#a fantasylandbitch presents a story: Scream 5: When Our Blood is Thicker than the Water of the Womb
fantasylandbitch · 28 days
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Summary: You and Sam have been friends since elementary school going through the throws of being preteens just enjoying life and trying to figure out what you both wanted to do with your lives. But one night in Sam’s life changes the course of your own in high school leaving a rift in your relationship with Sam and your little sister. (Fic Requested by @spidey2-9 )
Warnings: Some Cussing, Mention of blood, Mention of Drugs,  Suggestive Themes
Part 1 Part 2 (Coming Soon)
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Five years ago in Woodboro, California 
You remember the wind in your hair and how your cheeks would hurt from smiling at something Sam said. It was during your drive over to this small little diner you girls would frequent in Woodsboro. You girls would even go as far as to bring Kirby along for the ride but at the time she was hanging out with Jill so it was just you and Sam on a winter afternoon. But without Kirby being there to help distract you from where your mind would wander, your heart kept pounding against your ribcage as you parked your car in front of the diner before heading inside with your best friend. You remember you both would look at each other, you looking at Sam’s onyx brown eyes while she looked at your e/c ones, it felt odd to you, foreign to feel this nervous around your best friend while bundled up in your baggy yellow sweater and orange & black checkered sherpa jacket. You weren’t sure what to make of these feelings because you were just a teenager, you didn’t think about looking up these feelings you harbored for her.
“You have been quiet and staring at me for the past two minutes Freeman..” Sam started. “What are you thinking about?” she asked you from across the table with a slightly tired smile, pulling your attention away from the feeling.
“Um” you started, thinking about what to say to her “Nothing much..I guess I was thinking about what I was planning to do after high school and..” you said with a smile before thinking again as Sam was going to open her mouth. “And what great things you were going to do with your life” you admitted to your best friend because you had high hopes for Sam to do the right thing with her life.
For a moment your words left Sam speechless because even though she's been doing drugs and living a life of crime she is always amazed by how you have faith in her to be greater than she was the day, week, and month before. Sam smiles for a minute at you before scoffing at what you had said. “Speak for yourself Y/n” she replies, causing your smile to drop for a second as a waiter comes by with your food and drinks.
“Thank you,” you said to the waiter before looking back at Sam. “Am I wrong for thinking that Sam?” You asked her as you lowered your head to take a bite out of your chocolate chip pancake. “I think people forget that everyone has a pace they walk at so those few people who say ‘Back in my day while going through my high school career I knew exactly what I wanted to pursue after I got out’ are not always right,” you said in a funny old person voice causing Sam to laugh. 
“Not with that voice,” Sam said laughing at your old person impression as you smiled. “But I appreciate that you have faith in my ability to be better,” Sam said with a smile before digging into the breakfast you picked for her. However, her smile left her face for a moment as she covered her mouth with a napkin, cleaning herself up. She couldn't help but replay what you had said to her. Because Sam knows that for her to do great things in her life such as get cleaned and leave the life of crime. That would require her to leave Woodsboro. It was something Sam's been meaning to do for a while ever since she found out who she was, the realization that Mr. Carpenter wasn’t her real father and the traumatizing experience that followed after. Information she found in the attic where some things were meant to be forgotten. It left her afraid and voiceless, she couldn't tell you nor Kirby about what’s been really going on with her in fear that maybe you both would view her differently. At this point, she knows going home isn’t an option for her. “This food is really good. You picked a good dish for me to order” Sam compliments your taste on the new dish you picked out for her to try.
“Thanks, I’m learning that I’m an adventurous eater,” you say back with a smile as you pick up the straws for you and Sam. You break the casing that once protected the straws before carefully placing them separately in both of your drinks with a smile. Without you noticing, Sam admires your face and how you're smiling so brightly in front of her, it’s contagious. But it also hurts her heart. Because Sam realizes that right now she has to burn you and everything about you into her memory. Your voice. Your laugh. Your Smile. Your eyes. Your personality.
“That’s good. Maybe one day you can hang out at my place and I can make you something” Sam said to you with a bright smile and you smiled just as brightly at her with a nod before you both bought dessert and coffee after.
However, when later came that you had to drive Sam home, you and Sam wouldn’t stop talking the entire drive back. Talking about everything and nothing like you both weren’t sure you would ever see each other ever again. Until you arrived at her house and Sam gave you a quick side hug before getting out of your car. It was unlike her so you put your car in park before turning it off to join Sam on the sidewalk. “You know Sammy, I’m looking forward to eating any meals you make in the future,” you tell your best friend as you stand side by side with Sam while looking at her childhood home together. 
Then you hear Sam take a deep breath “I look forward to seeing the faces you make” she replied before turning to you to give you a proper hug. Her arms wrapped around your torso and pulled you closer into her body as she hid her face in your shoulder. You slowly start to notice that her hug was long which surprised you because you know that Sam is known for only giving hugs like this to her little sister while she gave her friends relatively short lived hugs.
“Oooh Sam” you whispered, you wrapped your arms around Sam as you gave her a controlled bear hug that Sam loves so much while she tightened her arms around you. Her hug left you quiet as you comfortably propped your chin on her shoulder getting a whiff of her perfume on her jacket as you felt Sam move her head. The skin of her cheek touched the skin of your neck like she was nuzzling you while you suddenly felt emotional. Your chest started to feel heavy while your eyes began to water causing you to hug your best friend tightly while also trying to keep it together so when Sam pulled away you started wiping your face. 
“Y/n” Sam whispers your name. “Why are you crying?” she asked you with concern, you shook your head not knowing why before wiping the tears off your face as you took a step back in shame but Sam wouldn’t have that as she stepped forward trying not to cry herself as she brought you in for another hug. “Sssh you’ll see me again soon,” she said lying to you while your body shook in her embrace. You nodded into her shoulder and it prompted Sam to kiss your cheek because the last thing she wanted to do was make you cry before she left Woodsboro in secret. 
But that was five years ago. Five long years that left you wondering if you could have changed her mind had you known she was going to leave Tara and you behind. Over time you slowly started to blame yourself for her leaving because you felt like maybe you had pushed her too far to change. Because deep down you knew that something was going on with your best friend, Sam would never look like she was tired so inside you knew she had to leave whatever toxic environment she was in.  You just didn’t know it was going to be a few days after Tara’s birthday. But knowing that didn’t make the pain go away and it didn’t make the struggles you were going through in Woodsboro any easier. It just made you quieter, angry and closed off. Regardless of how you felt about the matter, in her absence, you took care of Tara like she was your sister, however, nothing could have prepared you for the horrors that befell the Carpenter household years later.
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Five years later,
You find yourself sitting on a couch in Tara’s hospital room wearing your pajamas with a duffle bag full of spare clothes for Tara as well as yourself along with your phone charger. You find yourself listening to the environment around you as you plug your phone charger into the wall behind the couch. The sounds you can hear in the empty hospital are Tara’s vitals and her snores from across the room. “Who would do this to you Tara?” you whisper to the little Carpenter knowing she was asleep from the pain while her mom and older sister were doing god knows what. The whole ordeal keeps you up as your eyes scan the room trying to find answers in seemingly nothing, eventually, you get up from the couch to survey the hallway for any threats before your brain leads your eyes to your cell phone. The first thought that comes across your brain is to make a group chat that consists of your friends Mindy, Chad, Wes, and your little sister Amber. You wanted to make sure that they all knew why their best friend was not coming to school this week.
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You texted while pacing in the small room that you and Tara occupied before you lowered your phone for a second when a thought crossed your mind. ‘I should let Sam know what happened to her sister’ you thought to yourself as you pulled your phone up to go to your contacts to find Sam’s phone number but when you went to text her your fingers froze. You slowly sat down on the arm of the couch wondering if Sam would even text you back because over the years you've sent her happy birthday messages to celebrate her existence. But at the same time you also wanted to know if she was okay but not once did she ever read your messages making you eventually give up. You turn your head to look over at Tara for comfort as you take a deep breath before looking at your phone hoping on some miracle she would text you back especially if it's an emergency but when you did finally text Sam something came up in your messages.
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“Oh go fuck yourself,” you said aloud getting up from the couch before covering your mouth. You remember where you were. You quickly look over at Tara hoping you didn’t wake her up as relief slowly washes over you before making the gesture to throw your phone at the wall without actually doing it. You were mad and insulted that Sam would block you when Tara needed her the most. It eventually left you in tears because you felt like you weren't equipped to handle this type of situation, not on your own, with Tara being almost murdered by someone in the middle of the night. You wondered who would want to kill Tara and if they would come back to finish the job. The thought of the killer somehow entering the hospital kept you up as you sat back down on the couch putting your phone down at one end of the couch while you sat at the other end, distancing yourself. Then you began dragging your hands down your face in an attempt to calm down while you kept your eye on the only entrance to the room for a little while.
When the sun eventually rose high in the sky you were still awake just sitting on the couch. Still watching the entrance to the room hoping a nurse or a doctor or a familiar face would come walking in and not the killer because you may have changed physically but as far as you know you're no wrestler, maybe aiming to be a powerlifter sure, or (pick your beautiful body) but nothing unrealistic. However, whenever you would use the bathroom in the room you would make sure to check if there was anyone behind the shower curtain before using the toilet. But you also left the bathroom door open just in case you needed to give the killer e coli poisoning if you really had to fight him. Thankfully, no one entered the room before and after you were done using the bathroom because you didn’t want to resort to an unusual way of taking someone out. However, Tara was still asleep and you were still wearing blood stained clothes from the night before when you had rushed into the Carpenter home to get to Tara. The events from the previous night replaying in your head. You remember barreling through the front door seeing the carnage that was left behind by Tara’s attacker and the blood trail that led to the kitchen where you found her. You remember getting a blanket from the living room to practically wrap her up in, so you can get her into your car because the police in town were taking too fucking long. Regardless of what you had witnessed you weren’t comfortable turning your back for a second to change your clothes so when the time finally struck six, you felt your phone vibrate once, twice, and now three times letting you know that you were receiving a text message from the other side of the couch. You were so tired that you had to drag yourself across the furniture like a dog dragging their ass across the floor to get to your phone before you opened it.
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Hours later when the hospital is bustling with life you find yourself trying to fight sleep and the need to eat something because once again you weren’t comfortable leaving Tara’s side when she’s hurt like this. You were practically her support human and guard dog so when Tara woke up she turned her head towards you.
“What are you still doing here?” she asked you with a hoarse voice, wondering why you were still at the hospital with her before her eyes gravitated down to your pajamas.
“What? A girl can’t stay by your side for the night?” you replied to Tara with a tired look trying not to slur your words and keep your eyes focused on her.
“Is that..blood on your pajamas?” Tara asked you with a horrified look on her face and at this point, you could care less about what you look like right now.
“What else would it be Tar-a?” you slurred with a tired smile before you both looked over at the door to the room when it opened causing you to quickly get up despite how tired you were, grabbing the rail at the end of her bed to steady yourself. You both notice Mindy, your little sister Amber, Wes, and Chad walk into the room with different emotions like relief, happiness, concern, and shock. “I am so glad that I don’t have to fight anyone right now…” you say feeling miserable when your sister says something to you.
“You look like shit Y/n,” Amber said seriously to you along with a sour look on her face.
“Why is that the first thing that comes out of your mouth Amber?” Mindy inquired, the concerned expression leaving her face before she replaced it with a serious one as she looked over at Amber because she hated how your little sister was rude to you. 
“Yeah, well, Mindy, I feel like shit” you replied in response to what your little sister and Mindy said. Because you felt like death while watching Wes and Chad enter the room before sitting on the couch again as Mindy took residence next to you while your little sister sat next to Tara on the hospital bed. 
“Oh geez Y/n. You look like you need some sleep” you hear Wes say to you as he walks in quickly looking you over to make sure you aren’t bleeding before looking at Tara.
“Yeah and a shower,” Chad says to you after closing the door behind him. “Maybe you should shower in the bathroom while we hang out with Tara. I’ll go get a few towels for you.” Chad says before heading out of the room just as you were going to open your mouth but instead, it was replaced by a heavy sigh. 
“Chad’s right Y/n,” Mindy says aloud while turning her head to look at you while making herself more comfortable on the couch next to you. “We’re here now so you can go take care of yourself after Chad comes back with a few towels,” she says, leaving you no room to say no to her making Wes, Tara, and Amber look over at you and for a moment you feel vulnerable under the eyes of the kids you used to babysit with Sam.
Mindy could tell that her words had reached you because you had slowly turned your head to look at her. She can also tell that behind your eyes you were thinking of rejecting her brother’s idea of you taking care of yourself while they look after Tara. She knows you’ve been through a lot over the years and she just wants what's best for you. Thankfully Mindy hears you take a deep breath. “Fine,” you said softly just as Chad walked into the room with a few towels to hand to you, Wes watching as you reached for your duffle bag before standing up taking the towels from Chad, and retreating into the bathroom in the room. 
“I’ll go get food from the food court for Y/n I’m sure she hasn’t eaten in a while so I’ll be right back,” Wes says hoping to find some protein for you to eat while letting Chad and Mindy know where he was going before leaving the room. Wes wanted to make sure you had food to eat because growing up he’s seen how you would get irritable in front of him before Sam came to everyone’s rescue by giving you eggs or a sandwich she bought from the store.
“Why is Wes getting Y/n food? My older sister has legs she can get it herself after she takes a shower” Amber says with irritation as she throws daggers at the bathroom door with her eyes causing Chad and Mindy to look at each other. 
“Leave Y/n alone” Tara spoke up tiredly not always agreeing with her complaints about you before hearing her mother’s ringtone. “Amber, can you get my phone off the table?” Tara asked your sister and Amber nodded before getting off the bed to retrieve Tara her phone. 
“Here's your phone,” Amber said in a calm voice handing Tara her phone while she sat back down on the bed next to her.
An hour later.
You open the door to the bathroom with fresh new clothes on and feel a little more awake while you look at the bloodied clothes and towels in one hand while in your other hand the duffle bag you brought into the bathroom with you. “Guys I’ll be right back I just have to put these clothes and towels in a hazard disposal bin somewhere in the hosp-” you announced before looking up to lock eyes with a familiar pair of onyx brown orbs.
“Y/n?” Sam said with surprise as she laid her eyes on you after hugging Wes. She couldn’t believe how much you’d changed in five years like how your face filled in with the rest of your body, how different your hair looked, how your eyes looked kinder than the last day she saw them, and your lips..she had to shake her head. After she watched you take a step back to put down your duffle bag next to the couch in the room and for a second she was hoping you would say something to her before collecting herself, taking a deep breath. “These are the kids I used to babysit and that woman right there is Y/n. My best friend who also helped raise them with me” she says introducing you guys to her boyfriend before looking over at your little sister “And Amber. Hey!” Sam said awkwardly to her knowing Amber didn’t like her before her boyfriend introduced himself.
“Hi, I-I’m Richie.” Richie says to your little sister as he stumbled through his words with a ‘you look familiar’ and a slight ‘Awe’ in his eye which you found weird because you weren’t sure if the look meant that he's seen your sister before or that she just looked like another girl he might have dated.
Whatever it was, you didn't like it so you walked over to stand next to Amber near Tara’s bed. Your sudden presence makes Amber step an inch away as you try to intimidate Richie with your whole being. 
“Where’s mom?” Sam asked Tara with concern, wondering where she was before looking around the room and then out the window to the hallway.
“She’s stuck at a conference in London” Tara replied to Sam with a heavy sigh, which you and Sam noticed before she continued “She called me earlier.”
“Yeah, for all of ten minutes,” Amber said in a slightly aggravated tone making you look over at her before you and Sam looked at each other like you were having a conversation of your own.
“Look, I think Tara has had enough excitement for one day guys and she looks tired. Maybe we should give her some space to relax for the time being” you say aloud as you watch everyone slowly file out of the room including Richie. Then you turn around almost tripping over yourself before kneeling near the couch to get your phone charger out of the wall. Afterwards, you were planning to leave the hospital for a few hours to run errands knowing Tara is safe with her older sister not realizing you're being watched.
The Carpenter sisters watch as you slowly get up from retrieving your phone charger. Your steady actions prompted Tara to quietly tap her older sister's hand. “Yes, Tara?” Sam replied as she turned her head to look at her “What's up?” 
“You should talk to her” she replied to Sam knowing you've been struggling with a few things in your life like your mental health and the relationship with your own family. “I think after you left Woodboro she hasn't been the same” It seems to Tara that you've been cagey around her and her childhood friends even though you're allowed to confide in them. Then her eyes shifted from Sam to you watching as you tiredly made your way to the door when Sam grabbed your wrist.
The sudden grab causes you to stop walking just before the door to the room. “Are you planning to stay around after you dispose of your clothes?” Sam asked as she held your wrist with a soft but firm grip, looking up at you.
Her question makes you mad because you've been there for Tara for the past five years, it didn't make sense for her to ask you that question as you turn to reply. “What do you thi-” you started, feeling strong unpleasant emotions come up when Tara cleared her throat, the sound making you and Sam look over at her. Then you focus on Tara’s eyes noticing the steel look in them while Sam turns her head to look at you which gives the little Carpenter leeway to mouth to you to ‘relax’ so you take a deep breath before replying to her older sister. “Not exactly…I have to run some errands, maybe drop some of my kids off before coming back here to visit Tara and sleeping in my truck” you say with a shrug examining the room before your eyes settle on Sam’s face.
“Okay..well try not to stray too far,” Sam said to you as she looked down at her hand on your wrist when she noticed the light and dark scars on your arm as she rubbed her thumb across the pulse point of your wrist. “I…might need you,” she said to you with a look of worry like there might be a possibility you will turn your back on her but all she heard from you was a hum as she slowly lets go of your wrist so you can continue on your way before you remember to ask Tara a question.
“Hey Tara” you call her name causing Tara and Sam to look at you “Do you have your extra inhaler? Or do you need me to stop…by your house to get it?” you asked pausing when it came to her home because you still can’t get the images out of your head.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine” she replied to you with a tight smile which is unusual for you to see but you know she needs alone time with Sam so you nodded in understanding before heading out of the room. As you close the door behind you to give Sam and Tara room to catch up, you turn around to look at them through the glass window on the door observing how Sam and Tara interacted with each other after five years before looking over at your little sister and wondering if she would give you at least the benefit of the doubt of being close again.
“What are you looking at?” your little sister asked, as she watched you walk down the hallway to put your bloody clothes in a disposal bin near the waiting area. 
“Not at you. But I was thinking” you replied as you thought of a few ways to hang out with Amber before slowly smiling at her. “Wanna stop by Woodsboro’s Finest Diner on the way home to get shakes and fries? It’ll be my treat” you say trying to make your little sister take the bait to hang out with you like old times.
“Are you serious?” Amber replied, looking at you with a calm exterior but also in disbelief, crossing her arms. “My friend gets attacked in the middle of the night and your response to that is to smile and ask me about getting food?” she questioned you with irritation, flipping your invitation to hang out into a distraction that meant you had no regard for Tara’s well being. “Are you mentally ill? Oh, that's right you are.”
You look at your little sister silently, your heart aching while you feel yourself grow angry from her response because all you wanted to do was hang out and have that same beautiful sibling bond that Sam and Tara have. A bond that you once had with Amber. You're not sure where her distaste and hate for you came from as you heard Richie to your left trying to stifle a laugh at your situation. “Wait wait, that sounds like a fabulous idea Y/n!” you heard Mindy yell from the waiting area as you turned your head to see her, Chad, and Wes smiling.
“I agree that sounds like a tasteful idea” Chad added before standing up.
“I third that,” Wes says, shaking his head with a smile on his face. The three of them bring a light smile back to your face and a simmered attitude making you appreciate how they get excited by the smallest things like getting shakes and fries with you, causing you to nod.
“Alright then, I’ll go get the car,” you said to them before looking at your little sister. “Walk with me to the car Amber,” you told her, giving Amber no room to get out as she huffed loudly while following you to the entrance of the hospital. Amber watches as you open the door and how you let her walk past you but not before catching you turning your head. Because while she walked past you, you turned your head to lock eyes with Richie narrowing your eyes at him leaving him shivering. 
After you round up the kids you left the hospital parking lot to get shakes and fries while Wes stored the food he got for you from the food court into your small cooler. He wanted to make sure you had something to eat later before following you into Woodsboro’s Finest Diner with his friends. That way they could help you bring their orders to the car without dropping anything on the way back while your little sister waited for you in the truck playing games on her phone before she received a message from someone on Reddit.
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Later that afternoon you drop the twins off at their house then you drop Wes at his home before his mom can send a search party and then finally you drive back home with Amber. When you two got home you made sure to prepare dinner as soon as you walked in considering your parents are away on a cruise which means you can cook hearty homemade meals for your little sister. After dinner is made you scoop your portion of dinner into a bowl and then head upstairs so you can relax in your bedroom.“Hey Amber I'm going to take a nap but I’ll be down in an hour” you say to your little sister and Amber nods her head.
“Yeah sure” she replied, turning her head to watch you go up the stairs before turning to her phone. Then Amber's eyes gravitated to a water bottle you own and your cooler and she smiled as she got up from her chair. She heads over to the counter to retrieve your water bottle and fill it with water before reaching into a drawer. For a moment Amber stopped her hand and stared at the drawer like she was trying to remember what she was getting before turning her palm upward having her forefinger and middle finger reach up into the ceiling of the drawer with a bigger smile. Because when Amber slowly pulled her fingers out from the kitchen drawer she pulled out a tiny bag with drugs in it. Her smile grew wider as she poured the contents from the tiny bag into your water bottle before hearing your alarm go off so she quickly stuffed your water bottle into your cooler before sitting back down and stuffing the tiny bag in her pocket.
You quickly walked out of your bedroom with your belongings and then ran down the stairs to the kitchen to put your bowl in the sink. Afterward, you opened the cabinet to get Tupperware to store the food that you made earlier for Sam and placed it into your cooler where you noticed that your water bottle was missing from the drying rack. Looking around the drying rack you ask your little sister “Hey Amber?” 
You called her name. “What is it Y/n?” She answered, her eyes never leaving her phone.
“Have you seen my water bottle?” You asked as you kept looking around before opening the cabinet full of cups your parents gathered over time. “I swear it was next to the drying rack when we got home,” you said after taking a deep breath before looking at your watch for the time.
Amber sighed before looking up at you “Check your cooler” she said to you next as she looked up to watch you go into your cooler to find your water bottle and you realize that it’s full causing you to smile at Amber. “Don’t say anything because you're just going to make things weird” she voiced as you put your bottle back into the cooler.
“I’m happy you still have a heart Amber thanks for looking out for me,” you say to your little sister showing her gratitude as you walk to the entrance to the house to get your keys.
“And there it is. That's the weirdness I was just talking about. What a loser” Amber says under breath as she follows behind you and you turn around to ask her a question at the door.
“Did you say something?” you asked Amber hoping you didn’t miss a ‘You’re welcome’ from her and all she did was shake her head as she slowly pushed you out the front door. “Okay see you later!” you yell as your sister closes the door on your face causing you to take a deep breath before walking to your car to drive back to the hospital. But while walking to your car you hear a bit of rustling to your left in the front yard causing you to stop walking for a moment as you wait and listen before looking around not feeling up to greeting whatever it may be like in those horror movies you would watch with Tara. However, when you decided to move from your spot you jumped “Holy shit!” you yelled at the sound of a black cat running out of the bush and onto your path making you sigh with relief as you slowly calmed down. “What the fuck are you doing out here Buddy,” you asked the cat, causing the neighborhood black cat named Buddy to look at you for a moment before he went on his way as you started walking to your truck and opening it to put your cooler down on the passenger seat. Then you hop into the driver's side and close the door before putting your seat belt on while checking around your car making sure no person or animal gets hurt as you put your key into the ignition and turn it on before driving away. 
While driving back to the hospital you slowly unzip the cooler that you have with you and at a red light you pick up the water bottle your little sister filled up and drank from it. At first, you didn’t feel anything while driving, you just felt normal as you tapped the steering wheel while listening to the radio and stopping at red lights and stop signs like you were supposed to, however, closer to the hospital you started feeling sleepy. You shrug it off, thinking maybe you didn’t get enough sleep because you lost sleep the night before and when you went home you only slept for an hour but thankfully you pulled into the parking lot of Woodsboro’s Community Hospital. Slowly but surely you pulled your truck into a parking spot closer to the street that was clear of cars before turning it off. Then you reach for the cooler in the passenger seat before stepping out of your car but in the process of getting out you end up missing the running board and fall to the floor almost hitting your face on the way down had you not braced yourself for impact. Although you kept your face intact you groaned from pain in your body watching as some of your belongings scattered across the asphalt road from the impact before you slowly looked up at the hospital seeing it spin in front of you before you passed out.
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Part 1 Part 2 (Coming Soon)
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This fic was requested by a fan named @spidey2-9 (Here is their ask). Initially, I was going to make a short story like you asked because I was doing research on how to make one. But the jokes were on me because my brain was like let's make a mini-series so I hope you and everyone who decides to read this enjoy!
Scream 5: When Our Blood is Thicker than the Water of the Womb Playlist
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