armrest, you leaned over and kissed his cheek for the second time tonight. This time you lingered a moment, leaving the mark of your lipstick behind. 
“It’s a good name,” you said.
Dean smiled back at you. Right about then, that was about the best thing you could’ve said.
He raised a hand to your cheek, brushing the back of his hand along your jaw. He settled on gently taking your chin between his fingers, before he leaned in and finally kissed you.
It started out slow as his lips moved against yours with purpose. Your eyes closed at the feel of him. Each new touch drew you in further, making your head swim with warmth, and your heart begin to race.
You unconsciously reached out and grasped the collar of his shirt. His hand moved to cradle your cheek and guide your head to the side, so he could deepen the kiss. His teeth grazed your bottom lip, and his tongue soon swept across to sooth it. You couldn't help the small, pleasant shudder that ran through you.   
You weren’t sure who stopped first, but when your eyes eventually opened again, it was to those talented lips curving into a smile. 
“Not gonna lie, I’ve been trying to do that all night,” he said, chuckling a bit.
You couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled up into your throat and managed to escape. “I know.”
You leaned against him, with your hand still curled in his shirt. Your eyes briefly lowered.
At the delightfully hair-raising feeling of his thumb brushing back and forth against your cheek, you glanced back up at him. Your smile became more flirtatious, yet still with a bit of nervous energy.
“Want to reenact the moment?” you asked.
Dean grinned and pulled you in again, flush against him this time. All while his music continued to play. You recognized another one from your grandpa’s collection. This time, you didn’t mind. 
This man might’ve been vintage in his tastes, but his touch made you feel brand new.
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“What would you say…about doing this again sometime?” Dean asked.
That is, between feverish kisses on your front porch. You’d been trying to say goodnight for a few minutes now, but every time you tried, the two of you kept getting pulled back into the feel of one another.
He held you close against him, his hands molded to the curve up your hip and pressing into your lower back. Your fingers were alternatively tangling and soothing into his hair. You clung to his shoulders as his lips and tongue continued to rob you of your breath, as well as your good sense.
You were making out with this man under the porch light like you were a teenager afraid of getting caught by your grandfather. (He was probably asleep by now anyway.)
And you couldn’t remember the last time you’d been kissed like this, touched like this. The evening chill spread goosebumps across your arms, but your insides were warm and champagne-bubbly. All the while, his lips made slow, sensuous movements against yours. 
When you caught a moment to pull away, just to take in a few needed breaths, your eyes flicked up to his.
“I’d say make an appointment,” you teased. “I’m a busy woman.”
You tapped his chin with a finger, making him smile.
“Oh, yeah? Can you pencil me in…say, tomorrow at 7:00?” he asked.
“Tomorrow.” You raised a brow. “Anxious, are we?”
His smile faltered, just a little. “Too soon?”
“…No,” you admitted. If you were honest, you wanted to see him too. “7:00 is good.”
Dean was about to reply when the porch lights flickered overhead. Your brows furrowing, you turned and spotted your grandfather in the window by the front door. You didn't like the look of his smile, hinting with mischief.
“Oh my God,” you muttered.
“Did I make you miss curfew or something?” Dean joked.
Embarrassment began to heat up your face in record time. You groaned and shook your head as you turned in his arms.
“My grandfather, ladies and gentlemen.” Your lips quirked. “And his incurable wit.”
Dean’s hands fell away from you so you could reach for the door, just as you heard it unlocking from the other side. George cracked the door open a few inches and peeked his head out.
“If you wanna put on a show, you should sell tickets,” he quipped, giving you and Dean a raised brow.
“Grandpa, really?”
He laughed and ran a hand through his hair.
“Just kiddin’,” he said. “Hey there. Heard you’re the fireman who saved the cheeky damsel in distress here. How many does that make for ya this week?”
You sighed. And you pleaded with Dean, via your eyes, to be patient here.
“Well, wouldn’t call her a damsel, but she’s certainly the prettiest one so far,” Dean told your grandfather, though he shot you a teasing wink.
You couldn't help a smile. “Yeah, he’s got a caravan of us waiting back at the station.”
Dean chuckled along with George, who then gave him a more appraising look. Dean knew when he was being silently judged. He met the older man’s gaze directly.
“Anyway, sorry for crashing in. Glad to meet you, son. I’m George,” said your grandfather. He stepped out fully to shake Dean’s hand.
Dean took it with a firm, but relaxed grip. He nodded respectfully.
“Good to meet you. I’m Dean.”
“So I’ve heard,” George said, his tone a little enigmatic. “You plannin’ on seeing her again? ‘Cause I think you might be a special one. She had me approve no less than five different outfits before she decided. And I said, ‘Hun, if he’s half a man at all he wouldn’t care if you were dressed in a woolly potato sack and nothin' else—’”
“All right, is that Wheel of Fortune on back there?” you quickly cut in. A wilder blush was taking root down to your neck. You pointed back inside, where you could hear the TV playing. “I think your show’s back on.”
George’s eyes widened like he was catching on to you, reading between your lines. He “apologized” with placating hands.
“Okay, that’s my cue. Though I’ll have you know, it’s Shark Week on the Discovery channel. Wheel of Fortune’s for old people,” he quipped.
Dean smirked. “Hell yeah. Gotta love Shark Week.”
“Right?” George gestured at him as if he’d just found a kindred spirit. “A whole damn week of sharks.”
“Great! Well, sounds like the show’s back from commercial,” you hinted. Actually, you hoped he recorded those episodes. You loved a good nature documentary that made you fear the beach for another six months.
“All right, I got it.” Grinning to himself, George gave Dean one last tip of his imaginary hat. “G’night, you two.”
“Good night,” you and Dean replied, though yours was distinctly tighter, while he was more amused. He glanced down at you after the door clicked shut.
You bit your lip, meeting his eyes. “Sorry. No matter how old I get, that’s still his way of being protective.”
“As he should,” Dean said, chuckling a little. He bucked a gentle fist under your chin. “You’re like a daughter to him, right?”
Your lingering embarrassment began to even out into a smile.
“Yeah, basically.”
“With a sharp shooter like you, I’ll bet he doesn’t have a lot of chances to look out for you,” he remarked.
You inclined your head at that.
“Maybe,” you replied. You reached out to straighten the lines of his jacket. You’d managed to wrinkle him a bit since hanging out in his car by the river earlier.
“So…you said something about 7:00 tomorrow?” you asked tentatively.  
Dean grinned. But it soon faded as reality seemed to interject. “Ah…you know what, let’s do 7:30.”
His hands found your waist, but they soon slid around to hold you securely in his arms. It made a heady feeling rush through you, down to the tips of your fingers. You soothed through the mess you made of his hair and rested your hands on his arms afterwards.
“Are you sure?” you asked. Dean thought about it for a moment.
“Let’s do 8:00, just to be safe. I get off work at 6:30,” he said. He wanted to give plenty of wiggle room, just in case something cropped up.
You agreed, even though this aspect of things had the potential to make you anxious. You knew his job was unpredictable at times, but you were a planner, organized and detail oriented. And you did not like the unknown. Hence your mildly anal tendency to make checklists.
Dean could see the wheels turning in your head though.
“Don’t worry. I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said. When he gave his word, he fully intended to keep it.
So he kissed away the reservations he saw in your eyes. 
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Despite the pure magic that had been last night, today, you had a suspicious feeling.
It was 8:30 in the evening, and Dean still wasn’t knocking at your door. He hadn’t responded to your text either.
You were ready for dinner. This time in a black dress, nice, short, and enticing, as your grandma had long ago impressed on you: every woman should have a little black dress.
At 9:00, you gave into your instincts and tried to call him. It rang for a while, but ultimately went to voicemail. You sat on the living room couch with a glass of wine in one hand, your cell in the other, and you frowned.
You still hadn’t moved the vase of tulips from the coffee table, and you noticed them again. They were starting to open up nicely. 
Grandpa George glanced over at you from his favorite chair, watching your mood begin to sour with both annoyance and worry.
“He’s probably just caught up on a call,” he said, and raised a teasing brow. “Maybe saving another girl from a crapped out elevator.”
You shot him a droll look. “Thanks. But yeah, he probably just got held up at work…not standing me up at all.”
Logically, you knew it was probably the first option, but the less secure part of yourself wondered.
George relented when he saw how pensive you looked, with a tinge of impatience.
“You must really like this guy,” he said.
You looked over at him with a soft frown, but you didn’t answer. It told your grandfather everything he needed to know. Even with the protective walls you tended to put up whenever you were anxious, he knew you better than anyone.
“It may not be what you think. Just relax,” he said. “He’ll call eventually. And when he does, let him actually talk.”
You huffed. But your lips formed a smile as you nodded in agreement. 
Whatever was holding Dean up, you just hoped he was safe.
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However, by 10:00 p.m., you were both worried and irritated. You changed out of your dress, but you kept your makeup on in one last ditch effort of hope.
You laid in bed and watched Friends reruns. Even though you knew every joke, it usually still managed to make you laugh.
Not this time, unfortunately.
But, Dean finally called around 10:30. You let it ring a few times before you answered your cell.
“Yes, Lieutenant?” you greeted flatly.
“Hi, sweetheart,” he said. His tone was already full of remorse, but you couldn’t help it. You were feeling petty.
“I don’t think you get to ‘sweetheart’ me tonight,” you said.
“Look, uh…I’m sorry I’m not there,” said Dean. “I really am. I wasn’t trying to do this to you.”
…Damn it, you actually believed him. You heard the sincerity in his voice, along with how tired he seemed to be. And that was before he even got to the explanation.
“There was a five-car pileup on the road, and someone got T-boned on either side,” he said. “It took us basically all night to clear it up and get the injured out of there. Was a big mess. I just left the station a few minutes ago.” 
Your irritation soon fizzled into shame. You should’ve known.
“That’s…a really good reason,” you said.
“Just let me shower and I’ll come right out to you.”
You sighed. “It’s okay, Dean. Let’s just try for another time. You must be tired…”
It was his turn to sigh.  
“I know it ain’t okay,” he said eventually. “I can hear you clear as day.”
Your lips quirked wryly.
“How can I complain, Dean? You were literally saving people.”
“Doesn’t change the fact that you’re all dolled up, and I’m not gonna get to see it,” he said. A bit of his usual charm and good humor crept into his voice. It made you smile.
“And I really put some effort into this smokey eye,” you quipped. You also curled a strand of styled hair around your finger absently.
“I’m gonna pretend I know what that means, but it sounds sexy as hell,” he replied.
Your smile deepened. “Okay, what about Tuesday night?”
“Hmm…sorry, that day’s no good. I’ve got a 24-hour shift Tuesday to Wednesday,” he said. “What about Thursday night?”
“Ah…I’ve got an appointment after work,” you said.
Really it was George’s doctor’s appointment, but you wanted to go with him this time to make sure the doctor was doing his best to diagnose George’s persistent cough.
He’d also been more tired lately, you’d noticed, even after a full night’s sleep. He was blaming it on old age, but you knew your grandfather. You knew when he was downplaying to avoid the doctor, or to avoid worrying you.
“Friday?” you posed.
“I’ve got another long shift,” Dean said.
Damn it. It seemed like his schedule and yours wasn’t very compatible. You were starting to get discouraged…
“Oh, wait,” Dean said, his tone perking up. “I forgot. I’ve got this Monday off, during the day…why don’t I take you out to lunch?”
“Lunch?” You considered it with a frown. “It can be hard for me to leave my desk. I have to take a lot of calls.”
Most days you worked straight through your lunch hour. But Dean’s reply was smooth.
“That’s all right,” he said. “How about I bring takeout? Office picnic.”
Slowly, you smiled.
“Okay. I’ll see you on Monday then,” you agreed.
“Yes, you will,” Dean said. His tone was firm. “You can count on it.”
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AN: Okay! How did you like part 2 of their first date? (And Dean meeting George for the first time lol.)
Hopefully round two of their second date will go better. Though Dean finally meets the infamous boss...
Next Time:
“Hey, what’s your progress on the Greenway account…oh,” said Nick, pausing where he stood.
He took note of Dean in the room and straightened his posture. His expression changed from its lazy gait, to a more tightened one. You swore you could spot a tinge of annoyance as well, like he was surprised that he hadn’t caught you alone in your office.
“I see I’m interrupting,” he said.
Holding in a sigh, you looked over at Dean and found him similarly assessing Nick.
“This is Dean. You might remember him from last week, when the elevator broke down. He’s one of the firefighters who got me out,” you said.
Your hand fell on your companion's arm. “Dean, this is—”
“Her boss,” Nick said. He seemed to lighten up and give Dean a smile, reaching over to shake the man’s hand. Dean obliged him.
“So I’ve heard,” he said.
Keep Reading: PART 5
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Dean Winchester Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Series Tag List (Part 1):
@hobby27 @kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @iamsapphine @simpforbuckyb
@vanillawhiskeyflavoredkisses @roseblue373 @this-is-me19 @emily-winchester @spnexploration @deans-spinster-witch @deans-baby-momma @iprobablyshipit91
@melancholictearz @nic-kolas @sleepyqueerenergy @wayward-lost-and-never-found @thewritersaddictions @just-levyy @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons @antisocialcorrupt @lacilou @adoringanakin @theonlymaninthesky @teehxk @midnightmadwoman @brianochka @branj19
@agalliasi @venicesem @chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @ladysparkles78 @solariklees @xsophianicolex @deansbbyx @candy-coated-misery0731 @curlycarley @sarahgracej @bagpussjocken @ultrahviolentart @chernayawidow @beskarfilms @mimaria420
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tr4gictea · 7 months ago
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True Meaning: Prologue
Isekai teen!reader + Genshin Impact
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Tags: none
Including: Introduction to the reader
word count: 1,309 words
A/n: Imma be honest, I thought I posted this story on Wednesday but apparently I just saved it to my drafts 😭.
This is a series that I want to start if you guys want me to, if not then I will still be posting this story along with my regular one-shots, headcanons, and stories but not as regularly. But if do want this to continue leave a note down below so I know that you guys like this and want more content of this story. :P
True Meaning Table of Content ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡
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Your head was pounding, it felt like someone took a sword and stabbed it right through your head. Around you were tall trees with glowing blue flowers surrounding the bases of the trees. You don't know how you got here, one moment you were playing genshin in bed, then a voice called out to you.
"(Y/n), your soul is not of this world, you must move to the next," And all of a sudden you were lying on the muddy grass.
You got up and looked around, there was none in sight other than two slim foxes in the distance. Where were you? Exploring the area ahead you saw a small rock formation that looked like a little bear, and next to it was a bundle of lit candles. 
Continuing on you follow the stream next to you. On your way you pass by some small statues that you could compare to puppies or bear cubs. The path looked oddly familiar to you, it felt like you had walked down it before. You walk for about ten minutes passing by Japanese style gates before you spot an... electro seelie?! 
These only exist in genshin?! This cant be real! Wait. This can't be real, because it is a dream! That's why that path seemed so familiar! You smiled to yourself, proud that you “figured” it out. 
But if you are dreaming of the world of genshin that means you can explore the real Inazuma yourself! You've explored the Inazuma area hundreds of times so trying to find Inazuma City shouldn't be hard too. Plus the Raiden Shogun's home is so big that you could see it from miles away.
You walk down the path careful not to alert the hullichurl camps of your presence and make it to the village homes right outside of Inazuma city. When walking in you are greeted by a large tree with pink leaves falling down onto the ground.
As you pass by the villagers give you weird looks. They look you up and down then turn away from you. What's up with them? You wonder as you dust off your baggy black shirt that says 'return of the vampurrr' with a woman screaming at a giant cat and then shoving your hands in your teenage mutant in turtle pajama pants pockets. Wait, you have your sleeping clothes on. Maybe that's why they're giving you weird looks. The only thing that would maybe be okay for you to wear is the Vivienne Westwood Necklace you got off of amazon for 15 dollars. The orb in the middle of the necklace which was originally silver turned into a clear ball almost as if it was made of glass. Well, this is a dream so these people can deal with your choice of clothing.
You continue down the path and head up stone stairs where you see Yoimiya's firework shop and Hajime's blacksmith. He looks hard at work and for the first time you see him move away from the anvil and head to the fire.
I guess my dreams took a little creative liberty you thought as you walked past them. Everything in the city felt more lively than in the games. You saw more kids running up and down the streets, adults talking in groups, and even a pack of doushin traveling out of the city with Kujuo Sara leading them. You had a more creative imagination than you thought.
You walked by so many iconic places in the games that amazed you. Like the sango detective agency and Yae Publishing House. You even passed by Shouta, the little boy who's always offering stuff to the archons.
It couldn't hurt to talk to him and besides he had his hands clasped together and aggressively saying “pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!” over and over again. "Whatcha doing?" You ask about appearing behind him. 
"I've heard that I can make a wish to the archon once I have placed the offering in the shrine. If the archon likes my offering, my wish will definitely be granted." he excitedly points to the shrine which has Konpeito candies placed at its base. He sounds exactly like he does in the game. You wonder how realistic your dream is. "I have brought all of my snacks here today, and I'd like to wish that the archon will cancel the exam tomorrow!"
"Have you gotten your wish yet?" You question. You know what he's gonna say but you're just curious to hear his voice lines.
"Hmm... It works about once in a dozen times... Last time, I wished bad luck upon someone who bullied me, and then he flunked his exam, haha!" He kept talking and brought up Yoimiya offering him fireworks and Itto as he describes 'big guy with the horns'.
Once he finishes talking he goes off script and asks "Why are you dressed like that?"
This question catches you off guard which causes you to stutter. "I, um well... I... bye." And with that, you turn on your heel and walk in the other direction leaving him with a confused look on his face. You didn't know how to answer that so you just left. Besides this wouldn't affect you as this was all a dream, you told yourself.
You continue walking past the Inazuma Katheryne staring lifelessly at nothing. You continued through Inazuma, still getting weird looks from the locals, but you finally made it to the place you wanted to see all this time. The Raiden Statue.
She was so much taller than she was in the game. Her hands were about as big as the two of you. The wings had glowing visions on them, you could only assume that the vision hunt decree was still in effect.
Looking at all the visions had you thinking about elemental power. If I'm here and not technically from this world does that mean that I can gain elemental powers by touching the statute of seven? Am I the traveler frfr?!?! As soon as the thought crossed your mind you raced to get to Ritou. You almost nearly catch the attention of some hilluchurls but are quick to get away from them. Arriving at Ritou you waste no time in looking at the shops around you and head straight to the Statue of Seven. It looks worn down and beat up. You go up to it and reach your hand out as the traveler did in the games and touch it. As you do, a crackle of electro power pops out of the statue and falls into your body. Looking down you see the originally clear orb of your Vivienne Westwood pendant now glowing electro-light.
"Woah," You reach your hand out and imagine a burst of electro coming out of your fingers and then... Nothing? Your hand remains the same and no elemental powers come out of you.
"Hmm... Maybe I'm supposed to say something... Uhh, aberacdabera!"
A large sudden burst of electro energy burst through your hands and hits a nearby tree, splitting it in half
"S-shit!" I hope none heard that...
"It came from over the wall, let's go around," 
Nope they definitely heard that, I have to go.
You set off running on the opposite side of the path you came up from. You snuck your way back into the Ritou market. And you spent the rest of your dream walking around Ritou until you started to feel tired.Hmm, that's weird, can you get tired in dreams? Maybe this is the dream's way of telling me it's over... But I don't wanna go... I still haven't seen Liyue or Fontaine yet... You try to steady yourself on a nearby tree when you fall over in exhaustion. Even if it was only for a day you still enjoyed your time here. Maybe you'd have another dream like this again…
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More Genshin Impact Stories *ੈ✩‧₊˚
True Meaning Table of Content ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡
This is a series that I want to start if you guys want me to, if not then I will still be posting this story along with my regular one-shots, headcanons, and stories but not as regularly. But if you do want this to continue leave a note down below so I know that you guys like this and want more content about this story :P
Thank you for reading <3
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sara-the-wizard · 5 months ago
7 Day Camp Stay. Day: 4
Wooh! Day 4, for ya!
Honestly, it wasn't a bad day!
(Spoiler alert: My hip got better, so that means Donnie's would too!)
Hope you enjoy day 4! Under the cut.
7 Day Camp Stay
Day: 4
Donnie woke up at 7:15. He threw his coat on and went over to Raphs room. Raph was still in bed, but he could wake up by now.
Donnie looked at Raph, then shook him a bit.
"I'm up! I'm up!"
"I wanna go back to the camp now."
"You sure? Are you feeling up to it?"
Raph then got out of bed and tossed on his coat as well. They got in the Taxi rocket and started on their way back to the campsite. Raph pulled into a small grocery store on the way.
"Mikey wanted me to get a few more ingredients for him."
Raph said as he unbuckled and opened the door. Donnie decided to follow him inside. Walking in, the bell rung. Donnie quickly put his hoodie over his head. There was an elderly woman sitting behind the cash register.
"Good morning!"
She said with a gruff, but kind voice.
Raph and Donnie took a stroll through the store. Donnie wondered off to another part of the store, still slightly limping. Raph picked up the ingredients Mikey requested. Raph turned to find Donnie holding a box of crackers and some juice boxes.
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"Could I..."
Donnie said sheepishly. Looking up at Raph. He didn't have his own money with him that time.
"Of course! Raph can get those for you if you want!"
Raph placed the juice and crackers in the basket and wondered over to the checkout counter. He placed the items down. Donnie doesn't remember what it cost but Raph was willing to buy almost anything for his brothers. They walked out of the store, hopped into the Taxi rocket and continued to the campsite.
Soon they arrived. Mikey had made the sandwiches for lunch.
"Hey! We're back!"
Raph said as he hopped out of the vehicle. Donnie opened the door and lifted himself up, looking over the top of the taxi at the campsite. Donnie slowly walked over to his tent and put the juice and crackers next to his bed. He came back out and had lunch with the rest.
Later, Leo wanted to go swimming in the lake nearby. Donnie declined on going, not sure if it was wise while his hip was still hurting with movement. Raph and Leo went, and Mikey stayed behind because he wanted to keep Donnie company. But Mikey would have to wait on bonding time cause Donnie left to take a shower.
After Donnie was done he crawled back into his tent and fiddled with his Atomic Las action figure. Mikey poked his head inside.
"Hi, dee!"
"Hello Micheal."
Mikey took that as a welcome. He crawled inside with his two favorite dolls, Jupiter Jim and Lu Jitsu. Together they made them go on a grand adventure, up Grey Mountain.
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"Holy space nebula! You expect me to climb to the top of this mountain without anti-gravity boots?"
Jim said, waving his loose plastic arms in the air.
"Yes, and we must reach the top to find the ancient weapon known as The Sword Of Peace!"
Lu said with determination in his voice. Swiping his arm with real chopping action.
"We will get the sword, and we'll defeat our enemy once and for all!"
Atomic Thrilled. Raising her arm with a fist. They went up steap mountains and through dangerous caves. They fought off giant spiders and flying creatures, but at last they made it to the top. The sword was now in sight! It was finally in their grasp! Lu Jitsu walked up to the sword and grabbed it. Just then, their enemy appeared from the shadows. It was none other then, a giant raccoon! With it's fir all matted up from being tossed in the dryer one too many times.
"Oh no! It's Coony!"
The group of heros tried to attack, but none of their weapons had effect.
"Quick! Use the sword to defeat Coony!"
Atomic Las said in a panic. Lu Jitsu raised the sword towards Coony.
"I will not hurt you! Leave now and never come back!"
"It can't be that easy!"
Coony turned and hopped away.
"Okay, fine."
Just when Mikey and Donnie finished their little adventure, Raph and Leo came back. By that time it was Supper time again. Donnie watched as Mikey set up the sticks in the fire pit and put them into a tipi shape. He then carefully placed some fire started in the center and lit it with a match. Instantly it bursted into flames. The fire grew quickly. Mikey had prepared some zucchini boats with red sauce, mozzarella and pepperoni in them. He placed them on the grate and started cooking them.
It took a bit, but they were finally cooked through. Mikey served them out to his brothers. Donnie took a plate and sat down. Eating it made Donnie miss his pizza. The first thing he's gonna have when he gets home is pizza.
The meal was quickly finished, and Donnie headed off to the bathrooms to brush his teeth. His hip still hurt when he walked, but it was better than before. He looked up, and his jaw dropped. The stars were magnificent that night! Way better than yesterdays! Donnie stopped to admire them. Constellations glowing brightly. The milky way streaking across the sky. It was as clear as day! Donnie wished he could take a picture of it to gaze upon after it was gone, but his phone camera would not do it justice.
Donnie spent a good 10 minutes just staring at the sky, till a gust of wind chilled him to the bone. He made it to the restrooms, brushed his teeth, and got back to camp. There, he settled for the night in his sleeping bag. Camping has some good things that come with it. And its beauty is definitely one of them.
That was a fun day! Maybe cause I like making up story's. :)
Oh, I love Coony so much! He's a Country Critters hand puppet we've had for years!
Anywizle, I hope you enjoyed reading! Lord bless you! ❤️
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fantasylandbitch · 5 months ago
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Summary: After the Carpenter household events. You get Tara help at the Hospital in Woodboro so you stay overnight for her protection before notifying those close to her. Thankfully everyone who was notified arrived. However, the rest of the evening doesn’t go as planned as Sam gets attacked and you are forced to face old feelings that arise from your past.
Warnings: Some Cussing, Manipulation, Authority Figures,
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (Coming Soon)
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“Stop this car!!! You need to break right now!!!” your passenger yelled, both of you watching the speedometer go from 20 mph and jump to 70 mph.
“I-I can’t! The breaks aren’t working. I need to let the car slow down!!” you yell in the car while you try to think of a way for you and your passenger to get out of the situation safely.
Then you heard the screech of your tires and then a scream from your little sister erupted in your ears.
The scream was so loud and clear that when you opened your eyes upon sitting up you had to quickly shield them from the bright light above, even with the pounding in your head. It felt like you had been drinking alcohol even though knowing yourself you wouldn't allow yourself to get that far in any setting. However, slowly you start to reintroduce your eyes to the light in the room, bringing your hand down as you look around the hospital room you occupy before slowly turning your head to the left where you see a giant water bottle on a table not far from you.
“I’m glad to see you're awake” you hear a nurse say, causing you to turn your head as you see an older woman walk into the room with a clipboard and a cop. Then as the nurse got closer to your bed you slowly squint your eyes to get a better look at her name tag, Genie, before allowing her to check you out momentarily.  
“Hello, Miss. I’m Officer Mavis, do you remember your name?” Officer Mavis asked as she approached you before looking over at the nurse at her side “Or when you were born like your month, day, and year?”.
You heard the officer ask so you slowly nodded before answering “My name is Y/N Freeman. My date of birth is…” You paused for a minute, “ XX / XX / XXXX” you said soon after while hearing the nurse write something on her clipboard.
“Do you remember how you got here Miss Freeman and why you’re here?” the officer asked you after as she waited for your response, putting her hands comfortably on her belt. While all you could do was take a deep breath as you thought about her question when your eyes searched the room, finding your keys.
“I-I think…I think I drove here to see someone” you said softly, questioning why you were at the hospital in the first place before massaging your face briefly causing the nurse to nod at your ability to recall what you were planning to do earlier. Then she handed you the water bottle from the table, but the nurse asked you a question before you drank it.
“Miss Freeman, do you want me to get a doctor for you?” she asked and for a minute you thought about it knowing what she was getting at before shaking your head ‘No’ Your answer made Officer Mavis nod slowly in agreement before handing you her card.
“Here’s my card just in case you remember anything else later” Officer Mavis informed you wanting to make sure you were cared for, not realizing that you both had gone to school together.
“Thank you, Officer Mavis and Nurse Genie for looking out for me,” you thanked as you took the card from the officer before slowly getting back on your feet then the nurse walked over to you when you suddenly stumbled into the Police Officer. “Apologies Officer Mavis I wasn’t trying to make a pass at you” you apologized to the Officer causing her to laugh as Nurse Genie’s hands kept you steady.
“Don’t worry about it, you're fine, Freeman. I’ll help her over to the desk, Genie” she said aloud to the nurse. Then she led you to the right corner of the room so you could get your belongings. 
Afterward, you wondered how you got into the hospital and who would have alerted the staff so you asked. “Nurse Genie…” You started, trying to come up with other words to help convey what you wanted to say as your brain felt foggy from the lack of sleep and not just the slight hangover you had “Who found me?” 
Your question made her and the Officer stop and wonder for themselves as to who alerted the hospital so Nurse Genie looked over at you briefly before looking at the head nurse in the hallway. “Hey, Jackie, do you know who found our patient?” she asked before making her way to the front desk to help you check out.
“Of course, the name of the person who found her was Lauren. She was on her way to her car when she found Miss Freeman unconscious in the parking lot so she called Officer Mavis from outside to help get some staff for her and a bed” Head Nurse Jackie explained before looking at Officer Mavis. Her eyes looked her up and down as she smiled. Her smile brought a smile to your face as you noticed that look in her eye for the Officer beside you as she continued to help you across the hall, making it to the desk with you so could give your information and pay for your stay.
“Thank you ladies for your help” you thanked, as you signed your name on a pad so you could easily pay before you went into your phone genuinely surprised to see it in good condition. Then absentmindedly you opened up your notes to find a list of where you planned to go in the hospital.
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To your surprise, you left yourself a note directing you on where to go in the hospital so some part of you realized that you can be forgetful but not black out forgetful. However, despite recent events, you pat yourself on the back for sort of looking out for yourself so you decide to let Genie know where you are going before heading to the elevator so you can see how Tara’s doing.
“SOMEBODY HELP ME!!! HE’S TRYING TO KILL ME!!!” Sam screams trying to get someone anyone’s attention while she runs down the hallway trying to create distance between her and the killer. 
While she is running for her life you hear Sam’s scream causing you to go from your casual walking speed to a full on sprint down the hallway. “SAM!?” you scream out to her. “SAM!? WHERE ARE YOU!?” you yell out again trying to figure out where she is in the hospital before you both run smack into each other, falling to the floor. Although you can imagine that you both are in pain from the impact you sit up bringing your friend up along with you when you notice Sam crying on your chest. “Sammy” you call her by her nickname but she doesn’t look at you in fact she’s too occupied by her experience in the break room to hear your voice until you cup her face so she can focus on looking at you.
Then the officer on the floor came running into the hallway. “Hey Hey, what’s going on?” the officer asked, breathing heavily as you moved your hands from Sam’s face to her shoulders pushing her off of you so you could get up before helping her up afterward.
“Somebody tried to kill me in the breakroom” Sam cried as she held onto you and the cop looked at you before looking at the break room door which aggravated you.
“Deputy Vinson do your job or I will do it for you,” you said to him as Sam wrapped her hand around your arm. In contrast, her other hand gripped the lower part of your shirt and it only got tighter as you walked to the door with the officer before he opened the door to the break room causing Sam to breathe heavily. But to your surprise as well as the officers', no one was in the breakroom causing Sam to hide her face behind your back so for support you rubbed Sam’s hand on your arm to comfort her as you took a deep breath.
“I’m going to have to call this in,” Officer Vinson said as he turned around and walked out of the breakroom and into the main hallway where you and Sam felt safest “Sheriff Hicks we have a situation at the Woodsboro Hospital”
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A few hours later Sheriff Judy Hicks arrives at the hospital after you use the bathroom in Tara’s room.
When you open the door to the bathroom you see Sam sitting on the couch, Richie sitting in a chair near her, and your little sister standing near Tara. You immediately notice how Sam looks like she’s either tired or dissociating from whatever happened to her earlier with her encounter with Tara’s killer so you go to sit next to her on the couch to give her some comfort. 
“I’ve got a body outside a bar on Main and then you get attacked here. You said the call came from Amber’s number?” Sheriff Judy Hicks asked Sam, and you watched as the older Carpenter nodded to confirm her account of what happened before placing your knee near hers. You wanted to show Sam that despite the prior issues you have with her, you are willing to temporarily put them aside to support her in any way you can before leaning your back against the couch as you listen to the rest of the conversation in the room, soon your eyes gravitated to your little sister.
“So we know he cloned my phone before when he attacked Tara” Amber spoke up as she tried to get her head around what happened before, looking at Tara with a questioning look before looking back at Sheriff Hicks. After your eyes looked over to the next person who started talking, which was Sam’s boyfriend, Richie, someone you don’t really like for some reason.
“And um I’m just spitballing here..you're the killer” he stated so matter of factly which made your little sister give him a dirty look as you were about ready to kick his ass for insinuating that Amber would do such a thing to the two people you consider your extended family.
“What motive would my sister have, jackass?” you defended your sister as Richie stood up causing you to wonder if he was going to try and fight you when he turned his back on Amber to look at you. Then Sam placed her hand on your right thigh, shielding you, her hand caused you to briefly look at her while she used her other hand to place in front of Richie so he wouldn’t try anything.
“Richie stop, Y/n’s right...,” Sam says defending you while staring at her boyfriend. She asked him with her eyes to sit back down on the chair next to her but he didn't, not right away. Then for a brief minute, Sam looked over at you before squeezing your thigh until Sheriff Hicks asked Richie a question.
“And where were you when all of this happened?” Sheriff Hicks asked him with an inquisitive look, finding it odd that an outsider like him would just start pointing fingers at people in the room when he might not have an alibi.
Then Richie turned around “I-” he started before sitting back down in the free chair he found in the room earlier. “I-I was watching Netflix” he confessed as he felt embarrassed, scratching the scruffy beard he was growing on his face before massaging his neck.
You gave a heavy sigh as you went from looking at the side of your best friend's face to her hand on your thigh before looking at the side of Richie’s face. You were trying to figure out how Sam would allow herself to end up with a loser like Richie and not someone who has half decent qualities like yourself. 
“Oooh yeah, a super solid alibi bro” Amber quipped because she found his response for an alibi to be so bad that he could easily have done it. But amongst the jabs, you found yourself looking between Richie and your sister because how they talk to each other seems so odd to you as if they’ve known each other but you can’t recall when your little sister would be out of your sight while your parents were home.
“So where were you?” Richie asked with a half smug smile like he’d caught Amber in a lie when the Sheriff spoke for her.
“I was questioning Amber and her friends at the Sheriff's station,” Sheriff Hicks said, which made you sit back and question where your sister really was because you can recall seeing her face when you left home earlier but not the stench of alcohol and cigarettes.
“Yeah, I came as soon as I heard…” you heard Amber say before she took another jab at Richie. “But you know the Netflix alibi is good too,” she said next causing you, Sam, and Sheriff Hicks to sigh.
“Both of you stop it,” Sheriff Hicks said, slightly annoyed at the constant jabs between the two of them when Sam removed her hand off your thigh to message her hand.
“You're gonna put more cops on her room right?” Sam asked Sheriff Hicks with the most serious face she could portray while you and Tara looked at each other for a moment before looking at Sam and then at the Sheriff.
“Yes, and I could move you to a private floor. Deputy Vinson knows what he’s doing, so you’ll be safe,” the Sheriff said with a serious face, trying to let Sam, who isn’t her favorite person, know that everything would be okay. But Sam doesn’t believe her words or the system.
“Like we’ve been so far?” Sam questioned the Sheriff and you slowly look from Sam to Sheriff Hick’s face because you’ve seen on very rare occasions how these two act around each other. You know it’s not good, but there is some truth to some of Sam’s concerns.
“Samantha let's step outside” you heard the Sheriff say and you know by the tone that what Hicks has to say to Sam is nothing good, especially with that tight lipped smile of hers, so when the girls left you put the strap from the cooler over you and stood near the doorway to eavesdrop.
“Nice to see you, Deputy Hicks,” Sam says to the Sheriff and you sigh because you know Sam can be stubborn. “So many fun memories” A part of you would like to say something to her about her attitude.
“It’s Sheriff Hicks, I remember you too and all of the trouble you used to cause your family,” She said at first and you could feel your blood pressure is about to rise from the Sheriff’s response alone. “Your presence here is not helping so maybe when the sun comes up, you and your boyfriend can hit the road and leave it to the people who actually care about this community” you heard the Sheriff say last and her response made the last part of their conversation very personal to you so when the Sheriff left, you opened the door to confront Sheriff Hicks.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to get in your way,” Sam said to you as she almost walked into you but thought it was weird that she didn’t hear a response. When she looked up you almost looked like a completely different person to her. “Y/n? Y/n don’t” she says to you while you walk past her and down the hallway to Sheriff Hicks.
“Hey Sheriff Hicks” you call the Sheriff’s name causing her to turn away from the elevator after she had called one up.. “I disagree with what you said to Sam a few minutes ago and I think it’s not right to use your biases to cloud your judgment when talking to someone who almost lost her little sister to a potential serial killer and then almost got killed herself,” you said calmly even though you can feel your blood boiling underneath your skin.
“This isn’t up for a debate Y/n, and that conversation was supposed to be between me and that trouble maker so stay out of it,” Sheriff Hicks told you as she tried her best to give you a subtle warning telling you to stop while you're ahead. 
“I think this should be up for a debate because the way you are brushing off this incident with Sam is the same brushing off that you did with me and you fucking ignored me then too.” You spat with anger “Where were the people who cared about this community then uh? Because I don’t see one and especially a Sheriff who claims she cares when really, she’s full of shit.”
“Okay Miss Freeman..you don’t want to go down this path with me” Sheriff Hicks started, getting aggravated with you as she took a few steps away from the elevators so she could look at you head on. 
“Well maybe I do Judy” you replied to the Sheriff causing her to clench her jaw when she heard her name coming out of your mouth. "Besides wouldn't be the first time" you continued, her respect for you wavering as she stepped ever so closer to you before Sam came to stop you.
“Y/n, there you are Tara wants to talk to you” Sam lies trying to get you away from the Sheriff when Sheriff Hick’s phone goes off as the two of you stay still, staring each other down.
Then you opened your mouth “I know that ringtone Judy. I know that’s Wes’s, you should probably answer that call before he decides to send a search party to come looking for you.” You continued watching as Sheriff Hicks became conflicted because she taught Wes that if she isn’t home by the time she’s supposed that he should call her not once but twice, however, if he has to call for the third time then something might be wrong if she doesn't pick up.
However, Sheriff Hicks lets the call go knowing her rule and because of that rule, she steps away from you but not before warning you for the third time. “Say one more thing. Voice one more snarky thing to me and I’ll have no choice but to arrest you, Y/n” Sheriff Hicks said to you through gritted teeth hoping you would back down first but you don’t.
“Judy, I think if you can’t handle a bit of heat from a citizen while in uniform then you don’t deserve to wear that badge nor have the title of Sheriff that Dewy gave you,” you said, giving the last word as the elevator dinged beside you both.
After saying what you said, Sheriff Hicks takes a deep breath before slowly nodding as she tries her best to refrain from putting you in handcuffs. Because deep down she knows you're right, so in her final attempts to not abuse her power as Sheriff, she walks away from you. “Have a good night ladies" Sheriff Hicks says calmly, before heading into the elevator and fishing for the phone in her pocket to call her son back as the elevator doors close.
After the elevator doors closed you turned to Sam. “Okay,” you started trying to calm down. “You said Tara wanted to talk to me?” you asked before closing your eyes and taking a deep breath. However, when you opened your eyes, you didn’t expect Sam to get in your face.  
“It was a lie” Sam replies, a little mad that you didn’t listen to her the first time so she backs you into the wall behind you. “What the hell were you thinking?” she asked angrily trying to figure out how far your head was up your ass because she didn’t want you to go to jail for saying something stupid in her defense.
“What? An old friend you haven’t seen but ignored for five years can’t defend you?!” you question her with anger. For a moment Sam says nothing to you. All she can do is look at you, your question leaving her in shock while you look at her with steel eyes. 
“Y/n I-” Sam started but didn’t she know what to say to you, she was speechless before her attention was occupied by the sound of footsteps coming down the hallway so she looked away from you.  
“There you both are,” Amber says exasperated causing you to look away from Sam to face your little sister.
“What do you want Amber?” you asked, trying not to get mad at your little sister for interrupting your conversation with Sam.
“I’m here for Sam not you” Amber answered. Then she looked at Sam “Your boyfriend, and your little sister are looking for you” she explained before giving you a dirty look.
“Uh thanks,” Sam said softly to your little sister then she turned to you briefly before walking away.
“What was that about?” Amber asked you after Sam left you both by the elevator hallway to see her sister.
“It’s nothing you should be concerned about,” you replied to your little sister as you slowly started to feel slightly aggravated once again. You weren’t sure why you started to feel this way, angry and sad, so to hide from these feelings, you attempted to walk away from your little sister so you could check on Sam and Tara, but Amber stopped you by pulling your arm.
“Why do you still care about her?” your sister asked you so you turned around to face her. “Why do you still care about Sam? After everything she’s put you through,” Amber continued to ask, trying to get you to isolate yourself from the people you trust and deemed worthy of being a part of your family, your inner circle.
“I’m going to stop you right there Amber,” you said sternly, pulling your arm out of your sister’s grasp. Then you turned around at the sound of your best friend crying but soon realized that Sam had confided in her boyfriend, not you.
Amber follows your gaze and immediately becomes annoyed that you’ve become so caught up in your best friend once again so she tries her best to manipulate you once more. “What if she’s the kil-” Amber started to accuse her but you wouldn’t have it.
“Open your eyes Amber why the fuck would she hurt her little sister of all people? It’s not like she’s some unhinged fan of the Stab franchise!” you yelled at your sister but your argument didn’t go unnoticed because without looking back you knew Sam and her boyfriend were looking at you both so you just left the hospital to save face.
While you were leaving, Amber followed you with her eyes not nearly as satisfied as what she had done to you a few years prior before looking down the hall where she had witnessed your best friend being kissed by Richie briefly. But feeling jealous, Amber could only imagine what it would feel like to have his lips on her own before she watched Sam leave his side to go somewhere else for the moment. However, after Sam left, Amber noticed Richie look down the hallway, she was caught in his gaze and then noticed his lips moving, quietly asking if she was okay from afar. All Amber could do was nod tiredly before walking towards the elevators to go find you so she could make it home and hoping that by the morning she would find a way to get back at you for disrespecting her in front of Richie.
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (Coming Soon)
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This fic was requested by a fan named @spidey2-9 (Here is their ask). Also for anyone who might frequently use ArchiveofOurOwn or have friends who follow this mini series, don't worry I plan to update the series there as well.
Nominated Tag List: @spidey2-9 , @sluttyhorrorcharacter , @f4riedimples , @daddy-jareau , @thissongisalifeline , @blackwolfstabs , @1234mockingjay
If anyone else would like to be tagged comment "HERE" and I'll make sure to add you guys in the next chapter!
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Scream 5: When Our Blood is Thicker than the Water of the Womb Playlist
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lenaariewrld · 5 months ago
C.42 — what about you?
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ON THE AIR — childe x reader smau
| SYNOPSIS;; Teyvat University’s popular radio personality, Y/n L/n, has only one gripe with her life. Her classmate, neighbour, and all-around nuisance in her life, Tartaglia. Their rivalry extends just past academics and, to her horror, into her work. He becomes the music director and co-host for her radio show, working alongside her most nights and forcing himself even deeper into her life. But is he really trying to just be friends, or is there an ulterior motive to his actions?
| WC; 3.6k
previous! ~ masterlist ! ~ next!
After a long, and frankly a little stuffy, car ride to the beach house that Childe had helped book, you all finally arrived and got out. You practically leaped from the car as soon as Keqing put it into park, stretching out your sore limbs. “Ahh, fresh air,” You sighed dreamily, the stiffness alleviating from your arms as you held them out to feel the gentle breeze. It was the early evening, the air was still a little cold, but the breeze was warm and inviting. Perfectly framing the glow of the sky as the sun set a rich marigold hue, just starting to dip below the horizon.
About a hundred feet from you was the shore of the beach, the sparse grass giving way to glittering white sand. And, eventually, to the waves that waded in and out of shore. You drank it all in, breathing in as you heard each crash of a swell, clear as day even from here. The breeze that drifted in was salty and fresh.
“Y/nnie, help us carry in the luggage!”
Cyno’s deflated squawk of your name calls you from your thoughts and you immediately turn back to the car. You giggle as you see him heave one of the larger suitcases out of the trunk to carry it in. “Sorry,” You duck out of his way and reach for your own hold of bags, unloading more of the suitcases.
With a satisfied grunt, you set two of the cases down inside, taking in the interior of the place. It was moderately decorated and clean, with giant floor-to-ceiling windows on the wall facing the shore. But it still felt homey. “OK, dibs on the master bedroom!” Ganyu comes in behind you, laughing as Cyno immediately turns to make a rebuttal.
“Let’s just do a coin toss for it. We only have enough for three of us to get solo rooms,” You remind with a fond smile, pulling out your wallet from your bag. 
“I think we should leave the master for the doublers, then,” Childe chimed in, following dutifully behind Keqing with the last of the luggage. You leaned against a taller suitcase as everyone packed into the main area of the bnb. The five of you nodded in agreement.
You flip the coin with your thumb, letting everyone call out heads or tails. Eventually, it was decided that you, Ganyu, and Childe got solo rooms; Keqing and Cyno paired up. “Happy?” You looked at your white-haired friend, who was already beaming at you. He clicked his teeth proudly, helping Keqing move their things into the bigger room upstairs. Childe claimed the last room upstairs, which left you and Ganyu downstairs.
You took your time settling in and taking in the house, eventually meandering back to the main living room area. Cyno was already there, casually scrolling on his phone. You perch yourself on the arm of the couch next to him, earning an affectionate pat on your calf before leaning back. He was more reserved with his touch now, you noticed.
Keqing came down next, looking around the rest of the house before coming back to the living room. “How hungry are you guys?”
“I can probably wait an hour or so, I’m still a little carsick,” You say, with a shrug, leaning back on your hands. “Me too,” Cyno agreed half-alert, fixing his hair into a mustache by pinching it between his upper lip and nose, his face screwed in concentration. You giggle as the two of you lock eyes, turning your attention back to Keqing.
“There’s a grill back there,” The woman says, glancing through the other doorway opposing the hallway to the rooms, where the kitchen and side deck were. You hummed in interest. “That’s if-” She adds, looking at you and Cyno, “-anyone wants to cook.”
“We could make it another toss-up,” You volunteered.
“What toss-up?” Childe calls, coming off the stairs. Honestly, he looked a little dorky with a hairband pushing his hair back and his jorts (yes, JORTS). You smiled to yourself while he looked between you all, placing a hand on his hip and fanning himself with his shirt. It wasn’t until he glanced in your direction that you looked away, catching yourself staring.
“For cooking,” Cyno told him during your sudden silence. He gestured for Childe to join in, sitting up a little bit. ”For dinner,” He adds. The other man hums as he takes a seat across from you both. Keqing follows his cue and moves further into the room, typing on her phone as she holds your attention.
“Well, we need to get the food to cook, first. So, two people can be assigned to dinner duty, and anyone who wants to chip in after can do so.” She looks between the three of you. “How about that?’ She raises her brows and closes her phone, leaving the floor open for anyone else’s opinion.
Childe raises his hand, which makes Cyno giggle. “I’m okay with that, but I don’t mind helping shop and cook,” He volunteers himself. Keqing nods and looks between you and Cyno. Before he gets the chance to speak, you shrug and stand up. “I haven’t done much yet, so I can help too,” You say. Your friends exchange a quick look but don’t fight you.
Soon enough, you find yourself packing into the car with Childe, a short list of groceries hastily written in your notes app. You roll the windows down in the car, leaning your elbow on the windowsill. “It’s been years since I’ve been to the beach,” You muse, watching the shore disappear in the mirror as Childe drives up the driveway and to the closest town. He hums from the driver's seat.
“Me too,”
You lean your cheek against your arm. The wind brushes through your hair, kissing your cheeks and the tips of your ears, or tickling your neck. The lights on the street dye a hazy yellow around you. You turn to look at Childe, adjusting yourself comfortably. “Are you happy to be here?” You ask.
“On the trip?” Childe replies. You nod. “I mean, yeah... Why wouldn’t I?” He shrugs. You look at him with a raised brow, not disbelieving, but not entirely believing him.
“Just curious..”
The grocery trip is pretty quick, overall. You and Childe put your combined skills to use to retrieve everything and get home before it got too late and too dark, successfully pulling into the driveway with an hour of daylight left to spare. The others help you put everything away and start prepping.
You easily get into the role of directing everyone around, laughing as you give different directions to your friends. Ganyu connects her phone to a speaker and plays her playlist for the trip, singing along as she chops up and skewers some vegetable kabobs. Childe and her work together. You prep most of the sauces and chop up the meat, handing it off for Cyno and Keqing to season and skewer.
The prep breezed by quickly with your shared drinks and conversations. You take over cleaning up the dishes while everyone else files out to where the table and grill were.
Outside, you hear Cyno scolding Childe for sampling some of the food fresh from the grill, and Keqing laughing while she sets out some plates and cutlery. You finish cleaning up the cutting boards, knives, and mixing bowls before joining your friends, your drink bottle propped on your knee as you drop onto a chair.
“–Anyway, I was telling this story about this customer I had come in one day,” Cyno gets back to what he was saying once his focus returned to grilling, having taken over temporarily while Childe got himself a drink. “But I was running through my usual questions; asking how their day was a shit, y’know? And she deadass looks at me–” He turns dramatically to all of you, a hand on his hip for emphasis, “-and says, ‘Better now. You have the face of a porn star I used to love!’”
You gawk at the absurdity of what he just said, over taken by laughter while Ganyu slaps her hand over her mouth. “Are you kidding me?”
“No! She was completely serious. I didn’t even know how to respond! I was just like ‘oh. Okay’” The white-haired man laughs, shrugging it off. You catch your breath while Keqing sighs dramatically.
“Sometimes, people just lose their common sense filter when they face hospitality workers… There’s no other reason they act that absurd,” She says, taking a drink.
You tip your bottle to her. “That or they are just that stupid and obtuse.” You retort.
Your friends hum or add in their own comments, continuing with the conversation and chipping in with more stories of the like, thoroughly entertaining everyone and killing the time until you all can eat. You’re sure that all of you are being thoroughly annoying and loud, but it was summer and it was warm and you felt at ease. So, who cares. Once a good portion of the food was cooked, Childe helps divvy out the food and everyone picks apart the plates. Your cheeks are flush as you eat and laugh and chat, caught up in the moment.
You catch Childe’s eyes, the two of you exchanging a quiet look while Ganyu and Cyno serenade each other with a Rihanna song, unapologetically loud and dramatic. “Aren’t they fun?” You mouth, smiling.
The man nods. “I see why you are so close to them,” He mouths back and holds out the bottom of his bottle. You clink yours against his.
Everyone was thoroughly relaxed as your dinner progressed, the hours ticking by while you all fill up, taking your time. The conversation devolved into discussions of philosophy– such as if chickens can be raised by cats, or which Twilight movie was more accurate to Shakespeare –as it got later.
The hollers of laughter you all continue to stir in each other bled into the calm blue of the night.
And eventually, you all decide to head inside and clean up. You watch Keqing and Ganyu set up a movie on the television in the living room. Cyno cleans out the grill quickly with Childe, making sure all the coals were extinguished and whatnot before calling it a night. You decide to rest as well, wishing sweet dreams to everyone else in the house before ducking into your room.
You breeze through your nightly routine and fall into bed, curled comfortably in the ridiculously soft sheets. It doesn’t take long for you to fall asleep..
However, it also doesn’t last long, as you wake up sometime around four-ish. You blink blearily, staring at the ceiling. It takes you a second to realise what had woken you up was a soft knocking on the door of your room, as a second soft tok tok against the wood makes you get up. You pad over to the door, rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you pull it open.
“...Childe?” Your brows furrow in confusion at said man, who looks wide awake despite the early hour.
“Sorry for waking you up,” He whispers, leaning slightly on the door frame. “I want to show you something,” He wiggles his brows enticingly, a casual smile spreading on his face. You stare at him blankly.
“You’ll like it,” He rolls his eyes at your dry response, holding out his hand. “And leave your shoes here,” He adds. You raise a brow curiously, hesitating. Your hand was still on the door. Though you were comfortable around Childe again, and you’d hung out with him one-on-one as friends since you forgave him, it hadn’t happened often. And not at night.
Why did this feel familiar?
Fuck it. You take a deep breath and close the door behind you, making a dramatic show of dropping your hand into his. His eyes crinkly pleasantly as a grin splits onto his face, and he pulls you forward with him. With quiet but eager steps, he leads you through the living room. The two of you are careful not to disturb the women passed out on the soda, cuddled up with a quilt.
You catch a glimpse of their intertwined hands and make a mental note to question Ganyu about it later.
For now, though, your focus is on Childe, your eyes trailing to the back of his head. He leads the two of you out the back door and off the deck, helping you down over the railing. You smile, full of glee, as your feet make contact with the sand of the beach. It’s still warm from the sun of the day.
It’s soft too, cradling your steps as you and Childe walk hand-in-hand closer to the shore. It gets colder the closer you get to the water, icy and shifting. You inhale sharply as the water first touches your skin, sending a shiver up your body. “Look,” The man squeezes your palm and points at a specific set of waves in the distance. Where the horizon stretches into miles and miles of blue-black, churning beyond your vision.
You squint to see what he’s gesturing at.
In the distance, getting clearer the longer you stare at the pitch darkness, is a pod of animals cresting over the water. It’s hard to tell exactly what they are from how far away you are, but it’s still something to see. Hearing the waves crash and break over the shoreline while they flip tails and turn over in the glittering water. You stare in awe.
“This time of year, tons of whale pods make stops near this part of the ocean during their migrations,” Childe tells you, his eyes trained on the aquatic creatures. “Sometimes, separated family pods will join up with them again here for mass migrations or breeding seasons,” He continues casually, as if it were common knowledge.
You hum.
It’s quiet as you both take in what you can see. Childe tells you more facts until the waves and the whale pod become so hard to distinguish, you’re sure they’re not even there anymore. “Are you secretly a merman?” You break the silence and glance over at the ginger.
He laughs, caught off guard by your question. “I’m serious!” You laugh as you shove his shoulder. He stumbles a step or two before righting himself.
“Sure you are,” He says.
“But… I mean, are you really into the ocean or something?” You question, rocking back and forth. You were getting accustomed to the temperature of the water now, wading until you were calf-deep in it, your shorts tucked high just in case. Childe sucks his teeth, running his hands through his hair.
He looks like a model.
His hair curled more with the salty sea air, his eyes reflecting the moonlight as he looked over the water, and his skin tanned and dotted. The breeze tousled his clothes, and you stared for a moment. He looked real.
“I got really into them when I was like, ten,” He answers after a moment of contemplation, his hands relaxing on his hips. “I grew up in a land-locked area, so until I moved I had never really seen the ocean. But even before that, I was obsessed with the sea and sea animals..” He tells you.
“When you moved here…” You repeat quietly, talking more to yourself in the moment. You had never really discussed either of your lives before university, too busy trying to keep up with your never-ending schedules. “Do you miss it? Miss your family?”
“Of course,” Childe looks at you then. “It was better for them if I left, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t wish to go back to them,”
“Why did you leave?”
He tilts his head at your question, but you keep your attention on the waves circling around your knees. “I don’t mean to pry,” You tell him. “I’m just curious.. I would’ve never chosen to leave my family,”
Childe makes a sound of acknowledgement. He wades further into the water with you, stepping closer so you don’t have to raise your voice as much. He laughs when you step out of his reach, giggling when he reaches for you again and ends up stumbling deeper into the water. “I don’t know much about your life…” You begin, holding out your hand to help balance yourselves against the waves, your laughter dying down as he slides his hands over your arms, holding on while he shakes the water from his hair and face. “So, if you’re comfortable with it, I want to know more about you.” You tell him.
“Oh, I see…” Childe smiles sheepishly. He holds your shoulders as a particularly strong wave crashes over the both of you, cutting off the conversation momentarily while you squeal at the cold water splashing onto your arms and stomach. He rubs your arms up and down like he was warming you up, the both of you laughing quietly.
“Come on,” You pat his arm encouragingly.
The man thinks for a second.
“I left to protect them, and to protect myself, I guess…,” He says. “I-it was a hard decision, obviously… but necessary, you know.” He trails off, rubbing the side of his neck.
You give him a quiet look to go on when he glances at you, nodding quietly to show you’re listening.
“When I was younger, I was a lot more vicious… and I got into fights a lot, which wasn’t great for my family either. Then my dad died… and, it kind of became my role to look after the family. My mother and my older sisters couldn’t do that by themselves, not in the way things were set up for us..” Childe continues on, a distant look in his eyes as he looked towards the horizon again.
“So I did some shitty things in order to keep people from questioning us. Making money so my sisters could dress the best way possible or my mother could afford to go to banquets and gala’s her job invited her to… and I did what I had to to protect their reputation and safety, which including coming abroad,” He shyly ends off, refusing to look at you now. His ears grow darker as you stare at him.
“Did you kill people?”
“What? No!” Childe waves his hands rapidly, his whole face burning bright red now. “I just mean I paid them off and shit,” He explains, embarrassed about the whole thing. Your mouth parts in a little ooohhh expression as you process it.
“You make it sound so serious…” You sigh. The man shrugs. You can’t say you were surprised by what Childe told you. Getting into fights with people for having a big mouth and a cocky attitude seemed to be his biggest crutch. That being said, what you didn’t expect was that he so readily upended his life for his family.
“I just hate talking about myself and… I’m not proud of what I did to get here,”
You nod. “That’s fair, but you can’t change it.. So, there’s no point trying to keep it from people who want to be there for you, you know?” You turn in a slow circle, taking in the scenery of the ocean. 
“What about you?”
“What about me?” You raised a brow, facing forward to feel the breeze against your face. Childe was still holding onto a couple of your fingers, following your meandering steps while you talked.
“Your family…” He leaves the question in the air, breaching just the general topic.
You press your lips together for a second. “Well, my mother was a control freak and a helicopter parent and my dad was abusive and neglectful.” You say matter-of-factly. “They always thought I was ungrateful, and after they heard rumors about me at the university… they cut me off and sort of disowned me. Now, we weren’t rich, but it was something I could’ve fallen back on back then..”
You sigh, deflating a little as you told the story. “In the end, they were right. I was kind of ungrateful about what I had, but they still sucked, so ultimately I’m glad I had to go through that.. I’m better off taking care of myself,”
“Oh,” was Childe’s only response.
“Stupid, I know..” You can’t help but laugh dryly. The man nods, squeezing your hand softly in reassurance.
“You have your friends, at least,” He reminds you, glancing towards the little house your other friends are asleep in currently. You nod.
The two of you talked a little bit longer like that, wading around in the shallows and trading stories about your families and lives before you met each other. When the sky started getting lighter, the stars starting to fade into the washed out blues as the sun rose higher, you and Childe decided to call it a night.
The both of you trekked back to the airbnb, giggling as you washed the sand off your feet and tiptoed back into the house. Thankfully, everyone was still asleep as you headed back towards your rooms.
Before you parted ways, the man wished you a goodnight, squeezing your hand. “Um… thank you for talking with me,” He whispered. You smiled, physically unable to stop it. Just the sight of his sheepish expression made your reservations melt. Maybe you were soft-hearted, but he was trying. And you could see that.
“Good night, Ajax,” You whispered, leaning forward just slightly until your lips brushed ever-so-slightly against the apple of his cheek, a flush soon dusting his skin as you stepped back into your room. “Get your rest,”
You don’t catch the grin stretching on his lips as soon as you close your door, or the way he nearly skips to his room, but you feel the same giddiness regardless, changing out of your semi-soaked clothes and flopping into your bed again to catch any more sleep possible…
A/Ns: SORry that it took so long to write this <//3 writers block is a bitch.. anyway, enjoy the fluff of this chapter!! as always, any interactions are loved and appreciated, and so are you! <33
TAGLIST: @popiizpops @scaradooche @yourfavoritefreakyhan @neversore @monocerosei @dontmindtheevie @kittywagun @yumidepain @kazumiku @hanilessa @nrviine @wren-art @state-of-grac3 @definitely-not-leena @crimxeorcremeexistspeacefully @tikitsune @hwngti @trulylee @basicsofdying @starriylover @sweetkyojuro @duhsies @kitchenscissorbangs @love-loveyy @julliesfilmz @rifran @jayathelostdragon @floweringanna @vi0let-writes
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gilbirda · 10 months ago
Personal coach Red Hood
This one goes for @impyssadobsessions, for giving ideas and encouraging me to write this!
Part 1 || Part 2 - Part 4
It was supposed to be your pretty standard run-of-the-mill bank robbery with hostage situation. He had it under control, and told the others that if they dared swing in and “help him out” he would shoot on sight. Given that there were civilians involved, and they weren’t quite sure if he was serious or not — and Oracle confirmed that everything seemed okay via the security cameras — he was left alone tying up the robbers in peace.
That was until a hostage made the stupid mistake to be brave, or a fucking idiot if you ask Jason, and tried to rush one of the guys before Jason had a chance to subdue him.
Who exactly shot first, he couldn’t be sure; but in the following chaos and screams Jason had to prioritize making sure that no one innocent was caught in the crossfire, which gave the perps the chance to escape.
With a sigh, he connected back to comms. “So… “
“They escaped, right?” Barbara’s tone was flat. Which was code that she was laughing at him.
“And you want me to alert the others.”
He sighed again, doing a final sweep just in case another hostage got funny ideas. “Yeah…”
Barbara hummed in his ears. It wasn’t a good sign. “Maybe that’s not needed.” And before he could ask what she meant, she added: “Your stalker is already on the move.”
Jason felt cold just before he was flooded with anger. Of all the stupid things! She had put herself in harm's way so many times and now she pulled something like this? Did she have a deathwish?
He rushed outside to prevent a very probable murder to find —
“Hi!” She said again, a giant smile on her face, waving one hand. “I saw them escape so I jumped in, I hope you don’t mind.” She started talking at a high speed. “So I was following you but couldn’t get inside in time and when the lockdown happened I just thought maybe you’d need backup or something? There were some guys on the rooftop but—”
“What the hell were you thinking?” He growled, maybe louder than he intended.
She blinked and got quiet. Finally.
Even the usual crowd of curious civilians watching from a safe distance stopped murmuring.
“Are you that stupid!?”
Jazz blinked again. “What?
He tried to pinch his nose, but forgot he had the helmet on. He chose to rub the helmet instead.
“Do you want to die?” For some reason this amused her, which really didn’t help her case. “Stop following me around and strong-arm yourself in dangerous situations like this!”
She frowned. “But I’m fine? I can take care of myself.”
She lifted her hands to show she was still in one piece, but Jason grabbed her right arm and pulled her towards him. Her hand was bloody and her knuckles were red, probably going to bruise.
“What’s this, then?”
“That’s not even mine,” Jazz rolled her eyes, but tried to pry her hand out from his grasp. Jason didn’t let go and grabbed her left shoulder next, growling when Jazz whimpered. “Okay that was me being distracted.”
He let her go and pushed her away. “If you show your face in my territory again, woman, you’ll pray you left when you had a chance.”
He turned around and walked to the knocked out guys on the ground, not caring if Jazz — if she was still there watching him. It was better for everyone if she abandoned the idea of vigilantism, or training with him or whatever was supposed to make sense in her head.
When the police arrived, she was already gone.
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miguelhugger2099 · 1 year ago
You Know Where to Find Me
Summary: Miguel is from another planet, fascinated by the stars and nothing else. On Earth, he learns the water might be interesting. A/N: this is so niche i can't find any alien miguel fanart Alien!Miguel x Mermaid!Reader, Fluff, No Warnings
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Humanity loved space, so much so they spent trillions just to find other living sentient creatures just like them. After generations and some centuries, Humanity had managed contact with aliens!
Quickly, and by the grace of the universe, humans and aliens had begun to coexist. It was often that humans would visit the aliens home and aliens to visit Earth. 
Miguel wanted to visit Earth. He loved space as well. A little alien mind that adored the stars and always felt that he was meant for greater things. It’s not that he didn’t love his home planet, but he couldn’t wait to learn and even live with other aliens!
So when he arrived, he did everything he could to learn about Earths space program. Another highlight was that his planets astronomy was still a few centuries behind, so going to Earth was the best choice—and the only one. 
Miguel had gotten along with everyone—his bright mind and leadership skills made everyone admire him! His curiosity knew no bounds! In fact, he grew fond of teaching others about space. So in his spare time, he’d work at a planetarium in Nueva York—one of the only cities in the world that held the largest building that was dedicated to the study of space. 
Despite his unusual appearance, small antennas on the crown of his head and no pupils—his eyes shaded a soft red— his people looked “human enough” for them to be integrated into human society without any problems. He supposed he got lucky—he didn’t like to think of how humanity might’ve reacted to something stranger. Luckily his sharp ears could be hidden behind his curls and his little lisp from his fangs was deemed cute to others—which he’s on the fence about.
He had heard of a new exhibit opening up after a certain discovery humans found within the Earths ocean. Miguel had basically tuned out whatever his colleagues chatted about, especially if it had nothing to do with whatever he was interested in.
However, to his horror, when he passed by the new exhibit during its construction he had found a human body in the tank of water. He hurried out to find security or to call an ambulance—something—to help the poor soul that had fallen underwater. If he knew anything about humans, it’s that they couldn’t breath underwater!
A colleague had seen Miguel’s frantic behavior while shaking a security officer to call for help. The sight was amusing since Miguel was taller than the average human man.
His vacant red eyes found hers. “Jess!” Jessica walked up to them with worry. 
“What’s going on?” 
Miguel breathed in deeply. “There’s—there’s a human! In—in the—they fell!”
“Fell where?” She asked, her tone becoming serious. 
“By the new exhibit! I don’t know how they got there but they fell—I think—and they had their eyes closed!”
Jess became more alert. Civilians weren’t allowed in that section yet and the construction guys weren’t stupid enough to not be able to swim out of a tank.
“Show me.”
Jessica had a bit of a hard time keeping up with Miguel, his long legs taking giant strides while his antennas curled and his ears turned downwards.
Miguel shows her the tank. “Here!”
Inside was definitely what seemed like a human woman passed out in the water. But Jess instead sighed in relief. She places her hand on her chest and laughs which makes Miguel’s antennas curl even more, making it look like a rams horns and his skin turns pinkish. 
Jess giggles after calming down. She taps the glass with her knuckle and falls out your name.
The ‘human’ inside was actually you. Your eyes opened and you give Jess a pointed look. You swam up to the top of the tank which gives Miguel a better look at the tail that was hidden behind a giant sheet of cloth. 
You popped up at the top and leaned on the railing with a glare at Jessica. “I told you not to tap the glass!”
Jessica gives you a grin. “Sorry. One of us thought you were a human drowning so I just wanted to show him that was not that case and to pay attention more to our meetings.”
Miguel’s skin turns a darker shade of red, his antennas uncurling and flops in front of his forehead. Your eyes meet his and he feels the embarrassment running through him.
Not only had he embarrassed himself during his job—but in front of something pretty like you. He glanced between your eyes and your tail, gulping down his nerves and placing his hands behind his back. 
“Sorry.” He mumbled out.
“Miguel, this is our first volunteer for our new exhibition. Since the discovery of mermaids and mermen, this gal,” She places a hand on the glass with a mention of your name. “…is now a part of introducing humanity to the wonders of the sea.”
“I’m a party animal.” You tell Miguel, resting your cheek on your arm with a smile. 
“She’s joking.” Jessica says but he can only stare at you, engraving your smile in his memory. 
“Now that we know a human isn’t drowning, can you go back to work?” Jessica pats his shoulder as he makes her exit. Miguel turns to see her leave and looks back to see you still staring at him.
“You’re not human.” You observe. 
“I’m not.” Miguel clears his throat and approaches your tank slowly. “I’m from Retha. A neighboring planet a couple light years away.”
You him in thought, pretending to know what light years are.
“Didn’t expect to see another alien here.” You splash your tail, a few droplets hitting the ground. 
Miguel tilts his head, one antenna following him. “Alien? But aren’t you from Earth? Just…in the sea?”
You shrug, hanging your arm out. “I’m in a tank, aren’t I? I’ll never be considered like the humans.”
Miguel watches your dive back in the water to rehydrate yourself before popping back up. 
“Miguel. My name is Miguel.” He says, placing a hand on the tank and looking up at you. You smile and dive back in the tank so you can be face to face. You place your hand on the tank where his hand was at. He knows your name, you don’t need to repeat it.
You watch as he turns his head, a soft muffle of talking and you assume he’s heading back to work. He gives you another glance and you puff out a small bubble of air to make a heart in the water and waving him goodbye. His cheeks flush red and he nods, turning away and leaving.
He feels interested in learning about the water this time around. His curiosity knows no bounds.
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