leminaus · 2 months
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im going to squish him like a bug
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EEEEEEE oml seeing the anniversary art and fucking DYING WHHHHH
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psychicbergara · 3 years
i think are you scared is coming after top 5! they announced on their twitter a little bit ago that it's getting another season and they usually don't show us too far out. but also i'm not sure how they'll manage filming that with shane and ryan gone 🤔 so maybe dish granted! it would be soo nice too i miss that wholesome little show 🥺 especially after the last top 5. 🥴
oooo i can see that!! but also yea im not sure how they wouldve filmed another season of ays so fast either?? maybe they filmed it in early january who knows?? and now they're out filming ghost files sooo we'll see sldkflfj but im really hoping it's dish granted toooo 🥺 it's SUCH a comfort show i really do love ittttt GAH and since steven was filming a lot in nov/dec im really really hoping it's that :D and omg so true we need something wholesome after that top 5 episode LSKDJFDKLFJ
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obviousflirtations · 6 years
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I read this and I have never been so in love with a request even though I kind of actually suck at writing fight scenes. But for you i will do it. AND OH BOY I CRANKED THIS OUT BECAUSE I LOVE ITTTTT
TW: near death, whump, blood loss
The sound of the galra troops echoed through the halls of the ship that Lance and the rest of the paladins had snuck aboard. This was meant to be a simple recon mission, gather some intel, then high tail it out of there. They hadn’t expected to be ambushed by some living and breathing Galran troops. 
Lance’s boots made a quiet clang against the steel floors, he had been running for what felt like hours after they had been discovered. He held his bayard tightly in his hand as he shot as many of the Galran troops that tried to stand in his way as he went. Though, try as he might, he didn’t escape with the rest of the paladins.
Softer, purple hands grabbed a hold of his upper arm and threw him into another room in the hall he ran down.
“Don’t think you can get away so easily, Blue Paladin,” a smooth voice smirked. Lance’s eyes widened as he realized who he was in the presence of.
The blue paladin scrambled to his feet quickly, his bayard took the form of his blaster and he aimed at Lotor. The Galran prince held a broad sword loosely in his hand, the tip just barely touching the ground. Lance fired as soon as he felt he had his target locked. He was about to cheer when he saw the blue ray hit the prince when a new pain blossomed in his side.
“You think that’ll be enough to beat me?” Lotor’s voice was sickening in his ear, how it was whispered to him. “It’ll take a lot more than some lousy gun flinging to beat me,” he hissed as he moved away from Lance.
Lance let out a yelp as he went to his knees, his free hand going to his side. “Why single me out?” he asked, again raising his bayard at the prince and trying to fire only to have the purple man fly by him once more. “Gah!” the paladin fell on the ground. 
This was when he started to hear the crackle of his comm and a voice in his ear, “Lance? We’re all at the dock, where are you?” the voice belonged to Keith. 
Lance pushed himself up, “I just got held up, I’ll be there soon,” he shouted at his helmet, which he was surprised still worked. The Cuban moved for the door, only for it to close on him.
“Ah, ah ah,” Lotor stepped towards Lance once more, “I think we’re going to play a bit longer,” he smiled evilly at his opponent.
Lance stared at Lotor with harden eyes, his helmet was abandoned after he had been thrown into the room, it laid across the room on the floor. He knew he wouldn’t be able to hit Lotor with his blaster, he was at too close a range to be effective and at this rate he would end up dying from blood loss. Even though his armour didn’t budge it didn’t mean he couldn’t feel it underneath it all. And the fabric on his arm had ripped from the first hit he sustain and that blood had started to run down his arm. He’d have to use his sword.
Lance closed his eyes for a second as he made his bayard change. This was a trick that Lotor hadn’t seen yet. The bright blue that seemed to blind the prince dimmed and in the blasters place I red broad sword was in its place. 
“A new trick I see,” Lotor mused, his voice laced with sarcasm.
Lance smirked, lifting the sword, “let’s end this now,” he offered, getting himself ready for the first attack. 
“Lance, what’s going on?”
Lance landed on the ground once again, the armour on his side now cracked as blood seeped through the crack. 
“Pathetic, I knew this would be too easy once I got you alone,” Lotor smirked, backing away from the paladin. Lance knew he was playing cat and mouse. Playing with his victim before he got bored. “You’re nothing without your blaster.”
“You’re wrong,” Lance seethed as he struggled to stand up, “I am the blue paladin of Voltron, I’m strong and can beat the likes of you,” he smiled to himself as he steadied on his feet. He again raised his sword in a defensive position like he had seen Keith do all the time.
This time, when Lotor ran at him he was ready. Their sword clashed together and Lance thought he was going to drop his sword. But he didn’t. Instead he pushed forward causing Lotor to become unbalanced. 
Another clang sound through the room as Lance swung at Lotor, trying to mimic the fighting sequences he had seen from Keith, one foot in front of the other. Rotate the hips, get some power. Angle the sword, try for different spots, find his weakness. 
Then Lance started to get creative, his started to use his feet, kicking at Lotor’s legs and trying to draw his eyes away from the sword fight. When this would work Lance would swipe at Lotor and get his sword to cut the skin on his opponent’s arms. 
It was around this point that Lance heard the door to the room open. The static hiss was enough to draw his attention away from the fight enough for Lotor to get another blow on him. Lance fell to the ground, clutching his side. 
Keith and Hunk ran into the room, “Lance!” The two paladins activated their bayards and held them at Lotor. “Step away from Lance,” Keith hissed at the prince as he took a step forward. 
Lance tried to sit up, “Kei-,” he was cut short as Lotor slammed his foot on his chest, knocking the air from his chest. It already felt like he was struggling to get air into his lungs, now it felt like he couldn’t breathe at all.
What happened next Lance had a hard time remembering. 
He felt Lotor’s foot remove itself from his chest as he bounded towards his friends. He felt arms pick up up and smell that he assumed was Allura and Pidge on either of his sides. When he started to try and break free from this they held him tighter as he heard the fighting between Lotor and his two friends. “Steady Lonce, everything is alright now,” Allura told him as she tried to pull him along. Lance looked at the ground as his vision played a constant battle between being alright and being dark and blurry. He noticed that pidge had taken up his helmet and put his bayard inside of it so she could help keep him up and walk at the same time.
“C’mon we need to hurry, he’ll wake up soon!” He could hear Keith’s voice, though it sounded like it was a thousand miles away. He wanted to slow down, the pace was too fast for his aching limbs and the cuts and bruises that battered his body. When he looked up again he felt more aware, he noticed how Keith had a small cut on his face and how his own breathing had picked up the more than ran and how his adrenaline had started to wear off.
“Get him on black,” he heard Keith order and before he knew it, he was sitting on the ground in the black lion. 
Lance leaned his head back against the cool metal, the rumble from take off did nothing to ease the pounding his head felt from being thrown around like a rag doll by the Galran prince. 
“I didn’t know you had a sword,” he glanced over at Keith he had put the lion on autopilot and decided to take a seat next to Lance. “You were fighting so well, maybe if we hadn’t opened the door when we did you wouldn’t have been pushed onto the ground,” he mumbled, obviously feeling some sort of guilt about the whole ordeal.
Lance shook his head, “it’s not your fault,” he paused, coughing then groaning after, “it was bound to happen.” Then he smiled, “I was fighting so well because I remembered all of your foot patterns from sparring, I hate to admit it... but you’ve taught me how to sword fight,” Lance noticed how he slowed down with his words, how some of his words slurred together. 
Keith seemed to notice this too, “Hang on just a few more ticks, we’ll be at the castle again soon.”
Lance nodded as he fought to stay awake. Somewhere while he was fighting to stay awake he leaned into the sitting form of Keith and closed his eyes against his will. The last thing he heard before he woke up to the hissing noise of the pod was Keith shouting his name for him to wake up. 
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simlovinggirl · 7 years
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You guys are awesome, doing another reply post because you guys are commenting so much!  I love it :D Seriously I know I say this every time, but your comments always make me smile so thank you so much <3
@dreamersdolls @melien​ @stephaniesim​  @introvertsimmer @amespixels @simsismybae @smilingsection
dreamersdolls replied to your photoset“Sky: “I wasn’t expecting that.” Mist: “I’ve been wanting to kiss you...”
Seriously just waiting for today’s queue lol xD  Not saying anything, but ..... nope can’t say that either.  Hehe so glad to see your really into their story though! <3
melien replied to your photoset“Pop!”
Aww I love the coloring and her outfit!
One of the things i enjoy the most, is recoloring of outfits to match each generation :D I loooove her pregnancy outfits for her first pregnancy <3
melien replied to your photoset“Mist pulled out a photo of him and showed me.  I can’t describe how it...”
Their baby ;-; he's a sweetie
Isn’t he!  He’s so adorable and grows into being such a heartthrob <3
dreamersdolls replied to your photoset“I was surprised at how much just doing my hair and putting on a decent...”
Yeah, no, honey, you still need to shave.
Oh man, i went through such a debate on having him keep his facial hair or not.  I eventually decided on not wanting him to completely change back to what he looked like in his past life and decided to keep the beard :D I actually kinda like it lol.
Replies to your photoset“Mist: “I’d like you to meet Eric too, he should be home soon.”...”
dreamersdolls replied: TOLD YOU! Bye Eric, Mist can go back to Sky now, you jerk.
stephaniesim replied: My jaw literally dropped...so much for "good guy" like I get that Eric's being protective of Cloud and Mist but you don't just say that kind of thing before you know the whole story
Oh man poor Eric, he’s so hated.  Jealousy will make you say and do some stupid things.  Tbh, you have to kinda feel for the guy.  He literally just married Mist and then Sky showed up and, in his mind, is ruining everything for him.
melien  replied to your photoset“Gah these two are so cute! i can’t handle it… <3 @melien seriously...”
I love how their colours match *-* they're so compatible!
Seriously totally love these colors together.  They look amazing and it just adds to their cuteness as a couple <3 :D
 Replies to your photoset“Eric: “Well I’m sorry, I thought I would be, but let’s be honest.  I’m...”
stephaniesim replied: Like I said before, I know he's just being protective but ughhhhhh he's being such a jerk about ittttt
introvertsimmer replied:  I know you got good intentions but you're being a real tool
There is a graceful way to handle a situation and Eric that was not it.  It’s hard to justify him acting this way, but jealously does make you do dumb things and say things you might regret.  
dreamersdolls replied to your photoset“Mist: “When we talked you said it was fine for him to be here....”
Good Mist!
One thing I’ve always like about Mist is that while she is sweet and kind, she can also handle herself.  She’s a protective little cookie and won’t let anyone disrespect someone else in front of her :) <3
dreamersdolls replied to your photoset“Mist found me a few minutes later.  I had put Cloud down for the night...”
Screw Eric! He knew about her past, he knew what he was getting into.
Weeeell, he knew a bit about her past.  Mist didn’t tell him everything about her and Sky because honestly who would believe that kind of a story?  Still he knew enough not to be an a** to Sky lol.
Replies to your photoset“Late that same evening…”
dreamersdolls replied:  I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling he's going to run wish Cloud...which, really, with Sky around, there's no way he'd pull that off. Sky spent centuries continuously hunting Mist, he's had loads of practice.
amespixels replied:  Uh oh don't you dare
While I think Eric would love to keep Cloud, he’s to good of a guy to do that to Mist.  He wouldn’t want to take Cloud away from her and break her heart. This was simply him saying good-bye <3
dreamersdolls replied to your photoset“Mist: “Eric?  What are you doing up so late…and dressed?” Eric: “I’m...”
Bye bye Eric!
Lmao, this made me laugh so hard.  You really don’t like him do you?  It’s ok, me either.  Only because he got in the way of Sky and Mist xD
stephaniesim replied to your photoset“<3 ”
Lol he does not look happy about being an elder
Lol!  I don’t think he appreciates the new aches and pains xD
Replies to your photoset“He is such an adorable elder!!! <3”
dreamersdolls replied:  Having a birthday while cooking...hopefully he doesn't burn the food.
simsismybae replied:  Cute!!!!!
Isn’t he adorable :D <3 And no he didn’t burn it thankfully lol.  I was seriously worried he was going to start the house on fire, but he didn’t. He did pick the worst time to trigger his age transition xD
smillingsection replied to your photoset“Sky: “Wow, he’s adorable.  He has your beautiful eyes.” Mist: “He...”
i'm so sad he didn't get to be with them :(
Me too :( I think that is one thing that will always eat at Sky is that he missed so much time with Cloud.
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